Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 06, 1825, Image 3

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Fresh Boots and Shoes, U|E Subscriber tins received by recent ar» rivals, a generd. a; soi tment BOOTS and shoes ,„li he offers for sale on reasonable terms. 16 GEO. NEW HALL Yaungs Building. )c t 0 linl85 , SPLENDID SCHEME! OP TflE AWTOi ■ : ■ MASONIC HALL EOTERY. * 30,000 highest prize. Noth Drawing in the City of A ugusta\ un* der the stiycrintcndance of Haiiv 1 ■ f A. Si.Auonrtini *tfwfS&T ft?wS5f .I.WravJ (b.D. Thompson. WANTED 0 hire n good Cook. Apply to the Editor Oct 0 186 . city tkeaWbejv.s The Second Drawing Will tnko place on the ISCh (if October next. . AH tlie Capital Prizes Atjfc still undrawn, conse- qnchtlytlie Whcdj Is very rich. SCHEME Otis Oct. 1826. Assize of Bread. SHE average price ol Flour being $5 76 per 1 bbl. 196 lbs. weight , the weight of Bread for | present mouth must be i' ioi fonts Loaf * 'lfli cents Loaf • , 3 lbs. 1 oz. 0 ] “ “ *1 81- nf which all Bakers and Sellers of Bread will “ due notice. M. W. STEWART. «*.. f. K \ 6 136 > v ’' To Rent, 1 Prize 1 do ■l Prizes 4 do ■ 6 do 10 do 60 do 100 do 5000 do The house ami two lots'in Broifoliton-st. belonging to the subscriber. Apply to Wm. Daviks, • Esq. possession will be givan early [November. 1 J. M BERRIEN. | Oct 6 2m 185 NOTICE aHEsubscriber (lute of Savannah) has esta blished himself In this City for the transact- ^Commission business amt begs leave to ten- | r |iis service* to his frionos and tHe public lb l 0 * 1 *' H. B. GWATltMEY, Nfiw-Ybrk Sept. 1826. iftttMM In Savannah, Mr.-Joseph Gumming Messrs. John Cumming and Son Mr. William Gaston 186 Tlffi Pristcst only to he Drawn. All Ihe Privet to be floating from the commencement except the follommt, which ioilt be deposited in the wheel ed definite periods, t’is ONTJIE FIRST DRAWING 1 prism df 10,000. & 1 of 600 1 ,do . " 6.(100, 1 “ 1,000 & 1 of 3d. 1 do " 10,000 (Si 1 “ 600 4tli. 1 do " 6,000 k L “ fc000& 1 of 6tb. 1 do 10,000 & 1 " 600 Otis. 1 do " 6,000 k 1 « 1,00ft ta 1 of 7lli. 1 do *< 10,000 k 1 " 6,000 &. 1 »f 8th 1 do " 20,000 k 1 !• I.O00&2 of 9th. 1 do '! 30,000, k 1 U 1,000 k 1 of 2d. oct 6 OF AUGUSTA. * A * * !latiofihefim of WAYfy BAKER. Savannah, G*o( wfPERS hls'gerviecs to his friends and the J pribllo, in the GENERAL COMMISSION USINE98 In tliis place, 'Und solicits their pat. )nn ft£rV.«F;t#cfcS TO Mo stirs. A. Low §• Co. SiH'itnnah, ■ Geo. G. Brfcittmavev & Co. Augusta, Geo oct 6 1R6 117 The. StiVhnnab Bbjrabllctfti and the Geor- 'isn, will please insert the above once a week for t month, nnd forward tlmir bills to this office • payment. , . WRING AND^mMMEll Ail j irizes pnynbie thirty dnyi after the Complc thin Ut Ihe drawing,subject to a deduction of fif teen per euut—if not applied for within twelve months, to be considered u donation to the funds of the Mrfsonic Hull, A greut vurioly o TICKETS und SHARES may yet be Imdhttiie original price at The Augusta Masonic Hull Lot tery Office. All orders from any part of tlie U. S, post paid containing cash or pi-ize tickets shall be promptly attended to by, HENRY MAC0ONNELL, Agent, Thompson k BOnney's Buildings. sept 6 172 % iY the ships Georgia and Harp just arrived J from Liverpool the subscribers huve reeeiv- :d their usual supply of Seasonable Dry Goads. Having been purchased with Cash, previous fo he advance in England they can be afforded and II he sold at low prices,and on a lougoredit for doubted paper. Andrew low & co. | feb 26 46 SELLING OPE. I HE SUBSCRIBER will dispose of ids present Slock of goods, ut cost and charges either by holetale or Retail. ALSO, | Several negroes, male and female jaf good cW tier. • I One tract of land 2024 acres, Henry County . |0r.e do do 400 do Irvine do. JOS. TRUCHELU IV I out 4 m || 183 Fulton Md)'ket Reef. 11 half bbls just received by the lehr Mary k ■ JL Margaret, front N Vork—for sale by fact4 J. B. HERBERT k Co. Union Society. QUARTERLY meeting will lie held r DAY EVENING, loth inst. at 7 o‘ »Sunday School Room, Academy, L. MASON, Secretary. 