Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 13, 1829, Image 1

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B m REPUBLIC AIN. 205 Vol. XXVI TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 13, 1829. * \yhole Ntf. Notice —.up BubioriMr having qualified on fflHp , h losepli Law sen. J. " l0 '' V ,< ,nntv 'requests ull persons f ul,e i' y n ^ , against the esuto to pro- Mtested. and all porto". in* PM^’san.e.toennte totwattl ami "take payment. |g HN s> LAWl U Mackerel. r to m brig Cent and rchr. IV. H- O lt.irrrls and 20 half ditto no 2, Mackerel, and 150 ditto no 3 do. Jn <81 'liifinghain Conn t if, Pl’ItToll BoURT, Joiv Tbum. 1820. U ,iia petition of William Morel, sta- lune dm oxislenco to loss and pi tying -IgLmfont of a certain imiiftlsiory ,'*°3nLd severally mode mid signed CthtaKf said county deceased. ffi'Jutliaffloounty., I3«h February, E . , at aidetoWilliam Morel, or [v, notlinfuictltol.t day of January L Va tfosnin of twenty fivo dollars,for «' ■ . -i n y whereof, with tlto Brought to Jail. I N Savannah, on the loth inst. a negro man who soya his name is JERRY, and that lie' belongs to the State of (loot, gia, that he runaway from the Cliatulion- clioc river about 4 months ago—he is 5 feet 8 inches high, and about 33 years of agoilio is of a yellow complexion and stut- ters tthen speaking. JOHN I DEWS, J.o.c. nog 18 180 Brought to Jail, I N Savannah on the loth inst. n negro man who says Ins name is .SIMON, and that lie belongs In the State of Geor- gia, that hcranaway from the Chatahoo* dies River about 4 months ago-rho is 4 feel 5 3-4 inches high and about 24 years of age—lie has Inst one of his froiit teeth. JOHN I. DKW9, j.c.c. nog in Brought to Jail. ^N Savannah, on the loth inst. a negro JL man who says his name is NED, and that he belongs to the State of Ocoigia, that he runaway from the Chstahoorhee rivet about 4 months ago, he is 5 feet 8 inches high and about 23 vears t . JOHN l.DEWS c. e. a tig 10 ISO rX acting and qualified adm n.slrainr ith, said William <1. ltd the heirs and representatives « « Till,am J. Mulrypo. deceased, do shew Cm. on or before .be fits, day of the next inn ol this Court, "liv tlto P™ V<« ! ,f lh £ Lfin er should not "e ersnted, ahtl it is tuber ordered that this rule be published knneofrtlic pqblic.GaxcItts of the < itv ■ Savannah, once a inuntli until the time tpointed foi site ring cause thereof. ' Exiraot ftnni therninnles, JMO. i'll A III.TON, Cllt. I July 18 18"5 '■ Notice. flOUR menths after date application will be made In the- Him. the Jnsll- softhe Inferior Court or Liberty Cntin- , for leave to sell one hundred acres of kail belonging to the enisle of llonald Fra* h,far die benefit of the built ami oieditori |f said estate^ ARET R p R A 3 „, |julr>4 |70 Executrix. Notice, I0UR Months after ilatn application _ will be made t ■ the linn the Justices If tlto Inferior Court or Emanuel mmntv If leave to sell all the real estate of James i,lev, dee for the benefit of the heirs and Idliters of said estate TIIOMA SWINEY. 'dm'or. | iuly 28 171 SWEDES IRON. Lately arrived <tnd now lauding ftmn brig MUntic at Jones’ upper wbaif 1£V TO VS of 1 4|t«.t I it y S iv piIpi 4 \P\" Iron, comprising a foil and |pmplpte auortuicut of ill sizes. For mile liv If A Mt, fill AFT KH * TUPP15II. f&fjrnnli. Sppt. 10 1829 Trcnsivrev’s Office. SAVANN AH, Sept. 15. 1829 VIE Owners of Stock in the Sevan ask ‘Exchange’ are hereby notified t strrsable to a resolution of Connell l(M of said Slock will be redeemed on | Wore the 20th ofNnvomber next, and r 1 I am now prepared to nay the same at y office. M. W. STEWART,.c. t. [sept 15 tea Notice. i LL persons having demands agninst .. the estate of John J Ihlcy, are re. led to present them duly attested and ! indebted to said estate will make yment forthwith to , 1A J. CHARLTON, Adm’r. !“>P> 10 M. I.UILBV, Adtn’x. Notice, persons indebted tnthe late Wu.