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Read Billy Sunday’s
Sermons in The Journal
Something More Is Expected
of His Followers Than of
Other People, Declares Mr.
Sunday in Afternoon
Billy Sunday, in his sermon at the
tabernacle Tuesday afternoon, applied
the test: "What Would Jesus Do?" to
the life and works of man. Christians,
he said, should be like Christ. They
should follow Him wherever He leads.
The sermon was preached in a
gentler spirit than some of Billy’s more
vigorous utterances have been. It was
a quiet sermon entitled “Following
Christ." and almost —not quite—free
of slang. Here it is in full:
In the first epistle of John, second
chapter and sixth verse: "He that
saieth he abideth in him ought himself
also to walk, even as he walked."
I regard that as one of the most re
markable declarations of the Bible. No
< nody can take exception to it- Cer
tainly nothing less can be expected of
a Christian. Bvery worldling is ready
and willing to say. "When a man claims
to be a Christian he ought to be what
Jesus Christ is."
He ought to do the things that Jesus
would do and he ought to think the
thoughts that Jesus would think. Some
people claim to be following Jesus
Christ as their Savior and yet they have
their backs turned on Him. judging by
their lives. “By their fruits ye shall
know them,” not by their lips.
When the disciP l *” became followers
of Jeeus, Peter, James and John, when
they set out to follow Jesus, they didn't
expect to say good-by to Him when He
reached the next town. They under
stood they had to walk, talk and live
with him. The first business of life
is to be in harmony with His will.
“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and
his righteousness” They didn't expect
to go in the opposite direction.
Suppose when Jesus set His face to
go to Jerusalem some of His disciples
had picked up their Belongings and
headed for Damascus, where some of
them had some trifling business of their
own. and suppose you’d have met this
caravan headed for Damascus and ask
ed. “Who are you and where are you go
| ingT’
“We are disciples of Jesus, we are
followers of the Nazarene.”
'•Well, where is Jesus?"'
“Going up to Jerusalem."
"Yes. but you are going away from
, Jerusalem.”
“Yes. we are going to Damascus.”
"Do you expect to meet Jesus in Da
"No. He is going up to Jerusalem to
be crucified."
"How can you say you are following
i Him when you are not with Him?”
"Oh. we just say so. that is all. AU
He wants is just to be able to count on
us. and that’s all He gets.”
“Are you letting Jesus Christ go to
’ terusalem alone?”
"Oh, yes. He don’t mind it. He is used
ito it. He always goes alone.”
Now, don’t you see how that caravan
would be bewildered? Don’t you see
how they’d be dared? And just such
scenes are being witnessed all over this
i land today. I say, "What are you doing
1 down at that haunt of pleasure?"
"Following Jesus?”
‘‘What are you doing down there,
Sunday school teacher?"
"Following Jesus?”
"What are you doing serving liquor
I on your table?”
"Following Jesus?".
"What are you doing standing up
' and championing the cause of evil" and
lifting your voice against that which
i is trying to propagate the principles
| of the Lord Jesus?”
Jeeus Wishes to Count
Oa Too, Declares Billy
"All He wants is to count on us and
that is all He ever gets. All I go to
church for on Sunday is to throw a
little money ,in the contribution box;
and repeat the Lord’s prayer and then
go home and that is the extent of our
religion ’’
Something more is expected of a
professing Christian than is expected
of other people. For a man or woman
to be a member of a church and have
nothing in your life CTiat resembles
Jesus Christ is as inconsistent as a W.
C. T. U. sign would be over a brewery
or a Y. W. C. A. sign over a house of
What do you do more than others?
Not what you do that all others do.
You go to church. So does the saloon
keeper. What do you do that he doesn't
do, that is the basis upon which you
are going to be judged
I had a friend who lived in Peoria,
Illinois, William Reynolds. One day a
man stopped him on the street and
said. "William, how long have we
known each other?”
"Fifteen years, I think”
He said. "Do you believe there is a
"I have no doubt of it.”
"Do you believe I am going there?"
”1 must confess, the way you are liv
ing. if you should die as you are, you
certainly would."
He said. "If you knew I was in great
danger and you lived as my neighbor
fifteen years, will you tell me why you
never said anything to me about being
a Christian?”
