Newspaper Page Text
“Pape’s Diapepsin” relieves
stomach distress in
five minutes
You don't want a slow remedy when
your stomach Is ba 4—or an uncertain
one—or a harmful one—your stomach
is too valuable; you mustn't injure it
■with drastic drugs.
rape’s Dianepsin is noted for Its
speed in giving relief; its ha»Tnlessne»s:
its certain unfailing action it. regulat
ing ack. sour, gassy s'omaeiß Its
muick relief tn indigestion, dyspepsia
and gastritis when caused by acidi»y has
it famous' the world over.
teip this wonderful stomach sweet
en* r in your home—keep it handy—get
a large fifty-cent case * iuni any drug
store rnd then If anyore should eat
s<ni<t!.!ng which doesn't agree with
them: if what they eat lays like lead,
ferments and sours and forms gas;
causes headache, dizziness and nausea;
eructations of acid and undigested food
—remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin
comes tn contact with the stomach it
helps to neutralise the excessive acidity,
then all the stomach distress caused by
it disappears. Its promptness, certainty
and ease in overcoming such stomach
disorders is a revelation to those who
try it.—(Advt.i
F*Ar* thia fine Made-to- Ouriffir
Maaaura Suit and don’t andFH
nay tea ana cant for H. Iff ■
we vast yea to x-t coe of our hi«b- VT fa ***"
class iat». abaolutrly f r.., ro
can show it to roar fn.rcs. It will
boa b.« adxe-ttoasnesrt tc rus
U ms. z Joife.•.
you can eaa-.y make Irani 9
and beetoae that bo the best- L»>
draoead man in your town. It's an
opportunity mo cermet afferd to BrxTtylteOM
overtook. Don't delay a sxntuc.
Wrh* for thu Offar at OnuteniMf
Drop ua a line or send us your name Wr .•
oa a postal cad and we will send WM VLj
yea aUoiut*«y Fraa. our wenaerfalUl VW
style book. containing dosent of jam- fa MS
phased fashion plat ee to rhooee f rmw *J| U
Write Hew. Eoerything sent Free 13
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New Feather Beds Only $8.4?
P«>l wetoM » poenls. B-peand New Feather Pillows li t#
per pair, aatiefwttoo eearanteeii. Write tor tree cataloa.
Mufatu FUTBEB « PILLOW CO.. Beet 110 fcaeoatore. B. C.
Wo Pay Froickt WIBH||KSSS9**>
Let us save you the sjre-ts S '
• > 4». *r» .--t-- a ■ - flßE2f»S£3r-- '-i
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w» je:l the wonderful ■iSaj
"ILOOBtOO" d -»ct f-'n
lectary at wholesale priced IWjHbwww
and pwarawtee yes a saving MJ
M half. The KLOOS ADO »K* J&rl
(all bearing, has ail latest itn
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fa writing for TO years. Yours fl g
Free for 30 Deys. Send aa no •
Money la Advenes. We prove arhat we say Send for free
antatog today and eave money. Pncea •< ’.4S to •23.55.
EMctidfl Swing Machine CB„
Smoke Inhalation
Expels Catarrh
Send Ten Cents for Trial Outfit
There mint be readers suffering from • iironic
catarrh who would like to know bow they can
atop catching cold after cold, for they must |
realise that sooner or later this tnay lead to :
serious deafness and injury to the system in
Sound ad rite is to stop taking medicine into I
the stomach, spraying the throat, or putting
salves in the nose, none of which leads far
tback enough into the
head and lungs. I»r. ■
J. W. Blo»*er, Box |
2514. Atlants, (la., a i
rospe. ted physician. ,
\ and for forty-three
an enormously
successful specialist .
in catarrh, is the dis- i
coverer of a pleasant, •
tevA direct method that
X- / can be used by man,
woman or child.
