Newspaper Page Text
•CcprJxM. 1916, by H. C. F! slier. Trail*
MX STOMACH ' (fmSO * S / *">* oP 1| AS J SA.O I \\
THINKS MX ’’■HRCAT «S COT. \ I COOCD K<SS -f* V *SCOrrx *OR ths I - - '//kWaAX
[if BANQuerv u/r-RE A |- A wAiteK- SK>rp amo h -JzV ♦ ; MWB\ jjßffl
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<Rt Prem.)
SEW YORK. Jan. 11.—Th. <x>tt<>n market
AiM/wed*'.! nerTou>nr»a and irregularity
•«rty tnuay. The opening *a» un.-liatiKv-l to S|
point* meter v*ern:g!it -u-llinK .Tiler* an.!
in r»-»,. nw tv lower caf-lea. There wa» a gond
deal of •*>»ering, howvwer, while there ai»» ap
(A*r*d tv he s»one fresh i’<nm wwn ivuise buy
tf.g * U tHtlli«b orernight aqaat adviees and after]
selling at I'.Sti on the call. May e<H>n rallied
tv I>.3S. or S poiats net higher. Uftvriags in*
• rwaed abate the IbUe letel with Liverpool a
eeilef. anal thcr- Were rvaelion* before the end
of *tiM> fir»t hour. Some et the local brokers
raid they expeeUd a tu.>rv or h-aa uwwttled mar
ket pending the [.ntdicatior, of the allied note.
The market i* iu>r very nervous an*i un>ei
tMi dur.ttg the middle of the morning and etup
• ruers were uneven-i on the break tv 17.:«5
for Marvts and IS.3L for July, or about 'M tv
■J7 joint, net lower. Except fur nerrvuenesa
•ver the political situation, there eevmed to
he no particular factor discussed an Hind the
ring, however, and the market rallied several
ooiht* late Ir. the'morning va covering and spot
botise buying.
The noon hour rally carried .May contracts
up to lx. s®. or aisMit 17 points from the low
level of the morning but fhx'tuation- wer%> very
irregular .train dcrinr the early aften -.. May .
«»W ass cbarply tv l*.d.*>. ami then ri ' ; gfp
to 18.40 Before 2 o'clock, comparirg . , . .7 .
"he closing price of yesterday.
The foUrwing were the ruling pr.<es in the
r-hiege today:
Fono steady: uiddliig, IS.ISi quiet.
Last I’rvv
Open High. la»w. Close. CTttae.
Jan. -.. .. lb.ol IS.O If-Kl .-T.*X 17.11 Id.tM
EH> 17.38 18.08
Mar 1*.12 1' 27 17.93 18.13 18.13 18.2?
Ape IH.2S 1x.32
May .. .. I*. 10 18.7 u 18.23 18. JCS I«.M 18.17
Jnne 18.30 18.30
July .. .. 18 28 18. W 1* 28 1 • ;7 >..3 1-.47
Xng. .. .. IS IO I*.lO P.lO 18.10 IX 05 18.20
Sept .. .. 17.7rf> 17.28 17.. W 17.36 17.35 17.24
Ort 17.06 17 IS 16.87 14.07 1T.66 17.06
Hee 17.88 17.17 17.83 1.16 17.16 17.13
By Associated Pm.)
SEW ORLEANS.-Jan. IL—The eottou mar
*« here epem-d tmtay at a small decline, los
**,/• ,o • points around the firM call in svm
athy with i«or cables, bulge I *npport was met
•ml prices Mlua stiffened. At the end of th.
first half hour of bnuneas the market ctood
4 tc 6 pcints over ye«tenlay's cktee.
Heavy hammtring de« eloped on the report
that the entente reply to the last n-»te from
ruts .-ountry contained unfavorable features ami
the market inqiped back to a levef 16 to 24
’joints under yesterday , final figures. On this
tecline an oversold rendition developed and
• arty sellers found little offering when they
•rled to take profit*. Gradually the market
a»e back am! late In the morning it
,t r. net rise of 2 to 4 Point*.
Quiet ttrvwgth Mas -lisplayed in the after
mnn.. At 1 Jp the trading months were 4 to 6
tednts up let.
The follovng were the riling prices In the
-xrh n ~o
T’* »«•*•*: ml Idling". 18.13e. steady.
.. . . La«t Pros.
O-n High. Low. Sale*. Close. Ow> .
lan. .. , 17.68 17.71 17.17.71 17.70 17.77
*■'** * .... 17 70 17.77
Mah-h .. 17.75 17. Ki 17.53 17.75 17.73 17 77
'Frtl ' 17. M
May .. .. 17.93 18.0* 17.79 173»x 17.97 18.82
June , f , ...•. 18.02 18.08
July . .. lx.lo 18.24 17.96 18.13 18.11 IS.Hi
•'”8 * 17.19 17.26
“’•L .. 16.72 16.‘2 16.62 16.71 16.70 16.78
l*e. .. .. 16.76 16.76 16.76 16.76 16 84 16.94
'By Associaud Press.!
NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 11.—Spot 'cotton qui*-t
<nd unchanged. Sale* on the spot. 1<I2; to ar
rive. non ?; good ordinary. 16.«3: strict g *1
•rdinary. 17.13; b w middling. 17 66; strict j.w
-nMdting, 17.88: middling. 18.1.3; strict mid
tlmc. 18.33: kwal tpi-Sdlir.a.; «tri>t good
middling. <8.73; receipt* 1.513: stock. 495.61A,
Atiaata. nominal, 15.40 c.
New York, nmnidal. 18.15e.
New Orlear.*. steady. 18.13 c
Liverpool, steady, IL2!<J.
Augv*ta. steady. 1*.63c.
Norfolk, steady, 18.35 c.
Houston, steady. 18.89 c.
Memphis, nominal. 18_4Oi.
•*hiladclphla. stiady. 18.KA
Pallas, steady, 17.85 c.
Boston, steady. 18.15 c.
-Mobile, steady. 18c.
Savanaab. uominaL 18.63*.
Galvest'n. steady. 18.50 c.
Cbarieston. nominaL
St. I*>ui*. steady. *
Little Ku> k. quiet. 18.23 c.
The following were the ruling prleea on tn.
• today •
Tune, easy; rales, ft.OTO; middling. 11. Sid.
trpen. Z p m. Cl-*se.
Jan. >A Feb... 10 95 10.90 10.73 11.12
• . * .Mar. . lu.'.ut 1»».J5 11.14
Mar. A Apr... 11.KJ 10 96 10.79 11.17
—pc. A May . 11.07 lO.MI 11 1*
May & June.. 11.10 11.00 10.83 11.21
I’ue* A July 10.82 11.3>i
July A Aug... 11.06 10.98 10.81 11.19
Aug. A Sept. . 10.78 1«>.34 10.98
Sept. * Oct fu 25 1O 65
Ort. A Nov... 10.38 10.11 10.51
Nov. * Ih-c lO.iCt 10.43
Stops Tobacco Habit
in One Day
Sanitarium Pub'.iaben Free Book Show
ing How Tobacco Habit Can be
Baniahed in From One to
Five Daye at Home.
The EldeTs Sanitarium, located at 691
Main street. St. Joseph. Mo., has publish
ed a free book showing the deadly ef
fect of the tobacco habit, and how it can
be banished in from one to five days at
Men who have used tobacco for more
than fifty years have tried this method
and say it is entirely successful, and
in addition to -banishing the desire for
ttrbacco has improved their healsh won
derfully. This method banishes the de-
• sire for tobacco, no matter whether it
is smoking, chewing, cigarettes or snuff
As this book is being distributed free,
anyone wanting a copy should send their
iiine and address at once.—(AdvL)
Atlanta Live Stock
(Correcte-l by W. 11. White, Jr., of the White
Provision Co.)
Good to choice kteers, boo to HOC pounds,
i.oud etevrs, 700 to 800 poupds, OT-.3l»<’l«.OO.
Medium tv good steers. Too to 800 pound*.
45.2547 5.50. »
lived to choice beef cows. 750 to 850 pounds,
8&.01 ki-5,56.
.Medium to gixxi cows. 650 to 750 pounds,
Goual tv choice heifers, Goo to <OO pounds,
r - r "O'2 5.00.
The ai*>ve represents the ruling prices
gaud quality cattle. Inferior grades and dairy
tyie celling k>»<r.
Medium Tv guud steer*, 750 to 850 pounds,
»5.50< ti.UU.
M'-lium to good cows, 650 to 7-50 pounds,
4».5t q.».«).
Un-u coinmen,
ilvtsi fat uxen, 85.25tU5.75.
Mixed oxen.
Good butcher bulla. g.;.75<<j4.50.
Choice veal calves, 05.30tjU.50.
Tearling*. $4.00 <i 4.75.
Sheep, g'-’sl, s4.2s'<> 5.50.
Medium steep, $3.50**A30.
Prime hogs. IGO to 225 pounds, $8.25U *'.3o.
Light bogs, 140 to I<O pound*. $8.00488.25.
Heavy pigs. .110 to 140 |KHin<ls, $• ..'a»'o ~«5.
Light p.g*. 90 to 110 pound*. $7.00"! 7.25.
Altne quotations *apriy to cornfeil hog*. Mast
nd BMBM fattmed 1- wer, t wuig to quality.
tattle receipts light. Market strong and
*.emaud active. Ci-mmission men report yard*
kept sold vp clean from <>ay to day. A Beu
led cattle coming, mixed kin.l*. mostly from
local points. These sold readily at present
top quotatloM. Tennessee continuing to sup
ply the majority of l«-tter gra'les of beef cat
tle. Yearlings and calves nn- ting oith good
demand and market is quoted strong and
Hog receipts fair, quality improving, market
ißy A'so.iated Press.) *
CHICAGO, Jan. 11.—Hogs—Receipts, 55,000,
*tvauy at vesterdai’s average; bulk, SH).2-i«rj
Ib.U); liguL >«.«< ■/10.45. mix*!, sio.iu<>
IW.UU; li. a y, $19..»u 10.65; rough, $10.2044
20.35; pig*. tf.W4g9.50.
