Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, March 13, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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Thousands of Men and Women Have Kidney
Trouble and Never Suspect It
Nature warns you when the track of
health la t»ot clear. Kidney and bladder
trouble* cause many annonying symp
tom* and great inconvenience both day
and night.
Unhealthy kidney* may oause lum
bago. rheumatism, catarrh of the blad
der. pain or dull ache in the back, join is
or muscles, at times have headache or
Indigestion, as time passes you may
have a sallow complexion, puffy or dark
circles under the eyes, sometimes feel
aa though you had heart trouble, may
have plenty of ambition but no strength,
get weak and lose flesh.
• If euch conditions are permitted -to
continue, serious results may be expect
ed; Kidney Trouble in it* very worst
form may steal upon you.
Prevalency of Kidney Disease
Most people do not realise the alartn-
tPECIAL MOTE —You may obtain a sample size Itottle of Swamp-Root by
•lUAostng ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton. N. V. This gives you the
opporttfnity to i»ro-.e the remarkable merit of this medicine. The) w ill also se
~ou a book of valuable information, containing many of the thousands of
grateful letters received from men and women who say they found Swamp-Root
to be Just the remedy needed in kidney, liver and bladder troubles. The•
and success of Swamp-Root are so well known that our readers are adviaed to
send for a sample size bottle. Addraaa Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton. N. T.,
Be sure to say you read this offer In The Atlanta Semi-X\eekly Journal
South Carolina U. D. C.
Offers Its Services
In Red Cross Campaign
ißy Associated Fraas.)
COLUMBIA. S. C.. March 10.—The
South division of the Lnlted
Daughters of the Confederacy, in a let
ter from its president. Mrs. J. L. Mc-
Whorter. to Governor Manning, ex-of
ficio Chairman of the South Carolina
Red Cross association, has placed the
services j>f its members at the disposal
of ttye government as Red Cross nurses
if they are needed
10,000 Bales on Ship
BOSTON. March 10. —Ten thousand
bales of Egyptian cotton valued at ap
proximately $2,000,000 were on the Leey
land liner Devonian, which arrived to
day from Liverpool. The cotton was
consigned to New England mills.
‘tfape’s Diapepsin” makes
■iokx sour, gassy stom-
V achs feel fine.
<tua U! . In five mfhutes your sour,
acitT'stOmaett feels fine. No indigeation,
heart bum, or belching of gas. or eruc
tations of undigaeted food, no dizziness,
bloating, foul breath or headache.
Pape’s Diapepsin is noted for its speed
in sweetening upset stomachs. It is the
•ur**t.' quickest and most certain stom
ach antacid ’.n the whole world and be
sides. it is harmless.
Millions of men and women now eat
tb*lr favorite foods without sea
know Pane’s Diapepein will save them
from such misery.
Pleaae. for your sake, get a large
flfty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from
any drug store and put your stomach
right.. Don’t keep on being miserable —■’
life ip too short —you are not here long,
ao make your stay agreeable. Eat what
you like and enjoy it. without dread of
acid ifernip HStion in the stomach.
Pape’s Diapepsin belongs in your home
anyway Should one of the family eat which don’t agree wlfh them,
or In case of an attack of indigestion,
dyapepsia. gastritis or*stomach derange
ment due to fermentation and acidity,
at daytime or during the night. *it is
handy to give the quickest, surest relief
Don't take rm fill «!rur« w hypodermic in
j***tioo®. ou must b*-r * reeonotmctlTe treat
ment to build up the system aod drt»e out
the poieonoug insertion if you nre to be CUREI
OF PEU-AGRA. My Peltagm Treatment ha«
teen used for ten yearn. Thousands testify to
its wonderful rennits. In the sop«ge book,
which is mal ej LREE in plain sealed wrapper,
you wiH find my proven theory as to the cause
of pellagra and bow it may be cured right in
your own home under guarantee of absolute
satisfaction or no charge for treatment. Tbe
book alno contains letters and photographs of
patients. - bunkers, ministers doctors, lawyers
and others.
PELLAGRA: Tired an.J drowsy feelings; head
aches: deprrssinu: Indolence roughness or break- I
leg out of skin; sore mouth: tongue, lips an<l
thmut fluming red: uur-i, and choking indi
gestiou; diarrhea or eousttpdtlou; mind affect
e>l aod other symptoms Don't fake <-han<e«
Write for your copy of this book today. A
post card will d«.
t , W. J. McCRARY. M. D.
lured His RUPTURE
I was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk
seveyyl years ago. Doctors said my only tg>p» of
,-ttre was an operation. Tmeses did me r.o good.
