Newspaper Page Text
C LtT’S Itif* ©F* *• vuHat’TA /GoOob Bye, JCFFf <T's
THE use OF keeping up YHis TP-bife THIS WWM IT will I Fofe M£ . J- Him* TWO \IN you H(P J /'ZZ . / \
Senseless stkuggle ujcrkfcie-s. "that* will j \ Meteis to RuU / \ \ ( » nt' i
Due amT> I Haveai’v eaTEM I \6oot> ByeJj, —' X —.*—■Foß A RMNY./ \ —
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Decision Affects Staple's Re
shipments in the Atlanta
I . and Gulf Territory
WASHINGTON. Oct. ST —Complaint
by the New Orleans cotton exchange
that rates on eotton from points on the
Southern railway within a radius of to New Orleans were unreason
able was upheld today by the interstate
commerce commission. A maximum
rate of fifty cents per hundred pounds
was prescribed.
The commission found that present
rates do not discriminate against New
Orleans as a rule, but granted relief.
from the long and short haul clause to j
Ohio river crossings. South Atlantic andi
Gulf ports and eastern cities. from
points on the Mississippi and its trib
utaries and Mobile. Relief from the
long and short haul provision was de- •
nled to the same destination from in
terior junction points.
’’’he maintenance of provisions for
concentration of cotton at Atlanta from
points on the Atlanta division of the
Louisville and Nashville railroad from
reshlpment to south Atlantic ports and j
denying concentration at that point
when the cotton was intended for re
st: prnent to Neu- Orleans was found
unduly prejudicial to New Orleans. The
maintenance of such provisions at Mont
gomery and Selma. Ala., went for re
aliipment to Mobile and Pensacola and I
the denial of such privileges when the
eotton was intended for reshipment to-
New Orleans also was found prejudicial
to New Orleans.
The maintenance of rates on uncom
pressed cotton in connection with the
p:.v|lege to the carrier of compressing
war held to be not unduly prejudicial
against New Orleans shippers
Orders carrying into effect not later
;han February 1 the commission’s find
ings were issued
increased~coal prices
WASHINGTON. Oct. 1* —Changes in
coal prices at the mines, which should I
be reflected tn prices to the public, were
announced today by the fuel administrat
or. together with the first <cale of I
prices at Michigan mine?. They fol
Michigan P.un of mine. $3.15 seer ton;
prepared sixes. $3.50. stacker screen
ings. $3 20.
The changes were mostly increases.
on coal used for domestic purposes and
will affect all Montana mines and lo
calities in Arkansas. Illinois and Mis
souri. New Montana prices are: Pre
pared sizes increased from $2.95 to
$3 50; slacker or screening reduced from
$3.45 to $1.50. The Paris. Arkansas,
field prepared sizes were increased from
$3.90 to $4.50. but slack and screenings,
used largely in industries, reduced from
$3.40 to $2
The McClean coal shaft at Blooming- .
ton. 111.. was allowed $4 for its prepar
ed sites, instead of $2.55. the original
government price, and $1.(0 for slack
or screenings, instead of $2.15.
In the Putnam county and the Long
wall thin seam mines of Randolph
eounty Missouri, the new scale is:
Run of mine. $3.15. instead of $3.70;
prepared sizes. $3 40. instead of $3.95;
slack and screenings. $2.90. instead of
92 45.
If cross, feverish, constipated,
give “California Syrup
of Figs”
A laxative today saves a sick child to
morrow. Children simply will not take
the time from play to empty their bow
els. which become clogged up with
waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach sour.
Look at the tongue. Mother! If coat
ed or your child is listless, cross, fever
ish. breath bad. restless, doesn’t eat
heartily, full of cold or has sore throat
or any other children’s ailment, give a
teaspoonful of •’California Syrup of
Figs.” then don't worry, because It is
perfectly harmless, and In a few hours
all this constipation poison, sour bile
and fermenting waste will gently move
out of the bowels, and you have a well
playful child again. A thorough "in
side cleansing” is oftimes all that is
necessary It should be the first treat
ment given in any sickness.
Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask
your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of
•■California Syrup of Figs.” which has
full directions for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups plainly printed
on the bottle. Look carefully and see
that it is made by the "California Fig
Syrup Company.”—TAdvt.l
EFfBSS|(NEW 300 Kt Trill ho« to Get
Acquainied How to Beg n Courtship
MT $ How to Court a Bashful Girl; to Woo *
Widow; to win an Heireaa; tow to catch
'/,'/[ fc Rich Barhe-or: how to manage your
B* ll jrourfellowor girllove you; what todo
before and after the wedding. Tell* 1
J other thing! aeccMarv so» Lovera to
know. Sample copy be mail 10 eeata.
ROT AL BOOK CO., Bax 02 Bc. Barwalk, Cana.
“ ( * < ’ ■„ >. v
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Seven Hundred Dollars Distrib
uted for Southeastern
Fair Products
’4uite a ceremonial session attended
the presentation of badges and money
awards to the winning members of the
Fulton County Pig club and the Fulton
County Canning club Saturday morning
at the courthouse, when about S7OO was
distributed among some fifty or more
boys and girls.
