Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 21, 1824, Image 4

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1 * 4 s © itevt— —-bikJ, ed west by Adininistvator’s Sales. By J. B. Herbert Sf Co. QN U»i first Tuesday in November next, will us Jhe property of A, M. Gray, to satisfy the taxes of said property for the yews 1822,1823 and 1824. ] _ bo sold, before the Court-House in this city betweOii the usual hottrtaif 10 and 2 o’clock. One tract of luiul situated in RockyCreek, con- taininr: one hwndtpd nnd thirty-five acres (135) mov'-j or lcs$, being the property ot Peter ur« 1 me deceased, sold by permission of the Hon. the Inirriormourt of Chatham county, and by or der of the. administrator for the benefit of the hairs and creditors of said estate. Terms cash, sent 2 172 Amount due $45 mid cost One negro man named Fjnnk, levied on as the I property of Thomas Wilson, to satisfy his city taxes for. the ye Sirs 182 If 4822, 1823, and 1824, | amount tax $120 12. ' ,, „ A building on lot No. Si- Second Tything Rcy- Administrator’s sales. By J. B. Herbert fy Co M ‘the first Tuesday in November next, will _ be sold before the Court-House in this city, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock. Lot No. (118) thirty seventh district of Wilkin son county, containing 202J acres. . Lot No. (141) twenty seventh district of Wil kinson bounty, containing 202J acres. Lot No. (62) thirteenth district Wilkinson conn- tv. containing SS02J acres. Lot No. (85) thirteenth district Wilkinson coun ty- containing 202J acres. All that lot of land in the city of Savannah, known by letter W Oglethorpe Ward with the improvements" thereon. All that Lot of land in the city of Savannah known by letter Y Oglethorpe Ward With the ini* nrovemcntflthereon. t Two negroes Lesle and her child Mary> being the property of the estute of A. D. M'Forlaue, de ceased sold by permission of the Hon. the Inferior Court of Chatham county, and by order of the administrator for the benefit of the heirs and ere' ditors of the said estate, snpt 2 172 Sheriff’s Sales. O N the first Tuesday In Novembor next,wiHbo sold before the Court-House in Effingham county, between the usual hours of sale. Three hundred and seventy acres of land in Kf- fingliam County, being tile upper section of a tractof land whi< ‘ ' ’ “ * thirty five acres, „ the-River Savannah; levied on as the property of Benjamin Kennedy to satisfy executions in tavor of Hall & Hoyt, and L G Mannanand others. A tract of land n said county containing three hundred acres originally granted to Behj. Dasher, levied on as the property of J V Bevan to satisfy an execution in favorof Benj. Dasher. A tract of land of Five Hundred acres, in sa!d ; county, adjoining lands of W GPbrterand Sliults; levied on as the property of Benj. Morel, to satisfy an execution in favor ofHanford Knapp. | a ,' t j; e property of'thc estate Thomas D. Porter, Two Hundred acres of land in said county, t0 satisfy t | le c itv taxes of sold estate fortlm years bounded on the S. E. and N. W. by land of Walter I 1823 182 3 0 nd ig24. Amount due 7 dollars 50 Stewart, originally granted to James Love—le- cents alu i cost Tax Collector’s sales. On the first Tuesday in November next. W ILL be sold ot the court house in the city of Savannah, between the hours of 10and 3 o'clock, the foliowing property or so much there of as will satisfy the state and county taxes, and costs, vis: . A tract of land in Bulloch county, containing 828 acres, more or less, returned as pine land, le- vied on to satisfy the state and Oounty taxes of Joseph B. Armstrong forthc years 1822 and 1823, ondcosts; amount of taxes $4 43. A tract of land in Camden county, containing 287 1-2 acres, more or less, originally granted to John Palmer. Levied on to satisfy the state and ntv taxes of the estate of Joseph Bevan for the r iS23; amount of taxes $26 50. JAMES EPP1NGER, tccc nog 28 17c count; year : Sheriff s sales. On the first Tuesday in November next, W ILL be sold at the Court House in Bryan County between the usual hours of sale. The following negross. Pat and Hester, pointed out as the property of John Ralston, to satify sun dry executionsin favorof Wiley Belcher and there, returned to mo by a constable W. W oct 2 * 184 W. WILLIAMS, o. s.b. City Sheriff’s sales. O N the first Tuesday in Novembernext.willbe sold at the Court-House, between the usual hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. A negro woman named Betty levied on as the property of Charles Tiot, to satisfy two executions in favor of David Gugie nnd Petty &■ Greene. Also, a wooden building 20 by 22 feet at the I corner of Drayton street and a lane, situated on * the South East corner oflot No 5, Hicks Tj thing, Percival Ward with about three years unexpired lease, levied on osthe property of Mrs Goldsmith, by her Trustees, to satisfy an execution in favor of Peter Dupon. JAMES SIMS, n s c s. oet2 184 Lot No. 20 and buildings, Warren ward, bound- j Superior 'COUrt—‘Chatham OOUllty* I east by Price-street, south'by St. Julian-street, xhomas F. Puree 6t. nl. ) cst by lot No. MV and north by a lane, leviedon | Comnlaints I Complaints And Michnrd R. Cuyler, ox’r Wm Shaw, deceased. N this case; on the suj IN EQUITY, G EORGIA, Chatham County—By the lion., KORGIA, Liberty Comity—By KlIUu r the Justicos of tho Inferior Court, sitting \J ker, clerk of the court of ordinary f 0 , for ordinary purposes, oounty Liberty. 