Newspaper Page Text
Mrs. McKenzie Tells How She
Had Suffered Since She Was
a Child Declares Tanlac
Has Restored Her Health
‘‘l am thirty-four pounds heavier than
1 was when I began taking Tanlac and
I just can’t express the Joy I feel over
my wonderful recovery." said Mrs. Em
ily McKenzie. 604 East Second street,
lost Worth Texas.
"Ever since 1 was a child I had been
afflicted with catarrh." she continued.
"About two years ago my stomach be
gan to get out of order and everything
I ate would sour and form gas that
turned and distressed me until I hitrd
ly got any sleep or rest day nor night.
My k.dnevs worried me constantly and
my back hurt until I couldn’t straighten
up without it hurting me until I would
try out loud with pain. My feet and
ankles were swollen and gave me a 10l
of trouble and 1 was in a mighty bad
shape every way.
“My friends recommended Tanlac to
me and I began to take it and have im
proved since the very start. My stom
ach is entirely relieved of all that
gassv upset condition and I can eat
anything I want without trouble. The
kidney disorders have disappeared, the
catarrh does not bother me like it did
and I am feeling to strong that I Just
want to tell everybody about my re
covery and how much Tanlac has done
f °Ta”lac is sold by one established
agency in every town. —(Advt.)
Puts an End to
Catarrh Nuisance
A Direct and Simple Way That
May Be Adopted With But
Little Cost
There mast be rea'erv raftering from chranle
eatarrte who would like to know bow they can
atop catching c?ld after cold, for they mast
realise that sooner or later thia may lead to
serious deafness and injury to the ayatam hi
’'Sr” Blosser, a raepected physician, and for years an enonncusly successful
specialist in catarrh
is the discoverer of
a pleaaant. direct
—*l method that can be
W W used by man, woman
vA* » or rbild.
V H: * remedy la
rmade from medicinal
barbs. flowers and
•vvS * tarries. which yea
* g 4. vjlh. r *v) smoke la a dainty
V I J ripe or cigarette.
-< and tnhale the vapor
into all the air passages. It contains no to
bacco. even though it is used in the same
Dr. Blosser's Catarrh Remedy H equally
effective tn all forms
of catarrh, bronchial .'A
irritation. asthma.
catarrhal headache > J
and ear troubles p As **■
that may lead te I 4V.
deafness. Ton will f
tree the better and I
feel better after us- f ITS
ing It. S. ti&
Tat tea easts (in yZt--
coin or stamps) a
small package will be mailed, containing some
es the Remedy made into cigarrettee. also some
Remedy for smoking in a pipe and a neat little
pipe. M. nth's supply, either form, coats one
dollar and twenty-five cents. Address THE
BLOSSER COMPANY. Box 4174. Atlanta. Ga.
Why Lose lan draff and I
Your Hair Cuticura i
Altnrrrt: BaepS.OhrtmestSAM.TateufflS
Have You Spongy Gums
or Loose Teeth?
The Atlanta Dental College has an- '
dorsed Stypstringant, the standard prep
aration for the prevention and treat
ment of pyorrhea (spongy, bleeding and
receding gums and loose teeth). It has
been estimated that three out of every
four persona over thirty-five years of ’
age have pyorrhea in some form and It
produces many derangements of the
system for which there seems to be no
Apparent cause. If you are In bad ,
health, perhaps your teeth or gums are ;
to blame. Mouth hygiene can only be
maintained by co-operating with a gool
tentist and by using, twice daily, a me
dium like Stypstringant. which the At- 1
lanta Dental College and leading den
tists say is unequalled for promoting a
firm, healthy condition of the gums,
tightening the teeth and Improving the
health generally. Try Stypstringant. If ■
your druggist cannot supply, you. send
your order direct to the manufacturers.
Lawrence Chemical Co.. Atlanta. Ga.
Price, 60c a bottle. Sent postpaid to
any address on receipt of purchase
Also called Tetter, Balt Bhetun. Pruri
tus, Milk Crust, Water Poison,
Weeping Skin. etc.
I believe ecxema cu be cured te stay. I mean
Just what I my C-T-R-E D and NOT merely
patebed op to return agala. Remember. I make
this statement after handling nearly a half mil
lion eases of eeaema and devoting 12 years of
my life to Its treatment. I don't rare what all
yen have need nor how many doctors hare told
you that you could not be cured, all I a-k
Is Jost a chance to prove my claim. If you
write me TODAY. I will send you a FREE
TRIAL of mild, soothing. guannieed treat
ment that will surely convince you as It baa
me. If yon are disgusted and discouraged. I
dare you to give me a ehanee to prove my
claims. By writlag me today I believe you i
will enjoy more real tomfort than you
really thought this world held for you. Just
trv it. and I fed rare yon will agree with me.
DR. J. E. CANNADAY. UK Court Blk.,
Sedalia. Mo.
References- Third National Bank. Sedalia. Mo.
Send Ibis Botica to some e« (etna sufferer.
*1 was badly ruptured while lifting a trunk
several yean ago. Doctors said my only hope
of cure was an operation. Trusses did me no
good. Finally I got bold of something that
quickly and completely cured me. Years have '
passe.] and the rupture has T returned, al
though I sm dolns hard work as a carpenter.
There war no operation, no loot time, no trouble.
I have not. lag to sell, but will give full tn- !
formation about tx>w you may find a complete
wre without operation. If you write to me.
Eugene M. Pullen. Carpenter. S3S-E Marcellnr
(•:»». Manasquan. N. J. Better cut out this
antlre and show ft to any others who are rup
tured —you may save a life or at leart stop the '
n inety of rupture and the worry and danger of
an operation.—<Advt. I ,
(Continued from Page 1)
an artillery battle Is reported to be
1 raging in the streets.
LONDON, Wednesday. Nov. 6. —Mem-
bers of the battleship Kaiser, at .Kiel,
have mutinied and hoisted the red Hug.
j > ’iflcers attempting to defend the Ger
man flag were overpowered and two ot
them. Including the commander, were
killed. A number of others were wound
ed, according to the Cologne Gazatte.
Three companies ot infantry were
sent from Kiel to restore order. They
immediately joined the revolution and a
fourth company was disarmed. During
last night. Hussars sent to Kiel from
Wandsbeck were encountered outside of
Klei by sailors armed with machine
guns and forced to turn back.
The soldiers’ council has decided that
officers must remain at their posts, but
must obey the council which controls
all food supplies. Alachine guns are
mounted in various parts of the city.
Cuxhaven and Wilhelmshaven are quiet.
An Amsterdam dispatch to the Ex
change Telegraph company says that
two battleships, the Kaiser and the
Schleswig-Holstein, were seized by the
mutineers and that twenty otticers, in
cluding two. captains, were killed.
It is reported that the garrison at
Kiel refused to march to the harbor and
that the sailors threatened to blow up
the battleships if attacked. They are
defending the ships and refuse to re
turn to their duties until a treaty of
peace is signed.
Admiral Souchon, governor of the
port, having asked the mutineers what
they wanted, has approved all their de
mands, including even their refusal to
salute officers. It is said.
Schleswig and Holstein, together with
Lauenburg, were wrested from Den
mark by Prussia In 1864 during the
latter’s war with Austria. Prussia’s
defeat of Austria in 1666 enabled Prus
sia to incorporate these provinces In her
territory. The population is largely
Danish, which has always been restive
under Prussian and German rule.
The area of the provinces is about
7.300 square miles and the population
in 1900 was 1,387,968.