Finally I got hold of something that quickly aud
<cmpletely .tired me. Tears bate passed and the
rUftn'e ta- never returned, although I am doing
ear€ work as a carpenter. There was no opera
tion. no lost time, no trouble. I have nothing to
sell, hot wi’l give fol! information shout how
you may find k complete cure without opera
tion. if you write to me. Eugrne M. Pullen.
< ahpenter. 407-C Marcetlus avenue, Manasquan,
N. J.""' Better cut odt thia notice and show it
to any other* who err ruptured—you may save a
life or at least stop the misery of rupture and
■he worrv and danger of an operation.—(Advt.i
Delivered y t o° u FREE
_ t Toor ebow* of 44 atytoo. colors
and sias* •" ,h * famous >'»* at
FtK* S, y/"MNetr' bteyeloß. shown tn
WRa^."U. full color in the tag na« Free
c«’a>< Wo oay all h» frc ght
U chorgw front Chxsgo ta your town
£/AJ 30Days F^eeTrials
TjA 4| ths b-eyelo yea oaiert. actual nd-
iIUA fil'Hß ■»< test in your own town for a
WVKM U TA full month Do not buy until you
J Jr A ret our great otic ini.' cjf-rsnd
■A®''! I'■ ' ow Factory-Direct-To-Rider
M yJF' 11-4,4 3 tarma and pricea.
JhMa 1 Tiare lamps.horss pel
1 wMH ■jtnUF'H | Irltw ate. tingle wheels and
I 1 RH fl raeetr parw far all a>ako< of oWrelM
Bl’ h( ■ a: -• ! uenal arteea Naaoaalaaeaa
A*** f ’ fie * fl Cycle 'cam»»n>
»*•-«•* \3jF ■EAUto'TittCMcBK*
’i ing in<-rea*e and remarkable prevalency
of kidney disease. While kidney dis-
• | orders are among the most common dia-
I eases that prevail, they are almost the
last recognized by patients, who usually
content themselves with doctoring the
effects, while the original diaeaae may
; constantly undermine the system.
If you feel that your kidneys are the
cause of your sickness or run-down con
dition, try taking Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-
Root. the famous kidney, liver and blad
der remedy, because as soon as your kid
neys improve, they will help the other
organs to health.
If you are already convinced that
Swamp-Root is what you need you can
purchase the regular flfty-cent and one
dollar size bottles at all drug stores.
Don’t make any mistake but remember
the name. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root,
and the address. Binghamton. N. Y.,
which you will find on every bottle.
Boy, Aged 11, Kills Man
Who Slew His Father —
Is Exonerated by Law
By Associated Press.)
CROXX EBURG. Kas., March 9.—Elev
en-year-old Joe. Vinardi went back to
school today exonerated by law after
having avenged in blood the killing of
his father. The coroner s jury returned
a verdict of self-defense absolving the
boy from blame for the death here last
Monday of Mike Gilio, -uitor for the
hand of Joe’s sister, and enemy of
Giancento Vinardi. Joe»> father.
There was a feud between the elder
Vinardi and Gilio because of Gilio’s at
tention to Vinatdi’s daughter. Monday
night they met. Both were armed. Next
day both were found dead and it was at
first believed they had killed each other,
but the inquest revealed that X inardi,
the elder, lying mortally wounded, had
instructed his son to obtain vengeance.
His father’s shotgun in nand, the boy
shortly afterward found Gilio in front of
his home. Gilio had a «olgun also. He
pointed it at the boy and laughed at him.
whereupon Joe X inardi fired, killing
West Virginia “Wets”
Hard Hit by Webb Bill
CHARLESTON. XV. Vs.. March 10.—
Although the West Virginia legislature
at its recent session passed a bill which
will permit each adult male to bring
into the state one quart of liquor a
month. United States District Attorney
William G. Barnhart has announced
that the "bone-dry” bill recently jxissed
by congress renders the XX est X irginia
law invalid and that he will arrest all
violators of the federal law. As the
West Virginia "quart a month" law be
comes effective May 1. importations may
be made from that date until July 1.
when the federal act becomes effective.
Merchant Marine
Shows Splendid Gain
By A«seciated Press.)
WASHINGTON. March 10. —The
American merchant marine has made a
net gain of 313.814 gross tons through
registry changes since the European
war began, the navigation bureau an
nounced today. Actually. however, a
greater number of vessels left the
American flag than came under It. but
those taking American registry in most
instances were ships of large tonnage.
Thoroughly. Cleanse the Liver and Keep Well
•W HA. T TO E3-A.T!
( Bt Da. I. H. WATSON.)
