Newspaper Page Text
You Can’t Afford to Waste an Ounce of
Butter Fat Today!
Tn Don’t Haw to Oun
Baba immf IB daintag. Even if rau rwn only two or t'uee rows, you
mate a har.4*«w« m*t*. W you gvf all tfca butter fat. " 4 * * tYLr-fc
Dwi’t Wette the Batter Fat!
dllw! Bwl It through a gort cream sewn wiU save even ounce es butter
fat- flecsrsme craan brirc* «ise hifliMtt market ori.w. e’wsr* ard tnen you have the vfl
rrnt warm aklwireed milk for the little calve*. rigs ar.d chickens—also big profl' pro- d»
dnesn these days. JFYTIIf Mk
nZ- V__ sere all the butter fat and milk We will sell you a Maynard X.Mf XSd?
FvC Tr Ulen ftp iOU ('me Separate ' rei leng tfer.e. so that your extra profits trill ~ r
pay for IL We Mil send you just the rtgh' etae for your herd of cows upon rerrtpt of JMTj
tIM. The balance you can ray In elrvw small mouihly payments and you won't tn"st -dF<"'
the BMney either' deryßWwjjß
The Maynard Is the Simplest tt" for !'e No better -ream Mgerator —wq-?
made. ragaro see of same, male or price, yet we se.l It at almost half the price <s>i. ' rJP I>tidßjß*
asset by deejers ard saw’.’ for other martlnea. Has the fame's alura'.ntm one- XtXX-.J.- greb-HHftfr
piece ekttinn!r« cXee. akimnuag the milk eight titres in one operation—easy to yfiK? >3: * ftev
wash and keag <' ean and sweet —no discs to bother with—low down supply can— Vri
plror hell bearing* «nt.4i make it easy for a boy or girl tn operate. It Is so —wig
simple. so wefi made that there is ccthlng to set out of order or give ytm the yj ifcy tfVflg
sllgfitm- trouble ■■■
TL_ MJ la sold oo 30 days free trial test oo your own farm. If you gg r >«• 4»
fnt maynara dgn't like it after !p«tng it r.igt>t and morning for a who’* ms KJ3 sA
■oc'.h. attic tt back to ua and we trill return the money you bare paid and pay Was w
the freight eheme both ways. (.age WH
**>“ ’ hl » adreetiyement If you want It la a hurry Send us W Cast WE
l/racr t/lreci y. g* an g M v 'Rend me a Maynard Cream Separator qirtnk. • on ■■
and if I Uke tt I will pay the balance In elerer. mcrt?>ly payments beginning Jfi Fraat* Ml
day* ftten data. If I den t Uke tt after u*U-s It M days. I will fend •« beck *»r
and you are to pay the .-horse* both ways ard ree.rn the U flfl ' It'S ’«?
alm; .e. you see —c* red tape--no risk—no trouble —except to write the leater. ttrlto tt today--right now seen
you hare c-oly two er three .-owe—you car. make the Separator pay for Itself in a short time out of
Ue profits The mands of otir customers owe the Maynard Cream Separator and say- It is the best in the world.
Maynard No. 3 (•"<* >to S Cow rane) I Maynard No. 5 (For "to 10 Cow Farm'
Order Catalog No. 734A3 Order Catalog No. 7S4AS
<OOO wl ' h Tft » n • : " rtr "«»’“» w <OOO ’ ,: ’ h . yo l r < 2'?'kL h “*
*X— matfts of $2.80 each, or tfll IE * K " cti <* $4.06 each, er jss or
easb Is fttll with order cash in full with ordw
Mawnard No. 4 < ror 3to « Cow Final Maynard No. 6 (For 3to 15 Cow Farm)
Ord.r Catalog No. 734A4 Or dor Catalog No. 734A6
< 000 •‘A your -der. then eltwm monthly psy- SOOO O
*2= $39 20 rrin^-rj^.. 0 : $48.45
You Can Save on Plumbing Goods of Every Kind
Bathroom Outfit
■ *55-
1 Jgdlliji . ■^^us.«>MfeaaJMki2r'wsgfe- , y l Bathtub. 5 feet long of cast Iron, lined with
whit* porcelain enamC Furnished 'vtlti No.
!6gW'‘' < gK*dßflraflaiTyA.'.*Wß*T2 iH^SeiH m nlckm plated ‘-rasa Fuller bath 00-l-' for hot
. i-. l co. I «a'w Niche, ple'ed l ease and
Wislwl ir*d| ,'**?< .» pipe -wo offie' ni'lcel-plated ’ -.*» eir
' n > p.t -i »th fl.'. ' Ilat.gee l a'"< r< <X cast
WWwHwMW^B^IwMB■ 1- >=* 1XI * : tnrhm wttJi »-tn h beck <-lnch
Onrhg--|b*-W- *■-*■< .-•»-* r M-sarrww rim; enameled tn one piece, with
-D' return bowl Has two r.iekel-p’.atwi brass low down compression basin ockssriai tops ’£"°
■tioHrw' r. hviarf «:s«■>:> raawwx trt vr«n- 1 >inrh nlcfei - Dialed t trap to floor; chMn and rubber < r>set
Ot tit'sitm.™ fieM ts polished gold® oak. Ntckel-platrd brass offset
tungee" Seasoned uak 'ink. golden polisiied; linwl with copper: <*«-gat capacity. Rubber belt rxlre and im
proeed ffudi »u»e pyra'.ed by pish button Furnished with nickri-plated brass supply and flush PiP*J;
ping «ig!t. 41® pounds 555.0 U
26 40400 Fb- lead conneetlor.r. ccmptete V
Fee r-xi pipe x.necJons. complete - ■_•_• ••• ••• • • ;/•
2 6 A0452 Ba. tub Wr vdth ftztures. for lead pife ronneetloru. Shpg. wt.. 30J lbs 9 50
26A0463 Batumi rally, with fixtures, for iron pipe connections. Shpg wt. 300 lb- I 8.90
For fall line of Plumbing Supplier, Mechanico’ Tools and Acceotorieo, oee pages
900 to 972 of our catalog. “Your Bargain Book,” which you have tn your home
Just the Thing for These Chilly Nights
an< l Mornings!
