Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 05, 1824, Image 2

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ty mm »* ■'*■■ <j^r V't -wr -v ir^'WVirT houses in the United Slates r.tul London, on terms that will probably be alike bene ficial tOnli panics.” iBKe\ l ltKDHRlClv S. FELL, n v printer. 11M1.Y r.vrau eight OoiUM run an’svm. CuUH-niY FATI H ?1X rtOLl.AH} l’KH ANNUM.. TAYAULE IN ADVANCE. ' 7 O' Ml news mul iTew advertisements nppi butli papers. jf~11 ■ T1LJIIHi! ’ " ■‘■"■■111" i Il'.U -■■■!■ ■- » - — ■ :nr in WASHINGTON, To-morrow—-Yes, even to-u Oct. 23. prro w, the election of [Vectors ofP.resklcnt aipl Vice President of the United States is to take place in several important states, and on if * The jury found k verdict for the defen dant without retiring from their seats, when the court adjourned and invited the ranger to their lodgings. “No, 1 tlmnk cm, gentlemen; and unless you will lake cold cut with me, I must begone.” So saying, lie shouldered his musket, and witlvgrcnt sang froid departed. Such a man was Col. Davies. fWAS m Flit DAY I'.VUNING, Nova m or* 5, 1824 Timothy Dickering has commenced u series of numbers in the Boston Daily Ad vertiser, in one of which he speaks of Mr Crawford as follows:—“Very lately 1 have been repeatedly accosted, by sub stantial and disinterested citizens, with this questionWhat is your opinion of Mi- Crawford 1” And I have answered— Mr Crawford is a man of good sense, cool, Ml considerate, judicious, and well acquain ted with the affairs of the United States; having beeu, many years* engaged in their management; part of th(S time us a Senator—part of the time us Secretary of War—and most of the residue of those years as Secretary of the Treasury. In that period he was for a time, on the ap pointment of President Madison, Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States to fiance. In all these important stations,! have known nothing, I have heard nothing, <m’ which his ability, integrity and patri otism coftld be called in question. In the Two grfiat parties, of federalists and demo crats, Mr Crawford and I were of coarse ■opposed to each other: but for more than three years that I wus in the Senate with him, he manifested a strength of mind and information that commanded respect. And although he wa9 of the party which cupported the Administrations of Mr Jeff- ersou and Mr Madison, yet he appeared Iondav next in several others. The cony test’may be said to be over, and wo have nothing now to do but to compare results to ascertain the late of the hurd-foughten findt to review the incidents of the day, and toll how it Was that it- was won or lost.—Afa/. Lit. John Paul Jones.—We arc informed that Mr Sherburne, of the Navy Depart ment, intends shortly to. publish an au thentic Journal of the Cruises of this once celebrated Commander, during the Revo lutionary War. This Journal, which Mr Sherburne has now in his possession, was written by the Hon. Elijah Ilali, - (at iresent the Naval officer at Portsmouth, Vcw Hampshire, who was ono of his Lieutenants, his confidential friend, and the only surviving officer that sailed with him, during his cruises,) and under the immediate'inspection of Capt. Jones, and contains every occurrence that took place from day to day—also, the Correspon dence between them, and a correct List of our Navy in 1776, 77,78, TO, and ’80 —the names of the ships, whore built, rates, and commanders* names, &c. Nat. Int. & to me to act with more independence than Mi f. of his political brethren in that body. This l have uniformly Said from that time To the p resent. “ As to the accusations of Ninian Ed wards, that Mr Crawford had not faithful ly conducted some branches of the Treas ury Department—I have read them, and Mr Crawford’s defence, together with the documents adduced by him in its support; and his triumph over his acenser appeared To me complete. And the Official Report of the highly respectable Committee of the House of Representatives (of whom Mr Webster, do well known in New-Eug laud, and throughout the United States, Was one) confirmed my opinion." AMERICAN MANUFACTURES— The paper Manufactory of Mr Thomas Amies of Philadelphia, produces a paper of a property so firm aiu\ adhesive time it resists the excessive humidity and damp ness of the East India climate.