Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 08, 1824, Image 1

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«m ' "L ' ■ T No 134. ...Vol. X..Xil* TUESDAY EVENING, MA E 8. 1824, -\ - Whole No. 4 )54.’ JiOUSFS, LANDS, &b. f rjTo Rent. mHE Wharf Lot No. 0, Reynold Ward, knowi, i irhui'l* Placet UQIMII ir«v»*n till* Executive Depuriment, Geo. MILL* DGKMI I F., 21st NovV.l82l That the subjoined Resolution Iv •• .. . , . , . publish, d once a month, in eac’i.'ofthe Or. I as Amfitittx’s wharf. Possession given the I zettet. of this State, until the next General Eler p m s . rr)ilB ^TrTiE"''S HOTEL. The subscribe!’ t Uev this meth od to inform the public (generally, and I dent ol'tlie United Statoa ; particularly persona from the lo coun-1 Be it therefore revived by the Senate amt Zfo ” ' 1 of Representatives of theState of Georgia ys rtene rat Assembly met, That it shall be the dm of llw d lgistrates wild shall preside at the several Elec uons to be held in the different counties of this Slate for.the choice of members of the Leftists IlltV*. fit tlta till ef • > l < r-.... I t'l«alh.u 4 i m J tirsUit ol ommods tion. Attest, ELISHA WOOD, Wry. IN SENATE,'12th Nov. J823. WnEniis it is desirable to 'ascertain the wish- -» ofthecitiEona.of this State, as to‘the mode o' 'musing Electors of President and Vice Pi-esi _ „ tr« who may visit the up country in S-mfnf health or pleasure, that he will x nmmodstc gentlemen and ladies,!or families with t »rd by the day, week, or month, on easy terms &nihirin' need be said in recommendation of A JfOimOK n^ . i ntih. . ...flowing will be the rates of charging, vi z n and Horse, per day, $ 1 W I 1 per week, « '<* month, « - wee' . if «» " month, t inner, breakfast, supper, Etc. odginft, *Hrak > « month, i ,dmnand.erv ! tnt B ,mfpgce GEHAYEg> Child 1 50 1 25 1 00 5 00 18 00 Sr 75 SO ta oo vt 30 188 l Jr- The Editors of the Augusta Chronicle and givnnnah Republican, are requested to give two ru rtinns a month, until the lit of July next, and fnf I -I their MC-iouma to .Athens. ™ House to Kent. M TIte undersigned intending to re move into the qountry, offers the plea sant and conypnimt House, now in ho occup ition to rent, at a rate auited to Jh times, from the 1st July next to the 1st November following, and toronc ortwo^eara thereafter. choice of said"'Elcrtora siiall be confided to the people or retained hv the Legislature, and to r< quest such voter to signify such, desire' by en dorsing on his ticket, the word People or Legisla ture, according to the truth of the fact; and on Counting out the ballots, to annex to the retim >f the said election by them so transmitted t>> the [. Executive Depanment, a true statement of tin voteB so given, to the end that the tame may bi laid before the next Legislature by his Excellen cy the Governor. And be it further resolved, That his Excellency the Governor be, and lie is hereby requested It cause this resolution to be pubhshed without de lay, in the several Gsxetles of this State, and Ic continue the said publication once a month, unti the next General Election Read and agreed to unanimously. THOM AS STOCKS, President. Inthtylloute of Uefrretentatives, 14th Nov. 182b. Read and concurred in. