Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, June 08, 1824, Image 3

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\*r poinsatt observed, that hfe had, from J]Z,b.™ m»>i O’. o'*’** to Sit in the recess-—but in* *V use'hud determined otherwise, and he H /SLipht that it was wholly unnecessary Stiimtoh.k So far V "* hem increased within an hour, h*- belVevtd the number of attending members —mill' be lessened. . . , , ^ Mr Livingston rose and said, that he had ,imt instant come into the House, and that J' Ler had been put into his hands, com ?-3j o letter signed by an honorable nb g er of this House, who wtt* also a . w ? "her of the committee appointed on !?!Address of Ninian Ed wauls, which let |er contained a statement, that he thought one or tho committee to giving MR Cra^v ord an pppotiunhy of answering the ac cusation of Mr. Edwards. On motion of Mr FOOT, of Connecticut, the House was then adjourned by the Spea ker till the first innnday of December next. irincumbent on him, as a member of that mrnittec, to notice. It is there said, that, at his, (Mr. Randolph’s) instance, m-jork, «f u» committee; i at the Secretary had the opportunity giv * * i . ci e i,is answer to the accusation of Mr°Ed wards.** Mr Livingston said he was hound to declare that there was not on fiis nart the slightest opposition, nor did anv other member of the committee ex nrcss any, or shew the least disinclination to communicate the accusation to Mr. Crawford, or to give him an opportunity of answering it! that, on the contrary, it was one ol the first measures proposed, alter the papers were printed—that the motion was made, as appeared by the minutes of the committee, by a member from New York,‘to communicate the papers, that Mr. Randolph’s amendment Was adopted by him, und it was unanimously agreed to, us a mended. Mr. Livingston said, that the statement could only have arisen from a ve ry great misapprehension of the proceed ings of the committee; but that it conveyed so serious a charge on their character and impartially, that he appealed to the recol lcc'ion ol all the members now present, to declare whether the statement he had made «r is not correct. - Mr McArthur said, that he distinctly recollected ,thc proceedings of the commit* tee on the 28th April—that it was upon the motion of Mr Taylor, the order was made, to transmit to Mr Crawford a copy of Mr tiiwards’s Address, and the.accompanying papers, together with the resolution creat ing the committee, which was acquiesced in by all the members then present. Mr. Floyd, perhaps, suggested the propriety of firs’ examining the communications and documents, hut did not urge t. e suggestion Upon Mr Randolph’s arrival the proceed ings of the committee were read to him, viVen l,e rt marked that he hoped the cm miuee would not be delayed in its investi g,iii> n lor the Secretary’s answ« r—that he w is for pr gressing with the investigation, ho' was willing that the Secretary should be ndvisrd of it; nnd moved to amend tin motion ol Mr Taylor, as stated in the min utesuifthe committee. That the modifica tion proposed by Mr R. was accepted by Mr Taylor, and unanimously adopted — That he was co fident, that the statement relative ihe>etof which app' ared in the Richmond Enquirer of the 25th inst over tin signatnr, o1 John Randolph of Roanoke, is nut correct. Mv Floyd said, that be had just come in, am 1 Hid not know very well what it was the gentleman had been saying. If, as he was told,it related to the .occurrences in the Committee, he could only state the impres si in which was made bn his memory, tho’ he did not know that he was correct, but believed h' was So far, however, as h, was told what Mr. Randolph had written, it seemed to him that there was evidently some mis’uke in the business. He pie turned it must relate to conversations in the committee, rather than to the measure a d' pled by them A proposition was iead b\ some member, he believed the gentle man from N' w Y>t'k, to this effect: that the