Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 06, 1825, Image 1
laiumul KtmtHitAw. No 185 Vol. XXII. THURSDAY EARNING, OCTOBER 6, 1825. Whole No. 473 t cdical College of S. Carolina. ifJE LECTURES of this Institution will bore sumctl on the second Monday of November it ns follows: On Aiuilomy-By John Edwards Holbrook, {W—James Ttnmsny, M. T). ,'nitilidci anil Practice of Medicine—S. Henry £"/<« A/edlca-Henry R. Frost, M. D. Obstetrics and Diseases of Woman anti Infants— ,0111113 0. Priolcnu, M. D. Chemistry and Pharmacy—Edmund Ravenol, Sutural History and Botany—Stephen Elliott,t, D ’ S. HENRY DICKSON, M. D. J3fan of the Faculty. rt 3 at,171 '"Treasury Department, 29th April, 1825. t)TICE is hereby given, that on the first day , of0ctobcrnext,the principal of the six per Ini Stork of the United State, created under the LorHyofnu Act of Congress, entitled “An L authorising n Loan for a sum not exceeding L-en Millions of Dollars” approved on tho Ueenth dny of March, One Thousand Eight Lndrciland Twelve, together with the Interest L duo thereon, will be paid to tho Proprietors [said Stock, orto their Attorneys duly authorised, the Treasury of the United States in Washing* Lund at the several Loan Offices, on the Books [which any portion of said stock may stand, h surrender of the Certificates of said Stock III he required at the time of payment, und the Is,-ft on said Stock will cease, from and after thirtieth day of September next. SAM’LI.. SOUTHARD, jJetfrhf Secretary of the Treasury. 'Treasury Department, March 14,1825. IEREAS, on tho 6th March, 1826, a law was passed by the Congress of tho United Hies, of winch tho 3d, 4th, and 6th sections arc i Hid words following, viz: Sec. 3. Ami be it further enacted, That a sub- rlptloB to the amount of twelve millions of dol rs, of (be six per cent, stock of the year eighteen undred and thirteen, be, and the same is hereby oposed; for which purpose books shall be o- med at the Treasury of tho United States, and [the several loan olfices on the first day of April Wto continue open until the first day of Octo |cr thereafter, for such parts of the above-men oned description of stock, as shall, on the day [fwbicriptlon, stand on the books of the Treasu kind on those of the several loan offices res ktirelyi whiclt subscription shall be effected (yi transfer to the United States in the mnnuoi rovided by law for such transfers, of the credit [r credits standing on the said hooks, and by a irrender of the certificates of the stock so sub sribed. Provided, Thai all subscription by such unsferof stock, shall be considered ns part of he said twelve millions of dollars authorised to »borrowed by tho first section'of this act. “Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That, for he whole or any part of any sum, which shall be bn subscribed, credits shall be entered to the upective subscribers, who shall be entitled to a rtificate or certificates, purporting that the Uni. J States owe to the holder or holders thereof, lis.ber, or their assigns, a sum to he expressed equal to the amount of the principa )ck thus subscribed,bearing an Interest not ex filing four and one half per centum per annum »yal)le quarterly, from the thirty-first day of De ember,one thousand eight hundred and twenty hi tniiisferralile in tho same manner as is pin led by law for the transfer of the stocMsubsurih , anti subject to redemption at the pleasure ol United States, as follows: one half at h 1 ^ tic alter the thirty-first day of Decembor, 11 *. ousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, and '.remainder at any time after tho thirty-first i;ol December, one thousand eight hundred LI twenty-nine; Provided, That no reimburse- hu shall be made, except for the whole amount Ifucb now certificate, nor until after at least six BP*’ public notice of such intended relay emont. Andit shall be the duty of the Sec,re [of dm Trensury to cause to be re-trnn* red to the respective subscribers the se j'ralsums by them subscribed beyond the a pount of the certificates of four and one half per jtot stock issued t^, them respectively. ‘Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the ea funds whichhave heretofore been, and now 'pledged by law for the payment of the inter- hand for the redemption mid reimbursement rjtlic stock which may be redeemed or reimbur Fii by virtue of the provisions or this act, sliall Nam pledged in like manner for the payment of ' interest accruing on tho stock creuted by reel P" of such subscription, artd for the redemption K reimbursement of the principal of the same.