Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, September 11, 1824, Image 1

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ar-i ..Vo! XXII. ■ - s iTURBAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 11, 1834. Whole No. 449<J NO. S. Jliitl Dyspeptic Pills. PREPARED HY H. JAMES, NEW.YORK. 1 NOR 20 yearn past the subscriber lifts suffered ? continually from u costive habit, which h»s been a great part of the time aoCompanied by [,U not presentciI previous to that day, will »e v ere heudach. lie has made known his com. EXECUTOR OP Francis Jalineau. j,L persons having any demandsagainst the [estateof FrancisJuliuetiu, dec. arerequest- L deliver, properly attested, on or Ire the first day of October next All nc efnsed payment by the undersigned execu- VVM. tiASTON. Klv 10 149 ;eorgiu—Chatham County. ; the Hon. the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. [here**, John Dillon administrator of 1 . V\ Dillon, late of Chatham county dec.'has toned the Hon. court of ordinary, to vc dis ked from his said administration, btv, these uic therefore to cite and ndmon. plaint to several emlncif physicians, withom ex. periencing any benefit from their prescriptions in the month of December fast, becoming seri ■ said i day of December next ensuing, otherwise [•rs dismissory will be granted to the peti- er. fitness the Hon. John Cumming, one of the |ices of the said court, this 1 lilt day of June, 1824. S. M BOND, c c o. kpel'’ ir>6 taeorgiu—Liberty County. Iy Eli,job Maker, ch rk of the Court of Ordi lnary tor the county of Liberty. Vltcreas William I aw,,Esq applies to be dis Led from his administration .on the estate of Lis Carter, late of said count)', dec. I'liese hi e therefore to cite and admonish all sons concerned to file their Objections (if any y have) in my office, within the time presen- 1 by law ; or otherwise tilt saul applicant will dismissed from his said administration. .. ... iiven under my bund and seal, this 3d day ol a,ul 1 ® v,c ' llt ) mve ** ee * v A D 1824 trussing dyspeptic symptoms by * • * * p H i KKK f c o ut u nipp. nil hti mil no *’ Superior Court—Chntham County. VI a v TittiM, 1824. Ga'-dimr Tufts vs JWc/ii L'ruger. O N Motion of \V VV Gordon, plaintiffs At torney suggesting thede.ith of the plaintiff', and slu ing that toe defendant hath n moved out of the State,so that scire facaias to make the ex- editor of the pluintilfa party, r.ilnnot he served . . n on him—Ordered, that the deftiUlanl do appear ottsly alarmed, bv the regular but constant in*! or before the first, day of the next term ot crease of the disorder, ho wits induced to com-1‘his court, to shew cause if any he hath, why mence the use of the ab^ve named pills, which ! Elias Heed, the executor of the plaintiff ahull were highly i-eenmmfnded its a vimedy lit Ins I not he made a party, and why he shall nUdtave complaint, —lie began to take them with very lodgment against the said defendant. And it is little confidence as to their’efficacy, ami under further ordered that the said rule be published the expectation that he should not be able to once a month for three mint-It*. g ive them a fair trial, as his stomach, heretofore, Extract from the minutes this 7th June 1824. ad rejected every kind of medicine Another . ^A. II. FANNIN, Clerk, circumstance Which taught him to expect very jttnc 17 §m!38 little benefit, was that he hlul found it necessary months after dale, application will he 'Imode to the Honorable the Inferior Court lirvan Count', for leave to set! all the real — , r .,tate of Sarah M’Kindley, lute <»f Bryan county of thetpllls, as directed, every evening for iWeit- j ,| (x . f 0P t |, e benefit of the heirs and creditors of ty days, without experiencing any considerable estate, inconvenience, or perceiving any benefit from 1 them, lie was then directed to increase the number, until some degree of nausea was pro duced; the dose was accordingly increased un til he took six pills every evening; they soon began to act as a gentle and perfect luxative; the dose was diminished in the same gradual manner in which it had been increased, and it is now’foriy days since a very obstinate nod dis tressing complaint has yielded to this mild plan of t leument. The subscriber does therefore, unsolicited, most cheerfully recommend the unii-dispeptic stv, ittesc ate inorerore to cue titut nornon- , -— ■ .