Newspaper Page Text
N.C. & StL Hits Trolley;
5 Hurt in Chattanooga
CHATTANOOGA. Tenn, Feb. 16
Five people were more or less seriously
injured here tonight, when train No. i
on the Nashville, Chattanooga and St-
Louie railway, running from Nashville
to Chattanooga, crashed into a street
car at what is known as the “Death
trap" on Market street All the injured
were passengers on the street car.
“Pape’s Diapepsin’’ makes
sick. sour, gassy stomachs
feel fine
Time it! In five minutes your sour,
acid stomach feels fine. No indigestion,
heartburn, or belching of gas. or eruc
tations of undigested food, no dizziness,
bloating, foul breath or headache.
Pape’s Diapepsin is noted for its speed
tn sweetening upset stomachs. It is the
surest, quickest and most certain stom
ach antacid tn the whole world and be
sides. it is harmless
Millions of men and women now eat
their favorite foods without sea
known Pape s Diapepsin will save them
from such misery.
Please, for your sake, get a large
fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from
any drug store and put your stomach
right. Don't keep on being miserable —
life is too short —you are not here long,
so make your stay agreeable. Eat what
>ou like and enjoy it. without dread of
aetd fermentation- in the stomach.
Pape’s Diapepsin 'oelongs in your
home anyway. Should one of the fam
ily eat something which don't agree
wjth them, or in case of an attack of
dyspepsia, gastritis or
stomach derangement due to fermenta
tion and acidity, at daytime or during
the night, it is handy to give the quick
est. surest relief known.—(Advt*
Gcod Health Without Medicine
VI‘F wearing Perforated
S Meetrie Finger Rings.
' '.: —- rn»l'.i—» a current «f
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.121 i- m. Knlncy <l‘«ea-«-
.in-l all nene troubles
' give- a refreshing sleep.
. ' Hundreds hare been
' '/«* }•*.' * «-vred of Rheumatism
after lue-li'ini- had failed. To introdwe them
a Regular Sl.«jO Pair for onlv 25 cents, Post
paid. itrder a l*»ir today. L«ne Star Sheet
Metal Works. McKinuey. Texas. Dept. 33.
Ulis veteran. K R. lam
|>oerv. was addicted to the
excessive use of tobacco
ter mauy years. He want
ed to quit but needed aeaae
tliing to help him.
He learned <rf free
heok ttet tells about to
bacco bat it and bow to
■-ooquer it quickly, easily
»n<! safely. In_ a recent
letter be write*’: ”1 have
no ih-aire for tobacco any
more. I feel like a new man.”
Any one desiring a copy of this book on to
bacco habit, smoking and chewing, can get it
free, postpaid. by writing to Edward J. Woods.
W C 219. Station F.. New York City. You will
be. srrpri-ed and pleased. Look for quieter
nerves, stronger heart, better digestion, im
proved eyesight, increased vigor, longer life and
other advantages if you quit poisoning yourself.
This ne> disease is spreading over the south
witii a 23 per rent yearly increase, leaving hor
ror and death In its wake.
You will want to read the story of bow nine
years ago I discovered the cause of this dis
ease. and bow thousands of pellagra sufferers
have bee i rest jred to good health by a simple
home trostiuent. Take no chances with harm
ful drugs or gpesswjrk doctoring. You are en
titled to knew the truth. The wfaol-* story is
given in tills wonderful
Mailed in Plain Seair.l Wrapper FREE ti all
who write tor a copy. This new. instructive
and interesting book gives you my proven tbe
«ry as to what castes pellagra and bow it may
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antee of absolute .-atisfai-tion or no charge for
treatment. It also '-ontains many photographs
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Rankers. Ministers. Do-tcrs. Lawyers and oth
ers. she tell wonderful stories of their expe
liemre with this swve-sful pellagra treatment.
Tired and Inoway feelings acompanied by
1 esi'jl.-bes; d*|>re«Mcn or state of imloli-nce;
rooghm.s« of skin: breaking out or eruptions;
hand and like sunburn: sore m->uth; tongue. lips
ami throat slamming red: mu*-b mucus and
• Poking: iadige-tion and natt-ea. diarrhea ot
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l>«a't take chances
Write for your Copy of This Book Today.
