Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, October 17, 1829, Image 1

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U -.J.V zs.vfc, No 207 ..........Vol. XXVI SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 17, 1829. Whole No 6478. Ingham County{ Brought to Jail. N Savannah, on the loth Inst. n negro I ivceh’ioR COURT, July Term, IMS. I Tl , h i petition of William Moral, tia- JL mnn .vho aayi his name is JERRY, g lying the existence & loss and praying ami that he belongs to the State of Geor- V.,.,K|i,hinont «r a certain promissory gin, that bo rnnnway from the Chatalioo- X. inlnttv and severally made mid signed clioe river alinut 4 months ago—lie is 6 William J. Mulryno. and William O J feet 8 Indies high, and about 88 years of ... both Into of said county deceased, agejlie Is of a yellow completion and stut- ** ' tors when-speaking. JOHN I DEWS.j.c.c. aug 18 180 Regular Communication Porter,hod' tSJfcfcsMhtf.? gi'ftP 7 Knlrirn thfl 11.1 ty, lSIh February, id William Morel, or nr before the 1st day of January | C far the sum of twenty five dollars,lor PW' a c0 p* whereof, with the OF TlfB Grand Lodge of Georgia. T HE Officers nnd Monibnri of The Grand Lodge of the State of Geor gia and the different Lodges under its in* Vieill«.st,.ik' I.M «I. t _ .... t in* reei’lven, n copy «niwi u , .| BlOUgllt tO Jflil, ’2,-vii nfibe said William Morel, is filed "H'N Savannah on the 10th hist, a negro ‘ .i,,Clerk’s Office,—-It is ordered, tlml I JL mm, who says his name is SIMON, vifflsm Klu|. of the County of Effimg- ] and that he belongs to the State of Gem 1 -, „ , . . „ , ihtsclina and qualified administrator gj a> that he runaway from the Chatahoo- risdiftlnn by their proper representatives, mi.l William O. Porter, deceased, I cliee River about 4 months ago—ho ft & mo leqnestod to assemble nt the GRAND rfi/ieWr* and representatives ofthe said feet 8 8-4 Indies high and about Zb years LODGE MALI., in Millcgeville, on Mon- •illijmJi Mulryne, deceased, do shew I „f age—be lias lost one of his front teeth. I DAr me 7th day of December next. , een or before the fiist day of the next JOHN I. DEWS, a. c. c. THOMAS F. GREEN. ,„. 0 i this Court, why the prayor of the nog 18 I . Grand Secretary, 0. L, S. 0. .Ue,er should not lie granted, and it Is "" ' ‘ ‘ ' " ordered that this rdloba published ['ordered tliat this"rulo ha published ' “ i Gazettes of the Cite nco a month until tho time hewing enuse thereof, mn the minutes, , CHARLTON, Clk. ft? The Editors of the Savannah Re* publican, Augusta Constitutionalist, Ma a negro I con Telegraph, Washington Newi.Cnlmn man who says Ids name is NF.D, and r uu > Raoulrer, will glvo the above thiee that lie belongs to tho Slate of Geoigia, ,vel,l<l ) , insertions, -and forward their ao* that ho ranaway from the Chntahooehee 1 co "" 1 * ,0 'he Grand Secretary. Brought to Jail. j£N Savannah, on the 10th lust. r,——. & C * 9V ,'BBLS prime N. E. 10 bales Plaids^ Stripes, 4 cases Drab nnd Blnok Hats 10 kegs choice Go.lien Rutter C bbls "Vandorwoter'a" SinoaUd lloef ' , 80 Virginia Hams For sale by Oct 8 COHEN A- MILLER. river about 4 months ago, he is 5 feet 8 | Inches high ond about S8 venrs t JOHN I. DEWS aug 18 180 Brought to Jail. I N Savannah, on the S&th ultimo, n ne gro man, who says his name is TO- lYjjnil that he helnng* to William Ileal ind County, Ga. that he ranaway 'week, ago, he is 8 feet 3 t-4 in ti about 30 veaisofnge—the top I Is gray. 1 k JOHN I DEWS.j.c.c. attgB 175 Brought to Jail. I N Savannah, on tho 81st ultimo, a ne gro man who saxliis name is IS \ AC [.and that he belong? to Revill Cook of El bert County, Ga that lie ranaway about threo weeks ago—.tie