Newspaper Page Text
VOL. IV—NO. 24.
The ’Georgia Pioneer,
i} y
S. M. HOOD & CO.
. No subscription taken for less,than a
year,and no paper discontinued till al|
dues are paid, except at the optionor
the Publishers.
Prates of Advertising
For Letters of Citation,
“ Lettters of Dismission, 450
? Notice to Debtors <V Cieditors, 3 25
Four Months Notice, 4 00
Estrays,;vach, 1 50
. Sales of Personal Property by Exec
utors, Administrators or Guardians,
pet square,- , . 3 25
Land or Negroes by do. p. 3. 475
ADFE R TIS EM EN J'S conspicitoifs
ly inserted al one dollar per square, or
less, for the first insertion, and fifty
cents for every subsequent continuance.
Those sent without a specification of the
.number of insertion?, will be published
until ordered out,and charged accordingly
Monthly Advertisements will be charg
ed one dollar per square, for each inser
tion. ■
f&Tstteis an Jftisiness, must be tost
paid, to entitle them to attention. .
Clerks of Court, will be allowed
the. usual deduction.
Business Directory.
Professional Patrons of the Georgia Pi
oneer, in Cassville, .
Physician— Perry IF. Gideon. .1
- yers--Allen Dyer, Augustus R.
Wright, Under-wood V Irwin, IF. Akin,
Pethune &/• Russell.
Merchants — Russell Alexander, R.
11. Patton,.John C. Hurnetl, S. Morgan,
Brown, Dyer.
Confectioner —.V. .A. Welch.
Globe Hotel— Brown Dqer. - j
State Rights’ Hotel— John Dawson. .
Saddler-J. Dunbip. t<
. Carriage & AV agon-maker— Wm,
He ad den. .
. Carriage & Cabinet Maker— Henry '
Hateley. 1
Cabinet Makers — G. G. Youngblood. ;
House Carpenters — William Syier,
Wm. D.-Hassell, Wm. 11. II ilson.
Wheel-right —Elis hi I Frig hl.
Tin Plate Worker. —J. G. '
Black Smiths— William Thompson,
S. Johnson. • ...
Gun & Black-Smiths Budget «V‘
Slew art.
Boot &, Shoe Makers-L. Gooduin,.
Hiram Overby.
Tanners — Joseph Bogle, John, IF.
CAN WERT-—Paulding County,
■i Nierc.'naiA—James Cleghorn.
Cedar Town — Lawyer— T. Walthall.
LA FAYETTE, walker ('ocmy, ga.
Lawyers — R. M. Aycock, Charles J.
MARJETTA Cobb County. - ,
Lawyers —G. D. Rice, IL R. Fool, j
Jas. Milner, Underwood & Irwin.
Merchant — H. A. Fraser, IF. Harris
Lawyers— Underwood Hunks.
Tail )r — W. J. Cantrell.
CAN I ON: — Cherokee County.
Lawyer— Wni. Daniel.
Social Hill— Merchant — R. Jones.
To which will be added, from lime to
ime, such as may authorize us to do so,
by placing their names on our Subscrip
tion Lisi.
lav; or Georgia
AN ACT to nrovide tor the calTof a
pnpvention tp yeduce the nuipber
pf the General Assembly of the State
of Georgia, and for other purposes
therein named.
Sec. 1. enacted by the Senate
gnd House of Ripresentalites of the Slate
of Georgia in General Assembly met,and.
it is hereby enacted by the authority of
the sumef 'VWnt. the first Monday in
April,eighteen hundred and thinty nine
I e, and the same, is hereby designated
and set apart .as the day on which (he
citizens of Georgia,;qualified to vote
for members of the Legislature, shall,
at the places prescribed by law for
h'dding such elections, vote for the
delegates rr pr< 'ent them in conven
(i;»n,i-i number t qual to tln ir represen
tation Hi both branches of the General
AjseirJ-'', according lo (he last reusu-;
frvU.i c;.xi ui) to be conducted, manag-
The Georgia Pioneer.
bed and certified under the laws
as are of force in respect to elections
of members of the General Assembly.
Sec 2. And be it further enacted
That it shall be (lie duty of such mana
gers to transmit lothis Excellency the?