chairman '>e directed to transmit a. co py i Mr Edward 's Addrsss to the Sucre tary of ti e Treasury, and request his an swi r 1 nis was conversed on, and tho lat tei part stnc ken out Mr Randolph came in. slid made the motion to amend the pr" position of H e gentleman fr m New York, very similar to the first; which proposition then put to the committee, and a vote taken, which seemed to be satisfactory u all, <md was so noted, he believed, by ihe committee. This seemed to him to be n<,oly’he state of the facts; as he rertiem beredtliem. Mr Webster Safd that he held in his hand the- l iginal paper containing the resolution oflrui by Mr Taylor It had at first Jjcen pi<>pfisedyft. rt quest an answer from Mr Crawford} bin u was sugested that there noght be some objection to that form * his was afterwards modified, so as to s*y the commit ice ild receive any enmmu nieaiion Mr C. should th'n k proper t n& ke:. LRere for the present the Conversation st ,, i)|, A a „d messages were sent to th- F’-rsuleni and to tlie Senate informing them Ihut tin House wa’s ready to adjourn-1 Mr Taylor then rose, arid said,, that, in frhrence to the ietter of Mr. Randolph, that lut! appea>ed in the public prints this thwning, he thought improper to' observe, is corroboration of what had been said by Hie li-n, geml,-man IVytn Massachusetts, at his recollection was Very distinct that 'original motion made by him in com " t , l,lCt wa% stronger, arid'went furiher. than < e order finally adopted It not only reqlii < c l * ,al Mr. Crawfard should be furnished 1 h a copy of Mr Edwards’s memorial, and , e accompanying papers, together with a L )f, Jdie res,>11,11.,n creating the commit \*en- ° Ut l ^ at c 'raii)ford Should be ?"e«cd’io answer the same oe, |, Passengers in the Panthes—Mr A Brown, lady, two children and sefvatir, Messrs Seabury, Alien, tad sis others. "t . Front the IVicst Indies —By the brig Rapid, arrived yesterday, we received afi!« of the St. Thomas Timeb to the 20th uh from which we, copy the following arli clest—-CA. Courier. Antigua, May 11.—H. M. S Scout arrived at English Harbor on Friday eve ning, from Baibadoes. The Scout our rea ders will remember, left Barbadoes some time since, with his Majesty's ship Eden, for Para, both vessels having on board the British Vice Consul, Merchants,.and Por tugueso subjects, who had sought refuge in Barbados, in consequence of the tumult which broke out in Para in the month of Oct. We understand that the Eden arrived at Para before theScout, & was permitted to enter the port unmolested: but on the ap proach of the Scout the batteries fired at her. This comfiliment having been promptly returned, the assailants fled from theirposts, and theScout anchored in salcty; after which a representation of the insult to the British flag was made to the Authorities, and an apology received, together with assurances of friendship towards the British Govern ment and promises of protection to its sub jectB engaged in business there. The mer chants, &c on landing found that their pro perty had been respected during their ab sence: and when the Scotit sailed the must perfect tranquilly prevailed. Mosquito Shore—Kingston, (Jam.) May 1.—We understand hat the Colam burn authorities have notified to our naval commanders on this station, that all British vessels trading to the Mosquito shore, and the territories adjacent, would be considered by the government of C -lombia as carrying on an illicit commerce on her coast, and would be seized und condemned according ly. In conai.quejtce of this intelligence, u meeting has been held of the merchants tra ding to that coast. To an address ol this meeting, AdiVural Halsted has returned the following reply. “jsfs Port Royal, Afiril 30, 1824. “Siu—having received 1 copy oYthe res olutions adopted at tho meeting of the met ehants and underwriters held this morning on the subject of certain pretentions sen forth by the Colombian Republic, to ex clude Foreigners from trading with the Mosquito and other shores in that vicinity “ I neg you will be good enbugh to make known in the ustial manner for the inf rma tion of those interested, that I shall send by the Grecian cutter, which Is to sail tu*.