Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, February 01, 1916, Page 7, Image 7
MUTT AND JEFF—And the Poor Cow Died - —BY BUD FISHER * ,Nt> 188 J ; Ml. > ll il'-'-W' ' ..u i “* T€ / a s 13 lii ( v k \ ill - AT’Sg.d - ? B*”* VW.> L 13l _,,, J«g-- ■■> Vl \ ■W . b p>s _ DON'T SuAw'S JeFF, ._. * ‘ /*! - Coevav*v thro ev H.r.eisw(P_ Rheumatism •markable Borne Cure Given by One Who tad It—He Wants Every Sufferer to Benefit. Seed No Moaey—Just Year Addreea Teets of awful »offertn< and mteery h*»* xught this- man. Mark H. Jeckaoa of Syracuse, few York. bowOterrlble an enemy tn human hap levss rbeumatUm la. and bare given him aym nthy with all unfortunate* who are within Its rasp. He wants every rheumatic victim to now bow be was cured. Bead what be says: Hi 1 X Bad Sharp Pains tike lightning Flashes •hooting Through My Joints.” “In tbs spring of 1893 I was attacked by Inscular and InCammatcrv Rheumatism. I suf- ■ ered as only those who have it know, for over tree years. I tried remedy after remedy, and toctor after doctor, but such relief as I re vived was only temporary. Finally. I found a emedy that cured me completely, and it baa •ver returned. I have given it to a number 'ho were terribly alßlctei and even bedridden dth Rheumatism, and it effected a cure in eery case. I want every sufferer firm any form of rheu aattc trouble to try this marvelous healing ower. Don’t send a cent: simply mall your sms and address and I will send it free to try. iftsr you have used it and it has proven Itself o be that kng-looked-for means of curing your thecmatlem, you may send the price of it. one ellar. but. ondentand. I do not want your toney unless you are perfectly satisfied to eend ■_ Isn’t that fair? Why suffer any longer when ooitlve relief is thus offered you free? Don’t delay. Write today. MARK H. JACKSON. No. 7TM-R Cnmpr Rldr Rvracus*. N Y.** w •stiruey oyracuse. -w. i. 1153 trv-s-ju* 9 C. A ’ scSS TS?S[ fXMJV =* o/« « -><A a£w U e— fl 2» Elegant American Watch e*aH<tM of worth bargains. We will send this \~jJ l«*ant t-wirir — Watch lever eerspwerrt stem rsad and steal set. open face, nickel silver or gold fin:»bed ess. a perfect tjaakeeper maoe for railroad men. motor sea and eoadeetora and folly guaranteed for fire yean with -iaeh Maxieaa Cowboy leather fob. Al* poetace paid C.O.D. ■y parcel poet. Toe pay your pastarva when yoe receive t Sl-B3 only and it in yours. earialactxn guarsnieed. OAK PACK WATCH COMPANY. B 17 «•** **- BOYS—RIFLE ndo le no play gun, pop gnn or air rifle. It la a rrsrnlar areet or bur. ting r.«e that eboots Ik long or shaft stardeni 1 -artridees Just what every boy wants. We bare 6000 of, these raannteed nflee to (Ivo away to wideawake, bust h»t soys wbo will do a little essy wort for os frlewta. We nay SH the oepnso ehoeyes »e It don’t east a a penny. Wr. to ns at once foe our big free offer. IfftECO.. *92 Erlcadllda . LwnUti.lU 303 SONGS 1(M?;ff. IF I NAB I NOME SWEH NOME; I' >wt Amongthet'beltoriiig Pal ms; Sail 3m33m3Smm ing Down the Chesapeake Bay: When I Was a Direarner; There's a Mother Ola and Gray; It’s » Long. Long Way to Tipperary; Come Over to Dover; When I Dream or Old Erin; Chinatown; Casey Jones; Sing Me the Rosary: Silver Bell;. Redwing; SHverrnreads Among the Gold; Cali* ’orniaar.d You: When Maple Leaves are Falling; ! When I Lost Yon: This is the Life, etc. Over 300 ?ong Hits and PU.NO JSLSIC for only 10c.. 3 lots 3>c. jnanUE M»IC M.,334t A J. Lowe Are.. Chicago CANCER It’s sucecasful treatment without use of the knife. I Hundreds of satisfied patients testify to this mild I method. Write for free book. Tells how to care for patients suffering from cancer. Address BBL W. O. BYE. - Man— City. Ma, VBWW MM MM this air rifle : •or Bell Bff : ? p«CAAfPS B - B* *• I'ctS e> h M•* ftrrt das* :a everv way When wM retttrn ow Si M we rt*e BLVINE MFG. CO.. w Mill St.. Concord Jet.• M«a». •au»—■ —“ " ; _ " ' ' _ _ __ Ihn m i 111 M H *I I IHI tifc Feel bad. do you? Worn out? T ired?l|F j M r \ What you need is— ( J Rose’s Medicinal Malt Whiskey k I •* I Absolutely Pure for Medicinal Use SWW’ufii&J wM f J \ 4 Large <2**3. HA Express HL*"**-- Bottles tjjj <5 • W Prepaid .. • I IsMiua.rl.MdfcA Sadi tb> > (Gm* bmafat tbrwrh T> S I m—■litwl bal paiitaMa Uc aaj md wtfMff. ■ Here’S My Big Free Offer I °. n t u MFh I f INAL Send 13 for 4 large bottles of Roos's Medicinal —.l and I ■ will send yon free one extra lain bottle, m akin a 5 bottles of a | ft? Malt in all. express prepaid, provided yon use thia coupon. ' fl I P M Pncn # 4-—--™ ™— Xws XvJLe IVUuC This offer peeitiyeiy expires March 1, /I mnO n<7 ROSB, Chattanooga t t-1 Uy O 111 Ddll Y ?