Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, November 14, 1916, Page 10, Image 10
10 FREE TO SUFFERERS OF I.ATI|RRn I I Want Every I Was a Sufferer R Catarrh Sufferer to Know , tApj? From Catarrh for Many “ How I Cured Myself of Catarrh Years, Now I Am a Well Man Are You Disgusted With Your Lack of Success in Relieving Your Th,, Sufferings, Physical and Mental, That I Endured in Those Catarrh? If You Are, Send Me Your Name and 111 Tell You k Years Were Horrible. Then I Learned How to Cure Myself l told “ d s *»’*•" c r,t d T ’ft c “ H c “sr •Offer lAm Making You. Don’t Wait -Every Day Catarrh the Same V/ay, and 111 Jell You How, Absolutely Delays Your Happiness. - 1 VVant Ever y Catarrh Victim to Wnte to Me. UNLIKE ANY THING YOU EVER HEARD OF BEFORE This secret treatment is dif ferent from anythiag you ever heard of before. No salves, lo tions, jellies, ointments, pastes, greases, sprays, atomizers, neb ulizers; no masks, plasters, ban dages, baths; no massage, elec tricity or vibratory treatments; no smoke to inhale; no surgery; b no instruments, appliances or devices; no pain, no operation; none of the old, time-worn methods, but a simple, easy, pleasant, painless, invisible way that heals twenty-four hours a day, no matter where you are or what may be your occupa tion. A secret worth a fortune to you that 1 give you abso lutely free. I Have Tried Dozens of Remedies, I Doc tored for Years, I Fought to Rid Myself of Ca tarrh by All Means I Could Find, But Nothing i Helped Me. Has This Been Your Experience? Then Write to Me AT ONCE. Conquer Catarrh Before It Conuuers You Hawking,Spitting,Coughing and Foul Breath Due to Catarrh Are Disgusting to All The catarrh sufferer has my sympathy. He has much to suffer, physically and mentally. 1 have seen the loved ones of the catarrh sufferer turn away in disgust at his foul breath, *h is hawking, fr.'iH 4 fii J //v> vr ’ m/ > ’ \ ! / / \ | / ' / , mS J• ’ ’ r Jr 4 fW* > \ i •/£?, \ Iw ■ LrwT A A '\\ 1 TOW Catarrh Victims Are Unwelcome. sensitive; headaches follow: your digestion is impaired: your nerves are affected; youw circulation bacoOKS bad; the poison is all through your system. You are then a chronic catarrh victim, unfit to do your life work: weakened physically and mentally; suffering tortures; abhorred like a leper: a thing unfit to associate with your fellow-beings. Not even pitied! | Truly catarrh is a plague. t * J And the shame of it ts that catarrh is curable. It is a miserable sacrifice lo ignorance—an ig norance that is truly criminal, for the catarrh victim' spreads the disease.' The Another gives it to her children: the coughers, spit terr, sneezers scatter broadcast Zhe infectious germs. They don’t mean to our they do. And every new victim adds new victims. It is an endless chain of horrors, clamp ing mankind in a horrible network of disgusting infection. • I said ignorance caused ft. Il is true, for ignorance of this simple secret I hold makes it possi ble for catarrh to endure. Why not banish this ignorance! l<el me tell you the secret, me show you the simple, easy way to banish your catarrh as I cured niise. as I have taught thousands to cure their catarrh. I don't ask you t-» send me a cent, -lust send me your name and I'll tell you all. I'll show you the quick road to recovered health. , Don’t waste your hard-earned money on worthless stuff that won't help you. me send you FREE this priceless secret that has«already done so much for catarrh sufferers. I Want to Place in the Hands of Every Catarrh Sufferer FREE the Secret of How I Cured My self of This Offensive Disease /■* ■ 4 z .. » spitting, coughing, strangling. It creates repulsion. Strangers glare'at him and avoid him. Socially he is an outcast—a thing so disgusting that even close friends turn their backs on him. Instead of sympa thizing with the victim who is suffering from the effects of this horrible disease, they shun him as they would the plague, for they know that he is a scatterer of disease germs—a danger, a menace to all. It is bad enough to be a sufferer, but to be avoided, shunned by friends and strangers adds a mental torture to the physical anguish. The 'terrible feat UH of catarrh is that it starts so mildly. When catarrh first grips you it is only a trifling thing. You ignore it. It is merely annoy i ing and you think it will pass away like a cold. I That is when you.should start treating it- BIGHT 1 AWAY. But you don’t. You neglect it and every \ day jt grows worse. Pretty soon you wake up in the morning witli ead and throat filled with filthy mucous. You strangle, you cough and spit and hawk to cleat head and throat. Then it begins to spread. You swallow the disgusting stuff and your stomach be comes infected. • The progress of the disease then becomes more marked. You begin to suffer from deafness,; head noises manifest themselves; your breath becomes tainted: the senses of 6 mill and taste become less rHE-ATLANTA SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL, ATLAJSTA, GA., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, IQI6. Oh! the