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MAI iMUpc!
Wt£? regarding the spe-
XjJES rial disease* of men.
If tell* in plain, strong, simple words how any man
ran determine the nature of bia trouble and pri
vately cure himself at borne of such diseases an
Lost Manhood. Varicocele. Blood Poison ( Syphilis.)
Stricture, Nervous Debility, Contagious Diseases.
Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Stomach, Liver.
Bowel and Rectal Affections, Catarrh, Rheumatism,
Piles Fistula and other cbtveic and private diseases. No matter what the nature of your
Uvable or bow long you have been afflicted, if you want your old-time health, strength
—• manhood restored, send right now for a copy of this book. It will be of interest
value to you, because it will tell you the things you should know and do.
Dr. Hathaway * Co. are old reliable specialists, and every afflicted person should take
advantage of this opportunity to consult them. Tb-ir treatment is the result of a life
time »f research and experience, and cures the more stubborn eases. They guarantee
their icatment. and you can depend upon what they tell you. If you have any weak
ness or disease for which you hare been unable to find a cure, write about your case
•qfi get their book and advice, free of charge. Address
37 Inman Building, Atlanta, Ga.
(By Associated Proas.)
NEW YORK, Feb. IX—Cotton opened steady
at n decline of 2 to 5 poiria on tie old crop
and uacb*2ged t« 2 wMuta kwer ou the new, un
d*r a ccailEaatKU cf yesterday » felling move
ment, in v.'urpathy with Icvrei Liverpool
cablet- There were rumors ’hat ie some In
stances exporters were resc.ling spots, but the
bulk us Uh* sews fr-.tu the stuth claimed con
tinued fltmness among in n nor Leder*. After
siMswteg a nri lw itrist l to C points the
market here st-ftene-l up to iravtically yester
day's clewing on a renewal of active support
frsm lee.ling spot brokers and covering of aborts.
The early rally carried prices about 3 to 7
potuta above yesterday's closing, during the
middle of the morning, but there seemed to
be Utt la demand aside from boll purchases and
the market later showed renewed irregularity
with prices easing hack to about a shade be
low yesterday's closing level, under continued
rials* er liquidation which was doubtless en
couraged by bearish lAverpoo! advice*.
The midday break carried prices about 8 to 10
points under last night s closing, but there
was a renewal of ball support and the mar
ket later rallied sharply on demand from spot
people and covering. Prices during the middle
of the afternoon were about 5 to 8 points net
higher on the active positions.
mew you cottom
The fbUowtng were Via rallag prteaa ea the
er change today:
Toae easy; middling 10 50 100 c. quiet.
Last. ■ Frev.
Open. High. Low. Sale. Close-Cloae.
January .. 16.40 10.43 10.40 10.40 W. 35 10.40
February 10.05 10.11
March .. .10.14 10 24 10.00 10.00 10.09 10.20
April.. 10.18 10. Tt
May .. .. 10.34 10.42 10.25 10.25 10.25 10.35
June lo.Bl 10.40
July .. .. 10.38 10.47 10.31 10.31 10.31 10.40
August .. 10.35 10.41 10.29 10.88 10.28 10.37
Sept. .. .. 10.34 10.34 10.31 10.33 10.28 10.34
v net. .. .. 10.35 10.45 10.29 10.31 10.31 10.87
* Nov. 10.34 10.40
Dec. .. .. 10.43 30.51 10.38 10.39 10.39 10.44
(By Asaaetated Press )
1 NEW ORLEANS. Feb. IX—Cotton futures
opened steady at a decline of 1 to 4 points
on Indifferent cables and the report that prom
inent bull interests liquidated heavily yes
terday. One rumor was that there bad been a
split l n bull clique. Short selling was great
ly stimulated by these stories and the pressure
resulted la puttlag the trading month 8 to "
points under yesterday's close soon after the
call. Oa thia decline sealping shorts took prof
its heavily and checked th* downward movement
and brought about a partial recovery. At the
c be Cured
A ' Jbn f " r with
U| M wflß to
without one
t* nn > •«
-* , pease to
you. my “Woßdarful Home Treatment,” which
i« making sd many extraordinary cures of
chronic end soitr ease* My Reme-iy will sure
ly cure you as if tea* hundreds of others but do
not take my word for it. Just send for FREE
trial an»l be coevinced.
Catarrh and Asthma are too serious to neg
lect. In the foul slimes of Catarrh and Asthma
the seems cf Consumption breed rapidly ami
the wbok system is impaired and left open to
the attacks of dangerous disease*. Horrible «us
feeing results—days st* on * lnß < torture and
night, sleepless agamy.
My remedy cieaaees the system of impurities,
stops the dripping in tbe throat, hawking, foul
breath, head noises, kw* of taste and smell,
hnereenees. watery eyes, heals tbe scabs in tbe
do>'. prevents gasping for breath and sieeplesa
Do not delay a moment but send now for
, FREE package and my book, both of which
will be mailed in plain wrapper. Mention your
T. 80*HAM 1806 Gorham Bldg.. Battle Creek.
, Mich.
2 FUll^3^ $ 2
I . Winter out pries on cur
Mads to secure 5.000 new customers I
Send for 2 gallons of this whukey st ■
the cut price of $2.90, and compare the ■
quality with 2 gallons of any other kind K
key ia not better-you be the judge- E
wnd our* back on the first train and we ■
will return your money and a dollar bill ■
extra to pay for your time. 6 M
Ttes above Is aa leew-elad agrwnant M
aevar printed tosfaea la aay paper by aay ■
wta.a«T house so it's up to you to test it ■
out ’ R« - this sd with remittance, state if ■
yen wish earn or rye, and your let■
plainly mi below—we w»t! Oa tbs rest. »« ■
refer *. > any bank or business house inouraty. gj
end of tbe first half hour of business prices
were 1 to 3 points under yesterday's cloee.
