Newspaper Page Text
to Give Satisfaction. >s
, GombauSfs
Caustic Balsam j
x<?> * fa. Wt&dg ' Jv I
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Has imitatnrs But No Compifitors. |
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Cere* all auia dueaae* or >araa:te*
Thresh. Dipfitheria. B« ove* aU I
1 n Busches Cretr Horae* or Cattle.
Tver? >o»tie 01 Cau*':c Balaam »«><i i« B
Warranted to five «atl»U tkwi. Prire 91 SO ■
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M* uae- tr.'-nd for descriptive circular*. M
taattwouU.* etc addnee
Th* Lawrence-Wil I lire* Co., Cleveland. 0. I
roufi Heart
——— Dees it Flutter. Palpitate
] op Hcat« t Have you
. J of Breath. Tcn
»VlV*W( s®., U«*rue-». X uiubDe»n. nt
’ T r rßff' r Pain in ieft side. Dizziness.
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*_T' lore eyes. Sudden Starting
in aleep. 5 era o unnenit,
Hnncry ®r Wenk Spells.
Oppressed Feeling in cheat, Cbokiuu .*<n.
nation in throat. Painlnl to lie on left aide.
NinkioK er *eu«nrien. Ulfii
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It to mid that one reckon out of every fonr has »
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X>rT»», Don't take any chance* when Dr.
Kinsman's Heart Tablet* V° within your
reach. More then I®*' endorv>.<Ttt* furnished.
Any »nffe- ’T mailing this coupon, with their
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man. Box 564. Aacnsta. Maine, will re
ceive a box of Heart TUbiet* for trial by return
tnall. pest—id. free of charge. Delays are dan
gerous. write at once—to-day.
Generous Offer to Sufferers from
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Wortd's noted tuelical scientist* —Doctors
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.ierlare SANOsUS the most effective treatment
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W<Mff. foe rt' Physician. Director of the Sani
tarian* for <’onsaarotivcs in ne'sJcsgrun. ■
«»t-miar.v. ra; - he has discarded all* other retne
die*. SANuSIN has 1-e.n offi. Urily recout
mceded to tie- Berlin Medical Aaasriarion. IT.
.<• W A. &»er*. Amsterdam. Hollaed, «e-
MkSres it » -Mosul obligation to make SAX
• JsIX known t« the whole human race. ' Am
st«rd»tn Mtfferer*. rich or i»>or. «*an .:«• this
remsraable h.»tne treatment that has »eet with
*t-h nheconmnal <!e -« n Europe. <A\OSIX
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inretNKi Pr«lr.<—. ,*slm. restart sleep with
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Brings »lm-v-t immnlUte relief from congh
ittg. hi ss .witting and night sueat*. SAN«‘SIX .
to ptr-vin* a hles-inc to all suffering from;
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tarri*. Whsoyin* C-mgli. ere. Semi for FRET
IbWIKEET «with |e»tinmnftls» explaining tl*i- |
trentri* tit and Ims a Trial <*an he ma«b* in ymrr.
own. hem.* at «nr risk. tddrees KANOSIX. '
Itgpt. B-:. I'nity bftr.. Odmito.
Shoe This To Bo~e unfrrtnßa'e. I
I* I'm don't need tnoncr to gi t tn a»;t«»tno-
I ,bii“. Let m‘- ghe yon me of my brand
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senger Fort! Tonriug tar-, ahsointely
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deal that w>oopen youreees. Weaskevtry " ' . |
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•eery man. every "*bare. No utauer wterc t 1 f • -fl
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'wsjfl"’ Cham and !.«•>•, locntain f-“<1 *A Q
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■■l only ERrkt Gold Decorate? ImS K 3 9 i
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hbe < Gtrls, write ws ar once f< r t e C ream; ffo G
we trott yoe with onr pt»xjs ,n.J -1 tw.tpaid. ,Q Q I
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D - ess
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** XL. ■ .H. r desiftw- .rr JMII- |
' «L- ,- l.*arimt '»♦ ■* < .itarr'ial 1
Itsait.--- Rfiaxe.l or Sn>:k-1
AJPai ' Ap’. •i Di »•-. Uoardsa ar.d Hi----
Ck-'w b«-ur;.l«, I’erfornti-I.
s*rT'’ X\— .*r' : \\ ••»: «- Partly I>»s-tro»ed
vx Itruuta. l»irbbnr«e front
quire io. uM-ll<-ine bur effi.-tirily replace arhat
l.i lavk l. •■ . -I— .1 . •»• the natural OHT
druwe. They dev‘.»». whi<h the
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are la*Ml'V». s*.'t. «■*> a»l «-H»»<-wt.<h|e.
