Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 06, 1825, Image 2
Bryan Bulloch Baldwin Bibb Burke,; Chatham Camdcu Clark Columbia Crawford Dekalb Dooly J Effingham ;urly Iburt Emanuel Fayette Fruuklin Glynn Greene 'Gwinnett Habersham « Houston Irwin Jackson Jasper Jones Jefferson Lincoln W'lntosh JVlunroe Morgan ' Montgomery FREDERICK S. FEEL,- CITY PlU NTT ft. DAIl.r t'APKH ....EIGHT DOLLARS FKH ANNUM. COUNTRY PAPRB..i.....SIX DOLLARS PEtt ANNUM. VaYAYLK IN ADVANCE. >—-s-aut—s*~ TUURSl^V EVferJwa Octobek 0,1825. We commence publishing to-day a table con-: taining the number of vote* from each County for Governor as far as thoy have teen received. To night’s Western mail will give us returns from five Sr sis heavy Counties. Governor Tioup's^pres- cut mujority in. the Counties of Chatham, Effing ham, Liberty, M’ltUosh, Bulloch, and Bryan, is 868. We have no official retard* from Tattnall Conn' ty, but report says, Troup has obtained a majority of 220. It is said, in Wayne County Troup has received almost a unanimous vote. EFFINtjHAM, OCX 4, 1828. Me. Fp.iir.—We have done ohr duty In (his County, as you will see front the state of the polls below.* Clarke received mote votes than we ex- pectod to give him; but not as many as might have been expected, when the old Judge C. and the would be solicitor L. S. D. were present cx< erting their influence: it is said one of them obaer ved be would give Clark fifty votes by treats end liazza for bim, but I think they were both much disappointed. I believe they done bim as much harm as good. A Veter of Effingham •See table of vote*. Pulaski "Putnam Rabun Richmond Scriven Tuttuull ? eUair wlggs Wayne Walton Warren Washington Wilkes Wilkinson lVare . Upson In Council, loth Sept. 18:25. STANDING COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL. Of Finance. Minis, Cumming,' Parkmar., Williams. Of Murks t Morrison, Gaudry, Gildoq. Of Dry Culture. Waring. Morrison, Williams, Of Health mid Cemelry. Philbrick, Waring, Wayne.. Of Lampi. Williams, Cumming, Milieu. Of I'umpe. * Wayne, Jackson, Philbrick. Of Publick Salt*. Harris, Jackson, Cumming. Of Accounts. Cumming, Minis, Jacksop. Of Engine*, Hooks and Ladders, Fnrkmnn, Miilen, Morrison. Of Exchange. Guuilrv,Gildon, Parkman. Of Pul He Dock*. Uilduu, Uaudry, Wayne. M. MYERS, c. c *ept 16 From the Milledgetiltt Journal, 27th ult. [Communicated] The public well know that in tpe Report of the Georgia Commission«rs,sonie charges were made against the Rev. Isaac Smith, a Missionary station cd in the Creek nation. In consequence there of, the Methodist Society required Mr Smith to attend at the Monroe county Camp Meeting, held the last of the past mouth to answer to the charges. But from certain causes which arc be low explained nothing was done in the case, statement has gone abroad and is daily gaining gronnd that Mr. Smith attended and ufter a full and impartial hearing of all the charges he was unanimously acquitted. Nothing is more false— The statement must have been made for election eering purposes, and to injure the character of the Commissioners. Upon the appearance of that statement in General Clark's paper, one of the Commissioners addressed a note to the Rev. n true philanthropist and liborul politician. S^u was remarkable for her frequent rob- .batted. The fire-places of the Ho absolutely adored America. With I berii* on these patterns of industry and chambers were ns largo ustlmseo.Mm i ; such titles to my esteem, what' must bo my piqued herself ott the invention of an in- kitchens. The brick-work ttWo.uuD' grief at