is :> feet 3 8-4 inches high and abom 10 rear; of ago, he has a sear on ills chin. * ■ JOHN r DEWS. j. c. c. aug 8 175 ~ Brought to Jail. I N Savannah on the 10th ins . a 'negro man who savs his name is MOSi-' 8,and that he belongs to Wm Bell, of Munroo County, Georgia, that lie ranaway about four weeks ago, he is 8 feet 6 1-f inches high and about >8 years of age. sept8t J. 1. DEWS, J.'c. c. Brought fo J ail. T ATTFIH V TN Savannah on the 25th May a negro I -1~J ■“*' • J LB. man who says his name is JANUA- LLASS No It, I |(Y, and that he belongs to EdwariLChis olinn. of South Carolina, th-t he ranaway about one week ago, he is 5 lect 2 Inches high and about 22 years uf age, he has lust several of his front teeth, aug 8 J. 1. DEWS. j. c. c. oct IS SOB oct IS To Rent. A convenient dwelling house Plcasnntly situate,, in Bruugh- ton street Applv to A. D ABRAHAMS soBrnf It l-Z 12 1-2 Late Publications. r«HE NKWFOUKST. a Novel hy JL the author of "liramblelye House" Terr Hill" Ac. TALESOF HUMOR tt nOM ANCE. altered from popular German Wrltars. inflated by Richard Holcrafi, B. A. ROMANI ES OF REAL LIFE, by hr Author of "Hungarian Tales." AU" In assortment of STORY Bt TOY IOOK9, for children, nnd Selected En- uving! and LITHOGRAPHIC Prints. Just received and for sale hy T.M DRISCOLL. oct 8 » Notice. A LL persons ImMited to the Estate or Di. Elijah Gillktt, will be plea sed lo (o make payment to the snliscrilier; and those having demands against the same, will present them to JAMES HIGGINBOTTOM, Ad'mnr.,cfe bonis non. with the will annexed- Lower Three Runs,(9. C )3ept. 7th, 1829. oct8 - 201 $30^000. New York Consolidated [ udrannlnNew Yoikon the 8th Inst. | Ilied awing will lie received on the ltili Inst.' 7 drawn liallott. SCHEME: I 9 yraet of I do 10 da 10 da II da 41 da tfre. Tickets*. . Halves. . . Routers, , &C. 510,000 0,708 1,000 500 300 100 fcc. . |10 00 ... S 00 3 bO Isaac Norton H AS received hy recent arrivals from New York a handsome assortment of w#|| sojpcted STAPLEtf FANCY DRY GOODS Among which are (0,000 yds. Negro Cloth eo .listing of English and Domestic liuins, Sat* tinets. Hues, Cassinets, Woolsev* file Heavy Duffle Blankets Bleached and Browu Shillings and Sheetings Striped uiid Plaid Homespuns 180 ps. Chintz and low priced Cali coes Light and dark Plaid Ginghams 1 case Superfine l.inen liwmtiazetis, Simihaws and Snrsnetts 0*4 7 4 8-4 apd 0-4 Table Diaper Shell and Bruzillinn Tucking and Side Combs Silk Gauze ami Worsted Barege Shawls White & Coloured Flannels die. die. oct 8 10 1 A Card. T HE Subscriber lias taken charge of, and will keep tindor Ids own direc tion, the warehouse first built by himself, 7 and by an Act of the Legislature of 1821, intended to be a public wai chouse, in Hamburg, for the storago of cpttun and tobacco.—A tuba, co inspection to be kept therein. This warehouse, for convenient? and safoty from fire, if not superior, ■ is in ferior to nono in this part ol the country— It is 300 feel in length and 80 feet in w idlh, with a plank floor—situated in the centre of the town, on the bank of the Savannah Rivet, nnd within 100 feet ol the stream. The other three sides are bounded by streets, one of 160 of 100 feet,and one of 80 lcet. T«o platforms will ex tend from the warehouse to the river ; so that entton will be put on boats without touching the ground, except when the riv er 1s very low. RATES. For Inspection and Storage of Tobacco for 0 months, ^ per lilid, || so Foi Storage of Cotton and delivery un the river bank each halo par month. Fo forwarding either to Sa vannah ui Charleston, per hale Liberal advances on produce planed itn dcr his charge, will bo made fiir a moderate