► For the S 3 enclosed ship me by prepaid express. * fear large bottles Rose's Medicinal Malt Whiskey Tbe Old Reliable Distillers > and include ths ans large bottle free, making * bet- I CHATTANOOCA HMESSEE 8 M ~“ ! Express Office Useful and beautiful PREMIUMS FREE J Po-t office. With ROSE Goods. £ Writs for book. ■ R. F. D. or StState Continued Liquid Pressure Caused • Rumors of Increased Spot Of ferings and Uncovering Stop ! Loss Orders Forced the Market Into New Low Ground for the Movement By Associated Presa.i NEW ioKK, Jan. 31.—The cotton market opened at a decline of 6 to 12 points today in rcsionso to weak Liverpool cables, nervousness over political conditions, and reports from New Redtord that some southern shippers were fully jneeting the decline in futures. March contracts sold at 11.77. May at 12.02 and July at 12.13 on the call, or back to the lowest level reached •»n the break of last week and the decline «eem»d to attract a good deal of realiaing by Wall street and other recent sellers. This demand steadied the tone and caused rallies of several points during the early trading. Private I cables attributed the decline in Liverpool to more aggressive selling on a recount of the l-iverwol stock showing an increase of 87.000 1 bales In the amount of American and a de crease of 10.000 Egyptian. The early raly of 7 or 8 points was soon fol io" rd by renewed weakness. There were ru mors of Increased spot offerings in the eastern belt, while the early buyers seemed to be get ting their contracts without any difficulty, and pricey broke under continued liquidation or bear pressure. A few stop orders were uncovered as the market worked into new low ground for the movement and prices were unsettled around midday with the active months ruling about 11 to 18 points net. lower. May contracts sold off to 11.95 and July to 12.10. The break shortly after midday carried ac tive months about 13 to 20 points net lower with May selling at 11.94 and July at 12.07: offerings became less active at this level and prices showed rallies of 5 or 6 points from the lowest during the middle of the afternoon. Cov ering was probably promoted to some extent on , the large end-month clearances, exports for the 'day being 70.219 bales. . NEW YORK COTTON Tb» following were the ruling prices tn the | t'-hange today: Tone barely steady; middling. 11.80: quiet. Last Prev. Open. High. Low. Sale. Close. Close | Feb 11.62 11.81 tprilll.B3 12.02 'tlarll.7T 11.88 11.71 11.74 11.72 11.91 May 12.02 12.10 11.93 11.94 11.94 12.13 .lunel2.oo 12.20 !july 12.15 12.24 12.06 12.06 12.06 12.27 •Aug 12.22 12.32 12.20 12.20 12.13 12.29 >«eptl2.o6 12.22 0rt12.18 12.24 12.09 12.09 12.09 12.25 t Nov A I2.I7 12.33 Dec.. 12.34 12.38 12.23 18.23 12.23 12.40 NEW ORLEANS COTTON (By Associated Proas.) NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 31.—Poor cables caused ■ break of 11 to 15 i>ofnts on the opening of the cotton market here today but the lower prices brought out a good inquiry and the re sult was a sharp upturn after the call. Buying rte a great extent appeared to come from reallz llnsr shorts. Half an hour after the opening the months were 5 to 6 points under Satur Afav « close. I Fresh selling was stimulated by bearish com ment on International politic* and the market .weakened again. In the trading up to noon .price* were sent to a net decline of 16 ta 22 'points. The refusal of spots to follow the decline steadied the market in the afternoon. At 1:30 | prices were at a net decline of 13 to 16 points. NEW ORLEANS COTTON The following were the ruling prices m tn* 'exchange today: 1 Tone barely atend?; middling. 11.75, steady. * Last Prev. Open. High. Low. Sale. Close. Close. Febll.3o 11.55 March . .. 11.55 11.66 11.43 11.43 11.44 11.70 • 11.80 Mayll.B4 11.93 11.73 11.73 11.73 11.i)7 •Junell.77 12.02 ’July .. . -12.U6 12.13 11.92 11.93 ll.iM 12.17 Augl2.ol 12.Z4 Sept 11.97 12 21 OctlZ 06 12.11 11.92 11.93 11.93 12.16 N0v12.00 12.23 Dec 12.19 12.23 12.07 12.U7 12.06 12.29 NEW ORLEANS SPOT COTTON (By Associated Press.) , NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 31. —Spot cotton quiet, unchanged. Sale* on the spot. 420 bales; to ar rive. 400. Good ordinary, 10.05; strict good ordinary. 