Remember it is mailed to you Free in plain
Sealed Wrapper.’
W. J. McCRARY, M. I>.
Uapt. 551 Carbon Hill. Alabama
lt Flutter, Palpitate
Skl * Beats f Have you
~ l-hortuess of Breath. Ten.
• syT-wCsi,; I drruesa. X utnbc ea a. et
*'*l*'Wu left’aiineaa,
Fsinriag ‘‘pells. Wpote be.
’iCJf sere eyes. Sudden Starting
In sleep. Nervoaiocßß,
Hungry er Weak Spells
Oppreseed Feeling in chest. Chehtng Baa
notion in threat, Painfnl to lie «■ left aide,
Hinkles er Smothering Sensation. Dlffl
celt Breathing. Heart Dropsy or Swelling
of feet or anh rest If you have one or mere of
the above symptoms, don't fail tonre Dr.Kina
man's Heart Tablets. Not a secret medicine.
I: it aaid that one person out of every four has a
•reek heart. Probably three-fourths of there do
•ot know It, a*d hundreds wrongfully treat thena
selves tor the Stomach. Lungs. Kidneys or
''.err-*, Don’t take any ctances when Dr.
Kinaman’a Heart Tablets are within your
reach. More than IMO enCor*etnents furnished.
I kny sufferer mailing tbts coupon, with their
I name and P. O. Address, to Dr. F. G. Kins
man. Boa ‘‘6*. Aagusta. Maine, will -e
--c- a box of Heart Tablet* for trial be return
mall, postpaid, free of charge. Delays are dan-f
ge-ous. write at once—to day.
& Taught la snapli t English <L.nsg
ij span tire. tkp.«aa grant ed.
Com wrthia reach <4 all. Saxtsfac.
V4S toagarasteed Harebeea teach.
lag Vy correspondence tweaty
t/ aIWT \ yean Graduates assisted in many
7 XHr \ way*. Ever.- person fateresred la
XZ ”'“ w 1 at«k shook! take it, Write foe
1 fa- .n .
\ SakMt
IHtk Is On*. 43 Lcadoa. Ouano. Case
s' __ made Moving Fir
54 "W turn Machine witl
■ BZj Cltaa—A 1. L GIVE?
(Jfc\ f Ott l, ’ r :»<-k
t® of Bluine at to
tz r - Write so
* it. We *end it port
paid. When aoM re
tun. $2.50 and vr send machine and film
f st."a preminum free of white paper Mice
•erven ar4 admission tickets.
>B3 Mui St.. Concord Junction, Maas
War-Weary Country Ready to
Give Italy Any Demand in
Order to Secure Peace.
Masses Are Starving
BERNE. Switzerland. Feb. 15.—Cor
dially hating Germany, but irretriev
ably tied up with her. war-weary Aus
tria would almost give her souP for
An American udlcial, just out of Aus
tria. declares he is convinced after talk
ing with Austrian officials that Austria
is willing to give Italy all Italy de
mands, save the seaport of Trieste, if
it will bring peace.
The masses would give up Trieste, or
anything else, if it would end the war.
From numerous and most reliable
sources, I understand the divergence of
views between Berlin and Vienna is
practically official and open. I learned
from the friend of an Austrian official,
recently in Zurich, that Austria, above
everything, desires to retain some de
gree of respectability In the eyes of
the world, in order to enter friendly re
lations with other countries immediate
ly after the war.
Austria, he said, would welcome an
opportunity to disown any part in the
Belgian atrocitios, the execution of
Edith Cavell, or the torpedoing of the
Lusitania —to show that Austria is the
victim of Prussia, not the accomplice.
Austria Hard Hit
I talked with George Archibald, of
California, and Jack Sumter, of New
York, both famous -jockeys, here await
ing passport formalities before return
ing to the United States. They are Just
out of Austria. The two Americans say
they Were better treated in Austria than
were Germans whom the Austrians de
Archibald, whose first race was at
Latonia. said Austria is hard hit—the
people dying like flies on account of
poor food.
