Newspaper Page Text
Save your hair! Make it thick,
wavy and beautiful —
try this!
Thin. brittle. colorless and scraggy
hair is mute evidence of a neglected
•caJp: of dandruff—that awful scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to -he
hair as dandruff It robs the hair of its
lustre, its strength and its very life;
eventually producing a feverishness and
itching of the scalp, which if not reme
died causes the hair roots to shrinx.
loosen and die- then the hair falls out
fast. A little Danderine tonight—now
—any time— will surely save your hair.
Get a small bottle of Knowlton’s Dan-
Marine from any drug store or toilet
counter, and after the first application
your hair will take on that life, lustre
aa i luxuriance which is so beautiful.
It will become wavy and fluffy and have
the appearance of abundance, an incom
parable gloss wed softness. but what
will -please you most will be after just
a few weeks’ use. when you will actual
ly see a lot of fine, downy hair —new
hair—growing all over the scalp.—(adv.)
27 Years the Enemy of Pain
Bheomaticae Sdaticftrins
The Aatakazacia Chemical Co .St. Louie
Sffective Treatment Found at Last for
That Dreaded Malady—
Baughn’s Treat-neat Proven Its Value
Ln Case of Mississippi Sufferer
Laurel. Miss. —Parrie Nicholas, of this
place, writes: "Seems to me if I had
not obtained Vour treatment when-I did
1 would not have lived much longer. I
am glad you discovered this wonderful
treatment that will cure Pellagra. When
I began taking Baughn’s Pellagra Treat
ment my weight was S''-odd pounds;
now it is 90-odd. I would like to have
this published and sent tc sufferers of
If you suffer from Pellagra or know
of any one who suffers from Pellagra, it
is your duty to consult the resourceful
Baughn. who has fought and conquered
the dreaded malady right in the Pellagra
Belt of Alabama. The symptoms: Hands
red like sunburn, skin peeling off, sore
mouth, the lips, throat and tongue a
flaming red .with much mucus and
choking; indigestion and nausea; either
diarrhoea or constipation. There is hope.
You can be cured by Baughn’s Pellagra
Treatment. Get big free book on Pel
lagra Address American Compounding
Co.. Box 517-1* Jasper. Ala. remember
ing money is refunded in any case where
the treatment fails to cure.—(Advt.)
For the
A safe old fashioned sir
remedy for worms
Seventy-five yeewf eahtte
ik>u< <w i« the best te»tim«- II
om offer you. XTll
gerp a bottle always <-.r “
hand. It will help keep th. cl
HtUe onca happy and healthy J
25c a hottie at your drug I--]
gist’s or general store; or if ll "U
jroor dealer can’t supply you.
ic-nd Ma name and 2'c in
stamps and we'll send yon a
hottie promptly
E. & S. FREY,
Baltimore Md
■ WSerrwwr anu-eri Sent on trial. If
it cares, coats you SI. If it faita. costa noth
ing Super ba Company. H B. Baltimore. Ma.
We Club With the
The Semi-Weekly Journal is the
best newspaper in the South. The
Southern Cultivator is the best Farm
paper for the Southern Farmer.
Send us 11.25 ana we will send you
both of these papers for one year
each. Address all orders to
The Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal.
Atlanta. Ga.
Dr. Ledbetter Claims Howard
Is Practically Out of
. the Race
Dr L. S. Izedbetter, campaign man
ager for William J. Harris, candidate
for United States senator. Saturday
gave out the following statement with
.reference to the progress of the cam
"The situation, from our viewpoint, is
; growing more satisfactory from day to
day and from week to week. The state-
■ tnent which I made last week to the
; effect that the people of Georgia* are
-settling upon Mg. Harns as the loyal
■candidate to defeat Senator Hardwick,
is being borne out more and more in the
hundreds of letters we are receiving
from all parts of the state. These let
ters show that voters who have been
undecided, have now, in the Light of de
velopments, made up their minds to
support Mr. Harris and through him,
the administration of President Wilson.
“Congressman Howard is practically
out of the race. His methods, which
are those of a clown and mountebank,
have helped toward his elimination. His
false statements, disproven on every
side, have acted as a boomerang
against him. He may easily be dis
“The only real fight in Georgia, as
we have before pointed out, is between
loyalty on the one side as represented
in the person of Mr. Harris, and the
absence of loyalty as represented in the
candidacy of Senator Hardwick. Mr.
