Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 15, 1829, Image 1

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IVo 206 it "ham County, NFEiUOR COURT, Jctr Txktt,'fl8t0. rkfj tlie petition of William Morel, sta- I line Ilio cxlslenco & loss and proving ^e.wWI»hment of a certain promlsjofy !„lntl» nnd severally made and signed I' O Mulryno, and William O „ I both law of cou ">y deceased, B£3IX>'*rle*v<{<mr the sum of twenty five dollars,for u ;received,, copy whereof, with the L of the »ald '■Villlam Morel, is (lied -- Clerk’. Office,-It Is ordered (hat King, of the County of Effiing- iheactine and qualified administrator i uM William U. Porter, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 15, L829. . . . t - SIMON, and that he beltfngs to tho State of Genr- gin, that hor.nawny from tho ChatahoS- , ehoe River about 4 months ago—ho is b theheifand representatives of the said Ael 5 8-4 Inches high and about Cl year. KST* deeoasod,^ do^ shedr Jof age—ho has lost on* of hi, front Ch JOHN I. DEWS, j. c. c, aug 18 Mnlrvne, deceased, do shear before the fust day of the next a el this Court, why tho prayor of the should not he granted, and it is that this rule be published bile Oaxettes of the. City, , a I ving amon It until tho tin e N 8a,a "* ul '' ,,n ,he l0lh <"’«• " negro L ceuso Z eof "'"n who says Ids name is NED. and emlnrnes" ' that ho belong, to tho State of Georgia, lie minutes, • that ho ritnawuv «i._ nk««,.i . CITAllL WILTON, Clk. iilv 18 N. E. Rum.&c. XV Landing. IV nilLS prime N. E. Rum 10 bales Plaids Stripes, and Sliir- tings 4 eases Drab and Black Hats 10 Itegs choice Goshen Duller 0 bbls ••VanderwaterV Smoaked Beef / SO Virginia Hams ... ' For sale by tt 9 OOHEN St MJLLER. Late Publications. VIE NE W FOREST, a Novel by the author of "liraiublelye House" orr llill” dee. MEBOF HUMOR & ROMANCE, drdfrom popular Herman Writers, aisled by Richard Holeraft, It. A. I0MANCES OF KEAI. LIFE, by Author of "Hungarian Tales," | Also assortment of 8TORV & TOV OKS, for children, and Selected En- vlngs and IJTHOGUAPHIO. Prints, uu rsceirrd and for sale by ' • ■ T. M. DRISCOLL. ct 8 $3<M>00. Veie York Consolidated OTTEItr, CLASS No If, 7 drawn in New York ou4he Oil, inst, bed a»ing will lie received on the ltlh inst. 7 drawn ballots. SCHEME: 9 prizes of do Brought to Jail. T N Sa*«nnnji, on the loth inst. n negrt man who says his nemo is JElRRY and that lie belonga to tho Slate of Oeor. gla, that ho runaway from .«he Chatahoo- clioo river about 4 mouths ago—-lie is 5 foot Olnehos high, and about 88 years of age;ho is of n yellow complexion and stut ters whon speaking. JOHN I aug 18 loo Whole No. eiltlMMUHM .6472. DEWS, j.c. c. Brought to Jail, I N Savannah on the 10th inst. a negro man who says Ills name Is SIMON, Brought to Jail. that ho runaway from the Chatuhonchve ri*cr about 4 months ago, lie is 0 fret inches high and about S3 vears < JOHN I. DEWS e. c. aug 18 180 Brought to Jail. ] [N Savannah, on the <8th ultimo, a no L gro man, w ho saya Ida name i, TO- NEY.aniMImUie belongs to Wllljam Ileal "* " ‘ naway md tluil lie belongs to Wlllian of Riclimojid County, Ha. Hint hdRJMR about two weeks ago, he is 6 fees S 1 2 in- dies high Siabout 85 veaisofage—the top of his head i, gray. 0 H JOHN I DEWS, j.c. c, aug6 ll» Brought to Jail. N Savannah, on the Slst ultimo. ■ ne gro roan Willi sa slris name la IS A AC '"III that lie helling* to llevill Cook of El bert County, Ga .that ho ranaway about three weeka ago—lie is fuel 2 3.4 inches high and about 45 years of agog,he has a scar on hischin.. >;*■*• JOHN I DEWS,-*. 0. c. aug 8 178 Brought to Jail. I N Savannah on the lOtli ins', a negro man who says his name is MOS t: S,ahd that he belongs to Wm llell,. of Mimmo County, Georgia, that he raqaway about four weeks ago. lie Is 5 feet S 12 inches high and about 28 years of age. sept4* J. I. DEWS. j.-c. c. 1 ,10,000 S:oSo ’600 too 100 &c. 1 $10 00 . 