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You Can Try A Box
Without A Penny
The Bodi-Tone Company wants you to try a full-sized
box of Bodi-Tone at its own risk. We want you to see, feel,
know and be sure of its powers before you pay for it or buy a
penny’s worth of Bodi-Tone. You must see what it does for
you, must feel what it accomplishes in your own particular
case, must know hou r its use benefits and corrects your body,
before you pay. No matter what your ailment may be, we
u’ant you to try a box of Bodi-Tone in this w r ay. No matter
how old you are, no matter how’ long you have been sick, no
matter what you have used without success, we are willing to
send it to you, for you to try, without a penny from you. We
don’t care what doctors have told you, we don’t care whether
you have any confidence or belief in Bodi-Tone, w r e are glad
to have you and every sick, weak or worn-out man or woman
in America try it at our risk.
All you need do is send the coupon, which
tel Ins us you want to try Bodi-Tone, with your
name and address, and we will mail a dollar
box of Bodi-Tone to you, without a penny.
If you are tired of continual doctoring and bad health, if
you are w’earied of feeling you cannot depend on your body
to act right and do its full duty, yoa need Bodi-Tone right now,
and this offer gives you a chance to try it without risking a
penny. You need it to seek out your weak spots and make
them stronger, to stop the leaks which have been draining your
vitality, to make your organs, nerves and muscles capable of
giving you the right measure of strength, vigor, energy and
full-blooded comfort your body should have. If you want to
stop the use of medicine, if you w’ant to quit the doctors, if
you want io stop the strain and drain of continual dosing and
drugging, send the coupon immediately for a dollar box on
trial and tone your body and make it healthy with Bodi-Tone,
for healthy bodies need no medicine. The decision is all left
to you. You judge for yourself, in your own time, in your
own home, and judge Bodi-Tone by what it does in your own
body. Bodi-Tone w’ants you to take your own time, to see,
feel and be sure, to know its work is making health, before
you pay. Your own word decides it
Bodi-Tone Does Just
/ As Its Name Means
. It cures disease by toning all the body, and we w’ant to show’
you what it will do for yourbody. Bodi-Tone is a small, round
tablet, that is taken three times every day. Each box contains
seventy-five of these tablets, enough for twenty-five days’
use, and we send you the full box on trial, so you can try this
great remedy and learn just w’hat it is, so you can learn
how it works in the body, how it cures stubborn diseases by
helping nature to tone every organ of the body. Tone is a
little word, but it means a great deal, everything in health.
When all the organs are doing their part, when each is acting
in a perfectly natural way, w’hen all the functions are healthy
and performed with natural vigor, when the energy, strength
and power of resistance to disease are all at a natural point,
then the body is in proper tone. When disease has attacked
any part, when lack of vitality is found and felt, the tone of
the entire physical body should be raised to the highest pos
sible point, to make all the body help to cure and restore.
This is the power w hich underlies all of Bodi-Tone’s great
work for the sick; this is the power it offers you to help you
get new’ health and new strength, new vigor and new vitality.
Not a Patent Medicine
Bodi-Tone is not ■ Patent Medicine, for its Ingredients are
Dotasecret. It contains Iron Phosphate, Gentian, Uthla,
Chinese Rhnharb, Peruvian Bark, Nux Vomica, Oregon
Grape Root, Case ar a. Capsicum, Sarsaparilla and Golden
Seal. Snch ingredients guarantee its merit and efficiency.
Natural Curatives To
IVlake Natural Health
When you use Bodi-Tone you know what you are using,
know it is pure and safe and know you are taking the kind of
medicine to provide real help for the body. It contains nothing
that your own family doctor will not endorse and say is a good
thing. It does hot depend on killing pain with cocaine, opium,
morphine or other dangerous drugs. It does not excite the
body with alcohol, but it tones the body and cures its disorders
with remedies Nature intended to tone and cure the body when
that pow’er was given them. Thus, Iron gives Life and energy
to the Blood, Sarsaparilla drives out its impurities,' Phosphate
and Nux Vomica create new nerve energy and force, Lithia
aids in the Kidneys and dissolves Rheumatic deposits, Gen
tian does invaluable work for the Stomach and digestive
forces, Chinese Rhubarb and Oregon Grape Root promote
vigorous Liver activity, Peruvian Bark raises the tone of the
entire system, Golden Seal soothes the inflamed mem
brane and checks Catarrhal discharges, Cascara gives the
Bowels new life in a natural way, and Capsicum makes
all the more valuable by bettering their quick absorption
into the blood. Every one of these ingredients possesses
characteristics most valuable in this common-sense plan of
toning all the body. Each exerts a special action in some
certain part, organ or function of the body that helps to bring the
w’hole body back to nature and to health. Each one of the
ingredients contained in Bodi-Tone adds a needed element from
You Are To Be The Judge
nature to the body, for Bodi-Tone is altogether a natural
remedy. Each has a certain work to do in the body and does
it well, in a natural manner. They are used in Bodi-Tone be
cause of this ability. We claim no credit for discovering these
valuable ingredients, each ofw’hich has a well-deserved place in
established medical science. We claim only the credit for our
successful Bodi-Tone formula, which is our own discovery,
for the way in which we ha.vt selected, proportioned and com
bined these great natural curatives, and for the health-making
work which Bodi-Tone has so well proven its ability to per
form in the body. The curative forces which Bodi-Tone so
ably uses are the forces which have always existed in nature
for the restoration of the body’s health. Many are regularly
prescribed by good physicians in combination with such
drugs as each doctor may favor, for there are wide differences
of opinion among doctors of various schools. The exact
combination used in Bodi-Tone is what gives the far-reaching
and thorough curative and restorative power that makes pos
sible the remarkable cures experienced by Bodi-Tone users,
cures which prove the difference between Bodi-Tone and com
mon remedies, and have won the gratitude of thousands.