Governor, the result of said elections
Under the laws now of foice conduct
ing, ttiahaging and certifying elections
of me mbers of the General .Assembly,
as aforesaid, within ten days-after shell
election; whereupon it is made the
duty of his Excellency the Governor,
to issue his Proclamation declai ing the
, result of such election,by noticing (fie
individuals severally elected to repre
sent the good people of Georgia,in con
vention, as contemplated by this Act.
Sec 3. And be itfurther enacted. That
[eveiy citizen of the United States shall
be eligible to a seat in convention,
{who has attained the age of twenty five
years, and been an inhabitant of this
State three years,immediately proceed-;
ing the day of. election, and who shall
have resided one year in the county
lor which he sh ill be ejected. ' I
Sec 4~ it further enacted That
each member returned as duly elected
shall, previ jus to taking his seat in said
convention, take the following Oath or
anii mation, viz: I do solemnly swear
that I will not attempt, to add to or
take from the Constitution, or attempt
to change or alter any other section,
clause, or article of the Constitution of
the State of other than those
touching the representation in the
General Assembly (hereof, and that I
have been 1 citizen of (Ins Stale for
the last three years, so help me God.
And any person elected -to a real in
said convention, who -shah refuse to
take tiie oath aforesaid, sail not he al
lowed to take his seat in said conven
tion. .. r . a
1 Sec. 5. And led h'nPhergnacled,
; I hat the m .-inliers ot said Convention
shall assemble on the first Monday in
-May ,a.|Jer their election al iVJ.ilJedgi ville
in the Representative Chamber of the
State Home, for the purpose of enter
ing upo . and cousurnaf iug (he gieat
objects of their ermiention to wit?
reduction and equal r on of.ltie Goney
,al A-sst Dibly • shall have power toque
scrib.e their own rules and forms of
business; and to determine on (lie
qualifications q( lk(,‘ir own .members;
< lect necessary i Auers ai d make hll
orders w hich they may derm conducive
lothe fmtherance of the object for
which sucn Convention shall assemble.
S'C 6 And be it further enacted That
it shall be the duty of his Exeellenc)
rhe Governor, to give publicit) to the
tlteiations and amendments made in
the constitution in reference to (he re
duction of the number of members
composing the General AssemhJ) : ;m<J
the first Monday in October ncx’, r-r'rt’r
the rising of said Convention, he shall,
fix on for the ratification,l.v t' e pcoplel
of such amendments,alterations, or new
articles, as they may make so& the oh,
jects of reduction and equaliz ition of
the General Assembly only ; and if rati
fied by a majority of the voters who
[vote on the question of ‘‘Ratification’?
jor‘v?o Ratification,” then and in flint
event of thc'nlteralions so by them
madij and. ratified,shall be'liiirding on'
the people of 1 his State, and not other-,
Sec 7. And be it further enacted, Tlmt
it shall he a fundamental article in tbfe
formation or amendments of the con- |
vention, tbnW. each county of tiie Slate 1
now organized or laid out, or which
may hereafter be created by law shall
be entitled to at least cne Representa-{
live in the Representative branch ofj
:tire. ,GeiiQral Assembly'. J'ljfe Senate
shall be compobed'offorfv-ijx members!
bmy, from forty Senatorial Dis-trictsJ
composed of two contiguous counties;
and in the event of the creation of any '
new county, it shall be added .to some[
contiguous- Senatorial D s.ricl, and
that the said convention shall not dis
turb the Federal basis, in appoi tinning
fhejepresentat-ioii in thje .General As
sembly of the State of Georgia.
Sec 8 And be it further cvacica. Tha*
so soop as this Act shd! havx passed,
hi; Excellency the Governoi he, and
he is hereby required to cause it to be
published in the Gazettes of (his Slate
once a wqek until thp day fixpd on by
this art (or. (he election q£ Delegates
to said convention; as well as the num
er to which each county shall be en
■itled in said convention, according to
the appoi tio;,merit of members of the
General Assembly, to be made under
he late census, taken and returned
luring tb.e present year.
