Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, January 30, 1917, Page 7, Image 7
MUTT AND JEFF—SPEAKING OF LEAKS, ETC. BY BUD FISHER 4 % • f' HEV* A 6euSH quick! " / He S(uo ._ > JEFp I . 1 Go Down flAio'ret-c b<-vb‘ telu it to TO? rue JANITOR there’s tW Z 1 W ‘ SH I LAWSON * (Quick!/ V ■ i k —7 W»| j , ! V MURK, i A / '■*< ' » Em a[ — ''ill/ \ t. gL.X/ I ■■ -/■ J!l . , '\ t Pte Will -‘^-m >: ■^2n'-^^gfflßHß»jß'. "i • ~ 27~J<| • NEW YORK BANKER ASSERTS HE NEVER PROFITED BY ‘LEAK’ (Continued From Page l.> ended they would nave no communica tion wath each other A week ago last Tuesday, after hav ing been excused temporarily from tes tifying before the committee in Wash ington. Fisk said, he telephoned Mc- Adoo's office that he would like to see McAdoo. ■•Mr McAdoo.” Fisk testified, “said •hrough a clerk that he was busy and would call me. bater McAdoo wrote me that it would be only Wise and prop er for us to have no communication un til the leak inquiry was over." Asked .by Representative Campbell when he last talked with Mr. McAdoo. Fisk said it was a week ago last Fri day. "I was leaying the New Willard hotel when McAdoo came in.” he said. “I imid: ‘Good morning.’ to him. He turn ed and said to those about him. ’until this leak inquiry is over. Mr. Fisk and 1 will hav® no further communication.’" Fiek said his firm retains in Wash ington a newspaper man, whose name he couM not recall, to keep it informed re garding governmental activities in which it is interested. He promised to furnish the representative’s name later. He de nied that his firm had received any com munication from its Washington repre sentative between I«ecember 10 and De cember -3. relative to the peace note. Wr. Whipple requested Fisk to look through his files for previous communi cations from the firm’s Washington rep resentative. indicating possibility of a search for other ‘Teaks. ' Fisk said that it was his judgment that the market prior to the publica tion of the president's note was in “an overbought condition and ready for a violent drop -Ml it wanted was an ex- _ CUMv"* “I never,” he declared, "talked, dream ed of. or imagined a pool for stock mar ket speculation with McAdotf or any other government official. Our busi ness is not stock gambling." In closing his testimony Fisk said he still thought Lawson’s statement prob ably was the result of a "disordered brain.” and severely criticised him for dragging the name of Harvey Fisk A Sons into the inquiry. Lawson should be taken at his word.’ Fisk said, “and placed behind the .bars on the basis of perjury when he wan tonly handle the name of a reputable ritisen If his statement is the result of a disordered brain, as it appears to be, perhaps the good Lord will take care of it tn His own way.” Lawson it developed today had been ordered to remain in touch with the committee as he may be recalled at any time. . Gor-e, but Not Forgotten ♦ Passing Show. > Song for the new food inquisitor: ’Tell me where is fancy bread?’’ AN IMPORTANT LETTER FROM A GEORGIA WOMAN Augusta. Ga. —“Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription without any doubt put mt on my feet when I was suffering from irregularity. 1 had constant pain in my right side which with my ac tivity, compelling me to keep quiet at such times. My nertes were out of tone as well as my general constitution, and had been for an entire year. Very little activity was exhausting, and I did not get enough rest at night to recuper ate, but would awaken tne next morning quite lifeless. 1 read of Doctor Pierce’s medicines and immediately began to take the ‘Prescription’ with the happy result of curing my nervous state, cor recting my womanly trouble and giving me health. I have advised others to take it and those that have taken it are equally as well pleased."—Mrs. M. O. PEAZLHY. 101 S D’Antignac Street. There is nothing that will bring com fert and renew hope to the invalid so surely as good news. TA hen the vital forces are at a low ebb and everything seems useless, a ray or joy and assur ance will stimulate the weary bt>dy to new effort and energy. A letter from a loved one has turned the Ude in many a siege of sickness. Doctor Pierce, of the Invalid’s Hotel, Buffalo. N. Y.. has good news for every .suffering woman Write him today and tell him your troubles, and he will sen! you just the right advice to restore you to health and bring back the roses to your cheeks, and without charge. His “Favorite Prescription” has been ths rescue of thousands of suffering worn en. Many grateful patients have taken Dr. Pierce’s advice. Mothers, if your daughters are weak, lack ambition, are troubled with head aches. lassitude and are l>ale and sickly. Doctor Pierce s Ftvorite Prescription is just what they need to surely brine the bloom of health to tneir cheeks anl make them strong and healthy.