His reme-ly to not an ointment, spray, naive, j
pili or tablet, but is made from medicinal i
herbs, flowers and berries. which you smoke i
in a dainty pipe or cigarette, and inhale the ,
rape, into all the air passages. it contains
no tobn-vo. even though it fa used in the I
same manner.
Dr. Btosver's Remedy is amazingly effective I
la all forms of catarrh, bronchial irritation,
catarrhal headache, asthma and ear troubles
that may lead to deafness. You will breathe
bett-r and feel better
after using It.
Fend your name
with ten cents in
coin or stamps for a W.
trial outfit (month'«| ATR
supply, either form. \ ; jyS .f
one dollar;, which
sends by mall Y«u<
will receive some of f /A
the Remedy for
smoking in a pipe, a TTr< I
neat little pipe, and r
also souse medicated
cigarettes, an yoc can decide which form you
like best —(Advt.i
No Relief—Mrs. Brown Fin
ally Cured by Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable
Cleveland, Ohio.—“For years I strf.
sered bo sometimes it seemed as though
‘lllllllllil lliill'ili II lP not stand
it any longer. It
jOnSKB was all in my lower
organs. At times I
could hardly walk,
WgW* for if I stepped on a
Httle stone I would
almost faint One
jtte Jah* day 1 did faint and
F husband was
I sent for and the doc
jfeF tor camo. I was ta-
fcen the hospital
and stayed four weeks but when I came
borne I would faint just the same and
had the same pains.
A friend who is a nurse asked me to
try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I began taking it that very day
for I was suffering a great deal. It has
already done me more good than tho
hospital. To anyone whois suffering
as I was my advice is to stop in the first
drug-store and get a bottle of Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound before
you go home.’’ —Mrs. W. C. BROWN,
*344 W. 12th St, Cleveland, Ohio. ’
{German Officer Never Wants
to See Fatherland Again, but
Longs for the Open Road, He
Tells Journal Reporter
"To be free! To go where you will
Hand do what you please; to be out .n
the open like other men. with the wind
i in your face and the sun in your eyes,
t Not to be cooped up in chicken wire
| under a sentry's gun. but to be free!
That's why we did it.”
■ Arnold Henckel, the German officer
who has won the name of "The Modern
, Monte Cristo.” by his five attempts to
1 escape from his enemies, thus gave the
• reason for the tunnel flight from Fort
McPherson, just before he. with four of
his companions, was placed in a sheet
-11 iron cell at the war prison barracks at
a late hour last night.
”1 had no friends on the outside. I did
not want to go back to Germany,, I
I never want to see Germany again. 1 only
wanted to be free!" he told a reporter
‘ for The Journal, as the two sat side by
I side In the automobile that bore Henckel
through the night from the Terminal
, station to the war prison.
•'Yes. I will try again.” he nodded, his
| white teeth breaking into a jolly smile.
I ' How—l don’t know. Underground was
the best way; right now 1 don’t see any
■ other. No"—meditatively—”1 don't
know—yet. Rut I will try again, I think
1 need an aeroplane—yes?”
With an engaging frankness and In
. English marked only by a slight ac
cent. Henckel spoke freely, relating
every incident of the tunnel escape,
from the time he, an officer of engi
neers. drew the pla*ns. until he was cap
tured Friday by Georgia farmers st
Surrency. Ga.. and brought back to
Atlanta by the Surrency city marshal
and Surrency justice of the peace.
It was Henkel who planned the escape
five hours after he reached Fort McPher
son from Oglethorpe. It was Henkel
i who had a sailor steal a pick and a
shovel. It was Henkel who connected
the electricity with the tunnel and got a
score of men to dig day and night. It
was Henkel who picked the nine men
to go with him and persuaded a hundred
others not to try it. It was Henkel who
led them to the Terminal station and
bought their tickets for south Georgia.
