Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, May 12, 1916, Page 7, Image 7
■ MUTT AND JEFF—It Looks Like It Was Up to Pearl’s and Ruby’s Father to Defend the Country —BY BUD FISHER •" • wv that vsTTeeX rucso Line a man, cross fw6Lc,Jo<cr _ l . < 1 FKOGX'nuo r euT r the Boßbe* IF Blams mg z r~\ ( AU '’ LeT ). ' T 16 1 ”* I asking ro ( becGND Itathgrl X h & MeiT G£UERat«jni PROTECT * / < k nV' bon ’ ? J f 'TvwcotKvvr OUR COUNTRY SO THAT/ I Lirtir 1 I r grauc a UKU. T 1 I MOT BG €Acß<r<C6D‘ , ’ v /of QgCHibSj T jdt CVweX JtO IT'S OUR frUTY TO €0 J Z. ' V .*•*'’• -==-- t, * At | IL- -- ““ przr— L Z_ —— ~ f Atlanta Markets ATLANTA. Ga.. May 10.—Cotton by »*gvn. quiet. 12%e. IJVE POULTRY Hen*. 12U13c; fries. 15c; turkey*. 20e: roost Oc each. DREB3YD POULTRY Mfc; frits, 25-i«0e; turkeys. 2Z@2Gc. e ISH AND OYSTERS . BMnfanv. per lb.. 20c; Spanish mackerel, per 7c; trout. drawn, per lb.. We; headless jed snapper. per lb.. 10c; blue fi»U. per lb. To; Wb.ting. per lb.. 7c; mange *napper. per 6e; mullet, per lb.. sc;*mall channel cat «»e perch. per lb.. 6c. •ALT . Aalt—Brick fined. i, pvt crate. $5.25; salt brick tpiain). p> r crate. $3.40; salt Osouc. 2i packages, uce; wit. red tori, c«t.. M R salt. Chippewa. 100-Ib. sack*. MQ: salt. Chippewa. JO-lb. sack*. 34c; salt. Chippewa. 25-lb. sacka. SOc; salt, V. P.. 100-lb. sacs*. 57c; salt. V. 50 Ib. sack* Sic; salt. V. p.. ;»r.-'J». sacks. 20c. CEREALS parity oats, ruued. 51.45; lowa hominy. {!**?• 2 1 lOr P*ckares, *1.7». 10 25c packages nI.7S; Poatum. large. 32.25; assorted. $2 TO; •mall 32.70; Instant I’os-tnm. large. $5.50. ■mall. $5.40; assorted, ss.Ou; new Pout Toast '*"• 10c state. 2.70; 15c s««e, $2.70; hotel aUe. •1-00. grape-nuts. $2 70; hotel sire. $1.25 hrinkle com Cakes. 10c psckagea. $1.75. CRACKERS C.-nekers— Block's XXX Florida sodas. Tc; "lock s soda. Sc; Block's wafers. 13c; gra uam creams. $1.50 per *mxen; Block's family Ln ertopettes. sue sire. *B.OO per down Block'* lemon eream*, 9c; pearl system. <%c. Binger snaps. 8c: cortdlL 9c; penny case*, Me; Jumbles. He; rtgbars, 12c; raisin cookies. 10c; cracker*, in 3c carton*. sOc dcsen; cracaars in 19 eartun*. sl.oo. FRUIT AMD PRODUCE treamery butter. Perfection brand. 35c; coun i*J) butter. 22 ft2sc; eggs. Perfection brand, *e- . '*?***" 22 He; country eggs, fresh. 22c. Vegetables —Onion* sl.7sft 3.10 erst-: potatoes, sweet. dS-raiic bu.; Iri-u potatoes, old $3.40; new f $2-35; toma.oes. (1.730X50: eggplant, ‘rate. , s2—> <• 2.fif»; bean*, green, per drum, $2.23; 1 •quasi,, per drum. s2.uo; okra, per drum j s2<M>; lettuce, per crate. sl.«*U3<**; celery. 1 fancy. $1.73 era*.-; beets, $2.00 per crate: cauliflower. 6@Bc per p-uml; apple*!. $3 o(M» tOO barrel; oranges, $3.50-«i4.<*l per bos; grapefruit, box: lemon*. $3.25ft •3-30 per box; strawberries. 10c per quart. CAMDIES Stick Candy—BhxdK'a »%c; 30-pound palls, chocolate drops (Block's 1, 13 %c; Colonial choc la tes. 1-pcund packages. $3.23; Block's Bunton mixed. 3u*peund pails. 9%; Block's evtre superb chocolate (nut or fruit .enters» 1-pound «iae •b.SO par dozen, crackerjack. 5o 5e packages. $1.73: 100 3» packages. S3.JO; Angelas cboco iate-coated marshmallow*. 40c. 50c. Brower’s pure sugar loaf. 19c: Brower’s pure sugar honeycomb, 13c; Brower's Run&nine cream 8c; Broker'* sunshine mixed. 3%c; Brower's medicated cough drops, 75c -bex; Rainbow stick pure sugar, $3.25 per esse: open furnace stick, B%e; popular mixed, 10%c; rainbow mixed. 12c: chocolate drops. 30-B>. pails. 13%c: 2-in-l pure sugar stick. $3.50 MEAT, LARD AMD HAMS nry salt extra ribs, 150 c; dry salt rib bel lies. mechum average, 15c; dry salt rib bellies. Ugkl average, 15 %c; Kingan's pure lard, 14%c; Kingan Sea Foam cutup utxi 12%c; Kingan sliced breakfast bacon, in 1-puuui cartons, 30c; Kii>- gan a Reliable bams, lu-puund or 12-pcund. 20c; Kingan's F. F. V. country style Lias, 19 %c. Stiverleaf lard, 12 %c; tierce baais; Crescent cempou-d. Iliac. Cornfield hams. 10 w 12 average, 10c; Corn field bam*. U tn 14 average. ls@c; Cornfieli skinned bams. 15 to lb average. 21 %c; Corn field picnic bams. 6 to 8 average. 14He; Corn field breakfast bacon. 27c; Cornfield sliced breakfast bacon. 1-puund earton*. 12 to case. $3.00: grocer*' bacon, wide or narrow. 21c: torn field fresh pork sausage. Uns or bulk, 25- pout-d bucket*. 13c; Corns). Id wrinerp*. 10-pound cartons. 14c: Oornfirld smoked link sausage. 25- poun-1 kits. 10c; < ornfield Weiners, in pickle, 15-pound sits. $1.73; Cornfield lard, tierce t asi*. lie; country style lard. 50-pound cans. 13c; compound lan*., tieree basis. 12%c. GROCERIES Macaerel —L-Nv-It brand. 5-6 ounce, 100 count. $4.50; Anchor l-rand. i» average. 75 count. 36 <a>; Crown trend. 1011 oun>.e, 75 count. $4.23; fancy Norway. 1112 cur<e. <5 count.