— of I, 8 '* *' ie duty of the Commissioners of ie SinkingFund to cause to be applied and paid |at of the said fuiid, yearly und every year, such "a and sums aB may be annually required to diarge the interest accruingnn the stock,which be created by virtue of this act. The said omimssioners are also hereby authorized to np IS ,r ®m time to time, such sum and sums out of P® said fund, as they may think proper, towards aeeming, by purchase, or by reimbursement conformity with the provisions of this act, the Mncipal oi the said stoek; and such part of the P>nualsa m eften^nillions of dollars, vested by * a the««id Commissioner?, as may be ne~ -nary and required fortlie above purposes, sliall i and continue appropriated to the payment of | ere £ t fi n< l redemption of the public debt, until I e whole of the stock which may bo created un F 11,0 provisions of this act, shall have been re ceraed or reimbursed." therefore, Notice is hereby given, That , ks will be opened at the Trensury of the Unit- f; , te3 iCi‘u at the several loan offices, on the LkTi A P ri * next, and continue open until *** “ay of October thereafter, for receiving le *n conformity with the provisions oj ® jJ®cciptions may be made by tho pro|)ri nmo. . , sto °k> either in person or by their At I,. ,T S “o'y authorized to subscribe and transfer iVaeMted Slates. iosuhscriptionsofsaid stock be made to IdiorUK, 11 /. exce . et ling twelve milliors of dollars, rill „? n °fi* le anid sum of twelve millions, *i n,. e " Bdo among the subscribers in proportion sums subscribed by them respectively. SAM’L L. SOUTHARD, [march 25 ^S^crelary of the Treasury. Notice. . after dale application will be fiforiFfr. to Urn Honorable the Justices of the Pr ni„ Court 0 Chatham County when sittin f a „.n'r i at 7, Purposes forleave to sell a certai heCn„‘? nd r 8it “ ated O n Wilmington Island in Wore .J?!» °\ ^athara, containing fifty acres, Pentiia ° ss ^ fko buildings and improve- pilbort-f? re ° n ’ 9 r mcrly the property of William u e ^ sed ’ bein § the real estate of Dennis iWiic. Hughes, a minor and orphan son of John ,. ber,e . fit - malntainance Now Drawing its the City of Augusta, tin dcr the siipcrintcndancc of a . V ' fA. Slaughter, Tf wilv’ l Comm<, * ion{M J V W V w!lde, l.I.WuAt.J . - (.B O. Thompson. The Second Drawing Will tnk6 place on tli6 12th oPOctOber next. All the Capital Prizes,are still undrawn, conse* queiitly tho Wheel lsv« ivoo 40,000 20,000 6,000 6,00* 6,000 . B.OOOi 60,000 $ 180,000 SPLENDID SCHEME OF THE L LOTERY. MAS 01 #30,000 HIGHEST PRIZE. =ti IIC HALL BY AUTHORITY Of the State of Rhode Island. UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE Of MAN AGERS APPOINTED BY LAW. Grand State Lottery, (For the Encouragement of Domeslick*Industry,) THIRD CLASS—NEW SERIES. Will positively he drawn in PROVIDENCE, on tlm 14th day of OCTOBER next. S. & M. Allen & Co. Agents for the Man agers. $25,000 Highest Prize. SCHEME. 5176 Prizes, ) 12826 Blanks, J - 18,000 TICKETS at TEN DOLLARS Less than two and an half Blanks to a Prist. The Prizes only to be Drawn. All the Poises {o be floating from tkt commencement, except the following, which will be deposited in the Wheel rtl definite periods, via ON THE FIRST DRAWING 1 prize of 10,OOD & 1 of 600 2d. 1 do “ 5,000 4" 1 “ 1,000 &1 of 600 3d. 1 do “ 10,01)0 Si 1 “ 600 4th. 1 do “ 6,000 b 1 “ 1,000 & 1 of 600 6th. 1 do “ 10,000 8i 1 “ 600 6th. 1 do •* 6,000 Si 1 “ 1,000 Si 1 of 600 7th. 1 do “ 10,000 Si 1 “ 6,000 8i 1 ef 600 8th 1 do “ 20,000 it 1 “ 1,000 & 2 of 600 Oth. 1 do *S 30,000 Si I « 1,000 Si 1 of 600 All prizes payable thirty days after the compie tion ot the drawing, subject to a deduction of fif teen per cent—if not applied for within twelve months, to be considered a donation to the funds of tho Masonic Hall. A great variety oi TICKETS and SHARES may yol lie Imd at the original price at The Augusta Masonic Hall Lot tery Office. All orders from any part of the U. S. post paid containing cash or prize tickets sliall be promptly attended to by, HENRY MACDONNELL, Agent, Thompson Si Bonney’s Buildings. sept 5 172 WASHINGTON HALL. No. 224, Broad-Street; Augusta, mfilS ESTABLISHMENT is opened in J. handsome Brick Building, erected during ihe past summer, at the corner ot Broad and M'tn- tosh-Streets. It is recommended to Planters and Merchants, by its situation, in the centre of tho town and of business, and within nconvenient distance of the Banks, Warehouses, and Public