—(Advt.) ■ A ce* hook in «- chaf ten. Tells the provcc.uon that iec sptothe BMUwn«iniafiKbt oc ■L . recent, where they shoot the Judge *<,v'’w(T Sheriff. States attorney, 3 Jurors. fVI 2/ and 8 others in the Hillsville Court Room. All crimes have a woman TV back of it, and BOYS this one is £f\X worth readme- Large bound book • inplain wrapper for TEN Cemts. wewsfCO. Dwt Norwalk. Cm/ I Cotton (By Associated Press.) SEW YORK, Jan. 29.—The eolton market met considerable-realizing at the opening today. The buying towant tb-j end of last week ap peared to have left the technical position essi er and part of the cotton parvtiascd in anticipa tion of another peace move was probably liqui dated this morning. Liverpool wan relatively steady but the opening here was at a decline of 4 to 12 points. an-I jwesent crop deliveries sold 3t» to 21 points net lower right after the call, while the new crop worked about 12 to 14 points net lower. The tone steadied aroun I 17.41 for May. and there were rallies of 10 or 12 points, but this bulge seemed to meet in crease.! offerings, largely from local sources, and the market broke again before tile end of the first hour, with May selling off to 17.3.1. or about 24 to 39 points net lower. Trailing was very quiet later in the morn ing. Spot bouse brokers were moderate buy ers on th* early break, which was followed by rallies of siveral points on coveting but a bulge to-17.49 for Mav was barely maintained with the market rather nervous and irregular iniuv' The market met renewed pressure early in the afta-rnooq with Wall street offerings Incoming heavier toll-Hring reports that the government was considering the question of armed merchant men. May contracts sold off to 17.29 with present crop deliveries breaking some 32 to 35 points from Saturday’s closing. MEW YORK COTTON The following were the ruling prices in the exchange today; Tone steady; middling. 17.30 c: quiet. I-ast. Prev. Open. High. Low. Sale. Close, 'lose. Feb 17.17 .... Mar ..17.42 17.42 17.98 17.32 17.31 17.43 April 17.41 17.50 May 17.50 17.57 17.27 12*52 17.51 17.62 . June 17.49 17.61 July 17.45 17. M 17.25 17.4 S 17.48 17.63 I Aug 17.17 17.17 17.17 17.17 17.15 17.28 | Sept 16.71 16.78 Ort 16.59 16.64 16.37 16.57 16.55 16.62 Dec 16.69 16.66 16.50 16.57 16.66 16.72 NEW ORLEANS COTTON (By Associated Press.) NEW ORIaKANK. Jan. 29.—First prices on eotton in this market today were 7 to 9 points ; up on the ,iear mouths and um-banged compared to last week's close on the distant months, in response to good cables. Immediately after the call heavy selling made Its appearance, appar ently on ’be failure of confirmation over Sun day of the peace rumors of the end of last week. In the first half hour of business prices went to a level 6 to 18 points below Saturday's ! close. The market gained no buying power at anv i time during the morning hut developed several soft spots on which tile net loas sis widrneil.. Just before th- noon hoOr the trading months stood 22 to 3-1 points under Saturday's final I figures. I’ervistent on a small scale was felt in the afternoon anti at 1:30 trading mouths were 26 to 35 points under Saturday's last prices. j NEW ORLEANS COTTON The following were the ruling prices in the exchange today: Tone steady; middling, 17e; steady. Prev.' Open. High. Low. Sale. Close. Close. ; Feb 16.89 17.04 ' Mar 17.15 17.15 16(71 16.90 16.89 it.o4 April 16.93 17.08 May 17.25 17.25 16.83 17.07 17.04 17.18 1 June 17.11 17.25 July.. _ ..17.25 17.25 16.90 17.13 17.13 17.25 I Aug 16.73 16.85 S-P< - 16.28 16.39 Oct 16.25 16.26 15.98 16.21 16.20 16.24 Dec. 16.28 16.28 16.23 16.23 16.32 16.36 NEW ORLEANS SPOT COTTON (By Associated Press.) NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 29.—Spot cotton steady and unebanged. Sales on the spot 375; tc ar rive none. Hood ordinary, 15.50; strict good ordinary. 16.09; |„w middling. 16.5 Q; strict low nu.dling. 