3 00 S 60 Brought to Jail. I N Savannah on the 46th May a negro man who says his name is JANUA RY, and that He belongs to Edward Chi* nlnin. of B om tr<ia t gli a g i ih ,t he ranaway about one week ago, no"Ptrteet * inches high ami about 42 years of age. he lias lust several of his front teeth, aug 8 J. 1. DEWS. j. c. c. .0 do i0 do 1 da J do &C. &C. diets, •Ives. natters, . tiers attended LUTHER’S (i s Ld'ery If Exchange Office. Sugar, Coffee, &c. 0 I1HDS prime Jamaloa Hu-ar 6 tierces do Green Coffee 160 piooes Hemp Bagging nding from ship Eliza & Abbey and ilebv GEO.'GOUDON. Brought to Jail. F [ Savannah, on thettd ult. a mulatto woman who says her name is NELLY and that she belongs to tho estate of Edwfi Bryan, Twl§g, County. Georgia, and that she ranaway about two months ago. She is 6 feet 1 1-4 inohes high and about S2 years of ago* JNO. 1. DEWS, j. c. c net 8 sale by 6 *0*T Committed to Jail, A T Coosawhatcliia. on th<- 15ih of Mav last, a negro man named GEORGE who says he belongs to the Oakmulgee Navigation Company in Georgia, of whom Mr. Habere McCall is agent; he is about 36 years of age, 6 fret 7 or 3 inches high juiy 18 J. .1. HECK, j, s, u. M. Prendergast. ,e ®* ived l>« •ehr Francis, from . New York. ^upr Blk Palmarine,' Supr Fancy Velvet Prints, Bupr English Ginghams, Hupr 8-4 French Bombazines, Bpoited Crimson UattinetV oVi Satin Levantines* Blk Nankin and Cantoh {hopes, Rarega Hdkfs and Cravats, •- S T,', io / Lawns, and Linou Cambric Hdkfs Blue and Brown Cloths ■ Lasssmeres 4c Sattinats, Woodstock Gloves, Horseskln do Lined do '1 for sale low, At No 8 & 14 Gibbon’s Block, |W 1 400 . all, Shnpter* Tup^ier! J !™!l Received and note offer for tale. !fllA TONS Swedes lion, Com- unem V ' lt ' 5 ' l, 8 °t a complete, as- ?® t!’?' Prime St. Croix Siigar “ 1 M ’l*Loaf • . do 6 ? fcfK P'ime Green Coffee , » lilids do do do inn t )1,No3 Mackerel "Poubody's” White Lead 10 hid, Portland Hum (colored) • P'P«* Cogbja Brandy , * . do Holland Gin 1“ pipes Canary Wine ‘ , ‘-0 qr casks dn do ? ' nl Irlsh Whiskey " b R% Yotlt Canal Flour,E 40tr bag, ••YoiU^° «°ried • W apaewalerV ' amoked 10 ' 10,e K * “beit old Cavendish’’ f o |° g 4 ° '* f *Sog a ® pani,han<l American «it e°° 0nuait "0«6i wotted sizqi . Committed to Jail, A T Coosawhatchie. on the 25th March last, a negro man w|m says his name is JOE, who first claimed Mr Richard El lis as his master, hut since says lie belongs Mr. 1 ihn Tliierce, who lives about 4 miles from Savannah j lie is about S feet incites high, and about fortv years of age J. J. BECK, j. b. n. juiy 13■1£3 o’s” Patont Shot, as Ah Act. T O prevent the introduction of passon. gors, who are alien, into the port of aavannah. during the months of July.Au- 8 a *t, September and October, Whereas It has been tho practice of mas ters of vessels to bring a number of passen- gets, natives of foreign countries into the port of Savannah.during the sickly months thereby exposing to almost certuin death individuals whoso constituiions nru hut illy adapted to the insaluhriouecliiiiatoof that city, and thereby subjects the community to an erroneous expense i He it therefore enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Genoral -As sembly met. is hereby enaetbd by llio authority of the samo. That any mas- ter or twmmandor of any ship or Vessel ar riving between the first of July and last day of Oetober inclusive, (join n foreign country ur from ony part nfthe U. States, who shall, enter his ves el at the Custom House in the city nf Savannah,shall witnin twenty-four hours after inch entry, make a report In writing on oath to the flavor nf •aid < Itr, nfthe age. name and occupation ofevory person,who shall have been brought as passenger in such ship or vossel on her last voyage, upon pain of forfeiting for eve- rv neglect or omission to make such report the sum ol seventy five dollars, for every alien neglected to be so reported afore- •aid. § And be it further enacted. That it •hall b*> lawful for the said Mayor, or in hU sickness or absence