Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, March 03, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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Cretic, Italia, Taormina, La
fayette, Philadelphia, Fin
land, Bergensfjord, Amer
ica, Patricia and 3 Others
<By Associated Preasi
XCT’ YORK. March I.—The scheduled
opening of the new submarine campaign
of the Teutonic powers which was set
for today finds twelve big liners in or I
near the war zone in which the Austrian
and German undersea boats are oper
The liners are; Cretic. White Star
line; Italia. Italian line; Taormina. I tai- 1
ian line; Lafayette, French line; Phil
adelphia. American line; Finland, in I
American line service; Bergensfjord.
Norwegian-American line; America. I
Italian line; Patria Fabre line; Panno
nia. Cunard line, and the loannina. and t
Vasilets Constantino®, of the Greek line.
The Italian steamship America, one
o* the ships which have had guns placed I
on board by the Italian government, is j
today believed to be in the war zone i
with 182 cabin and 1.732 steerage pas-,
sengers bound for New York. The,
America, according to cable advices re-.
reived by local agents here today, sailed
from Naples February 23.
All on Board Die When
British Steamer Sinks
ißy Associated Press.)
LONDON. March I.—The. British
steamship Thornaby is reported" to have ’
been sunk, all the members of the crew
hating been killed or drowned.
The Thornaby was owned in West
Hartlepool. England. Her gross ton-'
nage was 1.732. She was built in 1869
and was 258 feet long.
The .Thornaby sailed on January 19
from Jiunderland. England, for Paler
mo. Sicily.
Although the British censorship pre- '
tents transmission of details concern
ing the reported sinking of the Thorn
aby, the reference to the members of
the crew havinr probably been killed or
drowned indicates she was sunk by a
mine or a torpedo.
The German and Austrian decree*
regarding the sinking of armed mer
chantmen without warning went into•
effect at midnight. The Thornaby la
the first vessel whose sinking has been
reported since the orders became opera
tive. but the London dispatch does not
Indicate whether she was armed or
whether she was sunk before or after
the opening ole the month.
Petrolite Crew Contradicts
Austrian Claims on Attack
By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON. March I.—Members of
the crew of the American tanker Petro
lite have made affidavits to refute the
contentions of the Austrian government
in connection with the attack on the
ship by an Austrian submarine tn the
Mediterranean some time ago. The affi
davits suppor; the original information
on which the state department made,
representation* to Vienna.
Do your lungs ever bleed?
Do you have night sweats? .
Have you pains .in chest and sides?
Do you spit yellow and black matter?
Are you continually hawkins and coughing ?
Do you have pains under your shoulder blades l
These Are Regarded Symptoms of
You should take immediate steps to check the
progress of these symptoms. The longer you
allow them to advance and develop, the more
ieep seated and serious your condition become*,
the German Treatment, hascured completely and
permanently case after case of incipient Lun?
Disease. Chronic Branchi t is. Catan hofl he Lung*.
Catarrh of the Bronchi al Tubes and other serious
lung troubles. Many sufferers who said they had
lost all hope and had been given npby physicians,
declare they ha«e been permanently cured hy
LunzGermine. If yourcourh and others) mptoms
are due to weak lunes, serious developments mar
follow neglect. NOW is the time to bccin on
LI NG GERMINE and build up and strengthen
your lungs. Lung Germine has cured incipient
L'ing Diseases a<-<a»rdingtostatement*of sufferers
themselves as well as statements from their doc
tor*—and the patients remain strong and in splen
did health today.
let us send You the Proof Proof that will
Convince any Judge or Jury on Earth
We will gladly send you the proof of many re
markable cures, also a TRIAL package of Lung
Germine. together with our new 40 page book
(in colors) on the treatment and care of weak
lungs and incipient lung disease, if you will send
your name and 10 cents (stamps or silver) to help
cover expense.
Lung Genuine Co., 639 Rae Blk.. Jackson, Mich.