The rich, he said, are getting almost
anything they want, but the masses are
suffering terribly. Hungary is resist
ing all efforts of Germany and Austria
to extract food products from her.
At Budapest an orchestra in a rest
aurant played "The Star Spangled Ban
ner" without anybody objecting, Archi
bald said.
At another case a Hungarian waiter
forced.a German officer in uniform to
wait while Archibald completely finish
ed his dinner. The German stormed.
The head waiter said:
“You're not in Germany now."
When another waiter approached
with a stein of beer, the head waiter
hissed and signalled for him to take
the beer back, forcing the German to
wait longer.
Dest-Wers filled Budapest, unmolested.
The soldiers are badly equipped.
Houses, railways, cars and every s
thing are run down throvfgh lack of ma
terials. The bread in Switzerland is
blacker than the French war bread, but
Archibald’s three-year-old boy exclaim
ed: '’Cake!’’ when he tasted it after a
diet of Austrian bread
The Prussian war party is belittling
Americans to the utmost in Austria as
well as in Germany.
Wildest Stories Spread
American newspapers printing La
Follette's Lusitania speech are handed
about until- they, are black and worn
out. A picture of a feathered Indian,
probably a medicine • showman, sur
rounded by gaping boys. Is published
in all- illustrated papers, entitled: "Ke
cruiting in America."
The wildest stories of American regi
ments mutinying are published broad
cast. The stories say the American sol
diers are refusing to fight for England
and France.
Both Archibald and Sumter —the lat
ter's folks are from Detroit—constantly
hearing the talk of the richest and
sportiest circles, say nothing will be
left undone to egg the masses on to
further sacrifices.
They believe the smashing of Austria
and Germany will follow the failure of
the drive on the west front, into which
they are plunging.
The popular dislike for the Germans
will prevent the Austro-Hungarians
from continuing in the Prussia’s train
much longer.
The siek. starving, dying population
will rebel. Especially as it is under
stood officialdom from the emperor
down- -less secretly than one might
think —have the same distaste for con
tinuing the war.
(Copyright, 191 S. by the United Press *
Ground Glass in Candy
At Camp Forrest Puts
Twenty in the Hospital
CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Feb. 16.—As
the result of eating candy which con
tained glass, twenty members of the
Fifty-second infantry at Camp Forrest
are confined to the base hospital, some
of them being in a serious plight. The
candy was secured at the canteen, and,
it is said was shipped from a confec
tioner in K.i-jvville. Specimens of the
I poisoreu candy have been forwarded to
Washing.on and an investigation instl
’ tuted
This Paper Will Ignore
Society Functions Where
Mr. Hoover Is Forgotten
BAINBRIDGE, Feb. 15.—The editorial
which E. H. Griffin wrote in last week's
Issue of the Post-Search Light, stating
that his paper will no longer make any
mention of any entertainment, given here
which serves any refreshments, has cre
ated widespread comment,
Editor Griffin says sdme people think
that the paper cannot run without their
social entertainments—but it will. He's
helping Hoover.
Collins Is Acquitted
In Killing of Spinks
MACON. Ga.. Feb. 15.—Robert E, CoJ
• tins, charged with the murdefr of North
: £ro E. Spinks, was acquitted here to
night after two hours' deliberation by
. the jury. It was his second trial, a
mistrial having resulted less than one
| month ago.
Destroyer Taylor Launched
, WASHINGTON. Feb. 15.—Secretary
Daniels announced today the receipt of
a telegram from Mare Island navy yard,
‘ stating that the destroyer Taylor was
launched there yesterday, 60 per cent
complete, four months after the keel
was laid The speed with which the
Taylor was made ready for launching
establishes a navy yard record for swift
Judge Hill Disregards Jury’s
Recommendation for Mis
demeanor Sentence
G. C. Carson, convicted of stealing an |
automobile belonging to W. <’. Jones, |
driving it to Brooks station and dispos
ing of it for S3OO. was sentenced Satur
day morning by Judge- Ben H. Hill w o
serve five years in the state peniten
tiary. A verdict of "guilty" was re
turned Friday afternoon by the jury,
which deliberated tor about three hours, |
the trial having consumed almost two
days in the Fulton superior court. The 1
jury’s verdict carried a recommendation
that Carson be sentenced as for a mis- |
demeanor, but Judge Hill refused to re- ■
gard the recommendation, which would >
have limited the sentence to one year I
on the gang, or an alternative fine.