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker. Approved, 18tb Nov 1823 G. M. TROUP, Governor. Swaim’s Panacea. HAVE BEEN appointed Agent by Dr. V . Swalm to sell his so much celebrated Medi cine, at this place. A quantity has been receiv. cd by t e Georgia from Philadelphia, and will be sold by the box or bottlejat my Drug Store, cor- ncr of Jefferson and St. Julian Streets. AUGUST G OEM LER. march 10 57 augOst a. ok mlek, At hie Druggist Store, comer of Jefferson and St. Julian Street, I AS received by schooner Tassel, a fresh supply of SWAIM’S so much esteemed PANACEA, As also by other late arrivals, a variety pf fresh irticles which he abstains from mentioning, as be suspects the public to possess sagacity enough u> guess, lha* CALOMEL, JALAP, Rl'lUKAHH UM ICETlD, and all theother tlelicactexnamih i the index of the dispensatory may be looked for mil found in Drug Stores—yet a few things no o be met with at every one, he uffers, viz : Phosphorus, Chlorate of Potass, Pyroligneotr Arid, Black Drop, lames fever Powders, Rends Stipiii, Spirits of Soap, Fumigating Pustilfr, Wedgt'wood evaporating dishes, Giasa FunniL, Graduated Measures, Retorts and Receivers, 1'est I ubes, Gaa Bottles, Thermometers, Hygrometer, and Pluvimetcr, following, aprilSO tci20t Land and Negroes for Sale. ate in the upner I nnntry, uno well calculated for a country Rtore-thC soil well adapted to the Cut tivation <-f Com and Cotton, is offered for sale or. apc'•^n ^,0< l , * ,,n B' termli • . , Hank Stock, or good paper, well secured, wil betaken in payment. For further particulars, appjy to the Editors ot Jhe Georgia Journal. ^iuriv 19 145 NOTICE. I M1E Co-partnership of William and Johw O UAKEB. is this day diasoved by mutual con ent. In order to aapeedy settlement of the hu uness, all persons indebted are caited tip.m ic r.ake payment to John O, Baker. ■ WliLl.lAM BAKER, JpHN O It A KEH, Bipehorougli, (»a. Jan 1,1824, ian 21 IP N INE months after date, application will be made to the Hon the I .feiior ourt ol Hr, <i hoStity, for lea e to sell all the real Ks.atr Sarah VtcKindley, late of Uryari county dec for benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. J 1 ME.3 BUTlihH, adm’or, wjd! ° ' ’ Georgia—Chatham C ouniy. Z~. ■ ■ . 1 ", , I TTall whom it muy concern, Superior Court—-t (latham (. ouniy I . a ' HI RK.AS Lem. H Kn’ih physician has ap J uti i. He tan i I VV ’ plied to the Hun. the court of ordipary c aid cour tv, for letters of auminisi ration on th V e iRukJfui. Nathan Baker. 3 , .. / f AN the pe ition of Jno. Retnn stating thatN ^ than Baker did on the first day of May eigl teen hundred and twenty.two, the better t may 26 secure the payment of his certain promissory nntr Jf that date for the sum of two thousand dollars, payable to the said John Uetan. or order, on or before the 1st day of Mav, 1824, with interest seven per cent per annum, by ms indenture, on der his seal, bearing dale tire day and vear first afoicsaid, iportgag* to the said John Retail, al 1 .. the undivided moiety or half part of all vh..t M . 11 * 1u y t a, D. 1824, land, situate, lying and being in the City ol Sav-u, | nab,and known and distinguished in the plan thereof by the number one (1) lyrconnell ty thing Daroy ward, together with the appurtenances, ami further stating that the said or missory note remains wholly unpaid, and the said giortgage to full force, and praying the f^recloaure ot the sain mortgage. y „ „ On motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney for tla petitioner, it ia ordered that the said Nathan U« ki r do pay into this court, within twelve month• of this date, the principal and interest due on th said not*: and the costa of tiiesaid application, or in default thereof, thkt the equity of redemptiui of the said Nithan Baker of and to the said moi l gaged premises, be ibencefortii and forever fore closed. ■tate and effei ts i f Norphlil Howard late 1 ashington County, n the state aforesaid w.. mer dec as principal creditor. Now these are therefore to cite and sdmcnL) il and singular the kindred and creditors of lit aid dec to file their objections(if any they Imw my office on or, before the 25th day or June" xt, otnerw ise letters of administration will K granted to the applicant. Witness the honorable Edward Harden one. the Justices of the said Court, the 25tli day 24 SAML