No One Is Too Old
To Use Bodi-Tone
This trial offer is open io all, freely, generously, without
any age limit, for we are glad to prove at our risk how Bodi-
Tone acts in ailments of the old as well as the young, to prove
what it does for persons suffering from bodily weaknesses and
ailments, whether from age or otherwise. Thousands of old
men and women have sent for Bodi-Tone on trial, and found
it put new flesh on their bones, new vigor in their minds, new
vim in their muscles and new vitality into every vital function.
If there is anything wrong in any part of your body, if any
organ is acting in away which you realize and know is not
right, send for Bodi-Tone on this trial offer and give it a chance
to set you right. If you do not feel right, eat right, sleep
right, weigh right, work right and think right, now and all the
time, put Bodi-Tone in command of your body for twenty
five days. Let it marshal your bodily forces, let it line them
up and work them into shape, until all are marching along,
straight, strong and harmoniously, in perfect time, tune and
tone, for that is what Bodi-Tone is for and what it is doing for
thousands. If the doctor’s prescriptions and ordinary medi
cinal combinations have failed, let this scientific combination
of special remedies show and prove what it can do for you.
Its greatest triumphs have been among mdn and women who
had chronic ailments, who had used patent medicines and had
doctored with their local doctors and out-of-town specialists,
all without lasting benefit. It is because of its great work in
these cases that all chronic sufferers and persons with obstinate
diseases are invited to try a dollar box of Bodi-Tone at our risk.
Wtiy Be A Slave
To Bad Health?
Why remain in ill-health month after month, why allow
your body to make you a slave to ills, htimours, diStress and
discomforts, when it is so easy to procure a trial box of this
home treatment that has restored thousands to vigorous health
and glorious strength? Why delay another day, when a trial of
this proven medicine is yours for the asking? Why keep on
suffering, when by filling in your name and address on the
trial coupon and mailing it to us, you can get a full twenty
five days treatment of this great remedy which people every
where are praising and talking about. It just costs a two-cent
stamp, and you don’t need to pay a single penny for the medi
cine unless Bodi-Tone benefits you. You have all to win and
nothing to lose, no matter what your ailment, by thus trying it.
Thousands of Cures
31 Rheumatism, Stomach Tronble, Kidney, Liver and
ladder Ailments, Uric Acid Diseases, Female Troubles,
Bowel, Blood and Skin Affections, Dropsy, Piles, Catarrh,
Anaemia, Sleeplessness, LaGrippe, Pains, General Weak
ness and Nervous Breakdown, have fully proven the power
and great remedial value of Bodi-Tone In
Each one got a dollar box on trial, as we now offer to you.
Its history of success has proven beyond a shadow of
doubt how the Bodi-Tone plan of toning all the body is a right
plan that helps to cure these and other disorders, that it is a
real aid to nature. Many who had for years been in poor health
and had tried good doctors and most all the prominent medi
cines, have found that one single box of Bodi-Tone did more
good than all other treatments combined. It goes to the root
in the body and cures because its work is rational and thorough,
the only kind that makes cures permanent. Bodi-Tone does
more than cure the disturbing disease, as hundreds of its
cures have testified. Persons whom it has cured of Kidney
trouble find something more than relief from pains in 'the back.
Persons cured of Catarrh find much more than the stopping
of Catarrhal annoyances. Men and women cured ofNervous
ness find other benefits than a mere quieting of the Nerves.