Reynolds said, "if I were asked for
a man who was farthest from God.
I'd have selected you. What was tt that
made you ask me that question?"
He said, “I was in Chicago last week
and when the train pulled out a man
came in and all the seats In the car
in which I was riding had two passen
gers in but mine. This man came in
and *-aid, "Is anyone going to occupy
this of the seat?"
•'And I said, ’Not that I know of.’
“ May IF
" ’You may.'
"He sat there, any by and by we start
ed talking. 'lsn't God good.” he said,
'Wouldn’t this be a wonderful world if
everybody loved God?’
“I had to confess he was right. Fin
ally he said to be. ‘Are you a Christian?'
"I said, ’No.’
“’Don't you believe it Is right?’
"I said. 'I had a Godly mother.'
•• *Well,' he said, 'why don't you give
your heart to God?' He said, ‘This is a
public place, we are in a car, but that
doesn't make any difference!’
"Don't you know, before I really
knew what I was doing. I had my head
bowed and my eyes shut and I wish you
could have heard that man pray.
“Pretty soon the train stopped at a
station. He said, ’This is the town lam
going to, I will bid you goodbye.’
“1 followed him to the front of the
car and I said to him, ” What is your
name, you have been kind to me?
“He said, ’Never mind that, my
name is D. L. Moody. Good-bye. I■ am
glad to have met you.’ ’’
He Goes to Chicago
To See Dwight Moody
The next day this man met William
Reynolds with his grip In his hand and
he said to him , "William, where are you
"I am going up to Chicago to see
. Moody. If 1 ean live tifteen years by
the side of a neighbor ami believe he >s
. on the road to h<‘U and never ask him
to be a Christian, there is something
wrong wtih my life. 1 am going to Chi
cago to see Moody.’.
And all the good that afterwards
came out of the life of William Rey
nolds would have been lost if Moody
had been riding in the smoking car
: playing cards with some fellow.
. There is something for a lot of you
I old half-baked elders and stewards and
vestrymen and prudential committee
i men to think of. Don't you see how
I it would change the world if everybody
was intent, in season and out of sea
son, always looking for a chance to win
1 somebody for Christ?
What would Jesus do if He taught a
| Sunday school class. Would lie put as
I little heart into it as some of you do?
Would He go to prayer meeting as lit-
I tie as some of you go and would He
testify as little as some of you testify?
♦ Would lie do as little personal work as
some of you do? Would He spend as
much on Himself and give as little to
the cause of Jesus Christ as some of
you do? Would He pray as little as
some of you do? Would He do no more
to answer prayers than some of
you do? Your prayers are not worth a
picayune in the sight of God, more than
the effort you’re willing to put forth to
how much are you willing to givb? How
much God thinks anout your y.*ayer.
Am I a follower or a faker? Am I
a tinger-board pointing to the cross or
to the world? All that is being done
to bring this old sin-cursed world to
the feet of Jesus Christ is being done
by the spirit of God working through
men and women like ourselves. You
are robbing God and you are robbing
the world if you are not giving the
Lord a chance to work and speak
through your personality. You are a
robber, you are a robber and a slacker.
All that Jesus Christ expects you to
do, He stands pledged to help you to
do, so don’t think you get to do it by
your own effort. “Whatsoever ye shall
ask the Father in My name, that will
I do.”
That is a blank check that you can
fill out up to the limit of your needs.
“If you ask anything in My name, I
will do it.’’ He signed it, fill in what
ever you want and He will bless you.
The first step to follow Jesus Christ
is that there must be a deliberate, def
inite decision about it, just the same
as there is in an important matter in
business. And so you’ve got to decide
to go into business, you’ve got to de
cide to get married or you never will.
There has got to be a definite decision
about anything. You’ve got to decide
you will go to heaven or to hell, that’s
all. You've got to decide the whole
business. A young man decides he
won’t give up his bad company and
that’s the reason he dies an old man
in prison. You've got to do it.
Didn't Ooms to Drive
People Into Heaven
Jesus didn’t come to drive people into
the kingdom of heaven. He came to
force the question upon every man and
woman, and you’ve got to decide the
matter for yourself. I can’t decide it
for you no more than I could eat or
sleep for you. The doctor could cut
me to pieces and that wouldn't keep
you oat of the coffin if you had ap
So, what shall I do with Jesus, which
is called the Christ? And you can’t
escape the question that comes to every
body. “If any man will come after
Me, let him deny himself and take up
his cross and follow Me.” Every one
must decide first whether he will be a
Christian. Second, you must decide
what kind of a Christian you will be.
