Newspaper Page Text
“We’ll Take the City!”
Houston Riot Victim
Testifies Negro Jeered
SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Nov. 7.—Well,
we've got one good one; that's a white
one. right there," a rioting negro aol
_<iier jeered on passing the bodv of A.
, R. Careton. victim v« the Houston not.
on the night of August it, according to
• the testimony of C. W. Shuck at the
courtmart ial today of sixty-three ne
groes charged with murder and mutiny
* growing out of the riot.
S. S. Smith, who was in charge, of
an ambulance that was stopped on its
way to Camp Logan by a shot through
t a tire, testified that when he and others
were ordered out of the ambulance and
told to run while shots were fired after
them; that one negro soldier cursed
them and said: “We are going to take
charge of this city tonight."
Everybody Is Talking About
His Remarkable Recovery.
Troubles Gone and Tie Has
Gained Ten Pounds
L. E. Rowe, one of the best-known
street car conductors in Memphis. Ten-
* noesee. living at *ltl Carr avenue, re
cently gave one of the strongest indorse
ments for Tanlac yet published in the
south. Capt. Rowe said:
“1 firmly believe that Tanlac saved
my life, for I hav* gained ten pounds
and feel like a bey again, after suffer
ing for over a year with stomach
trouble and indigestion. •! got to the
place where efen milk and eggs hurt
me. and I could no more think of eat
ing a substantial tneal than I would so
much scrap iron. Gas would form in
my stomach and swell me up until I
- , could hardly breathe and it was just a
task for me to stay on* my car. I tried
everything I could get hold of. and
nothing relieved me until I started tak
ing Tanlac •
"Everybody who knows me. from the
superintendent of the company on down,
is talking about the remarkable change
in me since I started taking Tanlac. I
am full of vim and energy all the time,
my strength has returned and every
trouble I had has left me. 1 am glad
to tell people about this great med
Tania.- is sold by one regularly estab
« * l.shed agency in every town. —tAdvt.l
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Probably no remedy baa ever met with such
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scribed an.! recommended it: Mon*eixneug
Nanntnl. a prominent Catholic Clergyman, rec.
orrmend. it to all u.»mlen of the Catholic
Church. Banner Health Commissioner Wm
R. Kerr, of Chicago. says it ought to !e used
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tbvsician Sarah Bernhardt—"the Divine
Sarah." the world s must noted actress, has
ordered a targe quantity sent to the French
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end urn we.
Dr. A. J- Newman. Ute Police Surgeon of
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goon Jefferson Park Hospital. Chicago, says
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recting digestive disorder*.
Dr. N. H. Hornatine for ten years Physician
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Hies of . ulladelt '.la says that tests made with
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If you are not *trong o* well, you owe it
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per day after meals for two weeks. Tbei.
rest your strength again and see bon much you
have gained.
NOTE:—Nuxated Iron. which has been use!
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• ate and House of Represent* tire*. am! other
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is not a tmtrnt medicine nor secret remedy. but
or* wblr'i is well known to druggists and
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«4der inoraani. iron product*. It is easily am
• imitated, tines m»t injure the teeth, make them
black, nor upset the stomach: »n the contrary
It ia a most potent remedy in nearly all form*
of Iwligestion is w»li a* for nervou*. rundown
ccndltlot.s. The manufacturers have eii<d. great
rwafldenre in Nuxated Imn. that they offer to
ftrfelt |1O» t« any charitable institution if
tber cannot take any man or woman under wt
who lacks iron and increase their strength l<W
per cent or over in four week*' rime, provided
they have no eeriotm organ>•■ trouble. They
also offer to refund yunr money If it does
• a » least •lontde your strength and endurance
in ter days’ time, it l« di«:<ensed hy all good
dtuggfsi’-. -<Advt. <
I will gladly send any RbeumatiMn -uffvrv-r a
bnaple Herb Kecljw Absolutely Free that Com
♦ pletely Cured me of a terrible attae* of mn**ul*r
and inflammatory Rheumatism of long standing
after everything else I tried bad failed me. I
bare given it to many sufferer* wb-y believed
■ their <’>•** bopelee®. yet they found relief from
their suffering by taking these simple herbs. It
also relieves Seis tie* promptly, as well as Neu
ralgia. and is a awmlerful l>kxal imrifier. You
are most welcome to this Herb Recipe if you
will rend for It at w. I bellev- yon will
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ebat you are taking I will gladly sen.) Cuis
Kceipe—absolutely free —to any *nffer»*r who
wiR semi name and address.
