Newspaper Page Text
. sfr'H
“ ■i: (Wlctluaijaimfr.
Per Annum.
“ .V-o?.stern Railroad.
>tTKiim»xi«,i* OrntK, I
l •• •■ » Ua,, June S6t>, m8'l. f
**li, Iss >, iruiiir
. . 4.ltt P. M
fi.20 l\ M.
11* 1' M
4.-u A M
-i.48 A. il
Ml A. M.
us. conneaU clintuly
1 Hunt. 011 A.
■•Ml muruuijr, make*
v.u, (I,-oroii, K. U.
iv follow iii). train
480 A. M
MO A. il
*.48 A. 11.
8.48 A. M.
viv_ At luma on the luoruing
!:. I!, urrivea at Athena (ante
Mnhimr the time train
4 hours ana45minutes,
.'i l- an ud.rtional train will
9.80 P. II.
11.80 P. M.
'•i'*'‘i* "ii Mon-lay morning
o- ti"||> at l.ula with both
i n Iauiml train* on Air-Line.
Mitli Host and West on Air
m.eel e'oaely 011 Saturday
1 '.i-sviigvia Ihim Geonria K.
.. . lion with evening train*,
nvii togo ilireot through to
* of Northeaatern Georgia
Act’g. siio't.
.ia K-il Hoad Company
- M»- NT’s OVPICV, I
• mv. <>a.,OcU 14, 1*80. {
* -v-i-cuv. lMlHu*t., the follow-
vil- . over this road:
*.00 r it
' 1 f * 6.30r m
75 r it
7.50 pm
8.15 r a
1 ' ' ; 8.50PM
- •' ‘200 PM
’ 1 Vil ‘- 4.SO AM
6. SO A M
5 80r M
• 7.00 pm
7.00 P m
8.58 pm
•»" 10.45 am
p M>
1 5.00 AM
5.15 A at
. v 5.40 A M
I: ' 4 !l A M
'. Ni - ....6,20a m
1 ^ ^ 655 am
’ " 7.S0 A M
Vi connection to or from
■ Miinhiv*. or U*tvr«*n Mu con
'! or «ii recti on **u (Sunday
IVh., Airt.
K. JeJlr.MtoN, Supt.
a Hallway.
Passenger Department
—TO— k
r cri iaiia 1
1Train* will rut
VOL. 64.
For Sale !
Horses and Mules.
NO. 39.
.* 1 have cn hand at my Stable* the above men
oned number of Horae* and Mnlea tor sale, and
erftona wiahinj? to buy would do well to call
on mo before purchasing.
\V.2-q.2iu. J. Z. COOPER.
ft. IL ftLi.£W8
Miltianry 3tor©*
Athens, Georgia.
The Mammoth Harness and Saddle Store of
Northeast Georgia* 1 have enlarged luy sale room
and have it stocked with hand made goods, such as
Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Whips, Horse Covers,
and Saddle Blankets. My goods are nil 1resh aud
newly gotten up. My prices cannot he beat. My
Buggy Whips cannot he equaled. My $1.50 Sad
dles cannot he found anywhere else except at K.
H. Allen’s. Repairing done at short notice.
nev.l8.3m.w. K. II. ALLEN.
Old Mrs. Sheppard collects about
82,000 in rent every July at Dayton,
Ohio, aud put the money in a bureau
drawer. As she lived alone, the tolly
ol ki eping so much money by her was
long ago exp'ained to her. In 1878
iua«ked robbers entered the house
and secured the treasure. In
rolibi ry
repeated in prec'selr the same tnaner.
This year she hid it carefully, bu-. the
rascals choked her until she told them
where it was. She promises to | nt the
rent for 1881 in the bank.
Tlie Times says that some of the
young women employed in the caus
tic soda department of the Pennsyl
vania Salt Works, at 8outh-iwark ties
dared tlieiraympathies for the Demos
cratie candidate last week by chalking
■ lino these words: “Our choice for
President. Gen. Winfield S. Han
cock. Hancock forever.’ The jir-
cumsuuice was reportodtto the super,
iuicndciit of the works, who itym*.di.
atdy ordered that'the _
thus expressed their political prefer
ence should erase the name at once.
None of the dozen female employes,
howev. i, would g>j the name of the
offenders, and the superintendent
finally decreed that they must either
wi-li off the words or walk off them
selves. Upon this announcement oie
and all declared they would leave rath-
i er than to obey sudi a command,
whereupon, they were ordered to i'o.
I ^tke this method of returning tlianks to my
numerous customer* for their liberal jmtron-
age doting my long proprietorship of the New-
on Ilou»*e in Athene.
On December Slst, my proprietorship of the
Newton llonm* will cuwe, at. which l»m* # 1 will
open, lor the aeeouanodfctiou of the public, the
pleasantly located on Clayton Street, one of tla
principal buaitie** street* in Athena, where le
■opeand expect my formet patrons and th
traveling public generally to atop when vistinffi
Athena. Pledgitis tnyaelf to do all in my
power foi their comfort, 1 remain the public’s
servant, A. D. CLINARD.
Notice ia hereby civeti that the .Assessors
have completed the Aaaeaamenta of Real Es
tate tor 1880, and placed their hooka in my of
fice for examination by nil concerned. Objec
tions to assessment* are required to l»e made iu
writing, sworn to and filed with me within tin
days Dow the date of this notice.
