Newspaper Page Text
“Tell Me How
To Be Beautiful”
Get Rid of All Pimples, Black
heads and Skin Eruptions. Pur
ify the Blood With Stuart’s
Calcium Wafers.
V *v' y
■tuart’a Calcium Wafer* Surely Do Glee
* Lovely Complexion.
~ The reason why Stuart's Calcium
Wafer* beautify the skin is their nat-
. ural tendency to seek the surface.
The wonderful calcium sulfide is one
r of the natural constituents of the hu
, man body. You must have it to be
• healthy. It enriches the blood, invigor
ates skin health, dries up the pimples
and bolls, ecxema and blotches, enables
new skin of fine texture to form and
become clear, pinkish, smooth as velvet
and refined to the point of loveliness
and beauty. This is "how to be beaut ; -
•» ful.” Stop using creams, lotions, pow
ders and bleaches which merely hide for
the moment. Get a 50-cent box of
Stuart’s Calcium Wafers at any drug
store today.
And if you wish to give them a trial
send the coupon below.
Free Trial Coupon
P. A. Stuart. Co., 425 Stuart Bldg.
Marshall. Mich. Send me at once, by
return mail, a free trial package of
Stuart's Calcium Wafers.
* City State
Made toft
Sped*! ty :
W Offer - The. w
Brwintu, eboie* of maar hand- f
f—" guaranteed for U F/ Tl ’- M
moacto robd w-ar and aanrfacUoa '/ ii ’tk
er MONEY BACK, abeoiote * J Il
*« v*ae—whue they last. . i-W
ao* pair to a cnatomer. / A . I
No Extra Charges i B. VI
Sa charge for b s Extraam Poe Tew or I
Cuff Bottom", noth rg extra for fancy I . I I
Belt Lx>ne or Poek t F apo. no charge I II
I y
Cash Profits
Chicago Tailors Association Stnd No *1
Bnu XW SIS 5 Fraeklia St.. CWa«e Monty |
Puts An End to
Catarrh Troubles
You Inhale and Exhale This Med
ication and—Away Goes
Your Catanh .
rtie.-e u.u»i be reader* suffering tn-ui chronic I
catarrh •ho would like to know «m»w they can I
•top e*t-h;as •••>l’l after cold, for they must '
leslhe "hat >»>ner or later thie may lead to |
aerioca .leafc<-»- and injury to the ayatem in <
Sound advice i* to »tvp taking medicine into |
the Wnaanrh. sprayiag the throat. or putting I
aalves in the nose: |
none of which leads ,
W the head end lungs
v’k jit 1 "■ »»•**.l
r" VAsJi <„\Box Sit*. Atlanta.!
’l •’<. jJ t ; a # a respected phy- I
t 'Vs' .y' atetan. and tor forty
three years an euor-
J tuously «u< cessful spe-
' >/ • .itarrh.
the discoverer of a
i .raaanl. iiirert rn-thod that can be used by
man. woman or • hlld.
ills Remedy {. a-t an ointment, spray, salve,
pill or tablet, but i« maae from medicinal
i ert»>. fl>' •r- an.! berries, whie* you smoke
,r a "Mtinty pi|e or ■ igarvlte. and inhale the
vapor into all the air passages. It contains
no tohavee. e.en though it is used in the same
!»r. RWser’s Remedy is amaringly effective
it *ll f-rm- of catarrh, bronchial irritation,
catarrua! be«<ia<*he.
asthma an: ear trot
bles thet may lead •»
deaf • T
breathe better
feel better after usiugl jL-_ fT
It ?
with ten cent* in fM.
coin or stamps for a FWbS*
trial outfit ■ month's }“
supply, either form. ~
r.*e dollar>, which be sends by mail. You will
receive some of the Bernedy for smoking in
a pipe, a neat little pipe, and also some medi
cated clgaretti s. «o yon «wn decide which form
you like best.— 'Adrt. ■
Automobile Lillian
The Daring Girl Bandit of Arizona
She robbed the rich and ga»«
the poor. A thrilling Lope
' Swstorv of the West, featuring
Cow-Boy Life on the Plains.
'The County Sheriff who
between Love and
V3xWr>vtv' the Terrible Duel for
VH| Athe hand of Lillian between
i'gVSuWtne Sheriff and Texas Joe.
5b 1 T '*etv- Cow Brv THI ffOffl
m the Movies A Woman sacrifices herself for Love.