1 1 To all whom it may concern. To all wliom it may concern. John Dillon administrator of Ed-1 Whereas William Law, Esi Win I to this w istion in the defend ant's answer, that certain persons not parties | his bill, residing In Scotland, claim to bo en- m .ml Dillon, lato of Chatham oounty dec. has pe- dismissed from his administration on^ie esLV® titioned the lion, court of ordinary, to bo discharge Davis Carter, lute of said county, doc* 16 ( cd from his said administration. Tlioso arc therefore to cite, and admnn'j Now, tlioso are therefore to cite and admon-1 all persons concerned to File their objection / iah all and singular the "•wdiMt* nf I anu »h»« s.«>\ i>Ah ***«- a *ll r , 0 the kindred and creditors of any they have) in my office, within tho timn titled to a distribution of part of the undivided | t | lfi sa | d j occnsc j ) tho file their olijecliins (if any ci ibed by law j or otherwise tho said nnnl a s tut 1 4 lit- o- Cnnn.,,1 Titlliiiiff Iln... I *’» s • , .. ..I Utu oui« wwwUUSLUj UIU IIIO UlCir UUJUUU1IW ttiijr i LHULU uy IUW) lir UUIOIWISO UlO said unnli.. A building Oil lot No. 2,- Second Tything J C3tttlo 0 f \y m Slmw, deceased, and on motion, it t i, ey have,) to the granting of letters dismissory will bo dismissed from Ids said ttdmlnistmtllnn nold s ward, bounded cast bv lot No. 3,*° ,db J is ordered that oil persons coiiccrnod do appear t0 t(in petitioner, in tho clerk's office,, of the said Given undor my hand and seal, this 3d j j ~ KuIa* Mu i nnd north bv nav-sireei, A u-r. n.. :., M riintlmm r!nnniv in I ...... r ,i... mi. t rr\ * I km.... a t-x tort** a « (hi now's wara, uounaea oi»i uv loinu. o, «u« » . j 9 orilor0 d that dll persons eoncernea ao appear t0 petitioner, in tho clerk’s office, of the said Given und( a lane, west by lot No. 1, and north by Bay-street, J bcfol , 0 tho superior Court of Chatham County in oourt or boforo thu x uh day 0 f Decambernext of May, A. D , J that the undivided estate of the said Wm SUaw, j Witness the nmi. John Camming, one tisfy thoir city taxes for tho year 1822 and 1824, Amount due $12 80 and cost. Buildings on lot No. 3 east by West Broad Street, . 1824. 110 E. BAKER, of. •I "> ltol.rop.nj- Of B..g- Morol,K v ^j,- ylMNo ,e,„d »ollbto«liuM,l«^doJ SSiCtoc. 7^ monih “ul'tte %taUon I A- £ 1 J'S' 1M M - “ oflD| 0 °' tisfy an execution in favor ofHanford Knapp. Us the nronertv of tho estate Thomas D. Porter, f, ' June 11 i.m .1 hnnnflt nHIm linli-o anri rimrfbnwt *&Mkssi».-4-««»-!! i “a from .I,. — iTE; .76 Eital 1824. vied on as the pjoperty of James Love to satisfy an execution in favor of the German Lutheran | Congregation at Ebencser. ents and cost. ; i j uno 17 5t138 Lot letter I%\td buildings, Dobker wardf; houn-1 : ^ Lot letter land buildings, ueeker ward, noun-1 — :—-—' <xi ded cast by Ellis’s square, south by St. Julian st. j feupCl'ior COU11> IvllUtlltUll LOllIlt} ordinary purposes, | -To nil whom it may concern A negro man named Jim, levied on as tho pro- — ' “ “ tisfy executions in fa- perty ot Charles Tiot to satisfy executions vor of David GugeLT B Smith and others. THOS. ELKINS, sec oct 2 184 January Term, 1824. Aaron Cleveland and Susau C, Ids wife, vs. ( Jnroh Fahm. west by Jeffereon-street. and north by Bryan-st. levied on as the property of John M. M'Ciulu, to satisfy tlie city tax of said property for the pre sent year, amount due $25 and cost. Half Lot No. 9 and buildings, Second Tything Reynolds ward, bounded east by lot No. 10,south by Bryan st. west by Lot No. 8, and north by a lane levied on ns the property of C. D. Lehv, to satisfy Ids city tax for tho years 1823 and 1824 Amount due $25 80 and cost. __, v . | A quarter of Wharf Lot No. 4, Trustee Garden, I y ( . 0 ,, execute a joint bond to tho said Susan C. I cr 1 x t .. I...IP .mi l' 1..4 ... i 1... I,<l *1 I • .i i * A J* .... il flnllnud nnnrll. I benefit oftlie heirs and creditors. JOHN CUBBEDGE, Adm’r June 17 138 • Brrnn C^.l N INE months after date npplication^wijri made to the lion. Inforior court of i;l! '''Iicrcas Hubert layior, namimsinuor oi \vin i coun ty ( for leave to sell the real and nerjonj'l M. Kelley,.lato of Savannah, merchant, decid, tMo0 f Lodowick Lard, late of Tattnall JSs has petitioned to tho honorahle the court ot Or- deceased, for the bcnellt of the heirs and 3 dinary to be discharged from Ids said adinmlstra-1 tor , £ fcsels P°v City Marshal’s Sales. R ESOLVE*D, That the committee of sales be authorised to instruct the mnrehnl to adver tise that the sales, of lots and houses for taxes, he I bomuied 'cast by lialf of 'snl.not’, weTt' hy lot 3,' I [icm.i'Mim of fm^ii.'ousaml dollars co.uii- btJnni iha?