The Kaiser is one of the largest Ger
man dreadnoughts. She has a tonnage
of 24,700, Is 564 feet long and has a
speed of 23 knots. She carries ten 12-
inch guns and fourteen 5.9-inch guns.
She was built In 1912. Her crew num
bers 1,130.
The Schleswig-Holstein is a pre
dreadnought of 13,200 tons. She is
412 feet long and has a speed of 19
knots. Her armament consists of four
11-inch and fourteen 6.7-lnch guns. She
was built in 1906. She has a crew of
COPENHAGEN. Nov. 7. —A revolt
has broken out In Hamburg, according
to a dispatch from the correspondent o*
the Politiken at Vambrup. Violent fir
ing was In progress in the streets of
the city when the correspondent’s in
formant was deported, the latter de
COPENHAGEN, Nov. 7. —The revolu
tion which broke out in Kiel when Ger
man sailors seized two German battle
ships is reported to have spread into
part of Holstein, where several gar
risons have deserted and are marching
on Kiel, waving red flags.
The airdrome at Apenrade has been
seized by the revolutionists, who ar
rested the airmen. Altona and Fleun
burg also are reported to have been oc
The revolutionists also are reported
to hold the major portion of the prov
ince of Schleswig.
AMSTERDAM. Wednesday, Nov.
German newspapers announce that
State Secretary Kauseman and Gustav
Noskefi Socialist members of the
reichstag, have been sent to Kiel by
I the government. Hugo Haase, leader
’ of the Socialist minority In the reichs
tag. and George Ledebour, leader of the
Social Democratic party, also are there
. to complete the formation of a local
i committee.
LONDON, Nov. 7.—A strike of dock
workers at Hamburg, involving 10,000
men. it is reported by the Exchange
Telegraph correspondent at Amsterdam.
LONDON. Nov. 7.—The military gov
ernor of Kiel, according to an Exchange
Telegraph dispatch from Copenhagen,
i has accepted the following demands of
' the workers and soldiers’ council:
1 The release of all military and po
litical prisoners.
Complete freedom of speaking and
writing Released prisoners will not oe
Officers who acknowledge and com
ply with the measures of the council
shall be permitted to remain or to
. leave the service;
Strikes at the imperial wharves at
Cuxhaven and WHhelmshaven are ex
pected to occur today, the agency ad
vices from Amsterdam add. The au
thorities have ordered the preventive ar
, rest of sailors under suspicion.
NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 5 —James C.
i Murphy. New Orleans, today was re
! elected to serve his. twenty-third term
as president of the New Orleans sugar
! exchange.
■ -
Giris! Make beauty lotion
at home for few cents
Squeeze the juice of two lemons into
a bottle containing three ounces of
Orchard White, shake well, and you havs
a quarter pint of the best bleaching and
skin whitening lotion, and complexion
beautifler, at very, very small cost.
Your grocer has the lemons and any
drug store or toilet counter will supply
three ounces of Orchard White for a few
cents. Massage this sweetly fragrant
lotion Into the face, neck, arms and
hands each day and see how tan. red
ness. sallowness, sunburn and windburn
disappear and how clear, soft and rosy
white the skin becomes. Yes! It is
harmless.— (Advt.)
Cause of Pellagra
Is Discovered
Dr. W. J. McCrary. a graduate ami expe
rienced physician. studied nine year» to find the
cause of and a remedy for Pellagra. lie made
, a remarkable discovery and thousands state that
it has restored them to health.
50-Fage Book Free!
A big 50 page book explaining the Doctor's
, theory and telling bow every sufferer may use
this remarkable discovery In the privacy of
their own home without risking a dollar, will
be sent FREE, in plain, sealed wrapper to all
• who write for it. Pellagra is spreading rapidly
over the country. Thousands are in the early
stages and do not know it. Get. this Free book
and learn the truth.
Beware of These Symptoms
I Tired and Drowsy feelings, accompanied by
I aeadaches; depression or state of indolence;
I r .ugliness of skin; breaking out or eruptions;
I hands red like sunburn; sore mouth; tongue,
■ lips knd throat flaming red; much mucus and
I choking; Indigestion nnd nausea; diarrhea or
I constipation; mind affected--and many others.
I Write for book now. It may save your life.
DB. W. J. McCKARY, Inc., Dept. 724.
I Carbon Hill Alabama
‘ . (Advt.)
Nation's Roll
Os Honor . j
Southern Heroes Who Have ’
Given Their All for Old
Character of casualties is Indicated st fol- j
lows; (K> killed in action; (XV 8) wounded ■
severely; (XV) wounded (degree undeter- |
mined); (D A died of accident or other
causes; (I) A A) died of airplane accident;
(D W) died of wound*; (D D) died of dis- 1
ease; (M) missing; (P) prisoner. All are J
privates except where otherwise indicated. '
After Georgians' names, next of kin appears
in parenthesis.
Enterprise, Ala.—Barnhill, Hugh A. (W).
Belllmina. Ala.-—Brown, Lous (W).
Ilsmnn. Ala. —Bruton. Patriik (W).
Grove Hill. Ala.—Coate, Nettles D. (W).
S'> a lK,nrd. Ala.—Day. Carl ('. (W).
Montgomery, Ala—Little, Lutlfi-r D. (W).
Black, Ala.—Mathews. Hardy E. (W).
Walnut Grove. Ala.—Nix. Miles T. (W).
Thomasville, Ala.—Hudson. Audrey (W).
Oxford, Ala.—Hughes, Arthur G. (W).
Hartford, Ala. —Hutto, Grady (W).
Jasper, Ala.—Lambert, William C. (W).
Vredenburg. Ala.—McMurphy, Oscar H. (W).
Roanoke, Ala.— Baldwin, Rufas (W).
tellers. Ala.—Brightwell, Arthur <W).
Atmore. Ain.—Crosby, Willis J. (W).
Birmingham, Ala.—Hawkins. Charles B. (W‘.
Alabama City, Ala.—Hubbard. Barney T. (W).
Fyffe. Ala.—Gosa, Calvin (W).
Marvel. Ala.—Harris. Dan (W).
Eden, Ala.—Watson, Bert (W).
Courtland, Ala.—Weems, Jessie J. (W).
Montgomery, Ala.—Davis, Sgt. John P. (W).
Bixmingliam. Ala.—Harris. Me<h. H. (W).
HTOtsville, Ala.—Gault. William C. (W».
Bellewood. Ala.—Jackson, Stewart M. (W).
Alliertville. Ala.—Horton, Birge (W).
Letchatchee. Ala.—Cross. Dan (W).
Georgiana, Ala. —Daughtry, Columbus (W).
Huntsville. Ala.—Frady, James Claude (W).
Ensley, Ala. —Buchanan. Thomas F. (W).
Moulton. Ala.—Heflin. Fred (W).
Little River, Ala.—Hires, Homer R. (W).
Honoraville, Ala.—Mosely, Sam (W).
Huntsville. Ala.—Parker, Earnest L. (W).
Jacksonville, Ala.—White, Treman E. (W).
Wilsonville. Ala.—Williams. George (Wl.
Atmore. Ala. —Odom, Ernest B. (W).
Birmingham, Ala.—Partain. Corp. G. T. (W).
Hartford, Ala.—McGowan, Corp. Early (W S?.
Pall Citv, Ala.—Higginbotham, George (W S).
Alexandria City, Ala.—Kuykendall. J. W. (WS).
Columbiaua. Ala.—Harper. James (W S).
Yalonde. Ala.—Hill. William H. (W 8).
Lathrop, Ala.—North. Bgt. Harwell (W).
Tennille. Ala.—McLendon, Corp. B. Z. (W).
