Newspaper Page Text
MUTT AND JHI“T JEFF WEN I PAS I HIS DES I INA 1 ION copyright, 1917. H. C. Fisher. Trade Mark. BY BUD FISHER
f feO L.zrrsz* Z - A ■ • (hcMwm* N» xou-n Hye
Jr Qbftl Il\ "J- Jißive ARouub f ’ ~ ■•..■, ■„'.. '■'„i.... nous. awa. n |r.ilj 10 BAtfe vP R> **?•'- sugSR
Sig Jf/1 Illi —WE?® / th»«hh THS WWkj ~ ~,. . , . . v;*:..... .„ Now! '‘sMiMfeg&jßa B THAT’S AU. ”<C
gaaa Ms ■-Il n •W:-B (until t hunou/ ' • ■■•.'■"* w» vUA *'' r _ ? Ij. cor.
■I I Irllllt -- j, p ■ \t» stop / w-o>«>AHeAD?™fc; /-L::.?----/
I ■■B.xJsSS , - - j.Ssp X..;J J
feu I I ■ rias W - I -4WSI Wl SM<Z
L —r MrJJx wk : ((=B w* ’’3'
<phtr SMB 1 WJEJ- ’’i Cfe JIM i tt! Asi twCM "; •
W l< ,; WR\tSaab '■ JL
■JtfcJr . W3Slz--"> >,g^z—~zzfe
.By Associated Press.
>E» YORK. Mar b 12. Th- lurtsl csHiange
q rotes lead quiet. !<>•*• asked.
Spelter quiet; spot. l.a*t st. l.ouia delivery.
l<*ts*. *
At Loadvn Ira:. :-• Nv ■setter, H.
Copper. *'lr»u: eleetrelytif spst and nearby
*»-*<n>nal: ■*■•■*’o*l quart-r. s3:< tMHtXi.flO. n*mi
Ml; thin! quarter. SSl.itKip32.3o.
lr«o. iirta: No. I northern. s3.'* tlO*i3tl «s».
No. X 5,:t..'.‘*,i3."-.-’a‘: N<>. 1 wnutherw. Ml.tst
«tK.<*: No. 2. 3-10 3®*» >l-30. s
Metal escbange qu-Mes tin. fine •**>♦. W w
At lotjil'n. «pot mftper. 1-35 poumls: fiitunee.
ILY iKMin-ie It**; e|e.-tndytie. 151 p«wtn*ls; «t*»t
tin. 200 ; w*un'». &•: future*. 190 pounds I-*.
«tpr>>. Clo-e.
February J «*'- o,‘
Marvh i-®*** 1’1?
Mar i.OHj**
May 7.30M7.-2 ._•:••< ...a>
June.. .. .. .. 7.37<R».M
July 7.iU«17.’1tl .. tHM>.tf>>
k £ .. 7 7.. •. 7 7*. 7.”. ' 71
Sept -nsbe -' -- 7.”t»lt<. <1
o-Udwr 7.5-*»1» 7.99 «.9ltl 7.52
Norrml-rr „. .. . ....
Nt,%% YORK. M«r»b l.\ €wffro*. Riu X«». •.
111 ■ ■! ■■■HIM II ■■■■!■ MIIH ■■! _
You Can Grow Your Hair
Swewßlnl OUMMSa TT«atm.Bt
For Older Toua< —Both Saxes
Uo you suffer from kt*s of hair? —Does your
hair ret pre nature ly Cray?—ls your hair stripy,
sticky or Matted?—Do you suffer from da.t
dmff. itching or --lerna of the scalp;—Are
you bald-hen 1-hI or about to he.-otne so?
If you suffer from any of rhe itmtr men
tioued hair troubles do not neglect it. hut try
to reliere the trouble at «mrr. Delays are dan
serous. Write at «oce for our illustrated book
’ Tha Triumph of Science Over Baldness.**
•By an Eminent European Specialist. I
We want to prove to yon at onr Arn* risk
that the Caleacura Hair Treatment Mope the
falling of die hair: destroy* •iao-iniff and ec
zema of rhe w-alp and promotes ti*e growtlih .>f
the new hair. We will send you a literal sun
' ( alva->:*a No. I.* h’sothrr witl- the |hsn
mentioned i«-«tlei. ••The Triumph of Selence
• tver Bal'iness. ” if you semi us your name and
address, together with In rents in silver or
postage stamps to help pay the distribution
Cut out ihr .oupH* below and wnd today to
l aem Inborat.-ry 4R 3d st.. I nion. N. V.
I X|ON ..AEiitiATiiKi . it; 3d St.. VNDtN.
NEW liiRK.
Please find enclosed 1° cents to help pay
the distribution expenses. Kindly send m»
at one. your Calvacura No. id and your
booklet. "The Triumph of Scienie Ov<-r
<En -l -se thia •■<win»-n in y«wir letter. >
Dr. Grant • treatment for Epilepsy. F-ts and
Fallin* Sickness has been used for over 20 year*
with great success. Many who had given up
al! hope say this treatment cured them.
G. A. Duckworth. R. R. No. 2. Norwood, Ga..
says: "'Let those that dont believe writs to me.”
-'•fra. Kate Sisk. R.R. No. 1. East Prairie. Mo., says:
"'May God bless you and your wonderful remedy.”
We have scores and scores of similar letters from
all parts of the country.
$2.00 Free Bottle
We want every man. woman and child suffering
with this terribis d eease to Uy this wonderful
treatment. Let us grove what it can do. If you.
a friend or relative are afflicted, don't fail to writs
us at once. Give age. how long afflicted* full
name and express office. We will prepare and
•end you at once a large $2.00 free bottle.
Dr. F. E. GRANT CO, Dept. 5«2 Kansas City, Ms.
s2oo.°° A MONTH
W*-" CAMERA. Is takes and iwdanUr
*'*■'*"■ *»•»•■» dtSevenr
it px.t-.res. foctadtaf t»o
IRrhxL b> » 1 fr r PAPER
\ I HKvlPfl' 11 VRDS. eC. I
x V'Ar
■ ’ \W 1 ' ‘ -vs re e »ta----
N, ■( ■ML pl •«**b™dv wants *w..r-v. Five twn-
I dre’ cent THE
world s biggest money*
v(\MR Smail m.exsmeet vwine • pSetenuttt. focfoding
< aw*. Toped. and raat--i*l for I<o pfctaree. Make w.--;ev
• • erst Ha, » ma’ter where iron lie* nr vbat are rknr i
M’S- TH’ ST Vol - . Wrne fo3ar for free information and
nur great ••Special” half-price offer.