^?nm^hnR DR'^ilnoSsd^ofVriShout’foU^ I by Fort Wayne, and north by Savannah tiono d for the payment of two thousand dollars ^Sagto the’oSJnces of u.thout tail, | IUver , ,^-icd oi. as tho property of A. L. Hart- j -with interest from date, on W before, the first In Council, 30th Sept. 1824, Extracs from the minutes. M. MYERS, c. c. ity with the above resolution oi | c#nl j ot> west by | ot Council, I do hereby give notice that the sale st lcvied on m tllc prope of property advertised by me for taxes Is postpone- to gatisfy his city taxes fi od until the first Tuesday in November, when the a|ld igo^. Amount tai fi sale ryill positively take place,if the amounts due A smal i building on d. F.M. STONE, 1 Marshal a»R'l 5 185 City Marshal's sales, continued. ^VN the 1st Tuesday In November neCfjtn front Witness the Honorable John F. Wllllnmson, I .. ,! , l u 1 T one of the Justices of the said court, this 8tli day IVTlNL months alter date application leviedon as tho property of A. L. Hart-.l w Kh interest from date, on nr before the first I of June, A. D. 1824. S. M BOND, c c o. I ^ t ,. t !, lon ; Wferior court of ridge, td^slitisfy the city taxes of said property tor I ,|„ y 0 f M ar ch then next, and that for the hotter I June 8 134 the years 1821, 1822, and 1823. Amount due | 800ur j n g the pnyincnt thereof, the said Jacob ^ UORGIA, Chathum county—By Uu lion, the $14 50 and cost. • did on the day and year first aforesaid make his \JT Justices of the Inferior Court sitting fur ordt- One small building on lot No. 5, Oglethorpe ccrta j n indenture of mortgage, whereby ne | nary purposes. ward, bounded cast by lot No. 4, south by a va-1 mortgaged to said Susan C. ail that lot of ground I fo nil whom it may concern No. 8, andHorth_bv Bryan | hnown nnddesignated as Gardon ^iot^^nnmber j Whereas William Davies, administrators of Mar county, when sUting for ordinary purpose!, j I estate of i leave to sell ail the real nnd personal estate ofl len Denmark, deceasod, for tlio benefit of 9 heirs and creditors. II ROBERT BURTON, Adm’r mary Denmark; Adn", fell 28 48 Bulloch Counil Vh tho O N the 1st Tuesday of the. Court House, between the hours of lp VUl uu. vuuil UUII3D. ucmrcu uir uwt A. M. and 4 P. M. will be sold the follow perty, or as much thereof us will satisfy the Taxes. Lot No. 5 and building, second Tything Rey nold’s Ward,bounded east oy Reynold-street, south by a lane, west by lot No. 4, and north by B6y-st. levied on as the property ofthc estate of John An derson, to satisfy the cify taxes of said estate for the year 1821,1822 and 1823, amount tax, $105 50 cents and costs. Lot No. — New Leeds, now known in the plan of the city ns Oglethorpe ward, hounded enst by West Broad-street, soutii by a vacant let, west by lot — and north by lot No’. 1. levied on as the property of G. L. Cope, to satisfy his city taxes for the year 1821,1822, 1823, and 1824, amount tax of -Elias E. Roberts, thirty nine, No 39, and also, that adjoining half tha Johnson dec. has petitioned the lion, the court. . years 1822, l“-J I part of another lot known ns lot number ‘orty I of ordinary to be discharged from Ids said ad* I 1VTINE months allor the date hereof, onpii • ' I two, No 42, containing together eight end a half I ministration. I -Lx lion will ho made to the Inferior c _ • 13. Elbert ward, acres more or less situated to the east of tho city 1 These are therefore to cite nnd admonish nil when sitting for ordinary purposes, for lenv hounded on the east by lot No. 14, sr ry street, west by Momgbmery-stroet, by alanc, levied on As the property of the esliito of Daniel Robbins, to Satisfy his city taxes ' years 1823 and 1824. Amount tax $5. , _ ______ , ult Half lot No. 5, Mnd buildings, Trustee Garden, I established and known by the name of Fnlims I petitioner hounded cast by lot No. 6. soutii by lot No. 7. bric ] c yur a. (lint tlicrc is now on the said bond witness’ the lion. John P. Williamson, one of west by east Broad-street, and north by Bryan st. or mortg agc obligatory the sum of eighteen hun- the Ju , lioeg 0 f ( | ie 8llid Co(lr , tbis 7tb day 0 f levied on as the property of the estate of George dred dollars with interest from the 23d day September A. D 1824. Enoe, to satisfy Ids city taxes for the year 1898. | j nnuB rv 1823. and Dravlne the foreclosure of the 1 1 ...... i.iF. iu, acres more or less siiumvu iu tuc < ineso are tncrcloro to cite ana admonish ain urumnry puqioses, tor icarc No. 14, south by Ter- 0 f Suvunnab nnd hounded to the north west ol and s i ng „| nr t i, e kindred and creditors of said de- sell ull thnt lot or part of ground in tho district! iery-stroet, and north I Lot No 26, to the south nnd cast by lands be-1 C p astdi to file thoir objections (if any they have) I White Bluff, county qf Chatham, contaiiiine 1 V ! I longing to the estate of Hampton LillibriiKe, h n the ofBee of the clerk oftlie court of ordlna- ncres, more oojess,bounded northWariUy and® 1 tor the l n , u | the west by the public road leading to r y on op before tho seventh day of March next ; l wnrdly by lands late John Poullons, and sol I Skidaway island whereon a brick yanl1 is now I 0 (henvise letters dismissory will bo irruiited tho wardly liy lands of Williams, belonging tothe„ — 1 ” * - e 1 -i— 1 lb 1 tato of James Boyd, and to be sold for the be« I fit of the heirs anti creditors of said estate. rils k. 01 ot! ce b. Oi eh Amount tux $ 1 city tuxes for the year 1823. F. M. STONE, c. m. oct 5 185 Coroner’s Sale, ON WEDNESDAY, 14th Inst, at 11 o’clock, Will be