Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, December 11, 1917, Page 3, Image 3

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    Al ftAh Willi iUUndtLb.
Keep up the tight; do not give up.
Nature is trying to serve you in conquer
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Bed blood, vim, courage, vitality, all
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Free Book About Cancer
. rte ladiaoapolis Can err Boepital, Indianapo
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tells what to do for pain, bleeding, odor. etc.
A valuable guide in the management of any
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Years of awful suffering and misery have
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Bead what be gays;
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In the spring of INfi I wan attacked by
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I want eyery sufferer from any form of
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I accept your offer. Send to:
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U-Boat Chaser, Jacob Jones,
< iew Type, Is Torpedoed
and Sunk in War Zone
Thursday Night
WASHINGTON. Dec. «.—Lieutenant
Commander David Worth Bagley and
Lieutenant Norman Scott were among
the survivors rescued after the sinking
of the American destroyer Jacob Jones
by a German submarine in the war
zone Thursday night. The navy de
partment was so advised late tonight
by Vice Admiral Sims.
These tw-o officers, two warrant of
ficers and two enlisted men were named
iu the admiral’s dispatch as survivors
in addition to the thirty-seven previous-
It is now established that the five line
officers on the destroyer were rescued.
Gunner Harry 11. Hoed and sixty-three
men are missing.
The other four survivors imported be
sides Commander Bagley and Lieuten
ant S<*ott were:
Chief Boatswain’s Mate Clarence Mc-
Bride. wife Florence Mcßride, Syracuse,
New York.
Coxswain Ben Nunnery, father, Fred
A. Nunnery, Edgemoor, S. C.
tfhief Electrician Lawrence G. Kelly,
next of kin. not given.
Fireman Joseph Korzeniecky. mother.
Anna Korxeniecky, Suvive, Russia.
Sim’s report said that Commander
Bagley and the five other men saved
with him got away in a motor boat
and were picked up and landed uninjur
ed at the Scilly Islands.
The Jacob Jones, one of the largest
and newest American submarine chas
ers of her type operating In the Atlan
tic, was the first American warship to
fall victim to a German submarine,
but was the second American destroy
er to be lost in foreign waters. The
Chauncey sank with her commander,
Lieutenant Walter E. Reno, two other
officers amd eighteen enlisted men, aft
er being cut Into by the transport
Rose early on the morning of Novem
ber 20-
Admiral Sims’ terse message report
ing the loss of the Jacob Jones did not
state how the attack was made. It is
known, however, that the Jones was on
patrol duty between 400 and 500 miles
off shore. What vessels accompanied
her was not revealed, but Admiral
Sims’ reports showed that one vessel
rescued thirty men and another seven.
They sent this information by radio
and it was immediately transmitted to
Secretary Still Hopes
Secretary Daniels stoutly held to his
hopes that other patrol craft, possibly
without wireless equipment, had res
cued more of the destroyer's company.
Navy officers and officials took pride
in the fact that the Jacob Jones and
her Crew had written new honors Into
navy records before the vessel fell vic
tim to an enemy torpedo. In Octo
ber the Jones went gallantly to the
rescue of the British converted cruiser
Orama. accompanied by another Amer
ican destroyer when the former P. and
O. liner was torpedoed. They attacked
and put the submarine out of com
mission and then when the cruiser
began to settle, transferred all on board
to their own decks without accident.
The Jones carried 805 British sea
men to safety. A letter from the com
mander of the Orama to the senior
American officer of the two destroyers
gave high praise to the courage and
skill of the Americans.
Lacking details of the action in which
the Jones was lost, officers assumed
that the destroyer either stumbled upon
a submarine and was struck by a lucky
shot or was surprised while on patrol
duty. As the watch maintained by
American destroyer crews is notably
keen, the last explanation seemed im
Had Life Hafts
The survivors of the Jones undoubt
edly owe their lives to the forethought
of the navy department in having pro
vided every destroyer sent abroad with
a complement of life rafts sufficient
for the entire crew. They are lashed
on deck in such a fashion that they
release themselves and come to the sur
face if the ship sinks. Destroyers can
not carry enough lifeboats for their
complement without masking the fire
of their guns and torpedo tubes.
