Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 02, 1824, Image 2

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i'lli'm.KH’K S. I’l’.I.L, city * D A! I.\ COIN 1 i-.imt tioiiT I'oi.i.Aiis rr.u annujR r'nY r *i r.n....,...*tx doi-laus run aNXUm. 1 VVAM-B IN ADVANCE. L- All news and new advei tise-iucnts appear in i'otli paper-, p , ; !.v /-xaTirxxt: ."^TdKBDAY EVENING,.Novr..t»i:u3, 1824 One hundred unil ftiirteap Ark.- and Bonis, laden vvjth 4(M)00 Imslrds ,Pcim- sylvuuiu coiil. arc detained in the ^el\tnrj|£ kill canal near Reading, in consequence of several leaks. The exeatest exertions were lnakilifi to render the eat® nnvisrn- hlc. • W James Wellington, one ol' the rotm nc- ctised of having murdered Mr. llonsall has bifeen tried nnd found guilty. The court at Chester is proceeding with the tri als of Boyce and Lahbo.— Jfyuttodi Press. the (allowing nhtiee ham the Nbw a tile Advi'rdsXr for tin? benefit of all "m U., S bvoaub the polite intention of CnptAVmrr. oil Uni packet .'hip Clifford llitync, we have retoi- veil New Yoik papers to Wednesday last, iucla- pf\c. Extracts will be found below. ^ i• . . [Bv the Clitford WaVue.j NEW-YORK,October 25. A Resolution has passed the House of Representatives of Vermont, Iqr an tinan- into,it vote, to give the choice of Presiden tial Electors to the people,* by General mt- » . j -A ,( ' ( • . The entite Population of the Colom bian Republic Is estimated, inu Caracoas newspaper, at. 2,6*11,600 souls. On Wednesday last, the corner stone oftlie Scientific and Military Academy (ofer which Cupt. Partridge is to preside) It;e laid at Middletown,’Conn. An extract ofa letter from Havana of Abe 2d in stent, received at Boston, «»yfc—*• “We have had much difficulty with tlic government, for it seems they are deter-, mined to stop-all trade with Key West, if. no'sihlc, inaSnifidkthat no Spanish vessel ■ is ah' n tl to clear for that place, and every vessel which has arrived from there has bun seizrd and put to trouble. The rains have been so incessant that little business .of any kind has been transacted here for the last eight days.” E- . -i . " 'J’hc sloop Franklin, Capt. Cotightry, •pn her passage from Albany to Ne w-York jrar. nn a fishing stake at Haverstraw op Saturday night last. The stake had been broken off and was under water. The bottom of the Sloop was penetrated near the mast and by mere accident was dis covered to be leaking fast, having t^o feet water in her hold. All hands were set to pumping nnd bailing, and when she reached Whitehall dock the water had gained nearly thr^cfeet. Au engine rvus i . r rdiatelv procured to free her. The franklin had a cargo of 3000 bushels td wheat, l5(i0 bushels of malt* 75 barrels of pot ash, skins, &.c. About 800 bush els of wheat, and a quantity of malt, A c. ire re damaged, had not the leak been ear ly discovered, the crew, vessel and cargo *DU't hive been lost. ni lie E ‘Ston Palladicm» The Belle, which 'brought to Coquimbo tie news of the ihuiny Ac.ou board the jsliip tvlbbc, left Valparaiso about June 22, Jit winch time those who arrived in the tassel had been several days under exam ination. We under stand that the ringlead rlHlU II A) Oiji'i' dtics in the North I Fes/.—Wo lertrn flint 14 per softs ih the employ of the Hudson’s Ray Co. have been lately-killed by the Snake mni Beiiver Indians in the vicinity of the Rocky mountains. One d the forts of which a Mr- Hughes of Mon treal was principal clerk, was attacked antjevery person belonging to it destroyed. Those acquainted'with the trade of thht country, look upon these facts as slrbng proofs of further serious troubles. Canaria Paper* QUEBEC, Oct. 14. Information from England, renders it highly probable that the British Ministry intend to make an attempt at the next ses sion of Parliament to obtain the passage. of the Union Bill: and that the terms of the proposed Union will be unjust towards Lower Canada. [The editor of the Quebec paper re marking,on the above, savs:-2.