The poisons in man are taken care
of, if man will do his part. The liver
and kidneys act as the sewage disposal
plants which separate and throw on the
poisonous accumulations, if given half
a chance. But many of us should not i
eat meat more than once a day. Eat
vegetable®, and what may be called j
"roughage” to stimulate bowel action,
such as baked potato with the hard
skin. Graham, rye or whole wheat
bread, onions, turnips, carrots, even
. H's y Long Wry to Tipperary Dflwn of a Perfect Day
v XWbcn Maple are Falling When the Angelus is Ringing
WwrJ °Zy u h,n the Ros<w Bloom Again 1 lx»ve the Whole United States
X . I Amoug the Sheltering Palms I’bluatown, My Chinatown
"jvO IL'ij Till Sands of Desert Grow Cold In Dreams of Yesterday
Rebecca of Sunnybmok Varnt I 1-ove tne Name of Dixie
Where the River Shannon Flows Mother —A Word That
When I Dream of Old Erin Means the World Io Me
I'm On My Way to Dublin Bay There's a Girl in the Heart
Sailing Down t'be*a|ieake Bay of Maryland; Twilight
are You From Dixie’ When I Was a I>reanicr, Tulip Time in Holland; When You Were a Tn
lip; When You're a Ding Way From Home; Sheer Bell; Choo Choo Leaves for Alabam’; Won
der Who's Kissing her Now; Call Me Some Rainy Afternoon; Alexander's Ragtime Band; When
We Were Two IJttle Boys; When I Get You Alone Tonight; Waiting for the Robert E. Lee:
Trail of the Lonesome Pine; I>et Me Call You Sweetheart; Will the Angels Let Me'Play? Roses
Bring Dreams of You; Great Big Blue Eyed Ratty; Silver Threads Among the Gold; California
and You; When I Lost You; Sweetheart Daye; On Moonlight Bay; Ragtime Violin; My Hula
Hula Iz»»e: On Mobile Ray; Stop. Stop. Stop. Just Next Door: Oh Mr. Dream Man: Mysterious
Kag; oh You Little Bear; Old Maid's Bail; Ci;b*nola Glide, Memories; Cm the Guy; Gristly
cear; ttalnnow; Red Wmg; Hiawatb; oh You Kid; My I'ony Boy: School Days: Oceana Roll;
Red Rore Rag: Row. Row. Row; There's fl Little Spark of Love Still Burning; 1 Didn't Raise
My Boy to He a Soldier: If Yon Don't Like Your Uncle Sammy, etc.
OHLY 1# CERTS—Nearly all above Intest Popular Songs, also many other Charming Songs
tonite Re<dtation«; Dialogues. Toasts. Funny Readings, etc. All In one gieat Mammoth Book.
Satisfaction assured.
100 PHOTOPLAYERB FREE—To all persons ordering this immense collection w» will send ab
solutely free, more than 100 photos of the most famous motion picture stare. This collection
includes such artists as Francis X. Bueliinnn. Anita Stewart, Mary Fuller. Bryant 'Basilburn.
Earle Williams. Mary Pickford. Charlie Chaplin, etc. Don't fail to get this grand collection
\on will be the enw ~f all the film fans in vottr town. Sent free with our great song albiiu
for onlv JOe. IO books Tsc. F. REPUBLIC MUSIC CO.. Lawndale A Lyndale, CHICAGO.
Junior Georgia Senator Named
an Mighty Appropriations
Committee of Senate
WASHINGTON. D. March 10.—
The steering committee of lhe senate
has practically completed its work in
■taking assignments and reassign
mints on the standing committees of
the senate. It is of more than usual
interest and importance to Georgia and
Georgians to know that Senator Thomas
XV. Hardwick has been given a place on
the mighty appropriations committee
and assigned also to the chairmanship
of the committee on industrial exposi
tions. His advancement means that
he will get desirable offices in the cap
’itol proper, in addition to hl* old quar
ters in the office building.
Senator Hoke Smith, who is a mem
ber of the steering committee, took
particular nalns to see that his col
league was well cared for in the distri
bution of assignments. With a Geor
gia senator on the appropriations com
mittee. no state in the union Is better
represented in the senate organization.
Between them Senators Smith and
Hardwick have membership on the fi
nance committee which raises the reve
nues. and the appropriations commit
tee which does the disbursement.
In addition Senator Smith serves on
the important agricultural and the ju
diciary committees, while Senator Hard
wick holds his high rank on the post
office committee.
Yarrowdale Prisoners
Can Present Damage
Claims Against Berlin
WASHINGTON. Mai ch 10.—Tne Amer
icans taken from various ehip* by lhe
German raider and sent on the steamer
Yarrowdale to Germany, where they
were Illegally held more than three
months as prisoners and released only
this week, will be able to preseent claims
for damages against Germany. Good
grounds for pressing such damage suits
exist. In the optnibn of state department
officials who said today' the Americans
had suffered unjustifiable detention. It
will not be possible to take any action
however, until the war is over.