The awards were made as tne result
of the competitions in the swine e.xhib
:e at the southeastern fair, when the
pig clubs of the entire state were rep
resented by exhibits of high grade pigs
raised by the embryo farmers.
The Fulton County Pig club carried
off a majority of the prizes in the spe
cial competitions for this class of ex
hibits and in addition to the awards
made by the fair association, cash
prizes were offered by the county com
missioners and by various packing con
cerns with branches in this territory.
In all, the cash prizes amount to ap
proximately $2,000 and the balance of
the awards will be made within a few
da vs.
Chairman Oscar Mills, of the county
commissioners, made a very inspiring
address to the members of the pig and
canning clubs, the girls of the latter
organization also gathering at the court
house to receive the’r badges and rib
After the presentations, the club
members were grouped on the court
house steps and posed for a photograph
to be preserved in memory of the occa
The winners in Hampshire class wire:
Robert Cook. Aubry Sheets, Leo Roberts,
Homer Pair. Looney Henderson, Max
Clot feller. Obie Yancey. Ernest King,
Burdette. Samuel Adams, Clar
ence Henderson, Mills. Dan Har
rison, George Sheats, Allen Oliver, G- W.
The winners In* Duroc class were:
John K. Ottley, Jr.. Dodge Baker, Ed
ward Miles, Harold Clotfelter. Knox Bar
ron. Craig Matthews. Powell Moody,
Charles Clarke, Richard Mansion. Pink
Barron. Luther Moody, Hattie Ix>u Car
roll. Marshall Jackson. Charles Clotfel
ter. Thomae Moody. Burk Black. Ralph
King. James Baker. Walter Moore, V. B.
Moore, Jr.
The winners in Berkshire were: Ches
ter King. Robert Cook. Raymond Oliver.
Howard Burdett. Maurice Hazelrigs,
Spencer Woodward, Cecil Brown. James
Rogers. Orin Rogers, Samuel Wallace,
Roy Camp. R. E. Thomas. Jr., Ivey Cook
Kenneth Brown.
Army Cook Arrested
PENDEETON, Ore., Oct. 27.—Acting
'upon instructions from the V. S. Mar
shals office at Portland, deputy sheriffs
[today arrested on a presidential war
irant William Dolfen, chief cook .of the
•Third Oregon Infantry. He was taken
'from, a special train bearing the Third
[Oregon to eastern points. Instructions
ireceived here stated Dolfen is charged
■ with being an alien enemy.
CHICAGO, Oct. 2V. -Rains wbich threatened
tc delay the inurement of the new crop put some
strength today Into the corn market. Predic
tions of freezing temperatures, however, acted
subsequently as more than an offset. Trade in
tne aggregate was small. Opening prices, which
tanged from the aume as Saturday's finish to
vt %<• higher, with December $1.18% and May
• 1.13% to 1.13% til. 13%, ”■«•** followed by
moderate additional upturns and then a setback
to slightly under the latest figures of Satur
torn closed %@%c net higher, with Decem
ber $1.18% snd May Si .13%@1.15%.
Oats duplicated the action of com.
Transient advances took place in the provi
sion market, owing to the initial firmness of
grain. Forecasts of colder weather, though, led
to talk of probable increased arrivals of hogs.
The following were th* ruling prices in the
rcuarge vai.ty.
Open. High. Low. Close. Close.
Dec. ,|1» ■.« llS’s 11” 11‘1» >lB%
Jan .11t1%@116 116% lift’s 11« 116’. »
May. .1t3%&113’» 113% 112% 113% 112%
Dec.. . .ftß%otftß% Sai- 57% 58% SS’.i
May.. .60 @59% o'l 89% GO 50%
October 42.00 42.00
January .. ..41.05 41.20 40.50 41.00 40.85
I. A till—
October .. ..24.8ft 24.85 24.8 ft 24.80 24.87
November .. 24.75 24.77 24.7 ft 24.77 24.75
January .. .22.40 22.40 22.23 22.40 22.30
October .. .. ' 28.20
January .. ..22.25 22.25 22.05 22.17 22.10
Wheat, cars .. 51
Corn, cars ~ 54
(its, ears 206
Hogs, head 28,000
Wheat, ipcrease4,
lorn, decrease 104,000
Oats, increase 420,000
' HICAGO, Oct. 29. Corn—No. 2 yellow. 32.08
<'<l2.lo; No. 3 yellow. $2.07; No. 4 yellow.
tints—No. 3 white. 59%@60c; standard. 59%
@OO %c.
Rye—No. 2, $1.8@1.79.
Barley. g1.10M1.34.
Timothy, 36.50'q 8.00.
Clover. $18.00fti24.00
Pork nominal. ’
Lard, 824.90@23.00.
Ribs, $28.256128.150.
The following were the cash quotations on
train and the previous close:
WHEAT— t'lose. Prev. Clo Se.
No. 2 red None None
No. 2 white.. ..None None
No. 2. 1 95
No. 2 yellow.. ..1.98
No. 2 white.. ..2.08
No. 258
No. 3 white .. .. 89%
NEW YORK. Oct. 20.—Flour quiet and firm.
Pork strong; mess, $48.004148.50.
Lard unsettled and nominal; middle west
spot. $23.50'025.40.
Sugar- Raw dull; centrifugal, 96 test, 6.90;
molasse’. 89 tost. 6.02; refined dull: cut lonf.
