Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, May 17, 1912, Page 7, Image 7
S f Mayr's Wonderful Stomach fj Treatment FREE it so o podtree rr-nec’y for all Stomncb. Liver ar.d fciiw - /f\ Headache and Gtell Stoora. / | ▼»«Wf fc/ ///fl f//\ 'l\ REHfO/n ?/ iat potmaooa ftaada into tha euaaacb. ar i otbeprue deranging ItJ \ ’ . q|« ;l / «i. ZSnsgHSu re-w.-vl? ti* a pnaitive. panMnent remedy and I will prove ;/// , W/Ll // h"toX*7f?m. T 3SSj***l j? r 4j7i n TnrVk e^°S! m e t J llll‘\ to cu<erwfeotately Frw co yvo can try it xn your / Hftn IInJ I« *MA V a » MMa*. b«t acsd for thas Fpm trestamt at J sfl be p>asrd to actedyoa the ir-oai of people who state they Tt, _, \ g **'•-,«.» S[\ !*»»• te*te eared of ro-:«r» Stotntechfftteeptt tend *prak> n ir yd \ ' XKJ. '—w»_’ “ *■*• tJI Wth hurtle >=tcreri£< "'■^^•!“ t4w \ gJ/,1 •** "‘urwii'-® «rt>M( H. MAY*. Ms«. CkteM*t MH €f °- H. Mt YD Li th ’ M*yr Mldtag IH-U* Wtattte* >cre*t. Okie*** Ig. ( j X/ r ..,„*<»*«"<* IWril Tl>U Goufton T»-«**>>.*.*s Iff- ?~ ~~]L* y ‘ a *®ot Wonderful StooMca Rowdy. ; ■ Tea are act asked tn take tkiatreataeat far Addres »" •; - J wc< k er two before yoa feel it* treat benefit*. r« CityandScate - - * <>»• “» D *•“* « te*c**»WY t> HOTS I Wdter&kt, . itl woederf a! power* to benefit. at* op* and I will prepay eapreae charge* oa P—hage BC2e Seri*! No a ? 93 MARKET REPORTS NEW YORK. May 16. tattoo "o*nra| steady | at nartane-l price* to a deeHße of 1 point then turned e»ev Before the end eff the first hour no the off Mal torecaeto of senerally clear w> ether acd report* tbaty rtvnte crop report* were herwoelnr a little more favorable- Price* toward It o’riork «4srar*! a art toe* of from 3 to I pMnt* under bear pre*»ure and •ratter lug H<qMattoe. Dnring the early afterwma here wa* enough .-wreriag and support to Impart a generally •reedy tone to the atatoet around a ahade over ireterday'a rtoatog. JIW ORLEANS COTTOM The fol low ln c were the ruling price* on the eiibaage today: Tone basely •ready; 'middling. 11 75 100?; Last Free. Open. Htob. I*W. Mato.Clore.Ctoc* fan 11.« 11 63 U.K 11.53 11.53 77.60 FM,11.56 77.07 Marll.7o ll.Trt 11 61 11.« T 11.«1 11.«• i Mayll.3o 11.33 11.30 11.35 11.37 11.30 11 2S 11.30 Jolylt.gft 11.43 11.33 11.34 11-34 11 37 Any.. .. 1.11.4« 11.40 11.40 11.40 11.40 11.43 Sept.ll.sft 11.30 11.47 11-47 11.40 11.47 O-t . .-. ..11.37 11.00 11,4* 11.50 11.4 S 11.03 Noell 01 11.01 1.01 11.51 11-50 Dre 11.03 11-5 Sll «11 -» 11-M 11-05 NEW ORLEANS COTION. NEW ORLEANS. May 18—lotion futures open’s! _ Meady vcdtanjed to 2 point* down with the rhwe of re*teniay. Cables were bette- than expected and tbe weather map abowd light rains wall distributed over the rotten belt. Crop new*, bnwerer. wa* eneaar- • elng snd excellent prowtca* toward romplellng planting we* reported froot maay Mwtiona that have ;>en extreawly bae*ward It wa* the gen era! optwkm ibt recently rain* bare been so light that they bare rebutted of little damage. ItaiMdiately after tbe rail prtcea were 2 to 3 point* down: scalping short* bought cover* to realise profit* and tbe market Improvd. stand ing 1 to > point* over yesterday's done at tbe ‘nd as tbe first half boor of business. Toward toe middle of tbe morning selling order* tbcreaaed awl It wa* aaid tbat they were coating from large sp’ t interest*. Sus- • 'icient presvnre wa* pot on tbe market to send it 7 to 3 points under yesterday'* clo*e. Tbe decline was not maintained because of tbe proO-taktng by ring trader* on the abort side: a small amount of buying tor the long account *lan came tn ”a the decline. At noon the tuar ket was steady. 1 to 2 points under yesterday’s eteslng level. ■ NEW ORLEANS COTTON Tbe following were, the cwllng price* In tbe exchange today; To*.*, steady middling. 11 13-16e, steady. . v Last Peer. Open. High; Low. Sale.Oose.Cl'sw. Jan. .. ..11 70 11.72 11. C 11.82 11.81 11.80 Feb. .. .>11.63 11-71 March .. ..H.32 11.*! 11.75 11.75,11.13 llrfl May .. ..' 11.82 11.82 11.77 H.77'11.73 114 U June .» 11.71 11. W. July .. ... 11.33 12.«> 11 88 11.90 11.9 ft 11 >1 August 11-74 11. M •cpt 1 11*M 11.71 October .. 11.*4 11.68 11.57 11.57*11.37 11.85 Nev .. 11.58 11.66 l*e 11.87 11.71 11.30 11.50 11.30 11. OT RYOT COTTOS MARKEI Atlaata. steady. 11 Ke. Now York qu!#t. 11 73 100 c. New Orleans, steady. 11 13 18c. Liverpool, steady. 6 55 lOOd. Galveston, steady. 12c. flhvannati. steady. 11 9 16c. Norfolk, steady. lf%e. Baltimore, nominal. ll%c. Wilmington, steady. 11 toe. Philadelphia, steady. 12c. Boston, qnret. 11 73.100 c. MoMie. strauy. 11 He. Charleston, steady. 11 He. Augusta. Meady. 12e. Houston, quiet. 11 15-16 c. Mempb<*. St. Louts, firm. “l*4c. Louisville, quiet. UM- Maeoo, Meady. 101»c. ColumM*. steady. 11 Ue. Charlotte, sternly. 12c. Little Rock, quiet. H%e. LIVERPOOL COTTON Tbe fo!k>wiag w<r* tbe ruling prices in tbe exchange today: Tone barely steady: sales 8.000; middling. 6 55-:«M. t . Pre*. I Opening range. 2 n.m. Clear. Clone. Jag. A Feb. A23H«A25 H 6.22 H Feb. & Mar 6.21 6.23 Mar. A April «24’tt«.23H 6.22 6»H >tay 8.31 <18.30 6.31 6.26 H 6.29 H . May A June 6.30 tt’4 6.31 h 6 6.2!»H June A Inly «» «6.30 6.32 H «.27»u 8.30 ’ July A Aug. 832 «|6 34 6.33 H 6.29 6.31 Aug. A Sep. <3l 46.38 8.33 6.28 6 ! R*p. A Ot 8.25 8.27 <tot. A Nov. <?5 48 »1 S g.2* 8.23 6.25 Nov. A Dee. 8.24 ««23 6.23 6.21 8.23 Dee > Jan. 8.22UW«.n ..... 