It was Henkel who stuck by them be
cause they could not speak English, al
though he himself might easily have
escaped alone. And it was Henkel who.
after their capture, turned to L. J. Baley,
Atlanta, chief of the departmnt of jus
i tice, and said:
"Say, Mr. Baley, if there’s any blame
, for this, it's mine—see? I planned it
and I engineered it all. I don’t know
what they do to a prisoner of war for
trying to escape, but whatever it Is, do
it to me, and let the others go.”
The return of Henkel and the four oth
ers to Fort McPherson was the main de
velopment of the day' Saturday in the
south-wide man hunt for the escaped
Germans. With the capture of Henkel
and his four companions. Carl Schtiltxe,
Paul Eisner, Maximillian Menxinger and
Granx Beer, added to the capture of
Johann Adlehardt at the J. K. Orr Shoe
company's factory Friday, and the cap
ture of Paul Falk, the first to be taken,
I on Carroll street last Wednesday, only
three of the prisoners are still
at large.
They are Lieutenant Hans Berg, the
Romeo captain of many sweethearts, and
two sailors, Alfred Goescher and Paul
Sadel. Officials believe that they are
still in Atlanta, but so far no clue to
j their whereabouts has been reported. A
. telephone call to police station Saturday
night said that a German was seen near
i the Fulton Bag & Cotton mills disguised
as a woman, but investigation proved
this a false alarm.
I Henkel. Schultze, et al., arrived in At-
Ilanta at 9:20 o'clock Saturday night on
board Southern railway train Number 26
from Brunswick. Ga They had l>een
j riding all day in the Pullman, with
i Robert E. Newman and Howell E. Jack-
I son. two secret seryice men from At
. lanta: J. H. Carroll, city marshal of Sur
-1 rency; and C. E. Sykes, justice of the
peace of Surrency. The two latter were
the leaders of the farmers who caught
the Germans near Surrency, and they
i will collect 1250 —>50 a head—as reward
before they return to Surrency some time
Quite a flattering reception committee
was on hand at the Terminal station to
greet "the prodigal sons.” as somebody
called them, but there was no fatted calf
in sight. Only half a score secret serv
ice men, newspaper reporters and a pho
tographer who had his camera all set up
I and waiting.
Board of Exemptions
Reversed by President
Three cases from the board of exemp
tions for the northern district of Geor
gia have been reversed bj' the president,
according to a telegram received Satur
day morning by Acting Adjutant Gen
eral Joel B. Mallet from Washington.
Nine rulings of the district board were
I upheld.
One of the reversals was in the case
iof George Walter Acary, of Coweta conn
ty, a head turner who was so valuable
ito the cooperage company by which he
I was employed that the plant had to shut
| down when Acary was selected for serv
ile*. Acary could turn 12.000 barrel
I heads a day. his employers claimed,
! while no other man available could turn
* more than S 000.
Officials Confer Over
Construction of Ships
WASHINGTON. Oct. 29—The immi
nent necessity of speeding up ship con
struction was emphasised at a confer
ence here today between Atlantic coast
ship builders and officials of the Emer
gency Fleet corporation, the navy de
partment, the department of labor and
the American Federation of Labor.
The labor question was discussed in
detail, special consideration being given
to feasible methods for attracting skill
ed workers to shipyards. Unless the
present labor shortage is relieved with
out delay, officials claim it will be
necessary to consider drastic methods
for conscription of workmen.
For Infante and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
j Signee of
Some Facts About the
Billy Sunday Revival
Th* revival will last seven weeks,
beginning, Sunday, November 4.
Mr. Sunday will preach ninety-four
sermons, twenty-four on Sundays
and seventy on week days.
Tho Sunday services will be held
at 10:45 a. m., 2:30 p. m. and 7:15
p. m. A4. ■SI
The week day services will be heid
at 2:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m.
The services will vary in length
from au hour and a quarter to two
There will be seven sermons for
men only.
There will be two sermons for
women only.
Tlie first of the sermons for meu
only will be delivered on the second
Thursday night and the third Sun
day afternoon Of 1 the revival.