Hardwick's claim of loyalty is repud-
I iated by his own record. The people of
Georgia have made up their minds that
no matter what happens, the defeat
of Hafdwtck. whose attitude has been
to encourage the 'beast of Berlin* who
is aiming for world dominion, must be
“Realinzing this situation, the loyal
people of Georgia are not going to let
division in their ranks make possible
the election of the candidate whose
record is distasteful to the adminis
tration and which has stood in the
way of the successful prosecution of
the war.
"With a strength throughout the
state which spells victory, Mr. Harris’
campaign is growing in force and vigor
every day. He spoke Thursday at Cor
dele. to the largest crowd assembled In
Crisp county for a political meeting in
the past several years. He spoke Fri
day in Vienna and Unadilla to large
and appreciative audiences and was sim
ilarly wen received in Hawkinsville on
Saturday. <
“Everywhere Mr. Harris goes, the
people are flocking to him as the rep
resentative es loyalty and service and
the candidate in whom there is the
greatest hope for the well-being and
safety of cur soldier and sailor boys
across the water. We are confident of
the victory which will be ours when
the ballots are counted September 11.
“Indicative of the way the situation
looks now is the following telegram
from Moultrie, like many we are re
ceiving from other sections of the
"This telegram, dated August 23,
says: Straw vote in the city of Moul
trie this morning gives Harris 101,
Hardwick 57. Howard 30. Shaw 2 Coop
er 1 ’ It is signed by S. P. Turnbell.
As to Folk County
•The ridiculous camouflage of the
Howard headquarters concerning Polk
county, the home of Mr. Harris, may
have deceived some people who do not
know the facts. It is quite unnecessary
to secure a certificate of character or
bill of health for Mr. Harris among hie
own people, but to inform any who may
have been misled we are giving here
with a telegram received at our head
quarters Saturday, which needs no com-
“ The undersigned citizens of Polk
county take great pleasure in assuring
the public once more that the home
county of William J. Harris is over
whelming for him for United States
senator. In our opinion, the Harris vote
will far exceed the combined votes of
his opponents. It is conservatively es
timated that Harris votes will be at
least three times that of Hardwick, with
Howard generally recognized as very
much weaker than Hardwick.’ (Signed)
W. W. Crawford, ordinary; T. P. Lyon,
sheriff; W. S. Hightower, chairman
board of county commissioners; John B.
chairman county Democratic
committee; F. D. Noble, mayor of Ce
dartown; J. J. Cooper, representative
of Polk county; William W. Mundy, sen
ator Thirty-eighth district; C. Van
Wood, county physician; J. W. Good,
city physician Cedartown; E. B. Rus
sell, editor of Cedartown Standard;
Charles R. Brumby, Jr., superintendent
Standard cotton mills and Cook Duck
-Mayor of Bockmart, polk County
“Polk county is sure to give W. J.
Harris a majority of its votes.
(Signed) "E. R. MORGAN,
“Mayor of Rockmart.
Howard a Small Factor
"Howard is a small factor all over
Georgia, except to divide the loyal vote,
thus giving Hardwick a chance to carry
several counties by a mere plurality.
His only strength is in the Fifth con
gressional district. For instance, when .
he spoke at Thomson, McDuffie county, i
■ there were only qtwenty-three people in
the courthouse; in Millen, Jenkins coun
ty, there were only forty-four; in
Waynesboro. Burke county, only seven
ty-five. All over Georgia such small
audiences show his utter lack of general
strength which shows that there is no
interest in his race or confidence in
1 his ability to win. The fight ts between
Harris and Hardwick, loyalty and dis
loyalty. for President Wilson or against
♦he president, for our country to win
-gainst the brutal Germans."
Calomel Users! Listen To Me!
I Guarantee Dodson's Liver Tone
Your druggist gives back your money if it doesn’t
liven your liver and’ bowels and straighten
you up without making you sick.
L'gh! Calomel makes you sick. It's
horrible! Take a dose of the dangerous
drug tonight and tomorrow you may
lose a day’s work.
Calomel is mercury or quicksilver
which causes necrosis of the bones.