W 6 SUTTON 2630 Magnolia Ave.
Los Angele* California
, If Everybody Will Work and
- Pray, God Will Send Down
f His Spirit Like the Rain,
’ Says Evangelist
r The revival at Pentecost and how such
1 a revival may happen in Atlanta, if
f ’everybody works and prays for it. was
Billy Sunday's subject at the tbalernacle
Wednesday afternoon.
Hig sermon in full follows;
Just before His ascension the Lord
made known to His disciples the woi k
that He wanted them to do and the
Teachings He wanted them to spread
, broadcast throughout the world. It is
recorded in Matthew. He said: "Go ye
' therefore, and teach all nations, t>apU»z
, ing them in the name of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost;
Teaching them to observe all things
whatsoever I have commanded you; and.
lo I arm with you always, even unto the
end of the world." And in Mark, he
said: "Go ye into all the wofld. and
’ preach the gospel to every creature.
every creature that is white, black, rich
i or poor, illiterate or wise. And in Luke
He said: "Behold. I send the prom
ise of my Father upon you: but tarry
ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye
be enbued with power from on high."
And in Acts 1.8: "Ye shall be witnesses
unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all
Judea, and in Samaria, and unto the
. uttermost parts of the earth. ' W e see
how faithfully they followed out these
instructions in the famous ten days
prayer ineeeting at Pentecost.
My subject this afternoon is "The
i Revival at Pentecost" and in what way
it can be analogous to one of this
city. In .he first place, this was not a
man-gotten-up revival, but'one that God
Sent down, and so is every true re
' vival of religion: but there are condi-
I tions which human beings must fulfill
' before God will even send it down. A
revival is something different from a
rainstorim— you have nothing to do with
■ a rainstorm. God will exercise His
sovereignty and will make it rain
•whether you like it or not; and He will
I make it snow in April when you think
Ijt ought to snow in February; if He
takes a notion He will make it snow
in June, and so. the Lord runp the
weather bureau on that proposition. But
there are conditions on which God will
save people but you have got to couple
yourself up with the Lord before you
ever receive the blessing of the Lord.
The leader of that meeting was the
Holy Spirit fro mstart to finish. Thue
disciples went to that upper room wiXji
no thoughts or plans of their owfl
They had no’ committee on arrange ,
ments; they had no cut and dried schetf
ule where they would have a response
reading here and a prayer there, aqjl i
take a collection here and a benediction. I
“Pape’s Diapepsin’’ is the
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You don't Know what upset your stom- |
ach—which portion of the food did the i
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1 Millions of men and women today |
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If your stomach doesn't take care of 1
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remember the quickest, surest, most
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which costs only rtfty cents for a large
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. ful—it stops food souring and sets things
i straight, so gently and easily that it is
1 really astonishing. Your stomach will
digest your meals if you keep acids neu- i
. tral I zed.—< Advt.)
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So far •• we snow, our Rtf
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Tobacco Habit
Easily Overcome
A New Yorker, of wide experience, has writ |
ten a book telling how the tnbaeco or snuff'
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delightful benefit. The author. Edward J. j
Woods. >3l H. Station E. New York City, will |
mail Mt book free on request.
The health improves wonderfully after tobae- ■
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sleep, clear eye*, normal appetite, good diges
tion. manly vigor, strong memory and a general
gain in efficiency are among the many benefits
i reported. Get rid of that nervous, irritable
feeling; no more need of pipe, cigar, cigarette,
snuff or chewing tobacco to pacify morbid do
or anything of that sort. No! They
began without thought of plans or of
methods and they looked to Him for
guidance, and there was no visible lead
er of that meeting.
Now. listen, and we will find out what
i they did. They went looking for two
great things, and they were not disap
pointed. They went first to receive the
Holy Ghost and second to receive
power. But please remember the re
ireiving of the Holy Spirit always pre
i cedes powei. ’
I hear people pray God for power
, when their lives are so directly op
' posed to God that God can't answer that
prayer, and he won't answer it, and yet
they are inclined to turn around and
blame God when the blame is upon
themselves, for they fare not living in
■a way that God could give them the
. Holy Spirit. And it is your fault and
I not the Lord s. If God provides food
and you are too lazy to cook it. if you
starve to death it is up to you and
i not the Ixird.