Offerings will be taken at all serv
ices to meet the current expenses of
the revival—the budget calling for
After all expenses are paid the of
ferings will be discontinued.
A free-will offering will be taken
on the last day to compensate Mr.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 27.—That the
wholesalers' profit in war times, of
least on non-perishable foods, should
be governed by. the price he actually
pays for the goods he sells, and not
by prevailing market condition*, is the
principle established by the food ad
ministration in special regulations which
will be put into effect November t with
respect to a large number of commodi
ties. The rule is one of a large number
which are now being completed for the
guidance of the food dealers who will
next week be placed under license by
the food administration.
It provides that no dealer in certain
specified commodities shall sell “at
more than » reasonable advance over
the actual purchase price of the partic
ular goods sold, without regard to the
market or replacement value at the
time of such sale.”
The commodities covered by the rule
include beef, pork and mutton, syrups
and molasses, cleaned rice and rice
flour, oleomargerine. lard and lard sub
stitutes. oleo oil. cooking fats condensed
milk and various canned goods, and
dried fruits.
(Continued from Page 1.)
entirely upon the number of big guns
the allies are able to get to Cadorna
before the great battle along the Taglla
mento begins.
Territorials at Alpleso and Cretto,
composing the routed second army, were
responsible for the general Italian de
feat. the cables said. Against these
troops—all men of more tha.n forty
years of age, with families and only
partially trained to military service—
the full force of Mackensen's drive was
That Italy was betrayed by German
spies is the firm belief of Italian of
ficials here. Otherwise Mackensen could
never have known the weak point in
the Italian lines.
The Hun hordes struck that part of
the Italian lines held by the territorials,
from a point east of Tolmlna to Pon
Hundreds of Italian villages will be
left behind Cadorna including such im
portant points as Udine, Palmanova,
Tarcento and most important of all.
Italians Checking Teuton
Advance, Rome Claims
ROME. Oct 29. —The Italians are
checking the advance of the Austro-Ger
man troops into the plains of northern
Italy, the war office announces.
The Italian troops are fulfilling their
duty and all movements ordered by the
general staff are being carried out. the
statement says.
The announcement follows:
"All movements ordered by the gener
al staff are being carried out quite
regularly and the troops which are op
posing the enemy are fulfilling their
duty by keeping in check his advance
into the plains.”
London Says Steps Have
Been Taken to Relieve Italy
LONDON, Oct. 29.—Steps already have
been taken for rendering the fullest
possible assistance to the Italians.
Germans Evacuate Werder
Peninsula, Petrograd Says
PETROGRAD, Oct. 29.—The Germans
have evacuated the Werder peninsula
on the Gulf of Riga, where they made a
landing recently, the war office an
The announcement, says Werder. Ma
nor has been burned and that provisions
have been stolen.
Not fighting has taken place in the
Gulf of Finland, but trawlers are ac
tive there. t
Germans Attack Near Verdun
And Gain New Footing
PARIS. Oct. 29.—An attack was mad<
by tlie Germans last night on the Ver
dun front neqr Chaume wood. The wa:
office reports that they gained a foot
ing in the advanced French position?
but that the greater part of the grount
was regained in a counter attack.
Heavy artillery fighting continuer
on the Aiane front and in Flanders.
The announcement follows:
Tn Belgium rather violent artil
lery actions occurred north of
South of St. Quentin we made an
attack which enabled us to bring
l>ack a machine gun and prisoners.
On the Aisne front spirited ar
tillery fighting occurred near Hur
tebaise and on the sector north of
Our detachments penetrated Ger
man trenches in the Argonne and
on the left bank of the Meuse,
bringing back ten prisoners. On
the right bank of the Meuse the
German artillery violently bom
barded our positions on the front
between Chaume wood and Bezon
vaux. An attack followed. The
enemy, beaten back by our tire,
was not able to approach our lines
except at a single point north of
Caurieres wood, where he gained a
footing for a distance of about 500
meters in our advanced positions.
