Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, August 27, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Body of Salvation Army Com
mander Will Lie in State
Another Day
(By Aik»uu<! Prwi)
LONDON. Aug. 24.—Thousands of
mourners, bent on paying homage to the
egfnmanrter-ln-chief of the Salvation
Amny. Gen William Booth, were turned
my tonight from Congress hall in
Clapton. being enable to view the body
of the late evangelist, which has been
lyAg tn gfiate for two days. It has been
Redded. Aerefore. to continue the lying
mi Monday. •
•he will be transferred to an-
''«ger rqgtn on Sunday when the hall
wifi be used for the Salvation Army
g aegrieen -
A wreath sent by Queen Mother Alex
«s laid at General Booth's bier
he inscription read:
i memory of General Booth, to
a whole nation owe* an eternal
gratitude for the services he
to suffering humanity.
a where the funeral service is
to take place, is so vast that it has
beer, decided to throw the words of the
prggers and hymns used during the cere
mdny onto a screen.
Representatives are expected to attend
th< funeral from many parts of the
wcffld. No fewer than 6.690 representa
tiws of provincial corps in the United
KSgdom have been selected to attend.
new post roads bill
(By Associated Pt»m )
i WASHINGTON. Aug. 24—President
Taft tonight signed the postoffice and
post-roods appropriation bill, which car
ries approximately >266.000.000. After
the bin was signed. Representative
Moca of Tennessee, chairman of the
hougp t arr niittee on poetoffices and post
rotkd*. appointed the house members of
Ethe committee provided for tn the bill.
Ot* the commission to investigate the
pneumatic tube service were named
Representatives Blackmon of Alabama,
and Murdock of Kansas; to look into sec
ond-dass mail matter and compensation
for railroad mail service. Representa
tive* Lloyd of Missouri, Tuttle of New
Jervwy, and Weeks of Massachusetts;
ft on the commission to investigate and re
port on Federal post-roads. Shackleford
of Ifisaottr!. Lee of Georgia, McGilli
cuddy of Maine, and Madden of Illinois,
and Austin of Tennessee.
,'By A**oci*tod Fro**.)
BATON ROUGE. La.. Aug. 24-—The
general aasetpbly of Louisiana concluded
an extraordinary session of twelve days
this afternoon, after voting for the sub
mission of proposed constitutional amend
ments providing for sweeping changes in
the system of taxation in Louisiana.
i Chief among the features of the pro
posed amendments is the segregation of
a t »te and local revenues. Govenor Hall
declared to the legislative commute
which notified him of the completion of
the‘labors of the general assembly that
that body had accomplished, in his opln-
I ion. ‘the greatest pieice of constructive
legislation in the history of this com
monwealth” ,* »*4
(By Associated Pros*.)
CHICAGO Aug. 23.—Emil Brand, a
teamster who »s six feet and two inches
tall, entered Judge Hopkins' court yes
terday with one discolored eye, a bleed
ing ear and two teeth missing
I A few minutes later Mrs. Brand, who
wMgh* 96 pounds, appeared to prosecute
her husband on a charge of beating
L . “Phe says I beat her, judge,” said
Brand “Do you think it looks like it?"
• the face of the evidence.” the
cotlrt said. T would say it doesn't.”
| “Well, I had to defend myself,” spoke
up Mrs. Brand. "Besides this is the first
decision Tve gotten over him.”
Testimony showed Brand had started
the trouble and ho was fined.
(B v AsaociAtad Pr>ti )
WASHINGTON, Aug. 23.—The strong
est. toughest most durable wood tn the
world and the kind best able to resist
the dreaded “teredo” which destroys ev
erything but metal and stone Ln tropical
waters, is the green heart of British
Guina. according to the Panama canal
< engineers. After comparing it with the
best American timbers and the noted iron
bark wodd from Australia, the engineers
have selected green heart for the con
struction* of the miter sills in the lock
gates of the canal. About L 400,000 feet of
the wood will be required.