- S«.UU; Lak- Herring (whitetisbr. l«»-ound half turrets, new caitgnt. $3.90: eo-pound keg*. $2.iJ; •-pound pads, ate. Salmon—Suck-eyes, 1- poutxl flats. SK.SO per case; No- 1 tails, reds. $7.25; medium -ed*. $5.10. pinks. $3.80; cbim Mlmon. $3.70; Canned Fi*n—B. A M. fUb flake*, la rut. ¥2.70; «mali. $1 sO; Cc-nquerw. H oils, keyless. $3.10; Continental, key. \ mustard*. Home Run. smoked, key. % vlls m carton*. HVJ. Canned Meats—lndian brand tripe. 2 pound*. $1.75 per crate; 1 pourd. ' 34 to care, $1.80; Indian Vienna sausage. Sl-O; Icdiau potted meat*. sl.-'3; Indian *su»a*e. RI.M). Indian potted meats. $1 .45; Indian MicM bacon, in glste. Urge. S2.M; medium. $1.25 per Cheese —Perfection brand, fill eream, daisies. • 10c; coffee, bine Ridge brand. tJtonewall U-and. 2G-; AAAA. 15He; Cno, 25c. Rp-<-—Japs, s<|6c: Honduras, medium head. sK<otsWc; irkansas. fancy bead, Been* —Callfumis. new crop, blackeyes. 5%.;, pink. #*4e; lima*, S%e; small whites, Br. Barnesville Beauty $48.00 Dealer* Ask SIOO.OO Barnesville Beauty Buggies Are The Bes! Far The South z " . These buggies d'> tfyßrl are now ship ped direct to V/vyyi' you on deposit XJ Vdr |\y | \ y of $14.40—»• , days* driving trial, and a guarantee for all time against defect*. Write for full de scription*. B. W. MWDLEBKiiOK’i CO.. Dept. B. B* 9 RurnruUie, On. IX I PREPAID '".•fcaJk Th* pante are splendidly tailored, V Jr 7 Sw in newest sfyie. "stra biz pcs tops F ree sf wanted. Satisfaction giarenteed or Xe Jk c-1 your toocey back. Kimis Biff Pay —Easy Work WMake $35 t 0865 a week. Part time fe'K ?□« <>*l* time, V * furnish Tailor bci samples, wholesale prlre* and full Free. Write us Todey. ■Jr If the C’i’ICECO TAHORB ASS’H. Pent. 711 ttt 5e- Fr—fc** S*., CMeage ■ VtAlt}’'^ «•* cvanaitTEC rerni vtu SI w ml aw* »iU •* —< *• a*U sse-r*4. w wal »Cw> «Mw MM Man «Sw &M ** tficw MWf • •- CHAI- t Michigan, choice navys, $4.73 per bushel; | prime*. *4 -65. • Cannel Vegetables—No. 2 Virginia tomatoes, $1.90; No. 3. $2 40; Stokely’s No. 2 tomatoes, $2.00; No. 3. $2 50; Rider’s Class A pork and bean*, tomato sauce. No. 1, $1,80; No. 2 $1.75; No. SM, $2.00; Stokely's No. 3 sauerkraut. $1.63; Stokely’s No. 3 extra standard sugar corn. $1.90; Stokely's No. 2 Ive hominy. $1.40; fa tier Maine. No. 2 sugar corn, $2.75. Pickles and Condiments —Mother Cook’s lo ot. sour gherkins, $1.80; sour mix. $1.80; sweet gherkins. *1.80; select mix. $1.80; 10-oa. Pi adilii relish, $7.80; chowcbow, $1.80; onion re!i»h, $1.00; $1.50; corn syrup jelly, 10-lb. pail*. 50c; mus tard. 12-ox. jars, $1.70; tomato ketchup, 8-oa., $1 ,£C. Druid Fruits —California evaporated peaches, «tandards. OSc; choice. 7c; extra choice, Bc, fauev. 9c; in 50-lb. boxes, evaported. ring cut 'apple*. 50-!b. boxe*. 8c; prune*. 40-50. 50c; SOdKM. SHc; 60-70*. 8c; raisins, 12-os., choice seeded, 7c: 16-ox. Sun Maid, fancy seed ed. 9c: layer*. ¥2 50. Starch—Tiger lump, in 50-pound boxes. B%c per lb.; confectioners’ Tn 140-lb. bags, $2.88; cooking starch (40 packages. 1-lb), $3.00 per C> Bvrup—Alsga. 48 esse. iHs. $4 00 ; 2s, 36 to case 10s. 6 to case, $3.50; ss. 12 to case. $3.75: new crop now available. BUTTER. CHEESE AND EGGS ;By Associated Press.> MEW YORK, May 11. Butter, steady; re ceipt*. 8.147 tubs. Creamery, extra (92 score), per lb., 30 cents; creamery, higher scoring lots, 301*4x310; creamery, firsts, (88-91 score). 29Q 29*-c; creamery seconds (93-87 score), 311* 4® 32c' creamery, third*. 30&31e; creamery, held, ec-mmoo to fine, 30'<r;aSc; state, dairy, tubs, finest. 38*133*40; state, dairy, good to prime, state, dairy, common to fair, 304 J 31 V*c; renovated, extras. renovated, firsts. 3163144 c; renovated, lower grades, 2844 4130 c; imitation creamery. firsts. 3063044 c; ladles, current make, firsts, 29'c< 2944 c; ladles, current make, seconds. 286.284 ac; ladles, current make, lower grades, 27'«27 l a e. Packing Stock- Current make. fine. 28c; current make. No. 2, 27*4e; current make, lower grades. 98627 c. Cheese, steady; receipts, 2.703 boxes. State whole milk—Flats, held, colored, specials, 18% 61®^ c i flht ß . held - whit*, specials, 1844 c; flats held, cokre-1, average fancy, 1861844 c flats, held white average fancy, 16% 617; flats, ! fresh, specials, 16%617c; flats, fresh, average |ron. 16&616’ 2 c: cbedaars, held, specials. 18% |4i 18%c; ebeddars, held, average fancy. IG'q I 17c; Cheddars, fresh, fine to fancy. 1761744 c; .twins, held, specials, 18%61844c; twins, held. I average fancy, ISe; twins, fresh, good to fine, |lit%4tl7%c; all styles, held, undergrade*. 15fti 17%e; all styles, fresh, undergrade*, 16<|16%c. Wisconsin, whole milk, fancy—Twins, held, 1844619 c; single daisies, held, 18%c: dou ble dairies, held. 1844® 18’4c; double daisies, fresh 17%e: triple daisies, held, 1861* 44e; young Americas, hold. 184461044 c: young Amer icas. fresh, 17c. SState, skims—Current make, *l>eclals. 14615 c: choice, 13*4*t13%c; fair to goed. 12613 c; lower grades. 5611e Eggs, firm; receipts, 35.879 cases. Fresh gathered—Extra, dozen. 2444625 c; firsts, ex ag' packed. 