183 on MON' clock, Ht oct 4 THE LIBRARY tS opened on Mondays, Wednesdays, add Til •■days, from 3 until 6 o'clock. L?ct 4 183 For {Sale. THREE Buildings on .Miss Minis’ lot in Brough ton-strept —one fronting Brougliton-street and • the other two on the lane in rear'of p first.' The unexpired lease has 5 years to run > °rathe 1st January 1820. apply to, |ft . MR, ARNAUD on LPct4 183m* the premises London Mustard *A^RANTED a pure article, just re ceived per Corsair, and for sale by pay U A. PAUSbNS Druggist No. 8 Gibbon*’ Buildings mraft toga., Congress and JMiju tral Spring Waters Cooled In ice. "OR the accommodation of the public, the celebrated Saratoga Water, has boon kept r so ! ne Hum past, and I shall Continue to keep I t ooled in Ice during thd season, 1} will be rea. f , r delivery every morning at half past five o leek precisely. For sale ou its liberal terms as fy-neighbors, by A. PARSONS, , , Druggist, No 8.Gibbon’s Buildings. July 19 J61 Sulphate of Quina. DIE high price of this so valuable medicine , bus tempted some wretches to sophisticate f-aud stuff so debased, has already been ex- f ... ,‘ ur sale at Savannah; but the Quina which ) ltts J’ocn made iri Gehnanv; 1ms been sub- L *° chemical tests by myself and found true I u good~Soj I do recommend it. Lm oA AUGUST G. OEMLER. 18ept 24 180 Sheriffs sales, continued. IT titi 11 , tlie f ir3t Tuesday in Oct. next. W e so ^ 11*9 Court House in tho city I o'clock aVanllB * 1 * >etwee ” t ^ le * 10urs 10 an< * ]fc''*!' ose j'yo lots apd improvements in the city tern cnown * n plan of said city as num- hnwiEl V f nty oneand ( 22 ) twenty two Jack- If V, a , Hns sauare levied on as the property huider y un “er a fi. fa. in favour of Amos i rEb'S lk]e (tnd interest of Andew Knox •E f ■ ' !in? . 0ne undivided eighth of two IneunHnw ''“^fudoup undevided seventh of ►violuf VK f, d ei S 1 ’tli of two undevided thirds, lf y . n n as tljo property of Andrew Knox to sat |ill erf . c l :'' l ' 0 !' , , . n tll . v ? llr . of Willimnson and De Scld at the risk of the former purchaser. * C P»: 17 177 1. D’LYON % o. c. of $3(1,000 20,000 lo,goo s 6,fKK) , 1,000 600 100 60 10 $30,000 20,800 40,000 20,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 5,000 60,000 BULLOCII &• DUNWODY* I NFORM theirfiicnmendtjys puiilic, that for mcn-e convenience, undnlso security against fire, they have removed to those commodious uud fire proof building? On Scott and Andrew Low 4- Cti’e. Wharves, where they continue the. 1 Factorage & Commission Busi ness’ Their best exertions will be us«d to merit a con- tinimitco of former patronage. They have, to supply their customers, best COTTON BAGGING, PLAINS AND BLANETS. Oct 1 183 JAMES A NDERSON Sf Co. j AVE removed to the.middle Tenement Young’s Building, where they offer for sale A LARGE AND nr.ftKllAr. ASSORTMENT. OK Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Received by the latest arrivals from Liverpool uiid NuW-York. junc .23 141 J. antes Anderson fy Co. YOUNG’S BUILDINGS, H AVE received by the slop Emily, from.Liv erpdol, tjluir usual supply of Plains, Blankets and Bagging, REMOVAL. |/j"WHE subscribers have removed to Johnston's <Uk Square, next door west of Messrs A. Low k Co. where they are opening a handsome assort ment of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, in nddition to llieir former stock, nprll ft 74 , W. k H. ROSE. mid by recent arrivals from the North, an eejganl add ..xtensive assortment ot Fancy and Staple Articles, which (ItcyoH'erforsaluon accommodating terms. Oct i 1831, 8176 Prizes, 12825 Blnnks, $ 180,000 18,000 TICKETS nt TEN DOLLARS Less thun lico and an half Blanks to a Prise. 600 600 O F F 1 C E For the Sale of Negroes, fye, HE subscriber’s Office Is removed to John stou’s Square^ 3 doors west Of the Stale Bunk. FOB S.4LF, Improved LOTS in the City, Tracts of Land in the new Counties, A young Negro Woman, cook, washer and field linnd, mid other valuable Negroes. WASTED, Planters’ and State Bank Stock, Prime Field Hands. JAMES EITINGER 130 hm,> •'<>!