16.75; middling. 17.09; strict mid diinc.l7.l9; good middling, 17.37;- strict good mi Idling. 17.62. Receipts 1,808; stock 463.026. SPOT COTTON Atlanta, ateidy, IT.OOc , New York, rominal, 17.30 c. New Orleans, steady. 17c. Liverpool, steady. H.l4d. Augusta, steady, 17.56e. Norfolk, steady. 17.35e. Houston, steady, 17.70 c. Memphis, aorainal. 17.25 c. Philadelphia, steady, 17.55 c. Dallas, steady, 17.55 c. » Boston, steady, 17.30 c. Mobile, steady, 17.25 c. Savannah, i ominal, 18.50 c Galveston, steady, 17.65 c. Charleston, nominal. St. L»uis. steady. Little Bock, quiet. 17.50e ATLANTA COTTON MARKTT Atlanta spot cotton, steady ... ... .....17.60e Rereipta ... ._ ... 557 Shipments ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 573 ‘ .. 78,732 COTTON SEED PRODUCTS MARKET Basis Atlanta for current month shipments. Bid. Asked. Crude oil S 3 .34 Cotton seed meal, prime, 7% per cent.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .... Cotton seed mtaf, prime, 7 per cent 35.25 35.75 Cotton seed ir« al, 29 per cent pro- tein Cotton seed cake, round, loose, «. 8. tlaranuab 35.00 35.75 Cotton so-d aulLs louse 16.00 17.00 Sot too ae-wl nulls sacked,. O. S. .. 18.50 19.59 Linters, first cut 9c 914 c Linters, mill run 634 c T)*c COTTON OIL MARKET Open. Close. Spots 12.40 bid February 12.40 Md 12.4MM2.6S March 12.454x12.60 12.464x12.47 April 12.304(12.60 12.32<ai4.X3 • May 12.41*112.43 12. :;4'u 12 5 • June 12.404x12.50 12.32Q12.37 July 12.404x12.42 12.29*12.34 j August 12.384x12.40 12.31*112.X3 Reptcmber .. .. • Tone, steady; sales 8,400. ( » LIVERPOOL COTTON ' | The following were the ruling prices on the I exchange today: Tone quiet; sales, 10.000; middling. 11.14 d. Prev. I Open. 2 p.m. Close, floe*. | Jan. A FVb.... 10.71 10.72 10.59 10.52 Feb. A Mar 10.59 10.52 Mar. A April... 10.75 10.75 10.59 10.53 April A May 10.56 10.50 Mya A June... 10.68 10.71 10.56 10.50 June A July 10.51 10.46 I July A Aug... 10.60 10.63 10.47 10.41 I Aug. A Sept... 10.36 10.25 10.17 1 Sept. A Ort... 10.13 10.01 9.94 ® Ort. A Nov... 9.98 9.87 9.80 ( Nov. A Dec 9.80 9.73 .. ... *.. 10.60 10.55 7 KANSAS CITY BUTTER EGGS, POULTRY «By Associated Press.) ?, KANSAS C’TY, Jan. 29-—Butter, creamery, ■ 41c; firsts. 39c; seconds, 36c; packing, 26c. ■- Eggs., firns. 36c. • I'vulLCJ, unchanged. , THE ATLANTA SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL,‘ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY. JANUARY 30, 1917. Grain * CHICAGO, Jan. 29. —Wheat advanced sharply today owing in a large measure to Emperor William's war manifesto and to the conse quent disappearance of peace rumors. A new embargo on freight strpments east liound from Chicago led subsequently to a reaction. Open ing quotations, which ranged from 2c to 4%c higuer with May at $17734 to sl-D)% and July at $1.50 to $1.51, were followed by moderate don I,turns and then a fresh advance. lAck of new export purchasing of wheat ten ded later to favor the bears and was not long offset by heavy clearances from the seaboqrd or by a Mg decrease in the United States vis ible supply supply totaL Assertions that the British government was selling wheat in Win nipeg brought about still greater depression, the market breaking as much as 934 from the early high point. Prices closed xeited at. 13fc to 4c net decline, with May at 1.7134 to 1.71% and July st 1.45 to 1.45%. Corn shared in the strength of wheat. Of ferings were decidedly scarce. After opening %c to %c higher, the market scored some addi tional gains. In later dealings notable weakness in corn developed in consequence of bearish action of wheat. The close was heavy nt 134 to I%@ 1% net decline. Oats merely reflected the course of other cereals. Pit traders did most of the business. Higher prices on hogs gave a lift to pro visions. Pork led the advance. CHICAGO QUOTATIONS The following were tne ruling prices on tne exchange today : Prev. Open. High. Low. Close. Close. WHBAT May . July 150% 151 145 145% 14734 Sept. .139344313834 13934 134% L 35% 13634 CORN— May. July 99% 100 97% 97% 99% OATS— M «y 57% 57% 5534 55% 56% July 55 34 55% 53% 54% 54% PORK— January 31.45 31.30 31.32 31.30 May 29.95 30.05 29.77 29.82 29.90 July 19.70 29.70 29.5 Q 29.50 29.00 LARD— January 16.35 16.22 16.22 16.20 May 16.60 16.67 16.52 16.55 16.52 July 16.85 18.85 16.70 16.70 16.70 RIBS— • January 15.45 15.30 15.30 15.37 May 15.75 15.75 15.62 15.67 15.70 July 15.82 15.82 15.80 15.77 15.82 VISIBLE SUPPLY ’ Wheat decrease 2.187,000 <*»rn increase 1,324.000 Oats decrease 1,549,000 TOTAL GRAIN VISIBLE. Wheat. 