Newspaper Page Text
Income Is Reduced From I
'689,000.000 Rubles in 1914
to 9,000,000 Rubles
* ——————
- Bv A«»o<»»ted Pr«». ■
PETROGRAD. Via London. March I.
The budget. presented to the duma yes
terday. showed an ordinary estimated
-WVenu* of rubles, an esti
mated ordinary expenditure of 3.232,-
M3,«98 rubles, the excess of expendi
ture over revenue being 210,414,280.
The expenses included in the budget
constitute only part of the total ex
penses. and the war expense, which Is
not Included in the budget, may* exceed
the ordinary expenditure two or three
The most important decrease in the
estimated revenue occurred in that
from alcoholic drinks, which . figured
only 9.000.0 ft o. as compared with 589.-
•♦•0,000 in 1914. With the addition of
items classed as extraordinary expen
diture. the budget shows a total ex
penditure of X558,15«,510 rubles, the
excess of expenditure over revenue be
ng 3T7.107.192.
The extraordinary expenses due to
the war amounted to
rublee in 1915. and are expected to
reach 11.000.000,000 in 1910 if the war
lasts the entire year. The latter ex
pense. with the budget deficit, must be
severed by means of credit operations.
The report of the budget committee
continues as follows:
"With regard to rural economy the
surplus sown showed a decrease of
7,••if,600 acres, but. thanks to a good
harvest, the wheat decrease was not
appreciable. Decline in Industrial ac
tivity has been compensated by higher
prices and army orders. Bank deposits •
reached the unprecedented figure of,
800,000.000 rubles. The budget commit
tee considers it absolutely necessary
that the question of the unification of
the whole political life of Russia and
of the co-ordination of political action
with external and internal financial,
commercial and economic affair* be
taken up for consideration.*’
To Fort if t The System Again-t lirin
When Grip is prevalent LAXATIVE
BROMO QUININE should be taken, as
this combination of Quinine with other
Ingredients, destroys germs, acts as a
Tonic and Laxative and thus keeps the
system in condition to withstand Colds.
•Grip and Influenza. There is only one
“BROMO QUININE.’ E. W. Grave's
.signature on box. 25c.—4 Advt.)
Germans March
To Fate Singing
‘Watch on Rhine’
* -
PARIS, lb. 29.—(Delayed. •—“We
ware in a front Hue trench on the slope
<jf Cote du Poivro.’* said a wounded
jappe: who has returned to a hospital.
“The captain *ent me forward to a
small shlter in the open where electric
contact had been piaced which led to a
mine field. I crawled through it, along
a narrow tunnel without mishap.
“Through a slit I looked out on the
battlefield, as through the opening tn a
t)|Bater curtain. 1 saw the,
after long waiting, march forward in
good order. They from their
observation, that the bombardment had
sufficiently devastated our trenches, but
Jjey were unable to see that our men
fepd held firm and were making fresh
tTenches and using shell craters.
- "The Germans were 200 yards from
dfty post when our rifles and machine
guns opened fire. They were taken by
surprise, and crouched down. When the
order was passed along their line to
advance they began to sing 'The Watch
on tile Rhine,’ and dashed orward.
»'My heart beat madly. They were
over the mine at lust. I touched the
bait tor.. An informal fountain seemed
up shoot up in the midst of the mass of
men in gray, with a majestic whirl of
smoke I saw men go up bodilr as if
-jpc.-. tlie crate, of a
“The attack was slopped. I crawled
bock to my trench. I uad barely
eme-ged from the tunnel when 1 felt a
turning sensation in my shoulder, and
(feinted. When I recovered conscious
ness I fous.d myself in an ambulance.”
Kidney Trouble Wears You Out'
I had Kidney and Stouiacn trouble
for aeverai years and lost over 4U pounds
in weight; tried every remedy that I
could and got no relief until I to«k
Swamp-Root.’ It gave me quicker relief
than anything that 1 ever used. 1 new •
weigh IS-* pounds and am singing the :
praises of Or. K’.imer’s Swamp-Root;
and recommending its w- to all who I
nave stomach and kldn** troubles.