Change of Food Brought Suc
cess and Happiness
An ambitious but delicate girl, after
j tailing to go through school on account
K of nervousness and hysteria, found in
Grape-Nut* the only thing that seemed
K to build her up and furnish her the peace
of health
“From infancy,” she says. “I have not
been strong Being ambitious to learn
R at any coat I finally got to the High
School, but soon had to abandon m>
studies on account of nervous pros tra
il tion and. hysteria.
”My food did not agree with me. I
grew thin and despondent. 1 could not
enjoy the simplest social affair for I
suffered constantly from nervousness tn
spite of all sorts of medicines.
“This wretched condition continued un-
L tn I was twenty-five, when I became
j Interested in the letters of those who had
! . cases like mine and who were getting
well by eating Grape-Nuts.
“I had little faith but procured a box
‘ and after the first dish I experienced a
peculiar satisfied feeling .that I had nev-
L er gained from any ordinary' food. I
p»‘<- slept and rested better that night and
in a few days began to grow stronger.
. "I had a new feeling of peace and rest
fulaees. In a few weeks, to my great
Joy. the headaches and nervousness left
me and life became bright ana hopeful.
’ I resumed my studies and later taught
ten months with ease—of course using
r. Grape-Nuts every day. It is now four
year* since I began to use Grape-Nuts. I
am the mistress of a happy home, and
_ \ the old weakness has never returned.”
| \Name given by the Postum Co., Battle
▼ Creek. Mich.
’Theres a reason.” Read the little
book. “The Road to Wellville,” in pkgs
Ever read the above letter?
A new one appears from time
to time. They are genuine,
true, and full of human inter
Ijr ‘ *
Tabulated Returns of Wednesday’s Primary in Georgia
- “
Governor U 8 Senator Attorney State School I Peualon P I’rioon Commissioner of I C Gr * 7 Comtni'saion r S<l R It' Commission. R. R. Commission.
Governor. U. s. senator o rn er*l Supt. | Commlwiopar. , Commission. Agriculture. 1 Appeal*. commission.
t 5 . j I, i till 1
i | I i I i I 1 Ilill 3: 11 I 1 I 1 I 2 g H ?,4I a | a » £,. f
|| "m ««,' ...I? .r.| a. mil 3«l' J «l t.m U. «• “’[...‘"l *’l " « ‘S| ml
Bl |J!III11 ill i 1 iti |f IIiijjl11J : I
s:i iSj in ”i >si! «t..’«iid ”L. 2m ,M i....“’i....“’ii 44 ..n...’"i i....”’i ” .... , ’ 4 !....’ 4, i.... ,44 ii.... , *°i.... i
SmXl'l’..*'.l” II I«2| 39| 661 jjjl |}JH 29111 291 58611 278! 598|| 64| 276 52111 493| 20.| 180|| J 54 286i| 391, 1061 155| 204 178| 403| 276||
Carroll || 770| 71| 884 »•< 8 2« j I.®’® 576 480 11761| 380 1255 M 520 II 3g| w) g<| 25 I<(| 2U *
Catoosa || 105! 5| 138 «}: j’J JJ® *' 178 || 120| 134| 10»]| 198 181 || 27 i| 2 1| 57| 38 931 154| I>6|| 113| 238
Charlton || 51f 50| 328 , *J{ J}’ , i, 405 ”8, 89 136 g g<o| 2>2gg| 13 g 7g9| j 79 ggJgJ lg4|J| 79J)
Chatham || 325| 2ffl| 3.668 ’' 44l 4771 ’•’’L 1 * ’ * 77 <i . 2072 2 «I 3358 283 gg| 9g) 152 iog|( ?J gg) J 55 gg( lg 4) ieg)l 97| 1H
Chattahoochee. 70| ll| 170 km 2fill 265 lei IM 51! ” 83 384 334|| 236| 256| 339|| 524 295|| 564| 69| «51 134 390 j 290| 159|| 185| 653
Chattooga || 281| 43] 637 469 l ' 407 H 694 l 261 l 286 584 190 671 83 384 gig H soj l 7gl) 7gg|| 990 g9oi) m , 42|) m) 3BJ 19g ] 73S | 746| | M4 | 122 8
Cherokee || 48l| «9| 1,619 L>ol| 781|| I,BBl| 585| 591 1197 ® ® 22 1 0l ,<« 593|| 58| 251| 753|| 592 47»|| 668| 43| 198| 109 105| 454| 452|| 291| 698
Clarke.. .. -.. • » 79 °l 21311 8401 402,1 169 879,1 2821 780,1 1 »156 -158 II *3«9| I *W| | •«! II I ‘l®®.