« Just Received P erVdp Louisa Matilda, a large and choice supply of Gcniiinc Drugs, Chemicals, (Spi ces, Perfumery, D’ye {Stuns Fancy Articles, ?yc tyc. carfefully , Selected by the proprietor at die Norlli, nnd particularly suited to this market which ml' ded to his fo.Aicr Stock oil hand, rentiers his as sorlment, very extenSivi'and tvel worthy Ihe at' lention of Dealers. G. ntlomeu, Physicians, Comi' .ry merchants, Planters and All others that wish to [mrchuse. In this line arc Invited to call uud exaui- lie for themselves, as they will be sold oa us lib eral terms as any house nmy offer in this city.— For sale wholesale and retail by A. PARSONS, Druggist No 8, Gibbons' Buildings. senl 6 Li A Vv Air iiv’li. T HE sulicribers having associated thatpsel logetlicr in the practice of law, are prepared to atfeiid to any business in the tine of their pro fesstonV They will practice in ihe comities ot Bihhj Mdrll'o'p Pike, Fayette, Newton, Houston, Crhwford, Upson, Baldwin, Junes. Twiggs, Pulaski, Jasper, Pulliam, and Wilkinson. ADDISON MANDEI.L THOMAS CAMPBELL Macon Dec 27, 1824. 1141. nug 4 1881 an Bunk of Darien. J^ESOLVED that a reduction oi Hiper cent hi _ and is hereby required, on ail paper due the mother Bank, Oil or before tlie 21 thereafter Noverhbernext, ami at every renewn tlnenfle a similar reduction until tlit same shall have a mounted to 3U per cent. Extract from the i F BAA CIS SOBBEL OI FERS FOR SALE A A A Bnrrels Baltimore Rye Whiskey Vf 60 Barrels Baltimore Gin sept. 20 25 Barrels 6th proof Whiskey, 14 Pipes superior Holland Um, 100 Pieces Cotton Bagging, 60 Barrels Loaf S ugar, 20,000 Pounds ot Bacon, 30 Barrels Mess uud Prime Pork, 60 Barrels Flour, American Shot, American Castings, Window Glqss, American and Spanish Scgnrs, fcc. uc m!78 Sugar, Codec, Whiskey, t&c. QA Hogsheads Santa CruZ Sugar OLf 10 Hogsheads N.O. do 30 barrels loaf do 25 do lump do lOO bags Coffee 26 do Java do 150 barrels Whiskey 100 do Gin 20 do Malaga Wine 25 quailer casks Tenoriffc di) 16 casks Currant do 6 pipes old Brandy (OJard’s brand) 25 lings Pepper k Pimento 150 kegs cut Nails 2(50 bundles bur Lead 3oo hugs Shot 30 dozen Shovels k Spades 60 barrels prime Pork 6o pieces Bagging 60 boxes Pipes ill coils bale Rope 25 kegs Tolmeco, fi'C. &e. 160 kegs Duponts Powder For sale by L. PETTY, Tuylor't Wharf. ept 10 174b Muscovado {Sugars, HHDS very prime Muscovado Sugars apply to J. 1\ HENRY, aug 20 ch 1(57 30 The Itev. A. CARTER, W ILL receive into Ids family and personally i instruct, from four to six Young La.ii who may wish to complete their c.iiifse of literary education. In addition to the almve, a few day scholars of a similar description will he received, to commence on the first ot November. For particulars, application may he muke per sonalty or by letter, sept 17 1177 l)It. DVOTT S Approved Anti-Bilious Pills, Which prevent and cure all Bilious Complaint* MALIGNANT FEVERS,&e. r HESE PILLS if administered intimntb re' move the bile from the stomach., will conn teract the causes which commonly produce yel luw or bilious leyor, ague or fnil fevers, hiftous cholicj pleurisy, dysentery, Worms, sh.k and foul, heap aelio.loss of appetite, fiutnlcnce epileptic tits itypoplioitdria and hysterical com plaints, sour stomach, heart burn, dyspepsia or in digestioni totr. They remove hnbitunl costivqness colds add coughs, asthma, slrangunry, gravel rlibumalTsiil; gout, scurvy,scorbutic blotches, itn purities in the tiluod, female complaints, &.c. . If taken about once a fortnight during the .spring nnd Summer dioritlis, they will prove a certain preventive against tlie ague and prevailing Fall Sickness. A bill of directions for takingtheni accompanies each box ol pills ; small boxes 25 cents, large do, 60 ceuts. And by appointment sold by A PARSONS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings. April 26 di , I Tvi T O 1> L A N T K B TltE SVBSCIIIBF.US H AVING made a considerable purchase of Inst suaiori’s imported PLAINS, which they offer for salts at the Inst year's prices-, for cash or draft* on their factor*, payable any lime before the 1st of April next; wlfich must be, at least, 20 to 26 per cent, less then the ensiling Full Im portation edit be sold at, W. fy H. ROSE. Snvannah, 7th June, 1826. Juno 7 128 JAMES ANDERSON &. CO. II AVE on Imnd a few hales of WHITE, BLUE A.YD MIXT PLAINS, AND LONDON DtlFFLL BLANKETS, (imported last year,) Which they Will sell at a considerable reduction from the prices of last season. Their