Tbe market was nervous and inclined to sag
alt morning. Support was offered at times
by prominent bull interests but every time it
was withdrawn prices fell off. At one time
tbe most active months were 8 to « points
over yesterday's close, but this advance did not
last long. Late in tbe morning heavy pressure
was applied and the old crop months went 12
to 13 points under. At noon tbe tone was
quiet and steady and prices were 4 to 8 points
Tbe following were the ruling prices on the
exchange today:
Toae steady at decline; middling, lOftc; easy.'
Last. Prev.
Open. High. Low. Sale. Close. Close.
Tan t 10.37 10.48
F»b10.38 10.38 10.38 10.38 10.27 10.39 10.57 10.37 10.87 10.37 10.49
Aprillo.39 10.49 10.80 10.40 10.41 10.41 10.53
Junelo.43 10.55
Ju1y10.57 10.68 10.43 10.47 10.46 10.59
Aug 10.43 10.43 10.37 10.37 10.41 10.48
Sept 10.37 10.36 10.44
0ct10.35 10.38 10.29 10.29 10.29 10.38
N0v10.29 10.38
Dec.. ..10.42 10.42 10.42 10.42 10.31 10.40
Atlanta, steady, 10%c.
New York, quiet, 10 50-100 c.
New Orleans, firm, 10He.
Liverpool, steady, 5 91-100 d.
Galveston, steady, 11c.
Wilmington, steady, 10‘4c.
Savannah, steady, 10%c.
Norfolk, steady. 10fcc.
Baltimore, nominal. lOUc.
Philadelphia, steady. 10 75-100 c.
Boston, steady. 10 50-100 c.
Mobile, steady, 9%c.
Charleston, steady. 10 He.
Augusta, steady. 10Hc.
St. Louis, quiet. 10%c.
Houston, quiet. He.
Memphis, nominal. 10Hc.
Louisville, quiet, 10%c. •
Macon, steady, 10c.
Colombia, steady, 10c.
Charlotte, steady. 10c.
Little Bock, quiet, lOHc.
Tbe following were the ruling prices on tbe
exchange today:
Tone very steady; sales, 10,000; middling.
Open. 2 p.m. Close. Close.
Februarys.6B .... 5.69 H 5-78
Feb. and Mar.. .. 5.66 .... 5.69’4 5.77 H
March and April .. 5.67 5 65‘4 5.«9*4 5.78
April and May.. .. 5.68 H 5.87 H 5.70% 5.79
Mag and June.. .. 5.70 5.67'4 5.71 H 5.80
June and July.. .. 5.09 H '*.B7 5.71 H 5.79 H
July and Aug.. .. 5.69 5.67 5.71 5.79
Aug. and Sept.. .. R.B4H 563 5.67 5.74%
Sept, and Oct.. .. 5.61 5.80 H 5.62% 5.71
Oct. and Nov.. .. 5.59 5.58 5.61% 5.69
Nov. and Dec.. .. 5.58 5.57% 5.60% 5.88
Dec. and Jan.. .. 5.58 5.57% 5.60% 5.68
(By Associated Press.)
ST. I GDIS Feb. IX—Call. bee* Jpts, 3,500.
iuciudin? <4)O Texans: steady. Native beef
I st.vrs. $4 7538.50; cow« and bsifeta, $3,003
6.75: stoekers and feeders. $3.5535.75; Texas
■od Indian store, E5.00Q7.00; cows and heifers,
<53.0033.00; calves, tn carload lots. $5.00®
i H<ncs—Keeetpta. 15,000: steady. X’isrt and
lights. $5.0036.20; mixed and butchers. $6.10
136.30: good lieavy, s6..toQ<- • .
Sheep—Rcce ■«. 4,900; string. Native mu'
I tone. $3.73(j4 5O: lambs, SS.<KHi6.SO.
(By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO. Feb. 15.—Cash grain:
Wheat—No. 2 red, $1.00%Q1.02; No. 2 hard.
81.0SV1.O6; No. 1 northern, $1.1231.14; No.
2 northern. $1.0831.12; No. 2 spring. sl.oo®
1.08: velvet chaff. 88cB$1.06; durum, BSc@
Oats— No. 2. &2%vt53r; No. 2 white. 53%Q
J3Kc: standard. 52%353%c. r
Rye—No. 2,93 c.
Bari-y. 800<&5i.33.
Timothy. $12.00«i 15.00.
Clover seed .nominal.
(Bv Press.)
ST. IZH'IS, Feb. 15.—Cash:
Wheat—No. 2 red. sl.oo® 1.01; No. 2 band.
Corn—No. 3. 64c; No. 3 white. 64365 c.
Oats—No. 2, 52®33%e; No. 2 white, 53%
(By Associated Press.)
KANSAS CHY, Feb. I»—Cash: Wheat—No.
2 hard. $1.0231.08: No. 2 rtd. 99c.
Corn —No. 2 mixed. 66®67c; No. 2 white. 68c.
Oats—No. 2 whtte.s3%3s4He; No. 2 mixed.
(By Associated Press.)
KANSAS CITY. FW>. 15.—Butter—Creamery,
31e; firsts, 29c; seconds, 27c; packing stock
Eggs—Extras. 30e; firsts. 28%c; seconds. 21c.
AD STOCKS ..% .. %..%..%..%..% ....
SAVANNAH, Ga., Feb. 15.—Spirits firm,
4«H347>4c; rosin firm; water white. $7.40;
window glass, $7.35: N. $5.30; M. $7.25; K.
$7.10; I. H. F. G. $6 67%; E. D. $6.62%; 3.
!$0.60; receipt* of spirits, 814; rosin. 772.