“It is al-; most impossible to believe that tlic Brit ish Government has seriously thought of governing three-fourths of. a bullion of British subjects in N. America otherwise lhan by the ‘confidence and affection of the people* which can alone bo acquired Wq coy York filer whom it tuny concern Heirs of .imi ( fonimliun is wanted »s to the representatives die above indy, who was living in Georgia in <u ■Lit the \ ear 17 8 A • was the dnugtheref Button or wiite.i t ,\* iu'iii'C, mid marrii d to M*'. t’eter tielin or Bel'rne, mid at tlic above periodhad a family. A- ny persons wlio om prove tlie.inseives the legal representatives, or wno can ftfrnfrh proofs of the family being extinct, arc requested to apply with out delay,(it by letter, post paid) to WM. Roberts, Hope Insurance Office, Now-York. To thr re- presentath es of Mr*. Belitio, attention to this may prove Very beneficial. und preserved by maintaining them in tlieir established rights With equal justice to all, without any distinction whatsoever. Should the contrary, however, be the case, or His Majesty’s Government be incon siderately engaged in measures of a con trary nature, the difficulties of the Canadas will then have commenced.] Season in Canada.—The Quebec Ga- sette of the 18th inst. states that siijce the 42th the weather had bocn very cold, ori the Itth, there was an unusual heavy fall of snow which covered the ground ; and enabled the farmers, in some instnuces, to use their winteitaarritigeslo attend church. Snow fell in-the open country around, Quebec to. the depth of about three inches and a half. The frost was severe. The first snow that fell last year whs on the 13th of October The navigation of the river in the Nnine year closed much earli er than it had for many years before, but it was not,completely interrupted until the 23d November,' and on that day four ves sels, wich reached E.igiaiul safely, sailed. PHOCr. 14/ I T I ON. Whereas die hoard qf Aldermen of the Oaecf' £' f y of Savannah, did at tlieir regular'sit ting on the 28ih inst. set apart imd appro priate IVrd'i sdm/, thclOt/i of November, as a day of PUBLIC PRAYER Ai\D THANKSGIVING to Almighty God, for the' very great share of health, .with which He lias been pleased- to bless the Inhabitants of this City during the past season—And whereas it is at all tnrtes the bounden duty of a mornl and religious people to acknowledge- their dependence upon a benevolent Providence for all their enjoyments—-A nd whereas tho extraordi nary degree of health with which wo have pegn blessed the past season, requires of us an especial and public manifestation of our grateful thanks to the Supreme llu- ler of the Universe. I therefore do hereby issue this rrtv Pro- al am at ion calling upnn'thc Reverend the Clergy and our Follow-citizens generally, to repair to their respective pi ices of pub lic worship on ‘Wednesday, the 10//i proxi mo, to unite in Prhise and Thnnksgiuing to God for his distinguished mercies to us and especially for the eoijtimiancc of the Health of this city, and it is expected that all persons wilt suspend their ordinary bu siness oil the appointed day nnd join in the expression of general gratitude—nnd l do hereby require the city Marshal and city Constables to presciV* order. t AVM. C. DANtEL Mayor. Attest, Solomon ComtN, c.,c. pro tern. Police Office, City.of-Savannah, ) . 30th October, 1824. f ■SSBaesaesBMBBa* aggBBBMHBa’T - amllBdiiy* from (’kmnenclljr, with lagwood.— Oct. lath", was biHitibifl by tlioO. S. ship Hornet, ti-oni St Jbgn do Culm bound lo Ilnvana, nil well. Next day, ydivn^srgkrorllEiil11 Hopitaywas ctias- ed by n Mi'|doiuus looking sohr umlor Alii. Color-;, when wo. jivoro .-hip mid -iood to tbk westward, and In tbo uftotnoon toll iu with the Hornot, and she gave chase to the sdir. Kept co» with the Hornet till next morning, and pnrto.d near Mntun- zas. The t'. S. sohi'.* Sluirk nnd U’eaSel, lin'd both touched at Cam) oacby,nnd proccedndnnacmir.e; crews all well. Schr I ntorpriCe, Houston, I’nlmoutH, .luitK 28 days, with nun ami pimento. Spoke, pot. .0th, lat'24, long 84, Br sloop of war Tliraclnn, An ii cruize for pirates. , ’ ’ Yesterday morning a h^avy S. E. gftio set in and continued till about 7 o'clock last evening* when the wind hauled to the westward nnd grftddnlly subsided. It rnihed liurd ihost of this time, qnd tho ntrnosphrro Was very thick; Of the vessels which sailed on Monday, the brig Catherine, bound to Mutaneas, parted a chain cable In the bky, and cam.o up. The Br. sohr Mary Elteahoth, for Bermuda, also put back. , The sloop Eclipse, from Albany, was knocked down offtlie Battery yesterday morning, and.iotit part of her dtfck load. Ar. at I’o'rtsmWith, khlp Ilifty, from St Ubes. Ar. at Boston, 23d, Fr. ship lVoyal Louis, Havre, 24 I tjr;i of the plot entered the cabin about or .before d ay light, and murdered the cap- taia :*.nd ist officer, one with an axe and the other by shooting, as they lay in tlieir fcf-;!