There would have been no revolution
ary war if there had be£n no Declara
tion of Independence. We wouldn’t'
have been in war with Germany l if we
hadn’t declared war with Germany.
You’ve got to make a declaration to
begin with. One reason why we’ve got
so man/ milk and water, cider-chalk
and-vinegar good Lord—good devil,
pliable, plastic, weak people sitting
around, is because they don’t come out
clean cut for Jesus Christ and His
The rich young ruler came running
after Jesus and fell on his knees, and ■
that looked like a clear case of conver- I
sion, but it wasn’t. How far you go :
with Jesus depends on what you take
with you when you start. One reason
why a lot of you have not made more
progress, you have been trying to lug
too much of the devil’s goods with you
when you started out. You are not
making much headway. In a few min
utes I find him turning his back on Jq
sus Christ forever.
The scribe said, “Master, I will fol
low You wherever You go.”
Now that sounds fine, but he didn’t
mean it no more than a lot of card
playing beer guzlers, novel readers, gin
fizzlers mean it in the church today.
When he said it there was no cross in
sight. He thought it would be fine to
be associated with a man that was so
popular. I suppose some people think
that joining the church will help them
to sell boots and shoes; some think they
might sell more grocerie.dWl don’t know,
but Jesus read their heart and He killed
the selfish motives within them.
He turned to this fellow and said,
“You say you will follow me wherever
I go.” He said. "The birds of the air, j
sir. have their nests, and the foxes have ■
nnlfts. but the son of man hath nowhere
to lay his head.”
“Why." he said to Jesus, "I thought
you had a limousine. You’ve got to
walk? Good night!”
Kills Selfish Motive
In Heart of Man
Jesus killed the selfisn motive that j
was in his heart. When Jesus leads •
He don’t take you around the valley of ;
the shadow. He will take you right
through. If you are not ready to walk ;
through it. don’t ever start to follow ;
Jesus Christ.
Another said, "I will follow you, but ’
I’ve got something else to do first.” j
That would be a good deal like a fel- j
low getting shaved, after they told him |
his house was afire. That would be like |
a fellow stopping and getting his boots I
blacked after they told him his baby !
was dying.
"I’ll follow you, but I’ve got some- I
thing else to do first.” Just as if fol- ■
lowing Jesus Christ wasn't supreme i
above everything else. That’s the first |
business in life.
He knew' how shallow hearted they
were. He said, “You let the dead bury
their dead.”
He said, "The people that don’t be- i
lieve I am the Son of God, they are |
dead spiritually, and when their loved I
ones die you let the spiritually dead ■
bury the literal dead. You can follow I
me. Other people can bury your dead;
you come on.”
He said, “You let the dead bury the
dead. If you want to live you come
and follow me.”
That’s the first thing of life to do.
Probably his, father was old and he
wanted to wait until the old man cashed
in so he could see whether he left him
a yellow dog or 168 acres of land.
When Lincoln called for volunteers,
no attention was paid to the man that
wanted to cut his wheat first or husk
his corn. He was left out. That is the
way with the government today. When
the government calls for a loan and for
men they pay no attention to the gang
that haven't anvthing to do. I don’t
believe they ought to let people live in
this country if they are nbt willing to
help her bear her burdens in her hour
of need. Pd drive the whole bunch out
of here. I haven't any respect for you
if you share the blessings of America
and are not willing to bear the burden.
So get down into your old sock and
gei on’ .oine money and help Uncle
Sam along. •
Another said, ’'Why, 1 will follow
you. but I got to go back home and
t.’id the folks good-by first ’’
Jesus said, "When a mui puts his
hand to the plow and looks back he
isn't fit for the kingcom of heaven.”
Did you ever plow? Did you ever
see a man plow? What would you
think if you saw a man trying to
plow a field like this, who puts his
hand to the plow ,and looks back
ward? He isn’t fit for the kingdom
of heaven. No, sir!