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK. Feb. 15.—Raw sugar firm;
I mneioovado. S 9 test, 4.23: centrifugal, 96 teat,
4.73; tnolaaex, 89 tret. 3.98; r dined firm.
Petroleum and molasses steady.
Hides quiet,
leather firm.
' BARGAINS—Mammoth Rronxe tnrkeys. Indian
Runner ducks, mammoth Pekin ducks, Rhode
Island Reds. White Leghorns, Barred Plymouth
j Rocks and Brown Leghorns. These birds are
great layers and money makers. Priced cheat"
for quick sale. Hennitage Farm. Box 102,
Hendersonville. Tenn.
gfe. Boo* and calesdar tor IKIS oouulnt ZOO
pasrea- 71 varietiaa pore breu.S'Z colored plates.
vyaggaw 'Uav Mh«r Uluiratioo*. d. K-riptieoi.
Incubator* and brooder*. Low prior* on all
’MfeaMBF stock eggs. How to raise and make tuns la,.
Qet m y plana. They all say it's rreat
tbto book—only 14 cents
Eleven Jeweled
1838^88 4 t ITrBJ-^T—« B>iiYß>4 VM«b . worth •!* to MVCM wheVMuirw aa *b»3
lai. as 4 ruraatoed atoaae>wala.hraqam hatrtpnaf. patoat rvfalatoe,
•Mt rrata. FKted la h«brv < madlaaa aaifMaeiM aea>ail*ar daarptaa'aarawcaaa.
wthcaweawd wartßaheehßtolyfaenatoadfwSOyaara. Ta adwrttw <Nkr baalatoa,
Bake hew fri—O a»e iatraduce cap paat eatoie<we as Ei«.a waeebee we will eea 1
Lie elefiwt waatk to aay addnaa by sail ONLY S 3. TS,
hie wivevfMMMM wirt 14U5 aad wst«A will be Met to yea by renin mall peet
)ai4- Baticfhettoa taaraatoß4 w to«toy mfaaded. Bead 13. H (eday Addrat
\ .<*3B
■ three of these plants furnish au
abundance of tender, succulent leaves that are easily digested by old
or young chicks. Green food is very essential in the keeping of all
varieties of fowls. These three plants are easily raised in almost any
climate, and if oqe has ever used them, they will never be without them.
Sprouted oats furnish splendid green food but the great trouble
about them is that so few people are prepared to sprout them properly,
and the changeable weather we usually have interferes very materially
in the successful sprouting at ajl seasons of the year.
My experience has been that it far better to grow these plants m
a small place in your garden, or in a little yard nearby, than any
other green food that can be produced. The seed can be had of most
seed dealer at about 20 cents a pound. A small amount of seed will
plant several rows in an ordinary garden. Os course, the richer you
have the ground for these seed the better they will grow. If you are
so situated that you can turn the hose on them and furnish water for
these plants In summer they will give you all the green food you are
looking for.
One of the most important things in the successful keeping of
fowls is to furnish this variety of green food for them. It will keep
them healthy and it will help digest their feed, and as these plants
contain an abundance of water it will help very materially in the pro
duction of eggs. If your chickens are confined in small yards were
they can get no green, it is absolutely essential to supply these ele
ments if you expect to get the best results from your fowls especially
Os course there is nothing better than green cut alfalfa, but so
few people are so situated that they can raise this and have conditions
suited to the successful growing, as it takes much longer to get it.
The above plants can be substituted and will answer almost as
well. Fowls can stand much more high feeding and will keep
in better health when they have abundance of green than
they would otherwise. Any one keeping fowls and who expect
them to do their best should have .
something green growing for them (y? Qy
at least nine months in the year. w ■*** * ll / 9
Yours very truly, , J
C. H. Yearwood, Americus, Ga.: .
Will you please tell me what you
consider a good yearly average for
eggs, from a thousand limit, deliver
ed daily, say to a hotel or commis
sion merchant?
A fair average price for fresh eggs
the year around, by contract and a
stipulated amount every day or week,
would be 40 cents per dozen. Eggs
bought at this price, that you know
are clean and fresh, are far cheap
er than by taking chances and buy
ing eggs oft the market at 20 cents
part of the season and 50 cents the
remainder of the year, but wih no
guarantee or certainty of what you
are getting. Forty cents a dozen Is
only a fair price to the producer, and
certainly is a cheap price for the
consumer, and the consumer would
really have the better end of !t if
you made a contract at this figure.
The one great trouble or drawback
in making a contract of this kind
is that it is such a hard matter to
produce a stipulated amount of eggs
during the summer, fall and winter
months. One mistake that a great
many people make in signing a con
tract of this kind is in figuring cor
rectly and knowing just how many
eggs they can supply during the
months that fresh eggs are needed
most and hardest to get. So many
men have an idea that they can sup
ply a given amount of eggs during
the entire year. This is a hard prop
osition to do, or to figure on, un
less a person prepares himself the
year or so ahead to do this, it is al
most impossible to secure eggs to
keep up a contract with during the
fall and winter. Therefore, a man
who makes a contract to receive the
eggs is i often disappointed and will
usually be deprived of the eggs when
they ane highest and be compelled
to take them when they are at the
lowest prices. No fair-minded man
will close a contract for another sea
son with a party after going through
with such conditions, and will for
ever afterward fight shy of making
a contract unless they are certain
with whom they are making the con
tract. One should be very careful
about going into an agreement of
this kind unless they know pretty
sure that these contracts can be
fulfilled; but when one has satis
factory dealings with both sides of
the contract Os this kind, they are
usually only too glad to renew it, and
there Is never any trouble afterward
as both parties are usually satisfied
and are getting the worth of their
money for the amount they buy, and
the man who furnishes them is usu
ally getting a fair per cent of profit
or has something that he can abso
lutely base his expenses and income
upon. If any hotel can sign up a
contract and have It fulfilled at 40
cents a dozen the year around for
strictly fresh eggs, they are abso
lutely safe and can easily afford to
pay such, especially for the next 12
months to come, because if there is
any one thing that hotels or restau
rants have trouble about, it is se
curing plenty of fresh, good eggs,
especially from the first of July to
the first of March. They are cheap at
most any price then within reason
for the satisfaction of knowing that
you can serve one of the patrons a
soft boiled or poached egg that you
know is fresh is a consolation alone
worth more than dollars and cents
to any hotel proprietor.