**-. Tiie 2il mate was <m deck, and they had promised him, previous to going below to their hellish purpose, th::t>in case he made no noise nor offered any resistance, his life should he spared, to which lie assented—on coniingondcck, howeve r, they threw him overboard, alive, and lie was drowned. The ship hod a- bout 1 i)0 imrrels oil <*n board. Comstock, tin >icward, who was murdered by them Op shore was u brother of the litigfeader, trim had been previously killed by the mu- tit jeers, in a qua, i eg Some of the Globe’s crew, it i- said, were foreigners, shipped hi the Snndwich Islands. At the Brighton Fair, last week, a glass bet hive, filled with honey, as the bees had b It it. paitiCulaily attracted the attention o*’the spectators. It was sent by Gen. 7l. A. S. Dearborn, of Roxbury, and ad ded much to the interest of the exhibition.* The hive is of globular from,, was filled hy the bees in 22 days and is estimated to weigh nearly an hundred pounds. Tin qxperiprieiit as made by Gen. Dearborn subserves the cause of humanity, as four yndy of those usefiil.insects, the Bee, were ft- I iii the hive when removed from it.- ^tand. .,e Congress of A’gra Cruz have re solved to institute a survey of the ebasty Lar and river of Punuco, for the purpose qf selecting a place for amaratime port. From the Pacific.—Adviefes have been tcet ived in Jamaica from Panama and <J hag res to the. 1st September, mariy-days •flic latest.—They report, that Bolivar’s army still remained in tho departments of Quayalos and Truxillo, and consisted of 8003. Columbians and 4000 Peruvians. That the troops which bad been sent to him from Chili had been ordered home in don-equencc of their Chief, Rivaguerq, jii* ring been superseded by, Bolivar. TImt tli, Spur.',-.-'!-, iu Fejxi amounted to 20,000; —That Bolivar was suspected pf ambi tious views; and that his object was to be come Emperor as tVell as Dictator:—That for accusing him of this design, two Co lombian Colonels, and a Lieutenant Colo nel had been shot: and that both theBuen- qs Ayrenn and Chilian governments were t opposed to Colombia, which they consid er d as a common enemy. • These vac counts evidently are coloured by persons hfestilo to the Colombian Republic; but tin y Avow that the reports which have been circulated for weeks anc! mouths that Bolivar had recaptured Lima and Callao, were forgeries, and that he had beat long inactive,—Post. Cent. OCTOBER 27. From the Pacific.—Jamaica papers to the 2‘- : i'a ult. are received. We iind in them a letter from Carthngeua dated Sept 3d, which states as follows :—“ Our news from Feru announces a victory of impor- tan 'C over Canternc, who is represented as killed, with Sucre, on oqr side woundod and another general killed. Our accounts annouheathat.the battle was not decisive, wui equally biovnl^: aud dtskructivo,” HxchaHfct wharf... Gunpowder mul Imperial Tens. 'Ifiis year's Importation. I /WVt«fr catty* fltulnowder LI.IU A0 do Imncriul . Received per Clifford Wayne—for sniefby nov2 J. B. HERBERT 4-CO, A fuinily ot' itouse Servants O F good clinruotrr—t’Or salc—*for p.arBculars apply ut till* office. , Private Board* F OUR Gentlemen cun be accommodated with board in o private family in West Rrond st. by S. S. LIGHTBOURN. nov a * 203 ’> MARRIED, ‘ . . ?:■ On Sunday Evening,the Rcv.Mr. Aj.le.v Sweat to Miss Maky UlMeu, botli of this Comity. At York, Penn, on the 20th ult. Mr. Rosea Webster, of Au^iistb; to Miss Maria Buell, daughter of Dr. tVm, Buell, of Litchfield, Conn. ■ — mmm’ mww®? PORT OF SAVANNAH. Law Honesty.