I think wc would have better pray-
■ er meetings and church services if tne
people only went there looking for
something, and not go simply because
it is Sunday morning and they rang
the bell and opened the door. Go there
looking for something; not simply ‘ i
"kill" time. And you often get nothing
because you expect nothing. Well, you
are no. disappointed, never in the world:
And they can make prapers but they
seemingly don't expect tljem to be an-
' swered.
But they expected something, for they
went standing on the promises of God.
which are immutable, unchangeable, ir
revocable and as enduring as Gibral
tar. Now, the disciples were certain of
another thing: They knew that to
them was committed the work of car
rying on the gospel, and they were chos
en by God to do that very work. An
other thing, we would be more in ear
nest if we only realized that our mis
sion is a God-given mission. And un
derstand it now, our call today is just
as unmistakably clear as was their call.
If God is being represented by anybody
on earth today, he is being represent
ed by the church, and 1 have just as
much right to demand of the preachers
and the church their co-operation as
the President and Congress Has to de
mand the co-operation of the people at
a time like this, and the only differ
ence is. if you don’t co-operate they
will send out a conscription and they
will make you do it.
The government has the power, and
it ought to have the power and the
right to make you do it if it needs to
be done, but if you are not willing to
volunteer to do God's work. God nev?r
will send out any conscription, but you
can go to the devil! That is the dif
ference between the two propositions.
So I have got a perfect right to ask
your co-operation, absolutely. So if
God is being represented by anybody
today He is being represented by the
church, and if we are not doing it, who
is? Tell me and 1 will turn to them.
Do the breweries represent Christ? Do
you want me to turn to the Liquor Deal
ers’ association? Do you want me to
turn to the distillers and the barkeep
ers? Do you want me to go to the red
light district and let them line up their
J bunch? Where would I go if I can’t
I turn to the church? ' And if the church
doesn't represent Jesus Christ, who
: does'? Do the politicians, the cominer-
I cial clubs, the businesses, the societies,
; the literaries? Where? No! 1 turn to
God because your God is represented in
the world, and we are expected to do
the work of the Lord, and if we are
I not God’s witnesses, where are the
I Lord's witnesses? We have the same
| commission to keep this world in a pir
I petual state of revival that the disei
j pies had. and our cMll is just as clearly
; from God as their call, to do in our day
I and generation what they did in theirs.
I It is up to us. and if we don’t do it,
|it won’t be done. And had they been
I like a great many church members
I there would have been no waiting ten
, days. They would have said: Well,
i the way to do this thing right is to
i scatter lr/all directions like a shotgun.
■ and one hundred and twenty would have
! rolled up their sleeves and they would
I have gotten busy before breakfast,
i they would have tarried in Jerusalem
| for ten days. Why. that is a waste of
, time! But the Bible teaches me that
God has an order and away of doing
I things—he has in nature, he has. my
I friends, in spiritual things. Sow in the
spring; reap in the fall?
Pray and work and you will see the
| results of your labors. God has away
of doing things spiritually just as well
ias He has in the material world, and
i you must fulfill the divine order if you
want to keep from starving to death.
You have got to fulfill the divine or
der if you want to be healthy. You vio
. rate God’s laws of sanitation and you
' will pay- the price with disease. All
right! You have got to do it to live
decently. So. work in harmony with
the Lord and see how well you get
The time spent in preparation is never
lost. The time your l>oy or girl spends
in getting an education isn't lost, for
with a bright, brilliant brain they can
go out and succeed perhaps better in life.
And a tree will come down easier if you
■ take time to grind the axe. If the en
gineer didn't take some time to get up
steam, he never would get the engine
out of the depot; if they didn’t take
time to get up steam, they never would
I cross the ocean. Time spent in prepa
ration is never lost! If I didn’t spend
time to hunt and read and get something
to preach. 1 would have nothing to say
when I got up. I believe in preparation.