Now, you see how much some of
you are going to weigh on the scales
they keep outside of the door of heaven,
don’t you? If a man stops to look
back, it's only a question of time until
he will go back wlfere he looks. That's
why we’ve got so many people in the
church up to their eyes in the world,
the flesh and the devil. They are look
ing back at the things instead of turn
ing their back on them.
“He that saith he abideth in Him,
ought himself so to walk even as he
If you say. “I will go to one more
haunt, one more dance, I will get on
one more society drunk,” you are giving
the devil a dare to come and drag you
to perdition.
We sing “Nearer My God to Thee.”
"Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross," "Rock
of Ages,” "Brighten the Corner Where
You Are,” “When Jesus Came Into My
Heart,” and the probabilities are there
are a lot of people that don’t mean it.
They are making just as many sacrifices
as they want to make. They like religion
if it don't require them to make any
sacrifice for God.
To Keep Close to Jesus,
Do as He Wishes
If you really keep close to Jesus
Christ you will do whatever He wants
you to do in the world. Will I live as
God wants me to live or as I want to
live or as somebody thinks I ought to
live? I will do what I think the Lord
wants me to do. if you’ve settled that
question first, that you will follow Him,
then you’ve settled a thousand other
questions which will come up later for
you will decide them by the fact that
you've decided to follow Jesus and if
those questions are going to keep you
away from Jesus, then you can see you
will have nothing to do with them. You
can see how you will regulate every
thing else.
Are you willing to follow Him all the
way and follow Him in His way? Are you
willing once for all and for all time to
follow Jesus Christ? If you are, nothing
will be of more interest to you than a
revival meeting or a prayer meeting
and you will seek to do the will of God
and then you will do it with all your
might and power. And when you reach
the point where your surrender is com
plete, then you will say with Paul,
“Lord, what will you have me to dp?”
and you will never follow Jesus Christ
in a doubtful course about anything on
What does it mean to follow Jesus ac
cording to Christ? Well now, I will tell
you. What would He say if He were
here this afternoon and you’d ask Him?
Did He ever tell anybody if we were as
sociated with Him as closely as Peter,
James and John? Did He explain it to
them? Did He tell them what He de
sired them to do? Yes, here it is.
"If any man will come after me, let
him deny himself, take up his cross
daily and follow me.”
That’s what it means to follow Jesus
Christ. We must say ‘No’ to the pleas
ures, and ‘Yes’ to the spirit. And every
man and woman of God knows two
First, you know that you’ve got two
natures. You have got the old nature
that you got from Adam and you've got
the new nature that you got from Jesus
Christ. The flesh lusteth against the
spirit and the spirit against the flesh.
Paul says, "When I would do good, evil
is present with me.”
The regenerated spirit dwelling is the
unregenerated body for my spirit has
been regenerated when I accepted Jesus
Christ as my - Saviour. My body will be
at the resurrection, my body hasn’t been
redeemed, it’s going to be, because my
soul has been. When I accept Jesus
as my Saviqur, mj’ soul has been re
deemed, my body will be redeemed at
the resurrection, but my redeemed spirit
dwells in my unredeemed body, hence
the flesh lusts against the spirit and the
spirit against the flesh.
H»v«r So Good That
Temptation Can’t Come
So Paul says, "When I would do good,
evil is present with me."
It is no longer that 1 sin, so I’ve got
a scrap on hand all the time. Will you
ever get so good you won’t be tempted?
If you do, you will be better'than Jesus
was. He was tempted in all points, yet
without sin. But the devil will still
bother you and tempt you. In your
spiritual nature you love God, you love
Christ, you love the Bible, love the
church, you love to pray and be decent
and love. In your lower nature you
love none of these things. No, you love
the flesh and your lusts of the flesh and
all that.- And your life finds its highest
delights and choicest expressions In the
gratification of the desires which appeal
to the flesh. Find your delight in doing
things opposite.
' That’s why a lot of people are in the
world up to their eyes. They are follow
ing the flesh instead of the spirit. ‘‘As
many are led by the spirit, they are
the spirit of God.”
Not as many as have beetfi baptized.
Not as many that know the 39 articels
of confession. Not as many as know
the catechism and have been sanctified
Help! Help! I will show you some
thing about what sanctification means.