—Some years ago, John Q. Adams, associated with a number of gentlemen, for the purpose .of making a turnpike from Thompson^ pond, to the Braintree and Weymouth turnpike. By mutual agreement, they dividec the ex pense of the enter prize into ,500 shares* and each associate entered into a written* n- greempnt with the others to take a cer- taip numiiqr of share*. The contempla ted rood. it was expected, would lead trav ellers near the estate of the father of Mr Adums, anil would probably, increase the value of the estate which he expects to in herit. He - subscribcrd tho agreements, and engaged to take ten shares. Relying on these- written engagements and on each other’s moral honesty and' honour, the associates proceeded in the work com pleted It, at an expense of about $50,000, of which *)um, Mr Adams’ shares amoun ted to $1000. He was called upon to ful fil his engagement and pay his proportion of this expeh.-e. lie absolutely refused ! His sul.3criptiqn Was* produced, in black and white, made “ with' his own pen,*’ but all in vain. The engagement was,.not written in such a form as to make hiin legally responsible, and not one cent would- he pay. His duped assobhites were olv. ligod to advance tire-money, and. sciik an indemnity as they Could. [See 8. Mass. Rep. 138.], We would tbarik'anjrplfiih man of com mon honesty and unsopliisticated feelings, to give a name to this transaction. Quer#—Is tftis the fame of J. Q. Adams, whojnRhe honest citizens of tbo United States are about to make their,president 1 . , Taunton Ptec* Press. > REMARKS. AYe have looked into the case referred to, and find the agreement signed by Mr Adams was as follows :—“We, the sub- scribers, desirous to promote the building of a turnpike aqd bridges from New-Bcd lord to Weymouth, comprehended in a petition signed hy W. Roach, jun. and others,'granted by tlid honorable Lecisla- turp ih their present sessipiLjliaye divided the expense pf building said turnpike and bridges) into 500 shares, and engage to tajtfr thp number of shares affixed to , on r hymksff—Nat. Adv. AJtmvr.n, Ship Clifford Wayne, White, 5, days from New York, with i%fti!l cargo to the master ton board- consignor.#, A ltiv*si'tt, Fortce ts. Mackenzie, R Campbelj, Movers t Hamilton,-Grant b Hell, A b E Wood, S'C &J Schnnk,P Hill, W Fuller, t Meigr/J W Morrell,M iloag b co. J B Wick, J Jacobson, G B Lamar, W Cuniiinghani. Dnhamrl k Aueb, C A Higgins, F Gillct & co. J -Wells J W ■ mm ‘ “hm i wm Mfll Lcng.Halt Si Hoyt. T (< Chamberlain, N R Weed/ , Vir. 3 Support your Mechanics.—A practice is very prevalent in many towns of neglec ting too niudt.tlie mechanics of tjic placei Next to the farmers'‘they are the most use ful class of citizens, and yet a disposition is often felt to avoid employing thcht, if possiblo, and to withlioid from them such eucouragcmcnt as would enable them to hp ris useful as they might be, and as-they ought to be. If a coat or other garment is to be made ; if a pair of boots or shoes, or a saddle, bridle, or other articles is to be procured, which a mechanic in the mlace ought to make, or furnish, it is no unusual thing to emplay a meehanic at a distance to perform the work, or to procure the article |n some xvay which may be nomin ally less expensive ; but which, in reality, considering the quality of that article, is considerably more so than it would be if a mechanic, of the pliice had been galled up- op to lutmpfacturc it»> Haviland, and otliers.-r-Passengnrs,Rnv'lI Smith, lady and 4 children, Rov A H Webster’ and lady, Dr Boykin nnd’lRdyi Dr W Butler, lady and child, A Bass.4t,lady,child and srryant, Mr* George, mul 4 r.hBdrgn, Mrs Finder, Mis* Stirk, Mrs -Slvter, Mrs Gregory, Miss Andrews, Miss Caraprteld, Miss M‘Inti>sh, F Doyle, sister and serVhnt* Rev A Ben edict, J Wallace, Esq. British Consul, Messrs Lawrence,T Bjwdly, J Balfour, W C tVonlsey, T Grant, C A Higgins, J Jacobson, P M‘Crtrmlr.k,.S Lownshury, K B Hamilton, W C Taylor, RtWllon G Nic.lioils, A Ciirter, J J Groge-n, H Spencer, II Wiley* 1 Crocker,'J V Crtwlhig, D G. Haviland, and 9 in' the steerage. On the 27th ull off Long Branch, spoke ship Corsair,' Portqr, botmd in. On the 30th,.ofif Cape Hatteras. spoke a brig-ham’e not recollected, C B in her fore top sail, bound, to N York, Bng Orion, Snow, Providence, C, deysjto P Hill ’O Taft, A4-E Wood,Ratlibonc b AndreWs, OTeh ny, S C Greene, J fc S