Clay.. .. - ...|| 13t| 68| 281 «35| || x246| || *24«|| | *19311 •••• 55011 ” 555 295 90| 585 33«|| 427| 131| 2141 148 114| 570| 255f| 4S4| 378'
Clayton || 2611 38| 654 559| SBB|| 428| 501|| 286 647 || 2 20| 70»|| ' 872 287 glg 811|] 70( 12e) B 0 17J| 249 | M<n 2 57| 374
Clinch.. .. « ..|| l«0| 61| 468 405| 25«|| 581| 105|| 164 489|| 182| 490|| 102 145 408 33 186 j 4? 1J44 J 7 9, 32#1 832 487 | 1>342( IJ42 || 7831 2>221
Cobb || 748| 102|2,264 3,096| 870|| 2,102| 778|| 808 2 ,227|| 8531 2,14«|| 222 860 1.8-5 68 . I 1.213 1 g 10g<
Colle. 657| ' 85| 1,081 9 «*l "3|| 1.232! 425|| 666 1,028|f 616| 1,054|| 72 1.125 525 606 602 486 ggg(f 7g2| 9gl
Colquitt || 373| 531| 853 1.090| 588'1 1,320| 457|| 768 970 482 1,239 106 630 992 4v*| II f ( ( ( ( (| (
Columbia || 83' 44| 895 | II I II •" •• • ‘ ••• •• •; ‘' I'l ' **' I'l ’ i’m || ’ *»4«| 480| 260|| 1.150 462|| 731| 144| 570| 205 330| 8651 585|| «19| 1035
Coweta || 531 f 89| 1,015 1,157| 394|| 910| 715|| 398 12331 457 11651 257 267 ggg i 47) i 2gJ 28g!) n| ui; JIB Bg , Jlß| 2|<(| 204| 2 „
Crawford || 4®| 438| 59 450| 87|| 4321 1«1|| 118 43«| 1111 454 18 2 7 3471| 7gg ggg(( 29<1 g7| 17g] g 77 2g7) 560[ O0|( 49g|
Crisp || 3091 3881 758 952| 387|| 1,141| 2«9|| 560 85 91| 348, 1,0«7|| 224 350 81 I * I gg|j ggg|j 2gj| Jg| sg] u lgg , 142[ 7J . (| 4s| 3J4
Dade || 145| 14| 254 290| 106|| 807| 78|| 126 267 100 294 ) 55 121 14011 401 100| 27«|| 201 I«7|| 219| 49| 4«| 49 70| 137| l«0|| 139| 239
Dawson || 70| 5| 384 137| 304|| 213| 186|| 87 336 80 329 | 30 205 14JI «i I ggg H 9g| 84g| 2gß 8gl( 708| m|( gg2] j ,q 4 i
Decatur || 734| 142! 841 1.092| 499|| 1,288| 402|j '578 Lilt 46? \ 221 188 418 11181 545| 592| 778|| 1.227 67«|| 1,065| 276| 387| 181 187| 1195| 53S|| 564| 1324
DeKalb || 816| 33| 1,093 1.094| 714|| 1.2981 598|| 409 150411 4411 1452,1 184] 578 ■ 714(J g7l) IJ3) 177 f 2gß g7g) 48gj 67g || 492 | 949
Dodge || 185| 604| 714 799| «18|| l,oll| 441|| 448 l,001|! 332| 1,139|| 120| 513 «04 344 418 b S J7?| Jgg| 3J2 lgg , 49g| 352!| 4gl)
Dooly || 291| 393| 333 713| 282|| 850| 141|| 292 70 4|| 205| 795|| «4| 339 535 3.8 232 4 lgg) gl , ggs| gM(| 4 „
Dougherty || 74| 553| 388 695| 95|| 583| 29«|| 181 594|| 113| 934|| 3«| 1«9 828 190 373 „ t U | | | || |