> R FERRI£*IS W. <M St- Dept. •• New York
i Maa .urt * ■»* .r. * • *-
l*rfr- • V. r te Hr 25 «f <*< Je»rlrr
•.-we es to tr 1 ! at !*k each Return me«*Y »hea i»M >«£«• wfl
M <l usuur OUMI wmn Cl.. tut Emt •••♦»• Masa.
Automatic Fi»h Hooks
e»<<M 1 bUi :• cianir he»Ao m».
c *h by merely avliir* a*
tw '■ n*«{ cateh aAjraiia fiiaft Free
>« <s* /B«w. b<*U». ~ rtsofua
\T7krAJ|a«'i •■«!»! Otter far
-v Heeka. r. rite tcxJajr. A<enta wa* ted.
w m. •- hw art, ct.. w oab,
VI Mlvlvll M?fces your sweet’-eart and fnmi
Lo*e you Fa. ng. Irret stab e. 25 cents—3 for 50cents
HOfiscsMOc mail nine sct with youm nneTHsfowt core <
a* • • z »••♦*»• ■ ' . tee-? r nuu
'» c** Brwtt po’iahrt*. beautifully art
f. JmJm, w.ta waprr bctmm fee raur i»*.rtb awrtfi Sana I2e
•*» "MH© oMVMwrt f- « M*war*ho*• •*» •'L-X'ky .’ -
W* <• The Auction Co.. Dept. 102 Attle
bere. Maas
Pink Cameo Ring FREE
»-«♦*<•■• •--?» Ifa'i Ta »r*re4«ra cr«» W»n<
tr?s»«ns. a Imm -««« cawi >a«r ©Me ut*»
•• »»»a' •• pa* •«•- '
frt.xS'G x*-*A —X *• xrt X )W. xt.e with r*e«. W. *> I larrw* me
a . -m . • ftw IMVbXS BLIAiLT. *--r...ur< of -It
M. J w' ,t..» >.t ra. 1« himarmn Sro»w». ' ►©r - -.w*
'mm* Ar rxrrwr.* • <-Jmr hi -ranee r are.. II P«. rer
\ X R,fr«.r'TfWr.«*-W'r
L> —r mexi. - Mrortr. • <e*>e F«err». al.-,
-f .-'-»e a- . ■ .-"U ->-r- far ®- •« h» r r.r ad»<-rt»u>«
M auerrorr co., peer, j'fi atticboro. mavs.
< By* Aasociatec. Press.)
NEW YHKK. March IT.—The cotton market
J showed renewed firmness at the opening today,
the advance toward the end of last week seemed
to have attracted over-Sunday buying orders.
The demand was em-ounured by the strength in
IJverpoul, and there was also considerable buy
ling by.houses with Liverpool ••onnnectiona. *u>
which the market opened at an advance of 11
to -ti points, active months selling lt> to 26
points net higher before the end of the call.
ITiis made new high ground for the movement,
which evidently attracted a good deal of scat
lered realizing and later fluctuations were Ir
regular with prices easing off a point or two
fr>-tu the best. Private re|w>rts indicating a
Lght domestic mill eonsuniption for February,
a better weather map and rumors of some
ouitberu hedge selling were factors on the re
Ijve-pool vas a big buyer on the slight early
set back -nd ihe market rule' very steady
during the ’Middle of the morning withb .May
isil’lng well up to 19.10 and tlctober to 16. Wt.
or 10 to 23 ’•■lints not higher, while March sold
33 points above Saturday's close. After the
close abr>iad, trading became less active and
prices showed reactions of 6 nr S points early
1 in the noon hour.
The market v«. quiet hut generally steady
during the early aftnrw«»n with May ruling
atvHind W.9T and October 16.07. or about 17 to
3n points net higher.
The following were the ruling prices in the
exchange today;
Tone steady; middling. 18.3£c: quiet.
f„s«t. Prer.
Open. High. Low. Sale. Close. Close.
Janl7 W 17.13 17.0 H 17. b» 1«.»5 16.02
Mar 18.32 18.40 18.23 18.23 18.22 18.07
April « 18.12 18.00
MaylS.Oit 18.10 17.01 17.02 17.02 17.87
' Junel7.B7 17.84
Ju1y17.85 17.01 17.71 17.74 17.72 17.69
' Augl7.Bo 17.82 17.80 17.80 17.60 17.52
Sept. .... 16.04 16.91
0ct16.08 16.00 16.82 16.84 16.83 16.80
Ko K.M 18.81
Dec 17.05 17.00 18.95 16.06 16.92 16. Hi
■By Associated Press.)
NEW . ORLEANS. Mar h 12.- Better cables
than expected and the continued absence of
rain in the extreme western portions of the
1 belt caused moderately heavy buying of cotton
today, on which prices rose 15 to 22 points in
’ the first half hour of business. • Oferings from
all sources were small.
Reports < f a good spot inquiry at advancing
■ pri'-es kept the contract market steady
1 throughout ,iie morning. In the trading up to
’ ni-ui the advance was widened to 17 to 24
1 (mints.
liquidation of long cotton was induced in the
> afternoon by the rumor that President Wilson
was seriously ill. The market fell off about
. 10 points from the highest, standing at 1:30 at
a net gain of 8 to 14 points.
The following were the ruling prices In the
exchange today:
Last Prev.
Op*n. High. Imw. Sales. Close. Close,
Jan.. .'.16.67 16.61
’ Mar. 17.75 17.Hl 17 «»-17.6ft 17.70 17.62
April .. . 17.00 17 52
May 17.50 17.58 17.43 17 49 17.47 17.34 j
June 17 49 IT. Bft
Julyll.3* 17.47 17.3 ft 17.36 17.34 17.23
Aug 17.14 17.07
sept.'l6.66 16.5 ft i
0ct16.53 16.50 16.46 16.51 16.50 16.41 I
Dor .. ..16.66 16.66 16.57 16.58 16.5 b 16.51 !
<By Associated Press.,
1 MKW ORLEANS. March 12. - Sf><>t .-otton '
1 steady 25 points up. Sales on the spot 2.536 I
bales; to arrive 135. Good ordinary. 16.25;
strict good ordinary. 16.75: low middling, 17.25: j
strict low middling. 17.50; middling. 17.75;
•trier middling. 17.94; good middling. 16.12;
strict goo-1 middling. 16.37. Receipts <>63.
1 stock. 436,569.
Atlanta, firm. 18.9f»r.
New York. quiet. 18.35 c.
■ • New Orleans, steady, 17.75 c.