Stone, Palmer b Miiwes Passengers, LD Slater, and) Hawes, Jr. Schr Caroline, Bradford, Fredericksburg, days, with corn ami flour, to Wm Taylbr. . Steam Boat Edgefield, Brptoks, 25 ltonrs 'from Charleston, for'Augusta. Passenger, Mr lUiliiiuns nnd two others. CLEARED, ( Brig Panthea, Bradley, New York, ■ * Cohen & Mifler.i SAILED, E. L. stiip Louisa Matildli, Wood, for New York. Ship Georgia Packet, btiiire* for PHHadolpliia, Steam Boat Edgefield, Brooks, for Augusta, i/p'foi; Tins PORT, .. ....... At New York, 27fh ult.'he,w schr. Orh|t, Beers', to sail 2§th ; 'sloop - Eliza Nichnll,, Blunkeusliip, 20th *, ship Emperor Jbennett, 26th; sloop Boston Packet, Chapman, 2§tb, The French ship of war, L’Eylau, of 90 gnns. Capt. Clemdqtit ; La Jenna d’Arc, 66, Capt; Du- potetiand I.’Antelope, 15, Duplessise, under eom- mand of Admiral Jukiex bound to. Martinique got under weigh from Hampton RoHds 20th ult but the wiml being light, werrf compelled tp, come to.mi anchor again.' r-V New Shipi.—twQ new shlns Were,launched in Ngw Y.ork <?n tiie 25th ult. One of them of 480 tons,called the Vilia Richards, intended for the fourth line of Liverpool packets—the other of 600 •tons called the. huar. Jlickt, intended also, for thS Liverpool trade. Both are suld to be very supe- Horships. ..... ._ ,y- The Stpnm ship Robert Fulton* is upnt N York to sail for Charleston, Havana and New Orleans the 7th inst. ', NEW YORK, Oct.' 23.—Cleared, ship John Wells, Harris, Liverpool; brig*Nancy, MacaUley, S America; Cttravan, Trtrrey; AfitWorp. Arrived, Dutch schr. James, Col mail, "Porto Ca- vello, 17 days, with hides, cocon, indigo,be. OCT. 25.r—Cleared,' sldn Eliza Jane, Baffin Mobile;.))rigs Catharine,Baker, Matunzas; Hiram West^Darjen.- ■*' , \ Below—Ship Frances, Henrietta, Dickinson, from London. Sailed from Havre, Sgpt 5th, Fr. ship Amelia, (350 tons) Eeguencrlal, Charleston. Adv. T4th Fr. Sliip Minerva, (360 toils) Gachot, for do. 30th Duguay, Trouin; (350) Gaminp for do; Neptune (300) Soub.ry do 20th to 26th. OCX. 27.—Cleiu’ed, Portuguese brig Principe Real, Carrao, Madeira, sclir Eliza Barker, Gage, Port-au-Prince. Arrived, Br. Packet Cygngt, Gooding,from Fnl mouth)Sept. 14th, and 9 Buys from Hulifux, with the September mnil. , Ship Exchange, PrinCe, of Portland, Stockholm 72 days,with iron. - i , ■ Brig Trial, Lutch, 20 ds fm St Martinus, anil 17 from St ThomBs, With molasses. Brig Aurilia, Olqver, pure, 24 days, with cocoa, hides, nrlniitt'o, be. Schr Roseway, Meyer, Antigua, 20 diiyi. Scjir Superibr-Hojm,'Baker, Bermuda* 10 flays, with hkles &c. Passengers, Mrlliggjiibottom.O. S, Agent at Berminia, Capt Latour ot the late brij Uannali,lUstin August last on the N-.W. Point o. Bermuda, on her voyage from Pliiladelphia for Sti Schr Gautainrda Packet, Cljastcau, from Omoa H* f,i n >E.MAlNiN b VNov, PersUns Wish i Ol l)CtUiVS Uiiq : iho Post (Ifiicc 1st, 1824. t.iltiM-s from till LtUt rs. SaViinuah, ( List, Will' fr * p Janies .Wallace 2 mis Mfijr. I, Ware! I i’.i; nek Welsh ' i-ai.t Wright iWx i u 11 Into- thrs Elizabeth^ sou mrs Martha- miss S Wright H in iV E Aikin Jos 1) Arlnstrong John Abbott, jr. 2 Stunner W Arnoltl Just received, half barrels fresh Buck Wheat Meal do. F. Mi Beef John Adams mrs Mary Adams Dr Jno R Allen 2 Charles Archer mrs Henrietta Ahny* Stephen A mold LRAImy 5 s ;.§l fi Wip Black E Rotirqimn Win Bundy. •’ -A M miss L I i Brouglitem Jno 15 Ilhrtoii 2 Rasa tlrowu A Brailhen'.y Dr R It Rond Myfon Bartlett Franklin^' Brown Aniasa Bepiiett 3 inrs H G Butler 3 J At ABennott miss Betsy Brnr capt Wm Britton 2 C A Burton, Fdling- Jps. llyrnc h ham cquuty Jas B' Bishop ' Jhnies Banks A Bonrnu , ' capt Jonathan Coo- li’iiss Eliza Pooper J'jifrr messrs, Isaac Courso maj Clittfilton,EflJtig” & Soil ham cotinty capt Natlil Gpoper mrs Sarah Caution Benj. Cfdfm, Rurys- Purpis Carey Uurc S C - mrs .lime VOuug JOHN 203 ran 1 igltt' C Woodruf iCUDDER.pJ A Futtiib* ot' V WOMAN ut It’us/icr ivio Iron with her three childvt Ocl 27 Jr I US Neg-roos 25 years ofaM, n gooT3 r, and plain S ea „J n. Apply ut this Ojficcl l-Sill i| unrri if) half 12 «)o fresh Crockers 40 kegs superior Butter 20 bhla fresh Flour 10 halfbbls do' ' or sale by GEO. D- CORNWfiEL, nny 2 m203 nov 2 n203 mrs