Offices. Stngc Passengers will find it convenient from its being opposite the Post-Office, the plnce ol arrival and dep .rturo of tile Stages There is connected with the HALL, nn adjacent Brick Tenement, with suites of Private Apartments, and a Separate Entrance from Broad-Street, which will be appropriated exclusively to the nci-nmmo- dation of Families; and Ladies will find them- selves asqulet and retired as in any private house with the additional advantage of being in the im mediate neighborhood of the principal Fancy Stores. The WASHINGTON HALL is superin tended by W. J. Dudcby, whose study it will be to please nnd render comfortable, those who may favour the House with their patronage. Augusta (Ga.) 1825. sept 29 182 Wanted, ltU^o 0 ^ 0 . 0 nbout 14 years ofnge to learn ee. Car P e nters Business. Apply at .this Of- a,J S 25 «167 1 1 1 5 1 . 7 40 62 150 1,258 10,608 Prize of 25,000 10,000 5,000 1,000 570 500 100 50 20 8 4 25,000 10,000 5,000 6,000 579 3,500 4,000 2,600 3,120 9,984 42,432 8111,215 12,120 Prizes. 22,100 Blnnk8. i*. In this Scheme, with' eight drawn ballots, there will be 66 prizes with Three numbers on them; 1,466 with Two numbers on them ; nnd 10,603 with One .number on them. Tlioso ticketshaving none of the drawn ballots on them being blanks. To determine the fate of the 34,220 Tickets, the 60 numbers will severally be placed in a wheel on tho day of drawing, ana ei^lit of them will bo drawn ; and that Ticket having on it as n combi nation, the 1st, 2d, and 3d Nos. drawn, will be en titled to $26,000. That havingon it the 4th, 6th, and Oth, will be entitled to $10,000. That having on it the 6th, 7th, and 8th, will be entitled to $6,000. Those having on them the 3d, 4th, and 6th,— 3d, 7th nhd 8th,—2d, 3d, and 4th—2d, 6th, and 8th—2d, 6th, and 7th, each of $1000. That having on it the 3d, 5th, and 8th, $579. Those having on them 2d, 6th, and 8th—2d, 7th,and8th—3d.4th, and01 li—3d, 4th,and 7th— 3d, 4th, and 8th—3d, 6th, and Oth—3d, 6th, and 7th, ench $500. All others (being 40 Tickets) having three ol the drawn Nos. on (hem, will each be entitled to $100. The 62 Tickets having the 3d and 4th drawn Nos, only will cacli be entitled to $60, The 156 Tickets having on them the 4th and 6th or 4th nnd 6th, or 4th nnd 7th drawn Nos. only, Will each be entitled to $20. All others (being 1243 Tickets) with any two of the drawn Nos. on them, will each be entitled to * J. And those having any one of the drawn Nos. on them (being u>,608 Tickets, or 1326 for each drawn No.) wi’.l eueh ue entitled to$4 No Ticket w‘ icb sliall have drawn a prize of n superior denomination can lie entitled to un infe rlor prize. Prizes payable forty dny:: nftcr the drawing, andsubject, as usual, to e deduction of 16 pr cent. Philadelphia, Jane 28, 1825. Present price of Tickets, Wholes $6, Halves $2 50, Quarters $1 25, Eighths »2cts. Those w<io have ordered Tickets in the above Lottery are requested to cull and receive them at ILOTMB 9 © EACH i ‘ HOFFICE. sept 29 ill HATS. Wholesale and Retail Fashion able Hat Ware House, IM ' BROADWAY, NRW-YORK. T HE subscriber oilers at the above establish meet, an extensive and general Hssortnient ot the most fashionable Hats of every description, consisting of all tile various patterns that are. the most generally approved of at the present time, and particularly adapted to all the most prevail, ing fashions both at home and abroad; and that from among his stock of Hats may be selected at all times, alt the various qualities and grade, from the finest Beaver down to the most common Ro- ram, with corresponding prices to each kind, and those which may be the most satiable, and made in conformity to the fashion, in whatever part of the United Stnte the purchaser may reside. His stock is at all times large and independent of wh’ ch he can at any time manufacture any quan tity conformable to order. His present supply consists of those made expresly for the Fall trade all of which are got np in the most superior style ofworkmanshipfneve' - y respect, and equal if not superior to any that enn canjie oilered in this. City or any other part of the Union, llis stock is continually replenished with Hats fresh from the Manufactury, and none will be oft'eicd for sale but those which will lie sure to give the most perfect satisfaction to the purchaser, and ensure a continuance of his custom: as to prices lie is sel ling as low if not lower thnn any other house in this city and on the most liberal terms. Country Merchants and others from the