M BOND, cco At private sals. NEGRO b y about 22 years of age an ex til cellent bouse servant and w iter—apply t j. b. Herbert & Co. • 21 • uptrior Court—-f-aiialeu ..ouutj vIauoii i cant, 1824. William lierrie j va. L Rule JV it Jqhn tlhnstopher.j O N the petition of Wiliiam Berrie, stating that one John Christopher, of tne county of Cam, Vit-n, being indebted to one llenty Sailer or ordtt And it is further ordered^ that a copy of this I in a note of ,band, dated St H.irys in said county, le be served on the said Ngih n Baker, at least I 0 n the 9th October 1822, m the sum of Five Hun ’ ‘ * ‘ appointed for the pay J dred Dollars, payable iitb interest from the dm burl, or published n j nnthe first day of January then n xt insuing, one of the public Gazettes of a this state, ■ at learn once in every month, until the time appointed tor the payment thereof, and that such further an.. 0 ther proceedings be had as ore prescribed by the .taiute in such case made and proi idetl. Extract from the minutes this 24th May, 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk may 27 25 j. Shmu’s Panacea. fl 1HK sulncribpr ttsving discovered the corn- ] position of SVV AIM’S celthratf l P i gcca, bus now a supply on band for sale ; he has : < Iticurl the prise from $5 50 to %2 50, or by tli. dozen $24.. /VII ctiuritable ‘institutions in the U. States ami tile poor will be supplied gratis Genuine Patent Eamily medicines. ' Stjch tut L EES Billious Pills 1 Uoit’a «lo do Andeson’sdo do Hooper’s Female Pills James Anti Dyspeptic Pilb Thompsons Eye Wsterri Relfs Botanical Drops D > Asthmatic Pills t . Essential Oil of Spruce Malsom Honey Tootli Ache Drops Jesuit's do do Chut elds Cough Drops Andersens do do American do do Balm of Quito Churche’s Essence of Mustard Rowson’s Itch Ointment Wheaton’s do do Brandins’ Rheumatic do Squires’ Grand Elixir Seiillitz Powders Soda do Otto of Hose9, Ac. tec. Can be constantly obtained at tf,c Store of FRANCIS l L ay, Cnymist and Druggist, Corner of Concrete anti Whitaker Streete, may 26 r* 124 Sh da Buildinga wjn appoint an agent to order and lis'ribute th medicine to the poor, it will be supplied This medicine is cclebrsled for the r.ure of th. following diteases, “scrofulaor king’s evil iilcev ated or putrid sore throat, long siundjng rlieo matief. jffections, cutaneous, diseases, w -ite swei lipg"and disease of the bones, ntid all cases geo rally of the ulcermla character, end chronic his Hses, generally arising in debilitated cons' it. Huns, but more especially fiom syphilis, or afl'ci . fmna arising therefrom; ulcers in the layrr.x, r rneitt.ihvreon, levied on tosutisfy the stafeitnd nodes, he. And that dri ridfnl disease occasion 1 <"t I r U"’y i.xesofj E «ml S White for the yeaF by a long and excessive use of mercury, he. hii|l°fti nd costs. Ainonnt nt tase- $1 95 Iso useful in disease of the liver,’’ CERTIFICATES. I have within the lust two years had an oppot • I unity of seeing several cases of Very inveterah ulcers, which having resisted previously the regtt hr modes of treatment, were healed by the us. of Mr fewairaV Panacea, and 1 do believe, from what I have seen that it will prove an importair emedy in scrofulous, venereal itnd mercurial tli-. eases, N CHAPMAN, M D. PrqfesBor of she Institutes and Practidb of Physic, in the University of Pennsylvahi I have employed the Panacea of Mr Swaim n mimeroas instai ecs, within the last three year., and huve always found it extremely efficacious, especially in. secondary syphilis, and thercuri i diseases. I have no hesitation in pronouncing medicine of inestimable value. W. GIBSON, M D. Professor of Surgery in the University of Penn sylvania. Philadelphia, Ftbmary 17,1823. mortgage to the said Henry his heirs and usoig tn secure the payment of the note