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i"i catiSo*
©•«. r. 3W3 •> INi«f AMs. t
Latest Figures From Minne
sota Show the . President
Now Is Only 239 Votes Be
hind Hughes
.Bv Associated Press.)
vUMVKb. N. H . Nov. 11.—Certif ed
returns for New Hampshire complete
give for presidential electors: Hughes.
43,72<; Wilson. 43.757. Wilson's plural
ity <3.
ST PAUL, Nov. 11.—President Wilson
gamed 4*>o votes In Minnesota today
when official returns from itamsey and
St. L.ouis counties were received, showing
discrepancies in the early tabulations.
The count now stands: 3.030 precincts
out of 3.04 S give Wilson. 178,114;
Hughes, 17b.353. Hughes' plurality 239.
NEW YORK. Nov. 11.—With Repub
lican National Chairman Willcox still
awaiting the official count in close
states before conceding the defeat of
Charles E. Hughes in the national elec
tion. the latest returns today in the
close states of California, Minnesota,
New Mexico and New Hampshire still
presented on their lace no change af
fecting the president's majority in tn®
electoral college.
President Wilson received a plurality
of sixty-three votes over Charles E.
Hughes in New Hampshire, according
to certified returns from all except one
-mall precinct, made public by Secretary
of State Bean today. In arriving at
this figure Mr Eean announced he in
cluded 239 votes cast for Wilson In
ward 2. Dover, but omitted through er
ror from the certified returns, and by
sccepting the newspaper returns from
The newspaper returns from liorches
ter gave Hughes 31 and Wilson 18. Tar
ty leaders said there was no reason
o Question these figures, although the
election managers in that precinct were
instructed today to expedite their re
port. ,
Eatest returns show Hughes leading
in Minnesota by only 239 votes, with
twenty-nine precincts and the guards
men's votes yet unreported.
President Wilson in Williamstown,
Mass., was reported to be chiefly con
cerned over the complexion of the next
••ongress. which was still In doulrt to
President Wilson is not concernea
over the refusal of the Republican cam
paign managers to concede his re-elec
tion. 'the chief thing worrying him is
the political complexion of the next
hcuse. because of its effect on bls plans
for legislation. The president is under
stood to take the result as a vindica
tion of his past course and as approval
of the general outlines of policy set
forth by him in speeches as a candi
date for re-election.
After his return to Washington to
morrow he will catch up immediately on
official business and in the near fu
ture will begin the preparation of his
December message to congress.
The president ,vok a short walk this
morning. He was invited to witness a
football game this afternoon between
the Massachusetts Agricultural college
and Williams. On his return trip to
night he wiil be given a reception at
Albany, N. Y. Democrats there have
organised a parade in his honor and
ne may speak briefly from his private
Later President Wilson took an auto
mobile ride through the Berkshire hills
with Mr. and Mrs. Francis B. Sayre,
his son-in-law, and his daughter
Victory Decisive and
Clear, Says Tumulty
WASHINGTON. Nov. 11.—Secretary
Tumulty lest night sent the following
message to President Wilson at Wil
liamstown. Mass.:
'•Election returns conclusively demon
.-trnte that your victory at the polls is
It becomes thick, wavy, lus
trous and all dandruff
surely try a “Danderine Hair Cleanse”
if you wish to immediately double the
beauty of your hair. Just moisten a
cloth with Danderine and draw it care
fully through your hair, taking one
small strand at a time; this will cleanse
the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive
oil—in a few minutes you will be aniaz- ,
ed. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy and
abundant and possess an incomparable
softness, lustre and luxuriance.
Besides beautifying the hair, one ap
plication of Danderine dissolves every |
particle of dandruff; invigorates the |
scalp, stopping itching and falling hair.'
Itanderine is to the hair what fresh ;
showers of rain and sunshine are to
vegetation. It goes right to the roots,
invigorates and strengthens them. Its
exhilarating, stimulating and life-pro
du< ’ng properties cause the hair to grow
long, strong and beautiful.