his death ! Wliut for such a \vm - fallible butt for their discovery. Many cemented for immortality, Vrb jiavT' thy matt, wlio lmd come to Peru to flVe ill enn testify to her magical art in the inn- means to nsertniiv the date of th 0 ctc 1 the midst of our tribnlutinns, and to die zes of cookery being able to get up a 0 fthe house. It is auid to huve been! after hiiHioart’hnd expanded with trans'por pumpkin into ns many forms us there are residence qf Governor Shirley, i„ i ?l at tho triumph ofonr liberty, &c.” days in the week: she was extensively and was then said to ho un ancient k . - ■ known and employed for her profound ing. The lawn in front And the E ,, Trial for Murder.—The trial of Major knowledge in the numagement of ull and ynt'd'iti the roar now, nllord 3* ThmnasJones charged with the murder kinds of ailments ami yielded the I house lost. Prior to the reVHlutinmt,. of his son-in-law, Jones F. Wood cumeon palin to no one in the variety uiul rarity W e understand owned by the Burl before the Superior Court of Law at Ly 11-1 ofher medicaments. Her skill and know- family nud was confiscated dusb, n chburg Vaon the Olh of September. ft [ ledge took a wider and more profitable Revolution, nod purchased by Judge p appeared in evitlonco, that Wood was a range for it is n well know fact that lhe 1 for ahout’a sixth part of its now csiim a i turbulent man, and in this neighborhood, | held a tract of laud by the safe tenure of worth.—Boston Centinel r generally deemed? a daiigeronv one: hi a I a first surrey which wpV rendition the A whale about seventy five f uet 1 conduct toward* bis wife was brut tl and Sabbath hatohet-in-hand. ljut she was I <r (l t ashore on Sandy Hook opposite t' hnrharous: he frequently swore that lie I most remarkable for her injlliury teats.— cove on the’Jllili inst, and Was securedi would never rest satisfied until he had kil- She possessed high-toned ideaS of liberty Mr. Peter Sebcnck of thnt place ai led hotb his wife and father-in-law. t)u not even the marriu|e knot could, vest rtiiu firing a luunbar of musket balls which si the day of his death he went to Major her on that subjefftt like "the wilt) of oath killed her. It is supposed from ifoty Jones’ house, ( who is nn old, infun man she ” received oyer her tonguc-scourge’d seventy barrclntof oil will be taken f about 70 or 80,) with every infiicntion of husband , <\ J her—N- V'. Paper. attacking him when tin* major shot Inm V The rein'l pf.nbsoluM command. jJtLH.Lt -..■.wbh Witb nil the government of' house and 1 BOARD OF health. land t * t- .1 Savannah,Oct And empire p’er his tongue and o'er his j The city continues ns heretofore rep. j;tl j and lie instantly staggered fell, and expi red. Tho case was submitted to the jury at tho suggestion of accused without nr gument, who after n charge from the Judge, retired and returned instantcr, with n verdict of acquittuj, limul.’ ... . , I the enjoyment of good health—anfl from L' 1 I he clouds of war gathered and burst po| . ts of tlie W unl Committees, the board «1 •<l. a .1i»..i "xplosion in this state— sa rdy anhounco to its absent fellowSttlttu n, . - Bi' With the tempest—she J||jg eP nee j [, e apprehended in thtifiL The easterly winds, and portentous declared andpfov’d heracjtn friend to her j dlate feturft clouds that have brooded over us, for somo country ready, to “doordie.” All acCus- £ order of the Board. dnvs, indicating nn autumual gale, seem led of whiggUin had to hidaor swing—the - I K TEfTT <; > to have passed over, and being succeeded | “witlf In! *"*•***« <% «/*« torn** the