aforesaid wi interest on the same—a certain lot of land in, tin mwn aforesaid being part of lot No 1, beginning ..t the west corner of a lot belonging to one Cal vin Hayes, thence running south 100 feet on S', ilarys Street, thence north to Bryant St. thence ra»t to C Hays’ line, tbence south to the begin- mg, with the’margin attached to the sante.oq th,- , south aide ot StMarya.or llay St being a hundre. f\ Very valuable tract of Land in Liberty coun. j feet on the street & running from thence directly cub ty, situate on the yUnbury Road, two miles J to the river St Marys, together with all and- siu- hnU a half from Hice orotign ; containing two | gular every thing thereto appertaining—that, tlu hundred and ten acre 8 This’land ia very vaiua I t>aid Heitrv Sudlei, to whom and to whose heirs ble for cotton, rice aitd corn, and as well calcula I ,,nd assigns the sa.d mortgage was n.aJe on Uie ted for t|iat culture us any land in the county; I 26 th of Sept. 1823, duly ssigned by deed,. 5«U the conditions are low • 1 — between seventy and under fence, there * THE IMPROVED 8 El DU rz PD WDERS. T " R good effects of these powders as a Mi-di cine, Ins been observed and acknowledge! ‘ y all those who have had o tension to use them In ali cases of Heartburn, Bile, Nausea arid other diseases of the .Stomach, which are so very pre ' -lent in warm climates—they can be used at an> time witli much advantage. As they form a pie ant effervescent draught, they may be said to '■ .it agreeable beverage free (rem lasie and highly impregnated with fixed air, and possessing all ti Medicinal qualities ol (he much esteemed Seidli Waters. The Season is fust approaching, when the powders will be in dem.nd, and to gel them pu is very desirable. Many persons *have been .t ceived in their operation, by having purchise them in Drug Stores, the proprietors of whit paid but little or no reg <r<l in selecting the bi kind, consequently their beneficul qualities wer. never realized But this difficulty mav now he ibviatect,—'he subscriber has endeavored for tin wo or three last seasons to procure them Genuine -nd has been successful. These Powders are neatly put up in Tin Boxi <y which means their Medicinal properties wil remuin unimpaired by the influence of time an ■dimatc. A fresh supply of the above Genuine artich bus just been received, which together w ith . i v. ry general assortment of Family Medicines .' ill be kept constantly on band. FRANCIS I. LAV, Chemist & Druggist Corner of Congress and Whitaker Streets Shad’s Buildings. arc'd 29 100 mi and all necessary out buildings on the premises, guarantee titles will be given to the purchaser, no incumbrances lying on said land. For further particulars apply to capt. Jos. Jones in Liberty county, or to '<> ' EDWARDS©. BAKER, owner in McIntosh county. rug" 16 ’ notice, 1 ~~ TDEItSONS haying demand's against the estate iST of Amos Douglass, lath of'Chathsip County deceased, will please to itave their accounts pr. perly attested, nrtd leave them at the bar of Col. Jno. Shelman’s Mansion House, Savannah. Thosi who are indebted to the estate, wilt be calleu on fil ten or fifteen days for settlement. 4 . DAVID TAYLOR, Jr. 14 Qualified Executor. .. Tjj 'or Waynesboro, May 24, 18?4 -.