Our troops counter attacked imme
diately and regained the greater
part of the occupied ground. We
took prisoners.
In Aprewiont forest an enemy at
tack on one of our small poets gave
no result.
Evangelist Offers Prayer for
Sunday Says Unbelief
Began Over Prussian Beer
Mugs and Pretzels
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 27.—-That the
"flag may wave without a stain until
the iron cross Is sunk fathoms in hell”
was the prayer offered by Rev. “Billy”
Sunday, evangelist, for use today, pro
claimed by President Wilson a day of
prayer. The prayer follows:
"Almighty God, our Heavenly Father,
we pray Thee that the war may con
tinue until Prussian militarism is swept
off the face of the earth until the
snake of autocracy is crushed forever,
until democracy is unshackled, until
justice has a fair show, u'ntil the virtue
of woman is sure of protection, until
little children no longer go hungry,
until the kaiser and his cohorts have
unpacked thenr trunks on St. Helena's
barren rocks.
"And in the meantime give each one
of us the fighting spirit that led the
crusaders to victory. If we do not fight
with otir hands in the trenches, help us
to fight with sacrificing hearts at home.
“Tliou' knowest, O Lord, we have not
entered this bloody war because of
avarice and because we do not covet
Germany’s lands. We have drawn the
sword to defend our country against the infamous, blood-thirsty horde of
human harpies that ever disgraced the
earth. They respect neither law nor
religion: nothing is sacred as it stands
in their path.
•■(> Lord, bless the president; give hi in
wisdom; bless all the councils of state
and war. Keep us a united nation in
fact and spirit. Bless the army and
navy. Many of our brave boys already
sleep somewhere in France, or beneath
the sea. Bring victory to our cause,
because we know it is your cau'se. We
have joined hands and hopes and hearts
with our noble allies that this world
may be a safe place in which to live.
“Thou knowest, Lord, that the tidal
wave of sneering unbelief that has
blighted the faith of millions and de
nied that Jesus is Thine only begotten
son. came from the beer mugs of that
pretzel Crowd across the esa. This, to
gether with the deluge of blood, is
enough to make hell laugh and heaven
“Lord, Thou hast never forsaken our
flag, ft waves without a stain. May It
lead every step of the way until the
iron cross is sunk fathoms in hell and
the world rests once more bathed in the
radiance of the c/oss of Christ.
"All this we ask in the name of Jesus
Christ, Thy Son, our Saviour. Amen."
French Army Veterans
Arrive to Demonstrate
Fine Points in Fighting
Camp Gordon, Ga.. Oct. 27. —Five French
officers, fresh from the trenches and ex
perts i nth(* methods of modern warfare,
arrived at Camp Gordon Saturday morn
ing and prepared to go on duty as in
structors for the selectmen, teaching
them the fine points of trench fighting.
Major Jean M. Dereviers will have
general supervision of the instruction,
assisted by Captain DeVrieux. The corps
of instructors includes Louise Teillon,
a specialist in hand grenade throwing;
Raymond J. Bourel and Charles Pavin,
artillery experts.
Lieutenant Adrian Day, Francois Bul
let and Maurice DeFort, specialists in
hand grenade throwing and “liason.” are
due to arrive within a day or two to nit
the complement of French instructors.
All the French officers and men left
the trenches only two months ago. hav
ing fought through the war since its be
ginning in August, 1914.
lam Sincere! Stop Calomel!
I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone
Listen to me! Calomel sickens and you may lose a
day’s work. If bilious, constipated or
headachy read my guarantee.
....... up yw-. - «...
fine and cheerful; make your work a
pleasure; be vigorous and full as ambi
tion. But take no nasty, dangerous
calomel, because it makes you sick and
you may lose a day's work.
Calomel is mercury or quicksilver
which causes necrosis of the bones. Cal
omel crashes into sour bile like dyna
mite, breaking it up. That's when you
feel that awful nausea and cramping.