differ ent parts of the U. States and abroad, who may visit t: is city, and be in want of the above article either at Wholesale or Retail, are enrne.stly re quested to call and examine for themselves, not forgetting before they leave home to take the number of the above establishment from this ad vertisement, MOSES HOBSON. sept 17 Jt177 Just Jir-'f red P er s'ip Louisa Matilda, a large and choice supply of Genuine Drugs, Chemicals, Spi^ ces, Perfumery, Dye Stufls, Fancy Articles, eye Sfa. curefuiiy seb-cled by the proprietor at the North and particularly suited to this market—wjiicli ad ded to his fo rner «loak oh hand, renders his as sortment.very extensive and wel. worthy the at te.ntton of Dealers. Gentlemen, Physicians, Coun .ry merchants, Planters and all others tllul wish to purchase in this lino are invited to call and exam ine for themselves, hs they ill be sold on ns lib eral terms as any bouse may offer in this city.— For'V wholwmi' nd retail by A. PARSONS, Dim . 'rd No 8, Gibbons’ Buildings CHOICE FRENCHJIND ENGLISH J UST received per ship Augusta, a fresh ai|d Clegantassortment of PERFUMERY, Jic. care fully selected by the proprietor, Among which, are the following articles:— Maocasser, Russia, Bears, and Antique Oils, for beautifying and promoting the growth ol hair Pomatums in large and small pots, all sorts oi odors RoscpOrange Flower, Lavender and Cologne Water, in boxes, very highly perfumed. Essences of Burgamot, Lemon, Lavender, Musk and Cinnamon. Milk of Roses, oi beauty's preservative Quirks Essence of Tyre, for changing light, red or grey hair, to a permanent and beautiful brown or black Low’s very superior scented shaving and « asli Soaps, all sorts of perfume; Naples, Pot, Cake and Quintessence shaving Soap/, Wind sor perfumed fancy Soap, by the box Hair Powder of various odors, Powder Puffsof assorted sizes Elegant Pocket, Dress, nnd fine teeth Combs, and ivory I.utter-Folders Ladies nnd Gentlemen's Pocket-Books .with and without clasps, of all sizes, lndcspcns- ables assorted patterns Gill Card Cases, assorted patterns, and. Visit ing Cards to suit them Silver Pencil Cases, best quality, do do Tooth Picks do do; do Tweczors,Penknives, Segar Boxs, Dominoes Fancy cut gloss, Mermaid and English Pungent Sujf lling Bottles, Dice, Piny ing Cards, Ladies' Toilet Dress Cases, Gentlemen’s Shaving do Bptton’s superior Dentrifiue,Marshall’s do. Bnt ler’s do. Prepared Charcoal from the willow bark, Thompson's Aromatic Tooth Paste, for whitening nnd preserving the teeth Eye-Stones, Snuff Boxes, a fine assortment of Reeve’s Colors, Tapers of all kinds, Phos phorus Boxes Fancy shaving Boxes of allsizes, very superior, do Brushes, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Tooth Brushes, with fluted and plain handles of the best quality, and various other kinds of brushes, made of thp best materials John Barber’s and Thomas Scargill's superior Razors, in double and single cases, madeto order, warranted to please this purchaser or to be returned An elegant assortment of Glass Lamps, attached to stands in complete style Tonquin nnd Vanilla Beans, Gold Leaf, and Dutch Metal, &.c Sic ALSO, Fifty packages of GENUINE DRUGS MEDICINES FANCY ARTICLES, 4-c. all of which ha£ been selected by himself, express lor this market. Gentlemen, Physicians, Coun. try Merchants, Planters, and all that wish to pur chase in this line, shall he supplied on as accomt modeling terms as any house may offer in this city.' For sale at wholesale and retail, by ANSON PARSONS, ' Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings, aug 9 NEXT SCHEME. BY SPECIAL ACT OF ASSEMBLY GRAND STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND. U NDER the superintendence of the conimis sioners appointed by tho Governor and Council, und by the improved mode of drawing, secured by Letters Patent under the seal ot the United States—the whole to lie completed in one day, and will positively take place in the city of Baltimore in a few weeks. TO BE DRAWN ON THE 9th OF NOV. NEXT Highest Prize $20,000. SCHEME. Brought to Jail, I N Savannah on the 14tli inst. a negro man who says his name is Simon, and that Tie belongs to John McCormack of Warren county Georgia and that lie ranaway from him about too month ago he is 5 feel 7 inches high and about 40 years of age. JOHN I. DEWS, j.c.e. sept 17V 177 NOTICE, ■jVjTNE months after date Application , will be J. 1 made to the lion. Inferior court of Effingham county for leave to sell all the real EttT of Wm. Shrlmpt, late of said county for thepiirjiose of ma-. king u division with the Heirs of sale dEst. JONATHAN SECKINGER, Adm'r. sept 10 174 . ‘TvjR..iA .iing:! m e i-..i..'