X* A\ Because of its many uses, every home should have a Perfection
Oil Heater. Here is’ your opportunity to buy it at a bargain
* “r 1 "r.i»w'Jr 4I s price. Every corner of your. home ean be made comfortable
V ouickiv by the Perfection. No need to dress, bathe, eat or work
in a cold room at any time, for the Perfection heats quickly and
itfefC '{st 1 safely Burns kerosene, the most economical fuel. Safe to handle
Ci*¥7C —no smoke—no ashes—no soot. Finished in highly polished steel
ryjfa gI J or blue enamel. Trimmings of nickel or black japan. If you
don't have an oil-heater, you need one.
.a&KS., «. ■ 720 4 589 JapacneJ land costed steel fount A psrfsstly sals.
- vue^-r£<■ 9 9 sUorl«M ana smoksisst heatsr at a vary lew oset. Takes No. 3 I’srfecUan
Wr. Jutted Wkk. Height (ball down) Is 25 Inches. Actual weight <* hestor.
.J?! 10 poun-to- Weight, crated, about 15 pounds. $3.75
1 7204535 Blue ecamelsd drums and nickel trimmings. Ten! coated
frfi Takm No 3 Perfection emitted wick. Height (with ball
- down) Is 25 in. Actual weight, about UH lb*- Weight, crated. fiJC AQ
about 18 He
's£tS-[■’f*TSaif’ ’ 3 WS > 1 720 4 586 Same as a.iwe exoet* It has steel drums. Actual weight.
• We|| ’ . a'-'i’ 1' Bl Fr: $4.30
' * 4-f. • •MjlW 7204587 Bet’ Quality Perfection Oil Heater. Mede of the very beet
mr.Sat handsomely finished. Steel drum*, nickel frtated trtmmin®
U ■nSsa N'n. i Perfection wick. Height wl’h bal down, 25
Inches Actual weight, about 11 pounds. Shpg wt. rwated. ££ 25
1" H’S. Prior, each LLU’I .Z .
Er X® 7204 588 New Perfection Smoke!ete Heater, same as ebore except it has |
’< bluer?amel drums. Actual weight. 12 U» Weight, erased, about eJ CA
w 18 po tnds Price. *
For full line of Oil Stoves, Fireless Cookers, Lanterns and Farm Machinery, see
“ Year Bargain Book”—oar 1,000-page catalog which you have in your home
Cast Iron Sugar Kettles
Wsißo ,???,fSSEr I wo uar ‘
£ = mpr I BgrJßra | Fruit Press
lege and lugs. Wrought I ,Ja [
iron ball: hear? rim. Tr'-s I I
is a fa'orite pattern and I tznin
will he found entirely sat- | Mtagill,. 3 t ■IU
Isfadory for all burp-wee ASSBEWVIj
fer which a sugar ke*tla
ts used. As wltl. eeeryth>ng «q
we sell, you may send It M.
hack If you are not satis- W
Bed with tt and we will re- ,|9 | 2 Two-Quart She Fruit
tem ywur money. , p-eas. Shipping weight, aixmi 12H
Capacity. 5 ga' ion*. Weigh’, about 15 pound*. Price, each SI.BO pounds. JO IQ
Capatdiy 14 g.t) >;* Weight, about 4fl pounds. Price, each 2.40 £27jC*9 |3’
Capacity. 20 galloox Weight, about 58 pounds. Price, each 3.2 0 pound*.
3» gallc-J. Weigirt. about ft pounds. Price, ea b 5.20 Price, ea<m - $3,36
Bargains in Evercote Guaranteed Paint
AS a strikinx < .ample of our ability to save money for our customers, we offer Evercote House
/\ j.-<i B*m Pai W« guarantee that Frtrro’e Pain’* will measure up to eray requlremwit, tha' they are
4* made of the est and pores' materials: that they win not reel, blister, chalk or rub off when properly
a;filed that their i---jc i* enduring: that th* <*>!or» are permanent; that their spreading qualities are superior
ard that Ln use now by tbcuapda c* Charite William Stotee <-uitomers. they are girl ng unbounded satlslariiou.
Eteriute Paint* are uniform tn quality:
r i<lj mixed and ready to u-e 'he moment p a j B t Barg Now
■mu *pen the can. Our price* ar* based u.-n
<rs of the flneet “’J*®®*® ** *h n
facterie* ter New York plus just one small Faint Is <*r bmt VTTIn 1 * jsl
■ »T’ of profl- nem-mbee that patnt la J MflVAfl> 1 HUhCT
,ust <me of thousands of article* sold by .rd
tu so that a rery mall p-ofli. <m -aril item «£‘ < ’ £ IkBAPU lA'NTjfj
yieid* a mrirf.riory return
COLORS OF EVERCOTE HOUSE FAINT long time factory iWrSk--- y
Order bv Number and Color material ’ prices
29 A285 Pea Green 29A41 Colonial Yellow w<rF low—much
29A20 Slate 29A246 Outside White lower than theor are
29A24A Blue Gray 29A18 Shutter Grew today—and this big aarlag wo pans along
29A233 Ll*htGr*y 29A233 Dark Creee J?
gK K:ar^ig , B.t. w KL. ss;, glJiJl’s
»l6s Si” SIBO sj«» gs c 50c
Par Gal 100 Pw Gallon Per Galleo Par Gallos. For For 96c 94c ;89c 86c
! '-y ‘-y rX I p*-™ »o*l.
usual guarar Send f'« It today—right now—before you spend a dollar for any kind of paint or painting. It
will sa'O you mmey ———
There’s Money in Hunting and Trapping Now
Farm boy*- and grown-ups. too—can pick up many dollars thia Fall and Winter by
Fu*s were never so expensive as now and the demand is steadily increasing, bkunk. Opossum,
Rk«" n Badger. Coyote—every one of these little animate yields a pe’t worth
re -'Your*Bargaln J Book "—our big 1000-page General Catalog which you have—illustrates and
deerribe- everything the hunter and trapper neede. Astonishing values, wonderful variety and
surprisingly low prices. Below we give you a few sample values:
• Sure Catch Oneida
Trappera* A Jum E
17A2320 Splendid 1 ft/*
outfit for the boy on A JL V# V*
the farm who v-Tild
like to eel s few traps. l!p
Th “* "• « tron T fltotla «Pring traps; light and oom
'.®sP Tr !P Pact For larger and more powerful tdape, see psg*
Victoe No. 0 r * .. Tcur Book '
i ' 17A2206 For Ret. Ooptier etc 4 inch spread
v «tor No Pa Ttte. traps sre 2n£l?* ’I7A 2 $ *te. 4H-lnch
2 ounce boule Oanw end • G^' 1 ' spread I rioe. t<- doaon. $3.00; each 26e.
