Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, October 04, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Market in New York Closed 3
‘ to 6 Points Higher Than
the Previous Close
• 'By iMittud Frets.)
MW TORE. Ort. »•—Cotto* opened steady
*t naebsnxed prire* to tn advance of ® point*
oa eoverinq end buying for a reaction after
’■eeterday'a big break. However. private ad
vires reported Urge offerings of actual la
Liverpool, there «• WHsetderable aoutbern eeli
ng and shortly after the eaU the market
•ated off to a net lose of 1 to 8 pointe, prac
tically to Wednesday's low level. Large epot
own were good buyer* on this break and the
market later In the fleet hour rallied to a net
advance of 8 ar • pointe on continued covering
and tn remote that storm signale bad been or
dered for the gulf react.
Rumor* of an approaching gulf storm were
not confirmed, but the market continued very
steady late to the afternoon, on the talk of a
better trade demand and further revering with
prices at midday about 15 to IT points Det
Makgc. -
The market was leea active during the early
afternoon, an.! prieee raced off 4 or 5 points
'rem the beet under realising.
The following were the ruling prices on tbs
er-bongv today: •
Tone steady; middling. 11**c; quiet
Last j> Pres*
• Open. H th. Low. Sale. Ctase.Ckna.
Janlo 85 11.00 10.T9 10.85 10.85
Febl® 91 10.87
Marlo.9® 11. U 10. W ll ®0 10.99 10.93
1 Maylt M 11.» 11.01 110® HOT 11.04
Jolyll.ll 11.2® 11.11 11.1® 11.18 11.00
Octlo 03 I® 81 10 82 10 70 10.69 10.08
Nee 10.73 10.08
Declo-88 1106 10-8® 10.88 10.82 10 88
<Rv Associated Preet.)
NEW ORLEANS Oet? 3—4Xot»«i futures
opened steady, unchanged to 1 point up com
pered with the closing level of yesterday.
•store were slightly lower than doe and the
wratbec map w«* -oneidered to be very favor
able. Neither of ttoree features, however, stim
ulated selling foe abort account. A moderate
demand waa tn ertdeece fa the early trading
halt It was met by only slender offerings.
Shorts were Inclined to take profits. Immedi
ately after the c»U prices were 1 to 4 points
up. The market became dull and prices sagged
a little, rtatwimg 4 to 5 points under yeerier
day's last prices at the end of the first half
hour of btttiow®
Toward the middle of the morning the mar
ket did better beegnee of the lack of celling
orders and a small, but steady demand which
proved very periling to scalpers on the short
s de. The weather forecast was favorable, a*
fair weather was promised practically the ea
ttrv cotton belt and tbla led to some celling
from the country, but no pronounced pressure
waa In evidence at any time during tbe morn
ing. At tbe highest the trading months were
14 points over yesterday’* done. At noon they
were 8 over.
The following were tbe ruling prices on tbe
exchange today:
Tone steady: middling 11%c. very steady.
Last Pre».
Open High. Low. Salm Cloee.Ctoae.
January . 11 02 11.14 1® .98 11 02 11.01 11.00
February .. .... .... .... .... 11.02 11.08
March . .. 11.18 U-82 11.14 p.l® 11.18 11.18
April 11.22 11.19
May 11.28 11.41 11.25 11.88 11-28 11.28
June .... H.M 11-81
July 11.88 11 88 11.38 11.38 11.88 11.38
Children Cry for Fletcher’s
I Bt a >d ill N f A I
nt k W JB Bk Ji I I i B
The Kind You Hare Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 80 years, has borne the signature of
/■? and has been made under his per-
- sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
' AU Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-as-good ”are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castorin Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels,
assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. ■
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years
Twt emaraav. rr VMMf «t*kct, ncw vaatt cm.
98 cents
r’ 0 _—l- .S<jl T. our tre.!n«M, B.k. n.w friwd. ltd iatrodue. our (TMt e.U-
Bl! Z* " 'yeWß bwu® <* a«»B •*»-• — ,ll Mod woodorful W.tch to uny addrMi by
w/ t* X fA? Bail p»rt,.i4 for Oaty SB oaMa. !U«ultr hi,h
r a 1 trad. aUk.'. illnr ylawd plaM p01i.h.4 eaM, Arabic or Roman diol, low ••-
I/bbß Ul\ X - Jcs/jfy tpwl. I»s wind OBd rtra Mt. o BarWoutly «rwt maUMMr and
IMr <*7/1/! , CMrwtwdfMtVMn. S.nd U>« to ut with your
I Vwl Q, lawaad Udnu and M m.B aad «r*aeh will bo Mnt by return BoilpotV
> d »Md. SaWtartwa ,u.rantwd or BoMy rat»d«d. M o.nt« it pMb
JiaPOHr PS «t.|y •» r*r f.rih’t wosdorful .»►!> Send 00 c.on tod.y Addrw<
The PRICE jferlS
fflfl / Always the Same. w
You can’t beat it It can’t be beat Ridgeway Straight is the best Com
Whiskey you can buy. Read all the whiskey advertisements that come to
you and you will find few other brands that have stood the test of time like
SPRINKLE’S RIDGEWAY STRAIGHT. The name, the price and the
quality never changes. We know there are a lot of imitators but they can only offer you
imitatieo*. We are the originators and aole producers ol thia whiskey. Order by mail today.
