Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, October 31, 1839, Image 1

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--rSTTwnis FlfLMONAItlA, VK«KTABLBHBMULCBNT. of obaliiMiW Ornimhj in cousin I ,h ’h"f «’«'"< rr ,"‘ n fo^ntor. nMleotod SjJJkjvUmei «»•>■.» an. uinltaty, uml . „r„,eiont relief from liio Ihroetonitig of ataUMWM Pulmminry Con- mm m i t ; r J / < t ' -VOL. XXXVI. l’Olt KENT, . ' That large mm comfortable •itimtod In- Woiliington Ward, fronting IM Square. Ifii U not rentod before iho flret of N u ,o 1 nber. i .honvvn««i[lurc,.py FOlt BENT, . Tlw Slum Intel/ •occupied by Ylee,f*- McDonnell on the Ssiiul tide MimnniomSquare. n firel role (tend for Dry P«mU; -AMV b> L. UAL liiHffrontnr claims upon »coii6J*iic9 or HIO invalid then Iho ubovo "nufor thonliliolivo and irnnblaaome «ynip- Juafoi nhili*. oxeoolornllon nr phlegm, pnm brain, fto. which cim.utiito prominent 1 of We co nplainl, lhal Iho Pnlmonorin KJSjld, mid h:ia ininiroitod ita moat vain. “•S-rr'-rn* of coiirae in the /eliof of V„h. led Cold*, ariaing from anddon change, ■?,;,[h,r, fimn wearing damp linen, &c. r “'“^ liy A, BARTOW. oh;” CIIICKASAWIIATCIIBE ralllE inbrcnbor olTera for aale a tract of I' Land aitnale in iho lid Dinricl, Baker >ni».ainbracini! lullOncrea, which compli eiarary rariuly oftlm moat eupnrinr anil. I’ln Mtii&lipf wilh alight Improvement,, .wir 1 „n ba anlargeii in ita gengrnpliical dimen.inn. - geugraph „iy deiimhle client. Aa nn iidditional eon. dariiion to a Anrehaaar, reaionnhlo terina nnr —nnliaciad crndil are offered. For more mi, alhnaom nifnriiminn. applicant, call ad Ireaa labacribor at Ailiena. F. G. BALDWIN. loDH4nto jalydd IVUITF. WASH BRUSHES, *c. - 1)07, iVhiie kVaali Uruahaa Ofc lloada, 1» . _ aaemtcil aiaaa III da ffna Shoe do 50 doThnnipaon'e Paata Blacking loot raaeived and for vale by W i3 G. It HENDRICKSON. TOUVCCO AND SNUFF. K Ik lillOilE Mr,. Miller’, fine cut To' J{F liicco. Sbbla Lnrillard'a .Scotch nnil liccaboy StinlT. 4 lb bnitlea; do jara ennran lippaa and Maccoboy do. dual received end rule by G It. HENDRICKSON, aapt 10 182 MATCHES. Vh GROCE Clnrk'a Patont Friction 9IV Maiclma. anperloi to nil other hind.,, raaeived and for nolo by OR III oet 17 . HENDRICKSON. » DRESSING CASES. DvIZ l.i.lie, and tiantloincn’a anperinr Gnglidi Japanad Dre.alng Canoe, Jnat ^“wivd and for aalo by MtlS G. R. HENDRICKSON FItEYfMI JfT,fU3S PASTE. CASE fwncli Jujnbj Paste,received and for tale by. «• <5 A. PARSONS. DENTIST’S TIN FOIL. O P VCKUI'S Tin Foil, for plugging leoth. Received and for ante bv l«t 15 A. PARSONS. J'lIUKSDAV EVENING, OCTOBER 81. 1830. ETERS’ PILLS. TRU E IUCIH.S ofTifTTTs W HEALTH.". Eknow that health and the ability tola, borcimatitntoa the wealth oftlm great »f'h» P 0,l plo ni lint, aa in moat other conn. !'***{ .* u pr,, ; c,ve "'"'“lere. that health bv nn tnral moon, i, a grand timrel • nml ,.nii,: nn te!!°ion'"Tho li ,m' iCl1 ’ ............ ..pp.i.uiiiion which Ihla .Medicine baa aclii.ivod througlio.it Ute Uuilad Stale... ilm Lanadae, lagan. Meaico and the Went Indio.. fully inatify' Dr. Petera in warmly and onnaeinm ;ianr , r hn;ii“. i,,K , " um ,o *' 10 ‘p 0 -- 1 Dr. I etora baa .pent much lime in otpeii inentmg with differeut Vegetable Madiohma, for diaea.M of ilm liver, nml now tiffin hi, Vox- otalilo Pilla, aa qlid'boai, molt coiivenieut, and chnapeat .Modicum tliut can be prepared for general me. 1 One great quality oriila vegetal,le Pill, ia.hat whh h.v St* Ve PV ,1C| P | * combined l ! r "f opernlivoqnalitiea. nr that hay not only clean,e liio aimnacb and bnwela ■V purging,In" they rogulnle liio liver, ohauge iho inurbld aeoreiinn, atieugilien Ilm digoaliJo organa,purify the blond, invigorate the circnlni linn, iinn give, tone and one.gy to the notvmia y«tam, *1 Hey are mild and pteaunt in their uperahon and convey nliiin.t immediate cimviclion or their ntdny from their flint do,o. They can be tahan with aafety lay pei.nmorany age;and the fee, tile, the> infirm, ilimiarvmiaaiid dm delieate ate "trongihniiL’il by Ihoir opuraliuu, buenuso lliay clear the ayetam ofbad hiummrt. quiet nervoiia Irritability, and invariably prodneo toimd honlili. . ’ l ' h .? Vegetable Pilla are a mi re remedy fur jaundice, aich and neivima Imadaclio, dyauenay ro.iivm".,,, aickneaa nr Ilm atom,mb. Iiearlbmil. fit billion, coinpliiinirf, fovora ofall hind,, mid if lahoii at liio enimnaiicomoiit will invariable clmch their nrogreae. nod vuve the patient from a protracted mid rlangeruiia aichnou. They are in valuable in norvnmand liypucoudricol alloc. luma, Ittaa of appoiife, mid ml coumlniiila to which fomalea nlniic arc aubject. They opei- atmaac mild apeedy purge, und are naafo aud eori.nn remedy for wnrnia in children. Eatract of n loner from Dr. Goriioy ofN.Or. lenoa, La. Ocl.9. 18)17.—'“I have received nmcti T ill.* I 1,1 *'*-» la <1lliy(//|, lit. aobaenher In, iho pleaaoro nl mi. nonjjbtyg |„ Iho eitlzoiiaofil 0 U Sinloa m il ne hiia piirelinaetl.for a very la'ge sum mid fromlhe hivenlor, the cclahiafed Dr. .Magnio alimd'iki r '' c .' p " “" ,l ri * hl f,,r "'ailing* llii, aatoiiMiing medicine. Until the appenrnneo I'L 'i , c ’" r ‘ li "l.’ (about three your. Pico.) n wa- ihonghl that ilm complaint. Ieacl "r’i l ’" m l y IIV0,C " I "“«. wore bovmid ilia ■ teach of till man lemedv, ua fi.r upwardaofa thimaniid yearn they had baffled the wiadntn and iig.umny ofllie uintl profniind plivaieiaua l**^i parlFof die world. Tliia Cordial, Imw ever, tu ilm great advantage of die human rnco anon proved §lft„ be,he d„,id„,mi,m I’a bmg anughi fon mid accordingly, iiotwiihaiauding the brief period uf ita egialeuce. it baa reqiiiri-d aceiebrliy .o great, that it i.engmly for llirougli,oil ilia civilized globe. Dr .Mag. llul ! Il,e ‘lu'nnild iv,„ , 0 vital I liarareceived much naaiatanee m my practice;especially iirjaimdiee and yellow fever;from llioii.oof Helen Pilla. I nrcaume that, mi an averogo, I preacribo 100 bnaea in a innnlli ” "fa lultor fr.im Dr. Piichnrd. oflluih eon, N. V., June 3. I83fl| ‘I wna aware dial Dr. a?? wn * 0110 'l" 1 be.t chemiata in the