Henrietta Clark Eliz. Crum, F.ffmjj- piiks Mary E Cope ham ,ety. * D f ,t , , James Davant John Dynioml John DaviH Antony Dias miss Jniic II Dayis 1 El'ener Dpykcfc messrs J Dciics & J.miss Mary A Dou- Wiitsoh Vith) 2 John DfvviS AYni Dooil ntjiss Mary E Darly oppt Durer, mrs lWiot Darnell mrs Cleinencc Dei Josh Dnfchcr John Davis NanevCrafford Win Clitinmtuis MaryX'dhlioso Wm Condon J J C Cpllotor Nidiolhi.s Cooper sank state ot S 1 1.1 N:VA IF. wi/h Oct rpllE Board of Directors having fiLf A Dividend of §2 per share, or2 per C( , | the lust six tnbfilhs, on tiie Capital Stock ' Bunk, the same will be pqid to the Stotoldiolders tlie'vcof, or to their order. on» fl ter Tliui-sdavthi''2l»t inst, ByoftlerofiUu | Oct l;i ' Midi A. Pi), HBucntipn, f|1HE smbscriber respectfully ahnounccn X friends nnd the public that the nfeitL J schoo) will be resumed on Monday 25th in i l course,of instruction , miner, s the LatikH giiag.-. History, Moral Philosophy, CoiLJ GtiogmpUy, English Oraihfnur, Aritliawtjfj j bp. lie pledges Idtnselfto give the mostUt-L ou« nnd unwearied attention to tiie moral j1 tcilectuaL improvement of his pupilsvTi-Jj I-USUAL ; (} UlilTi* ort42 168 , AssiEq of Bread. riNllE average tirice of flour being $l}U«, A. rel, liHi weifihf, the weight of broad fo. capt job Doluna mr Dcllgjf mrs Jfrliet Earle resent inontli inust be 12) Louf 2 lbs 13 ounces 6.J ilo. 1 do, 6j do ^ of toil hi i ail bakers mid sellers of breud will • dne notice. , - J I.ROBERTS,i pet 5 lB-» , ’ Classical and FJnglisii Semina IfDAHE Hiibscribefim'orms his friends ifud theJ X lie that lib Seminary for the IhstruciioJI I young Rudies and Gentlemen is now open f«J 1 reeeptioh of’pupilsr—Tiie course of Cdn-utioa-/ comprise the Greek,jnld Lnlin Laogimges in j ditionto tile ranclips usually taught ut pj AVilmington Inland schools. 1 . ' 1 Young Gentleman prepared for < Bigcrou Aufftisuks F P FOR CHILDREN A ND MISSES. M ISS SPAULDING proposesopeningaSchool on /F«fne*(iny 3d out. for Children and Mis ses. For terms, application may be made to Miss S. at the School Room* corner of Broughton and Abercorn Streets, nearly, opposite the residence of Win. B. Bullock, Esq. or to Mrs Orsbom*. Reference muy be made to Rev. Mr. How or Cp.mmixg, ,Wsq. . ' - -re- 2 c21)3 ' , ■ \ ■ - ; .»>uers and Tenants of Houses Take Notice. T HE Managers and Assistants of Fire Engines will-on Monday, the loth inst- proceed to make an • examination of Buckets, Ladders, be. throughout the City. All persons not complying with tiie following sections of an Ordinance for preventing accidents by Fire fee. will be returned to Council. .. . Sjic. 10. And be it further ordained, That everv house witbirt the limits and Jurisdictian of this City, occnpbd and tenanted, shall be supplied with buckets at the expense of the owner* of said premises, to the ni/mbcr of at leiist the num ber of five-placer in the same; including such us are in tbo out-bhildings, and the said buckets shull be equal in goodness midsize to tliOsq procured for the use of tho Cltf.mid painted,otp which shitfl he painted in visible, characters t)io name of t)>e owners of suid buckets ; and in case the ow ner of any lioiisc or tenement should refuse br neglect to’have tiie said .buckets supplied agreeably to, this ordiqarico, it shall nnd maybe lawful Yor the tenant to procure tiie same, deducting it out ol' hisrent, . Sfc, II And be il further ordained, That tha owner of. every improved wharf -shall, furnish twenty bUcKcts'for Ihe'building or buildings op such 'wharf, nnd deliver them to. Managers and Assistants of the Engines, on or before the secofid ineetifig of Council in July next; and the receipt of any M.atonger or Assistant, for such bucket.*, slio,I) he deemed a full compliance with this, sec tion, by the owner, for tho number of bucket* mentioned in said receipt t AnJ the ownoi' ,Ot' every store in thp City, that has no fire-pluoc of duces.nttuched to: the same,shall furnish tw>o firc- mckets for every Store of such 'kind, (loci 'und^r such regulations us other landlords arc by this of, dinaqce required to do. j i Sec. 12. And be il further ordained, -That every owner of u wopden house or houses; brick, or stonq houses, covered yilh wood.Qccupi- udas dwplliiig-houses or kitchen*,shfl!ll provide the line with a sufficient ladder, or have a scultlc or oor cut through the roof of such house or hqususi inirge chough for, a man to pass through conve niently, Under the ncnantly of a fide not excee ding thirty dollars. nov 2 203 ' JOHN IIALTT, Clerk. rnissMririaliFit/.tiim- mrs Winney Fitrftic mons 1 ' ‘ * lV ^ A • Lowis F P Gihflon - Ilcary M Gray bill Tlios Garnett , *, ' IT ChnWos Ijarjieir.