"I am going to do my best to stop
this stealing of automobiles,” said Judge
Hill, as he pronounced sentence, “and
parties convicted in this court of of- ;
senses of this character will be dealt
with harshly.’* ,
Carson Is alleged to have been a mem
ber of the auto thieves’ “syndicate.’’
which has stolen, according to the solid- ■
tor general. more,than $150,000 worth of ■
automobiles in’Allanta during the past
few months.
He is to be placed on trial Monday <>n J
the charge of holding up A. H. Boykin,
paymaster for the Martel Manufacturing
company, of East Point, this being one I
of the robberies to which Jerome Yarter,
ex-policeman, has already confessed and
implicated several other men now under
indictment. Paul Estes, charged by Yar
ter with having been an accomplice in
the Boykin hold-up, as well as the rob
bery of J. A. Black, paymaster of the
Armour Fertilizer company, has been ac
Yarter, who is seizing ten years in
the chaingang, will be a witness against
Will Blakely, George W. Kelley, Ev-1
crett Warren and Will Hairston, young
men pleading guilty to x misdemeanors,
were given twelve months each and
placed on probation. Blakely and Wa •-
ren have declared that they will join
the hospital corps of the army.
Would You Be Willing To Let
Your Son or Daughter
Work For SIOO a Month?
Are you familiar with the great repu
tation of the Georgia-Alabama Business
College at Macon, Ga.? Do you know
that its fame is due to its success in
making young men and young women
succetssful in business?
Writ® and find out what it can do
for you
Address Eugene Anderson. President.
Carl Elschner Is Held
As Dangerous Alien;
Cable Plot Is Alleged
Elschner. a chemist who is a member
of the United States geological survey,
was arrested here today by the United
States marshal as d dangerous enemy
alien. Federal officials charged him
With being implicated in an alleged plot
to blow up a British government cable
station on an island in the Hawaiian
Federal officials said that some time
ago Elschner surveyed several of the
islands in the Hawaiian group. He left
the islands a week before an explosion
occurred, damaging the cable station,
it was stated.
Elschner is said to be one of the
most competent chemists in the coun
try. At one time he was president of
a chemistry school here. Several maps
and blue prints of the Hawaiian in
lands were found when he was ar
rested. according to the United States
district attorney, who also announced
that he would be interned during the
war on a presidential warrant.
A New Home Cure That Anyone Can Uae
Without Discomfort or Loes ot Time.
a New Method that cures Asthma,
ana we want you to- try it at our expense.
No matter whether your case is of long-stanu
ing or recent development, whether it is pres
ent as oecaional or chronic Asthma, you should
send for a free trial of our method. No 1
matter in what climate you live, no matter
what your age or occupation, if you are trou- 1
bled with asthma, our method should relieve
you promptly.
We especially want to send it to those ap- ■
patently hopeless eases, where all forlns of 1
inhalers, douches, opium preparations, fames,
"patent smokes," etc., have failed. We want
to show everyone at our owu expense, that
tbia new method is designed to end all diffi
cult breathing, all wueezing, and all those i
terrible paroxy-nis at once and for all time. '
Thi« free offer is too important to neglect i
a single day. Write now and then begin the '
method at mice. Send no money. Simply i
mail coupon below. Do It Today.
Niagara ami Hudson Sts., Buffalo, N, V*.
Send free trial of your method to:
* I
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New Feather
«Beds now only —1
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Ur - w l n <- direct from our sanitary factory
*>- ~* to y° u You boy from us the beet.
