Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 19, 1829, Image 1

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• establishment nf a eertaht promissory a.'.'joimly anil severally madcnnd >l«ned William J. Mulryno. anil WjMlnm B ,r Until Into of said comity decerned. Effingham county, 18th. February, pavalilo to tltnaalU Wllil.itn.More), or . on or before llto 1st tiny of January i ’for llto sum of twenty •five.dullars,for received, a copy whereof, with tlio it of tlio said William Morel; Is filed ft uierV. Office,-It is ordered that Williua KM> of the County of Efllitig- the act inc and,qualified administrator K,said William t>. Porlor, deceased, ind the heirs and representatives of the said William J. Mulryno, deceased, do show ciose on or before the'lint dtty of the next rent el this Court, why the prayer of tlio itlo or should not bo.granled, and it is ir ordered that this rule be published he public Gazettes of the City h, once a month until the time or sho ving dative thereof, it from tlte minutes, JM>. CHARLTON, Cllt. !izi m, &c. pr ax I.multng. V 11UL9 prime N. K. limn 10 bales PlallU Stripes, and Shir- 4 cases Drab and Black Hats VI kegs choice flo«ften Hut 0 bbls ••Vanderarater’s” St Beef 50 Virginia limns For sale by 0 rt a COHEN & AHI.l.FB ' Sum,iked 1EW FOREST, a' Novel by tiihor of -"Hramblotye House" Late Publications. T he n the .tui “Torr Hill" &n TALKS OF HUMOR & UOM 4NCE, selected from popular German- Writers, translated by Richard Holnraf), It. \. ROMANCES OF HEAL LIFE, by the Author of '‘Hungarian Tales." ALSO An assortment of STORY & TOY ROOKS. fnidtlldreu. aitd Selected Eli- ginvings and LITHOGRAPHIC Prints. Just received and for sole hy. T. M DRISCOLL. ect 8 • Sitffar, Coftec, &c. *1 44EIJDH prime Jnmalca sugar J. Sr 5 tierces do Green Coffee 150 pieces Hemp Ragging Landing from ship Elina Ac Abbey , ln( | for sale by GEO; GORDON, oct it tniT M. Prendergust. H AS received per schr Francis, from New York, dupr lAlk Palin trine, 8upt Fancy Velvet Prints, ,8upr English Ginghams, Httpr 6-4 Fienc.h tiuiidiay.ines, Spoil,,i crimlon itaTiinotv, Bill Satin Levantines. Green Sjtfi for' Uv-rolla covering, lllttc MTorsted Braid, Scarlet and Drub Cavsithe.e 8hatvls, Fancy Chintz . do Blk Nankin,and Canton Crapes, Barege 11,11. IV „nd Cravats. S'tpeiinf .Lawn,, and Linen Cambria lldkfs - 1 "Jlne and Brown Cloths Cosslineres'A Sattinets, . Woodstock Cloves, llnrsttskin do A Lined do All for sale low, At No ft & t4 Gibbon's Block, oct t soo , Hall, Shaptenfr Tupper. IHw/aWy Recejwrfoad now offer for oule. Swedes Iton, com- Itomnrnu^" Pr ' ,ng of " c °mplete as. »pri Ml 00 Lint* prime St. Croix Sugar Brought to Jail. 'N Savannah, on tlio tutliliisi. a negro . matt wlm says his naftto I* JERRY, and that Ite'Belongs to tlte State of Oeor. gin, that he runaway front the Chntnlioo- dice river about 4 months • ngo—lie is s feet. 0 inches high, mid about S3 yonrs of ageflte Is of a yellotv e.omploxion and stut ters when speaking. JOHN I DEWS, J.c.tt. uug 18 ISO Brought, to Jail, I N Snvammh on the loth Osfot. n negro man who says his name is SIMON, that he belongs to the State of Oeor- that he runaway from the Chatalion- olteo Rivorufout 4 months ago-lto li ft fcot 5 3-4 Incites high and about 2b yeara of age—lie has lost one of his front teeth. JOHN I. DEWS, j. c. c. nttg 18 Brought to Jail. jf N Savannah, on tlio loth Inst, a negro JL tttun tlh i saya his'name It NED, and that he belongs to the Stale of Oeotgia, that lie ronawa: from tlte Chntahonrlue river about 4 months ago, he Is 5 feet 8 Inches high nod nltotil 28 years < JOHN’I. DEWS fl. c. aug m inn Brought to Jnil.' I N Savannati, on the 25th ttltiiiio. a ne gro iMwn, who says his name is TO- v K Y.an t that he