Apparently the Jones went down al
most at once. This was taken to mean
that the torpedo had scored a fair hit
amidships pbssibly tearing the swift
craft in two when it exploded. If this
is true, there can be no question that
many of the crew died in the blast of
the explosion or were carried down
with the shattered hull without a
chance to escape. Officers here felt
that such a fate was preferable to
hours of exposure and final death from
cold on life rafts.
That both Admiral Sims and the Brit
ish authorities have taken every possi
ble step to find additional survivors
was regarded as certain. The sea in
the vincinity of the scene of the trage
dy undoubtedly was searched again,
and again on the chance that other
rafts might be picked up with #nen,
I living or dead. A patrol of the near by
coast also will be maintained.
Secretary Daniels sai.d first word of
the loss of the destroyer had come to
him just before midnight last night. It
was the bare announcement of the fact.
He immediately cabled Admiral Sims
for a detailed report and the brief re
ply made public today was received
this morning. Additional details will
be announced as they are received.
Official Announcement
The official anouncement made through
the committee on public information
The American destroyer was tor
pedoed and sunk Thursday, Decem
ber 6. at 8 p. m.. while on patrol
duty in foreign waters.
Early reports indicate that thir
ty-seven survivors had been picked
up so far. They werq. taken oft
life rafts.
The names of ten survivors have
been received up to this time. They
Lieutenant (junior grade) John K.
Richards, Ensign Nelson N. Gates,
assistant surgeon L. L. Adamkls
wics, Charles E. Pierce, fireman;
Timothy Edward Twomey, seaman;
John C. Johnson, seaman; Henry A.
Statzke. chief machinists mute; Ed
ward F. Grady, fireman second class;
John J. Mulvaney, seaman, and My
ron Flood, seaman.
History of Ship.
The Jacob Jones was the ship which
saved 305 persons from the Orama, a
P. and O. liner, converted into an aux
iliary cruiser, on October 19. The Orama
had been torpedoed by a submarine
while she was acting as a part of a
convoy of merchant vessels under es
cort of American destroyers. The Ja
cob Jones was one of the convoy.
The Jacob Jones and another destroy
er were detailed to remain by the
Orama after the submarine had been at-
Live So That You Leave
World Something Besides
Tombstones and Epitaphs
That Is Billy Sunday's Mes
sage to Audience Friday Aft
ernoon in Sermon on “Bear
Ye Witnesses”
Tin- life which a true Christian should
lead, was described by Billy Sunday Fri
day afternoon in his sermon, “Bear Ye
Witnesses.” It follows in full, copy
wrighted 1917, by William Ashley Sun
“Text: ‘But ye shall receive power
after the Holy Ghost is come upon you
find ye shall be witnesses unto Me, both
in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Sa
maria and unto the uttermost parts of
the earth.' Acts 1, 8.
“That means in the slums, in society,
in the store, on the railroad, wherever
you are, Jesus Christ staked His cause
upon! the vhaiacter and the lives and
the utterances of His followers. He
staked salvation upon you and what you
will do. When He left He wanted you
to learn His words and principles and
tell them to others. He taught His
disciples that they might teach others
and others teach you and you teach
others. Ail right, that’s just what we
are doing today. But if you believe it
and don't live in them you are not do
ing His teachings. In Isaiah the 43d
chapter, God issues a challenge to the
world. 'Let them bring forth my wit
nesses and they may be justified, or
let them hear and say it is the truth.
Ye are My witnesses, said the Lord,
and My servants whom I have chosen.'
