Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, December 09, 1824, Image 4

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/ • mb m ■f%ll»l| IMWW :L.Aj Adutirnstrutofs sale, On the first Tuesday in January next, FILL hu sold talbrft the Court House in the YV City of Suvnmmli, the following property, I ^ot uo. It», Wftrrcni horns the real estate of Andre w M*Loun, laic of I d«*a jjjf no ' L °> City Marshal’s Sales. *11 III- first Tuesday in Deci ruber next, LL be sold in front ofthe Court I louse be- ween the usual hours, tlie tallow in , pro' party If tlie ground rent tli.d is due is not paid be' lore tlint day. Lot no. 19, Warren Ward, 6ft by 90 feet, baton* outhby St. Julian street, :ias!b by. Sotflb fenaAsrfneet, *mw* lefed upon ns the properly of the estate of Tlios. Gardner*tor I quarters rent. Lot no. 8, Jackson ward. <50 by t>0 tcet, bound ed eifit by lot no. 0. south by a tane, west by let no. 7, and north by South Broad-st re-enter- One vacanttot in fee simple, situated in Ewett*' burg, on Murgarct-sl.Savannah, known liy No. 28. Inc Ditto, also fee simple, situated hi do. and I re-entered upon as the property of Go: lister, tor 20 quarters rent. Lot no. 1, Washington ward, 60 by 90 toot, uouudcd east by lot no. 2, south by a lane, west by Price at. ami north by Bay st. re-entered upon as the property of T W Woodbridgc, for 4 quar ters rent. Lot nb. 2, Washington ward, 00 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 3, south by a Ihne, west by lot no. 1, and north by Bay st re-enteied upon as tlie properly of T M Woodbridge, for 4 quar ters rent. Lot no. 16, {Washington ward, 60 by 90 feet, bdundod east by tot no. Id,south by Bryan street, west by Price st. and north by n lane, re-entered upon as the property of 3 Wilkins and C C Coop er, for 4 quarters rent. Lot. no. 24, Washington ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no.'23, south hy Congress st. west by Price st. and north by St. Julian st. re-en tered upon os the property oi M K Barnard, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 35, Washington ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 34, south by Broughton st. west by lot lio. 36, and north by a lane, re-en tered upon as the properly of Fanny Williams for 4 quarters rent. Lot no 02, Brown ward, 00 by 00 feet, bound ed east by lot no. —, south by Liberty-st. west By lot no. 63, and north by a lane, re-entered up on as the property of A. I. D’Lyon for 4 quurtcrs rent. Lot no. 53, Brown ward, 60 by 9ft feet, bound ed east l>v lot no. 52, south by Liberty .st. west by lot no. 54*, and north by a lane, re-entered upon ns the property of the estate of Hugh M'Call, tor 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 60,Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound' cd rn-t by Madison-st. south by Llbcrty-st. wesl by lot no. 61, and north by a lane, re-entered up on ns the property of R. F Williams, fos 3 quar ters rent. Onlhcjirsl Tuesday in February next, I Lot no. 2, Ncw-l'rnnklin ward, 60 by 00 feet, ILL be sojd at tlie court house In die citv of J hounded cast by Telfair’s lot, south by Bnv-st. 1 ' west by Moutgomery-st. and uortli hy lot no. 3, re-entered upon ns "tlie property of Win. Scar brough, tor 4 quarters relit. Lot no. 6, Now-Franklin ward. 60 by 00 feet bounded east by lot no- 3, south by Bayst. wesl by lot no. 7, aftil north by tot no 9, re-entered upon as the properly of Mrs. Morels, for 8 quar ters rent. Lot no. 7, New Franklin ward, 00 by 00 feet bounded cast by lot no. 6, south by Bay-si. west Klun-ifF’a an'oii I by West Broad-st. and north by lot no. 9, re-ett- _ . VvX? 1 , j * , terck upon as the property ol E. Cooper, for 0 On Uufirst Tuisday in January next, quarters rent. W ,LL be sold at the court house in the citv of ' Lot ho. 9, NcW-FranltUn ward, CO bv 00 feet VV Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 4 1)0 iindcd rllst b y ll)t I10 , to, south by lot no. 6 o’clock. 1 - • ■ • - - - All that parcel or Chatham, state of Georgia, known said county as Garden Lot No. elf containing lli acres more or less, north by tlie Thunderbolt Road and lands of Jas. Bilbo, ©n the south by lands of Jno. Scriven, and onlheweslby a road leading to lands of Col Jas. Johnstons and others, with the appurtenances One Ditto, mso tee simple, sittinten .. «. , - , , - . , .. . „ . bn ,u it by the No. 21, with a dwelling hffitse mid | bounded east by lot no. 2, south by a lane, w est other improvements thereon. One Lot in Ricehorough, Liberty county. The purchciors giving bond and mortgage, pay* able in one, two and three years,with interest froin dataattd personal security. GF.O. GLEN, Otft-30 201 Adm’r est. Andrew M’l.wne. ' Administrator’» sale. On the first Tuesday in January next, '"PTiriLL bn* sold nt the Court House, in the VV County of Effingham, between the usual hours of sale, Two negroes a Fellow and a Wench, named Llqyd and Vnunv. And ulso all the right title • -and’interest of William Joseph Spencer, dec’d, ol 1 in mid to u negro woman niiiucu Amy, mid her t"H Tom, and theqiossessioii thereof. Tlie above I sold us the property of Wm. J. Spencer, dec’d., hy order of the Holt, tiic Judges of the Court nt Or dinary for the County of Effingham, for the bene fit of ihc hell's and creditors of the said dec’d.— Conditions made known on tlie day of sale, nov 0 209 ELIAS REED, Adm'r. Shelia’s Mile. , Vr On the first Tttesdny in February next, ■■KTTILL be sold lit tho Court Ilpuse between the hours often and four o’clock, the fol- ,w lowing three Negroes, vie: Mary, otherwise known by, the name of Con- A stance', mid her twit children Lacy and Keelali, li \ fed on under a forech sure of a moit.