Uui* led Stale*, and foil aaturod that lie would aniiio day (Irom biainiiinele knowledge of lha proper, lie, nl Imrba nnd drug,) prnduca nn effleiem .iiedicmn.nud I innaincltiinwledge that Ilia Vegm table I ilia fully reapoud tu my eapeeiaiiim. I bay ate mdoed i* anperinr mndicino, and re* fleet alike iipmi die clikinim, die pliyrioian, and Ilia philosopher * Eitrnci of a loiter from Dr- Wninon, nr Clm cillllnU, Feb. a. Itoifli ‘Voor Pilla are Ilm inibb esl in their opera lion,, nod yel morn powerful ill Ihrtlr buhcU, of any that I nave ever met wiili in n praciico ofand iwoniy yeais. Tlioir .mlimi on die chyle, mid Imime on the impurities ol the blond, is evideotlv vofy surprising.' Ctt.m ottk, N. C. dan. J, 1837. Dj.ir Sir—I linvoin.lde freqneul use Ilf ,,,1,1 I' Ml" the Miciiiium singo nfbillliiuftf... i). Vi... lucina cordial Jtf SUADIAV ob CUCIA'E IMP Ofi UAMOOR. ■ ""HI”/ impiwioio, (ilsnnsed of Iho lecipe and nghl of gale oblivion. of secrecy, lor Eiiglmid, dm United Si,nee. nod °i l J r preserving France and Il, y f! lE'"!? 5 v r ,'"‘ lll “ adbseriber pot. aessed inniself.if dm invaluable aecrei, and now haalana m give the luhabitnnts of iiia lino or agency the bouefft* nfhil speciilaliuu ,,'Lo Cordial beEncnm' or. in English, uhe Liicina Coidiai, 1 it a general invigimitnr of liio human Iraine! It. all dm various cases of lam guor.lnaailnde, mid doliilitnliiiii; it is an uiifnili "ig toinodyi as n is equally iia piuvince in isn* part coeerrulneat and decision to die tniiul, na health and vigor to die body. But the peculiar virtuu on winch its ceinbrily is bnsod. is the fia- riluv mid curiniuiy will) which il resioro, the virilo powers whon they have lioeii deatroyed by disease, lime, recklessness, nr any nfllw ini' nioruii* causes which letminole in Ihe pioairu- lion ut limae functions. Ill eunimuii with iho generality ofreallv good inedicineg, ting Cordial contains nothing ofa mercuriallor doleteriinia nnture. among tho ma ny ingrodients which compose it; hut is. at tho name lime, so simple, yet ho eillc cioin. that while it can rcmivuiu the prostrated energies of ngiant,an infitntmay use it, not only with inn pnmty. but with advantage. Tho iisagPH uf society aro unfortunately such, that, notwithstanding tliebeneliiM winch would be sure to result from it, we cannot enter into nn analysis of this inestimable Cordial here, or publish many of the dncumeiits which have been received,«s vouching of tha hlcs*.iugs it has conferred on mimborgofdespauiiig individ. itals Unt this we cnmint forbear remarking— that it hua been demmistrnlud that there is scarcely ever, ifnny such thing at all, as mini- rnl hurretinoss. or ns natural imbecility of tho procieam functions, i.i either sex; nnd ihorufoie tliut these evils are the eflerts of nrlifioinl cattxi es, and tnny ho sjieedily subdued and removed by ihu use of -Le Cordial de Lucino.' 