49,659,000, against 68,458,000 last year. Corn, 9,882.000, against 14,773,000 last year. Oats, 43,795,000, against 20,175,000 last J year. CHICAGO CASH QUOTATIONS CHICAGO, Jan. 29.—Wheat. No. 2 red. $1.80%; No. 3 red, nominal; No. 2 hafd, No. 3 hard, nominal. Corn. No. ‘2 yellow, $1.01*41.01%; No. 4 yel low. 97%51.01%; No. 4 white, 976:01.00. Oats, No. 3 white, 56%*557%c; standard, 5731 Qsßc. Rye. No. 2. $1.46%. . Bayley. $1.0061.27. | Timothv. $3.5065.50. I Clover, $12.00617.50. Pork. $31.50. lard. $16.22616.27. Ribs, $14.87615.50. ST. LOUIS CASH QUOTATIONS The followihg were the cash quotations on grain and the previous close: Close. Prev. Close. WHEAT— No. 2 red .. ~1.86 1.85 61.90 No. 2 hard .. ..1.85 fe1.9034 1.86 61.92 CORN— No. 2 99 9934 No. 2 white .. ..1.01 99%6100 OATS— No. 2 57 57 No. 2 white .. .. Nominal Nominal CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET. CHICAGO, Jan. 29. —Butter higher; creamery 31% 6 38. Eggs, lower: receipts 3.627 cases. Firsts 3734*1.38; ordinary firsts 36%; at mark, cases included, 36637%. Potatoes higher; receipts 46 ’ cars. Wiscon sin white 1.85%2.00; Michigan white 1.906) 2.00; Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Colorado 2.006 2-25. Poultry, alive, steady; fowls 20%; springs 18%. \ LIVE STOCK BY WIRE CHICAGO, Jxn. 29. -Hogs—Beceipts. 67,000, firm; 5 to 10c above Saturday's average; bulk, $11.40611.70; light, mixed. $11.206 11.80; heavy, $11.25611-75; rough, $11.25611.40; pigs, $9.35®10.60. Cattle —H-ceipts, 24,000, steady: native beef cattle, $7.75611.90; western steers, $7.75® 10.00; stocKers and feeders, $6.00G9.00; cows and heifers, 55.00610.25: calves, $11,006:15.00. Sheep— Receipts, 14,000, strong; wethers, $9.75611.25; lambs, sll 75®14.40. NAVAL STORES SAVANNAH, Ga., Jan. '29.- —Turpentine firm, 51e; no sales; receipts, 82; shipments, 1,247; shipments, 16,731. Rosin firm; no sales; receipts, 349; shipments, 295; stocks. 78,128. Quote: B, D, E, F, G, $6.10; H, I. K, $6.25; <M. $6.40; N, $6.65; W G. $6.75; W W, $7.05. NEW YORK SUGAR MARKET • Opeu. Close. January M .. .. .. 4.00 bid 4.18(q>4.25 February 3.90 bid 3.9163.93 March.. „ April.. .. May.. 3.88*1,3.90 June —.— -• .......... 3.906'3.92 July 3.90 bid 3.83®3.95 August .. .. .. .. . 3.8563.97 September.. .. 3.9763.98 October M .. .. .. 3.98 bid 3.8763.88 November.. 3.8163.<82 Ki-Gimber t 3.706." 72 METAL MARKET (By Aasociated Press.) NEW YORK,. Jan. 29.—The metal exchange ; quotes lead, 8.00 bid; spelter strong; spot East ; St. Ixxiis .lelivery, 10% bid. At London, lead and spelter not received. I Copper, firm; electrolytic, first, second and I third quarters, $29.50®32.50. Iron steady; No. 1 northern, $31.506 32.50; No. 2, $31.<x>®32.00; No, 1 southern, $29,506 i 30.00: No. 2. $29.00629.50. Metal exchange quotes tin firm; spot, ’ \ $45.27%645.87%. At Ixmdon, spot copper. 132 pounds Cw: fu tures, 128 pounds ss; electrolytic, 143 pounds; spot tin, 191 pounds 12s 6d; futures, 191 pounds 12s tid; lead, spot, 30 pounds; spelter, spot 52 pounds 15a; futures, 47 pounds. NEW YORK OOFFEE MARKET Open. Close. January ........ 8.40*48.42 February .. .. 8.4068.42 March.. _ .. .. .. 8.53*18.55 8.4568.46 April.. 8.5168.52 May 8.65 bid 8.5068.57 June 8.6168.62 July August .. .. .. .. 8.6768.68 September. 8.7068.80 8.71*48.72 1 October 8.7668.77 November 8.816’8.82 Ih-cember .. 8.82 bid 8.8568.86 Tone steady, sales, 26,500. BUTTER, SHEESE AND EGGS (By Associated Press.) NEW YORK, Jan. 29.—Butter, firmer. Re ceipts, 2,994 packages. Creamery, higher than extra, per lb. 436( 43%<-; creamery, extra (92 score), 12(g|43%e; creamery, firsts 88-87 score), 37%®41%c; creamery, seconds (83-87 score) ? 33635 c; creamery, thirds, 316.32 c; creamery, unsalted, ' higher than extra, 41%®42c; creamery, unstle " ed, extra 49%642c; creamery, unsalted, firsts, 35639 c; '-r.-aiuery, unsalted, seconds, 33® ' 34 %c; creamery, held, higher than extras, 37 1 ®37%c; creamery, held, extras, 56%656%c; ' creamery, held, firsts, 33%6 3ttc; creamery, ' held, aeconds, 32633 c; creamery, held, thirds, r 316 31 %e; atate, dairy, tubs, finest 38638%c; i state, dairy, tubs, good to prime. 