- V cmms Gielett, will be pleased to ... *o the subscriber j and laving demands against the same present them to JAM IPS HIGGINBOTTOM, n „ „ Administrator 1 broe Rum, (g. C.) Sept. 7th,1929, > 201 Notice. I 'I't 1 ;" 0 "’ indebted to the Estate of L Ut. Iuijah Gillett, will ho plea- to make payment to the subscriber; Imv| "ft demands against the ™e. “til present them to JAMES HIGGINBOTTOM, Ad’ntnr. ilc bonis non. — 1 _ with the will nnnexed. * hro ° Runs,(S. C.JSept. 7th, 1820. 1 201 i Brought to Jail. TN B.tvannah, on the 25th ultimo, a ne- JL gro man, w ho says his name is TO ■ E Y.nnd that he belongs to AVilliani Ileal of Richmond County, tin. that he rana« av alinttl two week, ago, he is 5 fee- 8 I -2 in ches high babout 35 veatsofage—the top of his head is gray. JOHN I DEWH.j.c. c. nttgo 115 Brought to Jail. I N Savannah, on the 81st ultimo, n ne gro m m who sa sjiis name Is is A AH and that he belongsMoBevill Cook of El- tiesrl t 'ounty. CH“ that ho rsnnway ahont three weeks nco—lie is 4 feet t 3-4 inches high ,nd about 45 rears of age, tie has a sour on his chin. , , JOHN T DF.WS. j. c. o ang6 175 ill, Brought to Jail. t v R.ivannuh on tin* 10tl» Ini . a n«8rti man wli.i »nvs his ii<nne is MOS ’ S,nnd UM he helonz* to Wm Rell» of Atuorne County* Georgia, that he rnnawny ohirul tour weeks a«»o. lie Is 5 -feet 6 1st Inches hit'll .uni .thou! 43 yeirs of . ge. »< pt2i J. I. ^KWSs j. c. c Brought to JhiL I V fl.ivannnh on the win May n negio man who says his name is JANUA RY, and that he belongs to Edward t’his nlinn. of y outh Carolina, thsfche ratm -ay about one sreAgtaLhe is elect 2 inches high and nbmil^i^llirs of age. he has Inst several.if his front teeth, auc B J. I. DEWS. ). c. c. . Brought to Jail. I N Savannah, on the - Id nit. a mulatto woman who sayshername is VEI.I.Y ami 'hat she belongs to the estate of Edwd Bryan, Twigg,'County. Georgia, and tit it sue runaway about two months ago She is 5 feet I I -2 inches high and about 22 years of age. net 3 Committed to Jail, A T Ooosnwhatcbie* on th** 15ih ofMav lust, a negro man named fiKOHOR who say* he belongs to the Onkmulgee Navigation Company in Georgia, of whom Air. llobeit MoCall is agent; he is about 35 vears of age, 5/pet 7 inches high j'ulv 13 J. J. nfeoK, J B. n. Committed to Jail, A T Coosawhatchle. on the 25tlt ALireli /%. last, a negro man who says his name is JOE, who first claimed Mr Richard El lis qs his m ister, lint since says he belongs to n Mr. J dm Thierco, who lives about 4 miles from Savannah; he is about 5 feet 0 inches high, and about fortv years of age J. J.BECK, J. ».D, jnly t3 103 ant, I act 3 For Sale. B Y leave of the Inferior Court of this County, will |ie sold on the Firsi Tuesday of December, for the benefit ot the creditors, that valuable and ijnproml plantation, on SUidavva) Island, contain ing 630 acres, and known by the name of HIBERNIA. TllO.^. U. P. CHARLTON,, Adm’r. <le bonis non, &c. sept 15 103 Committees of Council. O N Finance.—Aldermen Owens, Cuv ier, Welman and Andtuson. On Dry Culture—Onylor, Anderson and r f* • Marlow, I A r" c,!iv ed a fresh supply of ™?iL AND AMERICAN WHITE LEAD. ALSO, — A Variety of Paper Hangings ^fire iioaVd prints. TntVt^ n , lber Factorage. Si all!’*' inrm. his friend, and Ptblic, that lie continues the umber Factorage anil »uba ,!i m f'^ Hsion Bminesa, '''I 0anal ’ hi * grateful tbViit’i’ffli^S^y ° rrctu tnlng his |«toaisc3 the lain n " ,| M 80 liberally fc re, W«f»® & jfffipfLfc “row/. , ! ' u ’, h A ro . of "’ 6 " ni "° Wgn iBCA*t H WyJULY ' Botidv Oii Health and Cemetery—Clark. Shef- ti.ll und Waring. On Public Sales and City lots—Bond, Owens and Cuvier. On theMurket.—Sheftall, Sliaficr and Bon-. On Pumps.—Shaffer, Clark and Brown. On Accounts.—Shiek,-Blown and Ow ons. On Stmts and Lancs.—Waring, Wel man and Shink. , On Lamps.—Gaudry, Shoftall antlOil- dun . . . On the Fne Department.—Brown, block and Shader. On Ifce Exchange.—Olldon, Clark and Gaudry. On Docks and tFhurvcs.