\Y. A. G1LLELAND, Cl’k of Council.
Milledgeville Jlecorder: ‘Did you
ever know a roan who grew rich by
band continue successful through life,
and leave a fortune at his death ?’
This qnesion was put to a gentleman
who had been in business terty years.
After reflecting a while lie said : ‘Not
one. 1 have seen many men grow
rich as if by magic, and win golden
opinions, uhen some little thing led
to an exposuee of his traiul, and they
fell into disgrace and ruin. Arson, ; phis they did, and as they inarched
perjury, murder and suicide, are com- j away handkerchiefs were waved and
■non crimes with those who make three rousing cheers wee sent up for
haste to be rich, regardless of the Ilanc-ick: *
ini ans.’ «•
— The year ending June 30tli there
Augusta Acim; The man on the heil were only three national bank fail-
tower has gone to housekeeping in j nres in the Unjled States, and these
earnest, and bans out Ins lamp as in i will pay in lull.
ingenious method blinding birds ol ' ——— — .
the night and salting them down in: Dispatch .trout Greenbrier White
his larder- Only last night a g lint of Slll P hl, f S P r, »«f* Virginia,
blue crane, blitted by the electric light, | st , .V 8 t J iat X r ‘ Corcoran, the
used as an illuminator, attracted by j philanthropist, of \\ ashinglon, D. C. f
the eyrie of Augusta’s night hawk, | '* threatened with paralysis and is in
stalked in upon the glass bouse of the 8 *Tit!c:il condition. Mr. Corcoran’s
watchman and was easily captured, i !*< ' elnrv and Ins physicians left Wash-
The crane was a mammoth one and i ln fiton last night lor the springs in a
measured about ten tcet horn tip to i special car. Mr. Corcoran is upwards
height ntAiy
12.15 r M
12.25 v m
w . -T-SD.
12 50 A M
10.5 A M
; at Atlanta for all points
\ »•-1. i 'onnectinif at CliArl<4te
*>’. Tlinmirli Ticket* on aula
** * >•« f'ity. (imnville and
1 l-.’inta Knat ■lie” Went.
•i;l- \< UK, ticneral Manager
• \ : (i mi. Ticket A/t
Family Grocery Store and Confectionery,
road Mint.
jA-thens. Georgia,
Next door to A~S. DOftSEY
Keep, on h»nJ at all time, the fluent Tobeceo
and Cigar*. The be*t and Ereaheat Lemon*,
Oiangee, Apple*, Peanut*, Candies and Con-
fectionaiies generallv. Also keep* on hand a
constant supply of all couutrv produce, such aft
of eighty years of age."
iV e note in yesterday’s issue of the
Athens Ihomer that I)r. H. H. Curl-
ton, who for six years has lieeit editor
mill proprietor of* that paper, retires
from its management in consequence
<«1 d! health. This announcement will
lit i tc- ived with regret by his readers
in Nurtlicust Georgia and by his
friends throughout the State. Dr.
Carlton’s course has been
marked by earnestness, fearlessness,
promptness and ability, lie has never
i><onflow to lake sides upon impor
tant issues, general or local, and lias
7 | maintained bis own conviction,
Alluding to the subject ot tea cm- whether popular or not. with slren-tli,
ture in Liberty county, the Qucman : consistency and honesty. IDs position
Reporter says tea can be equally as | h M always been determined, and be
well grown throughout Southern j has never made compromise whb
Georgia as in that county. Says that j wrong or given hostagesJhr .expedt-
l»per; ‘Gotwnisidoner LeDnc,weareje^ya-aakK..In uu||i #WN«ditorial
perfect keeping
In 1875 Joint McCullough had a
benefit in the California theatre, San
Francisco- It was a notable occasion.
The liciietiehiry was lirutus; lhi itli
wns Ant bony, and ISarrett was Cassi
us. Edwards played Crusar, and ou>
two corpulent friend-, C. li. ISislmp
and \Vm. Mestayer, were Pichs
When Caesar, in the second scene of
the first act, said: ‘I-el me have men
about me that arc fat,’ Hisimp and
Mestayer came forward, seized the
astonished C'tesar by the hand, aud
said: ’Here w o are, me lad.’ The
audience fairly shouted. -McCullough
was the author of the interruption.
pleased to tee, is giving the subject j
much thought. He paid a visit a few
days :igo, so ww >ee stated, to that
section, aud was highly delighted with
ri ._ . . the information obtained aud the
ww*, Chicken*', Bitter, CabWo. Poutoe* etc.. | prospects presented 10 view. Pure
etc. The Cheapest Fuinilv Grocery store ami » r i
Confectionary in the city. Give inr a call. . tea IS never brongbj to this eOlllltiy
uov.t8.wSm. P. LEWIS. | fiotti China, lieuce the necessity to
77 77 . „ " ! encourage the growth of it here.’