8.20 U 6 22Vi i HATWARD A CLARK S COTTOM LITTER. NEW ORLEANS. Mav 16.—Tbe map shows fair weather we* tof Riahama. partly cloudy to fair tn that state and In the Atlant les Rather eeaeral slMweiw in tbe eastern half o* tbe belt, but precipitation generally light with exeepttoa of .26 at Memphis. .34 at Meri dian. .36 at Btru.icghsm and 1.30 at Augusta. , WMIe temperature* are higher tn we*t Texas • rio where they were rather low during tbe aigUt. Rut indication* are for generally fair warmer weather during next 4« hours except prbbaNv increasing rtoudfne** In west Tex** i and Otlabncia. A crop an’bctfty in Shreveport any*: “Crap Ihic *ect!on h*« made aatisfae tery jvrogrea*. while precipitation at time has bee* eteess'vc. it was henenelhl to germina , tt«m . oecapi'>nal shower* now wraild be bene, fletai. Omdltion nt crop qul’e np to average • of na*t yrar. plaa'ing completed: fully ; 9ft per cent etepped. Cotton acreage increa*—. 12 to 13 per cent. T" what extent acreage of APPENDICITIS Itertcn's APFEN D FORM 1* sold to ym* mxler • guarantee by tbe AF’EN D FORM CO. C«n yen afford to overlook this wbe-n It nieuf* doi- | tars to ro*l and Guaraatved under tn-- Pure I Food end Drug Act. June 3ft. 1908. Ist. It core* i ter a little mocey; 2nd. It 1* an external rerov 1y and goe* diree* to the spot of Inflammation, •o rf»k to run; 3rd. It ertot a In* no Opium. niiinc MerrairT. Coea'ne. t'bolotorm. etc.; 4tb. It bring* qnick relief and shwild be in every I f*mi!v for emergency: 3t'a. You need no opera tlrai. no cutting: Bth. It wMi strengthen the tia- ' «we* nt tbe Apre 1 *!!* Vertnifnrtnls and pot them , tn a healthy mmitlon: 7th. It is a preventive a* w»n a* a case. Prrltonlti*. Pnenmonla. Blond | Pv laou. Ovarian Trvwhle. and Tetanus. Price *l. 30-4 Th* Anpeu-INYcrm Co.. Elkhart. Indi- 1 *** D. S. A. f : ( onayletc «- > I - Kra.dy raa-Pt Fteh Sairc. 4 It U.ep . . . >I.S3 Mtanww S**.u. 4 ft. deep ... To • MJ-Tt Tram real Nat. 3 ft. de** . . 225 1 W-ft Gia N*l. e ft. deep .... 224 | 3-Ft. Hoop Ndt. 10 ft. berret . . . 2« S*«cU! atee* larede ta order. Write I for grlce*- 4OURME & BOND I V 818 MARKET. »X»V7«V7t.,.K. KV J | Ixmisiana will I* affected by overflow cannot Ihe said Donhtle** mm h of the overflowed i land will be planted when waters recede ano iit mak be safe to fignte 10 per cent acreage for th* «t*te If dry weather continue*.’ With the present apell of fine weather and prevailing northwesterly wind*, tbe river it falling and more satisfactory account* are al ready being rectoved from some of the over flowed districts. I Cable* from Likerpnol Indicate that the mar ket Is nervous over b*d weather and crop re ports. Futures were about 4 higher than du*, but broke 6 points In the last hour when facts about yesterday's weather became known *ud the government forecast promised further fa vorable weather. Spots veere 1 lower, our mar ket showed a delposltioß to ease on better weather and more favorable crop news, but support In New York Caused it to rally sever*! time* from depression*. Bullish feeling still ' seems fashionable In the northern market and ■ bullish half monthly condition report Is ex i peered these days from - Miss Giles. The Ipto sight for tbe week looks around 72 000. NAVAL STOKES. SAVANNAH. Ga., M*y 16 —Spirits firm. 4Sc; •al** 173: rosin, water white. 87.35: window glass. 87.30; n. M. 77.25: K. 8<.22H; I. 87.20: H. 17.17 H: G. 87.1214: E. 70.50: B. 76.00. Spirit*, receipt *, 1,238: rosin. 3.039. BETTER. CHEESE AND EGGS. NEW YORK. May Hi.—Tbe butter map ket was ea*y. Creamery specials. 34*4435c; first* 244425 c: *eco*>d*. 224223 c; creamery held special. 31c; extra.'. 36ftMH<ri first*. 28H@ S9c; seconds. 24c; third. 21®28c. state dairy tubs, finest. 35@33c; good to prime. 30@34c: c*amou to fair. 28429 c; proce** extra*. 25UJt 26c; *pecial*. 27H«28c: factory current make, first*. 25c; second*. 21H®2Sc; packing stock held. 23>x424c: do. current make. 25H-C. pack ing Mock No. 3. 23c. Cheese market steady. State whole milk new white apeciale. 16‘ie: do. average fancy. 14*4 c; state whole milk, winter ma,l* specials. 16c; do. average fancy. 13*?4{13%c; state whole milk under grade* 14®14'v, poor to fair, 10413 c: daisies, fall ami earlier best. 10c: skim*. 441444 c. Egg market firm. Fresh gathered extras. 22c; fresh gathered dirties. No. 1. r No. 2, 177|18c; fte*h gathered check*, prime, 14$ 14*4*: poor to fair, 1013 c; refrigerator special marks, fau.-y am! Uwal storage ciuirge* paid, 20H421c: do, firsts. 10c; do. poor 174 Ute; do dirtie*. 18*120-. BT. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS. (By A**oci*l*d Pr*M.) ST. LOUIS. May 18.—Ca*. wheat. No. 2, red. 71.2201.24'?; Np. 2. hard. $1164111’. j Corn. No. 2. 81f£IUHc; No. 2, white. 82'. 2 c. Oat*. No. 2. 52‘yc; No. 2, white, 57437*.*c. KANSAS CITE CASH QUOTATIONS (By Associated Press.) KANS.’.S CITY. May 16.—Cash: Wheat- No. 2 bard. 81.11H4114; N«- 3 red, $1.17 ©I.IBH- ' z Corn—No. 2 mixed, B<Httßlc; No. 2 white. Oats—No. 2 white, 57 4.57 Hr I No. 2 mixed, 364 57 Ke. XJSUGAR, PETROLEUM. HIDES AND LEATHER. NEW YORK. May 16—Raw sugar, steady; muscovado. 89 t**t, $3.42; centrifugal. 96 test, 83.92; molasses. 89 test. 83.17. Refined, steady. Petroleum, steady. Hides, leather, firm. Atlanta Live Stock <By W. H. White, Jr., of tbe Whit* Provi s,lcn Company.) Quotation* based ou actual purchase* during tbe current week. Good to choice steers, 1,000 to 1«300. 