Newspaper Page Text
MUTT AND JEFF—Jeff Is a Better Financier Than the Doc —BY BUD FISHER
(Coprigbt, 1010, by 11. C. Fisher. Trade Mark Registered V. S. Patent Office 1
fete wh.x'mutt rw-UA THA ’ r ’ ™ < = ONNA F,^Re / * 2O P6RweeK ]
I FADING HeQ-G AfcoUT a ( SOF=T GfUiftG ) ’ T ° UT ’ AMeR-AGeS / (S %00 LESS *B4 FOR h A. / ,
CALICD THF NUUK CMR-G.J | MILK a DA'y (VhD **M£) 4 QUARTS OF mix I *5/6 a weeK. He's / Ke CUT ' how? I » eAA
PF€b His PAT<GO<TS < H,N \ »2O EACH 15 lio OF A PRETTY WISE DOC. / CtUN . z—l J
r^^-“ eoue *y M «-OlOtcW«x J\- ' J STn-u farther. ANb V I/#//////'
•• ,a korxsr < *»«*»*<**/ < 6 94A^eK - / . _ ' v '/
A rhn A ?3BgL ft ft,
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* AJg **x I : >. - -wwi* '• ; ''it ! wwM if # ‘ k
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I ’ X~>R
{CoryrskbiMibrHCftaw tgl)
Bv Atimoc. Press )
CHICAGO. S-pt IS.—Decreasing stocks at
IJeerpool and diminishing northwestern receipt
had a bulhsn effect on wheat today. Beside.-,
world shipments were smeller, and the trade
scented n><e disposed to attach importance to
Rumanian defeats near the Black sea. On the
other band. Kansas City and Omaha report.-,!
many era of whet earned over from last week
unsold Opening prices here, which ranged
from C decline to 1S advance wen- followed bF
material gains all around, and then
of a rea.-ticn.
An increase >n the Lnited States visible
wheat supply total acted temporarily as a han
d’-wp for the bulls. the close, however, was
-.tmug. 1 to l e » net higher, with December
at tI.ASk, to «.4S\. »nd May at Jl.iy'j.
Corn n-ae in value owing to assertions that
frost damage was m-ich more apparent tvday
than had been generally suppose! would be the
rase. After opening S io •'< higher, the mar
ket continued to ascend.
Torn closed firm at •» tv le net advance.
Oats hardened with corn and wheat. Offer
ings were light.
Trade in provisions was almost entirely con
fined to lard. The market symtmtbiaed with
the firmness of quotations on bogs.
The following were toe ruling prices In the
ei-tange today;
. Prer.
• Open. Hurb. Lx>w. Close. Close.
•Sept 149 14»ti 14TH 14’» 14T«-
Dee 14S' s 145»4 146 1 14 SS 147 S
Slay .149 «14S>. 149*k 147 H 14»*s 148 S
Sept. *«»4 *7 MS b* *54
Dee 72U 7»», 724 73 73
May .. 78 7«S 75?* 76V* ISfe
Sept 1.44% 444 444 444 441,
Dee. 47 47»« «?« 474 47S
Mayso% 30% 50% 50% 50%
S«pt. *.28 05 2b.06 28.02 28.05 28.05
Oet. * .... 26.70 26.75
Dev 23.60 23.65 *23.50 23.52 23.40
Septl4.4s 14.50 14.45 14.50* 14.47
0ct14.40 14 40 14.35 14.42 14.43
Dee 13.92 13.32 13.70 13.75 13.90
Sept. .. *. ..14 65 14.75 14.70 14.72 14.70
net 14.20 14.20 14.07 14.12 14.30
Jan. 12.67 12.67 12.52 12.62 13.75
Wheat, increase.
Corn, increase. 224.<a4>.
•>»rs. increase. 2.829.000.
By Anaaeiaead Presa.)
CHICAGO. Sept. 18.—Wheat. No. 2 red. nmn
ital: Na. 3 red. $1.43%4it.47%% No. 2 har*.,
81.48%«ai.51%; NO. 3 hard. gl.<««!«•.
Corn. No. 2 yellr»w. A7GS7%e; No 4 vellow, i
SHtMe; No. 4 white. «20«3e.'
Oats. No. 3 white. 45W45\c; standard. 45*i
Rve. No. 2. kl tSWal.n.
Barley. 43«»»1.15.
Timothy. 83.5<*'<?4.50.
Clover. FIIOO ,14 no
Pork. »2««W
Lard. SI4JB.
The following were the '■ash quotations on
grain and the previnn* •-lose:
Close. Prev. rioee.
No. 2 red 1.M%4L63% 1.63
bo. 3. re* .. .. 1.48 QI 49
No. 2 hard . .. l.Vt <11.61 1.33 *■»!.•»
rnRN— i
No. 2 •... 83%* *4 M 9 64’
Nt*. 2 wb%e ««
OA '1 ik—
No. 2 41 St 44 *4 44140 43
N«, 2 white ... 43 «7 45% 4«’i
'Bv Assoc ated
KANSAS CITY. sept. 18.—Wheat. No. 2
Mid. 51.4851.56; No. 2 ted 81.5K11.V..
•tern. No. 2 mixed. 53Q43%e: No. 2 mixed.
kttxVie: No. 2 v»11«*. ■*3-
Oats. No. 2 white. 46%e; No 2 Mixed. 45%
By »d Press. -
ST. LOVIS. *ept. 18—Poultry, chicken*.
14%®16%e, spring-. 18e; turkey*, jte; ducks,
14e; geese, 13e.
Butter, creamery. 32%c.
Eggs, steady. 25e.
By Aasor’.ated Press. *
KANSAS <ITY. Sept. 18—Batter, creamery.
