Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 09, 1824, Image 2

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itegiwSG'Iie-a't*. FREDERICK S. FELL, CITY TIUNTEK. daily l-ATtn. Eiaur dollars run annum. Country I'Avi'a si' i' 1 ■ i-a yahi.ii in u>v \ncx. The New-York Patriot ns : orts that Mr. (.'ruwfoifi ••w.i,. in • >ni<>ti-(lbyMr. Monroe to u scut iu the Cabinet.” This is utterly false. .Air. Craw ton I was first appointed LE PRESERVATION. E A won ict ftil iiistauca >li9 p«aCcvvtv- tion of hiiamn life, when in imminent dan ger, occurred at Geneva, in the state of New York, on the ‘.feud. ult. Mr .Tamos ttj|4ll nows nml new luhiailsomnit^gpfk-arin liotli paper*., r 1 THURSDAY EVENING. Dkcsmiikr 9, 1824 a ■ \Vc are authorised to announce Adam <'m >: a- I rnndidate for Receiver of Tax Returns for tills 1 ouuty, at the ensuing Election. CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION. t)n Tuesday the i3th Inst, an election will take pluce iu this State, for n Rojiresentnjivc to Con gress, to fill the vacancy occasioned by tlie eleu tion of Mr. Coiin, ns f n.ilor. The followinggeu- tlemen are (lie candidate*. RICHARD H. WILDE, of Richmond County. WILLIAM C. LYMAN, of Wilkes. PRESIDENTIAL. | Secretary of Mar by Mr. Madison ; and Gerry, nn Irishman, had dcccuded a well subsequently, by Mr. Madison also, Score- lor the purpose of removing sonmobstruc- I tury of the Treasury. Mr. Monroo never tions. The well was 64 feet deep, and liromotcU tlim to any tiling; ami for .* ,c best of reasons—bemuse it has not been I 0 f quick»sainls.—Having descended in President Monroe’s power to elevate between 40 and SO feet ns bo wns stand* him to a more exalted situation than that I ing with one foot in the bucket, and the of head ofthc Treasury Department,which other resting upon tho side of tho wall, on next to the Presidency, is the first Exeat- n stuUlon, the stones below gave way and , ,, • ’ closed together, and the whole mass of tivc Ulnae ui the Government. j t j (C wa || 3 u j, ovc sunk down upon him and .... „ .. - , TIT* i-i II . buried him beneath the ruins. * The Editor oftho Albany daily Adver- The shook, says the Geneva Gazette, tiscr pronounces the Editor of tho New produced by such a disaster, can bo ima- York National Advocate a “ nerveless ginod, but not described. A gronn issued bOllv” because he will not except a dml- from bennatli the stones andcarth, which, . , „ , _ . , f I proved that life was not extinct, and in langc to tight L ol. Gardner the Editor ot spiroJ # f ce blc hope of extricating tire un- the Ne\v»York Patriot; und yet the Edi- fortunate man alive! Hundreds iinmedi tor.of the first mentioned print protests ntely collected around the spot, in pain that he is not a friend to duelling! We take N solicitude, ail anxious to bear a part in . . rescuing n fellow mortal lrom so terriblo the meaning of Mr Allen to lie that he is I a g, nvo j The most prompt and active not unxinus to be shot himself, but lias no I exertions were made to excavate ns soon objection to the shooting of Mr Noah, j as possible, the stones and earth that laid fallen in. It was half past four o’clock, P. M. when the catastrophe happened tyi Id minutes a windlass and bucket were procured and put in operation. No less tlmn S3 tons of stone were to he drawn up, before relief could lie given. But few bruised and cut, os well in oilier parts of hisbtftJjK Titefniiiii’ton dji Li» bend pro* duced insensibility for a few hours after the acoidetu, as he says he knew nothing for abtrie time, lie is now iu a fair way to recover, and will probably in a few days, by the blessing of God, ho etiubled to ro- sumo his usual avocations. For New Orleans. . ^HBuHiiLTnl sloop. BOS TON PACKET, Chapman, Master, •SuW.Mt-^t’ill have immediate despatch. For freight or ftassMe having