— ais 1 II and singular the kindred and creditors ake more than an ordinary dose ol tesaid deceased,‘to dile their objections (if “")• oadmrttc, betoreit would produce the dun tv „f Ur Ihey have,) to the granting of letters (lismisf cd cHeot .' »«• ) u,wever - wwmenced taking two Estat to the petitioner, in llte-cler'k’s office,''-p- said Court of Ordinary, on or before tlte NOTICE* \/| R WILLIAM, ftaVin# nsulghed to the subscribers all his stock in trade, debts, Sic in behoof of his creditors generally, it is requested that those indebted make imme diate payment, and those having claims will please render them to Mr Thomas Miller, Who is ii'Ppoiuted their agent to dispose of the stock, which comprises a general assortment of Seasonable Dry GoodS> and will tie sold, wholesale or in retail, at very reduced prices, lor cash only JAMES M'HKNIlY, JOHN II REID, GEORGE ItEl.PH, Assignees of\Vm. Turner. apnt 14 86 BAKU A INS. r HP. stork of Dry Goods, which formerly be longed to Mr Wiiliam Turner, is now sel ling olfat (inces much under cost, april 16 april 2 4"77 JAMES BUTLER, Administrator. r TTiajn-i 11 • 'aBT! LcoSgirti—ChutUaifi n ouiitj. [the lion, the Justices of the Inferior Court sitting for ordinary purpoaesa. pHKRKAS Linus P. Sage administrator oi; ' Sprague Taylor, deceased, lta> petitioned lionoi aole Court of Ordinary to be disclturg Urn his said administratiooship [litHC (ire therefore to cite and admonish al! [singular the kindred and creditor* of the [deceased, to file their objections (if and have) in the uliice of Abe clerk of the Court [iinttry. oh or before the 1.1th dny olMatiUtt [jest ensuing the date hereof; otherwise Vs dismissory will be granted to tlte appii- (nets the honorable Thomas N. Morel one i Justices of tlte auiil Court this 13th day of IA. I). one thousand eight hundred and Ly four. S. M. BON’D, ceo. 13 150. • itlil.'.—..i.utiiani t/uuniv. Executive Deportment, Geo. MlLLKDGEVtLl.K, 21st Nov. 1823. (hjlM)EREI), I'hat tlte sub joined Resolution 'CJ lie published once a month, in ciidl of tlte Gazettes of this ^tute, until the next General K- lection Attest, ELIS If V WOOD, Sec'ry IN SENATE, 12th Nov. 1823 pills to those who may have atilfered like him-j Wiikiibab it, is desirable to ascertain the wish- self; and lie avails himself of this method to as-jes of the Citizens of this state, as to the mode of sure, them, tlvat from ho other treatment has lie choosing Sectors of President and Vice Presi- experienced such (terfect relief. NAHUM RICE. From the above certificate no doubts can ex ist in the minds of tlu ullhclcd, us to the utility and value of this remedy. Mai.y persons in tins tiered iW>m lim its use. It is not recummemlcd as a cure, all but to tliose di- eases appertaining to dyspeptic only. A freih supply just received per Wil him Wa’- : ce and for sale ny LAY y DENDI«CK«ON, Agents. a tig 12 163 Treasury Department, . JUltE 24th, 1824; NOTICE is hereby given to tli6 proprietors of the six per cent stock of I8i3 lotto of Si 6 000,000, and loan of SJ7,500,000, that books will be opened at the Treasury of the UuUfcd Stales and ut the several loan offices, oil the first day of; July next, io continue open until the llr-t day of October thereafter, for receiving subscriptions for such parts of said stock as shall; on the day of subscription, stand on Hie books bfthe Trea sury, and on those of tlte loan otficdl respective' ly, pursuttntto the provisions of tHe art of Con gress psssed the 26th of May, 1824, entitled ‘ art act to authorise the Secretary of the Treasury to exchange a stock bearing an iiiterest of oiir and a hall percent for certain stocks bearinear interest of aij^per cent.” “ The subscription may be made by the propn etora of the btock, either in person or bv their attorneys duly authorized to subscribe and ran t. I fer it to tlte United States. _ The certificates are tq be surrendered at the time of making the subscriptions. (ieorgiu—Chatham Courtly. My 27 tu6 VVM - H - ci *awj?oud. a By the It... the Justicesof the Inferior Court of moi.itis alter date application Wilt bd said county s,thug hW ordinary purposes, made to the honorable the Inferior VoWt W m.'HiJfto.r. ll0m • . . ,,fC|,a " lam ‘“hfensetting for ordinary ‘ 7> ce < “dmlmstratof (lurpnses, for permission to sell the follow?