. lit/the lion.litt D Justices tflhe Inferior court sitting for ordina ry purposes. * To ll whom it may concern. Wherens, • i.iry Ann Porter widow, applies to the honorHb’.'- ihe courtof ordinary of EHingbain county for letter* of administration on the estate and effects oi William G Porter dec. late oi Ef- finghani County These are tin ,-nfore to cite and admonish ali and singular the Iciii ' eu and creditors of the snid deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) to the granting of the administration of tin estute of the deceased to the applicant, in tin Clerk’s Office of‘lie said Court, on or before the 24th dHy of October next; otherwise letters oi administration will be granted. Witness tiie. honorable, Herman F.ikins, one ol Hie Justices of Ihe said court this twenty-fourth day of September, A. D. 1825. JOHN CHARLTON, c. c. o. ?.. c sept 24 -> 180 Georgia—Chatham County. B EFORE me Isaac Russell, one d/theJuitb assigned to keep the Peace for the county und state aforesaid. Came Peter Duri: ger, who made oath in writing that lie seized and took a- way from a slave, known by the name of Jack Moore, mid said to belong to one Shiii! Hale, of Augusta, the following articles to wit. One 1 lat, a wooden shed limi ting on a lot, belonging to Mr. Josojdi Stiles situated in Yamiimciaw, also one small Stove and pipe, four Iron bound Kegs an Tillage keg ot ToliafeCo, two pair ot Scales, two Ax>», five Jugs, four Iron Pots, one Dimtni jou, one box ol Rosin, one trunk with Dry Goods one pair of Stiliards, one barrel ofCotv peas, one writing desk, and several other small articles Of which a schedule of the same has been fur nislied me and said articles putin ray possession This is to notify the said Sami. Hale or any oilier person, who may be interested in any of s.iid property thnt i shall in conformity with nn act of tho Legislature of this State proceed to make or der of Forfeiture and Sale, in ten days from this date, if said property be not claimed agreeable to the provisions oi said act. Savannah 30th August 1926. ISAAC RUSSEI.L, j. p. c. nug 30 169 Fresh Spices, &c. N UTMEGS, Cinnamon Cloves, Mace Alspice, black and red Pepper Pulv. Ginger, a pure article Zants Currants, English Mustard Sheet Izinglass,Bpure article Aim. superior Sweet Oil Just received and for sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist, No, 8 Gibbon*’ Buildings march 14 Order Nisi. In the Court of Ordinary. Chatham Countv. July Term, 1825. N the matter of the estate of Sarah . Tucker and John Tucker, orphan children of Henry Rucker, deceased. Upon the petition of William P. Clark, and Winifred, his wife, guard ians of the said orphans, for leave to sdla negro slave named Mariali. It is ordered that a notice of this application be published in one of the Gazettes of the City ol Savannah once a week until the first Monday in August next; and that if no objections be tiled thereto that the order be made absolute. Extractfrom the minutes, 8th July,’1826. 8. M. BOND, c.c. o. July 9 147 State of Georgia, B Y Elijah Baker, Clerk of the Court of Ordina ry for the County of Liberty, David Stetson, administrator of the estate of Pliobe Carter, late of said county dec’d, applies to lie dismissed trom his said administration. These are therefore to citcandadmonisii all per sons concerned to file their objections (if any they have,) in my office nt Riccbbrough, within the time prescribed by law, or the. said David Stetson will be dismissed from his said adminis tration. Given under my hand and seal this second day l June, A. D. 1825. E. BAKER, cco ic june 16 136 S TATE of Georgia Chatham County—B„ the Hon. the Justices of Ihe Inferior Court, sitting for Ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. Whereas Julia A. ^anderlin, widow, lias ap plied to the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of; Chatham County for letters of Guardianship on the persons and properties of Ann itabeeCn Snu- derlin and Fercby Ellen Sanderlin, orphan chil dren of Benjamin Sanderlin, deceased, as their mother. These are therefore to cite and admonish ell and singular the kindred and friends. of th * said Orphans to file their objections (if any they have) to granting of the Guardianship of the snid Or phans, to the applicant, in the Clerks Office of the said Court, on or before the eighth day ot September next, otherwise letters of guardian ship will be granted. Witness the honorable F.lins Fort, one of the Justices of said Court, this 8ih day of August, 1826. S. M. BOND, c. c. o. c august 167 1 Prize of $30,000 is $30,000 1 10.000 10,000 1 6,000 6,000 10 1,000 10,000 10 600 6,000 30 100 3.000 60 60 . 