What is LAX-FOS?
LAX-FOS is au Improved Cascara, (a
tonic laxative), pleasant to take. In
LAX-FOS the Cascara is improved by
the addition of certain harmless chemi
cals which increase the efficiency of the
Cascara. making It better than ordinary
Casoars LAX-FOS is pleasant to take
and does not gripe nor disturb the stom
ach. Adapted to children as well as
adults. Just try one bottle for consti
pation. Price 50 cents.—(Advt.)
Women Republicans
Offer Their Services
By Associated Preu.)
NEXX’ YORK. March 10.—The Na
tional Woman’s Republican association
sent the following telegram to Presi
dent XVilson tonight:
“The National Woman’s Republican
association* organized and active since
1889. which stands for national honor
and individual rights, and whose mem
bership is nation-wide, offers that mem
bership for immediate and continuous
service in any capacity piost helpful
to our government.
•■ -
Humpty Dumpty Clown
Dies of Fall on Ice
(By Associated Preet.)
KINGSTON. N. Y„ March I®.—Fa
mous for forty years as the original
"Humpty Dumpty" clown. Toney Den!»r
died here today from a fall on an icy
sidewalk. He was seventy-eight years
old and had been an inmate of the alms
house since June. • *
the much slandered cabbage, and
sauerkraut. Stimulate the liver into
a thorough housecleaning at least
once a week, by taking a purely veg
etable laxative made up and ex
tracted from May-apple, leaves of
I aloe, I root of jalap, into a Pleasant
| Pellet, first made by Dr. Pierce nearly
fifty years ago and Bold by nearly
every druggist in the country. To
keep the kidneys clean, drink plenty
water between meals; also, if you
wish to "escape half the ills” which
cause early deaths from kidney dis
ease, affections of the heart, rheuma
tism and gout, drink a pint of hot
water a half hour before meals. This
with regular outdoor exercise, sensi
ble food, and occasionally Anuric
(double or triple strength) after
meals for a few weeks at a time, and
there is no reason why a man or
woman should not live to be a hun
dred. This Anuric stimulates the
kidneys, causing them to throw out
the poisonous uric acid which causes
us to have pains in the back, lum
bago, rheumatism or gout.
Anuric always benefits and often
cures the cause of kidney disease, as
well as rheumatism and gout. Sold
by druggists, or send 50c. to Dr. V.
M. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y., or 10c so»
trial package. —(Advt.)
Governor's Call An
nouncement of Legislative
. Leaders That They Will Not
Follow Mr. Felder
Lines in the contest for the leadership
in the drafting and directing of the pro
posed bone-dry legislation at the ex
traordinary session of the general as
sembly which assembles Tuesday. March
20, were drawn tighter late Saturday
afternoon when Governor Harris issued
a call for a caucus of house and senate
members at the Kimball house on Mon
day. March 19, between the hours of
4 and 6 p. m.
Thomas 8. Felder, counsel for the
Atlanta Law Enforcement committee,
had on Friday issued a call on his own
account for a caucus of legislators to
be lielu at the Ansley note! on the eve
ning of tiie same day.
The main differences between the two
calls ;« that one is for the afternoon
and the other for the evening, and one
bids all the members to attend while
the other invites only a selected list.
Governor Harris has been assured the
support and earnest co-operation of
President Ogden Persons, of the senate;
Speaker W. H. Burwell, of fbe house,
and a number of the strongest pro
hibition leaders tn both houses, includ
ing several members of what was known
as the prohibition steering committee
tn the extraordinary session of 191a
when the present prohibition laws were
enacted. These have announced their
put pose not to attend Mr. Felder’s cau
On the other hand Mr. Felder claims
that he has received letters from at
least seventy-five prohibition members
who have accepted the invitation to at
tend his caucus.
The governor does not expect his cau
cus to be ready to adjourn by 6 o’clock,
but expects a number of members of the
legislature to arrive in the city after
that hour, and will make his plans to
stay in the meeting until far into the
The governor’s call reads as follows:
To the members of the legisla
The governor desires every mem
ber of the legislature, who has ar
rived in the city by the time stated,
to meet him at the Kintball house in
the room occupied as‘ headquarters
of the Harris campaign on the after
noon of the nineteenth of March,
between the hours of 4 and 6 o’clock,
for the purpose of conferring and
consulting together in the prepara
tion of a program by' which the ob
jects of the session may be carried
through most efficiently and ex
peditiously when the legislature
meets. The governor desires to
consult every, senator and every
member of the house at the time,
and hopes that no one will fail to
respond to his request.