^ of David II. I hompson, dec has petioned real estate, for the benefit bfthe heirs an5 '' ,nc *i e the Justtcca of the Inferior credetors of the estate of N. 3 Bayard tlecew- Court, sitting for ordinary purposes to be dis- ed,viz: J ueceas charged fi'om the admii.isi.alion aforesaid. one undivided fourth ofa Irect of Lttttd. con* Now these are therefore-to cite and admonish about 500 acres, on Cumberland Island, all and singular the kindred and creditors of the Camden County, known as Plurtt Orchard-Md said deejo file their objections, if arty thejt have an undivided fourth ofa certain Tract rind *8 The Proprietor of the The Temple ot* Fashion. fig:, his IjRFnc the pleasure of informing the public erally, that lie still continues to carry on hislJBfncss, No. 226, King elreet, opposite the Former'» Hold. t Wigs and Ornamental dlair manufactured On the mo#t improved principles. Patent Elsstic Springs, so judiciously arrattg- dent of the United States; lie it lliertfore resolved by the Senate anti House of ltc/>rci.entatives of the Stale of Georgia in Gen eral ssembly met, That it shall be the duty of the Magistrates who shall preside ut the several Elections to he held in the ditterent counties of tills Stat^forthe choice of members of the le gislature, at the next Gefteral fclection therein, to- propose to each ar.4 every voter ut the time of receiving his vote, whether he desires that the choice ol said Electors shall be confined to the people or retained by the Legislature,,and to request such voter to signify such desije bv en- di ruing on his tifcket, the word People or Legis lature, according to tit.- truth bfthe until uf the fact; and on c.i^.uiiingout the ballots, to annex to the return iT the said election by them so transmitted to tlte Executive Department, a true Statement of the yoteS so given, to the end that the same may he laid before the next Legisla* Hire by Ins Excellency the Governor Jlr.dbe it fat ther resolved, That his Excellency tlte Governor be and he is hereby reqtn sted to cause this resolution to be published without de lay, in the several tlazettesof.ihis Slate, and ti in my office on 6r before the 16th day of Sept next, otherwise letters diamissors will be grant ed to the np|diraitt Witness the lion. John Cumming, one of the Justices of said Uourtthia 16th day of March, A. D 1824. S M. BOND, c c o. match 16 26 Georgia—Chatham County. Ily the liouorablc the Justices of the Inferior Court of said County, sitting for ordinary pur. poses. To all whom it may concern, yy IIEUEAS W in M, Green, Administrator of o,,ce a un - !::"’ l ° d . iHCOVer lhe Slishtt:St |U,Bsib:e 8,mde in Ueutf and agreed tn unanimously. Jk lie | iby I 6 ro urn Igl ir ft j»i lien vest 1 nds ti bri idiag| is n 'W id lisi en htl) IdgpJ tiflkt )M it sigiitii iinotia oners •est d ogett into ill te, «rf iptioni jiltpi* lorets ter P[j it tut -Anil linked! oiictj sopy.ij uitth t MiicntJ 18245; LLK& by tlte t,ofi e Justices of the Inferior Court’, silling for ry purposes. To all whom it may concern, tereas Hubert Tnylor.admi.dstrutor of Wm elley, late of Savannah, merchant dec. has onedto the honorable the court of Ordina* be discharged li om his said administration ese are therefore to cite and admonish all singular the kindred and creditors of the deceased, to file thfejr objection*, (if any have) in the clerks office of litesuid court, r betore the 8th day of December next; wise letters dismissory yvill be granted to etitioner. .. tness the Honorable John P. Williamson, f the Justices of the said court, this 8th day tie, A.D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o e 8 134 the color Likewise Gentlemen’s Toupees, commonly called Scratches, with silver and still springs, nature being in every case his only guide. He iilsn has the pleasure to inform the public that he has become the agent ofTmiMAS QtmfKj Wig Maker of New-York, an I tvifi constantly keep for sale his Ladies’ and Gentlemens, Gre cian Cropped Wiggs. All orders qnd measures enclosed to 226 King street, wilt be attended to .with punctuality and despatch. N. R. .Inst received hy the ship Niagara,.a general assortment of HA ill WORK of tlic la test fashion. Gentlemens' Hair Cut and Dress- cd in most recent London and Puriaiun modes. A general assortment ot PKHFUMJiltY for sale at all times at the above establishment.