Douglas.. .. ~.|| 115| 94| 652 1 II 4 1 7 1 s2 HI 203 , 61 ®H 286 l 528,1 851 389 g29| | 11 |i 170 939|| 477| 100| 334| 131 188| 27«1 480 H 400| 628
Early II 192| 375| 553 563| 511|| 799| 263|| 349 . 695i| | i.U. 75 31. 62 " * .. g j 2 38 I«4|| 228| ■ 14| 61| 94 61| 95] 215|| 303| 183
Echols || 30| 13| 853 2<2| B«|| 199| 205|| 92 317|| 154| 205|| 183 80 1 I I I ggi ggg}| JggJ gJ | , 39g , 3g 107( 380) lgg || IB9 | 487
Effingham || 116| 124| 392 428| 195|| 565! 75 146 , 481|| B«6| 263 550 31 6«l 1-. J. 2 091 755 874|| 731| 153| 391| 347 184| 657| 7»o|| «71| 951
Elbert ' ..|| 465| 54] 1,137 929 l 886 1 l 1.053 J 416|| 505 1189l| 313| 1338!| 91] 794 <8 II I . 748| - 319| 396] 479 4991 484| 942|| 996| 898
Emanuel. ... . | 217 254 1 579 1.® 72 ! 844|| 1.277| 684|| 878 1,146|| 1,121| ‘ 85611 427 1,055 419 | 53« l 989 4391 769 1.073 74J gg g?
Fannin.. <> 10 373 3 8 T| l«l|| SMI Oil ISI MJII Ml Mill »• ’«! ‘‘J ' IM IM| 3M| SOS ,11| <<T| SIM 7<7| J 37
Fayette || 314| 38| 705 619| 396|| 488| 549|| 237 8041 250| 796 34 298 70s I 733 ■> .. -. | | M »l| || | -897
Floyd u|| 854| 124] 1,717 x74o| || x7lß| •«25|| .] *Bl4 ....... 161 2 4*g| 519 703|| 975 ■ 4261) 665| 347 175| 175 334| 479| 47*711 4X3| 941
Forsyth || 324] 404| 1,180 «70f 792|| 916| 46611 475 966|| 357 1116 181 520 680 2 | ggi
Franklin.. .. ...|| *9o| 135] 1.288 1.253, l,ool|] 1,23!| 1,066|j 681 l.« 17 «o®l 1.497 W 160 1.12,1 3 36 ' 2 g7OI 2>BB2 || 5449 8.635|| 5.274| 1.122] 1,330] 945 1299| 5202| 2284|| 3748| 591
Fulton.. .. „~H 2,529] 158| 6,209 6,880| 2,228|| 6,443| 2,22111 W® 6.15«1| 2.895 647 959 2,811 - I 30 917 '|j 933] ~| 1| 6 1| 908| 3l|| 44] 903
Gilmer.! .. ~..U 50] | 897 926] 21||« 905! 42|| z l2 935|| 6 939 13 30 904 g l gg(| Jgg , jgg| ggj 7gj gg9 ?gJ gg| gggll ggl| lgg
Glascock.. X* ..fl 891 79] 464 304| 213|| 2Bo| 370|| 186 373|| 105 , 46811 85 338 ' 121() 14< Mo | . gg , 103 | 35 <g | 22g | 171 || icg | 282
. .SI ”1 S -I <:a Z Z *.n . ” ... ,n
a”£.* "Ti MSI “I| *••»< «‘.ll' , SM| l ”*'mi| l 73’11 'GMI TSO <3 37; .soil sin .Ml wjn tn 77711 «i| toil 33s
Gwinnett 954 34012 076 1 7791 1 568 1 2,121 1.225|| 1.053 2,28411 1,1271 2,204!] 205! 1.275 1,829|| 2,771 1,296 1,278! 2.391 I g ■ ug| gg3 lg9| g3o| 4B4j| 8881 71|
Habersham.7 ~J| 265] 115| '923 '553| ' *71311 634| 659|| 490 783|| 353] 932|| 9B| 509 «H|| 197] JOB] 482| 2 ( g 907|| 1171| 1159