Bova, you wU! find this good aendivw. Kent book
bound in colored cover by mail IO Cewta.
I will gladly send any Rheumatism sufferer a
.- tuple Herb Recipe Absolutely ICree that Com
pletely Cured me of a terrible attack of muscular
?9d Inflammatory Rheumatism of loug standing
after everything else I trte.l bad failed me. 1
nave given it to many sufferers who believed
their cases hopeles*. yet they fonn"i relief from
ti.eir suffering by taking these simple herbs. It
also relieves Sciatica promptly, a* well as Neu
ralgia. and is a wonderful blood purifier. You
are moot welcome to this Herb Recipe if you
will send for it at once. 1 believe. you will
consider it a god-send after you have put It to
the test. There is nothing injurious contained
in it. and you ean see for yourself exactly
what you ar* taking. I will gladly send thia
Recipe—absolutely free—to any sufferer who
will send name and address.
W. G. SUTTON. 2<ioO Magnolia Ave.
Loa Angeles. California.
FARMS are offered in the Want
Section at alluring prices.
All Georgia Counties Repre
sented at Meeting Held
Macon Auditorium
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
MACON. Ga.. Oct. 13—Georgia's foort
conservation campaign was launched
yesterday under splendid auspices at a
convention in the Macon auditorium. The
state executive committee and the coun
ty chairmen will direct the enrollment
of Georgia housewives' food pleding can
vass during the week of October 21 to
County chairmen from every section
of the state assembled in the audito
rium at 11 o'clock, and the hall was
packed with Macon men and women,
school children and girls from Wes
leyan college. The hall was decorated
with flags and food conservation post
ers. A regimental band from Camp
Wheeler occupied the stage and opened
the meeting with the “Star Spangled
Mr. C. Murphey Candler, chairman of
the state executive committee, and the
members of the committee occupied a
rostrum in front of the stage. He call
ed the meeting to order a few minutes
after 11 o'clock, and Dr. Jenkins, presi
dent of Wesleyan college, led the au
dience In prayer.
Chairman Candler opened the meet
ing with a splendidly patriotic and elo
quent address. He declared the time
is gone for argument as to why we en
tered the war, if. Indeed, there was ever
any room for argument over the issues.
The United States, he said, kept out of
the war until it no longer could pre
serve its national self-respect without
plunging in, and now it is the duty of
every citixen to stand by his govern
A remarkable feature of the present
war, sad Chairman Candler, is that it
offers an opportunity for every man.
woman and child to render a service to
his country. He presented briefly and
vividly the outlines of the food situa
tion in the allied nations and explained
that in the fo<-d conservation campaign
we are asked to eliminate only the
waste of food that from our abundance
! our allies may buy the food from us at
a price we flx ourselves. In closing.
Chairman Candler delivered a powerful
and moving appeal to the patriotic en
thusiasm of his audience.
He was followed by John Wood, cam
paign director in the southeastern
states, who thrilled and awed his hear
ers with a recital of some of the hor
rors of war as waged by the scientific
savage of the German military machine.
Mr. Wood declared that the food con
servation campaign is not Mr. Hoover's
campaign, but the official campaign of
the United States government.
He said the man or woman who is not
willing to submit to personal inconven
ience. while the women of France are
dying in the underground caves of Ger
man soldiers, while children are starv
ing. while allied soldiers are giving up
their lives, is not fit to be called a cit
izen or a patriot and is not worthy of
the enjoyment of freedom.
Other speakers were Miss Lois P.
Dowdle. state supervisor of home eco
nomics; W. T. Anderson, president and
•ditor of the Macon Telegraph; R. H.
, iser, campaign director in Georgia sent
j»re from Washington, and D. F. Me
latchey. secretary of the Georgia cam
Mr. Wood said the war in Europe i
our j:. and any man or woman who
refuses to co-operate with the govern
ment is stabbing an American soldier '.n
the back. The food conservation cam
paign. he pointed out. is not a campaign
to conscript the peoples' food, but to
enlist the people as volunteers to stop
the waste of food.
Mr. Wood was followed by Dr. A. M.
Soule, president of the state college of
The meeting was a remarkable dem
-1 onstration of the patriotism abroad in
the state, and the country chairmen
went home filled with enthusiasm and
determination to make the campaign a
i brilliant success. .
Piersol to Deny Part
In Didnaping Keet Baby
MARSHFIELD. Mo. Oct 13.—Claud J.