Send as your orders for |
Ihayner I
k Til fll kUfe Wa
JP* s6 = : • ■-?
And we will include
All Express Charges Paid
Nothing to compare with this offer has
eve*’ been known. This Hayner
Private Stock Bcf.led-in-Bond Wr.iskey
is the greatest value in America at our
price of 83.20 for FOUR full quarts, de
livered—the only Bottled-in-Bond whis
key of this quality to be had anywhere
at this price. And now, in honor of our
60th Anniversary, we include, a full pint
bottleof Hayner Golden Jubdee Whiskey
—a rare, old whiskey which would sell
regularly for 75c a pint.
Orde-sfrom N. Mrs.. Cnk» . W»o.. Mnnt.
aid all states Wr«t thereof w Jt call for
s4.oo—ea ;reaa paid. 30-X.
jUiress our nearest office
Daytas.o. Wasbiagtoa. D. C. St. Laait, Ma.
Tahda, 0. Bettes. Mui. KaasaaCity. Me.
SeriaMieH. Okie. IsOsoA led.
St Faal. Miaa. Jackwariile, Fla.
hew Orl.ass. La.
CITY OF VERDUN, where great decisive battle is being fought. Verdun is the object of the great German drive, which may prove to
be a decisive battle of the war. Already thousands of men have be en killed on each side and many more thousands taken prisoners.
The river in the foreground is the .Meuse, which has played an important part all through the war.
”IS®®* ’ x '* " v . i'** Y'X"' * '' <W J.’-’Bfll
RBHifl HKHHlftn
jMimlii- * - Ji -
Keynote Speech and Platform
Heartily Endorse Wilson
and Administration -
SYRACUSE. N. Y.. March I.—Party
leaders planned today’s informal Demo
cratic state convention to be considered
an invitation to the country to support
President Wilson for re-election.
With that end In view, both keynote
speech and platform heartily indorsed
the president personally and his admin
istrative policies and called for the se
•lection of four delegates, at large to
the national convention, to be chosen
with the understanding that they will
do their utmost to bring about his re
Delegates tentatively agreed to are
United State* Senator James A. O’Gor
man, Chairman William Church Osbor.:
of the Democratic state committee,
George J. Meyer, of Buffalo, a German-
American Wilson supporter, and Senator
L’ntermeyer, a New York attorney.
A tentative draft of the platform,
which dealt solely with national issues,
besides heartily indorsing the Wilson
administration, declared for "peace with
honor’* and advocated preparedness.
The convention was to meet at noon
for a short session, after which ad
journment for several hours was
planned to permit the resolutions com
mittee to put the finishing touches to
the platform.
Upon reconvening late in the day, for
mer Governor Martin H. Glynn was to
deliver his speech as permanent chair
man. , ’. i
Prosperity Wave
Hits the South
In Full Force
(By Associated Press.)
WASH'NGTON. March 1. —February
i ’ .ink clearings in the larger cities ot
the south, published today, show an
i enormous increase over the clearings for
t’ebruary, 1915, and are accepted as a
•t:ue barometer of the improved busi
ness conditions throughout the south.
indications were that all lines of busi
; r.ess were in better shape than a year
igo. while money was fore plentiful
.than it had been in years.
New Orleans led both in the amount
lof clearings and the percentage of in-
Iciease, that city showing 8100.439,063,
I s;n increase of 825,038,390, or 33.1 per
. cent.
Atlanta was second with clearings of
$67.852,638.77, an increase of 814,633,-
Nashville showed a total of $28,285,-
: $21.29, an increase of $4,686,115.60, while
i Chattanooga’s increase was $2,241,719.25
with total clearings of $11,208,271.75.