-agc as the property of William R. Holland, to satisfy Guudry L Dufaurc. dee 3 020 1 D’LYON, s c c. Sheriffs sales. Savannah between the hours of 10 Hnd *1 O'clock. 16 negroes vis. Charlotte, Bnceiis. Eve, Tenali, Titus, Sambo, Naro, Belinda, Uorcus, Isaac, Bess, Sippio, Cnrltts, Cine, Peggy, Anne, Betty, and Monday, levied on hy'cousent as the proper ty of N. G. Rutherford, under a li fa ou a foreclo sure of u mortgage in favor of the Bank of Darien. ISAAC D’LYON, s c c. i 4 230 ., , -I west by lot no. 8, mid north by vacant lots, re tract of land in the county o. I 8)dercd upon ns the property of tVm. Tuylor, foi ieorgm, known in the plan of I * - plan eighty, (80) east j e,bounded outlie 4 quarters rent Lot no. 10, New-Fnmklln ward, GO by 00 feet bounded east by lot no. 11, south hy lot no, 0 west by lot 9, ond north by vacant lots, re-entered upon as the property of M. O. Driscoll, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no. 11, New-Frnnklin, ward, (50 hy 90 feet hereto appertaining, leviedon os the property of hounded east by Moutgomery-st. south hy lot no, rhmnns h. Broom, to satisfy ufi fa on a foreclo j 4 f westbv lot no. It), nnd north by vacant lots, sure of u m'.rtgngc in favor of W m. l. Wdhams. I re-entered upon ns the inuperty of Wm. Scur- Seventy-live acres of.and and improvements, White Bluff dist. Chatham County, levied on as {lie property of Jus. Govan, to satisfy an execu- iion in favor of Henry Hanpt, ct. al. A negro man named Lester, levied on as the property oi John Womack to satisfy an execution In fax or of Henry M‘Alpin, vs. John Womack and Wm M. Craig, security, et al. Three hundred and thirty acres of land more orlcss, White Bluff’Chalhum County, le vied on as the property of Chos. B. Jones to satis fy an execution in favor of Tlios. Walton. Buildings on lot No. 0, Spring Hill with the un- Texpired lease of said lot, bounded south by lot No. in, east by lot No. 8, north by Cake street, and West by Franfclin-st. levied on by a constable as the property of Wm Richardson to satisfy several executions in favor of Richard Ifowcll et al and turned over to me. I. D’LYON, see. dec 4 230 ___ City Sheriff’s Sales, On the fust Tuesday in 4odunry next. W LI. lie sold before the Court House in the City of Savannah between the usual hours of ten and three o’clock, Sundry articles of Table Linen, Bed upon ns the pixqierty hrough,for 4 quarters rent. Eastern half Filature lot, bounded east by Lin colu-st. south by St. Julian-st. w est by west half of said lot, mid north by Bryan-st. re-entered up on as the property of R. Smith, for-l qiirrters rent Lots'no. 29 and 30, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 each lot boun led east by lot no. 31, south by a lane, west by Habersham W.nn north by York street, re-entered upon ns tke property oftbees tale of F. Aikin, for 4 quarters rent each lot. Also lot No 14, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet hounded east by lot No 13, south by State street west by lot No’lO and north by a lane, re-enter ed upon as the property of J. Davenport, for 8 quarters rent. Also Lot no. 15, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet bounded east by lot no 14. south hy State street west by lot no 16, and north by a lane re-entered upon as the property ofthe estate of Tlios E L’oy ’ for four quarters rent. Also lot no 19, Columbia ivard, 60 hy 90 feet hounded enst by lot no 20, south hy President .west by Columbia Square,mid north by stule re-entered upon as the property of John Waters, tor4 quarters rent. Also tot no. 21, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet bounded east by l’riee st south by York st. west Linen PPdd Fluted Ware, &e. Sic. leviedon os the property of I C |‘ot ao.22, and* northbv President Ornm Byrd to satisfy two executions for house upon a3 t | le proil crty of J Hills for 7 quarters rent in favor of Llcazer Early and assigned to J I rent. B Herbert &. co. I Also lot no. 25, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, All that building onnart of Trust Lot letter (A) bounded cast by tot n .. 26, south by a iuue, w est Darby VVard,bounded south by Congress street, by Linc0 | n st . and norl h by York st. re-entered cast by the residence of Geo. Mltlcn, Esq. west by np o„ as Uie property of Steel White for 16 qu w- U|K)U as thu pnqierly of S. Wilkins, for four quarters rent. Lot no. 10, Jackson Ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded east by Wlfitaker-st. south by a Jane, West by lot no. 0, nnd north by South Brond-st. re-en tered upon as the property of T. N. Morel, for 6 quarters rent Lots no. 14 and 15, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet each lot, bounded east by lot no. 13, south by Orleans Square, west by M’Cumb-street, and north by a lane, re-entered upon as the property of R. Hnbershuia, for 4 quarters rent. Lots no. 17 and 18, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet each lot, bounded east by lot no. 16, south by l’erry-st. west by lot no, 19, and north by a bine, re-entered upon as the property of F. S. ell, for 8 qnarsers rent each lot. Lot no. 10, Jackson ward, 60 by 00 feet, boon- d east by lot no 18, south hy l’erry-st. west by lot no. 20, mid north hy a lane, re-entered upon the property of A. D. Abraham, for 4 quarters rent. • Lot no. 20, Jackson ward,BO hy 90 feet, houn ded east hy lot no 19. south hy IVrry-st. west by Jelferson-s’t. and north by a lane, re-entered up as the property of Geo. Glen, for 2 quarters nt. Lots tin. 21 and 22. Jackson ward. 60 hy 90 t each tot, bounded east hy Orleans Square, south hy M’Donougli-strcet, west hy