22V-'<i23 , ;c. firsts, regular packed, 2144*i22%c; seconds, 20621 c; fresh gathered, dirties. No. 1,1944620 c; fresh gathered, dirties, X'o. 2, IS’s® 19'«e; prime to choice, dry, checks, lS44'«jl9c; undergrades, checks, 17618 c. Duck egg*—State and nearby. Indian runner. 30631 c; state and marby. other fancy, 28630 c; Mary land ami Baltimore, gathered to* fancy, 20® .40e; western and prime southern, 25®27c; south ern. common to fair, 90®24c. Goose eggs, per dozen, 40®60c. Nearby and white eggs—State, Penn-svlvania and nearby, hennery, whites, fine to fancy. 24652 c; state, Pennsylvania and near by heunerv, whites, ordinary to good, 23®24c; gathered whites, as to size and quality, 2.3® 24c: western and southern, gathered whites, 236 2344 c; state. P< nnsylvaniai and nearby, ben uerv. browns. 23624 c: state, Pennsylvania and nearby, gathered, browns and mixed, ordinary to fancy. 22623 c. GRAIN GOSSIP Chicago Herald says: Patrick Cudahy, the' Milwaukee packer, was here yesterday. He was more Inclined to talk bearish on provisions. l Uog* should never sell over 7 cents a pound, bei asserted. Wheat is regarded as largely a weather mar-! ket and traders are gauging their opinions on' shipments. I'nless rains and cooler weather) come at once, southwestern crops are likely to | be damaged. Corn has fewer and oats more friends. EXPORTS DURING MARCH SHOW LARGE INCREASE WASHINGTON, May 11.—The usual monthly! bulletin showing exports of domestic bread-' stufffs, cotton seed oil, food animals, meat and ! dairy products, cotton and mineral oils from, the principal customs districts of the United States was today completed by the bureau of tureign and domestic commerce, department of ixmmerce. It show* exports as follows: March. Export* by groups. 1916. 1913. Btead*luffs. del 43,245,317 59,661,676 Cotton seed oil. lbs 31,795,683 29,471,38'« Cotton seed oils, dots... 3,146,611 2,131,546 Cattle. hogs and sheep, dels. ..-•••-• 147,423 22,276 Meat and dairy prod- ucts, dots 19,361,870 28,274,194 Cotton, bales 464,035 1,208,573 Cotton, 1b5239.180,525 630,602,048 lotton. dols 30.281.068 53.524,279 Mineral oils, ga15318,019,240 167,132.694 Mileral oils, dots. .... 16,070,621 10.644.994 Total, d0t5112.252,910 154,258,959 Exuirts by principal articles: 1016. 1915. ' • urn, bushels 4,639,298 ’ 8,127,210 • rn. dols 3,768,680 6.531,093 - bushels 10.503,311 9,474,845 •st*. <k»L* 5.255,831 6.016 2241 Vlieat. bushels 17.291.442 20,534,98? A heat, dols 22,411.982 31,4*1,383 Fl.sir, bbls. ... ...*... 1,482.747 1,481,534 >.<ir. dol* 8,472,910 11,153.563' I'-eef, canned, lbs 1,703,278 6.930.112 ”..f, < anned. dols. .. 354,437 1,120,649 Beef, fresh, 1b513.528,743 15,834.381>{ Beef, trvsii. dol* 1,544,445 1,858,620 P.e.-f, pickled, etc., lbs. 2.314,240 3.421,078 i-e.f, pickled, etc., dola. 234,569 355,617 i»l«*» oil. lbs 7,715.261 19,704.423 uleo oil. dols 980,757 1,303,458 Bacon, lbs. .... 41.234.515 66.820.77 m . Ba< on, dols 5.646.250 8.670, I'.im* and sboldees. lbs. 24,519.788 25,M3.67$ Ham* and shoulders, dol. 3.439,928 3,6)4 93t i I an!, lbs 36.979.3.'® 67.236,922 Lard, dols 3,916.724 7,522,589 N-uiral lard, lb* 2,430,484 4,802,430 Neutral lard, dols. .. 300.231 571,746 I’ork, pickled, etc., 'bs, 13,189,912 3,530,869 Pork, pickled, etc., lols. 1,568.802 31«,695‘ Lanl compounds, lbs... 3,319,880 7,200.291 lard compounds, dels. 354.507 (523.727 erode Oil. ga1511,593.059 13.7U5.551 Crude oil, dols 504,328 341.884 Illuminating oil, gals... 53.485.878 71.744.953 Illuminating oil. d 015... 5,600.415 3,953,863 Lubricating oil. gals. ~ 18.823,997 17.301,107 Lubricating oil, d 015... 2,844,958 2,608,461 Gaar.line. naptha, etc. gals. ... 28.941,969 21.573,376 Gasoline, naptha, etr.. dots 5.182.308 2,627,504 Residuum, fuel oil, oil. etc., gal* 75.174.337 42.816.677 Residuum, fuel oil, etc., dol* 1.939.512 1,113,282 Sample Watch Free eaawftMi itßada 4 •latrelratd My to «Mch with IweoraMivooa dial anl loMto .; »• fcA«dsj®9!jr ecgravel «• bact Full Bickul plated «M«,eAtr» duet proci, *bM aAacfIKRM dial, teavy R. R acytetfiras <*6du.»9 Asnaricaa maka, rs viadaad Mt.Pu y til ARdSTKKD far 6Y Ki KM. T* advorr!»e our bue rm aa< a-rydaw this • yedorfal watch and our <reat eataiofue of Rlfia.« •» am aad Hiapite watehoa •• wT.I atad thi» 9to<ant wateh to ant addrese by dlMMpaid for ONLY $1 5 0 wad If jr<m99ll two es thaw watches «o will ra rw OXS RAWFI> WiTl H FRRF f* *••-» troabl* IWad »hto adww. EXTRA WATCH FREE. LIBERS A CO*. 638 £•. Dwbeni St.. CHICAGO. ILU THE ATLANTA SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, ATLANTA, GA., FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1916 Cotton Market Was Nervous and Irregular Throughout the Day Drought Complaints From the Southeast and the Forecast for Frost in Texas Panhandle Stimulated the Demand (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, May 11.