Newspaper Page Text
Look, Mother! If tongue is
coated Give “California
Syrup of Figs”
Mother" Your child isnY naturally
rrois and peevish See if, tongue is
coated; this is a sure sign its little
stomach, liver and bowe.s need a cleans
ing at once. , . . , „
When listless, pale, feverish, full of
cold, bad breath, throat sore, doesn t
eat. sleep or act naturally, has stom
ach-ache. diarrhoea, remember, a gentle
liver an<l bowel cleansing should always
be the first treatment given.
Nothing equals "California Syrup of
Figs” for children’s ills; give a tea
spoonful and in a few hours all the
foul waste, sour bile and fermenting
food which is clogged in the bowels
passes out of the system, and you have
a well and playful child again. Ail
children love this harmles.* delicious
“fruit laxative."' and it never fails to
effect a good “inside” cleansing. Di
rections for babies, children of all ages
and grown-ups are plainly on the bot
Keep it handy in your home. A little
given todav saves a sick child tomor
row. but get the genuine. Ask your
druggist for a bottle of "California
Syrup of Figs.” then look and see that
it is made bv the California Fig Syrup
Co.”—(Advt. •
Watch the tongue
Os your young!
Your little pete
Need candy “Cascareti!”
Sell for a dime—
‘•Work’’ every time.
When the kiddies’ longues turn white |
breath feverish; stomach sour. When
your little pets become cross, pale,
bilious constipated or have a cold, give
Oscarets as directed on each 10 cent
Bex Caacareta taste like candy but
work out the nasty bile, sour fermen
tations and poisons better than castor
oil, calomel or pills. Children need
never be coaxed to take thia harmless
candy cathartic. Caaearets are given
to children aged one year and upwards.
They never gripe, tfever disappoint
the worried mother.
Hair Health
A1!25. Oiateart 25 * 50, Ta!r«ra 25
■■^teatehfree <rf '•OnNwr. I>R« F. twi— "
Cured Before You Pay.
aJL Otkarviar. your rewet eaaerfa charve. Addrem
D. J. LANE, T7C Une BMf.. St BUryt, Kaataa
Whole Family Sick
“All of my six brothers and sister,
as well as myself, have suffered since
childhood from stomach and liver trouble
and bloating. I thought it ran in the
family and thaj I could never be cured,
but thanks to Mayr's Wonderful Rem
edy. put up by Geo. H. Mayr. a Chicago
chemist, since taking It nearly a year
ago I have been enjoying the best of
health and feeling like a new person. 1
* have no trouble from anything I eat. *
It is a simple, harmless preparation
that removes the catarrhal mucus from
the intestinal tract and allays the in
flammation which causes practically all
stomach, liver and intestinal ailments,
ineluding appendicitis. One dose will
convince or money refunded. For sale
by druggists everywhere—(Advt.)
«tt Flutter, Falpltato
ikip Beata • Bava yoe
rtueea as Breath. Ten*
teas, h'smbneaa, oi
no left alde.DiKsineMt
ails* Kpella, apetabe*
eyes. Nuddea Biartlaa
leep. JI erveuaneaa,
igry er Week Bpella
Oppreaaed Feeling In eheet, Cbaklng Men
aatiooln threat. Painful to lie on leftaido,
Risking er Smothering Menaatiea. DIK
- salt Breathing. Heart Drepay or Swelling
of feet ar ankieat If you hare one or more at
the shore symptoms, don’t fail to use Ur.Klna
usan'e Heart Tablets. Not a secret medicine
. It Is said that one perron out of every tour has a
week heart. Probably three-fourths of these do
hot know It, and hundreds wrongfully treat tham
mtvee for the Mtaaaach. Lunga. Kidneys or
Norvee. Don't taka any chances when Dr.
K.tnaman'e Heart Tablets are within your
reach. More than INS endorsements furnished.
Any sufferer mailing this coupon, with their
name and P.O. Address, to Dr. F. G. Kino
aaaa. Bon WB*, Augusta. Maine, win re
ceive a box of Heart Tablets for trial bv re'nrn
mail, postpaid, free of charge. Delays ire dan
gerous. writs at once—to-day.