JcITersoii'st. mid north hy Perry-street, re-entered upon ns the property of ’E. Early, tor 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 29, Jarksou ward, 00 by 90 feet, boun ded enst by lot no. 30, south hv u lane, west by JefleiNon-st. mid north by Hull st. re-entered up on ns the property of J. il. Berthelot, for 4 quar ters rent. Lot* no. 27 ami 08, Jacksoh ward, 60 by 90 feet each lot, bounded cast by Orleans Square, south hy Hull-st. west hy Jeilerson-st. and north by M’ upon as tlie property ' J. H. Morel, for 4 quarters rent each lot. Lot no. 37, Jackson ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun- east by lot no 38 lot no. 36, and north upon us the property rent. Lot no. 47, Jackson ward, 60 hy 90 feet, baun- id enst by lot no. 40, south by l’.iberty-st. west by lot no. 48, and north by a lane, re-entered ipon ns the property of J. R. M’Kinnon, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no. 26, Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, hound ed east by lot no. 24, south by l’erry-st. west by lot no. 26*, and north hy u lane, re-entered upon as the property ofC. II. linyden, for 12 quarters rent. Lot no. 45, Brown ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed cast by to! no. 46. south by a lane, west hy lot no. -14, and north liy Hull-street, re-entered up on ns the property of the estate of L. Kollock, for quarters rent. Lot no.46, Brown Ward, GO by 90 feet, hound ed oust by lot no. 47, south by n latte, west bytot ffihj Marshal's sates, O N the first Tuesday in December, in frout oO the Court-House, between tho usual hours, will lie sold, the following property, if tho luxes arc itot puid.i L„t No.—- New Leeds, now known in the plan of the city as Oglethorpe ward, bounded east by West Broiiu-strcet, south by a vacant lot, west by lot — and north by lot No. 1. leviedon us tho property of G. t. Cope, towatUfy his city taxes for the your 1621,1822, 1823, and 1824, amount tux §187 57 nnd cdst. Wharf lot No. 8, Washington ward, bounded east liy lot No. 0, south by Bay-street, west by lot No. 7, and north by Savannah rivet 1 , levied on ns the property or the estate of Pat. Stanton, to sat isfy the city taxes of said estate forthr years 1821, and 1822, amount tax $199 and cost. Half lot No. 9. and buildings, Carpenters Row, Trustee Garden, bounded cast by east boundary street, south by lot No. 19, west by eust Brond-st. and north by lot No. 8, In vied on as the properly of Thomas F. Mnxlmm, to satisfy his city tuxes for the years 1823 and 1824, amounldue §15. An undivided half Lot No. «», Hick’s Tythlng Percival ward bounded east by lot No. 7, south liy State street, west by west half of said lot, nnd north by ti lane, levied on ns the property of Hen ry Lyons, to satisfy his city tax for the present year! Amount due §13 and cost. One negro man named Frank, levied^ on as the property of Thomas Wilson, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1821, 1822, 1823, tuid 1824, nmounttnx §126 12. Half Lot No. 9 and buildings, Second Tythlng Reynolds ward, bounded east hy lot No. 10,south by Rryun st. west by Lot No. 8, and north hy « bine levied on us the property ofthe life estate of C. I). Lcby, to satisfy his city tax for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due §25 80 mid cost. A quarter of Wharf Lot No. 4, Trustee Garden, hounded enst hy half of said lot, west by lot 3, south by Fort Wayne, nnd north by Savannah River, levied on as the property of A. L. Hart- ridge, to satisfy the city taxes of said property for the years 1821, 1822, and 1823. Amount due S;14 50 and cost. A building on the south east comer oflotlctter ~ olJas. G eorgia, cimth the Jumjgfey for ordiuitry purpo < To all wh Whereas, John l) mOnd Dillon, late of nthum county dee. has pe titioned the lion.court of ordinary,to be discharg ed from his said administration. Now, these nro therefore to cite nnd admon ish all tutd singular tlie kindred and creditors of the said.deceased, the (lie their ohjectiins (If any they have,) to the granting of tetters dismiisory to the petitioner, in the clerk's office, of- tho said court, oil or'heforo the lltlt day of December next ensuing, otherwise letters disinissory will be grant-’ the petitioner. * Witness the lion John Cummlng, tone of the Justices of the said court, this 11th day of June, A. D. 1824. S. Al. BOND, c c. o. june 12 136 EOltGi.V, Chutliam County—By the lion tlie Justices ofthe inferior Court, sitting for ordinary purposes. To nil whom It may concern, Whereas Robert Taylor, administrator of Wm M. Kelley, late of Savannah, merchant, dec’d, tins petitioned to the honorable tlie court of Or dinary to be discharged from Ids said ndinlnistra tion. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tlie kindred and creditors of tho said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in the clerks office of the said court, on or before tlie 8th day of December next; otherwise letters disinissory will be grunted to tlie petition- Witness the Honorame John P. Williamson, one of the Justices of the said court, this 8th day of June, A. D. 1824. S. M BOND, c c o. June 8 134 son ward, ©0 hy 90 tect, boun-1 A> |) nr t, v ward: levied on as the prqperty ol J 38, south by a lane, west hv I \v.,t' a niioii, to satisfy his city tax for the y •th by Hull-street, re-entered ignq. ^Amount due §17 31, mid costi&l-< rty ot Geo. Glen, for 4 quarters I Lot and building, Oglethorpe tvnrfflloum Oglethorpe wnriiBBopndcd east hy the estate ol Wayne’s lqt7^fi^|li by lot, west hy a lane, nnd north by Scronus Mayers’ wharf lot; levied on as tile-pro nerty of the estate of James Clarke, Sen. to satis fv siiid estate’s city tax for the year 1823. Amount due §13 and cost. A building on Telfair’s wharf lot, known as the Ire House ; levied on us the property of Freder ick Tuder, to satisfy his city tax fdr tlie present year. Amount due’ $U) nnd cost. I falf lot no. 8 nudJniildinjL Trustee Garden, at tuchedto Wiishiugton ward, bounded east hy Itcy* nold’s-st. south by lot no. 10, west by lot no. 7, and north by lot no. <5; levied on as the property of Sarah Middleton, to satisfy her city taxes for the years 1823 mul 1324. Amount due $6 75. nnd cost. . i . i Lot letter R, and building, Oglethorpe ward no4i>, nnd north by Hull-street, re-entered upon j bounded eust by St. Gull-st. south hv a lane, west ‘. , L th !