Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 21, 1824, Image 2

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• & Ah ■HpMofiftXli FREDERICK S. FELL, CITY PRINTER. DAILY PAPER EIOHT DOLLARS PER ANNUM. COUNTRY PAPER SIX DOLtARS PER ANNUM. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. O’AII news and new advertisements appear in both papers. THURSDAY i'.VENMG, October 21, 1824. /BOARD OF HEALTH, he Board is happy to state, that tl _ t in a perfectly healthy conditii No deaths nave occurred sincetho last report. By order of tho Chairman, 'a'- I. K. TEFFT,Scc'ry. Savannah, October 20,1824. GEN. LAFAYETTE, We learn from the most unquestionable authority, has frequently expressed his in tention of visiting Savannah. STORE BREAKING.—The upper part of the store of Mr L. P^tty, under the bluff, was broken, open last night, but fortunately, only heavy goods were stored there, and the robbers got disap pointed of their booty. The door was forced open by means of some heavy in strument, probably a crowbar, the bolt of the lock being much bent, and the wood part split. An attempt was also made to force open one of the shutters of die lower part of the store in two places, but with out success. FROM MARTINIQUE,—We learn from Copt. Beai'rni’.uf, of the French brig Eliza, arrived last evening from Fort Royal, that there was but little dam age done at that place-by the late gale.— At St. Pierres, the brig Neutrality, of Sa lem, Mass, and six drogers were entirely lost. At the island of Gnudaloupc, two Fr. government schooners were lost, and their crews perished. A French sloop of war of 22 guns, and four government schooners were at Fort Royal when the Eliza sailed. Crops in Ntpth Carolina.—The corn crops are said to be good in the vicinity of Salisbury; the cotton is very much injured, uni not more than half a crop is expected -to be made. Thee was" two death by yellow fever in Charleston On the 16th inst. WASHINGTON, Oct. 12, Let this day, On which we are to receive in the Capitol the G uest of the American People, be sacred to harmony, gratitude, and unmixed pleasure! Never was there, on any occasion t a more emphatically spontaneous popular movement, than that which the visit of the General Lafayette has produced. There is nothing in history which can compare with it. All hearts are.moved by the some impulse; there is but one mind among a "People of Ten Millions. It is needless for us to offer to the wel come Guest the expression of our feelings on this occasion. They are in ftill accord with those of the whole country. The arrangements for the reception of General Lafayette remain unchanged. He arrived at Rossburg last night from Baltimore, and passed the night there. He will pass the District line about 10 o’ clock, and will reach the Capitol, we pre sume, between 11 and 12 o’clock. After heini? there received, with due honor by the City Authorities, he will he conducted by them to the residence of the Presipent, from whom his reception will be as cor dial as that which he has received from any of hi3 fellow citizens.—Nat. Int. lienn principles, that ho portion, either of her diplonatic corps, or of any subordin ate brancSsgaf her public service, would venture to give umbrage to thr, powers that ir.'tfy taking partin the approaching fes tival in honour of La Fayette, yet that no thing might be omitted in showing our grateful respect to the French nation ns well as to the most illustrious of her sons, we learn that invitations have been for warding, expressed in the most polite and ddlicate terms, for the French officers of the squadron now in Hampton Roads, to attend the celebration at York on the 19th inst. They have declined—they cannot come—the squadrsn must sail between the lothandHOth instant» Such is the amount of the answer which has been deceived to the invitation from tho Admiral, ns we have been informed.—Richmond Paper. The result of the- general election is nffich more favourable to the success of Mr Crawford, in the electoral vote of Geor gia, than even his most gnnguinc friends tiad calculated. We are now convinced no opposition ticket will be organized. The minority, in the agony of dispair and the convulsive throes of keen mortification, occaaionnally lifts its gasping head, and in the hickup of death, blubbers out the name of 4 Jackson.'