Fortify the System- j ° b
And von arc armed agaiiwt disenar.
touic hir tlii* purpose is lloatcttcr'* Kto
letter*, which render* digestion easy and
An old maiden lady, nolorioas
throughout Nether Litsalia for her
strange manner ot liviug, died a few
days ago, at her cuouiry home, si* u-
ated upon the right bank of the
Spree, between Cottbus and Sprem-
berg. During the whole period of
on a large tank standing neat the butl- her residence upon her estate, which
jAaJad inherited at an early age,
rite had not permitted anything to he
planted upon her lands, or any ri -
pain to be effected in her huge man-
rion- . She bad inristed upon leaving
.things *as ihey were’for some forty
'odd years, and the condition ot her
estate and dwelling when inspected
by her legal heirs, is slated to have
been one of inconceivable decay anil
ruin. Thu trees in the park lay rot
ting on tho ground, where they had
been blown down by wind storms ;
the fields were covered by rauk weed
growths ; all the waters were stagnant
end putrid, and the bridges over them
were worm eaten wrecks. In the
garrets were found large quantities of
decayed grain, may basketfuls of rot-
tens eggs, and heaps of decomposed
meat. A thorough search of the
apartments in which the eccentric old
lady bad lived her quaint file ot moul •
dy seclusion was rewarded by the
discovery of much gold and silver
coin, and large sums in paper curren
cy, crumpled tip in corners, mildew
ed, tattered and torn. The estate
itself, an extensive aud valuable one,
is unlenanted, and has been converted
by systematic neglect into a veritable
wilderness, upon which it wiil be nec
essary to expend much before it can
be rendered productive.
An ingenious hoy in Richmond,
Virginia, lias a pigeon box. He
fastened upon tho front ot it a piece
of looking glass, perhaps a fourth of
of a square foot iu size. Some Engs *" me *
lish sparrows built iu^tliis box, and
occupied their spare lime in fighting
the images oj themselves in the glass.
They would tight by the hour, and
pant with labor aud heat, fling violen
tly against the glass, taking breath,
and trying again ami again. They
were uot observed at first to do so,
hut finally they ti ok a good size grav
el in thir mouths and struck the glass
again aud again with all their mi,lit
^ Atlanta, Ga., July 10th, 188) —
Editors Constitution : In your issue
of yesterday, I noticed that ‘many
Democrats’ suggested the names of
delegates front Fulton county to t he
convention of August 4tli, and my
own name is of the number suggest
I do not doubt the patriotic motives
of the gentlemen whs have thus used
my name, and 1 concede the right ot
all good Democrats to use my nantu
and demamd my services lit the in
terests of the Democratic party. '
It is now very doubtful whether I
can be in the State on the 4lh of Au
gust. For this, aud other reasons, I
must respectfully insist that my name
he not continued on the ticket. The
ticket is otherwise an excellent one
aud well worthy of unusual support.
While I have been absent trout the
State, aud my fieid of labor has been
national, I have not been inattentive
to the Democratic situation and ten
dency in Georgia, and a sense ot duty
to the party and the people impels
me to say a few words in this connec
tion now.
The Democratic situation in Geor
gia is had—very had, audthe tenden
cy is w otse. H#rious dissensions ex-
tsl^are daily increasing, and if not
arrested will inevitably disrupt the
He is not an intelligent Democrat
who d#ja not see the cause of these
evils, and he is not a true Democrat
who :• unwilling vigorously to apply
the remedy.
Tt.e cause may he expressed in one
word and it is personalism in the par
ly. It is no new distemper in politi
cal organizations. It is easily cured
if taken iu time, and it is certain
death to the party it not taken in
W hat is personalism in a par
To look at the Union of Ireland
with the British Nation in 1800, from
an American view it would seem that
there is an open and expansive field
for solid argument, especially inviting
to the argumentative power of the
Senior class ot an American Univer
sity, whose: graduates in times gone
by, have electrified the entire world
u itli the power of true logic and ora
torical grandeur. One o' these mags
nates is in our midst to-day, the lion.
Robert Toombs, whose eloquent logic
and penetrating research held the
Councils of Europe spell-bound with
every articulation of his genius, at a
time when the ears of Christendom
were open to receive the fire of Amer
ican genius and love ot liberty, exer
cised iu defense of local self govern
ment, that priceless getn, which a
mercenary loreign power, wrested
from the people of Ireland, through
bribery and falsehood.
I apologize beforehand for any ap
parent wrong that I may inflict on
any of tbe young gentlen eu who par
ticipated in the debate evening
before last. The attentive audi
ence which were so pleased
at the display of flowery rhet
oric will, I doubt not, agree with nte
that this was the most pleasing feature
of tile debate, as the facts in the mat
ter for argument, remained nndiss
tuibcd—save by one debater, and
than the facts elicited come to light
in a rather superficial manner. De
haters should remember that ‘strong
assertions without proof, declamation
without argument and censures with
out dignity or moderation,’ are apt to
reflect their deductions to liie roof
that conveyed them.
r l lie American people are fully
aware that Ireland tor over six cen-
uries, was never governed by its own
p |, • . i ...... , ' ut ICS, »»**•** iici vi iiuvcnicii uy iuj viui
ty It is the attempt ot uidtv.dual, l)ar | iiim e„t only for the short term ot
- one or mere-lo use U,e party to eighteen (18) years, that is, from the
advance mdmdual ends. Personal yea| .„ l 78 2 to 1800. Intelligent pec
ie.eugts, personal vindications, per- • • - - - ■
to.ial grievances, aud personal i _
ward-, aud personal gloriticatious, are
all Ini, l'oi nis ot me same disease and
iu every lorm is . qually dangerous
aud despicable.