‘.!!r ,p y < ’ 1 ,hc Misso * WmLS *’ lor 4 ' llmr ' I hy a lane, mid north hy lot letter T'; levied on ns the store occupied by Mayers k Hamilton, north by one portion of said lot, levied on ns the princr- ty of John Willson to satisfy an execution in fa vor of Ann R. Edwards for ground rent. .!.■■■ '< 23Q A.LDT.YON.e.s. Administrator’s sale. \IHLL be sold at the late residence of Allen * V Denmark, deed, late of Bulloch County, on the Hi'st Saturday in February next. 'I lie following tracts of land, amounting to 3,- 682i acres, situate in the County of Bullock and immediately on the Milledgeville road, thirty five miles from Savannah, via: One tenet containing one hundred acres, more «r less, with acoinfortable Dwelling House, kitch en, stables and corn house;:—Fourteen hundred acres adjoining the above described tract, being t!n former residence ofthe late Major Stephen Denmark—on this true! is a dwelling house, corn house, -tore house and kitchen with good stables, ami an excellent stream and mill site, whereon a mill Inis been for many years, but out of repairs at present: the nsiil stones and' mill irons will be sold at the same time One other tract adjoining (he above, whereon E F Bunce lately resided, containing five bandreJ and thirty acres, with comfortable buildings mid out houses, one other wood land tract containing •eleven hundred acres, one lot in the first District Houston, containing 202i acres, No. 116, one oth ■ lot in the 8th district Early containing 250 a- ‘•s, No. 231. ns of sale, 12 months credit with a mortgage lie premises; and small notes and approved ROBERT BURTON, Adin’r. MARY DENMARK, Adm’x. dec 4 230 LJ1W rriHE subscriber tenders his professional servi- JL ccs to the public ; aud liegs leave to inform them, that he may at a!| times be found at the Of fice of Messrs. Davies £ Berrien, situated in Hun ter’s buildings on the Bay. JOSEPH VALLENoE BEVAN- Savannah, Oct. 26,1824- The Constitutionalist, Georgia Journal,and pton News, are requested to give the u ove3insertions weekly. 5 urc Calcined Magnesia, £ a new upon ters rent. Lot no. 31, Columbia ward, 60 by 9Q feet, bounded east by lot no. 32, south by a lane, west by lot no. 30, and north by York street, re-entered upon as the property of r. Pouriu, lor 4 quarters rent. Lot no.34, Columbia ward, 60 liy 90 feet,boun ded east by lot no. 33, south by South Brand st. west by lot no. 35, and north by a lane, re-enter- cd upon as the property of Grant for two quar ters. Lot no. 38, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun- de I east by lot no 37, south by South Broad st. wesl by lot no 39 and nortli by u lane, re-entered upon as the property of Ann Rodman, for 16 quar ters rent. Lot no. 4, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 3, south by a lane, west by Hous ton street, and north hy Broughton street, re-en tered upon as the property of T Al Woodbridge for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 18, Greene ward, 60 hy 90 feet, bound ed east by lot no. 17, south by President st. west by Greene Sauare^nd nortli by Stale ed upon as tlie property of J Davenport, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no 36, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed eost by Houston st. south by South Broad st west by lot no. 33, and north by a lane, re-enter ed upon as tlie property of M Doty, for 8 quarters rent. Ixit no. 40, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bouud' ed east by East Broad st. south by South Broad st. west by lot no. 39, mid nortli by a lane, re-enter ed upon as the property ofthe estate of Wm. At- kerson, for 8 quarters rant. Lot no. 6, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded cast hy Houston st. south by a lane, West hy lot no. 26, and north hy Broughton st. re-entered up on ns the property of the estate of Geo. Alyers, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 6, Greene ward, 60 hy 90 feet, bounded east by lot no. 4, smith by a lane, west by lot no. 7, and north by Broughton st, re-entered upon as tlie properly of J G Wilson, and Ann Belcher, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 14, Greene-war- ,60by 90 feet,bounded eust by lot no. 15, south hy State street, west by lot no 13, mid nortli by a lane, re-entered upon as the property of Mary 8 Atkerson, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no. 16, Greene ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound' ed east by Eust Broad st. south by State st. west by lot no. 15, aud north by a lane, re-entered Up on as the properly of Ann Harman, for 4 quarters rent. Lot no. 2, Warren ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded g st by lot no. 8, south by n lane west by lot no. 1 Article. ITpHIS Medicine has been prepared by the New X York Chemical Manufacturing Company, and is said, to be equal to the celebrated article made ay the Mersrg Henry’s. Many persons in , | „ this city- who have used