Calomel, when it comes into contact
with sour bile, crashes into it, breaking
it up. This is when you feel that awful
nausea and cramping. If you are slug
gish and “all knocked out,” if your
liver is torpid and bowels constipated
or you have headache, dizziness, coated
tongue, if breath is bad or stomach
sour, just try a spoonful of harmless
Dodson's Liver Tone tonight.
Here’s my guarantee—Go to any drug
store and get a bottle of Dodson’s Liver
Tone for a few cents. Take a spoonful
I Orizaba, Homeward Bound,
Also Has 19 Men Injured
by Depth Charge
WASHINGTON, Aug 23.—Four men
, i were killed and nineteen others severely
! wounded by the explosion of a depth
( i charge on the U. S. S. Orizaba at sea on
• August 17, the navy department an
nounced today.
Lieutenant Commander William P.
Williamson, of ISO Madison avenue, New
’ York City, executive officer of the ship,
was Instantly killed.
Commander R. D. White, in command
of the vessel, suffered a broken jaw and
I ' his knee cap was fractured by the ex
! plosion.
The three enlisted men who were kill
i ed are:
i Samuel T. Lambert, U. S. N. R. F.,
i of 562 Fairview street. Riverside, N. J.;
! Frank J. Mayer, U. S. N., 512 Dandridge
, i street, Cincinnati, and ArthurK. Baird,
I U. 8. N. R. F., 714 East Parkway, Pitts
The announcement did not give the
names of the eighteen wounded enlisted
I I The explosion of the depth charge oc
curred August 17.
j The Orizaba was in the troop trans
' : port service, but was westbound with
' out soldiers aboard.
i Whether the explosion indicated some
1 action involving the use of a charge
agaipst a submarine was not made
i! known.
, Commander Williamson’s widow lives
in New York City, The officer was
born in Virginia, and was appointed to
■ the naval academy from Minnesota.
150,000 New Men Added
To Nation’s Muster Roll
WASHINGTON, Aug. 24. —America’s
second class of 21-year-old men enroll
ed today under the selective servict act
with the prospect of an early call to the
colors. One hundred and fifty thousand,
I it was estimated, were added to the se
lective service muster roll with a ma
jority—perhrps two-thirds—going into
class one.
The registration was the last for a
21year-old class as the man-pow°r bil’
eliminated this distinction by chang
ing the ages All youths becoming
1 twenty-on? since June 5, last, the anni
j versary of the first, registered today
with failure to do so meaning the for
feiture of possible deferred classifica
tion. The only exception is that Jews
or others, because of religious scruples
opposed enrollment today, may register
on Monday.
How soon ths new registrants will be
called into service varies with locali
ties, •eeordlng to the numerical strength
of class one-A. In many places, it was
expected, that they would be under
arms by the middle of September.
Eenough numbers remain from the lot
tery following the June 5 registration,
when a million was added by the first
21-year-old class to care for all men reg
istered today. These numbers will be
assigned the new registrants by officials
and by reference to the master list of
the last lottery the new men may learn
the order of their call.
Cures kidney and bladder troubles, dia
betes, weak and lame back, rheumatism,
and dissolves gravel in men and wom
en. Sent by mail on receipt of >1.25. Small
bottle seldom fails to cure. Send for
sworn testimonials. Dr. E. W. Hall,. 2926
Olive St.. St. txjuis, Mo. Sold by drug
Aviators Discover Many
Moonshine Stills and
Cause Arrest of Twenty
COLUMBUS, Miss., Aug. 24.—Twenty
alleged moonshiners are in jail at West
Point today as a result of detective
work by the only “aviation posse" ever
recorded In the hostory of chasing evad
ers of. the law. ••
The makers of **mountain dew" were
seen by army flyers from a United
States aviation camp who spotted the
illicit stills while flying low in the
hill country near West Point. Their
movements were observed by the aid of
powerful field glasses.
The alleged moonshiners were taken
completely by surprise when their re
treat was raided by revenue officers last
night. Many complete distilling outfits
were also seized.
en m?n were killed and a number are
said to have been Injured tonight by the
bursting of a steam pipe on an Amer
ican transport lying at a dock here.
Fourteen coal passers, it was said,
were in the auxiliary coal room of the
! ship when the explosion occurred. Sev
i en of them were so badly scalded that
• when rescuers made their way to the
room they were dead.
The naval authorities declined to give
ary information concerning the cause of
the accident, and no report was made to
the police.