I util gladly end any Rr.rutr.iuan sufferer s Sim
ple Herb Re ;» Absolutely Free ti ll t omtletely
Cured nw rs • terrible suaei <* Muscular snu In
flaaunati ry Bheun it-im of long Miudrns after
eevrytMr.s vne I tried had failed me. I hate given
ft to osanr sufferers «t.. betier-d their uses hope
ess yet they t'-ur.U relief frewi tbetr sufferings by
skins these Uncle herbs. It also rrlleves Beiatica
Kotnpcly. as see! aa Xestralgta. and is a wmderfu
bisad purthre. You are must weic nse to this Herb
* »sc Ise if you will send for it at lescs. I believe
vna wilt consider U a *ft<r you hare put
* it to the test. There Is nothing innwioua emtained
la it. aad you caa see fee yourself exactly what
ywn are taktnx I will gladly tend thia Recipe—
absolutely free— to any rifferer who will send UM
and address plain!? written.
W. S. SUTTON. 2SW Magnolia Ave..
Les Ansefes. California.
We rive two pair brraufvt Noninr
bun Isce curtains fHI lot sellica
•ulanioaaltUfW IMH M Be a
nos. Household Remedy for burns,
tetter, sores, piles, cuirt. cw«l
busuona. etc. Used toe » ynt EAST
TO MU. You eon also set wwtehes.
sWerwnrv. jewelry. books lace bed
sets, etc- b/ actins as our syest. We
«-od 1 hoses co rrodiutniM you uatd
•old. *• CiTSlgg es psemiuras sent •>' to salve Writ* today.
mstsuo einum cs.. s.. 307, wootiMr, «■
V L Screenful "Monthly** Compound. Safely re
noves some of the longest, most obstinate, abnormal
-MBB '• ISat tars Site., pan w wurimoee wnb awk
Madkk Daeble S-raastS St Pi i>Sat Seen. Write today
KNOXVILLE. Tenn.. Oct. s.—Gov
ernment officials, civil and military,
were engaged in examinations of the
plant of the William J. Oliver Manu
facturing company, in this city, today.
This follows the arrest of Mr. Oliver
I and nine officials and employes of his
shell-making industry late yesterday
afternoon, on a charge of conspiracy to
defraud the government in the output
of defective munitions of war.
This morning General W. T. Kenner
ly. United States district attorney, to
whom has been entrusted the conduct
of the prosecution of the case, accom
panied by assistants from his office
and by deputy marshals, went to the
plant to continue in detail a search of
the offices and shops, which was for
mally begun yesterday afternoon un
der authority of a federal search war
i rant.
I Mr. Oliver and his counsel state that
■ they have nothing to conceal, that all
i properties of the company can be prob
t ed without fear on their part, and that
i when the case comes to trial they will
be able to establish proof of innocence
i of the charges made.
Military authorities, representing the
ordnance department, are in confer
ence with officials of the company to
determine as to whether the plant will
be, continued under direction of Mr.
Oliver or his representatives or will
be taken over by military authorities
representing the government. For the
present it is being operated by the
company, with T. P. Roberts, vice pres
ident of the company and master me
chanic. directing the operations, all or
w/iich are under government supervi
sion and inspection, as heretofore. The
usual output of shells is being made
Mr. Oliver declares that the charge
' against him and co-defendants is the
) result of a "frame-up."
1,840 000 YANKEE
Washington, oct. 4. — a total of i.-
540.00 U American troops have been sent
overseas to date, members of the house
mil'taty committee said they were told
at a war department conference today.
Committeemen also uoted war depart
men officials for the statement that 234
de Haviland planes had been produced
last week, bringing total production to
I 1.<9«.
Liberty* motor production now totals
>,216, committeemen said they were told.
Spanish influenza in camps and can
tonments will retard shipment somewhat
in the immediate future they were told,
the department having adopted the pol
icy of not sending any men overseas
who nave been exposed or show symp
toms of the disease.
Captured Enemy Order
Shows Fear of Loss
Oct. 4.K(By the Associated Press.)
"Between the Meuse and the Argtrnne
, a greater loss of territory will have
dangerous consequences, particularly for
the Germans." is a sentence found it a
document recently reaching the Ameri
can intelligence officers. This clearly
reflects the point of view of the Ger
mans as to further abandonment of ter
ritory west of Verdun.
Berlin advices may attribute a Get man
retreat to strategic considerations, but
any withdrawal that the Germane may
make will be under stress of compulsion
from me allied forces.