I’outjeul parties are organized solely Yctl iio
.. . for tl,e l )l ‘ b “ u g°‘. Kl al “‘ tll0s ^ who ; law'that governed Ireland up to this
hometimea the gravel was as large u* ! them unite to promote that! time) w | lic |, wil8 known
as the ‘Pov-
a dried blackeyc pe t. Were the spar- I good by■ securing a faithful : n ; llg | aw> , The Irish (so-called) nar
rows trying to break the glass, or is ! an ' 1 Mtictent administration of gov- j ij atneilt C0U ld pass no law tor the local
this their way figtbiog when they are I eminent according to a common po- „ overome nt of Irelaud, except the act
4i.,»M a.w.B.a 9 111 mill t.1,1 It >a ... . . _
pie know the advantages derived" bv
the people in this short epoch «f ‘self-
government.’ Ireland then was happy
prosperous and free.
Let us see{what|kind of self-gov
ernment Ireland enjoyed up to the
year 1782. I will only speak ot one
*iSo r
-Per Annum.
very angry ?
plete. couuteract* billiousut aa, ami keep* the
bowels In onler, and so penial and beneficent
Ty ia the body invig-
G- G Thomas,
s . i l KT-llOl SE, OPPOSITE
are it* affect* that not
orateil and regulated by it* use, but desponden
cy banithed from the mind.
For rate by all druggists aud dealer* gvucr-
soiml attention tori)
• bis care. aptMt
I ,avi vk Cobb.
IIowell Cobb,
u I’gc < f ; < itv fonit
* ii. conn,
{Athena, o*J
. . n tlie Federal ri
, . except tliefCity Coart o
n.iv. sept.SS.18TS.St.
areer has Irecn in
with Ins por-onal record. He ha* •!-
«avs advocated tlm cause of the or
ganized Democracy in his county and
district, fiuhtiiig its enemies with a
trenchant pen ; but ).« has been as
taihtul in exposing abu-es inside of
the party, llehas repeatedly enjoin
ed tlie correction of party evils within
the party lines and by the party oouu-
sel, and lias never joined the crusades
of it" enemies i-ven when those abuses
were prejudicial to a personal but
Rome Tribune : A colored uom.-ji,
Lou Gammon by name, who lives one i 111 1 > V‘J,', u "** *°. a
and a half miles from the city, caught
the diphtheria about ayearago, which
turneil into an attack of paralysis be-
i fore she tecoveied. She thereby lost
_ ( * in 1 • | tlie use of her limbs, and has been
Pmnmnnt nP^tSItrAnf ' unable to walk sinco then. !?onte tew
i IvUitiuttt rtcdiaut am i nig)ltHhincei , avs onr i„f, irma nt, si. e
j hail a dream, in which she thought a
KEPT BY j man came aud advised her to go to a
The management of the Athens
/{(inner will bo iu the future assumed
by Dr. E. D. Newton, who will con
nect th<- paper with prudence and
ability.—Chronicle, and Constitu
Mealft at all bonr#. Good beds, and every
thing in firat-claaa style. W D»«
0. C. HEERY,
n ut iilly h*ented in Athena, oi
-'•..■ml aervice* to the citixona o
•irrmitiding country. May b.*
, 1 it v nt the Drug Store of E. C.
: p.rond Street, and at nigltal
j/impkin St., houac formerly
.!. Willnuna.
, a }>|*eciaUy.
M l
Jupt published
on the ntdlntl cure (without medicine) I given tA U-,
af SrEasiToaRima* or w — k "— 1 c
Involuntary Seminal Bmaea, i
Ul and Puyaieal Incapecity.
Dis:clution of Copartner
r-liip lieromfore existing be-
vV . i . : int-r *\r Ce. wua on the 2d day of
.’.':->olved bv mutual conaent.
'i .. sv'i’.l be continued by J. C. Fitner
- : ,l< K.hiUtiea, nnd will attend to
Vk M1 ^ t i. , n. of tlie burliest of tht timner
.1. <\ T1TNF-R,
Jt. F. 11- JACKSON.
. .vet mv Shop bom Foundry St
•r., I. onlv about 8'. feet (tan where
, m to Mr. W. L. Wood, and
Washington Po*-.
Tom Ochiltree, of Texas, has pro
nounced for Hancock. ‘Cameron gave
me a certain section of the hotuli to
look out for.’ Tom explains, ‘and
every d—d delegate iu that region I
brought up to Chicago lor Grant.
They were all lor him when they got
there, and they remained true to him,
with the exception ot one nigger from
Alabama, lie was bought up the
third day alter his arrival for 81,000.