I Si c 9 And be further enacted t Tha‘
the Delegates to convention be
paid at and after the same fates that
the members of the General Assembly
now receive; and that, his Excellency
the Governoi be requested to draw hifi
Warya-nt oh the Treas urei for the same
out of any money not < flierwise ap, ro
priated; and all laws and parts la ws'
militating against this act, be, an the
same are hereby repealed.
Speaker fcjf the H. of Representatives.
President of the
to 26-h peCcmUe.’ 183$.
u .. TABLE |
Showing the R< presentai ><-,n of the several (
CoimZzcs ojtjus btau by he late Act of
Apportionment, -
Appling, ,;1 £ Laurens, 2;
Baker, 1 Lee, 1 1
Baldwin, .2 £ Liberty, 2
Bibb, 3 ;« Lincoln, 2
Bryan, 1 e LoWtides; S
I Bulloch, 1 r Lumpkin, 2
43urke, 3 * Macon, 2,
Butts, 2 ' Madison, 2
Camden, 2 > Marion, '2 1
Campbell, 2 5 Mclntosh, 2
Cirroll, 2 j Meriwether, 3 !
Gass, ’-h 2 j Mmroe 4
Chatham, 4 J Montgomery L
Cherokee, 2 j Morgan 3
Clark, 3 j Murray,' 2
Cobb, 2 £ Muscogee, 4’
Columbia, 3 j Newton, 3’
emveta, -3 . Oglbthhlpe, o|
Crawford, 2 $ Paulding, I
Dade, 1 '> Pike, 3
Decatur; 2 ' Pulaski, 2
<■). Kalb, 3 i Pul-iiain, 3
Dooly 2 > Rabun, j
2 J Randolph; 2
Effingham, ] Richmond, 3 :
Elbert, 3 ? Scnven, 3
Emanuel, 1 j Steward o.'
Fayette, 2 j Sumter., o,
Floyd, 2 s Talhot,
'Forsjth, 2 5 Taliaferro, 2
biank’in, 3 Taitneli 1 1
Garner, 1 ? Tciimr, jl
Giy r -«X<l» 1 ~r» I
Gieenv, - *’3 :$
Gwinnett, 3 ? Twiggy 2'
Habersham, 3 £ Uniom ] ,
Hall, 3 $ 3 ,
Jlqncock, 3 J II ilker, 2 '
Iteirts, 3 j fFalion, 3
Hear-4, 2 j Karren, 3 :
Henry, 3 j fPney. j I
Houston, 3 « Washington, 3
Irwin, 4 5 fParne, {
Jackin’, 2 J K’ ( lk 3
Jasper, 3 » Wilkinson, . 2i-
J. If-r-on, 2 I -
Jones, 3 ' Total, 207 j
Terms annum, payable, m
advance, 0r, 50 if not’piid, with
in three months ; 2,00 will be
charged, i f not paid be
fore the. end of the
. ; year. 1
h THIS period cal will tbhfain a large
variety of original and well selected
i 1 ales, Essays, Historical Sket(-hes. f
I Anecdoles, Poetry, Memories of dis
tinguished individuals, and Literature
in general; ]
I The object of the publisher is,to con
centrate in this work that which is use- 1
ful and entertaining; and tocollert,
ifrom the great mass of publication in
structive-arid pleasing matteri
| Each-;nbm,hef will contain a fine wood '
I Engraving, illustrative of some particG
• ular passage. ’
| The Amaranth will b? published ev
ery’other Saturday, on fii e whit.e pa
mper, neatly done up in a cover; and
to city . Subscribers on the dav
of and -mailed to coun
try Subscribers in a strong wrapper. |
1 Persons remitting free dollars will be
entitled to a fifth copy gratis. '
(te”AIl letters, directed to (he pub-,
!• fisher, Joseph Torr, 274 Market street
, Philadelphia must be post paid. {
I ’! 0O“Post Masters and others are re-
- quested to act as agents.' ’ *
: : -Agepts allowed 25 cents f','
- each subscriber obtained.