9.85; crushed. 9.60; powdered, 8 80'08.55; gran
ulated, 8.85.
Coffee—Rio No. 7. on spot. Bc.
Tallow--Specials easy. 16c; city, 15%c;
Hot strong; No. 1. $1,20@ 1.25; No. 8. SI.OO
@1.25; clover. Bftc@sl.lf>.
Dressed poultry dull: turkeys, 14@85c: chick
ens. 206,360; fowls. 19@27%e; ducks, 256/270.
Live poultry dull; geese, 18c; ducks, 2010 23c;
fowls, 16'5210; turkeys. 18c; roosters, 16c;
chickens, broilers, 19@21c.
Georgia common rate points. $62.50.
Cotton sse f.o.b. Atlanta, 565.00.
Xu». YORK, Oct. 29.—The cotton market
«as extremely nervous and unsettled during
today's early trading. The Italian news ap
peared to increase the disposition to take
profits on long cotton and there was a good
deal o freaetionary sentiment around the ring,
with the market opening easy at n decline of
18 to 31 points. Active months sold 20 to 37
points net “lower after the call with December
touching 20.88 and January 20.40. Buying by
trade and Liverpool interests checked the de
cline at thia level, while there was covering
on the prospect of another cold wave, and the
estimate of a Memphis authority placing frost
damage at 1,171,000 bales. December rallied
to 27.08 and Jnitnnry to 20.50, but this bulge
met Increased offerings, the market still being
nervous and Irregular during the middle of the
There wore rallies of several points during
the midle of the morning on the unfavorable
weather news and trade buying but the market
soon weakened under continued liquidation with
January selling off to 26.34. and March to 26.00
around midday or about 28 points net lower.
The farket was easier during the afternoon
under nn Increased volume of Wall street and
western liquidation, while there was also heavier
southern selling. January broke to 25.88 and
Mundi to 25.62, or about 66 to 75 points net
The following were the ruling prices on the
•v.-hange tods.v:
Tone, steady: middling, 27.85 c, quiet,
T.a«t Peer.
Open. High. Low. Sale. Close. Close.
Jan 26.42 26.62 25.85 26.00 26.00 26.62
Feb 25.80 26.45
Mar 26.15 26.25 25.55 25.73 25.72 26.28
Apr 25.63 26.20
May .. .. 25.94 26.10 25.47 25.62 25.62 26.06
June 25.52 25.90
July .. .. 25.70 25.86 25.29 25.54 25.52 25.90
Aug‘25.24 25.50
Nov 26.99 27.60
Dec 27.10 23.23 35.55 26.70 26.69 27.21
NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 29.—The cotton market
here opened easy anil rather irregular today.
The selling movement of last week was carried
ever. Offerings of short cotton were stimu
lated by thg Italian reverses and the market
teceived little support. In the first half hour
prices lost 15 to 29 points.
Heavy selling appeared toward the middle of
ths day and at noon active months wore 44 to
73 points tinder Saturday's close. December
showing the most weakness.
Scalping shorts were profit takers in the
afternoon and the demand from them chocked
tlie decline and brought about a moderate re
covery. ’ At 1 o'clock prices were at a net de
cline of 46 to 58 points.
The following were tne ruling pric-s on the
•xihange today: •
Tcne steady: middling. 27.75 c: steady.
Last Prev.
Open. High. low. Sale. Close. Close.
Jin2s..’>s 25.63 24.89 25.01 24.99 25.61
I'eh 24.99 25.61
Mar 25.32 25.48 24.75 24.87 24.87 25.46
April 24.87 25.46
May 25.10 25.26 24.66 24.73 24.73 25.20
1n1y25.05 25.06 25.06 25.06 24.63
Nov 25.40 26.10
Dec 25.90 25.95 25.15 25.29 25.20 25.96
NEW OR!.EANS, Oct. 29.—Spot cotton steady
and unchanged. Sales on the spot 70S bales;
to arrive 883; low middling. 26.87: middling.
27.75: good middling, 28.25; Receipts 12.429;
MM*. 195.071.
Atlanta, steady, 27.80 c.
Now York, quiet, 27.85 c.
New Orleans, steady, 37.75 c.
Augusta, steady, 27.30<-.
Memphis, nominal, 27.20 c.
Savannah, nominal, 27.63 c.
Dallas, steady, 26.50<‘.
Charleston, steady, 27.50 c-.
Wilmington, steady, 27.50 c.
Montgomery, steady, 27.60 c.
Boston, steady, 27.85 c.
Philadelphia, quiet. 27.50 c.
Norfolk, steady, 27.50 c.
Houston, steady. 26.90 c.
Galveston, quiet, 27.20 c.
Mobile, steady. 27.50 c.
Little Rock, quiet, 27.50 c.
Atlanta spot cotton, new 27.80 c
Receipts 2.065
Shipments 1,406
Stocks 31,166
NOVEMBER— Hid. Asked.
