Atlanta semi-weekly journal. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1898-1920, December 13, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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if Jhi r$ Hrs i Br I MLUJi
SrS I - ** =
® jHih ./ -J Honest Grading Most Important -LTHf I
kJ 7 The question of full value to fur shippers for their furs depends more on the grade than on the wl •11
ffl * r <in*'iilW prices which are quoted in price lists. — aH* B
B vypßß|l\ < All fut houses sending out price lists specify that the prices which they quote are based on their
■ K Ih' ‘ own B radin ß- This ? ives them £ reat leewa y in taking up your furs, and if they are not reliable, WwlMl Wffll S
B' u .. -j®Lj§S| they can grade your furs to fit their prices. ’
There have been more ‘-wildcat” price lists issued this year than ever before, and as a conse-
quence there have been many bitter disappointments for fur shippers in the grading which they ’‘O
S U received from such houses. Misleading fur shippers by “over-quoting” the market and then slashing JWiill
V the grade to make up the difference must be stopped, and the Abraham Fur Co. proposes to ex- ■ JL
pose all such unfair business methods.
S - The prices which we quote honestly reflect actual market value of furs and are based on a fair C, \B
standard of grading, and while these prices are considerably lower than prices sent out by some
of the “ Hi & h ’Q uoters ” our returns in actual cold cash win be niore in Iline cases out of ten -
“ Trappers and fur shippers can soon stop these “wildcat” tactics by patronizing only reliable \?~ "
5 houses and posting their neighbors and fellow-trappers when they get “stung” by some of these
» high-quoters. B
■c W; Abraham Fur Co. guarantees the grade as well as the price and satisfactory returns are assured
to all fur shippers that send us their furs.
I I Have You I Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina Furs I nt I I
Nnticpd? i .—” —— 1 — —r *our rurs I
I - = We are in the market i
That the fur houses = ■ ■ — i I i Scrape all fat off - , , . -
£ which had the market I f choice average [ choice average choice avebage choice average choice average green £ ins | for your furs every day |
I i’Xlr'xoTemur rt« ! Bl,d ‘ $8 00 to 6.50 $6.25 to 5.50 $5.25 to 4.50 $4.25 to 3.50 $4.00 to 1.50 | |
? lists have “sneaked out” j SKUNK Short 6.50 to 5.50 5.25 to 4.50 4.25 to 3.50 3.25 to 2.50 3.00 to 1.00 cause your skins to I= p o W h eneTer vou i lave
Narrow 4.75 to 4.00 3.75 to 3.00 2.75 to 2.00 2.00 to 1.50 2.50 to .75 «uK J," I «»r <«- '«• ««. o„r I g
2.75 to 2.00 2.00 to 1.50 1.50 to 1.00 1.00 to .75 1.00 to .25 I ™ - n„t i ■
I not MV „n. rori .bout | - ' ■====== ================================= J grow „ o , er nI ht llk , 1
gCT . I 16. market belne lower = No. 1 EX. LARGE No. 1 LARGE No. 1 MEDIUM No 1 SMALL No. 2 : No 3 No 4 = a DlUßhroon) but was i K
: in their reading matter? | : 1 ' i . a a . i RSI
In fact, they talked = choice average! choice average choice average) choice average choice average ~ ounaea many years ago |
i the Market cp .nd i OPOSSUM $2.60 to 2.00, $1.90 to 1.50 $1.40 to 1.00 SO.BO to .50 SO.BO to .30 $0.15 $0.05 ! i S
i a kind of Higher but j
Ito get his furs camou- j IKALCUUm Ordinary 5.75 to 5.00 4.75 to 4.00 3.75 to 3.00 2.75 to 2.00 2.50 to 1.50 ’75 *3O | business methods. 3 fO&l
i „ i I = We have built up an = ■■
BS 2 dage that surpasses any- j . ; r s . =