' IJverpool. steady. 12.1 M.
, Augusta, steady. IB.7ftc.
Norfolk. Bui :!>«'. Ift.Mi .
Houston, steady, 18.10 .
Memphis, i.ominal. 17.71k*.
Philadelphia, steady. 18.60-.
Dallas, steady. 17 6o>
' Booton. eteady. Ift.Sfte.
Mobile, nominal. IT.TSc
ftavannabh, nominal, 18. die .
Galve-etoo. steady. 18.40 c.
Ctiarleoton. nominal.
Bt. IsMiis. steady. 18c.
Wlimingt-M, eleady. 17.30.
Little itecs. steady, 17.70.
Moatgom «.*jr, steady, 18.50.
lltlanta -pot totion. firm 18.99 c >
'• eeelpts
■'UJpments 63s ■
1 Basie Atlanta for curent month shipments. !
Bid. Asked, i
ICrude oil Ml p, I
l otton seed meal, nrlime. 7 per
I cent 34.00 34.99
’ otf-m seed hulls, loose 16.25 17.25 1
•>t;ou seed bulls, sacked. <8 8..,16.00 17.35
:..ntrr*. firet cut be 3c!
I inters, mill rui. ... ftl|e T|»e
open. a. love.
March..' 13.30 VT 13.40 13.4 W 13.41
Xpril 13.35<ni;:.45 13.35<13.38
Ms. • 13.48018.49 13 41 13 42
June 13.48tt18.55 13.42413.45
July 13.44413.45
Augu5t13.55413.M 13.46'413.47 I
September .. .. .. 13.53fft13.55 18.46'u 13.48 j
October 12.97(813.03 12.98^113.00 ,
Tore steady; sales, 30,748).
KANSAS CITY, March 12.—Butter, cream
ery. 42; flrats. 40; eecoods, 38; picking. 27. I
Eggs, firsts, 25c
Poultry, bens. Iftifc; roosters, 15; turkeys. 35.
? la Tobacco Your Master? TOBACCOj
ABSTAINER the treatest Discovery ■
XXL. WiX' -12* of Science, will relieve you in from ,
»wP ‘y< 10 to 24 hours. No desire after first I
. CTtreatment. We Five you a terfrren •>
gnaraniM, you are to be the SOLE I
, ijCT' v’Ty removes all desire for Pipe. Clear or A
IngorSnuff Using. STOP undermtn. I
<»« »®“ «>••”'>• Wri,e TODAY for ’
r /V* our free book explaining bow our 1
. 1 nAU T RP A discovery will free you from the I
a UUR I DC. M ahacklea of the Tobacco Habit, a
F ■—* a JB
Atlanta Markets
ATLANTA, tia.. March 12. -Cotton by wagon,
firm, 18.70 c.
Hens, 184j20e; fries, 25c: turkeys, 251H127H*!:
ducks, 15<§16e; geese. 15®16c.
11cm. 16m 17c: fries, 22 turkeys, 23<»25c;
•wks. 30. each; eggs, fresh gathered, 23(®25c
Pi.mpjino, per 10.. 30c; Spau'sn mackerel, per
lb., 17%c; trout. Irawn. per lb.. 15c; headless
red .-uapper, per piuml, blue flab, per lb..
lOc; whiting, pur «'b„ lite; mango anapper. per
!•>.. 8e; mullet, per lb., 7c; small > liannel cat
and perch, per lb 7e; oysters, selects, per gal
lon. JI .66; standards. $1.30.
Salt -Brick, medicated, per case, $5.35: do.
plain, per ease, $2.5b; vaone. 25 packages.
Jl ti,.: Jack Frost, 25-poumf packages. $1,05;
do. ioo-lb. sacks. 70c; do. 50-lb. sacks, 4tc; do.
. 25-lb. sacks. 24c; V. P„ SS-lb. sacks. 24c;
Myles, 100-lb. sacks, 65c; blocks, 50-lb. blocks.
1 round, $1.45: Purity hominy grlta,
• 25 10c packages, $2.00, 7(1 25c packages, $2.00;
i Postum, large, $2.26: assorted. $2.50: small.
• $0.40; assorted. $5.00; new Post Toasties. 10c
size. $2.70; 15c nize. $7.00: bot»l size, $1.00;
■ grape-nuts, $2.70; hotel size, $1.25; Krinkle
; tom flakes, 10c packages, $2.00.
Crackera— Block’s XXX Florida sodas. 10c;
Block's sodas. 10’i-c; Block's wafers, 15c; gra
ham creams. $1.50 per dozen; Block's family tin
crlepettee, 60e size, $5.75 per dozen; Block’s
lemon creams. 12c; pearl oyste-s, IO**; ginger
snaps, 10c; cornbills. 12c; penny coke, 12c;
crackers in 5c cartons, -50 c OoZen, crackers in
, 10i- cartons, SI.OO.
Schlesinger s Elite flakes, boxes, liig; tins.
J. ’ “ cl,l e»inger’s milk lunch, bolts, 11c; tins.
i 11c; Schlesinge-’a butter boxes. 9c; tins. 10c;
Sculesinger’s package green corner sodas <se
goods, 4 dozen In case), SI.OO.
' llrangos. $3.75(d4.25 box; grapefruit. $.3.25*<S
3.50 box; lemons, imported, box; ap
ples. ku.oirp 7,up barrel: celery. SI.OO dozen;
i crate, $1.00; onions, slo.oofrt 12.00 per sack;
Irish potatoes. $8.75(40.00; per sack; sweet po
istoes. $1.40 per bushel; Florida cabbage. $6.00
rtj6.25 per crate: Carolina cabbage. $.'.50416.00
crate; tnrutps. 3»iC lb.; tomatoes. $3.50@3.75
per crate; vgj plant. $2.25@2.50 per crate;
■ I yellow squash, • $3.50'34 00 per crate: green
i beans, *2.754tj.00 per eri.m: raulifluwer. $2 50
per crate, okra. $2.50 per drum; lettuce. $4.00
@4.50 per drum; bell pepper, $2.75@3.00;
strawberries. 80@35c.
Dry salt extra ribs. 18’ge; dry salt rib bellies,
medium average, 19%e; dry salt rib bellies,
Hight average, !9%e; Cudahy's diamond ’’C”
, hams. 2314 c; Cudabyls Rex hams. 22'->c; Cud<-
■ Uy’s sandwich boiled hams, 32c; Cudahy's
Diamond'"C" lard, tierce basis. 22c; Cudahy's
Rex lard, tierce bas*s, 21c; Cudahy's White
Ribbon <<impound, $15.37.