A change is found in the entire body, a better feeling is ex
perienced throughout the whole system. They find they can
eat and sleep better, think better and work better, have more
life, spirits and energy, because Bodi-Tone has toned the
entire body to make the cure. This applies to all Bodi-Tone
cures, no matter what the disease, for the principle is the same
in all. Bodi-Tone cures conditions which are totally unlike,
all in the same way, for the body in health has but one way to
act — Bodi-Tone goes to all the body and makes it welL Read
the reports, showing how Bodi-Tone cures, then send the
coupon for a box on trial and see what it will do for you.
Had Heart And Liver Trouble;
Wife Had Rheumatism
Rea, Mo. —When I saw the Bodi-Tone advertisement I was in an
awful condition. I wasn’t able to do anything on the farm, or any
of my chores without distress. 1 was almost a wreck and had
no strength or appetite. I had Heart Trouble so badly that I
now 175 pounds and 1 feel almost as
young as I did thirty-five years ago. My wife, sixty-nine years
bld, had Rheumatism so badly that at times she could not walk
and had to take to her bed. She always felt tired and worn out
and her appetite was bad.. When she saw how it was helping
me she started to use it too, and it has been a blessing to her.
She has no more Rheumatism or aches or pains. My wife and
I praise Bodi-Tone everywhere, for it does even more than cure
diseases. It makes old folks forget their age and feel young
again. Elias Diggs.
Spasms, Sick Headaches,
Constipation And Nervousness
Waterville, Minn.—My conscience tells me that 1 would not
be doing my rightful duty toward suffering humanity if 1 did not
publicly tell the great good which Bodi-Tone has done for me.
wt-K /
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well. When I learned of Bodi-Tone, the trial offer seemed so
fair that I sent for a trial box. After 1 had taken it I knew I was
on the right track and that Bodi-Tone was the right medicine for
me. I took six boxes and can truthfully say that Bodi-Tone
cured me. I have never had a spasm since that time, now four
years ago. lam fifty-four years old. 1 cannot ever praise Bodi-
Tone enough for my cure, for it worked wonders for me, after
everything else had failed. w MRS. H. N. Beach.
Cured Over Six Years
Ago Os Bladder Catarrh
Royal, Ark. —1 suffered for years with Stomach Trouble,
Indigestion and Catarrh of the Bladder, as a result of Malarial
» -J
■■■ •
boxes the Bladder trouble had entirely ceased and I was also
much better in other ways. I started to use Bodi-Tone over six
years ago. It cured m£ then and lam still entirely cured of the
troubles for which I used it. None of the old symptoms remained
or have returned. My weight when I began to use it was 127
pounds, and now it is 150, my old-time weight when in good
health. lam now seventy-five years old. H. E. Everts.
Enlarged Liver and Other
Troubles Caused Misery
Gypsum, Kansas. —Liver and Kidney Troubles were the worst
ailments from which I suffered when I sent for Bodi-Tone three
years ago. I suffered severely and could get no relief for two
V" Sir
Bloating in my Stomach disappeared. After I had been taking
Bodi-Tone a little while my troubles all seemed to leave me at
once as if by a miracle. I went to bed and slept like a babe and
could work all day and never feel tired. Bodi-Tone did the work
and lam still in good health, after more than three years. My
friends say I look as fresh and young as a girl, which shows how
wonderfully Bodi-Tone has helped me. Effie E. Divelbiss.
could not lie on my left side. My
breath was terribly short, and I
would get dizzy spells. The doctors
told me 1 had an Enlarged Liver. I
kept getting worse all the time,
although 1 was doctoring with
doctors right along. My weight was
down to 135 pounds. The Bodi-
Tone trial offer led me to try it.
Before 1 had taken all of three boxes
I was entirely cured of all symptoms.
I hadn’t a pain left in my body. This
’ was two and a half years ago, and I
'am still in the best of health. I can
do a hard day’s work and it doesn’t
hurt me im the least. My weight is
so others may profit from my exper
ience. It proved a God-send to me.
When 1 sent for it 1 was suffering
from Nervousness and extreme Con
vulsive Spasms. 1 had suffered with
* these latter for twenty-five years. My
condition had become very serious. 1
was Constipated nearly all of the time,
with a continuance of miserable sick
Headaches. My Heart, too, was irreg
ular at times. It would frequently
seem to almost stop beating. The
doctors could scarcely distinguish it
t beat. I had the doctors so much and
used so much medicine that 1 thought
nothing would do me any good and
had given up all hopes of ever getting
Fever. For eight years my worst
trouble and suffering had been with
my Bladder. I had great difficulty
at times in passing urine, there being
a painful smarting and burning, and
at other times I would have difficulty
in retaining the urine. My condition
had become very serious, the urine
being accompanied with slime and
blood, and I feared that Bright’s
Disease had set in. I tried various
remedies and doctors with no benefit
until 1 read about Bodi-Tone in one
of my papers and sent for a one
.dollar box. The results from this
box were so satisfactory 1 ordered
more Bodi-Tone and kept right on
using it. When 1 had used three
years, even while taking treatment
from the doctor. I thought the
trouble was in my Stomach, but the
doctor said my Liver was enlarged.