Piersol will testify that he had no con
metion with kidnaping of the baby Lloyd
Keet and that he knew nothing of the
subsequent murder of the Infant until
he read it in the newspapers. John T.
Moore, counsel for the defense, declared
Piersol. Moore said, will testify that
he was employed by a man known as
“Scar-Face" Riley. He posed as a
United States secret service agent to
assist Riley in a “search for stolen
Un'ted States government bonds.”
Riley had government credentials.
; Tiersol will testify, according to Moor*,
among them papers bearing the sup
posed signature of Judge K. M. Landis,
of Chicago Riley’ told Piersol he was
searching for a man named Langford,
i wanted for stealing the bonds.
A nation-wide search is being made
for Riley.
F msiAjrr POTTW «]
-’.**33’ ■~=’-=‘ =7CLL ''
Incomes of SI,OOO
To $2,000 Must Be
Returned Under Act
So-Called Joker in Measure Puts Additional Tax of 8 Per
Cent on All in Excess of s6 t ooo Excise Section Covers
All Articles from Automobile Down to Toilet Water and
Chewing Gum—Liquors, Cigars and Tobaccos Taxed
HAVE you fully realized the fact that If you are a married man and
have an annual Income of $2,000 or if you are single and have an
income of SI,OOO you must make a detailed return to the govern
ment under the terms of the war income tax law as passed at the last ses
sion of congress?
That does not mean that persons with incomes of this size or less must
pay an income tax. for the minimum taxable incomes start at SI,OOO and
$2,000, but in any event, the return must be made and Uncle Sam given
accurate information concerning one's financial condition.
The new income tax law provides for a normal tax of 2 per cent upon
the incomes of all unmarried individuals in excess of SI,OOO and upon
the incomes of all married persons or heads of families in excess of $2,-
000 and graduated surtaxes ranging from 1 per cent upon taxable incomes
in excess of $5,000 to 50 per cent upon such incomes in excess of sl,-
The new law also retains in effect the income taxation authorized un
der the law of September 8. 1916. which provides for a normal tax of 2
per cent with exemptions of $3,000 and $4,000 respectively for unmarried
and married taxpayers and graduated surtaxes ranging from 1 per cent
upon taxable incomes in excess of $20,000 to 13 per cent upon incomes in
excess of $2,000,000.
But there is still another feature of the income tax law which has
only just been brought to the close attention of persons affected by the
provisions of the new’ statute, but which is causing nothing less than con
sternation. It is the little “joker" section number 209, which authorizes
an additional tax of 8 per cent on all incomes in excess of $6,000, applying
in all cases where income is derived either from salaries or from the pro
ceeds of business where no capital is employed.
This 8 per cent “war excess
profits tax” will have the effect of
practically doubling the tax on in
comes ranging from $6,000 upward
and in causing much discussion in
financial circles, the consensus of
opinion being that this section of the
new law will be repealed at the next
session of congress. Many members
of congress have already declared
that tho section was included in the
act as a compromise to reach an
agreement between the house and
senate at the time the war revenue
bill was in process of formulation
and that the full significance of the
paragraph was not realized at the
time of its adoption.
For all practical purposes, how
ever, this 8 per cent additional tax
is effective and must be taken into
consideration in computing the
revenue to be derived from the in
come tax measure.
As a concrete example of the
operation < . the new income tax
law. take a"a income of $3,000 per
year derived by a married taxpayer
or head of a family. Under the
old law, there would be no income
taxation, while under the old law.
a tax of 2 per cent is levied on the
excess of $2,000, which in this case
is SI,OOO, making it necessary for
the individual to pay a tax of S2O.
Unmarried individuals with in
comes in excess of SI,OOO are sub
ject to the same provisions, with ad
ditional graduated taxes according
to the amount in excess of the stipu
lated SI,OOO exemption.
“There are plenty of negro work
men in Atlanta who will have to
make income tax returns under the
new law,” declared a prominent At
lanta contractor the other day
while discussing the operation of the
statute. A surprising statement, but
undoubtedly true in many instances,
while the number of white residents
of Atlanta who will be obliged to
contribute to the nation's treasury
by the operation of the income tax
law will amount to almost half the
city's population.
“Comparatively few people realize the
situation as created by the new income
tax law,” declared B. H. Collins, man
ager of the Atlanta branch of the Na
tional City company, of New York, as
he explained various vital features oi
the law Saturday.