76.00 to 86.30. Good steers, 800 to 1,600,. 85.50 to 76.00. Medium to good steers, 750 t* 830. 75.00 to 75.75. Good to choice beef cows, 800 to 900, 74.73 to 75.00. Medium to good beef cows, 700 to 600. 74.30 to 74.75. Good to choice heifer*. 730 to 850. 84.50 to 5.50. Medium to good heifers, 630 to 75ft. $4.00 to 4.75. • The above represent* ruling price* on good I quality of beef cattle. Inferior grades and dairy types selling lower. . Mixed common stetes, if fat, 700 to 800. 74.30 to 85.00. Mixer! <“>mmon cow*. If fat. 800 to 800. $4.00 to 74.50. Mixed ronwnoa hunches to fair. 600 to 800, 81.75 to 73.50. Goo.’ butcher bull*. 73.25 to 84.00. I'rtrne bogs, 160 to 200 average. 87.50 to 87.78. Good butcher hog*. 140 to 160 average, $7.25 to 87.50. Goo.l Butcher pig*. 100 to 140. 77.00 to 77.25 IJgbt pigs. 50 to 100. 98.00 to M.2S. Henry rough bog*. »200 te 250. 76.75 to 7.25. , Alwwe quotation* apply to cornfed bog*. Maa: and peanut fattened hogs, 1 to 1% cent* under Cattle, receipts light, market continue* strong mi beat grades. Mr. A. J. Evans, of Fort Valley. Ga.. wa* on tfte»market again this week with two load* from hl* feed lota; one rar of strictly good Hereford cow* and another load of high-bred yearling*, which were bought under contract tome time ago by au At lant* packer. Several load* are reported for tint ln<omiug week and receipt* are expected to be better. Ho- rectepta shout nornial; market about a •p-arter tower that a week ago. Yard* con tinue to keep *r>|d up to arrival with nothing ••ar led over. HORFES AND MULES. Fallowing are tbe current quotation* on , h >*«ra: Horae*—-Heavy draft, rood jo choice 7175*t 2TO; southern horw*. good to extra. >20041250: scat'ern h-rwe*. ,'*lr to cood. 790 ft !■'•<). son thorn terse*, common. 77.'«<r IftO; driver*, choice. $155 4235: ,»lng*. 725® 49. Mules—Fourteen hauds h’ch. 712341150; 13 to 15U bands high. >175«20t;t 15% to 16 hamls high. sino«?2.Hi; extra heavy. 72254:M». LIVE STOCK BY WIRE (By A«aeclat*d Pre**.) CHICAGO. Mar 16.—Cajtle—Receipt*. 4.50 ft; ’ market weak to I<V lower. Breves, 96.0<K09.aft; Texas steres. 96.90417.73; western steers. 36.10 «t7.73:*t ocker* ami feelers. M. 3047.00; i-ow* nrui te-lfor*. >3.0047.90: eahe*. >3.2543.10. Hogs -Receipt*. 22.000; market SQIIR- higher. ! Light. 37.4067.87 h; mlxe<l. >7.4548.00: heavy 87.454(8.05; rough. >7.4547.70; pig* 75.104 7.10; bulk of sale*. 77.M167.9f>. Sheep—Receipts. 12.0U0; market slow. Na tlro. 88.7546.X1: western. >4.00«f1.25: year 'lings. >5.3047.35; lambs, native, >5.0068.50; : western. >5.7568.80. Charges for . Autoists MONTGOMERY, Ala.. May 14. Wholesale argents of violators of the state automobile law will be mailo after this week, according to Thomas W. Bradford, chief clerk of the depart ment of automobiles. Healers falling to place tags on their demonstration cars and owners who have transferred their tags to another are liable, and Bradford's crusade will be waged against these violators. Many automobile owners who have purchased tags have never placed them or. their cars. Some have failed to pay : the tag tax. It is also probable that some action will be taken tn reference * to reckless driving. THE ATLANTA SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, ATLANTA,- 3A. FLILAY, MAT 17 Weather Conditioiriis Respomsiblle For Late Season and Bad Hatches / \ / V \ / -ate- \ (■hre' ( was that hatches, even np to late in the spring have not been as good as have been experienced in former years. Furthermore, on account of the severe winter, many breeders kept their birds too closely confined, fed too much corn and the result was, many over fat hens at a time when tuey should have been in the very best of breeding condition. Hatches, both under hens and in Incubators have been unusually poor this season, and I suppose largely, too, a great many eggs were not gathered as promptly as they should have been during cold days. Several large hatching concerns in the south operating mapimoth Incubators during the first of the season had very poor success and their hatches were very unsatisfactory. These experiences are object lessons, and teach breeders that they can not be too careful about their breeding stock, and they must prepare ahead to take care of their xowls in away that when the time does come they will know for sure and certain that their birds will be tn a condition to give the full benefit of the season’s op portunity. Anyone who expects to get off a lot of early birds should begin several months ahead putting their breeders in the right condition to give you eggs that will hatch a strong lot of youngsters. I believe fully that strength and vigor must be fed to the hen for the future chick, the same as is done through the horse, cow, or hog for healthy, strong, vigorous offspring »in the animals. With chickens, it is really more important,.and the care of the breeding stock during the time that they are producing their eggs stir your future year’s work, can not be too carefully looked after. After the weather did break and was better, there has been a big improvement in the hatching qualities of eggs, also in the strength of the little chickens tbat are hatched, and while the poultry crop at present is nothing like so large as it was last season or in former years, there are a great many more people in the business this season and it will up for