Huntsville, Ala.—Overton, Homer B. (W).
Huntsville, Ala.—Overton. Vernon D. (W).
Madison, Ala.—Patton. Thomas (W).
Huntsville, Ala. —Prices. James W. (W).
Anniston, Ala.—Almond. Capt. E. M. (W),
Oxford, Ala.—Hopkins, Sgt. Henry L. (W).
Natches, Ala.—Black, James A. (W S).
Winfield. Ala.—Brennertnan, Amos (W S).
Mobile. Ala.—Feeney, Michael P. (W 8).
West Butler, Ala.—Hearn, Arthur Y. (W S).
Rockford. Ala.—Hughen. filllie T. (W S).
Bessemer, Ala.—Smith, Joe (W 8).
Alabama City, Ala. —Sharpton, Sgt. L. C. (W).
Bessemer, Ala.—Lee, Corp. William J. (W).
Citronella, Ala.—McGregor, Corp. Russell (W).
Otark, Ala. —Peters, Corp. Benjamin F. <fi').
Barner. Ala.—Waller Cook James J. (W).
Elba. Ala.—Bowdin, Guy (W).
Buffalo, Ala.—Barber, Corp. W. L. (D A).
Citronella. Ala. —Newell, Earl L. <Mj.
Bay Minette, Ala.—Lee, Joseph *W).
Carrolllton, Ala. —Brown, Osie (fi’l.
McKinsie. Ala.—Clepper, Frank (W).
De Armanville, Ala.—Cotton, Pete (W).
Birmingham, Ala. —Howard, Meeh. 11. O. (W).
Geneva County, Ala.—Kelley, Ashford L. (W).
Sunny South, Ala.—Pearson, Henry C. Jr. (W).
Choccolocco, Ala. —Allen. James L. (K).
Anniston, Ala.—Mein vale, Polie (W).
Morrla, Ala. —Manning, Berte (W).
Oneonto, Ala. —Smart. Roy W. (Wl.
Birmingham, Ala.—Whatley, fi'esley J. (W).
Moundville, Ala. —Sanders. Samuel (W).
Mobile. Ala.—Trentel. Allen O. (W).
Cropwell, Ala.—Howard, Sgt. Claude S. (W).
Auaistou, Ala. —James, Sgt. Odom (fi').
Tanners, Ala. —Macklin, George (W).
Danville, Ala.—Blevins, Thomas F. (W).
Brilliant. Ala.—Hollis. Kelcie (W 8).
i nion Grove, Ala.—Alexander Talmage (W).
Scottsboro, Ala.—Kirby, Hugh T. (W 8).
Ansley. Ala.—Fitzpatrick. DeLoach (W),
Eufaula. Ala.—La tn nr, James F. (W).
Robertsdale. Ala.—Mitchell. Leonard (W).
Dothan, Ala.—Peacock, Calvin C. <fi’).
Montgomery. Ala. —Peagler, John (W).
Sloeumb, Ala. —Watford. Amsme B. (W).
Meridianville. Ala. —League. Will, iW).
Pell City. Ala.—Mitchell. Walte»‘H- <W).
Opelika, Ala. —Sailer, Joe W. (WT.
Brewton. Ala.—Spence. Leonard (W).
Bluemountain, Ala.—Couch, Corp. R. (W).
Mobile. Ala.—Boyles, Corp. Howard H. (W).
Natural Bridge. Ala.—Downey, Daniel (W).
Cooper, Ala. —Allen. Cook Arden R. (W).
Headland, Ala.—Davis, Mose (W).
Ragland, Ala. —Hathcox. Wallace (W).
Cooper, Ala.—Boswell, Thomas M. (W).
(itronrille, Ala.—Dickinson, Fate (Wl, -
Parrish, Ala. —Hnmer. Andrew W. (W). • f —*'*
Birmingham. Ala. —Huffman, Ralph IW).
Patsburg. Ala.—Holland. Willie T. (W).
Eva, Ala.—Johnson. Hubert (fi’l.
Pell City, Ala.—Harmon. Sgt. Wasson (W).
Tuscaloosa, Ala.—Cork, Sgt. Jessie (W).
Bessemer. Ala.—Lee Sgt. Sant (W).
Montgomery, Ala.—Giltnore. Corp. Rupert (W).
Birmingham. Ala.—Kernodle. Corp. G. E. (W).
Huntsville. Ala.—Sanders, Corp. Finns (W).
Birmingham, Ala.—Bradley, Mechi 8. J. (W).
Montgomery, Ala. —Collins, Arthur (fi!).
Birmingham, Ala. —Ellas. Roy 8. (W).
Mobile, Ala. —Baker. Sidney (W).
Stiiiigent, Ala.—Holliday, Lnddie J. (fi').
Ripley, Ala. —Holmes, Daniel I. (W).
Mathews, Ala.—Mathews, George (W).
Troy, Ala.—Sikes, James D. (Wt.
Sunny South, Ala.—Scarborough, Janies L. (W).
Pell City. Ala.—Schell, fi’illiam (W).
Gadsden. Ala.—Scott. Hollis R. (W).
North. Ala. —Smith. Cleveland (fi’l.
Pell City. Ala. —Graham. Xlrady (W).
Guntersville. Ala. —Hester, Henry (W).
Enterprise. Ala.—Logan, Lehman J. (W).
Tuscaloosa. Ala.—Roby, John O. (W>.
Attalla, Ala.—Lutes, Sgt. Arthur (W).
Huntsville, Ala.—Helton. Sam (Wt.
Flannaton. Ala. —Manning. Sidney E. (fi’).
Birmingham, Ala.—Mooney. Fred K. (W).
Falkville, Ala. —Edwarda, Roy M. < W).
River Falls, Ala. —Curry, Joe D, (W).
Clayton, Ala. —fi’alker, Henry L. CW 8).
Fabius. Ala.—Stance!. Doth A. (W 8).
Anniston, Ala.—Morrison, Telas (fi’ SI.
McWilliams. Ala. —McWilliams. John M. (W 8).
Monlgomery. Ala.—Griffing, R. E. (W S).
McFall. Ala.—Kirksey, Jim (fi’ 8).
McVey. Ala.—MeVey, Curtis (W>.
Ponce de Leon, Ala.—Siedge, Melton (W S).
Carlxm Hill, Ala.—Sandlin, Claud G. (fi').
Atmore. Alb.—Rone. Burros (W).
Enterprise, Als. —Thomas. Oscar E. (D W).
Dadeville. Ala,— Haywood. Sterling (Wl.
Citronelle, Ala.-—Owens, George K. (W).
Brewton, Ala.—Cutts, Ernest E. (fi T ).
Fairfax. Ala.—Duffey, Leou P. (W).
Pyrlton, Ala. —Clark. William I). (fiT).
Montgomery. Ala.—Blasingame. Sgt. 8. R. (W).
Alexander City, Ala.—Vann. Corp. J. D. (W).
Oxford, Ala. —Thurman. Meeh. Matt (W).
Johns, Ala.—Harville. Corp. Braxton (W).
Jacksonville. Ala.—Blythe. Corp. Eugene (W).
Anniston. Ala.—Brown. Corp. Oscar (W).
Hamilton. Ala.—Myhand, James L. (D D).
Bridgeport, Ala.—Paris. Albert H. (D A).
Hartselle, Ala.—Wiggins, Marion (D DI.
Jacksonville, Ala. —Conch, Sgt. J. D. (W S).
Atmore. Ala.—Lowery, Corp. D. I). (W 8).
Birmingham, Ala. —I-evy, Leon C. (M).