T believe yon have got to have it every
where you tuVn around in life: you can’t
do without it. We put fire-escapes on
buildings, that is preparing the people,
for away to get out. You don't wait
until you fall down and break your leg
and then run over tn college to find
out how H. We have got men
who know that now. You have to pre
pare everything in life' We pre
pare the ground before we put In the
seed. We prepare the food before we eat
it. So. al) through life, everywhere you
turn, you are up against the same prop
Now. God's will had the right <of way
for those ten days, and the track was
clear, and the purposes of God swept
on to marvelous victory. They made
1 their domestic and their business ar
rangements so as not to interfere with
God’s plan. They had no social par-
I ties. All right! They had no literary
gatherings to attend. They had no com
| mittees and conventions, bad no sewing
to be done, no house cleaning, no theater
parties, hail no business to interfere in
i those days, no polities, no lodge, meet-
■ Ings. lam not a member of any lodge,
but if I were and lodge meeting came
on prayer meeting night. I would go to
When the Skin Seems Ablaze
With Itching and Burning
There’s just one thing to do.
If your skin seems ablaze with the
fiery burning anti itching of Eczema,
real and lasting relief can only come
from treatment that goes below the
surface —that readies down to the very
source of the trouble. So-called skin
diseases come from a disordered condi
tion of the blood, and the proper treat
ment is through the blood.
Search far and near, and you cannot
prayer meeting instead of lodge meeting.
I am not against them. I think they
are doing a magnificent work. I pull
my hat off to them for the magnificent
things that they are doing. And they
had no feasts, no suppers, no dances, no
card parties, all other things had to get
out of their way for God. When house
cleaning < oines at the same time as a
revival you know which suffers most.
And they had nothing that would pre
' vent them from doing the work of God.
You do the same thing and see what God
i will do here in Atlanta.
The Lord's cause had the right of
way. They planned to be present at
i the meetings. The last verse of Luke
- shows how completely they fulfilled it.
' for I read. "They were continuously tn
1 the temple praising and blessing God
I They had all-day meetings. Nobody
. was anxious to get home by 9 o'clock.
They had no clocks to watch. I preach
ed tn a church where they had a clock
! screwed up on the front of the pulp't
■ and I think the devil used the screw-
I driver. You will never have a revival
: when the people are watching the clock.
llt makes me sick to see some fellow
tank out his watch as though I ant
I trespassing on his time. If you want
: to pull a gun on me, all right, but don’t
I pull a watch.
They took time to be religious.
! They took time to pray. They took
‘time to praise God. It is as
I I lc io pray ' earnestly when you are oi.
the run as it is to run an automobile
with dish water or pink tea. They took
' time to consider who God was. They
i took time to consider what God was do
. ing for them. And the disciples gave
' time and thought for God
, Then, another thing! The brethren
' were there, too. 1 think if more mon
I turned out we'd have better meetings,
gui that men have a monopoly on reli
gion. God knows they haven’t. Judg
ing from church attendance, heaver.
i won’t be overly crowded with men. If
■ they have enough to scare up a male
■ chorus they will do well.
I have no doubt that the disciples
bad just as pressing business as your
‘ husbands—Just exactly—but they found
time to lay it aside and give God a
I chance every once in awhile. They were
there and they stayed through the
meeting. They didn’t get up and hike
out. Some people feel uneasy; some
people have the capacity of a th iin file;
’others a hogshead. If you can get fill
ed tip quick, why. I'll let you go.
Then, I find another thing. • They
had warm, fervent meetings, no shak
ing hands with two fingers, none of
this doggy kind of shaking. When I
see a woman shaking hands I wonder
if she had a boil under her arm. I like
the good old poke-handle fashion. It
has some heart in it. This bunk oysters
and sawdust business! Oh. gentlemen!
I Wann meeting—no danger of catching
cold by sitting clown in some seat that
had just been vacated by some member
iof the Official board. No ice water in
that meeting, no marble heart, no Klon
; dike. Nothing of that sort. A warm,
' fervent meeting.
1 "And they were all with one accord.
i They all wanted something. They, all
I wanted it intently. They all wanted the
same thing. And they all took hold of
God in earnest, and all together, and
they would not let go. and they all
prayed in the same way. they all prayed
for the same thing. Jhey all prayed
with one accord. No matter who pray
ed. everybody said. "Amen."
Nobody said. "now. I wonder if he
will pray all night? He will never get
through. If I couldn't pray better than
that- I wouldn't (Start." None of that
spirit in it. No, none at all. Nobody
criticised: nobody found fault: nobody
knocked; nobody listened through their
prejudice; nobody grumbled. I wonder,
in God's name, if we'll ever have an
other like It. Evidently we never have
for we have never seen the results, and
it is a disgrace that you have to walk
back two thousand years in history to
get an illustration of God’s power to
save, because the Church of God from
that day to this has not fulfilled the
I commissions they fulfilled then.