Cattle—it>-c-ipts, IMRM, firm; native beef cat
tle, $7.75*411.80: western .-li<r*. s7.sOfttlo.W,
.-tockers .*ad feeders, $5.51Hr8.85; ■ow* and
belters, $4.4J4y 10.00; ahes,-
Btseep—Receipt*. 16.000, strong; wethers,
$9.49'010. X); lamb*. SIJ . sor« 14.00.
NEW 1 OKK, .Jan. 11. —I.utter firm; re
ceipts, 7.902 packages. Creamery, extra 2'2
» “ pv.ut*. 39 -c; h.guer sevriug lots,
.o*4*4 40<a c ; firsts, 88 tv al score, :t6ii3BSc';
secueds, S 3 to 8« score, oo<m.:»i»c; thirds,
:3l'-c; held higher scoring thaix extra, 38 ‘j
--S‘-c; held extra, 3«L- .i .;*>•; held firsts, 06
'o3>c; livid secunus, «4g*s!jc; state dairy
finest. 39U39‘ a c; good tv prime. ;«> l 2*i3B*-jc;
lomuion evtrws, renovated extras,
.2»tM.<s*sC; first.*, lower grades,
.■.O*i Ale; imitation creamery firsts, 32<a33c;
ladles, current made, fine, 3t‘‘ a seconds.
Me; lower grades, ZB> a *<g9!ac; packing
stock. No. 1 current make, oOc; No. 2 cur
rent make. fine. 29c: lower grades, 21 *xQ.2B* 3 v.
Cheese, firm; receipts were 478 cases.
State—Wtede .Milks—Flats, held made specials,
24 1 **«21 , a c; llrts, held made average fancy,
S' a 4*i24c; flats, fresh culortd, specials 22‘j
"iats. fresh white, specials, 22'd.
23*3®; flats, fresh colvn-d and white average
fancy, 22c; twins, held spicial*, 21*t24', t c;
twins., rverage Urey. > a ; cbaddars,
held. 24U2’'ie; single .Isisie*. trosti, fancy,
24*3 'a 25c; all style fresh* undergrades, 20 : t
4g22*3c. Wisconsin—WHole Milk—Twins, held
specials. 24c; double daisies, fresh, 24c;
angle daisi •*. tre«h, 24 , ‘i24 , »c; A'oung Ameri
cas, 10 lbs., L-vp-. Far Western —Whole Mila
—Oregon, fiplv daisies,* 23*3*124c; Oregon,
Young Am-ricas. 7 lb*., ..; California, .ioiilde
daisies, 2il<i 2.ti 2 c. State—Skims—Held spec-I
ial*. 20’36 21c; current made specials, !!♦•
SrZOr; curreut made, cb< ice, 18*119c; lower ;
grade*. 13<r 15»4c.
Eggs, strong: reieipts, 4.807 cases. State
Penn and n-.irby fancy u nite. 5:: 1 56c; or-I
dinary to good. 4* • gatlu red w. t.- a* to
sue and quality. 484<54c; nearby white pui
lets* ••gg*. 45*14**;: western aa.l southern
gathered white. 484a sOc: hennery brown, 51
Ks3c; nearby, gathered I icwn and mixed rot
ors. g'kxl <0 fancy, 47*i51c; frosh gathered,
*xtra fine. .52 cents: fn-sh gathere*!, firsts,
52 cents: fre*h c*there*!, secnmls and lower
grade*. |O 1 15 c; fresb gathered, poor to good,
32*’3*c :rofrigera tor. sfiecia! make*, insurance
paid. 36'-c: refrigerator, first storage am! in
surance psM, X'lL-SiitGijc: refrigerator, second
storage and insurance paid. 35 1 1 <a 37*ic.
Atlanta *tot cotton, nominal IS.4o*'
lIK-eipts 760
Shipm-nts 1,8.34
Stock* .•* ri ,570
Basis Atlanta for current mouth shipments. |
Bid. Asked.
Crude oil sic 83c
Cutton seed lu-al, prime, per
cent .. 37.00 38.90
Cvtion se—l meal, prim -. 7 per
cent -. 35.00 36.50
Cot t»<i weed meal. 20 per cen*
protein «.*.. 27.50
C« Hon Mid cake, sound, louse,
8. 8. Savannah 34.50 '
Cott‘>n see*! nulls. liwne 16.50 17.59
Cotton se*-.| bulls, sacked. O 8...19 W 29.00
Linters, mill rut 6%c 7'4"
Linters, tir-t cut lOe
• Open. Close.
Spots 12.20 bid
January .. .. .. 12.25*412.37 12.22*/12.30
IVbniary 12.200 12.25 12.16 <i 12.2'>
Maroh .. .. .. .. 12.1.5*i 12.3 i 12.15*112.17
April 12.15*112.25 12.15«« 12.17
May 12.17*112.19 12.18 a 12.2*)
Jone 12.15*i 12.23 12.2<'«i 12.23
Joly 12.20-112 22 12.21*112.22
August 12.29*112.24 12.22*412.24
Tone steady: vale* 15.600.
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK. Jan. 11. Raw sugar, steadv;
I centrifugal. 5.39; molasses, 4.52; refined,
; steady; fine granulated. 6.75.