belong- to William Ileal of Richmond County, <la. Hint lie ranaway about two week- ago, he is 5 feet 8 I 2 lit- . tmes'liigh At.about 85 leaisofnge—the top 6f ills head is gray X- . JOHN I DF.WS.j.c, c. ting 0 115 tie rttvt, in,no. a n ,ro ti tod that h ert t tut three wee high,and sear on Ills chin. JOHN T DEWS: j. c. c. aug ft 175 Brought to Jail. I N Savannah on the 10th ins . a negrtt man who says his name is MOS' 8,and that he belongs to Wm Bell, nf Mnnrne Comity, Oeotgia. that lie ranaway about four weeks ago. he Is 5 feet 0 1-2 inches high and about 2a yetrs of ,ge. sept 82 J. I. DEWS* J. c.*c. SO bids |,o a f ,| 0 SO bag, prime Green Coffee 8 It lids do dn do Ton I’ 11 *' 8 Mackerel *?“ ^•"Peabody’S" White Lead 10 bbls Portland R„ m (colored) 15 pipes Cognac Brandy 5 do Holland Gin 10 pipes Canary Wine so qr casks ,|n do on Cm 0 », 00n Irl *H Whiskey 20 bbls New York Canal Flour,E .... r “• B, &co 400 bags ••Youlo'a" Patent Shot, as sorted 10 bbls "VandeivatcrV smoked Beef 10 boxes "best old Cavendish" To bacco SO kegs "host old Cavendish” To. bacco 40 qr boxes Spanish and American Segura oct o°° ® rin<,lillJI '® 5 . assorted sizes Treasurer's Office. T n _ Octobkr 1,1829. ill. average price SfFlour during the I .IB lh. Sl l . l,0llt l |Jj eing go 50 por barrel ol tuusn ’i . l rC ? ( ]i for the present month ' 5 °,, ,8" as follows viz; Bl4 C r. MS ,j0if 2 lbs 13 c 0 .1-4. .. „ , „ B ,, 2 „ »illtaked!!eN 0 ” B c k e ! rSandSeUe ” 0fUt0ad oct 3 M 'W. STEWART, o.t. Au, , J Notice. having any demands a, i lata’ofBa-S,' e8 ' nt6 of Gotlcib Ernst, l them ' Jv'. 1 ft County, dec. will hand within th e ,, l r ' Subscriber duly attested , patsorit indelnoJ ,r . 0>0, 'i bod by ln "'’ ,1n<1 a11 ! Mdo make® *» said estate are requlr seribor, ,n, mecliate payment to the sub- Ep HRAlM KEIFFER, RtSntlie J n Admor O. Ernst, dee. «,t pliant Count;, *d October, mo. OF THE. Grand Lodge of Georgia. T HE Odicers and Mouthers of tho .Grand Lodge of the State of Oeor- gin nml tlio different Lodges under its ju* rivdictinn t,y their proper representatives, aro lequcsted to assemble at the GRAND LODGE H ALL, in Millegcvillo, OtiMol*- dat the Tib day ofDecemlicr next. THOMAS F. GREEN. Grand Secretary, O. t. S. O. The Editors nf the Savannah lie- ptihtte.au, Augusta Constitutionalist, Ma eon Telegraph, Washington News.CoImn "US Enquirer, will give the ubove tinoc weekly insertions, and forward their ac counts to the Grand Secretary, net IS 200 lit to Jail.' 81 vt , It into, lintite is 18 \'AC ill Cook of El runaway about eel 2 8-4 inches age, he has a Brought N Snv.innali on the 25th May n negro man who *nyi his name in' JANUA- UY, and that he belong* to Kdward ('his nlinn,of v outh Carolina, th t he ranaway about one week ngo, he i* 5 loet 2 inches hiL'Ir and about 22 years of age, he has lost several of his front teeth, aug B J. I. DFAVS, j, c. c. / Brought to Jnil. [ N Savannah, on the Aid ult. a mulatto woman who says bet name is NELLY and that she belongs to the estate of Edwd Bry.tn, Twiggs County, Georgia, and th t she ranaway about two Jhnnthsafcn She is >feet I 1 -2 incites high and about 22 years of age. JNO. I. DEWS, t. c. c ret 8 Regular Communication ffljfc oct IS To Rent, A,convenient dwelling house Pleasantly situatoo In Bruuglt- tun street Applv to A D. ABRAHAMS 20fiMl Notice. A ll persons indebted to the Estate of Dt. Elijah Gillktt, will be M |cn- mmI to to make payment to tlio subscribi-iR ami those having demands against tile same, »itl present them to JAMES IIIGGIMIOTTOM, Ad'mor. He bonis non. with the will nitncxcd. Lower Three Rnns,(S. C JSept. 7th, IU2II. $1 50 oct 3 201 Isaac N orton H AS received by recent arrivals from Yew York a liandmine assmtiitent of welt',elected STAPLE(f FANCV DRY GOODS. Among which are 20,000 y Is. Negro Cloth rn listing of English and Lomeatie I'l.ittis, S t- liiiets. lines. Casstn.