usual sup ply of Plains, Blankets and Baggvdg will he received by thd first vessel from Liverpool and they xviil be able to supply their friends with FRESH IMPORTED GOODS, at as low rates ns any former importation can be sold for. june 2.3 141 On the OcmulgGG and Oconee. Pjl^HE undersigned liave tho pleasure to nn- J, nounce to the Merchants and Planters in this section of tlie State, tlmt they are prepared to run a STEAM BOATand FOUR TOW BOATS, conslanily./roih Savaniihhto Muconund Milled#* ville, stopping at the intermediate landings for the reception atid delivery of Produce and Mer chandize oil Freight. The Steam Bout is now ready, and they con template Parting her on the first trip from Savan nah on tlie fifteenth day of October next, to be in Mncon By tlie first day of November ; when they will lie prepared to receive Cottdn on Freight to SkVuniiah, direct, without tlie delay nnd incoiivenicnce of landing and reloading in Darien. They will provide tihnds, So that when the state of the river will not admit of the Steam Boat ap proaching Macon or Miitcdguvlltej no unnecessa ry delay will detain the Tow Boats. Insurance, on Merchandize and Produce ship ped by lids conveyance, will be provided for in a respectable and responsible Office, and on lower terms than is now paid oil the Boats in operation, of which those disposed to cover tlirir property from all hazards, inny avail themselves. Cotton to lie slilpped by these Boats will lie re ceived in Macon at the customary storage, and be forwarded agreeable to instructions, on very moderate trrms; nnd when desirtd, Storage will be provided for it in Savannah, subject to the or ders of tlie owner. From the convenience and dispatch to be affor- de I by this arrangement, they confidently ex pect the encouragement of the public For terms apply to, JOHN T. I,AMAH, in Maconi i B. L A\1 All, in •Sdtaniiu/j. DAIIIEJNT BILLS, THE 7 Masonic Hall Lottery Office S the only pluce in this city, where the DARI EN BILLS are taken at PAR. A great variety of numbers have been received, and are for sale for prize tickets or cash bv HEN BY MACDONNELL, aug 27 168 n't AUTHORITY Agent. Of the {Mate ot Rhode Island. UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF MAN AGERS APPOINTED 151 LAW. Grand. State Lottery, (For the Encouragement of Domcslick Industry,) 1’HLRD CLASS-r-NEW SERIES. Will positively tie druwn in I’ROVIDENCE, on the 14tliday of OCTOBER next. S. fie M. Allen &. Co. Agents for the Man agersi $25,000 Highest Prize SCHEME. 1 1 1 5 1 • 7 40 52 156 1,258 10.608 Prize of 25,000 10,000 5,000 1,000 579 500 JOO is 50 20 8 4 25,000 10,000 5,000 6,000 579 3,500 4,000 2,000 3,120 9,984 42,432 $111,215 Crfeoii 1 iu— Chatham County, COURT OF ORDIfiAHV, Isl August, 1825. O N the petition of R.ibert Habersham and Jo iepl. HiiberthamJixccutorsnf F:a::cis Cour- vuisie; laic of Chiilhmu County planter dee'd sta ling Unit by (lie Will flftljc said aec’d it is ordered iii at « h'.'i'i ofUinI in ClnUlinm county situated on minutes. iBEN. S. REES cash. (p* The Mifledgevlll Joiq'iml mni Savannah Republican, will publish the above until the 1st ot November. june 26 142 , , Genuine Eau JJedicinale de Husson. J UST imported by the ship Emily: ALSO, Clarified Hoiiey, Just received from Boston, and for SbL* by * A. PARSONS, npril 7 Druggist No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings. Classical and Philosophical SEMINAEY OF ST. AUGUSTINE. HIS Institution wMl open on -Monday Isl of August for the instruction of young gentle- .agL-, , men. The several branches ol a polite and sci entific education will be taught in this establish, melit. Ptiredts mid gunrdiuns who will their children and wards to the confidence of the princtpalmay expect tlie utmost attention paid to the literary improvement of the scholar*! TERM3 OF TUITION. Lfttin and Greek per quarter $16 00 Mathematics, do Hi 40 English do 10 00 b Rev’d TIMOTHY M'CARTIIY. july 21 162 Thfe Savannah Republican’ is is requested to print this advertisement once in the week for foul 1 months and forward his account ,to this office. ^t KUllGlA, EffinghamCouidyT 1 ,^ fj'f, the Justices of the Inferior Ccurt,oj Suidcoun ty sitting for ordinary purposes. To