—Athnes Ccntinel DELAWARE. Tho general election in the state of Del aware took place on Tuesday last.—Lou ts M'Lane, the present representative in Congress from that state, is re-elected by majority of 291.—In New Castle county the democratic ticket for the legislature has succeeded; in Kent the federal ticket, "frith one exception, and in Sussex, the whole federal ticket. The legislature of that state choose the electors of president and,vice president. “ With regard to the presidency (says the Delaware Gazette) the vote of this state may now be safely dulculated on for Mr CRAWFORD. Philad. Sentinel. Col. Francs K. Huger, of S. Carolina, the patriot who so nobly attempted to liberate Lafayette from the dungeons of Olmutz, honored this city with n visit dur ing the last week. He brought letters from Gen. Lafayette to the Mayor. Boston Ccntinel, 6th inst. £t SALISBURY, (N. C.) Oct. 12. Orders having been issued by Gov. Holmes, tlirough Adjutant General Dan iel, to the Brig. Gen. of the 11th Brig ade of North-Carolina, militia, for a quo ta from hisbrigade, to join the escort which will attend Gen. La Fayette through this Stntg, the regiment of Cavalry be longing to Mecklenburg and Cabarrus counties being on duty at Concord when the orders arrived, eighteen men there from immediately volunteered their ser vices to go to Fayetteville for the above purposes Among these volunteers, was the Brig. Gen. and most of the officers of the Regiment. An ebetipn was then held for officers to -command the detachment when Col. Thomas G. Polk (the late com mander of the Regiment) was unanimous ly selected as captain; Lieut. Col. James A. Means as 1st lieutenant; Col. Rob inson as 2d lieutenant; and Maj. Parks ns cornet. It is believed that, by the time the detachment marches for FayettC' ville, the number will be increased to one hundred. This corps-willnumber, among its members, the bravest and most respec table citizens of Mecklenburg and Cabar rus counties. Rank, fortune, and patriot ism, combine to render the detachment '•3pno peculiarly worthy of the service for w hich it is destined. We may venture to 'affirm, that the illustrious Guest qf the Na tion, the benefactor of America, La Fay- will, no where in the U. States, have seen a body of citizens soldiers \rhose intelligence, discipline, and gentlemanly deportment, can exceed that- of this de tach uent.—Western Carolinian. The French Squadron in Hampton Fuads.'—-Although it might have been an ticipated frorn the political attitude which France has arsumed, in relation to repub- removal, whereupon tho clerk shall obtain from the Mayor, and in his nbsSfce, the Clminunn a certificate on the back of such .license, specifying tho removal of and cr- An Ordinance, For granting License to persons for re tailing spiritous liqtlcrs or vending goods, wares and merchandize, in the Streets, Lanes, Squares or alleys within the limits of the City of Savannah and the Hamlets thereof. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah in Council assembled, and it is hereby or dained by the authority of the same, that all applications forTiceirse to.retail spirit- ous or malt liquors within the limits of the city of Savannah and Hamlets thereof, shall be in writing, and addressed to the Mayor, and which application shall con tain the names of two or more surities and upon such application the Mayor is hereby authorised if he deems proper,at all times, upon the applicant giving bond, with two or. more surities to be approved of by him in the sum of two hundred dollars, Condi tioned for the due observance of the ordi nances of the city to grant the license re quired—-and should the Mayor upon such application refuse to grant a license, the applicant shall have the privilege of ap pealing from the decision of the Mayor, to Cotmcil—the said license bot to continue in force for a longer term than one year. Sec. 2, Be it further ordained by the Authority aforesaid that it shall not be lawful for the Mayor to grant any licenses to retail spiritous liquors of any discrip- tion or to vend goods, wares or merchan- ■ -dise in any street,, lane, sqare, alley, lot, or wharf within the limits of the city of Savannah and Hamlets thereof to any persons elected to any office under the cor poration (Port Wardens excepted.) , Sec. 3. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, that it‘shall be the du ty of the Treasurer, to make a fair ancLjust entry in a book-to be kept by him for that pur peso of the names and places of abode of all such persons, as shall have taken out license, and also of the sums of money and the names of the surities who have been received for the same, and lay a statement of the said persons to whom Licences have been granted, together with the sums re ceived for the same and the names of the securities so taken before Council once in each month or more frequently if so re quired to do. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained by the au- thprity aforesaid, that the form of the li cense to be granted by the Mayor shall be as follows viz: “This is to certify that has given bond and security according to the ordinance of the city for two hundred dollars, for his faithful compliance with the laws of the State, and the ordinance of the city, which now are and which may be enacted, and of force in this state and city respecting taverns, punch houses, and re tailers of spiritous liq jors so far as the same relate to the city of Savannah and the hamlets thereof, therefore the said is hereby authorised to retail in the house where he now resides, street ward arid in no other place what ever in Savannah, from the •—*- day of —— in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and — , until the dayof ■ next ensuing. Given under ray hand and the seal of the city the day and year first above men tioned. c. c. Mayor. Sec. 5. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that it shall not be lawful for any person having obtained licence fo retail spiritous liquors in more places that! one, under- the penalty of sum not excoedir _ other place than the oj license without first 1 ' to the clerk jof-Cc dollars, or in any (said laving { ’of his, ] tion of the time for which the sgpfri were granted, or to return them for a certificate m case of removal ns bofore required, he, she, or they so offending shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding thirty dollars. Sec. 6. Be it further ordained by the au thority aforesaid, that if any person or persons shall sell to any purchaser of li quors three gallons, or upwards, and de liver the same in small quantities and at difftmAneriods of times, he, she, or they conviBwN of delivering a less quantity at any one time than three gallons, shall be fined in u sum not exceeding thirty dol lars. Sec. 7. Be it further ordained by the au thority aforesaid, that every person, hav ing taken out a license for the retailing of spiritous liquors, shall have plainly paint ed in letters not less than three inches in length on some conspicuous place over the door, on the outside of the shop, or house, and fronting the street, lane, or square wherein the spiritous liquors arc sold, the name at length of the person, so licensed together with the following words, “Li censed to retail spiritous liquors” and each and every person or persons violating this section of the ordinance shall be fined for each week after the expiration of ten days from the time of haring taken out his, her, or their license, in a sum not exceeding 30 dollars. See. 8. Bo it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, that if there shall be found in tho shops or enclosure of any retailer of spiritious liquors within this city after drum heat at night any person or persons of colour,.not the projicrty of the owner of the said shop or retailer of the said liquors, and who nave not been sent there by their owner or guardians and who have not a written ticket to tlmt effect, the person or persons so harbouring or enter taining such persons of colour shall be fined in a sum not exceeding thirty dollars —and the marshal, city watch, «k consta bles arc hereby authorised to enter the premises where such persons of colour arc ! larbourcd and commit them to the common jail from which they shall not be dischar ged until they have paid the expcncc.of commitment. Sec. 9. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, that it shall not be lawfnl for the Mayor to grant any license to any person or persons who arc new or who heretofore may have retailed liqudrs without a license until the applicant shall have paid into the city Treasury, the a- mount due the corporation for the time he so retailed without a license at the rate of thirty five dollars per annum. Sec. 10. Be it further ordained by the authority aforefaid, that ftom and immedi ately after the passing of this ordinance, there shall be paid to the Treasurer of the city of Savannah and hamlets thereof by each retailer of spiritious or malt liquors the sum of thirty five dollars for each license. Sec. 11. B©*it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that it shnll not be lawful for any persen or persons to ped dle or vend any goods wares or merchan dize in any street square lane, or alley in this city until the person so vending such goods wares and merchandize shall have obtained from the Mayor in the manner heretofore pointed out for obtaining licen ses for retailing of liquors, a license for that purpose and which license shall con tinue in force for one year and no longer and at the time of receiving such licese he she or they shall pay to the City Treasury the sum of fifty dollars. Sec. 12. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid that if any person or persons shall expose or offer for sale, or vend any goods wares or merchandise in any street lane square wharf, improved lot, or alley in this city without having previously obtained such license he she or they shall be fined in a sum not excced- ingtbirty dolls, for each and every offence Sec. 13. Be it further, ordained by the authority aforesaid that it shall not be lawful for any peddler or vender of doods wares and merchandize as aforesnid to occupy with tables, benches or any other thing pcrmanantly, any part of the streets, squares, lanes, alleys, or wharves or to spread his, her or their articles of mer chandize on the ground—and every per son, or persons violating this section shall be fined for each offence in a sum not ex ceeding thirty dollars Sec. 14. Be is further ordained by the authority aforesaid that all licenses here tofore granted, be and the same are hereby duly valid. Sec. 15. Be it further ordained by the anthority aforesaid that all fines and pen alties imposed by this ordinance shall be levied and recovered in the Usual manner and applied as follows, viz: one half to the use of the informer and the other half to the use of the city. Sec. 16. Be it further ordained by the authority aforesaid, that, “ an ordinance for granting License to persons Keeping Billird Tables or retailing spiritous liquors within the limits of the city of Savannah and hamlets thereof, and for other pur poses mentioned” and the several ordin ance, amendatory of the same, and 44 an ordinance to oblige persons Keeping an Equality or E. O. Tables or other instru ments of similar construction used or in tended for the purpose of gambling to take out license for the same and for other pur poses therein mentioned” and 44 an ordin- Hamlets thereof, nit being duly licensed according to the tenor of this ordinance, shall at any time keep a tavern, inn, ordi nary, punch houso, porter house, ale or beer house or shall retail any wine, bran dy, rum, gin, porter, beer, cider, punch, spiritous liquors or strong drink under any name whatsoever, in any quantity less than ib .ee gallon^ lie she or they so of fending 1 , and being thereof convicted be fore tho City Council, shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding thirty dollars for each and every offence. Passed in Council 16th Oct. 1824. WM. C. DANIELL, Mayor. Attest, M. Myers, c. c. married: In Schenectady, N. Y. on the 17th of Sept, last r the Rev. Mr. Montelth, the Rev. Alexander II. ’f.bster, of Washington, Wilkes County, to Miss Eliza Henderson, of the former place. DIED, At New York, on the 11th inst. Mr. Jonathan B attelle, one of the Editors of tho Mobile Re- ister, formerly a merchant of Savannah, aged a- out 34 years. In England, Thomas Barton, Esq. aged 72. It is suid in the English papers, that at his death a hymn was sung inhischamberby aspirit or angel! On the 6th inst. at Milton Ilill,near Boston, R. Bennett Forbes, Esq. Prussian Consul for the Eastern States. On the 9th Inst, at Middletown, Md. Mr.THOsrtk Dunn, Sergeant-at-arms of the House of Represent tutives of the United States. ance to compel peddlers within the city of Savannah to take out licenses and for im posing restrictions relative to them” be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 17. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah in Council assembled, and it is hereby order ed by the authority of the same, that from and immediately after the passing of this ce ordinance, if any person or persons within 1 the limits of the City of Savannah, or PORT OF SAVANNAH. PLAINS AND BLANKETS. T HE Subscribers have received by the late ar rivals from New-York and Liverpool, their W FALL SUP PLY, consistIno of <1-4 and 9-4 London Duflla Blankets 0-4 and 14-4 Rose Blankets White, Mixt und Blue Plains, vory low 6-4 Blue and Mixt Cloths for servants Fine White Welsh Flannels Do White, Blue and Red Yorkshire Very line Scarlet Cloths and Cassimeros Superfine Cloths, Cassimeros and Sattinet Bombazoens and Bombaeetts 4-4 nnd 0-4 Black, White and Pink Italian Crapes Caroline Plaids and SalisburyfFlan nets Linen and Cotton Bed Tick i 4-4 ond 8-4 Counterpanes and Quilts Fino Printod Counterpanes, a new article Fnrnituro nnd Garment Dimity Printed Cnmbrick and Furniture Chintz Fine Irish Linen and Shooting Linen Cambric and do Hnndkerchiefs Rich Shaded nnd Figured S|ilks Baruge and Colored Florence Barege Scarfs nnd Handkerchiefs Rich Cashmere Scarfs, Shawls and Hand kerchiefs Boblnett Veils Rnd Thread Laces 4-4 and 0-4 Plain and Fig. Bobinetts do do Cambric and Jaconctts do do Nainsook and Book Muslin do do Real India Jaconetts und Mull Muslins Flounce Robes and Inserting Trimming Rich Ball Dresses and Head Ornaments Silk, Cotton and Worsted Hose of all des* criptions, With sundry other articles, too numerous to men tion, all of which will be sold on the most accom modating terms, by WM. 4- H- ROSE oct21 cp193 Athens, l2thOct. 1821 P URSUANT to a Resolution of the Ssm Academicus of 1820, tho President of Unlvorstty of Georgia requests the Senators el in tho so vend counties of this State, to rcbort on the condition of their County academics ‘ Tho Senatus Acadomicus will convene in Senate Chamber on tho 2d Monday in Novci next, where the reports will bo received. • By order of the President of tho Unlv»i A. HULL, Scc’rv ID* The Georgia Journal, Augusta Chronf.- and Savannah Republican, will please insert above till 1st of Novombpr. ’ 4 , oct 20 192 41,1 ARRIVED, BriglEliza, (of Havre de Grace) Burnenf, master, Martinique, 22 days, ballast and specie to Bul loch it Uunwody. Brig Italia, Brown, Providence, 9 duys, to O Tuft, P Hill, J B Richmond, and the master. Pas senger, Mr. Richmond. Left ship Rising States, ready for sen. Pilot Bout Richard Nelson, Pitcher, N. York, 8 days, to T Bradley k co.—Tim ship Lady GaJIutin, was to have sailed next day (With) and Louisa Ma tilda, 15th inst. Sloop Gold Huntress, Sheldon, Providence, 8 days, with merchandise, to P Hill, Henry fe Turn er, II Blnir, J F Phillips, Pcckham fe Brown, J C Whiting, nnd to order. Passengers,A Turner, nnd lady, J F Philips, indy nnd daughter, W Bowen ana lady, Messrs. H Blair, J A Clenvelund, J C Whiting, P Peckhnm, S Henry, P Bowen, B E Jones, S Turner, J Harrington, L Lawrence, and R M'Donaid—O11 tho 16th inst. offllattoras, pass ed the floating light, all well on board, supplied her with apples and caobugo. Stoop Herald, Ilcnth, N. York, 9 days, to the master and others. Passengers, C Cannon ond lu- dy, M Woodworth and ludy, Messrs. J V Bcvun, Toe, Stamford, und 15 others. Sloop Rapid, Jones, Baltimore, 7 days, to the master. Off Hattcras lost her boat. SAILED, Sloop Mechanic, for Baltimore. The Steam Boat Edgefield, fm Hamburg for Charleston, passed down the river this forenoon. The ship Clifford Wavne, was passed going into New-York on the 12th inst. by tho schr. Richard Nelson. The brig Hope, Clark, suited from Boston for tWs port, on the 7th inst. The Packet sloop St. Marys, Nye, was up at Providence for Darien nnd St. Marys 0th inst. to suil 10th. FROM THIS PORT, At Philadelphia, 12th last, brig Susan k Eliza beth, Gray, 7 days. L'P FOR THIS PORT, At'N. V. 11th inst. ship Emperor, Bennett, des patch; ship Cotton Plunl, Fash, 17th inst.; Pack et brig Tontine, Betts, 14tb; sloop James Monroe, Luddington, 14th; sloop Nancy, Taher, despatch. At Providence, 6th inst. brig New York, Cromwell, to sail 13th inst. BALTIMORE, Oct. 12.—Arr. brig Trident, Da vis, 08 ds fm St. Petersburg, hemp, fee. Bremen brig Germania, Gatgen, 56 ds fm‘Bre men, linens, glass, fee. Aug. 27, in lat. 38 48, Ion. 31 53, spoke the Russian Disoovery ships Apollo and Ladgodo, fm the N> W. coast of America, bound to St. Petersburg. Brig Alfred, Tcubner, 21 ds fm N. Orleans. Sclir Sampson, Allen, 13 ds fm Havana. Schr North America, Smith, 12 ds fm Key West, sugar, cotton, logwood, fee. Left Polly Hampton, (Colombian privateer.) No U. S. vessels there— the Wild Cat had not arr. The place remained vory sickly. Dr. , U. S. Navy, died about 24tn ult.