As soon as I heard of the transaction
I went for that nigger and mauaged
finally to get him hack into the Grant
ranks, money and all. He staid there
until the ca l ot tl-al d—d thirty-sixth
ballot commenced. Alahama was first
on the list, aud the nigger rose and
voted f«-r Garfield. I wanted Grant,
but Hancock is a good second choice,
and I am going to take the stump tor
bitn. I shall travel all over the coun
try, and everywhere I speak I propose
to tell how the ‘spontaneous’ Garfield
Eanagers bought out my Grant nig
ItutHtl laitli. first received the sanction of the Lord
1 hose who s,-ek to use a party, thus Lieut, and his Privy Council, who
orgunizea tor lhe good of all, to fur* had the authority to accent or reject
ther ike good ot one or of a tew, ag t h C y wished, or transmit it to Eng-
whether tor reward, or tor revenge, - | an(1 t0 the British Attorney Gen’l and
or lor vindication, ar« attempting to i Vlvy Council, who had the power ot
use tor one or tor a portion iliat sui preRsing it altogether, or model it
which was formed lor all. Corrupt ; their own wishes, then return it to
tion within the paitv or indopendentH Irish parliament with permission
ism are the invariable truits if those , it into law. This was the 4 Pov*
who attempt such personal ends are Ilill(; Law/ established in tho r. h'n of
not repudiated as leaders. ; Henry the VII. and called after his
It will he with the convention which Alt. rney Gen’l, Edward Poy-
assembles on the 4th of next month
to determine whether existing dis-
sens : oim shall he continued to a final
disruption and the party he precipi-
ning Now Americans, n iw Geors
gians, who listened to the debate last
evening—was Ireland free to admin-
inister its own laws prior to the Union
a* or Seminal Weakness
iHtsnxscT, Men- j
Impediment* to |
Marriage, etc.; a!*o, Oo>arnpTi<»N, Ki ii*par, j
and Kite, induced by *«lf-iudulK«mre or aexual |
extravagance, «kc. . . ., _
The celebrated antbor, in bD admirable Ka*. y
dearly deraonatrate*, trow thirty ycar»’ auccca- |
ml practice, that tbe olanninff oonaeq.ienee* ot
aelf-abuae may lie radically cured without the
dangerou* uae of internal medicine or the kj*
plieaUon ot tbq knife; pointing out a rnojle of
cure at onoe aiiuple, certain and effectual, by
mean* of which every aufferer, no matter wliat
hi* condition may be. may cure himaclf cheaply
privatelv, and mAim ALLY.
Ur^r Thta Lecture should be in tlie hand® ot
over, jaath and evety man in tlie land-
Scat under neat, in » plain envelope, to any
.ddraaa, fOST-VARb 00 rarelpt Of »fx oenta «
two po«t*ffe atwttp*.. ,
1 Ann St., Sew York»l’o«t OIBce Box 4S8S,
^ On the 15th of April a Japanese
certain spring in the woods near her j l>oy about thirteen years of age
home and bathe in the waters, and she went into the jungle in the province
would recover the use of her limbs. I ol Djockdja" aria to cut out some gras* , r ,
This dream appeared to her on sue- On arriving at a brook he saw that) PI, , *’/!' I he Republican party
cessive nights, aud with a full faith in it was almost dried up an<l great j Wl “ tave t0 look out ,01 ' Tom
the advice, she visited the spring, and S numbers ot fish were sprawling in the | — —
now, as our informant solemnly avers, : mud. The hoy immediately set to GEORGIA’S MANDARIN,
is able to walk as well as she ever work-catching ns many fish as he
could. We cannot vouch lor the facts,! could, anti in doing so went opllte riv-
but simply give them as they were ' nlct. i le perceived there on the side
1 «l a hill a large njieuing out of which
EVERYBODY CAS t'KV ir. ; 8 ;" t ' e ™ Thinking
that more fish rai^hi l>e (might there
FjumJtlu! Xc* Haven Pail.linra. he c. ept into the opening, but scarcely
* A Hartford vouiiw man hoarded a hlle “‘ivaneed a few step into tbe
house car the other dav with a bunch when lie was nttacked by alt-
a of three roses. One 'w:ts while, one i 8 er - Wtthoui. hesitation the bravo boy
green, and one of adelicaletiesh-eolor- 1 ' ll 'y w his grasrkmlt, which he wore
id lint. These flowers ailraeted the 1, 1 " 1,ukI '"f g ,rdI «- »» d "'*h tt gate
A Native or This State Ls Honor,*1 by the Chi
ne e Government.
O tin llorae Shoeing. Wan*
u.i all klntla of Blaok*U)l king In
,na\ -t modal Mo prW**. I •«:
» i have done wrong in the p«et
,tor tho future tobe “n^bt
uive me a trial* Kind
oc.a ju traiileed.
. v ... tbe experiment have obtalMO
... y .reiver* i»iu* in the JUrtwrJISmm
• , r. * park ling with wit a»d ha^r,
j. : » t.jut’s in everything. It t» the pe-
v Hrimerf nibenwi
Of the best quality, kept constancy o
hand nnd erected alter the moat approve
manner. The best of city reference give
A word to the wise is sufficient.
npl8-Unj No. 2 Bread 8t., Athens; Ga
attention oi the passengers, both la
dies and gentlemen. One lady re
marked that slie had seen the buds oi
the green rose, another said she had
sc-en the rose iuelf, hut had never seen
any so perfect and so perfect and so
lovely as this one. The flesh-colored
one was also commented upon and pra
ised. Finally, the young man volun
teered the information that all were
white in the morning, and that this
coloring was done by putting the stem
of one into red ink. Although tlie
leaves were beautiful-y colored, the
coloring would not run off. It only
required ten minutes to change the
color, _
the attacking tiger a couple ot cuts
on tbe head. The tiger, still more
enraged, now sprung upon the hoy,
gras[>ed him with his claws and began
to roar frightfully. Tho brave hoy
did not lose his presence of tniud, but
in spite of the most, dreadful pain he
went on continually cutting the ri*
ger’s head with his grass-knife, with
the fortunate result that tbe monster
at lenght drew its last breath and the
luave hoy, although terriblyjmangfed,
got away and could return home to
inform his parent of the event. Tbe
villagers who afterwards went out to
fetch the slaiu tiger formed a regular
A ! -
I want u> •*!«.