Listen to me! If you want to enjoy
the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel
cleansing you ever experienced, just take
a spoonful of harmless Dodson’s Liver
Tone tonight. Your druggist or dealer
sells you a bottle of Dodson's Liver
Tone for a few cents under my personal
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Here’s a Billy Sunday
Prayer That Will Be
Heard During Revival
"Oh, Lord, sweep over this city
and save the business men of this
community, the young men and wom
en. Oh, God, save us all from the
cesspools of hell and corruption Into
the ranks of that miserable, God
forsaken crew who axe feeding’, fat
tening and gormandizing on the peo
ple. Get everybody interested in hon
esty, and decency, and sobriety and
make them fight to the last ditch for
God. There are too many cowards,
four-flushers in the cburch.’’
Prices Can’t Be Reduced Un
less People Eat Less,
He Says
WASHINGTON. Oct. 27.—“ The gov
ernment of the United States is asking
every citizen of the country to eat less
beef, pork, pork products, wheat, but
ter and sugar, and to waste no food
stuffs, as an act of common defense.”
This is the explanation given today
by Herbert Hoover, food administrator,
of the meaning of national food pledge
week, which begins tomorrow and con
tinues until November 4. Half a mil
lion canvassers are ready for the cam
paign’ to induce at least thirteen million
of the country’s twenty-two million
housewives to sign the pledge to con
serve food during the war.
“Owing to the large failure of the har
vest in France and Italy, and the in
ability to send the world's shipping to
remote markets,” said Mr. Hoover, "we
have thrust upon us a larger duty in
providing foodstuffs for them than we
are capable of executing, unless we can
reduce the consumption of these food
stuffs in the United States. If we can
not secure this reduction in consump
tion, we cannot maintain them con
stantly in the war. If we fail. the
western line will move to the Atlantic
“Furthermore, the problem of amelior
ating the prices to the American con
sumer is entirely involved in our ability
to supply the allied needs and still leave
us a sufficiency at home. If we ac
cept the alternative of maintaining the
allies in the war from our supplies,
without savings, we shall have short
ages in the United States that make
any hope of price control absolutely fu
"It is, therefore, in the interest of
every American man, woman and child
in the United States that we should
accomplish these ends —first, in his per
sonal defense and protection, and, sec
ond, in the interests of his pocket
“Beyond all this, and greater than
this, is the question of common human
ity. There are now millions of women
and children in Europe solely dependent
upon us for foodstuffs, and if we had
no other reason it should appeal to ev
ery individual in the United States to
sacrifice something in the name of com>-
mon humanity.
"We are endeavoring to direct these
problems with all the intelligence that
we can summon in the United States.
We are asking every home, every hotel,
and every trade to carry out our direc
tions for the conservation of foodstuffs
and the elimination of waste. The wom
en >of the United States are making a
magnificent endeavor in this prime na
tional service, and we have a just right
to appeal to every man that he should
support them in this work. We ask a
pledge from every home and every pub
lic eating place, and we ask the men
and s women of America to maintain tke
proper attitude to all who refuse to
fall in with this request.”
-uacK guaraa.&e cucu opou i
ful will clean your sluggish liver bet
ter than a dose of nasty calomel and
that it won't make you sick.
podson's Liver Tone is real liver medi
cine. You’ll know it next morning be
cause you will wake up feeling fine,
your liver will be working: headache ani
dizziness gone: stomach will be sweet
and bowels regular.