Return th» advertiaemeat with your order and we will mail you a handsome calendar.
Jacksonville, Fla. order from nearest point Girard, Ala.
October ... 10.80 11.01 10.8® 10.82 10.90 10.88
Novemberlo.B3 10.81
December 11.00 11.10 10.81 10.9* 10.9? 10 96
Atlanta, quiet, 11 116 c.
- New York, quiet, 1114 c.
Liverpool, steady, fl Sl-lOOd.
New Orleans, very eteady, 11’qc.
G*flve*ton. steady. 11 %c.
Savannah, steady. 10%<'.
Norfolk, quiet. 11*4*.
Baltimore, quiet,
Wilmlhgton. steady. He.
Philadelphia, steady, ll> w c.
Boston, quiet. 1114 c.
Mobile, nominal. ' r
< barlotte, vteadr, 11c.
. Augusta, ptesdy. IL 1 !«<■, '> , *
Houston. cuiet. 11 S lflc - - ' j
Memphis, .steady. llljc.
Little Bock", quiet, 11**<\
Charleston,, steady,
"St. Louie, firm. ll%c.
Louisville, firm. lilac.
Maren. steady, 1044 c. *
NBW ORLEANS. Oct. ,I.—The weather map
sboprs very favorable conCltieM. Fair In tbtf
western states, partly cloudy. elsewhere. Ng,
rain except a few sprinkles along, tbe coast;
Warmer generally. Indications for stationary
conditions, except there maybe moro in .the
southeastern quarter. There is also sopie dis
turbance developing in the east gulf.
Liverpool came in poorer than due with fu
tures as much as 8 lower; spots 15' lower,
sales 12.000 bales.
Onr market opened a few , points higher,
declined a little, but on a more general de
mand to "corer advanced to 11.07 for December.
There seetns to be more inclination to halt
around 11 cents, and fear of bad weather in
the eastern states from possible further devel
opments of tbe gulf disturbance contributed
to tbe support.
War • news, however, will have tbe greatoat
influence on the market. So - far there is
nothing new in this direction.
Tbe intoslgtot for the week points to around
536.000 agslntt 600,250 list year and 512.33®
In 191®. '
SAVANNAH, Os.. Oct. 3.—Spirits firm. 38%
tR3B%e; sale*. 100; rosin flrtn; water white,
88.25 window-glass. 88.80; N. 87.50; M, 86.®6;
K, 865* L 86 47%; H. 86.4751 G W-fH:
F. 88.4214; K. 16.40; D, 86 37%; B. $6 35.
Sales spirit* «<; ruoVn, 2,724.
- (By Associated Press.)
t’Hlc'AGO, Ort. 3.—Cash grain:
Wheat—No. 2 red. 81.0201.04; Ns. 2 bard.
8109814 c; No. 1 northern, 92093%c; No. 2
northern, 88092 c; No. 2 spring, 18091 c; velvet
ehaff. 83091 c; durum. 810Wc.
Cora—No. 2, 67%«68%c; No. 2 white, ®0
88He; No. 2 yellow, 684406914 c.
Oats—No. 2 white, 3403414 c; standard. 33’4
08414 c.
No. 2 rye, 68%0®9e.
Barley. 4®«J«c.
Timothy seed. 82.5004.00.
Clover sede. 813.00018.00.
(By Associated Press.)
ST. LOCIB, Oct. 3.—Cash:
Wheat higher; track No. 2 red, $1.0501.07%;
No. 2 bard. 80%093%c.
Cort higher; track No. 2,70 c; No. 2 white,
Oats steady; track No. 1. 82%034c; No. 3
white. 35e.
(Bt Ang opiate Frets*)
NT. LOUIS. Oct. B.—Cattle: Receipts 5,500
including 2.300 Texans, steady. Native beef
steen*. 85.50010.75; Texas and Indian steers,
Science Understands
the Stomach
Treating Indigestion with Stuart ’s .
Dyspepsia Tablets Is an Exact
Science. They Give Quick
AMdieal men have learned more
' about the than perhaps nny
I other vital organ. They have <U»-
[. covered why the stomach rebels at
conditions—what causes the
of gases—what causes flut
iulency, heartburn, dyspepsia, burning
I Sensation, brash, and all the other dis
■ orders of the stomach.
They have gone further. They have
found remedies for ail these afflictions,
' these results of improper digestion.
•They have learned that pepsin, hydro*
ichloric acid and fruit salts are power
ful digestants that relieve quickly
and surely all the troubles to which
1, tbe stomach is subject. They have
discovered that one grain of thege
[■properties will digest 3.000 grains of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are not a
medicine. They are a scientific com
pound that supplies the stomach with
the digestive agents which it is itself
unable to provide. When your stom
ach is sick and not working right—
when it fails to give out enough of
the digestive juices to properly take
care of the food you eat, these tablets
wiH make up the deficiency. You
will digest thoroughly.
You never can tell just when your
stomach is going back on you. It
gives no warning. If you eat a big
meal, if you eat hurriedly, tatye one
of these little tablets. You will avoid
a lot of pain and misery.