—Francis Hall, u colored man, steward of the North American was arrested by the U. S. au thorities on information lodged by cupt. Nutter, of the Polly Hampton, charging him with murtlcr and piracy, and was left there in double irons. OCT. 13.—Arr. Schr Lapwing, Robinson, 13 ds fm St> Johns, P. R. with sugars.—On the 27th in coming out, spoke the U. S. schr Porpoise, lying off the harbor, her boat on shore, sent letters by the L. for the United States. Schr Franklin, Fear, 25 ds fm Rio'La Hachc, wood, fee. Schr Alcsanna, Southcomb, 14 dsfm Laguuyru, indigo. * Schr Leader, Brack, 11 ds fm St Thomas, sail ed 1st Oct. same day off Sail Rock,fell inwith the U. S. schr Grampus, Capt Sloat, who politely con veyed us through the passage, requested us to re port all well on board.—4 American vessels were driven ashore at St. Pierres, (Mart.) one or two at Gaudaloupc, names unknown. NORFOLK, Oct. 11.—The U S. schr. Fox, Lt. Com. Ritchif., fm Havana, via Key West, went up the bay yesterday. From Lt. Com. Ritchie tVc learn, that the Wild Cut is supposed to he lost —Lt. Legare, who was left sick at Havana, had partly recovered his health. The Fox left Havana 20th ult. with a convoy bound to the United States, and arr. at Key West next day.—The Weazel, Lt. Boarman, sailed same day with two vessels under convoy for the coast of Yucatan, to proceed to the Gulf on a cruize. The Shark, Lt. Com. Gallagher, sailed a few days before for the same via Thomp son’s Island. The Ferret, Lt. Com. Bell; arr. at Key IV est on the 20th, and suited next day for Matanzas. -On Thursday morning last, the Fox ran under the stern of the light boat, off Hattcras, and spoke her N. W. by W. 4 leagues fm the light house. She seemed to weather the storm very handsomely. The Fox has experienced much bad weather,lately. Attention—Georgia Hussars CAVALRY ORDERS. Y OU are required to assemble at the Exchange in Citiiens tin it, on Saturday evening next, the 23d inst. at hull'past seveu o’clock, oil business ot importance to the crops. By ordor of Lt. Law, com’d'g. 104 MACKAY, 1st Serg'tG. H Ten Dollars Reward. R UNAWAY from the subscriber about the first of the present month, my mulatto negre man PEGGY. She is 23 years of age, abi feet 6 inches high, square built, when spoken to talks very quick, bends much forward when she walks; she is very artful and sensible, and no doubt will endeavor to pass as a free woman. The above reward and all expences paid for her de* livery to me in Greensboro’, or $10 if secured in any jail in this state so that I can get her. Y. P. KINi ICF The Editors of the Augusta Chronicle*hnd Savannah Republican, arc requested to give the above two insertions und forward their accounts. Y. P. K. oc£12 188 W INE months alter date application will be made to the hon. Inferior court of Chatham county, for leave to sell all that lot in Savannah known by the No. 1, Ellis square, Decker ward, with the improvements thereon : and all that lot in Savannah known by tho No, 23, in Liberty ward, with the buildings thereon, being the real estate of John Smith, deceased, for the fit of the heirs. raajr IB FREDERICK HERB, Adra’r Oct 21 193 Wanted to Hire. T EN or fifteen prime field hands for whom lib eral wages will be eiven. Apply to erul wages will be given. Oct 21 || 103 . M. BOND. Notice. T HE undersigned Committee will receive pro posals until tiie loth of November for work on the Exchange which includes Slating, Plais- tering, Coppering and Glazing. Persons wishing to contract will muke application to cither of the Committee forpnrticulurs. GEO. SIHCK, J. B.GAUDRY, Octal 193 J.C. HABERSHAM, Chatham Academy. rpHIS Institution will again open for the re- i ception of pupils, on MONDAY, the first day of November next, under tho superintendance, as heretofore, of the Rev. Mr. Cauter, who will be assisted by competent teachers,iu the Feinalo and Male Departments. Tickets of admission must he obtained from the undersigned, nnd no scholar will be permitted to remain after the lapse of three days, without one, TERMS. BOY'S SCHOOL. 