A lot of people today, they feed the
goats and they starve the sheep. No
wonder they are following the flesh. And
the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is
just repeated over and over in their
If Peter had spent as much time with
the, gang that Judas did. perhaps Peter
would have been the one that denied
Jesus instead of Judas. It wasn’t proph
esied that Judas would deny, Him, it was
phophesied that one of His disciples
would deny Him, but Jesus fulfilled the
prohpesy. When Jesus said, ‘Let him
deny himself, take up his cross daily
and follow me,” He meant there should
be no compromise betwen the two na
1 don’t believe that God Almighty ex
pects me tv be a hermit. I dont believe
that God Almighty expects me to wear
a hair shirt and crucify my natural af
fections. I don’t believe that God ex
pects me to crawl on my hands and
knees and sleep on spikes and smear my
self with filth like the Hlndus.-e-no sir!
A true disciple of Jesus Christ means
love of everyday life. Jesus Christ
didn’t wear a hair shirt, hide himself
in a cave—no! He lived among the
people He rubbed elbows with the
people. He spent His life going around
doing good. Drying tears on the cheeks
of the offlicted, driving out or alleviat
ing misery or suffering, casting out de
vils, cleansing lepers. That is what
Jesus did. that’s w'hat He expects His
followers to do, not ■wear a hair shirt
and whine, ‘Oh, but isn’t it not?” Wow!
They’d drive a man to drink.
Jesus Gavs Example
Os What Men Should Be
I believe in His own life—He gave
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me an example of what He wants me
to be and do. Get out and lift this
old, sin-cursed world into His a*ms. “He
that saith he abideth in Him, ought
himself so to walk even as He walk
And let him deny himself. Say "No”
when saying “Yes” means sin. Say “Yes”
when saying “No” means heaven. Say
"No" when saying "Yes” means that the
angels cry and the devils cheer. No!
No! No! Say “No” so loud that God will
stop making world and look down to
see what you are doing. That’s what
it means if you are going to follow
the Lord.
Sometimes you get annoyed, aggra
vated. Certainly, great Styx! Some
times you want to knock people down.
I do about every two days. See some
guy I want to punch. But Itell you,
if you do, then you will kick over in
two minutes all the good you cam do
in years. Deny yourself! Put the kick
ing straps on angels and starve the
devil. “Deny yourself, take up your
cross daily.” That shows when you
get religion it will stay with you all
the time.
Don’t be a saint on Sunday and a
devil on Monday. Don’t shine for Jesus
Christ like a California sun on Sunday
and then be like a London fog for the
rest of the week. No! No! No! And
live so that a fellow won’t have to tag
you to church and watch you take com
munion to find out if you are a, profes
sing Christian. No! No!
And you’ll take religion wherever you
go, you will take it with you on the
You will take it with you on the
street, in the street car—yep!
And the cars, when you go away
from home you will take religion with
you and your wife won’t have to hire
a detective to watch you to see if you
are o nthe square.
“Let him deny himself, take up hits
cross daily.” That will hold him steady
in a horse trail.
That will keep him from making
eyes at some other woman—yep!
That means that his religion will be
as much a part of him as his smile
or his hair—yep!
If some of yx»u women up there would
take all the hair off that isn’t growing
on you, you’d look like a humming bird
in a rain storm.
Take up your cross daily. That is
a uniform continuonus performance for
Jesus Christ. Oh. the world, I think,
would have been saved long ago if it
hadn’t been for this miserable, up to the
mountain top today, and down in the
valley tomorrow.
Tells Story of Rooster
Who Crow Disjointed
So you be the pollen of inspiration
which fertilizes the spiritual activities
in everybody that rubs elbows with you.
Don’t be like the rooster I told about
one night, Every time he’d crow he’d
throw his legs out of joint and they’d
have to go and set him up before he
could crow again.
That’s the way with a lof of people
and what they do today. They knock
over what they did yesterday, and many
a poor preacher has got to put his whole
time In chasing around, setting them
up on their feet, patting them on the
back, getting them good natured so they
will come to church on Sunday morning.
The Lord help you get where you won’t
keep falling off the fence all the time!
Dear me! If you are going to follow
Christ, nail- your flag of resolution to
the mast, with nails that clinch and
that all hell can’t pull out, then you will
win for God’s truth. Be like David. He
said, “I will bless the Lord at all times.”