John XV *l, Uiiderwood,
Janes A. R. Hanks,
1 Attornics nt Law,
Murray County Ga
. January 9, IB3y. ts
HAVING been appointed Sherif
of the county of Murray, to fi]j
the vacancy occasioned by the resigna
fion of Stephen Jones, E?q., the formei
Sheriff, my -advertisements will be
made in Uie Georgia Pioneer, at Cass
N. B.‘ Letters addressed to me as
Sheriff, must be post paid, to receive
March 6,1839. 29 3t
thp hlh «n<l Iftth of
1J February, A COMMON CALF
SKIN POCKE'f BOOK, with the
name of the subscriber written upon
the ingide of the book. The book con
tained, when lost, a-number of small
iNotes, the most of which were ma e
payable to William H. Johnston; and
{some made payable to the subscribe),
and also a two dollar bank no(e oh the
Farmer’s Bank of Chattahoochee- al
so, a Power of Attorney executed to
the subscriber from Jesse Harris of
Cobb county. •-. <’
I The,creditors therefore, of William
Fl. Johnston, are hereby notified not to
pay their notes to any person other
! than myself, and those who were in
debted to me by note, are hereby noti
fied not top'or the same 10 any other
! person than mys Hf. 1 believe that I
Lsi the book between Cassville and
~l'Oug s 1- erry,on the Etow'ah river, and
i?( lieve that if. must have come to the
hands of some person before this tim r
P o if T R Y .
, Ao. 2.
Ju.ikivo ofca - licst youth, Parental cares
Guard protect us from delusive snares.
>p. V P e >’S<asion or by gen tie-force,
-noir fervent zeal directs our infant
, I heir watchful minds, intent on us alonu,
Pursue on 1 good but think not oflheirown;
! Xor then- exaessive. toil, nor covet case;
J o coiirfoi-t us, is but themselves to please:
And as the of her brood,
Al l tiieirime (oocl,
►So in ourseKts a second self they see,
More dear to them than real seif can Ik?.
Gras the shelPring trees in yonder/field,
J o plants beneath a Jdnd. p rot Potion yield,
I hey stand, ’t.wiyt iis and life's appalling
fears, * I
That grow upon ua as we grow in years—
Reply to all our culls, as echoes to our
Weep when wo weep, rejoice we
. But wheii these Parers a- u d their need
ful aid, i;
Low in the tomb shall be untimely laid;
YA hen wo, yet strangers to th’ inclement
world, .(.►
On its rough stage shall be abruptly hurl’d,l
.1 o sbek those comforts, which, unsought
before, ■ -
So freely flowed from a parental store;
When scattered fragments of a hroketi'
home, V., : s
Jn unknown we’re dooined
? i.ytw loam; . ►
AV Imre doubtful friends shall keep us if.
suspense, ?..•
Now whom to trust, r.ow whom to give,
When anxious scenes of sorrow, st.rm< r e
and new> > ~
Shall rise successive to successive view
Whose hand shall minister to our relief?
Assuage blip wo< s or mitigate our grief?,
in wearied age, when youth’s fair sum
mei’s fl-jd, ’ . ; .
Who’ll hp ar our plaints, or tears of pitv
“shed? . . a
Through good and ill who’ll be a co’astunt
And o’er our midnight sorrow's lowly bencV
blest-genius urcTTpivted" days,
XVho lives immortal immortal lays,
Wfipae altar once .hy Cupid’s nuptial laws,
Utf(Jed \ irtur t o a virtuous cause,
vv-n GS v ' or *hy consort, timely got,
'' l - prove a blessing to the mortal lot.”
1 Canton. Ga. IL 11. WATFAIS.
|- Army Movement.—The company o (
U- S. Artillery wliieh bus been slation
|ed at this post for some tim*' ] )as
beep withdrawn. It l<-< aboul ' 3 p. M
hr I,’trolata, nnder-;. le con)m . ln(! cf Ll
|9 i RIEN ’j - - '.X,press anived at 2o’
I 1 y an ll J? supposed brought or
i t ' cic ' igi tls immediate departure. The
' Luuse of its sudden movement we havt
!not learned.— St. Augustine Herald li!
ti> 1 f -
The house of James Riz, Esq., neat
Pico|ata,was burnt to the ground abba
two weeks since. It is supposed (ha
it was fired by Indians, as, after thr
most critical 1 x imirtalion, there wm
nd evidence thut ;;ny persons had beer
there for some days previous,— tb.