H. H. P., Mt. Airy, Ga.:
Please answer the following queries
In The Daily Journal, and Greatly
1. What do you think of the ad
visability of using fireless brooders
in winter or summer in our climate?
(Unless one can keep the heat uni
form, it seems to me that it would
be best not to start them off with
heat.) My brooder is a double-wall,
home-made affair, filled between walls
with fine cotton batting (?) and has
inside a circular flannel cloth cov
ered over with flannel strips all
around the edge, and I would use
it in a fairly close and comfortable
2. Which is best to buy for small
chicks, alfalfa meal or cut alfalfa?
3. Will fresh lean beef, ground in
sausage mill, do to feed young
chickens, or is it necessary that it be
dried or cooked?
4. If it is convenient and agree
able to you, I would also be obliged
if you will give me the titles of some
JUST as soon as the weather
permits, every one who 1»
keeping chickens should
plant in their garden several rows
of Swiss Chard and Endive to
furnish green food in abundance
for their chickens. This should be
planted In the same manner that
you would turnips or letuce. it
grows very rapidly and furnishes
an abundance of green, succulent
In cutting these plants the first
time you should be very careful
not to cut too close as it will in
jure the new buds. It can be cut
every two or three weeks, espe
cially if you work it after each
cutting, as it grows fast and
makes more green food than any
plants that can be grown for
chickens. It will continue to
grow through the entire year, and
will stand drought better than
most any plant you can grow for
green food.
Dwarf Essex Rape also makes
a good green food for chickens,
but as a rule it is not so good as
the above mentioned plants. All
good books covering the general rais
ing of chickens, up until about grown.
A beginner finds it a hard matter to
tell what books are written a “true
from the ground up” chicken raiser
or by a "mere bUed shirt theorist."
My experience has been very sad
with, the tireless brooder. They are
all right if one has plenty of time
to give them attention, but unless
you can do this. It Is not advisable
to use them, as you have to watch
the chickens so closely to see that
they do not get chilled. My experi
ence has been that they do not grow
so fast without heat Rs they do with
heat. ;
However, just as you say, one must
keep the heat and temperature in the
brooder regulated if they expect to
do anything with them; otherwise you
cannot expect to do well with them.
I feed no alfalfa meal nor cut alfal
fa to my chicks until they are six
weeks old, but I do cover the bot
tom of the brooder with shredded
alfalfa or alfalfa meal when the
chicks are first placed in the brood
er, and then twice each week the
brooder is cleaned out and this is
again put on the floor. This will an
swer every purpose and they will get
enough-of this in this manner. As
soon as the weather gets good enough
for stuff to grow outside you should
plant endive or Swiss Chard and cut
tills gfeen. x
Fresh green meat is all right for
little chicks provided you do not give
too much of it. Spratt’s Commercial
Meat Scrap is better if mixed with
two parts bran and kept before them
at all times.
The Reliable Poultry Journal, Quin
cy* 111., will sell you for 50 cents a
book on growing young cTitcks that is
about as good as you can get. How
ever, the only way to raise chickens
successfully is to use good judgment
and common sense and not overfeed
them, and keep them warm and dry.
Our climatic conditions here are alto
gether different from what they are
in the east, therefore we have to
use different methods from what will
suit up there.
If I can serve you further, call on
Hayward a ci.ark s cotton letter
NEV O’tLEANS. Feb. 15.- Liverpool came
In about 3 low.»r ttan due and a idgnlflcant
fact w«« tbe small apot sales notwithstanding
the 12 points lower quotations, which temls to
show thst sprinners are ’veil covered for the
time be ng. A cablg said: “We Miem to be
on the eve of a serious decline. Eurojiean
trade fully covered. Speculation long. Few
shorts.” Our market opened a few poiris
easier and the general belief that big oull
interests must furnish support to prevent a
break created enough buying for a while to
rally prices a little, but the market dropped
10 pobits iu a few minutes wtien support
did not appear to the desired extent. The
market has no foundation to withstand Gio
effect of a liquidation If such should be at
tempted- and, for this reason, it is thought
that the principal longs must support prices.
New crops show more Individual strength am’,
offer the best chance* to tuyers. Untertainty
as to the outturn of the coming crop alone
is an item tn favor of new crops against
the bearish fact of over supply this season,
and this contrast must ultimately work to
wards premiums on new crops.
Boston, Ma <s., says: “In a statement io
the Boston chamber of commerce. R. W. Bab
son. un expel t ci business eouillfons, declared
that there 's a wide belt of business depres
sion now existing west of the Mississippi
river which Is growing daily.”
Generally fa'r weather prevailed over night
in all states cntsldc of Alabama ami the At
lantic* n tore ra’a was general and heavy over
a large area. There was no preeipittlon cf
consequence west of AUliama. Indications
are lor clearing weatl er In the Atlantic states
hut cloudy a d unsett'ed rest ier oming on
the western states tomorrow. The into sight
for the week looks like 370,(W bales vs. 215.-
279 ami 253.061 in 1909. Spots quiet and low
er io trade.
Open. Close
Spots.. 5.50®5.60
February.. •• ....