I < ornfield hams. 10 to 12 aveerage, 38c; Corn
field hatus. 12 to 14 average, 23c; Cornfield
skinned lunhs, 12 to 20 ave., 24c; Cornfield
picnic hams, 6 to 8 ave., 17’ 2 e; Cornfield break
fast bacon. 28c; Cornfield sliced bacon 1-lb. box.
12 to ease. $4.20; Grocers' oaeon. wlile or nar
raw, 22c; Cornfield pork sausage, fresh link or
bulk, 15c; 'ornfield Weiners, in 10-lb. cartons,
| Ith-; Cornfield bologna sausage. 25-lb. trot s,
4 '.see fizild _ Bw « __ I. _.l 11 1. -Sv 11 _
Lie; Cornfield smoked link saiisngc, 25-lb. boxes,
12c; Cornfield wciuera ,n pickle. No. 15 kits,
32.25; Cornfield iard. tierce basis, 20c; Coun
try style lard, tierce basis, 20c; Cotnpouud
lard, tierce 4>nais. 15c. ,
Stick Caady—Block’s. 10c; 80-pound palls,
chocolate drops (Block’s), 45%<” Colonial choco
lates. 1-puund taegages, *4.uu; Block’s Buntoa
mixed, 30-pound pai)s, 13c; Block’s extra su
i perb Chocolate (uul or Unit centers). 1-pouu.l
j site, $6.50 per doreu; crick erjacks, So 5c pack
ages. $1.75; 100 5s packages, $3.50; Augelu.a
1 chocolate-coated marsbmellows, $2.75.
Brower’s pre sugar _ool. 12c; Brower’s pure
cigar hone/cotna. 16e; Brewer's suntbine cream,
Brower’s sunshine mixed. 9c; Brower’s
medicated cough drops, 75< box; Rainbow stick,
pure sugar, $3.50 J>er cast; open furnace stick,
ixiptil.t? mixed, 12c. rainbow mixed, 14c:
chocolate drops. 30-j»ound pails. 13c; 2-in l pure
sugar stick, $3 00.
Schlesinger's Charlies, fc eartons (2 dozen to
package). 00c; Schlesinger's Charites (Hoose i,
in cant,, baskets or barrels, per lit., 14-;
Schlesinger's risorted fudge (30 poinds to
■ asr), per lb. Sidesinger's home-male
mixed pure sugar candy (35-lb. delivers bas
kets i, per lh„ 24c: one-pound boxes fine choco
lates. 40c IN.: Dixie mixed 35-lb. palls.
Mackerel almost unoutaiuabie at any price;
quotations nominal; L'-No-lt brand, 5-6 oz., )o
I count, $4.25; Anchor brand, 0 average, 75
c< unt, ss.4<>; Crown brand, 10-11 ounce, 75
count. $6.25; fancy Norway. 11-12 ounce, 75
: cciint. $8.00; Mkc Herring (whitefish), 100-
pound half barrels, new caught, 36.25; 6ft
l>oi:n<l kegs. $4.00; 6-|>oiind pails. 52c: salmon,
sockeyes, none this year; No. 1 tails, reds,
$8.25; medium reds. $6.00: pinks, 55.50: chum
sabnon. $3.30; canned fish—B. & M. fish
flakes, large. $3.30; small. $2.80; Conqueror,
; oils, keyless. $1.75; Continental, key, $5.00;
% mustards. $4.50; Home Run. smoked, key.
\ oils in cartons. $5.75; canned meats —Indian
•ansagc. SI.M); Indl.-n*. potted meats. $1.43; In
dian sl'reci bacon. in Blast, laige, $2.50; nit
, dinm, $1.25 per doxen.
Cbcoce —perfection brand, full cream, daisies.
2Rc. Coffee —Blue Ridge brand roasted, 15c;
Stonewall brand. 24c; AAA A. 15%c; Uno, 25c.
Hjc<—Jape, sfttGc; Honduras, medium head
, s’i <r.’> ! «c; Arkansas, fancy nead. OISO’Jc.
California blaekeyes. 7c; pink. ft%c;
i lin es ft' -e; small whites. 12c; Mich.pan choice
na'vs sß.Oft per bushel: primes. $7.90.
Canned Vegetables -No. 2 Virginin tomatoes.
$2.40: No. 3, $2.75; Stokeley’a No. J tomatoes,
$2.50. No. 3, $3.10: future tomatoes,
$2.20 to $2.25; Rider's Class A pork and
bean*, tomato sauce. No. 1. $3.75; Nn. 2. $2.75;
No 2V-. $3.75; Stcleley's No. 3 satitr kraut,
$.”>.75; Stoke'ey's No. 3 lye hominy, $1.00;
Paris’, fancy Maine. No. 2 sugar corn. $2.60:
standard corn. $2.75.
Pickles and Condiments —Mother Cook’* 10-
, nnce sour gherkin-. sl.S n ; sour mixed. $1.80;
sweet .' -1 • - SLcO; India .-'Hsb. $;. s’O: 10-
• unce Plcadlllv relish. $1.80: chow-chow. SIBO.
onion relish. $1.80; pure apple J< lly. $1.80; corn
«.vrup idle. 10-pound pails. ;.0c; LaCrcme mus
tard. s-cunce jars, $1.65; tomato catsup. 8-
I ounce, $2.00.
Dried Fruits—California evaporated peaches,
standards. B’sc: choice, extra choice, it'sc;
fancy, lie; < n 50-potmd boxes, evaporated ring
ent apples. 10c; prunes, California, 40--7O*. 13c:
SO-6ttv 12'(.<-: 30-7 Os. lie; rnlsins. 12-ouncc.
choice seeded. 10c; Snn Mnld. layers, $2.00.
Starch - Tlger lump, in 50-ponnd bn- es. 4Uy?
per pound: confectioners’ in 140-pound 'ag ,
$4.60: conking starch (40 packages, 1 potindi.
! $3.10 per ease.
Svrun—Aines 48 case,
I mw. $4.50: 10«. 6 to case, $4.00: ss. 1- to
i rase, $4 00.
I Hour, sa> Led, barrel—»Ktury, in 48-lb. bags.
slo.’'o: Gloria, selt-rising. sl<»; Nell Rose.
' self-risiug. $10.OB: White l ily. self-rising,
I $10.00; Royal ITour. self-rising. $10.00; Puri
' tan. highest patent. $10.00; I'aragon. highest
l patent, $10.00; Home yueen, Ulgheat patent,
$10.00: Pride o tHenrer. bigbeat patent. $10.00;
I White Cloud, high paten:. £0.30; White Daisy,
high patent, $0.50; Dixie Flyer, high patent.
| sf.sO; Ocean Spray, good patent, $0.25; South-
I ern Star, good patent. $0.23; Sun Rise, good
I patent. $3.25.