the shortage to a certain extent. Eggs have been hatching much better and little chickens hatched during April and May are very promsiing and as the weather has continued cool well up in May, young chickens have grown wonderfully fast, the early ones are ma turing rapidly and things look much better to the breeders now than they did two months ago. The demand for eggs over the south was nothing like so great the past season as it was a year ago, largely on account so the weather and also on account of‘a great many people getting poor hatches early in the season. For the breeder who was so fortunate as to hatch a large per cent of his eggs rather than to sell them, I think they are far better off and I know that- they will realize much more for tho chickens that they nave now growing than they would have done if they had had a big egg trade, so after all the breeders are much better off than if many had over sold their output of eggs this season. It looks like the coming season will be an unusually good one for sales, and the man who has plenty stock to sup- r z> A ply the demand the coming season will certainly reap a harvest. ~ , Yours very truly, . (tr-kt-J QUESTIONS ASKED AND ANSWERED. Tennille, Ga.: I have six Indian runner ducks, that are now about five weeks old. Since they were about two weeks old, sometime during tho day, usually about the middle of the day, from one to five of this number seem to get weak In their feet and legs and can’t walk, but kinder drag along on the ground. They seem to get drowsy also, and let/ their heads drop over on the ground as though they were dead. This has been kept up for every day since they were two weeks old. One of them got in this condition today and and never did rally, but finally died. They are kept in a pen about 8 by 15 feet, and fed on wheat bran made into a soft mash, with plenty of water in the pen all the time. What is the cause of this trouble? Is it what they eat, or what do you think it is? Any in formation you may give me on this will be greatly appreciated. J. R. S. ANSWER. You are not feeding your ducks on enough of a variety of food, and their system has become inac tive. They should have a mash feed feed of equal parts of bran, shorts and cornmeal to which has been added some coarse sand, and feed them they will eat up clean every three hours. Once a day feed them some ordi nary chick feed or scratch feed that has been wet. This should be fed in a trough. Give just a .small amount at first, just what they will enjoy and do not leave any feed before them. Give plenty coarse grit, oyster shell and green food. Ducks xdll not tnrive on bran alone. They should have a va riety. Senoia. Ga.: I am a reader of your valuable articles in the Daily Journal. There is a disease among the hogs in our settlement. Some call it cholera and some- say not. I will try to tell you about it Some of these hogs live three to four months after they take it, while others live only a few weeks. They eat heartily but get thinner every day until death. Some of them have a breaking out on legs and head like mange Qn dogs, and almost tear the flesh off it itches so. Some don’t have it in this form. They will live until their eyes rot out and they get so poor they stand on their feet. I know of fifty or more that have had this disease and not bne has been cured. Will my cow do well if I muz zle my calf and let it run in the pasture with her? Will appreciate your answer at once. R. E. MAYO. ANSWER. The trouble referred to is evi dently cholera among your hogs. Jt effects them in various ways, and your report is like a great many others. It seems there is no cure for it when they once have it. The only safe way, it looks like now, is to use Antl-Hog- Cholera Serum twice a year on your entire herd. If the ones that are well are treated they are »ot likely to have it, but when It is in a neighborhood if a person neg lects treating them he usually has to pay the penalty by the loss of his hogs. It will be all right to let the calf run in the pasture with your cow if you muzz e it. Please advise me, through The Atlanta Journal, about rats. They kill 13 or 12 chickens a night. Cats and poisons have no effect. How about a dog? What breed is tne best? Do you know of any one who breeds rat catchers? N. P. F. ANSWER. Tile safftst <ay to protect your little chickens from rats is to present spring has brought about conditions little differ ent from any experienced in the south during the past 8 years, and the result is, many late chlkens will be hatched all over the south during May and June this season. On account of the dry hot weather last tall, extending through October, thousands of chickens were late about molting and a great many of the early hatched pullets that had been laying so freely during the early fall began molting when cold weather did come, during Novem ber and December. Winter caught thousands of hens in the south the past season either half through molting or their molt not finished. On this account many hens and pul lets did not produce as strong eggs in fertility or in strength as would have been if they had finished molt ing early in the season and have their normal strength to Impart to their offspring the stamina they should have. The system of the parent stock plays an important part in this respect and the result keep them in a rat-proof coop at night. Steel traps are about the best things to use to catch rats. Dogs are good for this purpose, but it is a hard matter to get any one to sell you a well-trained dog, as they*usually need them for their own use. Most any breed of dog will catch rats if they are trained for that Usually, a Ter rier of any of the different breeds makes the best rat dog. but the best way to protect your chickens Ts to keep them in coops that are rat proof. Mr. Joseph LaField, of Spring field, Ohio, breeds ferrite, the rat catchers that I suppose you ask about. They will have to be con fined. or they will kill the little chickens as bad as the rats, but they are great things to run rats out of holes or in places where dogs cannot get. Etowah, Tenn. Will you please tell me what is the matter with my igrickens? 