good accommodations, apply tot'upt. C. on board ut JortSfi upper wharf or to HALL fa HOYT, ileuft 234 jfi retire wiarsrsk PORT OP SAVANNAH. But let him not deceive himself Mr Noah The Indiana Republican of the 12th I not q U j te Sf , complaisant ns Mrs Bonds ult. says, “that sufficient returns have I ducks “ to come” at the call of every “Jcr- been received to warrant Us in declaring T y Sneak and be killed” that the electoral ticket, in this State, fn-o _ •fornblc to Andrew Jackson, has succeed* On Friday last the Legislature of South could labour at n tune, mu though they rrl bvalaWc mnioritv In Dliuois the I CafolinaclectodCo|.RtcifAnD J, Manning, proceeded with the Utmost activity, the cil b\ a large majority. iu Illinois mt i I removing of so great n quantity of stones, election is also over—there one Adams I Governor and Wm. A. Bull, Esq. Licuten- J mtnglcd witli the earth timt had fallen in, jnnd two Jackson electors linvc been xc- ant Governor, for the two years next en- was a tn sk slow nml tedious. As they . . ...... suiw. On Saturday they proceed to the 1 proceeded, occasional groans could still -STSZSZ ciocL«fh1».ttr »<£,». m «•* t? «d yesterday, assert that air. Llaj will re* j , . earth beneath. When night approached, ceivo nn undivided vote in this State. J the Hon. John uup, uas rc-p oc ci, t | 10 y ], a d penctrntcd but a few feet below Should Mr. Clay receive 3 votes from fur 6 ‘ x 3' oar8 from thc 4t ’ 1 °^ Iarc '' ncxt ' the surface, and the prospect scorned gluo-. ... , , » ~ v v«*tr I I mv and doubtful. A crowd of 2 or 300 .Missouri and the 7 from Newoik which 1 T hc Electors of President and Vice Lliximisly waited the issue of tho event. tiis friends claim for him, his poll "'»*» J President of thc U. States in Virginia j Every thing was soon put into a systemac- atond thus:— Kentucky Ohio Missouri New-York 14 10 03 07 40 have given a unanimous vote, for William I »« train-persons were appointed to make “ .. ., ... I all necessary provision, and preserve or- II. Crawfnud, as l resident, and Nathan* | f j pr nnr | K n nnn , nmnnmt the crmVd. The \ iel Macon, ns Vice President. der and silence amongst the crowd, night was dark and unpleasant: hut by the assistance of lamps, they vigorously pro Jamaica papers to thc 11th of Nov. have sccuted the work. Those in the well. [ been received at Baltimore. It is said 1 would, at intervals, call to the buried man, that they contain nothing of much into-. ., ., , , . . , . , answer could as yet be heard. A general About ten minutes before 8 o clock | R ii enCR nnc ( solemnity prevailed, broken ARRIVED, Ship Comet, Moore, I t days from Havana, for New*¥ork, with specie, sugar, Coffee, Sic—*put in In distres:, leaky. On the 201 h ult. 38 hours out. struck on tha Florida Reef, where she remained six hours, during which time she sprung her mainmast and sustained considerable injury in her bottom. About 60 bugs coffee were 'thrown overboard, and thc lower tier of tho cargo is sup posed to have sustained tome injury. Ship Jane, Tucker, 9 days from Wiscassett, in ballast, to \V Gaston. Shin William Wallace, T Wood, master, 9 days from New-York, with a full cargo to Hull L Hoyt, Ponce, fa Mackenzie, .1 II M'kcnzie, J W Long, O Tall, rt Campbell, E Hill, J N Niven. O New- hall, A Evans, A fa E Wood, Win T Williams, T Duller 4*. co. -I Koptnan, Bradley, Clughorn fa Wood, ft F Palmes, Lay fa Hendrickson, Haznrd fa Dctislaw, A Parsons, Philhriek fa Scranton, Wm Taylor, G B Lntnur, Cohen fa Miller, G W Ander son, W Lippitt, Z Day, F Gillct faco A Bassett, Steam Boat Company, J Ray, G Gordon, A faJ Champion, W Inglis fa co, G Long, M Hoag A- co, .1 B Vullic, 11 Topper, J Anderson faco. .1 W Mor rell, I) Seta, F M Stone, D B Nichols fa to, R Wa terman 4* co, J B Wick, J M"NJsh, I Norton, J Penficdd, Butler fa