Memphis showed a total of $30,396,757,
a:i increase of
admirmTthlnks peace
United States Maintains Many
Irritating Policies, Naval
Commander Explains
WASHINGTON, March I.—The United
rtates is maintaining more rolicies ir
ritating to other countries than any
ether nation in the world. Rear Admiral
(xnight, president of the Navy War coi
'ege, tcld the house naval committee
today in support of his recommendation
mat no time be lost in building the
strongest navy in the world. To de
fend the Monroe doctrine and control
jot the Panama canal; maintain an open
door in China and ctitorce Asiatic ex
!elusion, he said, the fleet should be equal
to or greater than Great Britain’s.
Other world events, the admiral de
.clared, made it stem probable that at the
close of the European war various for
e‘gn powers, believing that these Ameri
can policies confli* I with their Interests
aright declare lhev would no longer ac
cept them. He declined to discuss the
considerations other than avowed na-
* tional policies that moved him to be
jliete tr.e peace of the nation was in
peril from outside attack anil that the
peril was growing as the end of the
v. ar abroad grows nearer.
Admiral Knight’s statements' were
, drawn out by Representative Callaway,
*ho insisted he could fee no danger to
justify a race for naval supremacy.
"Are we in any way menaced?” he de
"In my opinion, we are." said Admiral
‘ Knight.
"I wish to be excused from answering
* that question."
“Is the date of 1925. set for complet
; Ing this great fleet, the date when this
thing will break?"
“I don’t believe it will break at all
* f we prepare now.” said the admiral.
To equal the British fleet by 1925,
Admiral Knight said. twenty dread-
J naughts, twenty-five battle cruisers,
I twenty-four scout cruisers, seventy-five
submarines and seventy-five destroyers
would have to be added to the present
fleet. He said he wished to see at least
nine battle cruisers and eight scouts
laid dow'n this year.
Famous Screen Comedian
Draws' About 78 Cents
Every Tims He Draws
Breath—Has Good Business
Under his new $670,000 contract with
the Mutual Film corporation, Charlie
Chaplin draws about 78 cents every
time he draws hi* breath.
Chaplin signed up at this stupendous
salary after dickering for months with
many moving picture companies. His
contract with Essanay has just ended.
They paid him more than the president
of the United . States receives, hut he
held out for still more. When they
wouldn't come across, Chaplin threw
himself upon the open market, with the
result that the Mutual company took
him at his own price.
Although Chaplin has made scores of
comedies for Essanay during the past
year, yet they have not released any of
these. It is said that they are holding
moat of them back until the comedies
that Chaplin makes for the Mutual are
released. Then, it Is said, Essanay will
flood the market with Charlie Chaplin,
thus endeavoring to put a crimp into
the Mutual stuff.
Sid Chaplin. Charlie's business man
ager, is himself a comedian of note,
with the Triangle-Keystone company.
His most recent appearance in Atlanta
was in "A Submarine Pirate.”
Chaplin's salary, figured out by The
Journal's mathematical movie editor, is:
78 cents a second, or
$4.48 a minute, or
$268.00 an hour, or
$2,147.00 a day, or
$22,884.00 a week, or
$670,000.00 a year.
Celebrates Sixth
Birthday at 28
COLUMBUS, Ga., Feb. 29.—C. C.
Willis, ewll-known cotton mill man,
prominent citizen and the father of
a family in Columbus, is celebrating his
sixth birthday today. While in reality,
he is 28 years of age, Mr. Willis, havftig
been borp on Febraury 29, he has had
only six real birthdays in all his long
life and as a result, he is celebrating
in great style today.
Army Officer Sits
At Cabinet Table
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON. March I.—Major Gen
eral Hugh L. Scott, secretary of war
ad interim, attended Tuesday’s cabi
net meeting and the White House his
torians said it was the first time since
Civil war that an army officer had sat
at the cabinet table.
< Right Here in Georgia.
Atlanta, Ga.—"l found Dr. Pierce’s
advice most satisfactory in quite
a peculiar train of circumstances. Soon
after arising in the morning a peculiar
feeling would begin at my stomach,
which seemed to swell, everything
would become dark and I would faint
dead away. When I became conscious,
vomiting would set in and very large
beads of perspiration would cover my
entire body and would *et my clothes
through and through, also had trouble
peculiar to women. Insufficient sleep
also retarded my gain. My blood, no
doubt, was poisoned by my being
badly constipated. The constipation
was relieved, however, by the ‘Pleasant
Pellets’ and, wonderful to say, Doctor
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery en
tirely cured my case of unusual health.