anv person legally au thorized to act in his place, to require eve- [> mch master of such ship or vessel, to be bound with two sufficient securities to the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of guvan- nah. in such stum as die Mayhr nr such per son so legally authorized as aforesaid, may ,h, "k proper nut exceeding three hundred dollarruir each passenger, to indemnify ahd save harmless, the said Mayor and Al- For Sale. B Y leave of the Inferior Court of Riis County, will ho sold on tho First Tuesday of December, for the benefit of the creditors, that valuable And improved liantaiion, on.Skidawny Island, contain ng 880 ecres;>and known by the namo of HIBERNIA. TUOb. O. P. CHARLTON,- Adm’r. de bonis non, &c. sept 15 103 Just Received. 4,000 7 A few hundred lbs of Georgia Ba con, cured by Jones AMO, A generai Aeeortmcnt of GROCERIES. With many nrticles of Dry Goods, Castings, C ut tery, Crockery Ware, Shoes, Hois, tyc. All of whinh will bo sold on good terms hy Applying to tlie subscriber. ' SAMUEL J. BRYAN, oct 8 201 Syrup of Sassaparilla. 'Vq HE subscriber hosjiist icccivod u sup JL ply of this celebrated Syrup. . A. PARSONS, Druggist* ’ At tho Eagle* no 8, Gibbons' llange.* Sept 22 and hospital, and their successors rrom all And every expense and charge which shall or m.»y he incurred for the maintenance -ipd support of any such per son so inirudticed, and foi tlie uiHintemince and support of the child or children v of any such person which nny he born after such urn orution, tnonse such person so import* oil, or unv such child or children, nliall at anytime ithin six months afier the said mportation become chargeable to. the said city, aod if .my such person so bronuht ns •foresald, and not being a ciizcn of the U. Htntes, shall be permitted or sulfeied to land within Slid oily fro n any such stupor vessel, before such bond shall have been given, and wlthont'a permission in writing from the said Mayor* or person so legally authorized as aforesaid, the master or com mandtr of such ship or vessel shall bejpili- jpet to the penalty of three, bundled dollar* luml 1 -3rnr-rtinH>?it further enacted. That ff tmy'person who may have been a passenger in such ship or vessel, and not being a citi 7.en of the U. State*, shall he sulfered to land fiom such shtp or vessel at any place * ithin the distance of 50 miles from the said city, with intent to uroceed to the said city otherwise than in tne said shin or vessel, the ihaster or coinmn>'der thereof shall* he liable to the like penalty of .three hundred dollars for every such person so siidercd or permitted tpland. § 4. And boil further enacted, That if any householder in said cii> shall.know ing ly, .entertaia in his house or family, any alien so landed ns aforesaid,& shall not report such alien to the said Mayor, or in case of his sickness or absence, any person legally authorized to officiate in his place, within the twenty four hours after such en- teitainmnnt commenced, he or she shall forfeit and pry th« sum of fifty d dlars.foi every such alien so entertained. § *\nd lie it further enacted. That all and singular the said penalties and forfeit ores arising in said city, shall i"d may be sued for and recovered with ful* costs of suit hy action of debt in the Superior court of this state, in* the name of said Mayor ano Aldermen, and when recovered by them shall be epplied towards tho suppoit of the poor of the said city, and the de fend mt in every such hum shall be held to special bail, iml upon every such trial for any penalty or forfeiture supposed to he in curred by the landing of nny such persons ns aforesaid within f lie said city, the same landing shall ' e presumed unless tho de fendant shall prove that the said person was taken or sent to some foreign co rntry without having been suffered to land as a* foresuid* § 7. And be it further enacted, That every ship or vessel from which suclf alien ihall have been so landed without permis sion