A teg tecneya worth wMihJs guswtoed l 17A2210 For Hedger, Fox. Kyoto, eta
you Tcur money back If ><« "ant IL JI OC ipr<l . dosen. $5.®5; each 50k
Pnco. outfit eempMa. <«»*.*.«* |y A 22l I For Lynx. Coyote. Badger, etc. TU-inoh
•—— "' aprea i Price, per doeen, $7.01; each 090
Bellmore Hammerleu Shotgun Victor Game
$ 1 4== * Traps
12-Gauge Mad* of inner/ drop wgp
Barrel tm’ed. One berrel full W "7
oarrei gh a,. teher modified ■
choke Smokeless or blar* .
gElf.g powd*. Side loek eetiou. eailly Fiery trapper know* these celebrated traps. Our
taker spar* Safrti slide locks price* are extrwaely lew a* you will note
WiCT trigger*, accidental dlvd.arge im- 17A2200 Spread 8% inches. Price, par dozen
~ poeilble. Walnut stock end lex* end $ | .22: each I I fl.
Mor 83-teeh barro . <l4 7C 17A2201
r,hUl 2 fljMtioa Bprea.l 4H laches Price, per dower,
a a*. e n • ci $2.16: e*‘b (og.
Leader Single Barre! Shotgun -- ———
/2-Gowge Marsh King
s>l39 Hunting Coat
*-r= 17A1858 Made of Isl rrnnee
17A6475 Th;* shot- z’teg***, * randard duck; heery drill lined.
gun t* a splendid bar- V. ollie tan color Full eklrt In
gain Mad* with armor/ aide gam* pocket with entrance jTtw4.Cj7-A.aF
Mee! bar-*' and -ir-jp ‘ a' front edges and aide team*
fc-ged frame, much eowgte V» Pour large outride ehall peek- fj» ?
than a cast frame Case har*-r»1 ets with flaps Outside bresri jQr ifV
and fully teried at the factory pocket, also whleUe poeket with
Barrel ts full rtioke bored an.. ro fla p Fine corduroy collar. jta
’’ rods Mack or »mckei*w Powder Ha* teplay artl«> Corduroy lined adjustable cuff’:
and tow roboundtng hammer All parte horn butter.*; M to 43 Ir-hro
Shpg wt.. Iba 12 gauge. »♦-inch barrel $215
In the Present Crisis, Economy Is the Watchword of the Nation
Real economy does not consist in doing without things we need. It means the abolition of
extravagance fromourhomesandthepurchaseofnecessitiesat the lowest possible prices with
out sacrifice of quaiity. Economy means buying DlßECT—making a handsome saving over
retail prices—taking advantage of quantity purchases at cash prices in the best markets.
The Charles William Stores helps you in all these things. We are located in the heart of the nation’s
greatest merchandise center. We hay in tremendous quantities from primary sources of supply. We never
miss a cash discount. We sell direct to you. We have done away with expensive showrooms and eliminated
every unnecessary buying and selling expense. We have no salesmen except our catalog, no bad debts, no
costly credit system. Our ten mammoth warehouses are bulging with the finest products of the nation’s
greatest factories and workshops. Most of these goods were bought on specially advantageous terms
before present prices took effect ar.d represent the biggest merchandise bargains in America today. W e
have a trained organization of 4,000 people who specialize in pleasing our millions of customers. Our location
in New York City and splendid transportation facilities by rail and water make us practically next door to you.
This means economy or time in delivering your goods. Every article we sell is backed by our ironclad guar
antee of satisfaction or your money back. •
In the face of these advantages—while retail prices the country over are soaring almosfbeyor.d belief—
we urge you to give us an opportunity to prove that we can satisfy you on everything you need in your home,
workshop or farm, at prices lower than you can obtain from any other nouse on merchandise of standard quality.
The items here represent only a few sample values. There are 100,000 more in the pages of our catalog,
“Your Bargain Book, which you have in your home. Get this book out today! It will help you make every
dollar you spend go farther and show you the way to real ECONOMY. The more you drder the more you save.
power 'nssf
on 60 Days’ Trial r r
The High Cost of Farm Labor
an 1 : * greet a. srrtti mak** »n <« J r.» a m *' * i *cm
etty on eiery fenn, but the high cot of gasoline has '
made many fanner* fee. that the opera.ting ooet of rn /nunjrr?T
engine burning gaaoline oulj- would be prohibitive. fell JffilJF 0r Jr ’
Here Is an Engine which rir«
you a world of power at a very low cost because ir I .
burn* cher.p kerosene Just as tell a« gasoline. It is a «■*
high romrtnwrion throttle roverner. engine, designed w ’
especially for :h« use vs kerosene It 1- equipped wtth J&wMABt-fi'--
the new model kerosene <»rb.:r*’.>r, wi-h aulomtuo air jflMralßißb. ghSgsS
ral-c and wa *e aprav rr ve f •«-* are no attar! trn*:;;, Fk Sistri ** r jhftjkyMjgUEKyj. Latj^ JtffaCsfe ßrWjM
no c.'mp?ca- ■! adjustments necessary to change from ’-r,f■'
gasoline to 1 vroeene or from kerosene to gasolira It ‘ 1
is equipped with genuine Webrie- Magneto, guaran- r L-' >&jii'-y.l
toeing rteady and re.;able Ignition. Hear/ double heat- gr-WaEl
tree, eu drop forjed roa. k shaft, fuel tank er.clorod In J0Q53E51
cast sub-base shield o-cr moving parte, spark advantro I BgSffl
ami retard lever upend control, Itopper cooled with /W’Jd.r aEfefifea' #' Jzl
wa'er jacke’ts. cylinder and cylinder head. IWjBMfcCMBgg
We Warrant the Maynard
to develop more :! an Ice rated horse power, to do it AtfyWjgj?*
continuously and without injury. W» *ell it at a ™SsK[ Mf’W\
prl-e lower than dealers ask for thnlr lowest iriroi «[[ PSt-r ’Ck\
gasoline ■igtnea. We ahlp it to yvi with the distinct
understanding and agreement that you may use it fiO AiS|K'T t J'
days, glring It every tee: you care to giro tt. and 1f •*'. lPt»t£9KWlSw&f._d:
t: la not entirely sa'tefactory to you. ship It berk to
us at our exptaire and we will rrturn the purchase :...' •
price and any freight '-hergee paid by you. Tou cannot ~ l4ht»> ? .
eek fer a more liberal offer than I hl*. We are ready to *■■■■■»■■ ■<*. ir. Acw4'. u.
ship promptly from our big stocks in New Tbrk. ’ '* ”'''
The Maynard Jr. IM.Horse Power Gasoline Engine I The Maynard S-Horse Power Engine
Type, GeeoHne only. Four-tNcle Horizontal. Boro. B*4 In. Stroke. Type "K” Gasoilne-Karosene Four-Cyrie. Bore, 4»» In. Stroke a tn.