You can surely have pretty, soft, lus
trous hair, and lots of it. if jou will just
get at 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Dan
derine from any drug store or toilet
counter and try it as directed.—f Advt.)
ThU t '“ w <lisej«c i, ~.pre«Cing oyer rhe south
with a 25 per cent yearly iacrease, leaving ho>
ror aul dentil In its wake.
You will want to read the story of bow nine
rears ago ’ <ii*cnvrre<! the cause of this dU
r-«e, and how thousands «'f pellagra sufferers
uro 1.-en restored to good health by a simple
tin rrentmeut. Take no chances with barm
f.i! dreg, or gneswwork doctoring. You are en
titled t<» know Ibe trufh. The whole story is
giren in this wonderful
Mail'd >n Plain Sealed Wrapp»T FREE to ait
who write for n copy. This new, inatrucUvq
and Interesting book yon my proven the.
ory as to what causes pellagra and how It may
N cured right tn your own home under a guar
antee of absolute satisfaction or no ebarge tor
treatment. It also contains many protograph,
awl letters from State and County Officials,
Bankers. Ministers, Doctors Lawyers and oth
ers, who tell wonderful stories of 'their expe
rience with this successful pellagra treatment.
Tired atd Drowsy feelings' accompanied oy
bea.ia.cbes; depression or state of Indolence;
n-ugbness of skin> breaking out or eruptions;
bands red like sunburn; sore mouth; tongue,
lips and throat flaming red' much mucus and
choking: indigestion and nausea, diarrhea or
constipation; mind effected, and many others.
Iton't take chances.
Write for Your Copy <.f This Bock Totlay.
!<• uiember 'lt Is mailed to you Free in plait
Sea Ird VV rapp< -r.
W. 3. McCRABY, M. D.
Dapt 333. Carbon Kill, Alabama.
The following table giving the electoral and popular vote for
Democratic and Republican candidates for twenty years shows that
in 1912 Woodrow Wilson polled the greatest electoral vote recorded in
twenty years and last Tuesday polled the greatest popular vote on
189 G.
Popular Vote. Plurality. Vote.
William McKinley, Republican.... 7,104,779 601,854 271
William J. Brvan, Democrat 6,502,925 176
William McKinley, Republican 7,207,923 549.790 292
William J. Bryan, Democrat.'.,... 6,358,133 155
Theodore Roosevelt, Republican.. 7,623,486
Alton B. Parker, Democrat 5,077,911 140
William H. Taft, Republican 7,678,90 S 1,269,804 321
William J. Brvan, Democrat 6,409.10 4 162
Woodrow Wilson, Democrat 6,293,019 2,1 73,512 433
William H. Taft, Republican 3,484,956 8
Theodore Roosevelt. Progressive. . 4,119.507 S 3
• 1916. ..
Woodrow Wilson. Democrat 8,563,713 403,312 2.2
Charles E. Hughes, Republican. .. . 8,160,401 243
Sixteen electoral votes in doubt.
clear and decieivc. You have carried
two-thirds of the states of the union.
The Tour years of your administration
have brought you approximately 2,266,-
614 more votes than when you were
first elected in 1912. This is the great
est increase given to an American pres
ident for a second term since the Civil
“Your vote last Tuesday was 2,060,708
more than ever previously recorded for
,i Democratic candidate, and, despite the
character of opposition, is the largest
vote ever received by a president from
the people of this country—9s2.3sß
more than the total vote cast for Roose
velt and Taft in 1912. You have a
popular plurality of 402,312, according
to bulletin received from the Asso
ciated Press."
Willcox Still Refuses
To Concede Hughes' Defeat
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK, Nov. 11.—Although
President Wilson apparently has 276
electoral votes —ten more than needed—
and a popular plurality of 403,312, Re
publican National Chairman William R.
Willcox refused to concede the defeat
of Charles E. Hughes.
Mr. ’Willcox was again on duty at
the Republican headquarters today, but
said he had nothing to add to his state
ment yesterday Ai which he announced
that the re-election of President Wilson
would not be conceded until after the
official count in California and perhaps
other close states. Mr. Willcox said he
expected to call on Mr. Hughes during
die day.
Late returns seem to have definitely
priced California. New Mexico and New
Hampshire, leaving Minnesota the . nly
doubtful state. In Minnesota Mr.