Scranton, N B Weed, J 11 Ol- dershaw, A Foster, jun. P 1 aiwreoce, J Lewis, A L Molyneux, J Wells. R Slone, S Griswold, H Ctelnnd, and tho master. Pussengers, Mrs Haz ard, Miss Montgomery, Rev. Jus L Olcott, Master Olcott, Messrs Isaac Low, RC Wetmore, T Haw kins, It Wolf, J H Suydam, and oighl iu the steer ;c. Kb Entcrprizc, Eldred, Ciiarleston, 1 day, to 11 Roy. Sloop Dolphin, Williams, Coosawhatcliie, S, C 1 day, to the master. Sloop Favorite, Coulter, Turtle River, 2 days with cotton and hides, to E Fort. "Sloop F.liza Nicoll, Blankenship, from the Southward,- with rough) riee und empty tierces bound up the river. ARRIVED FROM TUIS PORT, At Charleston, on Monday, sloop Ilcrulil Ueutli, 2 days; sloon Express, Hammett. At Philadelphia, 29th ultimo, «tUr Hold Com. mandcr, UP FOR THIS PORT, m At New-York, 2J>lh ult. ship Emperor, Bennett to sail 4th hist IS ship Oglethorpe, Jayne, to suit 30th nil.; sloop Two Si-ters, Wing, 3 or 4 days. More votes than thc above, Mr. Clay rest .cumiot get; and ilic most hitter and violent on the morning of the 7th, n severe shock only by the occasional mumjtir of enquiry opponents of Mr. Cmwfiard, agree that he 1 of an earthquake was felt in Kingston, I among the crowd, the hollow noise of the which lasted for some seconds. It was Nones tumbled into the bucket in the well —thc voice of the workmen—and now accompanied with a loud, rumbling noise. I alu j (hen the groans of the distressed man will receive from Virgitiift 24 Georgia 09 Delaware 02 New-York 04 Maryland 01 40 PORTUGAL.—Capt- Leslie of the I ship Phillip, who arrived at Baltimore on beneath! It was now towards midnight, and they had gone about twenty feet be low the surface—thc workmen in the well the 1st iqst. iu 31 days from St. Ubos, called again to Gerry; a breathless silence states that at the time of his departure the prevailed, and a distinct answer was re only news that appeared to excite public ‘J ,ri « d ; At tllis a '” lr W 1 .. .. ., . , „ | through the crowd, and thc countenances H ave just received per ship Wm Wallace. LEGHORNS. A general assortment of Mimes, Girls und'Boys Yellow and White Leghorn llats very low charged. PAPER HANGING. A very choice assortment of various patterns, niid prices from 37<J cts. to $1, per piece with borders to match. AMERICAN PLAINS. -4 hales of stout American Plains, very low. . a " ALSO, Grundy’s nml Welsh Plains 8-4 anil P-1 London Duffle Blank' - * * 12-4 uud 13-4 Rose do 8-4, P-4 anil 10-4 Linen Diapers 2 bales French Osnahurg Thread of a superior quality. 7-4 Red Flannel nt 311 cts Plaid Homespun at 124 * 6-4 Mull Muslin ut 374 “ Merino and Cashmere Long Shawls, Waist Ribbons, Linen Cumhric, And Cambric Handkerchiefs cheap, Chinchihi Hats, Thread Laces and footings With a general and well selected assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS, Which they will sell low and on u long credit. dec P . ca*234 Sff S^hl to a steady, active I odl Undertake to distrilmti \ V whi undertake to distribute the Republican to its subscrib-rs, in the \V, of the town. Apply to tho Editor, dec 8 2 (:i Westefe A stuted iMcetinTT X ;i ii;n 11 Ural Society of Sa\” lie liclil at tlie KxcUange on MONDAY vrl i::ni in-l. at I t o'clock, riiih.crihers'l,, i : T ginal articles of. Association *. I piinctuul in their nltcndancc, ns nu J ' officers will take place at this moctiu? ] ■ By order of.Aiax’ttTBt.rAiR, cLh-,- WM. FTMARsnfS dec 8 233- ' - KSH N Vertise Secrctnryp S°mo time in the cilr | y I of lust wock u IlEAVER H semeiit, may take JXKschU of the < munt, may ial nt this office, ee 8 m233 Cotton Lost S UrrosfcD to betaken from the si*» ,, Yucd by mistake on or about the toil last, three bales Cotton, vim—2 b&lc m.V' Smith No. 10. 298 lbs. No. 14, 290IG Su 1n! H No. 46. 