Some of th® most prominent men
carry these tablets in their vest pock
ets when they attend banquets, etc.,
and never fall to take them.
Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets are sold
by all druggists, at 50c a box. —(Adver-
85.0009.00; cow* and heifer*. 83.2506.00;
calve* in carload lot*, 85.0006.50.
Hog*—Receipt* 4.500; 10c to 15c higher; pig*
and lights, 87.0009.15; mixed and butcher*.
89.0009.15; best heavy, 89.0008.15.
Sheep—Receipt* 4,500; ateady; native mut
ton*, 83-5003.65; lamb*. 85 5006.00.
• (»y Associated Pre**.)
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 3.--Caah:
Wheat steady; No. 2 hard, 86000 c; No. 3,
84006 c; No. 2 red, 81-0001.03; No. 3, 99c0
Corn unchanged to %c higher; No. 2 mixed,
67c; No. 3, <KJ@67)4c; No. 2 white, 70c; No.
3. 69c.
Oats unchanged; No. 2 white, 33H034C; No.
2 mixed, 3244033 c.
(By Aasoclatod Press.)
NEW YORK, Oct. 3.—Butter steady; re
ceipts, 7,231 tuba. Creamery extra, 3203x%c;
process extras, 260261(:C; imitation creamery
first*, 2402414 c; factory June make fl rata,
231«024c; current make firsts, 23c; state
dairy tubs, finest, 26c; good to prime, 2302414 c;
common to fair, 22023 c; process extras, 25%
026%e; firsts, 23%024c; seconds, 22023%c;
factory current make, firsts, 23024 c; second*,
22023 c; packing stock current make, 21022 c.
Cbeere strong; receite, 2.74 G. State wnoie
milk, colored, special, 17%c; do. average
fancy 16’*016%c; new, white, spe
cial. 1644017e: do. average fancy, 16%c;
state whole milk, new, undergrades. 1401514 c;
poor to fair, 12014 c; new specials, 11012 c;
new choice, 974010 c; aklms, undergrade*. 8%0
steady; receipts, 17,580 boxe*. Freeh
gathered extras, 31034 c; firsts, 22%@23%c;
fresh gathered dlrtie*. "No. 1, 20®20%c; No
2. 15016 c; fresh gathered checks, prime, 18®
18c; poor to fair, 12014 c; refrigerator special
marks, fancy and local storage, charges paid,
23%®24%e; do. first*. 18020 c; do. poor, 180
U>c; do. dlrtie*. 17®19c.
(By Associated Preu.)
■ KANSAS CITI, Oct. 3.—Butter—creamery,
29c; firsts, 27c; soconde, 26c; packing stock,
. Eggs—Extras, 25c; firsts, 22V,®23c; second*,
COTTON CROP 12,700,000
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON. Oct. 3.—An unofficial esti
mate of 1912 cotton crop of tbe United States,
"based upon reports issued by the government
Wednesday, places the total production of cot
ton at about 12.700.0Q0 bale* of 500 pound*
each. This estimate, reckoned after the gov
ernment's methods. Is based upon the figures
declaring the condition of the crop to have
been per cent of a normal op Sept. 23, oV
2.1 per cent better than the average condi
tion of that date for the past ten years, but
one-half of 1 per cent porrer than the condi
tion last year.
A second report announced that 3.015,038
bales of tbe crop had been ginned prior to |
Sept. 25, compared with 3,676.594 bales ginned i
to that date last year, when 23.6 per cent of
tbe entire crop had passed through the gtnners*
hands. Beckoning the percentage of the crop
ginned this year to be tbe same as last, ths
crop would figure out about 12,700,000 bales,
SEAGIRT, N - . J., Oct. 2.'—The last day
of Governor Wiljbon’a stay at Seagirt
was made memorable by the receipt of
a giant watermelon from the governor’s
home state, Virginia. When the wrap
ping! were removed It was found the
sender had carved a pertralt of ,Gover-\
noy WilnCn on one aide of the melon
with the legend, “A winner,” doqe in
lack knife lettering beneath It.
w ■ And Free Suit
■ XZOtT can easily make big
Y money with onr co
” o»»r*Uv« plan, showingour
IB wool sample* end snappy teahiona
leyonrfriend*. It's Cat
iif naw. They'll buy o»sight, for »<m This
eave them from 84 to P<. give them C
4 the latest striking city fashion* and
[•/ the flneat tailoring in the world. -gL
1 Your Own Sult for Nothing [1 fl
f by makinyenouyh on iba Sr«l two or three fa JMR
l ord.rv to pay «°r it. Why notdrw. .wall, Ji. W JHK 1
i ret jour clothe* at s confidential, inside X.IJ W
F i 6r »re and ea«lly maka frnm >'* to filOa
h d.ri .Vo money or erperigya needed t*? I? < ►
t *jenl'»=on>pl«l»outfl**«“*rß98 — torich ■*); JBXtJI
I’ wnol»n«amples—perfect mea»urin*«ystcm wy V
fi foil hutrortkme- e**retbini fl 4
f! to (tart you in a t»* pejlos butiaew. 411 ki M
K rlothe* made to me»*ur.. Remrmtmr M, L LJIF
L Wo Kxgrooo Chorgos
b and take all the rbk. £«erythin» tent tub- M JOfTfl |
K jwt V.eiamlnalicn sad approval before pay- lUMlflT.'jl
I. tnent I* made. Clothes mutt fit and utiify
p. or your money back. Send no money—wa WAT / /
B furnlih evrythlnr FREI. Jnrt mail a poet- Hl|Hf
i>‘ »1 today and the dollar* will aoen be flowins Tlf,]/
f vonr W»T. We appoint only one a*ent in a L’
j town, vo write qoick and be th* lucky mau Sr Um
to t*t in on tbe bi* money.
i d 930 W. Jackson Rlvd., Chicago, ni.