all whom it may concern. .WhereasThomas Hurst, executor6f urn M Gn- hagin, dec. has petitioned tcthellon. the Justice* of tile IriferiOr Court sitting for Ordinary purposes to be discharged fropt the execlilorsliip atarcsaid: These are therefore to eito anti admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ot tlie said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in-the Clerk’s office ol the said Court, on or lifefoTe'the fourth day of November next; other wise letters dismissory will he granted. . . Witness the Hon. John C. Helvenston, one of the Justices of the said Court,the 4 h day <>t May, A.D. 1825. JOHN CI1ARL7 ON, Clerk. TOO may 6 el of land 1'n. C! the Louisville Road, co'iilaii.'"!.' fiffoon hundred and filly acres, known the name of Clay’s place, bounded qu the north aim north cast by lands formerly the property ol 11. .. '.. quin dee’d, east- ■ rly by lands .of tlie Estate Gibbons and others, Southerly and westerly by lands of the estates of Josiali B Fox and JmnuS Habersham ANo a tract of land iti Camden county on the Bn- lilh.l'.i el- cohUjuing one thousand acres more or originally grunted to William Telfair, nnd praying leave to Sell the aforesaid tracts of land agreeably to tlie xvi|l fc 6f the deem. It b ordered that an order nisi be granted tlie petitipui'i's,and be published nine niontlb in one Tjfilie public Gazettes of the City of Bavaiinnli and if no objections arc filed thereto that then it be made absolute. Extract from the minutes 8. Al. BOND, c. c. o. nug 13 162 Just Received and for hale, 20,000 sept 20 CABANA SEG ARS. by J. B. HERBERT & CO. .WNERS of O allowing Notice. iorscs, who are in tlie habit of em to go at largo through tlie City, age notified that in conformity with the Or dinance, they will he taken up after Thursday next, and placed in the pound, and there kept until the fine of five dollars is paid. F. M. STONE, Marshal, aug 16 162 Select Teas for Family Use, J UST Received per rebent urrivals, a fresh supply of, imperial. Hyson YOUNG HYSON, mid POUCIIONG TEAS’. Imported by Thos. H. Smith in the’ ship Maria, from Cniiton,' ai New-York. Customers itiay de % pend on (he quality ot those Teas, as selected by a first rate judge, and waranted to be of the neW Crop. For Sale at retail, by A. PARSONS (Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’Buildings, hug 4 158 Brought to Jail, I N Savannah on the fifth inst.'anczrb man who says bis name is Simon, and that he belongs to John McCormack of Warren county Georgia and that he raimvt-ay from him about tot) mouth ago he is 6 foot? inches high arid about 40 years of age. JOHN I. DEWS, t.c.c. sept 17 177 12,120 Prizes. 22,100 UlnnkK. In this Scliame, with eighi drawn imllots, there will he 86 prizes with Three numbers on them; 1,456 with Two numbers o.: them ; and lo,608 withOnq numlier on tliem. Those tickclshnving none of the drawn ballots oh them being blnnks. To determine the fate oftiio 34,220 Tickets,the 60iiumbers will severally be placed in ti wheel on the day of drawing, nnd eight of them will lie drawn ; and that Ticket having on it iis a combi nation, the 1st, 2d, and 3d Nos. druwn, Will Hben titled to $25,090. That having on it the 4th, 6th., and fit It, will be entitled to $10,000; Tlmt having on it tlie Ctli, 7th, arid 8th; will be entitled to $5,000. Those having on them tlie 3d; 4th, and Gth,— 3d 7th and 8th,—2d, 3d. and 4th—2d, 6tli, and 9th—2d, 6th, nnd 7th, each of $1000. ' Tlmt UaVing on it tlie 3d, 6th, nnd 8lh, $679, Those hnving on them 2d,45th, and 8th—2d 7th,nnd8tii—3d 4th, nnd 6tli—3d, 4th, and 7tl.