WHL'LE NO. 110.
U - S - TROGrs --~- r ’‘hc Lillie JLik
jAik. j imi-H nl the Cnfi uh. mciitio; s
l '| the arrival tlieio r.f (he steimbm
Bee, with LJ.I <<- i.-lieis, rt r ! t; <•
4ih fu tn T< ■ '
see to garrison Feit (►'ib.-rm,' in place
of(lie'7(h Regiment, which is cider
p cd to Florida.
ifiom the N. O. Picayune Qthinst.
Seventh Regiment,;U. S. Infantry.
I his vetcian regiment is now in
our city on its - ?0 Florida. For
the last livci, • years it has been
'-4 ■’xvr.rrrAirer, ttxt’TT’ i.’.'.Ji 3 ’-
been informed by a gentleman at
-1 inched, that some of the officers
_ fia^e,never left that wild region dur-
I iitg the.whole time and buve never
ieven seen a rail road or canal. This
► egiment was with Gen. Jackson
When he pul an end to the old Sem
’linole war and we sincerely hope it.
y may be iosiriiircntal in bringing a
) bout the result on this campaign,
f 0. . r . - —J ; ~ .
FOREIGN loans.
Mr. Stevenson:, our minister, writes
>,encouragingly for Virginia. We
wish vve Were charged with a loan
-for our -city :-—Sav. Gcotgifax.
• Extract of a Idler from the American
- Minister.
' . London, Feb. 4,
{I e ‘Th’s is the time for Virginia to
intake a loan for the purpose ofln-
Jtrnal Improvement. I can make
• any loan for the State,to the amou; t
of 5 or 10 millions, that she may
■want, irredeemable or not, for fifty
years. Rely on it, she wilt never
‘have so good a chance. It will not
jbe aecessarj to send out an agent.
I Why not let mo negotiate for tin in
before I return?”— Richmond Enq.
| The Boston Courier remarks,
J It is a fact, as stated by Mr. Davis
; in the Senate of the United States,
that the British government request ■
■ ed, on alate occasion, pmmissiD.E-u*
...««-onh»i troop.-*-
yhrough the very territory nowclatm
ed exclusive jurisdiction of by the
authorities of New-Brunswick. If
the jurisdiction ' belonged toGrrat
Britain, why ask permission?—cotd.l
'she not travel on liei own soil, with
Gut asking the consent of ethers?
jllovv long has shebeen particularly
'scrupulous of trespassing on the rights
! of others? -
An attack on the American Consul at
Pierre, -Martinique.— The - Wil
mington N. C. Advertiser of Tues
day says;
{ The schr. Willian Wallace,Spauld-
■ ’ n ff« a * tin? port, from St. Pierre,
Martinioue, brings the following in in a letter dated Febuaiv
u Our consul, Payton ay, was
attacked in his office, a few days
since by a merchant by the name of
Draffin, and his clerk Craney, who
1 burst open the doors,threatened hinv
with the most abusive language,and
■ closed-the scene by pulling his ears.
A prosecution was entered againtl
Riaffin and he has been and
condemned to one year’s imprison
ment, and 3,500 francs damagbs by
the court as defaulter.
Ordnance for the Frontier,
L We understand says the Albany *
( Daily Advertiser of Wndnsday, th-,t
n train oVwnguTis, cXirying twenty
four field pciccs, irft the WatorvliLt
} Arsenal, this morning for Maine,
under the ’charge of Lieut. G. IL
, Tallcottji’u pursuance of orders front
W—... r -, T >
two following aitides we
' copy from the New Yoik Heiald.
The* peace, prosperity and ItappG
ncss of tiie United States anil Great
p. e
e Britain now depends, and for some
e | tline to tome, will depend upon tl;o
above two named Generals. When
they meet, for it is probable that
ihey will sfioitly have a pcrsciial in
-1 tcivicw, it will not be for the first
ititime. If wo mistake not, it unsiip
itjon the eve of the ever-t Q-be-i emui!i
eibered 4th of July, ISI4, that G< w.
isjS’Colt was advancing across a bcair
n 1 iful plain a'-ont a mile and a LgVi\x
ii.i-icc L hip> e.l ith a body of; lit/ice