Capitola. slo.lo'l 10.20. Olympia. s:>.7s';
. Miss Dixie, self-rising. slo.2o'q 10.30.
1 Ck-S'<», superlative patent. sl<>.2shj 10.30.
Meal, sacked, per bushel—i’latn, IH-pound
By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO, March 12. —Possibility of a rail
road strike tended today to depress wheat in
spite of bullish crop reporta from the south
west. lAter word of rain in Kansas caused
the market to give way in a more declaive man
ner. Pit trader's sold freely. Opening prices,
which ranged from the same as yesterday’s fin
ish to le lower with May at $1.85*4 to $1.86*>4
and July at $1.56% to $1.56%. were followed by
tminerous irregular changes and then a sharp
downturn all around.
Snowvln Nebraska added to bearish sentiment
in wheat and so also did absence of export
demand. There was much uneasiness over de
velopmcnts which emphasized the seriousness of
dangers to shipping from submarines. The close
was semi-demoralized at 2-lkc to flt-ic net lower,
with May at s!.Bo> s to $1.80% and July at
$1.52 -', to $1.53.
Lightness of offerings kept corn relatively
firm. The market, though, showed some sym
pathy with wheat. After opening %<■ off to
‘4c up. prices scored slight general gains and
then receded to Just below Saturday’s finish.
Signs of a falling off in the corn crop move
ment from the country served to check subse
quent declines that accompanied never? breaks
in the value of wheat. The close was nervous
at losses of l*4c to l%c net.
Hats sagged with wheat. There was no ag
gressive selling.
Ixiwer quotations on hogs pulled dowp provi
sions. The chief weakness was in pork.
The following were tue ruling prices in the
exchange today;
• ’ Open. High. Low. Close. Close.
May. . 186 @185% 186% 17V% 180% 186%
July 156% 157 152*4 153 156%
Sept. . 115*4@145*8 146 142*4 143 145%
May. . . 109@108% 109% 106% 107% 108%
July . 108 @107% 108% 106% 106% 107%
Sept. . . . .107*4 107*4 105% 100% 107
May. . .59%@59 59% 57% 57% 59
July. . ..57 56% 57 55% 55% 56%
Mayß3.lo 33.39 38.00 33.10 38.32
July. . . .82.50 32.60 32.45 32.50 32.67
May 18.95 18.9r‘ 18.80 18.97 18.97
Julylß.B7 18.97 18.77 18.97 18.92
i* IBS— »•
May 17.52 17.52 17.40 17.50 17.55
July. . . . .17.57 17.00 17.47 17. M 17.00
By Associated Press.)
CHICAGO. Marell 12.—Wheat—Neg 2 red.
$1 ,Bb%<<4l .88%; No. 3 red, nominal: No. 2'
hard, $1.90@1.93%; No. 3 hard, $1.87*4.
Corn—No. 2 yellow. $1,08%«t 1 .10% ; No. 3
yellow, $1,07%«n 1.09%; No. t yellow, $1.06<0
, 1.08% .
oats —No. 3 white. 58%'</60%c; standard. 60
I <<j6lc.
Rye—No. 2. $1.5»@1.5»%.
Barley, $1.03@1.32.
i Timothy. $3.75@5.75.
Clover. $12.00@18.00.
Pork, nouiinal.
Jjird, $19.02.
Ribs, $17.00@ 17.62
The following were the cash quotations on
• iif v»vrf Litrr vasu qyutaiivuß ou
grain and the previous close:
(flose. I’rev. close.
No. 2 red .. .2,04 2. (16 &2.10
: So. 2 hard .. ..1.03 (111. Oft 1.57 $12.04
No. 21.0»%(Bl .10 1.11
' No. 2 white .. .1.11 l.lO'-jfdl.ll’ a
No. 2 v .. 61' s «l 62 62 '->
No. 2 white .. .. Nominal Nominal
By Associated Press.)
KANSAS CJ'tA , March 10.—Caeli:
i ♦Wheat—No. 2 bard, $1 .ItOfp 1.03; No. 2 red,
$1 .DOttj’l .03.
i t’ern —No. 2 mixed, $1.07(1(1.08; No. 2 white,
$1.07Ml .08; No. 2 yellow, $1 .Oftrq I .Oft'fc,
Oats--No. 2 white, 62(&62>ac; No. 2 mixed,
NEW YORK. March 12.—Raw sugar, firm;
centrifugal, $5.39; molasses, 4.52; refined,
steady; cut loaf, 8.10: crushed. 8.00: uM*uhl A,
' 7.50; cubes, 7.50; XXX powdered. 7,15; pow
dered. 7.10; fine granulateib 7.00; diamond A.
7.00: confectioner's A. 6 No. 1, 6.85.
Sugar futures were firm-, early today on cov
ering and support from trade and European
interests. At noon prlce K were 3 to ,7 points
• Closed firm and 7@lJ points higher; sales,
> 25,350 tons.
Open. Close.
January 4.38 bid
March 4.46 bid bid 4.6064.02
i Mav4.60®4.62 4.65<g4.66
: ! June4.54®4.65 4.68<6;4.70
, i July .. '4.68 bld 4.70®4.71
: I August 4.65 bid
> j September4.6B bid 4.73®4.75
i October .. 4.66® 4.68
■ November 4.56414.58
■.December 4.48(<j4.50
By Associated Press.)
ST. LOUIS. March 12.—Poultry—Hens. 10c;
springs. 22c; turkeys, 25c; ducks, 20c; geese.
1 13® 16c.
Butter—Creamery. 41c.
I : EggS. 25bj<:.
■ socks. $1.25; do. 96-pound sacks, .$1.25; do. 4S
pound sacks. $1.27; uo. 24-pound sacks, SI.2S.
Atlanta Milling company meal, bolted, uti
1 pounds, $1.28; 48 pounds. $l.o0; 24 to 12
pounds, $1.82.
Grain, sacked, per bushel—White milling
j corn, $1.40; white feed corn, $1.35: oats, fancy,
white clipped. 85c; do. No. 2 white, clipped,
84c; do. No. 2 white. 83c; do. No. 2 mixed. 81c.
Grain, sacked, per bushel—Bancroft seeti oats.