The greatest thing said about Job is.
“Thus did Job continually.”
He kept going for God as steady as
an eight-jlay clock. No wonder he kept
the devil to and fro going up and down
the land. The man or the woman whose
religion is of the evergreen variety and
not the groundhog brand is going to win
in this old world.
“Take up your cross daily, determine
your life will count every hour, every
day, week, month and year. Christiani
ty is a continuous performance for God
and his truth. Keep close to God- Al
mighty in the battle and the warfare of
Christian life and you will have plenty
of chance.
Christianity is not drifting down the
rose-lined shores of time to the sound
of sackbut and flute and cornet and
brass band. Put on the whole armour
of God. Being a Christian will furnish
you with ample scope for all the cour
age and all the backbone and all the
grit and all the vim, ginger, tabasco
sauce and pepperino you’ve got pumping
through your old veins.
The cross wasn’t covered with velvet
No sir! Oh, I want to tell you, my
friends, the knots and the splinters were
not hidden by jack roses and forget-me
nots when Jesus hung on the cross. He
took up the cross.
When He did there was no crown in
sight for Him. To bear the cross means
to keep with Jesus Christ, t to be on
God’s side in every question. That’s
what it means to follow Jesus Christ. If
you are not willing to be a Christian In
Christ’s way, in God’s name stop pro
fessipg that you are one at all, for you
are not yourself, a four-flusher, you are
a fake.
In the picture that Jesus gave us,
He just divided the world into two
classes. The saved and the lost. No
shading from black to brown and brown
to gray. Just pure white, jet black.
Saved —lost. Just two classes in all this
Those that are on the right side. He
said to them, “Inasmuch as ye did it,”
and to those on the left He said, “Inas
much as ye did it not.”
Well, there are just two kinds of
Americans—those that will stand by it
and those that won’t. The others, noth
ing doing. There are just two kinds
of people in the world —saved—lost
That’s the way God divided the world.
You and I subdivided; rich, poor,
black, white: and today our only chance
is to get out of the wrong crowd and
get into the right one, if we are not
there, and to decide we will stop fol
lowing the devil and follow Jesus Christ
and do His will.
He Is Willing to Get
Christianity From Christ
Am I willing to get my Christianity
from Christ or from the worldly-mind
ed people in the church? Am 1 willing
to believe what the preacher says who
preaches the Bible as the Word of
God, or some high-browed critic who
sneers at the atoning blood of Jesus
Christ and teaches to you that salva
tion is by works? You go tell him that
I said he is a liar. Who is a liar, but
he that denieth that iesus is the Christ?
He is the liar.
So, will I let God’s word be a lamp ;
unto my feet? If I do, then I will have
God’s power for I will be on God’s
side of the question. When I am on
the side of Uncle Sam I’ve got Uncle
Sam’s power and when you are not, you
have all his power against you. When
I am on God’s side all of His power
is with me. When I am on the other
side, all of God’s power is against
If you decide to follow Jesus Christ,
I want to say to you, in closing, yours
will be a life of trust: if you believe
that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
you will believe that He has all the
power that the Son of God has. And
two can’t live together unless they fully
agree and trust each other. If there
is the slightest doubt, then communion j
is broken.
When God says a thing, that settles
it. There is no appeal from God —ab-
solutely none! And the next question
is unquestionable obedience of Jesus
Christ. His will will Jae my law. “If
you love Me, keep My commandments
and I will pray the Father.”
“Not every one that saith unto me.
Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom
of heaven. Why call ye me. Lord, Lord,
and do not the things I say?”
Every question of doubt will be set
tled by His relationship in what God
What would Jesus do? Are you doing
the work He wants you to do? Am I
doing It in the way He wants jt done
and if I am doing it in the way He
wants it done, but you don’t want it
done that way, that shows you are
wrong. If what I preach is tfuth, ac
cording to the words of God, I am right.
If you don’t believe it, you are wrong.
So I am not wrong—not at all! I will
challenge you to come to show me what
I preach is not the Word of God.