10.61; low middling. 11.25; strict low middling. 11.50; middling. 11.75; strict mid dling. 12.00: good middling. 12.32; strict good middling, 12.56. Receipts, 10,941; stock, 452,922. THE ATLANTA SEMI WEEKLY JOURNAL, ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1916 iation and Bear 1 Break in Cotton (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO. Jan. 31.—Wheat prices took an upward swing today Influenced by Liverpool advances Hist shipment from Australia and Argentina were light, and were not likely to be on a large scale at any time during February. Besides, the amount of wheat on ocean passage showed a notable falling off as compared either with the corresponding time last week or a year ago. It was said also that reports of re selling on the part of European buyers had been greatly exaggerated. Opening prices, which ranged from 1 , lower to a< *" vance, with May at $1.34 to 1.34%, July at 11.25% to $1.25%. were followed by substan tial gains all around. . . . A break in the New York stock market led afterward to a decided reaction in wheat. There was much accompanying talk of the possibility of international complications. Prices closed heavy l%ft«l’ic to 2 1 i I ©Z%c net lower with May at $1.31% Jul y at Adverse weather conditions had a bullish ef fect on corn. The buying, however, was mainly In small lots. After opening a shade to % higher, the market continued to ascend. Subsequently the corn market receded when wheat turned down grade. Many stop loss orders were uncovered. The close w-as weak at %<■ to l%c net decline. Oats made only a poor responae to the strength of other cereals. Demand lacked vol ume. Provisions were weak notwithstanding higher prices on hogs and grain. Big decreases In ex ports appeared to chiefly be responsible. CHICAGO QUOTATIONS. The following were the ruling prices In U>a exchange today: Pr»v. Open. High. Ix>w. Close. Close. WHEAT May .134% @134 135% 181% 131% 134% July .125% @125% 128% 122% 123% 125% CORN— May .. 81%@S1 81% 79% 79% 81 July .. 81%@81% 81% 79% 79% 70% OATS— May 53 53% 50% 50% 53% July .. -49%@40% 49% 47 47% 49% PORK— Jan 21.00 21.15 20.25 20.25 21.10 May 20.80 20.80 20.50 20.50 20.57 July 20.57 20.65 20.57 20.60 20.65 LARD— Jan 10.17 10.17 10.05 10.05 10.27 May 10.52 10.52 10.30 10.30 10.52 July 10.60 10.60 10.47 10.47 10.70 RIBS— Jan -- 10.50 10.59 10.07 10.57 10.70 May 11.10 11.10 10.90 10.90 11.05 July .... 1110 11.20 VISIBLE SUPPLY Wheat, decrease 473,000 Corn increasel,7s6,ooo Oats, decrease 407,000 ST. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS The following were the cash quotations on grain and the previous close. Prev. Close. Close. W H F AT No. 2 red 1.33 @1.41 1.41 @1.42 No. 2 hard Nominal Nominal ’ CORN No. 2 76 77 No. 2 white 76% Nominal OATS— No. 250% 51% No. 2 whitesl Nominal CHICAGO CASH QUOTATIONS (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO. Jan. 31.—Wheat —No. 2 red. nomi nal: No. 3 red. $1.23@1.31%; No. 2 hard, $1.33: No. 3 hard, $1.25%@@1.31%. Corn —No. 2 yellow, old, 80%@81c; No.' 4 yel low. new. 74@76%c; No. 4 white, new. "3%@ 74%c. Oats—No. 3 white, 48%@52c; standard, 51 @sßc. Rye—No. 2. $1.02@l .06. ‘ Barley, 68@80c. Timothy. $5.50©7.65. Closer, slo.oo@ 18.50. Pork nominal. lArd, $9.80@10.05. Ribs. $10.12810.75. KANSAS CITY CASH QUOTATIONS (By Associated Press.) KANSAS CITY. Jan. 31. —Wheat: No. 2 bard $1.23© 1.30; No. 2 red. $1.31© 1.87. Corn—No. 2 mixed. 73c. No. 2 white, 73© 73%c; No. 2 yellow. 73@73%c. Oats—No. 2 white. 53Q54c; No. 2 mixed, 4S@49c. SPOT COTTON LLARKET Atlanta, quiet, 11.88. New York, quiet. 11.80 New- Orleans, steady. 11.75. Liverpool, steady. 7.82 d. Savannah, middling. 12c. Norfolk, stady, 11.68<. Augusta, steady. 1156. Houston, middling, 12.10. Memphis, steady. 12.13. Charleston, middling. 11.75. St. Ijonis. steady, 12.25. Philadelphia, steady. 12.05. Little Rock, steady, 12.25. Dallas, steady, 11.50. Boston, steady, 11.80. ' Galveston, steady, 12.05 I.IVERPOOL COTTON | NEW YORK, Jan. 31. —Liverpool cables were due to come 4% to 7% pointe higher. Opened easy at half to 1% points decline. Aat 12:15 p. m. market was quiet at a net ' decline of 8% to 5% pointe. Spot cotton in moderate demand at 6 points decline: middling, 7.82 d; sales, 7,000 bales, American. 