The trouble never returned.”— Mrs. D.
B. Golden, 313 Cooledge Place,
Atlanta, Georgia.
An imitation of nature’s method of
replacing waste of tissue, enriching im
poverished blood and increasing nerve
force is when you take an alterative ex
j tract of herbs and roots made with pure
glycerine, without the use of alcohol,
Like Doctor Pierce’s Golden Medical
Discovery. This vegetable medicine
coaxen the digestive functions and helps
in the assimilation of food, or rather
takes from the food just the nutriment
the blood requires.
Pure blood is essential to good
health. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical
Discovery not only cleanses the blood
of impurities, but it increases the
activity of the blood-making glands,
and enriches the body with au
abundant supply of pure, rich blood-
It thus cures scrofula, eczema, erysip
elas, boils, pimples and other eruptions
that hi ar and scar the skin.
Write Dr. Pierce’s Invatids’ Hotel,
Buffalo, N. Y.,for free booklet on blood.
Mayor Woodward
Likely to Enter
Governor’s Race
(in the eve of his departure for St.
Louis to attend a preparedness conven
tion of mayors, Mayor Woodward
Wednesday was asked if he was ready
announce his candidacy for gover
"Wait a few days on that,” said the
Although friends have been urging
him to enter the race for some time,
the statement Wednesday was the first
intimation that he is seriously consid
ering an entry into state politics.
"One friend,” laughed the mayor,
"wanted me to make the race without a
iiatforni —just announce my candi
”1 don’t know but that his is a i>ret
;y good idea.”
Mayor Woodward plans to leave
Wednesday evening for St. Louis .to at
tend a convention of 600 mayors,called
by himself and seven' eastern execu
tives for a discussion of preparedness
Hard Work and
Regular Habits;
Lives to Be 108
• .. v- -—j v : '
(By Associated Prejs.)
PHILADELPHIA*. FeU 29. —Mrs. Ami
Elizabeth Magill, the oldest woman in
this section, died at the homo of one of
her grandsons yesterJaj, aged 108 years.
She lost her eyesight several years ago
but with this exception she bad been in
good health until recently. She attended
church regularly until she was well past
| the century mark.
"Mother” Magill, as she was famtliar
' ly known, attributed her longevity to
j hard work and regular habits. She was
j born in Bucks county, this state, and
‘ had lived in this vicinity all her life.
I She is survived by two daughters, four
grandchildren and four great-grandchtl
i dren.
Crescent Is Abandoned Fifteen
Miles North of Cape
(Bv Associated Press.)
NEW YORK. Feb. 29. —The Ward line
steamer Mexico, in today from Haxanaj
and Nassau, brought 18 men, the crew of |
the steamer Crescent, which she found in ,
a sinking condition fifteen miles north of ,
Cape Hatteras yesterday.
The Crescent, a 400-ton Fteanier. coal
laden, sailed from Newport News for
Santago. Cuba, last Saturday. Her en
gines became disabled under stress of
weather. Later she sprung a leak and
her pumping gear broke down. She
had to be abandoned.
RIO JANEIRO, March I.—A dispatch'
fiom Bahia says the police authorities!
there, as the result of an investigation, j
place the responsibility for the bomb ex-|
plosion on the Lamport and Holt line,
steamship Tennyson on two Germans'
named Neworth and Phesdiman. The:
police say the men cannot be found, as,,
with their families, they have aban-.
doned their residences. They add that)
the Bahia office of the Siemens com
pany, of which Neworth was agent, has
also been dosed.