— 3d, 4th, and 8th—3d, 5th, nnd tilli—3d, 5th, and 7th, each $500. All others (bcirg 40 Tickets) haying three ot Ihe drawn Nos. on them, will each lie eiiitlled to $100. The 52 Tickets having the 3d and 4th draw Nos, only will each be entitled to $50. The f56 Tickets having oh them the 4th and 5th or 4th andfith, or 4th and 7th drawn Nos. only will each be entitled to $20. - All others (being 1248 Tickets) With any two of the drawn Nos. on tliedi, will each he entitled to $8. And those having any one of tlie dmWri Nus. on them (bring 10:608 Tickets, or 132ft for each driwn No.) will encli be chtitled to $4 No Ticket which shall have drawn a prize of a superior denomination can be entitled to an infe rior prize, t Prizes payable fortjr days after the drawing, and subject, as usual, to a de.dhctlou of 15 pr cent. Philadelphia, June 2S, 1825. Present price of Tickets, Wholes $5; Halves $2602 Quarters $1 25, Eighths 62cts. Those who have ordered Tickets In the above Lottery nhe requested to ceil and receive them at EXCIUNOEOFFICE. sept 29 STEAM BOATS Gtim-diaD Sales, W ILL be sold at public sale at tlie Court House in the cHijr of .Savannah between the hom-rot 10 nnd 4 o’clock, ,." A Negro woman nainecl Yfnriah. Sold ns tlie property of Snrnli and Jolm Tucker,' minors and Orphan*, nnd sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham Couhty. tfuaftHght. an* 2.1 The suliscriber continues to transact ilm Fne tor age and Commission Business, in Savonhuli and tenders the most Umeminlited atte tion to the interests of those who may favor him, with their business- The Cush, will be advanced on shipments to bisaddress, by application ns above either in Mu con or SaYuiinah. G.B LAMAR. sept 22 it 179 NEXT SCHEME. BY SPECIAL ACT OF ASSEMBLY. ^ GR AND , STAfE LOTTE GY OF MARYLAND. U NDER thesupcriutcndance or the sioners appointed by the Gove Council, und by tlie improved mode of drawing, secured by Letters Patent under the seal .4 the United States—tlie whole to he completed in one day, nnd will positively take place in llie ci(y of Baltimore in n few weeks. TO BE DRAWN ON THE 9th OF NOV. NEXT Highest Prize $20,000, SCHEME. ] Pride of $30,000 Is $30,000 Dollars 10,000 6,000 1,000 600 100 60 20 ' 10 6 4 10,000 6,000 10,000 6.010 3.005 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 80,000 WM. P, Cl,ARK; WINIFRED CLARK, ) * i.fidii ■ . ' Notice; W ILL be Sol'd al the pound Oil Monday next the 10th fast, at 10 o’clock A* M. tho fol- t lowing cattle that Imvc beeh iniimuiided, it tho aIV not taken awuy before that auy by tlicir a\v ner*. One red ahd While Cow, marked ill each car with a crop and swallow fork. : ' One brindle Cow with a Short tail, marked in dnd car With aii Upper bit, in tlie otlief ear with a swallow fork, branded A. M. • , One red and white Cow, marked in one ear with an Upper bit nnd piggln handle, in the other ear with a r.rop apd slit, branded S. F . Oiie while and rod spotted cow, with a heilfer calf; no murk or biped. . F. M: STONE, City Marshal, oct 4 183 •, K Notice. N fNF. months after date application will 4 a' made to the Honorable the inferior Court ot Cliathara Couhty, for leave to-sell a lot on tin* corner of Bud und Bryan stroets, li< ing No. 0, fekyl Tything, Derby Ward, in the city ol Suvaunali, belonging to tlie estate of Robert S. Glbsf , deed, for the benefit of tifo heirs und creditors of said ostatCi . > . JAMES BARNARD, .... Executor, jan 25. . It* The Old English Razors, Improved ucd warranted to shave well. T HE subscriblirhat just received to order from Thomas Scnr|il, Joliu Barber, and G ^ S Furuis, Sheffielil England—an elegautussortment ol'those Razor j, in red Morocco cases, of pair8 and single, Ornamented, end the worknmiiship tbrnugbout is wtirranted td be of the best kind. . Gentlemen Wishing to purchase an article o tl'dfkind, rnajr do well to call on 'A. PAR$pNS, Druggist, No. 8, Gibbons’ Buildings'. Aoril 2. , G l EORGIA Effingltitih County. By the linn.the I .Indices uf Ihe Inferior court sitting fox ordina* 20813 Prices. 152,000 Dollars. 40000 Tickets—Not one blank to n prize. Tile holder of two tickets; will lie certain obtaining al least Oiie prize, mid nmy draw three! Moot; ok Drawing.