sold before our Store, January 1823, and praying the foreclosure oi equity of redemption of the said Jacob and his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns in ami to the said mortgaged premises—On motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney for the petiouen— It is ordered that the principal and interest due | d purposes. on the said bend or writing obligatory together ion be paid ' ELIZABETH BOVD, Ad®', 124 mnv 26 fjVllE public ft apprised,_that the snlnjS C t Ei jr .1 has titles to one half of a 60 acre tract S. M. BOND, c c o c c. sept 9 175 -1 EOKGIA, Chatham County—By the lion, the I ! ul ") "» White Bluff, adjoining his and Justices of the Inferior court sitting fur ordiiia. \ |*tely Johnil oullop §, now Jolin Morrill’s,« 1 for which the administratrix oftlie late John E» now applies for leave to sell as part of thatist —his title - ny - „ , . with the cost of this application be pal’d into this I Whereas Linus P. Sage administrator of Sprague Sundnr articles of clothing, one Writing Desk, conrt witb | n twelve months from this date, or in fuy\ot, deceased, sundry Books, one Masonic Silver Badge, t"’o CIlfC 0 f default that the equity of redemption of I ble court of ordinar; Quadrants, one Spy Glass,6ne silver Watch, one gaid Jucob Knbm, his heirs, cxccutoi-s, adininls- said adminlstrations . - n _____ lot of Ohnrts, one walking Cane, and sundry oth- t ra t olfl nn d assigns be from thenceforth forever | t hese are therefore to cite and admonish all MVT1NL months alter date, application sill er articles, belonging to the estate of John Colly. | rni-o<-lr>»><l nnd tlmt much further and other nro-1 n .. smgular the kindred nnd creditors of the | i.1 made to the Inferior court of Efliml onto 185" Terms rash ias peti ry to he discharged from his isliip. s are of prior date and record* All sons nrc forewarned not to purchase or tren R. F/W 167 67 d t $1 Wlmrf*ot d No. S 8, Warren ward,bounded east by j Administrator's Sale-COntlHUed. j ftnWteln sueh caso 'nade and pfovlded- WIU.lAVpBBlrs on tho premises. June 17 m—frrl38 foreclosed and that such further and other pro-, - , . r , , „ - , , .. ceedings he had thereon, as nrc pursuant to the ? u,d ‘'eccased, to file their objections (It and they county tor leave to sell all the real property • ■ ■ • * —j * And it I I'pvc) m the ofiicc of the clerk of the court of or-1 longipg to the estate of thp ! ■ *- 1 late Rev. Jno. fc lot No. 9, south by Bay-street, west by lot No. 7 and north by Savannah river, levied on ns the pro perty of the estate of Pat. Stanton, to satisfy the city taxes of said estate for the years 1821, and 1822, amount tax $39 and cost. Lot No. 4, Frederick Tything, Darby ward, »y I ILL be sold at the court house between W ! the hours of 10 nnd 2 o’clock Lot No, 15 (fifteen) in the second district, of Early County, Geo. containing 250 acres being the real estate of Robert M. Durkec, deccasea, ordered that this rule be published in I Jiual y. °<> or before the Kith day of January next deceased, lying in said county, for the benefi Gazettes of this stnt* at least once n I ensuing tlie date hereof; otherwise letters dismis- the liens and creditors. —ry will lie granted to the applicant. ANN BECK, Ail®’: Witness the honorable Thomas N. ** ‘ ” *■* 1.01 ixo. -i, t reuencK lyunng, xmruy wara, the real estate ot Hubert 51. Durkee. deceased, bounded enst by lot No. 3, soutii by a lane, west I and 'sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary by lot5,and north by Cojigress-street,levied on as | of Chatham County is further one of the month for twelve months, or that a copy, be served on the defendant nt lenst six mouth before the time appointed for tlie payment of tlie mon ey into court. Extract from the minutes, 15th Jnn. 1824. jnn 16 13 JOB T. BO LF.S _ . Morel one of the Justices of the said Court this 13th day of July, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. July 13 150 88 upril 16 N INE months idler dale, application uillj made to the hon. the Inferior Court of i the property of Charles Devuut to satisfy his city taxes forthe present year, amount due f costs. Half lot No. 6. nnd buildings, Carpenters Row, Trustee Garden, bounded c-rt by cost boundary street, South by lot No. 7, west by east Broad-st. j and north by lot No. 5, levied on as the property of Thomas F. Maxham, to satisfy his city taxes'for the years 1823 and 1824, amount due $15. Also, 1 trunk wearing apparel and 1 silver xvatcli Superior COUl’t, ChutllUlll COUllty toin S ,h. | Jobn.Bctnn ■ • ) G EOHG1A, CliBtliam County—Uy the lion, the Justices of the Inferior court, sitlii nn County, for leave to sell all the real csiatil ~ ’ ‘TKl Administrator. oct 5 185 that iUingfor or- all whom it may concern. Whereas Alexander M. Tuylor, administrator of I 1VT1NE months alter date', 1 sim(i apply 0 John Scott,.deceased, .has petitioned the lionnra-1 i. 1 hon. Inferior court of Chatham county,) ilinary purposes. To all Sheriff’s sales. O N the first TuesdavinNovember next,will be sold nt the court h sold nt the court house, in the city ofSavan- nah, between the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. Lot and improvements No 1 Eyles Tything, Ileathcote