Sugar futures were firm and active on cov
ering in sympathy with the steadiness nt the
i spot market, traile Interests also being fair
buyers. At noon prices were 2 to 11 points
' hieher.
latter a part of the list easi-rf off under real
izing. The dosing was steady and' 5 poiuts
h-wer to 6 Higher.
Open. Clowe.
January 4.28 Rid. 4.334r4.M
February 4.17*44.18
March .. M .. .. .. 4.10<»
April 4.12(g4.15 4.10*44.12
-May 4.11*r4.14 4.12*i4.L3
June 4.12*44.16 4.14'*<4.1tt
July .. .. .. .. .. 4.14*i4.17 4.17*44.19
August 4.18*44.29
■ S«Vumber .. .. .. .. 4.18 4.29*44.21
Uctvber 4.10V4.16 4.14*44.19
• Noteluber .. .. .. .. .......... 4.09*44.11
lietemoer 4.01*44.10 .3.95*1 I.Ov
Jan 10.73 11 12
Logan A Bryan: “In these lunes »[>eratioas
must b«- gui led chiefly by the internalional -le-
• vekqrments -is they overshadow all other mar
ket teflucn-'vs. The aspect of things at the
moment wo.*l*l suggest that purchases tie de
ferrod for ' ie time being.”
Harris, Winthrop: “Buy on good setbacks
for mislerste turns until the outlook becomes
more setthsl. ’
Chapin A Co.; “Sentiment is divided pending
U settlement of the present uncertainty.**
CHICAGO, Jan. 11.—Considerable strength de
veloped in the wheat market today after a
show of heaviness at the outset. Much of the
buying apparently was busts! upon the absence
of any confirmation us yesterday's bearish ru
mor* aliont iwace and submarines. Commission
bouses were the chief purchasers. Opening quo
tations, which ranged from l‘/,c off to
advance, w'ith May at $1.82% to $1.8.3% and
July at $1.46% to $1.47%, were followed by
substantial gains all around, and then something
of a reaction.
Subsequently Wall street weakness and news
of the sinking of the British warship ''ornwallis
made wheat values dip, but afterward large
clearances nt the seaboard ami bullish anticipa
tions as to ihe reply of the entente allies
brought about a sharp upturn. The closing was
strong. .3 to 4c net higher, with May nt $1.87%
to $1.87%, and July at $1.51 to $1.51
Corn rose mainly as n result of continued
damage reports from Argentina. Colder weather
t*-nded also to help the bulls. After opening
%e to %c higher, ‘the market reacted a little,
tut later siored a decided fresh a Hance.
Scarcity of rural offerings acted as a handi
cap on the wars on corn. The close was strong,
IS' - net advance.
itiTts hardened with other grain. Demand,
however, was only of a scattered sort.
Absence of upport led to decline in the pro
vision market. There did not seem, however, to
be any urgent pressure to sell.
The following were the ruling prices In the
exchange today:
ripen. High. low. Close. Close
May . . 153%ft4187% 187% 181% 187% 18.3%
July . . 117%*r146% 151% 146% 151% 117%
Sept. . . ' 13d% 137% 132% 137% ....
Mny . . 08 99 97 98% 97%
July . . . 96%006% 97% 96 97% 1)6%
May . . .4 57 57% 56% 57% 56%
July . . . 54% 54% 53% 54% 54%
Jau 28.80 28.80 28.72 28.72 28.90
May ... . *. 28.20 28.32 28.05 28.15 28.40
Jau 15.50 15.50 15.37 15.50 15.62
May .... 16.05 16.05 15.77 15.92 16.07
Jan 14.57 14.57 14.40 14.50 14.60
May .... 15.90 15.00 14.80 14.!M) 15.02
CHICAGO, Jan. 11.—Wheat: No. 2 red, nom
inal, N*>. 3 nd. .*1.92 . No. 2 bard, sl.;i..
1.9* %; No. 3 iiaru, nominal.
t urn—No. 2 yellow, 90; a 44!»7%c: No. 4 yel
low, 95 ‘. t (a 96 %.c. No. 4 w hite, 94*$90c.
Oats —No. 3 white, 5&%*<57%c; standard,
.TO % *i 57 %c.
Lye—No. 2. nominal.
Barley, sl.o<» > 1.31.
Timothy, $3.50*45.50.
Chvir. $r..00 *i 17.00.
Fork, $29.50.
Lani, $15.45*t 1.7.50.
Ribs, $13.87*414.50.
The following were the <tsh quotations on
grain ami the previous close:
WHEAT— , Close. Prov. Close.
No. 2 red .. ..1.98 *42.<K> 1.98 (q 2.05
No. 2 hard .. ..1.98 1.98 (42.02%
I Nv. 2 97% 9S
No. 2 white .. .. 99 1<9%*41.00
2 ... 56% 57
No. 2 white .. .. 55% 58% ,
(.By Aksoeia'.ed i"cesa.)
KANSAS < UY, Jan. 11.—Cash wheat. No. 2,
bard, »i.x.x.i 1.95; No. 2 red, $1.89*41.92.
i Corn. No. J mixed, 95*495%c; No. 2 while,
|9s*. 95%< ; No. 2 yellow. m<«96.%c.
rials. No. 2 white, 57*i5i%c; No. 2 mixed,
55*4 56c.