5 in. Normal apeed. 500 RP M Maximum speed, 600 RP.M. Dlam. Normal speed. 400 R.P.M. Maximum speed. 500 R.P M. Diem, flywheel,
flywheel, 16 in. Weigh’, each wheel. 34 lbs. Dlam. crank ehart. 1U in. 26 tn. Weight, each flywheel. 142 lbs Dlam craDk shaft, lit in.
Capacity water hopper. 1H gal*. Capacity fuel tank. 1 gal Length of Capacity water hopper. 1% gala
pieion, 4 in. Dlam. of pulley. 4 in. Face of pulley. 3 In. Shipping pieton. 6 in. Dlam. of puW. 12 in. Face of pulley, fl in. Shpg. wt..
weight. 225 pounds. 725 iba. Webster Magneto Ignition,
Tlie 134-HJh Maynard 1* butlt so- the use of gasoline only on account. The 6-H P. Caroline Kerosene Maynard te <*• J*" 11 8
of the eery small amount of fuel used to run It. The IH-H.P. differ* engine on the market today. It 1* the most practical »W- «J* *""
from die other alios in that the cylinder head 1» not water Jacketed all its power at the belt puUey. smoothly and steadily. Mounted «* »
but 1b air cooled instead. In all other important reepecta the design to truck, th* 5-H.P. Maynard makes the Ideal all around engine for all the
the same ordinary work on the farm. <O7 QH
740A84 Ik ay n ard Gawllne Eaglne, with <9fi QA 740A97 Trice, m described
740A38 bate. comptote with Webetsr OMltaUng .Jhe^ MaynarU Z terser
Z40A84 I Need truek. four 12-tooh wheel,, for mounts t his engine Stroke. fI W Im Nonna! -toeriL toT
rnu) Li’”". •*»•*»’* 2Jn capacity water hopver. 12 gate. Capacity flirt tank. 8H gals.
The Maynard 3-Horse Power Engine Length of Platon. 7 in. Dlam. of pulley. 14 in. Face of psi'ley, 8 In.
Type "K" Gasoline Kerosene Fbur-Cycle Horizontal. Bore. 434 in. Shpg. wt., 1265 lb* .dST kmvt <int» cnulne lame
Stroke, 0 In. Normal speed. 450 IP.M. Maximum speed. 550 B.P.M. The T-H.P. Gasoline-Keroeeno Ma>nard to a < J”‘V n * I ‘!2*
Dlam flywheel. 21 In. Weight eat* flywheel. 81 Ibi. Dlam. crank shaft, enough for all the work <m the farm. It will run a lEj'ator 1 «■ i.
1P 16 in. Capacity water hopper, 3% gals Capacity fuel tank, 834 gals, a 12-lnch buhr mill, a ’Vi"*, wl u
ixtngdi of pteton. 534 in. Dlam. of pulley. 10 in. Face at pulley. 8 lu. 16-inch ensilage cutter with eon'll . hav nrJL « ron
Shipping weight. 460 pounds. Webster Magneto Ignition. hualrer and shredder, a four-hole com aheller, a power hay btesa or run
"nie 3-M.P. Gasoline-Kerosene Maynard will operate a centrifugal pump, A 30-lnch bum saw. < j /tt Hll
ssw wood operate a corn shelter, feed grinder, cream separator, chum. 740A98 Price. OS described “ v.w
etc. Equipped with th* famous Webster OscUiallng Magneto. <C7 Aft —— T Tt Z7
740A96 Price, a* described SO£.UU We can supply homo «««**. Xm * ArtforTfrro
740A842 Hang Truck with four 12-lnch Iron wheels for mounting and other equipment lo in with thee* engines. Arir ror a tree copy or
this engine. Weight, 140 pounds. Price, eachs7.26 our FARM BARGAIN BOOK.
Bl 111 1 111 miMMMMagfiafifißMMßMßßßWßß—■»—a«m——^ m — al
Unusual Savings for Farmers and Stock Raisers
IF EVERY farmer knew how low our prices, how splendid the qualities and how
and varieties of goods we carry, we would be doing ten times the business we are “JL 1 ’ uo to this Ume
a great deal, because so far this season our business has been more than double the volume we ’*«’*’£•’ UD W show
last year, bfe own Inrre quantities of Roods, bought long ago at prices far below the !»«•«£vL 1 000-va«
only a few samples on this page, but you will find thousands of them shown in Your Bargain Book, our Mg . pg
catalog which we sent you this Fall. If you did not receive it, ask your neighbor to lend you hts book.
Monarch Wide Tire Farm Wagon Monarch Feed Keep the Horses Warm This Winter
rwi e art zszi CutterS / You can't afford to buy a. stable blanket, a horse blanket
i L L 00 (uitu y<w ~£ aTe geen to 121 of our
_ Hand *r Power Fr * < ' Firm B“T ala B"* thMo » ia ®rl«':
ro Stable Blankets |A
Wilh Box aid Seat £ 1 >1 10 32A3900 Good Quality Bur*
* R ZL— lap Btabl* Blanket, reinforced Z/y7\\
jflr a W We believe this U j|, at breast and under fasten**, /TjM
'i'% the best Farm Wag 214-In. girth*: 7« Inches l<mg;Wl> JjK
on Bargain on th* weight. 8 pounds. Q 1 /
tC*&J3£?'»l’Ok k l ?’ ' ' today Road _ Price, each • ” A
w ajKdriCyt.i*. dy»*the epedflcetlon*. re- j \ 32A3P02 Same a* 82A3900. ■i>" l [l;|j;!!g!j|ft l
the 5-ye*r M nil eiropt naif lined wtth napped rT*' r' J 1 ' 'Rs
vMJeg AjlYWguarauteo, and that Jute lining. Price, each $ I .30 . k lj- ‘6 ' ’ll J asff
yeu can have your Jf 32A3P03 Beet Heeey Burlap ’ jg U
money back if you || -JU Stable Blanket, with full nap- 11 !•'|Wl
and order now ’ . D «d jute lining, two 134-lnoh
and take your time U WUz girths. Length, 76 In.; wt. 8 lbs. Price, each... .$ I,E 9
in trying th* wagon Geer The bolsters, hound*, epokc*. 32A3&d0 Made of heavy ten duck, quilted to • mH.