ward, the corner of Broughton and Barnard streets, levied on as the property of W’m It. Holland to satisfy an execution issuing from the hon. Superior Court in favorof Paul Wolf. All the western half with the improvements there on of that lot of land in Brown ward in the City of Savaunali, known by the No 11, and those lots in said ward with the improvements thereon, known by the numbers 14,15, and 16; levied on as the property of John Hunter, under a rule absoture from the hon. Uie Superior Court of Chatham Countv. in favor of the Bank of the State of Geor- lanc, levied on as me properly 01 j. 01. Jarvis, to satisfy his city tax for the present year. Amount ' te $15 and cost. Lot No. 12, and buildings Warren ward, bounded | east by Lot 11, south byBiyan-strect, west by Ha- bersham-street, and north by a lane, levied on as tlie property of James Bilbo,to satisfying city taxes the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $53 93. gia. A negro woman named Cloe; levied on as the property of Benjamin Allen to satisfy an exccu- t iou issuing from a Justices Court in favor of Ellen Gorham, agent of Win Gorham, turned over by a constable. All the household and kitchen furniture con tained in the City Hotel; levied on as the property of Oran Bird under a foreclosure of a mortgage to Elcazer Early, transferred to J B Herbert k co. I. D’LYON.s.c. c Hi oct 2 184 vSherifFs sale, continued. O N the first Tuesday in Novembernext,will he sold before the Court House, in Bryan coun ty, between the usual hours of sale. Two negroes, Dorcas and Joe, levied on as the property of Richard T Keating,to satisfy a mort gage bond in favor of Jes. Anderson & co. THOMAS ALBRITTON, s b c. oct 2 184 Jm Administrators’ sales. On the first Tuesday in December next, W ILL be sold at the court house in the coun ty ofEffingham. A tract of land containing 202^ acres, known by tjie number 229—16th dist. lying in the county of jijMenry, on the Yellow River, fwenty five acres of which is cleared, together with some improve ments thereon and considered a valuable tract, Sold-bv an order obtained from the Jion. the In ferior Court of the County of Effingham, for the . fng benefit oftlie heirs and creditors of the estate of Emanuel Rahn, late of said County dec. JACOB GNANN, Junior. Administrator. oct 2 18ft. City Sheriff’s sales—continued W On the first Tuesday in Ndv. next, I ILL be sold before the court House in the City of Savannah, between tlie usual hours of sale. Buildin: S ngs on ha Tything J r of Louis Rule Nisi Nathan Bukcr, O N tlie petition of Jno. Retan stating Nathan Baker did on tlie first d*y ol May 1822. tlie better to secure the payment of his certain promissory note of that dale for the sum of two thousand dollars, payable to the said John | said deceased, to file their olijactionsVf ff any tliey Rctan, or order, on or before the 1st day of May, have) in the clerk's office, of the court of ordina- Sarah M'Kindlv, lute of Bryun County dec j the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said] lute. JAMES BUTLER, Ad®| iipil 2 §o77 hie the Justices of tlie Inferior court,to he dischu'r- leave to sell the real anil personal firaoneifl ged Irom Ills said administration. Lnelilund Hamilton McIntosh, deceased, for Now these are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred nnd creditors of the Bottles, Corks, Drugs, &c. &c. S UPERIOR Velvet Corks, Wine pint bottles, Oxygin, Chamber and pocket r Lights, Wax ;d Mngnesia, _ Balsam Co-1 1824. with interest at 7 per cent per unnum, by I ry, on or before the 6th day of December "next; Have his indenture, under hia seal, bearing date the otherwise letters dismissory will he "ranted , and for day and year first aforesaid, mortgaged to the Witness the honorable Edward Harden, 1 said John Retun, nil the undivided moiety or 1 -> •• benefit of the heirs. SUSAN A.G.M’INTOSH, Adm’i] march 9 , 56 1NE months utter dale, 1 shall for Furniture Wax. een received per the William Wallace; sale by LAY fe HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Congress,corner of Whitaker-streuts, Shad’s Building. years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $53 93. ' au 1 164 Lot No. l,and buildings, Second Tything Anson Ward, bounded east by lot No. 2, south_by a lane, east by Abercorn street, and north street, levied on as the property of the John Dubell, to satisfy the estates city taxes, for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount of Tax, $32 62. Lot No. 6, Columbia ward, bounded cast by lot bv Brauelltomstaee'^ievted mi'as Bm nronertv r nfl ,lsn ‘ . I or in delimit thereof, that the equity Of redemps John Mo g rel^ "Satisfy'hiTeltv tues forttwTirem . A snpl ? ly of was h . as been 11 rccelv «£ f’, t T sh, P tion of the said Nathan Baker of and to tho said 18°2 1823 and lS'M Amount due S43 J Savannah. It is put up in small pots and boxes mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and forever ^Builffings rni\ot^No. ^‘warren'wa^dfbonnded * wlt ^ P r ' ntud 0 I forectofed. P one IV] INE months uftcr date, 1 shall apply to 1 ±1 hon. the Inferior court of the county oi 1 (ingliain, for leave to sell all (he real estate I said John Retun, nil tho undivided moiety or of the Justices of the said court, this fitli dnv of 1™ 1 .Isi 'o real csiuie half part of all that lot ofland, situate, lying and I Mny, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND c/u I longingtoiaoloinon Gitalin, dec. of which alio being in the city of Savannah, aud known and J may 6 106 ’ ccrned wi^II take notice. , 1 distinguished in the plnti thereof by the number I .