1 have 18 Barred Plymouth Rock hens. They have been laying right along up to the last few days; now most of them have stopped. I no tice on some of' them behind that they have some kind of a running off; it is on the feathers behind. One of them got lame day before yesterday and would just sit around. I caught her and gave her a dose of castor oil, but it didn't do her any good. This morning I went out to the coop and found her dead. Now all their combs are red and apparently they all look well, except the running off, and they don’t eat heartily like they should. They have the free run of about one acre of ground and it Is all put out in grass. They get all of the green food they want. We have been feeding them corn, oats, wheat and red comb meat mash food, also the table scraps, and they have plenty bone and oyster shell. Now the hen that died had a craw full of grains and not much grit. It was chuck full a day or two before she died. I cut |t open this morning and the grains were nearly all whole just like she ate them. Thanking you in advance for any information you can give me, I am. W. C. KIMBRELL* ANSWER. Your cnickens have evidently had their system upset in some way and their liver is not acting. The hen that died did not digest her food, which caused the trouble. During the rainy weather that we have had if chickens drink a lot of stale water or water that will accumulate in little mudholes it often upsets their system and causes indiges your thumb to one gallon of theh drinking water. Stop feeding the powders such as Barker's in this -oft feed. Also put a piece >f cop physiced out a a their 11-er in an them only soft feed far at least one week and mix some good condition shorts and r ’n meal mixed with time. Feed equal parts of bran, grain and meat scraps for a short tlon. The best thing for you to do is to yard all of your chickens, feed goon. As soon as you get them ■xmount of charcoal in tbi» f»*h i the condition powders, a’**o a small tlve operation I know they will get well. When their liver gets upset their bowels become effected and this causes the trouble men tioned In your letter. Atlanta, Ga. I Will you kindly give me a remedy through The Journal for a hen that has an enlarged crop; teems to be filled with water. I have washed it out with warm water, little soda added; have put her on wheat bran and green grass. She eats but little and at times has a spas modic jerking her neck. She is a Plymouth Rock. ThankißK you kindly for any information can give me, I am Yours truly, ANSWER. The condition of your hen shows that her liver is out of shape and she is not digesting her food or that some obstruction is at mouth of gizzard. Feed her twice a day on corn meal dough, and add one- ( half teaspoonful of Barker's Condi tion Powders to each feed. Take the bran away from her and keep plenty oyster shell and grit where she can get it at all times. You should make an examination of her crop and if it is filled with straw or coarse grass of any kind, cut it open and remove it. A sick chicken of any kind is hardly worth curing when in weakened stage. If you get them well, as a rule they are unfit to breed from for many months afterwards, that is after they have had a lo»«j spell of sick ness. My experience has been that i unless a bird Is very valuable and has only a slight ailment the best thing to do with one is to kill it and burn it. Often if they are taken in time they can be relieved before they get too weak and If such Is the case it is all right to keep them. LATE COURT IN NASHVILLE .■'■■■ ■ (Special Dispatch to The Journal.! v NASHVILLE, Ga., May 14.—City <ourt has been called off for this term by Jundge W. D. Buie. * The farmers are so far behind with their crops that he has decided not to hold court. Farmers to Meet ■ NASHVILLE. Ga.. May 14.—A farm Implement demonstration will be held cn Mr. S. T. Tygart's place one mile from Nashville. Among those w’ho will | speak are. Messrs. Graybill and Plunk- | et. of the Georgia Southern and Fiori da, and Messrs. Evans aad Gentry, of | the Georgia State Agency Farmers' Co operative Demonstration work. Hl i ■ '.‘.J-.LUX Tobacco Habit Banished Or. Elder's Tobacco Boon Banish** All Forms of Tobacco Habit In 72 to 120 Hour*. Oliwk i '‘What Tobacco Boon Will De." A positive aad quick relief. A Home Treatment easy to take. 8. E. Addington,of Bethel, Okla, .writes; ‘‘Your , Tobacco Boon has cured me after using tobacco 34 years." B. 8. Evans, of Meridian,Mis*., writes; “1 had j been a heavy ebewer for M years. After taking your treatment 8 days 1 was completely cured." Aoolph Erigen,*t Pigeon Fails, Wls., writes: "I would not tsk* 71,000 for what good your Tobacco Boon did me.” Boa. dreda of similar letters from satisfied patients. RKMEMBER—We give a legal binding Guarantee Os results in every case or money refunded. UDKTC Booklet on th* Tobacco Habit and it* .