reach end tongue are of selecled well seasoned oak Hound* heavy felt lining, splendidly trimmed; fancy
are square and are braced from the front over a »and & in. long: weight. 8 lbs. A crackerjack value at 82.65
bolster and axle* Bolster stakes are braced on both 11 32A3930 Thia Extra Strang Stable Blanket is made
sides and fitted with edge Irons and two ring* Axlee ew of brown duck, full lined with heavy felt, reinforced front,
are 334 x 434 Inches, of seasoned hickory, fitted with S3*x Hu hardwood frame 2-ln. girth*; length, 76 In. Weight. 8 Ibe. .$3.1 5
10-Inch thimble skeins Wheels are 30 and 44 Inches «v-« ia™« feed table ad- 32 <393 I Same as 32A3930; hut length. 80 in. 3.30
high, with 3x»i-tnch tire*; (4-inch tires can be fur- justahleron-clogglng' cone
nislied at extra cost if deslredf. Standard wheel* with feed gearing knlroe of beet Horse Blankets
seasoned oak hub*. Oak and hickory spokes and rim*, tempered steel Instontane- 32A3702 A Strong Warm Service Blanket at an ex-
Rlms bent and set on by hydraulic Measure. Box. 1034 “is adjustment shear cut; oeprionaily low price Brown with blue and white riripee,
feet long by 24 Inches high, with Comstock vatteni end- sm4 ;i band only; Slae. "6xßo in.; weight. 6 pounds. CO OE
gate, and either 38 or 32 Inches wide, depending on j.™ sj3w . hand or power. Price each
track sete tod Track, either 4 feet 6 Inches or 5 tert. Guaranteed 32A3704 Same as 82A3702. but »iae 84xfl0 in. $3.20
Be euro to state which track Is wanted. Box 1* printed ~ 7T k 35137 13 Dark ten blanket, with brown and white
groja. and the gear and wheel* are a rich red. varnished 7 9A1058 Small sire. for work home.. Stae. 30*84 in. $2-95
and gtrlped. • <!/» 83a-tooh <l4 1A 32x3714 Fame aa 32A3713, but stoe 84x90 in.. 5.36
931 Al 225 Monarch Wide Tire Farm Wsi«n, com- knives. Price. 4 * »•*« jf 2 3 q^t s ig t h* greatewt blanket mode for hard
plete, with 3x% Inch tires, snpg wt., 1.000 CEE A A 7 19A1067 Largs six*. ae.-rKk Warm red-brown body, border red and blue
’.be. Shipped from factory In Indiana fJJ.UU with 1034-inch k.111 ;r e x Guards of canri* protect it from wear at shaft* and nar-
If 4x“-» 'nch tiro* are wanted, add $3.60 to above price. Price 020.50 nees: bias woven rib near edge to prevent tearing: siae.
■ ; n -■jt Tn “ n 84xflfl in.: weight, 8 pounds. Price, each *3 Bo
Butter Ladle -rasrw. Waxed Butter Paper 32A3632 A handsome blanket of extraordinary wear-
27A71 16 Made of 27A7155 Site. 9x12 Ul Shpg. OQe. ing qualities. It is a dark blu* and brown plaid with
sale.-ted maple wood. wt . 1 lb. Price, pkg. of 480 sheets contrasting strif** of red “‘d rte™- Woof 1* *±‘* r h c t£:
Tor family or dairy Btoe. 12x18 inches Shipping weight, wool : to^PrKTT6 SO
Prire. : , 12 8e ■ . P . W .. ■ P 32A3633 32A36 3 T but rim n 8 JX
PLEASE GET OUT “YOUR BARGAIN BOOK,” OUR 1,000-PAGE borrow one from jrour uelvhbor. and
$1 085 Tilting Table Pole Saw Frame s7§o Round End One-Hole Corn Shelley
K Cj— — rt This popular, substantial table pole sew W This one-hole corn shelly
fl frame Is solidly built and very rigidly braced fully meets the need* es the average farmer. It 1*
* l j Irtjfia it can be used either for long pole wood er well made, run* light and doos flret el*«s work. ajKT.jjvxllll
'hTTri cordwood. Frame 1* heavy, dry hardwood. Frame work to made of heavy hardwood, strongly AgJ/XJfcrtflr 11
JgJmiTl iljgrm thoroughly bolted and braced, making tt bolted together, making every part fine and rigid II
hftfjfcesvfr-—S*jwja| extra strong and durable Shift* are I*4- Shaft bearing* are all bored true to alee and on
tn oh cold robed eteel, running in long bob- the crank eld* of the shelter the thro* bearings are //
bitted bearing* The table 1* hung on heavy connected eo that they cannot gel out es line.
fW hinge* with long, easy bearing* The lower Shafting to eold rolled steel; balance wheel 1* i-j
‘uFtgc >ror——l’d chart carrying balance wheel extend* en- large and heavy, Insuring even, light running. ■OT V WIK
rffrjßjl M..1 W ttrely across the frame Any else blade from rhe feed spout Is placed directly over the shelling Bln BI?
it 20 to 30 incbee can be used Bhpg. wt, 410 wheels and wheel* grip the ears aa soon a* they
vet. vy ZT-kJ? iba Snipped from New York warehouse er enter sheller. The spring can bo vdhw’ed eo aa
factory In Pennsylvania. Prices de not in- properly handle ears of any rise and do clean
elude *aw. Full line of circular saws on page wort. A too with pulley to be run by power.
940 of Your Bargain Book. Your money back, if you are not perfectly satisfied. Shipping weight.