“With one accord and in one place.”
I bet my life even if your own churches
are lined up back of this meeting. I’ll
bet your own preachers are knocking it.
Be on the square now-. Didn’t you come
here in the spirit of a woman last
night. As she went by she said.
didn’t know whether I would like you
or not, but I do." So evidently she
came here determined not to.
Out in lowa one time they went around
to a woman who was very wealthy, and
asked her if she would entertain me in
her home while I was there. She said,
“T don’t know whether I’d like him or
not." Finally she decided to take a
chance on me. And so she did and her
prejudice dissolved, and she said. “Well.
: I didn’t know whether I would like
I you Mr. Sunday.”
I said, "Gosh, I don't know whether
' I'd like you." I said, "It w’ould be
: jtist as inconvenient for me to be en
; tertained in your home if I didn't like
i you as if you didn’t like me.” And don’t
I you think that because you can buy
I Persian rugs, and sit behind a power
iof wealth, and you have a buttpn on
your table, and press the button-z-z-z-z
and have somebody running; it is all
on your side, sissy.
"They were all with one accord.” We
need "one accord” in the churches more
than we need high church steeples. We
need "one accord" more than we need
a pipe-organ backed up tn the corner.
Wc need “one accord" more than we
need cookstoves. We need "one accord”
more than we need dishes. We need
“one accord” more than we need a grand
opera singer up in the choir loft scrap
ing calcimine off the ceiling and you
can’t understand a word she says. We
need "one accord” more than we need
multi-millionaires sitting in the pews.
God Isn't going to pour out his spirit
because some rich duck sits in your
pews. We need "one accord” more than ;
wc need culture. Some of the biggest !
rogues I have ever met have been men I
and women of culture.
"One accord"—one mind: no contro- |
versy; no discussion: or leaving the dif
ficulties off: no denominational fusses;
nobody hollering “water, water, water;” ;
no Presbyterian talking about the per
severance of the saints: no hair-split
ting: no worrying about your dinner
burning up before you get home; no
growling because your note was due
and you had nothing to pay it with. All
with one mind. And everybody there
knew Jesus Christ. Get this point. Ev
erybody there was personally acquaint
ed with Jesus. They knew him after
the ,lesh before they crucified him. They
knew him after the spirit after he was
resurrected, and there was not a soul in
that gathey-ing at Pentecost that was a
stranger to Jesus Christ. Perhaps every
• find a blood remedy that approaches S.
S. S. for real efficiency. It has been
on the market for fifty years, during
which time it has been giving uniform
satisfaction for all manner of blood dis
orders. If you want prompt and last
ing relief, you can rely upon S. S. S.
For expert advice as to the treatment
of your own individual case, write to
day to Chief Medical Adviser. Swift
Specific Co., Dept. M-40, Atlanta, Ga.
man and every woman present had felt
his power and had been a recipient of
ris power to heal, cleanse, and bless,
or he'd dried the teais on their cheeks,
or he cast the devil out of some mem
ber of the family, or he'd sent a vom
iting husband walking home sober to
kiss her instead of to beat her up. and
indirectly or directly they felt some
benefit and blessing because Jesus
Christ walked on earth.
Everybody there knew Jesus Christ.
The leper was there whose corrupt
flesh Jesus Christ cleansed by touch
ing him—as he touched the leper. Oh.
Jesus Christ was better than the Mo
saic Jaw. It was against the Mosaic
law. It was against the Mosaic law
to touch a leper, and that fellow cama
up with the rotten, putrifying flesh
dropping from his bones. He said,
"Lord, if Thou wilt Thou eanst make
me clean.’ He said, “I will." He
reached out and touched him against
the Mosaic law. Oh. Jesus Christ was
better than the Mosaic law.
Like David, He went into the tem
ple one da>. They had been chasing
him over the mountains. He was hun
gry and He rushed into the temple and
there the bread was on the shew ta
ble. It .wasn’t lawful for anybody but
the high priest, to touch it, and David
grabbed it up and h t a hunk off of it
and began to eat it, and God didn't
Strike him dead. And why? Because
David's ceremony was bigger than a
priest’s. That’s the kind of a Lord
you’ve got. God is no three-carat prop
And the blind beggar was there. And
tn the ninth chapter of John—gentle
men. when I get to heaven he is going
to be one of the first fellows I am go
ing to look up. And the paralytic
whom they let down through the roof.