March.. ~ •• •• 5.556)5.57 5.5561-5.56
April 5.5841.5.62 5.586j’5.60
May . 5.65615.68 5.65Q5.66
June.'5.67615.73 5.68® 5.72
Julys.77® 5.70 «.7«®5.77
September .. 5.884J5.90 5.87@5.89
Tone dull ami easy;
Cotton Seed
LIMITED amount of Folsom's Prolific Cotton
Seed at $2.50 per bushel —this celebrated seed
lias n record of two and one-half to three
bales per acre. Now is the time to buy.
Call on us or write H. L. Folsom, 1116 4th
National Bank Bldg. Phone Main 2647, At
lanta, Ga. . .
We will tieuil you 12 of the prettiest post
cards you ever saw if you will mention this
paper and semi 4c to pay postage and mailing
and say that you will show our cards to 6 of
your friends. D-117, NEW IDEAS CARD CO.,
223 S. sth St.. I’hlla., Pa.
Elsgant Thin Modslvl?. Watch S3H
“ ,«. .lth 1.5, r>M Ckl.h.4 State ttaIUIM.TM. Stalk w ** ** »-••
$ 3.7
Diamond Jawalry Oa.,A36,Bl9BD«srfc«raßt.,Chlaag*,Hl.
FOR SIO.OO we will ship one 36-lb. feather bed
and one 6-lb pair pillows in the best A. C. A.
ticking, all new, live feathers, never been use.l,
guaranteed os advertised or your money back,
we prepay all the freight charges. Write for
circulars and order blanks; we give bank refer
ences. Address MAYFIELD & MARTIN, Box
AV Marvel Autordotic II o*ka tend them mrytin*
Best kroryboHy cetching fish. Weoder s FR£E hox
xyA J and SanipleH<s>ksforhelpingCointroducethsm.‘VriP
ÜBffv Japanese NoveltjCo., OiptltO Clinton, town
dress Northwestern Business Agency, Minne
apolis. Minn.
Beauty and Porto Rico; ready for delivery I*-
t veen 1 and 15 April; $1.60 per 1,000 for less
than 100,000; $1.50 per 1,000 for lots of 100.900
or more; 25 per cent to accompany order, bal
ance before the plants are shipped. C. M.
McKinney, Graham, Fla.
'VE BUY oid false teeth, gold and silver. High
est prices paid. Money sent, at once. Goods
returned if you are not satisfied. B. Meyers
Co.. 2203 Columbia Ave., Philadelphia. Pa.
4 a Free
Send for 12 peck, ,
Grandpa's Hair Tonic. <
New thing. Kasytoskll.
Entirely new propoei- ’///fllll''
tkm. Everybody needs it.
' "’' When sold return
and get these four
A |&tiful Kings. We gi s
r’emimns FRrE.
howsrd » co,
rark 9( ” P*l»yra> to wikiSw
FROST-PROOF cabbage plants that won’t run
to seed, $1.25 per 1,000 ; 5.000 for $5. Let
tuce. Beets, Bermuda Onion, Collards. $1 j»er
1.000. Tomato, Pepper. Eggplant. Sweet Po
tato, Japanese Cane. Para Grass. Roses. Weevil
proof Com. Hogg Goobers. Catalogue free. T. 1L
Godbey, Waldo, Fla.
Mrs. J. Kay. Room 8-B Haymarket Building,
Chicago, 111., will send absolutely free prescrip
tion for her inexpensive and harmless Tobacco
Cure, which has cured thousands of the tobac
co habit. Any druggist can put it ■ up.
PORTONCO Yam and Nancy Hall plants, $1.50
per thousand. Place orders early and be sure
of plants when wanted. Mike Coward, Mau
clinla, Fla.
to 4AA MONTHLY and expenses to trust
-3 I UU worthy men and women to travel
▼ ■ sw and distribute samples; big man
ufacturer. Steady work. 8. Scheffer, Treas..
G. W., Chicago.
I WILL send a handsome 1912 wall calendar in
8 colors and gold, and a big assortment of
Easter and other post card novelties for 4e
postage if you say you -will show the cards 1
send you to 4 of your friends. C. VV. Fogel
sanger, 233 So. stb St., Philadelphia, l’a.
TOBACCO factory wants salesman. Good pay.
steady work and promotion; experience unnec
essary. as we will give complete lnstru<*tions,
Pie<lmont Tobacco Co., Box K-17, Danville, Va.
>’ cr - 3a< - ‘'"wards can b. made taking oor Vet st-
V. /. JW Comte at home doting spare Mnsi taught
r. ritneiccS ?rrii:bi Diploma granted. pMitions obtained
(or snaeecciul ttudents; cost within reach of all; tntlsfac
2cn rrr.rsctotoi pcrticalara fire. Ontar o Veterin
.’.rif OorrjCDondonce Sonools London, Can.
WANTED—Young ladles from rural illstrlcto to
eater training school for nurses. Must be of
good families and possess' fair education. Poca
hontas Hospital, 201 Capitol Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
I'boM two Rinsa I Uks.
K»|p selling seven 25c
■Hk boxes ••Merit"
Tablets in 80 daye.l J
Ona soltd *nlt. ASdresa
MJCBIT Medicine Co., Boom 14 Ctasstansll. Ohio.
BE A DETECTIVE—Earn from $l5O to S3OO
per month; travel over th. world. Writ*
C. T. Ludwig. 12U1 Scarritt Bldg.. Kansas
City. Mo. |
FOR SALE FKATHHRB—AII kinds of domestic
feathers. Live’ geese feathers a specialty.
Write or phone for samples and rrices. R. S.
Eubauks, 73% South Broad St.. Atlanta, Ga.