Slocomb, Ala.—Givens. Arch Z. (D D).
Palatka. Fla.—Westbrook, Jack W. (W 8).
Madison. Fla. —Brynnt. Owen (W 8).
Greenwood. Fla.—Granberry. Samuel (fi’ 8).
Bradentown. Fla.—Hart. Corp. Harry L. (W).
Paxton. Fla.—Dennis. Dolphus R. (IV).
Mariana, Fla.—Branning. James M. (D D).
( entry. Fla.—Crosby. Lattrell (W).
Warrington, Fla.—Gran, Raymond (fi’).
Key West, Fla.—Camus. Joseph M. (W).
Bell, Fla.—Jamerson, t barlie E. (D D).
Delray, Fla.—Cook. Thomas R. (fi’ 8).
Miami, Fla. — Edward R. (W 8).
Webster, Fla. —Herring, Jody L. (fi’ 8).
Wauchula, Fla. —Davis, Isaac (D D).
Lake City. Fla. —Eady, Elliott (D D).
Miami, Fla.—Pinder, Paul (D D).
Gainesville. Fla.—Hepass, J.t. Ernest T. CW 8),
Fort Drum. Fla.'—Morgan. James E. (!) D).
Dover, Fla.—Moencb, Herman J. (D D).
Belleview. Fla.—Crosby. Corp. Frank S. (K).
Matee, Fla.—Butler. Hallie <D D).
Atlanta, da.,—Candler. Lt. George Soott
(Charles Murphy Candler, Str.te Capitol),
(W S).
Woodville. Ga.—Durham, Estes (Mrs. Jesse M.
Durham) (K).
Eastman. Ga., R. F. D. 2—lrby, Oscar, Jr.
(Mrs. Salite Howell Irby), (D D;.
Thomson, Ga., R. F. D. 3.—West, Roscoe (Mrs.
Margain West), (D D).
Sumner, Ga., B. F. D. 2, Box 43—Watson,
William E. (Mrs. Avie Watson), (D D).
Monroe, Ga.—Malcom, Otis (Mrs. Trine 0.
Malcom) (D D).
Donaldsvillc, Ga., R. F. D. 4—McGirt, Dave W.
(Mrs. Susie G. McGirt) (D D).
Pelham. Ga.—Weaver, Alvin G. (Mrs. Myrtle
Weaver). (W S).
Eastman. Ga., R. F. D. I—Murkerson, George
F. (B. F. Murkeson), (W).
Dublin, Ga.—Collins, Sgt. Preston (P. G. Col
lins, (W;.
Butts. Ga., R. F. D. I.—Jones, Sidney (Mrs.
Mollie P. Jones), (D D).
Savannah, Ga., 19 Wert Duffy St.—Godbold,
John M. (Mrs. Rebecca Godno’d) (w 81.
Trion, Ga.—Wooten, Julius (Miles Wooten).
(D W).
Baconton, Ga.. R. F. D. I—McQuaig, Napolean
(C. G. McQuaig). (W).
Columbus. Ga.—Jones, Edward (Miss Sallle
Lang). (W).
Esom Hill. Ga.—Vinson, Corp. Paul J. (J. E.
Woodward) (W).
Milner, Ga.. R P. D. I—Corley, Robert M.
(Mrs. Ruby Corley) (W).
Savannah, Ga., 519 Partridge St.—Roberson,
Fleming M. (Mrs. Fannie Waters), (W).
Carrollton, Ga., R. F. D. 2—Holmes, Wagoner i
Joe (William Holmes), (W).
Edgewood. Ga,, 27 Flora avenue—Evans, Coley
L. (Mis. Ida Evans). (W).
Atlanta, Ga., 135 Hill street—Taylor, Cook
John H. (Thomas Pi Taylor) (W).
Grayinont, Ga,—blew, Thomas F. (John It. New) !
K). i
Aragon, Ga., R. i’, D. I—Gibbons, James F. 1
(Jake Gibbons) (D D).
Elco, Ga., R. F. D, I—Grace. Andrew (Mrs. :
Lou Grace), (D D).
Altamalia, Ga.—Harris, Walter (Mrs. Beatrice !
Harris), CD D). •’
Vienna. Ga., R. F. D. 6—Moore. Amos (Mrs.
Sallio May Moore) (D D).
Blalock, Ga.—Thompson, Howell L. (Mrs. Pe
lonas Tliompsou) (W).
Sparta. Ga., R. F. D. 3—Horton, Tommie (Mrs.
Mattie M. Horton (D D).
Grittin, Ga.—Diowery, Sgt. George H. (I. N.
Drewcry, 232 West Taylor street) (D D).
Tignall, Ga., R. F. D. 2—Chenault, Cabe (Mrs. I
Mattie S. Chenault) (D D), i
Atlanta. Ga., 12 English Ave.—Harbin, Dewey
H. (Mrs. Emma Harbin) (W 8).
McDonough, Ga.—Harper, Grafter (Mrs. Willie
Harper) (W).
Savannah, Ga., 225 Montgomery St.—Brunson, |
Howell S. -(Mrs. Benjamin J. Brunson) (W). ;
Canton, Ga.—Wilson, Henry (Mrs. Can Wil
son) (W).
Stone Mountain, Ga.—Hay, Alfred M. (Miss
Kate E. Hay) (W).
Americus, Ga,—Turner, Buel S. (1. C. Turner) I
Atlanta, Ga., 240 Bryan street—Hemphill, Wil
lie T. (Mrs. R. D. Parker) (W 8).
Conyers, Ga.—Carmichael, Cleopers (Carrie 8.
Cofield) (D D).
Grantville, Ga., R. F. D, I—Brooks, Thomas >
(Noah Brooks) (D D).
Rome, Ga., 312 Pennington Ave.—Ponder, Sgt. |
Victor E. (Jeff E. Ponder) (W S).
Broxton, Ga.—Williams. Sgt. Lo’Hs F. (Mrs. M.
Livingston) (W S).
Rome, Ga.—Wright, Albert (Mrs, Josie Dox)
(D D).
Fayette, Ga.—Thornton, Wallace (A. B. Thorn
ton) (D D).
Adrian, Ga., R. F. D. 2—Stanford, David (Mrs.
Hannah Stafford) (D D).
Alexander, Ga., R. F. D.—Wright, Linwood C.
(Mrs. Mattie Wright) (D D).
Buena Vista. Ga.. R. F. D. 7—Wingfield, David
(Mrs. Annie Wingfield) (D D).
Sterling. Ga.—Roberts, Mose (Mrs. Jannie Rob
erts) (D D).
Boston, Ga.—Reid, Tommie (Mrs. Lusie T.
Brown) (D D).
Decat“r, Ga.. 18 Forrest St—Petty, Willfam
(Mrs. Mary Gates Petty) (D D).
Silver Creek. Ga., R. F. D. 1, Box 120—McCul
lough, Beaut ord (Mrs. Dora McCullough)
(D D).
Stillwell, Ga., R. F. D.—Martin, Will (Hattie
Martin, Anderson) (D D).
Monticello. Ga., R. F. D. 4—Marks. Jeff (Mrs.
Lucy S. Marks) (D D).
Waynesboro, Ga., R. F. D. 3—Jones, Lewis
(Henry James) (D D).
Norwood, Ga., R. F. D. I—Heath, Amos (Mrs.
Edith R. Heath) (D D).
Vienna, Ga., R. F. D. I—Graham, Randall (Mrs.
Ella Graham) (D D).
Darien, Ga.—Gibbs, Clarence (Mrs. Hattie Geri
dran) (D D).
Logansville, Ga.—Compton, Pierce E. (Daniel T.