Crude oil, prime basis 1.30 1.35
( rude oil, prime basis .. . ■ 1.25 1.3 -
Cottonseed cake, sound, loose,
S. S. Savannah
Cottonseed meal, 7 per cent
ammonia 46.00 47.00
Cottonseed meal, 7 per cent,
Georgia common rate point 45:50 46.00
Cottonseed bulls, loose .. .. 16.50 17.50
Cottonseed bulls, sacked.. .. 19.50 20.50
Linters, first cut, higli grade
Linters, clean, mill runo4V4 .05
Crude oil. prime basis
Cottonseed cak., sound, loose.
S. S. Savannah
Cottonseed meal. • per cent
ammonia 46.00 47.00
Cottonseed meal. 7 per cent,
Georgia common rate point 45.50 46.00
Cottonseed Lulls, loose .. .. 16.5<1 17.30
Cottonseed bulls, sacked.. .. 19.50 20.50
Linters, first cut, high grade
Linters, clean, mill runo4*4 .05
Crude oil. basis prime.
8. S. Savannah
Cottonseed med. 7 per cent
ammonia 46.00 47.00
Cottonseed meal. 7 per cent,
Georgia common rate point 45.50 46.00
Cottonseed feed meal, 20 per
cent protein
Cottonseed hull*, loose .. .. 16.50 17.50
Cottonseed hulls, sacked.. .. 19.2* 20.50
Linters, first cut, high grade
Linters, clean, mill runo4*4 05
Open. Close.
Spots 18.50 bld
November 18 40<g10.00 18.65C{i15.90
Decemberlß.3O@lß.sO 18.40(g18.45
January 18.10<d18.12 18.42<ii18.45
March 18.10(918.20 18.40/918.50
April 15 50
May 18.00
Tone steady: sales, 5,300.
MEMPHIS, Oct. 29.—Commercial-Appeal says:
“Heavy damage to cotton by frost, estimated
at 1,172,000 for entire belt. Crop in eastern
Arkansas and Tennessee disaster. 800 l weevil
was busy and bent the freeze to much cotton.
Picking *is far advanced in south and being
rvshed in north t>ortion since frost opened the
bells. Many holders, but probably majority
growers selling.
Estimated damage by frost by states: North
Carolinn. SO.’>oo; South Carolinn, 54.000; Geor
gia, 130,000; Alabama, 72,000;- Mississippi
;»6,000; Texas. 195,000; Arkansas. 275,000; Ten
nessee. 115,000; Oklahoma, 135,000; total,
k '
ATLANTA. Ga., Oct. 29. —Cotton by wagon,
steady, 27.80 c.
Kennesaw stick candy, barrel, per pound.
13c; do., boxes, per pound, 13e; pure snga?
stick candy, 16*4c: Fulton mixture. In palls,
11%e: bontoa mixture, tn palls. 16c; chocolate
/•’earn drops, small, 17*4c; extra superb choco
' lates, 1-pound boxes, 55c.
Live hens, 26<928c; dressed, 30<932c; live
tries. 27' 2 @3oc; dressed, 32>-.(935c; turkeys. 26
@2Bc; dressed, 30(u35c; live ducks, 35®40c;
geese, (Jo<sdsc; live cocks, 35<ii40c each; fresh
gathered eggs. 404941 c; country butter, table.
3««j4oc pound; cooking, 28(jJ30c pound.
i’otupuno, per pound, 30c, Spauisu mackerel,
per pound, 1114 c; trout, drawn, per poun d,lsc;
headless red snapper, pound, 15c; bluefish,
pound, 1214®; whiting, per putiud, 1214 c; inaugo
snapper per pound, luc; muUot, per pound, 10c;
small channel '-at and perch, per pound. Bc.
vyster:—Selects, per gallou, $2.25; standards,
t»er gallop, s2.(iq.
rurity oats, 245, round, I1.0S; 365, round,
Il _ faujl, y siae, $2.40; Purity grits, 245,
rouud, $2.75 10s, round, $2,90; regular I’oslum.
large, $2.23; assorted, $2.50; small, $2.70: In
stant Postum, large, $1.50; assorted, SS'JO.
ernull $5.10: grape-nuts. 1B<: sire, $2.85; indi
vidual sue, $1.75; lost Toasties, $3.30; indi
vidual sixe, $1.75; kriukle corn flakes. 10c
size. $2.80.
Salt—salt brick, meuicated, per case, $7.50;
. ’ I’ ,a,n > Per case, $4.50; White Kock, per
aFoJv. s l-5 0 ; Jack Frost. 25 3-pound packages,
X*'"'’ Ozoue, ease 25 3-pound packages. $1.20;
Ozoue, case yg 2-po>mJ packges. $1.00; Cblpp?-
wa. 100-lb. sacks, 92c; Jack Frost, 100-
H’Und sacks, 92c; Jack Frost, 50-ponnd sacks,
oOc; Jack Frost, 25-pound sacks. 26c; V. P..
zo pound sacks, 26c; Avery, 100-pouud sacks,
■ 3c; Blocks, 50-pound blocks. 75c.
California Tokay grapes, $2.00(22.25 crate;
California orauges, s4.uu;<±i.s(j per box; lemons,
in-porteu, >4.uujj,*.su; ceiery, sl.UUvgl.2s dos.;
4.uU. (Spauuu oniuus, per crate. $2-2u
onions, Washington state, yellows, $4.0U<£4.25;
lowa red gibes, $4.25(rg4.50; Irish potatoes,
sacks, $5.0U(tg5.25; sweet potatoes, 90c%g51.00
bushel; cabbage, crate, $2.254(2.5U; eggplant.