teeth ending 6th October, intt, Died of Spasms Drunkenness by the prospect of serene weather, their I seek safety in departure occasions enlivening feelings neighbors—they kej)t op a prowling, attended with sentiments of gratitude to slnilUing kind of life occasionally sallying Him, who iit wisdom regulates the uni- forth a kind of predatory style. TlieTo- verse, and at whose commnnd the conten- ries at length determined to bent the brake ding elements are hushed ta .pence. This 1 for them:—They liftwever^ Cr>hc|uded to is the season of the year that excites give Mrs. Hurt n call and in true^soldier much anxiety on nccount of the vessels I munuer ordered n 'repast. Nancy soon approaching near our coast ;notwithstund- bad the necessary materials for a good ing however thnt we -experienced on fenst spread before them—the smoking Saturday night and Sunday a fresh gale, venison the hasty hoe-dake und the fresh and the tides were consequently very high honeycomb were sufficient to provoke the we are happy to say we have not heard appetite of a gorged epicure ! They of any darnnge among the shipping at simultaneously stacked their arms und thewharves nor in the harbor. We arc I seated themselves when quick ns thought Obstruction of tho bowels Bilious Fever Dropsy Total Two Were bet ween 20 und 30 years of Si between 40 aud60( one 7 years, and two aactv mi PORT OF SAVANNAH, Of the State Of South Carolina Samuel K. Hodges, who is the presiding rider of N I tho district, and has charge of the Missicnary silk «. „ J establishment,to enquire into its truth. Tho fol lowing reply was elicited by tho note of the Com mii&ioner wV For the building a Roman Catholic Church in the town of Columbia.—1st Class 1 Prize of ^G.OOO ta 1 do 2,000 2 Prizes of 1,000 3 do 500 4 do 100 9 do 50 12 do 25 20 do 10 30 do 5 (To be p •7j400 •6 < Tickets { Second 7,432 Prizes. ich gives to’ the case a very difl'erent aspect. Sir—Your note of Ibis morning was jnst hand ed to me. In reply l have only to state that the representation in the,paper > on-name, is altogeth er false. The Rev. L. Smith, has not been tried dt all— the documents forwarded to me in reference to (heunfortntyste occurrences in the Creek Nation, were exhibited'to‘ a quomm of the Missionary Committee convened in Jasper—that body unam- ously resolved, that it was necessary he should appear before them, a sub-committee was appoin ted tocommunicate this to'him. and request his attendance, at the Monroe Camp Meeting. He was Iherafbnt owing to indisposition, a quorum of the committee did not attend, nothing in the casc'ilierefore coldd be done. The matterWas deferred until the annual con ARRIVED. . . . Brig Index. Baker 8 daysfroin BostontoCoL nevertheless apprehensive that the last the th.fc itless Mrs. II. seized one >t the guns Mlflur, consignees—with full cargo to JStm rains with the severity -of the wind a I- cooked it,and with n blazing oath delaced 01 Johnson, 1. Boldoln ^ co. 0 Taft, 0 Blair, though not a storm, may have sortously she wm.ld out the brains of the fireman injured the cotton crops and been perm- thnt offered to rtso or to tnste a mouthful.— J n j i01 .j E Heed, and Hall St Hov. cions to the harvested Tice remaining in *J ie y oil knew her characier too well to imagine | snngers, Mr. Dweller and tidy Mr. Sewail, l.»Hlrfrord«n W .l. e r„ti4 ; ^1 ’^5SS 1 cation to know that our fears arc without I s h e ono of her sons, “and toll tlih Whigs thm foundation, and ’that the planters arc 11 linve taken six d—d Tories;" they sat still, each safe, and likely to gather in abundantly. 