Respectfully > irs.
McN 11, Arkansas.
Subscribed and sworn to before nie. a
Notary public, this 27th <lay of March.
1»15 • .1. W. RHEA.
Notary Public.
Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do For You
Send ten cent* to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., for a sMnple size
bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable
information, telling about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure
and mention The Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal. Regular flfty-cent and one
dolla- size bottles for sale at all drug stores. —(Advt.)
Get Acquainted With Us Through the
World’s Most Wonderful Offer jfX
Net ■ 4-T««r-OW WH®k®y-N®t a 5-Y«ir-OW Whiskey
But Genuine 6 -Year* Old Bottled -In - Bond fjl i
Detrick WhiskemW
1 Quart 75 Cents i Express/
4 Quarts $3.00) pilD
Introductory ®H®r t® new customers •Svl-mMB"
•nly and but on® shipment t® each. W JI
An offer never before made. An offer absolutely ■ >lllll'^Kl-I I] i> 11
unparalleled-so daring that noone but D®*rtck—
seilingdirectfromthedistiUery toyou—wouldattempt it. Justthmk, «c f
Bottlad In Bond Pure whiskey of the rarest flavor, jnost
trancing aroma and genuine medicinal qualities, practically Seven *ZjA >
iXwrs Old- such a whiskey as costs SI or more every day in d, f/ 'H
the year for 75 cents a quart or S 3 for four quarts - with every cent 'I G J
°\vh y* sue generousoffer? Because we know that every person [/1 ZZ
who tries this whiskey will use no other brand. The first Taste f A<Z t/l’.'p
will delight you—the first quart will convince you—you will never f/ z x£> *
use any other and you will always be an enthusiastic booster. This z ujl
isgenutne bottled in bond whiskey-absolutely pure. The United Z Ah/SA/R”
States Government green stamps protect you »><**«* guarantee L, -T1
that this whiskey is fu’ly matured, full measure and 100 proof. Your (PRIVATESTOCK]
medicine chest or sideboard should never be without * bottle of
Detrick’s in time of emergency, its apositive necessity. Our whis- Aoeo IN WOOD
key is indorsed for its medicinal qualities. . . D £ T ’ICX DISTILLING
*N®w—thi® minut® —while you can taste the goodness and
magnificent flavor of Detrick’s Whiskey- nuh that order. W e will
nnh the shipment by express at once. I
Giving: the Georgia Farmers a Cattle Market at Home;
Moving the Shorthorn From [lndiana to Coweta County
By Nat Nabors.
ABOUT two years ago, farmers living
along the Central of Georgia railroad
were holding a meeting, and two experts
employed by the road were urging that
more cattle be raised, particularly short
“Where are we going to get. ein’.' asked
a fanner with a calculating eye.
“From Missouri or Indiana. answered
one of the experts.
That ended the interest of the meeting in
short-horn cattle. To travel a thousand
miles to buy a cow struck nobody as partic
ularly sensible.
Now, the cow has been brought to Geor
gia. ’ .
You don’t have to go on a pilgrimage to
get shorthom cattle.
R. F. Shedden, of Atlanta, has shifted
the cattle market from St. Louis and In
dianapolis to Raymond, Coweta county.
At least the shifting has begun.
He has gathered together eighty short
horns at his Raymond farm, and is going to
Hez Maloney Is Host at Sweet Affair: Guests Will Recover
By Cari N. Gaaess.
AS 1 stated sometime back, should noth
ing mar the happiness and pleasure of
the guests attending the ball at Hez Ma
laney’s a few nights ago, I would try, by
reason of my being selected critic of the oc
casion. to give an outline of the happinings,
which I will proceed to do as follows:
The hop fame off on schedule time, as
did other things which will more fully ap
pear. including the hide of eight gentle
men. from the eyeball to the fifth rib
adjoining the appendix; and it all happen
ed, as usual in such cases, over a trivial
matter of no importance, and no exceptions
should have been taken at the time.