‘ . * ; ;,t ,t r c TTjiu’ar aUvcrtixara.
dyic hoosk
I it •’•all kiiul* of l-atHe’* gd-Uenien
$ie%m DypiP'g Establishment,
^ ,x* . , r t > CUqrqh, GlqjrtqnSL
aApuMely- .
lae lnaKM*l>>l** Cmtm&
Barham's InfalllW#
hihi:{liTftJRil S&JWi
Ofay’s Specific Medicine
1 liw Ll AOE MAMZ Tlie Qre* t TRXDC MARI
English Keme- .iCSSf
dy, sn nnfaii-
nc**, fipenni-
iPTrlipt, i'npo-
tttwjr, and rib
JU»a>4< thMliH
«m| Laaaitade. Pstn In the Beck, Bhunw* ot
Wbton. nmstnn Old A«, end nawy other
Dlaetsee Hist lead to Innnlty or Ootiaowptlgn,
and a Premature Grave.
.Full particular* In our pamphlet, which we
deetretoaend tree by mail to every
There was some >ort of eeU-hratiou
iu honor of Francis de Xavier, which
he attended. A nost ol negroes in
his neighborhood were Roman Call:
Doctor Young J. Allen, a mi-si.m-
ary ot the Methodist Church, South,
now at Shanghai, has been made a
Mandarin by the Chinese Govern
ment He is the first f rcigner who
'lias received the distinguished honor.
Tbe position of Mandarin is a civil
office of great dignity among the Chi
nese The Emperor of China, in
whom is vested the appointment pow
er, never makes a Mandarin unless he
is profoundly learned.
Dr. Allen is a native of Georgia.
He was botm in Coweta county. He
graduated at Emory College in the
same class with Dr. Atticus Hnygood,
about the year I860* Immediately
niter leaving college he went as mis
sionary to China, where for twenty
years he has done noble and d -voted
work among that people. So familiar
is he witli the Chinese tongue that
for a number of years he has edited a
literary review in that language.
About two years ago he visited tMt
fated into a bitter, angry personal j of w00? I will throw the mantle of
canvass ; or whether those dissensions j c | larily over t | le other abominable
shall cease ami a nomination be raa<le ; ac ^ which tyranized over Ireland for
which will secure a harmonious can* j centurus, and call attention to thre.'id
vass to ihe party and resulting 10 an hare assertions in regard to the igno*
election that will give the State an j raiu condition of the Irish people pri-
administration which shall he strong or to thc Union. Where are those
in the united confidence and support j assertions based ? Let us see. Mc-
°t ’bn people. . : Cauiey, and he could not lie consid-
lf the delegates come together am- , ore ,j in f. lV0 r of Catholicism savs ‘as
mated by the desire to advance the | lollg there remained a National
personal desires or ambitions o! 1’^ [ spirit in Scotland, tho English wri-
and favorite!*, tlie worst eviw win ters, whenever they condescended to
follow, but it they come together think of the Scotch p *ople at all, and
resolved to rememner that their sn- ; t W1(S seldom they did so, con*ider,-d
pretne obligation is to represent the t|, vm :ls filthy, abject slaves. I’aptists,
whole l>arty and work lor the good | ,. ut throiits and thieves.’ Now this
ol all,they will render a service worthy j 1-nguage is not applied to
ot patriots and all the people will have , ;,f llor ant Irish Catholics, but to the
cause to bless them. I descendants of a Bruce, a Wallace
Iu this matter ‘I have no ir e, ds to j an(i a sttiarL This was English hi>-
rewarJ and no enemies t ' — ' ' _
'General 1 Griftit,' speaking of his visit
: tof-‘ Jap*ii, -said lie had no trouble
whatever with|Ahe, people, as every.
/Mfitpr.o htj toqqd initive Japanese who
----V tk'e E|igfiaU 'language fluently,
'gtfWWljwflt^WBring introduced
tho language into the public schools.
He says that in the interior schools ot
thp country, in almost every school
precinct, young people may be found
who have never been away from
honih, and yet speak English iu :>
manner, that would, ho no discredit t<>
U) Lindley .Murray. . lie says the
school system Iu Japan is very pros
perous, and that the higher branches
ot science are-taught in a much more
simplified form than in this country.
He related some of tlie incidents of
Jus dinner with the King of Siam,
whom he describes as a young instn
about 26 yean of ace and who speaks
English,ffnpnjly.. He said the dinner
surprised him,, tor lie found nearly
every dish much the same its those
prepared for him in Paris. On itt-
S , he ascertained that the King
ays a French cook constantly,
and is endtjayoring, it seems, to be up
with the latest inodes of co ikiug. In
Siam, ns iit other places, he found the
English language (he principal foreign
language taught iu the schools. He
tbougi.t,hc sajd, tUa^ahcn he sUrted
he should need a sajfpjy-^bf Freneh,
but fouuc! by experience - that good
English is the better language for a
trip around the world lie thinks
English is sure to be the common
language for all ualious, and that tlie
more progressive countries seeing this
are teaching it in their schools.
The province ot' Buenos Ayres
couuts 51,000,000 sheep, of which
13,000,000 belong to Irish settlers
willfln a day’s ride of the'eito. These
Jocks will suffice, if uecessary, to feed
the national Government army lor
many years, without counting 6.000,-
000 cows, which belong mostly to na
English women are never contented
until they have found a use for every
thing. They are hapj y now because
they have discovered that an old silk
hat eau be made into a work-basket.