»2.UUfri2.25; green beans, $2.U0((J2.25 per drum;
bell pepper, 82.U0412.25 per drum; cucumbers,
♦*• *U(k2.UO per drum.
MEAT, LARD and hams.
I Dry salt extra nbs, 31c; dry salt rib bellies,
i medium average, 3254 c; dry salt rib bellies,
I light average, 33c; Cudahy's I'uritun braud
' bams, 29c; Cudahy's Rex hams. 28c; Cudahy's
sandwich boiled bams, lUc; Cudahy's Puritan
lard, tierce basis, 29c; Cudahy's Rex lard,
3654 c; Cudahy’s White Rlubou compound, 21c.
pound, 21c.
Cornfield hams, 10 to 12 average, 30c; Corn
field hams, 12 to 14 average, 30c; Cornfield
picnic Hams, 6 to 8 average. 26c; Cornfield
breakfast bacon, 40c; Cornfield sliced bacoa.
1-pound boxes, jg to .'sse, 48c; Grocers’ bacon,
wide or narrow, 3754 c; Cornfield pork sausage,
fresh link or bulk, 22c; Cornfield wieners in
10-pound various, 21c; Cornfield bologna sau
sage, 25-poun<i boxes, 20e; Cornfield smoked
link sausage, 25-pourd ooxes. 1754 c: Cornfield
wieners, in pickle. Na. 15 kits. $3.00; Corn
field lard, t'crce basis, 2655 c; country style
lard, tierce br.sls, 2054 c; compound lard, tierce
basis, 2lc.
Mackerel—L-Kno-lt, 354-6-ounce,* JOO count,
out. Leader, 7-ounce, luu count, $8.00; Anchor,
854-9-onnce, 60 count, si.ou; Crown, 95j-lu
ovnee, 60 count, $7.35; 75 count, sb.sO; Eure
ka, 13-14-ounce. 60 count, $9.50.
B. A- M. fish Hakes, 24 small, $1.45; 24,
I large, $2.15.
Sardines— Key, >* oils. Continentals, $6.75;
keyless, 5* oils. Conqueror. $6.25; key. 54 oils
tu cartons. Homcruu, $7.25; key, % mustards,
Imperial, $6.25: key, “4 mustards in cartons.
Gninecock, $6.75.
Canned Meats—lndian brand, Vienna sausage,
$! .00; potted meats, 45c; roasi. beef, $3.30;
corned beef. $3.50; tripe, $3.10; L. B. hash,
$1.20; hamberger steak snd onions, $1.20; veal
loaf, $1.70.
Coffee—Blue Ridge brand, roasted. 15c; Wall
brand, 5(8 554 c; A AAA, 1554 c; Uno, 25c.
Rico —Japs, 5(96c; Honduras, medium bead,
34kC<i4*4c; Arkansas, fancy head, 6&654C.
Beans- California blaekeyes, 14c; Pink. 15c:
limas, 16c; small whites, 165jc; Michigan
choice. 16*jc.
Minute gelatine, 36 packages, $3.75; Minute
tapioca. 36 packages, $3.55.
Starch —Tiger lump in 50-pound boxes. 7c per
pound: confectioners’ in 140-pound bags. 754e;
cooking storch, 40 packages, 1 pound. 754 c per
Syrup—Alaga, 48s to case, $6.00; 36s to caso,
86.00; H's to <as<«. 85.00; ss, 12 to case, $5.25.
Flour, sacked, per Uul.: Victory. finest
patent, $12.(5; Gmria. self-nsiug, SI2.UU;
vv Ulte Lily, sell-rising, SI2.UU; I‘uritan, high
est patent, $11.75; Wuite Cloud, liigu patent,
$11.30. Ocean Spray, good patent, 11.25.
Capitola, $11.95; Olympia, $11.60; Miss Dixie,
seif-rising, $12.05; Cresco, superlative patent,
Meal, plain, per bushel, 144-lb. sacks, $2.03;
»6-ib. sacks, $2.03; 48-lb. sacks, $2.07; 24-lb.
sacks, $2.09.
Atlanta Milling company meal, bolted, lit
pounds. $2.10; 48 pounds. $2.12; 24 to 12
pounds, $2.15.
(.rain, sacked, per bushel: Oats, fancy white
clipped, blc; oats. No. 2 white, 79c; mixed
mill oats. 76c; corn. No. 2 $2.10; corn, mixed,
Seeds, sucked, per bu.: Blue stem see!
wheat, $3,50; Red May seed wheat. $3.50;
Bancroft seed oats, $2.00; Oklahoma red rust
proof oats $1.25; barley. 254 hu, bags, $2.45;
Georgia seed rye, 254-bU. bags, $2.75.
Hay. et<. —Timothy. No. 1. largo bales, $1.80;
timothy. No. i, small bales, $1.80: timothy No.
2, small bales, $1.60; clover-mixed bay, $1.75;
straw, $1.00; eliucks, 80c; cottonseed meal,
prime No. 7. 852.U0; cottonseed meal, Buoco
feed, $38.00; cottonseed bulls, old style, $25.00;
cottonseed hulls, flaked, $18.00; cottonseed
hi lls, liutless. $15.00.