Are you kind of a man that God
wants you to be? Do you realize that
your care of those children is a trust
from God to raise them to do His will
and follow Him? If Jesus Christ is
your partner with Vou in business, you
are perfectly willing to have Him walk
through the store, to go from the cel
lar to the garret in your house and
you will let Him see the weights and
measures, that they won’t shrink in the
day of judgment; and you will let Him
see you are not lying in your adver
tisement when you put it out to deceive
people. If He were the proprietor with
you, is there anything that you’d change
and alter in your store or life?
Do I preach the .way He wants me
to preach? Is there anything in my ser
mons I’d leave out if Jesus Christ sat
in the seat and looked into my face?
Is there anything I’d put in that I’d
left out? I have yet to look into the
face of any man or woman on God’s
dirt that I feared. I can face this
world, my friends, with my life, and
if the Lord will show me if there Is
anything 1 should have said since 1
have been here that I haven’t said, if
the Lord will let me know it, I will
say it.
So. whatever I may have said or
done, whether it meets» with your ap
proval or not, I have said or done it
with one object in view, that of glori
fying God. So I guess we will have to
let the thing go until we get to heaven.
So, if we don’t like it,' I guess we will
have to let it go as it is and when we
get up to heaven we will find out who
was right, you or me. Just forget it.
Would Jesus vote the way you vote?
Would He go with the company that
you go with? Would He read the books
that you read? Would He spend as
much on Himself and as little on re
When Gustave Dore, the famous
French artist, was about to complete
his famous picture of Jesus, and he
was just in the act of putting the fin
ishing touches upon that masterpiece, a
lady entered his studio and stood ad
miring the products of his genius and
Dore was not aware that there was
any one in the studio but himself.
Suddenly, turning around and seeing
the woman, he became aware of her
presence and he said, “Pardon me,
madam, I did not know that you were
Stepping to where the light would fall
more plainly upon the picture she said
to him. “Monsieur Dore, you must love
Him, to paint Him so.”
He bowed before her and he said,
“Madam. I do love Him. but if I loved
Him more, I could paint Him better.”
American Cavalry
Trooper Killed By
Mexican Soldiers
• EL PASO, Tex., Dec. 18.—Mexican
federal soldiers fired on an American
cavalry patrol which accidentally cross
ed the border on the "island” near
Fabens, Tex., late yesterday, killing one
cavalry horse and wounding another.
The American soldiers returned the fire
and one Mexican soldier was seen to
fall from his horse. No American was
•Preacher Enlists; Wife
Takes Place in Pulpit
URBANA, *lll., Dec. 18.—Mrs. Frank
D. Adams, wife of the -pastor of the
Universal Ist church here, has assumed
her husband’s duties at the request of
the church board, and occupied the pul
pit yte(terday morning. Reverend
Adams won a second lieutenant’s com
mission at the Fort Sheridan training
camp and has been called to Camp
Grant, Rockford, 111.
Austrian Residents
Fail to Lynch Negro
PUEBLO. Col., Dec. 19.—A mob of
Austrian residents was foiled last night
in an attempt to take a negro soldier,
Lewis Smith, from the city, and
lynch him. The men were told that the
prisoner had been taken to another
town. As soon as the mob disappeared,
the officers hurried their prisoner out
of the city in an automobile.
The negro is charged with having at
tacked a little Austrian girl.
N. Y. Now Has Women
Street Car Conductors
NEW YORK. Dec. 19. —Women acted
as conductors on the surface car lines
of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit com
pany toda#. taking the places of men
who have joined the colors. Women have
been employed as guards on subway
trains for some time and the company
is said to be satisfied with their work.
Treasury Authorized
To Buy Farm Bonds
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19.—The admin
istration bill jiuthorizing the secretary
of the treasury to purchase $100,000,-
000 of farm loan bonds during the fiscal
year was adopted by the senate with
out a record vote after it had been
amended so as to eliminate a similar
purchase next year.
Alabamian Kills Wife
and Commits Suicide
MONTGOMERY, Ala. Dec. 18.— A \
special to the Journal from Opp, Ala.,
says that Andrew Wallace this morn- |
ing shot and killed his wife and then ,
committed suicide. Mrs. Wallace was
a sister of Richard Tillis, Montgom- .
ery traction magnate.
Under Death Sentence,
Men Hang Themselves
GALLUP. N. M-, Dec. 19.—Maria
Cuevas and Silvario Silva, sentenced to i
be hanged December 21 for murder, com
mitted suicide in the county jail here
today by hanging themselves.
