Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, November 05, 1824, Image 4

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Administrator’s sale. On Wednesday the first of December next, "VTTlLtj besold at iSt: Into residence of Allen v » Dcinnafjti tlco'd, all tlio persnnul property °f said tivt’d; consisting of3 negroes, 4 head of horres, on« tnule, Cattle, Sheep, goats, and hogs, and household and kitchen furniture. Also, 3‘hcud Oxen one earrylog, 1 silver watch, mid the. present crop of corn and fodder. Condi tions of sale Cash. R. BUIITON. Adm’r. Ortl4 ls‘> MAUV DENMARK,Am’x Administrator’s sale, On the first Tuesday in January ntxl, x "VirrlLL be sold before the Court House in the W City of Savannah, tile following property, being the real estate of Andrew M*Lenn, late of Chatham County, dec’d forthe hene fit of the heirs «nd creditors, pursuant to an order of Court. One tract ol'land, containing 800 norcs, adjoin- tin; lands of l'rnncis Tufts,James Rosco, and Ma ry Shares, known as Jonathan and John Fox’s tracts, about 12 miles from Savpnnah. One vacant lot in fee simple, situated in Ewens- burg, on Margurct-st.Savannah', known by No. 28 One Ditto, also fee simple, situated in do. and knots n by the No. 21, with a dwelling “house and other improvements thereon. One Lot in Ricchorough, Liberty county. The purchasers giving bond and mortgage, pay- id'le in one, two and three years,with interestfrom flute and personal security. GEO. GLEN, Oct 80 201 Adm’r cst. Andresv MT.anc. Administrator’s sale. On the first Tuctday in December next. ILL be sold at the late resideuce of Jacob Futch, dcc’d, late ofthe County ofilulloch; MVW all the personal fur tholicnefi! astute. tal property of said deceased, sold tot the heirs and creditors of said 184 WAR DELOACH, Adm’r. JANE FUTCH, A l ~’x. fn Aurhiratetj. UNITED STATES OF AMERIC A, \ DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, j John W. Long ) is. ; Monition. Ship Albion and ■cargo, j- To the Marshal of said District—» GIU2ETINO : GEO. GLEN, Clerk. W HEREAS John. W. Long assignee of the un derwriters at Lloyds in London, in the Kingdom of Great Britain, the supposed insurers of tiio Ship Albion and cargo, has exhibited his libel or complaint, in the.District Court of the U- nitad States, forthe District of Georgia; stating, a! * ng and propounding, that the British Ship Albion, laden with Mahogany, Logwood, and di vers other articles, was, on the mornhig ofthe 15th September lost, by the forco^ of the wind and waves driven on the bench of Saint Catherines island, in the District aforesaid, and there aban doned by hcrcrew; and that mucli of the cargo has floated out of the saldShto, some partof which has been taken by George H. Johnston, Patrick Houston and George M. WaldbUrg, and by divers other persons, to a place of greeter safety, and that part theref still lies on the beach of said Island, below-high w.-^er mark exposed to the sea That the Agent ol the dnderwriters at Lloyds, un der the impression that the said .Ship and cargo were insured at Lloyds, hus forthe benefit of all concerned, sold the interest ofthe said underwri ters aforesaid, therein at publick sale to John W. Long. But the said persons, who have removed a part of the cargo to a place of greater safety, claim to be entitled to salvage thereon, and pray ing process of this court to hike the said wreck end the said cargo, or so much thereof, os is to be found within the jurisdiction of this Court, into the custody of the Court for the benefit ofthe said ilbellant, and all persons concerned, agd praying a monition against the said George, Patrick, ana George, and all othef persons, claiming to be en titled to salvage to appear and establish such their Claims and also to all persons interested to appear, and shew caus^ whv the said wreck and her car go shall hot be adjudged to the said John \V Long, assignee, as aforesaid, of the underwriters Llovds. and for further proceedings. Now Cam dc n —Sup crior (Xmrt. October Tkum, 1824. Nicholas .1. Bayard jj vs. :• -Vi x Rule Rm. Rhg Sands ) O N the petition of Nicholas J. Bayard, stating that Rag Sands, on the fifth day of June eigh teen hundred and twenty-four, for the better sc- ; it.., Itiemnlniii hrttiil nr writSlHf Administrators sales. On thefnlTuesday in December next, I at Lloyds,“ and for further proceedings. sold at the court house ,in thecou.s-1 therefore, you the said Marshal, are hereby w ty orEUinghani manded to attach, seize, take, and safely keep the A tract of land containing 202.} acres, known by I remains ofthe said Ship Albion and her cargo, st. lying in tiie county of wheresoever within the jurisdiction of this Court, Henry, on the I)—16th dist. lying in tiie county of wheresoever witnm the jurisdiction oi tins v-oucj, Yellow River, fwentv five acres of or in the possession of whomsoever to be fouud, which is cluared, together with sonic improve incuts thereon and cunsidered a valuable tract.