At this caucus the goverpor will sub
mit the draft of the bill which he would
like for the legislature to pass, and
will ask all members who approve the
bill to agree to support It and expedite
its passage, so that the extra session
may be held to the shortest possible
The governor’s action in calling his
caucus is generally taken to mean that
he expects the prohibition forces of
the legislature to follow' his leadership
and pass his bill, rather than following
lhe leadership and passing the bill of
Mr. Felder.
Mr. Felders call is contained in a
rather long circular letter, which con
cludes as follows:
Let me aak you all to meet us at 8
p. m.. March 19, 1917, for caucus in
the memorable hail on the top floor
of the Ansley, where we can com
plete on the "ideas of March” the
"revolution” that you initiated there
on the last days of August, 1915,
without dictation, suggestion, in
trigue or scheming upon the part
of tiie secret agencies of the "liquor
bund” and their partners in crime.
Replying to a question Saturday
whether he would participate in Mr.
I elder's caucus. President Persons, one
of the first to suggest an extraordinary
session to pass a done-day law, said;
I do not think that the members
will brook any outside person or set
of persons arrogating unto them
selves the right to prescribe the
character of the legislation to be
enacted. They do not need this as
sistance. To my mind it is crass
Impertinence. I can say for myself
that I shall take no part whatever
in any caucus of members of the
legislature to be held at the call of
either Mr. Felder or the Atlanta
14* Enforcement league.
I did not caucus with them when
I suggested to the governor that
he issue the caH for the extra ses
sion, and I know of no reason why
I should do «o now. ,
There will undoubtedly be other de
velopments in the situation during this
week. Some of the prohibition leaders
supporting Governor Harris profess to
believe that Mr. Felder will now call off
his caucus and seek to participate in
that called by the governor.
More Southern Troops
Leave Border for Home
(By Aaioeiatad Free*, I
EL PASO. Tex.. March 10. — B. C and
t|. trbops of the Tennessee and
the Second South Carolina infantry left
tonight for their home stations to be
mustered out of the federal service.
The Second South Carolina infantry
wit' go to Styx. S. C-
All Tennessee troops have been or
dered to entrain as soon as possible.
All former schedules for sending the
national guard troops home from this
part of the border < have been ordered
disregarded and tWd guard trsops will
be sent home in day coaches as rapid
ly as equipment can be obtained from
the railroads for moving the troops.
Bethlehem Steel Co.
Gets $13,000,000 Job
i By Aooeiatod Pr*»»
NEW YORK. March 10.—Another
large shipping contract has been ob
tained by the Bethlehem Steel com
pany. it was learned today, for cargo
carrying vessels o f ' 6.500 tons and over,
involving an expenditure of $13,000,-
It is understood they are to be built
for the Cunard Steamship company.
The Bethlehem company is said to have
s-üb-let the contract to yards other
than those operated by its subsidiary
companies on the Atlantic anil Pacific
Count Zeppelin Died Thursday
at His Home in
(By Associated Press.)
LONDON, March 9. —Count Zeppelin
is dead, according to a dispatch from
Berlin, received by Reuter’s Telegram
company. According to a Berlin tele
gram transmitted by Reuter’s Amstel
dam correspondent. Count Zeppelin died
Thursday at Charlottenburg, near Ber
lin. from ihflammation of the lungs.
Count Ferdinand Zeppelin became fa
mous at the age of 70 as the builder of
the world’s first practical dirigible bal
loon. On his 75th birthday he navigated
his 20th airship to celebrate the occa
sion. But before he had achieved tame
he had devoted a half century of his
life, exhausted his personal fortune of
$750,000 and sacrificed a brilliant ca
reer as a German cavalry leader, in
conquering the air.
Emperor William recently proclaimed
Count Zeppelin to be “the greatest Ger
man of the twentieth century.” As a
token of appreciation he conferred upon
him the exalted Order of the Black Ea
gle. the highest honor in the emperor’s
it was in the United States that Count
Zeppelin made his first balloon ascen
sion. It occurred while he was follow
ing General Carl Shurz in the civil war
as a military' observer for the German
army. A captive balloon in use for mil
itary observations by union troops
greatly interested the young German
officer, and he was taken up in it in
He electrified a skeptical world :n
1908 by staying aloft for 37 hours in
the fifth airship he had built, and by
sailing it in a straight course for a dis
tance of nearly 900 miles. Emperor
XVllliam. and all Germany, in fact, hailed
him as “the conqueror of the air.”