tuis remedy give it a de-1 and north by bay st. re-entered upon ns the pro- tided preference over all others. Families are I perty ofthe estate of Wm. Woodbridge, for 4 quar ters rent. Lot No. 2, Franklin Ward,00by 90 feet,bound ed enst by Lot No. I, south by a lane, west hy lot No. 3, and north hy Buy-st. re-entered upon ns the property of the est. of John Course,for 12 Lots Nos. 17 and 18, Franklin .Wand, do hv 90 feet each, hounded east by Jeilerson st. south hy St Julian-st. west hy Franklin square, and nortli hy Bryim-st. re-entered upon as the property of F S Fell, for 8 qrs. each lot. Lot No. 31, Franklin Ward, 60 by 90feet bonn ded cast tiy lot No.HO, South by a lane, west hy lot No. 32, and north by Cnngress-st. re-entered upon us the property ot Misses Minis, for 12 qrs rent. .ot No. 16, Franklin Ward; 60 by 90fect,bomi- ded eust hy Jcllerson-st. south by Bryan-st. west hy lot No. 15, nnd north by a lane, re-entered up on as the property of the est. of F Doyle for 2 qrs. rent. Lots No. 7 nnd 8, Elbert Wnrd, 60 by 90 feet cneli, hounded eust by lot No. *5, south by, a lane, west by \>’cst Brond-st. re-entered upon us the property of A Barclay, for 4 qrs. rent each lot. Lot No. 16, Klliert Ward, 60 by 90 feet, hound' e.d east by Jefferson-st. south by Hull-st. west by, lot No. 15, nnd north by alone, re-entered upon as the property of Ann Bond, ford qrs. rent. Lots No. 21 and 22, Elbert Ward. 60 hy 90 feet, cnch bounded cast bv Elbert square, south hy Per ry-st west by Wpst firoad-st. nnd north by ABDo- nongb-st. re-entered upon as tlie property of O. M Liilihridge, ford qrs. rent cnch lot. Lot No. 24, Elbert Ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed east by Jcflferson*st. south hy Pefry-st. west by- Lot No. 23, and north hy APDo’nougmst-. re-enter ed upon as the property pfCliarlolt Bulloch, for 4 qrs. rent. Lot No. 30, Elbert ward, 60 hy 90 feet, hound ed cast by lot No. 29, south by a lune, xveet by liit No. 31, and north by l’erry-street, re-entere’d upon as the property of 8AM Bond, ford quar ters rent. Lot No. 32, Elbert word, 60 by 90 feet, bound' cd enst by lot No 31, south hy a lane, west In West Brand-street, and north by Perry-st. re-cii tered upon as the property ofthe estate of Win Shaw, for* 2 quarters rent. Lot No. 2-1. Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet, hotin d east hy Jefferson-st. south hy York-st. ,west hy lot No. 23, and uorth hy Presidcnt-st. re-entered upon us the property of Samuel Wilkins, for 4 pmrters rent. Lot No. 25, Liberty ward, 60 hy 90 feet, bound ed east by Jefferson-st. south b/ u lane, west by lot No. 26, and north hy York-st. re-entered ipon ns the property of the estate of R. Mackey, for 4 quarters rent. Lot No. 27, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 feet boun' ded east hy lot No. 26, south hy a lane, west hy lot No. 28, und nortli by Yyrk-st. re-enb red iinon ns the property ol the estate of It. Mackey, (or 4 pmrters rent. Lot No. 31, Libc ty wnrd, 60 hy 90 feet, boinid- rd east by lot No. 30, south by a lane, west hy lo- No 32, a ml north by York-st. re-entered upon ns property of the estate of John H. Deuhel), for 12 quarters rent. Lot No. 32, Liberty ward. 60 by 90fect,liound- ed cast hy lot No. 31, south hy a lane, west hy West Broad-st. and north by York-st. re-entered upon as the property of the estate of John H. Denbell, for 12 quarters rent. Lot No. 35, Liberty wnrd, GO hy 90 feet, boun ed east hy lot No. 36, south hy South Broad-st. west hy lot No. 34, ana north hy n lime, re-enter ed upon us the property of h'amuel Wilkins, ford quarters rent. Lot No. <5, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded eust by lot No. 7, south by a lane, west by lot No. 5, and north hy Broiightoa-st. rc-entcre 1 up on as * lie property of John Morel, for 4 quarter rent. Lot No.8,Columbia wnrd,60 by90 feet, bound ed east hy Price-st. south hy u lime,west hy lot No. 7, und north hy Broughton-st. re-entered upon us the property of Mrs. S. Drysdal, for two quar ters rent. Lots no 9 nnd 10 Columbia ward, CO by 00 feet each, bounded east by Price-street, .south hy Stntc-st. west by lot no. 1 l,and nortli by a lane, re-entered upon us the property of R. Scott, for 4 quarter rent. Lot no. 13, Columbia ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound d enst by Halierslram-st. sotit i west by lot no 14, atid north by alabe, re-enter ed upon as the property of J. Davenport, for four ipiurters rent. F. ML STONE, c. m. nov 6 207 j ■ , ■ tlie first T _ Countv—By the |.e inferior Court: sluing .solicited to give it a trial ns it comes much cheap* •ci than Henry’s; being neatly put up in bottles at 374 cents each, and for sale only by BAY & HENDRICKSON, Chemists nnd Druggists, & m SW»MUIn S .. ter* rent, Lot no. 3, Warren ward, 60 by 90 feet, bourfded past by lot no, 4, south by a lane, west by lot no; 2, and north by Bay street, re-entered upon as the property of A Hunter, for 8 quarters rent. Lot no 7, Jackson ward, 60 by (10 feet, bound ed cart by lot np. (). sputh by q lone, west by Tot i »n<lt tlie property tif Win. I. Scott, to satisfy bis city tax for Inie present year. Amount due §3 75, and cost. A building on lot no. 35 ; Columbia ward ; fo vied on ns the. property of Catharine E Devon* to satisfy her city tuxes for the year 1823 ant, 1824. Amount due §27 anil cost. Lot no. 28 ami building, Warren ward, hound' ed onst by Ilcmston-st. south by a lane, west by lot no. 27, and north hy Congress-st, levied onus the property of E. 8wnrbrlek, lo satisfy his city tax for.tho year 1824. Amount due §12 8114, und cost. Building on lot no 32, Warren ward ; levied on a* the property