premium, nr customary rates, lie will take the same care, and use Die same dili gence for others as lie would fur hituicif. He will adhere In and go on with him o- liginal plan wilb regard to the building of tile Ina n of Hamburg—all imprisonments, personal vinlenee and persecutions, and all the favsical Sheriff's Sales of Hamburg, in' the contrary notwithstanding. If John WiHinmsnm and Ills colltaguts want a town, let them do is 1 have dune- build one. I will linn ever, accept of all their spare change t« help along the accomplishment oftliai great undertaking ; hot the Town hcv shall never bavo. - f built it for my self t not foi them—And if I had tho a- hilitles and persovemnen to build a Town, tile will find that I have abilities and pei se verance enough to take care of it. He will be duly thankful to all who fa vor him with their custom. HENRY SHULTZ. HAMBURG, Sopi38l!i, 1820. P. 8.1 am pinud to say that the limn burg merchants have supplied themselves ihis season, svhhmoie goods ol all kinds than at any tormer period, particularly such .is salt. Iron, sugar, coffee, bagging, dry-goods, Ac. Several new stoics nave already opened, end others will open very shortly The usual spirited disposition prevails .to gire as heretofore, at least us much, if lint more, for cotton, than in any "liter city or town in the up-country. Paints nnd Paint Oil. Navy CuMMnitonzaa’ Officf, S _ l«th September 1819. BALED Fioposals will be received at tins Office until 1st November next, to supply all the Paints and Paint Oil that may be required lor tho service of tho year Tards Portsmouth, N. H. Charlestown, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y. I liiladelphin, Washington, and Gosport, va. to be delivered upon the requisitions of the Commanding Officers of the Navy /[“rds, respectively, or of tho Navy Agents, * ? I IfHfH " *4 W >> §T-8'S'8'§-m§i fS-frlfll - z -O - \ S' §■ S' f §■ S' §■ §• §• g- §• §• §• ^4 > .. _.r g'S'S'§'S , 9'9'5 a 'a. a o. 0 a. 0 a s 0 ° * ° °? 2.o^ g.q 25 S.q 2. filers attended to at LUTHER’S Lot try If Exchange OJ)Ice. DCtlS Sugflr, Coffee, &ci tfk'HIDB prime Jamaica Sugar • V 8 tierces do Green Coffee 180 pieces Hemp Ragging Landing from ship Eliza & Abbey And r sale by • GEO. GORDON, act 8 ZOZt — ( _ M. Piendergast. H AjJ received per scht Frauds, from New York. Supr Blk Palmarine, Supr Fancy Velvet Prints, 8upr English Gmghnnts, Supr 8-4 French Bombazines, Spoiled Crimson Uattlnoti, Blk Satin Levantines, Green Silk for Umbrella coveriug, Blue Worsted Braid,' Scarlet and Drab Cassimo.e Shntvls, Fancy Chintz do J|lk Nankin and Canton Crapes, , Barege lldkfs end Cravats, Brought-to Jail. I N Savannah, on the 33d ult. a mulatto » oman who says hernamc is N ELLY and ihnt she belongs to the estate of Edwd Bryan, Twiggs County, Georgia, and that she runaway about two months ago. She is 8 feet I 1 -Z inches high and about ZS years of age. JNO. I. DEWS, j. c. o net 8 Committed to Jail, A T Cousawhatollie, on the 15th of Mav last, a negro mnn named GEORGE who says lie belong! to the Oakmulgec Navigation Company in Georgia, of whom Mr. Itobeit McCall is agent; he is about 38 years of age, 8 feet 7 or 8 inches high july 13 J.J.RECK, J.B.D. Committed to Jail, A T Coosawhntcliic, on the Z5lli JMareh last, a negro man who says his nnine I is JOE, who first claimed Mr Richard El- j lis as his master, but since says lie belongs to a Mr. J din Tliier'ce, who lives about 4 miles from Savannah; he is about 5 feet 9 inches high, and about forty years of age. J. J. BECK, J. b. d. jnlyjgp 109 For Sale. B Y leave of Jhe Inferior Court of this ] County, will lie sold on the First Tuesday of December, for the benefit