The morning newspapers print long
obituaries of Count Zeppelin, whose ca
reer is reviewed in most instances dis
passionately and in some cases with
tributes to his patriotism and persever
ance. Justice is done by the writers to
the remarkable development of the Zep
pelin airship as a traveling machine, al
though the achievements in aerial nav
igation associated with Count Zeppelin's
name are ascribed to his engineers rath
er than to himself.
The reputed ambition of Count Zep
pelin to lay London in ruin and his al
leged confidence in the ability of his
machines to achieve this object are re
called, while failure to realize such an
ambition is regarded by some of the
writers as a sufficient ground on W'hich
to base the statement that Zeppelin’s
career of strange vicissitudes ended in
dissolution and defeat at one of the
lowest points in his fluctuating for
tunes. His least appreciative commen
tator says:
"His chief feat is that he killed or
wounded 1,500 British citizens, mostly
noncombatants, by disloyal means and
gave Germany her greatest disappoint
ment of the war."
The vituperative vein, however, is In
conspicuous in Most of the reviews. In
one of them it is contended that Count
Zeppelin realized his ambitions to an
extraordinary degree and that with the
help of his engineers he developed a
machine which is unique in some re
spects and which since the- war ex
ploded the fallacy that the giant rigid
airships are useless.
tßy Associated Press.)
MEXICO CITY, March 9.—Senora
Hermilia Galindo, tne woman suffrage
party’s candidate for congress, wound
up her campaign last night at an en
thusiastic mass meeting which was at
tended by fully’ 3,000 people.
City Physicians Explain Why J
They Prescribe Nuxated
To Make Beautiful,HealthyWomenandStrongVigorousMen ?
Quickly transform, the flabby fleah, tissue., and p.lUd cheek, of wa»k. anaemic men and women into a perfect
glow of health and beauty—Often the strength of delicate, nervous, run-down ..‘2'
folks 200 per cent in two weeks’ time. •
New York, N. Y.—lt is conservatively
estimated that over three million people
annually in this country alone are takingi
Nuxated Iron. Such astonishing results
have been reported from its use both by
doctors and laymen that a number of
physicians in various parts of the coun
try have been asked to explain why they
prescribe it so extensively, and why it
apparently produces so much better re
sults than were obtained from the old
forms of inorganic iron.
Extracts from some of the letters re
ceived are given below: < »
Dr. King, a New York physician and
author, says: "There can be no vigorous
iron men without iron. Pallor mean,
anaemia. Anaemia means iron deficiency.
The skin of anaemic men and women is
pale. The flesh flabby. The muscles
lack tone, the brain fags and the memory
falls and they often become weak, ner
vous. irritable, despondent and melan
choly. When the Iron goes from the
blood of women, the roses go from their
Tn the most common foods of America,
the starches, sugars, table syrups, can
dies. polished rice, white bread, soda
crackers, biscuits, macaroni, spaghetti,
tapioca, sago, farina, degerminated corn
meal, no longer is iron to be found. Re
fining processes have removed the iron
of Mother Earth from these impoverished
foods, and silly methods of home cookery,
by throwing down the waste-pipe the
water in which our vegetables are cooked,
Is responsible for another grave iron loss.
Therefore, if you wish to preserve your
youthful vim and.vigor to a ripe old age.
you must supply the iron deficiency in
your food by using some form of organic
iron' just as you would use salt when
your food has not enough salt.
Dr. E. Sauer, a Boston physician who
has studied widely in both this country
and in prominent European M,edi?al In
stitutions. says: "As 1 have said a hun
dred times over, organic iron is the
greatest of all strength builders. If peo
ple Would only throw away habit-fo rm
fng drugs and nauseous concoctions and
take Nuxated Iron. I am convinced that
the lives of thousands of persons might
be saved who now die every year from
pneumonia, grippe, consumption, kidney,
liver and heart troubles, etc. The real
and true cause which started their dis
eases was nothing more nor less than a
weakened condition brought on by lack
of iron in the blood.
Not long ago a man came to ’He who
was nearly half a century old and asked
me to give him a preliminary examina
tion for life Insurance. 1 was astonished
to find him with a blood pressure of a
boy of 20 and as full of vigor, vim and
vitality as a young man; in fact, a young
man he really was notwithstanding his
age. The secret, he said, was taking
iron—nuxated iron had filled him with
renewed life. At 30 he was in bad
health; at 46 he was careworn and nearly
all in--now at 50. after taking Nuxated
Iron, a miracle of vitality and his face
beaming with the buoyancy of youth.