The transport, which is said to have
been one of the largest and most popu
lar of the German liners before it was
taken over by the government, has been
in tie harbor for some time undergoing
and if it doesn’t straighten you right up
and make you feel fine and vigorous I
want you to go back to the store and
get your money. Dodson’s Liver Tone is
destroying the sale of calomel because
it is real liver medicine; entirely vege
table, therefore it can not salivate or
make you sick.
I guarantee that one spoonful of Dod
son’s Liver Tone will put your sluggish
liver to work and clean your bowels of
that sour bile and constipated waste
which is clogging your system and
making you feel miserable. I guaran
tee that a bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone
will keep your entire family feeling fine
for months. Give It to your children.
It is harmless; doesn’t gripe and they
like its pleasant taste. —(Advt.)
Detailed Reply Is Made to
""Attack of Senatorial Can
didate in Pulaski Speech
Replying to charges made against him
Saturday by William J. Harris, candi
date for the United States senate, in
an address in Pulaski county, J. R.
Smith in charge of the campaign head
quarters of William Schley Howard, on
Monday issued a statement emphati
cally repudiating the allegations.
That William J. Harris is “a political
liar” is the answer to Mr. Harris’ charge
■ that “J. R. Smith is a political grafter.’*
Answering Mr Harris' charge that
Mr. Smith is not sending "his boys to
wa-.” Mr Smith says that his only sen,
after repeated attempts io volunteer as
a private, “without seeknig the aid of
Harris, Howard or any other politician
to get a soft job," finally succeeded in
passing his physical examination and
is now In the naval reserve, awaiting his
In connection with his detailed reply
to various charges, Mr. Smith states
that "Mr. Harris, who is bringing these
charges agaisnt me, sent two of his
friends to me and asked me to take the
chairmanship of his campaign commit
The statement of Mr. Smith follows,
in full:
Statement of Smith
"Editor Atlanta Journal:
“My attention has been called to a
personal attack upon me as a private
citizen by William J. Harris, candidate
for the United States senate, before an
audience of citizens of Pulaski county
on Saturday last, and will you not be
generous enough to permit me to reply
through your columns to this charge.
“Mr. Harris charged first, that 'J. R.
Smith is a political grafter,* and my
reply to this is that he is a political
liar. And that this charge is outside
the pale of common decency unless
supported, when made, by facts, which
he failed to do and which he can never
do, because no such facts exist and are
not therefore obtainable from any
source on this earth.
“I have never supported any man for
public office with the hope of reward
any greater than that received by any
other citizen in my state. I was chair
man of two of Governor Brown’s cam
paigns for governor. He lives at Ma
rietta and a letter addressed to him
there by either Mr. Harris or any of
his supporters will bring the answei
from him that he had never paid me
one cent for services rendered nor did
I ever seek or receive at his hands
personal or political favor.
“I served on Governor Harris’ cam
paign committee in his first campaign.
A letter addressed to him at Macon will
bring an answer that he did not pay mt>
one cent for the services rendered nor
did I during his incumbency of the of
fice ever seek or receive a personal or
political favor.
“I served on Governor Hugh M. Dor
sey’s campaign committee and a letter
addressed to him at the state capitol will
bring forth an answer that I never re.
ceived one penny from him nor have I
ever asked him for a personal or politi
cal favor.
“I supported President Wilson tn all
of his campaigns in this state and a let
ter addressed to him at Washington will
bring back a reply that I have never re
ceived one penny for the services ren
dered nor have I ever asked him for a
personal or political favor.
•’Yet William J. Harris would justify
his candidacy for the United States sen
ate by an attempt to besmirch my char
acter before the people of my native
state and among whom I have lived for
more than half a cerury.
"Not being satisfied wtih this he at
tempted to question my loyalty by say
ing in the same speech that I am not
sending my boys to the war.
"Replying to this infamous charge and
insinuation, let me say that I have but
one son and before he was out of his
teens he twice volunteered to enter the
service of his country as a private and
without seeking the aid of either Har
ris, Howard, or any other politician to
get a soft job, and was turned down on
his physical examinations.