Chicken feed, per cwt.: Purina pigeon feed,
lOu-lb. sacks, $5.25; Aunt Patsy mash, JOO-lb.
sacks, $3.60; victory scratch. ICK'-lb. sacks,
$4.75; Big Value scratch. 100-lb. sacks, 84.75;
beef scraps, per luO-lb. sacks. $5.25; beef scraps,
i er 00-ln. sacks. $3.00: oyster snell, ;>er 10u-ll>.
sack. $1.00; Purina scratch. luO-lb. sack, $4.85;
I'urlna chick, 100-lb. sack. $5.19.
Capitola molasses feed, $3.05.
Peters' Proven Produc(», etc.—Arab horse
feed. $3.65; King Con: horse feed, $3.10; Su
preme horse feed. $3.10; A. B. C. horse and
mule feed, $2.40; Sucrene dairy feed, $2.65;
Jewel dairy feed, $2.35; Mllkmor dairy feed,
$2.10; No. 1 alfalfa meal, $2.4V; Blatchford's
calf meal, $6.00.
Shorts, bnin, mill feed. cwt.—Fancy mill
feed, 75-lb. sacks, $3.50; tankage hog feed.
100-lb. sacks. $3.10;. gray shorts, 100-lb. sacks,
$3.20; Georgia feed, 75-lh. sacks, $3.05; P. W.
mill feed, 75-lb. sacks. $3.10; XXX mill feed,
$2.65: brown shorts, 100-lb. sacks. $2.85; Big
Mack hog feed. 75-l'>. sacks, $2.73; velvet bnr.n
rionl. 100-lb. sacks, $2.30; bran, P. W., 100-
lb. sacks. $2.30; bran. P. W.. 75-lb. sacks, $2.35.
CHICAGO, Oct. 29. — Blitter: Creamery ex
t:as. 43<-; creamery firsts, 42(11.42*4c; firsts.
38*4<«r39v; seconds, 36<ff3(>
!iggs--(>rdinarlcs. 36'536 1 . 2 < ; first-. C.T'• I.ll■
Cheese—Twins. 23@23’zic; young Americas,
24(924 Ue.
Live I oilltry—Fowls. 13'1917e; ducks, 16@
IT'-jc: geese. 16(fil0’4<-; springs, 17*4c; tur
keys, :10c.
Potatoes —Caro 23. Wisconsin aud Minnesota,
Atlanta Live Stock
(Corrected by'W. H. White, Jr.. President of
the White Provision Company.)
Good to choice beef steers, 850 pounds to 1,000
pounds. SB.OO to $8.50.
Good steers, 750 to 850 pounds, $7.75 to SB.OO,
Medlnum to good steers, 650 to 750 pounds,
$7.00 to $7.50.
Good to choice beef cows. 750 to 850 pounds,
$6.50 to $7.25.
Medium to good cows, 650 to 750 pounds,
$6.25 to $6.50.
Good to choice heifers. 550 to 650 pounds,
$6.25 to $6.50.
The above represents ruling prices of good
quality cattle. Inferior grades and dairy types
selling lower. •
Medium to good steers. 650 to 750 pounds,
$6.75 to $7.25.
Medium to good cows, 600 to 700 pounds, $5.50
to $6.50.
Mixed common, $4.25 to $5.25.
Good sot oxen. $6.50 to $7.50.
Medium to good oxen, $5.50 to $C.25.
Good bn teller bulls, $5.00 to $6.25.
Choice veal calves. $7.00 to SB.OO.
Y'earlings. $5.00 to $6.50.
Prime hogs, 165 to 225 pounds, $14.00 to
Light bogs, 130 to 165 pounds. $13.00 to
Heavv pig*. 80 to 100 pounds. $12.00 to
sl2 50.
Light pigs, 80 to 100 pounds, $11.50 to $12.00.
Stags and roughs. SIO.OO to $ll.OO.
Above quotations apply to good quality mixed
fat hogs. Mast and peanut fattened lower,
owing to quality.
EAST ST. LOUIS. 111., Oct. 29.—Cattle: Re
ceipts 12.000, including 800 Texans. Market
lower; native be<‘f steers, SB.OO(<J 16.75; yearling
steers and heifers, $7.00(916.50; cows,
Classified Advertisements
BIG demand for automobile and aeroplane
mechanics. Automobile course, both mechan
ical and electrical, $35. Qualifies you for any
position as chauffeur, repairman, tester, dem
onstrator and auto electrician. Aeroplane
course, $35. Gives you actual building, me
chanical aud operating experience. To student*
taking the two courses we make a special
rate of S6O. Instruction in all departments Is
practical—you learn by doing. Equipment is
modern and complete. Instructors are experi
enced and of tried efficiency. Wages while
learning. Good positions for our graduates.
Rates of tuition advance in a short time. En
roll now and save money.
809 Broadway,
THE way to get a government job is through
the Washington Civil Service school. We pre
pare you and you got a position or we guarantee
to refund your money. Write to Earl Hopltins,
president. Washington. D. C., for Book F K
-1078. telling about 292296 government positions
with lifetime employment, abort hours, sure psy.
regular vacations.