—r- ■■■■ ■ f . r—-— ; JOSHUA GNANN,adrar] one (I) Tyrconnell tything Darby ward, together G W. 5 Jimora- march 4 r,2 with the uppurlenances, and further stating that bL l[. TVIINE months after date application will I the said promissory note remains wholy unpaid, whereas Robert Burton/administratorof the ' ^ lnade toll ' e ho "- the InferSorCourt of Cl] 9 5 K estate of Stephen Denmark deceased hath ai N liam Count’ Mahogany 1 urmture. .. | petioncr, it is ordcied that tlie said Natlian 15 a-| Tl,eu> „j. i.u I estate of N. S., deceased, viz : inlio Iks, 1 [He, inijo skin pW !>P' ino aaogany r uiiiuure. petioncr, it is ordered ttint me said IVultian Ha- , , . , „ I The large and extensive Cabinet Ware Manu- |( Pr do pay h,to this court, within twelve ninths nn i 5” J C ‘f m ndm .°|' 1 ,sh al One undivided'fourth of a tract of land l. facturies in the northern cities make use of tins I „f tb i s da te, the principal und interest due on , ® \ dl f d onJ creditors oftlie said I ^ a j n | nK about 5(X) acres on Cumberland /s/«| composition to give their works u beautiful po- the scud note and the cost of the said application, , j JU Sheofllih comt" wUh^ Camdan c °u»fy- known as Plum Orclmrd^ Hsh ’ In in the time preseribed rlaw. oth^fle e a .« «rt d WTract oil do do aug 12 LAY &. HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, Shad’s Buildings. ICS And it is further ordered, tlmt a copy of this rule be served on the said Nathan Baker, nt least I six months before the time appointed for the in the, time prescribed by law, otherwise letters ft .‘ l u '">' v, ded ourtn oi n certain met m » dismissory will he granted the applicant. situated on said Island, containing about W Witness the honorable Shepherd Williams, one »".» originally granted to Gen. Lachland M of the Justices of said court, this 3d June. 1S24 I tosll > and bounded on tlie soutii by the said f s Justices of said court, this 3d June, 182-1. ELY KENNEDY, c c o n c. junc 4 132 payment of said money into court , or published EOHGIA Chatham County—Uy the hon. the. in one of the public Gazettes of this state, at I VA Justices of the Inferior court sitting for ordi- le ‘ P< _ further und east by lot No. 39, south by Broughton-street, west by Reynolds-strcet, and north by a lane, levied on as the property of C. II. Hayden, to satisfy his city taxes for’tlie years 1822, 1823,and 1£ ^*Lot , No! U 36,^ami hidings, Liberty ward, bound-1 ■*^*-**’® V^UlClflCU iUUglieSlU, U nCVV I ltJBst once in every month, until the time np-1 nary purposes. ed east by Montgomery street, south by south Altlde. noiijted for the payment thereof, and that such *w« 0 ® 1 ‘ “ a y conc orn. broad stpppt wp«t hv Ini Nn nr. nnrtii kv n r^.uia m . ,, ^ | further «nd other proceedings be bad as are I Whereas Kicnard R. Cuyler, executor of Wil lane levied on as the property of Samuel and’ll. T York i'hemical ManKming ’^mpanyi the 8tatutc in » uch casc ,nade and U? ordinate'hedisSlmS tiom his ‘saM l ° S . at i Sfy iin F C 7 taX , f ° r the P rPsent nnd is said t0 be equal to the celebrated alricfe | P^J^; .uu oa.u - —- | 01 ord.nary, to be d.schaiged Aom his said exe- yef- AmounEdue $10, and costs.. I made by the Messrs. Henry’s. Many persons in Lot No. 18, and buildings Ewingsburgh, hound- this city who Imve used this remedy give it a de ed east by lot No. 15, south by Willir—‘ 1 - - ■■ - '•“ ••• west by lot No. 23, and norlh- by vied on as the property of Paul J. tisfy his city taxes, for the years Amount due $23. Buildings on lot No. 31,Liberty .^u„u C u, t;nemisr«nno Druggists j ^ 32^ and nVrth by ^orLsrtceMerteV on 1 aVtiie . 0 i--, Shad s Buildings. 113 that one John Christopher, of tho enmity I of the Justices of the said Court, this 13th day of OTonertaoftoe «tate Wm? Wtavhew°to sTtUfv I Sep ‘ 2 | of Camden, being indebted to one Hen* Sadler | July, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. taxes of said estate for the years 1823 and 1824.1 —• - , . | or or_der_ln_a_nota of hand^ datedjt. Marys in | JU |y 13 150 Orehard Tract. Also, a tract called Lottery Hill situate on J Ogoeclice Road, 3 miles from Savannah, contj ing about 600 acres. N. J. BAYARD, Adm,r esl. N. 3, Bayar] mny 20 211 demands A LL persons having any the estate of Francis Jalineau, dccca Extract from the minutes this 24th May. 1824. | muy 7 2 A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. are requested to deliver them In properly aS ed,on or before the first day of Oct. next, .lit counts not brought forward before that faff, refused payment by the undersigned entail WM. GASTOjJ 10 149 said estate for the years Amount due $10. Lot No. 19, and building, Jackson ward,hound ed east by Whitaker street, south by a lane, west by lot No. 9, and norlh by South-Broad-strcet, le vied on as the property of