34%63<c; state, dairy, common to fair, 29*(34c; reno vated, extras, 33! a 6 34e; renovated, firsts, 32 ; 6 33c; renovated, lower grades, 296 31c; reuo i rated, extras, 33%634e: renovated, firsts, .12 ®33e; renovated, lower grades, 296 31c; iniita , tion creaiu»ry, firsts, 316'33*“ ladles, June ' make, firsts, 29%6.30e; ladies, current make, seconds 28%c; ladles current make, lower ; grades, 27%(*»)28c; packing stock—Current make, No. 1, 286'28%c; current make, No. 2, 27%c; current make, lower grades, 26627 c. • (Tieese, firm: receipts, 2,942 cases. New York State— Whole Milk - Flats, hold *s|Mvial, 25q; flats, held, average fancy, 24|j(q ; 24%c; flats, held, lower grades, 21628 c. - flats,' held, lower grades, 21623 c; flats, fresh, colored, specials, 22%623%c; flats, i fresh, colored, average run, 22c; flats, ; fresh, white, average run, 22c; flats, fresh, lower grades. 29621%c; twins, held, specials, 24624%*! twins, held, average fancy. 23%c; . twins. fr»-sb, special, ■ —; twins, frei<li, aver age fancy, —; single daisies, fancy, 24%® 24%c; all styles. undergrades, 20622 c; Wis consin—Whole Milk —Fancy—Twins, held, 24 fa24%c; twins, fresh, 22%c; single, daisies, 24®24%c; doubles daisies, held, 24@24%c; double daisoes, fresh, 23%c; Young Ameri cans (10 lbs.) 24 %@24%c; State—Sl kins Held,, special. 20@21c: current make, specials, 196.19%e; choice, 18*rl.8%c: fair to good, 16% lower grades, 11616<'. ( Eggs,, steady; receipts,. 2,.915 cases. Fresh gathered—Extra fine., down 43*r44c; extra firsts 43c; 'lrsts, 42642%c; seconds and lower grades, 38640 c; refrigerators, firsts, 37@ 37%c; refrigerator, seconds, 36638)*; re frigerator, tower grades, 34%®35%c. Nearby and white tegs, State, Penna., and nearby western hennery, whites, fine to faqcy, 486 50; State, Penna, ami nearby hennery, whites, ordinary to good, 44647 c: gathered whites, as to sixe ind quality, 43648 c; nearby, whites, pullets’ eggs, 406 42c: western and southern, > gathered whites, 446>46c: State Penna. and nearby hennery, browns, 4-?645c; State Penna. KANSAS CITY CASH QUOTATIONS By Associated Press.) KANSAS CITY, Jan. 29.—Cash wheat. No. 2 hard, $1.6)6 1.82%; No. 2 red, $1,785(1.82. Corn, No. 2 mixed, 97'i698c; No. 2 white, 98c; No. 2 yellow. 956.99e. Oats. V, 6'{.c higher: No. 2 white, 576 57%c. Rheumatism I I I ■ Remarkable Home Cure Given by One Who I Hadlt-HeWants Every Sufferer to Benefit. t Send No Money—Just Your Address. Years of awful suffering and misery havo taught this man. Mark H. Jaekson of Syracuse, New York, how terrible an enemy to human hap ’ I piness rheumatism is. and have given bim sym pathy with all unfortunates who are within its grasp. He wants every rheumatic victim to know bow be was cured. Bead what be says: 1110 Aw I V M “I Had Sharp Bains Like Lightning Flashes Shooting Through My Joints.” » "In the spring of 1893 I was attacked by Muscular and Inflammatory Rheumatism. I suf fered as only those who have it know, for over three years. I tried remedy after remedy, and ' doctor after doctor, but such relief as I received was only temporary. Finally, I found a remedy that cured me completely, and it has never re turned. I have given it to a number who were terribly afflicted and even bedridden with Rheu matism, and it effected a cure in every case. I want every sufferer from any form of rheu matic trouble to try this mqyvelous healing power. Don’t send a cent; simply mail your name and address and I will send it free to try. After you have used it and it has proven itself to be that long-looked-for means of curing your Rheuma tism, you may send the price of It. one dollar, but, understand, I do not want your money un less you are perfectly satisfied to send it. Isn’t that fair? Why suffer any longer when positive relief is thus offered you free? Don’t delay* Write today. MARK H. JACKSON, N0.641C Gurney Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y.” o <r This is positively the most beautiful wrist watch you have ever seen. It is just the size of a half dollar. The case le made of genuine Mother ot Pearl, giving off beautiful variations of color. Much prettier than gold, as it will never wear out or tarnish. Good Swiss movement; stem wind and stem set. Soft leather adjustable wristband, ccun kin nauru 1 want to give one lady or vtNU nU MUntl girl in each locality one of these beautiful watches FREE for just a little easy work. Which you can do in ar, hourortwo. Write today. Address V. A. KEMPER. 