Hughes has a lead of about 400 votes,
and the political complexion of the
state will be decided by the votes ot
the guardsmen on the Mexican border
and by other voters under the absent
Unless the vote of California is di
vided. which now seems a possibility,
Mr. Wilson is assured of 269 votes in
the electoral college, three more than
a majority, and Mr. Hughes of 243. The
president could lose three votes from
California and still have enough to
elect. This loss would be offset by New
Mexico, which it seems certain he nas
If Mr. Hughes carried both Minne
sota with twelve votes and New Hamp
shire with four, he would have only
259, seven less than enough to elect.
Mr. Wilson could lose New Mexico and
three votes from California and still
The furniture was being removed
from the national headquarters here to
day. Headquarters will be located in
Washington. Mr. McCormick, a former
gridiron star, said he had lost fifteen
nounds and was now down to football
The Democratic national committee
apparently regards the campaign as
closed, for the work of dismantling
headquarters is well under way. Chair
man Vance C. McCormick spent the
night at a hotel in this city and prob- '
ably will go to his home at Harris
burg, Pa., today.
Later Chairman Willcox gave out
“The national committee is not raising
the cry of fraud nor is it going out
searching for fraud. We have received
any number of communications, signed
and unsigned, by telegraph, letter and by I
telephone alleging fraud from all parts
of the country but in all cases the com
munications are referred back by us to
state officials for investigation.
“The national committee is simply in
the same position as state officials who
are waiting for the result of the official
count and whose duty it is to certify
what electors have been chosen.”
Mr. Willcox added that he believed
there is much less opportunity for fraud
now than there used to he.
The total popular vote received in each '
of the states by President Wilson and ]
Charles E. Hughes, but based on Incom- j
plete reports and estimated, indicated !
that the president received 403,312 more
votes than Mr. Hughes. The table fol
States. Wilson. Hughes.
Alabama 89,000 30,000
Arizona 29,641 19,362
Arkansas . 85,000 37,000
California 466,269 462,838
Colorado 158,257 95,716
Connecticut 99,687 106,378
1 ' L 6.111 37,909
Florida 60,000 12,000
Georgia 109,200 28,000
Idaho 68,000 54,500
Illinois 869.152 1,044,608
Indiana 333,466 339,437
lowa 215,918 279.085
Kansas 315,000 277,000
Kentucky 219,000 193,000
Louisiana 68,000 9,000
Maine 64,148 69,491
Maryland 133.211 113,773
Massachusetts . . . 247,327 268.361
Michigan 237,114 208,122
Minnesota 176,577 • 177,285
Mississippi 91,000 5,000
Missouri 376,000 315.000
Montana 80,927 54,608
Nebraska 98,323 75,081 j
Nevada 12.448 9,842 1
New Hampshire .... 42,905 42.723
New Jersey 209,532 264,320
New Mexico 34.545 33.251
New York 756.010 863,587
North Carolina 158,000 110,000
North Dakota 54,449 52,831
Ohio 578.000 496,720
Oklahoma *140,000 110,000
Oregon 116,550 123,570
Pennsylvania 510,747 695,734
Rhode Island 39,353 <14,159
South Carolina 68.000 1,500
South Dakota 45,449 50,892
Tennessee 138,647 97,553*
Texas’ 228,000 58,000 >
Gtah 77,381 48,948*
Vermont 21,832 38,254
Virginia 60,107 21,132
Washington 197,000 183.0001
West Virginia 139,013 141,1321
ViauMiain 194,u00 220,000 I
Wyoming 25,617 19,9981
Wilson over Hughes, 403,312. *
Totals 8,563,713 M 60.4014
MONTANA .... 4
OHIO 1 24
TEXAS - 20
UTAH • 4
Total 276
States Where C. E. Hughes
Polled the Biggest Vote
DELAWARE . ‘ . 3
INDIANA '.. 5 -.15
IOWA T ‘ l3
MAINE . . 6
MINNESOTA (Doubtful) 12
Exhibit of the Girls’
Canning Club Pleases
Blairsville Populace
(special Dispatch to The Journal.)
BLAIRSVILLE, Ga., Nov. 11.—The
exhibit of the Girl's Canning club,
which was held in the court house in
Blairsville last Saturday, was the first
of its kind ever held in Union county.