[KE. E. Remedy, also full Information about my Home Treatment wtl| be mailed free in plain package -o any one. Do not wal t—send name and address TODAY. . OR. ELDErS SAKiTARIUH Dept’oß St Joepii. Mo. IjgrMw.-c'.-v I YOURS To weur good clothes—to have ** plenty of coin—to b« prosperous and look It- t. j have * business standing in th* town. That's th. i ambition —the dream of every younx man—**url» ij dream t We make it com. true! W. civ. you I tree enit—a fro* chan co at th. bit mon.v— tASTte. » Ire* rifht to bo ttyluhly dressed. Howl Just by belur our acent. Joetby | sbowinryourfriendetheawellestianiple* ■ the snappiest a:ylje—the daudiost val sea at lowest prices ever heard of. Bi< P JTOjKB <&■ outfit *n d fin eat cloth aamplcs froo. You don't work for tbe order; you jost lake it. Lowest Prices—Easiest Money GjßmOSy I for agent*. *ll to >ls a day easy All or only part of your time. No hard work. No nrnuey no experience —nofk/ny needed but wiUinfirnras to show our samples, sig;(7 VJjH ' Suita $S up. Satisfaction guaranteed. ; 4 • We Prepay All Express Charges FfW No matter what you are doing, we want Bjfv to tend you eome swell tots —a suit free Krl vnl aad tailored to your own measurements-*- BtW and eperiuMy finished to make your friends and others order quick. fQ Your name and address briars temple Afl W j book. tape, directions and details of tbe TV moat astound! nr offer ewer made. Don’t go MT to bed before writ!nr for this hir offer. Knickerbocker Tailoring Company, Dept. 98 Chicago EASY Entirely new plan—our swell clothes on you will sell your friends—order* W roUin— we back you-our Agents make W t W big style hir and S3O to sbo a week. * ' f Outfit FREE W (KSr We *upply everything— hand*ome K Art Fashion Plates in Colors—Samples Q of Fabrics Wonderful Advertising W K JJj^^». Noveltieß “ Full Directions, etc. W 0 Bio Easy Profits tor You ■ (M ' ' a*l Our Suits, Pants. Vesta, do the tai king—wear them and take the BR orders. Fit, style, workmanship, m Express prepaid. I Send Us No Money Just your name and address fl brings everything Fre. in- eluding our Greatest Free Suit ZMiWb- StTS Offer ever made. Don’t pass / iilKfUhiiwat® this—be first in your town to / ‘■ Wa grasp it! The very first time / iWihii;' TJ? F° u appear °n th * street in / iKteaWr* your swell new suit, orders • will come your way. Not Now Delay! S f Mall Rest J | Progress Tailoring Ca, 114 Harrison St, CMcagc | | * Send me Complete Free Outfit. ■ I NAME E I ■ ADDRESS ■ That is what Lopez de Diego r :'~"\ earned over and above all ho- Mi Jfllwp tel bills, railroad fares other expenses while traveling; fife Tj In Mexicp. Browning of Miss., \ says: ‘ Made rgs x"”” yK $16.70 in tw o V h ours." Wil- K~C J -J i lam Raker 7 says: ‘Made $25 y in 6 hours. It's I the thing the yN- k people want." \/ / One WHniito (S/ Post Cards /fPw|| One Minute Profits ,rvl • * Hundred* of lot- ilffffi! '*ißdf ter* tell BtorwHi of '■ \\l (5 birvr”f'te 6 Pound Portable I ///,/ Post Card Gallery way with tho “MANDEL” POST CARD MACHINE A new bimnees with an unlimited AjMJor HW*y-HRakte«. ehinee for any man, wtthaumil capital tnd ALSULUTLuY Np EXPERIENCE to own a buainey* that will rp • ?. 000 to a year. New dUcovery. A wondciful. Bcientiflc proc cbm- Fhotos Direct on Post Cards —No Plates, No Films The ••Mandel" Po»t C*M.Machine tak-a, fini-hea ard delivera 3 arir»aal photo port cards a minute RIGHT ON THLSt’OTat a arout of 50u per cent. In the country, on the rtreete. at pin nies. cynivals. falrj-tbo one minute post card man la iobi* demand and makes bir money. SZSStartsYouonthe Rocrfto Suoeaas Thi* bu/* a complete outfit. Flrbt ualca from r<*t cards ahippad withcivflt practic-aily return ail njonrt* Inverted. t.Gmpipte and Addreaa Either Office The Chicago Ferrotype Co. WAXTEI>—MALE AUTOMOBILE COLLEGE 23 E. C«ln St.. Atter , ta, Ga. Men wanted at one* to team «ntomo bite busines* Position* secured. Catalog free. FREE TUITION to one .indent (either sex. ' each county. Mail course*, expert bookkoep- i inc. shorthand typewriting, penmanship, books. | etc., only expense. Write qtltok. gojitheni Correspondence institute. 9378 New Orleans. ■ GOVERNMENT JOBS OPEN—Write ..for full list. Franklin Institute. Dep't B 39. Roches ter, N, Y.■ YOU ARE WANTED for governmen* position. >BO.OO month. Send po*t»l for list of posi tions open. Franklin Institute. Dep’t B-38. Rochester. N. Y’. 1 WANTED—Pcstoffleo <dork«/ elty and rtlrtl carriers. 81 000 yesrl*: r;sn>h!nat’ons soon. ; Write today for trial exatr.'r.gtlou. Ozment. 30. . St. Lotti*. ■■ \ J I win. ’TART nr e*rnln» 74 daily *t hnn<* In S|»*re time silrerint —teriee; no o»Mtat: free tnsf-oottve boklef. rtxlne pans of opera tion. G F. Redmond, ftept. 380 Boston Mass HERE'S YOUR orpORTUNvrV to «t«rt a par ing mail orde* bnalnees. t?te> monthly: mo*' tneonioits rlan ever devised: tet w.e prove It: free Isnoktet. H. E. Roger*. Desk FP. Boston 111**. W ANTED—Colored men to prepare a* firemen, brakemen, sleedne ear an<l train porters: exreri nee nnrecssarv; Ga.. Ua.. S. C. *"•! , Mary l*m! roods. >6ft to 810 ft month. 