31c; first*. 3Be; eewnds. 27e; packing. 24%c.
Eggs, firsts. I***.
Poultry, bens. 16e: roos’ers lie: broilers. 21e.!
Learn to Play the Piano
In One Evening
If yon dna t play the piano or organ and waul
to learn won't you l*t u* loan you for flvo day*
!•*» rl~-es of the world's sweetest mmdc and full
iaetrnctß.ns for play inn’
[g a» rti[ |- | - I-sample:
Jr Wlten the mu
—,, , |C t ' O’ « u c sic »aya **B l»
5 52? I ®” 7"** B*rik--
"*y IQP If'sM s« :« r, t the Levs
a—imo, - .'D*t f marked Il
*< • 1 ’ G. Vouran'l
‘Earrfc™F !rr T 1,: 11 B ’ r — 50 wrong.
• a ;r?cv’” e **■
I /// A postal card brlnga
to y° M FREF.
Bl! Wocld ynw give a penny t«i
-M /learn to play the plane-<-r <.rg*i
MT -0H / In one etenlrgk Impossible!
So. not at an Hundreds ><i
>gM’t tbooaanda of ©there who new
played before, played their it--'
ntere In lust a few n.lnutes
“My boy. who roeld never play a note, sat do**
and played three pieces first night."—Mrs. E.
Wlngover. Halls Bridge. <»nt.
“I never could learn anything about music un
til I got I learned to play a pir-c
and carriol tbo four parts In an hour"—Aniaudj
;We«t, Scottsboro. Ala.
On request we will send you tbousaiids of slm
liar letter- from kliuust every port of the world
Imesr.'t thia convince you that you ean play by
thia wonderful new method?
Any child or tdd pers- r. can now understand and
play the Fiano or Organ without previous know!
edge. No teaeber. No tedious instrnetiotu by mail.
Simply write us a p>*t card, saying. “Pleas"
send me Easy Borm Music for 5 days' free trial.
If I don’t want w» purchase it. I will return II
promptly." Be sure to answer three questions;
• How many white keys on yonr pt«n° <w oegnnl
Do yon (day note music?
we wfD then mud you eomplet-- Instruction*
r gather with 180 of the werM'« most baavtlf','
piecea of music. If you *ird vmi can play at once,
•end us 81.5 Plp 5 da; * sllw r * iT "
mugle. and 81. W a lor 5 months <m th-
Easy Payment Plan. ff you are not dellghicl
with tb« rnnsi-. mall it to ua in 5 days and owe
»• nothing. las t that fair enough7
»yt Cla/ksen Bldg-, CMeags TH.
: —: 1
Atlanta Live Stock |
,Correctbt by W. H. White. Jr., of the White
Provision Company.)
Good to choice steers, nuu to IMX) lbs., $6.5<
; to «7.<M).
Good steers, TOO to 800 lbs., $6.25 to |G.75.
Medium tu good steers, 700 to 800 lbs., $5.75
; to $6.25.
Good t<* choice ueef cows. 750 to bfiO U»a„
. ss..~i<* to $6.00.
Medium tu good cows, uso to 700 lbs., $4.50
io $5.30.
Good to choice heifers, 600 to 700 lbs.,
$4-50 to $5.50.
The above represents the ruling prices of
good quality cattle, inferior grades and dairy
tj pes selling lower.
Me-iiuui tu good steers, 750 to 850 lbs., $5.50
, to $6.50.
Mediant to good steers, 650 to 750 lbs., $4.25
to $5 .oa
Mixed common, $3.50 to $4.00.
; <iood fat oxen. $5.50 to s6.o<*.
Medium oxen, $4.50 to $5.00.
Good butcher bulls, $3.50 to $1 00.
Prime bogs, 200 to 250 lbs.. $8.75 to $0.50.
Good bogs, 160 to 200 lbs.. $8.50 to $8.75.
Light bogs. 125 tu 16u lbs.. $8.25 to $8.50.
Good pig’. 'JO to I'-’O lbs. $7.50 to SB.OO.
Above quotations apply to cornfed hogs. Mast
and peauut fattened lower, owing to quality.
Cattle receipts continue light. Market steady
to a shade stronger on better grades. Tennes
see shippers supplying most p£ the desirable
beef cattle at prescut.
Hog receipts normal, market st«ady.
Bv Associated Press.)
KANSAS CITY, Sept. IS.- Hogs—Receipts,
11.000, 5c higher; bulk, $10.75'0.11.15; heavy,
510.60'-111.10; light, $10.70® 11.20; pfgs, SJ>«O
Cattle—Receipts, 36.000, steady to 15c lower:
prime fed steers, $10.00*811.00: dressed beef
steers, $7.504t'9.75; western steers, $6.50®
9.50: cows, $4.75@7.50: heifers, SG.OO® 10.50:
stockers. $»1.00®8.25; bulls, $5.25®6.50; calves,
Sheep—Receipts, 17.00", 10®25c lower: lambs.
$9.75® 10.50; yearlings. $7.50®8.15; wethers,
$7.2507.75; ewes, $6.5007.25.
CHICAGO. Sept. 18.—Hogs—Receipts, 29,00",
slow at shade under the opening, which was
, unchanged to 5 c.'iiis above Saturday's ave-age,
bulk. $10.50® 11.60; light, $10.35011.80;
mixed. $10.16011-50; Heavy, $10.05® 11.40;
rough. $10.03® 10.25; pigs, $7.00® 10.10.
Cattle—Receipts, 21,000, unsettled, native
beef cattle. $6.60® 11.30; w»stern steers, sfi."o
®9.40; sto<-kers and feeders, $4j50®7.65: cows
and heifers. $3.50®9.35; calves, $8.80013.0"
Sheep—Receipts. :i4.000. weak; wethers, $6.75
<98.30; lambs. $6.75010.70.