-ts, VVnolsess&e Heavy liitflle I'Linkcta Blenr.lt'd and Brown Shirtings and Slteetlnga Striped and Pluld Homespuns ISO ps Chintz and luw pticed Cali ones Light and dark Plaid Gingham, I case Stipe, fine Linen llomiiazet's, Sinehaws and Sarsnetls 0-4 7 1 it-1 nod 0 4 Tulile Diaper Si'ell and Itrazillinn Tucking and Side.Combs Silk Onuze anti Worsted Barege . Sltuw Is White i. Coloured Flannels &c. &c. net 3 20 A Card. T HE Suhsoriher hax taken charge of, nnd will Ifeop under hi» own direc- tlon, the warehouse first built by himself, and by Un Act of tho Legislature of |8SI, intended to be a public waiehouiet in Hamburg, for the storage of cotton and tobacco.*— A tobacco inspection to be kept therein. This warehouse, for convenience and safety from fire, if uot superior, it in ferior to none in this paitol the countf)'*— It is dOO feet in length and 50 feet in width. *itb a plunk floor—situated in the centre of the town, on the bank oT the Savannah Hivor, and within 100 feet of tlio stream, 'file other three sides are bounded bv streets, one of 160 feet.one of 100 feet,nnd one of 80 icet. Two platforms will ex tend from the warehouse to the river \ so Hint cotton will be pm on boats without touching tho ground, except when tho riv er is very low. - RATES. For Inspection and Storage % of Tobacco for 0 months, per hhd. Foi Storage of Cotton nnd delivery on the river bank cacli bale per month* Fo forwarding either to Sa vannah oi Charleston, per hale Liberal advances on produce placed un der hi* charge, will bo in.ido for a moderate premium, nr customary rates, lie will tnkt* the same care, and use the same dili gence for others as lie would for himself. lie will adhere to and go on with his o- liginal plan with regard to tho building of the to *ii of Hamburg—.ill imprisonments, personal violence and persecutions, and nil tin* f.trsicnl SherilPs Sales of Hamburg, to the contrary notwithstanding* If John Williaiiisoni and his colleagues waul a town, let them do us 1 havodohe— build one. I will however* accept of oil their sparo clmiiue to help Rlong tho accomplishment of that great nndei taking ; hut the Town hey shall netei have. I Imilt it for my- *e|f; not fm them.—And if I hqd the a- biliiie* and perseverance to build u Town, the will find that I have abilities and perse* VeraiH'fJenuuvh to take care of it. lie will bo duly thankful to all who fa vor him with their custom. IU NRY SPULTZ II \MBUItn, SeptiQth, I USD P. S. I um p'tmdlo %av that the Ham burg merchants hnvo supplied tlieiin' lve* lids season, whhinore goods ol nil kinds than at any former period, particularly It I t 12 12 Paints and Paint Oil. Navy Cost mis. tot* cits' OrrtcL S -.,..,, *«lh September 1820. 1 toposnls will bo received al tins Office until 1st November next, to supply all llto Palm, and Palm Oil that may be requirod lor the service of the year 1830, at the \ "try Yard, PorBiitoUth, N. H.-Cl.ftrles,own. Mass. Bronklyn, N. Y. I hiladelpliia, Washington, and Gusptm, , *' Is “ e < l*Bvered Ilium tlte requisition, of tlte Commanding Officer, uf-the Navy Yards, respectively, or of the Navy Agents, -\5ES 3 O" Jr a*'w c. srr-a •dll i s 2.= S “• o O c S*- s- 3 *c o- 03 §•§•§•?■ 5- >2 s *- m w §•§•§•§•§•§•» §• &8-=tg-1.