-nor row for Carilvagena, a leitor requesting that the proclamation on thi* subject b suspended, till the same shall have been made known. “Lhal 1 also acquaint the Government ol sa : d Republic, until I have instructions to the couotrfy, it is my du'y to protect the British trade in these the seas where ever it may be carried on in u lawful manner, and Ithetefore cm not make any exception to that which is carried on with the Indians on the Mosquito and other shores in that vi cinity. I have the honor to be, 5cc. L. W. HALSTED, V. Adm. To the Hon. the Mayor of Kingston.” KT* 200 bales of Cotton only are wanted to 111: up >tu ship Paliai, Uriiton, fur Liv erpool which will be taken low and immediately diipatched—for freight apply to ,lames Wood nr C W. HOCK WELL. june 8 m!34 Passage for Aew Yorlc, [established line,] V, The fast v liii-rf packet ship kS AUGUSTA, Van Dyck, master, Will sail on Thursday the 10th Inst. For passage only having superior accommodations apply to Captain Van Dyck an board at Jone’s upper wharf, or to HALL HOYT. june 8 134 . y Passage for Jv etc York, —— The elegant packet ship CLIFFORD WAYNE, Capiain White, Will positively sail on Sunday next,' 13th in»t at o’clock, and will return from New York, and sail again for the above port on tbe 5th luly, For freight or passage apply to E. WILLIAMS, or O. C. GRISWOLD. june 8 b!34 SELLIN G OFF. R. L* MILLING, I NTENDING to leave the city for a short time, will sell his Stack of Boots and Shoes, at teat, until the first of August next. O.t Ham), 1 case sup. iialtimore Boots, shan’t make, 1 do do Philadelphia do Cole’s do 2 do do New York. Dan Taylor’s do 2 do Gentlemen’s fine 1 do single tie Shoes 1 do Ladies Satin Slips 1 do do Morocco, do Springs and Heels. 1 do stout pegged Bootees and Shoes, suita ble for farmers. Toge'her with a complete assortment of Chil drens and Servants Shoes—for cash only N..B, All persons indeb cd tu th„ subscribe wilt pi -ase to call and settle their accounts R. L. MILLING jtutr 8 134 . .r ’ Just Received, From viu At luyusiine, r *3 r.ei-oons Spam,It Leaf T .oscco O 3 do superfine, for Wrappers 5 kegs Lsgrima Wine 25 Dutch Clieeses 12 lbs fresh Almond Oil For sale by GAUDRY & HERBERT, june8 m 134 ESTABLISHED LINE NEW*YORK PACKETS. SHirs, mast Kite, SAVANNAH, W. UtBBs, LOUISA MATILDA, I). Woun, AUGUSTA, D Van Dtck, WM WALLACE, T. Wood, EMPEROR, v J. H. Bewuett, The above are all first rate vessels, with expe rienced cnmmaqders, and will continue to sail in regular succession throughout the season, leav. ing Savannah for New York on Thursday and N. York for Savannah on. Saturday in each week.— For freight or passage, apply to the Captains on board at Jones's upper wharf, or to HALL & HOYT, jan 27 21 NOTICE. /jHHE Co partnership which has existed be 4L tween the subscribers, under the firm of 'Ames AnoKiiiimb Go expires this day by limi tation. Those persons having claims against the firm, are requested to present them or settle ment, and those indeh'ed will make payment to Jambs Aboersoh and Cbaiukb M. Kiko, who will attend ’o the settlement of the concern, and con tinue the tusiness on their own account. JAMES ANDERSON, ANDREW LOW U CO. iune 1 129 COPdHTJYER*HIf J . j ''HE Subseripers have this day m-med a con- 3 nectinn in business under the firm of James Ahdebsoh & Co. and offer at wholesale und reiui. a very extensive and general assortment of Fancy and Staple > DRV bOUDi at reduced prices for Caih or tow n acceptances JAMES ANDERSON CHARLES M KING. junol 129 HONEY, jj^OKsale in quantities to suit purchases, by june 8 L vY & HEND1UCKSON, S.uds Uuildini;', it34 M. J »se Silvester Rebcllo was presented yesterday by Mr Adams, Secretary of State, f.u whom he had delivered his credential Letter] to the President of the United States, asChatg’e d’ Aff.irs frith the