— Sold by an ordcrobtaiued from the hon. the In ferior Court ofthe County of Effingham, for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of the estate of Eiuuuul-1 Ruhn, late of said County dec. JACOB GNANN, Junior, i .Administrator, oct 2 184 Administrator’s sale. to answer tlje said libel, and you are further com tnanded to cite and admonish tiie said George Patrick, and George, and all other persons, claim ing to be entitled to salvage in this behalf to ap pear before this Court, and there establish such their claim and further to cite and admonish all and every person and persons, whomsoever hav ing or pretending to have any right, title, interest, property, claim or demand iu, or to the said wreck or to the cargo thereof, to be, and appear at a spe cial Court of Admiralty, to be held at Savunnnli on the Twelfth day of November next, to answer Ol tnu IfMUUIl i: ill «illII U. DUIIIT, in lslUIV I w, IU UII9 iPJEtu vuiMty unit *uu»x wiiwn u Ogeechee District; between the hours of 10 and to the Judge of said Court,at the time and placu 4 o’clock, at public Auction. aforesaid; and have you then and there this writ- Om-liorsc, Saddle and Bridle, and the remain-1 Witness the Hon. Jeremiah Cuyler, Judge of ini; stock ofcattle belonging textile estateof Ricli’d I said District, this twenty-first day of October, J’cilutn, (lcr.M, Sold for the-benefit of the heirs I eighteen hundred and twenty four. N1COLL GORDON, Proctors for Libellants. All persons interested in the foregoing Monition will take due notice. JNQ.ll. MOREL, m.d. Oct 30 201 and creditors ofthe said dcc’d. W BENEDICT BOURQUIN. nov 2 j|203 Temporary Adm'r. Executor's sate, By J. B. Herbert co. On thefirst Tuesday in December next, ,*€T7TLL be sold at the Court House in this city Vi between the usual hours of 10 and 2 o’cl’k. All the buildings situated on the north western corner of Lot No thirteen Washington Ward, con sisting of a 1 story bouse with a kitchen and other necessary improvements being the property ofthe cst. of Susannah Miller, dec. Sold by permission ofthe Hon. the Inferior Court of Chatham County 4n ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ' * * ‘"jg | of by order of the Ex’r for the benefit of tile heirs iid estate. ct 2 181 In Admiralty. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ( DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. \ George Woodruff and others, j Pieces of Mahogany part cargo f Monition. Ship Albion J To the Marshal of the District of Georgia— GKEETIHO 5— L. S. GEO. GLEN, Clerk. W HEREAS George Woodruff, Patrick Hous ton and George Johnston and Jacob Wild- burg and George Waldburg and Edward P. Postell have exhibittu their libel or complaint in the Dis trict Court of the United States forthe District of Superior court—Chatham county. Thomas'F. Purse ct. id. \ G Complaints ” ml IN EQUITY. Riclmrd R. Cuyler, Wm Shaw, deceased. XN this case, on, the „ Ron in tiie defend ant’s answer, that certain persons not parties self held and bound unto the said Nicholas J. Bay ish all and singular the kindred and creditors of any they have) in my office, within the Qihc rL, the said deceased, the life their objcctlins (if any milled by law j or otherwise the said tt|)p|| C /j they have,) to the granting of loiters dlsnilssory | wi^l he dlsqdssed from his said administration ard, iu tiie penal sum-of four thousand dollars- before the Superior Court of Chatlium County la conditioned for the payinct of one thousand do), | the term of January next, then mra there to es- lArs on or before tiie first day of October then tuhlish such their claims j and in dofault tlicreof, next, and the further sum of one thousand dollars that tiie undivided estate of the said in Shaw, next, and the further oh the first dhy of January then next, did mort- sy _ the petitioner, in the clerk’s ollico, of the said court, on or before the 11th day of December next I of May, A. D. 1824, otherwise letters dismissory will bo 1 to the petitioner. ensuing be distributed the complainants agreeably 16 ursi any OI utliiuury iiuav) uiu uixjtv i ut. uiauiuiiiow tuiiuitt imv 1 "“r o . .» all thut tract. piece, or parcel of land,-lying, to the deeree of said Court and that this rule be eitig and situate on Cumberland Island in the published once a month until the expiration county of Camden, and known by the name of thereof. granted to the petitioner. . jVTINE months after date application wiTiTl WitnesMlie noil. John Cumming, ono of the J r , nut i c t 0 the lion. Inferior court of the couni5I Justices of the salt! court, this lltli day of June, j „f Bi-ymi, for leave to pell all the real estnu-y A. D. 1824, S. M. BOND, c c. o. William Cubbedge deceased, to be sold foi'nil I liAtiufit ikl'iliH Itallea tilxl i.i'iiilit /»«... * I Cotton Bluff, containing four hundred and fifty acres, bounded on the north by lands of Shierer, on the south by lands of Nathaniel Green, ond on the west by salt marsh, togethor with the appurle nances—and further stating that the said sums of money remained unpaid, and pray the foreclosure of tiie equity of redemption of the said Rag. On motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney for the petitioner, it is ordered that the said Rag Sands do pay into this court before the expiration of twelve months from this date, the said several sums of money in the condition of the said bond mention ed, together with the interest and cost, otherwise that the equity of redemption of the said Rag Sands Ids heirs, executors, administrators and as- Extract from the minutes tills 7th dny of June, 1824. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk, june 17$t!38 Superior court, Chatham county. January Tkum, 1824. Aaron Cleveland and Susttn CT his wife, J vs. I Rule JVWt Jacob Fahrn. J .N the petition of Aaron Cleveland and Sit- 'san C. his wife, who was Susan C. Bonn, stat ordinary purposes To all whom it may concern, (V V^s ing that Jacob Fahtn, before the intermarriugo of tiie petitioners, to wit; oil the 22d day of Juno 1821, did in conjunction with one Joseph signs, of, in and to the said mortgaged promises, I Scott, execute a joint bond to tiie said Susan C. be thenceforth and forever foreclosed. M« the P.ena sum offour thousand dollars condi- And It is further ohlered, that this rule be pub- tinned for the payment of two thousand _ dollars hed in one of the Gaacttes of this state at least with interest from date, on or before the first once d u'inonthfo7uv^vV‘months,‘Vr^thuta'copy I Any of March then next>nd thut for the better be served on the said Rag Sands, at least six securing tiie payment thereof tiie said Jacob months before the expiration or the time appoint- did on the day and yeur first aforesaid make his t the said rnonev into court. I certain indenture of inorl i payment ot the said money into court, such * mi, | certain indenture of mortgage, whereby lie lie had ns arc mortgaged to said Susan C. all that lot of ground known and designated as Garden lot number thirty nine, No 31>, and also, that adjoining half ed for the. and that such further pursuant to the statute in such case made and pro- '"Extract from the minutes, this 25th Oct. 1834.1 part of unothcr lot known as lot number forty JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. two, No 42, containing together eight and a half I I . . i«i.. .1 ll.n nf lllA fllltr oct 29 200 Stcaims Panacea. HIE Subscribershave just received from Phil- acres more or less situated to tiie cast of tho city of Savannah and bounded to tl»e north west of Lot No 26, to the south and east by lands be longing to the estate of Hampton Lillibridge d tin adelphia u fresh supply of this celebrated Me-1 and the west by the public road leading to dicine, and have mnde such arrangements as to Skidmvny island whereon-a brick yard is now keep a constant supply of it on liana. Persons in established and known by the name of Fahms want of tills article cun depend upon its being gen uine, as it comrs direct from Mr. Swaim. LAY if HENDRICKSON, Chemist and Druggists, Shad's Buildings. net 7 186 brick yard- that there is now on the said bond or mortgage obligatory the sum of eighteen hun dred dollars with interest from tiie 23d dny of if, the Situation Wanted, January 1823, and praying the foreclosure ol equity of redemption of the said Jacob und ids heirs, executors, administrators and assigns _ in I and to the said mortgaged premises—On motion of W. W. Gordon, for tiie petioners— in any respectable House. All necessary recoin date, or in meudations can be had botti iit town or from the | case of default that the equity of redemption of country. A line addressed to H. M. G. and felt at I said Jacob l'ahni, his heirs, executors, adminis- the Tost Office will be particularly'attended to Oct 16 a 1«0 trators and assigns be from thenceforth forever foreclosed and that such further und other pro- P Kit SON 8 having claims aguinst the estate of) ceedlngs be had thereon, as ore pursuant to tiie Charles W. Tebeau, urc r^iuested to present statute in such case made nnd providoil—And it 1 is further ordered that this rule bo published In one of the Gazettes of this stnte at least once llicra, and those indebted to make immediate payment to the Subscriber—accounts against the snid estate to 'be left with Messrs S. C. J Schenk. F. E. TEBEAU, Admr. oct 7 1«6 IN EQUITY. In the 6th Circuit Court, U. S. ) District op Gf,orgi4. ) II. Shulls and C. Brciihaupl, Complainants, IS. the Bank ofthe State of Georgia, and others, Defen dants.—Iterloculory Deeree. month for twelve months, or that a copy, lie served on the defendant at least six mouth before the time appointed for tiie payment of the moa- | ey into court. Extract from the minutes, 15th Jan. 1824. ian 16 12 JOB T. BO I.KB. U ^T present this Court cannot proceed to a final decree, hut preparatory thereto, it will order and direct that a reference be had to the register, to require and report the state of uc counts between the M'Kinnes and the State Bank, upon tiie loan of $50,000, and by doing so it ap pears by agreement, the Bank Square wns pledged {Superior court, Chatham county in ) > Rule Nisi. | :er. ) O N the petition of Jno. Retail stating that Nathan Baker did on tiie first day of May 1822, the better to secure the payment of his payment certain promissory note of tipit date for the sum id dc tin pi of two thousand dollars, payable to tiie said John Retan, or order, on or beforo the 1st day of May 1824. with interest at 7 per cent per annum EOBfHA, Gi ntlmm Countjv-Jly tho Hon tho Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes, To all whom i( may mncari). Wherens, John Dillon administrator of Ed mond Dillon, late of Chatham county dee.!., s pe titioned the hot), court of ordinary,to bo disenurg- d from his said administration. Now, these are therefore to cite and udmon- ft EORGIA, Litfo;V County . J vT ker, clerk of the court of on ■y JJnah v.t . nary, for t|J ibCrty. >>.!! whom it may ccncarn. 9 Whereas William Law, Esq. applies t 0 dismissed from his administration on the estate Davis Carler, late of snid epuntyj dec. Theso arc therefore to Cite und mlmori,', I all persons concerned to file their objection, jj 1 administration wen under my baud and seal, this 3d ,u . In.. ■ A Ik IUOJ 1.- tt.'&HK U -y| May )1 no E. BAKER, c t o, trs Oi ge a itbllslt juno 12 136 G EORGIA, Chatham County—By the lion.. the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for benefit ofthe hoirs und creditors. JOHN CUBBEDGE, Adiq’r jnno 17 138 lln/an Count., months ufter dato application win" Isis unt ovi .... m . .... . t ttr i x made to the lion. Inferior court of Lii.n^l Whereas Robert laylor, administrator of Win coun , y fot . leuvo to .