On February 21 the British steam-1
ship Tennyson, of the Lamport and
1 Holt line, put’ into port al Maranhao,
badly damaged as the result of a'bomb
explosion which caused the death of I
three of the crew, an American, an Eng-
I lishman and a Dutchman. It was later
stated that a box containing the bomb
na 1 been put on board the steamship at
Bahia by instruction of a German mer-'
! chant. ' J-
I TOKIO. March J.—Count Okuma, the
1 Japanese premier, today told a delegation
o,f Japanese who are avowedly hostile to
Yuan Shi Kai. the Chinese president, that
while he could not disclose the govern
! mart's policy with}, regard to China, tlirj
! might rest assured that Japan woul
j take proper measures to maintain peac
in the Orient. He added that relation;
1 between Japan and Great Britain as fa
ins Chinese questions are concerned. ha\<
improved and that Great Britain show
'ornfidenqc in Japan's good faith.
The delegation which visited Coun
Okuma was from a meeting of 300 Japa
nese politicians, including a dozen mem
bers of parliament. One of the resolu
, tions passed by the meeting demandej
that Yuan Shi Kai resign and denounced
him as responsible for the revolution in
China, which the resolution declared In
be justifiable in view of Yuan's attempts
to make himself a monarch.
Two Killed, Seventy Injured
and Much Property Destroy
ed by Powder Products
f ßy Associated Press.)
ST. LOUIS, Mo., Fel>. 29. —An inves
tigation was started at Maplewood, a
suburb, today to determine the cause
of the explosion yesterday of several
hundred pounds of dynamite and nitro
glycerin in which two women w r ere
killed, twenty persons more or less se
riously injured and fifty others cut and
bruised. The explosion occurred in the
powder house of a construction com
pany which is building a sewer in Ma
plewood. The property loss was esti
mated today at $200,000. •
Twenty small houses were destroyed
and the windows in practically every
house within a radius of a mile were
Capt. Chadwick,
Hero of Navy, Is
Called by Death
1. —Captain Benjamin H. Chadwick, for
mer naval officer, and pioneer of Kan
sas. died at his home at Clements, KaS.,
last night. Cantain Chadwick Was born
in Maine in 1831. A merchant sailor
before the Civil war, he became an of
ficer in the navy during the war. He
was with the fleet that ran the block
ade at New Orleans, and was also with
Admiral Farragut at Mobile. Ho was
on the monitor Weehawkee when she
went down off Charleston, and after
floating in the Atlantic for four hours,
was rescued and taken on board the
flagship of Admiral Rogers.
HAZLEHURST. Ga., March 1. —Before
an audience of approximately 500 at
Hazlehurst today an agricultural rally
was brought to a close. Addresses \yere
made by Mrs. Nellie Peters Black, chair
man of the agricultural confederation of
Womans' clubs of Georgia, Mrs. Samuel
Lumpkin, president of the woman s de
partment. southeastern association. Hon.
Jim Price, commissioner of agriculture:
Mr. Hart, of the Agricultural college, of
Athens: Mr. Stuckey, from the state’s
experimental station, and Mr. Henry
Branham, of the agricultural depart
A luncheon was served by the Wom
an’s club of Hazlehurst to the speakers
at the school auditorium.
-j 1
P Relieves coughs, colds, iIZGMB I
I grip and deranged di- 1
1 gestion and corrects ca- .» fl
tarrbal conditions. / ■
In tablet form for Jir
convenience. ’
—■ OFFER NO. 1—
Our Favorite SI.OO Premium Offer
. 77>e 7’Ziree Leading Papers for only One Fb h" T
Dollar and this pair Gold-handled Shears
L~|[ | iimiiii ~
H I-
■ C These Shears Can’t.Be Beat for a
Present to Your Wife or Sweetheart
Sign your name and address to Coupon and sand so us with One Dollir and ws will send you
The Semi-Weekly Journal — The Biggest Newspaper in the South— lß Months
Home and Farm — The Bggesl and Oldest Farm Journal io the South— l 2 Months
Woman’s World Magazine— Mos! Widely Circuited Magazineinthe World— 1 2 Months
AND , GOLP .HANDLED shears, free
Enclosed find SI.OO. Send me your Offer No. 1.
p. 0 R. F. D STATE
Lull Extends Along Virtually
the Entire Front—No Impor
tant Developments During
the Past Night
man offensive against Verdun, which
had brought the crown prince’s armies
up to the Inner lines ot French defenses,
has halted there, according to todays
official statement • from Paris.