218 Friend Building, Kansas City, Mo. Don’t Whip Children Or M-old older persons who wet the bed or are ' unable to control their water during the night 1 or day, for it is not a habit, but a disease. If you have any Kidney, Bladder or Uurinary weak ness, write today for a Free Package of our Harmless Remedy. When permanently relieved. I tell your friends about it. Send no money, i Address ZEMETO CO., Dept. 26, Milwaukee. , Wisconsin. — (Advt.) iEywwlCrown Your Teeth ■ JWI with our Gold Uriah ShelLq and fool your friends. iH -W! I AU-.4 fad; rrM’Dihle dentists' work. Slips over I? ,JI the ■nth, east !▼ adjusted, rrmov-d at will. Over I 3 rnilb. n sel l AU delighted. Pi ire lUc each 3 fop IC for sl. B. Republic Co., 2234 Lawndale Ave., Chicago. < t CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS HELP WANTED—MALE, ( GET a sure job with big pay, steady work, short hours, regular va<-ations, rapid advancement. I bousands of position open with Vncle Sam. I will prepare you in a few weeks at small cost. Write immediately for big free book, DU-1078, with special offer. Earl Hopkins, Washington, •t of Columbia. man clerks wanted, S9OO first year promotion to SI,BOO. Examinations F'eb. 10 in every state. Common education sufficient with my coaching. Write for free booklet ; QG-1078 and full information. Karl Hopkins, Washington, D. C. ■ TOBACCO FACTORY wants salesmen; $125 monthly and expenses for the right man. Ex perience unnecessary, as we give complete in structions. Piedmont Tobacco Co., B-17, Dan ville, Va. MOTOItMEN, conductors, SBO monthly. Interur bans everywhere. Experience unnecessary. Qualify cow. State age; booklet A., Box •140, care Atlanta Journal. .xo strike, 8-hour day; men everywhere; firemen, brakemen, baggagemen, $l2O. Colored porters, experience unnecessary. 689 Railway Bureau, E. St. Louis, 111. bt-i.i. yKUli’ TREES, pecan trees, ornamental trees, light, pleasant work; good profit. Write today. Smith Bros., Dept. 20, Concord, Ga. BE A DETECTIVE—Earn SIOO to S3OO per month; travel ever the world. Write C. T. Ludwig, 168 Westover bldg., Kansas City, Mo. $25 WEEKLY collecting names and addresses. Send stamp. Superba Co., W. 56 Baltimore, Maryland. HELP WANTED—MALE AMD FEMALE MEN and women, 18 or over, wanted everywhere for U. S. government life jobs. Thousands 1917 vacancies; $76 month. Steady work. Short hours. Rapid advancement. Common education suffi cient. Write immediately for list of positions easily obtainable. Franklin Inatiute, Dept. W. 106, Rochester, N. Y. I I Al ItI.KS Let me tell you how to get a first-! grade license. B. S. Holden, Ellijay, Ga. AGENTS; WANTED AGENTS to travel by automobile to introduce ‘ our 250 fast selling, popular priced household necessities. The greatest line on earth Make $lO a day. Complete outfit and automobile tur nisbed free to workers. Write for ex clusive territory. American Products Co., 98>3 • Third st.. Cincinnati, Ohio. I AGENTS- With selling experience to sell direct consumer made-to-measure suits, $12.50 and i 516.50; if you want independent business with money, answer at once before territory is taken, i outfits furnished free. Midland Tailoring Co., i Dept F-o«. la Mfth ave “ i AGENTS —A one-cent postcard will put youi in touch with an SBO a week proposition selling . aieminum utensils and specialties direct to ■ the consumer. Don’t let one cent stand be tween you and prosperity. Div. W. C. P., American Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Leniont, 111. LARGE manufacturer wants representatives to seU shirts, underwear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for free samples. Madison Mills. 586 Broadway, New York City. ‘vnT PAY SBO monthly salary and furnish rig and expenses to introduce guaranteed poultry and stock powders. BIGLER COMPANY, X 664 Springfield, 111. WE PAY $36 A WEE * ———— “• MISCELLANEOUS NEVADA MINING NEWS FREE FOR THikEE MONTHS This publication, which is edited by experts, gives all the news all the time of all important mines and mining camiw of Nevada, and is ab solutely authentic, will be mailed to you for three months ABSOLUTELY FREE UPON RE QUEST. Write for it today and ask for any ; special information you may desire about any j mine in Nevada. NEVADA MINING NEWS. 268 day Peters Bldg. . RENO, NEVADA. FREE FOB k4IX MONTHS—My special offer to introduce my magazine, “Investing for Profit.” It is worth $lO a copy to any one ■fl-bo j has not acquired sufficient money to provide necessites and comforts for self and loved ones. I It shows now to become richer quickly and | honestly. Investing for Profit la the only pro- : gressive financial journal and has the largest ! | circulation in America. It shows how SIOO | i grows to $2,200: write now and I'll send it six j J mentis free. H. L Barber, 410-28 W. Jack sou Boulevard, (Chicago. MOTION PICTURE PLAYS. PHOTOPT-AY ideas and stories wanted by 48 companies, $25 to S2OO each. Details free to beginners. Producers lueague. 