^qy28 f'A 126 Georgia—Liberty County. M yt Elijah Baker, clerk ol the Court ol Ordt »ry for the county of Liberty. Wpereas William Law, Esq. applies to bte dis trussed from his hdroinistration on the estate o\ “Ip! 3 late of said county, dec. _ l ltese are therefore to cite and admonish a Pvrautta obneetned to file their objections (if an,. Mtcy have) in my office, within the time present" G. law; or otherwise the aaid applicant will!' ttisuttssed from his-said administration. tuven under my hand and aeid, this 3d day o> «»y« A. D. 1824. Si '. HQ E. BAKER, cco. HONEY," L ° Uisa Mat ' ,,d8i fi: FRANCIS LL'AYj; - Toy 24 . <„ D| u Bb i8, » 9had ’ 8 Buildings. praying 1 for the foreclosure of the equity of n eruption, in the said John Christoplier, his heirs and -ssigns in the mortgaged remises and that fluue-be foreclosed according to law. On motion Belton A Copp, attorney lor pelioner, it is 01 Ured that the principal ami interest due on th. '..ill mortgage togethei with the'eopts ot his ap licants be paid into this court within twelve months from this..ate, otherwise that the equi y ot redemption of the said John Christopher fits heirs Executors, Administrators and irom thence forever foreclosed and that such othei procedings lake place aaare pursuant to the slat uie—And it is further ordered that this rule be published in one of the C^ zgJtJs of tiiis state’ .■ least oiice a inoiith for twelve months to the titr. appointed for the pay ment of said money inn Court. , A true extract from the minutes. JOilN BAILEY Clerk. Jefferson 16/A March,' i 824. NOTiGE. lw W|Nfcj iponilia at ei l slull apply to tl hou thc Justices ot Uie Interior Couit - v^bepty county, for ieave to sell Lite real and pr ytfia. properly ol VVilliam L lisker, dec. tor tli uiefit oi the heirs and creditors. _ THOS. B. DAKBR. upril7 93__ Atlm’„ INE months after (late application will L made to the houoruble the Justices ol th cterior Court of Chatham county, when sittn., r ordinary purpose*, for leave to sell a I that Ira. if Land containing two hjundrcd and Itiiy acre ..ore or less, known as lot No 15. fifteen, trt 11 ccond district of Early county, Georgia, pen. iu real estate of Hohert M. lntrkte, dec. ami . gold for the benefit of the heirs aud credit. * lbe AUGUSTUS’F.DUKKIE, Adm’or. of H, M4 Durkte, dec. i37 3 .. WKj if llje citizens of the principal cities and towns, J, Hl ‘d Ct.fts, > i*i PUBLIC SALES. ’’ Tax Collector’s 'ales. On thefrsi Tuesday in July cfxt, VVriLL be sold nt 1 ht Coni t llr.u i' ii tl.e City Vw nfSavanii. li, b. tween the hours of 10'<nd>- 3‘i’clnch, the following properly or s naiehl 1 hereof us will satisfy the State and County Tuiuo years, wa’s confined las! w nter in the Honorable Court ofOrdinary of ChaU use ot this city, with rheumatism in In I ■ c "UnJy for'nd ben^it of the hlrfra and credL md arms I applied to J. Shinn for somi I "rt> ofwud esAte JOHN M'NIbH, Admr. inn/i/ii. nnrf nl-.fu!no/l rind h/lt Ip U'lll I I ^ . . Valuable Medicine. AN 11 IA Sl’KPTlC PILLS, Prepared by Henry James. \ N approved n rhV.ty for Dyspepsia, or Indig IA estion, Habitual Costivehess, an.' Piles, It is well kndwn that Dyspepsia is <uu. of tl most frequent and formidable diseases of ottr coun try Its commencement is indicated in differco patients by variotis.symptoms, of which the rnos remarkable ar^— , Irregularity of the bowels, obstinate costive i.hss, mtsdach, commonly' called uervous ur sic ieuducb, yello'vpeas of the eyes and skin, scicli y 4 stomach aftdr eating, oftet called heart bur flatulence or wind oil the stomach, bitter taste 1 •in* moti'h in the morning, fdi.d breath, drowst- .'ess alter dinner, debility, lassitude, emaciation, depression ol spirits, &c. l’iies.being connected with indigestion and cos- iivcncs-, are certainly and speedily removed by the pills. Persons uffleted with any of the above symp toms, are assured that the Ahti-Dyspeptic Ptl. •re a reme ;y well worth their aitention, and enli •led to llteir entire confidence A supply oi lh« ..lipye valtmble Medicine hat ,ust been received from the Patentee, and can be biained of the subscriber, who has been appoit • ed sirent for the State of Georgia. FRANCIS I. I.AY, Druggist anil Chemist, Shad’s Buildings, april 24 I i.y4 ’ Savannah. James’ AjitirDispeptic Pills. T is several years sinct the proprietor