NEW ORLEANS, Jau. 11. —Liverpwl is mere
ly following ibe lead of the American markets
and made a fall response '.o bur Ueeiiue jester
uay. quoting s, ets 25 lower, sales 8,000.
Ijimlon says the ally rv;dy to the president's
peace note iiaa been han ted to the American
ambassador, so we ought to get it shortly. Ou
its lenor '.vu.u will depend in defining political
views of tne future and consequent action 3y
si*ei-uhttion. If it should be a flat retusal of
peace offers, pessimism would be enhanced and
lead to pressure iu the markets, but if it in
any way suppimrt* the chanee for further peace
negotiations, Lullish enterprise would be stim
-1 uated in cotton.
Yesterday’s decline was entirely political,
' prompted >n- the basis of the Manchester Guai
dian'.s interpretation of Mr. Gerard’s tpeecli at
I Berlin in t «• light of a warning to Germ inv
agqinst submarine extension. Tiie reactionary
change in tLc Russian ministry and new wir
loan efforts in England were all claimed by the
bear elem -nt.
Lan* asiure mills are. however, so prosperous,
according to the following report to Washington
that a full ••onsumption and a bard fight for
( cotton rooms £ certainty.
Dry gocsls teports continne bullish. Pacific
const clear* 17.000 to Japan, making 33.000 so
far this week which will go into the count vs
spinners’ taking* tomorrow.
rinr market opened about 10 points down but
rocovered the loss promptly on buying based
on the discount of futures under si»ots. How
ever. further selling followed on lhe expectation
of more pressure from Wall street on political
pessimism. This pressure appeared towanls the
• clove of ’ho first hour and was evidently ex-
• tended to ’ Ivornool. whore the decline reached
37 points for the day, while our market broke
to around 7.50 tor March.
• The nctval facts of the situation arc as bull-
> !sh as ever. Snots are firmly held and it is
! not likely :*iet a situation which ha* heen tem-
I pored hy a 5-cent decline and liquidation will
bo affected by tomnoenry political. The In
creasing dfsco’int of fntnres order spots is work
ing Into the hand* of consumers and the htillv,
snetosting the n«o of the decline for a hull
position nn thv market.
Spot* hero arc fi-vn. Factors simple with
draw from the market on declines. Nothing of
(By Associated Preas.l
CHICAGO. Jap. 11.—Butter, easier; cream
ery. 32<fr38’4c.
i Fee*, hieher; receipts. 2.378 cases: first*.
40*4440- ordinarv firsts. 36«i39c; nt mark, cases
{.iclxpod 35*r 12c.
P<>»r»nes. hither: rnociptj. 03 cars; Michigan
tail VF , «oonsin white. <1 75*11.85; Washlnc-
I ton Col rndo. Idaho and Oregon white, sl.Bo*l
1 1.9-*.
1 Poultry, alive, unchanged.
[ (By Associated Presa.)
KANSAS CITY. Jun. 11.—Butter, creamery,
’ 41c; firsts. 3!)‘-.c : seconds. 37%c; packing, 2»<e.
1 Egg*, firsts. 39’1-c.
» Poultry, hena, 16'-_*c; roosters, 12%c: tnrkcvs,
I 24c.
i Open. Close.
’ Jnnvary .. .. R.75*i8.77
February .. R.SO*IR S 2
Maroh 8.85 B.R3*,S.!M)
a Ai.rl! R AWit !*0
. May B.nn<sfß.9i 8 <n* r s.*M
June .. 8.91 Bill. R.97*r8.99
r July R. 99 Bld. ft o*»W«».n4
- \ngnst .. .... .. .. 9.0T*t9.09
September .. 9.10 Bid. 9.12*79.14
s October .. .. 9.16*/9.1R
s November 9.20*19.22
December 9.21 Bbl. 9.25*»9.37
ft NEW YORK, Jan. 11.—Coffee, Rio No. L
110 c. .
Sub-Committee May Yet Deal
With Lawson for
(By Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 1\. —Over% the
protests of Republican members, the
Democratic majority of the house rules
committee today voted to report ad
versely Representative Wood’s priv
ileged resolution for a congressional in
quiry into the charges of Thomas W.
Lawson ■ that there was a leak to Wall
street on President Wilson’s peace
Democrats and Republicans disagreed
as to the effect of the committee’s
action toward the Lawson contempt
charges. Republicans say he was ab
solved by a vole of the majority and
that the whole investigation is over.
Chairman Henry insists that the spe
cial subcommittee to deal with Law
son’s refusal to answer questions pro
pounded by the committee and his pub
lication of ’’leak” charges in newspa
pers still is in existence and may take
some action.
The opposing members also disagree
as to whether the inquiry is over. Re
publicans say it is, in effect. Repre
sentative Henry and Representative
Wood have another resolution before the
committee which has not been acted
upon which the majority refused to take
up today.
A new version of the “leak’’ to Wall
street on President Wilson s peace ncle
was given to the committee by James
R. Reilly, managing editor of the Wall
Street Journal.