Quite a number of the club members
exhibited their products. A large audi
ence was pleased with the address of
Prof. Jack Hart,- of the State College
of Agriculture.
The court room was dcorated for the
occasion and besides the many varitles
of canned products, there were at
tractive displays of needlework and
woodcraft that gave the appearance of
a county fair. After the delivery of
prizes, Prof. Hart gave an illustrated
lecture with instructive motion pic
Miss R.uby Queen was the fortunate
winner of a scholarship to the short
course in domestic science at the state
university. Four prizes were won by
Miss Bonnie England and four prises
were won by Miss Fannie Swain. Other
pAze winners were Misses Fannie
Souther, Avie Cathey, Lois England,
Grace England, Alice Crombie, Cora Mc-
Afee and Pearl Deaver. The ladies’
contests in fancy work, crochet, etc.,
were won by Miss Paulin Butt, Mrs. V.
L. Butt and Mrs. F. J. Erwin. Awards
to the boys were as follows: Joe Brock
ett, for the best made fireless cooker.
Harry Fite, for the best three bird
boxes. Frank and Joe Bowers, for the
best collection of sawed blocks show
ing specimens of trees.
Socialist Manager Is
Pleased With Showing
(By Associated Pre**.)'
CHICAGO, Nov. B.—Carl D. Thomp
son, national manager of the Socialist:
party, in a statement mare today said:
“Tn 1912 the Socialist party polled
’900.300 votes. In this election the re
turns show that we have polled about
1,200,000. While this gain is 'not aa
great as we had hoped for we are sat
isfied with the general result.
“We believe we have elected about 35
members of the legislature in twenty
one states. In Minneapolis we elected
our candidate for mayor, Thomas H. !
Van Lear. We expected to elect seven i
or eight congressmen, but apparently we i
have elected none.'
500 New Songs Music Parlor Pastimes, Etc. 10 Cts
?3a&' /vdJl There’b a Little Bmrl. of Lm Stfll Bornias; ILMda’t Raise My Boy to Boa Soldier; If Yon Don’t Like Your Uncle Sammy, etc.
McCormick, chairman of the Dem
ocratic national committee, who
managed President Wilson's cam
paign. Mr. McCormick is forty
three years old and wealthy. He
was a football hero at Yale during
his college days.
' ft
1 iCEr ..
■ ;
I ••
Mrs. Martin Wires
Sentiments to Wilson
And Col. Roosevelt
Satisfied of the re-election of Presi
dent Wilson, Mrs. Emma T. Martin, one
of the stanchest Democrats in the coun
try, who conducted such a successful
campaign among the women of Georgia
for funds for the party, Friday morning
sent two telegrams. The first was one
of the warmest of congratulation to
President Wilson and the other was one
of stmging rebuke to Theodore Roose
That to President Wilson follows:
Atlanta, Ga., No\. 10, 1916.
President Woodrow Wilson,
Washington, D. C.
I thank God for the Solid South,
the United West, and for YOU.
Chairman Woman's Work for Wood
row Wilson, State of Georgia.
[ Here's the dig Mrs. Martin gave
Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 10, 1916.
Hon. Theodore Roosevelt, Oyster
Bay, N. Y.
The country’s honor has been
vindicated; its dignity has been sus
tained; we have licked ’em to a
traxzle; delighted! You will doubt
less keep your promise not to in
terfere with presidential appoint
“When drunk with sight of power
we loose |
| Wild tongues which hold not Thee
In awe.
Such boasting as the Gentiles use,
Or lesser breeds beneath the law—
Lord God of Hosts! Be with us yet,
Lest we forget! Lest we for
Chairman Woman’s Work for Wood- i
row Wilson. State of Georgia.
Surgeons Show How
Bullets Struck Stokes
geons who performed the autonsy on |
the body of Harry who was !
shot and killed in his office by Charles
C. Trabue April 26, today described
the, course of the two bullets that
struck him. With the aid of a plaster
cast Dr. A. A. Eggstein, pathologist
at Vanderbile University, showed that
one of the bullets pierced the neck,
going in from apparently over the
point of his left shoulder at a point
three and a half inches below the left
ear and coming out at a like distance
below the right ear, but at a point
nearer the front of the neck. The
othei* bullet struck him in the top of
the head and was located at the base
of the skull on< the right-side.
Other surgeons will testify Monday,
which will conclude the state's case
Trabue will go on the witness stand
probably Tuesday morning.