“It means that the American people
who have not known what it is to meet
taxation demands from the government,
will begin to shoulder a little of the
responsibility which they rightly should
bear not only in times of peace, but
particularly in war.” he continued.
“Perhaps by March 1. when the income
tax returns must be made, the 8 per cent
clause of the law will have been re
pealed. but were the returns to be made
now, individuals with Incomes in excess
of $6,000 -would find. themselves pay
ing almost double what they are called
upon to pay under the other sections of
the act.”
“Let me give you a typical example
of the operation of the tax on a net
income of SIO,OOO per year,” said Mr.
Collins. “Here are the figures:”
Normal tax:
Present, 2 per cent of $6.000$ 120
War, 2 per cent of SB,OOO 160
1 per cent on amount by which
$7,500 exceeds $5,000, or 1 per
cent on $2,500$ 25
2 per cent on amount by which
SIO,OOO exceeds $7,500, or 2 per
per cent of $2,500 50
Total tax $ 355
(Collector of Internal Revenue A. O.
Blalock pointed out that while the fore
goin gtable is correctly figuretl. It doe 3
not take into consideration the addition
al 8 per cent —the so called joker clause
—which would bring the total up to
$627.20 on SIO,OOO income.)
“Liberty Loan bonds are the only rev
enue-producing securities exempt from
taxation, and these to the amount of
$5,000 held in the name of any one in
dividual.” said Mr. Collins. The bonds
are also free from state, county and mu
nicipal taxes.
"Any member or all members of a
family may hold $5,000 worth of Lib
erty bonds Individually without paying
income tax thereon, and the sale of
these securities should be Immeasurably
facilitated on account of this fact, to
say nothing of the patriotic incentive to
do one’s share in financing the nation
in this time of stress,” he concluded.
In addition to the income tax feature
of the war revenue act. many other
sources of revenue are opened through
the operation of special levies made
upon all kinds of products such as to
bacco. perfumes, commercial alcohol,
etc. This tax became effective October
A tax Is laid on cigars ranging from
25 cents to $7 per thousand, while on
syrups for soft drinks the tax ranges
from 5 cents to $1 per gallon. Cigar
ette papers are not exempt, being taxed
from one-half cent to 1 cent per hook
Motorcycles. automobiles. express
shipments, mileage hooks and cash fares
on railroads, freight shipments, moving
picture films, jewelry, sporting goods.
chewing gum, cameras and a host of
articles of the class commonly desig
nated as moderate luxuries, are affected
by the new revenue law, which became
operative October 4.
All places of amusement are likewise
called upon to contribute to the nation’s
exchequer, although exhlbtions or en
tertainments for charitable or religious
purposes are exempted from taxation.
These taxes become effective November
The new war tax through the medium
of the postal service affects the public
as a whole, an extra 1 cent per ounce
or fraction thereof being charged on
first-class matter, while 2 cents is
charged on postal cards. The tax
on first-class mail matter goes into
effect on November 2. Second-class mat
ter is taxed on a graduated scale rang
ing from 1 1-4 cents to 10 cents per
pound on the zone system. These taxes
do not take effect until July, 1918, how
Documentary stamps must be placed
on deeds, promissory notes, bonds, etc.,
beginning December 1.
Statement of the ownership, management, cir
culation, etc., required by the act of congress
of August 24, 1912, of The Atlanta Journal,
published semi-weekly at Atlanta, Ga., for Oc
tober Ist, 1917.
STATE OF GEORGIA —County of Fulton, ss.
Before me, a notary public in and for the
ulitc and county aforesaid, personally appeared
Johu 8. Cohen, who, having been duly sworn,
according to law, de|H>ses and says that be is the
editor of The Atlanta Journal, and that
the following is, to the best of his knowledge
and belief, a true statement of the ownership,
management (and if a dally paper, the circu
lation), etc., of the aforesaid publication for
the date shown in the above caption, required
by the act of August 24, 1912, embo-lled :n
section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations,
printed on the reverse of this form, to-wlt:
1. That the names and addresses of the pub
lisher. editor, managing editor, and business
rminagers are:
Publisher, The Atlanta Journal Company, At
lanta, Ga.
Editor, John S. Cohen, Atlanta, Ga.
Managing editor, James K. Gray, Jr., Atlanta,
Georgia. «
Business managers, Chas. D. Atkinson, busi
ness manager; John A. Brice, secretary aud
treasurer, Atlanta, Ga.