| thing onu kind we ever j Dark 'H.00t09.00 8.50 to 7.25 6.50 to 5.50 4.75 to 4.00 5.00 to 3.50 1.50 .40 S
going to let them get miCTR. Ordinary 9.00 to 7.50 7.00 to 6.00 5.25 to 4.50 3.75 to 3.00 3.75 to 2.50 1.00 .251 = knows how to prepare | Bfel
: away with this kind of | ~~—' ■■ ~ - - ■■ ■■ .. , ~ = furs for t’te manufac- s MB
ptuff? W. don’t think I XT al !• 1T- T? S
i Ampere the Abraham j or t n Lar olma an d 1 ennessee r urs p
= Fur Co. December price 5 5 knows more about furs tiBR
i list with these other = j ~ -•• ~ e and the fur bus j negg =
i price lists and see Which i 1 EXTRA LARGE LARGE MEDIUM I SMALL UNFRLME IMPORTANT! | than any other fur or- f
: = ;iI t: ganization in the united :
gat one strikes you as be- ? | “———————j Scrape aU fat off j States, and this is the = fIBB
: lug on the square. We choice average choice average choice average choice average choice average green skins before = big reason why we can =
I Bl,ck S B -00 to 6.50 $6.50 to 5.75 $5.75 to 4.75 $4.75 to 4.00 $3.00 to 1.00 ! S
| n’V’e mTrui"ralnVlnd ! SKUNK 6.50 to 5.50 5.25 to 4.50 4.50 to 3.75 3.75 to 3.00 2.50 to .75 rt’nTZ I er‘ e year y a irs rt an af in |
J Zords ol in on? I N,rrow 5.50 to 4.25 4.00 to 3.251 3.00 to 2.50 2.50 to 2.00 2.00 to .50 transit If this Is not | I Most of on compel!- |
I lmi““w“ a tn? i Broa<l 3.00 to 2.25 2.25 to 1.75 1.75 to 1.25 1.25 to 1.00 .75 to .25 skins during warm | | scalpers” who take the i
y. 3 i only house that told fur j i weather. j furs of many fur ship- | gg,
j shippers the truth about = . - ~ ■ ..v~~ —— _Z"j I pers, t.irov.-them in one =
BBS = the fur market. ? I choice average choice average choice average choice average choice average - 2 pile and sell them on =
i I OPOSSUM $2.60 to 2.00 $1.90 to 1.50 SL4O to 1.00 SO.BO to .50 SO.BO to .30 s°- 15 *o.oo j J
£ j SWfitfS: | D A f.. v 7.25 to 6.00 5.75 to 5.00 4.50 to 3.75 3.25 to 2.75' 3.00 to 2.25 1.25 -50 | S
1 rtw’uJm to T °b? A°«- I RACCOON Ordinnry 5.75 to 5.00 4.75 to 4.00 3.75 to 3.00 2.75 to 2.00 2.50 to 1.50 .75 «30 I'Sm me ba g -tors gU
S I X FU t?
MUSKRAT I 2.60 to 2.10 1.90t01.60 1.40 to 1.00 .80 to .60 1.00 to .60 -30 K?‘p>^ j
E for every skin shipped a . ' = and figures the doubt in =
2to all times. We / • f f own favor. This 5 BB
I ?o n F!t‘'m s . s Pri«.” r ??J i Don’t hold furs —prices are too high for speculation —ship every piece of fur you | I
OB lif we can’t get your bust- t=> 17 A ‘ f 11 pr l < L e « # th r next = ■»'
i will have to get along J have on hand to Abraham Fur Co. at once, and keep your shipments coming forward i VS: j
! I m small lots as fast as they are ready for market. J | S
S I I An Abraham Tag on your next bundle of furs means that you will get the i | g
g i I benefit of the most liberal grading known to North American fur shippers, and that the j 3
■ j I net cash proceeds for your furs will be greater than you can get from any other Fur j |
I | !s House in the United States. • a
S I sB I W e want urs ’ n any quantity —Large Shipments —Small Shipments. All will | I |
7® I * >r °" lc ' l, _J have our best attention and All are guaranteed satisfactory returns in Dollars and Cents. J H
Don’t overlook this opportunity. Cash in your fur profits Right Now. Prices
not b e any Higher. They may be consid- ———.
/f k/ThlZahrSiin Flip CZkx erably Lower in the near future. / kA I?PJaIIB FOP»
if We have ready sale for every kind of furs T“ r ji
t .Lvais,asJl. now and this is a good time to sell.
, f >T '"| Come On With Your Furs!
V— !•• I"- -