1 expecting to bo offered up, with a doggedly mean Ch Courier 4th inst ' countenance, bearing tho marks of disappoi Lord Cochrane and the Bmzih.—It flp-1 cndi to imagiue himself her iniinedlate object, or ] penrs by information received from Cap- whether her commanding attitude and s'eru nnd Inin Merrill of tlm ddri Arnthusn nrriv-' fe,oclo “* "Xlure ot countt-niince oycrawed them, tain Merrill, ot the Slisp Aretliusa, nrriv • or , llc powerfulidcaof their ui.soldierlikeconduct d this morning in thirtyeight days from unnerved them, or tlm certainty of. death, it is not St. Salvador, that Lord Oochrnne had I easy to determine. They were soon relieved nnd ] been ordered by the Emperor of Brazil { dfoU with according to the rule* of the times - to repair to Rib, hut declining the honor I however'found^ 11 co ? ntry ^’ sh ^ GLOBE TAVERN, MillcdgevtUc, Washington and-Charleston STAGE OFFICE. WIST. SHANNON R ESPECTFULLY acquaints bis friends and the public, that be bus purchased Mr. P O. Paris’ interest in the above well known establish ment—that his house has undergone a thorough repair, and that it will afford to Boarders und Travellers, a reception as comfortable as any o- "ther establishment«f the kind in the Southern states. TJic Gldfocls situated on Broad-strett, in the very centve of the city, and offers peculiar ad van- •tnges to the Planters and men of business. HisSlsbles ere furnished with -the best of pro- Vi'niler.nndwithrfairiit'ul and attentive hostlers.' He only solicits from hisfriends and the public, that proportion of patronage to w hich his atten tion to business and to the comfort to his custom ers, may entitle him. Augusta, Ga. Aug. 6 ID* The editors of the Jourhal nnd‘Patriot, Miiiedgcvillc; Savannah Republican, Washington Hews, Cliaritston Courier, Columbia Telescope, -end National Intelligencer, w ill insert the above advertisement, weekly for 3 months, and for ward their accounts to the subscriber. W. 3. nttg 27 16813l 20,000 Tickets, nt $2 50 •V400 Prices of $*> each, to be entitled to tickets in the Second Class, subject to no deduction. First drmcn number on thefirst dm:,prise o/SlOOO Last draien ninnber ro the last day, prist of §6000 SECOND CLASS. 1 Prize of 20,000 is of 15,000 is of 10,000 is of 5,000 is of j,00G is of 500 is 1 Prize 2 Prizes '2 Prizes 3 Przes 4 Prizes 5 Prizes 1900 Prizes -n nnn I *® rence which will be beid in Milledgcvjllc, cora- •oU,UUU[ mencing’tlie 12th January next. This sir, is a brief statements of facts. Jtis with reluctance that at tho present state of th« case I make, any-cnmfuunir.Rtinn 'about this unhappy business. The above i deemed due to you, and hope it will be satisfactory. Yours very respectfully. SAML. K. HODGES.’ 100 is -5 is 9918 Prizes 16000 Tickets at The above Lottery is to be drawn under the management cf JOSEPH R. ARTHUR, W. B. WATTS, D. J. BPCORD, M. ANTONIO, AND JAMES T. GOODWYN, Esqrs. (CP Orders for Tickets from any pai-t of the "United States, enclosing cash, (post pnid) shall be .promptly attended to by the subscriber, who • has been appointed Agent for the Commissioners. V 7 he T icket* already ordered have been re- ceivedund are ready for-delivery. 11ENRY MACDONNELL, Agent, Thompson-Bonney’s Buildings, Savannah. august 30 16U . The New Infantry Tactics. W. T. WILLIAMS, HAS JUST RECEIVED, TNFANTRY TACTICS, or Rules forthe Jlxerci- A ses St Manoeuvres of tho Infanttjvef the U. S. Army, revised by Gen. Scott, and a board of Officers, and adopted by the last Con gress.