304 lbs. Whoever may b 0 >. U sion of the whole, or a part is requested t lice nt thc Steam Boat Office. Masters o, are cuutloned against receiving the ubove i on board their vessels. dec 8 m233 JOHN DAVlDS0N, An Assize of Bread. T HE average price of Flour being $6 1-2 per barrel R)t> lbs. weight, the weight of Bread for tho present month niust lie 124. cts. loaf ' 2 lbs. 13 oz. “ “ I lb. 64 oz. Of which all Bakers and sellers of lircad will take duo notice, M. W. STEWART, City Treasurer. dee. 0 234 JOSEPH G. BLANGE, Williamson’s wharf, >FFEUS for Sale—Sugar 1st und 2d quality y I.ouf ami Lump “ Molasses, Cotfce, Pepper, Pimento, Cognac Brandy, Holland Gin, Jam. nml Northern Rum ltyc Whiskey, Nortliern Gin, Lump Oil, Demijohns, Nos. 1 und 2 Mackerel, In whole and hail barrels “ 3 “ in bbls. Flour in bids, mid half “ Buck Wheat Flour in bbls. and half bbls. Salt iu sucks, Iron, American nml English White Lead Hums und flitches Bacon J’owdcrin KegsmidCannisters,or by the Pound Nails in Kegs, or by tho lb. Casks Cheese, boxes Candles, Tea, Lard, Butler, Fine ntvd Negro SHOES, 1st quality. ALSO, A quantity of Cue and coarse CLOTHING. Together with a general assortment of And all other articles in thc Grocery line. dec P 234 Notice. riTHE Copartnership of Nicholas fy Neff is dis- J. solved by mutual consent—William Neff is uulhoviscd to settle the ufliiirsof the concern. SAMUEL NICHOLAS WILLIAM NEFF. dec 0 234 CLIFTON MILL T HE subscriber's Mill being in completeotl will beat rice on as moderate terms u^, tlior on the river; and every accommodation 1 ] forded persons, who send their eropstolt 1 The following are the present fixed rates- P per et tlie owner tukiug all the olid 7 “ ”, “ half “ 6 “ the Mill »} ail '* « Apply to Mr. Oman Dudley at the >ii||.*I . a JoHSP-mtunil i'oor House and llospitul. This Property,so well km ns to need no description, lie offered at public side with tli'u bulldiLgs mid every thing IjelnS to it, nl tho Court House on the first Tuesil. January next, if not previou/ly disposed irivate sale. Applications in the meantime .. 10 made to cither ot lbe unuersiimed CommUi- O. W. OWENS, ) Com. ofH FRANCIS SORREL. X Phintcn Bi NORMAN WALLACE, Horn, of Mi F. 11. WELMAN. < fa Eire Ins dcc8 1233 of all were li shted up with hope. They / I attention, wns thc nrrivul of one of the Scr- By the above calculations it appears! van ts ofPiincc Miguel, (nt that time in I mnv toik'd wrt'li rcnc'wodai'dotir'.oecusioii- t, v i iiit may so happen,that Clay and Craw-1 France,) who was immediately imprisoned ally callin'' to Gerry as before andreeeiv- jfbnl’s ppU may stand 40 each. In the I and his papers, &c. seized—-Soon after- j * n K > n return distinct responses. Tljcy event ofthis occurrence we should like to wards a regiment of cavalry stationed in I >whed lum, wlmt distance he thought he Jtnow how that part of tlio constitution is the neighborhood of Lisbon, had openly SytoJ ^ ° ’ construed, which declares, that the | declared in favor of the Queen; two other There now remained not a doubt lipt three highest shall go into the Awe, from | »®gi»ent» had been sent after them, which he might be extricated alive, provided tlie »i ™ „v „ 11, .. ^ „ , 1 had succeeded in securing all thc officers, stones had'not arched ubovohim in such n * 1 **I ,v» re imoSoncd-Xcw ironp. , re ,c »»«J npmibin, »l ra , looked; „ ..... , . . . . , colkcltas-M St. Ub«, from the .coibom '!“* no»; ,, r <,cc. e d':d wW, tl,u utmost c»'i- ltonory titles is one of the cnaractens-1 w .... , .. ... T , ltion. Between two and three o clock Ocsof Moiiarchy ; k b .bh»«« to tl« »»l" > l , edo.UMd for^tho Bm. „ he „ they hodcont. to withi,, 20 foot of principle, of republics. “LctmtaGod. liiln, they .topped nbom 15 minute, to v 1 . . „ , I . . ■ I take some refreshment. The poor sulfer- Tiame. (says Montague,) satisfy ourselves LATE FROM SMYRNA.