* Ora Ilow'ard t T Hanford Stephen Hihbs miss J ITaupt ' 'Corpore W Farrell Cline Harper or mins Aon Hannon Patrick McGowan Miss" Elvira Harri- misss Mury Howard : son I) Ilotcliins DnvicI Hennis • 5 mrs 8arnh A Hollis, Jaspar lIcruanderB Purisburg John Helfrcd Wing Howluml 2 mrs Marin Ilynes Sarah Iluniphrys James Hudson mrs Petef Hynes RAHlll 2 E Jackson John Jackson Eliza Irvin John Keekler John Keller ifimcs Keys 'James Kennedy ./ v : ; 'VV ... enpt Chns JolmsoA Win W Johnson & ' '[ \ Ely Kennedy, Bak lock county miss Ann-Kimble 2 John JI Kembell L . . \ J A. Lath- mrs Mary Lebey , Wm M Leigh 2 Win Loyd Math liii four row mrs SolroCh Lucett i — entrance i* the Military Academy or uny College in HHi | For tehns apply toVhc subscriber nthii mduJ earitef of Drayton and York St re Ms. 1 Get 25 i.||1l*6 HENItY MACnomil For sate I \ N Elegant PI ANO FORTE, low for. j xX Apply ut this olfico Oct 25 J96 Proposals, I XT'repairing the Bridge between,Mtili X Island and On/lauds, will' be received ; tween this nnd the 1st duy'oi November, particulars apply to TIMOTHY BARNARD,) C«i JOHN SCRIVEN. > Will EDVV. F. TATTNALL. S tost 190 Alias Germain I A CQIJAINTS her friyuds and the public p J.jL fully that huving rented the house ihei denee oftlie late Mr. Joseph Carrulhers, sbt temls-devolingitto the accominodutiouof Ladies und children.—She solicits the pat of parents to her establishment, and assure thut those confided to her. core shall rcciivo | vided attention.'' Oit 26 U?7 Oct 16 master rop 4 mrs Latlirop Burrcl Lathrop nfrOLary Philip Lee V .'" ■' M .. Jos E Maxwell Dr George Millcn Johui Martin »>• P Mmri'n .'".‘eJS messrs J J Maxwell mrs fit Muni oe p V 2b G Wutera’ 2 C Muriroe. James Mcldrim miss A T. Munroe, David Metzger -Daufuskee' Isl. 75 Dollars lie ward; W ILL be paid for the apprehension anil | livery to tho Subscribers of the (oili Negroes. FRANK, Ike property of G. B, Lamar, a stout black fellow, about 35 years of age—is tie cross-eyed, arid h^'holos in bis ears for which he usualiy w'eare. Ho has been em[ for many years irt boating on the Savpuni and is Woll known by the nnme of l inn', or Frank Ihviggs—lie runaway about the 1 July last, and has since been frequently h in thp neighbourhobd of Purisburg nrid Eh HANNAH, tiie property eft Maj, James large woman about 26 years of age, (he Frank, who. runaway at .the same time, i doubt with him-. Fifty dollars wi|l be paid for the del Frank to’ Ids oWhoi' in Saynuuah, or for liim in Uio Savannah Jail—imd. twolity h 11 are for the delivery of Hannah to' her ow Iticlnnond County, or iu the Augusta Jail; ' ' ' - A G..B. LAMAR, > . JAMES BEA oct 22 . 1 ♦oa$194 — Seminary for Voung Ladies] G EORGIA/ Chathum County.—By the Unit. the Justices pf the Inferior Court, sitting for oedinarypurposes. : ■ • To nil whom it may concern." Whereas .Tohn M'Nish, administrator of Isnac Baillon, dec. bus petitioned the* honorable tlio Court of Ordinary to be discharged from ills said administration. ' Now these are therefore; to cite and admonish all arid singular tlic kindred and creditors of' the said file tlieir objections,(if any .they Have) in the Office of the Clerk of the Court of OfiMpt’ ry, on dr, heforc the second day of Alay next, o therwise letters dUtnissdry will bo granted the pe titioner. ' . ' - Witness the hon. John P. WilHonison pne Wtlic Justices of the siiid Court lids second day of No vember, 1824. , S. M* BOND, c; o. o. , nov 2 aivs - , 203 Administrator’s fjalei -r W ILL be sold on tho eleventh proximo, by order of the Hori.tho Court of Ordinnryi at the i'csidencc df John G. Butler, Esq; .iri Little Ogcechee District ; befween the hours of IU and 4 ; o’ci°ejk,'’at public Auction. One fio’rse, Saddle and Bridle, opd tlic remain ing stoek of cattle belonging