begsi. t. , vend this medicine, now in such general use iv its exhibition, and the accompanying dieletn irections,ali Ute disorders ol the digestive organ, e considered in a new and original light, and foi . tdeoce of the success of this novel presenpnot e can appeal with confidence to the cxperienct f thousands. Dyspepsia, Costive-ness, Piet, cartburn or CafdialgiA, Cholic, &c. as well as e more transient but distressing sympto its ot digestion, are singularly controlled by this mild d efficacious remedy. The pillskre small, taste- w nd never produce the debilitating and pain 1 effects of full;doses of medicine. They may taken by persons in all situations, no restraint •ing necessary except a slight regulation of the t. Particular directions al'e piven in the prim- bills. Prepared by HENRY JAMES, No. 82$ Peart- 1 eel, and forsale by J. k. T. L. Ciark h Son, No. .s Maiden Lntie, and by Place & Sonillard, neat .- New York Theatre, and by ’ .FRANCIS l. LAY, Corner ot Congressknd Whitaker-Sir. * is, •*•■>• ^Savannah, Ga may 20 r s 118 SV\\mV» Vanacea. ctiynFiCATts. [ HAVE been labouring under a disease fur long lime, as swelling in the bones, loss of ap petite, loss of fjesh, and loss of sleep, with -ev< r. pain. Noticing an advertisement of Swaim's Pa nacea to be a cure for the above disease, 1 go some by paying t* ecash for it a I received it, an I mind a gfeat ben fi - by it But having nothing >ut my utbour to depend on for a living, and not being able to work for a tong time, got so that I was not able to pay for it. Some months afle this, 1 heard of a Mr, Shinn’s having a Pa nacea, stat. d to be the same as Mr Swaim’s. I applied to him, and stated my case and cireum -tuners, and found him dLposed'to bent fit nt. He gave me the medicine freely, and aaid Lough ,.ay for it whenever I got able : and I found,’ by taking th t same quantity, as much benefit by it us by Mr Swaim’s. I have given this Certificate for the benefit "f ’> hers that should aland in need of Shinn’s Fan* c a, and consider it a very v.dmtbl. medicine. P SI ETI.EH, Duke street, Near Front, Northern Liberties. Philadelphia, April 20,1824. ’ Philadelphia, April21, 1824 1 Certify that I ha>e b.-en fir many year? .fli c ted with rheumatism. Above five’ years ugu, 1 was attendee by a respectable Physician of thi city,who put ine under a course «f m. rcury. •nice which time 1 have been worse ; my disor.le iiaving ,een accompanied by severe pains tliroug .y whole svsu in ——And lust winter my rigl . g was much s ve lbd, and so much cnntr.tcte , that I couiu scarcely put my toes to the ground, nd was obliged to walk with a crutch- In Fi b ail I bought some oi I. Shinn’s PanaCCM, and uftc ■king three bottles, find that 1 am tree from pain .nd that my leg iv restored to its natutal use. I am induced to make this public for the bene lit of the afflicted. CHARLES BARIAS, '' Mull alley, Philad Philadelphia, April 17,1824. This will certify, that iny son, John Humes aged 40 yes * ■ - •— -a. Urns house shoulder and if his Panacea, and obtained one hot le, wli'n I •nurely’ removed jus complaint; He wasremov ed to tht country, otherwise he would have sign' ed this certificate. her ANN C. >4 HUMES, mark. Philadelphia Alms house Philadelphia, M»rcl 10'b, J824. I certify, for the beit. fi 1 of the ifflic'..d, that I ,ave been, for seven years hst pas., ..fflicted wit; In livet complaint,during which time I have beet tended by several physicians, bu 1 received r permanent benefit. Hearing of Mr tva.mV P .acta, I applied to him.forsohte of it; being po. ■a >d uttab'o to p»y for it »l the time, could not qb '■in any. I nex 1 applied to J. Shinn, »nd recti. -d borne of bi- Panacea, which greatly benefittc ine. The'pain and sorenes*. nf ray side was rt moved, and I was again able to w'tft k at