Em peror of Bi zil, and was received and re cogtuzcd m character by ihe President JVat. Int We learn by tbe brig Angcnoa, Capt. Harris, tu,n the people of the Cape dc Vcrds were very much dissatisfied, on ac c unt of tin King having ordered, to be u lien fr in them the Biblea with which they L,d l>i-en presented by the BihleSocieties. utidi r a penalty of 500 dollars and imor’t- s-ionient in cas-- -.f refusal —A Y Gazette. Chatham Superior Court, Mat Tbum, 18 4 G EORGE JO,tNSTON and otliers,com b ants vs Peter Vanbutgh Livingston and oth <-r>, deferulsiiti,, in equity in the Superior Cou Chatham County, May term, 1824. It appearing >o the Court by affidavit that Peter Vanburgh Li.-ingston and Harriet E Livingston, who, ure parti, s defendant reside beyond the s ate of Georgia, and within the United States on mil lion of complainants solicitor, it is ordered that die said defend mt do respectively appear an- answer the complainants bill within four months the date of thi. rule. And it iB further ordeven that this rule be published once a week durin r four months from this date in one of the public Gazettes <*f tins Slat-; Extracts frem the Minutes, A. B FANNIN, Clerk jun-.- 8 134 COPARTNERSHIP. , RANC1S I LAY, having taken GEORGE R 0 HENDRICKSON, into Partnership, the bu siness will in futtuv he conducted under the firm -.1 Lay & Hr.Rt)tiicCsnR, at tbe < Id stand, cor ei of Congress andWImaker streets Shads’ build me. F I LAY pine 3 ca 130 JLlYEUS # HAMILTON, 5TAVE received by the ship Savannah, a larg*- IX assortment of ^ . F.iSHIOJS'ARLE SUMMER By J Ji. Herbert Co ON MONDAY, 14th inst at U o'clock, Will be sold at the store foinier!) occupied by Puuyul £, Holland, near the Exchange, ■The entire Mock of Drugs and Medicines, Comp sing u general a - -a.u u.e u«. i orient, ALSO, A Soda Fount, Complete, The r.ue will be po&lii, june 5 133 'Terms cash* TO MOltUOW 9th inst at 11 o'clock If'*// hr soli! before our Store, 9 hhds p ime Mus. u ar. l eans at unu ot Sale. I Iso, 8 casks Claret Aud i.general a.-.-xuiiiient of Stone Ware., A general aasurlmnnt uf GROCERIES, i$c. june 3 13) , . .iu. cash, Sheriff's Sales. On theli. . 'i „e buy m July next, W ILL be sold at the Court House on the 1st Tuesday in July next, ueiween the hoiosoj 10 .,n< 4 o’clock. All that lot and buildings No 24 in the city of Savannah, under a fi fu on foreclosure in favor of Mary Lew-den against Paul J Vatlaton I U’LYON, sco. june 5 33 Sheriff's Sales, On the Jtrst Tuesday in August next, W ILL be sola at i lie court house between th© hours of 10 and 4 o’clock, a'I that southern lia't part id Lot N, 6, 't, lithe Tything, Heailicote ward with the i'i.rnu cmistl thereon, bounded north by a lane, east by an ad jacent lot, south by south or -ud St. and wen by da. uard St levied on undera torecloaur -, f a mortgage from George L. Cope, to Wtn Wiiit- he,d - - I D'l.Yt ’N, acc. June 5 133 , / t EUKU1A—Uialtiam bounty, Hy tlie Hu . vT the Justices of the Interior Court, sitting fo. ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern— Whereas Robert Taylor, administrator ofWm. M. Kelley, late of Savannah, merchant, dec. has petitioned to the honorable the court of Ordinary to be discharged from his said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tbe kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the clerk’s office of the said court , on or before the 8th day of December next; otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to the petition- witness the honorable John P Williamson, one of the Justices of tbe said court, this 8th day of June, A D. 1823. S M BOND, c c o. june 8 1^4- ■ DIED—On the 26’b ult i Phil <delphiu, after m slio.t illness, ''civet, Esq His Cath olic *-je-t'-’* Con i!«omv .ml-, ot Georgia ara* »*”«•*. ich Russia . 