FIREMEN. brakemen, baggagemen. 8 hours,
$l4O. Colored porter* wanted everywhere. Ex
perience unnecessary. 6‘9 Ry. Bureau, East
St. Louis. Ills.
$20.00 WEEKLY made writing names for mall
order houses. No canvassing. Particulars
free. The Guide Co.. Memphis, Tenn.
WAIfTED KELF —Mala and FamaJa.
WANTED —Men and women, 18 or over, every
where, for IJ. S. government life job*. War
necessitates hundred* appointments. $75 to $l5O
month. Short hour*. Vacation* with pay. Com
mon education eufficlent. Write immediately
for list positions open. Franklin Institute,
Dept. J-106. Rochester. N. Y.
TEACHERS WANTED—Principals and assist
ants for village schools. Box 934. Atlanta.
G eorgia.
TEACHERS—Let me tell you bow to got a first
grade license. B. S. Holden. Ellijay, Ga.
WANTED —Agents.
AGENTS—Big hit! Our 5-piece aluminum set
is all the rage. Cheap*! - than en-melware.
Sells like wildfire. Guaranteed 20 year*. H“
tail value $5.00. You «ell to housewives for
only $1.98, Biggest seller of the age. 9 sure
sale* out of every 10 shown. Others cleaning
up SIO.OO to $20.00 a day. Answer this
-quick to secure your territory. Div. J. X. 5,
American Aluminum Mfg. Co.. Lemont, ill.
$1.95 FOR men’s made-to-order pants—worth
$3.00. Sample free. Money-making offer for
agents, part time or all. Write today. Chicago
Tailors' Association, Dept. M. 30, So. Frankliu
at., Chicago. ,
YOUNG MAN. would you accept a tailor made
suit Just for showing it to yonr friends? Then
write P.anner Tailoring Co., Dept. 677. Chi-ago
and get beautiful samples, styles and a won
derful offer.
LARGE manufacturer wants representatives to
sell shirts, underwear, hosiery, dreses, waists,
skirt* direct to homes. Write for free samples.
Madison Mills. 503 Broadway. New York City,
WANTED—OId false teeth. Due* not matter if
broken. We pay up to sls per set. Cash sent
by return mail. Good* held 10 days subject to
sender’s anproval of our offer. Mazer s Tooth
Specialty, 2007 S. Fifth street. Philadelphia. Pa.
FOR SALE —400 acres of hardwood lands, con
sisting of oak. hickory, gum. pine. etc., will
sell timber and land or the timber only. For
further information, address Box No. 50. Route
No. 1, Jacksonville. Ga.
WANTED —To hear from owner of farm or fruit >
ranch for sale. O. O. Mattson, 703 Endicort ;
bldg.. St. Paul. Minn.
FREE with cabbage plants, one choice grape
vine or peach tree with each 500 plants, not
to exceed 5 vines or trees with a single order. ;
Plants 500 for $1; 1.000 for $1.50; 5.000 for
$6.50. Varieties: Early Jersey. Charleston j
Wakefield, Succession and Flat Dutch. Cabbage
plants now will head early and bring fancy ;
prices. R. D. Stewart, Americus. Ga. '
CABBAGE plants and seeds. Genuine true to :
name. Leading varieties- quick shipment*.
Express collect, $1.50, 1.000. Pareel post paid. I
JOO. $1.25; 1.000. $2. J. T. A G. W. Clark. |
Thomasville, Ga. j
CABBAGE plants for shipment, postpaid. 300 1
for $1.25, 1.000 for $2.00. By express collect. .
.<;. .(• per I.(M*>. G. Dorris. Hiram. Ga.
CABBAGE plants for fall and winter heading. :
leading varieties. Express collect 1.000. i
$1.50; parcel post, 500, $1.25. Highway Farm, i
Decatnr, Ga.
1,000,000 cabbage plant* for fall heading. Now
ready to ship. At $1.50 per 1,000 F. O. 8., 1
35c 100 postpaid. ’ Fairview Plant Farm, Tis
ton, Ga.
10.50; stockem and feeders. $6:50(?11.00: calves,
$5.35'914.75; Texas steers, $6.75@10.50; cows
and heifers, SG.OU/lt 10.00.
Hogs—Receipts 6,500; market higher;
mixed and butchers. $15.75(g16.65: good and
heavy, $16.55«r 16.75; rough. $14.75Q15.50;
light. $15.75'316.25; pigs. $13.25@ 14.50; bulk,
Sheep—Receipts 1.200; market steady. Clip
ped ewes, $10..*>0f£11.25; canners and choppers.
$5.00/98.50; dipped ewes. $13.00»S 16.50.
CHICAGO, Oct. 29.—Hogs: Receipts 25.000;
strong. 15c above Saturday’s average. Bulk,
$15.20'916.60; light, $14.50(816.65; mixed,
$14.95(916.75; heavy. $14.85/916.75; rough.
$14.90/915.10; pigs. $10.50(914.00.
Cattie—Receipts 35.000; weak. Native steers,
$6.75/91(1.90: western steers. $6.20@18.80;
Stockers and feeders, cows and
heifers. $5 00-912.10; calves. $8.00(915.25.
Sheen—Receipts 20,000; steady. Wethers.
$8.75(9'2.75; lambs. y2.25@T7.75.