— Those persona residing at a distance who have left orders at this establishment, are hereby in formed, Uiut they are generally ready for de livery. EDVVAUD CARRY.. (Ej* The editors of (he Snvntinah Hepub.icau, Executor’s Notice. LL persona having demattcs against the [estate of the late Hugh M'Call, Esq. dec’d requested to band them in for payment, and p indebted to the estate will pleuse make rdiate payment, THUS M'CALL, ? E > t’HILIP BttASCH, 5 ly 11 150 . • Augusta Chronicle, and Columbia Telescope, are requested to publish the above once a week for thiee weeks, apd forward their accounts to No. 226 King.strcet, Charleston; aug 12 163 * ly tot Infer* sell it oft! }H» : .ratrit- Jdt/J nrlf' 1 in on !. asp’ 11 ! anisli! •s of tit | aa •atioft; t in 1 r !>eW therw I. i qpe day 0 1 SUUG1A—Chatham County—To all whom lit may concern. Whereas Alexand^r^M. lor, administrator of John Scott, deceased, petitioned the Honorable the Justices of the fior Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes to pscharged from bis said administration, ptv these are therefore to cite and admonish nd singular the kiitdred and creditors of the deceased, to file their objections, t,if any [have) in the Clerk’s office, of the Court tlinary, on or before the 6th day of Decern- Itext; otherwise letters of dismissory will [ranted. fitness the honorable Edward Harden, one Le Justices of the said tvurt, the 6th day of A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. Ly 6- 106 [<L persons indebted to the es<ate ot Alex- ander Martin, late of Liberty county, de fed, are requested to make immediate pay ]to\ RICHARD F. BAKER, WILLIAM 11 MARTIN, 10 §112 d Ex’rs. r -<> "‘•■s V9 wERY valuable tract of Land in Liberty County, situate on the Sunbury Road, two land a half from Riceboroogn; containing Lundred and ten acres. This land is very Jlile for Cotton, Rice and Corn, and as well Ibted for that culture as any land in the I'y f l l'e conditions are low and reasonable; i are between seventy and eighty acres lj;d and under fence, there is also a good lung house, and all necessary out building- Pe premises—guarantee titles will be given T purchaser, no incumbrances lying on said f further particulars apply to Capt Joseph 8 m Lioerty Countv, or to IEDWAKD U. BAKER, ffllDwnerin McIntosh county. agreed t * unanimously. HUM AM STOCKS, President. In the House of Jiepresentatives, 14(A Jfov 1823. Read ami cotKttrirdin * DAVID AI1AMS, Speaker, . Approved, lbth Nov. 1823. G. M. TltoUl*, Governor, Georgia—Chatham County. United States, District of Georgia* 7jy the DisTiticT count, Acriiiisx Tkiim, 1824. rk<HE following persons having been drawn ' ft and summoned to serve as Grand and I’eut Jurors at said Court, having tailed to attend—It is ordered that they he fined according to law, tthless they shall Vnake sufficient excuses, on oath to the Clerk, oii' or before the 2d Tuesday in November, next Grand Jurors,—Archibald Smith, Frederick S. Fell, J. P, Henry, George Gordon, Joseph Habersham, Hunter, Robert Habersham, Charles Kelsey, Alexander Telfair, Benjamin Burroughs. Petit Jurors.— Wm. P. Clark, C. H. Hayden, John Gribben, Reuben G. Taylor, and John F. Fraser. Extract from the minutes. GEO. GLEN, Clerk. aug 14 ol64 For Sale, or to Rent. The uucxpired lease (&/ears).and im- provements, on the house and lot known as the Little Man’s. Garden, situated, in the City of Augusta, Ellis street , near the corner of Cen tre street, and the market, having all the conve niences for a Confectionary factory on a large scale, besides a dry house, an oven, and bakery, —there is also an Ice house in good order, wherein 15 to 18 tons of Ice can he secured for Summer use. For terms, apply to P. P. TIIOMASSON, Esq. Savannah, or to H. BOUYEll, or on the premises Augusta, aug 26 fn169 Ge oTgta—(’hatham County. I'o all whom it may concern. HERE AS John M'Nisli has applied to . the Hon the Court bf oMinary of Chat ham county for.lettera. of odrniitistratmii (with the will annexed) on (lie estate and effects of William Cvaig late of Savannah merchant dec’d. These are therefore to cite aiitl admonish all' and singular the kindred and creditors (if the said deceased, to file their objections (if any 1 they have) to the granting of the administration of Hie estate of the deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or before .lie thirteenth day of September next; otherwise letters of administration will be granted. Witness the llon Jobn I* Williamson Esq one of the Justices of the said Court