„ tho ruu , and personaui* M.Kelley, lute of Savannah, merchant, «l?c’d, tuto 0 ? L(JJowick Lard lato of Tatt ' na]) lias petitioned to the honorable the court of Or-1 deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and en) tdrs. E. WAY, Ad.«f , 1 petitioned to the hoi dinnry to he discharged from Ills said adininlstra tlon. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and credito deceased, to file their objections, (i have) in the clerks office of tiie suid court, on or nng 31 §om are uiereiore io one ana aaraonisu an ; ........r ■ _r_;. _ i « liar the kindred and creditors ofthe said i\DNE ,n T ° n n ,. 1 '? i ‘ ° r l A 1 ®/ r 1 “l’l'ly to t? , to file their objections, (if any they *J“ n ’ n n , 4 ,“" 0 !L“? u ‘| 1 j°‘ C0uil, y f »l ii.o ..In.L. ..Hi..., ..I* til., u.ijii rrt.h-t nn «.* I' l ( ‘e to sell the teal and personal property have) in the clerks office ofthe suid court, on Ort Vvm°r l ”naP««‘Tt ,Aon« n 3 ,, “fn?°4i.n n n beforo the 8th day of December next j otlierwlse L Baker, deccusod, for the benefit of (fo In,In— ...III l.n I rt ,1 ,n ,l.n t.i.l i ♦ I,,... I UellS tliiu CrCUllUlS. letters dismissory will be granted to the petition Witness tho Honoramo John P. Williamson, one of the Justices of Use said court, tills 8th dny of June, A. D. 1824. S. M BOND, c c o June 8 134 april 7 89 THOS. B. BAKER, Adm’r. ^TGORGIA, Chatham county- Justices of the Inferior Court sitting for nary purposes. To all whom It may con'cern. Whereas William Davies, administrators of Mar tha Johnson dec, has petitioned the lion, the court of ordinary to be discharged from his said ad ministration. i These ore therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to file their objections (if any they have) or' jVTINE months after date application will (J J. T made to tho hon. Inferior court of BullocU I county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, |J ity—By the hbn. the leave to sell all the real a wl personal estate ofAl.l hurt silling for drdi- \ fen Denmark, deceased, for the benefit of tlijl each l bale C uacka Wall 1000' 10001 1000! 1000, iooo ! 100f< het llOOfa kin 100 b cord cedai in tiie office of the clerk of the court of orditm- heirs and creditors. ROBERT BUUTOrt, Adm’r. MARY DENMARK, Adm’x. I fell 28 48 Bulloch County. INK months after this date hereof, annlig tlon will be made, to the Inferior conn wlu>n sitting for ordinal sell nil that White Bluff, county of Chatham, containing acres, more or less,hi——**-— J ‘ ’ tg for ordinary purposes, for leave i, t lot or part of ground in the district of If, county of Chatham, containing a ares, more or less,hounded northwardly ami ea& ry on or before the seventh day of March next; wardly by lands late John Foullens, and soutk otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the | wardly by lands of Williams, belonging to the«- petitioner. talc of James Boyd, and to he sold tor the bent Witness the hon. John P. Williamson, one of fit of tiie heirs ana creditors of snid estnto. the Justices of tiie said Court, this 7th day of I September, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o c c. sept 9 175 G * t EORG1A, Chatham County—By the hon. the I *" Justices of the Inferior court sitting for ordina• | ry purposes. ELIZABETH BOYD, Adni’i 124 10m it may Wherens Linus I’. Sage administrator of Sprague Taylor, deceased, has petitioned tho honora ble court of ordinary to be discharged from his said administratlonsliip. ‘ These are therefore to cite nnd admonish all may 26 T%j INE months alter date, application nil JL1 made to the Inferior court of Effing county for leave to sell all the real property be longing to tiie cstute of the late Rev. Jno. fiuk , deceased, lying in snid county,for tiie beuttrt dI the heirs and creditors. ' ANN BECK, Adm’x. april 16 88 1\Imonths niter date, 1 shall apply to tkt J.1 lion, the Inferior court of the county o( Ell and singular the 'kindred nnd creditors of the I Anghom, for leave to sell all the real estate b said decensed, to file their objections (if nnd they longing to Solomon Gnann.dec. of which allcoi have) in tiie office of the clerk of the court $>f or-1 cornea will take notice^ dinnry, on or before the 13th day of January next di: lismis- ensuiug tiie data hereof; otherwise letters ry will be granted to tiie applicant. Witness the honorable Thomas N. Morel one N 1 T KORG1A Cjl Justices _ dinary purposes JOSHUA GNANN, adm’r. | march 4 62 ^ INK months after bate application will! made tothe lion, (he InfcrlorCourt of Cim setting for ordinary purpose] the following real esfalej t ... heirs and creditors of lbt| SSSSS? ^CldivideSriWMracj'of'lBnd, ofthe Inferior court, ^ I ta t„i„g about 500 aeres, on Cumberthnd Wani.l Camden County, known as Plum Orchard ‘ of the Justices of the said Court this 18th day of] ham County, when setting July, A. D. ip24. S. M. BOND, c c o. I for permission to sell the inly 13 150 | for the benefit of the heirs 1Vherens°AlexMder > M.Taylor, > adndiiistratorbf| Scott, deceased, has petitioned the honora- ^'^'nriffinaB^irranted to Gen'^Lachlnnd Atrial e Justices of the Inferior comt,to be dlselmr- . cre .’ u*thi«w*Phnl om ills said administration. L osh - and bounded on the soutli by the said Pluml John ble tiie Justices ged from life said administration. Now thes i ore therefore to cite nnd admonish by ^Srin part,forrnt^ ft ^ of sales litercof, be so applied, also the amount of a fA year first aforesaid, ^ tolls received at the south end of the bridge, from I said John Be tan, all the undivided moiety (ir f \ EORGfA—Chatham Countv.