Newspaper Page Text
Famous No Money
Down Free Trial
jw Offer
rM K w £tls*t
Time to Pay
My Free 30-Day Tr: i! d|Jf
-No M-r.ry D.iwr. P-rff-g tSfif tfefe. ’,
Your Own Time to Pay NfiN Tyl
Offer Bre ak< All Rec■'rds jßMagaa^-M1
Bar. C —re-..: •
Behevng that every home <■—
■bouid have the etent inc tn-
•urnevof tmmie. I originaled the
wiling organs"—over AW6 of lheaa
faavooa inaeraments are giving noeet moaie in the
inane* of the people. Send today for mr Free Organ W
Catalog 'am how ww can have the Beat ■
<hgm~wwner of hiebe.! pr-ze at St. bouia World a ■
Fmr-oXro wmoer of Goto M«*«f or National Con. ■
Nnnto Eapoj.'rtoo. K-nnmnOe. Tenn sent ■
to row home, nnbouf paying a cent dorm. for a g
FREE 30 Day Trial!
Send no money until pro deride to boy. Have it a I
aaaoaw* free. Ifyo i say You want to keep it, then pay ■
me ta small aascarts at your convenience. ■
Easy Pivaenh No Burden To You I
No latcrest-No toUedert
’ The risk is al Imine- and if at theend of a jrror the ■
faais to make to'xx'dmy eYcrj'ciaun. I willrefuna ■
every <Mtar y«i have pod- I a SO- j*jjr ■
deßerOgan Factory (greataat la existence) w-ping ■
ant al! imtoureae prodt*-
rJjT " SGtoA Ee-v tdlr
Adler Factory to home at 7
iewwt factory prices. I save
mm. X dy'free trial. £2l
■ k payment WS* [« *■*
I Adler. Pre*. 0 4
■ Adler Ml«. Cm, /.VI
|SSTa w.OMftMtSi.
Sead me- FREE-year
I Organ Book □ I Mark which
* Piano Book i you desire.
’ NAME |
yfco s>ut
Ftodc to n TOW metoure. ta the
I•t• ■t If «tyte, would jr«i be will-
ill t• w keep and wear it, show
it to your friends and let them see our fWWF: J
beautiful sa.npies and dashing new F
Could you use So ft) a day for a little BjOwra?
spare time? Perhaps I car. offer youTfS’Ea
a steady job. If yoqjEil! write me a fl?
letter or a postal at once and say: ikil
"Send me gear special offer." 1 will
•end roo samples and stvles to piek MICfV
from and my mrartatof Nharal aMar. I
Address :L L ASHER, PmidMt UW
DIPT «es. CtUcaga. IM. 0 W
50 Cent Bottle (32 Doses)
Just because you etart the day worried and
ttred. stiff lege and arms and mn-clee, an
artmg bead, burning anl bearins down peine
tn the h«ck —wont out b«-(r»r<- the day begins—
do not think you hate to stay in that coo
Re strong. «ell and ''iforous. with no more
pains from atttt Joint.-, -ore muscles, rben
matte st’ffrrtng. aching bark or kidney trouble.
If y»< enfftrr from bladder weakness, with
burning. wraMing pains, or if you "are in and
out «d bed half a dosen times a night, yon
will appreciate the reet, •omfort and strength
this tr-ataieot gi»ee. -
To preie The Williams Ttvetawnt "Ooquers
kidney and bladder diseases, rbrumatism and
all cthtr ailments when due to excessive uric
arbl. no matter bow chronic or stubborn, if
you ha'e newer tried The William* T res I went.