ol i the creditors, that valuable and improved Proposals. T lIEnn.lersigneil will receive proposals uniil the next meeting of Council, to cut a slip ol thirty feet wide amt -ixtv feet deep. Let a cell the wharves f R. M. Goodwin and the estate of Sciiuns Mayer. MICHAEL BROWN ) GEORGE SIIICK. V Committee. R. R. CUYLEB, S oet S 308 i^icierr- Ski - d • !, ' v ' ,, Mi i r n,ain n lldkfs Blue and Broom Cloths Lossiineras & Saltinets, Woodstock Gloves. Jlorseskln do Lined do All for sale Iovr, • At NoS So 14 Gibbon's Block. ocl l goo l&ll) Shapter & Tupper. S2* ‘^‘yJl'C'iml and noto offer for sale. Blfe4fc TONS Swedes lion, com- atinem^ P tis,n 8 of a complete as- 80 hints prime St. Croix Sugar 80 Mils Loaf do 80 bags primo Qraen Coffeo 8 hhds do do do J ) ' > L No s Mackerel *?? "Peabody'S" White Lead 10 bills Portland Ku ... turn (colored) 15 pipes Cognac Brandy J do Holland Gin »0 pipes Canary Wins 20 qr casks dn do ‘ W«hf08 Irish ’.Vhiskey * bl) l» New York Canal Flour,E. Ai\n i ba k' “Youlo’s” Patent Shot, as- ...“P'ted » "Vandawatet’," smoked in i, Boef °»es "best old Cavendish" To- sn . “acco ^ °M iCavoudlsh" To- 40 V b Sogar 8 « Plhl,h B “ <1 A ' n ' 0, ' lcan <¥2 0°° Gtinds Wnos, W jorted sign » *‘F . V \ . ' ingeso acres, and known by tho name uf HIBERNIA. tllOo. U. P. CHARLTON, Adm’r. do bonis lion, iio. sept 15 103 Just Received. 4,000 LB fsZ y on, eVaCO " 7 A few liundied lbs of Georgia Ba * con,'cured by Jones ALSO, •• A general Assortment of GROCERIES. With many articles of Dry Goods, Castings, Gid ler y, Crvckery Ware.. Shoes, Hats, fyc. All of which will be sold on good terms by applying to the subscriber. SAMUEL J'. BRYAN oct 8 201 Sulphate Quinine and Swnims Panacea, /JJ J(k OUNCES French and English Sulphate Quinine Z boxes Swslni s Panacea For sale hy HALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. not IS Tobacco and Segars. 5 BOXES "S S Saunders" best quali- tv old Cavendish Tobacco S boxes “Marshall's” dry oured'pvime old Cavendish Tobacco 8 boxes “S3 Sounder s” old & choice Tobacco—8 lumps 10 kegs" Goode” Tobacco—1 B’s 10 do " Morgan" do I2's 10 do “ Bernnrd" do I2’s 100 half boxes common Scgnrs 40 qr do half Spanish do 100 one tenth boxes Spanish Segars, Bpabannro'l brand . ZO qr and { boxes Spanish Segars, 1Z half ) "W C.” brand Just received and for sale by IIALL, SHAPTER & TUPPER. act 13 and should other be taken in the market, or should any monied Institution in w hich he iiinrkel and country are interested, go beyond whai might be considered juvt ami piudeot, Immediate notice of It will he gi veil. Without tear or favor. Under all ili.’se favorablO'clrcnmstances I mi imliircd to liupe that the cmiiiiiiiiiitv and ruuniiy generally, will find it to their interest to favor us with their custom. H. S. net 8 ZOtp Jjist Received. m HMDS N. O. Sugar p9 1 0 Goshen Butter An Invoice of Set tees, Fancy and Wind jor and Rocking Chair*. Lnndipg front ships Stntira t\n« Eli*n &, Alt hey, and f:r sale by oct 0 .1. H. FfFRBFjRT. f .anding and in Store. JBV HDDS Boston Rum f9.5do Jamaica do 3 pipes Brandy 8 Hhds Sugars 50 casks Nails assorted 5 Bogs Pepper 5 do Pimento 1 cotton A*. Wool cards 2 Cases Leghorn Hats, &c. 10 Kegs Cordials, For sate hy y,. BALDWIN & co. petto 204 o §■ o ol o c ■ a. a, a. o, a.