Brest-Litovsk Treaty
Denounced by Bolsheviki
AMSTERDAM. Oct. s.—The Bolshe-
I' vik government has denounced the
Brest-Litovsk treaty, in consequence of
Turkish occupation of Baku, which? is
• considered a violation of the pact, ac
cording to an official dispatch from Mos
! cow today.
■ Z-Z I
I fl
l \L I
I /1 I
I FWI kwi I
I Ihjpf/ / [ifl 1 I
I jfvoid Operations I
Statistics show an appalling increase, every year, in operations performed upon women for
I some derangement of the feminine organism. O
. It is perfectly true that some of these troubles may reach a stage where an operation is necessary —but it is
also true that many women have escaped the necessity for an operation by removing the trouble with
I Lydia E. Pinkham’s V egetable Compound I
even after an operation has been advised as the only means of recovery.
These Three Letters Prove That Statement.
Tennille, Ga.—” I want to tell you how much I have Des Moines, lowa.—” Four years ago I was very sick Bellevue. Pa. —” I suffered more than tongue can tel!
been benefited by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- and my life was nearly spent The doctors stated that with terrible bearing down pains and inflammation. I
B pound. About eight years ago I got in such a low state j would never t welJ without an operation and that tried several doctors and they all told me the same story.
of health I was unable to keep house for three in the j i !v- nno F 111811 never could get well without an operation and I
family. I had dull, tired, dizzy feelings, cold feet and without it I would not live one year. My husband ob- j us t dreaded the thought of that I also tried a good ■
hands nearly all the time and could scarcely sleep at all. jecteci to any operation and got me some of Lydia E. many other medicines that were recommended to me
The doctor said that I had ulceration and without an Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. I took it and com- and none of them helped me until a friend advised me
operation I would always be an invalid, but I told him menced to get better and am now well, am stout and to give Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound a trial.
I wanted to wait awhile. Our druggist advised my hus- able to do my own housework. I can recommend the The first bottle helped, I kept taking it and now I don t
band to have me try Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Vegetable Comnound tn anv woman who is sick and run know what «t is to be sick any more and lam picking up
Compound, and it has entirely cured me. Now I keep 1 compound ta any woman wno is sick and run jn weight j g ol( f and weigh 145 po Unds> It
house for seven and work in the garden some, too. lam a wontler ‘ u l strength and health restorer My will be the greatest pleasure to me if I can have the
so thankful I got this medicine. I feel as though it husband says I would have been in my grave ere this if opportunity to recommend it to any other suffering wo- . M
saved my life and have recommended it to others with it had pot been for your Vegetable Compound.”—Mrs. man.”—Miss Irene FroeLJCHER, 1923 Manhattan St.,
benefit. ’ Mrs. W. E. Lindsey, R.R. 3, Tennille, Ga. Blanche Jefferson, 703 Lyon St., Des Moines, lowa. North Side, Bellevue, Pa.
The strongest and most trustworthy letters come from women who have escaped this terrible ordeal by the timely use of
Lydia E.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Unless an operation is necessary at once, try this famous old remedy first.
It can do no harm and in many casesit has been a blessing. The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. fl
Eighty-second division, National
army, which is commanded by Gen
eral William P. Burnham and junior
officers from the southern states
and which was trained at Camp
Gordon, near Atlanta. Ga., is on the
battle line in the Woevre sector.
General March announced today.
The Woevre is just to the east of
Verdun and west of the Moselle.
There has been no general fighting
on this line since the Americans cut
the St. Mihiel salient off. The
American offensive going on at
present is in the Argonne and Cham
pagne sectors just across the river
Meuse, from where the Eighty
second division is located. While
the enlisted personnel of the
Eighty-second division, for the most
part, is from New York and Penn
sylvania, there are some selectmen
from Georgia. Florida, Alabama and
Tennessee in its ranks
WASHINGTON. Oct. s.—The avail
ability of Georgia land for stock rais
ing is to be investigated by representa
tives of a large western company now,
being organized.
Charles McDaniels, a wealthy stock
raiser of Montana, has had several con
ferences during the past week with Sen
ator Hoke Smith and has decided to
send agents to Georgia wtih a view to
purchasing land and starting cattle and
stock farms in that state.
Tracts of land suitable for this pur
pose throughout the state will be ex
amined and a site selected for one or
more farms. Mr. McDaniels is now or
ganizing a company of wealthy western
stock raisers who have been attracted
to the south and desire to enter exten
sively into the stock business in the
southern states.