Elseberry Upchurch had no malice against
anyone at the time he let go a hickory
glutt and broke the jawbone of Eli Scog
gins. who was mounted on a soap box, and
had just reached National Preparedness in
President Wilson’s speech. But it caused
somewhat of a mfxup in heads and iegs, as
well as otherwise.
Eli was illustrating the national defense,
and was in the act of swinging an axe
hamlie to show how a foreign country could
invade: and. instead of an imaginary enemy
Police Seek for
Princeton Senior
Who Disappeared
PRINCETON, N. J., March 1. —Au-
thorities of Princeton university have
asked the co-operation of the police of
New York. Philadelphia and other near
by cities in a search for William West,
a senior at the university, who myster
iously disappeared last Thursday. West
has not been seen or heard from since
he ate breakfast at his club house
Thursday morning. His. brother, a
freshman here, said the missing student
took no money with him.
West’s father, who was a missionary
to Syria, is dead and his mother is now
in Syria. With the exception of his
brother he has no other close relatives.
Unable To Work
This is to certify that I, Jerome H.
McCormack, of 317 Ivy street, Johnson
City. Tenn., suffered from Congestion
of the Kidneys, so that at times I was
obliged to move about the house with
• the aid of a chair and unable to work
until I used three bottles of your
• Swamp-Root. 1 keep Dr. Kilmer's
i Swamp-Root in my house at all times,
as I know from experience that it is
! the best Kidney medicine I can use.
Very trulv yours,
Johnson City, Tenn.
sworn and subscribed to before me, a
Notary Public, this March 31st, 1914.
increase the herd. Maybe eighty isn t
enough to supply the whole state. But he
has made a beginning toward furnishing
Georgia a cattle market at home, instead of
up north or out west.
Mr. Shedden was al the meeting two
years ago when a hard-headed farmer
rose to a question of information, and
was told that the nearest market was
Missouri or Indiana.
Since then, one of the growing ideas
at the Shedden farms has been to bring
the cow to Georgia, instead of sending
the farmer on a long journey after her.
A beginning was made in a small way.
But it had an encouraging start. The
first calf, from a mother that cost only
$l6O, brought an offer of $100; and other
calves have been as attractive.
The herd has increased, and news of
Coweta’s rattle farm has spread.
But even now the real idea back of it,
isn’t generally known. This cattle-raising
venture is really a public movement. It is
something in the interest of the farmers
of the state, and it promises to do more
good than I can begin to tell you.
coming out, Wash Stubbs passed in review
just in time to stop the full force of the
axe handle with the side of his head, cut
ting a small gash only five inches long, be
sides splitting one ear in two parts as it
glanced off.
This caused the ball to open, and also
several openings in the house where, once,
what is known as windows, had been, be
sides opening a rut about four inches long
on the right side of Arch Hayes face, and
closing the flood-gate on the face of Abe
No sooner had Arch recovered than he
took the floor and stated he was not only the
host but owner of the premises, and by rea
son of the same he expected to see that all
present had a fair pull, at the same time
pulling aloose himself, knocking both eyes
into one, adorning the face of Luke Ivy,
who let go a claw hammer while falling.
It went in what is known as a bee-line,
and found lodgment by the claws in the neck
of Mrs. Maloney, who, being a rather stout
lady, that is, 285 pounds in bulk, fell with
such force that the nine-inch hat pin in her
evening hat went in a slanting direction
through the right eye of John Fogerson,
coming out at the burr of the left ear.
No one at the time dancing took any no
tice of the little fun among the boys going
Increase in 50-Pound Parcel
Post Limit Prohibited by
x House Measure
WASHINGTON, Feb. 29.—The annual
postoffice appropriation bill, carrying
approximately $321,000,000, went to tho
senate today following its passage by
the house last night over bitter anti
persistent opposition.