M.', 1 .Tm Im! ’•“ill ‘-i“l “?ll " «‘H «l “i "’’S ‘1 “I 1’.’,1 ’"III "I »l ”«3I ’hi ”*>"
Haralson.. ..|| 105| 13| 226 149, 18111 180| 139!| 108 218|| 103] 228|| 15] 11 18/ gg 494 g . ggl | 2g , 472 | 9? 8 05] 298] 220|| 266| 551
Harris II ■ 2821 591 481 564| 234|| 427| 399|| 276 550|| 201| 620]] 16| 308 449|| I . ..a KI7II 7431 220' 454] 507 811| 683] 958' 734| 1194
Hart ..”.*l* |l 600| 122] 1,247 999| 717|| 1,084] 855|| 719 1215|| 435] 1497|| ISO] 455 309|| 519] I,oß j' g7 ‘ 2g . 171 |i j 7B 101] 112] 65 179| 113| 114|| 152|
HM d\ . L 105 25 291 2 «® 125|| 220] 192|| 175 239'1 158] 264|| 56| 177 169] 176 168 67 231 171 179 1 , gl0)| g9<
Henry .2Z .. 481 68 943 9 ®5; 441|| 760| «07|f 414 10 67|| - 2911 1031 fl 51| 281 1,082 381 761 282 845 4 «l ug| ' 106| 4 51| 408|| 451| 581
Houston.. -.J] 119| <3B| 371 ’ 840 145 l 391 H 158, l 213 828 H 197 l 849 H 88 l 320 ??? ?ao •*-! vgah 485 34811 336] 60! 251] 343 194] 216! 445|| 810] 553
Irwin.. .. ..|| 463| 83] 483 44 ®l 888 U 809 l 344, l 281 837 H 1891 748, l 83 ' 48 1 . rV«2II 1 1161 1 33311 1.859 3,34011 1,0611 403| 413| 1,329 530] 1373| 1397|| 1428| 1785
Jackson I 664 819 1 872 2 . 5 ««' M 3 *H ».<>««l 1 - 1291 l 828 283 'l 1272 ' 1886,1 3041 1197 1,5 A 6 J . 82 ft l , l , ls 172 | 'HI 192 679 458 83 91| 311 136| 449] 288|| 384] 470
Hi 248 467 68 « l 318, l 621 l 245,1 258 614,1 2621 609,1 74 all u! 152] 303 389 299 29 189 78 90| 303| 810|| 185| 431
M M 8 "«| 838|| 674| 413|| 402 704|| 484| 626|| 115| 565 417 214 629 2 «J 577 5061 43.| igg mj ggll| ( 1
sx I ”.*. II $ ’/.‘.lts nil Hill «.’l “111 ”? llli'i 1 ms’l Sill ’III “I »’| • 1, |...” 1 L..*“ . “ 1 ||.... ,M 1....“ 4 1.... 1 ”1....”‘ ....”’1....1"1..;“’11.... “I
S ‘II is IJhJ ! -il -I •“ :2t;"L..’’l “II “ ..d “Lv”l
"I; "iiiii" si- »i•»
«:x„ ~ -ii mi nil is :i:i uni sn mil is sin ’.si sill .si in a s « ...|| . s -. s - «»,'
Marion .71 148 125 426 514 172 493 187 167 517 128| 551|| 58| 223 3941 186 271 3381 179 50« ! jig _
MSuffie*. .. .. 79 66 561 361| 280|| 412| 270|] 191 478|| 208] 477|| 20| 162 504 279 344 69 217 ! ( ( j . Bg) ’ 9 >
Mclntosh.. .. ..|| 33| 11| 120 xlo7| || xloß| || •• •107|| | *7»ll *23] iii i‘” 359 ’”*966 668|| 352| 104| l,ooß| 178 2«o| 730 644| 774 844
Meriwtlmr .7 ..|| 448| 97| 1,197 Llo4| < 314|| 884] 1,268|| 250 i.3311] 333] 1.309||* 334| 385 .