3i | g i r Cs i e( l ,„ a t (l 0u ghi l0 cniJ. LrUwi °rtl’i option Whether | communicate an answer It Having be lelt to or not to *,•»*"* fi'y and the latier clause ^eSmen?w ' 0, !?i nB!y; , MV hosid as ev, en . t was a(lo l ,l cd by the committee, 'heir deoisioii, on the point V. <» 0 „i. *. re . , ri ’ ct l* more piecisely than d ^.e 00 rx rthePwilhor '^‘‘«“>‘ l * le l aUer ‘ opposition was not made by any PORT OP SAVANNAH. AHItl VED, Brig Jane. Rlnke, 12 days, from Boston, mer. chandize, t- H'Lotd 'J cu, consignees,. W T Wij- hums, P Hill. L asoii. A & E W .md, . VV Robin son, G Newhx l, T G Ha ward, S B t’arkinan, D Carnet, ]r A It Fannin & co, Hall a Hoyt, J B Herbert tX co. R S G ff', O Taft, and the master. O' Wednesday, spok . brig George, from this port for Havre, 3 d ya out. Same day, ssw a ship with S W Sa> unnah) in her foretop:,ail. Sloop D'.ligtn, Cooper, .Charleston, 2 days, to ,i B Herbttl Ki ck, W Gaston, G Ralph, TG Cham berlin, P M’Dermolt It Campbell, Tufts & Reed, •nd T Bradley , co. Passengers, Miss Habersh am, dr Hanershain, Col E F Tattnall, Mr Gugel and one other- ‘ -Pi ot Boat Eclipse, Briggs, from a,cruize, on Saturday Iasi, 20 miles east of Tybee Light, spoke smop Good Intent,'Allen, 1 day from Charleston tor St Simons. , Steam Boat Carolina, Wray, 50 hours from Au gusia with boats No 5 and ll m low—754 bales Cotion and other, merchandize, to Blanchard, Brothers & cn. IT Lord & co T Butler •& co. I Butler & co. W Gaston, Pone- Sit McKenzie, G B Lamar, O Tstfi. C C Guswold, H Chdand, C Ba ker, G Gordon, L Foot, ami l D’Lyon. Passen gers,'Messrs Drew,’Coll on, Magee, Godkm, Foot, Williams, Spotford, Hastings and Lriiips Pole'Boat Appollo, from Augusta,with 6j0 bales cotton to G B Lamar and others. CX.K4HBIV, Ship Cotion Plant, Fish, New York. r G Gordon. WEST TO SKA OX SUMUT. • E L ship Louisa Matihla, Wood, tor New York ; Brig l anthea, Bradley, do. V BAlLKD TB8TBBDAT' , Ship Florida, Wilson,for r.iyerpool. . , Pilot Boat Schooner Georgian, Low, for Chat les ion and a cruise, with a number ot passengers on Cotton Bagging, i$c. ,>A Few hundred pcices supeviu, 4 2u dfA hemp COTTON BAGGING, And a variety of other British Manufactures, Whicn will after mis month ok -object 10 . editio ns! du y. For sale at former prices, if applied for immediately, and long credit given,for approve paper. ' ANDREW LOW & CO. jure 4 332—2m direct from ttieir Vabs- .oi’Sxin New York.con- i-ting of many new articles nut to be obtained ir. ny other Store in this city: AMONIl Will'HARE, COATS and COATTEF.8—Of blk- Silk Camlet, Blk Bombazine, do Circas ian, French and Engl sh Vigonia, Cassinett, Cotton Casai • mere, Bomhazett, Satteen, Etc. Etc. PANTALOONS—Of Denmark Satin, English Silk Drilling, blk striped Silk, blk Nankin Crape, blue and blk silk Camlet, white and colored plain nnd striped Drilling, ribb’ I Vigonia Cassimere, blk Circassian, Cassi nett strip'd cotton Florintim., cottonCassi mere, Satteen, Bombazette, Nankeen, Etc. VEST8—"of .blk figur’d & strip’d English, French ami India Silk, uf a great variety of Pat terns* white Marseilles, strip’d and color’d do., white sift strip'd Valentia, col’d do of various Patterns. iouncl Jackets, Duck Trowsers, linen nnd cotton Shirts, Stockings, Drawers, Gloves, Sus penders, Stiffners, black Stock>, Hlirifa Uc (Jc ALSO—A general assortment of. oth Frock CO ATS, Dress. COATS, PANTA- .OONS and VESTS, of all qualities. The whole , unprising an assortment, rarely to be met with* id will be sold wholesale or retail at prices cor nsponding with the times. Corner of Whitaket nd St. Julian Streets,, ppositeYoungs’Buildings may 26 ||n 24 ~ NOTICE. VTR WILLIAM TURNER, tiaving assigned to *X the subs-.riber all hia stock in trade* debts, tkc for behoof of his creditors generally, it is re quested that those indebted make immediate pay- mt nt, and those having claims will please render i iem to Mr 'Thomas Miller, who is appointed their agent, to dispose of the stock, which compri ses a general assortment of Seasouab\e Drvj Goods. And will be sold vholesaleor in retail, at very reduced prices, for cash only. JAMES M’HKNRY,} Assignees JOHN H REID. S. of CEORGE RELPH. SWm.Turner. 