7 I SAI 61 9 Rlflfit Hand Frame. <IQ fiC 245 pounds. Shipped freen New York City. <7 QA
prtre A 510.0*> 7 ISA 1002 Shelter, complete, with fan and feed table.... <» *C U
719X1620 Left Hand Frame.' ’Pries. $18.06 719A I 006 Extra for Bx2-tnch clamp pulley to bo rim by belt 600
Richland Feed Grinder and Ear Corn Crusher Farmers’ Special Automatic Force Feed
order tod., from thi* Stock Food Cooker Hand Grist Mil!
■4p»fV rag* We will return your >ULr ~
money if you will give up X'H 1= IR!S£» <0 70 er *> U 1 E
L - h< ’ grinder after using it fcfix/ W 5 vW * u [] D $A 15 4 3
Tttofh Two sire -r- with 8-ln. burrs and a capacity gyff* zI > 1 “ fl 1- Ij. . A
n3m 10 f<> 3(1 bushels an hour; with 10-in. pfe&rrrjj jg
L ttßr n burrs end a capacity of 20 to 60 btishols an el ’’Tvt ’ r Ag Order on* of 141
>tj T J K hour. Main frame 1* one casting. Cob creek- i ■fflttvlJ’wl '!“** Cooker* from Order ).;|
/>/ vs er* are clillled iron spiral concaves bolted to Lids page subject to Hand MUI today 9u3*ff «m/
|n x” (bTrefim sides and bottom of main frame Bearing* UjygtjtHfcMeriS trial. Jacket of 16- from this page. *nf SJJ
B are orira long and lined with bent babbitt Main ’ - gauge cold rolled A high grade
shaft 1« 134 lnrh« to 8-toch grinder and 114 Inch's fllnol flrffh heavy iron band. Door. mill, heavily and
j n 10-lnoh grinder. Feed Is adjustable. Burrs ere 12x15 Inches. Burn* cob* or wood * u b»t a'nttally -gjgM
of * special design and are harder then tempered eteel. They will chunks. Kettle of smooth cast toon, built He* 16-
not heat the grain while grinding We furnish three styles of burns with wide flange around top. Price* inch balance wheel. Adjustable
fine for s'tiled corn and smiiil crato. coane for ear corn or for mak- Include elbow joint of 6-lncb pipe, ptndlng plates. Isargs rapacl’y.
Ing feed from shelled corn, and extra coarse for grinding ear corn and damper shipped from factory Makes first class graham flour and
tsltber dry or damp) for feed: 8-tnch mill requires 3 to fl-horse power in Michigan oatmeal. Save money by ordering
•nd should run 106 revolutions per minute per horse power 9 19AI 326 15-Gallon Size, today! Shipping weight. 40 Ins.
719A I 003 With 8-in. burr*, steel lege and eteel hotter AA A Weight. tR 7ft 719A II 02 < A 1 E
and 40 Ib. balance wheel. Shpg. wt. 250 lb«. Price >ZU.UU 11 r. pound*. ■» 0.1 V Mee $4.10
7 I OAI 095 With 16-In. burrs, steel leg« and hopper and 70-lb. 919A1 32 8 30-Gallon SI z Kx'/a Grinding Plateß. pair.. 350
bataneo wheel Shpg. wt. 4ne lbs Price $27.60 Weight. 185 lb* $11.75 BXlr> ' ,rll><un » rmvw;. y u
We Issue a Big FREE CATALOG for Farmers and Stock Raisers
Containing 216 pages, illustrating, describing and pricing thousands of
good farmer and stock raiser uses. Just write us a oostal or a letter and say “Send
me year free Farm Booh,” and we will mail it promptly, free and postpaid. Don’t put
it off—send now —today! We can save you at least a third perhaps a half,
A Few Sample Values From Our Big
Ci-rttert Look at These Prices Then See Full Lines on
Maynard Chilled Face Anvils
k Range . 5 912
f or Soft Coal, Coke
or Wood tr D Xrtr-Si
ary gauge steel miied ro <7
resist rust Lined with 71A542S Msde of I'est quality
ard. Bright nickel trim- cast iron. iHoper.y tempered. Face
shed with combination ts smooth and accurately machined.
Tbe Mavnard !» an ex- This well chared, sturdy anvil at
and rcas'.er The oven the price we offer tt is a remarkable
measures 18x18x12 value.
Inches and ties large Wt. lbs. 50 70 190
I flue* on five sides to ; Price.... 52.10 $2.94 $4.20
ai'e an even heat The
door drop* down, form- T) 11 D 2 .ms
Inga shelf when oven D3i{ 1610 Q
is open. Fitted with ilta.elJfc’J ■.tV-Siji
large wooden hand'-. > Hammer
alwaja cool There is **rt““**Cl 4MrK»Y'W
also a thermometer In 1X5602 Forged of KWI
W. The cooking top' is b est crucible steel, cor- GEm
el. each sec ion bolted rort!y tempered. Will Fl
aced to prevent cracking not go!ten . or chip K j
“T 1 , 1 ! 8 J. h ? Tlirnished with select-
holds about 16 dusrt*. e( j hickory handle A rare value
le of cast Iron, lined with In «'q Ua uty” hammers.
w>ret!*inz oov- ...
Inged in center. The fire Wt-. lbs. 11 ! < 1H
measures 16’4x694x8’4 Price. ...600 S3C 560 61*
end work* on the hot ———
principle. It bas e three- r.onaral C
niece ventilated fire back, with al’ space behind the grate. The front vjeiierai OV
grate to ventilated, and the end liners ean be removed for burning wood. PrirrvA IB“
Ha* side draft and fftriel cial feed, also front door for feeding rvepclll lulyc
wood and will take pieces 133 zin has long. Tbe warming closet Is large j 71A4826 Here is 6$
ar.d ha* roll door. The asli pit ha* a large ran. and as lies can be re- a moneo-saver. A well
moved easily Size of main top. 24'4x42 in Height of main top, 31*. in. desismed. strong, high
Smoke pipe. 7 inches. Has six 8-inch lids. Snipping weight, 323 lbs. grade forge, with good
7 - 2 to A L <^ 0 3nd r, Cro C W ‘ th ” d 533.75 te« -Tort VjfL.
crate snifcer ana Lre ▼ Hearth 19 inches in
We ean furnish this range wltheut high clssst. wltliwt rwrvoir, er Faii’rase. s
without both, at fewer prices. See who «25 In “Your Bargain Beak. inches In diameter. |\
- - * Height to top of V
$ for 100 Carriage Bolts
“ “ pay for itself. Cow- j
.w*. res-r plete. with half hood, f 1 '
First Quality Round Heads weight, r ?c ?d it IBSkIIP 1 B SkllP e cr
Carefully Cut B 1 Sauare
Threads g H Blacksmiths’ Post Drill
Full Site hints —Length. 2to 3 In.