| “ 1 u. -C o Jog- o §■§-§•§• §•§•§• §■§■§■ g-^ ■£ 4'H J- Proposals. T HE itndersigtmil will receive proposals until tlte nest meeting of Council, it cut a slip ol thirty feet e jdr and * lxtv feet deep, bftween the wharves , f It. 51. Good., in anil the estate ot Serlnus ,Ala vet MICHAEL BROWN ) GEORGE HI I It IK. > committee. R. R. CUYI.ER, S net 8 205 Committed to Jail, A T Consanliatchie, nit the 15th nf Mav last, a negro innn named GEOHOE who say* lie belongs to the Oakmttlgeo Navigation Company in Georgia, of whom Mr. Ilobett McCall is agent; he i, about 85 vears of age, 5 feel 7 or 8 inches high Jitlv 18 J. .1. HECK, j. n. u. Committed to Jail, A T Cotnawhntchie. on the 85th March last, a negro man who any* his name i* JOE v who first claimed Mr Richard El lis as his mnster. hit, stneo snys lie belong* to n Mr.'J ihn ritieree, who lives about 4 miles from Savannah; lie i* about 5 feet 8 inches high, and about forty years of age. J. J. BECK, j. it. d. jttly 18 103 * For Sale. B Y len.o of the Inferior Court of this County, will ho sold on the First Tucstiay of December, for the benefit ol the creditors that valuable and iniproted dentation, on Skidaway Island, contain, ng 030 acres, and known by the name nf HIBERNIA. t , HO». U. P. CHARLTON, Adm'r. do bout* non, &c. sept 15 103 Just Received. 4,000 Lli ?;2, A few hundred lbs of Georgia Ba con, cured by Jones ALSO, A general Assortment of GROCERIES. With many articles of Dry Goods, Castings, Cut lery, Crockery Ware, 'Shoes, Hals, <$*c. All of which will bo sold on good terms by applying to tho auliscriber. SAMUEL J. BRYAN. , oot 8 SOI Syrup of Sassaparilla. T HE subscriber h.iajtist teceived it sup, ply of this cclebrated-Syinp, A. PARSONS,-Druggist, At theEuglo, no 8, Gibbons' Rnnge.p •ept £2 180 ~ Notice. F OUR months after date, application will be mado to the Mon. the Justi ces nf tlio Inferior court of Emanuel conn tv, for leave tosoll'nll the real estate of James l. Anderson fo.-the Ibenefit of the heirs & creditor,, TH08. VVtNNJkY. Sulphate Qdiinine nnd Swaims Panacea, M 01 OUNCES French nnd English Sulphate ftuinimi 2 boxes Swaim a Panacea For sale hy HALL, 8HAPTF.R & TUPPER oot IS All the articles must lie of tlte host qual ity! must he delivered in soiiiid titlistamiitl boxes, barrels, casks, nr other suitable and proper packages, in good shipping nrdnr, ftee of all expense to the government; ami no itlloeniico will be made for boxes, bar rels, cit»ks, or uivy other packages wiiatev er. On delivery the article* mint be stib- inltted to the inspection of the respective Navy Yards, or such other inspection as the Ctimiitissinner* tnay direct. Pinson* making offers must affix a price in each and every, article, otherwise their bids'will tint lie considered: they must bo endorsed -‘Offer p, furhlslv Paint, and Paint Oil fm .the year 1030.” To be published twice a week in the Na tional Intelligencer, United-Slates' dry-goods, &r. Several nets stores nave already opened, end oilier* will open vety shortly The usual spirited disposition prevails to give as heretofore, at least at much, if not more, for cotton, than m any Other city or lo«ttin tlte up-country. As (or monet, none will he counteitnn, jed ititl ss tl is founded on a solid basis; and should other be taken in the market, nr should anv nmnied instiidthm in wbirit he market and country are interested, go lie-.mid what might lie considered just and prudent, immediate notice of it will be gi ven, without fear nr favor. Under all these favorable circumstances I ant induced to hope that the community .tod country generally, will find it to their uitereat tu favor u* with their custom. IL S. oct 3 201P c. ° cl n. S' « S' ft. S' 9. .r 5-9-5-S"' aeLaetie,aaa.&; OOOf-COOOOOOOOOC^, Teh - graph, Baltimore .Republican, Ametican auchas salt, Irnn, sugar, coffee, bagging^ Sentinel, New York Fourier A. Enquirer, Providence Patriot, ILtlrigh Star, Char lesion Patiint, Savgnnah Kepiildican, Lou isiana Advertiser, Richmond Enquirer, Norfolk Herald, sept 28 188 Tobacco and Sugars. KOXFS'SS S Hafinilera" best quali* ^9 tvol(J Cavendish Tobacco 5 buxes “MsUshallV* dry cured prime old Cavendish Tobacco 5 boxes “S3 Saunder s” old & choice Tobacco—8 lumps 10 keg»“ Goode” Tobacco—16** 10 do 4 ‘ Morgan** do I2's 10 do ” BertiaVd” do * 12’s 100 hall’boxes common 8pcinrs 40 qr do half Spanish do 160 one tenth boxes Spanish Scjiars, “(?.ibnneru” brand v £0 qr nnd { boxes Spanish Segars. 