•‘He says bring forth your witnesses
and then you can choose. He says to
the thieves, thugs, fallen women, .sa
loon-keepers, 'Come-1611 what you’ll do
for the people.’ Then He calls the
Christians and says: ‘Tell what I have
done for you and then let them choose.’
And in court, with all of its shanani
gans. sometimes including bribery of
judges and buying of the jury and the
witnesses, the thing that is indispensa
ble is the witness, whether it may be
man or woman, what he knows and ne
is supposed to have an important fact
that others do not possess. A witness
is always an aid to some Individual or
cause and aids in setting free or con
“Your mother or your grandmother
might have been a Christian, but what
you need is personal experience. Have
you a recommendation to the world of
Christ? Let's hear it.
Live Up to
Your Testimony
“It’s a sad thing to have a man or
woman testify to one thing and have
the next witness prove it was all a
lie. It doesn’t only hurt the witness,
but it hurts his case. It’s a sad thing
for a man to say he is a Christian and
then prove by his life that he is a liar.
The witness who is fourtd to have per
jured himself is an injury to the case
he represents in court and you injure
the entire body of believers when you
side-step and go wrong. You bring
reproach on the cause of God. The
whole is injured by a part. If you
injure your finger the whole body suf
fers. So if one Christian goes wrong
all Christians have to bear the brunt of
the blame. The most important thing
is the witness, and God says He wants
you to be His witness.
“When Paul was on his way to Rome,
and he was shipwrecked on an island,
he had the natives gather up sticks and
build a fire. By mistake for a stick,
Paul picked up a serpent. You know
ona of the means of protection to ani
mals is to adapt themselves to the color
of their surroundings. And when the
fire became warm and the serpfent was
aroused it struck him. The natives
new it was a venomous snake. It might
have been a rattler, an asp or a cobra,
but the natives knew it was venomous,
and they expected to see Paul swell up
and die. When he didn’t they wor
shipped him as a god, and he had to re
buke them and say he was not a god,
but a Christian and God had kept him
from being hurt by the snake. So the
natives said Paul’s God must be the
only God. So you see God can use even
a snake to preach His gospel. He
doesn’t have to have preachers in swal
low-tail coats and white neckties and
gold-rimmed spectacles. He can use
even the snake and the sticks and the
leaves to preach His gospel. And be
cause Paul didn’t die the people believed
and scores were swept into salvation.
“The Lord is not compelled to use
theologians. The Lord is not compelled
to use evangelists. He does not have to
use Sunday school teachers. He can
take snakes, sticks and anything and
use them for the advancement of His
cause. Those heathen nations today are
gazing on the nominal Christian na
tions. The eyes of the ungodly are
turned toward the godly, in the street,
in the factories, everywhere you go, not
simply in the pew.
Ducts, Bridge and
“Leg Shown" Scored
“When Peter walked by the beggar
and he asked him for help, Peter said:
’Silver and gold have 1 none, but such
as I have 1 will give unto thee. Arise
and go thy way.’ And the people saw
and believed. Do you think he would
have had the power if he had just come
from some dance, or some bridge' whist
party, or some cheap skate leg show?
That’s the reason a lot of you haven’t
power today. That’s the reason a lot
of you church members are not worth
three whoops this side of perdition. It’s
tacked and put out of action. When the
Orama began to settle it had grown
dark and her crew abandoned her. The
Jacob Jones picked up in the darkness
305 of the 478 persons on board.
The other vessel standing by rescued
the remainder.
The Jacob Jones’ peace time comple
ment was five petty officers and 87
men. She was one of the newest and
largest of American destroyers, with a
displacement of 1,150 tons and a length
of 310 feet over all. She was completed
in 1916 at the plant of the New York
Shipbuilding company, Camden. N. J.
She burned oil, was driven by turbine
engines and had a speed of 29157 knots
an hour.
This makes the second American war
ship sunk by German torpedoes since
the United States entered the war. The
indicated los of life in today’s disaster
is the largest of any American loss at
sea except in the submarining of the
army transport Antilles, which carried
67 men down.