—The cotton market opened firm at an advance of 7 to 12 points on covering by some of yesterday’s sellers amt continued trade buying. This morning’s political advices seemed to encourage the optimistic view of peace prospects, notwithstanding the less fa vorable reports circulating here on the reaction of yesterday afternoon, but there was further realizing, and fluctuations were irregular dur ing the early trading. July contracts, for In stance, flnctuated between 13.01 and 18.00, while October sold between 13.20 and 13.29, compared with 13.15 at the close last night. Drouth complaints from the southeast ami the forecast for frost in the Texas panhandle stimu lated demand toward the middle of the morn ing and prices went about 15 to 18 i>oints net higher with July touching 13.14 ami October 13.30. This advance attracted realizing, how ever, and the market was unsettled around mid day with urlces easing back to about last night's closing figures. Spot cotton quiet; middling uplands 13.10; sales 400 bales. July sold off to 12.95 and October to 13.13 or 1 to 2 points net lower during the noon hour, but offerings then became smaller and , the market was quiet but steady during thi middle of the faternoon with prices showing rallies of 7 or 8 points lower. NEW YORK COTTON The following were tbe ruling prices in th. exchange today. Tone, steady; middling, 13.10 c, quiet. I u) st Pre* Open. High. Low. Sale*. Close. Close. Jan 18.49 18.53 13.35 13.37 13.37 13.37 March . . . 13.64 13.68 13.52 13.52 13.53 13.53 May .... 12.88 12.98 12.86 12.87 12.85 12.82 Junel2.Bß 12.88 July .... 13.01 13.15 12.95 12.95 12.95 12.96 Auglß.os 13.05 Septl3.ll 13.10 Oct 13.25 13.32 13.13 13.15 13.15 13.15 N0r13.20 13.20 Dec 13.45 13.47 13.29 13.34 13.33 13.31 NEW ORLEANS COTTON. (By Associated Press.) NEW ORLEANS. May 11.—Bullish feeling | end somewhat better cables than due put the . price of cotton 14 to 16 {stints up in the early trading on this market today. Weather condi tions over the belt were considered favorable and bears claimed the market was overbought, but no selling power leveloped in the early section. Heavy liquidation of long cotton met the ad vance and prices fell off. although the market retained a steady undertone. Toward noon the trading months were 2 to 3 points tip net. The market was somewhat irregular and i tnther inclined to sag after the n<ton hour hut i at the lowest In the trading up to 1:30 stood | unchanged to 2 points up compared to yester ,(day’s close. NEW ORLEANS COTTON The following were the ruling prices In the 1 exchange today: Tone, steady; middling, 12.75 c. steady. Last Prev. Open. Rlrb. LOW. Pale*. Close. Close 1.Tan1331 13.33 13.19 13.21 13.20 13.17 [March . .. 13.41 13.42 13.41 13.42 13.32 13 32 May . .. 12.79 12.79 12.72 12.72 12.72 12.68 IJnnel2.Bo July 12.97 1.04 12.68 12.89 12.88 12.86 | Aug 12.04 12.92 Sept 12.09 12.06 Oct .. .. 18.01 13.14 12.90 12.99 12.99 12.96 N0v13.04 13.01 Dec 13.24 13.25 13.08 13.12 13.11 13.08 NEW ORLEANS SPOT COTTON. (By Arsocia‘ed Press.) NEW ORLEANS. May 11.—Spot cotton, firm and unchanged. Sales on the spot, 850; to ar rive, 9<l. Good ordinary, 11.25; strict good or dinary, 11.75; low middling, 12.25; strict low middling. 12.50: middling, 12.75: strict middling. i 13.00; good middling. 13.25; strict good mid dling, 13.50; receipts. 2.726; stock, 296,466. BPOT COTTON MARKET Atlanta, quiet, 12%c. New York, qptet, 13.10 c. J New Orleans, steady, 12.75 c. Liverpool, steady, 8.43 d. [ Savannah, middling. 12,75 c. Norfolk, steady, 12.75 c. Augusta, steady, 12.75 c. , Houston, steady, 13.15 c. Memphis, steady. 12.87 c. St. IxMils, steady. 12.50 c. I Charleston, middling, 12.25 c Philadelphia, steady, 13.35 c. Little Rock, steady, 12.88 c. Dallas, steady, 12.60 c. Boston, steady, 13.10 c. Galveston, steady, 13.10 c. >| DAILY INTERIOR RECEIPTS • Last Year. Today. > Augusta 470 397 ’ Memphis 770 2,184 !| St. louis 4,904 733 ;• Cincinnati 2,240 1,47« >i Houston ... ... . ... 3,184 2,142 i Little Rock 485 ' d ESTIMATED COTTON RECEIPTS .! New Orleans expects tomorrow 1,500' to 1,800 > bales, against 1,319 bales last year. > Galveston expects tomorrow 3,000 to 4,000 1 • bales, against 3,607 bales last year. COMPARATIVE FORT RECEIPTS Last Year. Todav I I Galveston . ... 5,084 3,339 , ’ New Orleans ... 1,980 2.E26 Mobile 161 210 11 Savannah 955 1.465 Charleston 53 1,097 ! Wilmington 88 506 Norfolk 634 2,382 New York 61 .... | • Boston ... 263 128 . Pacific coast . 8,06 Various 578 186 ' Total 9,857 20,100 | COTTON OIL MARKET. Open. Close. Spots 10.88'1410.95 Mat 10.75ft10.95 10.86 ft 10.80 June .. .. . .. 10.91ft11 00 10.99ft11.00 July 11.0011.06 11.02ft11.08 Augustll 07ft 11.15 11.05ft11.07 i 1.07 ft 11.08 Octots-r 11. lift 11.12 11.09ft11.10 I November .. .. .. 