12 half \ ‘ 'V C.” brand Just received and for sale bv HALL, 811 APTElt&TU1TRB. oct 13. Just Received. W HI109 N. O. Sugar *0 kegs Goshen Bolter All invoice <if S«utees,Fancy and Wind or and Rocking Chairs.. LandR g from ships Statira an ! Eliza Si Abbey, and f *r sale by ort fl J. B. HERBERT. Landing and in Store.- 5 11:10 - Bnslon Rum 5 do Jamaica do 3 pipes Brandy 0 I Bids Sugars 60 casks Nails assorted 5 Bugs Pepper 5 do Pimento 1 cotton & Wool cards 2 Cases Leghorn Hats, &c. 10 Keg* Cordials, For sale by L. BALDWIN & co. qcllO ■ 204 Landing per Emeline, from Boston, A N invoice nf Cli «»rs nnd Bedsteads, 1 hair cloth Couch 1 jersey Wagon For sale hy oct 10 J. B. HERBERT. By the President of the U. . States. I N pursuance of law, I, \ NDnF.tr Jack- son, President of the United Stales ol America do hereby declare amt make known that a public sale will lie held at tlte Land Office at St .lelemi Court House, ill tlio State of Louisiana, on the secend Monday in November next, for llto dispo sal of the unappropriated public lands with in the limit of the undermentioned town ships, situate in tne Land District West of Pcatl River,and East of tho Island of New Orleans, to wits * To > nsliip t"0, of Range one, Townships otic, ttvo, three, five and six, of Uhiigc two. Townships one, two, three, four, five aod six. of ILinge three. Townships one, two, tltreo, four, six and seven, and fractional townships eight and nine, of Bunge four. To«nshipsom, two, three, foul, five,six and seven, and fractional township eight, of Range five. Townships one, two, threo, four, five, six nnd seven, pud fractional township eight,of Itango six. Townships one, two, three, four, five,six and seven, and fractional township eight,of Range seven. Townships one, two, threo, four, ft re,six and seven, and Itaclional township eight,pf Range eight. Townships one, two, three, four, five, six anil seven of Range nine. The ahnvo townships are all situate south oftlte thirty first degree of latitude, and East ol tlte Meridian, and embrace nearly all the lands lying on the Amite Tickfitw, pud Tangapaha rivers. Tlte townships will lie offered in tito or der above designated, beginning with tlte lowest Climber of section in eauh. The lands reserved by law for thotiso of schools, or for other purposes, will be ex cluded from sale. Given under my hand at tho city of IVashingtnn, this thirteenth dey of June, A. I). 1828. (Signed) ANDREW JACKSON. Bv the President, ‘ GEO.GRAHAM Commissioner oftlte Gonernl Land Office. To lie published in tlte Natchez States man, Jackson Journal, Louisiana Advorti- Altapiipa-Gazctte, Huntsville Dcnm- Tiiuber, Cordage* & Cop per. Navy CouuiaaioNEtui’Orrici:. I8llt September, 1828 Cl HALED proposals sir'll be received at k3 ill suffice until the 1st November next to supply the following White Oak and Yellow Pine Plank Stocks, White O.ik Kices, and Masts and Spar Timber, to he dcliveteil at the Navy Yards Portsmouth. N. II. Charlestown, Musa I'.rnokiyn.N Y Philadelphia, Washington, and Norlolk; and all the cordage and copper that may be reqttirxd lit the respective < 'oinmanding Officers of the said Navy Yard*, to be de livered upon tocir requisitions, for tlio ser vice of the vea, 1830. While Oali and Yellow Pine Plank Slocks At Portsmouth, 5000 cubic lael best white oak plana stork* 7080 do best long leaf > cl- lo > pine plank slocka Al-Cliarles- town, At Brooklyn, At Pliiladel- ' pltia. 