The small patrol boat Alcedo was tor
pedoed November 5 with a loss of
twenty-one of the crew.
Two weeks later the small destroyer
Chauncey, sank following a collision,
twenty-one of those aboard perishing.
The other destroyer, the Cassin, was
dajnaged by a German torpedo which
cost the lives of two and wounded five
other men.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
an insult to profess to be a Christian
and live the way some of you do.
“If Peter had been hitting the booze
and playing cards, you can bank on it
God would not have given him that
“When Jacob gave Joseph his coat of
many colors his brothers were jealous.
One day they saw him coming and took
him and stripped the coat from off his
back and dipped it in a kid’s blood and
then took it to their father and said,
’V\e don’t know whether this is Joseph’s
or not.’ Miserable liars'. But Jacob
knew, and he said, 'lt is my son Jo
seph’s coat. An evil beast devoured him
and my gray hairs will go down in sor
row to the grave.’ They lied.
“They knew they had sold him to the
Ishmaelites, and Potiphar’s wife wanted
him to surrender his manhood. But he
stood pat for his virtue and would have
nothing to do with her. By intrigue
she threw him into prison for four
years. Then the king had a dream and
Joseph came and interpreted it. He
said they would have a famine and they
gathered all the grain and stored it into
the barns. The famine swept the land
of Goshen, where Joseph’s father was,
and he sent his sons to Egypt to buy
“And they returned with wagon loads.
Jacob knew that he hadn’t given money
enough for that much corn, and his
sons told him his son Joseph was vet
alive. But he would not believe it until
he saw the cqrn; then he knew. So what
the world wants is deeds, not worus.
The heathens are waiting for the Chris
tians to bring them religion. The eyes
of the unsaved multitudes who never
read the Bible are reading your life.
Words are cheap. Too many of 3ou
are wind-jammers. The fathef saw the
wagon of corn and believed. God used
the wagon of corn to preach. You
preachers can gqt a good sermon from
Serious Thing to
Falsify God’s Word
“We can be the epistles of God. Many
don’t read written epistles, but they can
not help but read living epistles. It’s a
serious thing to falsify the ep sties of
God. ‘Ye are my witnesses, saith the
Lord.’ How many can stand by and
say with Paul, ‘Those things which you
know, both live and say and do. and the
God of peace will be with you always?'
It’ the life of living epistles is not in
harmony with the written epistles people
will turn up their noses and say there
is no truth in the written epistles.
“There is power to be shown by the
man or woman who abhors sin. Hate
sin. You hate disease or anything that
jeopardizes your life. Hate the devil.
Those who resist sin have great power
wherein they live. Tell me why >oa
compromise with the devil. 1 could
preach a gospel which would cause
every saloonkeeper, every brewer and
every distiller to me on the back,
but if I did God would part from me
so quick i.t would make my head swim.
“Those who resist sin have power.
You never knew a trimmer to have
power. That’s why a lot of you women
are no earthly good. You’re trimmers.
Rome people pray for power and have
not given up some sin in their life.
You must give yourself up first, then
you'll have power. God is looking for
people who will get rid of self so that
He tan fill them with power.
“But don’t run away with the idea
that you can become so good that you
cannot sin. I believe people become
so good that they won’t sin, but it is
a mistake to say that they can’t sin.
“Jesus Christ had His struggles just
as you have yours and I have mine-
Testis Christ, by trimming His life, could
have pleased that old bunch of Phari
sees and would have missed all of His
•uffering, but He couldn’t have done
hat and pleased God. Neither can you
be a trimmer and please God. You can
not please God and be a card player. You
■annot please God and attend cheap
skate shows. You cannot serve God and
the devil. Jesus Christ served God
and wanted to please God. and that's
what every one of you, if you’re • de
cent, or want to be decent, would do
and not give a picayune what the world
says. You say, ‘Lord, fill us with Thy
spirit.’ The first thing you have to
do is to give yourself to Him and
obey His commandments. You be obe
dient and you’ll be blessed. If you
haven’t power, don’t blame the Lord.