SECRETS on Dice, Curds. Slot Machines, etc. Il
lustrated circular free. Ham. B. Co., Bx. 1634,
Hammond, Ind.
Almoet anyone can learn it at .home. Small cost.
Send today 2-cent stamp for particulars ami
proof. 0. A. SMITH. Room W. 65, 823 Bige
low St.. PEORIA, ILL.
If you are suffering with Stricture, en
larged prostate, difficulty to retain or/pass wa
ter, you will get immediate, entire aud perum
ncut relief by using
No Cutting, Dilating or Drugging.
If after using tbe treatment 30 to 60 days,
you are not fully satisfied, write me to that ef
fect and I will positively return the price paid,
without one word of complaint or excuse. No
possible chance for you tc. lose a penny. My
booklet. “AN HONEST TALK." sent free
will open your eyes and convince you. Write
at once. D. A. SKEEN, 22 Allen Bldg..
PATENT YOUR invention. SOme manufacturer
may 'want to buy it. Free examination. In
ventor’s Primer sent free. Estab. 1864. Milo B.
Stevens & Co., €6l F St., Wash'ngton.
This is not a strong, Grey, new Whisky,
but contains the very highest grade of 6
year old Kentucky Rye. This Whiskey
appears on our regular list at a higher
price than we quote here. We are mak
ing you this special price in order to get
you started using it. Try a package to
day. It will please any man who enjoys
a mild, smooth, wholesome whiskey.
1 full gal $2.00 4 full quarts $2.20
< 2 full gals 3.60 8 full quarts 3.90
3 full gal keg 4.95 12 full quarts 6.00
4 1-2 gal keg 7.25 16 full quarts 8.20
any Southern or Adams Express Office.
Return this advertisement with your or
der and we will send free a drinking
glass and cork screw.
No. JO Sprinkle Building
Jacksonville, Florida
In 30 Minutes By Ona Application
We guarantee to enre any caae of Itch, if used aa
directed, or Money Refunded. Scratchea and Mange
fn Doga cured at once. Cannot be mailed. 50c. at you
talers, or express prepaid on receipt of 75c.
Dept. A, Box 910. Richmond, Va.
DROPSY" 1 '" 1 ’”-— ‘ «
• Wto’B rem ■ breath relieved in 36
to 48 hours; swelling removed in 15 to 20 days.
Write for symptom blank and full particulars.
Collum Dropsy Remedy Co., 512 Austell Bldg.,
Atlanta, Ga., Desk R.
Why despair, If other, have failed; send at for a trea
tise and Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. 1 bare made
•.he disoaso of Fits, Epilepsy or Falling Sickness a life-long
Study, and rerran: my remedy to fire ImaedKla and sneenaa.
fal rallsf. I have hundreds of testiraoaisls from those who
hare been cured. Give express and F. O. addres*.
W. H. PKBKK. F.D., 4 C*<4ar St., Now Ym*
mnta nnnncv Qnick relief Re.
moves swelling «*nd chort
p*l "“ v> breaminafew days, usually
ito. t gives entire relief 15 to U days and effects cure
A 20 to to days. Write tor trial treatment Free.
4toMb Dr. ■- H. etKEFS SOB 3, Boa X, ITLAJTM, 9A.
|j j a I Completely cured, all ages. Box
peniue. full directions. FREE.
MISSOURI REMEDY CO., Block I, St.Lou-s.Ms.
IT Tfl Opium. Whiskey and Drug HaWts ree.ted
I k i Ist Homa or at Sanitarium. Book on aubfocs
BA I Free DR B M. WOOLLEY. 1»-N. Victor
JtoßMtoto Senttarlum. Atianra. Georgia
riTCCURED ?taersnHxtey ou*o not
■I ■ ■ our small professional too
| ■ ■ cured and satlsfled *enwosta
■ AmorlcaataetHato, g< g«rowd trsJteaM, City,Ma.
Cured by ANTI-FUaMMA Poultice Plaster. Stops
the itching around sore. Cures while you work.
.Bayles Co. 142; Grand Ave., Kansas City. Mo
1W ATSW MANY rich, eoncttolal and ' M '
XtXaXVXv X tou* for companion*, lutereatiug
particulars and photos tree. The Messenger.
Bta., D., Grand Rapids, Mleb.
MARKY—Many wealthy member*. Will marry.
All ages. Deseriptlbns free. Reliable Club-
Dept. 59, Box 26. Oakland, Cai.
WESTERN lady. 45, worth $30,060. would mar
ry. Y., Box SJ, Toledo Leogue. Toledo. Ohio.
MARRY RlCH—Matrimonial paper of highest
character, containing hundred* of photos and
description* of marriageable people with means;
mailed free; sealed; either sex. Write today;
one may be your ideal. Address. Standard Cor.
Club, Box 607, Grayslake. 111.
MARRY wealth and beauty. Marriage directory
free. Pay when married. Now plan. Box 314
0. K., Kansas City, Mo.
MARRY—Book of descriptions mailed, sealed,
free; many wealthy. The Exchange, Box 525
p E. 1., Kansas City, Mo.
MARRIAGE RAPER free. The most reliable
published. Sand for one. Eastern Agency. 22,
Bridgeport, Coan.
li I H D U Beat P l * o OD ** rt| L sent free. Phe-
MD U J I tos of every lady membar. Tbe
HI n ft n I Pilot. Dept. 67. Marshall. Mich.
QIPC S "P'S 1 TCI FOR WOMEN- Send 2c stamp
OJ-i VXV Ju X O f #r catalog of rubber seceoal
tle*. toilet goods and remedies. Fairbank Supply
House. 118 WabteU
BOYS make big money In the show business.
We start yon witbont cost. Full particular*
for a 1-cent stamp. Add rots Clarence K. Wyatt
& Co., Box 2199, Oonway, So. Carolina.