my trade UHARI BOW MAN, German street, Soutltwstk This is to certify, that my apprentice boy, Morrison, aged 18 years, has been several yeais -fflieted with the King’s evil, attended, with xten-ive ulceration over the body, with aptii H in- In .lainiary last, I heatd ot J, Shinn’s Parc . a, and obtained lor bint three bottles, which et looted an entire and complete cure, and lie is no in wood health, and able to w «rk at t is trade. A l lJv’lt RVNKEN, Front.Bt^abovepoplar lane. Tltia is to certify, that on the I6th of April, tt. .mve named lohn MorrispU appeared before m. nd on examination, do believe the facts, es Stated ni the above certificate, are just and true. H. FROBASCO, Justice of the Peace, ' Pbilatlelphia couitty. | certify thall have been afflicted with rheumt. ism in my shoulder for three years, from which I ave beet, relieved by taking a few. bottles of J; ibinn’s Panacea, JAMES DOUGLAS, of ti e Mayantensin, Poor Louse. J UST'received per Ship Florida the celeoratt- P.tpacea prepared by John Shinn G emis. v'l.tladelphia, ho has appointed the Subscriber | Agent for Savannalt and its vicinity. The P .naw ..ea will be sol., a' the re need price of'4$2'5U cts er bottle, or 524 per d- z n. t\ M. ( . CUTHllRHT, Agent, mtiy ‘’6 l— 3- el. A trai t of land on Wilming'i n Islagj; in the County of Chattiani, con’aii'tng 75 acres, more or less, bounded on the hi rib by « . creek, east ly i .nd of the Ertale of Joseph PtyanMnd south and west by land Belonging to John VV, le- «ied on lo satisfy the slate arid Count) tuxes o' .luct- W Barnaid fur the year 1823, and coRU. An t.nnfc ot taxe* $34 85. The Ea'stetn half nl'lnt'No. 19," in Ofihihorpe Ward, in the city of Sevannali, with the inq n ve- fi-r Amount of taxer |fI £_ Lots No 29 mid 30 in Drown lVi,iv, in ihe city • if Savannah, with 'he in proven ema 'In reun, le*' *nd on to satisfy thestateand cmmVy textldfihe ,ba< annali Theatre for the v>.»r 1822 and 1823, ana oats. Amount of taxes, $234 37 The southern half of lot No. 10, first tything invdn Ward; in the city o( Savannati, with it ip im« ..rovements tlii rent., levied on to iatislv* the Mate* ind county tax- 8 ol Estate of Edwar.* ftnn at lor he y ear 1823,' and cost*. Ambnrit i.fti zt* $4 68, Lot N« . 38 nolurnhia ^V..rd, in the < ity i t Ea*. annali, subject toan annual ground rt nt to the- (lot poralion of said City, with Ute itttbmvvrit tits .hi reon, levied nn to Ratisfy Ute state an., c. unty xes of An Rodman fir the feat 1823, t.jul cacti. Amount of taxi r $5 86. 1 Alt that tract riot of land, situate, lying and oeing in tlu. 27th dist of Early rotirilt, .ci.iuain* mg 250 acres, more or less, and known and distin* ptiislied in the plan of said distinct by the N< . 196,- Levied on to satisfv the sts'c ahd county ftx-« 06 the estate of Lewis D. AclituxH'T the-year 1823,' and costs* Amount of t uxes $2 26. JAME8 KPPINGKR, t r r. 0, may 1 102 felierift’s sale. i On the first Tuesday in Jqly next, 'ILL be sold before the Court House in the City of Savannah, between ihe hours of 10 .intt 4 ..’clock. ... The following six negroes viz ; liaiu.’lba!, Isaac, London, Peier, Williim and Ha nnh, levied on aa he property uf'Jnn Hunter, to satisfv a fi fa. on mortgage, in favor of the Planters Rank. •» Also, five negroes, viz . Judy, Jun , E;y Dub* lin, an Qtiashy, levied on as the property *1 Oli* ►er Slurgt a, to satisfy a fi. fa on mojtomie in fa* vor of' Wm. p. Hunter Also, all the cotton comprtssing machine, for he repacking of cotton/(dvieil u’n under a fi. fa, in a foreclosure of a mortgage, from Jno Ever* ngbam.jr. to tins. VV. Rockwell I D'l.YON, sre. mav 5 105 Sheriffs Sales. •* On thefi- st Tuesday in July next, W ILL be so.d in friup. ot the Guuii House in the City of Savannah between the usual hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. t All the articles comprising the Printing establ ishment of the Office r.fthe Savannah Rtpubii* | can, consisting ot Type*, • Press,' paper; priniera Ink, Stands, &c ( —also two negro men named l.cake and Wa'len, levied ones the properly of K S. Fell, eoiicrser to satisfy an execution, R.