1st. Class—Spelling and Rcadingperqr. $8 00 2d, Class—With Writing, Geography, Gramar, und Arithmetic, - 10 00 3d. Class—Do. With Mathematics, and Lutin, and Greeks Languages, GIRL'S SCHOOL. 13 GO 1st Cf.Ass—9pellingnnd Reading,per quarter $8 00 2d Class—-Do with Writing and Arithmetic 10 00 3d Class—Do with Geography, Astronomy, History, fee. - - - 13 60 4th Class—With Drawing, Painting, fee, 15 00 YV.T. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. Oct21 n!93 G t EOllGlA, CiiuUmni County—by the honoru- T bit the Justices of the Inferior court of Chath am county silting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it muy concern. Whenras Cliorlcs Gregory executor of Thomas G. Davis lute of Chatham county deceased Ims petitioned the honorable the court of ordinary to be discharged from his said executorship. These arc therefore to cite nnd admonish nil and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, if any they have, in the office of the Clerk of the court of ordinaiy on or before the 7th day of March next, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the petitioner. Witness the honorable George L Cope, one of the Justices of the said court this seventh dayof September, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o c ct sep 9 175 " G EORGIA—Chatham County—to all whom it may concern. Whereas Benedict Bourquin has applied to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, for letters of administration on the estate and effects of Richard Pellum late of Chatham County, planter, deed, as principal creditor. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said dec to Tile their objections, (if any they have) to the granting of the administration of the estate of the said deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or before the nineteenth day of November next; otherwise fetters of adminis tration will be granted. Witness the Hon. T. N Morel one of the Jus- hces^of the said Court, the 19th day of October A S. M. BOND, c c 0 oct 20 192 G I ; EORGIA Chatham County—by the lion, the Justices of the Inferior court sitting for ordi nary purposes. To all whom it may concern. Whereas Richard R. Cuyler, executor of Wil- Horn Shaw deceased, has petitioned, the hon. court of ordinary, to be discharged from his said exe cutorship. These ape therefore to cite and admonish and singulur the kindred and creditors of me said deceased, to flic their objections (if any they have) in the oflice of tho clerk of the court of ordinary on or before the 13tb duy of January next ensuing the date, hereof, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to the petitioner. Witness the honorable Thomas N. Morel, o of the Justices of the said Court, this 13th day July, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c - one 160 N 1NE months after the date ... , , -- hereof, upplicu tion will bo made to the Inferior court when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to Stt 0r ,n tho district of White Bluff, couhty of Chatham, containing 60 acres, more or loss,bounded northwardly and east- wardly by lands late John Poullens, and south- wardly by lands of Will ams, belonging to tho es- B< T d ’ ,u ? d t0 bo »oMfor the bene- fit of tho heirs and creditors of said estate. HI Just Received, 4 1 An K1 ’.G9 DUPONTS POWDER 1UU 50 half do do For sale by GAUBRV fe HERBERT Oct 92 m!20 l ’ 11 ;r drops! HEALTH H EALTH, the greatest of all'earthly >1,1.^ At tills season of the year, when it is soft! ly proper and important to cleanse the StomJ and Bowels of redundancy of bile, and all d»3 clous and ruinous accumulations, the nrouH„7 of I.EE’3 most oxcollont ANTI-BILIOUSf"jT would very respectfully advise the use of sen doses of them, and thereby in many imlan Cf , vent hend-achcs, sickness at (lie stomaci, t>L ante obstructions of the bowels, acoroliiagf evei C LEE’S worm destroying.. ZENGES, a most powerful Medloinc, rcino" and destroys all kinds of worms. LEE’S ELIXEIt, un invaluable lit cine, it never fails to cure the most violent t and affords instant and great relief, in all obslim coughs, it also relieves young children from chi ics, i-c. LEE’S NERVOUS CORDIAL,, excellent md'dlcine for all nervous afhciio Weakness, pains in loins, back, gre. LEE’S ESSENCE OF MUSTAR no medicine ever oxcellcdthis in curing rhei tisin, sprains, bruises, frosted feet, A-c. fee. LE E’S AGUE AND FEVER DI a never failing