3,000 100 20 2,000 200 10 2,000 400 6 2,000 20000 4 80,000 20813 Prizes, 162,000 40000,Tickets—Not one blank to a prize. The holder of two tickets, will be certain obtaining at least one prize, ami may draw tbreet Mode or Dkawino.—The numbers will be ppf into one wheel as usual—and in the other wheel will be put one prize above (lie denomination o $4, and the drawing to progress in the usiiu milliner The 20,000 prize of $4, will lie award, ded to tile odd or even numbeis in the Lottery (a-- the case maybe) dependant on the drawing oftlie Capital Brize of THIRTY! THOUSaND HOLLARS—tlmt is to say, if the $30,000 prize li r 'uld come out to an odd number, then every odd number in the scheme will be entitled to a $4 prize: if the $30,000 prize should come out to nn even number, then all the even uutnuers ill the scheme will be each entitled to $4. Odd numbers are those ending with I, 3, 6, 7, or 9. Even numbers are those ending with 2, 4,6, 8 or 0. This mode ol drawing not only ennblns the Commissioners to complete the whole Lottery in one drawing, hut has the great advantage of dis tributing tlie small prizes regularly to every alter nate number in tin scheme, so that the holder o, two tirkets or two shares ot tickets, one odd and one even number, will tie certain of obtaining at least one prize, and in the ratio for any greater quantity. O’ A ticket drawing a superior prize in this scheme, is not restricted from drawing an inferi- r one also, many tickets, therefore, will neces. sarily obtain two prizes each. I-RESENT PRICE OF TICKETS. Wholes $6. Halves $2 50 Quarters $1 26. All orders pro.aptly attended to. nt ILWTTMSB 9 © EXCHANGE OFFICE. sept 1 Picked up, B Y a blaek Boy a few day since on the Road a Plaid Clonk which the owner can have by paying for this advertisement and pay the boy something for his trouble sept 29 IN EQUIT! Superior court—Chatli ats Thomas F. Purse et. al. Y Complaints J and ) Richard R, Cuyler, cx’r Win Shaw, deceased. J I N tiiis case, on the suggestion in ant’s nuswor, that certain per oi to this bill, residing in Scotland uli titled to n distribution of part of th estate of Wm Shaw, 'deceased, n ot i is ordered that all persons concern! before the Superior Court of. Ohuttih the term of January next, (lien ehB lahlish such their e'lnii.:s-Vmi that the undivided estate of Urn said be distributed among the contpl.nnai to the decree of said Coot'* ant! that published once U month ^uuti thereof. Extract from the .minutes 'this 1824- A. is. !’ june 17 4t138 _ the ft!i day, NlSJNr 182 NOTICE, A LL persons having demands against William Anderson, deceased, of Liberty County will render them, in properly attested, within the time, prescribed by law, and those Indebted fo the es tate will make inimeilinte payment to JOS. JONES, Adm’r. may 14 1*8 ■ A * \nited Immediately', MAN, who is sober and honest, to take charge of a small Plantation near the city. Apply to the Editor. , sept 10 174b Camden—JSttpertor Court. October Term, 1824. Nicholas J. Bayard ) vs. > Rule Nisi. Ray Sands ) O N the potitinn of Nicholas J. Bayard, stating (lint Ray Sands, on the fifth day of June eigh teen hundred nnd twenty-four, for the better se curing the payment of his certain bond or writing obligatory, bearing date the day nnd year afore said, whereon fie the said Rfty acknowledged him self held and bound unto the said Nicholas J. Bay. nrd, in the penal sum of four thousand dollars conditioned for the naymet of one thousand dol lars on or before the first dny of October then next, and the further sum of one thousand dollars on the first dny of January then next, did mort gage ail that tract, piece, or parcel of land, lying, being and situate on Cumberland Islnnd in the county of Catnden, and knpwn by the name of Cotton Bluff, cou'aining four hundred and fifty acres, bounded on the north by lands of Sliierer, on the south by lands of Nathaniel Green, nnd on the west by salt marsh, together with (In; Hpptine nances—and further stating that the said sums of money remained unpaid, mid pray the foreclosure of the equity of redemption of the said Ray. On motion of W. W. Gordon, attorney for the petitioner it is ordered (hat the said Ray Sends do pay into this court before the expiration oPtwelve