—Several reams have been sent to Canton, and a larger supply of that article from the above manufactory has been demanded. Read this intelligence,Americans—our country men begin to supply the populous regions of India with American fabrics already— This is but an avant courier of more hn portnnt intelligence—there is splendor in prospect. New aspect of things.—The contest for the Presidency 1ms, within the last ten days assumed a new aspect. The adher ents of Jackson and Adatas have separa ted. In Massachusetts the Jacksonians have held a meeting, and doclarcd against Adams. So have the friends of Mr Clay in that state, as well as the federalists. The prospect fof'“the son of his father” in Massachesetts is frightful. The sup- rters of Jackson in New Jersey have poi let 'Since December, 1807. ell Adams and rallied with Mr Crawford’s friends; and the Secretary of State is lost there. In Pennsylvania an Adams tick et has been formed against Jackson; and in Maryland the bitterest enemies of Ad ams are the Jacksonians. E very where the current of public sentiment runs high against the Heir-of Braintree. The stick together plan has proved an abortion.— The cement would not hold and, the ca bal is broken. All is confusion in the Ad ams camp, aud the National Journal is staring its eyes .out with amazement. Washington Gazette. TIIE CREEKS.—Letters from Con stantinople of the 17th of August last, state that the “ IpBariots have made Ipsara a ■complete desert, carried away part of Their cannon, spiked others, confided their wives and children to the Hydriots and Spezziots, with an affectihg recom mendation, and then all gone on board tbcii lire-ships, with the fixed resolution cither to burn the Turkish fleet, or to per ish in the attempt. .Cauaris id said to be at their head, and this desparate attempt is perhaps already executed. We there fore expect further particulars with un common impatience.” Captains of vessels from Alexandria and Solonica have also brought news to Leghorn, that all the naval force of the .Greeks was gono-toWtfrds Samos to at tack the Turkish fleet. Greek Fund.—The committee, says the American, have recently rcrtiittcd the bulunce remaining in their hands amoun tin'.' to $040965, making at the exchange of 11 per cent. 1311/. 8s 8d. The whole oum remitted by the New-York Commit fee will then amount to $38,491,94. N.Y. Gaz. From the Republican Advt. New London (Con.) As the issue of the great Presidential contest draws to a close, we arc the more ahtkmore satisfied that the success of Mr. Crawford will be more splendid and tri umphant than his most sanguine friends could have possibly anticipated. In all our intercourse with the people, we scarce ly meet with an individual who docs not seem to admit this, and to express bis sa tisfaction at it, .though he may hitherto have been opposed to him; and we are rejoiced to see that our neighbouringstates seem determined to join in the participa tion of bis triumph. It is proper it should be so. Our interests are the same; our feelings should be the same; and upon great political questions we ought not to separate, if we would wish mutually to irticipate in the great blessings and nefits of a good govermnebt, wisely and judiciously administered. For Charleston, LIST OF VESSELS: Lithe Port ofSavannah, Non. 5,182b Ship Georgia, Vnrnum, of Savannah, for Liverpool, loading. The Steam boat 1IENRY SHULTZ, Cdpt. Tjtibbor.k\ leave hetc tills EVENING, (Prid.ty) For freight or passage, having elegant ac for Liverpool, loading. I cominodallons, apply to the captain on hoard-, or Ship Emily, ’JVcbb, of do. discharging to ' G. H. LAMAR. Ship Hazard, Child, of Providence, im- hmploycd. Ship Lady Gallatin, Perry, of N. Y-ork, unemployed. Ship VVm. Wallace, Wood, of do. for •N. York, loading. Ship Mentor, Wilson, of Greenock, loading. nov 5 106 DAY’S COMYN’S DIGEST. FOR PUBLISHING BY SUBSCRIPTION do. for I Comyn’s Digest of the Laws of * England. ^ Ship JuliusCtesar, French, of do. dis-1 "CTltOMthe 6th- London'E'dition, enlarged and rlinrn-inir .F with Addition* to the Pretent Time; charging. Ship South Boston,Campbell,Of Boston for Liverpool. Ship Chariot, Pratt, of do. dis charging. Ship Clifford Wayne, White, Of do. dis charging. Br. brig West Br. brig, Eliza Ann,Baird,of Greenock, just arrived. Brig New York, Luther, of Providence discharging. Hope, Smith, of Pawtuxot TO WHICH IS ADDED, A Digcst of Case8 at Ni si Prius, By