'iheLuciua Cordial is also an indubitable cum.for tha Gleet, and tins Fluor Albus. ob structed. difficult, nr painful .Menstruati-u; for Ihe iticmtiitieuce of IJrmo,'or lb* mvoliiiiln ry discharge thereof. Ii \< lik« ••’Mo iui invalii able ami unrivalled medioi'- "J cases of Clirotn ic Frupiiotis ofllie ski- w,, d >«i the dropsical alfucliuiis of the nf^* .MosHiim^^'JJ Americf# u P^i«Drn, I TLuunnt Unrei. i.r..,* i.uxir of Love.* begs UNEXA91PLED lilAMNDTH • SsCll I..M K f|l HE following ilumilsofn Sciikmk or a JL LuTTKltt. tu bu dniwii in Dcctniil.ut neat, 'JWeole'Ing it t.. ho UNFARALr Lr.Ll.D to Ilm lii-uuy «f Lnttmivs. p,i T . M l0 the' am,Hint iiavr. a tv an bkioih: ear.n orptnto lo ilm public. Il ia Iruo, ihero nro many blanks, lint Oil III,. Ollier ham), ilm oalrmimly h.w cluign •'[$30 per Ticket—ilm Vai.uk and Neman I.r Ilm CAP.TAl.a. mid ilm revival III ilm gund old ■Uiatom Hf waflalitiijg Him every piiao shall he drawn und sold, will, wo aro mre, give utiivnr* ««l -ntisfaciion. nnd especially to tho Six Hua. drrd I’rizk Holdkrs. To•thosedisposed to adventure, wo recoin, ineml early 1 application being made to us for ticket*—when the prises ate all cold, blahkn oidy remain—thu liist buyers have the beM ‘horofore, emphatically »ny— DELAY ^OI IlHitnt unco re mil anil frani-mi H HOLE Inn at mice ro mil anil Iranj-mi in II, your ordara. which ahull always receive nur mimediaio atieuiinn. Leiiera iji he addressed, and applications made In SVI.VESTER & CO., IWi II,nail wav, New Ymk. (tTObaerve Iho Nninbiir loti. $VOO,OOOItI $900,00011 $95,0001 ti prltaa ol $90,00011 8 piitea ol $19,000 3 pnzo.s of $10,000 LOTTERY Of Ileal Ealalo und Bank Slock, situated In New Orleans. EF The richest and irfntl magnificent Scheme ever presented tu the public, in this or any oilier country. ticket* O.M.Y $20. Authorized by an Act uf Ilm Legi-lalivo Aiaom- bly ol Florida, and inidoi Ihe Oiieciiimaofilie Coniuii-*Kui»'rs iictiug under thu same, ~ *1^^“ TO UK DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, FLOKIOA. December Int, J8U9. SCHMIDT At HAMILTON, Manager*. SYLVESTER <Sc CO , 156 Rroadwny, New York, Sole Agent*. HO COMatlUTIOM HUMBER*!!* 100,000 tickets from No 1 upwards,in succession Extract from the Laws of tho Legislative Council ofthe Territory of Florida. Chap. 761.—No. ftl.—'Whereas the Court House uf Duval county is in an uiifiuish. e I state, and there are yot due nnd mvmg op on tho sumo muiiies, which it is believed wil unpo-e too burdensome a tax upon thu people of Duval; and wiierois it i+ desirable so pay Him said stuns and complete suidlmildi mg.ns well for thogruoter convenience of the nd iiumurniion nfju-lice.iis for the double purpose orauAcudemy. for which purpose in part, the said hiiildnig when completed, is designed 1 herefuru— ° Sec. 1 ] Bo it enacted hv the Governor nnd Lagislntive roniicil of m Q Territory of rlorida. I^iat it shall no I limy be lawful for Josiiph B. Lancaster, Isuiiih D. Hurt mid Wil. ham J, Mils, or any two of them under the tiuectii.il of the county court of Duval county, to raise sifCii sum oi sums of money by Lottery m'dod'v^f'""^'!! 