—Wcjtpan, Anderson and Clark. Extract trom the Minutes, M.MYEK8.C.C. copt SO 197 An Act. T O prevent the Introduction of passen ger, whu are aliens into the port of Savannah, during (lie months of July, Au gust. September and October. Whereas it has been the practice of mas ters of vessels to bring a number of passen- geis, natives of fureigu countries inlo tile port uf Snvaimnh.during the sickly months thereby exposing to almost certain death individuals whose constitution, are hut illy adapted to the insalubrious climate of that city, and thereby subjects the community to un eironeous expense : Ho it thorefoio enacted by the Senate nnd House of llopreieutalives in General As sembly met, and it is Iteieby enacted by the authority of thes.une. That any mas ter or cominaudor of anv ship or vessel ar riving between the first of July and lust day of October inclusive, from a foreign country or from any part of the U. Stales, who shall, enter his ves el at tile Custom House in the city of Savannah, shall within twenty-four hourtafter such entry, make aVport in writing on oath to the Mayor of said i ity, of the age. name and aceupation ofeverv person, who sit ill have been brought as passenger in such ship sir vessel on Iter last voyage, upon pain of forfeiting for eve ry neglect or omission tnmnke such report the sum ol seventy five dollars, f.-r every alien neglected to bn 10 toported afore said. § 8 And he it further enacted, That it shall be lawful fur the said Mayor, or in Ills sickness or absence anv person legally an thnrtzed to act in hit place, to require evo r- such master of such ship or vessel, to be hound will two sufficient securities to the Mnvnr and Aldermen of the city of Savan nah, in such sums as t ho Mayor or such per son so legally ntithoiizetl a.s aforesaid, may think propei not exceed ng tnroe hundred tlollnrs for each passenger, to indemnify a id save harmless, the said Mayor and A1 dermen.and the commissioners of the poor house and hospital, and their successors from all a tl every expo.ise and charge wnicli shall or may lie incurred for the niulmen mre and support of anv such per son so introducer), and fin the maintenance and support of the child or children of any such person which may he born after such iim oriatinu, such prison,oImport e.i, nr anv such chilyl or childieu, shall at my time - ithin six months nlier the said mportution lie nine chargeable to the said city, and if inv sneh person so brought ns fore,idil, nnd not broil a a ct izen of the I. States, shall he permitted or suffered to land wi’hin said city fro nany such ship or vessel, before such bond shall have been given, and without a permission in writing fruiu tlie said Mayor, or person so legally authorized as nfmesaid, the master or com inanilcr of such ship m vessel shall be sub ject to the penalty of three hundred dollar, for every person so suffered or permitted to land as aloiesaid. § 4. And he it further enacted, That if nn > p rsem w ho inav have been a passenger in such ship or vessel, and not being a rati zen of tneU. States, shall be sutrered to laud from such ship ur vessel at any place ithin the distance uf 50 miles front the suitl ity, with intent in proceed to llie-said city otherwise than in the said ship or vessel, the master or comma tier thereof shall lie liable tolhe like penally of three hundred dollars for every such person so sulfered or permitted to land, § l. And he it further enacted, Thai if any householder in said oily shall,knowing ly, entertain in Ills Ituuse or family, any alien so landed as aforesaid,& shall nut report such alien to the said Mayor, nr in case of his sickness or absence, any person lejallv authorized to officiate in his place, within the twenty foul hours after such cu ICI tain mem commenced, he nr she shall fi rfoU and pay the sum of fifty dollars for every such alien so entertained. § 5. And lie it further rnacted, That nil and singular the said penalties and forfeit^ ures arising in said city, shall and may be sued for and recovered with full costs of suit by action ofdebt in the Superior court of litis slate, iri tire name of said Mayor anil Aldermen, and when rexove.retl by them shall he applied towards tlto itippo.l of the poor of live said city, and the do fendant in every such suit shall be held to special bail, ind upon every such trial for any penalty trr forfeiture