—The numbers will he pul’ into one wiieel as usual—and iu the otlier wheel will be put one prize above the denomination o. $4, and tiio drawing to prograss in .the usna| manner The 20,000 prize of$4, will be award ded to tlie odd or even numbers in the Lottery 's the case may be) dependant on the draw ing of the Cupitnl Prize of THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS—that is to say, it’ the $30,000 prize should come oijt to hii odd number, then every odd number in thn soliwne will lie entitled to a $4 prize: if the $30,000 prize should come out to an even number, then all the even numbers in the scheme will be each entitled to $4. Odd numbers are those ending with 1, 3, 6, 7, or 9. Even numbers are those ending with 2, 4, 6, 8, or 0. Tliis mode ol drawing not only enables the Commissioners tocortiplele tile whole Lottery in one drawing, but lias the great advantage ol dis tributing the small prizes regularly to every alter nato number in the scheme, so that the bolder o. two tickets or two shares of tickets, one odd and one even ntimbet 1 , will be certain of obtaining r.t least one prize, and in the rudo for. any greater quantity. tty A ticket drawing a superior prize iu this scheme, is licit restricted from drawing an inferi or one also, many tickets, therefore, tvili ueecs- sarily obtain two prizes each. 1'KF.SENT PRICE OK TICKETS. Wholes $5, Halves $2 60. Quarters $1 25- All orders pro;/iplly attended to. nt il w “id m mm EXCHANGE OFFICE. sept 1 ry purposes. To nil whom it inky concern. ! lVherens, Mnry Ann 1’orteV widow, applies to tlie honorable the court of ordinary of Effingham county for letters of administration oil the estHte and effects of William G Porter dec. late pf Ef fingham County. Those are therefore to cite and admonish nil and siiigulnr the kindred and creditors of tlie said deceased, to file their objections (If nnv they have) to tlie granting ofJlie administration'*of foo estate of tho deceased to the applicant, In tlie Clerk’s Office of the said Court, on or before the 24tli day of October nt Xt t otherwise letters of administration Will be granted: Witness the honorable Hcrmtin Elkins; ope of tlie Justices of tlie said court this twenty-fourth day of September, A; D. 1825. JOHN CHARLTON, c.c: o: e. c. sept 24 : ISO L corgi a—C11atliam Comity. B EFORE me Isaac Russell, one of the Justice* assigned to keep the Pence for the county nnd state aforesaid. Came Peter Durb ger, wlib .made rath in writing that he sbuied ami took a- way froth a slave, known by the name of Jack Moore, and said to belong to one Suml Hide, of Augusta, tlie following articles to wit. Oue Flat,, a wooden shed building on a lot, llbtnnging to Mr. Josopli Stiles situated in Ynmmucraw, nlso One small Stove anti pipe, four Iron bound Kegs, an ullage keg ol Tolmeod, two pair of Seales, two Axes, five Jugs, four iron Pots, one Diuiini- jon, oiie box at Rosin, cine trunk With Diy Goods, one pair of Billiards, one bjirrt-1 of Cow peas, one writing desk, and several oilier small articles; Of which a schedule of the same iius been lur- nislied me und said articles put in my possession. This is to notify tlie said Sami. Hide or any other person, who uiny be interested in unV of sod properly (butt Almll in. conformity with fin act of the Legislature of this State proceed to make or der of Forfeiture uud Sale, in ten days from this date, if said properly be riot eluiiiibd agreeable to the provisions oi suit! att. Buvaiiuuli 30tii August 1926. ISAAC RUSSEI.L, j. r. c.c. aug 30 . . 160 . Augusta Masonic Hall Tlicflrsi Drawing is over, and all the Capital Pri ses are still in the Wheel. The second Drawing will take place on WED NESDAY, 12th of v Ctober next. The unprecedented Richness of the Weed, af ter the drawing of a large proportion of the num bers, offer* every possible inducement to adven turers. This is evidently the richest Lottery in tlie Union, in Grand Capital Prises, besides u ve ry large proportion of the minor Prizes. Ticket and Shares, warranted undrawn, may still be had at the original Scheme price, at The Augusta Masonic Hall Lot tery Office. Those Who have drawn prizes are informed fhat their tickets shall be taken as cash for others War ranted undrawn. • Orders from anjr pfift bf the U.S.iftefbJingJcaSli or prize tickets (post pafo) shall be prtrinply es- cxeetited by application (b. . HENRY MACDONNELL, Agent, For AhfettsUt Masonic Hall Lottery; Thompson & Bohncy’s Building*, Snvannah. 