6.00". Imports, 10,000 bales, all American. Futures closed easy 10% to 12% points down from previous close. Tone easy; sales. «,000; middling, > 82-100 d. Prev. Opening Range. 2 p.m. Close. Close. Februarr . 7.64%-7.K>% 7.60% 7.65% Feb. & Mar. 7.54 -7.55% 7.84% 7.62 Mar. A Apr. 7.58%-7.54 7.53 7.47 7.50% April & May 7.56 -7.52% 7.44 7.56% May A June 7.58 -7.49 7.46% 7.41% 7.43% June & July 7.42% 7.87% 7.49% July A Aug. 7.45%-7.41% 7.41 7.84% 7.46 Aug. A Sept. 7.85%-7.29%7.24% 7.36 Sept. A O<t. 7.22 7.18% 7.24 Oct. A Nov. 7.17 -7.14% 7.12% 7.07 7.17% Nov. A Dec 7.02% 7.13 Tanuary . .. 7.6" -7.63%7.65% COTTON OIL MARKET. Opel>. nose. Spots .. •• 9.10 February9.ll@9.2o 9.15@9.20 March9.l6@l).l7 9.13@9.15 9.04@19.08 May9.15@9.17 9.07@8.0f June9.17@9.20 ».07@9.12 Ju1v9.22@9.24 ».15@9.16 Augu5t9.2609.27 9.1609.19 September9.2Bo9.32 9.19@9.25 Tone, steady: sales. 22.600. NAVAL STORES (By Associated Press.) SAVANNAH, Ga.. Jan. 3L—Turpentine firm, *.4<- bld. 55<- raked; sales none; receipts 144; shipments 12; stock 12,609. Rosin firm: sales none; receipts 551; ship ments 2,929; stocks <’>2.139. <Juote: B. D. K, I . $5.40; G. H and I. 65.45: K. $5.8505.90; M. $6.3": N, $6.75, window glass, $7.20; water whites <7.50. BUTTER. CHEESE AND EGGS. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK. Jan. 31.—Butter, steady; re ceipts. 3.940 tubs. Creamery, extra (92 score), per pound, 31@31%c; creamery, higher scoring lots, 32@32%c; creamery, firsts, (88-90 score!, 27%@30c; ' creamery, seconds. (88-90 score), ’ 25(3027%; creamery, thirds, 24@24%c; creamery, held extras. 29©30c; creamery, helu, higher scoring, 30%©31c; creamery, held, firsts, 27@28%c; creamo’-y, held, seconds, 1 24%@26%c; creamery, held thirds, 22%@24c, 1 State, dairy, tubs, finest. 30@31c; State, dairy, good to prime, 27@29%c; State, dairy 1 common to fair, 20@26%c; renovated, extras, • 24%@25%c; renovated, firsts, 23@24c; reno -1 vatvd. lower grades. 20©22c; imitation cream ' ery. firsts. 22%@23%e. Ladies, current make, firsts, 21@22c; Indies current makes, seconds. 19%@20c; Ladies, current make, lower grades, 1 18@19c. Packing stock —June make, fine, ■ 19%@20c: current make, fine, 19%e; cur rent make. No. z. 18%@19c; current make, 1 lower grades 17@18c. Cheese, firm: receipts, 265 boxes. State whole milk—Flats, held special, 18@18%c; i flats, held, average fancy, 17%@18c; flats, ! current make. specials. fancy, 17%c; ’ flats, curent make, average, fancy. 17@17%c: I 16%c; single Daisies, specials, 17%c; Twins, 1 specials, 17%@17%c; all styles, undergrade*. 13016 c; Wisconsin, whole milk, fancy—twins, 17%@17%c; Cheddars, 17%@17%c; double daisies, 17%@17%c; young Americas, 18c; State, skims —Held specials 15%@15%c; cur rent make specials i4%c; choice, 13%@14e; i fair to good. 12@13c; common. s@llc. i Eggs, unsettled; receipts, 5.008 cases. Fresh gathered, extra fine, per dozn, 31@32c; xtra firsts, 29@30c; thirds and poorer. 25@26c; > gathered, extra fine, dozen. 29030 c; extra firsts, 28@28%c; thirds and poorer, 26@28c; fresh, dirties No. 1 22@23c; fresh dirties No. ■ 2 and poorer, 18@21%c; fresh, checks, good to . choice, dozen. 2fle; fresh, culls ;.nd inferior checks, 18019 c; refrigerator, apecial marks, fancy, 25c; refrigerator, firsts, storage charges paid, 24@24%c; refrigerator, seconds, 23@ 23%c; refrigerator, thirds or poorer, 18@ 22 %c; refrigerator, dirties. 18020 c. Nearby and white eggs: State, Penn, and nearby, hennery, whites. fine to fancy, 35@36c; state. Penn, and nearby, hennery, whites, or dinary to good. 32033 - gathered, whites, as to size and quality, 31033 c; state. Pa., and nearby, small whites. 30031 c; western, gath ered. whites, 30031 c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, hennery, browns. 31@33c; state, Penn., and nearby, gathered, browns and mixed, tor, whites, 25027 c; duck eggs state and near by, Indian Runner. LIVE STOCK BY WIRE (By Associated Press.) KANSAS CITY, Jun. 31.