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1 23 io. bed. 2 3»lb. pil- AV
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value s-2. Ee.luced to
•10 92 for all. 30-lb. bed
outfit as ab0vet11.92.35-ib. u
bed oatfit *12.93. 40-lb. bed
outfit *13.92. BEDS 25-lb. » >■ 1
••.75. 30-lb. *7.50. 35.1b.W-23
il 15 S Alfn-w feathers. beattickinß. We havefilOOO raab
depoait in bank to guarantee aatiefaction or money back
Mail money order or write for catalog today.
names of your neighoore and ten cet*s
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Com City Supply Co., QUINCY, ILU.
cPE & ' P*""" 1 " r.
tiT.a Kif.e free for tell n« only 15 pieces of our
Jewelry at 10c each w rite for Jewelry today.
NOVELTY CO., Oept. 154 taat lloatoa. Mass.
Sudden Shifting of American i
Artillery to Champagne Re-;
gion Has German Chief
NEW’ YORK, Feb. 16.—Further be-i
wilderment of Von Hinderburg has been;
caused by General Pershing in trans- ,
forring part of his artillery from the
Lorraine to the Champagne front.
Von Hindenburg is now undoubtedly .
trying to determine whether this new i
Pershing movement means the Ameri- ■
can offensive will not be launched
against Alsace-Lorraine at all, where
heavy German reserves are concentrat
ed, but will strike at a weaker section
of the German front. Tahtire, where
the new American artillery g£ve such
valuable help to the French, is about 75
miles, measured along the trenches west
of Xivray. the previous point at which
German raiders located the American
Beginning at the Marne-Rhine canal,
every first dicovery of Americans by
the Germans carries General Pershing's
troops further to the west and further
away from Alsacfv-I>orrn.:ne In other
words, the heavy concentrations of Ger
man reservists in southern Alsace near
Switzerland and in northern Lorraine
near Metz may prove to be gross strate
gic errors, and the reserves may be
hopelessly far distant from the point
finally selected by General Pershing for
his spring drive.
No better preliminary strategy has
been shown by a belligerent since the
beginning of the war than is marking
General Pershings sudden shifts of his
forces. It is now totally impossible for
Von Hindenburg to be reasonably sure
where Pershing has his main force. The
Champagne sector, where the American
artillery had its first real experience of
offensive warfare, has many advantages
as an area for major operations. It was
the scene of a major French offensive
earlier in ttie war and success there
would force a large German retreat
through northern France. Von Hinden
burg may be compelle'd to divide his
reserves still more as the result of Gen
eral Pershings newest feint.
One Soldier Is Killed,
Two Seriously Hurt,
By Bolt at Sheridan
CAMP SHERIDAN,' Montgomery. Ala.,
Feb. 16. — Private Thomas Hawthorne,
of Dayton, Ohio, was instantly killed
and two others were seriously injured
yesterday afternoon when a bolt of
lightning from a sky that was almost
clear struck battery D. One Hundred
and Thirty-fourth field artillery. Six
horses were killed and six others in
Sergeant Pearl Dewees was seriously
injured and Private Paul Decker was
removed to the base hospital for medi
cal attention. A score of the other ar
tillerymen were bruised when thrown
from their mounts..
Do You Want This “All-Aluminum” Conciliation Tea Kettle
Double Boiler and Sauce Pan —
Every woman reader of u l'
The Semi-Weekly Journal I THIS is an
to have one absolu t e 1 y
of these new article. It affords
handsome and use “ybAvX *“ the BT ea^ combination
ful cooking uten- uX M g 2 o f everyday usefulness
sils, AND we are V&V ®B ■ I we ave ever °ff to
going to make it v» HI B I ® our readers. An article
easy for YOU to JJ raj | m 11||| B that will appeal to every
get one FREE for 111 lOm S housewife an article
only a few minutes •of 4I! f " 11 S every home needs,
your spare time. __
Articles That Housewives Can Use Every Hour in the Year
This ‘‘all aluminum” article is not to be. confused with* the ordinary lea Kettle that has the insert pail.