Will Never Be Without
This Simple Laxative
Dr. Caldwel ’ s Syrup Pep
sin Relieiel Her Baby
When Nothing Else
Little Max Pendergrast is now four
I years old. and a fine healthy boy. XX'hen
’ but a tiny baby, in fact almost from
i birth, he suffered a great deal from
constipation. His mother. Mrs. Carl XV.
Pendergrast, Red Key. Ind., heard of
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin, obtained a
bottle of it from the drug store, anti
with it was able to quickly correct this
! condition.
Mrs. Pendergrast says Dr. Caldwell’s
' Syrup Pepsin has saved tYiem from call
ing the doctor many times and that she
will never be without a bottle of it in
the house to use when needed. She
found it equally effective as a laxative
for herself and other members of the
Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is a com
■ bination of simple laxative herbs with
pepsin, pleasant to the taste, mild in
action and positive in effect. It does
! not gripe or strain, and contains no opi
i ate •or narcotic drug. It is the idea>
| family laxative, mild and pleasant foi
baby, yet acting quickly on the strong
’est constitution.
Amazing Power of Bon-Opto
To Make Weak Eyes Strong
Doctor Says It Strengthens
Eyesight 50 per cent in One
Week's Time in Many Instances
A Free Prescription You Can Have
Filled and Use at Home
Victims of eye strain and other eye
weaknesses and those who wear glasses,
will be glad to know that according to
Dr.. Lewis there is real hope and help
for them. Many whose eyes were fail
ing say they have had their eyes re
stored by this remarkable prescription
any many who once wore glasses say’
they have thrown them a wav. One man
says, after using it : "I was almost
blind. Could not see to read at all.
Now I can read everything without my
glasses, and my eyes do not hurt any
more. At night they would pain dread
tully. Now they feel rtne all the time.
It was like a miracle to me.” A lady
who used it says: "The atmosphere
seemed hazy with or without glasses,
but after using this prescription for
fifteen days everything seems clear. I
can read even fine print without
glasses." Another who used it says; “I
was bothered with eye strain caused by
overworked, tired eyes, which induced
fierce headaches. I have worn glasses
for Several years, both for distance and
work, and without them L could not
read my own name on an envelope or
the typewriting on the machine before
me. I can do both now and have dis
carded my long, distance glasses alto
gether. I can count the fluttering leaves
on the trees across the street now.
which for several years have looked like
a dim green blur to me. I cannot express
my joy at what it has done for me.”
It is believed that thousands who
wear glasses can now discard them in
a reasonable time and multitudes more
.Ail ETAD Ift CE’MTQI To secure new trade we have made up this «
V.ALL rUJtv iv LLnlO. splendid lot of goods, which we send
paid for ONLY 10 CENTS: Big package fine silk Remnants, beautlfnl
corners and squares. 0 Yards Fancy lace, one package Embroidery Silk and ,
iFfay a handsome Gold Plated Ring. All sent postpaid for only Ten Cents; 3 lot*.
25c. Ad.lress SEVILLE LACE CO.. Dept. J.. Orange. NEW JERSEY.
I ■ Nuxated Iron a fair and pro-
, longed trial. 1 have been morels
~ » than pleased with the results ~
no lllWm . and will continue its use."
O»*»c» HOu»» DK-r T>r. Schuyler C. Jaques. Vis-
••*»*«•••» 14® yjl iting Surgeon of St. Eliza--.
• beth’s Hospital, New York
■ —" City, said, “I have never be-
Tpx ' fore given out any medical in- •
Ls, • , formation or advice for pub-
lication. as I ordinarily do not—
z /} O X believe in it.
"ft?sU . X* _-i«r - / <T2mIV\ But in the case of Nuxated
' r *5 ''•'r 12* f \ Iron, I feel
J • c* J 1 would be •
z-f CnAz- - - Ak - remiss 1 n
mv duty
V flvW YxSl
X 1
Iron is absolutely necessary to enable
your blood to change food into Jiving
tissue. Without it, no matter how much
or what you eat, your food merely passes
through you without doing you any good,
and as a consequence you become weak,
I pale and sickly-looking. just lijte a plant
trying to grow in a soil deficient in iron.
If vou are not strong or well, you owe it
to yourself to make the following test:
see how long you can work or how far
vou can walk without becoming tired.
Next take two five-grain tablets of ordi
nary nuxated iron three times per day
i after meals for two weeks. Then test
■ your strength again and see how much
■ you have gained. I have seen dozens of
I nervous, run-down neople who were ail
ing all the while double their strength
and endurance and entirely rid them
selves of all symptoms of dyspepsia, liv
er and other troubles in from ten to four
teen days’ time simply by taking iron in
the proper form. And this after they
had in some cases been doctoring for
I months without obtaining any benefit
But don't take the old forms of reduced
iron. Iron acetate or tincture of Iron
simply to Save a few cents. The iron de
manded by Mother Nature for the red
coloring matter In the blood of her chil
dren is. alas! not that kind of Iron. You
I must take iron in a form that can be
' easily absorbed and assimilated to do
you any good, otherwise it may prove
worse than useless. Many an athlete and
i prize-fighter has won the day simply be-
I cause he knew the secret of great
1 strength and endurance and filled his
; blood with iron before he went into the.