- -Hogs—Receipts, 8,00"; steady. Bulk, $7.5507.95; heavy. $7.85 8.00: light, $7.5007.80; pigs, $G.25@7.25. Cattle —Receipts, 8,000; stong. Prime fed steers, $8.25@8.75; dressed beef steers, $6,750 8.25; pouthern steers. $6.0007.75; cows. $4.25 < @6.75: heifers, $6.0008.30; stackers, $6,000 8.00; bulls, $5.0006.50: calves, $6.50@10.50. i Sheep—Receipts, 15,000; steady. Lambs, $10.25@10.65; yearlings. $8.5009.25; wethers, , $7.2508.00; ewes. $6.50@7.50. SUGAR MIARKET 1 (By Associated Press.) 1 NEW YORK, Jan. 31. —Refined sugar firm; ' 10 points higher. Cut loaf. 6.90; crushed, 6.80; mould A. 6.45; cubes, 6.35; XXXX powdered, 6.15: powdered. 6.10; fine granulated, 3.00; diamond A, $6.00 confectioners. 5.90; No. 1. 5.97. Sugar futures opened firmer on renewed de mand from trade Interests and buying by com mission houses. At noon prices were 3 tq 7 points higher. The closing was firm and from 5 to 8 points ■ higher. Sales 8,050 tons. NEW YORK SUGAR MARKET - Open. Close. February 3.87@3.89 3.90@3.92 March 3.860 3.87 . 3.8803.89 Apri13.9103.94 3.9303.59 I Mav 3.9703.99 4.0004.01! I June 4.0104.05 4.0504.06! July 4.0904.10 4.1004.11 ! ■ August 4.1304.15 September 4.1304.15 4.1504.17 October 4.1504.18 4.1604.18 | November 4.1504.20 4.17@4.19 ; December 4.1504.18 4.1804.20! Tone steady: sales, 8.050. NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET. Open. Close. I February 7.25@7.2> March •• •• •• 7.3507.50 7.3807.39 j April 7.4007.45 1 Mar 7.407.43 7.4207.43 June 7.43@7.47 Julv •• •• •• •• •• 7.53 @7.55 >.4(07.50 August 7.52 bld 7.5207.54 September .. .. •• .. 7.58 bid 7.507.58. , December7.7l @7.75 NEW YORK. Jan. 81.—Coffee —Rio No. 7, i , B%c. METAL MARKET. (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK Jan. 31. —The metal exchange quotes lead $6.10: spelter not quoted. At London, lear 32 pounds; spelter, 91 pounds, i Copper firm; electrolytic, $25.50026.00 for 1 second quarter delivery. I iron firm; No. 1 northern. $20.250 20.75; No. 2 $19.75020.25; No. 1 southern, $20.00«c20.50; No. 2, $20.50020.75. ! Metal exchange quotes tin firm; spot, $41.50 Md. I At lx>ndon: Spot copper. 91 pounds se; fu ! tures, 91 pounds ss. Electrolytic, 124 pounds. I Spot tin, 179 pounds; futures, 179 pounds ss. | Yntimony, 125 pounds. YOUR SPRING SUIT J&FREE I /lAVII Send postal today for full ' I J MtJl information how to get your Spring suit, made to meas eJkyJ • A ure, without a penny’s cost. tUST IJW S3O to S4O would not buy a JffScßr 17 better one. Simply wear it, ’ tell your friends where you i' 1*34 — an d ip* Make $ 10to s 15aDay takingtheirorders. It is dead easy IWT I —you never aaw a nobbier suit Pill Vt I or * more stunning pattern, eut Dill Uif I in strictly Tango style (3 months 1 Illa Kt aheadof the times!. Your choice nil » ' patterns and a dozen styles Ilf IJ to choose from. Drop os a pos- 1 Ilf Ik tai eard for heavy pattern book, i U? E inside information about styles, « I self-measuring blanks, etc. Don’t wait. Everything tree. We Pay Delivery Charges Get ahead of other fellows—write thia minute. A postal will do. American Woolen Mills Co. < Dept. 2CA CHICAGO l ' ut.i ~ ■■■■ !!■ ...I J ft FREE TRIAL toft 1 W 6 Pay Freight, ... ' Highest grade 1 ball • bearing Sewing Ma M < 55 chines w ith all* I I LX s latest Improve- ■ ■ , ments sold direct from sac- JU VaSrtHl , Itory at leavthanhalf agent s llTl ywEtg ana dealer's prices. The Eldo- raAw 7 redo is the finest machine if money will buy and our fao- x tory prices make it possible aMfcs*®*” a for you to eave the agent's B •nd dealer’s profits. There • are now over satisfied users of the Eldorado, mrr A*TAI AO write for our handsomely 11- FKtt Vn I ALUU lustrated catalog abowlng 15 models of the Eldorado and samples of the work they do. Send for thio book TODAY and save money. Eldorado Sewing Machine Co., ■ AADDBDOBBD ■ AIIB* A VIA B* ■■ ■■•■ * A Tbe advertisements below are full of interest to everybody. O I ■ ViLl t|l n■■ If U■l C k BUR M ■ The buyer can find a seller and (he seller can find a buyer 1• I U J «3' 3 i IL. U OVLi IB I D*• m- Iwl O_ |> IU by using these columns. If yvu have anything to sell it is VSaaff-KWIB ■ * Bff IMIS ■ BWava msbw ■ w sood busineSjS to advertise it m these columns. The Journal cordially invites you to read these advertisements carefully and to communicate with every advertiser whose proposition appeals to you. $3 A ©PE* ■ 40 cent« pot nfato line (count six words to lino) per week, or two issues, Tuesday and Friday. Wo advsr stM I tatiseinent accepted for less than price of two lines. | X .... J \ y 11 rtfCLP WANTEI> YOUNG MEN AND LADIES— telegraphy, railway agency, typewriter and telegraph pen manship, ami earn SSO to $125 a month. Big demand for telegraphers and station agents. Great opportunities in the railroad and com mercial telegraph service. Positions guaran teed. Railroad wire in school. Until March Ist we give one month’s board free and pay railroad fare. Unprecedented offer. Y'ou can qualify for position in 4 to fl months. Large Illustrated catalogue free. Write today. South ern School of Telegraphy, Box 383-B, Newnan, Georgia. OVER 15,000 men anil women wanted this year for government jobs. $65.00 to $150.00 month. Vacations with pay. No layoffs. Short hours. Common education sufficient. “Puli’’ unneces sary. Write immediately for free list of posi tions now obtainable. Franklin Institute, Dept. G-107, Rochester, N. Y. CIVIL service examinations open the way to good government positions. I can coach you by mall at small cost. Full particulars free to anv American citizen of eighteen or over. Write today for booklet C. E. 1078. Earl Hopkins, Washington. D. C. OUT of work again? Why not learn the barber trade? We can teach you this trade in less time than you can learn elsewhere, wages while learning, tools furnished. Call or write. Moler College. 18 N, Forsyth. WILL $l2O monthly and automobile furnished I free interest you? Answer quick, secure gen eral agency, auto specialties, remarkable sell ers. Address A. I. Rayburn Co., 181 N. Dear born. Chicago. FIREMEN and brakemen: SIOO monthly. Ex perience unnecessary. Hundreds needed by the best railroads everywhere. Particulars free. 689 Hallway Bureau, East St. Louis, 111. MOTOKMEN-CON DUCTORS: SBO monthly. Tn terurbans everywhere. Experience unnecessary. Qualify now. State age. Booklet free. Z., Box 798, care Journal.. WE PAY SBO A MONTH SALARY and furnish rig and all expenses to introduce our guaranteed poultry and stock powders. Bigler Company. X 664, Spaingfield, Illinois. FREE to a few men. Sult made to measure in latest style and chance to make money in spare time. For samples and offer, write Knick erbocker Tailoring Co., Dept. 374, Chicago. TOBACCO FACTORY wants salesman; good pay steady work and promotion; experience unnec essary, we will give complete instructions. Piedmont Tobacco Co., S 17, Danville. Xa. FREE tuition to first applicants; mail courses I expert bookkeeping, shorthand; easily learned evenings. Southern Correspondence Ins.. 8547, i New Orleans. SELL TREES —Fruit trees. Pecan trees, shade trees, ornamentals and roses. Easy to sell. Big ptoflts, write today. Smith Bros., Dept. I j 20, Concord, Ga. j MEN —18 or over, wanted as railway mail, clerks. | Sample examination questions free. Franklin i Institute, Dept. G-107, Rochester, N, Y.I BE A DETECTIVE—Earn SIOO to S3OO per minth; travel over the world. Write C. T. Ludwig, 168 Westover bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. WE PAY 536 *-£££* i** *** ■ ** ■ ducg POgUry compound IWFEBIAL MFC. CO M ae FABBONS, Kin. Seeds and Plants— FIVE MILLION Nancy Hall, Porto Rico yams, I Red and White Providence potato slips. Ready March 20. Bookin gorders now. Give us your business, we guarantee first-class sprouts and prompt service. $1.75 per M. $1.50 five thou sand or more. Reference. Peoplels National Bank. Orlando. Bryan Potato Farms, Route 2, , Orlando, Ha. i KUDZU, perennial legume that grows like cow- ( pea. but cures readily, shedding no leaves. | three cuttings year, rich as alfalfa, yet easy to raise as cotton or corn. Positiveiy this is the greatest grazing and hay crop in south. Our pamphlets are used by agriculural college free. Kudzu Farms. Stmmes. Ala. CABBAGE PLANTS—lmmediate shipment. ; Earlv Jerseys, Charleston Wakefield. Succes-1 sion and Flat Dutch. Prices: 500, parcel post, paid, $1: 1 to 4 thousand, express, $1.25; 5 to 9 thousand, $1; 10 to 15 thousand, 90c. Jarrard Plant Co., Albany. Ga. FROST PROOF cabbage plants. Early Jersey. Wakefield. Charleston Wakefield, Succession, all head and Flat Dutch. 