(By Associated Pres*.)
NEW YORK. Sept. 18.—Butter, steady;! re
ceipts. 6.573 tubs. Creamery, higher than ex-
Itras, per lb. 34%084%c; creamery, extras!
i 92 acnrei. 33%c; creamery, firsts. <-u>-!<l :
-eorei. 32%* 33%c; creamery, seconds, (83-871
■ score*. 29%®31c; creamery, thirds, 28® 29c;;
I creamery, ursalted. higher than extra, 34%®
3.V: creamery, nnxalted, extras. 33%c; cream
i ery. unsalted, first". 32033 c; creamery, un
; salted, seconds. 30@31%e; state, dairy, tubs,
<inest, 31%®32%e: state, dairy, good to prime,
I* 29%®31c; state, dairy, common to fair, 26® ;
29c; renovated, extras. 2»®2P’jC; renovated
firsts. 27%®28e; renovated, lower grades. 260
27c; imitation creamery. firsts. 28®'28%c;
- ladles. June make, firsts. 27®27%c; ladles.
Ic-i rrent make, firsts. 26®27c! ladles, current
make, seconds. 25%c; ladles, current make,
lower grades, 24® 23c. Paeqlng stock—Current
make. No. 1. 25®23%c; current make. No. 2. ,
I'becse, firm; -eceipts. 1.539 cases. State—
Wliol • milk: Flat.-. early . made, specials, I
19%c; flats, *resb. colored, specials, 19%®
19%c; flats, fresh, white, spe., 19%c! flats.
fr<«h, colored average faacy, 19®l!i> 1 c; flats,
fr>—h. white, average fancy. 19®19%c; twins,
early made, specials, 19%019c; twins, frosh, j
epecl.-ils. 15%®19%c; twins. fresh, average
fancy. 18%c; eheodarw, early made, specials.
19%e; cheddars. fresh fancy. X3—62:23egb%e
19%c; single daisies, fancy, |9%® l!)%c; all
styles, iindergrndea. 15® 18%e. Wisconsin—
Whole milk fancy: Twins, eatly made, 19%®
19%e: twins, fresh, 19®19%c: singles daisies,
fresh. 19%®19%c; double daisies, frosh. 19%
®ll' l ic: voting Americas, 20. Stat«—Skims:
Early made, specials. Ulf: current makes, spe
rtals, 13%*r 15 , «e; choice. 14%®13e; fair tn I
gon>l. 13’-® 14c; Icwer grades. 7® 12c.
Egg*, firm: receipts. 7.557 cases. Fresh,
gathered- Extra fine, -ioton. 36'<r37c. extra
firsts. 36®36c; .firsts. 32084 c; so<-ond«. 29®
31«-: thirds and poorer. 27®28c; fresh gath
r-red dirties. No. 1. 26®27e: fresh gathered,
dirtlew. No 2. 22®35 , 4e; prime to choice, dry
cheek*. 24025 c; undergrades, checks. 20023 c:
r-f rigors tor. special marks, fancy, -tore and
insurance paid. 3<i%031c; refrigerator firsts,
storage and insurance paid. 29%®30c: refriger
ator seconds, storage and Insurance paid. 28®,
22c; refrlg-rMcr, lower grades. 23®27’4c: re
frigerator. state, white, 31033 c. Nearby and
white eggs: Htate, Pennsylvania and nearby
henn»*ry, whites, fine to fancy. .45048 c state,
Pennsylvania an<* uoart-y hennery, whites, nrdl
j nary to good. 35048--: gathered whites, as to
; rfxa sad quality. 30043 C; Wlaconsia and
I ern. gathertd, wh tes. 30086 c; state, I'enn
aylvanla and nearby hennery, browns, 38042 c;
1 state. Pennsylvania and nearby, benn ry. browns
and mixed, ordinary to fancy. 3tKtß«c,
(By Associated Presa.)
SAVANNAH, Ga.. Sept. 18.--Turpentine firm*
|f 42s*c; sales 25; reeMpt.v 242.
> Rosin firm; sales none; receipts 743.
,t Quote- B. $5.75; D. $5.8.3. E. $5.99. F, $6.10;
hG. $6 15; H. $6.20; I, $6.25; K. 86.25; Ml
116.40; N, (6 35: window glass, (•5.30: water’
white. $4.60.
o 'By Associated Press. ,•
NEW YORK. Nept- 18. Haw sugar, firm;
llcentrifugal. 5.27; molasses. refined.: I
’tst-udv: cut loaf, 7.53; --rushed. 7.40; mould A, i
6.9*1: cubes, 6.90; XXIX jH-w-iered, 6.55; pow-; '
der«-d, 6.56; fine grsuulal ’.l. 6.40; diamond A, I
6 P«. •- tifec--..|.. ,»■ \. N, t . 1, 6.35.
Sugar futures oi»eri«d quiet on covering by .
:• shorts and support f-v-m trade interests. At I
norm pri-v-s were 3 •<> 10 points higher.
o < losod steady and Itu 20 |Mdnts higher; vales, .
" 1
»• Open. Close.
• January ~ ~ 4.05®4.0>
Febnutry ~ .. .. ~ 3.9803.94
pMarch .. .. 3.6603.92 3.9:i'w3.9i
'••April .. 3.8603. in.
May •• •• •••• 3.95 bid 4.0004.<12
’ June4.o3 asked 4.1004.03
Tjuly ». .. 4.06®4.<m
* August 4.0004.11
September $.3004.40 4.50®4.52
I O-tol-er ~ .. ( . 4.27 hid 4.4004.41
l»eeember .. .. .. .. 41T1 bid 4.3104.33
» By Associated Press.)