1A6020 A fine assortment for ordmar repair work. This package. Self Feed
made up from regular stock, consists of six eac-h U*ll4. 1%. 2- 2H. 3
inches: six each 5 16x14*. 2,2 H. 3. 3’4. 4 tochee; six each »x 2. 254. 3,7 IASOOB This
3’i lichee; five each \x4. 5 inches Just the tiring for repairs made strong and durable I »V—
--around tbe farm. Order one or more packages. Sb pg. wt., 9 lbs. <*l 1. A post drill represent*
For package fl.l’U the best, of materials. WWtw
—■■— . « accurately machined ttAxiVtel
Carpenters’ Standard Saws I two speeds; spindle
_ , . . . . , 1T - to I*4 tn. in dlam- *SripM|
Order by number and sta.e ,eter. haring a run up I i, Ly.
whether hand or rin eaw is desired W ard down of 3 Inches. El
Give number of points wanted Automatic feed, ad- til’l
. .J«,'.v instable for fast or
I A7006 The*e sews, a most popular style, we highly recommend to „iow speed. Will drill
anyone who want* a lilgh grade saw at a reasonable price Mede of high holes up to 114 In IWu
grade steel, sdenttfirally tenqtered, ground thin on back, properly blocked WIU drill to cen- Ml
and hand set. Full bevelled, band fi.ed Beechwood handle, nlckel-pla.ed ter of a 1 fl-inch elr- Hs
screws. A saw that I* low to price but high to quality. Slotted table
Hart Raws ~ T Rip Baw* ./""Z
24-1 nch 26-toeh_ | 24-lnch 26-lnch 23 Inch takes drills having H-tocl. round
T, 8. 9. 10. 11 6,7, 8. 9. 10. I 5, or 8 5,5 Hor 9 4%. 5. SH, shank. Shpg. WL. 115 Iba <• A Off
or 12 Pointe 11, 12 Pointe I Pointe Pointe 6 Pointe h 5
$1.2751.38j_51.27j_51.38 $1.47 ;~2
Arc Ground Tuttle-Tooth Crosscut Saws »l’«smiths Box Vise
71A6200 This arc ground tuttle-tooth crosscut sew Is ground six RI? T'
on the back edge than oo the tooth edge. iMuring rapid OW j
cutting and oasv running. Order one today. You wiU find it the best to , *
ti fo<md anywhere at the price. The orloo doe* net toolude handles. . SW •
Please bo *oro to give the length desire*. Srrfully out SB
Feet El Feet C Feet £1 Feet 7 Feet ■
Long 5? Tx>ng 0 I»ng 05 Long / Long rtU I
Wt., TH Ibe. Wt, 8K Ibe. Wt., 9% lb*. Wt. 1014 lbs. Wt, 11 lb*. stand hard nee. Just 1
$3.36 $3.65 $4.00 $4.30 $4.62 “ *
f? D Handle 70 . Shin 0 K “0 Hatchet
* Manure | <?C $ pound* 44* Incbee 3, §®
Fork Up O/ C 70 pound* 9H Incbee if,' $4
71A1868 Mad* of th* Up «* tartS 15.12
I finest material* by a com- . fug g, rore to state size.
B pany famous for the manu- rseei KW
facture of high grade farm Bargain **•
ffn implemwite. Made with 12- 1A9236 Best Quality Shingling Wl KUliqan
UH inch polished epring torn- Hatchet Forged cruclM* stool, oil PwHf*rn ■UMtMteteSl
Ilf I pored oral steel ttoee Bent tempered finish, tockory handle Most ratlem
//// hardwood handles with durable cutting edge <lO2
•”r malleable D heads; capped jeady for use A real baxysto 1 sSgW®
and strapped ferrules The J 1 " N®' wv B “l I 4>4 in Wt 1
fork for the farmer that want* the 1 iKlfloertrt *
Shipping weight. 8H pounds -67 c I . 72c OggS
Priog, oaoto .700 08b sl.lO *wq Mnfeh?
Posthole Digger
f weteht, 4H lbs. Price....
f Standard Claw Hammer
IP re -w ..-able shank* and hard
u| ■ wood handlM Height, over Mg
"■^. aU - 6fm Price.o4o_ Big Bucksaw Special w RyC
Incklcnifa 1A5555 You Win be surprised tt
Jatnnliuc t^e speed end ease with which this , , iWH
'sxwrews saw cute. When handled properly tt 1A9244 This V~yy Ip
4i) wiU never wedge or ehoh.e up. The hammer is forged M|
"k/J- "I" ™ frame 1* made of hardwood in it* from crumble steel, ■■■
1A4422 Hand natural finl*h and win not warp perfect In temper,
forged bladre of crucible steel. 3H- Fitted with too coarse Champion "M’' jJ*Jh *d* eje. full polished.
Inch cut stag handles with German tooth blida 30 inches in length by Handle of second growth hickory,
sliver bolsters and shield. Length 214 Inches wide. The rod is heavily A hammer that hangs right Wt.
of large blade, open, 644 in. CT. tinned to prevent rust Shpg. 70. 1 lb. without handle. C2*.
Price, each v£C wt, 5 lb*. Complete 4 «JC price
Bargains in Evercote Guaranteed Roofing
Now Is the time to cover your house or barn with Evercote or Kandow Guaranteed Roofing. Positively the
strongest and beet roofing obtainable, regardless of price. Absolutely -waterproof, weatherproof, rotproof and
fire-reelstlng We guarantee that the Evercote aefl Sanflow Roofing you buy will wear a flefinlte number es
■ yean. Sold at prlcas much lower than you will pay elsewhere. Anyone can lay Fvrr
coto or San<low Roofing—the oaly tools required are a hammer 1
and a knife. Each roll Is 32 Inches wide and contain* 108
square feet Nails and cement are included free of charge
with each order. '
Evercote Standard Robber Sandow Sand Coated
Style Reeling Asphalt Guaranteed Roofing
Ta m>A» nf tnn» flh-r f*lv Made of selected wool felt, C, ,33P58.'30-.’3w'
saturated with mineral a»- throughly uturated with an
phalt and coated with asphalt
composition that make* It ? u .
tough and pilable Excep- mlnrral uphalt in £
ttonally durable, flre-reoist- which finely washed sand has .7
ing and unaffected by steam. * )eeJl , embedded to give it a liv 4
vapor, ga* or climatic conrti- hard and solid surface. If tePKSSyjiF'.iLWEIGH?
tion*. Will not taint or dis- 7" u desire to do so you ean
color rain water. When *dd more sand to its surface jPttSgwtoLJjUaßMrrit
properly laid it is water by applying a coot of our WSJjagMD':
tight and moistproof. Called asphalt roofing ooetlng and fiOKafMWrwM "■ sns
"rubber roofing" 1 scams of then sprinkling tbe sand
its smooth finish appearance, but no rubber te used upon It before it drys.
in its manufacture. Remember that Sandow Roof-
Ply Shpg wt. Guaranteed Per roll tog te guaranteed to wear from Tto 12 year*.