*" o o o o o measured confurmably to the printed rule* E rescribod by tho Cominluionort, dated lent. 1st 1820, or such other inspection and measurement as they may direct, and must he delivered by the 1st of December, 1880. The oortlfluate of two respectable persons that the timber was cut within tlm prescribed limits, must ncc'ompjiiy oach cargo delivered. The cordngo must bo ‘ made of clean water rotted hemp, the yarns to lie tarred at least Ihrtt months before be ing laid into cordage; the cordage must b« or sucl; sizeras may he inquired hv thcics- pectivo Coininandaiits. and must stand tho proof et'Ablislied at the respective Navy Yarils. Bidders must state their price for 1 patent," and, for "common Inid.” The copper must he of the best quality,and con sist of such kinds anil sizes as the respec tive coininandaiits may require; the sheath ing copper must be cold rolled; the whole on delivery must undergo the Inspection ' of the Navy Yards, nr such other inspec tion as the Commissioners may direct. All deliveries must be made free from all ex pense to the Government. To he published twice a week tn the No* tiooal Intelligencer, U. S. Telegraph. Bal timore Republican, Amerirnn Sentinel, N. 4 Y. Courier and Enquirer, Pruvidencc Pate riot, ’tichmond Enquirer. Norfolk Herald, ' R leigli Siar.Charloton Patriot.Savannah Republican. Louisiana Advertiser, srpl 20 198 iyt ity; must lie delivered in sound boxes, barrels, casks, or other suitable and proper packages, in good shipping, order, fiee of all expense to the government; nnd no allowance will bo made for boxes, bar rels, casks, or any other packages whatev at. On delivery the articles must be sub mitted In the inspection of the respective Navy Yards, or such other inspection as the Commissioners may direct. Persons making offers must affix a price to each nnd every attielo. otherwise their bids will not he considered; they mutt be endorsed "Offer to -furnish Paints and Paint Oil for the year 1880.", To bo published twice a week in the Na tional Intelligencer, United Slates’ Tele graph, Baltimore Republican, American Sentinel. New York Courier Ai Enquirer, Providence Patriot, Raleigh Slur, Char leston Patriot, Savannah Republican, Lou isiana Advertiser, Richmond Enquirer,’ Norfolk Ueruld. sepi 20 108 my or io»« n in in" tip»couiiiry# rrr* i /-n i «> <-• As for mono, none will be enuntenan- 1 llllber, LoruflgC, & Lop- ced uni ss it is founded on a solid basis Syrup of Sussaparilla, fapillE subscriber has just icceived u sup JL ply of this celebrated Syrup. A. PARSONS, Druggist, At the Eagle, no 8, Gibbons’ Kniige.R sept 22 108 F Notice. OUR months nftcr date, application will be made to the Hon. tlm Jusli- Lauding per Emeline, from Boston, A N invoice of Clmir» and Bedsteads, 1 hair cloth Couch lJerseyWaRon F»r sale by oct fo ' J. n. HERBERT. For Sale. 4 N excellent Gig nnd Saddle llorso a 4_ bout six years .f ago, perfectly gon By the President of the U States. I N pursuance of law, I, AttnXRW Jack- inn, President of the United ‘Slates ot America do hereby declare and make known that a public sale will be held at the Land Office at St Helena Court House, in the State of Louisiana, on the seeend Monday in November next, for the dispo sal of the unappropriated public lands with in the limit nflhe undermentioned tourn, situate in toe Land District West of Pearl River,and East of the Island of New Orleans, to wit; Tow nship two, of Range one, Townships one, two, three,dive and six, of Range two. • Township* one, two, tlirce, four, five and six. of Range three. Townships one, two, threo, four, six amt seven, and Iructionai townships eight and nine, of Range four. Townships one, two, three, foul, five,six and soven, nnd fractional township eight, of Range five.,. Townships ort'e, two, three, four, five, six and soven, and Motional township eight,of Itnngc six. Townships one, two, throe, four, five,six and soven. and fractional township eight,of Range seven. Townships One, two, three, four, five,six and seven, and It actional township eight,of Range eight. Townships