2. That the owners are: (Give names and ad
dresses of individual owners, or. if a corpora
tion. give its name and tie names ami addresses
of stockholders owning or holding 1 per cent or
more of the total amount of stock.)
Common. Preferred.
Estate of Janies
11. Gray, Atlan-
ta, Ga 3022 13-18 shares 5 shares
Treasury Stock.. (See note) 1039 2-5 “
Morton Smith.
Atlanta, Ga.. 5411-3 “ 12-5 “
John 8. Cohen,
Atlanta, Ga.. 500 "
Francis R. Hart
* I'htlip Dex-
ter, Boston.
Mass. • 400
Mrs. James K. Gray
Atlanta, Ga... 334 42
Mrs. Harriet F.
Brandon, At-
lanta. Ga. .. 334 11-18 " ' 5.3
H. H. Schaul.
Atlanta. Ga... 250 “ 6
Jno. D. Simmons,
Atlanta. Ga.. 201 “ 20 "
John A. Br'ce,
Atlnntn. Ga.. 150
I Jno. K. Ottley,
Atlanta, Ga... 10 “ 105
Estate of.L. De-
Give, Atlanta,
Ga 13 13 “ 140
Alex C. King,
Atlanta. Ga.... 100 3-5 “
Estate of
Ixmls Gholstin,
Atlanta. Ga... 79 “ 12
Tbas. D. Atkinson.
Atlanta. Gn.,.. 77 “ 33
The remaining stock Is owned by dh era per
sons. none of whom own as much as one per
cent. Preferred stock of the company has no
votfnr power, being a fi per cent stock, the
dividends of which must be paid before any
dividends are paid on the common, which is
the voting or controlling stock.
Total common stock, 5750 shares.
Total preferred stock 2450 shares.
.NOTE. —These 1039 2-5 shares of preferred
stock were bought with earnings of The Atlanta
Journal Company and they are held in the treas
ury of the company as retired securities.
3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees,
and other security holders owning or holding 1
per rent or more of total amount of bonds,
mortgages, or other securities are: (If there
aie none, so state.)
This company has no bonds, mortgages or
securities other thnn preferred stock as Indi
4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving
the names of tho owners, stockholders, nnd secur
ity holders. If any. contain not only the list of
stockholders and security holders as they ap
pear upon the books of the company but also,
in rnses where the stockholder or security
holder appears upon the books of the company
ns trustee or in any other fiduciary relation,
the name of the person or coiqioration for whom
such trustee is acting, is given: also that the
*aid two paragraphs contain statements om
bracihg affiant’s full knowledge and belief as
to the circumstances and conditions under which
stockholders and security holders who do not
appear upon the books of the company as trus
tees, hold stock and securities in a capacity
other than that of a bona fide owner; and
this affiant has no reason to believe that any
other person, association, or corporation has
any interest direct or indirect in the sat-.l
stix-k. lionds, er other securities than as so
stated by him.
5. That the average number of copies of
each issue of thia publication sold or distributed,
through the mails or otherwise, to paid sub
scribers during the six months preceding the
date shown above is
(This information is required from dally pub
lications only.)
JOHN 8. COHEN. Editor.
Sworn to nnd subscribed before me this l<»tb
day of October, 1917.
My commission expires March 20, 1920.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Aiways U.' S
Signature of
(Continued from Page 1.)
them for the judging later In the week,
and for the auction sales in the Dig
show ring, while all around people were
standing about, admiring the sleek sides
of this cow or that.
looked bigger and better than
ever Monday morning. The roller-coast
er, the merry-go-round and the Old Mill
were already doing a rushing business,
the new shows had arrived and were
being put into place, and the barkers
were oiling up their voices for a big
Here are eats and drinks of all kinds
In the booths bordering the broad as
phalt walks—cider, orange whistle, soda
pop, hot dogs, hamburger sandwiches,
red lemonade, candy, cake, enough to
give everybody in town indigestion.
Here were booths where you could
win a baby doll or a teddy bear or a
kewpie or a sofa pillow or a duck or
a knife or a box of candy or a set of
Or take a ride on the whip or the
toboggan slide, or have your fortune
told or your picture taken, or for a
dime or so enter and gaze upon such
wonderful sights as “Joe, the Pygmy
Boy! Last of an extinct race! Seven
years old! Fifteen inches high!”