‘ Wayne.for use, Ifc and in favor of James Wal. ' lace and Allen M‘Li an, vs. P. S. Fell. -> A. DM YON, d see. n 4 ?32 Administrators sale. ►ILL be s'dd before the C.-ur' House in the City of Savannah on the first Tuesday iu Ju* y next, between the hours of 10 anti 2 ofeinck.; Forty five acres of land more or jess ' about two milt s from the city, adjoiulng the farm of J. H; Morel,-Esq. aiso.a lot in court Kouse’sqtiare known .• 'he plan of (he city as lot number one, Stoper | Tything Percival Ward—being the real estate of In- late Jsaac Bsillow deceased; sold by pertnta. NOi RE. !\j INE months after tbt uule hereof, applicalion will be madi to 'the Inlerior Court when ’si ■ ring fur ordinary purposes,for leave to sell all that iot or part of ground in the District of While, uluff, county of Chatham, containing Fifty acres, more or less, bounded northwardly and eastward. iy by lands, late John Poullens, and southwardly :>y lands of Williams, belonging to the estate o 1 J ames Boyd, ami to be notd for the benefit of the 'stcirs mid creditors <>ajuti' u-.ta'e El iZdilEIH BOYD, Admrx. may 2d 124 ivlie.iii biile. 5! On the first Tuesday in July next, tTFILL be sold betw- en ten an-' three o’clock Vi at Bulluc court House 1775 acres of land 11 u g.on Milledgeville road, with good improve* i-i.ta, levied on as the properly of Sr muel 8. i.- ckhurt to Satisfy un execution in favor of Patrick M’Dermott. . . JAMES DENMARK, a b C. m u 31 128 bhetiff’s hales. On (he first Tuesday in .August next, ■ V/ 8e sold at the .^oiirt House in Wayne it County,between the usualhours. ' A negro many tamed March, under an execution 11 the foreclosure of a mortgage in favorof 'l hos« . .luxe against John R. Kemp . JOSEPH FOR I , sw'o. may 31 128 .' herili’s ."Sales—continued. On the first Tve.dsy in July next, YTETILL bi. sold iieldre the Court House in Bry* W ail couritv, between the usual hours • f sale. . At; that undivided moiety of a tyJct of lsr.d in nyan county, containing 1150 acre*, eriyiuaUy runted to one Jno Davis,' ad|uining tilt plantation 1C0I. Dsvi.l M'Cbrmick and others, levied on u.ter an execution, Edward F. lattnall against ■ imimstrators of Thoma* Bourke' 1 HUS. ALBRITTON, 3 a 0. may 1^ 116 Sheriif’s !■ aie. On the fiat Tuesday ih July next, i ^ ILL be sold before ttt- Court House in Bry* V y an county, between the usual hours of sale. ■' Two Negroes named Dorcas and Joe, levied on . the property of Richard T Keating, to satisfy execution in favor bf-jas 'h'teraon & co. t ’ ■ I HOS ALBRITTON, s 0. may 18 116 • .Adii inistrator’s Sale. On the first 'Tuesday in July next, XT, ILL be sold before the Gou t House, in VV the city of Savannah, between the hours of IU and 2 o’clock, the following negroes, UlatLsa, v tnd hertwo children John and Sike, sold by p'wr^ mission of the honovable the court of Or.liuury of' chatK'am County. Alsu a house situated in .Jeff. . lemon Street on the Sot'tth Common, being -the - state of Peter Cfisar, dec. Mtclmoldfor Lie bent efu of the heirsjihd creditors of said estaffe. JOS. K. SECURE,' AiltiV’.r may 20 r.+l8 Situation Wanted. 1 YOUNG man *■ ho is a native of .Ida clitnat© \ amt lias for the last fwo years resoled, in pliyje wants a rcspectaolri'situation as‘cleVk/ 1»'K. Store or Counting _House—satisfactory "recum* ' mendutions will Dc. given if required-- -. lii\e,'::tU > 'reused to A. C. mid left at the post office wiu ba prixbjifj/ attendi- o, . n.ay i9 #,U7 ^ -5 a t I 1 Kly -ftt. m