RAILWAY mail clerks wanted. Average S9O
month. Examinations everywhere May 4.
Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. T-39,
Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED—More men to prepare as firemen,
brakemen, motormen. conductors, sleeping car
and train porter*. Ga.. Ain. & Ky. roads. No
strike. No experience Becessary. Inclose stamp
for application blank. Name position wanted.
I. Railway Inst., Dept. 15. Indianapolis, Ind.
WANTED—Active man In each locality. To
join this Society. Sick, accident, death bene
fits. Aud introduce our Memberships. All »r
spare time. SSO to S3OO a month. Write. Box
CI-293. Covington, Ky.
MEN WANTED for government positions. In
fluence unnecessary. Average salary $l,lOO.
Annual vacation*. Short hours. Steady work.
Rapid promotion. Thousands of appointments
coming aool. Send pos*al immediately for list
of positions open. Common education suffi
cient Franklin Institute, Dept. T-39, Roches
ter. N. Y.
J WILL START YOU earning $4 dally at borne
In spare time silvering mirrors; no capital:
free Instructive boklet, giving plans of opera
tion. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 380. Boston. Mass.
AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE. 23 E. Caln St., Atlau-
la. Gn. Men wanted at once to learn automo
bile business. Poaltlous secured. Catalog free.
WANTED—Railway mall clerks. Examlnstion
May 4. $1,290 yearly. Thousand needed.
Write Or.ment, 30, St. Louis, for Free Trial
Lessen. He conducted Government Esamlaatlons.
Write him Immediately.
LEARN automobile engineerlug st home in
spare time. Make S2O weekly. We assist
you to good position. Only home course recoin
mended by automobile mannfaetnrers. Students
In every vtate. Small payment starts you.
Automobile model furnished. First lesson free.
Send today. U. 8. Correspondence Institute.
Dept. 72. Elmira. N. Y.
ing null order business; S2OO monthly: most
ingenious plan ever devised; let prove it;
free booklet. H. E. Rogers. Desk FP, Boston,
WE PAY *36
IP ■■Ml >1 MTO. GO-. DtoWQ. •« Faw«, MMat.
Let Us Start You in Business
We will furnish you $2,000 worth of religious
book* and Bibles on credit till fall and teach you
bow to Belt from SIOO.OO to $200.1)0 worth of
book* per week, and take from purchas
ers, payable next Fall. Will allow you $15.09
per weak for expenses and show you bow t»
make from SISO.UU to $300.00 per month. No
one but' men 21 year* of age and over with
good character, who can furnish horse aud
buggy need answer. Don't write unless you
mean business. We are busy and haven't tint
to lose with those who ere not in earnest. Sta'e
age. give three businesa men as reference. No
letters answered unless reference* are given.
Phillips-Boyd Publishing Company. No. 82 North
Pryor St.. Atlanta, Ga.
AGENT'S WANTED—To nell tbe original Native
. Herbs, $1 b<x. 250 tablets fir 60e. I'or
Rheumatism, Liver, Kidn-y and Stainaeh Trou
ble, C. Melrote, Columbus, Ohio.
AGENTS-—lt costa me about $2.00 to secure your
name and ship sample machine, but it’s a
dead sure way of convincing you I’ve got beet
txusetxdd invention on earth. Branch office be
ing established In every town. Men with rigs
wanted In the country. Liberal commissions.
Elmer E. Steven*. 1313 Adams Express Bldg..
AGENTS WANTED—Exclusive territory. Good
chance to build up permanent buslnea*. Mall
u* $lO for 36-pound Feather Bed and receive,
without cost. 6-pound pair pillows. Freight on
•11 prepaid. New feathers. Best ticking. Satis
faction guaranteed. Turner & Cornwell. Feather
Dealers, Dept. 31. Charlotte. N. C. Our refer
ence: Commercial National Bank.
AGENTS—Portraits, 35c; frames. 15c; sheet
pictures, 1c; stereoscope*. 25c ; views, 1c; 30
days’ credit. Sample* and catalog free. Consol
idated Portrait Co.. Dept. 5132, 1027 W. Adams
street. Chicago.
SELL FRUIT TREES—Big profit* by our plan.
Liberal terms and steady work. Write today.
SMITH BROS., Dept. 20, Concord, Ga.
SAVE 504
-ANO - _
i Z ULI EK A' lOKgl
»3.<x> ■ jrffinLl
I4AU.ON ■' ; . S t T's
W *3.00 '
tunn wtrnuo -U_.fcgF
"ZULIEICA" Com and MARYLAND ' Rre. we
guarantee to be full strength. 100 proof, and so pure,
mellow and atraight that you eon really odd one-half , T
water to aame end then here 4 oalione better whiskey
than you are now buying from some of the email maM
order houooe at our price tor two gallons
Return this ad with $5 SO and we will ship two
gallons, express prepaid and pack two decanters of :
fine whiskey free with same
Atlantic Coast Distilling Co.
. N ■ ■ 1 ——ren
Why Pay Express on Water
That’s wkat /«■
/ do when yon or-
derlow preol
i Woolley's Best woolley’s ’
2 Ulla MJ*
3 Gals ' $6 - 50
4 Galg ss.w
W’lJ Address aH or*
ders to
Box 1112
. ... ... ..'U .L.iiillii.l '
NEW Feather.sC>2F
■ Beds
'For a limited time we offer I*4 >Hh
I ®»w Feather Beds $t.M each, 4 ih. Kef
I Feather riilows $1 j® per pair, f o.b fae
I cash with order. A J new live I eat J
to- •’ ?s ers; best A. C. A -Tiritiaff. Guaranteed
reprewnted or money back. Oor tefer
•toW’tejKr-- encee, Ccmmereisl end Farmers Iten'l
Mebane. N . C. Order to-day and talced
vantage of three bargala price, or write for order blank,.