.. sill give ooe tmttle (X! downi free
if y<>e will cut out this notice an.i send it
with yonr name and addre-s. and 10c to help
pay distribution eapenw. to The Dr. D. A. Wil
liamd C'.unpany, I>*pt. 12SO P, Post Office
Bk»k, East Hampton. Coan. Send at occe
»n.l you will receive by panel post a regular
.■<*» rottlc «lth>et "horse and without incur
ring anv obligation. Only one bottle to the
same a-idress or family.—lAdvt.l
Woman Suffering From Dreaded Malady
Know* Treatment Saved Ker
Mias Annie Wright. Livingston. Tex..
writes; *1 feel well and can Jo my
housework Just as good as I ever did.
I thank you many times for your treat
ment, for it saved my life. I know.’?
Tfcere is no longer any doubt that Pel
. lagra can be cured. So sure are we that
we can cure it. that we guarantee abso
lutely to refund the money in case the
remedy fails to cure.
Don’t delay. It is your duty to con
sult the resourceful Baughn now. Write
today for big free book on pellagra and
learn of the remedy that has at last
been found. Address American Com
pounding Co., Box 387-L, Jasper. Ala.
—< Advt. J
Makes Any Stove • Gm Stove
Free Samel* —~X>
Maks M ova <a« r..
fmo. ILrr-wa-<enalaill »
Gwo .my bnaw •cm Het. Almiuvir aefa. O>»»r»vt
Cooks a meal for 1 cent
Wnra— vM ebnu- iU NocMlcrMhM *n carry. No n>or«
±^ ,nß> Safe, Clean. Odorless, Cheap
Bvwv Maa a w'M'A. Laar pn— aakaa aaM aain. Kaar
ria® 1 DWwW ■ 3 O « * **** mw-» VOID
Tbi» lovely I Em, EL,
G*M a'atad tone art Fan*ant .n<P».
ln - *•*“ Chain and this handsosnaw
dMigur J stone -aet Bracatet white
~ "’-k. o*ens to fit wrist and these -
■ vataaMe Gold p ated Kings.
wFXelijEi'w also this fine pur of upcrk- ■
ling FWeeelass Car Oro*a A
<foraellinccnly ISpiececof Jew- ZHK
elry at 10 cents each. We trout XCJr
roo and take back all cot sold. V*
11. K O ALI XFG.CO. ¥
Fravldeoee. K. 1. A
BFawt !! 12$
v AHk WK TLmanl» MTHMA I
Honor Signs for Pacific Coast Motorists
Prove Failure and Are Finally Discarded;
Police Again Nab Speeders on Highway
i rm i w an i
<• v -.1 .
Further Complications Brought
About by Late Returns and
Reclassification in Cal—Re
publicans Lead in House
NEW YORK. Nov. 12.—The probable
complexion of the sixty-flfth congress
was further complicated Saturday by late
ieturns fro ipone close district and a
reclassification of the politics of three
Californians. The count in the one
doubtful district. New Mexico, is not
yet complete, but the election of Wal
ton. Democrat, is probable.
A reversal in the Tenth North Caro
lina district, where Republicans claim
the re-election of Congressman J. Britt,
by thirteen votes, broke the tie which
existed. However. Britt’s election is
contested by the Democrats.
A reclassification of the politics of
three members of the elected California
delegation. John J. Nolan, in the Fifth
district; Everts A Hayes, in the Eightn,
and Charles H. Randall, in the Ninth, m
accordance with their political desig
nation in the Congressional Record, also
apparently was favorable to the Repub
can side.
The names of the three members ap
peared on the Republican and Demo
cratic tickets and Randall, in addition,
were also on the Progressive ticket. Two
had been credited as Democrats and
one as a Republican. The Congressional
Record, however, classes Nolan as a
Progressive, Hayes as a Republican,
and Randall as a Prohibitionist.
The Republicans from present .indica
tions, will have a small plurality in the
house, latest figures giving them 216
members, the Democrats 213, and other
parties six.
There are other close districts where
members are apparently elected by very
small pluralities. The official count next
week may change some of them.
If cross, feverish, constipated,
give “California Syrup
of Figs.” '
Look at the tongue. Mother! If coated,
it is a sure sign that your little one’s
stomach, liver and bowels need a gentle,
thorough cleansing at once.