‘ ..
ATL-CTKSwi Wk Our trn-r cM mwie. meea wW watch beauti-
In fur -'A n «-“*'• ‘ , /S rh am<i«ertp.'..
m» s co.. Peek 70 -oMeoao
4>U * | ma wxrosmvßiT
SZwgfr.wYXlA--. Bv-.rtwu riak. etema.t rauh .1 >h SaadMMly dv
klV <—* •«r‘’ flcanawitob 6
lb F llriaa* Ata.**la»vri»*,*Hvith tvovyark
N sffllr’fagtf* ,1 Jl Ita* tn ewlia* W
M Sff J? //J Jeevirv wWle et IM eaeh.
[fg OHn Jeevo’ today. Whw>
(rid Ma* »t «<<.•» s
> re/jp •atek.ria**o4 ebal* ■"
bale Vatofc Company, Bayt. “0 Chicago
Seed tour atom »a* e**rw» •>* Z' -
elil Vtod ym> It Bmudful
Orlaotal Alao la toil at 10 maty ’i j. Wi\\
(ClßrvwlWw I**' l ’- a*' Ua n«ela bee Tort. ''l I.
Who* vol* NTun M |1.«» *ad
<*«» fcur smcttfai ni>.
» ru. a.on b* pranlua »,< .'WSW
RBbifiMmsßn p •ff w* •■ 4 s
5121®wwarnmit co..
Fail 11 Hatched Chickens
r? , , ■
hatched chickens that are slow
about feathering during the hot summer months.
This season’s birds have moulted unusually early and many fowls are
now ready to mate. Those that have their plumage, and are just begin
ning to lay should be selected and mated so as to begin hatching as soon
as possible. Old hens should be mated to cockerels, and the early hatched
pullets to cock birds. By mating your fowls in this way you get much
stronger chickens than you are likely to get if they are not properly
mated. There is another great advantage in hatching chickens in the
winter as there is always a good market for broilers during the entire
winter, and one can dispose of their surplus cockerels and off colored
specimens at nearly twice as much during winter months as can be secured
during summer and fall.
The average farmer especially should cull his fowls and mate them
at this season of the year as much time can be devoted during the winter
months to the raising of young chickens on the farm that could not be
utilized otherwise and it does not interfere with the farm work. One
reason this year there is such a short poultry crop on the average farm is
because the severe winter extended up into spring months and spring
into summer months, and work of every kind had to be done on the farm
and there was but little time to devote to poultry, and it has made a
great scarcity of both fowls and eggs all over the country. Beef products
and all other food products are sure to be high for several years to come
and the country will naturally turn to poultry for a large per cent of its
meat supply as it can be grown quickly, and the high price of beef has
made a greater demand for poultry and eggs than has ever been known
It is policy to sell before the cold weather comes every surplus bird
on the place, and only carry through the winter months th© birds that you
know will be profitable to keep. A close culling of your fowls should be
made this month, and not only save feed and labor, but give more room
for the good specimens that you expect to earn money for you during the
winter months.
The poultry buildings that you expect to house your birds in this
winter should be looked after closely. All cracks that will admit drafts
should be stopped, and have your buildings so your birds will be comfort
able. A small opening that will admit drafts, will cause trouble, and
almost before, you know it roup will be in your flock, and it is much
easier to keep it out than it is to cure it. A sufficient M quantity of dry
sand, and straw or litter should be provided for the scratch pens, enough
to last through the winter months.
If you have not dipped your chickens, examine them closely and if they
are infested with insects they should be dipped immediately while the
weather is pleasant. Chickens cannot produce you eggs in any great
quantities, neither will their eggs hatch well if they are infested with in
sects. If they go into winter quarters with insects on them they will
not thrive, and do well the entire winter.
Artificially “hatched chickens seem to do far better during winter
months than any other time and with good brooders and good incubators
it is much easier to raise your youngsters during fall and winter than it
is by bothering with a lot of hens. Besides they occupy so much less
space and less attention to look after. Dampness is fatal to young chick
ens, and good dry quarters should be provided for them.
Atlanta, Ga.—l am interested in the
coming poultry shows. I have never
entered any birds in a show, and
therefore I am in darkness as to how
to proceed. Will jfou please give me
some information?
I to know how much it will
cost to enter a coop of four hens and
one 1 cock, and how muqh to enter a
single bird. When will the show be
here and to whom must I make my
application of entry to? Will I have
to feed the chickens while they are
In the show room or is there someone
hired to look after the birds?
Hoping to get this information at
your earliest UconvMience, I am,
V ’ W, L. E.