in writing from the said Mayor or per son so legally authorized ns aforesaid in his place shall he liable for tho said penal ties, and may be proceeded against by'at tiicltment or any other inode in similar ca ses allowed by law. unless the owner there of or their agents shall givo bond with sure ties to the sheriff or his deputy in the name of the Mayor and Aldennen for the pay ment of the said penalties and every ol them which may have been incurred du ring or since the last voyage of the said ship or vessel, oi for paying the value of such ship or vessel towards the satisfaction of such penalties us may have been so in curred hy suffering any alien to land as a- foresail!, and such value shall he oscerUjn- od hy tho wardens of the port of Savan- uali, or any two of them. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. M ATTIl 0 VV.T ALBOT. President of the Senate. Assented to,2Cd December. 1B19. JOHN CLARK, Governor. cct 3 A Card. T HE SnBscrihcf hat taken charge of, ttid will keep under hi, >mn direc tion, the warehouse first built b* himself, end by an Act of the Legislature of i84l, Intended to be a public waiehouie, in Hamburg, for the storage* or coitun and tobacco.—A tobacco inspection to be kept therein. 1 hi, warehouse, fur conrtnionce and safoty from tire, If not superior, is in Jerior to none in this part ol tlie country— It IS 800 feet in length end 60 feet in w idtli, withe plank floor—situated in the centre ortho town, on tho bank of the Snvannah Rirer, and within 100 feet ol the stream. ■ he other three lide. UFA lliillnrlorl ku other three stiles are bounded b» streets, one of 160 fe» of 100 feet,and one of yo teet. Two platforms will ex tend from the warehouse to the river j so that ontton will be put on boat, without touching Ihn ground, except when the riv- er is very low. RATES. For Inspection and Storage of Tobacco for 0 months, per lihd. | t 50 Foi Storage of Cotton and delivery on the river bank each bole per month. if f.g ro forwarding either to Sa vannah oi Charleston, per bale j£ j.g Liberal advances on produce placed un der hi* charge, will be mode for a moderate premium, or customary rates, lie will take the same care, and use the snmo dili gence for others as he would fur himself. lie will adhere to and go on with his o- tigtoal plan with regard to the building of tliu to 171) of Hamburg—all imprisonments, personal violence and persecutions, and all the farsical Sheriff's Bales of Hamburg, to the contrary notwithstanding.'' Il John Williaimnm mid Til, colleaguee n 'tij ° '‘""“i *®‘ do J* I have dune dermen.and tho commissioners oftlie poor noeiH house and hosoitDl. and their I will however, accept nf all their spare chance to help along tho nccnnipliiliiiieiit orsltat great undertaking ; but the Town licv ilioll ncvei have. 1 built it for my self i not foi them—And ifl had tlie a- hililics ami perseverance to build a Town, tlie will find i hat I Inivc abilities and perse- verance enough to take caro nf it. He will lie duly thankful to all who fa vor him with their custom. ’ HENRY SHULTZ. HAMBURG, Sept28th, 1829. I . s. I ain proud to Any that the Hahi- burs merchants have supplied themselves this season, uiihmore goods ol all kinds than nt any lorm-r period, particularly such A salt, iron, sugar, coffee, bagging, dry-goods, &e. Several now stoies; nave already opened, nod others will open' very shortly The usual spirited disposition prevails lo givo os heretofore, at least at much, if not more, for cotton, than in any Ai for mona'v, none w ill he counters ced uni ss it Is founded on a solid basis; nnil.shoutd other bn taffen in the market, or should any monied institution in which he market and country aro interested, go hfvonrl what might be considered just and prudent, immediate notice of it will be gi ven, without fearor favor. Under all these favorable circumstances I am Induced to hope that the community and country generally, will find it to their mteresi to favor us with their custom. 