Anthony Hammond, Escj. with the addition ofthe Principal American Decisions, By Thomas Day, Esq. to be completed in 8 Vol umeft, at $6 per volume, bound in calf. _ . _ , , ., . The 1st volume of this valuable work is now Indian, of Cork, laid up. 1 ready for delivery and tbe others will follow with * " " ’ t ' r ' 1 1 ns little delay as possible. The improvements and important additions to this edition will so much enhance its value, as to supercede Bacon’s Abridge ment, and at a price considerably less. • W.T. WILLIAMS . Who has Just Received’, A number of new and valuable dis- Brig Mount do. Brig Hope, Clark, of Waldoboro’ employed. Brig Orion, Snow, of Rochester, charging. Brig Ann, Snow, of Cohassett, for Ha vre, loading. Fr. brig Catelou, of Rouen, for Martin ique, loading. Fr. brig Eliza, Bcarnettf, of Havre, for Martinique, loading. Brig Tontine, Betts, of and for N. York loading. Schr Flora, Tomtherson, of Snnhury, for Riecboro’, loading. Schr Camden, IIiscock,of Boston, dis charging. Schr George, Harris, of Providence, unloading. Schr Chasseur, of Fredericksburg, un loading. Schr Combine, Bradford, of St. George, unloading.. Schr Three Sisters, Pidge, of Savannah just arrived ALSO, ALBUMS, elegantly bound in Morocco sizes and pri gilt leaves, vurious nov 6 m206 and prices. Dupont's Powder, (groceries, Domestic Goods, fyc. Vtiole and half kegs Dupont's Powder 160 Bags Buck and patent Shot, assorted po 2 tons Shure Moulds •' 60 kegs cut Nails, assorted 20 Bags prime Lnguim Coffee 16 do Black Pepper 20 ten caddyBoxcs fresh Hyson Tea 20 two pound cannister Imperial do 10 Boxes Loaf Sugar 10 Baskets first quality Sweet Oil Ifrdozflnsk do do do 20 pounds ff'sh Nutmegs 30 doz best London Mustard 10 pipis and 20 barrels Gin 18 hbds N. E. Rum « 6 Boxes No. 8 and 10 Cottoit Cards 10000 first quality clarified Quills 240 pieces Domestic Cotton Goods _ Comprising a handsome assortment of Bro wn find Schr^noYio;M.Don»l.l,ofS« ra n„ 0 h. I g3faPBSStfJ8ff5St ?S»- for Matanzas, loading Sloop Union, of and for Sunbury, load- by ties to suit purchasers at the lowest market price ing. nov 5 ||206 Sloop Herald, Heath, of Newport, just | arrived. M. HOPKINS, Market Square. City Marshal’s Sales. On the first Tuesday in December next, Sloop Mary Jane, Marccllin, of Savan-1 "IT/TLLlje sold in front of the Court nah iust arrived. ■ v T fiveen the usual hours, the following pro- Sloon Cvrithia. Turner, nf Savannah. 1 Ci f a t td a r UndrCUt th!lti * duC h N not bo ' Lots no. 29 anil 30, Columbia ward, 6b by 90 Sloop Cynthia, Turner, of Savannah, for Beaufort, loading. | Lots no. 29 anil 30, Columbia ward, 60 by fl Sloop Good Return, Bates, of Roches- each lot bounied cast-by lot no. 31, south by terrd upon as the property of the estate of Tlios. | minor, for 4 quarters rent. Lot nit. S, .Im-k.-on wtird, 00 liv 90 fact, bound- | od <>n-il by jut no. 9,' south by ’.-i lane, wosttby lot no. 7, and north by South Brourt-st.Jre-eiiler-1 d upon as the propiu ly-of S. Wilkins, for four [ quarters rent. • Lot no. 10, Jackson Ward, CO by 90 feet, boun ded cast by Whilukcr-st. south by a lane, west [ ' y lot no-. 9, and north by South Ui-oad-st. re-cn-1 teredupon as the property of T. N. Morel, for 6 [ quarters rent. Lots ho. 14 and 15, Jackson ward, CO by 90 I feet each lot, bounded east by. lot uO. 13, so.uth NEW STORE, Anr/// Sidcnf Mark, * SaUftre f J «• MiKemie’s lint Store, Market where a few < iOODS W}|| be soldlow fjrCitsI, nincU laletn Ribbon, 1 inch wide ctsfort ff l yards cts pep J lb by Orleans Square, west by M’COmb-stteot, and I north by a lancj te'-qptered upon as the property I Of U. Hatiersham, for 4 quio-ters i-cnt Lots ito. 17 and 18, Jnckson ward, 60 by 90 feot each lot-, bounded east by lot no. 16, Boutli by Perry-st. \ycst by lot no, 19, and north by a lano, re-entered upon us the property of F. S. Fell, for 8 qtiarscrs rent cacli lot. Lot no. 19, Jacksort ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot ho 18, south by Pcrry-st. west by lot no. 20, and north by a lane, re-entered upon ns the property of A D. rent. Lot no. 20, Jackson ward, 60 by- 90 fcet,boUn _ do . 14 White Kid Gloves, very superior, lstJd ntr l jng do do 75 c j s ‘ r Gentlemen’s Beaver Gloves, go cts 1 do do ’ lined a “ Caroline Plaids at reduced prices Tartan do do ’ Bambugctts, Calicoes, Ribbons Inserting Triihining riauiiul waistcoat pntterns very Sunerins ALSO, r A quantity of ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS\. 