When peevish, cross, listless, pale,
doesn’t sleep, doesn't eat or act natu
rally, or is feverish, stomach sour,
breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore
throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a
teaspoonful of “California Syrup of
Figs,’’ and in a few hours all the foul,
constipated waste, undigested food and
sour bile gently moves out of its little
bowels without griping, and you have a
well, playful child again.
You needn’t coax sick children to
take this harmless “fruit laxative;’’ they
love its delicious taste, and it always
makes them feel splendid.
.Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle
of “California Syrup of Figs,’’ which
has directions for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups plainly on the
bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here.
To be sure you get the genuine, ask to
see that it is made by “California Fig
Syrup Company." Refuse any other kind
with contempt.—(Advt.)
Medicated Smoke
Drives Out Catarrh
Try This Pleasant Herb Smoke.
Five Days’ Supply Sent
Free By Mail.
Dr. Blotss*r, who has devoted forty year*
tv the treatment of Catarrh, is the origina
tor of a certain combination of medical
herbs, flowers and berries to be smoked In
a pipe or read}
This simple, practical
medicine where sprays, aouches. ointments, etc.,
cxnnot possibly go. Its effect is soothing and
healing, and is entirely barnilees. containing
no tobacco or habit forming drugs. It is pleasant
tn nse. and not sickening to thow- who have
never smoked. No matter how severe or long
standing yewr case may be, we want to show
you what our Bcmedy *lll do.
To prere the beneficial, pleasant effect. The
Btacuer Company. 216 Walton St., \tlant.-i.
Ga.. will mail absolutely free to any suf
ferer, a genernsi* sample containing a fiv>?
days' supply that will verify their claims by
actual teat. This free package contains n
pipe, some of tile Remedy for smoking and
also some of our
medical cigarettes.
If yob with Io eon
tinm- the treat
ment, it will cost
only one dollar for
a .nontt.s aunffly
for the pipe, or a
hoc containing one
hundred < igarettae.
We pay postage.
If yon are a suf
ferer from Catarrh.
A«thma Catarrhal
Deafness, or if
subject to frequent
<s>ld*. send your name and address at once by
postal can! or letter for the free perkagc. and
a copy of our illustrated booklet.—l Advt.)
FRESNO, Cal., Nov. 11.—Are motor
ists without honor, when it conies to
breaking traffic laws?
Fresno county, California, has Just
about decided that at least many °f
the motorists are. The county has dis
carded the honor system and gone back
to the old system of nabbing speeders
and fining them. With the paved high
way between Los Angeles and San
Francisco running through the county,
the harvest of the speed cop is rich. '
“You Are on Your' Honor in Fresno
County,” said two enormously big signs
at the entrance to the county, placed
there two years ago at the request of
motor car dealers, who declared that
the speed cop system used in other
counties tended to give these counties
a “black eye” among motorists.
The motor car dealers volunteered
to act as speed cops to nab those who
had no honor. Often the dealers them
selves would be lawbreakers, testing out
their new cars on the highway at speeds
of 40, 50 or 60 miles an hour.
Other motorists showed that they had'
no honor, and the county supervisors
reluctantly had to go back to the speed
cop system. Now the speed cop rules.
However, there are still many in the
county who still have faith in human
nature, and a movement has heen
started to restore the honor sign sys
tem. •
(By Associated Press.)
PARIS, Nov. 11.—The newspapers,
while printing the news of the Ameri
can election in a prominent position, ex
press little opinion as to the result.
What comment there is, is sympathetic
to President Wilson.