—§5. GENERAL REGULATIONS TOR THE AR MY, or Military Institples, a new edition re vised by Gen. Scott,—$3. ALSO, METC \LFS’ DIG EST, of Massachusetts Reports from 1316 to 1823 —$4 50. BlGAI.OWS’ DIGEST, of Massachusetts Reports secoqd edition comprising the cases from 1785 to 1824—nue large Volume—$l>. YVALTER S£OlTS’ LIVES of the Novelists, prefixed to Ballantynes’ Novelists Library, fy now first published separately, 2 Vols;—$1 .S. C. '&X SCHENK, Have just received per Ship Emily SOME of the latest London publications, : and ROPERS on the Law of Property, arising from the relation of Husband ami Wife, 2 V.—$10. 6CH00 LC U A FT’S TRAVELS in the central nortion of tin- Mississippi Vulley in 1821 with Map and phtes.—$3 60. DRAWING COLOURS, in Boxes of Vartans sizes from 50 cts to $12. Together with a variety of other works, aug 9 m!60 S ' - also a few late publications trom New-York, among which arc the following: The Laughing Philosopher or Pun, Humour and AVitj being a selection of choice Anecdotes, tnany oi Which, never Ixffore in print; originat ed in or about, ‘-The Literary Emporium’’ 1 vol. 18 mo. 87A. t Eccentric Biography or Sketch of Remarkable Characters, Ancient and Modern, 1 vol. 18 n o 87£ cts. The Novice orfhe Man of Integrity, by L. B. Pi card, author of the .Gil. Bias of th 2 vols. 12 mo. Patience, a Tale, by Mrs. Hoffland. author of In- 'tegrity a (ale, -the Son of a Genius, &c . 1 vol IS me. SI. Boudens Memoirs of J, 'p. Kemble, 1 vol. : 8 vo. Wain’s Life of La Fayette, 1 vol, 8 vo. §3. sapt 29 a 182 BO TS a d SHOES. Maliys lienowned Bluster Cloth. f\ Sovereign remedy for nil ulcers, sore breasts, Boils, sore legs, swellings, sprains, bruises, pains in the back, be. ' Approved and recommended by all the emin ent Physicians in tho city of Pliiladelphiii., For salo by appointment. A. PARSONS. Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’Buildings. ang 2 mzrm panacea? Ub A DOZEN Buttles just received per brig jQtJz Frances, from Philadelphia.—Druggists ie sum state, will be supplied at the original prices, by applying to. ANSON PARSONS, Agent, Purggist, No. 8,Gibbons’ Buildings, sept G 172 3 JUST RECEIVED, CASES Gi ntlemen’s fine naild Boots, 3 do Stout peed Shoes, Bound do do Womens Morocco Walking do do do pumps do do Leather Walking do do pumps Boys bound . do Stout Misses Morocco puiqps do Leather do Childrens do Bootees X. S. LUTHER, A petition to the British Hoti60ofP«ers has been presented by Dr. Maclean, aga inst the qunrnntinn laws, which appears to Hlale facte perfectly Conclusive in refutati on of the hypothesis that epidemic diseas es depend on specific contagion. Amongst other judicious ‘remarks, 1ic makes the following-s-he states that in the plagtieof Constantinople in 1815,the free intercourse between the healthy and tho sick proved that the disease was incommunicable by contact—that the 140 j'ears commerce between the Levant Company nnd Tur key, previous to tho imposition of qunran tine laws, proved tho same fnci—nnd that in tho 104 yenrs commerce, in which quarantine has existed, the same fact is proved—making in the whole 244 years in which no disease has been communica ted in England by importation. He states hat the laws of contagion and of epidem ics arc’not duly dissimilar, hut absolutely opposite—contagion being limited to the atmosphere, and epidemics to the soil That supposing contagious virus to exist that -in the 20,000 vessels arriving British ports <iti the first named pe riods, and in the3Q,000 that must bnveur- irved in the last no communities could have s rvived such ordeals; thnt lie is convin ccd that amongst the-crews and passen