—To all whom j Georgia aforesaid, stating and propounding that by it mass concern.—Whereas.'jnseniiR.Thnmn. ] means of great labor atiu exertion Oi Uie uiuiiu- xjk it may concern.—Whareas,".fosepiiR.TIioinp- { means of great labor and exertion oi the uitinu- $on has ajiblicd to the Hon. the Court of Ordinary prs, and negro slaves of the said libellants, they of Chatham County*for letters of administration ] nave saved and preserved pfeces of Mahog tiie time it was taken possession of in their behalf, I | m K P“ri of all that lot of land, situate, lytng and and to report also upon such othel- discounts as 'jf'nS fe t ^ e c . ,t y °f’- ava n na b. and ki>o\cn and the complainants may insist upon as proper to be distinguished m the pliin thereof by the number made frera the same sum. . one (j) Ty. oitnell tythi otherwise letters dismissory will he prente _ ^ Witness the honoratile Edward Harden, on>| A LL persons having any demands agh.i-.stI of the Justices of the said court, this 6th day of I J\_ the estate of Francis Jatineau, dccenseil May, A. D. 1824. may 6 106 S. M. BOND, c c o. are requested to deliver them in properly attei ed,ou or before the first day of Oct. next. Alii nn tiie c-: !ate and effects of William R. Holland, 1 MOOt, > from the n reck of the Brhisli ship Albion, lute of Savannah, Druggist, dec’d in behalf of the] which had been wrecked In the gale of the four-- ofbridg heirs and creditors. 1 teenth of SeDtember last: and wns driven on the thereof, auiy. J lint I of bridge bills n ing Darby ward, together J 'irtbe That be enquire and report the number | wBb the appurtenances, and fcrtbor stating that bills now actunily out, with tiie holders the sntd promissory note re-mauis wholy unpaid, teenth of September last -/and was driven on the thereof, respectively, and such facts (ending tq | ““ pray ng I ^KORGIA, Bulloeh County—fly the honora- ] «° u _ n £ r )°‘ b cfore that day :iis ;md creditors. i leenm oi aepicrauer tasi; ana was uriven on me ...» ....... ---- ©-v . . . . - arc therefore to cite andadmonish all and b *ach the Island of Saint Catherines, in the prove them honest and bona fide holders, thereof WVW GoSoftoi L. .t,„ I said District, and nravine a reasonable • saivnee or us each case may severally suggest; also the sums | unmononoivk. s.. uoraot), attoi tingu’mr the kindred nnd creditors of the said dc-1 District, unu^ra; Ceased, to file their olijections (if any they have) unraying allowance therefrom. A: a reasonable ' salvage or nd whereas the Judge of taken , attorney for the tothe granting of the administration ofthe estate tbe , DistrictCourt for the District aforesaid, hath ofthe deceased to the applicant in tiie Clerk’s I ordered and directed the Twelfth day of ISovcm- by the complainants or either of them, at I P®t*oner, it is ordered tliat the suid Nathan Ba the north end ofthe bridge, from the time the I ker do pay into tii'.scourt, within twelve months Office ofthe raid Court, on or before the twenty teventh ““ '■** of administration will tie gu Wlincss the Don- John P. Williamson one of the Justices of the said C’oqrt, the27thOct. A. D. 1824. oct 27 193 S. M. BOND, c c o. her next, for all persons concerned, to be cited to it'd ay of .Noveraber’next rotherwrse'iettere | appear at the.Court Ilou-e, in the City of Savan- itf 1st ration will be gi anted. nan > at ten o’clock of that day, and shew cause if — 1 any they have, why judgment should not pass as prayed: You are therefore hereby authorised und enjoined;to cite and admonish all persons, whate ver, having, or pretending to have, any right,title, or interest, in or to the said Mahogany, libelled against as aforesaid, to be, and appear, at the time and place, aforesaid, before the Judge aforesaid, to hear, abide by and perform all and singular sucli judicial acts as are necessary and by law required to be done in the premises; and further to do and receive whatuntolawand justice shall appertain, under the pain of the law and con southern! passed into the hnndsof the defendants, f>f this date, the principal and interest due on . * ■ i, M . .1 , * . I (ho CUtrl nnltl Un J Sl.« Din .... t . 1 — suuui ruu piiMcu iuiu me immnm tuo uuiiiuuui9 ( i » r, " i ” , r or their agent, or any public offloci at their suit, the suid note and the cost of the said application, and generally the state of accounts between lien- °. r « n default thereof, thut the equity of redemp- ry Shultz and the Bridge Compuny; and also re- bon of the said Nathan Bnkcr of mid to the sind ble the court 6f ordinary of said county, To all whom it may concern. Whereas Robert Burton, admlnistratorof the estate of Stephen Denmark deceased hath appli ed to the said Court for letters dismissory from said administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all nnd singulur the kindred and creditors of the said deccusscd, to file (heir objections (If any they have) in the office of the clerk of this court with in the time prescribed by law, otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the applicant. be refused payment by the undersigned ejecut GASTON. | july 10 149 sons indebted to tiie estate of Ale«»| x?L der Martin, lato of Liberty County, dccei ed, ore requested to mako immediate payment R.F. BAKER, ( E .._ W. II. MARTIN, "• may 10 $112 ■ A LL persons having demands against tbc tnte of t>«e late Huj ’ **"* " * J tnte of the late 1: requested tp hand them gh M‘Culi deceased, cl in f port upon such discounts or charges, as the defen- mort ? n.ged premises, be thenceforth and forever witness the honorable Shepherd Williams, one [n3"hted Jsaide. afe”will“nleme mak7 in.