Allen Tells How His Wife
Overcame Troubles Gains
Twenty-Three Pounds and Is
Like New Person
' ' '’-V.A
“My wife has taken three bottles of
Tanlac and has gained twenty-three
(23) pounds.” said B. L. Allen, of Shef
field, Alabama, some time ago.
"She had a mighty hard struggle for
the last three years with stomach troy*
ble, and disorderel liver and kidneys.”
he continued, “and she fell off in weight
until she only weighed one hundred and
five pounds. She would get so weak
and sick at times that she would have
to take to her bed and stay there for
weeks at a time. She was terribly ner
vous and suffered dreadfully with sick
headaches and shortness of breath. She
tried all sorts of medicines but nothing
helped her any.
“She began to improve as soon as she
started taking Tanlac and right now
she is like a new person. She gets up
in the morning feeling refreshed and
cheerful and does her own housework,
never has a headache or a nervous spell
and besides being twenty-three pounds
heavier, she’s getting stronger and bet
ter every day. She’s the happiest wom
an in Sheffield since Tanlac overcame
her troubles.”
Tanlac is sold by one regularly estab
lished agency in every town.—(advt.)
Neuralgia Headaches
After shopping or after • hard day
are quickly relieved with Sloan's
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Generous sized hot ties at all drug
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Why I Believe
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* • f
A Strength-Builder for the Nation
By E. Sauer, M. D.
Probably do remedy has ever met with raek
phenomenal sneceM as has Nuxated Iron. It
is conservatively estimated that over three wail
lion people annually are taking it is this coun
try alone. It has been highly endorsed and
used by Former United States Senators and
Members of Congress; Physicians who have bees
connected with well-known bospiltals have pre
scribed and recommended it; Monseigeru Nan- ,
nini, a prominent Catholic Clergyman, recom
mends it to all members of tbe Catholic Chureh.
former Health Commissioner Win. B. Kerr, of
Chicago, says it ought to be used in every hos
pital and prescribed by every physician. Sarah
Bernnardt—"the Divine Sarah.” the world's most
noted actress, has ordered a large quantity sent
to the French soldiers to help give them
strength, power and endurance.
Dr. A. J. >ewman, late Police Surgeon of the
city of Chicago, and former House Surgeon Jef
ferson Park Hospital, Chicago, says Nutated
Iron has proven through his own tests of tt to
excel any preparation he has ever used for cre
ating red blood, building up tbe nerves, strength
ening the muscles and correcting digestive dis
Dr. H. B. Vail, formerly Physieias in the
baltimore Hospital and a Medical Examiner,
says that time and again he has prescribed Nux
ated Iron and surprised patients at the rapidity
with which the weakness and general debility
were replaced a renewed feeling of strength X
and vitality.
if you are sot strong or well, yov ewe it to
yourself to make the following test: bee how
long you can work or how far you can walk wfth
ont becoming tired. Next taks two five-grein
tablets of Nuxated Iron three timea per
after meals for two weeks. Then test your
strength again and see how much you have
NOTE:—Nuxated Iron, which has been used
by former Members of tbe United States Senate
and House of Kepresentatives and other proaa
nent people with such surprising results, <ad
which is pres< ribed and recommended above by
physicians in such a great variety of rarra, fa
nut a patent medicine nor secret remedy, but »
ote which is well known to druggists and whose
Iron constituents are widely prescribed by eaal
nent physicians everywhere. Unlike tbe older
Inorganic iron products, it is easily assimilated,
does not injure the teeth, make them black nee
upset the stomach; on the contrary it is a
most potent remedy in nearly all forma of t>di
geetion as well as for nervous, rundown coMI-
Uns. Tbe manufacturers have such great con
fidence in Nuxated Iron that they offer to for
feit >IOO to, any charitable Institution if they
cannot take' any man or woman under 60 who
lacks iron and increase their strength 100 per
cent or over in four weeks' time, provided they
have no serious organic trouble. They also offer
to refund your money if it does net at least
double your strength and endurance in ten days’
tune. It is dispensed by all good druggists.
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Hungry er Weak Spelta,
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It is said that one person out of every four has •
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Any sufferer mailing this coupon, with their
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