30c; Appier seed oats. 90c; Texas rust-proof
oat«. 0"c; Kurt seed oats, 95c.
nat. etc.—Timothy No. 1, large bales, sl.4(>;
do. choice, third bales, $1.40; du. No. 1 small
. uaies, sl-35; do. No. 2 small bales, $1.25;
No. 1 clover mixed hay, $1.30; Jounson grass
hay. $1.00; wheat straw, 35c; cotton seed meal,
prime, $41.00; do. No. T, $40.00; cotton seed
’ i nulls, old style, $24.00.
t hicken Feed, per cwt.—Aunt Patsy mash,
10U-lb. sacks, $2.05: Purina pigeon feed, loo
tb. sacks, $4.15; Purina chick, 100 lb. sacks,
. 3.15; Purina chowder, 100-lb. sacks, $2.75;
Victory scratch, 100-lb. sacks. $3.05; Special
scratch, 100-lb. sacks. $2.85; Victory chick,
100-lb. sacks. $3.15; beef scraps. 100-lb. sacks.
> $4.50; beef scraps, 50-lb. sacks, $2.50; oyster
> shells, 100 lb. sacks, $1.00; Capitola chicken
reed, s2.9ft. •
Peters Proven Products, per cwt.—Arab Horse
feed. $2.50: Re-Peter horse feed, $2.40; King
Corn horse feed. $2.25; Alfalfa-fat Dairy feed.
| ur«.un<l feed, per cwt.—A. B. c. mule feed
$2.10; beet pulp. 100-lb. sacks. $2.15; S'icrene
i <lairy feed. $2.00; No. 1 alfalfa meal. $1.85;
Capitol molasses feed, $2.30.
Bii< i ts, Bran, Mill Feed, per cwt.—Red Dog
shorts. 100-lb. sacks, $2.45; gray aborts. 100-
;i>. sacks, $2.30; fancy mill feed, 75-lb. sacks
$2.40; P. W. mill feed. 75 lb. sacks. $2.30;
XXX mill feed. <5-lb. sacks, $2.25; Georgia
(ceil, 75-lb. sneks, 82.20; Big Mac hog feed,
75-lb. sacks, $2.00; brown shorts, IGO-lb. sacks.
$2.25; bran, pure wheats $1 Mt; bean meal fee<i..i
rice bran. ISti-lb. sacks, SI.BU; Beau meal feed.
100-lb. sacks, $1 70.
-1 ettee unnecessary. Earn while you icarn. Hun
. dreds of good positions open. Write today for
I large list of openings and testimonials from
hundreds of members w,- have placed in posi
tions paying SIOO to SSOO a month. Address
nearest office. Dept. B-43. National Salesmen’s
Training Ass'it, Chicago, New York, S«n Fran
, ci.ico.
We Get Good Positions
FOR competent Dookkeepera. stenographers.
1 salesmen, clerks, accountants and col
lectors; also place auditors, sales nian
, agers. advertising writers, etc. For full
information, write or call Emory Business
Pureaii, 1520-21 Candler Bldg.
GO* ERN.ii ENT employes wanted. Big pay, stir
work. I will prepare you in n short time at
' small cost. Must be American citizen. Write
’ for my free book. FC-1078, today. Earl Hopkins,
1 Washington. D. C.
KTEAOY - employment? Good wages for cotton
chopping and Other farm work now in Ari
-1 zona. L'nder the big Roosevelt dam. Come or
1 write. Salt River Valley Egyptian Cotton Grow
ers’ Ass’n. Tempe, Arizona.
' Mofoßji’EN? erntdiictorsT SBO monthly; interur
bana everywhere; experience unnecessary;
qualify now: state age; booklet free. C., Box
401, care Journal.
.x<» striae; 8-hour day; men everywhere; fire
' men. brakemen, baggagemen, $l2O. Colored
porters; experience unnecessary. 689 Railway
Bureau. E. St. Lottis, 111.
Tobacco factory wants salesmen; $125
monthly and < xpenses for the right man. Ex
perience unnecessary, as we give complete in
structions. Piedmont Tobacco Co.. D-1.7, I»an
xille, Va.
SELL FRUIT TREES, pecan trees, ornamental
trees, light, pleasant, work; good profit. Write;
today. Smith Bros., Dept. 20, Concord, Ga.
month- travel over the world. Write C. T.
T.vdwig. 168 Westover bldg.. Kansas City, Mo.
$25 WEEKLY Coiiic'ting names and addresses.
Send stant) s. Superba Co., T-45, Ballmore,
Maryland. .
THOUSANDS men and women. 78 or over, want
ed everywhere for U. S. government life Jobs.
$75 month. Steady work: Short hours. Rapid ad
vancement. Common education sufficient.
Write immediately for free list of positions now
easily obtainable. I'ranklin Institute, Dept.
1 A-loti, Rochester, N. 1.
i INVESTMENT banking house, years in business
wishes to hear from teachers who desire to
! profitably their spare time. References re-
I qui red. R. *l., Box 70. Journal.
I A.'.TEii —A middle-aged white woman tunen
• cumbered) to do cooking and assist with gen
eral housework.. Address Mrs. 8.. Duluth. Ga.
R. F. D. 2. Box 21.
WEEK 1.1 made writing names for mail or-
der houses; no canvassing; particulars for
stamp. The Guido Co., Dept. O. Memphia. Tenn.
AGENTS- -Even If you were deaf, dumb and
blind you could sell our aluminum utonsil
cleaner. Every housewife grab's It on sight.
Steadv trade and big money tn protii'ted terri
tory. Write quick. Div. 831), American Alu
minum Mfg. Co.. I.cmont. 111.
; ~WE P.VV "SBO monthly salary and furnish rig
and < xpenses to intrednee guaranteed poultry
and stock powders. BIGLER COMPANY, X 664
i Springfield, 111. •
I AGENTS 100 per cent profit guaranteed selling
sprayers, gasoline pumps and auto washers.
Rusler Co.. Johnstown. Ohio.
i ■
/ 7"’ \
Atlanta Live Stock U
(Corrected by W. rs. White, Jr., of White
Proviaion Company. I
I Good to choice steers, SOO to IMHi pounds, s7.sCei
. (feS.tßi. E
J, Good steers, 70<> to 800 pounds, >7.00@7.50. P
J Medium to good steers, 700 to 800 pounds, I’
>8.50 V 7.00. J
I Good to choice beef cows. 750 to 850 pounds, ®
;i $6.50t07.<10. 11
II Medium to good cows, 650 to 750 pounds, ,
J $6.00®H.50.
> Good to choice heifer*, COO to 700 pounds,
I 86.CUV.50.