There Is scriptural authority for doing
things out of the ordinary. They
couldn’t get him in through the door,
and so they ripped off the roof and
lowered him down in front of Jesus. So
if you can’t do it one way do it an
other but in God’s name do it. So he
was there.
Yes and the nobleman's son that Je
sus had cleansed was there. The man
with a withered hand that Jesus healed
in the synagogue on the Safibath day,
and that bunch of high-brow thugs knd
crooks made at him because he did it.
Oh. he was there. And Jairus wjis
there and his litle daughter that JeStts
raised from the dead one day- over in
Capernaum, and the woman that crawl
ed through the crowd und touched the
hem of his garment, who had an afflic
tion that was eating and gnawing her
life away like a cancer. She was there.
The centurian with his servant that
Jesus cleansed was there. Yes. and
the man who lain at the Pool of
Bethesda for thiriy-eight years waiting
for the angel to come down, and Jesus
beat him there. Jesus came along and
said, "Take up your bed and walk.” And
he was there. And the disciples whose
hearts burned within them as they walk
ed on the way to Emmaus. They were
there. Mary, and Martha, and Laarus,
they were there. And the woman taken
in adultery—in the very act—and Jesus
said, "Neither do I condemn you. Go
and sin no more.”
.\nc Mary Magdalene, out of whom
he cast seven devils, she was there,
praying as earnestly and as fervently as
any of the others. Everybody at that
little meeting knew Jesus Christ and
every one of them had an up-to-the-min
ute experience, and if you'd call for a
testimony meeting you wouldn’t have
to nag and pull and beg and tease and
coax for five minutes to get somebody
to their feet. Then some good old saint
would stand up and say, “The Lord la
A Medical Mongoos
We can manufacture poisons within
our own bodies which are as deadly as
a snake's venom.
The liver acts as a guard over our
well-being, sifting out the cinders and
ashes from the general circulation. A
blockade in the intestines piles a heavy
burden upon the liver. If the intestines
are choked or clogged up, the circula
tion of the blood becomes poisoned, the
system becomes loaded with toxic waste,
and we suffer from auto-intoxlcation or
ptomaine poisoning. Something is wrong
with the liver, and we suffer from head
ache, yellow-coated tongue, bad taste in
mouth, nausea, or gas, acid dyspepsia,
languor, debility, skin or eyes yellow,
the water is scant and high colored, con
taining "brick-dust” deposits and bile
pigments. At such times one should
drink plenty of water between meals,
and a pint of hot water before breakfast,
and occasionally take a pleasant laxa
tive. a one is made of the May
apple, leaves of aloe and root of jalap,
first extracted and put ip ready-to-use
form by Dr. Pierce nearly fifty years
ago, and sold by druggists as Dr.
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
Do not take mineral oils or so-called
"Russian Oil,” for the experiments by
R. F. McDonald have shown as lately
reported in a government publication of
the U . S. Public Health Service, that
mineral oil may act as an irritant that
produces gastro-intestinal disturbances
and that it may cause tissue prolifera
tion. simulating cancer.
The next important organ t<s be reckon
ed with is the kidneys. Kidney disease
carries away a large percentage of our
people. What can the ordinary person do
to properly balance bodily health? The
answer is not easy, but I advise every
body to eat less meat, eat coarse, plain
food, with plenty of vegetables, drink
plenty of water between meals, and take
an uric acid solvent, such as Anuric
(double strength), before meals for
awhile. Anuric can be obtained at al
most any drug store. —(Advt.)
Not SI.OO, not even 60c, not one cent cost_to yoo
under our easy condition*. No extra
charge for fancy, swell styles, no extra ,
charge for extra big, extreme peg-tops
pearl buttons, tunnel or fancy belt
loops, no extra charge for anything. AjMstA
all FREE. Before you take another
order, before you buy a suit or pan ts,
get our samples and new offer. Agent* AlUll|k
cl other tailoring house* gloase writ*, we fWd'luk
ha vea ne w deal that will open your eyes.