:::: d :::: it :: ifiiii ::::: iii :::: iii ’’si "’'iiii""iiii"’’iiiii‘"sii iii
sELf-"- :. i isn jsi Si r.’. mliii isi hSii .si iii mil is i is sn s;i 4 :i 4 si :::i uni ’in :
IS II 111 <« m<u «m «i ... « « «» ‘“j liS | 3 „„ .» ...i >»i sm »
Murray | 189' 38 196 263! 130|| 332| 84|| 280 135|| 266| 155|| 55| 88 244 233 13 , 31» gg(>j) M) 871( 248 222 87 i 607 413 1201
Muscogee 493 1251 1,229 1.172| 530|| 1,819' 432]| 646 704|| 562] 1167]| 209| 567 972 | 4 j ? 7 | 4 12[ ( « 77 | 2091 1531 140 215 623 367 590
Newton .. . I 4981 112] 610 797| 387|| 925| 285|| 188 10281] 270] 941|| 74| 430 88 ° 342 343 • g?I 290|| 298] 55| 124] 188 62 255 361 2791 415
Oconee ’ 116' 361 561 402] 298|| 402] 312|| 142 566i| 210| 493]| 27| 299 353 I 20 3191 ..J 830 571|| 686] 80| 69| 245 115| 453] 529| 502|
O(?«<horpe.*. 31. 33 333 «”l <>»ll «”l SIIII M 0 3«T|| 213| SS7|| Sl| 376 “* ”, 37S || 37S| . 3051 SMI 350 377 231 031 677 Ml
fIuMImT. .. ...|| 3031 «| 1.125 «6| 003|l M«| <36|| <26 ,2S|| 61,1 73811 70| 630 ,” 5 ’ II 'ij—•;;; ••*'U, * ;ii-* *iM •*••;» •*•'iii *"•«;
12,’,I 2 ,’, 11111 Sil “II .41 IS Sil <SI Sj" .M
?‘.k is is Z 4 S .is 2 d nil sm >si is ’• »• - ;;;; “| isi «*.’ VZ', Z ’.S'
f±::7.*.*:;J IS Sil SI Sil S’,ll 1111 illll “I IU||...“!L.‘“II ,4 .11 111 - ’« - „-ll :::::::|....*"1....’“11:::::::i ....“*
BsSj 1 Illis $ is! IS sl’is
Rockdale || 285] 23] 505 898 319 458 324 114 «SB|| 175| 683 52 216 494 261 253 288 4.0 3 ng gJ| lg<| nß(| lgl| 2Jg
.Hi 111 HI > • Sill I! II 7 t ™ - S’,| 11l IS| II?! Sill 1111 IS
SXnV•.:: :::ll ISI .111 HI •“« ' '«Ili Hl'i I ’.«S S| 111 ’Sill ISI 1111 ... .<. .S 1.11 m ? ». .... ...i s: «
X"* II mi lI.*I T« 1.1« I util HI 3,::;|| nil JIIII nil IS Sill ISI 1111 —•«. •';« «>| «| «*| »;| :*,’| Hill 1111 111
?££''H::ll Illi SI .II >“'l ’’“l »’» «’ S ISI Sill-’III 111 HUI 11’4 S’.l IS IS .<1 ..i__».