Joy of Being Freed of This Filthy, Disgusting and Offensive Disease! Sam Katz’s Own Story What I suffered from ca tarrh only a chronic victim of this plague'can understand. I could wish my worst enemy no worse fate. Not only physical suffering but humiliation and mental distress were my lot for years, in that time I tried everything *J heard of. I spent a small fortune for remedies, for medi cal treatments, for so-called cures. I tried salves, jellies, lotions, sprays, atomizers, ointments, masks, massage, elec tricity, smoking, inhaling the fumes of burnt chemicals, vibratory treatments, snuffing snuff, douches, appliances, etc., etc. But nothing helped me. I had almost given up hope when I ran across a secret treatment that appealed to me. It was simple, easy, con -11 venient, inexpensive and painless. I tried it and in 24 hours I could notice a real improvement. In a week I was much better—in a short time I was completely cured. i I was so delighted I told my friends about it. They tried it and they were cured. I told others, strangers, and they were cured. I will gladly tell you my secret if you are a catarrh suf ferer. Don’t send me a cent. Just fill out the coupon and I’ll tell you how I cured myself. II don’t want you to think I am a doctor, or a chemist, or a scientist. lam not. lam just a plain businessman. I have found that 1 can help others so I make you this offer. < t SAM KATZ Su.'te A. S. 145, 2909 Indiana Av., Chicago. —mni—n— I.m I ——wwrwa .Wfe One Happy Day I Tried This New Secret Method and in 24 Hours I Felt Relief. I Am Now Absolutely FREE of All Catarrh Trouble. You Can Conquer Your Catarrh As I Have. Let Me Tell You How. % Catarrh Is a Most Dangerous Disease Affecting Whole Human System Don’t fool yourself with the idea that catarrh is a harmless disease. It isn’t. It is a real danger and menace. Ask any doctor about it. Catarrh in its early stages is not serious, but it is what it develops into that makes it dangerous. Catarrhal asthma, ca tarrhal deafness, catarrhal bronchitis, catarrh of the stomach, catarrh of the bowels, and catarrh of other vital organs are only a few of the Sbrious disorders that develop from it. But it is in the weakening of your system that lies catarrh's greatest danger. • Our body is the battle ground of an endless struggle be tween evil disease germs and our blood. As long as the blood is clean, pure, vigorous, disease germs are fought and con quered. But once it poisons the well-springs of life, then dis ease germs win an easy victory over us That is the great, ever-menacing danger of catarrh —it un fits our body to fight off disease by weakening the powers of resistance. In case of an epidemic a catarrh victim is an easv victim. / Catarrh is a wasting disease. It pervades the digestive organs so that'they fail to digest the food we eat and the or gans of assimilation so that we fail to get the nutriment from our food. That is why so many catarrh sufferers are weak, pale, thin, or what is equally dangerous, they are bloated puffed up with stomach gases, flabby of muscle, short-winded incapable of effort. Don't neglect your catarrh, no matter how mild your case may be. Take it in time, before it has set its claws deep into your vital organs. t Don’t put off writing to me. Every day NOW is precious to vou. Every delay is dangerous, tor physicians agree that catarrh is a real menace, a real danger, it not only develops into such dis eases as bronchial catarrh, asthmatic catarrh, catarrhal deafness, intestinal catarrh, catarrh of the stomach and other vital organs, but it weakens the human system so as to make-it incapable of fighting off contagion and infection from other diseases. Catarrh weakens vour bodv; vour nerves your faculties, your mental powers. You just can’t afford to let it go on undermining your constitution. Smash it as vou would a poisonous snake, for it is as dangerous to you as a snake. Do it NOW, when it is easiest conquered. Send TODAY. You may forget it tomorrow. All you have to do is to fill out this coupon and mail it to me. BUT DON’T DELAY. I DU Out I FREE COUPON -pi . SAM KATZ, * his Suit A. S., 145, 2909 Indiana Ave., Chicago. q Please send me FREE the secret of how vou cured yourself Free of Catarrh. I ? Name • . .. Coupon, ■! !; Street or R. F. D, Mail It Postoffice State ’ want you to send me everything you offer free to Ca- * 'i tarrh sufferers. I AM THE LIV ING PROOF CATARRH IS ' CURABLE Some people say that ca tarrh cannot be cured. lam a living, healthy proof that it can be cured, for !• cured myself and have had no more trouble from this terrible and most ob jectionable disease. I not only cured myself, but this treatment cured my friends and I have told thousands, who testify that they are cured. I\ wish you could read with me the letters of gratitude 1 receive from those who thank me for having rescued "them from the horrors of this disease. They ’ are a glorious reward for my efforts to stamp out this loath some disease. Write to me to day and I’ll tell you my secret. 01 Horrible Head Noises