A tip picked up, he said, by a Dow
Jones reporter in Wall street that
brokers’ private wires from Washington
were saying the president was about
to send a peace note was solely respon
sible for tiie dispatch forecasting the
note on. the company's ticker at 2:05
p. m. Wednesday, December 20.
Between 11:30 a. m., when Reilly re
ceived the tip, and the dispatch of the
item, Reilly said, he received two mes
sages from John Boyle, the Journal s
local representative here. The lirst was
marked “confidential" and told of the
coming of a note and said it was not
a peace proposal. The sec.ond, In reply
to Reilly's inquiry as to tiie reports
gleaned from the brokers’ wires, said
reference undoubtedly was made to the
coming note. (|
Shortly after 1 o’clock Chairman
Henry announced that owing to Speaker
Clark being called to New York, the re
port of the rules committee would not
:*e submitted to the house before to
(By A<su latfu tress.l
SAVANNAH, (la.. Jan. 11.—Turpi ntine, quiet,
5*3%e; sales, nene; receipt*, 46; sliipnients,
none; stocks, 23,357.
llosiq, firm; sales, none; receipts, 196; ship
ments, none; stocks, 90,353.
Quote: B, D nn<l E, $6.25: I’ anil G, $6.27%;
Il and I, S6.K, s(’>.6o; M, $6.70; N, $6.95. >
WG, $7.10; WW, $7.30.
(By Associated Press.)
NEW YORK. Jan. 11.—The. metal exchange
quote.* lead, $7.40(0 7.50: spelter, normal.
At London, lead, 30 pounds 10s; • spelter, 49
pounds, ss.
Copper unsettled: electrolytic first, second
nnd third quarters, 26.00*1.32.50, nominal.
Iron firm and unchanged.
Metal exchange quotes tin firm; spot. 42.82%
<9 43.12%.
At London: Spot copper, 130 pounds; future*.
126 pounds; electrolytic, 141 pounds; -quit tin.
182 pounds 15e; futures, 184 pound.* 10s.
ttroduce Our Nobby Clothes
In Your Town
It’s the very finest suit
you eversaw. IvUcouldn’t
buy a better one, but you
can get it free. It’s made
to your measure from the
tn beaut fu! cloth, choice of
stripes, checks or plain pat
terns. Send us your name and i
a<’dress today. Don’t fail to
fret one of suits. You
can er.rn itwUiio you wear it
aud L’uUko
SSO a Week
by taking orders. Drop c? a i
postal for late-1 sample outfit,
select ♦!.« style you want ai d
the r'.oth. Let ua prove our
am-rinp offer. Doi i’t de lay. V. a
Bind everything free the same
d y yeur request Is received.
Yv < * pay postage on everything.
Jusf sen J us a postal with
your name and sd<!iess on it.
Paragon Tailoring; Co. Dept 105 Chicago
t With this eye «j!ns. you can ap
see th*o cloth or wood, geo
2 ;he bones in the body, makes the flesh look transpa
‘ By ”1®?! 10 ctß - "tampa or coil
0 3 lie ARDKJb CO. Box 244 Stamford
ence unnecessary; earn big pay while you
learu at home during spare time. Only eight
weeks required. Hundreds of good positions
open. Write today for large list of openings
and testimonials from hiuidreils of students we
nave placed in positions paying SIOO to s.>oo
per month. Address nearest office. Dept. B-4.1,
National Salesmen’s Training Assn., Chicago,
New York, san Francisco.
THE way to get a government job is through
tiie Washingun Civil Service School. We pre
pare you .md you get a position or we guarantee
io refund your money. Write to Earl Hopkins,-
I resident, Wasl.ington, D. C., for book Fix 10<8.
telling al> > it 1.92,296 government positions with
lifetime employment, short hours, rure pay.
regular va*mtions.
MO'l’riKM LN •( • INi>l 'CTriKS—SBO monthly. In
teruib ns uerywliere. Experience unneces
sar». Qualify now. State age; booklet free.
Electric Dept., 1... Box 300 care Journal.
Vo sTR IK E—B-hour day Men everywhere.
Firemen. Italimen, baggagemen, $l2O. Col
ored porters, < xpcrience unnecessary. 26a Rail
way Bureau. E. St. Louis, 111.
SEI.I. I'ltl'ir TREES, pecan trees, ornamental
trees, llg:*t, pleasant work: good profit. Write
today, smith Bros., Dept. 20, Concord.
BE A“DETECTIVE Earn 0100 to S3OO per
month: travel over the world Write C *,, T
L'-.lwig. 168 Westover bklg., Kansas City,_Mo
$25 WEEKLY collecting names and addresses.
Send'stamp. Superba Co., S. 45 Baltimore.
WANTED—Men nnd women, 18 or < ver, every
where, for V. S. government life jobs. Thou
sands 191” vacancies. $75.00 month. Steady
work. Short hours. Rapid advancement. W’r’te
immidfately for list of i>o*itions easily obtain
able. Franklin Institute, Dept. T-106, Roch
ester, N. Y. ; '
a first-grade license. B. 8. Holden, Ellijay, Gu.
AGENTS —A one cent post card will put you in
touch with an SBO a week proposition selling
aluminum utensils and specialties direct to the
consumer. Don’t let one cent stand between
you and prosperity. Div. W. (’. C. American
Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Lemont, 111.