9.27 ft 9.28 9.27 ft 9.28 DecemberO.'ift 9.17 9.16 ft 9.17 ' Tone, steady; sales. IS.ttM). I Wheat Closed 5-8 to 3-4 c Down; Corn, Pork, Lard, Sides Off; Oats Steady (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO, May 11. —Expected showers in Kansas led today to a setback In tbe price of wheat. Besides, cooler weather throughout all the states in the wheat belt tended to cause a decline. Some rain which fell where needed In the northwest was also an influence on the bear side. After opening % to lftl%c down, with July at $1.16% to $1.17%, and September at $1.16% to $1.17, the market ral lied a little but then sank lower than before. Assertions that some export business was in progress helped later to bring about something of a rally in wheat. The close was unsettled, % to %ft% net lower, with July and Septem ber both, at $1.16%. Ideal conditions for planting made tbe corn market weak. Signs pointed to a large Increase of acreage. Opening prices which ranged from % off t.o % up, were followed by a mod erate decline all around. Subsequently corn recovered with wheat. Tbe close was nervous at a shade to %ft% net de cline. Oats showed relative firmness. The market remained sensitive to reports of damage by green bugs In the southwest. Provisions went down grade regardless of higher prices on hogs. Lard especially lacked support. CHICzxuO QUOTATIONS. The following were the ruling prices In tb« exchange today. Prev. Open. High. Low. Close. Close WHEAT— May . 1.15%ft1.15% 1.16% 1.15 1.15% 1.16% July . 1.17%ft1.16% 1.17% 1.16 1.16% 1.17% Sept. .1.17 ft 1.16% 1.17 1.15% 1.16% 1.17% CORN— May 74% 71% 73% 74% 74% July 73% 74% 73% 74 74% Sept . . 73%ft73% 73% 72% 73 73% OATS— May ... 48 @47% 48 47% 48 47% July .. . 43% @43% 43% 43% 43% 43% Sept4o% 40% 39% 40% 40% LARIK— May 23.90 23.90 23.52 23.887 23.85 July 23.52 23.52 23..'i0 23.50 23.60 Sept. .. .. .. 23.05 23.15 23.00 23.15 23.25 RIBS— May; .. 12.67 12.72 12.62 12.67 12.50 July .. ... .. 12.77 12.77 1 2.45 12.67 12.80 Sept 12 85 12.87 12.55 12.80 12.92 PORK— May 12.55 12.65 July 12.60 12.60 12.32 12.52 12.60 ept 12.72 12.72 12.47 12.65 12.70 RECEIPTS IN CHICAGO Today. Wheat, cars .53 Corn, cars 212 Oats, cars 246 Hogs, head .. 11,000 ST. LOUIS CASK QUOTATIONS. The following were the cash quotations on grain and the previous close. WHEAT— Close. Prev. close. No. 2, red .. ..1.20 @1.23 1.20 @1.25 No. 2, hard.. ..Nominal. Nominal. OATS— No- 2 74%@ 75% 74%@75 No. 2, white .. .. 75 @75% 75 @76 CORN— No. 2 44 44 No. 2, white ..Nominal. Nominal. CHICAGO CASH QUOTATIONS (By Assorted Press.) CHICAGO, May 11. —Wheat—-No. 2 red nom inal; No. 3 red. $1.10@1.14; No. 2 ’ hard; $1.15%@1.17%; No. 3 hard. $1.11%@1.14%. Corn—No. 2 yellow, 75@75%c; No. 4 white, 71%@72c. •' Oats—No. 3 white, 44%@46%c; standard. 48%@48%c. Rye—No. 2. 97 %e. Barley, (3ft 80c. Timothy. $4.50@7.75. Clover, sß.oo@ 14.00. t Pork, 23.00@23.87. lard—sl2.72. Rib 5—512.12012.62. KANSAS CITY CASH QUOTATIONS. (By Associated Press.) KANSAS CITY, May 11.—Wheat—No. 2 hard. $1.60@1.17; No. 2 red, $1.00@1.15. Corn—No. 2 mixed, 69%@70c; No. 2 white, 70c; No. 2 yellow, 71@72c. Oats—No. 2 white, 46@47c; No. 2 mixed. 40@42c. LIVERPOOL COTTON. NEW YORK, May 11. —Liverpool cables were due to come 2 to 3% points lower. Opened steady at 3 to 5 points decline. At 12:15 p. m. market was quiet at a net decline of 2% points on old and 5 points on new crop positions. Spot cotton in good demand at unchanged prices; middling, 8.43; sales, 10,000 bales, in cluding 8,500 Amerciau; imports, 13,000 bales, American, 12,000. Futures cvlosed steady 2 points off to 8 points up from previous close. The following were tbe ruling prices in th* exchange today: Tone. steady; sales, 10,000; middling, 8 43-loOd. Prev. Open Range. 2 p m. Close. Close. Jan.-Feb.. 7.85 @7.84% 7.85% 7.89% 7.89% Feb.-Meh 7.89% 7.89% Mar.-Apr. . 7.86%@7.84 7.86 7.89% 7.89% May . . . 8.14%@3.16 .... 8.22 8.19 May-June . 8.13 @8.12% 8.15 8.19% 8.17 June-July . 8.11 8.11% 8.16% 8.14 July Aug. . 8.07 @8.09% 8.10 8.14% 8.12 Aug.-Sept.. 8.03 @8.06 .... 8.09 8.07% Sept.-Oct. . 0.01 .... 8.05 8.05 Oct.-Nov. . 7.95 @7.95% 7.95 7.99% 7.99% Nov.-Dec. '. 7.94% 7.95 Nov-Dec 7.94 7.95 Dec.-Jan. . 7.86% 7.86% 7.91 7.91 kET A L (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, May 11.—Tbe metal exchanges quotes lead $7.a0@7.50; spelter dull; East St. Louis delivery 17 asked. At Ixmdon lead 34 pounds ss; spelter 98 pounds. Copper firm; el’ctrolytic nearby nominal; Au gust and later, $2«.75@30.00. Iron steady and unchanged, Metnl exchange quotes tin dull; spot. $48.75 @49.25. At London: Spot copper, 141 pounds; futures. 1"5 pounds; electrolytic, 151 pounds; spot, 189 pounds; futures, 107@190 pounds. NAVAL STORES (By Associated Press.) SAVANNAH. Ga.. May H.—Turpentine, firm: 1 37; sales, none; receipts, 683: shipments, 505: stock. 