500 wanted. F.w'lre' s'-anm. Name nositinn wanted. 1. B' JI wav INBT.. 18. Indtanapol's. Ind. WANTFD- -Hvs'ilnc entered maw In every , I church *"<i tediro. Must read and write. Sscr't Society work. 8100 monthly.' Spare time. Write. Box R-" 92. borine ten. Ky. YOU ore wanted for envernme-t. nosit’on. month. Annual vantt’mi*. Short ten-*. No “lavoffs.” Common ednon’ton sufficient. Over 12.000 ap"wintnvmts earning. Influence nnnec essarr. Excellent ehance for *nrmers. Send . postal Imme<llatelv so- free list of nralttens onen. Franklin institute. Dept. A -Rt. Kocheater. N. Y. ' , 4 s WAXTF»>—j SELL FRUIT tree*, summer A* tes-hers. college boys «nd farmers; easy to sell and 1 big profits. Smith Bro*.. Dent 20. Concord. Ga. Will Bite Uke hungry wolves, fill your net* traps or "rot line it you bait with M*gic-Finh-Lure. Beat flat bait aver diaoovered. Keep* you busy pulling them out. Write to-day and get a box to help Introduce It in your neighborhood. Arent* wancefl. J. IT. Gregory, K- IS. Mt. Lonia, Mo PERSONAL V ’ - MARRY wealth utul beauty. Marriage direc tory FREE. Pav wlieu married. New plan. Box 314 N. C., kan*a« City. Mo. WEALTHY weitern banker 33. would marry. Confidrn'lal. X.. Box 35. Toledo League, Toledo. Ohio. MARKY—Many rich, congenial and anxtona for companloes: Interesting particular* »”d pte»to' free. The Messenger. St». D.. Grand Rapids, Mich. ‘ ‘ MARRY—Many wealthy memters. will inaM^; All aces. Description frte. Reliable Club. Dept. 50. Box 260, Oakland. Cal. MARRY—Thousands, wealthy, will carry *«>n. all tie<»r nationality, descriptions fiee. We« tern Club. Dept. 2«S Market, San Francisco. t Cay. * MARRY RICH— Matrimonial pane- ot blgtjest character, cootalnlnr hundred* <>f nte>t<»s sal ! rteacrfptlons of tnarriaceable people with means: I mailed free; sesied; *!th»r sex. Write today; ; «nc m*» be your Ideal. A«i«lre** Standard Cor. Club. Box 007, Grayslake. IIL MARHIAGE PAPER free. The meat rellabl* published. 8-id fur une. Eastern Agency. 22. Bri'lgc|.nrt. Couu. II Bl) n l/Best plan on earth, sent *fre*. Pho- Ml* U J I :o* of every lady tr.ember. The j ™ || H II I Pilot. Dept. 67. Marshall. Mteb EDUCATIONAL THE Library School of tbe Carnegte Library or Atlanta. Georgia, offer* a complete course of training fur library work. For catalogue. I kddre** Prim Ipal, Library School. Carnegie Lt- I brary. Atlanta. Ga. MISCELLANEOUS COLLIE PUP FOR SALE—Magnificently bred. A. J. Benedict. Bri*tol, Wla. REGISTERED O. 1. C. pig* for sale from highly bred stock. Mated no kin. Price* right. Owen Bros., Bedford City, y a.» Route 2. BE A DETECTIVE—Earn te>m >l5O to 8800 per month; travel over tbe world. Write iC. T. Ludwig, 1261 Scarrttt Bldg. Kan*** City. Mo. NEW FEATHER BEDS ONLY i For a limited time we offer full 36-lb. New Feather Beds >7.40 each. New featber plllowa J >1.20 per pair, f.o.b. factory, cash with order. AH New Live feather*, best A C A Ticking. ' Guaranteed as represented or money buck. 1 Prompt shipment. Order today or write foi i particulars and order blanks, and take advan tage of these reduced price*. We give bank ! references. Southern Feather and Pillow Co., j Dept. C. Mebane. N. C. THIS THIN MODELvK, WITCH s3ll bs*UM »re*an«ll' «r*re.*«l* istekW ■kimlMionasta* m 4 gtexn rm. lute Mtb 7 j*w«ted A**H**b bm4b »«v*r owv*»*bt.<uana«a*d •*/ with l6a< fosd fial»h«d «haia f»t Udi* - »•«'• fc? «••»* 40 T»ar 1_ n.iiUi^** at ' I raniiFrEiiyi '»■ J-"* no sot «n rrrii, tor a«n it. imwm* ne o n. t«r«snts» lb, ,1 mr uwre tew. n* If JW <*l»k • bw*O« u* Is , BCPHrUH ■« nv (1 i O' ««H a>l<lw* (W't re »»♦ u r''‘ •<•=’ «« nw'>l •*!» ff'nt* 1* M«*U«* If y»* L-siW *■■■ n *«?•' BIM. ' MUTUAL SALE* CO., AlB, Wstelqgtea Blk CMcag*, 17 This Handsome Suit a Magnificent Motorcycle Agents"! m \ Writetodnylßetheoneinyour rßli-' :*Nrl’mKm town *• *'* test mound.r.* uiiorira tri'.i ft offer. An offer to «iv* you tSo ••t 11 * 1 * t its' V. TWvZRRV'W ,uit rou »vr -ow ond a marnifleer t MK-nS 3 wnL IBhal to •«<"". But you must Aarra. "• rISHiIWIF *B nor oJtrerionc* nowaaary. W WJ PAY All IXFRESS CHUM* M IJW mad* of the fr.Dft beautiful fabnea and F rifl I nH in the latent atvlee. Ke«p your n 13 LBK present po«iUon and make tin win $50.00 *• *IOO.OO A WIfK Iff 41 MM *9 I Nothms Hka it snywhar*. a wnt*_T«>jlar JUUf ki \ outfit far ssior rltn toot t* tsk* ar- IT ld riftt n Tun and a •Boterc/ete fr— ta aaeate. lx;:tfesvaßSi. *kl4 | PARAGON TAILORING CO. ia t* A URIO- [Y BOJR3ON I ) TYPE GIN ( YOUrt VANIA RYE j CHO | CE ild eight pints f0r52.60. Tjbe I lention are niy FOUR BIG WIN- ■ ■ twelve years 1 have sola these ■ to particular people and every ■ ha* used them will commend ■ riends. Order to-day an assort-■ u like It. They are all one price. ■ . $2.60 ! 50 Pinta - 13.50 ■ . 5.00 I 100 - 27.00 ■ . 6.75 | ruer you send me will receive R lal attention, and every trans- K mckc-d by my personal guaran- ■ ter you to any banker, public ■ & official or business man in Jacksonville. R M or better still, my, long list of pleased B y customers. l I WANTED —SALESMEN TitEACtO fact < fit V wants n-. good pay. steady work and promotion: exper. nee un necessary. us we will gjre complo'e Inst ruc tions. Ptedinoat Toltacco Co., Box W-17. Dan- ' i ville, Va._ W ANTE!)—.7 T ENTS AGENTS—>3S it wesK for 2 bratr.' norte *. d*v selling wonderful new 1w..