The Petit Journal says:
"President Wllsoti’s victory is highly
satisfactory to us for two reasons: The
first is that for four years American for
eign policies will be free from all elec
toral considerations as the constitution
forbids President Wilson from seeking
a third term; the second reason is that
the result of the election must put new
life into American neutrality. Evidently
an immense majority of the electorate
pronounced against war, but, apart from
the millions of voters who aproved the
vigor with which the president forced
the Germans to cede on the submarine
war question other millions voted for
Hughes because he demanded an ever
firmer defense of American rights. The
chief executive is obliged to take into
account this double wish. Just as
Hughes could not have ignored the ver
dict against war so Wilson must take
into consideration the condemnation of a
line of policy which Roosevelt has char
acterized as “back boneless.”
The Matin and the Parisien express
the same view. The latter paper con
"It is because he played a very honor
able role in a moment of grave crisis
that the American people have renewed
their mandate to President Wilson. In
1912 he owed his election to the division
of his adversaries. This time he owes it
to his prestige, to his electoral campaign
and to the confidence which he deserved.
It is possible that his policy will now
become firmer and clearer, that, profiting
by experience, he will aspire to play a
larger role and to rise up as a more de
termined champion of the law of na
New Book on Cancer.
This book gives a most comprehensive
explanation of cancer and its successful
treatment without the knife. Based on
actual experience of more than sixteen
years and laboratory research covering
more than ten thousand cases. The book
will be sent free by addressing O. A.
Johnson, M. D„ Suite 534, 1320 Main st..
Kansas City, Mo. Send for a copy to
day and learn sdme facts about cancer.
\ (Advt.)
Immediate Relief in
Coal Shortage Indicated
In Proposal of Roads
'By Associated Press.)
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 12.—Imme
diate relief of the coal shortage in cer
tain sections of the country is promised
by proposals approved late today by
Interstate Commerce Commissioner Mo-
Chord, who has been investigating here.
It is proposed that every railroad begin
immediately- to return all foreign, coal
cars as fast as they are unloaded.
Coal carrying railroads have promis
ed that as soon as a fair proportion
of missing equipment is returned they
will raise the embargoes which have
been placed upon shipments in their
cars to sections which are suffering
from coal shortages.
The proposal for the return of the
cars was made by representatives of
coal carrying roads attending the in
vestigation today and Commissioner
asked them to report to him
Monday what the attitude of the roads
will be toward carrying out the pro
Catts Leading for Governor
(By Associated Press.)
TAMPA. Fla.. Nov. 10.—C. C. Catts.
independent-prohobitlonist, was leading
W. V. Knott, Democratic, candidate for
governor by 7.967 votes today according
to complete unofficial returns compliled
hare from thirty-four out of fifty-two
counties in Florida and almost complete
returns from the others. The vote was:
Catts. 35.815; Knott, 27, 8 48.
prepared ■ iparette.
The smoke-vapor
reaches' all the air
ppssages of the
head, nose and
throat. As the
disease is carried
into these passages
with the air you
breathe, so the an
tiseptic. healing va
por of this Remedy
is carried with the
breath directly to
the affected parts,
method applies tho
Columbian Is Said to Have
Sent Wireless That It Was
Being Shelled by German
(By Associated Brett., 1
LONDON, Nov, 11.—The American
steamer Columbian is believed to have
been sunk, according to an announcement
by Lloyd’s.
It was reported here on Wednesday
that the Columbian was sending out
wireless calls for help, saying she wa-s
being shelled by a submarine. The calls
were picked up at that time by admiral
ty stations.
Nothing further, however, had been
heard of the Columbian until tonight’s
statement from Lloyd’s shipping agency.
The crew o fthe Columbian has arriv
’ed at Corunna ( Spain, in life boats, saye
a Reuter dispatch from Madrid.
The Columbian is under American
registry and sailed from New York Oc
tober 18 and Boston October 21 bound
for Genoa. She was reported as touch
ing at St. Nazalre, France, on Novem
ber 2, leaving that port the next day
for Italy. The Columbian is owned by
the American-Hawaiian Steamship com
pany of New York and was built in
San Francisco in 1907. The vessel car
ried no passengers but had a crew of
about 113 men. She was under charter
of the France and Canadian Steamship
company with offices in New York.