Mr. T. M. Poole, Atlanta, Ga., is
secretary of the Southern Internation
al Poultry assoclattbn and a little lat
er when the premium lists are out
he will mail you one if you maJte
application for sum*** It costs SI.OO to
enter a single blrd_ or $3.00 to enter
a pen. This fe? Is charged
for feeding and attention,
ajid after your birds are turned over
to the association fhey Lvill be prop
erly carqfi f0?../TK®' Southern Inter
national will be plWlsed to have an
entry from yoif. ?
Atlanta, Ga.— please tell
me what cauSes 'httle rabbits to have
“slobbers," how to prevent it and how
to treat with it? Js it' contagi«of><j
I. have lost so many wljth'it this sum
mer although I have tried to teed
them so carefully.
•• Will very mubh appreciate an early
’Ply- T. J.
Slobbers in rabbits is usually caused
from Improper feed. It is a disease
that seems to be customary with the
keeping of rabbits. By feeding fry
alfalfa hay and dry oats it can be
prevented to a large extent.
Atlanta. Ga.
The writer read your article with
the greatest interest in Sunday’s
Journal about a chicken store in At
lanta, and having advocated such a
thing to a friend the day before,
and having been for some years past
a breeder of good fowls it came
home very forcibly.
If such a store were started
where could the first supply of eggs
be had to start it off and is there
anywhere now that a continued
supply could be procured for such
a store if it were to staxt at once.
I would be pleased to have your
ideas as to the method of operating
'such a store.
Thanking you in advance. I am
D. E. P.
, 1 do not know where it would be
possible in'the south to get a suf
ficient supply of fresh eggs to keep
a store going. The only way that
this could be done is to have a suf
ficient number of chickens yourself
to know positively that you are
getting strictly fresh eggs. It is
impossible to buy strictly fresh
eggs on the open market in given
quantities the year around, and
they are always scarce from July
until February.
A supply house of this kind would
have been started long ago in At
lanta if it had been possible to
secura a sufficient quantity of fresh
eggs to keep It going. There are
several parties in Atlanta now sup
plying eggs supposed to be freah,
and guaranteed. These eggs are
mostly Tennessee shipped eggs, are
candled and while they aro a large
per cent good eggs, they are a long
way® from being fresh. There is a
DURING the next six months
is the very best time to
hatch and raise chickens
over the entire south. If more
chickens were hatched during the
winter months eggs would be more
plentiful during late summer and
early fall. Besides, the cool
weather that we have during win
ter seems to be ideal conditions to
grow young chickens in this cli
Furthermore, a large per cent of
the birds that do the winning at
the early fall shows every season
are usually hatched in December
and January. Many of the eastern
breeders hatch a few birds during
these two months so that they
can have them fully matured for
the early fairs.
When our hatching seasons are
practically changed here I believe
there will be far less danger of loss
by sorehead and roup among our
fowls. £.s a rule the birds that
bring sorehead and roup into our
flocks are late spring or summer
big difference between fresh eggs
and good eggs.
Name over the prominent hunters
and explorers and inquire what guns
and ammunition they use> and you will
find that most of them use the famous
Winchester guns and ammunition. Why
is this? Are such experienced men
actuated by sentiment in buying their
shooting equipment? No! they want
guns and ammunition that they know
can be depended upon and in making
such a choice lies the reason for much
of their success. They select Win
chester guns and ammunition because
they know they are absolutely reliable.
Then, tqo, Winchester guns and am
munition are made in calibers and size®
for all kinds of shooting, which gives
a full range of selection. Another
point about Winchester guns and am
munition is they are moderate in price,
although unsurpassed in material,
workmanship and finish. The oft-used
expression, “Shoots like a Winchester”
indicates the general opinion held of
Winchester firearms- It should be a
guiding stone in selecting an equip
ment for fall hunting.—(Advertise
s ■
J -1 3
I Shows how to earn this am I
| swell tail-i-to-erder sui*
lin an hour. Howto make ;{U3ll
1535t0»65a week, iust by show- WjSI
ling vour fine FREE SAM- <]» ViO MN
|PLE SUIT and our beautiful
I samples to j our friends.
I Lowest Wholesale Prices
■ ever heard of. We pay ex-rajlfßtv r
■ press charges. Fellows every.
| where soing wild about our
■ styles. Fiue»tqua!ityguaranteed r
I tailoring in America. W e send tn*an ihc£nt SAM-
IpLR OUTFIT and everything FREE. Yon pay
■ SUIT tn befor* »ou deride to be our Agent. More quick money
■ county. Twritory solns font. Send u» your nnme today.
Here'* yosr chaneq to mak* (treat bir money and estobhsb
year own burlneie without money or experience.
We fumtah you with ewything snd pl»ce ruu tea bnw
na» of your own. If yoe don t make ®1,500 to 88,000
• xesr i» in rour own fault. Thounandt of othern *re dpinx
it. We teach you hww and ftirniah everything.
’•S&r’Wfc Paata K3I
Our prieen are the lowest—our rtylns thu newest—our hne
the bisgert—our system ths best. *ll sanuant. strictly mada
to maasur*. Fit guaranteed.
UU I ill Only one agent in every locality. 9°
r‘DrE' otnpetition. Writ* tor our riersnt
“ fltt outfit—free.
APPLER OATS. Selected Rost Proof $1 per bu.