Senator Myers, of Montana, was in
strumental in bringing Mr. McDaniels
and Senator Smith together and the
western investor probably will go per
sonally or send representatives to
Georgia within the next two weeks.
*1 have conferred freely with these
stock men,’’ said Senator Smith today,
"and have impressed upon them the
value of Georgia as a place for their
enterprise. Their representatives will
visit the state in a few days with a
view to buying lands and starting their
cattle and stock farms.”
First dose of “Pape’s Cold
Compound” relieves all
grippe Misery
Don’t stay stuffed-up!
Quit blowing and snffiing! A dose
of "Pape’s Cold Compound” taken every
two hours until three doses are taken
will end grippe misery and break up a
severe cold either in the head, 1 chest,
body or limbs.
It promptly open clogged-up nostrils
and air passages; stops nasty discharge
or nose running; relives sick headache,
dullness, feverishness, sore throat, sneez
ing. sorness and stiffness.
“Pape’s Cold Compound” is the quick
est, surest relief known and costs only
a few cents at drug stores. It acts with
out assistance, tastes nice, and causes
no inconvenience. Don’t accept a sub
stitute. — (Advt.)
ARMY, Oct. s.—The American attacks
in the Argonne and Champagne regions
are being conducted in a business like
manner with an utter absence of boast
fulness or excitement, that is excitng
the admiration of the veteran poilus
working witii them.
Officers and men regard the push now
as simply a big war business and their
duty is carried out quietly and effi
ciently, which contrasts pointedly with
the comparative inexperience of earlier
The tanks played an important part
in yesterday's lighting, especially on
the left wing. 'J hey led tne iniantry
and ousted enemy machine gunners
hiding in the tall grass and bushes.
A low mist, hanging over tne coun
try east of the Argonne, encouraged
the Germans to attempt to filter in oe
hind the advancing doughboys and use
their machine guns against the Ameri
cans from the rear.
Buse Falla
The ruse failed to work owing to tht
pertect organization of the American
line. The left wing advanced in skir
mish order. Behind the tront Ifriv were
squads from which men sprang for
ward to replace those who tell out.
The mon say that not a single Ger
man attempted a hand-to-hand combat,
all surrenuering or lleeing after the
infantry stormed the machine gun nests.
The doctors at a certain dressing post,
handling over a thousand Bodies, did
not find one with a bayonet wound.
The German center attempted to
counter attack once, but failed to reach
clear range fighting, the American ma
chine gunners and riflemen quickly
breaking it up.
The men on the ground assisted anti
aircraft batteries in strafing Boehe
airplanes. Seven machines were shot
down with machine guns and rifles
north of Montfaucon.
One American division identified its
prisoners as belonging to four divisions.
On this front, the Germans have made
a regular salad of their divisions, evi
dently holding the comparatively nar
row sector to a great depth, with the
intention of exacting the greatest toll
for any retirement.
Example of Efficiency
The attack was the most orderly in
which the Americans have engaged. It
was a most impressive example of ef
ficiency. Behind the battling divisions
there was no congestion on the roads.
The wounded were speeded back to the
first aid station in ambulances and
then* taken to the hospitals, all within
a few hours. Provisions, ammunition
and supplies were being rushed up con
tinuously without any interruption. It
all bespoke foresighted preparation.
BRIDGEPORT, Conn.. Oct. , s.—Rear
Admiral William A. Gill, navy depart
ment inspector of submarines, was
among the officers aboard the scout
patrol boat 397 who were thrown into
the waters of Long Island sound this
afternoon when the patrol boat was
rammed and sunk by an American sub
Admiral Gill was taken to St. Vincent
hospital, in this city. His condition
is not serious, it being said that he
suffered no other ill effects than those
of exposure to the brisk fall air after
the ducking.
The thirty members of the crew of
the 397. formerly the steam yacht
Mary Alice, stood on the deck of the
submarine and cheered the flag as the
patrol boat sank. It lies in about thir
ty feet of water.
The submarine was but slightly dam
aged, several plates being bent slightly,
and it was able to> proceed to port under
its own power. According to informa
tion obtainable here tonight, the 0-13
had dived and had just come to the
surface when it struck the 397 almost
The epidemic of Spanish influenza ;
which is sweeping through the military I
establishments and has gained a foot- .
hold in many cities throughout the I
country, is no new and mysterious;
disease, acocrding to a statement issued
Friday by the state board df health.