As it left the house the bill con
tains provisions for substituting a space
basis for the present weight system of
paying railroads for carrying mails an.l
prohibiting any increase in the exist
ing limit of fifty pounds on parcel post
Former Speaker Cannon led the oppo
sition to the space payment plan, which
had long been advocated by the post
office department and vigorously opposed
by the railroads.
Two Real Elks
From Montana
At Grant Park
Two elk arrived at the Grant park
zoo Wednesday morning. Thev came all |
of the way from Yellowstone Park and
had been roaming free in the big gov
ernment reserve until a short time ago
when they were captured for the munici
pal park here.
The elk were slated to arrive in the
city several days ago and had they ar
rived on schedule time a band of hu
man Elks from lodge No. 78 would have
teen on hand to welcome them to the
city. However, as the schedule went
wrong, the reception committee dis
So the animals went quietly into the
park. Wednesday afternoon they were
being kept in a building at the park.
It seems that they resent their coip
Fnement after a life of freedom in Yel
lowstone Park, and the employes of the
zoo decided that they should be given
a chance to become better acquainted
with the otner animals and the keepers
before they are turned aloose in a wire
enclosed range.
The elk were secured from the gov
ernment through the efforts of local
Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks’ lodge on payment by the city of
their traveling expenses.
Woman Who
Made Fortune
Passes Away
LEXINGTON, Ky., Feb. 29. —Mrs. ;
James Stone Helm, one ol Lexington’s;
' wealthiest women, died htr today.
went under th«_ business name of J. M
Hanson and ,is said to have made more
jthan »1.00V,000 in obtaining magazine
l subscriptions. She was fifty years of
Three Killed
i MUSKOGEE. Okla., March I. —Threej
persons- were killed instantly and five i
•others injured today when an Iron I
I Mountain passenger train struck a
country school service wagon at a I
' crossing near Inola, Okla. The dead:
J. J. STILES, driver.
TILDA REYNOLDS, aged thirteen I
Banker Released
From Prison and
Again Arrested
(By Associated Press.)
ROCHESTER, N. Y„ March I.—Henry
Siegel, New York banker and depart
ment store merchant, whose ten months’
sentence in Monroe county. Pa., expired
today, was rearrested by Sheriff George
H. Root, of Livingston county, on a
warrant issued yesterday by District At
torney Wheeler of Livingston county.
Glass Factories
Advance Wages
CHARLESTON, W. Va., Feb. 29.—Em
ployes of the Dunkirk Glass company
and the Banner Window Glalss company,
two of the most important glass manu
factories in the Kanawha valley, have
been granted an increase in tvages
amounting to 7 1-2 per cent, effective
March 15, according to an annoucenient
Just made here.
For Sick Headache, Sour
Stomach, Sluggish Liver
and Bowels—They work
while you sleep
Get a 10-cent box.
Take a Cascaret tonight to cleanse
yodr Liver. Stomach, and Bowels, and
you will surely feel great by morning.
Y’ou men and women who have head
ache, coated tongue, a bad cold, are
bilious, nervous, upset, bothered with
a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or
have backache and feel all worn out.
Are you keeping your bowels clean
with Cascarets —or merely forcing a
passageway every few days with salts,
cathartic pills or castor oil?
Cascarets immediately cleanse and
regulate the stomach, remove the sour,
undigested and fermenting food and
fobl gases; take the excess bile from
the liver and carry off the constipated
waste matter and poison from the
Remember, a Cascaret tonight will
straighten you out by morning. A 10-
cent box from your druggist means
healthy’ bowel action; a clear head and
cheerfulness for months. Don’t forget
the children. — (advt.i
r J
vW Special Offer
7 swell clothes. The pants are splen
didly tailored, in newest style. Ex-
MKWwyJi tra big peg tops FREE if wanted.