We ask every man to answer this. UHII|IH
every boy in long pants, every man, loMmw
everywhere. No matter where you live liftnuß
or whatyou do.writeusaletter or postal U|
and say “Send Me Your Neu> Free By 1M
Offer" the big. new different tailoring ■ W
deal.Costsnothingand noextracharges. JJS V
Write today, this minute.
Dept. HSU Chicago, 111.
I was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk
several years ago. Doctors said my only hope
of cure was an operation. Trusses did me no
good. Finally I got hold of something that
quickly and completely cured me. Years have
passel and the rupture has never returned, al
though 1 am doing hard work as a carpenter.
There was no operation, no lost time, no trou
ble. I have nothing to sell, but will give full
information about how you may find a com
plete cure without operation, if you write to
me, Engenc M. Pullen. Carpenter, 462-D Mar
cellus Avenue, Manasquan. N. J. Better cut
out this notice and show it to any others who
are ruptured—you may save a life or at least
atop the misery of rupture and the worry aud
danger of an operation.— (Advt.)
my shepherd, I shall not want.” Oh,
my goodness! They'd all want to speak.
They all had something to say. Some
thing had been done for all of them.
That’s the reason why we’ve got so
many dead ones in the church. I don’t
believe that half the church members
have ever been converted. I don’t be
lieve half of them ever had any reli
gious experience. I'll bet my life on it.
Y’ou know that bread is good. You
know that water will quench the thirst.
That is your experience. You have
eaten, so you know from experience.
Multitudes of people have never been
converted. They never had a religious
experience. Never! Nothing under
heaven but a lot of forms and ceremo
nies! That is all. They think they
Tonight! Take Dodson’s Liver Tone!
Better Than Calomel For Liver
Calomel sickens! If bilious, constipated and head
achy read my guarantee.
Listen to me! Take no more sicken
ing, salivating calomel when bilious or
constipated. Don't lose a day’s work!
Calomel is mercury or quicksilver
which causes, necrosis of the bones.
Calomel, when it comes into contact
with sour bile, crashes into it, breaking
it up. This is when you feel that aw
ful nausea and cramping. If you are
sluggish and “Nil knocked out.” if your
liver is torpid and bowels constipated
or you have headache, dizziness, coated
tongue, if breath is bad or stomach
sour just take a spoonful of harmless
Dodson’s Liver Tone.
Here’s my guarantee—Go to any drug
store and get a bottle of Dodson’s Liv
er Tone for a few cents. Take a spoon-
Also called Tetter, Salt Rheum, I
Pruritus, Milk Crust, Water
Poison, Weeping Skin, etc. *
For fifteen jear- I ha'e been treating one disease M
■ alone. ECZEMA. I have handled over one million ' jtyjyß
■ cases. Ido not pretend to know it all, but I am con- yStmS
I vmced the disease is due to an excess of acid in the '..
I blood, and closely related to rheumatism and cancer.
I This acid must be removed. A 4 Ayr
Eczema is called by some people Itch, Tetter. Salt If Ks i
I Rheum. Pruritus, Milk Crust, Weeping Skin, etc. I /.'
■ am fully convinced Eczema is a curable disease, and no CfIMMAnAV '
I when I say it can be cured. I mean just what 1 say— .dHwsW
I C l R-E-D, and not merely patched up for a while to <o7T» yTTX
I return worse than before. It makes no difference
I what other doctors have told you. or what all you have tried, all I ask is just* ■
■B chance to prove to you that this vast experience has taught me a great deal that
would be of help to you. If you will write tn< today I will send you a free trial
IBh of my mild, soothing, guaranteed treatment that will do more to convince you Kg
JU than lor anyone else could in a month's preaching. It’s all up to you. If you MB
suffer any more with eczema and refuse to merely write to me for free trial, just
blame yourself. No matter where you live. I have treated your neighbors. Merely
■ dropping me a postal today is likely to give you more real comfort in a week than Eg
I you ever expected to.enjoy again. Do it right now, your very life may be at stake. ■K
I J. E. CANNADAY, M. D.,1428 Court Bk„ Sedalia, Mo. ■
Rtfartr.ct: Third National Bank, Sedalia, or aek V ow banker to find out about nu.
I Send this notice to some poor sufferer from wzems. It will be a kind act by yen.