Compton) (P).
Thomasville, Ga., 834 Smith Ave.—Mole, Samuel
E. (Mrs. Ella Miller) (M).
Franklin. Ga., R. F. D. 3—Pike, Albert (Wil
liam Pike) (D D).
Rayle, Ga„ R. F. D. I—Brooks, Ollie V. (Wil
liam H. Brooks) (D D).
Calhoun, Ga., R. F. D. s—Gwin, R. A, (John
F. Guinn) (W S).
Gainesville, Ga.—Pickron, Coleman, (Mrs.
Charity J. Pickron) (W 8).
Statesboro. Ga,—Howard, David (Mrs. Lulu
Howard) (W).
Abba, Ga., R. F. D. I—Watte, John A. (C. X.
Watte) (W). . .
Vila Rica, Ga. —Chandler, Wiley C. (Mrs. Ar
die Boyd) (M).
Augusta, Ga., 1405 Broad St.—Knock, Anthony
P. (John J. Knuck) (K).
Oainesvillo, Ga.—Bolding, Paul E. (W. E. Bold
ing) (K).
Bassfield, Miss.—McN’ease, Virgil E. (K).
Klugs, Miss.—Parrish, Charles L. (W S).
Arena. Miss.—Davidson, IJlmo C» (W|.
Inverness, Miss. —Price, Mathew (D D).
fi’eather.-by. Miss. —Iv-nnedy. Kiley (W).
Fulton, Miss. —Prestridge. William E. (W).
Bowie. Miss.—Whitney, Sgt. E. W .(D W).
Woodville, Miss.—Turner, Ufllard (D D).
Merigold. Miss.—Williams. Isaac (D D).
Hanner, Miss.—t’oyuer, Frank L. (W).
Pine Valley. Miss.—Stewart, Elton J. (D D).
Natchex, Miss.—Williams, Theorde (W).
Decatur, Mlkij. —'Xlrnrne. .William F. (\V).
Kaymond. Miss.—Spengler. Avgust D. (W).
Hattiesburg, Miss.—Jackson, Sgt. W. E. (W).
Kilmachael. Miss.—Bahfield, Willis H. (K).
Trebloc. Miss.—Nabors, Corp. JaCob 8. CW).
Kosciusko, Miss.—Bay, Corp. Leland <W).
Signet, Miss. —Showalter. James ID D).
Vaughn, Miss.—Crenshaw, Clinton (D D).
Estelle. Miss.— Brown, Don (1) R).
Theba, Miss.—Taylor, Nnthahial (D D).
Sandersville, Miss.—Ltustln, Qactir W. (D D).
Meridian, Miss.—Russell, Lloyd B. (D D).
Shelby, Miss.—Massey, Oscar (1) D),
Corinth, Miss.— Saulter, yuiller (1> D).
Smithdale. Miss.—Moore. Sgt. Robert B. (W).
Stallo. Miss.—Eubank. Lal'uyette (D D).
Jackson, Miss.—Perkins, Emmett D. (D W).
( ambri'lge, Mass.—Taylor, Isaac W. (D D».
Charleston, Miss. —fiorsliam, George (D D).
Sledge. Miss.—Chorley, Eugene C. (present for
duty, previously reported wounded degree
Wallerville, Mies.-—Henry, Cwetls L. (M).
Palmyra, N. C.'— Hyman. Ernest (K).
Revere. N. C.—Ray, Swann (K).
Forsyth County.' N. C.—Wilson. Thomas (W S).
Woodsrfale. N. C.—Holt, Edgar Cb (fi').
Wilmington, N. C.—Grant, Lt. Murry H. (W).
Ashland. N. C.— Mahala. President T. (D W).
Kock ini •hnm, N. C.—Bray, fi’alter M. (XV).
Norwood. N. C.-—Hinson. Corp R. C. (XV).
Monroe. N. C. —Walsl], Clarence M. (W).
Roberdell, N. C.—Hammond, John W. (W).
Charlotte. N. C.—McCormick. Lt. H. H. (W'
Busiek, N. ('.—Ledford, Tred (XV).
Clyde. N. • C.—RlnehWlVt; Meltln E. (D W).
Enfield, N. C.—Ressmafi, Sgt., C. G. (D D).
Clayton, N. —Banks, Hubrft (XX’ S).
Everett-, -N. C.—Hardy, Corp. D. L. (XX’).
Baitlet, N. C.—Gregory, Jlartin (D Di.
Hubert, N. C.—McCnusieg. Cicero (XX' S).
Merritt, N. C.—Salter. Benjamin R. (XV 8).
Biscoe, N. C.—Shamburger, Lt. L. L. (W 8).
Thomasville. N. C. —Green. Lt. P. P. (W 8).
Graham. N. ('.—Johnsen. Henry XV. (K).
Whiteville, N. (’.—Bullard, Chester N. (R W).
Whiteville. N (’.—Cr imartio. .Godfixy (D D).
IDnford. N. C.—Hollingsworth,' Joseph• (D D).
Laurel Hill. N. (’.—Caulder. John (D D).
North Charlotte, N. C. —Martin, Sgt. fi'. R.
Rural Ball. N. C.—Hartgrore. Prancis R. <W)
Charlotte, N. C.—Herndoli. Lt. Lewis (fi’>.
Troy. N. C.—Saunders, Fuller F. (W).
Oxford. N. C.—Liimlis, William T. <W).
Charlotte. N. C.—Hilton, Joseph E. (XV).
Denton. N. C.—Leonard. Marvin M. (XV).
Dunn, N. C.—Jones. XVilliam F: (D W).
Concord. N. C.—Cook. Sgt. Gtover C. (K).
Lomax. N. C. —Cuutbrcn, Charlie XV. (D I>).
Greensboro, N. C.—Glenn, Charlie E. (D D).
Murphy, N. C.—Rocker. Fred M. (fi’>.
Greensboro, N. <’.—Stamey, Sgt. E. L. (XV>.
Edenton, N. C.—Holly. Lyod (fi’).
Thomasville, N. Ce— Westmoreland. Corp. S.
Gibsonville, N. C. I—Hornbuckle, 1 —Hornbuckle, Corp. W. P.
North Station, N. f ■ — Uvingston, fi’illio (D D).
Ararat, N. C.—Wall, Claude (1> D).
Hickory. N. C.—Williams. Sgt. C. C. (D A).
Fayetteville, N. C.—McLaurin, Meeh. W.
Rosehill, N.'C.—Fussell. Sgt. B. D. <K).
Stanley, N. C.—Lineberger, Corp. A. L. (K).
Scotland Neck. N. C.—Edwards, fi’m. F. (K).
Robbinsville, N. C.—Eller, Jnmes A. (K).
Rotla, N. C.—Ma«on, Samuel (K),
Lenoir, N. C. —Melton, John fi’esley (Wl.
Kinston. N. C.—Riggs, Clem M. <K).
Spring Hope. N. C. —Winstead, Samuel (K>.
Smithfield. N. C.—Johnson. Corp. J. A. (W),
Windsor. N. r.—Hux. James A. (XV).
West Asheville. N. C.—Case. Louie M. (D D'.
Vaneeville. N. C.—Ellison. Major (D I>).
Farmville, N. C.—Lowe, XVilliam’J. (D R).
Asheville. N. C.—Miller. Albert 11. (XX' SI.
Fleetwood. N. C. —Hnrdin, Snmuel C. (D D).
Weldon, N. C.—Outlaw, XX’illlam (D D).
T.eamon, N. C. —Ritter, Charles M. (D DI.