Mow in Naval Reserve
“Not being satisfied, he went to Caly
ton, Ga., to recuperate hnd immediately
upon his return volunteered to enter
the sei vice in the navy, and on the 12th
day of July of this year he stood his
examination and passed, and is now in
the naval reserve, anxiously awaiting
his call together with his comrades and
his friends. And yet this man m his
desperation for public office stands be
fore a Georgia audience and charges
that my boys are not going to war. He
has previously stated while speaking of
a relative, Captain Harris, who is with
the expeditionary forces In France: 'Ho
(Captain Harris) has probably done
more fighting in France than any other
Georgia boy now over there.’
“He states further that ’while ycur
sons are over in France fighting, J. R.
Smith is making money hands down
from fat contracts at Camp Gordon.’
Why does he confine his attack upon me
when every contractor in this country
was called upon by the government to
file their questionnaires in order that
the enormous undertaking of the gov
ernment of building cantonments and
equipment for the soldiers could be
handled economically and expeditiously,
and contracts were awarded, so far as
I know, to practically all the contrac
tors in Georgia as well as in other
states who complied with the govern
ment’s regulations, which was abso
lutely necessary.
As to Contracts
"His answer to this will be that I
used political influence to obtain these
contracts, which is untrue; and would
be, if true, a reflection upon his gov
ernment and the officials in charge of
this branch of the government’s work.
“The first contract that my company
had and executed, was obtained with
out the knowledge of a single politi
cian in this or any other state and the
remainder of the work given to my
company, which was only in proportion
to that given other contractors, was
awarded on the merits of the contract
already executed for the government.
All the Georgia work so fas as I know
has been executed by Georgia contrac
tors and Georgia workmen, and this
has never set well with Mr. Harris.
“Although I have it on good author
ity that he interviewed himself and
turned the interview over to a corres
pondent of the Atlanta Constitution,
claiming all the credit for getting Camp
Gordon and all the other war activities
that came to the Fifth congressional
district, and requested its publication;
when the editor refused to publish it aJ
a news story, he wrote the editor and
requested him to publish it at regular
rates, which the editor refused to do
because there was not a word of truth
in it.
Harris Sent for Him
“My fellow countrymen, things are all
right in connection with this war pro
vided Mr. Harris has credit for their ac
complishment, but they are all wrong
unless credited to hi(> account.
“Mr. Harris, who is bringing these
charges against me, sent two of his
friends to me and asked me to take the
chairmanship of his campaign commit
tee. He did it at a time when it looked
Seven Men, Including Atlan
tian, Lost When Patrol
Boat Runs Ashore
JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. Aug. 23.—The
body of Joseph Emerson McCurry, yeo
man third class, of Florence, S. C., one
of the seven men lost when the United
States patrol boat Montauk was driven
ashore by a high northeast gale on Cum
berland Island, twenty miles north of
Fernandina early Wednesday morning,
was recovered Friday floating between
the jetties at the entrance of Fernan
dina harbor.
Seaman second class, Sample, of New
berry, S. C., and F. S. Stewart, seaman
second class, of Greenville, S. C-, whose
names weer not available Thursday,
were today announced as having been
lost in the disaster.
Only two of the bodies have been re
covered, McCurry’s and that of Robert
Travis, of Atlanta, announced yester
day. Patrols are searching the coast
in the hopes of recovering other victims.
A complete list of those lost follows:
Robert Travis, Atlanta.
Sample, seaman second class,
Newbery, S. C.
J. E. Singley, seaman second class,
Newberry, S. C.
J. Suddeth, seaman second class, New
berry, S. C.
F. S. Stewart, seaman second class,
Greenville, S. C.
Joseph Emerson McCurry, yeoman,
third class, Florence, S. C.
Nichols, fireman, third class,
Greenville, S. C.
The seventeen survivors are:
Ensign W. Norman Beckett, Savan
nah, who commanded the Montauk.
A. F. Daschar, seaman, second class,
Claxton, Ga.
C. H. Beach, seaman, second class, ad
dress unknown.
L. F. Glover, seaman, second class, ad
dress unknown.
Louis R. Fripp, quartermaster, third
class, Ridgevile, S. C.
H. B. Hardwick, seaman, second class,
near Florence, S. C.
J. J. Gentry, Jr., seaman, second class,
address unknown.
F. W, Arnold, seaman, second class,
address unknown.
J. K. Polklnghorne, machinist's mate,
second class, address unknown.
A. Benson, seaman, second class, ad
dress unknown.