T. N. Morel, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1821, 1822, 1823 and 1824. Amount dhe $106 50, and cost. Lot No. 3,arid buildings, Warren ward, bounded Valuable Medicine. ANTI-DISPEPTIC PILLS, Prepared by Henry James. A N approved remetfy for Dyspepsia, or Indi gestion, Habitual Costiveness, and piles. It is well known that Dyspepsia is one of the most frequent and formidable diseases of our country. Its commencement is indicated in dif ferent patients by various symptoms, of which the most remarkable are— Ire persons indebted to the estate of Ale] der Martin, late of Liberty County, dte<| requested to make immediate piiyinet] R.F. BAKER, 1 Ej J W. H. MARTIN,; 1 mny 10§112; 7 a . .V i, ww,U0 Vw* 05K6 > V . SUI " /- « EORGIA, Clmtliuin—Wu the honora- A EL persons having demands against tM fil'L IS R,° nf 6 T Wltl ,nt ^‘ l l ' est \T ble the Justices ofthc Inferior court nf Chulh- -A. late of the Into Hugh M‘Call deceased, from the date on the first day of January then J >,nn,l il„„n In f,„-n„vment.andll next ensuing did mortgage tiVthe said lUnry his | ™ li 100 feet on St. Marys-Street, thence I These are therefore to, cite nnd admonish nil eqiicsted to hand them in for payment, and ' itc xvill please mr 1- THOS. M'CALL, P. BRASCH, july 13 150 diate payment. J'.x'r.--1 gs, warren warn, bounded I couniry. 11s commenceinem is inuicmea in “u- 1 7u I he discharged irom his said executorship. I A « A east by lot No. 4. south by a lane, west by lot No. krent patients by various symptoms, of which the lhe " a ? run ' These are tlierefore to cite nnd admonish nil - / ^ U , ,, 2, and north by Bay-street, levied on as the pro- most remarkable are— nnrth *n 81 r u ® tl | cet j ‘b cnce « n d singular the kindred and creditors of tlie To establish an office for Recording the SiM perty of Alexander Hunter, tosatisfy hiscifytaxes Irregularity of the bowels, obstinate costive- '. and the " ca said deceased, to file their objections, if any they lhc cilixn * °f ,hi * 6laU < in each County oj^ for tlie years 1823 arid 1824, amount due $31 25. ness, headacl,, commonly called nervous or sick- ° u . ' l 8 ° * ha JraTO, J 1 * * e a « ached have, in the office of the Clerk of Jhe court of SMe ' ■ u.\ Lot No. 24, and buildings, Washington ward, fy headach, yellowness of the eyes and skin, acid- r n!' f 1 ®?® °n ordinary on or before tho 7th day of March next, ’ATi/HEREAS much inconvenience has bounded east by Washington square, south by Con- ify oftlie stomach after eating, often called heart- “.'“mdied feet on the street and I ot | 10rvv fs C letters dismissory will he granted the VV experienced in this state, from tbt grass street, west by lot No. 23, and north by St. him, flatulence or wind in the stomach, bitter ^ nn "S fr01 '' thcnaa *' rcc P. t0 , thc river-St. “titioner. 6 city of obtaining testimony oi persons hHgfl d on as the property of Jacob I taste in the mouth in the morning, fetid breath, | Marys, together with all and singular every thing | witness the lionornhle. fJeni-ee T. rv,™ nfl to questions of right heiore our courts, atulwa^ for the yc acoh years 1823 on half lot No 8, and quarter lot No Decker ward, levied on as tlie property pf Louis Girodon to satisfy Thonms Gib- nons on two executions for ground rent.—Sold Oil account und risk of the former purchaser. J. SIMS, d. c.s. oct 0 187 Julian street, lcvie Fahm, to satisfy his city taxes and 1824, amount due $jjl 25 Lot No. 7 and buildings, Jekyl Tything Darby ward, hounded cast by lot No. 8, south by Bryan- st reel, west by lot No. 6, and north by a lane, le vied on as the property of Worthington Gale, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824, amount due $41 25. hum, flutulcnce or wind taste in 1 ‘ drowsiness 1 ciation, Piles being 1 tivrness, are certainly i these pills. A supply of thc above valuable Medicine, Ims I ! just been received from tlie Patentee, and can | he obtained of the subscribers, who have been Lots Nos. 20 and 21, Yamacraw, hounded east appointed agents for the Ktute of Georgia City Marshal’s stile, continued. O Nthe first Tuesday in November next, will be sold before thc Court House in the City of Savannah! between the usual hours of sale, One Hilliard Table, with tlie cues and maces -attached to it; levied on as th.e property of Nes- ler fc Griggs, to satisfy eight executions issued by thj Mayor und Aldermen of thu city, for keeping ■ a Billiard Table. ^ F. M. STONE, c. m. oct 9 187 Ailministrator’s sale. On. the fret Tuesday in December next. riLL be sold at the lato residem W Futch, dec’d, late ofthc CountyofBuliocli; -all the personal properly of said deceased, sold of the heir for the benefit of*the heir# and creditors of said estate. oct 2 184 WM. DELOACH, Adm’r. JANE FUTCH, A by lot No. 19, south by Pine-street, west by Fahm street, and north by lots Nos. 8 and 9, levied on as property of Seaborn Jones, to satisf/his city taxes for the year 1824, amonnt due $9. A small building on lot No. 15, Spring Hill, hounded east by Franklin street, South by Spring street, west by lot No. 18, and north by lot No. 16, levied on as the property of Elscy tisfy her city taxes for the years " (1 1824. Amount tax $27 31, sept 12 LAY & HENDRICKSON, Druggists and Chemists, Shad’s Buildings. 