Or, if you don’t like Joe, there was
Lorenzo, the human volcano, or Malo
ney, the only baby gorilla in captivity—
The grandstand was crowded long be
fore Atlanta's second year of Grand Cir
cuit races began at 1:30 o’clock Mon
day afternoon. The big event was to be
the race for the Coca-Cola cup. Sev
eral ru’nnlng races were also on the pro
gram. A free vaudeville show, on the
stage opposite the grandstand, was
scheduled between races.
Besides the free vandeville show every
afternoon and night during fair, week,
there will be fireworks every \ night.
These will be shown at 9 o’clock over
the lake near the grandstand. Special
patriotic designs are included in the
display this year.
Tuesday at the Southeastern fair is
slated to be one of the biggest days of
the waek. It is ‘Children’s day” and
all school children In the city and coun
ty will be given a holiday. They will
be given coupons by their teachers at
school and on presenting them at the
gate, they will be admitted for 10 cent*.
The regular admission price at the
fair is 50 cents for adults and 25 cents
for children. At the turnstiles, only half
dollars and quarters are accepted. You
can get change at the box office outside
the gate.
“Last year on School Children’s day
we had 58,000,” said Secretary Striplin
Monday. “This year we expect 100,000.”
Luxburg Is Seized and
Searched When Found
Hiding in Uruguay
BUENOS AIRES Oct. 12.—How Count
Luxburg, dismissed German envoy, was
forcibly searched and disarmed after he
h»ad given vent to a wild outburst of
language when discovered hildlng at an
obscure Uruguayan rancn, was told in
Information reaching here today. The
count himself, under heavy guard, is
en route back to Buenos Aires. He will
be held under strict guard at an intern
ment camp until Argentina can see him
off on his trip to Berlin via a Spanish
It appears that Luxburg, furnished
with a passport and given all diplomatic
courtesies, including complete protec
tion from unfriendly crowds in Buenos
Aires, decided when he arrived in Uru
guay not to return home. He established
hilmself in a remote ranch. Uruguay po
lice finally located him and took him into
Luxburg, It was stated, was violently
abusive in his protests over this treat
ment, and became so much so that he
was finally searched. Two revolvers
which he carried were seized.
Russia Wants Allies to
Agree to Free Poland
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.—Russia is
seeking from the allies joint confirma
tion of her proclamation of April last
for a free Polish nation. Ambassador
Bakhmeteff made this known today tn a
telegram to the Polish national depart
ment now meeting in Chicago
Court Plans Recess
WASHINGTON. Oct. 15.—The su
preme court, after giving decisions Oc
tober 22, will recess until November 5.
“The Morning After”
One of the characteristic headaches
due to uric acid in the system, which
acts as a poison when it accumulates, is
due to alcohol taken the night before.
The kidneys do not succeed In throwing
off this poisonous accumulation. the
stomach is neauseated, or the blood con
gests in the head, causing throbbing
pain, called headache—the heart is de
pressed, circulation of blood poor to
the extremities, the muscles feel tired,
or twinges of pain here and there are
felt, and when this uric acid is deposited
in the tissues or joints it causes rheu
matism or gout. I always advise the
drinking of hot water, a half pint In
the morning, and a little Anuric. Some
times the “blues,” or a sort of rash, or
a pimply face, gives warning of an
"uric acid storm.” At such times al
ways take Anuric (double strength),
which can be obtained at almost any
drug store, and which you will find
dissolves the uric acid almost as hoc
water does sugar.
Avoid too much meat, tea and alco
hol. Drink an abundance of water, both
hot and cold. Take Anuric three times
a day until the bad symptoms all sub
side. This is the best way to avoid
rheumatism and many of the pains and
aches due to a uric acid condition. If
you drink any alcohol beverage you
should keep the kidneys and liver active
with Anuric, so as to throw off the
poisons which accumulate. If your
tongue is coated —a dark brown taste,
breath foul, followed sometimes by
colds, indigestion, biliousness, constipa
tion or sour acid stomach, you should
take some vegetable laxative. Such a
one is made in sugar-coated form from
the Ma.vapple, leaves of aloe, and root
of jalap, and commonly sold by almost
all druggists as Dr. Pierce's Pleasan.
Pellets. They are standard and have
been in ready-to-use form for nearly
fifty years.- a. k
iam Sincere! Stop Calomel!
I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone
Listen to me! Calomel sickens and you may lose a
day’s work. If bilious, constipated or
headachy read my guarantee.
Liven up your sluggish liver! Feel
tine and cheerful; make your work a
pleasure; be vigorous and full of ambi
tion. But take no nasty, dangerous cal
omel, because it makes you sick and you
may lose a day's work.