supposed to lie in curred by the landing of nny such persons asaforesaid within the said city, the same lauding shall he presumed unless the de fendant shall prove that the said person was taken or sent to some fprejgn country without having been suffered to land asa- furesaid. § 7. And bo it further enacted, That every ship or vessel from which such alien shall have been so landed without permis sion in writing from the said .Mayor or per* son so legallv authorized ns aforesaid in his place shall he liable for the said penal ties, nnd may lie proceeded against by at taohmen! or any other mode in similar ea ses allowed by law nnloss tlto owner there of or their agents shall give bond with sure ties to the sheriff nr his deputy in the name of the Mayor and Aldcnnen for tlto pay ment oftha said penalties and evorv ol them win cl! tuny iiuiu been incurred du ring or since the Inst voynge ol the said ship or vessel, ot for paying the value of such ship or vessel towards the satisfaction of such penalties as may have lie n so in curred by suffering nny alien to land as n- forosaid, and such valuo shall ho ascertain ed by the wardens of the port of Savan nah, or any two of thorn. DAVID AD AMS, Sneakor of the House of Representatives MATTHEW TALBOT. President ttf the Senate. Assented tn, 22d December, 1819. JOHN CLARK, Governor, oct 3 A Card. T HE Subscriber has taken chare*- of, nnd will keep undei his own direc tion, the warehouse first built l»y himself, and by an Act of the Legislature of i821, intended lo be a public wat’ehoutft, in Hamburg, for the stor ige of cotton and tobdcco.—A tobai ctf inspection to bo kept therein. This warehouse, for convenience and safety from fire, if not superior, is in ferior to none in this pait of the country— It is 300 feet in length and 50 feet in u idth. nitli a plank floor—situated in the centre of the town, on the bank of the ,Savannah River, nnd within 100 feet ol the stream. The other three sides ore bounded bv streets, one of 160 of loo feet,and one of H0 icet. Two platforms will ex tend from the warehouse to the river; so that cotton will ho put on boats without touching the ground, except when the riv er is very low. RATES. For Inspection and Storage of Tobacco for 8 months, per hltd, SI 50 Foi Storage of Cotton and delivery on the river hank each bale per month. 12 1-2 Fo forwarding either to Sa- vannah ui Charleston, per bale 12 1-2 Liberal advances on produce placed un der hi> charge, will no made for n modernlo premium, or customary rates. He will take the shod- care, and u,e tha same dili gence for others as lie would for himself. He nill adhere to and go on with his. o- liginal plan -vit>, regard to Iho building of the to mi of I lambing—all imprisonments, personal violence end persecutions, end all the farsical SherilPs Sales of Hamburg, to the contrary notwithstanding. If John Williamsimi and his colleagues waul a town, let them do as I have done— build one. I will however, accept of all their spare change ta help along the nccoui|,lislunrnt oftltai great undertaking ; hut the Town hev shell never have. | htlilt it for my self ; not foi them.—And if I had the a- hililias anil perseverance to build n Town, the will find that I have abilities and perse verance enough lo take cere of it, He will he duly thankful to ell who fa vor him with their custom. HI NRY SHULTZ. H AMBUItG, Sept 48th. 1929. P. S.I am proud to sa. that the Ham burg merchants have supplied themselses this season, with more goods ol all kinds than nl any loriner period, particularly such as salt, Iron, sugar, coffee, bagging, dry-goods, &c. Several new stipes nave already opened, and others will open very shortly The usual spirited disposition prevails tu give as heretofore, at least as much, if nnt more, for cotton, than in any oilier city or to><nin the np-rmint.y. As (or niouei, none will be countenan ced uni ss it is founded on a solid basis; nnd should other'he taken in -the market, or should any monied institution in which he market and country are interested, git beyond what might be considered just and pindenirimmcdinleunficeaflt will be gi ven. without fenror fevnr. Under all llmse favorable circumstances I am induced to hope that the rnrmnoiiitv and country generally, wifi find it to their interest to lavur us with tl'teir custom. H. S. net 8 201p Paints and Paint Oil. - Navt Cosistis3ioNERs* Office, . S I Oils .