cure. LEE’S SOVEREIGN OINTMEV warranted to cure the itch, by only one ai tion. LEE’S PERSIAN LOTION,an ccllcnt medicine for curing tetters, ring prickly heat; softens the skin, and improve* complexion. LEE’S INDIAN VEGETABLES! CIFIC-—Au effectual cure for the Veneiei Gonorbica. LEES’ TOOTH-ACHE DR01 which give immediate relief. LEE’S TOOTH POWDER—IV cleanses and beautifies the teeth. LEE’S EYE WATER—A cei cure for sore eyes. LEE’S ANODYNE ELIXIR the cure of heud-nchcSi LEE’S CORN PLAISTEE-F moving and destroying corns* LEE’S LIP SALVE. ID* Numerous enses of cures could he ed, of the happy ond good effects that hovel lowed the use of the above JUSTLY CEIE TED FAMILY MEDICINES, but the pul has not room for them in this paper.’ 4 V 1‘lease to observe whatevtr] and wAml you buy none can be Lec's-Qtnuine Family J cines, without the signature of the propiietoi! NOAH MDGELY, Late Michael Lee Si- Tiie above famous family medicines sale by DR. A-DELAROCHE, Sei Druggist, Savam Who has just received a fresh supply from more. . oct 7 180 1 Bethlehem,—Ge orgia. A PUBLIC examination in tills Academy I commence on Thursday the 14th ofOck and be continued froth day to day at tho pie: of parents and guardians who may be pre The rolntions and friends of the young lain, respectfully invited to attend, together will neighboring persons, who take pleasure in tin I vation one mole character. Tiie examinatio: embrace many of the most interesting bran: between the student of orthography, nnd tM Humes Elements. It is hoped something done to shew thutthc highest intellectual ill. monts arc the exclusive property of no w. H the accommodation of spectators the studeulil be examined in Uie new Church. ’ The winter session will commence unjthe! of November. Terms. Board, tuition, lodging,washing, fire andean;) for the Scholastic year of eleven months For tiie session or half year Use of books,inaps,ink and pencils per sessJ All fees in advance. . In the department of music and painting,I terms of the present year continued. Each young lady to furnish a pair of shecuf towels. By those unacquainted with the charactera:l institution, reference cun be had to his F.xcr/V-T Governor Troup—to the President and ofcfHil tile University of Georgia—to the Rcv.Di.Bni —Dr. Joel Abbot—Dr. John Gerardine,or hi Wayne.—As regards health and other locslj vantages, no institution in the Southern Coir can be more favorably situated, in other n it is foi the public to determine the extent i claims to patronage. Our former means of improvement will l creased by an additional popularand able in; .tress. By another instrument for tho benrSJ those engnged in the acquisition of music: ml possible, by a’ more undivided attention mj part of those hitherto engaged in the literaijl purtment. oct7 186 Mrs. Humphreys, R espectfully inform? the inhabMI Savannah that she will open a SCHO®I the first of November, for the reception oi“T children, whose pnrents may entrust them Nj care. She will teach the solid and ornnmfH branches of education; and after several J perience in the instruction ofyouth.shelM |er8(l | self she shall not fail to give satisfaction. For further information please call Ca I* M'Leun’s, Lincoln Street. 1 sept 28 182 G EORGIA Chatham county—By the A M 'I Justices of the Inferior court of C/wfA <un ty sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it maji concern. ,■ Whereas William Davies administrator cob Franklin Keai dec. has petitioned the.T court of Ordinary to be discharged ftom Wffi administration. , These are therefore to cite and . admom _ and singular, the kindred and creditors .#■ said deceased to file (heir objections (if have,) in the office of the oflice of the Cl' the court of ordinary, on or before the 7tn 0 March next, otherwise letters dismissory^ granted the petitioner. ’ Witness the honorable John P. Wilj* a l one of the Justices of said court this 7th ° September, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, o «.? c | sep 9. 106 ,. T HE public is apprised, that tho M has titles to one half of a 60 now 1 land on Wlilto Bluff, adjoining bis M" lately John Pouilen’s, now John Morrm'iu for whioh the administratrix of the Ifift/Pfa now applies' for leave to sell as parVpf ; u >, " | |j —Ids titlcB are of prior date and record- 1 sons are forewarned not to purchase or on the premises. R. F. WlIlWA" I June 17 m—§t138