Grassy Creek. N. C.—Porter. Frank C. (D W).
Spencer N. C. —Forrest, Samuel P. (D W),
Autryville. N. C.—Autry, Calton L. (D W).
Asheville, N. C.—Davis. Amy A. (K).
Hnndleman, N. C.—XVoorty, Robert L. 'D W).
Eagle Rock. N. C.—Rhodes. Preston (XX').
Washington. N. C.—Fowle. Capt. I). G. (XV).
Graysburg, N. C.— Clemments, Sgt. W. (XX’).
Marines, N. C.—Canqlu'H. XVilllnm H. (P), pre
viously reported severely wounded.
Winston-Salem. N. ('. —Charles. Ralph J. (P),
prcvlmsly reported wounded severely.
Laurens, S. ('.—Yeargin. Arthur (XX' S).
Midway. 8. C.—Grant. Vernon (D XV).
Greelyville. S. C.—Montgomery. John <D D).
Blackville. S. ('.—Keeler, Joseph A. (W).
Kershaw. S. C.—-MsNeal. William (D D).
Abbeyvllle, S C.—Henderson, A. M. (W 8).
Charleston. S. C. — Rockoholt, Craig XV. (XV 8).
Eutawville, 8. C.—Oliver, Ben (fi').
Camden. S. C. —Brown. Henry T. (D D).
' Davis Station. S. C.—Walter*. Johnnie (D D).
Manning, S. ('.—Butler, Luther (D DI.
Fountain Inn. S. C.—Farrow, Corp. L. K.
(D Dl.
Summerville. S. C.—Dunning, Clarence A. (K).
Swansea. S. C.—Griffin, Henry L. (D D).
Georgetown, H. C» 1 !oyd. Joe (D Dl.
Swansea, S. C.—l«lrd, David H. (XX i..
Clinton, S. C. —Copeland. Mason L. (D D).
Cottageville, 8. C.—J'argnson. XVheeler (D D).
Mullins, 8. O.—Love, Richard It. (D D).
laincnster, S. C.— Knight. Ward R. (D D), ,
Rembery. S. ('.-—Folder. Abrnhatn (D D).
Pelion. 8. C.—Joiner. Archie L. (D Dl.
Kingstree. 8. C.—McClary, XVilliam (D D).
.Cornweil, 8. C.—keese. Sam (R D).
Charleston, S. C. — Hollo. Louis (Ml.
XX'hite Stone. S, C.—Griffin, Meeh. J. H. >K).
• For Infants and Children
Tn Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
I Signature of
Bishopville, 8. C. —Evans. James D. (K).
Trenton, s. C. —Thomas, Albert (D Di.
Steedman, S. C. —XVillianis, (irvll L. (D D).
Manctta, S. C.—XVise, Dennie (D Dl.
Parksville, S. C.—Spnrks, Harry (D D).
I‘elzer, S. c.—Mahaffey, Jay (M).
Greenville, S. C. 4 —Moore. Sterling (D D).
Beltnn. 8. C.~Bawlell, Claude S. (present for
duty, previously reported missing).
Lafayette. Tenn.—Wiz. Corp. Buford L. (K).
Humboldt, Tenn.—Kolwyck. Oren C. (K).
Memphis. Tenn. —Barria. Lt. John XX’., Jr. (XV).
Knoxville. Tenn.—MeGuire, Sgt. C. It. (KI.
Oneida. Tenn.—Casnda. Sgt. Arthur A. (XV).
Allardt. Tenn.—Asberry. George Frank (W).
Kelso, Tenn.—Loyd, Sgt. Roy fi’. (XV).
Murfreesboro, Tenn.—Nipper. Luther (XV).
Denmark, Tenn.—Williamson. S. A. (K).
Athens, Tenn.—Keith. Lt. Alexander (XX’ S).
Chattanooga. Tenn.—Boyd. Lake C. (W SI.
Gardner. Tenn.—Howard, Lucus K. (XX 8).
Arlington. Tenn.—Pope, Corp. Fred A. (W).
Dyersburg, Tenn. —Palmer, Jasper O. (XX' 8).
Knoxville, Tenn.—Larue, Corp. L. L. (XX ’.
Newport, Tenn.—XVillianis, Corp. Alf J. (fi’).
Monroe. Tenn.—Smith, Alonzo K. (K).
Jackson. Tenn. —Morrow, Charlie W (D XV).
McMinnville. Tenn.—Carter, Hugh (D D).
Primm. Tenn.—Daniels. Charlie P. (W).
Murfreesboro, Tenn.—Hooper, Lt. Howard (XV).
Jamestown, Tenn.^ —Rich, Herbert C. (XX').
Elmwood, Tenn.—McCarver, Willie (W).
Buffalo Valley, Tenn.—Moss, John (fi T ).
Buffalo, Tenn.—Mayberry, Pete (K).
Memphis, Tenn.—Connell, John L. (fi 8).
Lexington. Tenn.—Buck. Homer (K).
Cumberland City. Tenn. —Gillahau. Sgt. F. A.
Merina. Tenn. —Massey. Horace <K).
Chatton, Tenn.—Lanier, John C. (W).
Bristol, Tenn.—King, Lt. Saluel L„ Jr. (W).
Meredenville, Tenn. —Holcombe. Bryan (fi’).
Hennings, Tenn. —Hirt, Horace (D D).
South Pittsburg. Tenn.—Robinson, C. I. (W S)
Cottonwood, Tenn Upchurch, Herbert (K).
Trenton, Tenn.—Hannah, Burton R. (D Dl.
Fftvetteville. Tenn.—McCullough. W. W. (D W).
South Pittsburg, Tenn. —Gilbreath. A. <D D).
Christiana, Tenn.—Delk. George W. tW).
Knoxville, Tenn. —Langford, Meeh. J. A. (K).
Flintville, Tenn.—Cunningham, Wilsie P. (K).
Newbern, Tenn.—Mulbcrln, John 11. <K).
Memphis. Tenn. —Yancy. Bertram B. (KK
Bethel Springs, Tenn. —Moore. Corp. E. 11. (K)-
Hartford, Tenn.—Johnson. Sgt. Robert (D W).
Charlotte. Tenn.—Pack, Phillip (D 1)).
Manchester, Tenn.—Farrar, Clarence (D D).
Silver Point, Tenn.—Maxwell. Olive R. (XV).
XVluchester, Tenn.—XVllsOn, David L. (KI.
Covington, Tenn.—Dyson. Corp. R. (D D).
Benrdon. Tenn. —Evan?, Sgt. A. G. (D D).
Adams, Tenn. —Gill, Corp. Hu&h B. (W S).
Maryville. Tenn. —Love, Fred D. (D D).
i Trenton. Tenn.—Hudson. Hal L. (D D).
Signal Slountain, Tenn. —Hicks, John D. (D D).
Cedar Hill. Tenn.—Elliott, R. H. (D W).
Troy, Tenn.—Calhoun, Gus B. (D D).
Clarkesville, Tenn.—Dumlop, Dallas (D D).
Bloomington Springs, Tenn.—Ferrell, H. 1. (W).
Pethpage, Tenn.—Perry, James L. (W).
Iron City, Tenn.—Hollis. Joseph J. (JV).
Treadway, Tenn.—Helton, John 8. (fi’).
Lenoir City, Tenn.—Sexton. Pharley G. (W S).
Farmville. Va.—Holmes, Cook Jesse (K).
Harrisonburg. Va.—Uion, Herbert W. (K).
Culpepper, Va.—Brown, Shirley (D D).
Markham. Va.—Diggs. Edward (D D).