-September in-20. BALED Pioposals will he received at •his Office until 1st November next, to supply all the Paints and P rint Oil may he required lor the service of the year 1880, nl the Navy Yards Portsmouth, N. II. Charlestown, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y. Philadelphia, Washington, and Gosport. Va. to be delivered upon the requisitions of tlie Commanding Officers of the Navy Yardi. respectively, or of the Navy Agents, Jzt sT s as S -i'.^ n 5 o- S W3'1 rr.— * C«,<S* 2 -“ as ~ ^ j " 5 •flH g*a.a.&.a.a.2.£4a.o.2 o S O O O O o o go = O o O O O 0 o W l a 2 • o. a. 5 s. o o i: o =• =- "■ p.2 > 2*. 8* S-SS-m I- Hi s 4 ■■ensured conformably t. (he printed rulea prescribed by the t'ominlsiioners, dated Bept. 1st 1828, or such oilier inspection nnd measurement as they nmy direct, nod must Ire delivered by the 1st ufDcceqiber, 18.10. The certificate of two respectable persons tlint ihe limber was out a ithin the piescribed limits, must accompany each ca go delivered. The cordage must be made of clean water rotted hemp. Iht*) arils to lie tarred at least three months hefuie be ing luirl into cordage; the cordage must ho of such as may bo inquired liv the ics- pe, live Commandants, and must stand tiro proof ns ablisbed at the respective N»vy Yards. Hidden must state their nrirn firf • patent,ami. for "common luirl." The copper inns; l.cef the hell qmdity.nnd con sist of such kinds and sizes ns th respec tive cutniimndanls may require; the slicnthi ing copper must lie cold rolled; the whole on delivery must undergo Hie inspection of thp-Navy Yards, or such oilier inspec tion as the Commissioners may direct.' All deliveries most be mnde freo from all ex pense to the Government To l e published twine a week nr the No tional Intelligencer; U- rt. Telegnjrfl, Bal timore Republican, American Sentinel, N. Y. Courier uml Enquirer, B/dvTderire Pat riot, .iclmvind I nquirer. Norfolk Herald, R high Srar,Cliarlr-tnn I’nlrim Savannah Republican, Louisiana Adveti-.ser. sept 28 198 L 3 Q.^ Cs 3 Su 3 2;°^ 2e3 8-3 2.45 a -5.5.. o. a. o. a. a : . o. a eu a.1 - — e i_ All (lie articles must be of the best qual ity; must be delivered in sound subs aiuiul boxes, barrels, casks, nr other suitable and plotter packages, in good shipping order, free of all expense to tiro government; and no .illoe mice will bo made for boxes, bar rels, casks, or env other packages whatev er. On delivery tile aril, les must be sub mitted lo the inspection of the respective Navy A’ards. nr such oilier inspection as tlie Cumniissiiniers may direct. Persons making offers urns' affix a price lo each and avory article, otherwne their Iritis w ill nut he considered! they must be endorsed "Offer to fill nidi Taints anil Paint Oil for the year 1830.” To he published twice a week in ilieNa- tional Intelligencer, United Stales’ Tele graph, Baltimore Itcpublirao, Amenran Sentinel. New York Courier .V Enquirer. Providence Patriot, Raleigh Star, Char leston Paliint, Savannah Republican, Lou isiana Advertiser, Richmond Enquirer Norfolk Herald. sept 26 108 Groceries, Slop Clotlijug*- and Navy Bread. Navr Commissioners’ Office, 10th Septemlier 1829. S I'ALF,bPROPOSALW.n| be rel ceiverl at this Offi- e until the 1st of November n xt.ln furnish all the Groceries, Slop Clothing, and Sony Hread, Him m y ne ii qoiri'd-fluting the year 11130, f , .he N ival service, at the Navy Y Vds, t'oit,. tnotiili, N. ll.Charlestu.n. Ilto- k- Ivn New York, Philadelphia. Haltiniure, Washington, and Gosport, Va. to he. fop oislicd upon till requisitions ol Hie respec tive 1 ’atmuariding Officers or Navy A- gents. GROCERIES, quality, 1st prnnl. 