86 (Sheriff's bales. On the first Tttetduy in July next W ILL be sola ai tne c >un House, in Effing ham County between tHe usual hours Eighty acres of Und in Effingham Count) houn ded S by land ot Shtll.z, E by land of Metzger, W bv land ot McIntosh, l« vi. d on as the property of Matthew Reiser, to satisfy an execution in Lvur of John Berry Also, one negro man named Cato, the property of John Johnson, seized for being illegally moo* ducedinto the State, and sold to pay i-xpi n„e . Also* 600 acres of Und joining ia.i .a f w tin Griffin and on Cowpet Branch, i*i E!fi,.gh uj County, levied on ,>s the property of Jno G ' y er security for l'hos Gi I, to satisfy an execution m f vor of Juroea Wiison—returned to me b. aeon- stab e. THOS. EI.KINS,». e c. june 5 133 Sheriff's Saits. On the Jim Tuesday m July next, W ILL be s»id at the Court Hous,-, between the hour* of 10 and 4 o’clock, A negrp woman named Dianna an ' her two children Lewi*and 6»m, levied on by a cun- able to satisfy several executions from u magistrates* tour: in favor of John B. Wick, and Ebnuzer Jenckes, against Adam Anderson, by bis gu .r.uail and turned over to me. I. D’LYON, acc. jiiieS 133 april 14 BARGAINS. r HE Stock of DRY GOODS which formerly belonged t > Mr William Turner, is now selling off at prices muchunder cost apM)16 . 88 Luu.ber—on tong Credit., ’|J8E uudersigned vviii set Lu.i her tor approv X ed paper, in sums of On Hundred Dollars and above, payable on the first day of janu-Ty next BROWN Si OVERSTREET june 1 m!29 NOTICE. * B EING about to.leayi the state,! have appoint. ed Messrs. Jonx.H. Reid, and James A. Max- well, my attprnies. Persona having claims against the estate of Robert..Djeghorn, dec must pre sent them duly attested to the former gentle reni on or before the 8th of September next, or pay ment will be refu-ed, that being the date prescri bed by law for c’aims to be received, may 29 fr27 WM'- TURNER Law Notice. T HE public are informed that the Subscribers have located and formed a connexion in Jack- annboro, Scriven Cohnty.'Ga Where one of them may at all times be found except when profes- sionally engaged elsewhere They purpose to attend the several courts of the several Counties Scriven, Burke and Jefferson—-ulso those of Rich mond, Warren ahd Emanuel. They hope by close application, and a due attention to the business of their profession, to merit aud receive a share of the public pulronuge „ Business confided to their care will be thankfully received & punctually at tended to. JAMES B LEWIS v IOSIAH S. PATTERSON, may 22— t|120 Administrator's Sales. ILL be sold-at .the tlourt House in Savan nah, on the firat Tuesday in July next, be tween the hours ot ten and two o’clock, lot No 15, (fifteen) in the second district of Early County, Georgia, containing two hundred two and a half acres, more or less, being the real estate of Ro- beri »i. Durkie, dec’d- and .sold by permission ot the Court of Ordinary of Ob at ham County.' - AUGUSTUS F. DUUKIE, i. d' Administrator may 1 ■ - • ‘ - IU2 ROAD TO DUBLIN. OJV THE OCONEE RIVER. vpHE Committee appointed by the subscribers, I. to a fund to be appropriated for opening and tepairing the road to Dublin, will receive propo sals from persons qualified, to examine and report oo the present state of said road-the intersecting water courses,' advantageous changes fron the present route, the length of paiiseway, and the number of bridges that require repair, or of new bridges'to be built, etc. with all and any informa tion which may enable the committee to estimate the expense and adopt the best mode of putting s.tidroad in excellent order for waggons. The compensation for said service, may ulso be named The committee will furnish particular instructions to the individual appointed, in which they will fully detail his duties ' f .