NEW YORK. Oct. 29.—Butter, easier: re
ceipts, 5.734: creamery, extra, 45c; do. special
market. 45*-*@46c; imitation creamery, firsts,
37(944*jc: state dairy, tubs. 39Q40c.
Eggs, firm; receipts. 7.431; near-by white
fancy. 68^72c; near-by mixed fancy, 42(g'46c;
fresh firsts. 404X46c.
Cheese, ‘steady; state milk, common to spe
cials 20(924’-jc; skims, common to specials, 7
Open. Close.
January 7.19@7.20
February 7.27@7.28
March 7.3-417.33 7.35417.86
April 7.43@7.44
Mar 7.5007.52 7.51@7.52
June 7.00@7.61
July 7.660 7.68 7.65@7.70
August 7.77@7.78
September.. ~~ .. 7.8107.82 7.84 07.86
October 7.04@7.06
November 7.0407.06
December7.loo7.l2 7.11@7.12
SALESMEN WANTED—Owing to draft and en
listment we have a few well-worked terri
tories open and will be pleased to hear from
interested persons. Applicant must be exempt
from draft. McCannon & Company, Dept. 72,
Winona, Minn.
MARRY at vnee. We put you in correspondence
with thousands of charming and refined
ladies who wish to marry, many worth from
SI,OOO to $25,000 and upwards. Particulars
free. Address Allen Ward, B-545. Valley, Neb.
HAUKI RICH—For quick results, join our
club. Thousands worth from SI,OOO to $40,000
desire esrly marriage; particulars and photos
free. Sealed. Confidential. Either sex. Stand
ard Club. Box 610, Grayslake, 111.
MARRY IF LONELY—Most successful “Home
Maker”; hundreds rich; confidential; relia
ble; years experience; descriptions free. ‘The
Successful Club,” Mrs. Purdie, Box 556, Oak
land. Calif.
WOULD you marry a young widow worth sßo*
000? Write Mrs. W. K. Hill. 14 E. Sixth
st., Jacksonville, Fla.
HANDSOME, healthy young widow, worth $750.-
000 verv lonesome, will marry honorable
gentleman." Write Mrs. C,. Box 4. San Diego,
MARKY—Free photos beautiful ladles; desertp
tions and directory; pay when married. Naw
I’lan Co.. Dept. 26, Kansas City. Mo.
MARRY — Marriage directory with photos and
descriptions free. Pay when married.* Tbs
Exchange. Dept. 34. Ksn«as City, Mo.
1 TELL the mysteries of your life, character
and future. Send birthdate and dime. Lau
rene M. Koemos. Louisville. Ky. ■
r.E a - detective. Excellent opportunity, good pay.
travel. Write C. T. Ludwig, 168 Westover
' bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. j
MAIiKI.’GE PAPER free. The most reliable
pnolished. Send for one. Eastern Agency. 22.
Bridgeport. Conn
civil, engineer. 27. worth $40,060. would mar
ry. W.. Box 35, league, Toledo. Ohio.
FARMS are offered in the Want
Section at alluring prices.
Sboit breathing relieved in a few hours—swell
inn ns ter snd uric add removed in • few
regulates liver, kidneys and heart. Writ® for
Free Trial Treatment. COLLUM DROPSY REM
EDY CO.. Dept. 7. ATLANTA. GA.
Its successful treatment without use of the knife.
Hundreds of satisfied patients testify to this mild
method. Write for free book. Tells how to ears
for patients suffering from cancer. Address
BR. W. O. BYE, - Km— City. Ma»
Healed by ANTI-FLAMMA -a soothiM sntieeptie
i Poultice. Draws out po'aona. stope i’china around sores
and heals while you work. Write today describing case
and get FREE SAMPLE. Bayles Distributing Ge.,
i lixO Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
TREATMENT- Givesqnlekrellrt
UKviwl Boon removes swelling and abort
• breath. Never heard of ’to equal for dropsy.
W XKTry it. Trial treatment sent FRgg. by mall.
Bank Blds.. Boa n , CHATSWOBTM, BA
f a niCC Wnen irregular or delayed, use
LALxIILO Triumph Pills; always depend
able. Not sold at drug stores. “ReUef” and
particulars free. NATIONAL MEDICAL
Oil CQ AND Rheumatism cured at borne,
rILLj quick. Easy, inexpensive. Write A.
Summers. Barnesville. Ga., for 25c Sample.
9 II 8188 Sufferers, write todayfor my weeds
I or value FREE about
B bow to treat Lnns Troubles.
KbBBRW Udreut iitnlj.JLD. 13 Gadaaati,Q.
CANCERS’ Health Herald FREE.
Addrers Dr. E. V. Boynton. Fitchburg, Mass.
MEN of inventive ability should write for new
! “Lists of Needed Inventions.” “Patent Buy
ers" and “How to Get Your Patent and Your
, Money.” Advice free. Randolph A Co., Patent
! Attorneys. Dept. <lO. Washington, D. C.
I A 1 Eel ’ * factnrers want Gwen Patents.
Send for 3 free books: inventions wanted, etc. 1
l-.elp you market you invention without charge.
Riobard B Owen. 66 Owen bldg.. Waah’ton.D.C.
ft ■ TTUTO Wn.tswßE.Olesm«,WaM>.