J. Martin, boatswain’s mate, second
class, Birmingham, Ala.
Charles C. Adams, boatswain, Savan
E. P. Sledge, chief boatswain’s mate,
address unknown.
E. B. easier, Jr., seaman, second class,
E. Hodges, machinist’s mate, second
class, address unknown.
L. J. Smith, machinist’s mate, second
class, address unknown.
E. S. Tolson, machinist’s mate, first
classi address unknown.
Several of the survivors were slightly
injured and one or two suffered from
exposure, but it was stated that none
will suffer any ill effects from their ter
rible experience.
The Montauk is a total loss, the Cum
berland Island beach for miles being
strewn with wreckage from the ill-fated
160,000 Miners Now on
Strike in Yorkshire
LONDON, Aug. 23.—One hundred and
sixty thousand Yorkshire miners are
out, it was estimated today. Practi
cally all the pits in vlest Yorkshire
are reported to be idTb.
as though there would be no opposition
except himself to Senator Hardwick, and
I informed each of these friends that 1
would not under any condition accept
the chairmanship of his committee, but
in the absence of a stronger man to rep
resent the people as against Hardwick,
I would vote for him. /
•“If I was good enough three months
ago to have served as his chairman, can
the people believe that I am today the
undesirable character, the undesirable
citizen, that he, William J. Harris,
would have them believe me to be? The
truth Is, that William J. Harris has cap
italized and cashed in on his support by
public men until he now has an over
"It all goes to show that, what he
wants, regardless of the price, is public
"The truth is that he has not a friend
in Georgia who does not know that Wil
liam J. Harris on his own merit as a
statesman cannot carry a single county
in the state of Georgia for the United
States senate. Then why is Georgia to
have a millstone tied around its neck
while facing the greatest international
crisis in the history of the world?
“There is not a red-blooded Georgian
or an American anywhere who has hes
itated to place upon the altar of his
country not 'only the lives of his sons
but his own life as well and every dol
lar he possesses, reserving only to him
self the right to vote as he pleases, a
right which was won by the blood of
our forefathers and for which v.-e make
this great sacrifice that the world may
be ruled by the people themselves at
the ballot box.”
"J. R. SMITH."
The Subscription Price of the Semi-Weekly Journal Is
Now 75c a Year; We Do Not Know How Soon That
Price May Be Advanced— So Renew Now!
There ia one thing the United States
government is absolutely determined to
do, and that is WIN THE WAR.
To make our success on the battlefield
absolutely certain, the government has
had to curtail, in many Instarfces, the
consumption of raw materials, and the
prices of the finished product has, in
numerous other instances, been fixed by
government boards.
These boards have fixed the amount
of certain foodstuffs that you may buy,
the amount you may eat, and also the
prices you must pay. It is right that
this should be done, if the doing of it
will aid us to WIN THE WAR. and no
one questions the wisdom of the methods
being used.
The War Industries board has now be
gun to turn its attention to the pub
lishing business. The postage rates were
materially increased on newspapers July
Ist, and the sending of free exchanges
and giving of sample copies has been
Now the cutting down of the number
of pages a daily newspaper can publish
in any one issue is being considered. And
Semi-Weekly Journal, Atlanta, Ga:
Enclosed find 75 cents for The Semi-
Weekly Journal, 1 year.
P. O
R. F. D State
Makes Some Caustic Comment
on Removal of Bartow
Board and Himself
Judge A. W. Fite, of Cartersville, well
known lawyer and jurist who Thursday
was, on the order of Washington au
thorities, relieved of his duties as gov
ernment appeal agent for Bartow coun
ty, has addressed to The Journal the
following card:
“Cartersville, Ga., Aug. 23, 1918.
“Editor Journal:
“A few little politicians and cowardly
slackers here and in Atlanta have, by
false representations, deceitful means
and artful practice secured the removal
of the members of the local board of
Bartow county, than whom there were
none in Georgia more honest, impartial
and faithful, efficient or patriotic, aud
also of myself as their legal advisor;
but I am sure that President Wilson
had no more to do with the removal
than the ‘man in the moon,' though done
in his name.
“I am and have always been for Mr.
Wilson, and took the stump for him
when corporate money was flowing free
ly against him, and these selfsame lit
tle politicians were denouncing me as a
political judge because I was for him.