11. S. oet 3 20]p 180 Notice. F OUR months after date, application wifi ho made to the Hon. the Justi- rns of tho Inferior court of Emanuel coon tv, for leave m,ell all the real estate ol James I. Anderson,for tho S,' v l ,e heirs & creditor,w W^SNEV ■ sept 2d ' ■ . r .v ; v ; .. * Puints and Paint Oil. Navt CoHMissioans’ Ornci, OP.mne 1 oth .September 1828, S Viopoui, will be received at CT this Office until In November next, to supply all the Faints end Paint Oil that ?•*/, r,< l uired lor the service of the year 830 a, „, 0 savy Yards Portsmouth, N Pki?5‘i r ^ t,>W . n .’, M *"' Brorsklysi. N. Y. Philadelphiu Washington, and Gosport, iht ! d ' !ll '.? red a P""< h ® requisition, of the Commanding Officers of the Navy Yards, respectively, or of tho Nayy Agents, 70 1 ?? *4?-3 gw ST < in! ■' ? * §■ 8- §• t §* §• S- fr I* §■ 18- §• 8-i g* I. % O oo5*§■§•§• g-g-g-g-g.0.0.g.g,j 5 «1 ■ C frS’ S'frl i *§•§•! © 2. P* Notice. LI, persons indebted to the Estate of , f A- Di. Elijah Gillett, will be pi -ed to to make payment to tlie subscriber; od those having demands against the same, will present them to • , JAMES IIIGGINBOTTOM, ' Ad’mnr. de bonis non. with the will annexed Lower Threo Runs,(3. C.JSept. 7th, 1829 oet3 SOI By the President of the U. States. I N pursuance nf law, I, Airnnzw Jack- snir, President of the United Slates ol America do hereby declare and make knotsn that a public sale will be held at tlie Land Office at St Helena Unurl House, in the Statu of Louisiana, nn the second Monday in November next, for the dispo sal of.the unappropriated public lands with in the limit of ihn undermentioned town- shins, situate in tne Land District West of Perrl River,and East of.tho Island of New Orleans, to wit: Township two, of Range one, Townships one, two, three, five and six, of llango two. Township, one, two, three, four, fivo and six. of Range three. Townships one, two, three, four, six and seven, and fractional townships eight and nine, of Range four. Townships one, two, three, foul, five,six and seven, anil fraotional township' eight, of Range fivo. Townships one, two, three, four, five, six and seven, end fractional township eight,nf Range six. Townships one, two, three, four, five,six and seven, and fractional township eight,of Range seven. Townships one, two, three, four, five,six and seven, and liactional township eight,of Range eight. Townships one, two, three, four, five, six und seven of Range nine. The above townships are all situate south oftlie thirty first deglee of latitude, and East ol tlie Meridian, and embrace nearly all the lands lying on the Aniile Tickfaw, ml Tangapahn rivers. Tile townships will be offered'in the or der above designated, beginning with tlie lowest number of section in each. The lands reserved by law for the use of schools, or for other purposes, will bo ex cluded from sale. Given under my hand at tho city nf Washington, till* thirteenth day of JunP, A. D. 1(129. (Signed) ANDREW JACKSON. Bv tho President, ' GEO. GRAHAM Commissioner oftlie General Land Office. To lie puhlished in tlie Natchez States man, Jackson Journal, Louisiana Adverti ser. Allapapi Gazette, Huntsville Demo, prat, Mobile Register, Baltimore Unpuhli. man, Philadelphia Sentinel, Richmond Enqutror, Raleigh Slar, Charleston Mer cury, Savannah 'Republican, Augusm Chronicle,Nashville Republican, Si Louis- villo Advertiser. juiy 29 171 * All the nrticles must be of the best qual ity) must bo delivered in sound substantial boxes, barrels, casks, nr other suitable and proper packages, in good shipping order, free of all expense to the government; anil no allowance will be made for boxes, bar- rels, casks, or any oilier packages whatev er. On dcliverv the articles must be sub- milted to tile inspection of tlie respective Navy Yards, or such oilier inspection at the Cummissinnors may direct. Pei sous making offers must affix n price to each and every article, otherwise their bills Will not be considered: they must ho endorsed "Offer In furnish Points anil Paint Oil for the year 1880." '"o ho published twice a week in the Na tional Intelligencer. United StateV Tele graph, Baltimore Hepiiblican, American Sentinel. New York Courier ,v Enquirer. Priividenco Patriot; Raleigh Star, Char lesion I’atiint, Savannah Republican, Lou isiana Advertiser, Richmond Enquirer, Norfolk Herald, sept 28 198' measured conformably to the printe'd rules BwSfeasStjfi Kssatasaj* 1880, riir* certificate of two rcspf'ctaMe c "‘ Hunn tiie ^ ?