Case to Be Laid Before
President Next Week
(By Aisocikted Press.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11.—The ease of
the American steamer Columbian, re
ported sunk off the Spanish coast, will be
laid before President Wilson by the state
department early next week as part of a
general summary of recent submarine
operations, construed by some officials
as forecasting a radical change in the
German policy.
* Information regarding the Columbian
was so incomplete tonight that no official
would predict what part the case might
play in final determination of this gov
ernment's course. Late in the day th*
American consul at Balboa forwarded
the report that the vessel had been sunk
thirty miles off! Cape Ortegal and her
crew saved but no details were given.
The dispatch immediately was called ’.o
the attention of Secretary Lansing.
Points to be cleared up before a de
cision is reached involve the questions
of whether the vessel was fired on with
out warning, whether she carried contra
band and whether she attempted to es
cape. The report received several days
ago that the Columbian was being shell
ed by a submarine led many officials to
believe that she probably was running
away, thereby sacrificing her immunity
from attack. If she carried contra
band and was properly warned, the case
may resolve itself into a question of
immunity only.
Sloan’s Liniment Robs Tooth
ache of Its Terrors Pain
Vanishes in a Few
No need to pace the floor all night
with the agony of a throbbing tooth.
Sloan’s Liniment will quickly relieve the
pain and give you rest.
A single application and the pain
usually disappears. Sloan’s Liniment
gets right to the root of the trouble.
Like a warmirfg halm, it relieves con
gestion, and in a few minutes toothache
is reduced.
To soothe the throb of a tooth that
pains with neuralgia, apply Sloan's Lin
iment externally. Aching muscles,
rheumatism, gout, bruises, sprains,
lumbago, chilblains, sprains and stiff
neck can also be most effectively treated
with Sloan’s Liniment. Cleaner than
mussy plasters or poultices.
Sloan’s Liniment at all drug stores in
25c, 60c and SI.OO bottles.
e , . ~ u.
‘ffl** -111 ** jjjig ,t an (Urd heavy re-
Il inforced razor, writh four
■I Hades, in folding care, is the
J| on the market. For a limited
time we will offer this won-
KH derful razor sOc
—J This is not a hand out. but
11 one of the best razors made.
; Send for it today. Money back
I if not satisfactory.
I It will make a Suitable Xmas
Jt Gift.
164 Sidney St., Atlanta, Ga,
Wif/ard says:
<®fake Nuxated Iron
< you wan * plenty of ’stay there’ Strength and
hF Endurance and Health and muscles like mine.
A hitherto untold Secret of
his Great Victories over Jack
Johnson and Frank Moran.
Ordinary Nuxated Iron will
often increase the strength and
endurance of the delicate nerv
ous folks 200 per cent, in two
weeks’ time.
SPECIAL NOTE.—Dr. E. Sauer, n pbyaican
who has studied widely in lioth this country
and Europe, has been specially employed to make
a thorough investigation in to the real secret
of the great strength, power and endurance or
Jess Willard, and the marvelous value of nux
uted iron as a strength builder.
NEW YORK. —Upon being inter
viewed at his apartment in the Colonial
Hotel. Mr. Willard said: "Yes, I have a
chemist with me to study the value of
different foods and products as to their
power to produce great strength and
endurance, both of which are so neces
sary in the prize ring. On his recom
mendation 1 have often taken nuxated
iron, and I have particularly advocated
the free use of iron by all those who
wish to obtain great physical and men
tal power. Without it, I am sure that I
should never have been able to whip
Jack Johnson so completely anti easily
as I did, and while training for my fight
with Frank Moran I regularly took
nuxated iron, and I am certain that it
was a most important factor in my win
ning the fight so easily.” Continuing,
Dr. Sauer said: “Mr. Willard’s case is
only one of hundreds which I could cite
from my own personal experience which
proves conclusively the astonishing
power of nuxated iron to restore
strength and vitality even in most com
plicated chronic conditions.