You’re to-blame. Do as God tells you
and vou will be powerful. We dont
need more of God. He needs more of
Billy Doesn’t Care
If Public Likes Him
Mr. Sunday told a story about a gate
man at a railroad station who made an
enemy by refusing to let a prominent
man through the gate without a tick
et, and who, when the man complained,
said, "I don’t care what you think
about my manners. I only care what
my superintendent thinks about me.-
“I am like that gateman,” continued the
evangelist, “I don’t care a lot whether
you like my preaching or not, but I
care a lot whether God likes it. 1 am
preaching for God and to you.
“We are not put into the world to
wrap ropes around people and lead them
from God by following our example, but
we are put into the world to set men
“Testimony is borne by the man or
woman who lives a positive Christian
life and not by soft-soapy, easy-going,
happy-go-lucky chalk or vinegar sort
of Christian.
“So I’m trying to please God, and I
don’t care a rap whether you like it
or not. If you’re decent you’ll like what
I say or if you’re wanting to be decent
you will like it. If you don’t like it
I know right away where to class you.
The best »vidence that you have been
hit is when you grumble and growl.
Best evidence in the world that you
have been loafing on the job. So keep
it up.
“Great testimony is to be had from
men and women who are free from any
questionable things.
"The secret of shining for Jesus is to
live in the sunlight of His love and
truth. There is nothing like postive
ness in preaching and in living Chris
“You will have power with men and
be a great witness for the Lord when
men can see in your life that spirit.
Live For Others,
He Tells Hearers
“Live a gentle, unselfish, self-sacri
ficing life. Don’t come to the taber
nacle and squat on the end of a seat;
slide over toward the middle. When
the usher says, ‘move over’ don’t look
at him as though he was a bank bur
glar asking you for your pocketbook.
God is going to judge your Christionity
by the way you say ‘good morning.'
“You can’t look at the efforts of
yourself alone, but must look out for
others. It may not hurt you to drink
moderately, but you may have to look
out for the effects on others and if
you don’t you're a fraud and a fake.
“You’ll have power when there is
nothing questionable in your life.
“You’ll have power when you testi
fy in a more positive manner, I’d like
to preach an illustrated sermon, but 1
•wouldn’t want to throw the picture
on the canvas.
“Salvation, pure and simple, is loving
Patrolman Adams Dies In
stantly in Early Morning
Duel With Black
Policeman H. T. Adams was shot and
instantly killed, while Policeman F. T.
Roberts was slightly wounded in the
neck early Friday morning in a gunfight
with Dock C. Thomas, a negro, who had
barricaded himself in an upstairs room
at 296 Peters street.
The negro was wounded in the ab
domen, but is expected to recover. He
is now at the Grady hospital.
Only after reserves armed with riot
guns had been called out, was it possible
to place the negro under arest. Captain
W. M. Mayo finally persuading Thomas
to give himself up without continuing
the battle.
Thomas was indicted by the grand
jury shortly after 11 o’clock on two
counts charging him with murder and
with assault with intent to commit
murclet, the authorities showing the ex
pedition with which they can work by
gathering the evidence and having
Thomas indicted within six hours of the
commission of his crime.
The shooting occured at about 5:30
o’clock, Officers Adams and Roberts re
ceiving a call to go out on Peters street
to arrest a drunken negro. They found
Thomas barricaded on the second floor
of a structure just beyond the McDaniel
street bridge and when they called upon
him to surender, he refused declaring
that he would shoot if any attempt was
made to take hime.
Officer Adams entered the house first
and immediately clinched with the ne
gro, who shot him through the head.
The officer fell dead, while Roberts, who
was just behind, was slightly wounded
by a bullet which grazed his neck.
A call for reserves was turned in and
Captain Mayo, with Desk Sergeant J. A.