of Byotte Fuvnrd, to satisfy her city tax for the year. 1834. Amount due §9 25, and cost, A building on pnrt lot n.o, 6, Carpenters Row, nowattnehnd to Green ward ; levied on as the property of Jolin F. Duval, Sen. to satisfy his city tax for the year 1823: Amytint due §7 69, and cost. ' • ' •• Buildings ou lot no. 52,Brown wnrd, hounded eust by \-Hcnnt lot. south by Libcrty-st. west hy 'ot no53, und north by a liuie ; leviedon as the property of A, 1. D’Lyon, to satisfy his city tax tor the yenr 1824. Amount due §7 50, and cost. Whnrflut uo. 8, Warren waed, bounded east hy lot no. 4, south by Bity-st;; west, hy lot no. 2, and north l>y Savannah river; levied on us the property of Peter Kean, to satisfy his city tnxes for the years 1823 und 1824. Ainonnt due §25 nnd cost. Part of buildings on lot no; 10, Cnrpentcr tytli- ing, Darby ward ; levied upon as the property of Win. 1.,'baron, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1823 und 1821. Amount due §7 60, and cost. Lots no.2! and 22, nnd buildings, Liberty xCai'd hounded east hy Lihcfey Square, south by Yo: k-st. west byWes’t Broad-st. and north by Pres- ident-st. levied on bs the property of Martha Wilkins, to satisfy her city tnxesfor the year 1824; Amount due §760, und costs. Buildings on south hn'fot lot no. 40 ; leviedon as tlie property of Benjamin Mieflall, to satisfy his city taxes for the veers 1823 and 1824. A- mouot due .§17 50, mifi costs. Buildings on lot uo. 24, F.lert ward, levied on as the property of J. i. Bulloch, to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824. Amount due §33 43, and costs. Buildings on west half of lot no. 6, Green ward; levied on as the property of Ann Belcher, to sa tisfy her city taxes for the years 1823 and 1824.— Amount due §16 6, and costs. Buildings on lot no, 22, Elbert ward ; leviedon os the property of Maria I.ilUbrigc and children, to satisfy the tuxes of said property for the year* 1823 and (824. Amount due, §32 DO, and costs. A building on the south-east corner of lot no, 5, •lleathcote tything, Decker ward; levied on ns the property of Phoebe Johnson, to satisfy her ci !y taxes for the years 1833 und 1,824. Amount due §3 (5, nnd costs. A building on lot no 26, Green wnrd jlewicd on ns the property of Jeannette Larousse, ttfsulisfy her city taxes for the year 1824. Amount due §2 59, and costs. , A small building on Mr. Stiles’ lot, Indinn-st. levied on us the property of the estate of Wm. 11 Joiner, to satisfy the city taxes for the year 1823. Amount due §6 52, and costs. A siunll building on lot no. (5, west of i'aiim-st. and north side of lndii,n-st. levied on as the pro- party of James Keys, to satisfy his city taxes for tlieyear 1823. Amount due §7 und cosls. One third totno. 22, Kwensliurg, now known in the plan of the city as Oglethorpe wnrd,bounded east by lot no.19, south liy lot no. 23, west by lot no. 27, nnd north by Margaret-st. levied on as the property ofthe estate of Mary Saunders, to satisfy the city taxes for the year’ 1824. Amoui i due $4 12, and costs. A Building on the south east corner of lot no. 6, Oglethorpe ward, levied on as the property of John May, to satisfy his city taxes for the yeHr | 1824, amount due §3 59 and cost. F. M. STONE, Marshal. nov 6 207 C x GUKUIA, Chatham county—liy the lion, the W Justices ofthe Inferior Court sitting for ordi nary purposes. To all whom it may concern. Whereas William Davies, administrators of Mar tha Johnson dee. hns petitioned (lie lion, the court of ordinary to be discharged from ills said ud- minlstrntion. These are therefore lo cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of suid de ceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of the clerk of the court of ordina ry on or before the seventh day of Marfch next; otherwise letters disinisSury will bo grunted the petitioner. Witness the hon. Joint P. Williamson, one of the Justices of the said Court, this 7th day of September, A. I). 1824. S. M. BOND, c c o c c. sept !> 175 G t F.OUGIA, Cliiitlinm County—By the hon. the T Justices of the Inferior court sitting for ordina ry purposes. To all whom it may concern. Whereas Linus P. Snge administrator of Sprague Taylor, deceased, bus petitioned the honora ble court of ordinary to oo discharged from bis suid ndminiitrationsliip. These are therefore to cite and admonish nil mid singular the kindred and creditors of tlie suid deceased, to file their objections (if nnd they have) in the office of the clerk of the court of or dinary, an or before the 13th dny of January next ensuing the date hereof; otherwise letters dismis sory will he granted to the applicant. Witness the houorahle Thornes N. Morel one of the Justices of tho said Colirt this 13th dny of July, A. D. 1824. S. AL BOND, c c o. july 13 15<> _ ,-Sii Oudrt, .TJ,'Sr? V DisrniCT op GtoonoM.t II. Shulls and C. Itrcithn-ip!, Complain,’.i(t,,! Haul.- nj llu State of llcorgia, and others, l) daals.-inerUtulory Decttt. J A £ l 11 ' 03 ®" 1 ,llis Court cannot proceed x*. final decreo, hut preparatory tbet-t will order mid direct that u reference L tho register, to I ire and report (he state of: counts betwee the I’Ktnnes mul the State fix upon the loan . f § .000, and hy doing so I pears by ngreomenv, the Bank Square wnsni» specifically, in part, for that lorn!, ihatTet of sales thereof, be so applied, also the nniO ♦.ills received nt the south end ofthe bridge ? the tlmn it was taken possession of in “ ' ’ ’ and to report also upon such other tho coraplahinnts may insist upon nroner made from the same sum. 1 1 l# 2dly. That.he enquire and report (ho n „ mt of bridge, bills now actually out, trill, t(, 0 ff .theroot, respectively, nnd such fact* ten.C prove them honest mid bona fide |XeM3ll as each case may severally „i.