Satisfaction guaranteed or your
IgfraSW money back.
Big Pay-Easy Work
Be a “walking advertise
ment’’ of our elegant,
measure clothes— lt pays BIG.
r - ■ fIRFMTQI Make >35 to $65 a week
■ HULRIO, right in your own
Town. Part time or full time. We furnish
Tailor Book with samples and fu.l in
struetions FREE. Write us Today.
The Chicago Tailors Aas’n;
Dept. 573 615 South Franklin St.. Chicago,
I haven’t seen the farm. I’ve only talked
with others about it. And writing second
hand information is always a job for me.
But 1 do know that on the Shedden place
the finest herd of shorthorns in the cotton
belt has been collected They are of all
sizes and ages. And they have been se
lected to suit all buyers.
U. W. Fowler, formerly of Marietta, and
one of the best known cattlemen of Geor
gia. has charge of the herd; and that means
no stock in the south is better handled.
The American Shorthorn Breeders’ as
sociation has appointed T. G, Chastain as
its southeastern representative, with offices
in Atlanta; and that means his services are
at the disposal of everybody interested in*
shorthorn cattle.
Much has been written about cattle breed
ing. Many people who live in town have
expressed opinions about what the farmers
should do. But it seems to me that the herd
of eighty shorthorns on the Shedden farms,
at Raymond, are about the most important
thing that has been been accomplished in
this way.
on in the same room, until some one inside
or out, threw a wagon hub in the house,
scalping two men besides very near break
ing into fragments four others, which was
followed by a two-by-four scantling in the
hands of Bud Dutton, he being very much
wrought up by reason of the fact he was
not called on to lead the grand march, and
decided to slorate the remnants left.
At this time Arch Hayes passed in review
again, that is, his left eye was in view, the
balance of his face being covered with an
old piece of circus canvas tied on with a
three-quarter rope. After someone of the
gentlemen present cut a mouth slit in said
canvas so Arch could be heard, he, after
several attempts, requested all present to
cease their enjoyment for a few minutes,
at which time he stated that the occasion
being the second of a series of dances in
which two more were to follow, and the
same being somewhat milder than he antici
pated, it was his intention to announce No.
3 real soon, which he trusted all would en
joy as on this occasion, he further stated it
would be on a more elaborate style and he
would try to inject a little excitement dur
ing the time as he wanted none of his guests
to leave and remark thereafter it was too
mild a dance for them.
Hobson Again in Race
MONTGOMERY, Ala.. Feb. 29. —Cap-
tain Richmond Pearson Hobson, former
prohibition leader of the house of rep
resentatives, this morning qualified as
a candidate for congress from the Tenth ,
district of Alabama. He will oppose W.
B. Bankhead, of Walker county.
Remarkable Home Cure Given by One Who Had
It—He Wants Every Sufferer to Benefit.
Send No Money—Just Your Address.
tears of awful suffering and misery have
taught this nian, Mark H. Jackson, of Syracuse,
New York, how terrible an enemy to human hap
piness rheumatism is. and have given him sym
pathy with all unfortunates who are within its
grasp. He wants every rheumatic victim to know
h< w he was cured. Read what he says:
"I Had Sharp Pains Like Lightning Flashes j
Shooting Through My Joints.”
i "‘ln the spring of 1SO:< I was attacked by
Muscular and inflammatory Rheumatism. I suf-
I sered as only those who have It know, for over
three years. I tried remedy after remedy, uiid
I doctor after doctor, but such relief as I received
I was only temporary. Finally, I found a remedy
' that cured me completely, and it has never re
turned. I have given it to a number who were
terribly afflicted and even bedridden with Kben
matlsm, and It effected a cure In every case.
I "I want every sufferer from any form of rheu
matic trouble to try this man elous healing pow
|er. Don’t send a cent; simply mail your name
and address and I will send it free to try.