Ti"“" || ’ll, 3111 It! ""so'jl"" 6<3|’ 3M|| 204 "" 606||’ ’ ’'iio|'* ”iii|l 62|'"'m6 ”w3|| 37s| «.! 1671, 363 600i| 226| .361 6M| *37 20<| 2UI <2o||
?SSl’’* -- i isi s;i s: ssi mu isi mu s; mu mi mu ".i m mu su mi mu m •«] «{ m ,si mi mu mi ji:
:n-.::|| 'ISI Sil IS «" •««, «’i «•». » « 88 > ;; 88 «« ?•' »•'. •«« “j m Sil 111 „l ... i«l mu <sm m., ><»
Toombs.. _ ...|| 179] 139| 468 451 l ' 307, l 4871 269,1 268 486 H 602 l 249 H 1481 394 179, l 1471 273 i 316 11(V i 2 31 l 231 33] 29 71] 259| 63|| 29] 71
Towns 77 » 824 «9| 13711 300| 85|| 74 311|| 52| 326|| 36| 129 110|| 147] 163] 67] 375 Jl®. 23 J 23 33
Troup ... ” 375 45 870 9 ® B l 344|| 633| 553]] 202 9 88|| 406| 765]| S6| 394 698|| 424] 347] 421 697 47 389 101 283 333 242 478
Trner . 237 108 801 42 ®l 292 H 446 l 282 H ■ 287 445|| 200| 529|| ■ 48| 254 420|| 287] 189| 254|| 859 341 259 49 195 313 i
Turner _.. . 237 IQ3 >Ol ggi| gg|( 329) 90)| I g < g g ?4| 10g| 24g)| uo 302 22 7 >0 80 83 35 373 13
Umon . , | 309 ....... 191 894 l 167 H 806 l 88 U 131 38411 1081 388J] 64] 181 168|| 201] 214| 78|l 379 103| 154 1« 24 43 104 156 J} 8 ” 2 ”
Upron”. *1 ..II 133 114 712 634| 313|| 543| 413|| 161 804|| 198| 75711 50| 356 541|| 249| 560] 155|| 585 361(1 892 88 263 308 2 3 386 670 .80
.. ! 346 84 829 761 401 | 766| 310|| 300 797 275| 805|| 77] 550 1.047|| 253] 433] 1.077| 923 821] 770 277 242 454 193 888 571 834 907
Wklton* . . 534 6311,164 1.121] 637]| 1.069| 780|| || 528| 1,243|| 147| 550 887|| 396] 362| 304|| 667 336] 610 96 144 180 477] 415| 185], 159 950
Ware ” ” . 841! 42 768 1.058| 544|| 1,312] 310|| 673 1.046|| 555 1,078|| 279] 786 557|| 673] 489| 468|| 979 711] 816 126 515 152 201| 682 , 312 ,
Washington 416] 442| 869 1.175| 500|| 1,145| 533|| 587 1,0231] 505| 1,177|| 254| 629 946|| 910| 548] 248|| 808 .. . 717 131 456 402 294| 603]
Wayne 826] 46| 752 598| 490|| 838| 285|| 368 855|| 320| 795|| 56] 722 320|| 450| 282| 389|| 431 6«0 827 114 18 J, X IJ 2071 4 ” 1 62 lgg F
Webster.. ...II 81] 51| 131 187| 63|| ..314] 38]| 47 204|| 62| 210]| 219| 50 166|| 65| 76] 99|| 99 1 2 « 80 9 130 18 47 134
White || 172| 75| 424 335| 520]t 400| 293|| 259 443|| 169| 606|| 126| 319 243|| 133| 374| 199|| 330 358 | -< I g 74( g ggg | lggg
Whitfield.. .. *.,H 5581 140| 1,180 1,036] 790!] 1,128| 646|| 610 1.15411 653| 1,162|| 199] 622 196|| 847] 641] 364 1.254 482 842 fß|
Wilcox || 193] 140| 534 ’ s l<| 317|| 685| 171|| 230 630|| 193| 661|| 57| 250 52|| 140| 157 564 382 484 385 44 146 2.6 3« JJ. JJJ ggg
Wilkes.. ......|| 271| 57| 838 642| 507|| 736| 417|| 306 853|| 329] 823(1 71| 542 521|| 165| 705 287 •••••■• M 1 1421 *' 209 116] 353 243|| 260] 452
Wilkinson.. .. '--II ®1! 3041 368 421| '. 389|| 665| 173|| 297 428|| 94| 638|| 123| 221 366j| 227| 351| 145 167 , 1801 483 555|] 394| 766
Worth-. -L .. 350 f 277| 608 554| «49|| 823] 375|| 436 759|| 355| 842|| 124| 432 611|| 284| 3451 583|| 519 636 402 100, 213 459 280 4,3 2-
■J| 11 1 II 1 II II 1 II 1 II ——l 1 -U II I k - -H 11 11 1 ■ ■
* or x indicates majority or plurality where official returns have not yet been received. • ■
(Bt Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON. Aug. 24.-Commend
ing the attitude of the state department
In sending into Nicaragua marines to
protect American lives and property Sen
ator Thornton of Louisiana today had
read to the senate a telegram from the
New Orleans progressive union protest
ing against legislation to prohibit the
sending of American troops into foreign
territory. ,
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK, Aug. 3-The celebration
In honor of America's victorious Olympic
athletes will begin tonight with a series
of social functions. The parade and re
view will take place tomorrow. All the
preparations for this were completed
early today, provision being made for
about 30,000 marchers.