J. A. Tnrner, Acwortb, Ga.
FARM FOR SALE—A nice farm,of jsearly too
Hires within 1% inile* of Hawkinsville, about
30 aerbs in cultivation, halaace *oodlanß. No
waate laud. Ha« « nice 6-room modern boms.
cowi>ar<tlvely new, with barn-, and other out
imnses. This Is a splendid opportunity to buy
n nice faun neor the best town ia Georgia. Fs*
particulate address or call on Dr. A. A. Smith,
Hawkinsyille, Ga,
Tine farm 400 acres, 7 miles south of
Milledgeville. Ga. Good 6-room dwell
ing, barn and stables. 6 tenant houses,
well watered, fine neighborhood, good
school'and church. Apply to
JAKES X.. BARNES, Milledgeville, Ga.
BE A DETECTlVE—Earn'■from 8150 to 83<X)
pet month; travel ov«r the world. Write
C. T. Ludwig. 1261 Searrilt .Bldg., Kansas
City, Mo. •• : " ■
HARMLESS home treatment of roots and herb*.
Sure, pleasant, permanent, send your name
quick. NI Ko Co., Suite 1, Wieblta, Kans.
IF YOU would like to own a brand new 36-
pound feather bed and a pair flponnd pil
lows, mall me >lO. I wiU ship them to you
and pay the freight to your depot. Best A.
C. A. feather ticking guaranteed all live, new
feathers; if not as advertised, yonr money
back. Write for circulars and order blanks.
Address D. M. Martin. Bo* 148. Griffin, Ga.
SELLING out to change business. I have for
sale “5 single comb Rhode Island Red bens
end 13 roosters. These are April hatched chick
ens and guarantee them to be tbe best. They are
perfect show birds, good layers, healthy and
toung. Price 81 per head or 82.50 per trio. Mo
particulars; only as above. Prices will not be
reduced on more than a trio. Send today as
Ibe supply is short and they will go fast. Cash
with order. Money back if not satisfied. H. J.
Coogler, Fort Valley. Ga. '
Vassoucii fli
Il The fieatrnt laytrs on earth; jl
eeo per tear. Seed 10 oenta for-
- ilhMrated booklet No.
58 Tollb how W raieo 4uck» »»<-• y-k
eoßsfnlly. WOMAN’S GOU-
in voUr own home. Don’t pass this offer, but let
ns tell you how and why they are free. Thou
sands write "Wish I had known of you before.”
We send lessons weekly, ho matter -where you
live, for Piano, Organ, Violin. Banjo. Guitar,
Mandolin. Cornet, Colle, or Sight-singing, yonr
only expense being for music and P’rstage, which
averages only 2 cents a day.' Address U. 3.
SCHOOL OF MUSIC, Box 426. 225 Fifth ave..
New York elty. (Established since 1898.)
at < loieac?Wt I
When sold send money sad
send 4 ring* or choice , /J
from our premium list. VaaMKHy
perfume co.
~ «a A».Mo*t useful mail tool
111 111 Unemade. Nlckled Key
Ring- Nail Cutter. Cleaner, Eras
er, Pencil Sharpener, Watch
Care Opener, Pipe Cleaner, Cigar Clipper, Bottle
Opener. Screw Driver. Sample 10c. Agents want
ed. The J.A. Trader Co., 28 Duane st.,Mew York
For a limited time we offer full 36-lb. New
Feather bed* 87.40 each. New Feather Pillows
81.20 per pair, f.o.b. factory, cash with order.
Al! New Live Feathers, best A C A Ticking.
Guaranteed as represented or money back.
Prompt shipment. Order todsy, or write for or
der blanks. We give bank reference*. Southern
Feather & Pillow Co., Dept. 0. Greensboro, N. C.
feather FREE
With every order for one of our uneqnaled
36-lb. Feather Beds at tbe rediculously low
price of 879.00 we include a fr-lb. pair of
Feather Pillows FREE! Freight prepaid on
all. Best Ticking. New Feathers. Satisfac
tion Guaranteed. Send cash with order. Fine
proposition for AGENTS.
Turner & Cornwell, Dept. 18, Charlotte, B.C.
Rarsference: Commercial National Bank.
■ ■ ■ I in i.^—-■ree. l—M. *eg*»9
K $4 a day SURE
< , R) Kajty wort with horse And boggy
* right where you live in handling
our ironing and fluting machine.
expense*; of commission.
W MN. 00, Xp. WOiMlaiati, W
SIO.OO Money Order brings
you, one first class 86-Pound
Feather Bed; one set 3-Pound
Pillows; one ($2.25) Counter
pane; one 36x72 Bug, $1.50.
All lor only $lO. Only one lot
to a new customer. Afceeta
Wanted. Bit pay. Address,
JSEBA M«A* 880 « Day
up wT lIiKTiK!! ‘BSSgrBSS
phots tu half mlnste i M aa hou.
N • dark room. untwew-
QhmHafiWifejnfA sarg. Photo Port Cards and Button*
I JifwJta'® J profit*. Bo yourown boas, write
I J lor Free Book, TertltnonlaU, etc.
940 Mabao Ik. CMeaga, ML
AGENTS $3 a Day
b ** l rojd rolled
,r<»el Hcrvemen delighted.