„ h tre taken by tlie complainant, Moe of t 5 " the north end of tile bridge,' ft™; south end passed into the lmnd,o(th, l "l or their agent, or any public und generally (tie state o( in',coiu,t a Vtw«,, u„ ry Shultz and the Bridge Company; and _ port upon such discounts or charge, Mdle d „ f J dants shall suggest and give proof of, a, niW against the complainants or either o( thcmJ’ Hknky, Esq Sir—-Please to take notice, tlmt Pursuant j tho above reference, I am ready to received necessary statements of accounts nnd other infj mution, in relation to the matters therein coni cd, until the first Monday in December ncxt,n u I shall proceed to examine and report thereon I am your obd’t. serv't. GEO. GLEN, Clerk I Savannah, 14(/i Oct. 1824. 1 03’ Although it can be ascertained by thefo of tho Bridge Company, what aitount of Ini- bill, ore at this time unredeemed, ye't it uprteiml be necessary from tho above docretnl order ikf the respective holders thereof should nllo\ known. The Subscriber therefore respectfully quests nil such holders of bridge bill,, h. known to him by letter or otherwise, the union held hy them respectively, on or before the h Monday in November next, the better to i him to comply w itn tho ubnve order. . , , HENRY SIIUL’JI I Hamburgh, Oct. 20. OCt 29 290 179 ISeptjl EUKGlA, Chatham County—liy the hon. the T Justices of tlie Inferior court, sitting for or dinary purposes. To all whom R may concern. Whereas Alexander M. Taylor, administrator of John Scott, deeensed, has petitioned the honorit' hie the Justifies of the Inferior court,to be disclmr ged from his said administration. Now these arc therefore to cite nnd admonish all nnd singular tiic kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in tlie clerk’s office, of the court of ordinn ry, on or before the Oth day of December next otherwise letters disinissory granted Witness the honorable Edward Harden, one of the Justice's ofthe said court, this 6tli day of May, A. I). 1821. S. M. BOND, c c o. may 6 106 G EORGIA, Bulloch County—By the honora ble the court of ordinary of said county. To all whom it may concern. Whereas Robert Burton, ndministmtorof the estate of Stephen Denmark deceased hath appli ed to the said Court for letters disinissory tram said administration. These are therefore to . cite nnd admonish nil nnd singular Hie kindred nnd creditors of the said deecusscd, to file their objections (if any they have) in the office ofthe clerk of this court with in the time prescribed by law, otherwise letters disinissory will he granted the applicant. Witness the honorable Shepherd Williams, one of the Justices of Said court, this 3d June, 1824. ELY KENNEDY, c cob c. june 4 132 ( t KORGIA—Chatham County—to all whom IT may concern. Whereas Caroline Mnsterson lias applied to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County, for letters of administration ou the cstnli and effects of William Mnsterson late of Snvnn nah, stone carter, deed, as widow of the said dec These are therefore to cite and admonish all nnd singular the kindred and creditors of the said dec to file their objections, (if nny they have) to the granting of the udministrution’of the estate of the paid deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s Office ol tlie said Court, on or Before the second day oi January tnyrt; otherwise letters of udmiuistra' tion will he granted. Witness the Hon. Edward Harden, one of the Justices of the said Court, the 2d dny of Decent her, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, dec 2 227 the orili- G EORGIA Chatham County—By the hon. Justices of the Inferior court silling for o nary purposes. To all whom it may concern. Whereas Richard R. Cuyler, executor of Wil I’mm Shaw deceased, has petitioned the hon. court of ordinary, to he discharged from Ids said exo cutorship I hese are therefore to cite and admonish nil nnd singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if anv they have) in Rie office of the clerk of the court of ordinary on or before the 13th day of Jannar next ensuing the date hereof, otherwise lette disinissory will he granted to the petitioner Witness the honorable Thomas N. Morel, ofthe Justices of the said Court, this 13th dfiPof V D. 1824. S M. BOND, c c • 3 16(1 IVERSONS indebted to th a estate of Tin Jl belli Fell, late of Chatham county, t\oct- ed, are requested to make immediate payment! the subscriber, and those to whom the estate * indebted are requested to exhibit their demii duly authenticated. I’K'l'Elf SHtCK, I July 13 150 -VjlNE months alter date application w i. * made to the hon. inferior court of tW,a of Bryan, for leave to sell all the real Mid ( William Cuhbcdgt deeeused, to be soil for li benefit ofthe heirs und creditors. JOHN CUBBEDGE, Adm'r, June 17 138 lirynn Ccmtt,| "lA. INK montlis utter date application .1 * made to the hon. Inferior court of Li' dimly, for leave to sell tiic real ami person) tate of Lodotviek J.ard, late of Tattnall ci deceased, for the benefit of the heirs mid tors. E. WAY, Ailm'tl nng 31§ol71 pki INK months utter date i shall apply in I J. 1 hon. Inferior court of Liberty county leave to sell the real and personal propciiyl Win L Baker, deceased, for the benefit m I* heirs und creditors. l'HOS. B. BAKER, Adm’J npril 7 89 INE mouths after date application will made to the lion. Inferior court of Uuilo] county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, leave to sell all the reul and personal estate of J ten Denmark, deceased, for the benefit of r heirs and creditors. ROBERT