| im E u “ “company e„ c fi M-go delivered. Tlie cordage-must he made of clean water ratted hemp, tim yarns m« b ?.M , | r !!? 1,11 ®5“ ,hrH before brn • ing laid into cordage; th, cordage must lie «f such sizes as may beicquircd by tbeies- Commandants, ami must stand the &"A 'V ,,d 'he respective Navy Bidders must state their bride for paient, and, for "common. laid.” The copper musihe oftlie lirst quality,end con sist of such kinds and sizes as tii- respec- Jive coinmamlants may require; the sheath, lug copper must berold rolled; tho whole on dehverv nmst undergo the Inspection of the Nevy Yards, or such other ihspec- tion as tlie Contmisslnuert tuny direct. All deliveries must bp' made free from all ex pense to the Government To l.e published twice a week in the Na- tional Inlelligencer,U. 8. Telegraph, II ,l- tunore Republican, American aeutiuel, N. Y. Courier and Enquirer, P„,videnee Pal- d 0 '.’ 1 L c '" n " nd inquirer. Norfolk Herald, R^ieigh Slar.Charlesiqn Palriol,Savannah Republican, Loulslauh Adverliser.' >ep'*8 198 ttHfilHi -a Groceries, Slop Clotliiiiy -and Navy Bread. * Navt Cowtissio.Nf Rsi Orricz, d,b ^Tiember 1880, SEALED PROPOSALS will he ro- CT coived al tins Offic e until the l* „/ November furnish all llie (Iroctrie, Slop Clothing, and Navy Oread, 8,at m ,y be required during the year 1830, fr r iha Navel service, at tho Na»y Y„rds. Ports- mouih, N. II. Charlestown, Mass, Jiruok- fvn New York, Philadelphia. Bdltimcrt Washington', and Gosport, Va. to bo fus- nlshed upon the irquisitinosafthe resneu- tive t’oinmauding Officers or Nuvv Aa gams. 7 “ GROCERIES. « quality, 1st proof, 1-4 at isast rye, Molasses, While Beans, snund While Peas, sound Rice, fresh \ iflierm Oil, Wintet-strained Speim Candles Superfine Flour _ , „ shop CLOTUINOr Drab Pea Jackets, each Blue Cloth Trnw,eri, c C r unit Da do Jackets, ., c h Do do Vests, » ac n 'Virile Flannel Shirts, . iqml,. Hi Do Trowsers, per pair Black Silk lldkfs. - each Wncl Heti. each Shoes, pair * Navt Cousiissionzxi'OrrtcE, S lOth September, 18(9- - BALED proposals w’ll he reoeived at this office until the 1st I^eenikei neat to supply tlie following White Oak Anri Yellow Pine Plink Stocks, White Oak Knees, and Masts and Spar Timber; to be deliveieiUt the Navy Yards Pustsuioutli, N. H. Charlestown, Mass Brooklyn,N. Y. Philadelphia, Washington, and Norfolk! and all the cordage and copper that may be required hy* the respective I 'ominending Officers of the said Navy Yards, to be de- livered upon their requisitions, for the ser vice oftlie ycai 1H30. W hite Oak and yellow Pine Plank Stacks At Portsmouth, 6000 cubic feet best white onk plana stocks '7000 do best long leaf yel low pine plank slocks At Charles town, At Brooklyn, At Pbiladel- plila. At Washing ton, 10,000 do best white onk plank stocks 18,000 do best long leaf ynl low pine plank stocks 46,000 do best while oak plank,locks. 