1-4 at le si rye, per gallon., do White Means, sound per bushel. While l'e-rs, sound fin Rice, fresh per pound, ■perm Oil, Wlntci strained per gallon. jiciin Caudles per pnun.l. Superfine Flopr per barrel. -Id tP CLOTHING. Drab Pea Jackets, each Timber, Cordage, & Cop per. Navt Commissioner** Office, IGilt HephMiiljer. 1829 jCJ RALF.H proposals « II be received at C5 ill soffi e until the |ji N'»veinl)fii next to Mipply the following White Oak ami Yellow Fine Flank Hiocks U hite Oak Knees, and Musis and £imr Timber, to he ■TV. “ “ deiiveind at the Navy Yards Portsmouth, iV. II. Chatlestnwn. Mass. Ilrooklyu, N- Y Philadelphia, Washington, and Norfolk: and all the cordage and copper (hat may be By the President of the U. r 'T" r|,<i b > , llle respective Commanding JjlOUR months after date, Notice, application ___ ivilTho made to the Hon. Ilm Justi ces oftho Inferior court of Emanuel coun ty , for leave lo soli nil the real estate of "nnies 1. Anderson for the benefit of the leirs & creditors. TUOS. WINN LA. •opt M lO sept 19 Goshen Butter. Hiding from brig Courier. KflUSl choice Goshen Blitter, For sole by COHEN & MILLER, Lemons. M BOXES superior Malaga Lemons f just landed and lor sale by HALL SHATTER & TUPPER. sefjtgS States. I N pursuance of,law, I, Andrew Jack son, President of the United Stales ol America do hereby declare and innko known that a public sale will be held at the Land Office at St Helena Court House, in tlie State of Louisiana,-on the sccand Monday in Novembor next, for the dispo sal uf the unappropriated public lands with in thfi limit of the undermentioned town ships, situate in toe Land District West of Pearl River,and East of the Island of New- t Irleans, to w it: Township two, of Range one, Townships one, two, three, five and six. of Range tivo. Townships one, two, three, four, fivo and six. of Rnnge'threo. Townships one, two, three, four, six and seven, ami Iraotional townships eight and nino, of Range four. Townships one, two, three, film, five,six nnd seven, and fractional township eight, of Range five. Townships ono, two, threo, four, five, six and seven, and fraciionul township eight,of Rnngo six. Townships line, two, threo, four, five,six and soven. and fractional township eight,uf Range seven. w Townships one, two, three, four, five,six and seven, and Itactioual township eight,of Range eight. Townships one, two, three, four, five, six and seven of llnngo nino, Tho above townships are all situate south oftho thirty first degree of latitude, and East ol the Meridian, and embrace nearly all the lands lying on the Amite. Tick law. nd Tangapaiin rivers. The townships will be offered in the or der above designated, beginning With the lowest number of section in each. Tho hinds reserved fyy law for tho use of schools, or for o,!hcr purposes, will be ex cluded from sale. Given under my hand at tlto city nf Washington, this thirteenth day of June, A.D. 1929. (Signed) ANDREW JACKSON. Bv tho President, ' GF.O.GRAIIAM Commissioner of the General Land Office. - To lie published in the Natchez States man, Jackson Journal, Louisiana Adverti ser. Allapapa Gazette, Huntsville Demo crat, Mobile Register. Baltimare Republi can, Philadelphia Sentinel, Richmond Enquirer, Raleigh Star, Charleston Mcr- 'ettry. Savannah Republican, Augusta Chrnnicle.Nashville Republican, & Louis ville Advertisor, jtlly 28 171 Blue Cloili Trowscri, per pair Do do Ja'-k'ts, earth Do do V‘*st*. each hite Finutie! Shirts, ciirdi Do do Drawers, - pair Yarn lockings, pair Blankets, eauli Duck Frocks, eae.l; Do Trowvms, per pair Black .Silk Hdkfs* oar 1. Wonl Hat . e.uli Shoes, prlr Curled hair Mattrasses, each \t all ilie iliove mentioned Yard., ex- requn Officers of the said ,\avr Yards, to be do llVerurl upon their requisitions, fi.r the ser vice nf Hie yen. 193U. Il'hite Oak and Yellow Pine Ptank Stocks At Portsmouth, 5U00 cubic feet best while rink plana stocks 7980 do best long leaf j el- lo» pine ptank stnoks At Charles town, 10,000 do best white oak plank sleeks 13,000 do best longleuryel- low pine plank .. sleeks At Brooklyn, 25,000 do best white oak plank stocks. 