—By the er below, who for some time had been with what contented our futhers,and with schooner Yellott, Capt. Curtis, arrived at J conscious of the exertions of his sympa- vrha*: we are: wc nre great enough, if we'I Baltimore ?n SO days from Smyrna, ac- j thising fellows, perceiving tgitr the noise rightly understand how to maintain our counts arc received confirming thc state- S,!’ 1 ^mimiXnrnv Vahcled dignity." Titles arc not necessary to make ments of the burning of two Turkish frig- they had censed their exertions and left lie man respectable, or the office respect- J ates and several smaller vessels, by the him to expire in tlint terrible situation ! In Thc Turkish squad- ,his . n ’ omunt of despair, he burst out iuto scouting every thing that I ron was lying at Mytelcne and Scio, on 1 a -' l ' nc f -’‘ " ‘‘i'' 11 ?.’ IU,< ^ begged them W E Hie reqm.-»u-il to state, flint James Erris- 6er, Isa cRndidate for the Office of Tax Collector, ut'the ensuing election. dee 7 232 Valuable Medicine. Plain Cook, Wusher & Ironer rSAO hire by thc year. For particulars, apply to X W. T. WILLIAMS. dec 9 234 dee 9 ANTl-DISPEPTlC PILLS, Prepared by Henry James. wharf, A N approved remedy for Dyspepsia, or Ridi. 1 gestion, Hahijiml Costlveness, mid Piles. It is well known that Dyspeppiu is one of the most freqnont and fonijidulile disenses of our country. Its nomulonu^eiit is indicated in dif ferent pation's by vtiriouswinploms, of xvhi^h the most remarkulde arc— \ Irregillnrity of tit ■ bowels, phstinato costive- ss, hendaclr, Eontuiphly called nervous or sick- .j hea * 1 WOOD. T HE Subscrllirr oilers for sale, best quality o .mid Hickory Wood ut $3 75 on the j?4 50 delivered. JOSEPH O. BLANCE, Willimnson’s wharf. ca234 - o ~-~‘j o j-- j—o— j - for God’s sake not to leave him! “Thev Jooks like unnecessary distinction between the 7th October, and it was reported that informed him of thc cause of their stop- ...i : j .i 1 .i— r<.—- x--j .» | ping—and ho wns soon gladdened by thc returning sound ofthc rattling ofthe.stones J these who arc in power,and those who arc the Captain Pacim had given up thc com ,aot so. We concieve it to be the duty of I raand of the fleet, and had gone to Con i'very man,who is “dressed in alittle brief stantinople—the greater part of thc troops apthnriiy' s to exert his influence to pul I which had been ordered for the attack of di i tlio use of titles nod distinctions, so I Samos, had returned, p .l , Mr Inc,mu .he gento. oL country. Bat it is not titles alone, j f or many years a free port, about 15 miles 1 suit of his protracted agony that wc censure—there is a sort of eti- from Currncoa, has been found to contain About daylight, they had lowered the quetto wo understand growing up at Wash- such immense quantities of gold, that the • mass down even xvitii his head. They that sliould bc promptly and indig- Governor has deemed it quite inexpedient f ' hut down. We huvn hcm-,1 etidi I to oontinue it free any longer. Vessels arrive atCurracoa from Aruba, having on board solid lumps of virgin gold, from one to thirty pounds weight into tlie bucket. They asked him “ in wlmt situation he wns ?” and ho answered, tlmt“ lie was wedged in all round by thc stones.”—When they Imd come within 3 nr 4 feet of him, he called for some water to drink. His thirst was thc untilrulrc- ^ngton, xiam ; put down. Wc have heard such various representations of ceremony, that W ' scarcely know what to believe—but wo are informedAhat there was during thc Jast scsgiop of Congress a species ofofficial cartel at Washington, by which various officers, Executive and Legislative are . made to rank differently. Secretaries of Departments stand first—-then Senators of the U. S.