®| danu shall suggest and give proof of, as proper foreclosed. _ ., of the Justices of said court, this 3d June, 1824. dlate navment THOS &CALL, ) ! I against the complainants or either of them.” I And it is further ordered, that a copy of this ELY KENNEDY, e c o n c. I dlnte P tt J ra ent. I hus. >) Ex’rs. | ~ i rule be served on the said Nathan Baker, at leust Henry Shultz, Esq. X"i KORGIA, Ciiathuni County.—By the lion. llie Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for oedinary purposes. To all whom it tnay concern. Whereas John JM’Nish, administrator of Isaac Th-illon, dye. has petitiohed the honorable the - to be discharged from his said .Sir— Pleuse to take notice, that pursuant to i »lx months before the time appointed for the the above reference, I am ready to receive the payment of said money into court, or published necessary statements of accounts und other infor-1 m one of the • public Gazettes of this state, at june 4 132 ELY KENNEDY, c c o n c. necessary . motion, in relation to the matters therein contain-1 least once in every month, until the time ap- ( Y KORGIA—Chatham County—to all whom it It may coucern july 13 uio P. BRASC1I, An Act, Court of i _ administration. Now these are therefore to cite nnd admonish I tempt tlicreof, the absence and contumacy of ed, until the first Monday in December next,when pointed for the payment thereof, and th 1 shall proceed to examine and report thereon. I twiner and other proceedings he had I am your obd’t. serv’t. | prescribed by the statute in such case me GEO. GLEN, Clerk. Savannah, 14Ih Oct. 1824. all and singular the kindred and crcditorsof the I them and every of them in any wise notwith -iid dac.'to file their objections,(if any they have) j standing. And whatsoever, you" shall do in the that such as are made and provided. Extract from the minutes this 24th May. 1824. muy 7 ' 2 A. B.'FANNIN, Clerk. Whereas Benedict Bourquin has applied to tiie To establish an office for Recording the Births *1 onorahlc the Court of Ordinary of Chatham | the Cilitens of this State, in each County o/«t»l State. I II ERE AS much inconvenience has beer I Honorable the Court of'Ordinary County, for. letters of administration on the estate and effects of Richard Peilum late of Chatham and effects of Riclmrd Peilum late of Chatham I TSTtrUEREAS much inconvenience has beeri County, planter, deed, as principal creditor. V v experienced in this state, from the «®| 1 These are therefore to cite andadmonish all and culty of obtaining testimony ol person? infeM! e “ I ' (ingular the kindred and creditors of the snid dec. to questions of right betorc our court*,oud' v ]' cr ** i o file their objections, (if any they have) to the I ns embarrassing difficulties frequently itnpeaevM in the Office of the Clerk of the Court .of Ordina ry, on or beforje the second day of May next, o Will l granting of tiie administration of the estate of the correct administration of justice on this subject) therwise letters dismissory will be granted the pe-1 with these presents. tUioner. T Witness the Hon. Jeremiah Cuyler, Judge ofthe Witness the hon. Johp P. Williamson one of the j said District Court this twenty-ninth dnjrof Octo- standing. And whatsoever you shall do in the (EF Although it can he ascertained by the books Siinerior COUI’t Chatham Coillltv panting of the administration of the estate of the premises you shall duly certify unto the said of the Bridge Cofnpany, what amount of bridge I * ’ .. J’ suid deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Office Judge, at the time and place aforesaid, together hills arc at this’rime unredeemed, yet it appears to ] ^j. ivuncii ierm, tH-*). qf the suid Court, on or before tl/e nineteenth day Justices ofthe said Court (ids second day of No- vember, 1824. S. M. BOND, c. c. o, nov 2 203 Owners and Tenartts of Houses Take Notice. her one thousand eight hundred nut] twenty- four. DAVIES he BERRIEN, Proctors. All persons interested in the foregoing Monition will tukaduenotice. JNO. 11. MOREL, u.d. o. Oct 29 200 be necessary from the above- decretal order, that the respective holders thereof should also be known. The subscriber therefore respectfully re quests all such holders of bridge bills,tu^muke known to him by letter or otherwise, the amount John Christopher. o N the petition-of William Borric stating t?„i. Mitt of November next'; otherwise letters of adminis- prttcnlalwes of the stale q Rule Jim. trution will be granted. I j «.—1 For remedy whcrqof, ■ “ Be it enacted by the Senate and Hihim °J escnlatives ofthe state of Georgia, in General # I that one John Christopher, of the county held by them respectively, on or before the lust | °* Camden, being indebted to ono Henry Sadler Monday in November next, the better to enable ^ T HE Managers and Assistants of Fire Engines will on Monday, the 10Ih inst. proceed to. G 1 KORGIA, Chatham Comity—By the honora- r ble the Justices of the Inferior court of Clialh- ldm to comply with the ubovc order. make an examination of Buckets, Luilders, he. throughout the City. All persons not con.