90 cents per 1,000, by express; 500 postpaid, 75 cents. W. Y, Mc- Neill,Waterloo, S. C. FROST PROOF cabbage plants, 5 leading vari eties. Orders promptly filled, only SI.OO per 1,000, f. o. b.; 25c per 100 postpaid. Sweet po 1 tato slips, spring delivery, $1.75 per 1,000. J. ! A. Turner, Acworth, Ga.i IMPROVED EARLY’ CLEVELAND cotton seed. Marlboro Prolific Corn, results of constant ) yearly selection. Cotton seed. $1.50 bushel. . Corn. $3.00 bushel. R. P. Stelnhelmer, Wool- > sey, Ga. Route 1, BERMUDA grass seed. liaised In Yams Valley. I Pure new crops. Free samples. Prices 37c in 100 lb.; 4Oc lb. smaller lots. Delivered your sta- 1 tion. R. G. Stitt A Son, Dept. 433, Yuma, Arlz. , ALL leading varieties Frost Proof cabbage plants. $1 per 1.000. Full count, prompt ! shipment. Southern Seed Farm. Arlington. Ga. ! PEAS and Half and Halt Cotton Seed. J. W. I Summerour. Loganville. Ga. CABBAGE PLANTS—BEST varieties. SI.OO per 1.000. Oakdale Farm. Box J. College Park. Ga. Sunshine Lamp ED EE 300 Candle Power | HEE To Try In Your Own Homa Turns night into day. Given better light MHRMaME than ga«. electricity or 18 ordinary lamps at MRW one-tenth the cost, tor Homes, Stores, Halls, Churches. A child can carry it. Makes its light from common gasoline. No wick. No chimney. Absolutely SAFE. COSTS 1 CENT A NIGHT IT We want one person in each locality to whom we can refer new customers. Take ady*n- ■MffWIL tage ofourSPECIALFREETRIALOFFER. Write today. AGENTS WANTED. • UNSHINE SAFETY LAMP CO. I 681 Factory Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. hMBMBBM a I a 4 JS-wS □ealed more old sores than all other salves com blued. It is the most powerful salve known and heals sores from tfce bottom up, drawing out the poisons. Bv mail 55 cents. Book free, 4. F. ALLIN MIOICINt CO.. OtfL B-2 ST. PAUL, MINM MIBCDLI.AJCEOUB ~ 5 CENTS AN ACRE, CASH TEXAS school lands for sale by the state at $2 per acre; 5c an acre cash and no more for 40 years, but 3 per cent interest; send 6c post age for further information. Investor Pub. Co., Dept. 65, San Antonio, Texas. I SMALL MISSOURI FARM ' $5 CASH and $5 month; no interest or taxes; > highly productive land: close to three big mar- > kets. Write for photographs and full informa tion. Munger, D-122 N. Y. Life bldg., Kansas City. Mo. WANTED —To buy small farm from owner who wants to sell, say 40 to 160 acres according to location, with a good per cent of smooth, strong level open land, and spring water. E. C, H., Box 48, care JournaL 43 VARIETIES poultry, pigeons, waterfowl. Special prices on young stock. Handsome catalogue free. Missouri Poultry and Squab Co., Dept. G. N„ Kirkwood, Mo. WANTED—Buyers for very productive and fer tile soil farms. Price* and. terms very rea sonable. Health unexcelled. Box 135, Hope Mills, N. C. FOR SAW mills and machinery, saws, teeth, ( belts, pumps, pipe, roofing, try Lombard Iron i Works. Augusta. Ga. < WANTED—To hear from owner of good farm ■ or unimproved land for sale. C. C. Bucking ham, Houston, Texas. | BROTHER—Accidentally discovered root cures 1 tonacco habit and indigestion. Gladly send ■ particulars. N. T. Stokes, Mohawk, Florida. WANTED—Agents AGENTS —Men or women. A real, honest-to goodness-sells-itself line; over 250 lightweight popular-priced necessities. We pay 100 per cent 1 commission; $6 a day can be made at the start: no capital; no experience required. Enormon demand; sells fast; big repeaters. Valuable ter-, rltory open; all or spare time. Elegant agent's outfit furnished free. Write today. Postal will do. American Products Co., 3557 American bldg.. Cincinnati, Ohio. Booker T. 'Washington Dead TWO memorial books of his life, one by him self, price $1.25; one by Frederick E. Drink er. price SI.OO. Agents wanted. Outfits 15c each. Agents selling ten to forty books per day. R. L. Phillips Fuolishing Co., Atlanta, Georgia. i AGENTS—Here’s what they all want. Concen trated liquor extracts for making liquors at home. Strictly legitimate: no license required. $6 to sl2 a day easy. Just a postal today—ask for a free sample. Ml W. Pricket. Sales Mgr., 826 3rd st., Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED—Agents to sell a regular $4 family Bible at the cut price of $1.98; also a $4 Teacher’s Bible at $2. Positively the biggest bar gains ever offered in high-grade Bibles. R. L. Phillips Publishing Co., Atlanta, Ga. ■ ’ PERSONAL— ’ WEALTHY young man and woman, worth $20,060 and $25,000 respectively, wishes cor respondence. Enclose stamp tor reply. Box 506, Siloam Springs, Ark. | lIIDDVniCU B1 « I,st ot 6**cription« nil Ann I Klvn and photos of congenial Hinixlt A people with means FREE. Sealed. Either sex. Standard Cor. Club, Grayslake, 111. MARKY —Marnage directory with photos and descriptions free. Pay when married. The Exchange, Dept. 34, Kansas City, Mo. MABRY —Free photos beautiful ladles; descrip tions and directory; pay when married. New Plan Co., Dept. 26, Kansas City. Mo. BACHELOR. 