Independence, Va.—James, Corp. XX, H. (W S),
Waynesboro, Va —Meeks. George R. (fi 8).
Naulakla. Va.—Carter, Clary (XV 8).
Wilder, Va.—Kiser, Dell (W).
Stnunton. Va.—Yancey, Lt. William B. (W).
Clifton Forge, Vn.—Ayres. Corp. H. P. (W).
Ringgold. Va.—Myers, Western B. (D D).
Waynesboro, X’a.—Bropks, Henry M. (W “).
Plains. Va.—Cray, Mason (W).
Castlewood. Va.—Lasley, George C. (W).
Gate City, Va.—Reed, Clarence D. (W).
Richmond. Va.—Bowling, Charles E. (W).
Shelby. Va.—Spottswood. McDowell (D D).
Scottsvile, X’a.—Carter, Thomas (D D).
Alexandria, Va.—Vaughn, Claud B. (K).
Murphy, Va.—Hargis, Harmon <D D).
Hurt, Va. —Lanier. Norman XV. (W).
Suffolk, Va.—XValton, Edward B. (D D).
Richmond, Va.—Ashbrook, Clarence F. (W).
Dayton, Va.—Mtimaw, John F. (W).
Ollie, Va.—Tyree, Earl H. (D XV).
Gate City, Va.—Hash, Sgt. Clyde T. (W).
Red Oak. Va.—Jones. Robert F. (XV).
Richmond, Va. —Hancock, Gordon M. (W),
'Aspen. Va. —Harper. George W. (W).
McCready. Va.—Sweeney. Frank (D D).
Ilngan, Va. —Wliitt, Lee H. (M).
Woodlawn. Va.—XJliito, Clarence E. (M).
Bumpass. Va. —Ward. Corp. Oliver E. (K).
Charlottesville, Va.—Glass. Corp. Wesley L. (K)
Leesville. Va.—Lucas. Buglsg Andrew J. (K).
Brookneal. Va.—Carey, Lacy T. (K).
XVillow, Va.—Davis, Fletcher M. (R D).
Bowling Green, Vn.—Myers, Conway O. (D D).
Orange, Va. —Northrope, Edward D. (D D).
Gum Fork. Va.—Booker. Corp- George D. (W).
Roanoke, Va.—Poindexter, Corp. John (W).
<XV’E ,
Waugh, Va.—Campbell. Cary L. (XV).
Ettricks, Va.—lnge, William J. (W).
Cummings, Va. —Stewart. James M. (K).
Richmond, X'a. —Penny, William L, (D W).
Mattox, Va.—Woodson, Samuel (I) D).
Randolph, Va. —Seymour. Arthur (D I>).
Watauga. Va.—Herron. Harvey R. (D D).
Beaver Dnm. Va.—Tribble. Corp. 0. T. (D D).
Suffolk. Va.—Lee, Willie L. (D A).
Hopewell. Va.—Varner, Wayne (D W).
XVnrrenton, Va.—Moore, Samuel (D W).
Bumpay. Va.—Boggs, Byrd W. (D W).
Louisa. X’a. —Massie. John F. (D XX’).
Goshen. Va.—Sturges, Frank S. (W).
Norfolk. Va —Richardson. Llewellyn 8. (W).
a "As a laxatwe, and for stomach trouble, Dr. a
A Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is a wonderful ■
| remedy. I suffered greatly from indigestion M
and found relief after using one bottle.” V
\ (From a letter to Dr. Caldxvell written by ■
\ Cecil Fitzgerald, 829 14th St., Parkersburg, ■
\ .W.Vaj |
i I i- F
Constipation is a condition that should
never be neglected. The eliminative process
is an essential factor in digestion and on its
proper functioning depends the welfare of the
entire system. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin
relieves constipation without griping or other
i discomfort.
Syrup Pepsin
. The Perfect Laxative
Sold by Druggists Everywhere
50 as. (%:,) SI.OO
What Is Nuxated Iron?
Physician Explains—Says Public Ought To Know What They
Are Taking—Practical Advice on What To Do To
Build Up Your Strength, Power and Endurance and
Increase the Red Blood Corpuscles.
The fact that Nuxated Iron is today be
ing used by over three million people an
nually and that so many physicians are pre
scribing it as a tonic, strength and blood
builder in weak, nervous, run-down condi
tions has led to an investigation of its
merits by designated physicians and others
whose reports should be of great importance
to the public generally. Among these is the
statement made by Dr. James Francis Sul
livan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hos
pital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and
Westchester County Hospital, who says:
*'When one patient after another began ask
ing my opinion of Nuxated Iron, I resolved
to go thoroughly into the subject and find
cut for myself whether or not it possessed
the real value claimed by its manufacturers
and attested to by so many prominent peo
ple. This is exactly what. I believe every
honest, conscientious physician should do
before prescribing or lending his endorse
ment to any product whatsoever. If an ar
ticle is worthless we practitioners ought to
be the first to know of it and if it is effi
cacious we are in duty bound to recommend
it for the welfare of our patients. A study
of the composition of the Nuxated Iron
formula so impressed me with the therapeu
tic efficacy of the product that I imme
diately tested it in a number of obstinate
cases. So quickly did it increase the strength
energy and endurance of the patients to whom
it was administered that I became firmly con
vinced of its remarkable value as a tonic
and blood builder. 1 hate since taken it
POWERFUL AIR RIFLE parte of thobert^r■_
of (tool. Sheatockia finely polished walnut. Shoot* email fame. Power. % -J
tut. aeearate, darable. Yon oan have thia air rifle for dirtributiny only 8 of onr faat \ ' .../
eelHnc art ficturee at 26 cente on our (peelal offer. Everybody will tako one. . .1
IT COSTS YOU WOTHINOtotry. Mwetek. bjek thowy.ucwafUapowof i
Band bo BMtey. jut roar uaaie aad adfireea. Me O. SEiTZ* 10 D. 70 CHICAGO*
(C'JUtlaurd from Pafe One)
Sedan, where, on September 1, i6<l, the (
decisive .•battle of the Franco-Prussian ~
war was fought and Napoleon ill was
taken prisoner by the Germans.
Gmr.aa EmUsarien on Vay |
While the military forces of the al
lies have thus been virtually crushing [
the last vestige of enemy resistance In
eastern France, German emissaries
have been rushing from Berlin toward
the battle front to meet Marshal Fcch
and receive at his hands the conditions
upon which the allied nations will agree
to a cessatlo not hostilities.
The German plenipotentiaries crossed
the battle front last night and were
to meet the commander-in-chief of the
entente legions at dawn this morning.
The approach of the German commis
sion, however, did not bring about any
abatement in the pressure against tne
enemy. Everywhere along the front the
converging forces of the allies seemed
rather to increase the wight of their
sledge hammer blows and the past day
it seems has brought confirmation oi
the statement made a few days ago
that the contending armies were locked
in a battle which promises »to be deci
si V€.
Sailors on the German fleet at Kiel t
are reported to have mutinied and have ,
seized the battleships Kaiser and i
Schleswig-Holstein. There has been j
serous fighting and several officers
have been killed. The sailors are un
derstood to be still in control of the
two ships and it is reported they will
not surrender until a peace is ar
Cross Austro-Hungarian Idnez
Entente troops have crossed the Aus
tro-Hungarian lines at several points to
take the places of the troops of the
dual monarchy so that the latter can
be transported to their homes in groups.
This is he first actual step toward car
rying out the terms of the armistice be
tween the allies and Austria.
A critical situation has arisen between
Germany and Russia. Diplomatic rep
resentatives of both countries have
been recalled and it may be that hostili
ties will be resumed.