26 to 37i cents. ' Very large imitation Combs Fancy Handkerchiefs, Waist Buckles. Si* 1, .nov r, -Mitoii ‘"W The gentleman who ha^ I in Ills possession the 1st volume of R llSH ,. * j Crimes, tic. with the name of <• tiVVENS^ , n .?| dcil east by lot no 19, south by Pcrry-st. west by 1 c ,d upon the cover, will be so good as to rcicj T i»- A 1 *L fa 1 .... I (ha enttlAfn nllloa rxf Jrffcrson-st. and north by a lane, re-entered up- * J . Ole ten, for 2 quarters | the same to the office of 106 nov 6 M. M‘ALLlSTF,! ■■4 1 Notice. Inferior Court, for leave to soil the leal *5^ Jackson ward, 00_by 90 ’ ■ * JAMES MORftiSON.Ad’ne nov 6 200 on os the property of Geo rent. Lots no. 21 and 22, Judkson Ward, 60 by 90 feet'ouch lot, bounded east by Orleans Square, , . southby M’Donough-strcet, west by Jefferson-st. TVTlmE months after date, application will |, and north by Perry-strcdt, re-entered upon aslho , ^ , | iat, e to the Honorable the Justices t i, property of E. Early, for 4 quarters rent. 1 Itlfcrio1, Court ‘ for leavc t0 sb11 ™ “- Lots no. 27 and 28, Jackson ward, 6C feet'each lot, bounded east by Orleans Square, south by Hull-st. west by Jcfferson-9t. and north by M’ upon as thb property of J. 11. Morel, for 4 quarters rent each lot. Lot no. 29, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 fcqt, boun ded east by lot no, 30, south by a lane, west by Jcftisrson-st. and north by Hull st. on as the property of J. B. ter* rent. Lots no. 34 and 35, . Jackson, word, 60 by 90 feet each lot, bounded east by lot no. 30, south by a lane, west by M’Comb-s|reet, and north by Hull-street, re-entered upon as the property-o' J. H. Morel, for 4 quarters rent each lot. Lot no. 37, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot no 38, south by a lane, West by 'M — - - --jfo - - * . re-entered up- . Bertlielot, for 4 quai> Flour, Butter, etc. /Y BBLS Baltimore Flour vJ 20 Kegs Goshen Butter 25 Uhls N. E. Rum 31 do Northern Gin 10 Qr Casks Currant Wino 15 Bngs Havana Colicc Forsaicby 3. C. GREENt nov 4 r|l-205 L. PETTY; “ OFFERS FOR SALEi , i.3«,'and north by Hufl-street, re-Cnterccl I -g BARRELS Philadelphia Whijket as the property of Geo. Glen, for -I quarters I 20 Hogshead do dr, ’’ ter, unloading. Sloop John Chevalier, Chcvhlier, of Sa vannah, unloading. lane, west by Habersham st. anil north by York ite ' DIED, At New Orlenns onthe 19th ult. of yellow fever, |cd upon ns the property Mr. IRodert Bbioos, printer aged 28. Oft hus the weary Printer lock’d Death't Daily Record, in his Chase, Now- Death has lock’d the Printer up, Within his cold and sad embrace. ®wm www® % PORT OF SAVANNAH. ARHIVED, Brig Almira, Harding, Boston, 6 days, to jS B Parkmen—consignees, <3 Newhall, O laft, SC k J Schenk, L Petty,L Baldwin co. J W Long, J M'Nish, A Hunter, A Parsons, A tiE Wood, l ay- lor&Duvics, WT Williams, 0 Johnson, D Car ney, Jr. Passengers, Mr Fulsom and daughters, Mrs White, and Miss White, Mrs S Howard and child, Mrs Gregory, Messrs Johnson, Farrington, andJParkmun. Sloop Good Return, Bates, New York, 6 days, to fl B Hathaway, J S Simmons, and J. Bently. 6 cabin and 15 steorage passengers. > Sloop John Chevalier, Chevalier, St Marj-s, 2 days, with cotton to A G, Millet, N J Bayard, and Mr Vaughn, and cotton and omngestothe muster. Passengers, Miss Johnson, and Mr ” at 3t Mai street, re-entered upon ns the property of tho es tate of F. AikUw for 4 quarters rent each lot. Also lot No 14, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded eust by lot No 13, south by State Street, west by'lot No 15 and north by a lane, re-enter ed upon ns the property of J." quarters rent Also Lot nc. 16, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no 14, south by State street, west by lot no 10, and north by a lano re-entered upon as the property ofthe estate of Thos E Lloyd for four quarters rent. . Alto, lot no 19, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no 20, south by President st. West by Columbia Square, and north by state st. re-entered upon as the property of John Waters, for 4 quarters rent. Also lot no. 21, Columbia ward, 00 by 90 feet, bounded cast by Price st south by York st. west by lot no. 22, ami north by President st. re-enter ed upon as the property of for 7 quarters rent lot no. 36, and