gers offifU’ thousand vessels in 214 year und amongst the expurgators of goods in thirty thousand vessels in 104 years, the entire absence of sickness furnishes ahun dnnt proof that epidemics are hot conta gious diseases. He maintains that the laws imposing quarantine,are of much the same character nt those against witchcraft nnd are in times of sickness and pestilence productive of incalculable misery—pow erful causes of sickness and mortality*— restricting social intercourse and destruc tive to all commerce, navigutioti, and manufactures.—Nat. Irit. do do do do do do do do do do For side low by sept 10 J74 do do do do do do Hams, Flour,. &c am upc Ho superior Hams in bags 20 bbls superfine JVc For snla by sept 20 10 Pipes Holland Gin 2 do Cognac Brandy HALL & IiOYT. Sclir. Apollo, Crowd, Boston,22 days tat 11, h r countenance, bearing tho marks of disappointed., revenge, shame and nnappensed hunger—Wheth er tho incongruity between N nay’s eyes caused 1 ' hi S i ', W G Wilila 3 B l’arkman, 8CkJ Schenk, J B ToukpseaJ Hill, O Tuft, 0 Jofinston. SAILED Brig Samuel Smith, Ferry Nmv*York. Schr. Dolphtn, WjTHanw, Coosawhatchle. “ boat Wild Air, from Augusta with 251 ;tc New Crop Cotton, to G. B. Cumming, and A Hill Augusta w . Lamar, E life, I , ... ....... ... u .. u game and bees decreasing, and ..f obeying his master, shipped a-quantity I h,e country becoming old so fast, to use her own ,—, , » . • of cotton to Maranham and mnde his | words, that she sold out her possessions in spite rtf 1 U P * rovidence 2-1 ult. to sail on escape in a frignte. In consequence of Ike remonstrances of her husband, and was a-1 ARRtVfiu FuOM this l «•«-*»«•«»«r~r m •«•«* «■ " ' name from the Brazilian nnvy nnd deprt- ved him of his newly acquired titles, such | M r . j^onh, In his exliibtion of his viewswitli re- The brig Frances, Croft, was to sail from Phi delphia on the 1st inst. for this port. The s! Oglethorpe, T’eubner, do, from N. York,27lld Tiie Ship Rising States, Pearce, for this p ;» PORT, At Richmond. 18th nit. brig Atlns Adsmi, At Boston, 2-2d ult, brig Adeline, Broifi Norfolk.) vi.u mm ui nn iicjih nlr- jvoaii, tn hts exiuutinn ot Ins viewswitli re-1 n . <r i at .t * i r V/YT IT iW'l’PI.' as the Marquis of Maranham, tcv. and | gard to his p oclamation inviting the jews to this j O A V Aix ix All > ULliitiJit appointed (’onitAodorc Jdwctt Admiral country .makesan amission that hisolfice of judge j GUARDS] * * - . . . 1 so a nn f„H»ml im/sn h..n he. nnt. nnihorlli* Kilt I V .f ,l,o So«. Wil,«ve .| M a? announced | K» h ‘feX“'" 0,W ’ * 1 . , , , c , < is a self assumed power, in the Gazette tlto nmvnl of the quondam tract lrom t ,i 3 a ,iclro«s. The following is an ex- ' tract iruin tils undress. Admiral irf England, where, it is bcliev- it is difficult at this period to decide with cor ed, he is enjoying the rich reward of his I tainty on the manner and forms adopted inchoos- j «««* Sou,), l i'^®nl l nT;tt'±'5'l!»:S patriotism America. Sir Charles Stewart, Minister from G’t. Britain, Inst fm.Lisbon, arrived nt Rio men who had filled that station were “ raised up 1 by divine influence. Their skill in war nnd wis dom in pence, their vaiour and experience, their _ capacity to govern mill incidental and necessary ill the’latter part of J.dv, bid tiothinu had 1 ^"'Wertlons calculated to excite public cenfid- . , ' . 