175 titioner, there is now due on said mortgage the sum of Five Hundred Dollars with interest from, the 1st January 1822, and praying for the foreclo sure of the equity of redemption, in,the said John Christopher, his heirs and assigns in the mortgaged premises and that the same he foreclosed according to law. On motion of Belton A Copp, attorney for pe titioner, it is ordered that the principal and in terest due on the said mortgage together with the costs of his applicants be paid into this court within twelve months from this date, otherwise 1820,1821,1823 Mrs. Humphreys, R ESPECTFULLY Informs the inhabitants of I . e< i u | l 7 of redemption of the said John Savannah that she will open a SCHOOL on I Christopher ius heirs executors, administrations :u 0,. . the first of November, for thc reception of those and . bc 4 J rom lbent ;? forever foreclosed Buildings on Lot No. 8, Indian-street, bounded children, whose parents may entrust them to her | ,,nd tlmt such other proceedings takepluee as are ot h ” lot No. 7. south by a lane, west by lot No. care. She will teach the solid and ornamental pu !! B “fw:. 0 r. ? l * ta 1 ,, „ . ... . , . north by Indian-street, levied on as the branches of education; and after several years ex-!'' rfa 0 !! dered , 1ruleb epab- y of John Myrick, to satisfy iris city taxes perience in the instruction ofyouth sheflalters her- l,shctl ,n on ® °J the Gazettes of this state at least or the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due $9 76 self she shall not fail to give satisfaction. once a month for twelve months to the timeap- • ' , v I For further information please call at Captain po,nlad for the P fl y racnt °f said money into ‘Lean’s, Lincoln Street. CoU * , , . 9, an and cost, East half Lot No. 6, Hick’s Tything Percival ward bounded east by lot No. 7, south by State street, West by west naif of said lot, and north bya lane, levied on as the property of Henry Lyons, to satisfy his city tax for the present year. A mount due $13 and cos1. Two-thirds of lot No. 7, Yamacraw, east by lot No. 6, south by a lane, west by lot No- 9, and north by Indian-streetjevied on as the pro perty of R. Richardson, tO 'satisfyhis city tax for “ id COgtsAft sept 28 182 JJERSONS having claims against the estate of] A true extract from the minutes. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. Charles W. Tebeau, ore requested to present them, and those indebted to make immediate payment to the Subscriber—accounts against the said estate to be left with Messrs S. C. &■ J, Schenk. . ' F.E. TEBEAU, Admr. Jefferson, 15th March, 1824. jpERSONS indebted to the estate of Elisa- the present year, amount due $27 60 and costs. oct 7 186 m belh Fell, late of Chatliam county, deceas ed, arc reauesteil to make immediate payment to thc subscriber, and those to whom the estate is indebted arc requested to exhibit their demands duly authenticated. PETEIl SHICK, Ex’r. july 13 150 fifiicuUies freq.i.-.—j,,- - of justice on this suDjt] ^EORGIA—Chatham County—to all whom it | sembly met, and il is here presentatives of tlie sembly met, 0 of thc same 1 ""m _ / M by the Senate and House V1 e state of Georgia,-in peneto if Georgia, by enacted by the • „‘ nn y epneern. . v , ,„ c , . V licrcas Benedict Botirquin has applied to tlie That from and immediately after the pWl Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chatham this act, it shall be mude the duty of the Clcrei County, for letters of administration on tlie estate the Courts of Ordinary, in each county resiwl and effects of Richard Peliutn late of Chatham I fy to enter and register, in a book to bo MM County, planter, deed, os principal creditor. that purpose, the names of all persons who r 1 hese are therefore to cite and admonish nil and report themselves to him, or who maybe rep singular the kindred and creditors of the said dec. by their parents or guardians, as well as all to file their objections, (if any they have) to the Who may be hereafter horn within the said c grunting ofthc administration of the estate of tlie I and who may bo reported as aforesaid, upj 1 said deceased to the applicant ]M the Clerk’s Office proof being made by affidavit or oath to 1WJ of the said Court, on or before tlie nirieteentlr duy oftlie said Birth; and that the said Clerk sn" of November next; otherwise letters of ndminis- entitled to take and receive for each re? pmlon will be grafted. which he shall be called upon to m»ke, the Witness the Hon. 1. N Morel one of the Jus- twentv.flve cents tices of the said Court, thc lUtli day of October A. ^ S. M. BOND, c c o. oct 20 192 GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY. TV] INK months after date application will bo I Clerk’s Office of the 'Court of Ordinary- -Lx made to tlie lion. Inferior court of Chatham I nrsllE citizens of Chatham County ore W Inferior court of Chatham county, for leave tq soil all that lot in Savannoh HE citizens of Chatham County notified, that in pursuance of act “) reai estate of John Smith, doceased, for thebene- P. M. ■- t __ nnND . fit of the heirs. I ■ SAMUEL M. BOIW FREDERICK HERB, Adm’r. | Clerk of Use Court of Ordinary of Chatham may 15 sept 4 65