6,875. Rosin, firm: sales, non*: receipts, 1.541: shipment*, 2,024; stocks, 56,760. Quote: B. S4.ooft 4.13; I). $4.05@4.15: E, 4.17%: F. $4.2004.22%; G. $4.22%ft I :54.2 H. $4.22%ft4.30; I. <4.27%@4.35; K, $4.501 @4.52%; M, $4.60: N. $1.90; window glas, I $5.26 water white. $5.35. Atlanta Live Stock ' (Camcted l>, W. 11. While. Jr.; ot tlie WhU, . Provision Co.) Good to choice steers, 800 to 9UO lbs., $6.75@ ) 7.50. Good steers, 700 to SOO lbs., $6.25@6.75. Medium to good steers, 700 to 800 lbs., $5.50 @6.25. Good to choice beet cows, 750 to 850 lbs., $3.75@6.50. Medium to good cows, 650 to 750 lbs., $5.00 “ 05.75. - Good to choice heifers, 600 to 700 lbs., $5.00 o feßoo ' - p The above represents the ruling prices of good p quality cattle. Inferior grades and dairy types selling lower. . Medium to good steers, 750 to 850 ibs.» $5.75 Medium to good cows, 650 to 750 lbs.. $4-o° @5 50. Mixed common, $3.70@4.75. ’ Go<M fat oxen, $5.50@5.75. Medium oxen, $5.00@5.25. Good butcher bulls, $4.25@5.25. Prime bugs, 160 to 200 Ins., $8.75@9.40. Good butcher hogs, 140 to 160 lbs., $8.5009.00. “ Good butcher pigs, 100 to 140 lbs., $S 00@8.40. . l-W »dgs, 80 to too lbs.. $7.50@8.00. Above qtsutations apply to cornfed Logs. Mast and peanut fattened lower, owing to quality. ® Cattle receipts light. Market strong and higher, especially on best grade*. t Hog receipts normal; market steady. F LIVE STOCK BY WIRE f (By Associated Press.) 1 KANSAS CITY, May 11.—Hogs—Receipts, 6.000: steady; bulk of sales. $8.65@8.75; heavy, $9.80@9.90; light, $9.3509.80; pigs, $8.50@ ’ 9.25. Cattle—Receipts, 2,000. strong; prime fed M aawmwbMwbk ■ ■amen* I A RHE V A The advertisements below are tuU of Interest to everybody, fll IlwVEtlbll W 01W O■ B W MmM T ” The buyer cau find a seller and the seller can find a buyer fie j AT si 3 ■ I ■ M mUILII I*“w <- Iwfi SL. jnj Iu by using these columns. If you have anything to sell it is ww mbw ■ w'xwß ■ lasM ■■MW W mbbb ■ ■ ■ wW goo j business to advertise it tn these columns. The Journal . cordially invites you to read these advertisements carefully and to communicate with every advertiser whose proposition appeals to you. IQ •» —>M a 4o cents per agate line (count six words to line) per week, or two issues, Tuesday and Friday. No adTer- KA I kstiEcment accepted for less than price of two lines. . ' _ _2 1 HELP WANTED—MALE. 1 TRAVELING salesmen wanted. Experience un necessary. Earn big pay while you learn at > jome during spare time. Only eight weeks’ time ) required. Steady positions, easy work. - Hundreds of good positions open. Write today for free ’ book, “A Knight of the Grip.” and testimonials from hundreds of students we have placed In ) positions paying SIOO to SSOO per month. Ad , dress Dept. B-43, .National Salesmen Training , Association. Chicago. New York. San Francisco. NP STRIKE —Honest, sober men everywhere for ; firemen, brakemen, baggagemen. $l2O month ly. Promotion. Experience unnecessary. 689 Rail wav Bureau, East St. Louis, 111. ) MOTORMEN-CONDUCTORS, SBO monthly. Inter urbans everywhere. Experience unnecessary. ■ Qualify now. State age; booklet free. X., Box , 400, care Journal. • WANTED —Young men as railway mail clerks. I $75.00 month. Sample examination questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. J-107, Rochester, ( New York. MEN—We teach you the barber trade in few , weeks, pay you wages while learning, and tools free. Jacksonville Barber College, 822 West Bay st.. Jacksonville, Fla. LADIES —Crochet at home. Earn $5 to sls week ly. Nothing to sell. Dime and stamp for sample. Royal Art Co., Green Bay, Wis. TOBACCO FACTORY wants salesman: good pay, steady work and promotion: experience unnec essary as we will give complete instructions. Piedmont Tobacco Co., W-17, Danville, Va. SELL TREES—Fruit . trees. Pecan trees, shade trees, ornamentals and roses. Easy to sell. Big profits, write today. Smith Bros., Dept. 20, Concord, Ga. W ANTED —A live- wire to handle country terri tory. A good chance for a hustler. Address P. S. Kemp & Co., Woodstock, Ga. HELP WANTED —MALE AND FEMALE. , OVER 15.000 men and women wanted this year ' for I'. S. government life jobs. $65.00 to $150.00 month. Vacations with pay. No lay offs. Short hours “Pull” unnecessary. Write immediately for free list of positions now obtain able. Franklin Institute, Dept. K-10T, Roch ester, N. Y. 1 PERSONAL. MARRY RiCH i nd photos of congenial j lllrillix 1 people with means FREE. Sealed. ■ Either sex. Standard Cor. Club, Grayslake, 111. MARKY— Marriage directory with photos and ' descriptions free. Pay when married. The Exchange, Dept. 34, Kansas City, Mo. MARRY—Free photos beautiful ladles; descrip, tlons and directory; pay when married. New Plan Co., Dept. 26, Kansas City, Mo. MARRIAGE PAPER free. The most reliable published. Send for one. Eastern Agency, | 22, Bridgeport. Conn. MERCHANT. 56. worth $50,000, would marry. D., Box 35, League. Toledo. Ohio. WIDOW, 27. worth, $40,000, would marry. K., Bax 584, Messenger, Los Angeles, Cal. FA R MS—W ANTED. WANTED—Farms; have 4,000 buyers; describe your unsold property. 