Hollis, led a detail of policemen to the
scene of the shooting, armed with the
heavy repeating riot guns kept for
Captain Mayo entered Into a parley
with the negro and finally persuaded
him to come downstairs and give him
self up. Thomas was seated at the
top of the stairway leading to the sec
ond floor, with a Winchester repeating
rifle across his knees, commanding a
view of the sairway and hall.
As he came out. Captain Mayo point
ed to Officer Adams’ body lying near
the threshold, and asked the negro if
he had shot him.
“Yes. I killed him,” answered Thom
as, who was apparently under the In
fluence of liquor or some narcotic, the
officers declare. He showed no sign of
emotion and maintained his stolidity
even when taken to the Grady hospital
for treatment.
When the police entered the house,
they found two Colts pistols lying at
the top of the stairs, beside the spot
where the negro had taken his stand to
beat off the officers. He had evidently
determined to make a desperate de
The dead officer was one of the old
est men on the force, in point of serv
ice, and had returned only a few days
ago from a leave of absence. He was
unmarried and lives at 44 Cooper
Officer Roberts, whose wound is
slight, lives at 148 West Fair street, Is
44 years old and has a family.
The negro is a druggist and has op
erated a store at the place where the
shooting occurred.
On searching Thomas’ place of busi
ness late Friday morning, the police
found three sticks of dynamite to
which fuse and caps were attached, and
a hollowed out cane containing a glass
tube which had once contained whisky
and similar to those sometimes carried
by bootleggers.
The police are of the opinion that he
was either intoxicated or under the in
fluence of drugs, as his apparent indif
ference to the consequences of his
crime seemed to indicate such a condi
Famine of Salt Halts
Hog-Killing Campaign
Out in DeKalb County
With “hogkilling” weather at hand, ac
cording to reports from DeKalb county
Saturday, the farmers were prevented
from slaughtering the porkers because
of a shortage of salt. The Journal’s De
catur correspondent reported that a
number of farmers had complained to
him. that they couldn’t purchase a single
bag of salt in DeKalb county.
Major D. F. McClatchey, executive sec
retary of the Georgia food administra
tion, stated Saturday that there is plen
! ty of salt now to be had in Atlanta, but
■ that a great many counties throughout
; the state have experienced more or less
i of a salt famine for a number of weeks.
This shortage, according to Mr. Mc
| Clatchey, was not due to a national
shortage of the product, but was due to
' an embargo being placed on salt sh.p
inents, in order that more essential food
products could be handled.
The salt shortage over the whole state,
'he said, would be relieved early next
week, by which time several shipments
from New Orleans would arrive.
what God wants us to do and not doing
I the things He odesn’t want us to do. •
e “Every day God lets ybu live try to
I wipe the tears from somebgoy’s eyes,
i try to make somebody a better man, and
not push him away.
" 'Ye are my witness,’ said the
I Lord: then go out and live so people
j will know it.
“Zinzendorf said: ‘I have but one pas
sion, Thee O Christ.” That is the way
i we ought to be today. Do you remember
we ought to be today. Do you remem
ber that old Frenchman who said: ‘At
first it was all I. Then I said Mozart
and I, but in my old days I bow my
head and say only Mozart.’ That’s Chris-
I tianity. That’s religion.
“Live so that when the final summons
' comes you will leave something more
behind you than an epitaph on a tomb
stone or an obituary in a newspaper.
“ ‘Ye are my witnesses, said the
Lord God of Hosts.’ ”
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The old family remedy—in tablet
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24 Tablets for 25c. lYlflßUfiß
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Agents Begin Isolation of En
emies Suspected of In
ternal Plots
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8. —The round
up of Austro-Hungarian enemies began
today throughout the United States
with agents of the department of jus
tice being assisted by local authori
With the declaration of war more*
than a million subjects of Austria-Hun
gary living in this country were added
to the list of alien enemies. Inasmuch
as many of them, although Austro-
Hungarian subjects, actually sympa
thized with with the cause of the United
States and the allies, the government
is confronted with a task of much diffi
culty in giving them proper considera
Government agents today rounded up
many Austrians who long have been
suspected of conspiring to hamper the
government’s war plans, but against
whom definite evidence has .been lack
ing. They will get fair hearings and
be interned if they fail to convince
officials of their peaceful intentions.