Calomel is mercury or quicksilver
which causes necrosis of the bones.
Calomel crashes into sour bile like
dynamite, breaking it up. That's when
you feel that awful nausea and cramp
Listen to me! If you want to enjoy
the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel
cleansing you ever experienced, just
take a spoonful of harmless Dodson’s
Liver Tone tonight. Y"our druggist or
dealer sells you a 50 cent bottle of Dod
son’s L4ver Tone under my personal
[ For The Mother
Maternity is a crisis in a woman’s
life that should be safe-guarded with
extreme care. The safe, penetrating
external preparation, “Mother’s
Friend,” has been prepared for over
three generations, especially for ex
pectant mothers. By its use stretch
ing pains are avoided. The abdom
inal muscles relax easily when baby
is born and this naturally makes for
/ :'z ■
“They Just Melt Away in a Few
Moments,” Says Valeska Suratt,
the Movie Star.
YOU ean say good-bye now to all the
old drudgery and irritation of skin
due to present methods of remov
ing hair. A few drops of a wonderful
liquid make every hair seem to melt away
into nothingness and leave the skin glo
riously clean and soft, without a sign of
having used anything at all for removing
superfluous hair. Here la the way: Just
moisten the hairs with sulfo solution,
which you ean obtain from your druggist
for one dollar. In a very few moments the
hairs will seem to just fall off. loose
from the skin. It is so easy to do com
pared with the old methods, with their ob
jectionable odor and “fixing” to do be
forehand. Try it. The styles of today
with the transparent gowns and low cut
waists absolutely demand the use of a su
perfluous hair remover. This formula
can be used with perfect safety on the
most delicate skin. Use it and you will
Improve your appearance many fold.
• • •
MUDDY —Muddiness and general poor
complexion that nothing else in the world
seemed to affect have disappeared com
pletely in just a very few days by a sim
pie mixture which I have recommended to
my friends with remarkable results. Pour
Swell Tailor Made Suits
Free, absolutely free to the lucky men
who consent to be our agents. Swellest, nifti
est, New York and Chicago styles. Set the styles in CL-X
your town. Here’s the most astounding tailoring
offer made in the history of the business. Wads J
of money, $8 to $lO a day. Swell clothes to
wear all the time. It’s a cinch. Biggest snap f' sgyX
in years. Send the free coupon. BBHHggl
SIO.OO a Day Easy MIM
Yes sir, ten good bard round dollars every time
the sun sets, besides the swellest clothes in town. Just wiv ’
think of it, SIO a day, S6O a weak, $250 a month.
Our big, new offer makes it easy. An hour a day Is enough. mn
Sleep as late as you want in the morning. Pu'. on your glad ■ iH'fl
rags and take your time about going up town. Then saunter n .£> Vj,
around and show your friends the classy duds you got free. ■ J wArl
Write today and get in on the big scheme before the rush starts. ■ la
Be Our Agent la
swellest suits made to your own measure, will you try out
new offer? The scheme’s a wonder — a world heater. The V
~, ■ —, men who have tried it are cleaning up right and left. Send Coupon.
COS7F We Pay All the Express
■r ■■ au KL \ You don’t risk a penny. Everything free. Write today for the
\ handsome new style book—shows you the latest styles in both this
Style DOOM •country and abroad. Ail yours to pick from on this great offer. Do not
—w \delay an instant. The big new style book and full particulars are
COUpOll \freetoyou— yes, absolutely frea.
gelhble Tailoring Co. Dot \ Send the Free Coupon Now
9M W. Jeaksea BlvCXhicago. 111.*,* j ust put your name and address on the free coupon and
Gentlemen: •» send it in tc us at once. Absolutely no obligations of any
Pieuse send ms absolutely free and ♦, kin( j yy e will send you absolutely free and prepaid the big
prepaid your New Style Book andls new gt w jth samples of materials. Hurry—Hurry I
samplosof matenals. Also tell me how • Ru>ht Ruahlll Put your name and address
1 “'ii ltia Satinet l vnnder-** downand send It in right away Don’t let anybody else beat you
any kind. “* •* whi]e greatest of all tailoring off era las ta.