—next Members of tlie House f ; :of Representatives and finally the com- Jrncn herd of citizens. \Ve have not terms V> ' r vey our contempt to these distiiic- fions. How the Representatives of thc peoplfccan submit in Ac slightest degree to this nominal degradation, to be counted next to Senators and two degrees from the heads of Exeentive Departments, ap pears wondorful tO us. They ought to spurn it with firmness before it assumes the consistency of a custom. How long * Ims it been since the Republicans denoun ced all such etiquette ? How long since they prescribed the custom thatAvas exact ed by tlibloveesof the second administra tion? Have .we degenerated? And con- an attachment to official etiquette ? f with such trash, let us not in the name of Heaven ape custom or etiquette of foreign courts. It is abominable in the eyes of all gootf Ropubliconsi Court Martial.—Tho Court Martial now sitting at the navy yard,' has gone through with the trial of Lieut. Weaver, the result of which is transmitted to Wash ington. Some other trials are under way. It is said that another Court will be organ ized for the trial of Com. Stewart, on aff airs relative to his late cruise m- the Paci fic.—Advocate COM. DANIELS. We have heard ofnn unostentatious act of liberality in this individual, as worthy of record as it is worthy of imitation. Q*» the demise of the late General Winder, his widow, owing to a mortgage held by the Commodore for 825,000 on the Gen eral’s property, was left in considerable embarrasment. On learning this, Com modore Daniels, as generous as he is brave, jjistantly cancelled the bend, and put Mrs Winder in fuH ■ possession of thc whole estate previously held by him under mortgage.—Wash. Gaz. The Legislature of New-Yorlc, adjour ned on the 27th ult. A letter from Carthagcna of the 4th. ult. states—* 1 Our news from Peru Ka ; been favorable, ahd the cfountry lmptove daily.” • found him forty-eight feet below tlie sur face, in nn erect position, completely wed ged in as he had said. A large stone, weighing eight pounds rested on his head which wns tamed a little up, making a considerable gash, though not producing a fracture in thc skull—a stone on cncli side of his head, pressing like a vice, and one or twosmaller ones covered with blood, about bis face—leaving a small aperture for his mouth, so that he could just breathe and speak. His arms were raised in the position in which lie held tho rope—one foot wns in thc bucket, anrl the other, for tunately was at liberty go that he could move it—no other part of his body could stir! So tight was he wedged in, that it was necessary to remove the stones down as lo>v ns his feet. At u quarter before nine o’clock, in the morning, having con tinued sixteen hours and fifteen minutes in tho well, lie was draw up in a crate, and welcomed by an admiring and joyful crowd, to this,upper world, as one rescued from the grnve—as one arisen from the dead. Shivering with cold, he cast a wist ful look around upon his delivers, aild wns borne into the house. He was followed by the three faithful men who hnd toiled incessantly for thirteen hours in the well, and who received as they came tip, the hearty cheers of the surrounding multitude for thoir indefatigable ond praise-wofthy exertions. Twtror three medical gentlemen Verc in waiting to receive tlie unfortunate man —and it wasTound on examination, that providentially, not a bone was fractured or broken! His face and head were badly ly hundncli, yellowness of thu eyes nml skin,nci(ii- ' y of stoumcu.'aftfM' witirtg, lirtpil culled liem t burn, utulence or wind on tlie stomuch, bitter taste in the mbnth Iq the morning;, betid breath', drowsiness after dinner,.debility, lassitude, emaoiatiou, do [irossion of spirits, $-o. .w.t Piles being connected with indigestion anil cos- tiveness, are certainly and speedily removed by the pills. A supply of the above valuable Medicine has jnst been received from