36, comfortably situated, would tnarrr. Confidential. N„ Box 35, League. Toledo, Ohio. MARRY rich. Hundreds anxious to marry De scriptions and photos free. D. Unity, Grant) Rapids, Mich. MAKKIAGE PAPER free. The most reliable published. Send for one. Eastern Agency. ! 22. Bridgeport, Conn. RARE ART PHOTOS. 4 SAMPLES (FRENCH) and catalog. 10c. P. O. Box 436. Bridgeport. Illinois.| YOUNG lady. 20. worth $40,000. would marry. | J., Box 584. Messenger, Los Angeles, Cal. f VOTE COUPON The Atlanta JournaFs Big Gold Distribution. Cast =5 = Votes 11 FOR CANDIDATE Name Address Thia coupon, properly filled out and turned in or mailed to The Atlanta Journal on or before February 13. will count as five votes. Il— 1) NOMINATION BLANK—Good for 10.000 Votes. Joonud*s Big Gold Distribution —Good For Ten Thousand Votes. I hereby nominate Address As a candidate for .winner In The Atlanta Journal’s Big Gold Distribution. Signed ... • • o Address Only one nomination blank for each candidate accepted will count for votes. ■ JJ | MEDICAL— STERLING’S ROYAL REMEDY enables y6u to treat yourself with positive success. Any stage. Prompt, sure, harmless. No Injurious mercury or potash effects. FREE PROOF. Sen-i name for b-ok and offer. JOHN STERLING ROYAL REMEDY CO., Dept. 40, Kansas City, Missouri. ITCH CURED IN 30 MINUTES BY ONE APPLICATION DAVIDS’ SANATIVE WASH We guarantee to cure any case of ITCH If used as directed, or Money Refunded. Scratches and Mange in Doga cured at once. 50c at your dealer’s, or mailed on receipt of 65c. OWENS 4 MINOR DRUG COMPANY, Ltd., 1& South 10th St., Richmond, Va. Don’t Whip Children Or scold older persons who wet the bed or are unable to control their water during the night or day, for it is not a habit blut <a disease. If you have any Kidney, Bladder or Urinary Weakness, write today for a Free Package of our Harmless Remedy. When permanently re lieved tell your friends about It. Send 6 cents postage. Address: ZEMETO CO., Dept. 802. Milwaukee, Wis.—(Advt.) m m mm are caused by a sys- iP* B ■ V" tern disorder ; the M S outbreaking is merely Nature s danger signal of the ■ ■ MH internal conditions which exist. To cure the protruding, itching or bleeding, the INTERNAL CAUSE must be over ■"tne. Dr. Leonhardt’s treatment has cured operations failed. SEND NO MONEY.’ fry this treatment at our expense. DR. LEON HARDT CO., 142 Forest Avenue. Buffalo. N, Y. T|DnDQV TßE * TEo > aira “ llT 6 , ™ < l.’ llck J U HU 10 I relief,boon removes swelling ■F J ashortbreath,often gives entire relief V Dr. THOMAS 8. GREEN. Successor ta » Dr. H H. GrMnt Sons, Box X, Atlanta, Ga. nii~ro ** Y if 9i W. psy and nod FREE B J J Red Ctom PH. od Firtul. cur. • ■ fcafclW REA Ca.De»t 33M!S>t»»Mis Miss I ADIES SIOOO REWARD! WS 3! ■s Suecesßful“Monthly”Compound. Safely relieves some of the longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases in 8 to i days. No narm, pain or interference with work. Mail 01.50: Double Strength $2.00. BOOKLET FREE. Write today, na. F.AOOUTRIBGTOB REMEBTCO., •?• MAIM ST„ KUMicm. ■» T ATYTTC! Wh en Irregular or delayed, use J-LCxL/x AuM Triumph Pills; always depend able. Not sold at drug stores. •’Relief” and par ticulars free. Address NATIONAL MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Milwaukee, Wis. MISSOURI REMEDY CO.. OtNae 11, Si. Leals. Ma. BEO-WETTINffIS ■ Sufferers, write today for my words I of value FREE about H'rak Lunj;s M and how to treat Lung Troubles, fea WIBM IQ CmmILO. «- ' ' PATENTS— vi. OF IDEAS and Inventive ability should write for new ‘’Lists of Needed Inventions.” "Patent Buyers,” and “How to Get Your Pat ent aud Your Money. ’ Advice free. Randolph A to.. Patent Attorneys. Dept. 60, Washington, D. U A T’r? wnr l ABI K IDEAS WANTED. Man- Jt AAJulvi ufacturers want Owen Pat ents. Send for 3 free books: Inventions wanted, etc. 1 help you market your invention without charge. Richard B. Owen, 66 Owen bldg., Wash ington. D. C. * ft M qFFBITO WwtaoMK.ColewiM,'Wadl> PATENTS 7