Lee Council Nominated
For Americus Mayor :
AMERICUS, Ga.. Nov. 10.—Lee G.|
Council was nominated for mayor in |
the city primary here yesterday for re- i
election over Lee Allen by 222 majority.)
Other results are: Aidermen, E. L. Bell,[
H. B. Mashburn and Hugh L. Mize, j
Clerk and treasurer. Doc Eldridge. Police,
commissioners, H. C. Horton and J. L.;
A heavy vote was polled and result be- j
came known early this morning.
Sick Headache, Sour Stomach,
Gas, Bad Breath, mean
Liver and Bowels need
Get a 10-cent box now.
No odds how bad your liver, stomach j
or bowels: how much your head aches. I
how miserable and uncomfortable you i
are from constipation, indigestion, bil- [
iousnes.4 and sluggish bowels —you al
ways get the desired results with Cas
Don't let your stomach, liver and j
bowels make you miserable. Take Cas- i
carets tonight: put an end to the head- i
ache, biliousness, dizziness, nervousness, j
sick, sour, gassy stomach, backache and
all other distress: cleanse your inside
organs of all the bile, gases and consti- j
pated matter which is producing the
A 10-cent box means health, happi
ness and a clear head for months. Nre'
more days of gloom and distress If you
will take a Cascaret now and then. All
druggists sell Cascarets. Don’t forget
the children —'their little insides need a .
gentle cleansing, too.—(Advt.)
And I’ll Give You One Hundred Dollars in Gold.
I want you to try my “Perfect Vision” spectacles fire and send me a
testimonial, and if it’s the best write-up received within thirty days, I’ll give
you 5100 in gold as a good-will gift.
You see, I am getting up a booklet in which I am going to print the
testimonials of thousands of .spectacle-wearers all over the United States
who have bragged about the grand seeing qualities of my “Perfect Vision”
glasses, and I want yours too—and that is the reason why I am offering to
send you a pair of my “Perfect Vision” spectacles, absolutely free ot charge,
and after you try them fully ten »iys and send me your testimonial, I’ll also
give you one hundred dollars in gold if yours is the best write-up received
during the month. Don * t Send M g A Cent
When you answer this advertisement, don’t send me a penny,
as I insist on sending you a pair of my “Perfect Vision” glasses,
fitted in a 10-karat gold-filled frame, without any deposit or
payment from you—not one penny. I want you to try them ]
free. As soon as you get them I want you to sit down and ®V/
put them on your eyes and see with what ease and comfort I An?/
they will enable you to read and sew. or see clearly at a /MX,//' // 7,'/
distance again, in sunlight or in shadow, morning, noon or IN. 7 ,
night, without the slightest headache or eye suffering. \ An. y, > (
I also want you to notice how well you can again read ■ J
the finest print in your bible, or see clear across your farm -•* ".V hLI
as far as you ever did in your younger daj’s. ’
• They’ll Enable You To
Read The Finest Print Or
Shoot A Bird Off The Tallest Tree
1 don’t want you to try them just for one
.-VAa/ttreyx-y night. Try them out for fully ten days—Monday,
y Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
i V Sunday—and three days more.
/ V AriSf VjC Not one day; not a whole week, but a week and
'' k Jl a balf. Wear them around the house, notice how easily
K *’ ou be able to see to file your saw, or out of doors,
V at church and meeting, out hunting, and everywhere
Fw /r" K' G^se you s °' Try them faithfully. Test them at my cost
/Vk 1' Ai and expense. Let me send you a pair of these 10-karat gold-
f filled “Perfect Vision” Spectacles now being worn and used by
/ tens thousands of men and women citizens all over the
f yOji* United States.
/ T —l M u 1 Will Send Them To You Free
Sit down right now—this very minute—and fill out ftie below coupon at
once; let Uncle Sam deliver into your own hands, at your own door, a pair
of my 10-karat Gold-filled “Perfect Vision” Spectacles, in a handsome Plush
lined German-silver-tipped Pocket-book Spectacle Case, absolutely free, for
you to try. I will even pay the postage, and you are to judge them for your
self, and after a ten-day first-class try-out, if you send in your testimonial,
and it’s the best one received during the month, you will also get one hundred
dollars in gold free. Fill in this coupon and mall it to me at once.