one, two, three, four, five, six ami seven of Range nine. Tho above townships are all situate south of tho thirty first degree of latitude, ami East ot the Meridian, anil embrace nearly all tho lands lying on the Amilo Tickfaw, and Tangapaiio rivers. The townships will bo offered in the or- der above designated, beginning with the lowest number.of section in each. The lands reserved by law for die use of schools, or for otltor purposes, will be ex cluded from sale. ■ Given under my hand at the city of . Washington, tltiv thirteenth day of June, A. D. 1820. (Signed) ANDREW JACKSON. Bv tho Prosidont, 4 GEO. GRAHAM Commissioner oftlte General Land Office. To he published in theNatchez States man, Jackson Journal, Louisiana Adverti ser. Allapnpn Gazette, Huntsville Demo crat, Mobile Rogister, Baltimore Republi can, Philadelphia Sentinel, Richmond F.nqmror, Raloigh Star, Charleston Mer cury, .Savannah Republican, Augusta Chronicle,Nashville Republican, & Louis ville Advertiser, july 2® 171 • per. 'Nayy Commissiok tax'Office, intli September, 1820 S EALED proposals w II be teceiveil at Ill's office until the 1st Novembei next to-supply the following While Oak and Yellow Pine Plank Stoe.kt, White .Oak Knees, and Masts and Spar Timber, to be delivered at the }iavy Yards Portsmouth, N. II. Charlestown, Mass Brooklyn,N. Y. Philadelphia, Washington, and Norfolk; and all llie cordage and copper that may he required by the respective Commanding Officer! of thasald Navy Yards, to be de livered upon their requisitions, for the ser vice of the yen 1830. White Oak and Yellow Pine Plank Stocks At Portamoutb, 5000 cubic feel best while oak plank slocks 7000 do bast long leaf yel- low pine plank stocka At Charles town, 10,000 do best white oak plank stocks 13,000 do best long leaf yel low pine plank stocks At Brooklyn, 25,000 do best white oak plank stocks. 18,000 do best long leaf yel low pine plank stocks At Phlladol- . phia'. ' 5,000 do best white oak plank stocks 5,000 do best long leaf yel low pine plank stocks At Washing- • . per gallop, per bushel- do per. pound, per gallon, per pound.“ per barrel.'' each pot pair each 'each • each . pair pair each each per pale, each each pair each Just Received. U 44 FIRKINS prime GoshenlButter JLWForsaleby ' T ton. 4,000 do best white oak - plank stocks 4,000 do bast long leafy ol low pine plank stocks At Gosport, 25,000 do best white oak plank stocks 16,000 do best long leaf yel luw pine plank stocks. White oak knees at Boston, New York, and Norfolk, from 6 feet.ft, incites to 7 feet body, from 5 feet to 5 feet 0 inches arm, and to side from 8 t,. 11 incites nett siding Masts anil spar timber ut Norfolk, for the tower musts aud bowsprits, topmasts and jib booms,and lower yards complete for cine 74. one 4 , one sloop of war ol tho first, and one sloop ol war of the second class, per cubic root. Tile pine plank stocks ami mast and spar timber, must be the beat quality long leaf; fine grain. Itoart, south ern yellow pine; the plnhk stocks,and mast and spar limber must he free ftoin sap, heart shakes, and all other defects; the plank stocks must not he less than 85 and must average 45 feet jit longtb; the pine must square not less than 14 nor more tltnit 10 inches at the butt, and may square one- juiirlh less at the top end* The oak plank stocks must square not less*tlan 14 inch es at the butt, and may square one-fourth Tors ut the top end; they must have, grown on lands nearto salt, water, or otherwise within tho Influence oftho sea or salt watei air. jriie dimensions efthe man and'jpm timliorwill ho furnished lojpersons intending to make offers, by the commanding office, of the Navy