X Reliable Tailoring Company
> I offer a genuine guaranteed remedy when you sin lire areally contented lift>lf you only
for tobicoo or suutf habit. It is mill. pl-ssant, get your body and nerses right It la unsafe
strengthening. For either tex. Overcome that pe- and torturing to attempt to nd yourself of
yS culiar nervousneaaandcrarlnt torclgarettcs, habit by suddenly stopping with will power—don't
\ kr*" deara. pine, ehewing tobacco or snuff. do iu Correct method is to eliminate the »io-
Xx. Aub Toon-eois noieonon. sod seriously Injures the .tine poison from system, strengthen the weak
Au health in several wars. causing such disorders as ened. irritated membranes and nerves and genu-
nervous dyspepsia, sleeplessness, gas.belching, indy overcome the craving. Would yon like to
/'■’ yWMfrh. gnawlngoro heruncom'oriaMesensatloninstom- quickly and easily quit tobaeeo and enjoy yourseil
A■ l t-'h: constipation, headache, weak eyes. *th -rsacd times better while Mt ■* M* ■■
loss Os Vigor, red spots oa skin, throat filing always in robust healdi.’ L |f L |a
7 ? Irritation. catarrh, asthma, bronchitis, Me FF.ZE | j| EL L
* heart failure, lung trouble, melancholy, the wonderful « days ■
(•arasthenia. itnnsired m'morv an i will power, impure (poisoned) blood, heart* Method. Iu» pensive, r« able, a.w ecreg
■ „-n. torpid liver, loss of appetite, bvl te- h. foul breath, Method fw *• n
nek of ambition, weck-uing st 1 fa’lngootof hairaad many otberdlsorders. met ala knowledge. f'-tl panicnl.r. Include
Nervous breakdown, weakened in-- ’wtaad INSAyiTYareoftenattnhu’ed. ice my Book on Tobacco anl Snuff Habit
io tohs-eo habit by eminent medical men. Why oontiaaa committing suicide mailed in plain wrapper, free. Address |
EDWARD J. WOODg. 831 K, _ tIo". New York, W. V»
money-back guarantee that each spoon
ful will clean your sluggish liver better
than a dose of nasty calomel and that
it won’t make you sick.
Dodson's Liver Ton© is real liver med
icine. You'll know It next morning be
cause you will wake up feeling fine,
your liver will be working; headache
and dizziness gone; stomach will be
sweet and bowels regular.
Dodson’s Liver Tone is entirely vege
table, therefore harmless and can not
salivate. Give it to your children. Mil
lions of people are using Dodson’s Liver
Tone instead of dangerous calomel now.
Your drukffist will tell you that the
sale of calomel is almost stopped entire
ly here. —(Advt.)
infinitely less pain and danger at the
crisis. Ask for a bottle at your
drug store today and write for in
teresting free book, “Motherhood and
the Baby.” Simply address The
Bradfield Regulator Co., Dept. D,
300 Lamar Building, Atlanta. Ga.
Do not go a single night without ap
plying “Mother’s Friend;” it is the
greatest kind of help to nature.
the contents of a one-ounce package of
zlntone (obtained at any drug store for
fifty cents) in a pint of water and add
two tablespoonfuls of glycerine. Rub this
cream well into the skin frequently and
you will see a tremendous difference in
several days.
• • •
MISS WRINKLES—Here is a wrinkle
secret which has meant a fortune to many
a woman. It has the effect of making
the skin plump and youtbfnl, remarkably
vigorous aud fresh. You will positively
get the same results as any one else has.
Try it and you will see. Mix this yourself
at borne in a few moment*. Get two
ounces of eptol at the drug store for fifty
cents. Mix this with two tablespoonfuls
of glycerine in half * pint of water. Use
the cream very freely every day, and I’ll
warrant your friends • will quickly so* a
difference 1* your fac*.
* • •
VERY THIN—I assure you that you cau
make your hair grow long, silky and beau
tiful, stop it from falling—make it queen
ly. exceptional In vigor and growth. Make
up a mixture of one ounce of beta-quinoi
which your druggist will supply ytm for
fifty cents, and a full pint of bay rum, or
half a pint each of water and alcohol it
preferred. This make* * hafrgrowing
marvel. It Is also much cheaper than any
of the hair treatments you buy in pre
pared form. Use it and you’ll be a very
much surprised woman,
DISAPPOINTED—If you can't get the
sulfo solution for removing superfluous
hairs and the sintone for the complexion
send the price to “Secretary to Valeska
Suratt. 470 Thompson BMg.. Chicago,” and
my secretary will send it to you by mall
at once.—(Advt.)