4bg 23 US Picked up, B Y a black Boy a few day since on the Rond a Plaid Cloak which the owner can have by paying for this advertisement und puy tiia boy something for his trouble sept 2S> 182 NOTIC1S, A"' persons having demands against William Anderson, deceased, of Liberty County will coder them in properly attested, within tlie time prescrihed by law. cud those indebted to the es tate will muke immediate payment to JOS. JONES, Adm’r. may 14 198 Wanted Immediately, ‘ single MAN, who is sober and honest, to take charge of a small Plantation near the city. Apply to the Editor, sept 10 174n ——iU Brought to Jail. JN Savannah, bn the 5th inst. a negro mnn ivlto says his name is Will, and that lie belongs to William ftinrpliey, Washington County Geo., and that he 'runaway about 6 mouths ago; lie is 6 feet high; and ab ut 25 years of age; and has a scar under the left eye, and says he is a Blackshiith by trade. TOHN I. DEWS, J. c: c; . sept 5 ... j72 , . .... , J^TNE, M onths after, date application will b made to theboii.the Inferior Court of Effing ham county, for leave to sell the-following lands Oiie tractlying in the cbiinty of Early, known by tlib (No. 7) seven 21st district; One tractlying in the eoiihtyof Gwiiihett, kiiown by the No. two hundred aiid fifty seven (257) 7th district sold for the benefit of. Edmund. Martha and Benjamin Lavender, Orphans of Jus: Luvcndei. deceased, JOHN CHARLTON, GUurdian of said orphan* aiig 3b 166 Chewing Tobaccoj J UST received, and it is recommended as be ing a Very superior article. For sale by. A. PARSONS, Druggist No. 8 Gibbons’ Building}, Sept 13 Inferior Court—Chuthum county J ply Term, 1W25 U PON the petition of William Black, stating tl at he was possessed of a certain promisso ry note for six hundred anti fifty dollars, made on. tho second day of February Eighteen hundred and twenty, by Mary MOtta. pavuble two years af ter date to Edmuiid Warren, Or older, bud. i p which note the said Edmund Imd made n go; r tee in these Words; “1 guarantee the payment of the within note to tlie time staled.” Signed Ed mund Warren", “and which note was by the -aid Edmund delivered to tlie petitioner. *lt appear-" ing to the Court tliut the sold note lias hedn lo: t .and caniiot be found and that a copy of said note as near ns ean be recollected togettier with evi dence of its existence and less is tiled iu the office ol its Clerk; On Motion of Law h Jackson, il is ordered that any and ull persons interested do shew ca. sc on or before tho next term of this Cflurt why the prayer of the petitioner for the Eslublisb- mcnl of the said note should not he granted. And tlmt tliis rule be published in One of the. puiilic Ga zettes of this state once a month until tluf timo until, tUo tiuio appointed for shewing cense iliefe.iii., . q A true F.xtract from tho miiirtfesaSgF A; B. FANMNj Cltc, nug 2 157 ' EORGIA, Cliutlmin comity—Hy the Hon. Rib J list jut* s of the Inferior court sitting for or 11 nary purposes. . To alt whom it irek Concern. Whereas Wm. Roche, applied In the hop. (he --.i court of Ordinary of Chau i.m com i v ier lent re y ^ of administration on tlie estate mil effect? ot j i.o. Grihhin, lute of Savannah foerclnuit, tire, as prin cipal creditor. These ore therefore to cite aiiu fidirniiirii nil and slnguliit* Rib kindred and creditors ot the sfod ,S decoasetl, to file llieir objections (it any have) to the granting of Ihe adminislrntip:' / tli« estate of tlie deceased to the nppliemit/1;. the . Clerk’s office of the said Conn, on or He fore ltip ; ’ sixth day of October next; otherwise letters of a J- luiuistratiori will he graiited. , , j Witness tlie'hon. Elias Fbrt, onb of the Jiisticn of the said Court; tiio sixlli day 'of September, A ; D; one thousand eight hundred and twenty-live. S. M. BOND, c. c. o. sept 6 172 G t EORGIA;EifiinghumCbuhty—Ify/fie Won.the r Justices oj the Inferior Court silting for ordi nary purposes. . , ' To all whom it may cbiiceni. Whereas Elias Reed administrator of W; J. Spencer, dec. has petitioned the lloii. the Court ot Ordinary tube dismissed from his said admin- istraioii. These are thorefore fo cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said dec’d,to file their objections (if any they have) in the office of the Clerk of the court of ordinary on dr before the 28th day of DeCwmbbr next, otherwise letters dismissory will be grinded the petitioner; , Witness tlie Hon;. John Wnidhour, one of the Justicer of the sUid Court, the 27tivday of June, A. D. 1826. • june 28 134 JOHN CHARLTON c.p.d.«.«