LARGE manufacturer wants representative* to
sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses, waists,
skirts direct to homes. Write for free samples.
Madison Mills, 586 Broadway. New York City.
WeTaY SBO monthly salary and furnish rig
and expenses to introduce guaranteed poultry
and stock powders. BIGLER COMPANY, Xt»6l
Spring fi * ‘ld, 111.
COLORED igent wanted. Marvelous new sick
ness. accident, death insurance. Box 831-D,
■■ ■■ ■ WW V duce poultry compound Year's contract
1— iMrt»UL H»u. ug Din. 6 , nisn.u, ki.i*
WANTED—Oat, wheat or rye straw, packed in
bales: must be clean and bright: state kind,
quality and price. Address P. O. Box 974,
Atlanta, Ga.
EARN $-’5 weekly, spare time, writing for news
paper*, niagnrines. Exp. unnec.; details free.
Press Syndicate. 479, St. Txniis, Mo.
Says Policeman Helped
Hold Up Eight Stag es
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 11.—Jack
Ba d in f> merly of the United States
m trine corps, arrested on charges of
passing forged checks, confessed to
day, the police say, that he and Albert
J. Griffith, a Los Angeles policeman,
held up eight stages near San Diego,
committed other crimes in this city,
and and that are the men wanted for
the killing of Drew B. Milligan. Two
’ men recently held up Milligan in his
automobile, robbed and shot him. Grif
fith is charged with a recent $38,000
express wagon robbery in this city.
« ' 1 • ■ ' —— , , I
IMPORTANT NOTICE— The extremely high cost of white paper prevailing at this time will
than likely cause the withdrawal of such liberal combination offers as the one given below, in
the near future. If you want to be assured of getting the very best newspapers at a low cost you
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mal conditions —and now it is really a very unusual bargain. Take advantage or it now’
The Semi-lTeekiy Journal
The T'TT New York World
You get five issues a Week! ' [ Nk 1 7/I
260 usucs ayear-ALL IQT I ’ °
Ute Thia Coupon-—-Wri’a Plain r y—and Mail at Once
The Semi-Weekly Journal, Atlanta, Ga.: 1
qIGN the coupon—en- Enclosed find sl.lO. Send The Semi-Weekly f
close sl.lO, either Journal and The Thrice-a-Week New York World to |
by check, postoffice mon- the address below for one year. t ?
ey order, stamps or cash ' I
by registered mail and NAME ;
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IlSa partment, Atlanta, Ga. R. F. DSTATE
a a
BERMUDA grass seed; raised in Ynnv. valley.
1 thire. new crop. Free samples and planting
t nstructlons. Thousands of satisfied customers.
< Hie south's best pasture grass. Prices, 37c In
* lO> pounds; 40c lu smaller lots. Delivered your
* station. R. G. Stitt A Son, Drawer J, Yuma,
• Arizona.
sey and Cbarkston Wakefkld, Succession and I
Flat Dutch, bv express, 500, $1; 1,000, $1.50;
1 5,000 at *l—s: satisfaction guarantetd. Post-
- paid 30c per ’OO. D. F. Jemison, Summerville
i S<uth Carolina.
’ l I AN3‘S--Cal huge. 1.60 1. $1.50: st berry, l.OOt*
[ $2: 100 50c. Oakhnrat E’arui. College Park, Ga.
COTTON SEED—King. Chvelan-l. Simpkin*,
busbel, $2. Qakliurst Farm, College Park. Ga.
OWNERS, administrators, executors, if you|
have land for sale write us. Specialists in j
subdividing und selling land at auction; expert i
sales force; balloon ascension special attrac-l
l lion. SUmlard Realty Co., 508 It .-tent bldg.,
Atlanta, Ga.
♦ FREE government land, 250,000 acres In Ar-
r kausas uotv ipeti tor Homesteading. Send 5Uc I
for revised Township map of state and copy otf
Homesteaders’ Guide. L. E. Moore, Little
* Kick, Ark. _
, BMALL Missouri farm, $lO cash and $5 month
ly; no interest or taxes; highly productive
land; close to 3 big markets; write for pho
-1 to graphs and full information. Manger, C-136
N. Y. Life Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo.
i-Olt RENT—One hundred-acre farm, two bouses
and barn; fine orchard: 9 miles out on Camp
’ beliton road, acini Williams, 70 Edgewood ave
nue, Atlanta, Ga.
MARRY RICH—Be happy and prosperous. Big
list of descriptions and photos of congenial
• people with means free. Sealed, confidential..
Kituer sex. Standard Club, Box 607, Grays
lake, 111
MARRY—Hundreds rich wish marriage soon;
confidential: most reliable: descriptions free.
1 “I'he Successful Club,” Box 556, Oakland, Calif.
J REAL PHOTOS, artists models, bathing girls?
, etc. Send dime for sample and catalog. A. I
. J. Shaw, 44 Boylston, Street, Boston.
1 „ ■ - ■ - ■
MAIDEN, woitb $160,000, lonely, anxious to
? many. Write quick. E. E., Box 4, San ;
Diego, CaL
MARRY IF LONELY —Hundreds rich wish mar
riage soon: confidential; descripitons free.