I affray: while many another has gone
down in Inglorious defeat simply for the
lack of Iron.”
Dr. T. Alphonsus Wallace, a physician
of many years’ experience in this coun
try and who has been given many honor
ary titles in England, said: "I have given
z J™ I I
Ip Fi pl! 1 ’ T in Pi
I I uIIMP, a lllil II!
To avoid imitations and ineffective .
substitutes be sure to ask for. Dr. Cald
well’s Syrup Pepsin. See that a fac
simile of Dr. Caldwell’s signature and •
his portrait appears on the yellow carton.’,
in which the bottle is packed. A trial
bottle, free of charge, can be obtained
by writing to Dr. XV. B. Caldwell. 425
XVashington. St., Monticello. Illinois, for
whom this advertisement is published.
will be able to strengthen their yes ’<■ / .
as to be spared the trouble and expense _-.>i
of ever getting glasses. Eye troubles
of many’ descriptions may be wonder- , "
fully benefited by the use of this pre
scription at home. Go to any active
drug store and get a bottle of Bon-0pt0,..
tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto tablet in a ~
fourth of a glass of water and let it.
dissolve. XVith this liquid bathe the
eyes two to four times daily'. You
should notice your eyes clear up per
ceptibly right from the start, and In
flammation and redness will quickly **i
disappear. If your eyes bother you
even a little it is your duty to take •
steps to save them now before it is too
late. Many hopelessly blind might have
saved their, sight if they had cared for
their eyes in time.
NOTE: toother prominent physician, to whom
the* above trtiele was submitted, said: "Yes.
the Bon-Opto prescription is truly a wonderful
eye remedy, its constituent ingredients are well
known to e ninent eye specialists and widely
prescribed by them. I have used it very suc
cessfully in iny own practice on patients wboss
eyes were strained through overwork or misfit
glasses. I can highly recommend it in case °f _..
weak, watery, aching, smarting, itching, burn
ing eyes, re,] lids, blurred vision or for eyes .•»
inflamed from exposure to smoke, sun. dust or .
wind. It is one of the very few preparation*
I feel sho.tld be kept ->n band for regular u»e
in almost every family.” Bon-Opto, referred
above, is not a patent medicine or a secret
semedy. It is sn ethicsl preparation, the for
mula being printed on the package. The manti- -
facturera guarantee it to strengthen the eye
sight 50 per cent In one week’s time in many
instances or refund the money. It can be
obtained from any good druggist and is aold,
in Atlanta by Jacobs’ Ptarmacy.—(Advt)
ino t to I*l
j mention <
• I have tak- » I
1 en it myself X r X
| and given it X k. ’
to my patients • *
with most sur
prising and sat
isfactory resylts
.And those who
' wish quickly io
• crease their strength. f
i power and endurance
, will find it a most
wonderfully effective remedy. j
Dr. James, late of the United States -q
Public Health Service, says: "Patients Indi
an enervated and devitalized state of
health —those, for instance, convalescing,
from protracted fevers, those suffering
from a long-standing case of anaemia, all
such people, in my opinion, need iron. Os
late there has been brought to my atten
tion Nuxated Iron. In practice, I have
found this an ideal restorative and up
■ building agent in these cases above men- ■■
NOTE —Nnxflted Iron, which lx prescribed and -
recommended above by physicians in such a
great variety of cases, ia not a patent medicine
nor secret remedy, but one which is well known
to druggists and whose iron constituents are
widely prt-scrilied by eminent physicians both
in Europe and America. L'nlik* the older in
organic Iron products it is easily assimilated,
does not injure the teeth, make them black,
nor upset the stomach, on the contrary. It is a
moat potent remedy in nearly all forms of in-i.
digestion as well as for nervous, mn-dowh co-'"
ditlons. The manufacturers have such great*
<onfidetice in nuxated Inin, that they offer to
forfeit to an> charitable institution if
they cannot take any man or woman nndcr fiO
who lacks Iron, and Increase their strength 20b
per cent or over In weeks' time, provided '
they have no serious organic trouble. They also
offer to refund your money if it does not at —
least double your strength and endurance in ten
days' time. It is dlspAnscl by all good drug
gists.—t Advt.j