Not long ago a man came to me who
was nearly half a century old, and asked
me to give him a preliminary examina
tion for life insurance. I was aston
ished to find him with the blood pressure
of a boy of 20 and as full of vigor, vim
and vitality as a man—in fact, a
young man he really was, notwithstand
ing his age. The secret, he said, was
taking iron—nuxated h >n had filled him
with renewed life. At 30 he was In bad
health; at 46 careworn and nearly all in.
Now, at 50. a miracle of vitality dnd his
face beaming with the buoyancy of
youth. As I have said a hundred times
over, iron is the greatest of all strength
builders If people would only throw
away patent medicines and nauseous
concoctions and take simple nuxated
irqn, I am convinced that the lives of
thousands of persons might be saved
who now die every year from pneu
monia, grippe, consumption, kidney,
liver and heart trouble, etc. The real
and true cause which started their dis
eases was nothing more or. less than a
weakened condition brought on by lack
of iron in the blood. Iron is absolutely
necessary to enable your blood to change
food into living tissue. Without it, no
matter how much or what you eat. your
CHICAGO, Nov. 12.—Fint totalling
more than $171,000. were assessed by
Federal Judge Landis today against
Swift & Co., packers, and a number of
railroads convicted of violating the in
terstate commerce act. In most of the
cases, the charges were rebating or in
shipping less than carload shipments
at carload rates.
Swift and company were fined $60,000;
the Pennsylvania railroad, $20,000; the
Elgin. Joliet and Eastern railroad. $20.-
000. and the Pittsburg, Cincinnati. Chi
cago and St. Louis railroad, $20,000 in
one case and $50,000 in another.
Fines ranging from SIOO to SI,OOO
were assessed against the Chicago and
Northwestern railroad, the Indiana Har
bor Belt railroad and the Chicago, Mil
waukee and St. Paul, in most instances
for failure to comply with the twenty
eight-hour cattle law against permitting
live stock to remain in freight cars
more than twenty-eight hours at a
stretch without attention.
The Pennsylvania fine and the $20,000
fine against the P., C., C. & St. L. were
for rebating to the W. H. Merrit com
pany, a Chicago board of trade firm,
while the $50,000 fine was for rebating
to B. A. Eckhart, head of the Eckhart
Milling company. Mr. Eckhart was tried
for the same offense some time ago, but
the case was thrown out of court by
Federal Judge Anderson.
The charge against Swift and com
pany was that it shipped less than car
load shipments to Michigan points at
the carload rates.
Baptist Women Meet
Next Year in Cordele
ATHENS, ba., Nov. 10.—At the close
of the session of the Georgia Baptist 1
Union of Missionary Women Thursday |
afternoon Cordele was chosen as the I
place for holding the convention next
year, and the following officers were .
all re-elected:
Mrs. W. J. Neel, president, Carters
Miss E. M. Campbell, corresponding
secretary-treasurer. Atlanta. •
Mrs. George Westmoreland, recording |
secretary, Atlanta.
Mrs. H. H. Hale, auditor, Atlanta.
Mrs. P. G. Awtrey, chairman personal -
service, LaGrange.
Miss Pearl Todd, college correspond- i
ent and leader of young people. Atlanta.
Vice presidents; Mrs. J. C. Lanier. >
West Point; Mrs. Charles Cater, Qiiit- '
man: Mrs. I). B. Hamilton, Rome; Mrs.
J. P. Nichols, Griffin: Mrs. W. C. Trib
bl«. Lavonia; Mrs. G. 11. Williams, Dub
lin; Mrs. W. H. Prior. Greensboro.