Instead of an insert pail with limited uses, the great Combination provides the housewife with a sauce pan of
sufficient size to be of constant, practical usefulness, the Kettle being 4*4 quarts, and the Pan 2% quarts, this
being plenty large for any and all uses.
T h e use this combination N
•• utensil means the cutting down ’ f A J
of cooking expense. It saves i ff
1 X^t'fuel and time by doing a con«
fe siderable part of the housewife’s cooking
i | * with the heat from the steam and water in Xg?• ' ■ ’
; | JkS S the Teakettle, which is usually allowed to W S I r 8 -
I: *u IV |l
If you will secure for us a club of (12) subscribers for The Semi-Weekly one year each at 75c
per year, sending us the names along with the $9.00 to cover same, immediately upon receipt we will send
this Combination Cooking Utensil to you “FREE” without any further cost so you.
This Combination cooking utensil is made of “all aluminum,” both the Kettle and the Pan being seamless,
the spout is welded to the body and shows no seam, the handle is made of spiral wire and so attached that it
does not touch the sides of the kettle and get hot, and in every way is quite an improvement over anything
on the market.
Remember —all you have got to do is to collect 75c each from twelve different subscribers, either renewal
subscriptions or new ones—mail us the $9.00 —and the next train will bring this wonderful’Combination Cook
ing Utensil to you FREE.
.... ’ • , J
Nashville Private at Sevier
Overpowered and Put in
Straight Jacket
CAMP SEVIER, Greenville. S. C„ Feb.
15.—Despondency over .disappointment
in a love affair is believed by officers
to have caused Private Lynn, of Nasn
ville, a member of battery F. One Hun
dred and Fifteenth artillery, to break
ranks at a morning drill formation and
run amuck among the soldiers of the
company and regimental streets, cry
ing and threatening to kill all with
whom he came in contact. The fact that
no arms were used at this formation
probably prevented serious injuries, in
the opinion of officers. However, no one
was hurt and Lynn was shortly over
powered and sent to the base hospital
in a straight-jacket..
Two Georgians Die
With Gen. Pershing’s
. Expeditionary Army
WASHINGTON; Feb 16—General
Pershing today reported the following
deaths from pneumonia:
Civilian Employe Arthur S. Ford, sis
ter. Lucile M. Hopkips, 1400 London
street, Brunswick, Ga. *
Civilian Employe Arthur Fields, aunt,
Carrie O’Connor, 1206 Ellis street,
Brunswick, Ga
Private James N. Ellis, 1615 Bran
don avenue. Knoxville, Tenn.
A Perfect Baby
To possess a literally perfect child
is by no means impossible. The ex
pectant mother should be calm and
the days should 'be tilled with sun
shine knd happiness.
Millions •of women have used the
safe, external, penetrating prepara
tion known as “Mother’s Friend.”
By its use the abdominal muscles,
which nature is expanding, relax
easily when baby is born. This nat-
80 Founds
Governor Says He Has Three
Good Friends in
JoHn R. Cooper, the Macon lawyer
who is running for the United States
senate against Thomas W. Hardwick,
has given out in Macon the contents of
a letter written by Governor Dorsey to
W. J. Wallace, of Macon, stating that
he was not going to take sides for or
against any candidate in the senatorial
race. In this letter the governor said:
“I have thre good personal and po
litical friends in the race: John R.
Cooper, of Macon, who was my college
mate; W. J. Harris, who was my col
lege and club mate; Emmett Shaw,
who, as did also John R. Cooper, took
the stump in my behalf in the recent
gubernatorial race.
“Under these circumstances you are
authorized to state, whenever and
wherever you desire, that I am not
taking any active stand toward the
backing of any candidates.
“I do not think that the people of
Georgia elected me governor for the
purpose of dictating to them as to
whom they should select for the sen
ate. I have got my hands full if I
look after the duties of the chief execu
tive's office, and I am certainly not
going to run, or undertake to direct the
people of Georgia whom they should
select, for th< senate."