north upon rent. Lot no. 47, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot no. 46, south by Llberty-st west by lot no. 48, dnd north by a lane, re-entered upon as the property of J. R. M’Kinnon, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no. 25, Brown ward, CO by 90 foot, bound, ed east by lot no. 24, south by Pefvy-st. west by lot no. 26, and north by n lano, re-entered upon as the property ofC. H. Hayden, for 12 quarter! rent. . .Lot no. 45, Brown ward, 60 by 90fiiet, bound ed east by lot no. 40. south by a liuie, west by lot no. 44, and nortli by Hull-street, re-entered up on as the property of the’estate of L. Kollock, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no. 46, Brown Ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by lot no.'47, south by n lone, west by lot no 45, and north by Hull-street, re-entered upon as the property of the Misses Minis's, for 4 quar ters rent. Lot No. 2, Franklin Word, 60 by 90 feet,bound ed east by Lot No. 1, southby a lane, west by lot No. 3, and north by Bay-st. re-entered upon as the property of the est. of John Course, for 12 Lots Nos, 17 and 18, Franklin Ward, 00 by 90 feet each, bounded east by Jefferson st. south by St Julian-st. west by Franklin square, aud north by Bryan-st. re-entered upon as the property of F S Fell, for 8 qrs. each lot. Lot No. 31, Franklin Ward, 60 by 90feet boun ded east by lot No.30, South by a lane, west by lotNo. 32, and north by Congress-st. re-entered upon us the property of Misses Minis, for 12 qrs rent. Lot No. 16, Franklin Ward, 60 by 90 feet,boun ded cast by li-.Terson-st. south by Bryan-st. west by lot No. 15, and north by a lane, re-entered up on as the property of the est. of F Doyle for 2 qrs rent. 60 barrel'. Bach's Gin & Whitc’sdo 100 do Penui ngton’s Loaf Si'cnf * 20 hhds St. Croix ^ugor 1B5 bags Coffee 6 do old Java Coffee 12 pipes Holland Gin 6 do Gognac Brandy 4 do Jamaica Rum 10 qr casks Malaga Wine 2 half pipes Greek do 20 casks Shot, assorted 100 kegs Dupont’s Gunpowder 125 canister do Eagle i 10 bugs Black Pepper v 10 do Pimcpto 0 do Race Ginger Hyson and Gunpowder Teas 50 barrels fresh Flour 50 half do do 16 Tons Iron • 2 do Plough Moulds 100 kegs Nails, assorted 10 hogshehds Molasses 25 kegs Tobacco 1200 bushels Liverpool Salt - 20 barrels Primo Pork 25 casks Brown Stout 20 do Pints, 8 dozen each 20 quarter boxes ffegars 10 aozen cast steel Axes 100 pieces Cotton Bagging ►. 25 boxes Salts'' Gin Coses, Demijohns, Sic. Sit. r 3 1.200 I IYT9TICE is hereby given, that after the ll day of' _ . day of January next, this Bank will not ecivc for a y debts duo to it, the notes ofthe lien Bank, nor the notes of any other bank,« does not, on demand, redeem its paper with cie. Notes and acceptances deposited for Captain Hampton, arrived at this port yesterday from Alvarado, says that a re port was in circulation at Alvarado, that a brig, supposed the Cato, Dulany, of this port had been attacked at the mouth of the harbour of Tobasco, by pirates; that the Captain was wounded and the brig plundered of every thing vuluable. Phil. Sent. * LAUNCH.—A ship to be called to Ed ward Bonnapfe, will be launched this day at I? o’clock, from tbe the yard of C Bergh «S: Co.—She iis intended for one of the line of Havre packets, and is to be com manded by Captain James Funk.—ib, Commodore Pouter left Washington on Monday morning for this city* where lie is to embark for Key Wcst'on board the John Adams, now lying at New Cas tle.—16. The Presidential election comes Virginia on Monday next. We have nei ther time nor space to say npro on this subjoct, at present, than to express our wish that tbe people generally should turn 'outand express their preferences: Itis a subject in which they are particularly interested, and we leave it in their hands. That the great majority of the people of Virginia are in favor of Mr Crawford,there can be no question. But should they not attend the polls, and as freemen, exercise their franchise? Otir intelligence from other parts of the Union, confirms our sanguine hopes of Mr Crawford’s success, The contest will be over before our next No. is published. The question is with the people; to whom it properly, and of right belongs. Let them be true to them selves, and their own great interest, and Mr Crawford’s success Will he certain. Rich. Enq. MONEY.