The lull which yesterdav gave signs
of setting in now extends along virtu
ally the ‘entire front where the desper
ate struggles of the past week anti,
more have been going on. There were
ro important developments at any point
during the night, the French war of
fice reports.
Unofficial commentators in entente
capitals aumit themselves at a lass to
determine whether the Geiman drive has
spent its force or whether the pause
is simply t-he prelude to its renewal
before the hard-won positions at Verdun
or elsewhere on the front.
Possibly significant in this connection
is the French official statement that
there are signs of German preparation
behind the front west of Pont-a-Mous
son, eighteen miles southwest of Metz
gnd in the Moselle river region. The.
French guns have been pounding the
second and third line German positions
Tliere, while an intermittent bombard
ment has been going on at various
points between Regnieville and Hame
nauville, some half dozen miles west
of Pont-a-Mousson.
Apparently the recent German attack
in the Champagne was nothing more
than one of the numerous local opera
tions such as the Germans carried out
in several sectors from time to time in |
the three weeks preceding the Verdun!
offensive, as it has not been followed |
Dispatches report opinions of military
observers, that if the German offensive!
broadened they would be more likely j
to spread to the south than the north, j
the many signs of activity along the]
lines in Upper Alsace and down to the!
Swiss border being pointed to in this!
J’aris dispatches declare the sitna-i
tion north of Verdun satisfactory to the j
French, who have strongly fortified their |
position from Cote du Poivre. four milesl
due north to Douauinont, three miles tv|
(’he east, along which line the Germanj
pressure above Verdun has been heav-|
icst. At Douaumont itself several hun-l
dred Germans are reported still cut off.
in the fort,-which the French have sur i
1 rounded.
Today marks the opening of the newj
German submarine campaign in which 1
armed merchantmen are to be considered
as warships and treated accordingly.
A report that the British steamer ;
Thornaby of 1,782 tons had been sunk'
came today from London, but the dis
patch did not reveal whether the report
ed sinking occurred before or after the
new order became effective or whethe’
the vessel was armed.
In the Italian parliament which reas
sembled today. it is expected that th
question of a declaration of war by Ita-|
ly against all the' fo»s of the entente 1
powers will be brought up. Italy has
never declared war on Germany.
Today is the last day for voluntary
enlistment in Great Britain, the eoffi
pulsion nieasupe hereafter being effect
ive. London advices report considerable,
numbers of recruits presenting them
selves during the past few days but
no overwhelming rush to volunteer.
Look, Mother! If tongue js
coated ,give “California ’
Syrup of Figs”
Mother’ Tour child isn't naturally
| cross and peevish. See if tongue is
I coated; this is a sure sign its little
stomach, liver and bowels need a cleans
ing at once.
When listless, pale, feverish, full of
cold, breath bad. throat sore, doesn’t
eat. sleep or act naturally, has stomach
ache, diarrhoea, remember, a gentle liv
er and bowel cleansing should always be
the first treatment given.
Nothing equals "California Syrup of
; Figs" for children’s ills: give a tea-
I spoonful, and in a few hours all the
i foul waste, sour bile and fermenting
| food w’hich is clogged in tha bowels
j passes out of the system, and you have
1 a well and playful child again. All
children love this harmless, delicious
•fruit laxative,” and it never fails to
effect a good “inside” cleansing. Di
rection for babies, children of all age*
and grown-ups are plainly on the bottle.