Tlie crown is embroidered, the brim
and lining covered with fluted mate
rial, and loops and ]>oi:kets arc set in
side, as in any work-basket.
John B. French, under the influ
ence of religious mania, and having
tl e delusion that God had command
ed him to fast forty days and nights,
did fast for that period, and died
eleven days later because-liis system
Had become so euti elded by his pro
longed starvation that it was not .fi
nally able to carry on t.ho operations
of digestion and assimilation.
It is a significant circumstance that
riot once since tlie conflict began be
tween the religious societies and the
French government lias the Pope
made any direct ollicial reference to
the situation. Tt is illustrates the
difference between Leo XIII and his
predecessor. Pius IX would by .this
time have excommunicated the French
government and all its works, but hit
successor remembers ibo divine in-
junction, nnd adds to the gentleness
of the dove the wisdom of the ser
pent. He could do no good by in
terfering with the course ef the French
government. - So lie hides Ins time.
Mr. Garfield, we ate told, hasa’rec-
ord as a stateman This is notjstrict-
ly true. He has, however, a record
as a politician, and S nator Bayard
honored him with a brief notice the
other day in his celebrated Wilmington
speech Gen. Garfiietd,’ said he, ‘is
no unknown man. He has a long
record He has been a leader among;
the advocates of force bills, suspension,
of habeas corpus, military usurpation,,
and every other means resorted to by
his party to prolong their power.
There has not been a measure tending
to exalt the military power above the
civil power, not a question tending to
create animosity between the sections,
in which Jamei A. Ga-field was not
on the same ride. All this we pro
pose to end by placing in power a
man who, although a "distinguished
soldier, never forgot that his citizen -
sl.ip was a higher distinction.’
reward aud iio enemies t < puaisii, to ,.y in regard to the Scotch people,
and nothing personal to accomplish. . prior to their last effort to maintain
I could ftupport chaerliilly my worst i Scotland’s nationality in 1745. Hence
enemy (it I had oik jit hi; noinin ition ! Americans can see what reliance can
would avert the evils mentioned, ami j |,j ;lc ,.d on bare assertions gleaned
I could voie against my own brotl er ; trom 81lc(l a 8CU r C e. We see the
it his nomination would not avert , Scotch people of to-day lauded to the
them. ! skies, because they becomethcmin-
I shall liold ravself in readiness to eo-j j ong 0 f England by bartering their
operate with all who sincerely des re | |ialive health for the sordid love of
to preserve Hie harmony of the party, j peonage. And if the Irish |>eople
and through that harmony to secure a woll j,| „p 0s taciae and hail Elizabeth as
laithfiil ami efficient administration -Ireland’s pure and spotless queen’
ol the St i’e government. then intelligence and civilization would
m Ben 11. Iltu.. (; >e h raided bv England with the
In Galveston, as elsewhere in' Texs I «"» J«>tnp and pride that it lauds the
as, when a prisoner has no money to I oflhp Sc, * lch P eo P Ie al the
employ counsel, the judge appoints i c . ...
a young lawyer to defend tlie doomed . T 1,e .° ,, J uct °/ t thw wmmumcaUon
1 > . I is simply to refute ungrounded asser-
tions wuicli tend to ca-t odium on :
deserving people. It is well known
man, very ineeb as the p'tU|K:r patients
in a hospital are turned over to tlie
young doctor to learn the profession
on. Not long since quite a young
lawyer was appointed to defend a m tn
United States, and during his sv.\y I for burglary. The young lawyer, af-
_ out. Tt*
Specific Med.due i* *>ld by Ml dravgiala at *1
r ■ — -i- "i (or |5, of wfij tie
HI qts IbF
No. 8 Meebaniee’ Block, Detroit, Mich.
Sola in Athene end eye»)w|i«re by ell dpr-l
girtA ,
••stAiamfiff. 7
The Charleston Nevis and Courier
says that the rice crop on the Ashe.
h i. „,-i. rr - v.„..
olios. When he eamehorea darkey con( , it ; 0M Tn<J
asked him how he hLd the t atholtc j Je , (rflll< am) a m 100!r |f wme heavy
service. , . , , _ rains have fallen during the last two
I could not.* st-md a. W'd be ■ or llir ,. e WL . e t S( uphuut more abund-
rhere IS b-t •>»« r'Ut ttU-itl It I . ailt sllower# |he oro|w arc , ike i„ to ^
ooujd never ^ very seriously damaged. Tlieswampa
wil**ii* 1*1*1 .vin -! !MI<> ** the source ol the
Why the preet due alt-.i -y c-; liversfiave lieeu so dry for three year*
in Latin. past that the ground has cracked open
At tins the colored U.y Id down a|K , a new th , IM conuneneejla
in the road, and relied over ; M Uie rt<ervef> The 8a j twator
. . . . „ has run up the three rivers info the
- J V v y ’ « hat 181 U maller " 111 y< ’" ' j rice regions, and threatens destruction
ri-W i u- t\\e ijel-U U' taken into the gates,
‘Fo.God, mngya, dqu t ihfid(Utat de j *
^ord cgnt understand Latin as well
delivered a very instructive lecture
on the Chinese in the First Baptist
Church. Before entering upon his
missionary labors he joined tbe North
Georgia Conference aud is still a
member ot that body. He is a pure,
noble, learned man, aud Georgia will
certainly hear with pride of the mat k-
ed distinction which lie has won.—
Chronicle and Constitutionalist.