—The New York Mercantile Adi etriscr says:—“We understand the $2,400,000 Louisiana State Stock, form ing part of the Capital of the Louisiana been taken up hero for certain Also lot no. 25, Columbia ward, 00 by 90 feet, bounded enst by lot no. 26,'south by a lane, west by Lincoln st. and north by York st. re-entered upon us the property of Steel White for 16 qa-w ters rent. Lot no. 31, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 32, south by a lane, west by lot no. -80, und north by York street, re-entered upon as the property of Y. Pouria, for 4 quurters rent. Lot no. 34, Columbia ward, CO by 90fcet,boun< ui si murys, brig Lark, Fitzpatrick, trom i-ic York, and Pilot Boat John, Foster, of Savannah at Henry from Augusta, to G. B. Lamar, with 200 bales cot ton to G B Lamar, Jaudon ti Crowell, Brown k. Overstreet, and others, ti 600 bales for Charles ton. Passengers, Messrs. Grant und Taylor, ,und 20 for Charleston. \ ' Pole boat Apollo, from Augusta, With642 bales cotton to G B Lainur, E Padleford, R Wutermun, O Taft, G Gordon, W Jenner, und W Gaston. SAILED, Ship Charleston, Ilalscy, for New York. S. B. Co’* Steam' Boat Carolina, Wray,- with boats Nos. 4and 17 in tow with full cargoes for Augusta. CLEARED FOR THIS FORT, At Liverpool, 18th Sept, ship Pallas, Britton. t’P FOR THIS VoRT, ® jH ew J ded east by lot no. 33, south by . iouth Broad st. 1 wesfby lot no. 36, and north by a lane, re-enter ed upon as the property of for two quar ters. Lot no. 38, Columbia ward. 60 by 90 feet, boun- ['dc.l east by lot no 37, south by South Broad st. west by lot no 89 and north by a lane, re-envered upon as the property of Ann Re ' ters rent. Lot no. 4, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 3, south by a lane, west by Hous ton street, and north by Broughton street, re-en tered upon (is the property of T M Woodbridge for 4 quurters rent. , ■. > . Lot no. 18, Greene ward, 00 by 90 feet, bound ed east by lot no. 17, south by President st. wekt by Greene square, und north by State st. re-enter ed upon as the property of J Davenport, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no 36, Greehe ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound- each, bounded east by lot No. 6, south by a lane, west by West Broad-st. re-entered upon as the property of A Barclay, fo^ 4 qrs. rent each lot. Lot No. 16, Elbert Ward, GO by 90 feet, bound ed east by Jeffcrson-st. south by Ilull-st. west by lot No. 15, and north by a lane, re-entered upon as the property of Ann Bond, for4 qrs. rent. Lots No. 21 und 22, Elbert Ward, 60 by 90 feet, each bounded east by Elbert square, south by ry-st. west by West Broad-st. and north by 1,— . • .. _ .. nough-st. re-entered upon as the property of O.M. fleet ion, until lurther notice, may be p Lilimridge, for4 qr*. rent each lot. the notes of the Banks ofGeorgiaJtbe^ Lot No- 24, Elbert Ward, GO by 90 feet, bound-1 derstood^ tlmt^dcposRow of ^u,.l^ pap”™ ed cost by Jeffersou-st. spilth by l’crry-st. west by “ “ Lot No. 23, and north by M-Donough-st. re-enter ed upon as the property of Cborlott Bulloch, for 4 qrs. rent. Lot No. 30, Elbert wafd,60 by 90 feet, bound ed enst by lot Np. 29, south by a lane, west by lot N«. 31, and north by Perry-Street, re-entered upon as the property of S. ** " ’ ' * ters rent. Lot No. 32, Elbert ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by lot No 31, south by a lane, west by West Broad-sireCt, and north by ferry-st. re-en tered upon as the property ofthe estate of Wm. Shaw, for 2 quarters rent. Lots No. 33 and 34, Elbert Ward, 60 by 90 feet each, bounded cast by lot No. 35, south by Lib- erty-st. west by West Broad st. and nortli by a lane; re-entered upon as the property of J. H Morel, for 4 quarters rent, each lot. Lot Ntjg24, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun* At Boston, 26th ult. schr Traveller, Lawrence, ed e^st by Houston st. south by South Broad st 3d Nov.; brig Sea Island, Atwood. west by lot no. 35j ahd north by a lane, re-enter- The steam boat Maid of Orleans, for Hamburg I ed upon as the property of M Doly, for 8 quarter and Augusta, via Savannah, was to leave Charles-1 ren t- • COL. DAVIES. Col. Davies, who fell in the battle of the Wabash, was a man of Kentucky. Ho was a lawyer whose character united those eccentricities that indicated future genius; There was difficult question to decide before the court of Kentucky, in volving an important