Dodson’s Liver Tone is entirely vege
table, therefore harmless and can not
salivate. Give it to your childrent Mil
lions of people are using Dodson’s Liver
Tone instead of dangerous calomel now
Your druggist will tell you that the sale
of calomel is almost stopped entirely
here. —(Advt.)
a*AIL order bouses waste thousands of B£sT AITK 155 ACA 1 |
■ . c-jT dollars dally sending ex peon ve cate- PATENT frl 111 IK Iff X-*" I t
{ , loguee to people that don’t mean bustnese. eainv ■ LUU 11 V— — I »
We ettmlnate this waste and sell for leas by fsa»l.T —U 1 I
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Pure Grocery
groceries every day In the year. Indies- As««to»t« Ow wbotamto I I
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Results In
Hair Growth
“There’s a Sure and. Easy Way of
Having Beautiful Hair," Says
Valeska Suratt, the Movie
A l EASI'RE the length of your hair today.
•L' l use the formula 1 give you here, and
then measure your hair again in 30 days.
The difference will startle you, I feel sure.
You are an exception if you have not at
some time used something for your hair. In
trying this you will realize the reason for
my urging you so strongly to try it. If
you have never used a hair-grower it will
also pay you to use it. Go to your drug
gist and get one ounce of beta-quinol at
any drug store for fifty cents, and mix
it at home with a pint of bay rum or a
half pint of alcohol and half pint of water
if preferred. It contains no oil and is a
delight to use. It should be applied every
day to get results. Bald spots will fill
out quickly, and the hair will take on a
new. beautiful luster. This mixture gives
intense stimulation to hair growth. Thj
formula given makes a very economical
hair grower, more effective and much less
in price than hair treatments sold in ready
prepared form.
a a a
WAITING —I have never been able to find
words to express the beautifying action
of this formula on the skin. You should
try it by all means; only then can you
realize how you have wasted time, money
and an opportunity by using, other things.
Make your own mixture at home of one
ounce of zintone and two tablespoonfuls of
glycerine in a pint of water. This makes over
a pint, a large quantity for a compere-
A Perfect Baby
To possess a literally perfect child
is by no means impossible. The ex
pectant mother should be calm and
the days should be filled with sun
shine and happiness.
Millions of women have used the
safe, external, penetrating prepara
tion known as “Mother’s Friend.”
By its use the abdominal muscles,
which nature is expanding, relax
easily when baby is born. This nat-
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tively small price. Your skin will blossom •'
out like a rose, all spots will disappear ?
very quickly, and your dream of a beau- .
tiful complexion will surely come true. The :
rdntone will cost fifty cents at the drug
store. .
• • •
DISGUSTED—You are no different from >
other women. You want to be sure to get ;
rid of wrinkles and you want to de it '
quickly. That it can be done will be |
proven to you in an astounding way in a
short time, if you will make up the fol
lowing cream at home by mixing two
ounces of eptol and two tablespoonfuls of •
glycerine in a half pint of water. Fifty'”
cents at the drug store will get enough
eptol to make over a pint of this remark
able wrinkle remover. Here is your chance
to make your friends “take it all back.”
RETIRING—Juet moisten those hatre
with some sulfo solution, and In a few
moments on bathing the skin with water
you will be startled to see that every trace
of hair will be gone. This preparation la
delightful because it is safe and leaves
the skin soft and smooth. It is all ready
to use, and there is nothing to get ready
It never fails even on the heaviest growth,
and delicate skins may be treated with It.
with perfect safety. A hair-free skin is
always a delight. The snlfo solution will
cost one dollar at any drug store.
MRS. H. C. E.—ls it should occur again
that yon can not get the beta-qulnol for
the hair and the eptol for wrinkles, send
the price to my secretary. addressing,
“Secretary to Valeska Suratt, 470 Thomp
son Bldg.. Chicago,” and you will be at
once supplied by mail.—(Advt.)
urally makes for infinitely less pain
and danger at the crisis.
Write to The Bradfield Regulator
Co., Dept. H, 300 Lamar Building.
Atlanta. Ga., for Interesting free
book “Motherhood and the Baby.”
Do not neglect to get a bottle of
“Mother's Friend” from your drug**
gists’ tonight. It is a tried prepara
tion and is of the greatest value to
expectant mothers.— (Advt.)