German socialists are demanding the
abdication of Emperor William. The
financial situation of the German em
pire is said by experts to be desperate
and that the breaking point is near.
So far as known Ghent has not yet
fallen, but the place is closely’ invested
by the allies and news that it has been
captured may be received at any time.
FRANCE. Nov. 7. (Noon.) —The first
army today speeded up its already swift
advance upon Sedan and is bearing down
rapidly upon the city, now only a few
kilometers distant.
American aviators report the Germans
are hurriedly retreating behind the city.
East of the Meuse, obesrvers declare
that at some points the enemy rethc
ment is practically a rout, great quan
tities of equipment and material being
The Americans made further progress
on the important heights behind Dur.-
sur-Meuse and gained the crest of Cote
St. Germain.
Nov. 6. —(Reuter’s.) —>«>rmal forest
has been thoroughly cleaned out by
British troops, but some few Germans
are still In Berlainmont, where they are
in danger of being cut off.
British forces are east of Porquerle
and are advancing toward Pont-sur-
Sambre. New Zealand troops are mov
ing along the road to Bavay and are
near Hargnies. ■
Up until last evening the Third Brit
ish army had counted 128 German offi- !
cers and 5,879 men taken prisoner since
Monday morning. Since that time, pris
oners have been coming back through
the lines. The Fourth army had taken
4.500 by last night, while the First army
had captured several thousand.
They captured Vurvaux. Fontaines
Charlottesville, X’a.—Harris. Walter E. -(W).
Standanlsvllle, Va.—Call. Wiliam D. (K).
Bidimoml, Va.—Klotze, Leonard S. (D W), pre
viously reported wounded, degree undeter
Norfolk. Va.—Holland, William E. (D D).
Randolph. Va. —Hatch, Robert (K).
myself with excellent results. There are
thousands of delicate, nervous, run-down
folks who need just su<h a preparation as
this but do not know what to take. There
fore I have urgently suggested the wide
spread publication of the sworn statement
of the composition of its formula so that
the public may know what they are taking.
Thia complete formula is now to be found
in newspapers throughout the country. It
is composed principally of organic iron in
the form of iron peptonate of a special spe
cific standard and glyccrophsophates which is
one of the most costly tonic ingredients
known. To the credit of the manufactur
ers it may be Said that they use the most
expensive form of iron peptonate, whereas
by employing other could, have
put the same quantity of actual iron in the
tablets at less than one-fourth the cost and
by using metallic iron they could have re
duced the cost to less than one-twelfth, but
by thus cheapening the product they would
undoubtedly hove impaired its therapeutic
efficacv. In my opinion a careful examina
tion of this formula by any physician, or
pharmacist should convince him that Nux
ated Iron is to be placed, among the very
highest class and most .strictly ethical prep
arations known to medical science. It ex
cels anything I have ever used for building
up the system and increasing the red blood
corpuscles thereby enriching and fortifying
the blood against the ravages of disease.
and Hill 284. which the Germans gave
up onlv after a severe struggle.
Machine guns continue the enter
weapon of fighting in the German e
- to hold the heights west of the
Meuse which have been in their posses
sion since 1914.
Several German Towns
Occupied By Czechs
AMSTERDAM. Nov. s.—Yhe Czech
national committee, with the aid of
Czech troops. Is disarming German-Aus
trian and Hungarian troops in the Czet*
towns of Bohemia and Moravia, accord,
ing to a dispatch from Prague to thf
Ijo’iai Anzeiger of Berlin. The Czech®
have occupied several German town®.
Try this! Your hair gets wavy,
glossy and abundant
at once
To be possessed of a head of heavy,
beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy,
wavy and free from dandruff is merci)
a matter of using a little Danderine.
It is easy and inexpensive to have
nice, soft hair and lots of it. Just
get a small bottle of Knowlton’s Dan
derine now for a few cents —all drug
stores recommend it —-apply a little as
directed and within ten minutes there
will be an appearince of abundance,
freshness, fluffiness and an incompar
able gloss and lustre, and try as you
will you cannot find a trace of dandruff
or falling hair; but your real surprise
will be after about two weeks’ use.
when you will see new hair—fine and
downy at first—yes—but really new
hair —sprouting out all over your scalp
—Danderine is, wo believe, the only sure
hair grower, destroyer of dandruff and
care for itchy s<» Ip and it never fails
to stop falling hair at once.
If you want to prove how pretty and
seft your han reallv is, moisten a cloth
with a little Danderine and carefully
draw it through your hair —taking one
small strand at a time. Your hair wiW
be soft, glossy and beautiful in just a
few moments—a delightful surprise
awaits everyone who tries this.
jfa - FOR
m Cold
ua Head
Spanish Influenza
Women’s Aches and Ills
Rheumatic and Sciatic Pains
Ask Your Druggist for A-K Tablets
Sold in Convenient Pocket Package®
, Small Size Dozen Size
lOc 25c
See Monogram on the Qenuin»
The Antlkamnla Remedy Company
St. Louie, Me.
They Used to Call Him Grandpa; Now
They Call Him Kid.
Tells How He Did It.
Mr. J. A. McCrea, a well known resi
dent of San Francisco, who was called
Daddy and Grandpa on account Os hi*
white hair, and who darkened it with a
simple home-made mix tire, recently
made th» following statement:
“Anyone can prepare a simple mix
ture at home, at very little cost, tnat
will darken gray hair, and make it
soft and glossy. To a half pint o’
water add 1 ounce of bay rum, a small
box of Barbo Compound and 1-4 ounce
of glycerine. These i.igrediints can be
bought at any drug store at very lit
tle cost. Applj 1j the La;r twico a
week until the desired shade is obtain
ed. This is -iota dye. it does not
color the most delicate scalp. 1s not
sticky or greasy Jtnd does not rub off.
My friends now call me ‘Kid.’ ’’
—(Advt U
gito BOLL p
nd TZ iCT EtAR 11 CC
Dig, bean- I
tiful doll
with love- NL
pin k f
c h e e k s,
blue j£*'
blip*. ZXf k/yt
' blond g 2T J ■6A J
head, IS fl BSJ jU*
p r e t t yHVKyjnif
Lat an<l II ■ MGi ■■
i’rs wMff
s t ock- Ckl gwj
in g s LJ frSf
>tt. With her we give
t fine Teddy Bear in
Vain* suit the pret
and funniest Teddy
Bear ever given away. XVe give Doll and
Teddy Bear, the two together, for selling 30
Jewelrv Novelties nt lUr each. Write tfday.
East Borton. Mass.
To You .
An astonishing offer. Seize it quickly. MUSIC
WITHOUT NOTES! A sensational success Over
800.0 0 people now piny piano by this wonderful
new EASY FORM MUSIC; even yonngchildren
learn quickly. Here Is your opportunity. Don’t
miss 1L
! im-i One Hour
Simple asa-b-c. No teacher required. No
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I sent FREE on trial, contains ONi. 'UNDRED
at the world's must famous voca> and Instru
ment a (elections printed m EASY FORM
MUSIC Send no money
It you don t liarn in five dajatoplay no* merely
rn- but ULVEItAL popular pieces send it back:no
nligatio.ns whatsoever. Or. if youwirhtokeeptha
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half price < ffer t<» those who wr.tcatonce. ho extra
chargee of any kin 4. Complete course of easy in.
S’ -actions free Witn the book. Be_sure to tell us
h ■« many shite keys on jour piano or organ.
I Send a postal NOXV.
I EAST METHOD MUSIC CO., 398 ClirksMMfl..Cl>iMC>ja,