728A3002 1 35 pound* 5 year* $1.27 P*7 Shpg. wt. Guaranteed Per roll
728A3C04 3 45 pounds 8 year* 1.63 728A2020 1 55 pounds 7 year* *1.29
728A3C06 3 55 pound* 12 year* | .95 728A2022 3 65 pounds 10 year* 1.68
728A*OjO 3 55 pounds 12 years |.97 728A2024 X 75 pounds 12 years 1.86
728A3012 4 65 pound* 15 veers 2.25 728A2021 8 75 pounds 12 year* 1.00
use IM-inch nails over old shingles. use I 1 *-inch nails when laying over old sMngiee
For Complete Line of Roofing at Bargain Prices See" Yoar Bargain Book,” Pages 880 to 883
Bi-Treadle Ball Bearing Grindstone $t 25
1A343 Put this -smartable Grtodstone on your pteoe for $5.25! ■
1 -n&JgEI - Pay more for a grindstone If you wish, but you cannot hope to gea on-
BKjff Tany better than this on* Entire frame 1* made of rigid steel. ~.e
IWro3<4l Kvjfi superb even grit grindlag stone is mounted on ball bearing* and fairly
».V- * (pros around with the sUghteet pressure. A comfortable seat 1s built on the tram*
% The eteel frame of course will outlast many wooden one* The water supply te regß
lated by funnel shaped tank that feeds steadily and evenly. Journals are ball bearing
end <“* made so that the balls oaunot fall out Fully guaranteed to every reepoot.
*< J. I\> Order one today and we will cheerfully rrturn your money and pay freight chargee
3\ 3 , sle both ways, if you ere not satisfied Shipping weight, about 100 pounds
> -I* J fiZ* Well* this is one of the biggest grindstone bargains ever offered to qur customer*.
> \ you will find in "Your Bargain Book." our Mg 1000-page catalog which you have.
< fl jteaaaiJuxt *’ bl « bargain* in all kinds of tools and machinery all tt prices which
* mean big Barings. <C 9C
< % Price, each -
Wheelbarrow Bargain 103 Wall Paper Samples
Steel 17DC 17
wheel rKtt
* Here ts the best wall iffy .•JfijTzUSl
paper book of the yeer. IBvtetL'jj-t,
f \ f Don't spend a cent fIW andfln, -®ta 00
a I for wal l paper until ftef ItiAfl M jjtfTi KB
»glnr* ftr Lt you have seen those itHlaMdKn
•3 ZoVr wonderful designs and
As— wat . 103 free temples, irakw r
*» Every one Is new and s “
1A3482 Made cX fltideted hardwood, painted red stylish—the best that can be bought for the money,
and etro.igly braced with wood Removable sides. Ha* Our prices save you from 20 to 0 cents on toe
a well made stee wheel. IS to. in diameter Bed te dollar. Simply a*y "Send me your toee wall paper
26 in long and Uh in. deep. Shpg. wt.. O Qft samples." and we will send them by return mall, free
45 lb*. Price, each. and postpaid.
This Big Shoe Repair Outfit QQ<6
77A6991 Consists of a combination set of too’* with which you
u w <*-» can repair your own boots, shoes, rubber*, harness, and mend your
w ■ W cy-jfCT I own tinware.
I l I®SThe outfi’ consists of the following: One men's iron last; one boys' iron last; one
te > womer.'s iron last; one child's Iron last; one iron stand suitable tpr the above lasts;
W r; pST". one ehoe hammer, ono shoe knife, one peg awl heft, one peg awl. one sewing awl halt,
” 13 <J Er! one sewing awl. one stabbing awl haft, one stabbing awl, one paper each of H-tocb,
evtt /JI s ir 1 ®i-lnch 5.-inch clinch nails, one paver of H-incli heel nail*, four pairs of hoe!
US <£ I{ '’ro»G'. ; plates escorted sixes: one-tottie <4 rubber cement, one bottle <4 leather cement, oie
ball of shoe thread, six harness needles, me ball of wax. one harneos and saw clamp.
EafctZHg one hsrnwis and belt punch, one box of slotted rivets, assorted; one soldering copgwr
fcISStEr■TJRSCKWWtt-’vrtM and handle, one bar of solder, one box of rosin, one piece of tin. In neat wood box.
wUI Q uote a much higher price after January Ist Buy now! n Q
■WWM 1 nvt*TSrwihfeififf Price, complete outfit itOv.
8 House Rural Delivery Mail Box Name SfencaeJ
Mail Approved by Postmaster > -ffgte ~ IffiwSSw
BOX General J*- 1 < yTll'll-lk l i k-
Hosiy g*”g* galvanised steel. T K ' ’’ ‘ ' . - - ’f 3
grez* finished in waterproof and f ■ ■ .. 1
weatherproof aluminum brnuxe F", . H
Ulvw Has end opening with door j g
,c-r\nA MsHoof bingo on the bottom and equip- ijfjT 'f.ltF
2 .?- A ®2 34 , ..nrr<l Ped vrith automatic eteel hasp. l|W»yfw
V Tiid’ durst le r>f * ,r l * ”'*olutely elret-proof. KrltffißSiß
sl oT Signal visible tt a great dis- gWffIIWBIWMIIHIMWMffIffWBP
- lit ™
£l* Lo’l* not in. high and in. wide Shpg.
ini’-dld' at price w? - ■*«« ln
s£S* a&r Si “5* $1 27
5 pounds. 06- 27A6081 Price . Kgjffjffii z -
Price, each...O3C 27A6082 Dozen $14.20 ■