to the estate of Rich’d Folium, dec’d. Spld for the benefit of, the heirs and creditors oftlie said dec’d, > ’ BENEDICT BOURQUIN. $ nov 2 ||203 Ttii)pqraryAdm'r. Mrs. Jtlumphreys T> ESPECTFULLY iijiform'. theAnfiabitfitiM of JLw> Savannah thatjihc will i Snyannah thatche will open tv SCIIOOf on The first bfNovcqiher, for tho recpiition df those children, whose parents may entrust them to her care, She will teach tiie solid and ornamental branches of education; and after sev,i‘rifl years ex perience in the instruction of youth she flatters her self she shall notfuil to give satisfaction. For further information pleuse call at Captain M'Loun’s, Lincoln Street. ' milEww The Genuine Improved Scidlitz Powders. O jFk DOEEN of the Iran English Seidlitz Pow- •JfU'dersHavebeen received from London, via NcW-York, per brig Monroe nnd for sale low bv LAY fc HENDRICKSON. .’ Chemist and Druggists, iSbad’s Buildings. 186 h MM wsm ■ oct 7 A Ion ,i O Miller mr. JuS;N<jvill nirNcwgon mrs C Wewman Jalwayne capt Allen McGran -N Jq» C Newbcry Hannah Nowland Jas Nock Instruction i* given in all the varlmu bpnU of Education tuught iri other Schools. ' i The terms may be known on nppHca(ta»t > residence York Strcet near Bolton's' Oct 19 hi 191 i Square.' . Bottles, Corks, Drugs'; cYc. feel o vy mrs C Odell. ■ - - Susan E Pntterson Wm Porter John M'Fope Wm 'Poythrcss .- ■ ,..'iii...... ' ,• i; r John Retan mrs Mary Ryan mrs Margret Risk Richard ltodgersort Abraliriin lticker miss B 0 Rdbci;tson Patrick Riley Win Rodgers Sarcdt Rcttjald M N Robend Wm Ricluirds.on Jas B Ross Dr Jos Parks Wm Pqck '«; Willeon Pope Sami Richardson 8 Jacob Sailer, Effing- I> Sausey, jr Clms Sanders ham county mrs H«A SH^rirmah. Abrdm; Scott Saihl iSieele (J,V D A Strobar Jol)n Singjptoti Lewis Stnibar 2 mrs Ann Stibbs mis3 Aim Scott miss Margrct Sfiick John Stroliav Rev Alien Swectl Jas Scolcs 2 mrs Isabella Smech Erastus Swift John E Skilliiig Peter Shick 2 Jus Smith liev II Smith mrs M C Smith Walter Smith 2 Stephen Skut inrs A Scrags Jas Scruggs John Shuman, Ef fingham cty ' Tlios Sullivan J 1 . Joseph Tillman John ThomaB 2 mrs Susannah Wes- mrs Eliza Tomerson bury Timmons Edw W Thurber Charles B Towner John Turcl JolinS Ttnvner Nichol Turnbull 3 : /■'C; v ■v capt Isaiah Vickory 1 ' mrs Col Wardrobe miss Margaret Wit Polly Wan, liamsou Benj Walling 2 Jos Wiggins miss Sarah k> Wuh 2 wjrs Mary Wingate 2 ■' r ’" Wm. eW,)P<Jej , Arrow Hoot, Cream Tnrtnr, Starch, Hiitsaai ‘ pciva, Saltpetre, ltotten Stone, be. be. M ucen received per the Willium Wallace, nil isuieby - ' ' . 1 \ LAY Si HENDRICKS >;•',> ' '! '• Chemists and Druggie-1 Congress,corner of Whituker-stni’-H if j i.y. . Shad’s Building ' -jari 1 ■ 464- . Valuable Medicine. ANTI-mSI'EPTIC, PILLS, prepared by Ihnry James.^ , A N Approved remedy for Dyspepsia, l# l XXL' gestion, Hubitiml ’CostiVcnriss, und jnb’S-J -It Is well known that Dyspepsia 1 is one “J jnost frequent and foryiidablc diseases w I country) Its commencement is indicated J » ferent patients by various symptoms, ot ' tluc 1 most remarkable arc-— . , Irri ruliirlty of the bowels, obstinaie. cos ness, licadiiclt, commonly called nervous or ^ j ly beadach, yellowness of tho eyes and sWj** ity of (he slomnch iifter entiiig,often calico ; . burn, flatulence or wind in the • stomue); | taste-in (he month in the morning,. f««tid drowsiness after dinner, debility, lrissili" lf , C-l ition, depression of spirits, fre. _ , Piles being connected with indigestion no tiveiiess, are certainly und speedily reino' these pills. | -V.,supply of the aliovts vnluajilc Alcihcin' f just lioen received from tho' Patentee, n". he obtained of tiie subscribers, wlio hi" appointed agents for the State of Georgia- LAV b IIENDRICKSII.V, Druggists and Chemists, IHkShad’s Builiiing 5- sept 12 175 Pure Calcined Magnesia, » 111 Article. . w T HIS Medicine has been prepared by York Chomicnl Munufucturing < and Is said to be equal to the celphratci‘ ipJ , made by tiie Messrs. Henry s. Many j this city wlio have used this remedy gav elded preference over all others, bumw solicited lo'giye it atrlnl ns it comes mUQP.^ eV than Henry's, being neatly prit "P in 37 ^^rissetnSmssSm ■ CbemlstewidDn'^jo sept 2. jW- :! j 'V