I herewith enclose this coupon, which entitles me, by return mail, to a
■ pair of your 10-karat Gold-filled “Perfect-Vision” Spectacles, complete, also a
II fine leatherette, plush-lined, German-silver-tipped, pocket-book spectacle
■ case, without cost to me, so I can try them out, under your own offer, of a
■ full ten days’ actual test—Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
■ Saturday, Sunday, and three days more. This free trial is not to cost me one
■ penny, and if I like the glasses and keep them, I am to pay you $1.50 only
■ —no more and no less. But if, for any reason whatsoever, I don’t wish to
9 keep them (and I, myself, am to be the sole judge), 1 will return them to you
H without paying you a single cent for them, as you agreed in the above adver-
N tisement to send them on ten days’ absolute free trial. With this understand-
M ing I mail you this certificate, and it is also agreed that if I send you a
S testimonial and it is the best one you have received within the month, that
■ you will award me a prize of one hundred dollars in gold as offered above.
■ Be sure and answer the following questions:
I How old are you? How many years Kave you used glasses (if any)?
■ Name
I Post Office*.;
■ f
■ Rural Routeßox N0.......5tate
French on Verdun Front
Are Informed by Wireless
Os Wilson’s Re-election
FRONT, Nov. 10. (Via Paris, from a Staff
Correspondent of the Associated Press.)
News of the presidential election in the
United States was communicated by
wireless to the correspondent of the As
sociated Press in Fort Vaux and created
intense interest amid the activities of
defense preparations and under a very
severe German bombardment.
40 Carranza Soldiers
Are Killed in Wreck
LAREDO, Tex., Nov., 11.—Forty Car
ranza soldiers were killed and twice that
number injured Sunday at Chirimoya,
near Celaya, when their train was tele
scoped by a pilot train, according to ad
vices received here today. The injured
This Tells How You May Have the Benefit of the
Best Without Cost
People who are suffering from any
blood trouble. Catarrh, Rheumatism,
Skin Diseases, Sores and Boils, all of
which are the outward symptoms of
disease laden blood, should avail them
selves of the splendid medical advice
offered by the Swift Specific Com
pany, Atlanta. Ga.
This concern maintains a Medical
Department with a physician of large
experience at its head, to whom you
are invited to write for advice on any
medical question. Each case is given
individual personal attention. This
service is furnished absolutely free,
and those who are suffering from
blood trouble in any of its forms.
Free Proof To You Juh
All I want is your name and address so I can send yon a free trial treat- •• c * *^*?’ *• R '
ment. 1 want you just to try this treatment—that's all— Just try it. druggist
That's my only argument.
i’ve been in the drug business in Fort Wayne for 90 years, nearly everyone knows me and
knows about my successful treatment. Over tour thousand people have, according to their
own statements, been cured by this treatment since I first made this offer public.
If you have Eczema, Itch, Salt Rheum, Tetter— never mind how bad—my treatment has
cured the worst cases I ever saw— give me a chance to prove my claim.
Send me your name and address on the coupon below and get the trial treatment I want to
i send you FREE. The wonders accomplished in your own case will be proof.
(■■■■uHiiMiiuumaaiUiicuT AND MAIL TODAY
J. C. H UTZ ELL, Druggist, 2433 West Main St., Fort'Wayne, Ind.
Please send without cost or obligation to me your Free Proof Treatment.
Name ■ - Age
’ Post officeState..
Deutschland Is Ready
But Delays Departure
NEW LONDON, Conn., Nov. 11.—Th#
German submarine Deutschland, ready
for its return voyage to Germany, was
still tied up at the state pier this aft
ernoon. There were no signs of an im
mediate departure.
Every Niqht
For Constipation
3 Safe and Sure □
should feel at liberty to consult this
Department freely.
S. S. S. The Standard Blood Purifier,
prepared by the Swift Specific Com
pany in their own laboratory, Is a
powerful vegetable antidote for blood
diseases. S. S. S. is on sale at all drug
stores. If you are suffering from
Catarrh, Rheumatism, Skin Diseases
we advise you to get a bottle of S. S. S.
without delay. At any rate take ad
vantage of this offer and have your
trouble diagnosed by a competent
physician. It is a duty you owe your
self and will cost you absolutely noth
ing. Write at once to the Medical
Department, Swift Specific Company,
181 Swift Building, Atlanta, Ga.