10,000 do best white oak plank stocks 13,000 do best long leaf ytd low pine plank stocks .25,000 do best tvhite oak plank stocks, 18,000 do best long leaf yet low pine plank stocks At Washing ton, 5,000 do best white oak plank stocks fi,000 do best long leaf yel low pine plank stocks For Sale. A M excellent Gig and Saddle Horse a* bout six years Cf age. perfectly gen tle and safe for family use, and is also well calculated for a Physician. Apply to the subscriber JOS.^S. mi io 4,000 do best white oak • plank stocks 4,000 do best long leafycl low pine plank stocks AtGosportf 25.000 do best white o.ik plank stocks 16,000 do best long leafycl low pine plank stocks. White oak knees atlioston. New York, and Norfolk, from 6 feet 6 inches to 7, feet body, from 5 feet to 5 feet 0 Inches urn', and to side from 8 t«# 11 inches nett siding. .Masts and spar timber at Norfolk, for the lower inast* and bowsprits, topmasts and jib hooms,and lower yards complete for um 74, one 4 , one sloop of war ol the first, und one sloop ot war of the second cl.is*> per cubic foot. Tlte pine plank stocks nml mast and spar timber, must be the best quality long ledf. fine grnin. heart, toutli ern yellow pine; the plau.k stocks,and ui.im and spar timber must be free from s«| heart shakes, and all other defects; th plunk stocks must not he less than 85 iiin> must average 45 feet in length; the pin* must square not less than 14 nor more that 16 inches at the-butt, nnd may square one- fourth less at the top end. Tire odk plan! stocks must square not less.than 14 inch os al the butt,' and may square one-foimi == measured conformably 11 tito primed rules prescribed by -tlio Commissioners,,dated Sept. 1st 1820, or such other inspection and measurement as they may direct, and must be delivered by tlte l*t of December. 1830. The certificate of two r. -.pi'ctablo persons that the timber wm out n itlittt tlio ptescribed limits, must accompany each cargo del vorod. Tlte cordtigo mpst bo made nf clean water rotted licntp, the yarn. n„ h f -Vr d 1,1 lf a , M thne ”>onlhe before be ing laid into cordage; the cordago must be of suuli siEcs a, may betoqulrcd hy the tea- pectivo CornntantUttti. and must stand tho prooT ei .tblished al the respective Navy Yards. .Bid(lets must slate their prico fut ‘ patent," and, for “common raid." The copper must be oftlte best quality,and eon- ant of vuch kinds and sizes a, th<. respec* live commandants may require; the tlientli. mg cupper must lie cold rolled, the whnlo on delivery must undergo the inspection of the Nuvv Yards, or such other inspec tion ** fit* Commissioners may direct. All deliveries must he made free from all ex pense to the Government.. To be published twice a week In the Ns. timul Intelligencer, U. A. Telegraph. Bal timore Republican. American Sentinel,N. Y. Courier and Enquirer, Providence Pat riot, II iclimnnd Enquirer. Norfolk Herald, R leigh Star,Charleston Patriot,Savannah Republican, LouMnmi Advertiser. sept 28 |BB , Groceries, Slop Clotliing and Ndvy Bread. Navy Commissioners’ Office, I Hilt September 1820. CJ HALED PROPOSALS will *bo re. O ceived at this Office until the 1st of November in xt.lo furnish all the Groceries, Slop Clothing, and Navy Bread, that tTt.y l>e requited during the year 1030, for tho Naval service, at the Navy Yards, Putts- inottlli. N. II.'Charlestown. Mass, Brook lyn New York, Philadelphia, llaltininro Washington, and Gosport, Va. to be fur) nislted upon tlte ,eqtiis|iton> of tho respec.. live (.