Tnc above rt present:; the ruling prices of
i good quality cattle. Inferior grades and dairy
, types selling lower.
Medium to good stefs, 750 to 850 pounds,
$(•.50417.00 ,
Medium to good cow«, 650 ‘ tv 760 pounds,
Mixed common, 14.75®5.35.
Good fat oxen. $6,564*7.00.
Meduim Oxen,
Goud butcher bulls, $5.004*6.50.
I Choice veal claves, $6.50417.50.
Yearlings. $4.75415-50.
Sheep, goed. $4.504j5.00.
Medium sheep. $3.75ti 1.50., , ;
Prime hogs, 100 to 225 pourds, Slo.cO a 10.50.
Light hogs. 140 to 160 pounds. $0 50fa 10.00. |
Heavy pigs. 110 to 140 pounds. 50.00®0.25.
Light pigs. 90 to 110 pounds, $8.50’g.8.75.
Above quotations apply to corn-fed hogs, j
Mnst and peanut fattened lower, owing to
Cattle receipts light; market higher.
Hog receipts moderate; market strong and ■
Bv Associated Press.)
CHICAGO, March 12.—Hoga—Receipts. 54,
000 slow. 15c under Saturday's average, bulk,
i $14.654114.00; light ff14.16@14.80: mixed. |
$14.40@ 14.00; heavy. $14.354714.90; rough,
$14.354114.50; pigs. sll . Js4t I.'. ('«>.
Cattle —Receipts. 13.000; firm. Native beef
cattle, $8.70@12.50: stockera and feeders. $6.75
4*9.65; -owe and heifers, $5.70@10.50; calves,
, $9 50*0 13,25.
Sheep—Receipts, 28.000; weak. Wethers,
I sll.OOto 12.35; lambs. $13.40@ 14.95.
If you are sick you can get a. full
size one dollar box of Bodi-Tone on
twenty-five days' trial. If it benefits
you. you pay SI.OO so- same. If it does
not help, pay nothing for it. This is
the way Bodi-Tone is being offered to
the sick in the large announcement on
' the last page of this paper and the
Iway thousands have already been cured
by it.—(Advt.)
r Record of Manley's Cotton under 801 l Weevil
1 conditions. Early, prolific, resistant to droughts
■ and disease. 40 bolls to pound, 42 per cent lint.
• staple 1% inch. Doubled yield of other varieties
s In drought and weevil sections in 1916. Write for
• facts andjiroofs from yonr own state, and spe-
cial delivered prices on seed. NO BOLL
■ BERMUDA grass seed; raised in Yum-, valley.
Pure, new crop. Free samples ami planting
I nstructions. 1 nousands of satisfied customers.
I The south's best pasture grass. Prices, 37c in
10“ pounds; 40c in smaller lots. Delivered your
station. R. G. Stitt * Son. Drawer J. Yuma,
VELVET BEANS—Seed velvet beans, early
speckled variety, the f)O-day bean. Selected
and guaranteed stock germinating 85 to 90 per
cent. $1.40 per bu.. f.o.b. Troy, cash with
order. W. S. Coleman. Troy. Ala.
CABBAGE. Meh. 25, 1.000. $1.50; potato, $1.75;
cot. seed: King, Simpkins, Cleveland, $2 bu.;
peanuts. $1.75. Oawhurst Farm. College Park, Ga.
MARRY RICH —Be happy and prosperous. Big
list of descriptions and photos of congenial
people with means free. Sealed, confidential.
Either sex. .Standard Club, Box 607, Grays
lake, in
, MARRY at once. We put you in correspondence
with several thousand charming aand refined
. ladies who wish to marry, many worth from
$1.0“0 to $25,000 and upwards. Particulars free.
Address Allen Ward (B. 545), Valley. Neb.
CD A MTQLI ‘IA^VE _ DROPS. _ Fiiseinatrng. ir-
O* /Alvlon resistible, secret concoction for
! lovers. 50c and sl. The Adams Co., Lattimore
' bldg., Chicago. 111.
3“lTe SOUTHERN AGENCY. Station A, Dallas.
Texas, is for white people only. Ladies and
gentlemen who wish correspondents should write
to na at once. LISTS FREE. .
GET acquainted. Join the Cleveland Post Card
Club, Station H. Cleveland, O. Issued month
ly. Membership 1 month 20c.
MARKY-- Free photos beautiful ladies; descrip
tions and directory; pay when married. New
Plan Co.. DepJ. 26, Kansas City. Mo.
MARRY' if lonely; hundreds, rich, wish mar
riage; confidential: reliable; descriptions free.
"The Successful Club," Box 556, Oakland. Calif.
.uAiiKIAGE PAPER free. The most reliable
published. Send for one. Eastern Agency, 22,
Bridgeport, Conn.
MARRY — Marriage directory with photos and
descriptions free. Pay when married. The
Exchange, Dept. 34. Kansas City. Mo.
PHYSICIAN, 45. comfortably situated, would
marry. Box 35, League, Toledo, Ohio.
MEN of ideas and inventive ability should
write for new "Lists of "Needed Inventions,” ■
•’Patent Buyers” and “How to Get Your Pat-
ent and Your Money.” Advice free. Randolph
& Co., Patent Attorneys, Dept. 60, Wash
ington. D. C.
EfATFNT ABrK w * a " Manufac
• cY 1 ILIN 1 tttrers watts Owen Patents. Send ■
for 4 free books; inventions wanted, etc. 1 help
you market your Invention without charge.
Richard H. Owen. 66 Owen bldg.. Wasti'ton, D.C. '
fft ITCMTO WwtswwF.Coleman,Wa®>
I US I X Ington.D.C. Books free. Hlgie
■i « n I RwlV I W est references. Beat resuiA
1 fJll. <1 _l‘ J 'I ■ »
' TEXAS school lands for sale by the state at
$2 per acre; 5c per acre cash and no more for
40 years, but 3 per cent interest: sand 6c pos
tage for further information. INVESTOR PUB.
CO.. Dept. 92, San Antonio. Tex.
WANTED—To hear from owner of farm or fruit
ranch for sale. o. O. Mattson. 2950 Cedar
are., Minneapolis, Minn.
i oei-' <-< vi'ii
-.pxrfcltnn linn*
chain, one Xetk
oriole Rrareiel
to fit any arm and these four -
sold plated Rings. ALL GIV
EN free for selling only 12
pieces of our jewelry at 10c XtkTy . wSJifj lAfee
>ach. Write for Jewelry
lay. Address
Eagle Watch Co. ffk.. ~~
Ispt 71 E’«t Bostsn, Miss.