Eisf ’
for one never leaves
H *‘‘ !lr or rpll '‘l*’ l ' "'ways works, whether
X. Vibe brtir is very thfek or downy, and on
the Uio.t deli. .-Ito ekin. It is the only
- J'ife «ay. nnd i« exceedingly simple and
WaL X WHY—Hereafter, if your druggist hasn't
w y the eptol for wrinkles and the beta-quinol
XS, for the balr, juat send the price of either
/ fL % A • of them, to "Secretary to Valenka fiuratt.
j 470 Thompaon Building. Chicago. I1L.” and
■' I « secretary will supply you by mail at
“You Will See a Difference in Length AGING—I <an guarantee you will get
Vonr W.I. . V.ur T»av« » r,d ot tboSP wrinkles, crows' feet and fore-
of Yonr Hair in a Few Daya, he#(l wrtnkle- ln only a dayt> can
Says Valeska Suratt, the be sure of that. < Make yonr own cfeem at
, home, as, follows: It produces the most re-
Movie Queen. markable results you can imagine. Mix two
———— ounces of eptol. obtained at any drug store
BY VALESKA SURATT to- fifty cents, and two tablespoon fills of
IN all my . 'xperi. n.-e 1 have never ex- glycerine iu half a pint Os water. Cm>
perlenced anything so remarkable in cream lavishly an 1 you 11 get wonder-
the whole category of beauty art as results. I have known startling effects
the results achieved by u certain hair for- to be obtained with thia cream On very
inula, which I have given to many’of my wrinkled faces in a week a time. The
friends, who have reported most startling skin turns fresh, plump and youthful and
results. It forces hair to grow at once. 3 difference of many years in appearance
and the difference is very quickly noted. I * s soon noticed even by yourself. To ob
want you to try it. This makes over a pint tain this result you must use the bream
of this wonderful hair grower. Ask your faithfully and every day, applying It thick,
druggist for a one-ounce package of beta- • • •
quinol for fifty cents, and mix this with
one pint of bay rum, or if preferred with MOLIJE G.—You can now be naturally
one-half pint each of water and alcohol, beantiful. instead of a painted up counter-
This is exceedingly economical. It will felt, by using my beautifying cream. In
make the poorest hair grow profusely. a few days you'll marvel at the results;
• • • yonr skin will be pure and natural as a
MItSS M. O. N. —A really wonderful way, lily. Get one ounce of zintone at the drug
and the easiest and quickest way to remove store for fifty cents and mix with two
superfluous hairs is to dissolve them. This tahlespoonfuls of glycerine in a pint of
is done by moistening the hairs with sulfo water. Your youthful appearance will snr
solution, which you can get at any drug prise your friends. —(Advt.)
. i ■ ■_ _. _ 1 —l.—i. . ■ ■—i n
to Get It
There are many things which you need for the farm and
home that you would be glad to get if you knew where to
get them.
The Semi-Weekly
will help you get what you want. If you are in the market for
labor-saving machinery, a certain breed of cattle or hogs, ah auto
mobile. a truck or trailer, a piano, a talking machine or something
else for the home, write ug your wants and we will put you in touch
with reliable merchants who will serve you with fairness, promptness
and courtesy.
First consult the advertising columns of The Semi-Weekly
Journal—if you can't find what you want there, write us for in
are religious because they nave to gc
to a building that looks a church one
day in seven.
One reason why it is so hard to have
revivals is because there are so many
people in the church at the head of
things that don't know Jesus Christ
They know something about him, but
they don't know him. No. sir! And
they don't know his voice. They . are
not at home with his sheep. That is
the reason why when you have a prayer
meeting, my friends, you can find more
church members down in some leg show
than you can at the church on their
It is said that only 10 per cent of the
church members of Atlanta ever dark-
(Continued on Page 3, Colnznn 1.)
ful tonight, and if it doesn’t straighten
you right up and make you feel fine and
vigorous by morning. I want you to go
back to the store and get your money.
Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the
sale of calomel because it is real liver
medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore
it can not salivate or make you sick.
I guarantee that one spoonful of Dod
son's Liver Tone will put your sluggish
liver to work and clean your bowels Os
that sour bile and constipated waste
which is clogging your system and mak
ing you feel miserable. I guarantee
that a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone
will keep your entire family feeling fine
for months. Give it to your children.
It is harmless; doesn’t gripe and they
like its pleasant taste.—(Advt.)