18,000 do best long leaf ycl luiv pure plank Slocks At Phlladel- sphia, At Washing, ion, 5,000 do best sv|rite oak plank stocks 5,000 do best long leaf /el- low pine plunk stocks Just Received, FIRKINS, prime Goihen'Buttor JLxJ Foi sale by 4.000 do best white oak plank stocks 4,000 do best longlenfyol low piue plank stocks At Gosport, 25.000 do best white oak plunk stocks 16,000 do best long leafyel low pine plank stocks. White oak knees nt Boston, New.York, and Norfolk, front 0 feet 0 inches lo 7 foet body, from 5 feet to 5 feet 6 inches arm, and lo side from Q to U inches nett siding, Masts and spar timber ot Norfolk, for the lower masts and bowspiits, topmasts and jib booms,and lower ynrds complete for one 74, one 4 , onu stoop of war ol the first, and ono sloop ol war of the second class per cubic foot* The pine plank stocks and mast and spar timber must he the best quality long leaf, fine grain, heart, south ern yellow pine; the plank stocks,and mast, and spar timber must he free from sap heart shakes, and all other defects; the plank stocks must not be less than 35 and must average 45 feet in length; the pine must squate not less than 14 nor more than 16 inches at tho butt, and may square one fourth less at tltfe U)p end. The oak plank stocks must square not less than 14 inch at the butt, and may square one-fourth le«s at the top-end; thpy must have .grown on lands near to salt water, or otherwise within the influence oftho sea or salt watet air. The dimensions of the mast and spar timberwill be furnished to personsjntendiug to make offers, by the commanding officer' of tho Navy Yard, Gosport, Va. All the aforementioned limber must have been cm or the tiees have been girdled “between the 20th of October, nnd the 2Qih of February pext^on delivery it will be inspected, and cept Baltimore. And all the Navy Bread that may he required at the Raid Navy Ynrds, and ut the Navy Yard Pensacola West Florida* All the articles must he nf the be* qual* ity. The Slop Clothing and Navy Bread must he fullv equal in the sample*, or pat terns in the possession of the lesprctivo Commandants, by whom they will bn shewn to ail po sons who nt iy wish to qee them. The Blue loth J.ickcts/lVowsers, and Vests, must he made «>f Indigo dy ed Glotli; the Math asses must be made oT clean cut led hair with thick cotton ticking; (hey must he six feet long. 28 inches wide, and must weigh not less than nine pound*, avoirdupois each. The casks containing Wbiskev nnd Molasses must have four iron hoops put on eacli when required by the respective Commandants, at tho cxpen*» of the Contractor. All articles inu>t bo delivered, in sound boxes, bar rels. casks, kegs, or other suitable and pro* per paekapt.s, in good shipping ord r freo of expense, and no allow n tee will he made for boxes, barrels, &c. or any other pack* ages whatsoever. On delivery the articles must be submitted to the inspection nf lb* respee ive Navy Ynrds, or Mich other in* specthn ns the Commissioners may direct. Persons making offers will endorse them •Offer to furnish Groceries,” or Qlotbtng.” or “Navy Bread, 1 * for the year 1030; they must also affix a price to each and every article enumerated under eacli head they may propose to furnish,'other* wise their offers will nut he calendered C/**To be published twice t week in the * National Intelligencer, U; 8. Telegraph, Baltimore lUpnliiicnn,American Sentinel N Y Cornier and Enquirer, Providence Patriot, llurlford Times, Boston States- iim’ , N. II. Patriot, Richmond Frrquirer, Norfolk Herald, Raleigh Star, Chaile-tim Patriot, Savannah Republican, Louisiana Advertiser. *ept 198 0 . Landing tVom schv. I’au- ope, 50"™ Cautlles, 4, 6. and 8 to For sale by sept 29 J.B. HERBERT. Wanted lo Purchase. A NEG>0 boy between 15 and 17 years of ago. Apply at the office of the Savannah ^Republican. • ; ept 26 198m Playing Cards. A N a.sortimrnt of superior quality jus, /Aa received and for sail- by A. I’ARSONS. .Druggist, At the Eagle, no 8, Gibbons’ Range. - sept 44 198' Fig Flue and Starch. 6% fib. BOXES Gilbert's STARCH, r*5XF 5 do Fig Blue Just received apti for sale by A PARSONS, Druggist, At tire Eagle No 8 Gibbon’s Range. ,ejpt*9