tlie Patentee, and v,aa lie obtained of the subscribers, wlio have been up- poiuted agents for tlie State of Georgia. LAY fa HENDRICKSON, Druggists and Chemists, , shad's Buildings, dec 7 232 mm®' AUGUST G. OliMLER, H AS removed hisDRUG STORE, tothecornei of Urouf'htonand Il'liilnkcr-Strects, opposite Col. ShellnutH’s Mansion House, where he exhibits for sale, a choice assortment of Fresh Medicines and Garden seeds, and various other articles suiting his line. He ah stains relating the whole string of names of the tilings lie offers, and only mentions a few- which nre not commonly found iu every Drug Store, viz Fob Sabins, Pyrula Uinhellatit, Degitalis Purpurea, Scullcap, Hyssop, German Leopard's Bnue, (arnica montumi) Elecampane, (Inula HcIcniiimJHops, Ergot, Tnuquiu Beaus, Squire's Elixir. Daffy's Elixir, Ess. Mustard, Ess. Tyre, Jesuit Drop, Churche’s Cough Drops, Aromatic Vinegar, Toilet, Vegetable, and other Soaps, Macassar Oil, Phosphorus, Ox Mur. Potasso, James’s Fever Powders, Infantile Powders, Read's Stiptic, Spirits Soap, Fumigating Pastils, Pyrolignlous Acid, Black Drop. Respectingthe utility ofthis last article, be refers to tlie last, but one, page of tlie Georgia uudSouth Carolina Almanac, of this year. Oct 9 J187 UAL Dll Y & HERBERT, Have just received, •fl AA BBLS. Haxalls Flour JLvMJ 20,000 best Spanish Segurs 20 half bids corned Beef put up for families 20 do Goshen Butter R0 bags prime Green Coffee 30 bbls do do do 20 boxes white Havana Sugar 20 lihds prime St. Croix do 60 bbls do do do 40 do do Muscovado do 60 do Rye Whiskey 10 hhds do do 6 do N. E. Rum 10 pines Cognac Brandy ft do best Hollands Gin 40 bids N, E. Gin 20 do prime Pork 60 do new Mackerel No. 8 CO boxes yellow Soap 40 do New Bedford Sperm Candles 20 kegs Shot, assorted 100 do Duponts Powder 60 half kegs do do 10 hngs Black Pepper 20 boxes fresh Chocolate, No. 1 60 kegs Spiced Salmon With a general assortment of GROCERIES, QAUPRY fa HERBERT. - MR. PHILLIPS, Of Rockville Academy, South Carolina, H AVING arrived iu this city, for the purpose of establishing a School for Youth of both sp.xr.s, liu respectfully solicits the patronage of'lie public. • The testimonials of his ability, attention, ond kindness to the pupils that linve been placed tinder his tuition, uud their rapid progress iu the several branches of their education, nt tlie examinations, particularly iu the English Grumiuer, from thc manner of Ids teaching it, will, lie curnostly hopes, ensure to Dim a portion of patronage. Terms of Tuition iu the following branches of education, $50 per Annum English Grammar, Writing, Arithmetic Geography, Astronomy, History, Rhetoric and Composition, Na tural and Moral Philosophy, and the Belle. Letlres. French and Latin, if required, at an additional charge. Miss PniLi.irs will nssist in tlie tuition of the young ladies entrusted to his care. Should .Mr. Phillips be sp fortunate as to " eet with n sufficient support, it is his intention to open school on the third of Junmiry, and further will es tablish a Boarding School, upon the same terms as those of his academy at Rockville, and musters to instruct in accomplishments requisite, will be provided. Any lady or gentleman wishing to honor him with their patronage, will nuve the kindness to send their cards to Ids present place of residence, at Capt. Douvillti’s Joliiislon’s-Squarc, and he will immediately wait upon them. dec 9 «m234 EORGIA, Chajham County—By the lion. the Justices of the Inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it niny concern, Whereas RobertScott lias,petitioned Infliction oralile tlie court of Ordinury i-f Chatham Coun ty, for letters of administration on the estate and effects of Edward Penman, late of London in England, rnerchunt, dec’ll, ns principal creditor, These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to