8 1 ence were passports to office. transpired respecting his tnissiun Balt. Gaz. From the Milledgeville Recorder, Vitlivlt. j NANCY HART This old fashioned matron of nmnzontati passports Dispersed asthe nation nowls, and no possibil ity ol concentrating tlto general voice, there can lie no just pow«r. to grunt—no right to withhold —the office must be assumed by divine permission, and the power exorcised hy general consent and approbation. He who assumes this power, .who takes tin- lead in the greut work of regeneration TO-MORROW wltli WHITE P- strength and habits occupied such a con- j and judges righteously, will Always be sustained spictious station during’* the times that 1 •tyjPjjjj 1 * 0 0 l ,rnion - B >' lll i3 test l wish to be triefl men s souls and women s too, that 1 Born In a free counti-y, nud educated with I it is thought expedient to take n passing J bora! principles, familianvith all the duties of gov- notice of some of her most prominent ac-1 ernment, having enjoyed the confidence of my tions; partrcularV os the old Revolution- f “' l T r j ti ( i *!‘ l 8 ,n poMic trusts-ardanfly . v , ., • ■ , 4 attached to the principles of oiir holy faith, and ary stock is neaily gone and then deeds, J | ia vlnt? devoted years oflnhour ami stndy to'nme like thewhito sails of the vessels disapponr- lioralc the condition of the Jews, with nnd u'nsm- ing in the mists of the ocean become more fl etl conscience and a firm reliance on Almighty indistinct until they arc lost—or will be 1 offer mysolfas an humblejnstrruiicntofhls . t v . , . I divrne will and solicit the confidence and pro- sodistorted by tradition, that credulity it-1 tf , ctifin n fklSSD ri vhd D>^.i,n-t\iH, . , . tection of our beloVed brethren throughout the self rniglrt pause nt them- recital. Hie [world. If there he any person possessing greater following pnrticnlnrs are based on incon- J facilities and a more ardent zent in attempting to trovertihlc facts:—Nancy Hart and her restore tlm to their rights us a sovereign and hushand settled before the Revolutionary c!lcerfu ^ 8U,V struggle n few miles nhove the Ford on truggl Broad River, known by the name of the, , ... v . Frahrlnm Ford in F.lhei-t emintv in the The Nantucket Inquirer states that there are I isnaam 1 oia in blbcit county, in tire probably more, than fifty natives ol’Owyhce em- bnnd of lire river neat a very extensive ployed on hoard the whale shipsbelongingto thnt cane brake;—nn apple orchard still re- port,—that many are now on the island—thnt mains to point out the spot, and t o prove ^ e y extremely tractnhie, free nnd ingenuous the provident powers of its planter. In I “ und '* ^ iecome VW, «W lhe ^ u| t>nottfiolf MASONIC HALL LW Will lie suspended Until afttr the second D« shall huve taken place, which will be posiliwj On Wednesday next the lSthM A few tickets nnd shares may yet be hadn't Original l*rites. ■ v J The Tickets ordered by the subscriber u I popular Maryland State Lottery, huve btti| ceived and are rcudy for delivery. HENRY MACDONNELL, Agent for Augusta Masonic Ilall LoW Thompson kUonuey's Bmldm? got 6 185 altitude Mrs. Hurt wasalmost Bntjgoniun und remarkably well limbed and musculnr in a word she was “ lojfty and sour”—she possessed none of that mobility of nerve which characterises modern times—mar St Augustine, Sept. 27.