I- NEW YORK, Sept. 18.—The metal exchange
quot'-s lead $08007.00; spelter firm: spot East
'■St. Ix>ul» delivery 1>%4<9%.
■ At London lead 30 pounds. 10»; spelter 55 ,
'; topper firm: 01-wtrulytlf, $27.00028.25.
» Iron, steady: No. 1 northern, $20.50021.00;
8-> 2 s3o.ol®'JO.**®; No. 1 northern, $19,504!
eSO.Wt; No. 2, $19.00010.50.
,j Metal exchange quotes tin steady; spot, $38.25
e 038.75.
At London—Spot copper. 116 pounds, futures,
112 pounds; electrolytic. 155 pounds 1Os; spot
tin. 170 pouaas. l&a* futures, 171 pound* 10a.
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK, Sept. 18.—The cotton market
opened steady at an advance of 5 to 9 points
and sold 12 to 18 points net higher shortly after
the call on covering. Liverpool buying and ?
renewal of bull support. Bullish private con
dition >t>d crop advices stimulated the
buying movement as well as relatively firm ca
bles, but there appeared to be considerable rot
ton for sale around 15.<19 for December, and
1.3,77 for January. This checked the advance
with later fluctuations showing reactions es F
to 6 jiolnts from the best. Two private crop
reports were issued, one making the condition
61 and the other 59.4, 'otnparing with 64.7 at
the end of last month.
After reacting to 15.60 for December and
15.68 for January nndei southern selling and
local pressure encouraged by a feeling that pres
ent good picking weather would be follqwe-1 by
a rapid increase in the movement, offerings
tapere-l off and the market steadied. Buying
was not aggressive, but was sufficient to give
a steady undertone, and the mark-t was quiet
arnninl midday with prices ruling some Ift to 13
j-oints net higher.
The market became decidedly active and firm
-luring the afternoon. Wall street and uptown
■hMtg were credited wlti> - nvering on the a<l
vancc which carried prices al-out 27 to 34 points
net higher, with Dccemner selling up to 13.83,
and January to 15.93.
The following were the ruling prices Id the
ex-hange today:
Tone very steady; middling, 15.85 c; quiet.
Last Prev.
Open. High. Low. Sales. Close. Close.
Jan 15.65 15.98 15.65 15.97 15.95 13.60
F0b15.02 15.67
Mar 15.84 16.15 15.84 16.11 16.11*15.76
Aprill6.lß 13 82
May 15.99 16.31 15.99 16.32 16.30 15.94
Junel6.32 15.97
July.. .. ..16.08 16.34 16.08 16.34 16.38 16.03
Septls.6B 15.35
0ct;15.44 15.75 15.44 15.72 15.71 15.38
Dec 15.57 15.85 15.55 15.87 15.87 15.51
(By Associated Press.)
NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 18.—Several bullish
private bureau crop reports, pointing to a low
percentage of eondltion from the government
for September, caused moderately large buying
on the opening of the cotton mark >t here to
day. In the first half hour of business prices
were advanced 12 to 14 points.
The market developed a dull but steady tone.
Prices were well sustained at about the higest
level*. At noon the trading months were at a
net gain of 9 to 13 points.
Important buying developed in the afternoon,
based apparently on private bureau reports. In
the trailing up to 1:30 the advance was widened
1<- 3" to 33 points.
The following were the ruling prices la tbs
tx-hange today:
Tone firm; middling, 15.13 c, steady.
Last Prev.
Open. High. Low. Sales. Close. Close.
Jan. .. . 15.45 15.74 15.44 15.72 15.72 15.41
Feb. 15.82 15.51
March .. . 15.65 15.95 16.64 15.93 15.93 15.62
Apri115.69 15.78
May .. .. 15.90 16.16 15.89 16.1(1 16.14 15.82
JuneWlS 15.85
July 16.30 16.20 16.20 16.29 15.96
SepL .. . W,l» 14.84
Oct 15.05 13.35 15.(>4 15.35 13.34 15.03
15.44 15.13
Dec. .. .. 15.80 15.6" 15.29 15.6" 15.58 15.27
tßy Associated Press.)
NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 18.—Spot cotton
steady and unchanged; sales on the spot, 760
bales; to arrive. 1,935; good ordinary, 13.63;
strict good ordinary, -4.08; low middling, 14.63;
strict low middling, 14.88; middling. 15.13;
strict inidling. 15.32; good midling. 15.50; strict
good midling, 15.75; receipts, 7.086; stock, 11,-
Atlanta, quiet, 15.40 c.
New York, quiet, 15.85 c.
New Orleans, steady, 15.13 c.
Liverpool, steady, ».44d.
tugusta, steady, 15.06 c.
Norfolk, steady, 15.18 c.
Houston, steady. 15.30 c.
Memphis, steady, 15.37 c.
Philadelphia, steady, 16.10 c.
Dallas, steady, 14.65 c.
Boston, steady, 15.85 c.
Mobile, steady, 15.12 c.
Savannah, steady, 15.25 c. •
Charleston, steady. 15c.
Wilmington steady, 15c.
Little Rock, steady, 15c.
Galveston, steady, 15.85 c.
The following were the ruling prices in the J
exchange today: - ... I
Tone, steady; sales, 12.000: middling. 9.44 d. j
Prev. |
Open. Range. 3 p. m. Close. Close. ;
Jan. A Feb. 9.27 -9.30 9.30 9.31 9.26%;
Feb. A Mar9.3l 9.26% 1
April A May’9.3l 9.26
Mar A Jun« 9.26. -9.28 9.30 9.32 9.25%
June A July % 9 -£ 9 ??,.