the thirty first day of August, A D 1824. SM BOND, coo. gept 2 172 Superior Court—Chntham County. Thomas F Purse & ail “1 ' Complainants [ and V IN EQUITY. Richard R Cuyler, ex’r. | Wni Shatv, deceased. J I N this case, on .the suggestion in the defend. ant’s answer, that certain persons not parties to this bill,residing in Scotland, claim to be en titled to a distribution of pavt of the undivided eRtate of Wm Shaw, deceased, ntnl o t motion, it is ordered that all persons concerned do ap pear before the Superior Court of Chatham Count in the term of January next, tnen and there to establish such their claims; and in de- fault thereof, that the undivided estate of the said Wih Shaw, be distributed among the cum phinants agreeably to the decree of said Cour and that this rule be published once a month until the expiration thereof. Extract from the minutes this 7th day of June, 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. June 17 4t138 William Shaw deceased lilts petitioned the Mon. Court of Ordinary, to be discharged from his said executorship. Thct (are therefore to,cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file tbeir objections (if ftny they have) in tlte office of the clerk of the Court of Ordinary on or be lore the 13th day o January next ensuing the date hereof, otherwise situated on said Island, Containing about 500 acres, originally granted to Gem Leo.hlahd.Mc’- Intosh, and bounded on the south by the said Plum Orchard Tract. Also a plantation exiled Lottery Hill situate on the Ogeechee Road, 3 miles from Savannah, containing about 600 acres. ' K’. J BAYARD, noviO 2U ^ m ‘rest.N.S. Bayard. Chatham Superior Court. d^tEORGE JOHNSTON and others, cumjdaint Mary Fleming, dec -lias applied to the era, defendants.^ eJulWn itlaPj^ofctS* Honorable the Court of Ordinary, to be dis- Chathm County, May term, 1824 P . ' chatged from the administration atoresatd. It appearing to the Court bv affidavit that Pe- Now, therefore these are tn cite and admon- ter Vanburgh Livingston and’Harriet E Living tsh all and singular the kindl ed and credito: a of stun, who are parties defendant reside bevnn the sa ; d Mary Fleming, dec. to file their objec the state of Georgia,' a„2 titbin he Un e linns (if any they have) in tlie Clerk's office of States on tiiotion Of complainants solicitor it said Court, on or belore the tenth of September ordered that the said defendant do respUivi next, otherwise letter diumssory will be grant, appear and answer the complainants bi l with ed. and the saul W illiam H. Green be discharged four months from the date of this rule And tr..m all claims whatever, ttaadministrator ot the is fhrther ordered that this rule be nublished Sa, ll d , ec ' ,, , ti z* i - n *, , once a week during four months From ti.;. W itness the honorable Edward Harden, one of the Justices of the said Court this 19th day of March, A.D 1824. S. M. BOND, c t o. march 10 57 • - c.u months from this date in one of the public Gazettes of this State. Extric't from the Minutes, June 6 13. * ».»*««•». (S«fc V. INb muntha alter <i:ue application Will be , L ; , m »de to the honorable the Judges of the °. f (: j for lw»ve to Sell By the Hon the Justices of the Inferior Court all the real estate of'tVm Qubbedge decM to he fitting for ordinary purposes. sold for the benefit of the-lieirs and’rnndl^*. HEREA8 Richard R, Cuyler, executor of said estate. JOHNCUBBF.DGE, .Bryan County, June 17 Administrator. NOTICE^ A LL persons indebted to the estate of Eliza* beth Fell late ef Chatham County, deceased* arc requested to make immediate payment to ^ dismissory will be granted to the peti- Witness the Honorable Thomas N. Morel, one of the Justices of the said Court, this 13th day of July, A.D. 1824. julv 13 150 S. M. BOND, c c o. Noticct N INE mofithsafter date, application will be made to the Inferior CCurt of Effingham County,for leave to sell all the real property be longing to the estate uf tlte late Rev Jtto Beck, dec lying in paid county, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. ANN BECK, Administratrix. april 16 88 haw Notice. r BMlF, public at-, informed that the Subscribers 8 have located and formed a connexion in Jacksonboro, Scriven County, t .a Where one tit them may at all times be found except when professionally engaged elsewhere. They pur- pose to attend the several courts of the several Counties