Governor Dorsey stated Saturday in
Atlanta that he did not expect his let
ter to get into the newspapers, but
since it had, he was glad to reiterate
Ms attitude as defined therein.
urally makes for infinitely less pain
and danger at the crisis.
Write jto The Bradfield Regulator
Co., Dept. H, 300 Lamar Building,
Atlanta, Ga., for interesting free
book “Motherhood and the Baby.”
Do not neglect to get a bottle of
“Mother’s Friend” from your drug
gists’ tonight. It is a tried prepara
tion and is of the greatest value to
expectant mothers. —(Advt.)
livery sufferer from • Weak Lungs—
everyone afflicted with chronic cough—
should read this remarkable history of
a druggist, afflicted with Tuberculosis,
who experimented on himself, seeking
a road to health. With his simple treat
ment any cough-racked, tortured person
may find quick relief in a home treat
ment. Soothing, pleasant; anyone may
use it under plain directions. Just send
name and address on postcard to AD
DILINE, 1264 Capital Trust Bldg., Co
lumbus, Ohio.
.188 Founds
Puts An End to
Catarrh Nuisance
A Direct and Simple Way That
May Be Adopted With
But Little Cost
If yon are constantly catching cold and dur
ing a lot of coughing and spitting you can take
it for granted that you have chronic catarrh,
and the only thing that needs to concern yon
is not whether it is constitutional or due to '
the climate, but how to get rid of it.
Banish thoughts of internal medicines, dou
ches. sprays, salves and such things, but write
Dr. Blosser, an old Atlanta physician, who has
been treat|jg catarrn
successfully for for
ty-three yearn. Send
him ten cents in coin
or stamps for his
nov el smoke-vapor
trial outfit, which yon
can use convenient at
Many persons report
they are deriving gen
uine relief from ca-
t:rrh of the bead, nose and throat, catarrhal
Ceafness, roaring and buzzing in the cars, ca
tarrhal headache, bronchial irritation, asthma
and similar miseries.
There may be some doubt in your mind that
it can be so easily done when the case is an
old chronic one. but you can satisfy yourself
i S z""
<>nic medicated cigarettes
with but small ex
pense by sending jour
name and address to
Dr. J. W. Blosser,
Box 2166, ' Atlanta.
Ga. I
For ten cents to.
cover cost of postage!
and handling be will
send you some of the
Remedy for smoking
In a 1 ipe, a neat lit
tle pipe, and also sc
< month’s supply, either form, one dollar). Write
him without delay, as the sootier you write the
sooner you will receive relief.—(Advt.)
I will gladly send any Rheumatism sufferer a
Simple Herb Recipe Absolutely Free that Com
pletely Cured me of a terrible attack of muscu
lar and Inflammatory of long
standing after everything else I tried had failed
me. I have given it to many sufferers who be
lieved their cases hopeless, vet- they found relief
from their sufferings by taking these simple
herbs. it also relieves Sciatica promptly, as
well as Neuralgia, and is a wonderful blood
purifier. You are most welcome to this Herb
Recipe if you will send for it at once. 1 be
lieve you will consider it a god-send after you
have put it to the test. There is nothing in
jurious contained in it, and yon can see for
yourself exactly what you are raking. 1 will
gladly send this Recipe—absolutely free—to any
sufferer who will send name aud address plain
ly written. '
W. G. SUTTON. 2650 Magnolia Ave..
I-O3 Aaseles, California.
Ml New. Use. Clean. Sanitary Feather*. I
BWZf/f/r/fffyKa Best grade feaihy proof ticking. Satlafae- I
pfim _ L? IM tJon guaranteed.* w rite far catalog.
j CAROLINA BEDDINC CO., De*. 110 Greensboro, M. C. |
msec Wehavesworastiiß
SaSEf went* of cases free
for yean of attacks
B IngSlctaieat.orCoo-
■iH ■ w
afcQHi IWfi formula. Wa PAY
egk QK ls *> a CUT and
Mi Ml HK Return This AD In
wjr letter. Give age. Hundreds of testimonials on flit.
F. HARVEY ROOF CO., Dept. F. 1633, G. P. 0.
New York.