209 Farmers' Exchange, 1 Denver, Col. ■Locket, Chain & Bracelet (21 VCIi Seil 6 boxes of Rosebud Salve <ll Wtn at 25c each, great remedy for burns, cores, eczema, piles, catarrh, corns, bunions,etc.,return tha>l .50and we will for ward thes* 3 handsome gold laid premiums catalog. Send .wo Money.wsmutvnu ROSEBLD PERFUME CO. Be* 107. Woodsboro,Md. I Fish Will Bite ! like hungry wolves, fill your nets traps or trotline if you bait with • „Magic-Fish-Lure. j i Best fish bait discovered. Keeps you busy pulling I ' them out. Write today and get a bo< to help in- I. I troduce it. Agents wanted. Address WALTON SUPPLY CO.. Dept. 10. St. Louis. Mo. I| steers, $9.35@9.65; dressed beef steers, SB.OO @9.25; southern steers. $7.25@9.00; cows, I $5.50@8.25; heifers. $7.25@9.75; stockers, $7.00 @8.75: bulls, $5.7507.50; calves, s7.ooft 10.75. Sheep—Receipts, 7,000. strong; lambs, S9.SOSi 12.00; yearlings, sß.softll.ov; wethers, $7.50 @9.50;; ewes, $7.25@9.00. ST. LOUIS, May 11.—Hogs: Receipts, 8,500; steady; pigs and lights. $7.50ft9.90; good heavy, s9.9oft. 10.00. Cattle: Receipts, 1,000: steady; native beef steers, $7.50@9.8J; yearling steers and heif ers, $8.50@9.75; cows, $5.2508.25; stockers, ?5.50ft.8.50; Texas and Oklahoma steers, $9.00 @9.50; native calves, $6.00@10.25; prime year lings and heifers, $8.75@9.50. Sheep: Receipts, 3,000; higher; wethers, $7.00@8.50; lambs, $10.00@12.00: clipi.ed lambs, $9.00010.15; clipped ewes, $7.50@8.30; spring lambs, $10.00@14.00. CHICAGO, May 11.—Hogs—Receipts, 1,000. strong; bulk of sales, <9.70@9.90; light, $9.40 @9.95; mixed, $9.45@9.95: heavy, $9.40@10.00; rough, $9.40@9.55; pigs, $7.25@9.15. Cattle —Receipts, 8,000, strong; native beef steers, $7.90@10.10; stockers and feeders, $5.90 @8.80; cows and heifers, $4.35@9.50; calves, $6.75@10.23. Sheep—Receipts. 11.00, steady; wethers, $7.15@9.60; lambs, $8.25@12.15; springs, $ll.OO @13.00. COM MISSION TO PROBE REBELLION IN IRELAND LONDON, May 11.—Announcement was made today of the appointment of a royal commission to investigate the Irish rebellion. The members of the commission are Baron Hardinge, former viceroy of India; Justice Sir Montague Shearman and Sir Mackenzie Chalmers, former permanent under secretary of state for the home department. SEEDS AND FLANTS. 5,900,000 PORTO RICO, Nancy Hall and Pump kin Yam. Slips ready for immediate delivery at only $1.20 per 1,000. Why pay more? Safe arrival. Full count and prompt shipment guar anteed. Tomato plants $1.50 1,000. J. A. Tur ner, Acworth. Ga. GODBEY’S PLANTS, Triumph, Nancy Hall, Porto Rico, $1 per 1,000. Free trial package of Godbey’s Golden, the best potato I have ever I produced. Chinese and Early speckled beans, ■sl per bushel. T. K. Godbey, Waldo, Fla. POTATO plants, $1 per 1,000. Orders, large or small, shipped promptly. Genuine Porto Ricos, Haney Halls, Triumphs. We guarantee all plants. Leroy Plant Co., Brooksville, Fla. SWEET potato plants, $1.25 per 1,000; large quantities $1; 5,000.000 now ready. Ship same day order received; best references furnished. Clark’s Plant Farm. Thomasville, Ga. POTATO PLANTS—EarIy Improved Triumph. SI.OO per thousand. Prompt shipment guaran teed. Reference Baldwin County Bank. Eagle , Plant Co., Bay Minette. Ala. BAY CITY Nursery, Bay City, Fla.—Guaranteed leading varieties potato slips; $1.20 per 1.000. All over 5,000, sl. Trilby State Bank reference. BEST potato and tomato plants; 1,000, $1.50; 500, sl. Oakdale Farm, Box J, College Park, Georgia. MISCELLANEOUS. NEVADA MINING NEWS Free for Three Months This publication is edited by experts, is abso lutely authentic, and is a recognized authority on all mines, mining camps and mining stocks of Nevada. It will be mailed to you for three months ABSOLUTELY FREE upon request. Write for ft today and ask us for any special information you may desire about any mine in Nevada. NEVADA MINING NEWS. 268 Clay Peters BIdg.RENO, NEVADA. BOYS—Grab this latest scream, CHARLIE CHAPLIN comic squirt pin. Fastens on lapel, hubber hose attached to squeeze ball filled with water concealed. Every boy comes up to see DOPY’, mash squeeze ball, a fine stream of water squirts in face. Huge up roar. Sells like hot cakes. Send 30 cts. coin for sample and wholesale terms. The Univer sal Novelty Co., Dept. 29, Jacksonville, Fla. 1,100 ACRES—Brooks Co., 10 houses and barns, running water; 800 acres cleared. Here’s your place to raise hogs, cattle and to do farming; $17.50 per acre. Ineeda Realty Co., Thomas ville, Ga. FLORIDA has some good openings for business to the right men. For particulars, address 30 | Volusia ave., Daytona, Fla. | TEACHERS —Let me tell you how to get a first grade license. B. S. Holden, Ellijay, Ga. WANTED—AGENTS. OLD GOLD—FALSE TEETH. SI.OO TO $lO paid for old false teeth. Also just prices paid for old gold, silver and platinum. (Plated jewelry and old crowns and bridge work also bought. Report on all shipments same day received. McDuffie, The Jeweler, 150 reach tree st. WHERE ARE THE DEAD ‘ A REMARKABLE book of 427 pages. The ; easiest and fastest selling book published. : Agents send 20c for outfit. R. L. Phillips j I Pub. Company, Atlanta, Georgia. SUITS, $3.75; pants, sl. made to measure. For' even a better offer than this write and ask for free samples and styles. Knickerbocker ' Tailoring Co., Dept. 451, Chicago. 