question in regard to the title, of an estate. The case em braced a long concatenation of facts and and .sundry technical niceties. When the case was ca lied, a Kentucky hunter, with his musket and bird-bag loaded with provisions, till equipped complete,entered the hall, and took liis scat amongst the lawyers. "There was a grin on the faces, ofthe bar, court,jury and spectators. He, all unconcious, took out his provisions, and began to cat with most perfect com posure. The lawyer on the side ofthe pluntiff, arose and made along argument. Aud ivho answers for the defendant 1 in quired the court. I do, replied the hun ter, and rising, broke forth into a torrent of eloquence that astonished the court and jury. Away went the plaintiff, law and evidence;and so complete was the discom fiture, that the opposite counsel made 9 most pitiful reply. ton on the 4th inst. ff/* The pnssengers of the brig Almira, take this Opportunity of expressing their grateful acknowledgements to Copt. Harding, for his very kina and polite attention to them during their re- cent^passage from Boston to this cily. His uni form demeanor a* a gentleman, hisskili and fidel- Lot no. 40, Greene Ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by Enst Broad st. south by South Broad st, west by lot no. 39, und north by a lane, re-enter ed upon ns the property ofthe estate of Wm. At- kerson, for 8 quarters rent. m f/ot no. 6, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by Houston ft. south by a lane, west by lot no. 2o, and north by Broughton st. re-entered un ity as master of a vessel, have inspired them with I l* 1 ® P ro P er ly the estate of Geo. Myers, a high degree of regard for his character. They 01 , quarters rent. hope that he may long enjoy that public conn-1 Lot no, fl, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded dence and esteeul to which his meritorious con-1 eas t by lot nt).4, south by a lane, west by. lot no duct so i and esteeul to which his meritorious con- ® as tl’yl° t rttt.4, loutji by,a lane, west by, lot n 10 justly entitles him. "I 7, and north by Broughton st, re-entered upon r 5 c • the property of J G Wilson, and Axyn Belcher, f 14 quarters rent L Notice. .lOt no. 14, Greene wur^,G0 by 90 feet,bounded W LLbe sold on the first’* Tuesday. in Do-1 ea *t by l°t no. 15, south by Stuto street, west by eember next, in front of the Court House, lot no 13 > and north by a lune, re-entered upon as between the usual hours,if the amountof fines iin-1 property of Mary S Atkerton, for 8 quarters j, „ — ^ .. .... I rent. posed by council arc not paid, the following pro- party: Lot no. 16, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, hound Two small biddings on the west half of lot let-1 e<J ewtby East.Broad st. south by State st. west ter H. Oglethorpe ward, bounded east by cost by l Qt no - 16 i °nd north by 0 lune, re-entered up- half of said lot, west by a lane, north by Zublcy-1 on J*,the property of Ann Hannan, for 4 quarters ' ’ * " ‘ * the * street, aind south by lot letter F. levied on as the I rcnt retailing liquor without having a licence. A- mount of fines, §270, and cost. F.M. STONE, Marshal. nov 6 106 Lot no. 2, Warren ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 3, south by a lahe west by lot no, d north by bay st. re-entered upon as tint p A family of House Servants O F good character—For sole—for [particulars apply at this office. t'203 ana norm Dy oay st. re-entered upon as tint pro- | perty ofthe cet&te of Wm/Woodbridge, for 4 (juar- Lot no. 3, Warren ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded | enst by lot no. 4, south by u lano, west by lot no. 12, and north by Bay street, re-entered upon as the property of A Hunter, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no 7, Jackson ward, 60 by 90feet, bound- j cd east by lot no. 8. south bya lane, west by lot uo. 0, und north by South Broad-street, ro-cn Planter’s Bank.