After you have used it and it has proven itself
,to be that long-looked-for means of curing yonr •
| Rheumatism, you may send the price of it. one i
dollar, but. understand, I do not want your !
money vuless you are perfectly satisfied to 1
|send it. Isn’t that fair? Why suffer any;
longer when positive relief is thus offered yon ;
free? Don't delay. Write today. MARK It. I
(JACKSON, No. 778 B Gurney bldg., Syracuse,!
IN. V.”—(Advt.i
>]<’ j?i.’p V*> • *-irMßwaenwniw.rf^w' —■ coast
Worth Its Weight in Gold to Every Farmer, Stockman and Sportsman
c U The illustration shows exact size of the knife. Besideb the large
fcvery r\niTe blade, which is two and three-fourth inches long, this knife has a
smaller punch or reamer blade two and one-eighth iiiches long, and
MUdl dSI" cutf< rouud holes and size, in leather, with ease. Both blades are of
teed ‘finest tempered tool steel, finely ground and polished. You have
paid $1.(»O or $1.50 for a knilje not at* good as this one.
Bv special arrangement with the manufacturers we are getting this knife at a price whereby we can give
you one with The Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal 18 months for only SI.OO. We will satisfy you or refund
vour money. -
Enclosed find SIOO. Send me your Offer No. 2.
P. 0 R. F. D STATE
(By AggociateG Press. »
I SIDNEY. New South Wales, March
I.—(Via London.) —The New South
I Wales government has approved a com-
n mens mm it
Calomel sickens! Don’t lose a day’s work! Clean your
Liver and Bowels With “Dodson’s Liver Tone
Lgh! Calomel makes you sick. Its
horrible! Take a dose of the dangerous
drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose
a day’s work.
Calomel is mercury or quicksilt er
which causes necrosis of the bones.
Calomel, when it comes into contact
with sour bile crashes into it, breaking
it up. This is when you feel that awful
nausea and cramping. If you are slug
gish and “all knocked out,” if your liver
Is torpid and bowels constipated or you
have headache, dizziness, coated tongue,
if breath is bad or stomach sour, just
try a spoonful of harmless Dodson’s
Liver Tone tonight.
Here’s my guarantee —Go to any drug
store and get a 50-cent bottle of Dod
son’s Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and
Valuable Health Hints
For Our Readers
Just because you hawk and spit and
your nose is wet, cold, red, sore and
a nuisance, don’t merely plug it up.
You can’t cure catarrh by greasing
your nose. Take S. S. S. regularly
and you will drive catarrhal poisons
out of your blood. The membranes
will soon recover and no longer con
tinue to accumulate the mucous that,
gathers and thickens into catarrh.
S. S. S. stimulates the cells of the tis
sues to select from the blood their own
essential nutriment. Rapid recovery
from catarrhal inflamation in the stom
ach, kidney, bladder and all mem--
branes is the result.
Throughout the country, wherever
malaria abounds, are happy, joyful
Seople to whom S. S. S. has given won
erful help in the treatment of mala
ria after the most sickening torture
The gaunt complexion of malaria s
victims, the chills and fever, the ma
larial dysentery that seems to defy all
other treatment, the malarial leg, the
enlarged liver, the persistent anemia
where the blood turns to water and
the system wastes away. These are
the conditions that S. S. S. so effectu
ally asissts in overcoming, by helping
to restore the blood to its natural vigor.
Sometimes a sore spot becomes indo
lent. • The tissues surrounding it lose
tone and are unable to provide suffi
cient nutriment to stop the drain. It
is then chronic. Just saturate your
blood with S. S. S. This is quickly
accomplished, as S. S. S. is naturally
assimilated the same as milk or any
other healthful liquid.
Nature acts with marvelous rapidity
when given the proper assistance, and
S. S. S. so stimulates cellular activity
that the parts surrounding an ulcer se
lect from the blood the materials that
make new tissue. Thus the sore spot
rapidly heals in a natural way.