I also had Female Trouble, which
was very bad. My doctor said if I
did not quit work I would have to
have an operation sooner or later.
I was so Nervous I could nqt sleep
at night and could not settle myself
to work at any one thing but a short
time. 1 had no appetite; in fact, I
was so discouraged that I cared very
, little whether I lived or died, I was
’in such misery. I had not taken
many more than a dozen doses of
Bodi-Tone when my terrible Back
ache all left me and the distressing
Side, Leg And Arm
Were Almost Paralyzed
Columbus, Georgia.—For eight years 1 suffered greatly with
Rheumatism and other complaints. My left side, leg and arm
and I don’t know how to praise it enough after suffering as 1 did
for eight long years. It has brought happiness to our home by
making us both well. Mrs. P. Campbell, 3015 sth Ave.
Merchant Got Thin And
Weak From Gastric Catarrh
Gerty, Okla—l was treated by skilled physicians for Gastric
and Intestinal Catarrh, but grew weaker and thinner until almost
f jpSr.W
14 *
getting fatter. Now they hardly know me for the same man. 1
had lost in weight to 120 pounds; now I weigh 150. 1 eat any
thing I want. I can do more work today than I could when I
was 35 years old, and lam now forty-eight. Benj. F. Gillum.
College Girl Had Bad Health
Since Early Childhood
Robinson, Ills. —Bodi-Tone of a complication of
diseases and I am well for practically the first time in my life.
5 %
and well and can do all kinds of work without fatigue. I am
attending college and working very hard. Mabel Thompson.
Limbs And Body Terribly Swollen
From Muscular Rheumatism
Cooper. Texas. —Over three years ago I went down with
Muscular Rheumatism for nine long weeks and came very near
dying. My physician pulled me through, but when 1 got out of
work about the place without feeling
the least worried. 1 feel like a different man since I used Bodi-
Tone three years ago. 1 now weigh 172 pounds and have been
going right along in good health ever since. W. N. Rogers.
Trial Coupon
Clipped from Atlanta Journal.
Bodi-Tone Company,
Hoyne & North Aves., Chicago.
I have read your offer o 4 a dollar |x>x of Bodi-Tone on 25
days’ trial and ask you to send me a box by return mail,
postpaid. I will give it a fair trial and will send you SI.OO
promptly'when I am sure it has benefited me. If it does
not help me I will not pay one penny and will owe you
nothing. Neither I nor any members of my family have
ever used it.
Street or R. F. D._
were almost paralyzed. The doctors
did not seem to understand my case,
at least they did me no good. 1 was
in bed, crying with pain from my leg
and foot, when I first learned about
Bodi-Tone and began to use it. Before
1 had taken all of four boxes I was
well. This was nearly a year ago and
I have not used any since, and 1 am
staying sound and well. My husband
had suffered for many months with
Indigestion and could not eat a meal
without suffering. The doctor’s
medicine did him no good. He was
almost given out when he began to
■use Bodi-Tone, and it cured him just
as it did me. He eats anything he
wants now and enjoys his meals.
Bodi-Tone is a blessing to the sick.
compelled to quit my business, which
is that of General Merchant. 1 am
also Justice of the Peace. 1 became
Nervous, my Heart became affected
and Palpitated so badly at times that
1 thought 1 should die. 1 had decided
that there was no cure for me and
that my time here was growing short,
for I had lost all confidence in medi
cine and the doctors. Finally, about
two years ago, my wife influenced me
to try Bodi-Tone. To my surprise,
f before 1 had taken more than half a
box I began feeling some better, and
my neighbors began telling me I was
When I was a year old 1 had a very
bad sick spell and was almost at
death’s door for six weeks, and my
parents date my bad health from that
I time. We have had many doctors
' and I have taken many patent medi
cines, but none of them ever did me
any permanent good. When we
learned about Bodi-Tone we did not
have much faith in it, but decided to
try a box. The firsf box made me
feel like another person, and I con
; tinued to take it until 1 had used a
number of boxes. 1 am now sound
bed 1 was so weak I could hardly do
anything. The Rheumatism had left
me in such a condition that 1 was
almost a physical wreck. My limbs
and body were swollen terribly and 1
was so nervous and so weak that 1
could not stand to do any kind of
work, nor did I seem to get any better
as time went on. 1 learned about
Bodi-Tone and sent for a box to try.
The swelling began to leave my body
within a short time after I began its
|?use and the nervousness and weakness
disappeared. I could ride
and plow all day before I had used
two boxes and do all of my night