* O N WEDNESDAY Next, 10th fast. giving Day, this Bank jvill be shut. intended for discount must be offered on the A day previous and wilt be acted on, on Tutsi Lots No. 7 and &, Elbert Ward, 60 by 90 feet I Paper falling due on the 10th must betakenup I the 9th. noy 3 J. MARSHALL, CwM m204 ... . Planters Bank. paid in the same uotes, the amount of colli made for them. J. MARSHALL, CasK qo/ 4 l202 Wanted in a Private Family- TEACHER well versed in the dift jA~ branches of English Education, and thel language. Also, in a Country Store, A Clerk who can be well recommei salesman and accomptant. nov 4 m205 WATT fcSMEj 1 AUGUST G. OEMLEU, H AS removed hisDRUG STORE,totted* of Broiightunand IVhUaker-Struti, °PI Col. Shcllman's Mantton House, where he eu r Jeiferson-st. south by York-st. west by I for sale, a choice assortment of , , and nortli by Prcsident-st. re-entered FfCSll JlfcdlcitlCS UUd • WiikinT; for 41 ? Seeds, for ed east lot No, upon as the property of Samuel quarters rent. , . < Lot No. 26, Liberty Ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed cast by Jefferson-st. south by a lune,. west by lot No. 26, and north by York-st. re-entered upon os the property of the estate of R. Mackey, for 4 quarters rent. Lot No, 27, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet boun ded east by lot No. 26, south by a lane, West by lot No. 28, ahd north by York-st. re-entered upon as the property of the estate of R. Mackey, for 4 quarters rent. Lot No. 31; Libe, ty xvard, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed cast by lot No. 30, south by a lane, west by lot No. 23, and north by York-st. re-entered upon as property of the estate df John H. Deubell, for 12 quarters rent. Lot No. 32, Liberty Ward. 60 by 9b feet, bound ed east by lot No. 31, south by a lune, west by West Broad«st. und north by York-st. re-entered upon us the property of tho estate of John H. Deubell, for 12 quarters rent., Lot No, 35; Liberty ward, 60 by 00 feet; boui.- ed e#*t by lot No. 36, south by South Broad-st. west by lot No. 34, and north by a lano, re-enter ed upon us the property of Samuel Wilkins, for 4 quarters rebti > , Lots No. 3 and 4, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet each lot bounded east by Houston-st. south by a lane, west by lot No. 2, and north by Broughton - street, ru-entered upop as the property of the Branch Bank of the United States, for 2 quarters rent of each lot. Lot No. 6, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by lot No, 7, south by a lane, w.est by lot No. 6, and north by Broughtori-st. ro-entere i up on as '■ he' property of John Morel, for 4 quarters rent. Lot No- 8, Columbia ward,GO by 90 feet, bound: cd cast by Price-st. south by a lane,West by lot No, J 7, and porlli by Bfougfyton-st. re-entered upon as | the property of Mrs. for two quar ters rent. Lots no. 9 Und 10 Columbia' ward, 60 by 90 feet each, bounded past by Price-street, south by and various other articles suiting his li«*- H* ■ - - ' ' of uanin® ons a-fey j w only found in e very Drug Stott, Fol, Sabina, Pyrala Urobcllatu, Deeltidis Purpurea, Scullcap, «y ss0 P , , J . 1 > German Leopard’s Bane, (arnica montto ] Elecampane, (Inula Heleninm) Ilop*i Ergot, Tonquiri Beans, Squire’s L»J ,r - Daffy’s Elixir, Ess. Mustard, Ess, ry«i Jesuit Aromatic Vinegar, and Drop, Churcbe's Cough Drops, itic Vinegar, Toilet, Vegetable, other Soaps, Macnssnr Oil; rnosphorus, Ox, Mur, Potasse, James’s Fever Powders, Infantile Pow« B lane, cott, for State-str west by lot no. 11, and north re-cutcred upon ns tho property of R 4 quarter rcht, Lot no, 13, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ,d Cast by Ilabershain-st. soutii by Slute-st. west by lot no. 14, and north by u lune, re-entof- ed upon as the property of J. Davenport, for four quurters rent. F. M. STONE, o, a. BOV 5 200 Read’s Stiptic, Spirits Soap, ,i Fumigating Pastils, l’yt-olignious Acui Black Drop. oct9 1187 Fifty Dollars llewafiT r * be paid for the apprehension y of the following Negroes t. scribers, living in Bourke Cunty, or any ^ so we cah get them*-dt- a liberal rew •iven for any part of them, to wit: jright Mulatto man, about 35 y ear * ® ’ w slender made and of keen apptchensl_n, ^ wife Ilanpah a black woman about o ) with a sear on orie side of her * ttCe ' 1 ,45 tie stae oi ncr 45 of Joseph Hines—Ben hn African aboWW old, small and well set and filed teeth, on one arm, and his wife Sylvia abo' ■ j" broke loose a largo Cunoo „ September last, at Stephen s Bride®' ty, und-we thing will aim down tuft R4 nMa 1t«r rnnnlw. hfildW SftVftnDWf a ] ] Marshy Country, below UavannBu, ,^ bought up there and has OncerunaW)' ^ wile anil children hack there and ded mid put in SavannahJud.not'v^ —One of the men took off a Gun <b«° l tol with them.: JOSEPH ABNER BEf-t oct 14 .7 ■' iso