-s--Ik>l<l hero salty; new ' selling plan with free advertising doe* it.. Col lette Mfg. Co.. Ftox 74. Ametertlsm. N. V. GIRLS' Want to make 'tellur cvery <l*y *. J after s-bod. Particulars free. J. M. Kent. . j Savannah. Ga. Ts TITANIC COMPT.ETE ROOK n<>w ready for shipment. We J I handle tbre- books on the o*e»n's greatest ditoste-. Ono enritlert ‘ Ste-v nf tl* Wreck of S tho Tltnntlc.“ edited, by Marshall Everett, re-. -3 tall price, cloh •*!.<*>. halt moroeco >1.50. ~*l Another entitled "Th“ Kinking of tbe Titantlt J find Groat Sen Disaster*.” edited by Ix>g*n 73 Marshall, retail price, cloth >I.OO. half morocro sl7.*. The Other entitled "Memorial Edition, 1 Sinking of the Titanic." edit'd by Jar Hear* Mowbray, retail price, cloth 81.06. We alhw ; our agents 50 per c«>t. commission on each of these books, so the agent's prices ar* one half of the retail prices. We pay or pres* 8 charges en cash ord-rs. amounting to >15.00 ; worth or mere at agents' prices. Credit givei .<1 ,if de«ire,l. Send as yotir order*: MV* what | Aether yon want book writ'en'by and we will «hfn r>ionn>’|-. Agents wanteft in every com munity. Outfit sent frje on receipt of ten . cents for postage- A single cqpy. of hook by ' author of ynnr choice mailed to ARV addrert jon receipt of re’all price. Each of the above bra,Vs contain 35C nares, over, .30 illustrations, l-fjS except M-morl*) Fdi’to" by Jay Henry Mow bear, "te'-'h ra>-»aln« 287 once* »<»<•.• PHILLIPS BOYD PUBLISHfNG COMPANY. “-■! Department No. 15. Atlanta. Ga. \j - J I ~ MKDICAI. ■ ’ IT C H CUR E D fn 30 Minut** By On* Application | DAVID’S SANATIVE WASH We guarantee t* c->re any case ot if use* kt directed, or Money Refunded. Scratch** as* Manr< to Coat cured at once. C.nrot be mail**. S»c. at you % ealera, or exareaa prepaid oa receipt of ?Se OWENS & MINOR DRUG COMPANY. Ltd.. . Box 910. Richmond. Va. D«pt. A, i'i""" 1 < . U fIT i -WM® REJ HR OR « Batafe \FALLING fl hare ftlled; aend •» tor * tr» dM and Frre>« of ny infallible remedy. I hare mad* ±e d.s«as* of Fla, Epilep*/ or Falling Si:kne» » ufe-loog ttwJr. and warrant my remedy to ei-e Immediate and *ac«M(> fkl rettef. I hare hundreds of testimonial* from rhoac arte Sc{r»'s&£7xr7'iyi?i£fTrev-* i DROPSY .S h*af hreatlllnsr ew O *.Lwu*ny gives entire relief 16 to a days and effects earn Jw .L 20 to 80 days. Write for trial treatment > no. Dr. H. R. GBEFX’S SOMA. Bu X. num, «*. . I 4 j'S Opium. WbUkey *dJ Drug IWtewwUd Ek I Hit Home or at Sanitarium Book on aubtect I BFteec. DR B M XVOOI LEY. IS-N. Victor Sanitarium. Atlanta, Geoygi* FITCMRED other word* yon do no* Bs ■ ■ °“r amall prof***ionte feo g B B cured and *atlsfle4. **»**■■ 1 American Inatltule, g 69 Grand Av*.K*a*a*OltJ.Mte , BED LEG SORES Cured by Ponltie* Planter. Stop* the itching around *cre. Cures while you work, I DESCRIBS CASE and get FREE SAMPLJKr 3*yl«* Co. -gj. Grand Ave . Kanaa* City. Mo ! DROPSY ■ * rere ■ Wr ■ breath relieved In 36 to 48 hour*: guvlling removed In 15 to 2t> day*. f Write Tor symptom blank an<l full particulare. .. Collum Drupay Bemedy Co.. 512 Austell-Bldg., Atlanta. Ga.. Desk R. - j ' CANCERS ; Removed, root and branch, before paying put one cent. My cures guaranteed: literature free. A Dr. P. P. Boynton. Lawrenee, Mass. eoifßEV*r£r I have an hone»t, cer tain cure for goitre (thick neck); pay when cured; Tell your friend* j, about thi*. -jA Write t>r- A.. M. *OcM Bancroft, Wi». J i- 1 —I bekrfte 4*l tews ahoe*. barns**, rags, canvas. Sew* IscMN* Ilk* tewing machine. 7to*t»Cil:2farsl.74.s9d*t. Free thread V Noatampa W. I. STtaMri>*l WF6. >Ol I, CarWul. 11, Ute, te AGENTS $3 NEW PATCNTCO LOCKSTITCH \ 6<w* Harn***, Bu«ay Tap*, Canvas, Grain *•■*, Aitethtng. Sells at alrbt. Astonishing low pric* H agents. Bi* profit*. To show is naans* sal*. We w«*tafe* good, llv* hustler* ta *»ch county- SplendiA OptoruMty tl mak* big tnoeey. No experience needed. Writ* quick n**r—for terms. A postal will do. Send no money. „ A. MATHSWS, Wayne Street, DAYTON, OHIO I . ’ 'TZ ©nsM BAIT . lirtv-1 Make* Fish Bite and Q I AUTOMATIC FISH HOOK 3 i v X Land Them Every Time (ALL FR E E for UMu to I 2Z i i Yf Introduce, to.d «t **m *M <•«« I Ji Martel b»it sttmeu *n fish, 2 </ Msrtel patent hooks land ev«j 1 B,b “** ui “ 10 **“• *“'*■ I f Write.- Japan*** Novelty Cau, Booatg, CUntaa, law*j Guaranteed IG Years " ’iJbsWKJ* “’•« *i •« *~le— -te. W* frtei ate tea- •«« ft" {•««•:»• io rft»*»<*te •«<* in LA •*’ ederw, ty mUI ter o N LY JSfitoi.vE'-J: 62 95 Tk. cm, b Ikukm JWfaQffYlWigf »•« tei.ue loroerww. Th, awteMte ‘ » f wto* “**• i* ll n>b T ;.-.l.<t Vie* rOi l.rer teteptete. l gSi E»r»?»a<iy e-’rreet unekwpa •»* fab, rteraatete for 10 yMrs fieM this *4ew / rift n M Ste Mte «iU te ent & »r =•*’ nra* 1 *- •*" nsxte Gnu or Lte.. B.diteoftn (senatete new* S«i n » tetey. AMme R. E. CHALMERS & CO., 538 So. Dearbom St, CHICAGO. ■■ ,te—— ■■■■■ 1 Ring & Bracelet Given FOR PEW HOURS WORK. write '‘o®- t" r box , th. jr.itert retaady known {aT .orn, pUM, catarrh, -.-nn—n*r~ - cold., cr?>.r W- en .old r.tarn XI*F.V--. “LE ijit!.; >t,rtSEt, th. I: .'0 and »i will promot- !y f'rwwl the adjaiteble '-Jw* 1 l.a'W i, bright fold finish, BffgrStSw.- , and the geld w.-'-i.rur cry-erch- -. KS aw g* '•ca our p-ec-.lua P>l. lend ' P? M 9 your order todam RO MOKIY. * Til Hl Wt TRUST nd, and be «rtt ta your tow*, weate wute£ BOSEBUO PggFUMR CO., Oagt. 7, Wnadaher*. Mte • '■ . M W-ii-!. BEMwMiffiM 1 1 a 7