Democrats File Protest
Over Congressional Race
BATO NROI’GE. La.. Nov. 13.—Dem
ocrats of the Third Ix>uislana congres
sional district today filed a protest with
the secretary of state against promul
gation of the election for congress ’n
the Third district where Wade O. Mar
tin. Democrat, opposed Representative
Whit P. Martin, Progressive. The pro
test alleges irregularities in LaFourche
parish: that in several precincts there
were not the required number of com
missioners at the booths and that eight
precincts failed to send official returns
to the board supervisors. j
Secretary of State Bailey said he was ■
without authority to decide the contro
versy and that the contest probablv
would go before congress. On the face
of unofficial returns Whit Martin had
a majority of 91 votes in the district.
Among all the prominent figures of the prize ring, probably none is so de
voted to family life as Jess Willard. After each engagement the champion
hurries to his wife and children and remains at their side until public de
mand forces him to leave for new encounters. Everything is done tc bring
• Up the “little Willards” with strong healthy bodies Mr. Willard accounts for
his own success by saying:— “/ comidtr that plenty of iron in
i my blood is the secret of my
food merely passes through
you without doing you any
good. You don’t get the
strength out of it, and as a
consequence you become weak,
pale and sickly looking, just
like a plant trying to grow in
soil deficient in iron. If jroa
are not strong or well, you owe
it to yourself to make the fol
lowing test: See how long you
can work, or how far you can
walk without becoming tired. Next,
take two five-grain tablets of ordinary
nuxated iron three times per day after
meals for two weeks. Then test your
strength again and see for yourself how
much you have gained. I have seen
dozens of nervous, run-down people who
were ailing all the while, double their
strength and endurance and entirely
get rid of all symptoms of dyspepsia,
liver and other troubles in from ten to
fourteen days’ time simply by taking
iron in the proper form. And this after
they had in some cases been doctoring
for months without obtaining any ben
efit. But don’t take the old forms of re
duced iron, iron acetate or tincture of
iron simply to save a few cents. You
must take iron in a form that can be
easily absorbed and assimilated like
nutated iron if you want it to do you
any good, otherwise it may prove worse
than useless. x ,
Many an athlete or prize fighter has
won the day simply because he knew
Ginning in Fulton Co.
Falls Below Last Year
Until November 1, this year, a total of
660 bales of cotton had been ginned In
Fulton county, which compares with
1,305 bales ginned up to the same date
last year, or barely half.
Steamer Goes Down
But Crew Is Saved
BUZZARDS BAY, Mass., Nov. 10.
The Clyde line freight steamer Cippe
wa, bound from Jacksonville, Fla., for
Boston, struck a rock and sank at the
g jgi" j. Before the European Si
war we bought a ship- i L -<‘
l,ra<| of Sheffield Steel ”
knife bayonet*. Made of world-famous Shot
field steel —the finest in the world. They 't" ■ r <
meat have cost the English government s4.<l<> • IMBS&iSsKA?
or mere. They were originally like the small
cut at your left—l 2 inches long, entire length
10% inches; if you prefer you <-an buy
the blades and grind into the style knif>-
wanted. W<- are making them into -seven vS**^J*J 1 ' l Ur.. ; i
• 'itterent style knives. shown at HmBEDw
your right. Remember, these are -iJ—
not ordinary knives, hut arc the J..- 1 i..i» i..n »
v< rv finest that can be ma<l<- z. , ■< lOMCHKJI
they will take and bold a razor ' 1
edge. The man who makes these .r* 1 : A■ m
knives for i’< -F. E. Woodworth.
Nunda, N. Y.—says: “In ail my " c —-
42 years as a knife maker I have never forget! a better piece of atael. They are too
good for the cutlery trade.” If you »ant the finest knife made, buy these; you
take no risk. If not doubly -pleased, return them and get your ujouey.
They are numbered from top to botto m 1. -’, 3,4, 5, 3 ami 7. The lengths and
prices follow: N*. 1, 6-in.. 85c: No. 2. 8-In., $1.05; No. 3, 8»A-ln.. !»3c; No. 4, W-in., $1.10;
No. 5* 11-in., Fl. 10; No. $1.25; No. 7, 13S-IH., $1.25.