BURTON, Adm'r. MARY DENMARK, Adm’i,| fob 28 48 Bulloch Com) |\i INK mouths alter the date befeot, ip _L * tion will be made to the Inferior w hen sitting for ordinary purposes, for Iwtl sell all tlmtlot or put t of ground in tlie dhlndl White Bluff, county of Clintham, containing^ acres, more or lessjioundcd northwardly an;’ wardly hy lundx lute John l’ottllens. and wnrdly by lands of Williams, belonging lot tute of James Boyd, nnd to he sold lor lb? lit of the heirs anil creditors of said estate. ELIZABETH BOYD, Adi may 26 124 faillE public is apprised, that Hie subset .1. hns titles to one hull' of a 60 acre Ira ' land on White Bluff, adjoining Ids and lately John l’millen’s, now John Morrill’s, for which tho administratrix ofthe,’alc John Ben now applies for leave to sell as part of that eslal —his titles are of prior dale and record- All pci sons are forewarned not to purchase or trespair on the premises. It. F. WILLIAMS. prei June 17 -§tI38 wTRl : I IV iiiontK! after dute, application 1* made to tlie Inferior court of Lmngl county for leave to sell all the real propevtv longing to the estate of the late Rev. ■I" 0 '’* deceased, lying In said county,for the ucbU the heirs and creditors. ., , ANN BECK, Admt npril 16 88 ttfi'. T HE undersigned committee will receive pro posals for keeping in repair the city Clock, until tlie first meeting of Council in January next; proposals for the same will be left with eit’her of tlie undersigned. sept 18 179 GEORGE .SfHCK, J.B.GAUDRY, J. C. HABERSHAM. ILL lie soldoti the first Tuesday in D«- l‘JV’INE months after dntc, application will he cemjier next, in front,of (he Com t House; -L * made 16 tlie Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, for leave to sell the real estate of Willian Hotchstrasses, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. nov 5 206 JAMES MORRISON, AdW JSi between the usual hours,ifthe amountof fines im posed by council arc not paid! the following pro perty: Two small biddings on the west half of lot let ter H. Oglethorpe ward, hounded east by eust half or said lot, west by a lane, north by Znblcy- i mOT ttv,i,« -H ii„ i , . . . , , 7 street, and south by lot letter F. levied op as the ua , r '."u .' lM " l:lu * cd himself with property ofMaryGamett, to satisfy 9 executions ..i/?,; i| d « -n husl- Issued by the mayor of tho city, Hgaiust "Mary .wtnlt imfo'.Mm. V w ’' C f h hereafter be con- Gurnett tor entertaining negroes on Sundays, and I ^ed under the i,r m of retailing liquor without having a licence. A- moiiut of fines, $279, und cost. ‘ nov 6 V. M. STONE, Marshal. BUSS 4- WADtiWORT/r. .1* Ei *A8 BUBB. oct li Fl89 "■ ■ ' 'RGJA t.liHttmni county—liy tin Justices ofthe Inferior court of Chatham conn- 'y silling for ordinary piuposcs. To all whom it may concern Whereas William Davies administrator of Ja cob Franklin Keal dec. has petitioned the hon. court of Ordinary to be discharged from his suid administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and .singular, tho kindred mid creditors ofthe suid deceased to file their, objections (if nil v they have,) in the office of the office of the Clerk of the court of ordinavy, oq or before the 7th dny of March next, otherwise letters dismissory will bn granted the peuttbrier. Witness the honorable John I*. Williamson, one of thi; Justices of said court this 7th day of September, A. D. 1824. S. M. BOND, rcoc c. sep 9. 165 [V INE months niter date, 1 slmll apply •' i * lion, tlie Inferior court of tlitf county» finghmn, for leave to sell all the real ci *" ( longing to Solomon Gnatin, dec. of xvnn'sei cerued will take notice. ' - JOSHUA GNANN, march 4 52 /j\j INK months after date up lication J 1 made tollie lion, the Inferior Conn oi^ ham County, when setting for ordinary | for permission to sell the following rea for the benefit of the lielre and credit 01 * estate of N. 8. deeensed, viz '' One undivided fourth of a tract ot '“J 0 tnining ubottl 599 acres, on Cumberland Cumdcn County, known ns Plum, Orchert mi undivided fourth of n eertuin TraW situated on said Island, containing a , u . ^ ores, originally granted to Gen. Lacjilan 1 '• ‘ tosh, and bot'itded on the south hy the a 1 Orcluird Traet. , Also, n tract called Lottery Hill sllu ! ..,u Ogccchec Rond, 3 miles from SitvaffiinK | ing about 600 acres. N. J. BAYAIwfi * b Adm,r est. N. S-Sffl may 20 311 —^ J,J, persons having any demands the estate of Francis Jalipeitu, ( are requested to deliver them in proper*/ ed,on or before the first day of Oct i' 8 * 1 ', countsnot brought forward before t' 1 ” he refused payment by the undersfo 118 ^-^ TV INE months after date application v ill he -LA made to the, hon, inferior court of Chatham county,for leave to sell all'tliat lot in Savminuli kno\vn by tlie No, 1, Ellis square, Decker ward, vvitn the improvements thereon : und all that Ir.i . ,. f - und all that lot in Sftvannaf, known hy (he No. 23, in l.iheHy ward, with the buildings thereon, being the fit'ofThe'heir J ,lnl for the bene- m«y C e,r8 ’ m *>EWCKHElW dm inly 1ft 149 (vX^LL persons indebted to^the^eHtulc^^ ^ jb uw> u-js. (ter Martin, Tafe of Liberty Couniyi J I ed, ure requested to make iiiiixco 1 ':**? g l > I B.F.B^EPj • 'll.Vs MARTIN)) to 'f-hVtsi • * _ A h’ Pe rsons Wing demands iigj 11 " 5 * foie, of lire late Hugh M’Call reaoer.ted to hum! (beta in fi>rpa)W«**’. indebted to'said ostnte will jjlawe *"“ diale payment. THUS. M'CALL (fan P.BRASCH, f .July 13 160 i' i.M'i iqoiiths after date. / sM ! i V hurt. J:iferioS'’com't of Clii.ihor.i leave to sell the real and persnn 8 ' I 1 ’,' .'..,' Lnehlnnd Hnnillton McIntosh, decea^ 0 ’ ■ heiiafitof tbg-lieirs. • SUSAN A march 9 66 , 1