0 .? !!'7. d ' a '" ", p .l> r " pri "'* RHAKEU’8 Ill’atUs' ANDINti fruin ahip.Gaston, n full mipply, or>”«. cainprHlng Catnip. I of Shaker's tiara's. comprising Catnip. Wl'ivo. Il iro'iooml, S iga. Piniuyroy il.Tho ethwort. Livarwmt, Buneset, Thyme, Mint [Vorimrand, Worinsuod. Elder Flnivers, Slip* jtry Clm, Sfc. in 16 07*. 8 oz. nnd 1 oz. pack «• h.iuiub'e fur f unilies nnd country merchants, far sale by PORCHER&LA ROCHE, Sign of tho Golden Globe, |Mtl5 OpnnsitH the Market. HOWAND’S TONIC MIXTURE vVc. IECEIVED pcraliip Guaion, n full supply L arRawandyrunie Mixture for favor and U«e.SulphateQiiipine. I’ipurine, Indiua.puru Mornhino Sulphate and Acalatu .Morphine. Jjaikinpodi. Oil Block Pepnar. Crntnu Oil, llydrndatu I’.ilnss, Soda and Suidliiz Puwdera London Muatord, fire. For aalo by I Mtl5 POitOIIF.lt A LA ROCHE. ■ . jtiolpient alago nf billhuitf.,, |,i ilm ubjjinalu cnnsiipmiuH of tho.J|effm 0 ' „| ouliuguinHut o! the splu***’ , , ,... , the Ijvor, sick Ae«#l- -^ ItPneral debility, and in nil an-- ^anU them to be very eflec J. D. Bovn. M D. MECKf.KsnuRn. Co., Vn. Feb. 7. 1837. Having used Dr. Peters' pills in my practice for the Inst 12 iniuilh*. 1 tnko pleasure in giving my lostiinony of their good nfTecis in cases of dyspepsia, sick headneho. hillinu* 0* vers*, and other diseases, produced by in nclivii ty of the liver. They area safe and mild up. eriont, being tho he-*t article of thu kind I have ever used. CxonoK C. Scott. M D. This celebrated Medicine is for sale by nil the piincipul Druggists in Savannah nnd through out tho United States, the Cnnadns, Texas. .Mexico nnd the West Indies. Price 56 cunts per box with full directions. nug5 1G1—ly lay before tho community, the following cor tiftf.iite, which lie has received from* ihu inven tor. the illustrious Dr. .Mngnin. of Paris; This istuceitify. that I have disposed of the recipe for making the ‘Lucian Cordial/ or *E ai .ten SOAPS. &e. 1 WO urn old Engli.li Windaor Soap,. fllllabla.ior family n.e HI huin Cavtila do. 1 cose toilet do, oea'd SO baskets 0U,° Oil. superior aa k" S'?* Cl "l r ' S c fiw» ’nil Brimstone at lh, Lniiimol. F.ug.i 50 an dninine Em ff 101 ' 10 " Mulches " W’ Lime. 2 cask. Flaxseed Bust recciveduiid for aalo by |_«II2 THOMAS RYF.fiSQN. PFk F R imLv i, . E . y<WLET. r¥RpS'n)Lo RY AND OOdMETlCS. * mil S ?,r r '" !l Musk, Jeaaa. anno and Bergamot SrJ,MM«'e'fl«8 toilet Pnwdov.row scent’d !.n, i!,?n M "' k 2 1 " 1 lln9a Pirai"" *cem Bags ■rafc 1 '" n ° or * Oil paw a id. Macassar Oil 'i 1 "°f Cl, lnmbin ?“ v " 1 Jasmipo, orange and r” *, , 11 " 11 ”. in pm, ,„,d ndls KB... V! pr Cl, "'">«>era shaving Soap Ky Cream da Savon Rings * I P i|, > |' n “" a Croam. u delishtf.il a L’roatn, u delightful article for JWLylehnited Shaving Snaps p n .!w*“ ,n l snitahla for the tablet ■Powder P v* ! 1 auilahle for the table ICoWn. t ff "". d patterns | Sue, bavuiiduratid Ruse VVutors, of vari lEiprit a„ n ""4 assorted pnttcrus lUltolr R,? °’H4 S r80m - '-ip Salve I . ,u«. sup r Rose, Cinnamon nnd AI llpr ttlo p ™i\iid r R " U hn° y I JySl variety.. itl& r,,T "P»nbl VilmiteM ClolhB, ‘ Brushes •mlVictoria qtialft ;..bnc k llmr Brushoa, of oxculleiu f l «™'‘'. B £ 1 , S n IMOr f; a, ' zori '* Bn/.or Strops Milk or He,t . Py °’ V J."