Scriven, Bnrke and Jefferson—also those of Richmond, Warren and Emanuel. Tltet hope by close application, und-a due attention to the business of their profession, to merit and receive a share of the public patronage. Bu- stpess confided to their care .will be thankfully received and punctually attended to JAMES B LEWIS JPSIAH S PATTERSON., may 22 120 demands duly authenticated, ttt • t sen PET EUSHICK, Ex’or. july 13 150 NOTICE, 1JWIVE months after date, application will be made to the Hon. the Inferior Court of Bui- loch c ounty, when sitting for ordinary purposes to sell all the real and personal estate of Allen Denmark, deC’d, flit- the benefit of the heirs and creditors, ROBERT BURTON, Adm'r. Mary denMark, Adm’x. Bulloch eounty^. feb 28 LaW Notice. rjXHE undersigned [iaving formed a connection 8 in the practice of tjte law, will attend to coses in all the Courts of the Flint Circuits, and in the adjoining counties of the Ocmulgee and Southern Circuits. OLIVER H. PRINCE, EDWARD D. TRACY Reference in Savannah to C. W. Uockwkm, 8t Co. Macon, June 4,1824. july3 146 ' Brought to Jail. I N Savannah on the 15: h inst. a negro man who says his name is Harry and that he belongs to Josephus Love ofGreen County, Georgia, and _ , _ that he rahaway from him near vvarrir.gton a- nouthwardly by lands of Williama/betontung to bout tlie first of June, lie is 5feet9J inches high the estate of James liny d, and to be sold lor. the and about 25 years of age. | benefit of the heirs ;md creditors of t-aid estate. IjXilNE months after the date hereof, npplica iJNi lion will be made to the Inferior,Court when sitting for ordinary' purposes, fjr leave to.sell all that lot or part of j- rouiul in-the District of White Bluff, County of Uhallmm, containing 50 acres, more or less, bound not thwardlv und castwardly by lands, late John Poullen, and Georgia^—Bullock Goilntj. By -the.Honorable the Court of Ordinary wr said Oouuty. (I 7 HERE AS Robert Burton; administrator of T v the estate of Stephen Denmark deed, bath applied to the said Court for letters dismissory from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and’creditors of th£ said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of the Clerk of thi Court within the time prescribed by law, other wise letters dismissory will be granted the ab p.leant Witness the Honorable Sheppard Williams^ one Qf the Justices of said Court, this 3d June*. 1824. Pure Calcined Mngneaiafa new idnticle. T HIS Medicine has been prepared by the New York Chemical Manufacturing Company, and is said to tip equal to the celebrated article made by the Messrs Henry’s. Many persons in this city who have usrit.thix remedy' give it a de cided^ preference over all others. Families are solicited to give it a trial as it conies much cheaper than Henry's; beittg neatly put up in bottles at 37 j, cents each,, and for sale only, by LAY Ik HENDRICKSON, Chemists and D.uigi-hs, Shads Buildings, sept 2 .172 * FOUND, I N possession of a negro man after heir g ar rested &. taken, under a warrant for Larceny a Blue Close bodied Coat, together . with some [otfier articles of huie value, which he confess’d to have stolen but does nut know from whom the oilier or (ranters hy prnvcing their property c o have the same by p*> tog For this advertise mein, on application at the office of. june4 ely Kennedy, ctroBc. *152 ttottle8, Corks, Dru<*8, kc. be. OUFEUIOR Velvet Corks, Wine pint bottle^, OOxygin Chamber and Pooket Lights, Wax Tapers (a great variety,) Pure Calcined Magi nesia. Arrow Root, Cream Tartar, Starch, llal sum Copaiva, Salt Petre, Rotten Stone &c. £#c Have been received pr Writ Wallace, audio* sale by LAY ^HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists,' Congress corner of Whitaker sts. Shad's Building, ug 12 164 8 JOHN I. DEWS, jc. c. I ELIZABEf l'I BOY>)^Adm’x.” 1 , ' ' WM CfilLL^^. P. aug 19 166 l may 26 124 . ^ avg ^ Furniture Waco. mHlS article is highly recommended for the t purpose of imparting an elegant gloss te Mahogany Furniture. The large and extensive-Cabinet Ware Man ufactures in the northern cities make use of this composition to give their work a beautiful pot* ish. A supply of this wax has been received per ship Savannah. It is put up iit small pots and boxes with printed directions for use, and fieri? sale by LAY & HEN DRICKSt >N, Chemists and Druggists, §)r.nTt BuiWinO aug 24 J 68