Southam Featbar and PlllawCa. OepG", MabaM, N.G
vaStof/s we buy and sell
Largest deader* in
-cMiySK South. If your town mer
chant don’t handle our
*i>!>rrior grades put up in
bags, bed* and piLlt're. j
write us direct. If you
have feather* for sale, write u* for quotation*.
Hend sample. We pay full value. Loularlle
Pillow Co,, 345 E. Market St. Louisville Ky.
1 J* l *’* Mill < stamp* I will send yon by,
return mail a s<Jc package with directions foe
making twenty-four bcttles- Sold 50 year* by
agents. E. L Wolcott. 14 Wolcott B'.dg.. Mew
o s 2,B | !»es4*l® Tonic and Dandruff ’’•tog’*"
Remedy at Wo each. WE TRUST TOU, When
sold return the $1 sad we U *«nd 2 beautiful rinp* or
Choice from premium li«t. Be»*Me trm. e*teb-_» F«g*
nossnuo PERFUMC CO,. Bos 84, WeoSsbere. MS.
ito&Fish Will Bite 1
r Magic-Fish-Lure.
Best bait ever discoveretiror attracting ail kindc
of fish. SOcts. a box. Write for Free Booklet and
my special offer of one box to help introduce it.
Address J. F. Gregory, K ;3, St. Loqlb, Me
Ring & Braodet Given
« hc»«s of Smith's Rosebud Salve *1
so ... per boz, the greeteM remedy k iosro
for burns, cats, sores, piles, eciem*.
eetarrh, - innrmrin
croup, ete. 'Then sold rsturn re - frt
the 11.50 and we will prompt-
!y forward the adjustable
b.scdrt, bright gold finish, Ilßte, . , rfljAtf
tad the gold filled wedding UM WdAjlQtaj ijlir
rlng.wirrented or y-><ir choice TIBV' Kg MM]
from oor premium list. Send
your ordertoday, HO MOWIY.
Guaranteed 10 Years
■■ to Mrerte, eer buSaess. neks a.» friends ut4 tesre
.caMMSihte. dues ear t>se< om.Af-j, -f Bifla eatatae. M* eul
s*ae this rwurtas 10 ytar rusraaieta e*t?h
W/Zf ' «• *«y *4o»s.s by wail t.r QN LY
iraK*° 4 r o '” 4ai *ta<l throeghoat Tbs nterasa,
g *y?.gywi* ot tiudud amsrxsa t»**,. tub s<na
£? -EffirW /jra xietea ••by jsestat.cniek irate lew e«.ptm«at
■•,,.loe»T eorracs tim«t..per ».o fully
’ELjSrFZ. rte-retrel for inyser. Bend rtl, SdTST-
W tleesoent eltbri » aad weteh will l« seat
to ’OU by reSura mad yoetjwSd. »<s» lte !
-roafitoAWjßßFreefed sr Led.. Sedetwuoapumta
.reeo? mfrndwt Bnd 4S.K tslay
R. E. CHALMERS 1 CO., 53S S» Dearborn St.. CHKAM.
NICE NEW BEDS. Covered with the best feath-
er ticking. Weight 40 pounds. Price only
$9.35 each for full slxe lied. With the first ai
der we give free a pair of 6-ponnd plltou* to J
match. Guaranteed a* represented. DIXHS
FEATHER BED CO.. Dept. G. Corbett. N. U \ -'J
The only Brandt's patented An-
stropper that tnmatlc Razor Stropper Automst
strops any raz-ically puts a perfect edge on any
or diagonally, razor, old style or safety. Big
Guaranteed seller. Every man wants one.
for Life Write quick for term*, prices and
C. G. Brandt Cutlery Co., 84 W. Rroad'y, N. Yt(
MUintflA Cor *0 yrars Mother's Salve he* cured
" /SK w Chterrh. troop, Colds. Cute. Sore*. Piles, ote.
2 r Selle on sight U»e Send $l3O to-day tor II
f “ 11 * Dd D9UBLK your money, Leeidee
choice of BST valuable prem-ums FREE! If not
lALyfiJgaK'iXargjiaig as,
1,000 BUS. Bennett'S Prolific Cotton Seed, well
selected for several years, which made more
than two bales to tbe acre 1911, SI.OO per
bushel. Have King's Early and Simpkins’ i also
small lot Stoney Little Seed at same price.
Car lots 90c F. 0.8. I-odge. 8. C. 100 Bus.
Allen long at $1.25 Bn. Best selected seed
corn $2.00 per Bu. Have a few R. 1. Bed
Cocks, as fine as ever “bit tbe dirt,” to no
told at from $2.50 to $4.00. $4.00 gets my
test ones, there are three of them, and they
are ‘‘classy” birds. Eggs from prise i*n Reds
$1.50 for 13. Also have a Story & Clark or
gan, cost $125. to ><ell for $75.00, and New
Homo sewing machine, drop top. to go at $25.
Organ »nd machine good ns new, little used
Would make terms. W. D. Bennett, Lodge.SX.
and furnish rig and all aspenM* to introduce our
tofid fjouHry fw©fMoyw®®CwM
guarantee; outfit froein*wplon;*tood»work. Address
BIGLER CO.. X 664, Springfield. Illtaoio
DO YOU NEED MONEY on conditions which '
might appeal to yon? We loan you money to
buy or build a home, or improve unimproved
i. roperties. Solicitors wanted, (leorgia Loan and
mcstuient Co., Atlanta, Ga.
terest, anywhere, with easy payment privi-
lege. either city or farm property; good acent* ■
wnntesl. Standard Hume Co., 503 Uaudler Bldg..