I Keen it handv in your home. A little
, given today saves a sick child tomor
’-ow, but get the genuine. Ask your
druggist for a 50-cent bottle of “Cali
fornia S.vrup of Figs,” then look and see
| that it is made by the California Fig
I Syrup Co.—(Advt.Y
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta
ble Compound Helped Her.
West Danby, N- Y.—“l have had
nervous trouble all my life until I took
Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Com
pound for nerves
and for female trou
bles and it straight
ened me out in good
shape. I work nearly
the time, as we
i iNe on a farm and I
have four girls. I do
I all my sewing and
I other work with
■Jtheir help, so it
shows that I stand it real well. T took
the Compound when my ten year old
daughter came and it helped me a lot.
I have also had my oldest girl take it
and it did her lots pf good. I keep it in
the house all the time and recommend
it.”—Mrs. Dewitt Sincebaugh, West
Danby, N. Y.
Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil
ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen
sations, all point to female derange
ments which may be overcome by Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
This famous remedy, the medicinal
ingredients of which are derived from
native roots and herbs, has for forty
years proved to be a most valuable tonic
and invigorator of the 1 male organism.
Women everywhere bear willing testi
mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
Cured Or You Pay Nothing
1 have cured —cured to stay cured—9o%
of all who have taken my Pellagra Cure.
What I have done for others I GUAR
ANTEE to do for you or my treatment
will cost you nothing. Highly endorsed by
Physicians, Barkers. Ministers, County Officials
and others. It you doubt, write any official
or merchant in Walker County. No interfer
ence with work—no restrictions on your eating.
ar«: Hands red like
sunbum; sore mouth:
throat, tongue and lips flaming red; much
mucus and choking: indigestion and nausea:
diarrhea or constipation; mind affected and
mZny other symptoms. No matter what
anyone tells you about FgFF EtOOli
Pellagra, write for my DUUh
which fully explains my theory of the cause,
prevention and cure of this dreaded disease
full of interesting facts which I have proven beyoed
doubt. Also contains full particulars of my remarkable
offer of NO CURE—NO PAY. Free diagnosis to anyone
sending symptoms. Send no money but write today I
Dr.W.J. McCrary, Dept 201 Carbon Hill, Alabama
Show this to some unfortunate sufferer
1000 Shot ton 22
Steel Cal. Hunting
WK TRUST YOU. Order « Box a. Aarl
V iLgf Mu»c Healin< today,xji V 0 SI
w•ae nd promptly. Easy to aa’i
-V fgniam it is a DaeeMity in avary homo. 1 Wk*?
■ **« n •oki,»a»du« oar SI .50 and
TjLfey your Gun, according to one of the four wrjk
planw.aa you are entitled.
in oj< b.y Het. Extra ttlft juel
promptneaa. »o order today.
Kinky Hair
ek Bhffrt, Harth or Cnruly Hair, wado aoft
•■oath, long, gloaaj k luxuriaat with
Hair Straightening Pomade.
Removes Dandruff & keeps the
Scalp beautifully clean & sani
tary. Colored agents wanted.
Write for terms. 100% Profit.
Price 25c by mail. (Stamps or
coin.) Your money back if not
satisfied. King Mfg. Co.
Dept. 41. St. Louis, Mo.
I In ordering your whiskey itaß
ffiMis important that you buy
pure whiskey. In ordering an
KS unusually low priced whiskey
you run a risk of not *{etting
|g| a good nor pure whiskey. BS
Hlf you pay a very high price,
SSH getting value for your money.
You t:tl<e no chances in order-
|«CORN WHISKEY. It s high |g
I'll strength, purity and flavor are
S always the same. It's the best Mg
and most reliable bargain ever
S offered. We ship by return
H train with the express charges
gjßl prepaid as follows:
gpß ' 1 l ull Galion for—s 2 2* |||g
2 Full Gallons for- 400
In 4 Fall Gallons for-. 800 aB
12 Full Quarts for—. 6.75
Sil l. sprinkle dist. co.™
S Jacksonville, Fla. Monroe,
Order from nearest poin,.