July A Aug. 9.18%-9.21 9.26 9.20 9.18%
dept 9.34%-O.:U 9.36 9.34
,Bept A Oct. 9.30 -9.32 9.35% 9.33% 9.80%
Ort. A Nov. 9.29 -9.31 9.81 9.31% 0.28%
Nov. A DecU.3o% 9.27'j
Hee. A Jan. 9.27%-9.29 9.29 9.30% 9.27
Open. Ctoa->.
Spr-ta 10.20® 10.5" I
Septemberlo.oo® 10.50 10.28010. Mi
October 10.31® 10.38 10.29® 10.J10
Novemberl'i. 1 l'<t 10.15 10.16010.19
D*r-mherlo.lß® 10.20 10.19®10.20j
Jannarv .. ». .. 10.220 10.23 10.22019.231
F.-bruarylo.27olo.4o 10.31010.351
Xlan-h 10.48*110.50 10.48'0 10.49
A nri I 10.50® V» 65 10 ■ 59'u 10.6~-
A Home Cure by One Wh) Had It |
In the spring of 1893 1 was atta<-ke<l by I
Muaurlar and Inflammatory Rheumatism. I F
stiff- r--1 as only tln-s- who liavo it know, for I
ever three years. 1 tried remedy after £
remedy, and "doctor after doctor, but such I
relief as I received was only temporary, f
Finally. I fnund a remedy that cured me I
completely, and It has never returned. I I
have given it to a number who were terribly aj
afflicted anil even bedridden with Rheuma- 1
ils. and it effected a cure in every case.
I wnnt every sufferer from any form of fa<
rhonniatii- trouble to try this marvelous heal- *
ing power. Don’t send a cent: simply mnil
your n.-tnn- and address and I will send It
tree io try. After yon linve used It and
it has proven itself to bo that long-looked
for means of curing yonr Rheumatism, jou
may send the price of it, one dollar, but. un
derstand, 1 do not want your money unless
you ar* perfectly satisfied to send it. Isn’t
(hat fair? Why suffer any longer when pos
itive r»Hef Is thus offered you free? Don’t
-lolay. Write today.
Mark TT. Jackson. No. 259-C Gurney Bldg..
Syracuse. N. Y.
Gloria’s Romance
By Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Hughes.
(Copyright. 1916, by Adelaide M. Hughes.)
t !
• (Continued from Last Issue.)
‘ M’GHTERS are dangerous
• I ) charges, Pierpont,” said Judge
I Freeman. The two elderly
’ pure being almost choked him. When
r men stood watching the dance which
’ was in full swing at the coming out
t party of Gloria Stafford. The men were
I related to each other by marriage—the
1 marriage of Stafford’s son David and
Freeman’s daughter Lois —whatever re
j lati<-ns that made them.
> Pierpont Stafford nodded a worried
t assent to the judge's statement and,
5 turning his eyes reluctantly from the
, grace and charm of his own girl, xvho
1 was dancing with an almost lyric poetry
of motion, enfolded in the arms of Hich
’ ard Freneau, Pierpont looked for Judge
Freeman's girl, Lois, to find a specific
cause for the judge’s doleful remark.
» What he saw puzzled him considerably.
He saw Lois, not dancing, but watching
Gloria and Freneau. There was a look
of unmistakable jealousy and helpless
) rage on her face. He saw his son David
r speak to her and put his hand on her
1 arm, only to have her shake him off and
• move away into the croxvd.
I Pierpont felt suddenly terribly afraid
for his son's honor, and a gnawing ache
i at liis heart for Lois’ father, who stood
» beside him. But it was far too delicate
, a situation for the two men to discuss
I —yet
“Children are hostages to fortune, as
Bacon, the playwright, said,’’ Pierpont
1 murmured, putting his hand on the
t other man's arm., “After all, hoxv little
; it is we cay really save them from!”
1 Gloria was being watched jealously
1 Cjy yet another. Doctor Royce, who.
with mixed feelings of a lover and an
older guardian, felt cut t<s the quick as
she passed directly in front of him in
Freneau’s embrace. He could see the
’ look ofc perfect joy in her glorious eyes,
1 and there was rapture in the xvhole
happy swing of her youthful body.
Anger at Freneau’s unworthiness of tills
1 another man took Gloria away from
Freneau for the last half of the dance,
. and Freneau reluctantly walked way,
Royce asked for a word with him, mov
ing toward the library, where they could
1 be alone. Freneau followed with uneasy
i 1— —————— .
' No Longer Any Uncertainty About
Conquering Dreaded Malady.
! Pellagra investigations conducted by !
’ the U. S. Department of Health show
t that diet is an important factor in cur
■ Ing Pellagra. However, Dr. Hendon ad
vocates not only a nutritious diet to
help the patient gain strength but the
use of Baughn’s Pellagra Treatment,
which really effects a cure by getting
iat the cause. The Baughn treatment
has been so successful that it is now
sold with a positive guarantee to cure
pellagra or the money will be refunded.
The best way to find out all about pel
lagra and its cure is to write to Dr. Hen
don, care American Compounding Com
pany, Box 587-L, Jasper, Ala., asking
for their big book on pellagra, which is
sent free in plain wrapper.
Note: This firm is reliable and does
refund the money in cases where the
patient isn’t cured.—(Advt.)
You don’t need money to get an antonio- I
bile. Let me give you one of my brand I
| new, never u»ed, lataat model ftve-pe«- I
•enger Ford Touring Care, abuolotaly free I .