lile their objections, (if uny* they have) in the clerks office of tho said court, oii or before the 8tii day of January next; otherwise letters of administration will be granted. Witness the Honorame John Cumming, one of tlie Justices ofthc said court, this Dth day of Dec. A. D. 1824. S. M BOND, c c o dec 9 234 S UCH persons as design to attend the Singing School to he taught by the subscriber, pr, Bro disposed to encourage an attempt to improve the present state of Sacred lviusic are informed thnt a subscription hook has been left at the Book Store of Messrs S C fa J Schenk. Should n sufficient number of subscribers offer previous to Thursday 9th December, tho School will eminence on the evening of thnt day. »'<“• L224 L; MASON. oil I'lautui’s Bank. rjNHE Dir 'ctors having declared a Div;i>:jl JL two and a half pcrceutfortlie last vi««r thc same will he paid on end after TliunkvJ dec 7 ll232 J. M AUSIlAU.tWJ For Wale, A BOUT ten thousand feet White (hi 1 from two to four inches thick. •," A quantity of Pine iroorf.nt’rnducrt)prii:i dec 8 232 D. A. STRUM' Wanted, to Hire. A FEW good Axmcn by the month oryei Apply to W. Bird, or D. A Strobhsr.’ti Jack, or to dec 7 232 R. A. BIRD, Wayoe’j I Notice. T HE Subscriber as administrator ot the \] IV. D. Cooper, of South Curolim, hoi hands assets for distribution among ifls crcdi of whom the lute firm of Way and While,« thc principal. That firm havingussignnlnlHil deli's to thoir creditors, they ure requeskd too at Mr. Jno. Y. White’s Boarding House on if duy, thc 10th day of December next, at II oi!i A. M. to receive proportions to which tliej^ be severally entitled. JOHN D. MONO nov 17 cr215 The SUBSCRIBER, H AS received by late arrivals, a complete^ general assortment of IRON, ofidmost every description, ns also a fri’.'liiupj SHIP CHANDLERY; which wilHic disposed of on the n od actum (luting terms. IN STORE, Fresh superfine FLOUR, nail r Av-Ikou bushels Virginia COHJV, of nil excellent (jusl Tho subscriber intends kvepin;« constant s ply of these articles. * 7.1 let' 1 ' "nov 17 n215 Essences, fyc, YSfkSSF.NCE of Cinnamon, Peppermint.^ HLk seed, Cloves, Lavender, Fennel aau.» frus 50 dozen Cologne Water For rale by Dr. A. DE LAROCHE, On the Bay opposite the Gy dec I 227 Drv&\ Fresh Prunes. boxes fresh Prunes—just receive!F* t)?" Francis—for sale by I GAUDItY fa HERB®, dec 4 m230 Swaims Panacea, J UST received und for sale by , LAV fa HENDRICKSON, , Druggists, Shads buw -—ALSO A fresh supply of LEES GENUINE PILLS, just received from tlie Patentee dec 4 8M Spanish Segars 30?S) X qfdo| S P nni8bSe S ttrS « , Just received per Globe and for dec 3 229 J. B. HERBElU^J Dr. A. De Laroche, H AS on hand Syrup of Quinine “ Sudorific , . “ Sudorific (dilde cultimer) *« of Lemon “ of Althea Robanti Syphilitic . . Together with a geneeal asiortmenl“ Drugs and Medicines, which he offers for sale on the moat re*-* terms at his store opposite the Exchange- detftl 227 ^ i Runaway O N tlie26th ult. a yellow fellow (named TOM) belonging to Prince Candy a colored man am] Coonor in this place. Tom is about 5 foot 10 inches high, visibly pitted In the face witli gun powder, resembling small pox, and about 26 yeurs old, Information bus bt-ch lodged that he is har boured on board a fishing smack off Tybce. • ^ fijS 1 ''award will be given for the apprehen sion of Um, or sufficient testimony to convidt tnose in whoso employ he may now be. 'nov 80 boae*!’ jvs Water Genuine patent Farm, L EES Pills . Churches E» Andcrsousdd - Chlngsworffl Hoopers do Thompsons James do do ey< Churches cough drops Rogers veg Anderson# do pultnonlc Hem-iem oil British oil Henryscanc't" 1 ^ Batemans (W" Balsom Honey Andlcrs leimtive Opodeldock Squires elixir fie/'' Batemans di Salts' Lemons fo Chemists awl Druggists, Chad's ^ | sept 28 18ft