A knife for every purpose—the camp, butcher shop, kitchen, etc. No. 3 is a fine
hunting knife. Don't fail to secure a anpity.
U S U.S.Armyj
Arm * Hat B,anKßts Cross
$5.65 Guns
Send 2 cents to pay postage
A $3.00 value. Olive drab. The best blanket; silver- and we will send you a pair
stiff brim; a handsome hat drab. 60x84 inches, weight of bronze cross guns or cross
appea's to good dressers; 5 lbs: neat borders; a blan- cannon, worth 25 cents at
chin cord that can be re- ket that will give great serv- letail; fine cap or collar or
moved; ventilators. State size. ice. Guaranteed to please. nament Not over two to
No. 8 each, prepaid, $1.75. No. 9. Each $5.65 one address.
CAL HIRSCH & SONS, U.S. Dept. 321, St. Louis, Mo.
1 ~ 1 . _
I " This $3.50 Sheffield UW K 3 < W
Steel Razor For
I Hone I
THE FAMOUS “DIXIE RAZOR” skilßyrazor making. It’s I
a genuine, old-process, hand forged razor, made from genuine Sheffield Razor Steel,
fully concaved and crocus polished—-and ia tempered by a SECRET ELECTRICAL PRO
CESS that gives it a smooth, even, velvet edge possible under no other process. It will give
you a clean, smooth, comfortable shave. We guarantee it for 25 years and back
the guarantee. With each razor paid for promptly we give FREE A FINE HONE.
A $3.50 Razor and Fine Hone For $1.45
Nothing we could say about this razor could convince you of its superior quality like a
trialon yourownface. Letussend the razor to you fora Ten Days' Free Trial. If it
isn’t all right—mail it back to ua after ten days’ trial. Fill out the attached coupon and try
the razor TEN DAYS FREE.
Dixie Manufacturing Co., Dept. 51 Union City, Ca.
Gentlemen: Send mo your “Dixie Razor” on CONSIGNMENT for a ten days’fren trial. I
I agree to try razor ten days and if satisfactory to send you your special price of 51.45 ■
and if not satisfactory to return it to you at the end of ten days, postpaid. If I pay for the ■
razor promptly I am to get the FINE RAZOR HONE FREE. t
Name K
P. 0.. .L.StateR.F.D K
strength, power and endurance. ’ *
the secret of great strength and endur*
ance and filled his blood with iron be*
fore he went into the affray, while
many another has gone to inglorioul
defeat simply for the lack of iron.—El
Sauer. M. D.
NOTE. —Nuxaed Iron, recommended above 14
Dr. Hauer, is not a patent medicine nor seerd
remedy, but one which is well known to drug
gists and whose iron constituents are widelj
prescribed by emim nt physicians everywhere
I'nlike the older inorganic Iron products, it a
easily assimilated, does not injure the teeth
make them black, nor upset the stomach; on tlit
contrary, it is a most potent remedy in nearlf
all forms of indigestion as well as for nervous
run-down conditions. The manufacturers haij
snch great confidence In Nuxated Iron that
they offer to forfeit SIOO.OO to any charltab I
institution if they cannot take any man <1
woman under 60 who lacks Iron and increase
their strength 200 pc- cent or over in foi«
weeks’ time, '.provided they have no serious of
ganie trouble. They also offer to refund you
money if it does not at least double your strengti
and endurance in ten days’ time. It is dU
pensed in this city by all good druggists.
western entrance of. the Cape Cod cana
loday. There were no passengers a.boar<
and Captain Maguire and his crew o;
twenty-six men reached shore safely. »-
The vessel lies in twenty feet o*
water on the southeast side of the naval
entrance. Efforts to float her are ex-1
pected to begin at once. A great hold
in the Chippewa’s bottom was said t«
be the only damage.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of