months from this date, the sajd several sums of money in the condition of tlic'said bond mention ed, together with the interest anil cost, otherwise that the equity of redemption of tho said Ray Sands his heirs, executors, administrators and as signs, of, in and to the said mortgaged premises, be thenceforth and forever foreclosed. And it is furtherordered, that ibis rule be pub lished in one of the Gazettes of tiiis state at least once a month for twelve months, or that a copy bo served on the said Ray Sands, at least six months before the expiratio'n of the ti le appoint ed for the payment ol tin* said roonev into court, and that such further proceedings lie lmd us are pursuant to the statute ill such case made and pro vided. Extract from the minutes, tiiis 25th Oct. 1924 JOHN BAILEY, ClerK. out 29 200 Chatham Superior Court, May Term, 1825 The Bank of tbe State of Georgia, 1 vs. ) RULE NISI. John Hunter. j U PON the petition of the Bank of tlie Stale o Georgia, praying the foreclosureoftlie equi ty of redemption of John Hunter in the following .property to wit. all that lotoflRiid in the city of 'savannah, in Reynolds ward, known in tlie plan o-the said city by the No. three, (3,) with the im provements thereon, which suid property had been mortgaged by the said John hunter on the t we I till dny ef. Line, eighteen hundred and twenty two, to Mnurel &i l.atlieueaudlerre, Merchants, to secure them the npymeiit of the'penal sum of Twenty Four Thousand Dollars, upon a certain bond of him, the said John Hunter, to the said Mnurel & Lathebe.midierre, conditioned tor the pnymei.t unto the petitioner of the sum of.Twelve Thousand Dollars, upon a certain promissory note then running in the said Bank, or any note that might be given at any time thereafter in renewal, —which bond and tlie mortgage deed have been duly assigned to the petitioner ;—It uppearing to tbe Co\irt thut there is now due to the petitioner upon a cer'nin other promissory note of him the John Hunter, endorsed by the*said Maurol and Lathebeaudierre, for the sum of Ton Thousand Eight Hundred and Thiity Dollars, dated tlie twepty sixth day of June, eighteen hundred and twenty-three, and which note was given in renew al, ngteenbly to the meaning of the said bend nnd mortgage, the full and just amount of Eight Thou sand Three Hundred nnd Sixty Four Dollars, with interest from the twenty eighth day of Jan uary, eighteen hundred mid twenty five. On motion of Law & Jackson, it is orilered, tlmt the principal, interest and costs due upon said mortgaged premises be paid into Court within twelve months from this date; and unless the same he so paid, the equity of redemption of the said John Hunter, shull thenceforth be foreclosed. It is further ordered, that this rule be published once a month for twelve month lnone of ihe Ga zettes of this State , or served upon the mortgager, or his special agent, ot least six months before the money is to be paid into Court us aforesaid. Extract from the Minutes. A. B. FANNIN, Clerk. june 10 131 'nthe Superior Court—EjfMghMi. 'County Nc.vkmblu Term, 1824. Trustees of the German 1 . Lutheran Congregation | vs. Fetilion f<5r fore- l'lie heirs and represen- ) 'cloanre of a tiilivu of William .1. j 1% inffVtgnge. Spencer. J i TPON the petition oitlie Ti urtees Of tli? : Oer v> man Lutheran Congregation praying the*' foreclosure of the eqiiify of redemption of nil tlmt ’ (i nct of land containing three hundred acres mffru or less lying,and l/aing in the Cwnrity/if Effinghamij bounded On tin north by Martin ’ '! .a.;kn« r end J Batlmger Backler. on the oaii of'the School house lands of-Goshen, and lands of Nirhoia* J.itloi*,on . tlie south by Duncan McGiliiv ly und'-.Christian' ' Dasher, and on the north bvULtvud of John lietitep and vacant land, tnoilcagedon the (ho I8ih .day of June, 1808, by the said VVilRain Spencer to secure the payment of a bond * bearing the same date, fertile penal sum of eight hundred dollars, conditioned lor the payment ol tire 'Shin of. four hundred dollars on the lat of January, 1609, With interest from date, at the rate cf-ix per cent' per annum ; which snid bond is '‘■iill’Vtiie and j-.r.paid , Upon motion of George YV.pivdii#' .