; of charge. I have given away dozen* of I ;
them. You might aa well have ona, too. If I
you have no auto and want one, send mo 1
yonr name right away end say: “1 want I
i one of yonr free Forde." A post-card will I
ten. Tells the provocation that led -
I |fa wp to the most daring gun fight on
record, where they shoot the Judge
Sheriff, States attorney, 3 Jurors. •
J? Jr o* and 8 others in the Hillsville Court
X Room. All crimes have a woman
back of it, and BOVS this one Is
j|Z « T worth reading. Large bound book
—- inplain wrapper for TEN Cents.
tOYAL BOOK CO. DepC i«So. Norwalk. Coni.'
w, . r 7^wir^S<&^ CATALOG ani>
valuable prize* to our *** " ® ’
ru.tomer.. You may be ... |
the lucky one Shot Gun. tt
•J.7S| Rifle*. *1.401 Re*
•2. 10 and *3.40. You c*n't boat (
our price* BOURNE A BOND,
Mvket Siren Louisville. Kentucky '
bravado. Once safe from observation.
Doctor Royce let his rage break forth.
“You contemptible fortune hunter!
Five years ago 1 warned you to keep
away from Gloria. You lied to her then
and your life is still one long lie.” i
Freneau's face blanched xvith fury,'
and lie raised his arm to strike Royce,
but before the calm contempt in his
eyes he changed his mind. He decided
to forego the blow for the present, and
laughed as bravely as he could. Royce
pursued him with an alarming threat.
"What if I tell her of your affair
with a certain married woman?”
Freneau gave a surprised start, at
tempted to speak , changed his mind
again. He was guilty of too much to
risk a challenge. Shrugging his shoul
ders, he moved sullenly off and out of
the room.
Royce smiled to himself. "It was a
bluff, but it worked." He had caught
a glimpse of Lois' jealousy and a faint
suspicion had risen in his mind. Now
he wondered if it were confirmed.
Royce •walked after Freneau and had
the satisfaction of seeing him depart
without bidding goodby to Gloria.
Royce thought he had won a signal
victory. He xvould have taken little
pleasure in it had he knoxvn that Fre
neau left so obediently because Gloria
had already granted him a whole after
noon to be spent in her company alone
on the following day. Freneau felt so
certain of his ability to win a gjromise
of marriage from her with this oppor
tunity that he could afford the seem
ing compliance xvith the order of Doctor
(Continued in Next Issue.)
RATE; 40c an agate line a week, two issues, Tuesday and Friday. Count six Words to the line. *
MEN—We will teach you the barber trade in few
weeks. Pay you well while learning, tools
free. Give you paying position, day you learn,
in our nice barber shops. Everything for S3O
Jacksonville Harber College. 822 West Bay st.,
Jacksonville, Fla.
TORAvCO FACTORY wants salesmen; $125
monthly ar.rt expenses for the right mnn. Ex
perience unnecessary, a« we give complete in
structions. Piedmont Tobacco Co., Y’-IT. Dan
ville. va.
SELL TREES—Fruit trees. Pecan trees, shade
trees, ornamentals and roses. Easy to sell.
Big profits. Write today. Smith Bros., Dept.
20. Concord, Ga.
MOTORMEN-f ONDI’CTORS. $«O monthly. Tn
terurbans everywhere. Experience unneces
sary. Qualify now. State age; booklet free.
M. C., Box 282, care Journal.
No STRIKE. 8 Hour I>ay. Men everywhere.
Firemen, brakemen, baggagemen. $l2O. Col
ored porters, experience unnecessary. 689 Rail
way Bureau. E. St. Louts, 111.
month; travel over the world. Write C. T.
Ludwig, 168 Westover bldg,, Kansas City, Mo.
$25 WEEKLY collecting names and addresses.
Send stamp. Superba Co.. W. 56. Baltimore,
YOUNG MEN AND LADIES—Learn telegraphy,
railway accounting, typewriting and telegraph
penmanship, and earn SSO to $125 a month. Big
demand for telegraphers and station agents. Po
sitions paying not less than SSO a niontK guar
anteed. Rapid promotion. Railroad wire iu
school. Until Oct. loth you can secure n life
scholarship for only S3O. After that date our
tuition rate will he SSO. Rotter save that S2O.
Prepare now for good positions this winter. Gol
den opportunity's await you in the railroad and
commercial telegraph service. Large illustrated
catalogue giving full particulars sent free on
request. Write today. Southern School of Teleg
raphy, Box 383-B, Newnan, Ga.
BOYS, GIRLS, hurry, get this big Christmas
money: Santa Claus is knocking at your ;
door. Heed his call. Your name and we will 1
send twelve packages of shampoo sonn to sell :
at 25c. Send ui $2 and keep $1 for your'
trouble* Write quick. Universal Novelty Co.,
Jacksonville, Fla.
get a first-grade license. B. S. Holden, Elli
jay, Ga.
AGENTS make big money. The best line of
food flavors, perfumes, soaps and toilet prep
arations, etc., ever offered. Over 250 light
weight, popular priced, quick selling necessities
—in big demand—well advertised—easy sellera
—big repeaters. Over 100 per cent profit. Com
plete outfits furnished free to workers. Just
a postal today. American Products Co.. 9053
3rd st.. Cincinnati, O.
AGENTS—Make a dollar an hour instead <-f a
dollar a day. Sell Mendets. the famous patent
I patch for instantly mending leaks in granite
' ware. tin. brass, copper utensils and rubber
I good* without heat, solder, cement or rivet.
] Sample packagi and handsome catalogue of fast i
1 selling specialties free. Collett” Mfg. Co.. Dept, i
I 728. Amsterdam, N. Y.
i 101’50 MAN —Would you accept a taitormado|
suit Just for shewing It to your friends’ I
I Then write Banner Tailoring Co., Dept. 421. :
Chi’ago, and got beautiful samples, styles and i
I a wonderful offer.