431 St. Louts. WANTED —Oat. wheat or rye straw, packed in bales; must be clean and bright: state kind, quality and price. Address P. O. Box 974. Atlanta, Ga. EARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing for news papers, magazines. Exp, unnec.; details free. Press Syndicate, 479, St. Louis, Mo. 7he Semi-17 eekly Journal The T'wTck Nw York World You get five issues a week! f 1 J 260 issues a yftar —ALL tor /• z a year 1 Ute Thia Coupon—-Write Plainly—-and MaU at Onea The Semi-Weekly Journal, Atlanta, Ga.: SIGN the coupon—en- Enclosed find Si. 10. Send The Semi-Weekly’ close sl.lO, either Journal and The Thrice-a-Week New York World to by check, postoffice mon- the address below for one year. n ey order, stamps or cash H by registered mail and NAME / « mail to The Semi-Weekly Journal, Circulation De- P. O S E partment, Atlanta, Ga. . R p D STATE MM M ■ SIEDS AND PLANTS. T. K. GODBEY, of Waldo, Fla., the man that originated die Triumph, has produced a new seedling s w-?et potato that is earlier than Naney Hall, better iu quality than Dooley yam, more attractive in appearance than Bigstem Jersey and as good keeper as Triumph. Mr. Godbey believes this potato to be the best in ‘.he world and for 25 cents be will send you a sample, postpaid, to try on your own table. Plant cat alog free. BERMUDA grass seed; raised in Yumi valley. Pure, new crop. Tree samples and planting Instructions. Thousands of satisfied customers. The south's best pasture grass. Pricey, 37c in 100 pounds; 40c in smaller lots. Delivered your station. R. G. Stitt &. Son, Drawer J, Yuma, Arizona. FROST-PROOF cabbage plants; Early Jerseys, Charlestons, Succession, $1.50 per M. collect; («0c per hundred postpaid. Now booking potato plant orders, $1.75 M. Spring delivery tomato, $2; peppers, $2. Fairview Plant Farm, Tifton, Georgia. CABBAGE, lettuce, collard, onion and beet plants, $1.25 per l,0(»0; strawberry and toma to. $2 per 1,000. J. W. Staf, Waldo. Fla. CABBAGE plants, thousand $1.&0; strberry. #2. King, Sitnpson. Toole, Cleveland cotton seed, bushel $2. Onkhcrst Farm, College Park, Ga. FARM LANDS 5 CENTS AN ACRE,* CASH Texas school lands for sale by the State at $2 per acre; 5c per acre cash and no more for 4C years, but 3 per cent Interest; send lie postage for further information. INVESTOR. PUB. CO., Dept. 92, San Antonio. Texar. FARM STOCK RANCH. 586 ACRBS. two sets buildings. 5 acres orchard, 400 acres fenced woven wire; $12.50 per acre. Three Qther farms; easy terms. W. Arthur, .Mountainview, Mo. PERSONAL MARRY at once. We put you in correspond ence with several thousand charming and re fined ladies who wish to marry, many worth from SI,OOO to $25,000 and upwards. Particu lars free. Address Allen Ward, 18. 545). Valley, Nekr. MARRY RICH—Be happy and prosperous. Big list of descriptions and phqtos of congenial people with menus free. Sealed, confidential. Either sex. Standard Club, Box 607, Grays lake, 111. GET married. Correspond, make new friends. Photos and descriptions sent free. Either sex. Special offer. No fake. Write today. Address the Winget Club, Dept. W., Box 125, Saginaw Michigan. SPIRIT photo of your affinity. Prospects in love, business, msrriagj, for dime, stamp and birth date. Prof. J. Albert. Box 522, Atlanta, i Georgia. NEW discovery on pellagra. Send $1 f<»r a con vincing trial for pellagra or indigestion. Name nearest express office. Address H. P. Wilkins, Lumberton. N. C. MAIDEN, woith SIOO,OOO, lonely, anxious to marry. Write quick. E. E., Box 4, San Diego, Cal. MARKY—Free photos beautiful ladies; descrip-, tions and directory; pay when married. New Plan Co.. Dept. 26. Kansas City. Mo. MARRIAGE PAPER free. The most reliable ■ published. Send for one. Eastern Agency, 22, I Bridgeport, Conn. MARRY— Marriage directory with photos and descriptions free. Pay when married. Tba Exchange, Dept. 34, Kansas City, Mo. MARRY if lonely; hundreds, rich, wish mar riage; confidential: reliable: descriptions free. “The Successful Club.” Box 556, Oakland. Cal. ENGLISH nobleman, 50, wealthy, would marry. Confidential. J., Box 35. League, Toledo. 