* lying ‘ r ’-tflfkftilaa Sm with tiie following sections of an Ordinance for preventing accidents by Fire he. will be returned ■-to Council. * ' of the Inferior court of Chath am county sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. Whearaa Charles Gregory executor of Thomas G. Davis late of Chatham county deceased lias lotitioned the honorable the court of ordinary to >e discharged from his said executorship. These are cite and admonish all Hamburgh, Oct. 20.. net 29 200 HENRY SIIULTZ. 179 IScpts Valuable Medicine. Itll Sec. 10. And be it further ordained, That every I an /! singular the kindred and creditors ofthe house withiif the limits and Jurisdiction of this sa *d deceased, to file their objections, if any they A J-«^ J J _1 It . I 11 'j I huira in (La /ifTino r. t* (Van f Hnnl- nf (tin n/Mln( nf City, occupied and tenanted, shall be suj . A NTI-DI SKEPTIC 1’(LLS, Prepared by Henry James. \ N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or Indi- XlL gesliou, Hubilual Costiveness, and piles. R is well known that Dyspepsia is one of the have, in the office ofthe Clerk ofthe court of mnst frequent and formidable diseases of our wit!i buckets at the expense of the owners of I ordinary on or before the 7th day of March next, country. Its commencement is indicated in dif- snid premises, fothe number of at least the num-1 otherwise letters dismissory will be granted the *erent patients by various symptoms, ot which the -■ r ~- 1 most remr-kable arc— | Irregui ■« y of the bowels, obstinate costive- ncss, heaiiucli, commonly culled nervous or sick- ly Ireadach,'yellow ity of the stomach ; burp, flatulence or wind in“the stomach, bitter iif-r of five-places in the same, including such us I petitioner, ore in the out-buildings, and the said buckets shall Witness the honorable George L Cope, one of be equal in goodness and size to those procured the Justices of the said court this seventh day,of for the use ofthe City,and painted,on which shall | September, A. D. 1824. said comity, on the 9th October 1822, in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, puyubic with interest from the date on the first day of Juiiuary then next ensuing, did mortgage to the said Henry his heirs and assigns, to secure the puyment of the dote aforesaid with interest on tiie same—a cer tain lot of land in the town aforesaid being part oflot No. 1 beginning at the west corner of u lot belonging to one Calvin Hayes, thence run- ing south 100 feet on St. Muits Street, thence north to Bryant St. east to 6. Hnys’ land thence south to the beginning, with the murain uttnehed to the same on the south side of St. Marys or Bay st. being a hundred feet on the street and running from thence directly to the river St. Marys, together with all and singular every thing thereto ( appertaining,that thesaidHenry Saddler, to whom and to whose heirs und ussigns the said *n . „ , - Witness the Hon. T. N Morel one of the Jus-1 ofthe same. .- (ices of the said Court, the 19th day of October A, 1 * D. 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o. oct 20 192 CICl((UlllC< Ifj IRC UJ UCUI pi. Hi t *»• w I sembly met, and it is htreoytnacltdby the Mhonij I That from and immediately unci ...^ . this act, it shall be made the duty of the Clew «I the Courts of Ordinary, in each county re>P ec a? ] ly, to enter and register, in a book to lie kept tnut purpose, the names o.f all liersons whoj port the £1 EORCIA Chatham County-By the hon. the report' y In f erwr eourt !lllin e M ordt-1 by their parents or guardians, as well us rtnm, . . -jj rea |g 1 -,y • ■* nary purposes. -- .... .. | ivhomay be hdreoffer born within the saiil county I tvi J °r? } w b°"> ‘tmay concern. and who may be reported as aforesaid, upon o»l Wherens. RichardIR. Cuy er, executor of WU, I proof being made by affidavjt or oath to the swd| Ham Btaw deceased, has petitioned the hon court I if the said Birth " of ordinary, to be discharged from his said exe- entitled to take and receive for each re|W4 cutorsnip. | w bich he shall be called Upon to make, tho M® cutorsliip These are therefore to cite and admonish oil | twcn'tv.'fivc cents, and singular the kindred and creditors of the * ' ' ^ said deceased, to-file their objections (if any they have) in the office of the clerk of the court of GEORGIA, ordinary on 6r before the 13th day of January \-CHATHAM COUNTY. next ensuing the date hereof, otherwise, letters dismissory will be granted to the petitioner. Witness tiie honorable Thomas N. Morel, be painted in visible characters the name of tiie own.-rs ofsuidbuckets ; ar.d in case the owner of any house or tenement should refuse -or neglect to liuvn tiie said buckets supplied agreeably to this ordinance, jtshall aljd fnuy be lawful for the tenant to procure the same, deducting it out of his rent. sep 9 175 S. M. BOND, c c o c c alter eating,often called heart- fn ^ „n >nortgnge to the pe- r win,I Sn^ ih. hiitnr t't'oncr, there is now due on said mortgage the Clerk’s Office of r lht Court of Ordinal*!’ npHK citizens of Chatham County are kw Jj suld (hislStii day of I Leglslaurcoftlfeufe.pmwed the lDthpf Dece» 8 ^1 AO s ‘ M- BGND, ecu. ber, .o 3,the lirstsectiou of which isreciled abj' Bank state of Georgia, SAVANNAH, 1 title Oct. 1824. T IIE Board of Directors having declared Dividend of 82 per share, or 2 per cent for Piles being u nm, mmjmiuil mill ton- tfeenessV are certainly add speedily removed by | foreclosed meeting of Council in July next; find the receipt «!. . .t.. . -ilgUi of any Manager or Assistant, for such buckets, shall be deemed u full compliance with this sec tion, by the owner, for the number of buckets mentioned iu said receipt; And the owner of every store in the City, that hus no fire-place or places altnched to the* sume,shall furnish two fire- bupkets for every store of such kind, and under such regulations as other landlords arc by this or-1 sale by dinance required to do. Site. 12. And be. it further ordained, Thnt every owner ofa woode u house or hopscs, brick, or stone house,or houses covered U’ith wood,occupi- edus dwelling-houses or kitchens,shull providethe same with a sufficient ladder, or have a scuttle or door cut through the roof of such house or houses/ large enough for aunun to pass through conve niently, under the peuuntly of a fine not excee ding thirty dollars. nova 5>U3 ' JOHN HAUPT, Clerk. > Bottles, Corks, Drugs, &c. &c. S UPERIOR Velvet Corks, Wine pint bottles, Oxygin, Chamber and pocket Lights, Wax - • * dM« A supply of the; alioVe valuable Medicine, has { ust been received from the Patentee, nnd cun ie obtained of the subscribers, who linve been appointed ugents for the State of Georgia. LAY h HENDRICKSON, Druggists nnd Chemists, Shad’s Buildings; sept 12 176 Tapers (a great variety,) Pure Calcined Magnesia, Arrow Root, Cream Tartar, Starch, Balsam Co- peiva,SVtpetre, Rotten Stone, he. he. Have een received per the William Wallace, and for Proposals, mortgage the sum of Five Hundred Dollars with interestfrom, the foreclo- said John . „ is In the premises and that the same be according to luw. On motion of Belton A Conp, attorney for pe titioner, it is ordered thut the principal und ih- fercst due on the said mortgage together with the costs of his applicants be paid into this court within twelve months from this date, otherwise that the equity of redemption of tiie said John Christopher Ilfs heirs execufers, administrations and assigns be from thence forever foreclosed and that such other proceedings take place as are pursuant to the statue. And it is further ordered that this rule be pub- .>> '■— v ’ | a book is prepi G t KORGIA Chatham county—rBy the liow. the county. Offii 3 Justices of the Inferior court if Chatham coun-1 P. M. Grilling fur ordinary pujposes. To all whom it may Concern. Whereas William Davies administrator of Ja cob .Franklin Keal dec. has petitioned the hon. court of Ordinury to be discharged' from his said administration. These are therefore to cite and ■ SAMUEL M. BOND, SAMUEL M. Clerk of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Co V sept 4 65 / INK months af)er date, ! shall apply !® I TM hon. Inferior court of Chatham e°‘ ,,1 * y L pl , . . „ leave to sell the real and personal PTj&BSiU and singular, the kindred suid deceased ta file their objections (if any they " " ■* the Qe have,) in. the office of the office of the Cferk of the court of ordinary, on or before the 7th day of March next, otherwise- letters dismissory will granted the petitioner. - Witness the honorable John P. Williamson SUSAN A. w. MTNT0SH. Adw »' nboi OR repairing the Bridge between IVhilemarshi | llshed inohe ofthe Gazettes of this state at]east J? Island and Ontlands, will be received be-1 once a month foi* twelve months to the time a] one of the Justices of -said court march 9' 69 , v T ' HE public is ‘apprised, that tne subset J has titles to one,half of a 60 acre h jWl i \ 1.....1 ,... wi,;,/. rtina - nrlloinme his ana ,i LAY h HENDRICKSON, Chemists and Druggists, if Whitaker-streets, Shad’s'Building., W INE montlis utter dati*, application will made to- the hon. the Inferior Court of I tween this and tho lAt day ol November. For pointed for the puyment of said monev in' particulars apply to Court. T1MOTHYBARNARD, JOHN SCR1VF.N. September, A. D. 1824; S, M. BOND, ccoce. sep'9. 166 this 7 h dav c>n land on whU ® Bluff ’ ® d j°fe]lW ffif and I day of I | at ,|y John Poullen’sE now John I be Oct 16 EDW. F. TATTNALL, 190 ) Com’rs > Wilming- ) ton Dis’t. an County, for leave to sell/all tho real estqto Sarah M’Kindlyy.hite of Btyaii County dec. Bry- of tho benefit tate. apil 3 for e heirs and creditors of said es- J.VMES BUTJLEB, Adm’r. §o77 Tiie Library I S open for the delivery of Books on Wednesday, and Friday, from th trlVK o’clock. 1 A true extract from the minutes. T ■ ' . L . JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. Jefferson, 15th March, 18SJ4, • KRSONS indebted to the estate of Elisa- belli Fell, late of Chutlmm county, deceas- T\j INE months after date application will bo i. 1 made to the hon. Inferior court of Chatham county,for leave to sell all that lot .in Sfivan'nah I J" IIP » ■ --y -7- ■ 1 - —-p. p r- known by the No. I, Ellis square, Decker ward, fTTUIE undersigned Comndtfee w|l| re®^, ff0 , with thdroprovements thereon : and all thnt lot | J. posals until the 10th of Novenmerioi p| ] , an now applies for feavo to sell as part °‘. u %prt*| —his titles are Of prior date and record- * | sons are forewarned not to purcliase of U on tho premises. »■ F. WILLM* jiinc 17 m—^r!38 PlYK an g Mond Tiinr.E In Savannafi known by tho No. 23, in Liberty on tho Exchange whleli1 lndudos S nung^ip, —.1 w jth . tho buildings thereon, being th6 j taring, Coppering and Glazing. L - ”. )er 0 ( the s — s ~ t* % S. I x ■« m .% ^ |JQ I (a «AW*(Hn«i4 til til IIIOv A fl til’ll I ftftVsOx* * .«r ’ . 1 169 [uly a m 13 PETEK SH1CK, Ex’r. estate of John fiihith, deceased, for tliehenc- to contract will make application o^ I 'f the heirs. - Committecfornurticulars. ^ T ',, /. j)RY, pnp.ritwiimf ymbbr a^m>.. I J. -"fjVuEltSK^'’ FREDERICK HERB, Adm’r. m ^ct2i