SAW MILLS, shingle mills, corn mills, water j
wheels, engines. Dclxvach Co.. 541 Atlanta. Ga.
GREY FOXES FOR SAI.E—SS each, six $25. j I
R. E. Willis, iokosee, Fla. ||
Made to measure in latre* style. Not
not even sl. not even one cent AaSS&O
col t to you under our eaay conditions.
Ma Bxtra Charge for faney ewell styles,
extra big. extreme peg-tope, pearl button-,
fancy belt loops, no extra charge for anything. Ibe.Uy
all free. Before you take another order, before/
•rent tailoring deal. Costa nothing and no extra-barges. t/
a 1 Full weight 40 Ibe.Slb. Pillow* to tnateb. •t.lJapelr.
■Mil New I i-e. Clean Feather*. Re»tTlckin«. Sold on Money
Ra-k Ceia-antee. Write FR« -atak f Agent* wanted.
American Feather * Pillow Co.. D.,k. ;is h.,t!-’lle. T-«e.
Greek King’s Agent
Challenged to Duel by
Former Secretary
(By Associated Press.)
ATHENS, Friday, Sept. 15.—(Via Lon
don, Sept. 16.) —George Streit, King Con
stantine's most intimate counsellor, who
has been acting as the sovereign’s per
sonal agent in endeavoring to form a
cabinet, was challenged to a duel today
by George Melas, formerly the king’s
private secretary.
M. Melas. who lost his position on ac
count of his sympathies for former
Premier Venlzelos in an open letter to
M. Streit charges him with being re
sponsible for the "disastrous results of
the Germanophile policy of Greece." M.
Streit was foreign minister at the out
break of the war.
Believes Steamer Was
Sent Down by Mine
WASHINGTON, Sept, 16.—Consul
Frost at Queenstown, said today that
the British admiralty believes the Brit
ish liner Counsellor, which sunk south
west of Galley Head September 14,
without loss of life, struck a mine.
Frank Carlingham, an American fire
man on the ship, was reported in Lon
don dispatches as having made affida
vit that the ship was torpedoed.
MARRY RICH—Be happy and prosperous. Big
list of description* and Photos of congenial
people with means free. Sealed, confidential.
Either sex. Standard Club, Box 607, Grays
lake. Hl.
PERSONAL—Wanted, quick, name and address
of reliable single man who wvuld marry
wealth}' lady who could assist him financially,
particulars. Address Allen Ward (B-545) Val
ley, Neb.
MABRY—Free photos beautiful ladles; deacrlp.
tlons and directory; pay when married. New
Flan Co., Dept. 26, Kansas City. Mo.
MARRY— Marriage directory with photos and
descriptions free. I'ay when married. The
Exchange, Dept. 34. Kansas City, Mo.
OLD FALSE TEETH. We pay to $5 a set.
Also buy bridgework. Mail to Herwltz Bros.,
Central Bldg., Rochester, N. Y
MARRIAGE PAPER free. The moat reliable
published. Send for uue. Eastern Agency.
22. Bridgeport, Conn.
MARRY RICH —Hundreds anxious to marry.
Descriptions and photos free. Unity, Grand
Rapids, Mich,
WIDOW. 21. worth $50,000. would marry. M.,
Box 584, Messenger, Los Angeles, Cal.
WEALTHY' northern widow, 52, would mar
ry. F„ Box 35, League, Toledo. Ohio.
MERCHANT, worth $75,000. will marry. Write
E. E., 1025 22nd. San Diego, Ual.
WIDOW, worth $40,000, would marry. Write
F„ Box 4, San Diego. Cal.
WEALTHY Canadian merchant. 30, would
marry. N., Box 35, League, Toledo, Ohio.
SMALL Missouri farm. $lO cash and $5 month
ly; no interest or taxes; highly productive
land; close to 3 big markets; write for pho
tographs and full information. Munger, C-136
I N. Y, Life Bldg-.. Kansas City, Mo.
SAGS—SPECIAL —Farm 405 acres, 335 in cul
i tivation. Will take as little as SI,OOO cash
with one to five years for balance If sold at
; early date. 3 miles Nat. Highway and Ry.
i J. F. Maddox, Ashburn. Ga.
FARMS WANTED—Hare 7,000 buyers; describe
i your unsold property. 402 Farmers Exchange,
j Denver. Col.
Breeding stock registered from purest strains.
Herd boars, “L. RED GIRL’S LAD” and
“GEORGIA COL.” Large and well formed. Col
or, deep cherry red. For sale—Sows bred and un
bred. Young gilts and boars. Best lard hogs in
the United States. Pedigrees guaranteed. Prices
Route 6, Monticello. Ga.
Harrie Jordan. H. 1.. Collier, Jr.
PATmkiTABLE Ideas Wanted. Manu
w M It lw ■ facturers want Owen Patents.
Send for 3 free books; Inven
' tions wanted, etc. I help you market your inven-
J tion without charge. RICHARD B. OWEN. 66
I Owen Bl u g., Washington, D. C.
MEN of ideas and inventive ability should
i write •'for new “Lists of Needed Inventions,”
! ’’Patent Buyers” and "How to (Jet Your Pat
ient and Your Money.” Advice free. Randolph
: A Co., Patent Attorneys, Dept. 60, Wasu-
I Ington. D. C.
ft ■ vr* 11 TO Watawa E.Colrmnn,WiWh.
rAIrN I Ington, D.C. Book* free. Hlgte
• M I Ball I W est references. Best reaul>
Hr Dr. Chaae’a Special Blood and Nerve Tablets.
Dr. Chase, 224 N. Tenth Street. Philsdeiphis, Pa.