A description of symptoms and meth
ods of treatment is given in the state
ment. which is as follows:
’’lnfliienxa, which haz been termed ‘Spanish
influenza’ during the present epidemic, is not
a new or mysterious disease but is caused by
well-known germs and is spread by well-recog
nised conditions. The epidemic now sweeping the
country must be intelligently met or a vast toll
of suffering and many deatlls will result. Re
ports from the state already show a eonsidera- i
ble prevalence In Georgia, and since the disease I
is characterized by its rapid spread we must ex- >
pact other cases, probably iu numbers. This
can be minimized by proper precautions and
treatment. Pneumonia often complicates or fol
lows influenza, especially when treatment is not
"The onset is generally sudden and is often
accompanied by weakness, dizziness and pains in
various parts of the body. Fever usually de
velops. the temperature rising to 103-104 degrees.
Sore throat is likewise experienced and some
time* bronchitis and broncho-pneumonia.
"The disease is caused by the influenza ba
cillus, a germ which has caused similar wide
spread epidemics in past years. This germ is
found in the secretions of the nose, mouth and
lungs, (’lose contact with patients and their
eating utensils, cups, handkerchiefs, towels, etc.,
is almost sure to result in contraction of influ
enza. Spitting, coughing or -sneezing by pa
tients is also most dangerous to those nesr. as
the moist secretions, even in fine drops, contain
Lite germs. Crowded rooms, publie assemblages
and ears should be avoided as much as possi
ble. It may be stated that the germ does not
live long outside of the body.
“Treatment should consist of rest in bed. es
pecially during fever, warmth, fresh air. abund
ant wholesome food, and medicine for the relief
of pain and fever under the care of a physician
whenever possible.
“During the disease handkerchiefs and linen
contaminated by the patient should be disinfect
ed by boiling in water or soaking in a disinfec
tant solution, such as 5 per cent carbolic acid
or chloride of lime solution. To disinfect rooms
after the disease, thorough cleaning, airing and
sunning wiil be sufficient.”
San Saba Survivors
Arrive at Norfolk
WASHINGTON, Oct. s.—Three surviv
ors of the San Saba who were picked
up by a Norwegian steamer, have ar
rived at Norfolk, the navy department
was Informed this afterhoon.
The captain of the Norwegian ves
sel stated that the San Saba was sunk
about 1 o’clock Friday morning and that
most of the members of the crew seem
ed to have been washed from the wreck
age and drowned.
Four other survivors are reported en
route to New York and four have been
landed at Newport, R. I. The crew com
prised 41 men.
Calomel Loses You a Day’s Work!
Take Dodson’s Liver Tone Instead
Read my guarantee! If bilious, constipated or head
achy you need not take nasty, sickening, danger
ous calomel to get straightened up.
Every druggist in town —your drug
gist and everybody’s druggist has no
ticed a great falling off in the sale of
calomel. Thev all give the same reason.
Dodson’s Liver Tone is taking its
“Calomel is dangerous and people
know it, while Dodson’s Liver Tone is
perfectly safe and gives better results,"
said a prominent local druggist. Dod
son’s Liver Tone is personally guaran
teed by every druggist who sells it. A
large bottle doesn’t cost very much but
If it falls to give easy relief In every
case of liver sluggishness and consti-
KEY WEST.-pia., Oct. s.—Thirty men
I lost their Ilves Thursday night when
the shipping board’s new steamer Lake
I City was sunk off Key West in colli
; sion with the tanker James McGee.
Only five men out of the crew of 35
were saved.
The McGee struck the Lake City
amidships and cut her half in two.
sending the shipping board steamer to
the bottom in three minutes.
Os the thirty members of the crew
who went down with their vessel, it
is believed that most of them were
caught asleep in their bunks and had
little or no chance to escape. The Mc-
Gee was disabled and brought to this
i port. According to officers of the tank
er, her engines were stopped immedi
' ately following the impact of the col
lision and boats lowered to search for
members of the crew of the Lake City.
The boats remained out all night, mak
ing a complete search in an endeavor to
pick up survivors. They succeeded, how
ever, in finding only five men.
No cause has been assigned for the
accident, but it Is generally believed
among seamen here that the collision
was due to the two vessels running
without lights. This belief is substan
tiated, it is thought, by the fact that
the Lake City was struck amidship
while trying to avoid the tanker by
turning aside after running close up
before seeing the oil carrier.