All Austro-Hungarians were barred
today from the 100 yards zone establish
ed about piers, docks, warehouses and
terminals and will be required to reg
ister with the police as soon as regu
lations are promulgated.
In cities where the foreign population
is large," particularly in steel manufac
turing centers and mining districts, the
task will be enormous. Officials are
taking pains to make the process as
simple as is compatible with the ne
cessity of obtaining full information
concerning the business and habits of
the aliens.
U. S. May Go Lenient
With Loyal Austrians
WASHINGTON, Dec, «.—Suggestions
that regulations governing allien ene
mies within the United States be applied
with less severity to the many thousand
Austrian subjects who actually are pro
ally or are even in the American army,
were considered today by department
of justice officials. It was said the reg
ulations, which will be issued next week,
may provide exemption for certain
groups, such as Hungarians, Poles, Ru
manians and Slavs who maintain little
love ror tneir mother country.
Officials realized, however, that It will
not be an easy task to arrange modifica
tions of the general rules without im
pairing the effectiveness of the plan,
which includes registration of alien ene
mies with police authorities, restricting
tKeir travel and barring them from wa
ter fronts. They believe that a large
element of discrimination must be vest
ed in local police. It is estimated about
1,000,000 unnaturalized Austrian subjects
and 500,000 Germans reside in the Unit
ed States.
The department of justice tonight re
received a few reports of arrest of Aus
trians. following the declaration of war,
and it was indicated there would be
many more next week. In some cases
Germans suspected of plotting against
the United States have represented
themselves as Austrians, and conse
quently could not well be arrested with
out proof of guilt. Now that the nation
Is at war wtih Austria, these may be
rounded up and interned as suspicious
alien enemies.
Fire Destroys 6 Mess
Halls at Camp Sevier,
Thirtieth Division
GREENVILLE. S. C.. Dec. B.—Six
mess halls of the Thirtieth division, na
tional guard, at Camp Sevier, were de
stroyed by fire early this morning. The
fire started from a kitchen flue in one
of the halls and, swept by a brisk wind,
the flames spread rapidly. A heavy rain
two hours later helped to quench the
fire. Valuable aid was rendered by the
soldiers. The first occurred In the in
fantry regiment that is composed for
the most part of outfits from North
Around Medicine
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Mr " H ’ Ed & ar ’ 49 Cooper St, At-
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14,000 Pounds of Meat
And Flour Are Saved in
One Day % Seeker Says
William R- Seeker, chairman of the
committee on hotels and restaurants of
the federal food administtation in Geor
gia, announced Saturday that in the fiist
Georgia district the saving of meats
last Tuesday amounted to 7,000 pounds
and that the saving in wheat flour on
the following day ■was probably as
•'We are finding throughout Georgia;”
said Mr. Seeker, ‘‘that Qie hotels and
better class of restaurants are doing all
they can to help the government In
food conservation. There are a few
of the smaller places, however, who
fail to realize the necessity to conserve
meats ana wheat flour, and the govern
ment is preparing to handle this part
of the question in a manner which will
result very disastrously for this class
of restaurants.”
Regeneration in Russia
Seen by Correspondent
LONDON, Dec. B.—ln reiterating his
former statement that regenerative
processes are going on in Russia the
Petrograd correspondent of the Morning
Post says:
“The real Russia is silently and
steadily working for reconstruction and
inevitable return to common sense,
which we may hope is near at hand.”
He adds that the Bolshevik! now are
being challenged by an organization
calling Itself the Union of Anarchist-
Syndicalists. .