“I have long since decided that no
slacker in Bartow county shall escape
service in this great war for Democracy
if I can prevent it, and no designing
politician can deter me from doing my
"A. W. FITE.”
$2,840”000 IN BOOZE
Green River Distilling Com
pany’s Plant Is Destroyed
by Fire
OWENSBORO, Ky., Aug. 24.—Fire
starting tonight at’7 o’clock at the plant
of the Green River Distilling company
here by 10:30 o’clock tonight had de
stroyed the entire ’ plant, 43,000 barrels,
of whisky and entailed a loss well in
excess of |3,000,000. The whisky alone
was valued at 12,840,000, and the loss
to the United States government in
taxes Is approximately >6.750,000.
The blaze started in a pile of trash
alongside the distillery bottling plant
which burned first. The flames were
then communicated to a warehouse con
taining 9,000 .barrels of whisky and then
to the still house. Two other ware
houses containing 34,000 barrels of
( whisky then took fire despite every ef
fort that had been made to check the
blaze. >
The Green River Distilling company,
of which J. W. McCulloch, is president,
is controlled Montaigne & Co., of New
Japan Plans for Direct
Wireless to America
TOKIO, July 30.—(Correspondence of
the Associated Press.)—The installation
of a new high power wireless system
between Japan and the United States
is actively occupying the department of
communications. Officials announce
that the project is a result in part of
the very great congestion and delay
tn cable transmission whjch prevents
the desired freedom of communication
between Japan and the United States.
’ The present Japanese high power
wireless station communicates direct
with Hawaii. The proposed station will
work with a station on the Pacific
coast, tie site of which probably will
be near San Francisco, a distance of
4,000 miles. This will be one of the
longest direct wireless services in the
world. The estimated cost of a new
wireless system Is about >400,000. While
another cable linking the two hemis
pheres Is desired, a line from Japan to
Guam alone would cost >3,000,000.
Girls! Make bleaching lotion
if skin is sunburned,
tanned or freckled - - - -- -- -- -- -
Squeeze the juice of two lemons ln-.o
a bottle containing three ounces of
Orchard White, shake well, and you have
a quarter pint of the best freckle, sun
burn and tan lotion, and complexion
beautifier, at very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
three ounces of Orchard White for a few
cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant
lotion into the face, neck, arms and
hands each day and see how freckles,
sunburn, windburn and tan disappear
and how clear, soft and white the skin
becomes. Yes! It is harmless.—(Advt.)
the reductions mentioned range from 10
per cent to 60 per cent. In connection
with this proposed ruling the fixing of
a minimum retail price of 2 cents to the
subscribers is being considered.
And if the War Industries board
thinks it necessary to fix the price of
daily newspapers, whs It may also fix
the price of semi-weekfy and weekly
The Semi-Weekly Journal is still 75c
a year, and we sincerely hope that price
will not have to be advanced, but we do
not know when we may have to an
nounce that the price has been increas
ed, by order of the government, to >1.50
or >2, or even more.
And for this reason we think it the
right thing for us to advise you that
these possibilities stare us in the face.
We can and will now accept subscrip
tions at the rate of 75c a year and will
Semi-Weekly Journal, Atlanta, Ga.: Enclosed find >2.25 for which send The
Semi-Weekly Journal 1 year each to the following:
Name - Address
For my trouble send me the Semi-Weekly Journal 1 year.
If cross, feverish, constipated,
give “California Syrup of
Don’t scold your fretful, peevish child.
See if tongue is coated; this is a sure
sign its little stomach, liver and bowels
are clogged with sour waste.
When listless, pale, feverish, full of
col<j. breath bad, throat sore, doesn't
eat, sleep or act naturally, has stomach
ache, indigestion, diarrhoea, give a tea
spoonful of “California Syrup of Figs,”
and in a few hours all the foul waste,
the sour bile and fermenting food passes
out of the bowels and you have a well
and playful child again. Children love
this harmless “fruit laxative,” and
mothers can rest easy after giving it,
because it never fails to make their lit
tle “insides” clean and sweet. ' '
Keep it handy. Mother! A little given
today saves a sick child tomorrow, but
get the genuine. Ask your druggist for
a bottle of "California Syrup Os Figs,"
which has directions for babies, children
of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on
the bottle. Remember there are coun
terfeits sold here, so surely look and
see that yours is made by the "Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Company.” Hand back
with contempt any other fig syrup.