J W« supply goods and m pay the I
1 4 Wt freight. No house needed at start. I
. Get your own ebpplies at wholesale!
• SEND "“d make money selling to others. T
!T Onr wholesale prices will open yonrT
i*GOODS “ye® Handle everything from aT
;T box of notions to a suit cf clothes.T
Richmend, Vi, T
nftkM- Chain & Bra salat
f 31« IVP it Bell s boxer of Rosebud Salve
i Y VI "tH at 25c each, great remedy ter
? llßlFy ■ a/Srvl 2 harnr ’ serM * • c -«®a- pUet, catarrh, ccrnx,
6 tfeMl V EdMKjx bußicn, - elc ’> r ** urn <hoß l S°And we erf Ilf or
-0 Vv 1 *Sc 2'vard thea 1 ' i handtome fold laid pranuuaaa
’ g<»r choice
d X from ouf
Sena no Mon«y,»« twratvm
107. Woodsboro. M<L V
1 40-ib. bod. 1 «-lb. pair SAV E **
pillow,. 1 pair toll ,izo 1,11 ■ ~s.
blanket,. 1 fu 11 (ire SI lAggjjKjwAyS----••
counterpane retail ralue J JBA
S2O. Reduced to W. 92. '
25 1.. bed «5.50; .30-lb. gTwEgaft"
bed4.-.23: 38-lb. bed 47.25;
40-lb. bedse. 0-lb.pillows VkfeaT * IgjSJSgS
41 pair. New feathers, WCfSU
beat ticking. Mall money
order now erwWt,/„»«»«/•*-
SANITARY BSOOINC CO.. Owpt. 51S. Chaelerte, N. C
IpH'ANT 2? L 2E F ,
! FREE *FOB SIX. MONTHS My special offer tx
introduce my magazine, "Investing for
Profit.’’ It is worth $lO a copy to any one who
1 has not acv’ired sufficient money to provide
necessites and comforts for self and loved ones.
, It shows now to become richer qtiicWy and
honestly, 'nvesting for Profit is the only pro
gressive financial journal and has the largest
circulation in America. It shows how SIOO
grows to $2,200: write now and I'll send it six
months free. H. 1.. Barber, 410-28 W. Jackson
Boulevard. Chicago. '
, NE\\“ sidh sh;,rpen-r puts razor edge on any
: knife instantly without grinding. Demonstra-
tion creates sensation. 30 sales a day easy.
1 Carry right in pocket. 100 per cent profit. Write
lot free sample offer now. American Products
Co.. 8653 central ave.. Cini-innatL Ohio.
««vr 15 TO "’rw,’£
| W»»w ■■ fgry Remedies, Standard Toilet Arti
cles and Drug Store Goods. Catalog free. Wm.
Clark. DMhi, N. Y*. ■ ■,;
INVESTORS. WARNFNG —Don’t invest 1 ceat
until you read Successful Finance and learn
how fortunes are made and lost by investors.
Free trial subscription. Successful Finance, 638
P Federal St.. Chicago. • ■ *■'.
UAR'TS2S weekly, spare time, writing for news
papers, magazines. Exp. unn»-c.; details Iran.
Press Syndicate, 479, St. Louis. Me. ,
. v
ri, Falling IkkaHt
I or OosvultiMt kr ■
I free sant|la of Or.
Boofa resety. Wa
If you cur our art
■■ ywr letter. Rua-
O’tda es testimonials on file. Give are end full partlcMG-
Dr. F. HARVEY ROOF CO. D-1483-G, F. 0.
New York.
1— CT*
healed more old sores than all other salves eoo;-
bined. It is the most powerful salve know* and
heals sores from the bottom up, drawing out the
Soisons. Rv mail &5 cents. Book free, •
. F. AUXN MDICMI CO.. tMft. B-2 tT.MUL, OtWL
Cured Before You Pay.
I will serd you a I! bottle of LANE’S TREATMENT
on FREETRIAL. When completely cured sendtne the
sl. Otherwise, your report cancels charge. Address
D. J. LANE, 372 Lane Bldg., St. Marys. Kansas.
»• I
To all sufferers from Fits, Bpllepsy. Falling Sickness
er Nervous Troubles will be sent ABSOLUTELY FMR
a bottle and treatise of W. H. Peeke’s Treatmeat. Per
thirty years.thousands of safferers have nsed W H.Peeke’a
Treatment with excellent resu'ts. Give Express and P.O.
Address, W. B. PEfcfcE-SACedar St N. Yi
We guarantee to cure any case of ITCH Ifi
. naed an directed, or Money Refunded. Scrateheai
and Mange in Dogs cured at once. 50c at your
' dealer’s, or mailed on receipt of 6Bc.
Io South 10th St., Kichmcad. Va.
Short breathing reliever! in a few hours—awell
i in;, water and uric acid removed in a few days
I —regulates liver, kidney, and heart-: Write for
Free Trial Treatment. COLLUM DROPSY REM-
I EDY Co., Dept. 7, ATLANTA. GA.
L BT Until Yo 1
■ ■ ■■ Wonderful Treatment.
M B H— If you have plies in
■ MBHBIMB any form write for a
FREE t ample of
■ Page's Pile Tablets and you will bless
the day that you rend this. Write today.
E R. Page 3SI Main St.. Marshall. Mich.
FITS: -,=■
To you who suffer write today. I will tell yotj of
* preparation that cured my daughter. la® so
ffrateful for her recovery that I will gladly send
Sou a FREE bottle of this wonderful medicine
ymail. Z. Lepso,3lßlAandAv..Milwaukee,Wia.
It’s aucceaaful treatment without use of the knife.
Hundreds of satisfied patients testify to this mild
method. Write for free book. Telia how to car*
for patients suffering' from cancer. Address
BR. W. O. BYE, Kuum City, Mo.
Healed by ANTI-PLAMMA Poultice Plaster. Stope
the itching around sores. Heals while vou work. OK
Olatrlbutlng Co., tgzo Qrsad, Kantaa City, Mo.
DROPSY TREATMENT. Gives qntek relief
J vs goon removea swell Ing and Shor
W breath. Nover beard of its eoual for drepn
N. -4»Try it Trial treatment sent FRBC. hymen.
■ ank ■**■- •« It . CHATSWORTH, M
I When * or delayed,
11-iJ Triumph Pills; always <:epen t
able. Not sold at drug store*. ••Relief” a-n<
particulars free. Address NATIONAL MEDICAL
t’ay When removed. Health
Herald FREE. Address Dr.
j E. V. Boynton, Fitchburg, Mass.