Tikes ju»t half the time
to clean a horse. Kee,«
Send us $3.28 for S QUARTS OF CHOICE RYE
and return this ad end we will paek with
your order «'E QUART OF 100 PROOF CORN
ber satisfaction guaranteed or money will
be refunded. > ORDER BY MAIL TODAY.
Vncle Sam INstilling Company
Jacksonville. - . • ♦* ’ Florida.
Made to Order $7!2
Most Amazing Suit
Linings Guaranteed for Two Years
.Made to your Individual measure^l
ffom any selection of cloth, m any
style and gruarantee-1 to fit you pei- ’j
fectly. Our suits are made by S 0
only system in the worid. which in- AB 1
surea perfect fit, and are not ap-Jjg'
preached >o pr- Vxr t• of es. .c JMBe 7-djM u j
quality bf materials, trimmings a.Vf
workmanship any other house.
save you half on any clothes you
Startling Agency
Writ* U* and we will rod r-xi
lately free, complrtesarspia outfit.‘-aJi-.aakAT
large eeleetldn of cloth saa>pi»s, latest
ion illustrations order blanks, tape meaa-V FWf
nr». complete instruction* how to
measurement*. We will show hew easy *
it isV> get into a well pari"* business. Hun - JE«
d.-edsof <wra*ents are making from $5 COtoWa • *£s
415 00 a dav. You need no money or
enee—we furnish you rrerythin* to rtert. [
ran mtke food money using spare time only.
Profit on t'.o orders pays forjouri™* suit £■*?
losrt. *n® tewhet* to. CMeag4r
3M I
W ANTED HELP —Male and Female
BGUTHERN Automobile College, Jacksonville,
Ria., prepares ih few week* for position*
Write for special rates. 903 E. Bay street.
CIHA MONTHLY and expense* to trustworthy
yLUU men and women to trareP"*Bd dis
tribute samples; big manufacturer. Steady
w?rk. g. Scheffer, Trea*., G. W., Chicago.
WANTED—Colored agent in this locality; h ' w ’
tier: $l5O a month. All or spare titpp- Insur
ance secret order. Write quick fur particulars.
Box J., 409, Cincinnati, Ohio. • !
FOll SPARE TIME. Experience not used. Want
active man eartt locality; Introduce us to
friends.. Benefits for aicknesd. Injury, death,
write -for. Caatpßonu? offer- . The I-L-U, 597,
Cbvington, ky.
WANTED— Immediately, men and women for
government positions; fall examinations ev
erywhere. Prepare noir. Trial examinations
Free. Write Oxment, 80 St. Louie.
500 MKN .30 to 40 yqare old wapted at once for
electric railway moterme* and conductora; $6”
to 8100 a month; no experience necessary; flnu
opportunity; no strike; write immediately for
application blank. Address H. C. F„ Box 207,
care of Journal.
FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOK tells about over
360,000 protected position* In U. 8. service.
More than 40,000 vacancies every year. There is
a big chance here for you, sure and generous
pay, lifetime employment. Easy to get. Just
ask for booklet AIO7B. No obligation. Earl Hor
kins, Washington, D. C.
MAN WANTED a* exclusive agent. We menu
factute six styles self-wringing mop*, for all
purposes, including an absolutely new combina
tion scrubbing BRUSHMOP that is self-wring
ing. Every woman wants this proyen success.
New. Inexperienced men make 89 per day. One
man made $l2O the second week. No investment.
Send for catalogue and exclusive territory propo
sition that #lll make you independent. .Hilker
Mop Co., 1221 Grand Ave., Chicago, 111. • .
W AMTm A man orwoman. allorrpare time, to secure
WMIII tO information torn*. Experience not necea
sarv. Nothing to sell. GOOD PAY. Send atampforpar
ticulqr*. Address M. S. I. A., Indlenapofls, Indiana
MARRY—Many rleb, congenial and anxious for
companions; interesting particulars and photo
free. The Messenger, Sta. D., Grand Rapids,
|4lch. . .
WIDOW. 30. comfortably situated; would marry.
Confidential. 6., Box 35, Toledo League, To
ledo, Oiilo.
SECRETS for women. Send 2c stamp for cat
alogue of rubber necessities, totlet goods, rem
edies, Fairbanks Supply House, 11 B, 60 Wabash
Ave., Chicago.
MARRY Wealth and Beauty. Marriage Directory
Free. Pay when married. New Plan. Box 314
525 J. D., Kansas City, Mo.
MARRY—Many wealthy members. Will marry.
All ages. Description free. Reliable Club,
De*t. 59, Box 266. Oakland. Cal.
MARRY—Book of Descriptions mailed sealed
free; many wealthy. THE EXCHANGE, Box
625 J. 1., Kansas City, M<».
MARRIAGE PAPER free. Tbe most reliable
published. Send for one. Eastern Agency.
22, Bridgeport, Conn. "
MARRY—Thousands, wealthy, will marry soon,
all ages, nationalities; description* free.
Western Club, Dept. 288, Market, Han Fran
claco, Cal.
MARRY RlCH—Matrimonial paper of bigbeat
character, containing hundred* of photos and
descriptions of marriageable people with means;
mailed free; sealed; either sex. Write today:
one may be your ideal. Address Standard Cor.