■ * ♦ , Proposals must be made in writing, addressed jo ? JOS. GUMMING, Chairman of Committee. may 20 118 City Sheriff’s Sales. On first Tuesday in July next, ^ITILL be sold befort tte Court House in th# - X city of Savannah, between the uaual hour© of'0 and 4 o’clock, * All that lot of land kn^wn in the plan ofthe ci* ty ol Savannah, as ’ot No 25 twenty five Brnwa ward, containing 60 feet in front and 90 feet <*• -p. subject to an annual ground rent to the corpo: :^ tion of the city of Savannah, together with-na buildings thereon, bounded east by lot No 24 twenty four, south by Hall St. west by lot No 26 twenty six and north by a lane, le-.v-d on as the property of Charles H Hayden, to satisfy execu tions from the court of Common Pleas anti Oyer und Terminer for the city of Savannah, John P. Williamson vs. Charles H Hayden, Moore & Ly man va. same, ahd Charles W Rockwell vs sume^ and an execution for rent, John B Berthelott vs. same. Also, sundry articles of furniture, conpisti. g of two mahogany Sophas, one dozen straw bottom 4 chairs, one pair mahogany card tables, four ma hogany tea tables,'one beadstead an4 one side board, levied on aatht property of George So toaati-fy an execution from tbe court of Common Pleas and Oyer & Terminei forthe city of Savan- nah, Douglass & Sorrel vs. George Stow. AlttO,one Horse and Gig* levied on as the pro- perty ol Wm Ioor, to satisfy twoexe utions from the Court of Common Pleas nd Ot *r it Tr rmto- er for the city of Savannah, Charles W Rockwell vs. Wm. lour and Geo- W Coe vs, same. Also, all those two lots of land, known in the plan of the city, ot Savannah, as lots No» 17 und 18, old Frankli-. Wardaubiect toa ground r' ru to the corporation of the city of Savannah, bounded- east by Jefferson street,’ west by Montgomery st, north by Bjyan street and outh b) St Julia- st. levied on as the property of F. S Fell, to 8 tisfy sundry executions from the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the city of Sa. vannah, Jno Crane und N Baker, vs. F s Feii J Whitlock vs Same and Jas Wells vs. Same june 5 133 j- A .1 II I yon, s Mineral Haters. dozep Saratoga uno Hill Ion Spring Wg. tera, bottled by Lynch St dark, of v- w. York, has been received per Louis i Matilda, nd for sale at fi3 50 per dozen, or 3l j cts a single quart bottlt, by F, I. LAY, Druggist, Shad's Duililinge, 4 s * ALSO, . A fresh supply of « E11)! JTZ POIVDFR9.* may 25 122 50 Passengers in the Louisa Matilda—Mr Moscb lloff’ and b fumily, Messrs Force, Clurk, Nichols, o-es,Stratton, Goddar-land others. Passengers in the FloriJh—J 11 Reid, George I Camming, Joshua Milne, — Milne, and two o- thers,' • v-. Otto oJ Ruses and Musk, J UST received per brig Native, from N v York, for sale by F. 1. LAY, Druggist, Shad’s Buildings. q All news and new advertisements appear in both papers. £0 Sunbury Academy. T HE midsummer examinations in this,institu tion will tal$e place on Tuesday and Wednes day, the 22d and 23d of June. It is hoped, that bn those days the business will be completed. On rhursday tho 24th tbe cluss wilt close to re-open .on the fir-A Tuesday in July. The friends and patrons of literature are respectfully invited and earnestly solicited to 'attend on those days, if they can make it convenient to do so. As there will be considerable, business to be attended to, the examination will commence each day not later than 9 A M. and be conducted with as much ex pedition as possible. JAS. SHANNON, . Principal, may 29 t!27 200 ByooLAss s' souhel, OFFER FOR SALE, RBLS best fumily Flour 20 i bag- green and white Coffee 10 pipes Cognac Brumiy Seig ette'o Brand 100 kegs Nails and Brads,welI • i rtud 100 boxes window Glass, 7 M - to 12 X 18 20 'ons iil'Atw ricau Hollow Ware 2 tons Engli 1. Plough Plate- 20 bales Domestic Sheetings und Shillings 5 pipes Colemenar Wine 4 patent oil cloth Carpets •; 40 M Spanish and Ameridan Segara 10 coils Bale Rope, &e &c. All of won h will be sold low to close ales 4 sC32 LANiJl ,G. r BAGS BLck Pepper IN STORE, 120 do prime H«v na green Coffee 200 bbls Phila, and New York Whiskey 30 hhds do do J , lOOUbbls N. B. Gin 40 kega Tobacco “E. Browns.” NoV 5 pipes Cognac Branny "imported direefi* 50 boxes No 1, Soup 25 do Candles For sale by JO'HNW .I juns3 slSO jn 20 LUlN