Yard, Gosport, Va. All tin aforementioned timber must havo been cut lol or the ttebs have been girdled between the J 20th nf Oftoher, and the 20th pf Februafy , ' next; on delivery U wJU be inspected, end Groceries, Slop Clothing aud Navy Bread. Navy OoMstissumiRs' Office, S 1 gth September tVZ9. BALED PROPOSALS will be r0 . eeived at this Office until the 1st of November m lurhiih all the Groceries, Slop Clothing, and Navy Oread, that m.y ho required during the year 1830; fut the Naval service, at (lie Navy Yards, Ports mouth, N. II. Charlestown, Mass. Brook lyn New York, Philadelphia. Baltimore Washington, and Gdfport, 4'a. to he fut ) nished upon the requisitions of the rospett- live Commanding Officers dr Navy a.- gcnls. GROCERIES. Whiskey,best atiality, 1st White Beans, sound > White Peas, sound Rlcr, fresh Sperm Oil, Wintei strained Spent! Candles SuperAne Flour SLOP CLOTHING: Drab Pea Jackets, Blue Cloth Trowleri, Do du Jackets, Do do Vests, White Flannel Shirts, Do du Drawers, Yarn Stockings, lllaukets, Duck Frocks, Do Trowsen, Black Silk lidkfs. Wool Hat>. Shoes, Curled hair Mattrasses, At all the above mentioned Yards, ex cept Baltimore. And all, the Navy Bread that may bo required ot the said Navy Yards, and at the Navy Yard Pensacola West Florida. All the articles inttvi he of the hesi qual ity. Tho Slop Clothing and Navy Bread mutt he fully equal to the samples, or pat terns in the possession nf the respective Commandants, by whom they will bo shewn to all pe sens who may wish to see them. The Blue . loth Jackets.Trowsers, and Veits, must he made nf Indigo dyed Cloth; the Matti asses must be made nf clean curled hair with thick cotton ticking; they must be six feet long, 28 inches wide, Hnd must weigh not less than nine pounds avoirdupois each. The casks containing Whiskey and Molasses must have four iron hoops put on each when required by tho respective Commandants, at the expense of the Contractor. All articles mbit ba delivered, in sound substantial boxes, bar rels, casks, kegs, or other suitable and pro per packages, in good shipping order free of expense, and no allowance will Im made fur boxes, barrels, Ac. or nny other pack- , ages whatsoever On delivery thearticlei must bo submitted to the inspection nf the respeo ive Nuvy Yards, or swell other in spection as the Commissioners may direet. Persons making offers., ill endorse them "Offer, to furnish Groceries," or "Slop Clothing," or "Navy Bread,” for III; year 1830; they must also iiflix a price to each and every nrticle enumerated under each head they may propose to furnMi, other wise ilieir offers will not ho considered. '7"'Tu be published twiceawCek in the National Intelligencer, U. S. Telegraph, Baltimore Republiom,American Sentinel, N Y Courier and Enquirer, Providence Patriot, Hartford Times, Boston States man, N. H. Patriot, Richmond Enquirer, Norfolk Herald, Raleigh Star, Charleston Patriot, Savannah Repiiblioun, Louisiana Advertiser, sept 20 198 F ig Blue and Starch. $1 fib BOXES Gilbert’s STARCH, 5 do Fig Blue ' Just, received ami for sale by A PARSONS, Druggist, : At the Eagle No 8 Gihkon’SVRange. sept 26 Lumber Factorage. V * T HE subscriber informs his friends and the public, that lie continues the Lumber Factorage and Commission Business, at the wharf adjoining the'Canal, on. Id; individual account. He takes this opportunity of returning Isis grateful thanks to those who so liberally patronised the late Dun of Wylly 4s Brown, & respectfully solicits'a share oftlie same, ' ELISHA WYLLY. aug 81 - 18Bae W anted to Purchase; . A NEGflQ bojr between 15 and 1T ' years of age. Apply at tho office of the Savamiult Republican, yept 26 • 188H ,