16,000 do best long leaf yef low pine plank stocks 6,000 do best white oak plank stocks 3,000 do best long leaf yel low pine plank stocks pergallo^ per bushel, do , per pound, per gallon. parpoub,r. per barrel 1 . Just Received. -g gk FIRKINS prime Goahqn*Butt,r M. V For sale by . JiJMjWRBSHt'Ef 4,000 do bast white oak plank slocks '4,000 do best long lenfyel- low pine plank stocks At Gosport, 26,000 do best white oak plank stocks 18,000 do best long leafyel low pine plank ' stacks. White oak knees at Boston, Now York, and Norfolk, from 8 feet 0 inches to 7 fret body, from 6 fret to 3 feet 0 incites arm, and to side from 8 to 11 inches nett siding. Masts and spar timber at Norfolk, for tlie lower masts and bowsprits, topmasts and jib booms,and lower yards complete lor one 74, one 4-, one sloop of war ef the first, and one sloop ol war of the second class, per cubic foot, The pine plank stacks and mast and spar timber, must bo the bet quality long leaf, fine grain, heart, south ern yellow pincj tlie plank stacks,and mast and spar timber must bo free from sap. heart shakes, and all other defects; the plunk stocks must not be less than Sa ami nnst average 46 feet in length; the pine must square not less than 14 nor more than 18 inches at the butt, and may square one fourth less at the'lop end. The oak plank stacks must square-not less than 14 inch es at the butt, and may square onc-fourth less at the trip end; they must hnve grown bn lands near to salt water, or otherwise ;witbin tire influence oftlie sea or salt water air. The dimensions ofthe mast aed spar timherwill be furnished to persons inlendihg ■to make offers, by tho commandiag officer ofthe Navy Yard, Gosport,' Va. All- the luforementioned timber must have been cm or the tiees hnve been girdled between tin: soth of October,' and tlie 20ih of-February. pgxtj'On delivery if will b« inspected, and Curled hair Mattrnsses, each At all the above mentioned Yards, ex cept Baltimore. And all the Navy Bread that may bA required at the said Navy Yards, and at tlie Navy Yard Pensacola West Florida. All thefarticies must be ofthe bes- qual ity. The Slop-Clothing and Navy Bread must lie fullv equal tu the samples, nr pat terns in the possession of the respective Commandants, by whom they will bq shewn to all pe sons who nny wish to ses- them. The Mine loth Jackets.Trowsers, ' and Vests, must be made of Indigo dyed Clothi the Matlinsses must bo made of clean cm ted hair with thick entto’n ticking; they must lie six fret long, 48 incites wide;, and must weiglf not less lh.ui nine pouuda avoirdupois each. The casks 'containing Whiskey nnd Molasses must have four iron hoops pm on each when required , by the respective Commandants, at the expense nf the Contractor. All article's must be delivered.,in sound substantial boxes, bar rels, casks, kegs, or other suitable and pro per p.irkages, ill good shipping order free ' of expense, and no allowance will be made for boxes; barrels, Arc. or nny other pack ages whatsoever. On delivery.the article*, must be submitted to the inspection of the respec ive Navy Yards, nr such other in spection ns tire Commissioners may directs Persons making offers will endorse them "flffer to furnish Groceries," or "Slop Clothing,” or "Navy Bread," for the year 1830; they musi also affix a price to each. and every article enumerated under each head they may propose to furnish, other wise their offers will not bo considered., . 't?*To be published twice a week in the National Intelligencer, U. S. Telegraph, Baltimore Republican, American Sentinel, N Y Courier nnd Enquirer, Providence Patriot, Hartford Times, Boston States man, N. H, Patriot, Richmond' Enquirer, Norfolk Herald, Raleigh Slar, Charleston Patriot, Savannah Republican, Louisians Advertiser. sept 26 198 3<f Just ret Blue (ind. Starch. BOXES Gilbert’, STARCH, rln FitrTUiia 5 do Fig Blue received and few sale by A PARSONS, Druggist, At the Eagle No 8 Gibbon’s Range, «ept 48 Lumber Factorage. rvq (I E subscriber informs Iris friends and JL tlie public, that he continues tho Lumber Factorage and Commission Business, it the wharf adjoining the Canal, qn hi, individual-accnupt. Hetakes this opportunity of returning hi, grateful thanks to those who so liberally, latronised the late firm of Wylly. 4r. BrowD, St respectfully solicits a share ofriio same. ELISHA WYLLYv : aug 81 183ab . ^ ^ ' - Wanted to Purchase. A NEGRO boy between 15 and 17 years of age, A nply'aj the office ' e the Savannah Republican, r.sajt M J8#« - - J. ^ :