Club, Box 607, Grayslake. 111.'
J. XvXiXi Removes Freckles, Wrinkle*. ,
bleaches and whitens the akin, giving a per
fect complexion. 50c box Derma Rosette, our
big catalog of rubber goods, toilet necessities
and remedies, and a useful novelty, all sent
free, just rend 10c postage and ask for free
offer number 5. Address Furness, Hinkle &
1 Co - 88 w - 0,111 gt | Atlanta, Ga.
liinnV Beat plan on aarth. sent free. Pbo-
VBHY to* of every lady member. Tbs
™nn 111 Pilot. DePt.-®7. Marshall. Mteh.
TOBACCO FACTORY want* salesman; good pay,
steady work and promotion; experience un
necessary. *» we wlll 8 1V< ’ complete Instruc
tions. Piedmont Tobacco. Co., Box B-17, Dan
ville, Va.
LIFETIME opportunity for agents and crew
managers, selling fibre brooms direct from fac
tory. Otulast* 4 corn broom*, sweep easier,
cleaner. Guaranteed. Exclusive territory. Sam
ple 4Oc. Particulars free. Fredrlek, 2265 State
Street, Chicago.
AGENTB—Biggest snap in years. The “New
Domed Portraits, sell like mad. Quicker —Bet-
ter— Bigger Profits. Write today for full partic
ulars, free. Orange Portrait Co., Dept. 5187,
10X5 W. Adams at, Chicago.
ACTIVE, permanent agents for lamp chim
neys that won't break. Make SIO to >l3
a day. No capital required; sales made quick
ly at every house. You simply throw chimney
on floor, or roll down stairs, or beat and plunge
Into cold water. Bend 35c today for sample
br prepaid express and begin at once. Armor
Plate Lamp Chimney Cempagy, Pittsburg, Pa.
atrAil A » Sheet picture® Stereoscopes 25c.
yiews te. days’ credit. Rampies and catalog
free. Oentolidated Nertralt Co., DePt. 5136,
1027 W, A4*m, St., Chicago.
We want agent* to sell our new campaign
book. 350 pages, one hundred pictures and
portrait* of al) the candidate* and leaders;
I Hves es al! the president* and history of tbeir
adteinlatrations. The platform* and principle*
! Os tbe Progressive, Democratic and Republican
partisrs are fully and fairly ' explained. An
Impartial and superior book, price only SI.OO.
Tbe complete book mailed to any address on re
i oeipt of the prlre. Outfit sent free on re
ceipt of 10 cent* for postage. PHILUPB
- BO YD PUBLISHING CO., Atlanta. Ga.
i< ■ _ ingwplii \- j
WBKVI W ■ breath relieved in
!86 to 48 hours; swelling removed in 15 to 20,'
I days. Write for symptom blank and full par
| tietdara. Collum Dropsy Remedy Op., 512 Au»-
,i tell Bldg., Atlanta, Ga.. Desk R.
> 7S dropsy
rive* entire relief 1* to U days and effects cure
’ Mto M day*. Write for trial treatment Free. I
l I 61H15 80S*. Be* X, 4TLMIT4. «*.
' wtygi* Ibr 4B i " Ta y
■ I JFH Opium. Whitkey and Drug Habits treated
| R 1 ■ at.Ht>e«e er st Sentariam. Bookoe aubfect
, I K > I Free. OR. B M. WOOLLEV, 14-N. Victor
, pmEßprai Sanitarium. Atlanta, (.eorgle
> !
1 Cured by ANTI-FLaMMA Poultice Plaster. 6tope
ths Itching aronnd acre. ‘ Cures while you work
Bayles Co.. 1825Graad Ave., Kansas City- Mo*
In 48 ta 72 Hours JaSSSSSKSHr;:
Pleasant, easy to take. Results ouiek, sure, lasting. Ns
craving for tobacco in any form after firstdose. Not aaub*
i stitnte. Harmless, no poMkinouihabit formin* drugs. Sat
‘ isfactory result* guaranteed in every ease ormoney refunu
ed. ToUkco Redeemer is the only absolutely eeientifis
and thoroughly dependable tobaeee remedy ever diacov-
I ed. Write for free booklet and positive proof.
- Newell Pharmacal Co. Dept. 5 St. Louis. Mo.
In 30 Minutes By On® Application
We guarantee to cute aay case of Itch, If used as
dbectsS, er Money Refunded. Scratches sad Man**
** Dots eurej at once. Cannot bo stalled. 50c. at your
aalera, or expreu prepaid oo recsipt of 75c.
Sept. A, Bwx ® ,0 ‘ Va.
Ring & Bracelet Given
Sell 4 boxrt of Balm * Roeabnd Balve M
MEhsu, -erfXf 2uo. per box, the »erteel ruseuy know*
for biraa, c.u, eorw, pUea, ecsesa,
eel da,
croup, ete. ffhea told return
lie 41. W sad wewbl prompt
fa tsnnrd toe eSju.M*!.
■ t-ac Art, brtrh* sold Saleh.
i eadT; £jfii£ -oj.n,ljEmteWrtgrgfffigCj Ass wfQi » Sg ght JLr: "
treat ear premium I'et Send S*M