—We learn from the Florida Agency, thnt Cupt’s- Clnrk und Yancey, lmd arrived there on the 28th Letters from Limn, published in the New York Evening Post, contain some particulars of the death of Judge Prevost not heretofore published—it is stated thut he died from cold and fatigue at a solitary post house on the rood to Cusco near Arcquipa. The following is an extract from Bolivar’s letter to the American Consul, in which he laments the melan choly death of tho Judge, and passes a handsome compliment on the people of tlto United States. “With the deepest sorrow, I have re ceived the unexpected news ofthe melan choly death of Judge PrevoAt, Such a loss no one can apprecate like myself, who lmd the honor of tho personal acquaint- ked by nature with prominent.fcntftOTes I ^ an, P r D a y< °n thein way to circumstanctR and accident added per- J 'j]® Alachua, and are engnged insurveying haps not a little toiler pccularities; she I, for a road lrorn the Gulf to the possesed none of those graces of motion I , -Si * ‘ 1,s roni * ' s ^ construct- which a poetical eye might see in the heave I, “y , tr0,, P s i R»d is expected to of the ocean wave, Or the change of the “ e completed by the 1st July next. The summer cloud ; nor did her cheeks (I will I ne ^ survey ofthe road from the Alachua not speak of her nose) exhibit those rosy]] 0 Lump 1 inckncy would be commenced tints that dwell on the brow of the eve-1 lmrn, ’dintely by Capt. Burch, und its con ning or play in the gilded bow no 9Pc | 8 ^ r,,c tion would be by contract. This is claims for Ircr throat that it was lined I somf, ^ l ' n K l*ke progression; the only point witli fiddle strings, but this must be nc-■ wc I°°l l at> knnwledgcd thnt her step bespoke energy . , nnd be it said only for the snkc of truth | Old Mansion.—'Yho venerable dwell- that she could round off a sentence re- l >eg*nouse, makitl^ the corrtgr of Mrilk Hiid gardless of lieing called a hard swearer. I E. c ^ era ] (l n ^ e lhe residence of the ir did closer work on the yielding tin J Je ciwfation ot Independence,) has did that drendful scourge of beauty J ust been ti^midishod, to make room for \mall par, when it set its emphatic a n , cw electing house,and other biddings, nture oh her face ! she Wn« horribly j TLis edifico bore evidence of the liherali- Tlie perforating punch of the grate-maker I H nn - Robert 'V. Paine, one of the signers never 'did closer work on the yielding tin j ef th® Declarationjtf^ Independence,) has than did i ' ' the small cross-eyed as well as gross-grained but j r Y 0,,r ancestors in the use of rifrliicr nevertheless she was a sharp-shooteV, J ^ fLciv dwelling, ns the huge beams Nothing was more common than to boo j posts and tho thickness of the wains- her in full parsnit of the bounding Stag— | ®®tting and ballustadcs amjdy proywl- the huge antlsrs that hung around her 1' V00 '' w< ”’^ «l»P'*ared to be principal ly of red-cedar, which, when removed LOONS-eCuffs not required. J. Vf. JACKSON, Lieut.Coflig.S.'’ oc.t 8 es;| -Wffl The Drawing Approach ON NEXT WEDNESDAY THE SECOND DRAWING OP l'HB AVGUSTA Masonic hall lottebJ bet 6 Iprei ■ Oct Ml ,bl i of Irhi! tuts I Ml' Mr. I art xf r i lust Ha LOSS NO TIME. N EXT Saturday the 9th inst. at6o’clockf| tlie sale of Ticket* in thu tVill take place at (tie City Rail, in W • Augusta. M | KTs|l-lIS Lottery Contains a greater nu»WM iL Grand Capital Frizes than any Notts*" tery, some of which Will in nil probaSJ®? awnrded, to fortunate adventurers ft 1,1 dl %"aLL WITItO UT DELAY ‘if I LOTTERY OFFlCl No. 241, broad-street, 0» TICKETS and SHARES WtayJP^ at the original price, but may soon advr" ■ Whole Tickets, jgf lO Halves, £ m Quarters, .*r J. S. BEEif- Secretary to the Com^p N. B.—Orders received by the T u0 ?..ui mail betore the Drawing wll\ be fore the Drawing oet 6 185 Client, j( etfer my dwelli tuate in Bi°ugtS[J -® tr w bo« one year, or (to su t 1J™ , ^ d&BB3SSO. wish to be absent J, und fall months) from thd iH.of NO g.|Jf&<j June ensuelnR. Apply to dolm njoitw oet 6 11.185 JOi1 ^