■ **4Marakla*babt*cwe4«I
I t «uan.a.On<**r«.lf4.
as English. |n de Catholic clmi chcs
de priest he prays to de Lard upd nut
to the congregation.’
Mr. Knott added that he had been
brought up in church where the
preacher prayed to the cougregsjion
aud he acknowledged the boy had
got the best of hitq.
A Michigan man was arrested sad
fined 810 for hugging s widow. Ia
this the boasted freedom of the Amer
ican press ?—-Philadelphia Chronicle.
Freckles are not so had. It ia said
that one girl does not object to i
iug them uti another giri’a faaa.
A notorious desperado, for whose
capture 85»0 bad beeu ottered, was
caught iu Qregou by two constables.
They had to convey him :» hundred
miles in a wagon, aud, knowing his
rvcklcsas character, they tied hitu to
tfcaaeuK On the way he tried sev
eral devices to cheat*), hut iu vain,
until ho hit upon the desperate one to
fire a keg of powder that was iu the
vehhle. This he did by covertly
throwing a lighted match into it. He
crouched as low as possible, aud
shielded his face, so that he was uot
seriously injured. One of the con
stables wns killed, and the other
burned so badly that he could do
ter consulting with hi* unfortunate
client, said:
'May it please Your Honor, Iv.-ant
this case con!timed until I can pro
cure the attendance of materi d wit
“YYhut do you ex|>eet to prove ?’’
asked the court?”
“I except to prove that, my unfor
unatu client is a quiet, indus rioiuan I
other man.’’
‘•liv whom do you except to prove
“By thejiifficeia'-f tbe pe i-.entiajry,
where ho has spent tlm lait 5 years.”
The Chinese speak of five great re
lations in life: (l) 1 he duty of Minis
ters and their Prince; (1) the duty
of children and their father; (3) thli
duties of husband and wife; (4) the
duly of brother to brother; and (5) the
duty of friend to friend. ‘Within the
four seas,’ said Confucius, ‘all men are
brethren ’
that Ireland with all her sorrows, has
thoroughly demonstrated to the world
that she is, and lias ever been the
nursery of true manhood and virtue
Educated people, of every clime, rec
ognize her as the garden-spot of learn
ing for 1400 years. True, noble Arner
icans are proud to claim her. Upstarts
may be ashamed of her. Therefore I
think it would ill become an exiled
Irishman to stand by and hear his
native land traduced without attempts
ing her justification. Adaik.
Indignation among the passengers
in a railroad car ia re|Mi:-ted from
Ohio l>ecause a lady let her pug dog
drink out of the tin cup attached to
the water coo'er. She replied to a
remonstrance by- asserting that her
dog’s lips were cleaner than those of
the tobacco-obewing man who object*
ed. He retorted that he could whip
any man who would heroine her
champion, but nobody volunteered.
The convicts of the peniteniary at
: Greensboro, Ga., have a court, before
which they try their offenders. There
A Japanese traveler in this country
write to his local newspaper in his
own country, that the great United
States he has heard so much about is a
very shabby and numb exaggerated
community. It doesn’t begin with
Japan. We have a false religion, ho
says; a corrupt Chris'iatiity full ot
glaring and tnonslrout defect. One
of them is robbery, which seems to
him an inevitable condition of our
civilization. He often Inund himself
in the ao. icly of robber's From San
Francisco to New York he had to
keep a strict watch on his valuables
in order to prevent his being plunder
ed; but finally, while paying for some*
things in a store, a young man, who
following him snatched, his purse and
ran off with it. He regards his own
people as for superior in \Visdom and
nurality. He sees few or no regrets
ot- sense ofshame in the wrongs we are
constantly commit, ing and is hope
lessly puzzled why we send out our
missionaries to Japan instead of kee|>-
iug them at home where they belong.
A special from Galena says: ‘It is
authoritatively stated here that Gen.
Grant will return to G delta before
Augusta 6r*t. settle up his affairs and
go to New York, witer* a position
isopen for his accepts tic •. The Gen.
lias been tendered the Presidency of
the American branch of the DeLes--
seps Canal Company, tit a salary of
825,000 a year. This lie has refuged
on the ground that the enterprise
would not prove a financial success
during the lives of those now interes
ted in tlie scheme, nnd he could nut
lend his name to an undertaking iu
which his friends were l.kelyto en. -
bark, nnd from which they would re
ceive no returns if they did not entirely
lose their investments.
It is only the teiqqle mosquito that I tsa Judge, a prosecuting offioer and a
bites, hgt wl'eL a man gets a chance Sheriff, the letter of whom applies the
fo belt one with a towel, lie’s going | lash according to the sentence. The
nothing to prevent the prisoq-^ from f t 0 do it without stooping to inquire a* J prison officials appear fo cotyUemviiqe
getting awajr. * I to ils gender, '\hcse proceeding,
If Tanner doesn’t die or go crazy,
the doctors of.the period will vuddv.t
ly awake to find themselves a hu »-
dred years behind the age, and tota y
without the means to catch up.
In the contest for visiting comp**
nies nt Rome, the Griflin Li^nt
Guards won the prize of 8100, nml
the Spaulding Greys, the other cut*
testing company, 850.