Roads Constructed With
Valuable Stone Thought
Tobe Only Common Rock
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
GADSDEN, Ala., Aug. 33—Without
knowing what the material really was or
the value of it, the road superintendent
of. Calhoun county was constructing
roads with crushed black marble which
is valued at >3O per cubic foot.
Judge J. A. Bilbro, of Gadsden, made
the discovery while driving by a road
crew at work. He was told where the
“rock” was obtained, and now what was
thought to have been a barren stone hill
is covered with options and said to be
worth millions of dollars.
According to authorities there are
only two other black marble quarries in
America, one at Renfalls, N. T., the oth
er at Shoreham. Vt.
Judge Bilbro expects to develop the
property at an early data *
WASHINGTON, Aug. 24.—President
Taft tonight vetoed the Coosa river dam
bill. The president’s message state!
that his disapproval was based upon the
general principle that no water power
legislation should be enacted without
provision to recompense the government
in some proportion.
The bill was to give the Alabama
Power company the right to build a dam
across the Coosa river 7 miles above
Wetumpka, Ala.
A Piker
LAKE CHARLES, La., Aug. 24.—E. H.
Wilcox, whose home is said to be In
Indianapolis. Ind., was brought here
yesterday from Houston to answer to
the charge of having embezzled >SOO
from a local packing company, of which
he was formerly the cashier. Wilcox
is 23 years old.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
MAYSVILLE, Ga„ Aug. 24.—Mrs. Hen
derson. ■tylfe of Hiram Henderson of this
place, was killed by lightning this even
ing at 6 o’clock. She was dressing a
chicken on the back porch near a chain
swing. It is thought the lightning was
conducted to her from the roof by the
chain. Death was instantaneous.
By the Gas Route
NEW YORK, Aug. 23.—Despondent be
cause of illness and the fact that one of
her seven children had infantile paraly
sis, Mrs. Louis Niniman, 35 years of
age. wife of a wheelwright, killed her
6-year-old boy and tried to kill herself
and her 4-weeks-old baby by gas as
phyxiation last night. Neighbors dis
covered thew Oman’s action in time to
save her life and that of the baby, but
the crippled boy, a lad of 4, was taken
from her arms dead.
Antioch Man Sells
Oysters In Zion;
Prophet Is Sore
ZION CITY, 111., Aug. 24.—Wilbur
Glenn Vollva, overseer in Zion City,
last night, seised another opportunity
to give expression to his wrath re
garding the path in which his followers
shall walk. This time the overseer did
not scold his followers, but forbade
them patronising a restaurant which
has been started in the town and whose
keeper not only serves pork to his cus
tomers, but announces that oysters will
appear on the bill of fare In season.
These articles of food were among
those forbidden by the late John Alex
ander Dowie to be served within the
City’s borders when he founded Zion
City. The man who owns the restau
rant hails from Antioch. 111.
“No son of Satan from Antioch can
come into Zion and disobey the rules
of the institution without feeling the
heavy hand of my wrath." said Vollva.
(By Associated Press.)
OROVILLE, Cal., Aug. 22.-F. R. Cin
clair. Western Pacific railroad operator
at Belden, 55 miles from here, sat at hia
key dead of heart disease yesterday
while the Oroville dispatc-ner tried fran
tically to 'raise'' Belden to transmit dis
patches that would prevent a train col
Persistent calling over the wire
brought no response. Then the Oro
ville dispatcher telephoned to citisens
of Belden, who hurried to the station
and found the operator dead.
HUNTSVILLE, Ala., Aug. 24.— Douglas
Yancey, of Memphis, was instantly killed
last night by an electric wire. Yancey
was carrying his baby when he stum
bled and fell against a pole where his
hand came In contact with a live wire.