‘outtnatiding Officers or Nuvy AJ gents. GROCERIES. Whiskey, best quality, 1st proof, t-4 at le.nl rye, Molasses, White Means, snund White Peas, sound Kic.e, fresh Hperm Oil, IVintei strained -pet in Candles Superfine Flour sl.op CLOTHING limb Pea Jackets, Blue Cloth Trowscrs, Do do Jackets, l)o do Vests, Wlt'tle Flannel Shirts, Do do Drawers, Yarn Stockings, Blankets, , Duck Frocks, l)o Trowsers, Black Silk lltlkft. Wool llat>. Shoes, Curled hair Mattresses, At all the above mentioned Yards, ex cept Baltimore. And all the Navy Bread that may ba required al the said Navy Yards, and at the Navy Yard Pensarnbi West Florida. All the article, must he of lite best qual ity. The Slop Clothing and Nave Bread mtifl he fully equul lo the samples, or pat terns in the possession of tho. respective Commandants, bv udtnni they will lift shewn to all po soot who nt iy wish to sed them. The Mine loth Jacket*.Trowsers, and Vosts, must be ninde of Indigo dyed Cloth; the Mattiasses must bo made of clean curled hair tvitlt thick cotton ticking; they must he six feet long. 28 inches wide,, nnd must tveigh nut less than nine pound* avoirdupois each. Tlte casks-containing Whiskey and Molasses must have lour iron Itoops put on each when required hy th* respective Coiniiiandniits, at tlte expense of the Contractor. All article* must ho delivered, in sound substantial boxes, bar rels. casks, kegs, or otltVr suitable and pro* per naekages, in f n,..l shipping ord.-r free ' nf expense, nnd no allowance will he ntnda for boxes, barrels, <Yp. or any other pack ages ,< hatsncrrr On delivery the articles must be suhiniitcd to tlte inspection nf tito respec ive Navy Yatds. or siieli other in spection as the Commissioners mav direct. Person* uihkiot! offers “ill endorse them *1 Offer to furnish Groceries," or '-e-lap Clothing," or "Navy Bread," for the ydttr 183' : they must also affix a price to each and every article enuniciated under each head titer may propose to furnish, other wise their nt)i"-s will not be considered. - .?* Po be published t „ ire a week in the National Intelligencer, U. S. Telegraph, llallnonre Repohlic-m.American Sentinel, N Y Cornier and Enquirer, Providence Patriot, Hartford Tinn-s, Boston States- N. II. Patriot, Richmond Enquirer, per gallon. per Imshcl. do per pound, per gallon, per itouo.l. per barrel. each per pair each each oaclt pair pair each each •per pair each .. each pair each utry. Savannah Republican, Augusta Chronicle,Nashville Republican, & Louis ville Advertiser, inly 28 171 Just Received. -a 4ft FIRKINS prime GosheiilBntter 1W For sale by osl 3 J. B. HERBERT. ser crat, Mobile Register. Baltimore Republi can, Phils'.olpliin Sentinel, Riulitnntid, le-s nt the «op end; they must have grow,, Enquirer, Raleigh Star, Charleston Mer-’ hn lands nearto salt-water, or otherwise within the influence of the sea or salt «nie air. The dimensions oftlte mast aod spa: tiniberwill he furnished to persons intending to make offers, by the commanding officer of the Navy Yard, Gosport, Va. All the aforementioned limber must have been ett or the’ttees have been girdled between tit 20th tli October, and tlio 20lh of Fcbriint,, uext^on delivery it will he inspected, and 2 ' -W Norfolk Herald, Raleigh Star, Cli itle-ton Patriot. Savannah Republican,' Louisiana Advertiser, tepi/20 mu 0 ig Blue and Starch. OH BOXES Gilbert's STARCH, 5 do Fig Blue Just received anil fo, sale by A PARSONS, Druggist, At the E-ogle No 8 Gibbon's Range, ■ept sn Lumber Factorage* T HE subscriber informs his friends and the public, that lie continues the Lumber Factorage and Coinmission Business, tt the wiiarf adjoining the Canal, on hts ,ulividu.il account. lie takes this opportunity qf returning his . ateful thanks to those who so liberally ,unionised the late firm of Wylly ,V Brown, respectfully solicits a share oftlte same. ELISHA WYLLY, via 81 IBfsi VV anteti to Cinchase. 4 NEG'.-:0 boy between 15 and 17 - years of age. Apply' at the office pf tlio Savannah Republican. - ■' sept 23 198k ■' si m