All vessels passing the scene at the
time responded to calls and joined in
the search for survivors.
Eight Yankee Planes
Defeat 25 of Enemy’s
Oct. 4. —(By the Associated Press.)—
Just before nightfall eight American
pursuit planes encounteied more Gian
twenty-five enemy machines beyond r the
lines, while on a balloon shooting expe
dition. The Amarlcans had accomplish
ed their mission when they ra i onto
the tig squadron of German a’rplv ies.
A fight followed which lasted more than
fifteen minutes, but when it was con
cluded five of the enemy planes were
down ano all but one of the American
squadirii was on its way home safe.
Ford Subscribes Seven
Million For Loan
DETROIT. Oct. 5.—A subscription of
37,000,000 today by Henry Ford and the
various Ford interests here sent De
troit and Wayne county beyond the
half-way mark in the drive to raise a
quota slightly more than >"3,000,000 in
the fourth Liberty Loan. Total sub
scriptions to date amount to >38,209,000.
pation. you have only to ask for your
money back.
Dodson's Liver Tone is a pleasant
fasting, purely vegetable remedy, harm
less to both children and adults. Take
a spoonful at night and wake up feel
ing fine; no biliousness, sick headache,
acid stomach or constipated bowels. It
doesn't gripe or cause inconvenience all
the next day like violent calomel. Take
a dose of calomel today and tomorrow
you will feel weak, sick and nauseated.
Don’t lose a day’s work! Take Dod
son’s Liver Tone instead and feel fine,
full of vigor and ambition. —(Advt.)
Save your hair! Make it thick,
wavy and beautiful —
try this! •
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair is mute evidence of a neglected
, scalp; of dandruff —that awful scurf.
There Is nothing so destructive to the
i hair as dandruff. It robs the hafr of its *
lustre, its strength and its very lite;
! eventually producing a feverishness and
• itching of the scalp, which if not reme
; died causes the hair roots to shrink.
loosen and die—then the hair falls out
fast. A little Danderine tonight—now
, —any time —will surely save your hair.
Get a small bottle of Knowlton’s Pan
dering from any drug store or toilet
counter, and after the first application
your hair will take on that life, lustre
and luxuriance which is so beautiful.
It will become wavy and fluffy and have
the appearance of abundance, an in
comparable gloss and softness; but whaf
will please you most will be after just
a few weeks’ use, when you will actually
see a lot of flue, downy hair—new hair
—growing all over the scalp.—(Advt.)
This Woman Wanted Death to End H«i*
Suffering. Happy Mow, She’s
Garnsey. Ala. —Mrs. Barna Jacobs. <St
this place, writes: “I was a constant
sufferer from that dreadful pellagra for
four long years. Nfry case seemed be
yond my doctor’s reach and in July,
1910, he said he could do no more tor
me. I would even find myself praying
to die, I suffered so much. Finally my
husband ordered a trial of Baughn’s
Pellagra Treatment and in three weeks
I could see a great change and I am
well today. I say to all. Take Baughn’s
Treatment and be cured, for my case
was bad, and of long standing.”
"This testimonial says more than we
could say. except this: We can cure
pellagra and will undertake to cure any
cstse, no matter of how long standing, on
basis of refunding the money if we fail
to effect a cure. If you suffer from
such symptoms as red hands, skin peel
ing off; sore mouth, inflamed lips, throat
and tongue; indigestion and nausea,
diarrhoea or constipation, get today
Baughn’s big booklet on pellagra, sent
free. Write American Compounding Co.,
Box 587-L, Jasper. Ala.—(Advt.)
For stubborn *
skin troubles
Even in severe, well-establishedcases
. of eczema, ringworm or similar affec
tions, Resinol Ointment and Resinol
Soap usually relieve the itching at once
and quickly overcome the trouble. This
simple, efficient treatment has been
widely used for many years.
For sale by all druggists.
For the Children
A safe old fashioned (j“Tl)
remedy for worms Yr-JJP
Seventy-five years’ contin- J|| Rl
nous use Is the best testimo- ff
can offer you. II
Keep a bottle always on •—ini
hand. It "will help keep the *
little ones happy and healthy. C |
25c a bottle at your drug- »
gist’s or general store; or if r_-I
your dealer can't supply you. J
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