- ’’The Successful Club,” Box 556, Oakland, Calif.
I MARRY—Free photos beautiful ladies: descrip
tions and directory; pay when married. New
I lan Co.. Dept. 26, Kansas City. Mo.
MARRIAGE I’APER free. The most reliable
' published. Send for one. Eastern Agency, 22,
• Bridgeport, Conn.
MARRY — Marriage directory with photos and 1
, descriptions free. I’ay when married. The;
Exchange, Dept. 34, Kansas City, Mo.
! WEALTHY California bachelor-girl, 30, wonld
marry. Confidential. M., Box 35, League,
Toledo. Ohio.
SOI THERN MIENCY. Station A, Da'.ias, Tex.
1 Ladies’ a*is f.-ee. Lists tree to gentlemen.
' MEN of ideas and inventive ability should '
, write for new “Lists of Needed Inventions,” I
"Patent Buyers” and "How to Get Your Pat
ent and Y'our Money.” Advice free. Randolph '
& Co.,' Patent Attorneys, DepL 60, Wasn
Ington, D. C.
I rt 1 I—lx 1 ufacturers want Owen Patents.
Send for 3 free books; inventions wanted, etc. 1
help you market your invention without charge.
Richard B. Owen, 66 owe n bldg., Wash’ton, D.C.
■ VFMTB Wst»en F.ColeTnnn,Wod>
0G V* | Pnl X, ington. D.C. Book*free. Higt>
a M I kIW ■Ww eat relerences. Best resuTS
H Locket, Chain & 2 Rings Free
Sal I 8 Boxes Rosatwd Salve
at ?‘>( er, tuner Lit An ra*x y
seller. Whensold return the qg. fa tgy
11.60 and we will send these
I beautiful gold laid premi
ums, or choice from b:g
catalog Write for Sal
■osebu* Perfume Co. Boi 200 Woodsboro,
Are yon one of those who used "606” or “914” ar I
found it a failure ! Have you been to Hot Sprin, i
and returned uncured! Have you taken ti i
Mercury and Potash treatment and are yon st; |
suffering! Have you suffered from Blood Peisori
Rheumatism, Malaria, Chronic Constipation, Eczema, Ce
tarrh. Liver or Stomach Trouble, Enlarged Glands la Net I
•rGroin, or Scrofula without being benefited by any' *
treatment! If so, write for our 190-page book,
FREE, showing how to obtain the results you an!
looking for. All correspondence confidential.
Room tor 1622 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo.
V* / T *%, FALLING
To all sufferers from Fits, Epllepsv. Falling Sickness
•r Nervous Troubles will be sent ABSOLUTELY FREE
a bottle ana treatise of W. H. Peeke’s Treatment. For, t
thirty years.tbousands of sufferers have used W.H.Peeke’d
Treatment with excellent results. Give Express and P OJ
Address, W. H. PEEKED Cedar SLN.Y.
treat yourself with positive auccees. ■ Any
stage. Prompt, sure, harmless. No injurious;
mercury vr potash effects. E’REE PROOF. Send
name for book and offer. JOHN STERIJNG
ROYAL REMEDY CO., Dept. 40, Kansas Gity.i
We guarantee to cure any case of ITCH IL
used as directed, or Money Refunded. Scratches!
and Mange in Dogs cured at once. 50c at your
dealer’s, or mailed on receipt of 65c.
15 South 10th St., Richmond, Va.
It’s successful treatment without use of the knifes
Hundreds of satisfied patients testify to this mild
method. Write for free book. Tells how to care
for patients suffering from caneer. Address
DR. W. O. BYK - KauiMS City, Mo.
Healed oy ANTI-PLAMMA Poultice Plaster. Stnpa
I the itching around sores. Heals while yon work. 08-
Distributing Co., jg2o Grand, Kanraa City. Ma
I AHICQ When irregular or delayed, me!
L.AJLrII-iO Triumph Fill.*; always depend
able. Not sold at drug stores. “Relief” and par*
ticulars free. Address NATIONAL MEDICAL
INMTTL'TE, Milwaukee. Wis. >
We supply expert advice and Box FENINE without cost.
MISSOURI REMEDY CO., Offiee 11 e Lewis, Mo.
TREATMENT. Gives qfclck relief.
1 Unuro I goon removes swelling and abort
W breath. Never h* ard of its equal for dropsy*
W it. Trial treatment sent FREE, by mall.
Bank Bids., SM rg . CHATSWORTH, OA.
are<promptiy relieved with inexpensive home trvatmeid
It absolutely removes the pain, swelling, tiredness a>J
disease Full particulars on receipt of stamp.
W. F. YOUNG. P. D. F- 2*l 7*«nple B'_ Springfield. Mae; .
■ ■li M 6 Sufferers, write today for my words
I M S« of value FREE about
5| and how to treat Lung Troubles:
BRwIsM Addros M. D. 13 GsdasaKO. v
FlTf* • CURED MY DAUGHTER by staple die-
LI I V eovery. Doctors gave her up. Will fend rpCC *
II I V Lopoo 318 MilvaukM.Wto. THU