111. EVERY man approached means a sale. Large profits. Particulars. Eureka Special Co., 211 Main st.. Toledo, Ohio. BIG MONEY mailing circulars for others. Sendj 25c silver for copyrighted instructions. J. E. , Rue, Littleton. N. C. PATENTS. M a T■» U T able IDEAS WANTED. Manu-i 1*53 I K* N I factnrers want Open Patents ■ ■■ ■ ■■ ■— ■ Send for 3 free books; inven- ! tlons wanted, etc. I help you market your inven tions without charge. RICHARD B. OWEN, ‘ 66 Owen Bldg., Washington, D. C. M—, OF IDEAS and inventive ability should I write for new "Lists ot Needed Inventions." "Patent Buyers.” and "How to Get Your Pat ent and Your Money." Advice free. Randolph A j Co.. Patent Attorneys, Dept. 60. Washington, D. C. n B TP Bl TA Wstion E.roleman,~VaSt> FA I FHI Nt fngton, D.C. Booksfree. High • tl I fcalw I Wai references. Beat rasul’A 1 SUGAR MARKET ! (By Associated Press.) ’ NEW YORK, May 11.—Raw sugar quiet; een ' trifugal, 6.52; moiasscs, 5.75; refined sugar ’ firm; granulated, 7.65. Bugar future* les* active, but undertone steady and at noon prices were 2 to 3 points higher on covering and support from trade interests. Light selling depressed the Ist in tbe late , trading ami the closing was easy and unchanged to 5 points lower. Sales 9,450 tens. NEW YORK SUGAR MARKET. » Open. Close. January 4.7004.75 4.6704.70 February 4.49@4.50 March 4.56 4.4904.51 Aprilu 4.56 4.5004.52 May 5.48@5.50 June 5.00’ 5.5005.52 1 July .. .. .... .. .. 5.57 5.53@5.54 Augu5t5.5805.60 5.55@6.56 September .. 5.61@5.63 5.57@5.58 ■ October.. .. 5.5405.56 5.52@5.53 1 November .. 5.35@5.45 5.33@fi.35 December.. .. .. .. .. 5.1205.15 5.09@5.10 Tone, steady; sales, 9,450. i NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET Open. Close. Januaryß.6s bld 8.6208.64 February 8.67@8.69 March8.75@8.76 8.73 08.75 April .. .. .. •• •• ..-•.••••• 8.77@8.78 Mav 8.40 8.2908.31 June .. •• .. .. .. ..«..••••• . 8.3308.35 July .. •• •• •• •• 8.48 8.3708.38 August .. .. .. •* 8.4108.43 Septemberß.4s@ 8.46 8.4608.47 October .. .. .. 8.'(>@8.51 November .. .. .. .. 8.5408.55 December .. .. .. .. 8.60 bid 8.57@8.5W Sales, 21,500. NEW YORK, May 11.—Coffee: Rio, No. 7, 9% cents. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET CHICAGO, May 11.—Butter unchanged. Egg*—Receipts 30 cars; unchanged. Poultry—Alive unchanged. MEDICAL. rASTHMA. . 1 Cured Before You Pay. I will send you a $1 bottle of LANE’S TREATMENT r on FREETRIAL. Whencompletelyeuredsendmethe , 11. Otherwise, your report cancels charge. Address Du J. LANE, 372 Lane Bldg., St. Marys, Kansas. i ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Since healed more old sores than all other salves com bined. It is the most powerful salve known and . heals sores from the bottom up, drawing out the poisons. By mail 55 cents. Book free, A F. ALLEN MEDICINE CO., Dspt. B-2 ST. PAUL, MINN. l S3I ”a Sxyß al f SI ERLING’S ROYAL REMEDY enables you to treat yourself with positive success. Any stege. Prompt, sure, harmless. No injurious mercury or potash effects. FREE PROOF. Send I name for book and offer. JOHN STERLING ROYAL REMEDY CO., Dept. 40, Kansas City, Missouri. ITCH CURED I IN 30 MINUTES BY ONE APPLICATION > DAVIDS’ SANATIVE WASH We guarantee to cure any ease of ITCH If used as directed, or Money Refunded. Scratehea and Mange in Dots cured at once. 50c at your dealer's, or mailed on receipt of 65c. OWENS & MINOR DRUG COMPANY, Ltd., 15 South 10th St.. Richmond. Va. i ' LEG SORES Healed by ANTI-PLAMMA Poultiee Plaster Stops the itching around sores. Heals while you work. DE SCRIBE CASE and get FREE SAMPLE. Bayles Distributing Co., Grand, Kansas City, Mo. | ADIES SIOOO REWARD! In’EW ££ oe Successful ’Monthly"Compound. Safely relieveasome I of the longest, most obstinate, abnormal eases in 3 to I days. No harm, pain or interference with work. Mail 51.50: Double Strength $2.00. WOUfT FSEE. Write today. M. I.ASOUIHi»ITO«iEME3IC3„ CISMAHM., UMMCIH.BA I B4 vincing proof and test 11 si st J treatment of new method SENT FREE. Dr. Leon- hardt Co., 142 Forest Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. TIDHPCV TREATED.uFnwilygJveßqniek W* J JHu 101 relief,soon removes swelling y J Ashortbreath,often gives enters relief \ in 15to25days.Trialtreatment8nitFr*g Dr. THOMAS £. GREEN. Sucowaet to • H H.Greon»Sun», Box b Atlanta. Ga. SORE LEGS HEALED I Open Legs. Ulcers, Enlarged Veins. Eczema healed while you work. Write for book How to Heal my Sore Legs at Home.’’ Describe your case A. C. LIEPE. 1470 Green Bay Avenue. Milwaukee, Wit. T a TYTTO w hen Irregular or delayed, use XJaU LxliO Triumph Pills; always depead i able. Net sold at drug stores. ‘'Relief aud pae ticulars free. Address NATIONAL MEDICaL | INSTITUTE, Milwaukee, Wis. I Il A nirp ' rak « Cotton Root Compound Tab- I 11IIIf \ lets. Sure relief for monthly afflic tions. Sent in plain wrapper. Price I $2. Welch Medicine Co.. Box 23, Chula. Ga. RED ■V FREE. ZemetoOo., Dept. -3, 3Llwaukee,Wta. f-|TO • CURED MY DAUOHTER by stmpla dta- H I X oovery Doctors gave bar up. Will send rngg 111 W Lapse 818 ItUadiw.. Mihmk-t.Eii. FnCE V 7