Dont Send
a Penny
Tbew Len-Mort Wort and Outdoor Short
wonderful value that wa will
gladly send them to raj prepaid, —.
no money down. You will
find them so well- f
made and bo stylish
and sueh a big mon- i!
ey saving bargain 1i
that yvu will sure- .\
ly Keep them. tefc.
So need to pay SK?
higher prices
you ran boy jeKr \
direct fmm us. - •SflEßß** \
Why pay io and
V for shoes not
near so good! >■'
mand of an out-
tanning process mates
■•I 1 ’.tie. aoft and aaay oq tbo feat. Made
"Hfe” ia the leather ai>T^iTea P it tti Vtbblbllm
quality. Deuble leather aoiea and beela. Dirt and water proof
tonave. Heawy chrome leather tepe. Jnot slip them oa and eee
if they are not the most comfortable, easiest, moot wonderful
abpee you erer wore. Pay only 15.85 on arrival. If after carw
ful examination you don’t find ttem all you axpact. aoud them
back and we will return your noner.
be the jodsv of quality, style and vahie Keep them ooh ifeart
faetonr in every way. Be son to rive size and width. Send now.
Leonard-Morton a Co.. Dent. 2624 Chicago
American Guaranteed Watch
Gvataor BeyszlM.vpaa tMeaiekalsllrar plaivd MM. ZweriMa waeaiMW Siad cad nun Mt, MMM art Holand, tally pnvisMM
a inUabM tevkwpw. —« . . .tUu ■ -TTra—--
t? sne-o-p-
TortvnWMM.MMlal vsuhM. we will Mod tM« weMh ert e bza.iwnhb
eyy f ilpM»q.o D. Tee pay yw pM«naa wlwa yea rMdv» l« W M only
aadltiayeus. OaOMieat vs rtvaaM In price. Ud« eSW may sM .MM.
vM.OrderMcbm. BeaWMdee enwaataod eieoyowMl P.O.ertMsa
BesteeJowelryC«.,3tW.AdamaSt, E.U. CMeste, 111.
Smoke Inhalation
Expels Catarrh
Send Ten Cents for Trial Outfit
There must be readers suffering from chronic
catarrh who would like to know how they can
stop catching cold after cold, for they must
realixe that sooner or later this may lead to
serious deafness and injury to the system in
Dr. Bloaser, a respected physician, and for
forty-three years an enormously successful
& specialist in catarrh,
is the discoverer of a
pleasant, direct meth
od that can be used
by man, woman or
His Remedy is made
from medicinal herbs,
flowers and berries,
which you smoke in a
dainty pipe -or cigar
ette, and inhale the
vapor into alt the air
passages. It contains
no tobacco, even though it is used in tbe same
Dr. Blosser’s Catarrh Remedy is qqually
effective in all forms of catarrh, bronchial
irritation, asthma,
catarrhal headache and
ear troubles that may
lead to deafness. You I
will breathe better
and feel better afterl ) fl
using it. >
For ten cents (inV
coin or stamps) a? /
small package will be V- XfUf j
mailed, containing x
some of the Remedy /
made into cigarettes, also some Remedy for
smoking in a pipe, and a neat little
Month’s supply, either form, costs one dollar.
Address THE BLOSSER COMPANY. Box 4171.
Atlanta, Ga.—(Advt.)
U-iay for ’ 1 paras Smith'• Han-
OTome to at JOr per
pk<. Return 11 2l ar d
riw and braeaiet. warranted.
SMITH OEUG CO. B«x 151. WoaMtara. M.’
post up the expiration date of all sub
scribers sending in renewals now. This
will be a good thing for all Semi-Week
ly Journal readers to do now, too, for we
will send the paper to all until the full
expiration date at the old price, it mat
ters not /how much the rates for future
subscriptions may be advanced.
Now here’s an opportunity for you
readers of the Semi-Weekly to get an
extra year’s subscription without cost to
yourself. Send us the names of three
yearly subscribers on the blank below,
together with >2.25 for the three sub
scriptions, and we will mark your sub
scription up for another year.
There are three of your neighbors who
will be glad to give you 75c to have the
Semi-Weekly Journal sent them for a
year each, and you will find it no trouble
to get this extra year’s subscription
without cost to yourself.