I”” A NIf"TDQ PAY when removed. Health
Herald FREE. Address Dr.
i E. V. Boynton. Fitchburg, Mass. |
AHIFQ Take Cotton-Root Com
LnUILO pound Tablets. Sure re
lief for monthly affliction*. Sent in .
plain wrapper for $2.00.
Welch Medicine Co., Jacksonville. Fla.
I Express Prepaid $075
i W i k Fanta cut tn the latest
/ A KI *1 \ style. Made-to-your
f\ F \jQ individual measure. Fit, work
manship and wear guaranteed.
v No Extra Charge
J for peg tops, no matter how
ft. is 71 ern extreme you order them,
s-iw'ia •Jvs7 d .“7= h st”
IPIt Wanretf orders for our e«le-
tt-. -fi SKEW brated made-to-measure clothes.
IKtW Samples of ail latest materials Free.
to our sweats everywhere. Turn your
K* V Sfa spare time into cash by taking orders
IraE *■ for our stylish ctotbes. Write today
■B for beautiful FREE outfit.
/■V > ’ DeP*- 207 Chicago, 111.
Barnesville Beauty Mt
Dealors Ash SIOO /■ ■■
7 Bsntetvflle Beauty /■
Bussies are Best J ■ 01k
for the South.- 'M ■ ■
Now shipped direct |
to yoa oa deposit of ) H Wre
•10-00 day* drivins mb
trial and k
time ■
era* art de- f— —V
sects. Wh y .\7 K
not buy by \\/v /WyiX y ‘‘
tn ell sad Xcßyf | LX >L-LMa I iX
eeresnoneyt '
Write for rrar Be-retn C.talot of Bnarlra and Harner*. ■
B. W. Mlddlrbroek- Co, 91 Male Bu, BareerrtPa. Ga. ■
fce^—■ .
Let ua send this fine Raaor for 90 days free trial. When
satisfied after using, send $1.86 or return razor. Order
Today. JORES MFC.CO. IM W.UkeSt.Dep*. 905 *»IC46U
‘ FAILURE OF “606"
Arayouonoof those who used “606” or "914''an!
found It a failure I Have you been to Hot Spring!
and returned nncnred ? Have you taken th!
’ Merrury and Potash treatment and are you sti’i
suffering 1 Have you suffered from Blood Polson
2; Bbeuanatism, Malaria, Chronic Constipation. Eczema, Ca
tarrh. Liver or Stomach Trouble. Eolarged Glands In Sec'
. or Groin, or Scrofula without being benefited by anj
• treatment I If so. write for our 100-page book.
' FREE, showing how to obtain the results you arl
looking for. All correspondence confidential.
Room no 1622 Pine St., St. Louie. Mot
Don’t Whip Children
) Or scold older persons who wet the bed or are
, ' unable to control their water during the night or
day, for it is not a habit but a Disease. If you
; have any Kidney, Bladder or Urinary Weakness,
write today for & Free Package of our Harmless
I j Remedy. When permanently relieved tell your
friends about It. Send No Money. Address: y
ZEMETO CO.. Dept. 26, Milwaukee, Wis.
1 9 I K | § I » 4 KfrwW
healed more old sores than all other saivescont-
I blued. It is the most powerful salve known and
heals sores from the bottom up, drawing out the
• poisons. T?y mail 55 cents. Ronk free,
(STERLING'S ROYAL- REMEDY enables you to
treat yourself with positive success Any
i atege. Prompt, sure, harmless. No injurious
mercury or potash effects. FREE PROOF. Send ’.
'; name for book and offer. JOHN STERLING
ROYAL REMEDY CO.. Dept. 40. Kansas City.
Healed by ARTI-FLAMMA Poultice Plaster. Stops
the itching around sores. Heals while you work. DE
OlstrlbuUng Co„ 1820 Grand, Kansas City, Mo.
B P,U 1U 4 rrlief.soon removes swelling
“ .J Ashortbreath,often gives entire relief
i 1- in 15t025 days. Trial treatment sent Fret
Dr. THOMAS K . GREEN. Succeasoi to
Dr. H H. Greens Song, Box o Atfanta. Ga.
nDADCV TREATED line Week Free.
L/IvVzf J I Short breath ng relieved in :i
1 few hours, KWelilne reduced in a few days. reg
; ulates the liver, kidney-. stomach and heart,
! purifies the bleed." strengthens entire system.
I Write for" I T-e Trial Treatment. r ’OLLUM
1-KOPSY ItEVI.Di <•<>., Depf. 53, Atlanta, G;«.
EV»rF£>iri o ,s On,y Sk,a Dcep
UV JLVIt I<l and Can Be Cured
Eczema germs cannot Jive where Krano-Zema is applied-
Name and address on postal will bring liberal sample and ■
particulars. Bread guarantee protects you. Address
Krsno-Zema Co., Dopt. 120, Girard, Kansas
■■ Successful “ Monthly ’’Compound. Safely ranevesßome
of the longest, most obstinate, abnormal -asea in 3 to 5
days. Nonarm, pain or interference with work. Mail
.50: Double Strength 12.00. BOOKLET FREE. Write today.
LP I ■ fr-f proof and test
I 1 am treatment of new method
hardtCo.. 142 Forest Avenue. Buffalo, N.
-r- ATNTYPC? When Irregular or delayed, use
I i A I/ I Fi O Triumph fills-; always depend
able. Not sold at drug sKr ’‘'"." l i e, ’ ef ’
tlculars frc“. Address NATIONAL MEDICAL
j INSTITUTE. Milwaukee, Wis.
are promptly relieved with inexpensive home treat me 0.. •*
i It absolutely removes the pain, swelling, tiredness and
' di-ease full particulars on receipt of stamp.
W. F. YOUNG, r. D- F. ■*> Tempi* 8%. Springfield, Mass,
' «