Local applications for any skin dis
ease will afford protection from with-
ffl|| iQuart I
H r 111 Id® I _ . . ■
& •• C -e 'W, iMIr B Here’s a brand new way of ordering ■
Don’t buy ordinary whiskey whiskey that’s half water.
understand it’s Double Strength Whiskey, Full 180 PROOF—no water. ■
Then add one quart of water yourself. This cuts the strength in half ■
and you have line 90 proof whiskey —two quarts of 90 proof whiskey. ■
Don’t pay the dealer for whiakey that’s whiskies sold. Add the water yourself and ■
half water. Don’t pay express on water. from every quart order get two quarts of M
When you can order only a quart or two whiskey; from every 2-qaart order you K
at a time, how foolish to take half of it receive get four quarto of whiskey. ■
in water. Try thia system once and yon will fol- M
No, sir; get our DOUBLE WHISKEY, low it always; find out for yourself that ■
which is three times as strong as some this is the sensible way to order whiskey.
1 Qt., $1.35 2 Qts.. $2.5# 4 Qts., $4.351
Just as a trial offer send w $2.50 and we will ship you two full quarts of DOUBLE ■
I WHISKEY, either rye, corn or gin, and you’ll have a whole gallon of soothing whiskey K
I of a velvet smoothness as good a liquor as you ever drank the health of fellow-man M
I with. Send in your orders ; learn how to get a gallon of whiskey on a 2-quart shipment. ■
prehensive scheme for settling returned
soldiers on the land. Steps already
have been taken to survey suitable
crown lands, and proposals have been
made to make advances to each settler 1
up to 500 pounds for improvements and
the purchase of stock and farming im«
] plements.
iif it doesn't straighten you right up
i and make you feel fine and vigorous I
s want you to go back to the store ano
get your money. Dodson’s Liver Tone is
• destroying the sale of calomel because
.it is real liver medicine; entirely vege
; table, therefore it can not salivate or
! make you sick.
I I guarantee that one spoonful of Dod
son's Liver Tone’will put your sluggish
•liver to work and clean your bowels»ot
i that sour bile and constipated waste
.which is clogging your system and mak
t ing you feel miserable. I guarantee
3 that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone
will keep your entire family feeling fine
•for months. Give it to your children
-It is harmless; doesn’t gripe and they
Hike its pleasant taste. —(Advt.)
out, but have no medical value. Ec
zema, tetter, acne and all such erup
tive diseases should be treated with
S. 8. S.
So many different things contribute
to poison the blood and the effect is
so startling that the sufferer becomes
panic-stricken and is led to use harm
ful drugs. If you have any blood trou
ble, get a bottle of S. S. 3. and take
according to directions.
Don't take anything else. Poisoned
blood is bad enough without, ruining
your bones, joints, teeth and vitals
with minerals. S. 8. S. so stimulates
cellular activity that they reject all
poisonous influences and select only
those materials in the blood that make
healthy tissue. This is why its assist
ance toward recovery is so noticeable
and at times remarkable.
S. 8. S. is welcome to the weakest
stomach and is assimilated just ae
readily as the most nutritious food. It
has helped to cure a host of sufferers
In any form of rheumatism give ths
blood a good effectual cleansing with
8. 8. 8. v ,
Use this remedy for three days ano
take a hot salt water bath to open the
pores. This relieves the lungs ano
Kidneys and assists S. 8. 8. to utilise
the skin as the principal avenue of
Avoid salts, calomel and other arar
tic purgatives, as they absorb the mois
ture from the walls and membranes of
the intestines; weaken the muscular
action, produce chronic constipation
and thus stagnate the system with
rheumatic poisons. Get a bottle of
8. S. S. at any drug store. Don’t
take a substitute.
S. S. 8. is purely vegetable and is
prepared only by the Swift Specific
Co., 271 Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Write
for special booklet on any of the dis
eases mentioned and if medical advice
is wanted, write for that also to ad
dress given above. Both booklet and
medical advice are free. . . . .