6. SOUTHERN AGENCY. Station A, Dallas, Indies’ a-ls free. Lists free to gentlemen. PATENTS. MEN of ideas and inventive ability should write for new “Lists of Needed Inventions." “Patent Buyers" and “How to Get Your Pat ent and Tour Money.” Advice free. Randolph A Co., Patent Attorneys, Dept. 60, Wash ington, D. C. ’ PATFNT ABLE J DE AS WANTED. Man * Pw 1 H«IX 1 ufacturers want Owen Patents. I Send for 3 free books; inventions wanted, etc. I I help you market your invention without charge. Richard B. Owen, 66 Owen bldg., Wash'ton, D.O. ft ■TFUTO WatNß MH IF N I Ington.D.C. Booksfree. High. 4 M 1 I W eat references. Best reauhs ECZEMA CURED BEFORE YOU PAY I will send you a $1 jar of RICKEY’S WONDER REMEDY on FREE TRIAL When completely cured send me $1; other wise vour report cancels charge. Address W. P. Rickey. 611 W. Main st., Clarinda, lowa. * MEDICAL EPILEPSY ! T/ J S FALLING • >< | I To ill sufferers from Fits, Iptlepsy, Falling Sickness I or Nervous Troubles will be sent ABSOLUTELY FBEE a bottle ano treatise of W. H. Peeke’s Trextment. For ’ I thirty years.thousanis of aufferors have used W.H.Peeke’a j Treatment with excellent restflts. Give Express and P.O. Address, W. H. PEEKE^a Cedar St N. Y. ’ ’ healed more old sores than all other salves oom ' bined. It is the most powerful salve known and heals sores from the bottom up, drawing out the t poisons. By mall 55 cents. Book free, X P. ALLU UOICMI C 0„ Dept. N-3 BT-PAgL, —A- STERLING’S ROYAL -REMEDY enables you to ‘ treat yourself with positive success. Any [stage. Prompt, sure, harmleas. No injurious mercury or potash effects. FREE PROOF. Send ~ name for book and offer. JOHN STERLING X ROYAL REMEDY CO., Dept. 40, Kansas City. e .Missouri. DROPSY . Treated ONE WEEK FREE Short breathing relieved in a few hoars—swell • Ing, watrr and uric acid removed in a few days —regulates liver, kidneye and heart. Write for Free Trial Treatment. (OLLI IM DROPSY RFM - EDY CO.. Dept. '7, ATLANTA, GA. I- ' FITS: * j To you who suffer write today. I will ten you at a preparation that curei nty daughter. lam so grateful for her recovery that I will gladly send you a FREE bottle of this wonderful medicine . by mail. Z. Lepeo. SUlalaud Av.. Milwaukee,Wie. r . Jins ITCH CURED IN 30 MTNUTES BY ONE APPLICATION ’ DAVIDS’ SANATIVE WASH We guarantee to cure any case of ITCH if used as directed, or Money Refunded. Scratches and Mange in Dogs cured at once. 50c at your . dealer’s, or mailed on receipt of 65c. OWENS A MINOR DRUG COMPANY, Ltd., 15 South 10th St., Richmond, Va. ■ ■ MH DON’T BE CUT - ■ ■ || Until You Try This ■_M ■ ■ BH Wonderful Treatment. MM B B EB If have piles in ■ MM ■■ MM any form write for a FREE sample of ■ Page's Pile Tablets and you will bless the day that you read this. Write today. ■ E R ' Paire ' 381 Maln 3t ” M>r » haU - Mich. CANCER > It s successful treatment without use of the knife. Hundreds of satisfied patients testify to this mild - * method. Write for free book. Tells how to care for patients suffering from cancer. Address DM. W. O. BYE. - Manaaa City. M®, LEG SORES Healed by ANTI-FLAMMA Poultice Plaster. Stops the itching around sores. Heals while you work. DE SCRIBE CASE and get FREE SAMPLE. Baylea I Distributing Co„ 1820 Kansas City, Mo. Oil FQFAY IF CURED-: ■ R We pay postace tend aeod FREE S ■ g J Had Croaa PiW and F<atuia cure. ■ ■ ■■ eM REA CO. Oe»L32 MiMeapsiix Miaa I ADICQ When Irregular or delayed, use L/aL/IILoJ Triumph Pills; always depend able. Not sold at drug stores. “Relief’’ and par-> ticulars free. Address NATIONAL MEDICAL INsTITI I E. Milwaukee. Wis. BEDWETTING=FREE We supply expert advice and Box PENINE without cost. MISSOURI REMEDY CO., Otfloa 11, SG Louis, MH. TRMTMENT. Gives quick relief. B 1 UI»Vr v I goon removes swelling and short ff 99 breath. Never beard of its equal for dropsy, W it, Trial treatment sent FREE, by mail. JLwT Write to DR. THOMAS E. GREEN Bank BM«.. Baa 18 , CHATSWORTH. OA. PII FQ ANT> Rheumatism cured, qt rtck . ill easy, no matter what kind. Sen) 1 55. A. Summers, Thomaston, Ga. B. & 7