^Utirney for petitioners, it is ordered that the yriacipnl and in : terest duo on tlie said bend, and the costs ot the. application bo paid inso Court, within twel i* moCtle^fromt' . .'Hie of this Rule Nisi: And th fail'.hv thereof, the Equity of redemption yl, in and to 1 hr sa.J mortgaged premises, be from thenceforth ioroclosed, and such further proceed ings be had thereon as the law directs And it ie further onlered.tltat the rale be ptim.tislied fit one of the Gazettes of tiiis Slate,a*, least once u inoctJjL until the expiration of th* lime appointed for pry 1 ment, as aforesaid, or served on tlie heirs mid. re* | presentiitive* of the mortgagor at least si x months previous thereto. Extract from the Minutes. JOHN CHARLTON, Clerk. jan 16 11 {South Carolina, ) Fourth Circuit > In Equity, Georgetown Dist. S George W. Burrows, Adin’or/ de bouis non of Elizabeth McKee deceased. rt. John Hawkins, adm’or Thom as Green, dec'd and John Graham, late adm’orE. Mc Kee, deceased. J I T having oppeured to the satisfaction of the Court that the children of Matthew Bryan, (i any such lie I iving) are materially interested in tlie event of this suit; and it having further nppenred tlmt the said Matthew Bryan removed from tiiis State to Georgia many years ago; nnd tlmt no in telligence of himself or his family ima since been received: It is therefore ordered, on motion ol the Complainants’ Solicitors, tlmt notice be pub lished once a month until the first day of January next, in the Winyawlntelligencerof Georgetown, and in one of the public Gazettes of Savannah, (Geo.) calling on the children of (lie snid Matthew Bryan to furnissatisfactory evidence:oftheiriden- tity and relationship, at tiie Court of Equity to be holden for the District of Georgetown,on the first Monday afierlhe fourth Monday of January next, and that in default thereof a final distribution may lie made of the remaining Estute of the said Elfz nbeth McKee deceased, among those entitled t<> the same in the event of tbe death oi the children of Matthew Bryan. ROBERT IIERRIOT, Commissioner and Beglstenn Equity. Commissioner’s Office, ) £ Georgeiowii, May 14, 1825. ; The Editor of the Savannah Republican is re quested to publish theubove once a month until the first day of January next, nnd to send his ao-S count to the Office of tlie Winyaw Intelligencer, when it will be immediately paid. mny 18 111 •' {Superior Court—Camden Coun , . ty- ■ l March Term, 1825* V RULE NISI. Mary Smith. ) O N the petition of John Jackson praying tlie foreclosure of the equity of redemption ot all that ccrtnin Lot No. 44, forty-four, in the town of Siiint'Mnrvs, with improvements mencing at the south corner Lot owned by Archi bald Clark,thence southwardly on Orsborne-street, one hq^dred and nine feet to Lot ownedby Levin Gnnby, tfidneo one hm.dred feet east to Lot own ed by estRte of Q. Stewart, thence northwardly one hundred nnd nine feet to Archibald Chark'n line, thence westwardly one hundred feet to tho place beginning,—tbeproperty of Mary:Smith, and mortgaged by the said Mary Smith, to the said John Jackson, on the twentieth day of June, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, to secure the payment oftlie sumjof Fifteen Hundred Dollars, and interest mentioned in three certain bonds or obligations of the same dnte from the said Mary Smith,-to the sRid John Jackson; arid On motion of James Morrison, Attorney for petitioner, it is ordered by the Court tlmt the principal, interest nnd cost due on said notes, and mortgage, be paid into Court, within twelve months from the date, otherwise the equity of redemption of the said mortgaged premises will from thenceforth bejore- closed, and such farther proceedings take place ns the law direct,—and it is further ordered by the Court tlmt this rule Jie published in one of the public Gazettes ofthis state, at least once every month, until the time appointed tor the 'payment oftlie money aforesaid, or served on tlie'mort gager or her special agent,six months previously thereto. ■ •' Extract frem the Minutes,29th March, 1825*. JOHN BAILEY, Clerk. April SO 96 - - . John Jackson, \V hite Pine Lumber, M. MYERS, c. c. /»A AAA FEET northern white pine Ox IU’Lf'LfU bpardsandplanksofa Superier quality, for Sale by, WATT & SMETS. sept 1 170m English Copperas, B Y the barrel or half barrel—For sale by A. PARSOJSS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbon’s buildings, april 6 b74 For Sale, 4 WTJHF, Subscriber offers for sale a tract of land 'LL containing 2Q2jj acres in the 18th District of YVilkiason county. ELIZA S. ROBERTS, si pi 42 m!79 \ Notice, A LL persons having demands against the Est. of Mrs. Sarah McFarlane dec. will render them to tlie subscriber properly attested, and thosw indebted to said Est. will make payment to. YVM. GIBSON, Ex’r. . St. Marys, Dept 29 181?