°*“ r Rn "S° F.RASTE MAGNIN. Witnesses. CHALLENGE.—Tim Gen utsk FRENCH PILLS n icViitKt all the QUACK NO*STRUMS oftlm nge for the cure **f • * • * x Tho French Pills aro applicable in nil ensn*. fur either sex, (wnirnntod free from Mercury.) nnd posie-rses great ndvnntnges over the Hnl sains mi/ all liquid medicines, i»y being eutirelv free from smell, nnd consequently donotofTecj tho brnnth. thereby preventing the possibility nl liseovery while using them. Besides thi* important ndvnntnge they never disagree with tho stoutHrli.nnd in the first stage-* of the disease they usually effect n cure in n lew days, with little regard to diet or exposure. In tho most obstinate stages ol the disense, they lire equally certniii.hnviog cored mnnynfW every other remedy had failed. In short, they hnvo been so universally successful that Iho pioprietor chnlleiisesnny nno to produce a rein edy ofequal certninty. under a forfeiture c 1 Three Hundred Dollars. For sale hy O. R. HENDRICKSON, nnd T. M. A J. M. TURNER. Price $3 por box. 164—ly nog 5 lixir of Love,'and nlso iho right to sell it through out the United States of North America, to John Winters ilolderwell. M. D. My reasons for so doing is. (lint tho dumands to ine for tho above Cordial, of which I am the inventor, are numerous, that 1 am unable to supply all the orders from France and Italy ulune; nnd have therefore disposed of the privileges vouchsafed ‘a this, und other certificates of a like u at ire in rdor to generalise the benefits of my discuvoiy throughout tha world. Given under my hand at Paris, on this ninei teen.h day of January in tha year of our Lord, eighteen humlrod and thirty-eight. F.RASTE MAGNir Gnspard Delluc, ? William .Merritt, $ .This highly ^important medicino is for sale by _ uhli WinlorsTlolderwoll, No. 129 Liberty st. New York; Charles U. Tyler, No. 70 Chesuut st. Philadelphia; and ill Baltimore hv Roberts & Aikimon. John'M. Ltirnque; i nd G. R. Ty. ler; in Wnshing.ou City t*y Tobias Watkins and Charles Stott; in Georgetown hy O. M Liuthacum; in Richmond hv John II. Eustice; in Petersburg hy Braggs Tlmmas nnd Dupny. Rosser A Jones; and in Norfolk by M. A. Snm tos and B Emerson;and hy John Wnodly, No 65 Povdrasst. New Orleans. It can nlso he found nt nil the principal Drug Stores in South Carolina, nnd in Augusta, hy Huvihmd Itisloy & Co.,Thomas Barrett A Co. and Nelson Carter; nnd in Savannah by (J. R. HENDRICKSON. Price $3 per houla. with full directions, iiuu 6 164—ly HARRISON’S SPECIFIC OINTMENT. F OR the cure of Whue Swellings. Scrnfu Ions nnd other Tumors Ulcers,Soro Legs old nnd fresh Wounds. Sprains aml^prnisns Swellings and Inflammation*, Scald Head. Wn men's Sure Breasts, Rheumatic Pains, Tetto.s, Eruptions. Chilblains. Whitlows, Biles. Corns, and External Diseases generally. It is likewise greatly superioi to any medicine heretotore discovered fo; Ui # chilled hacks and limbs of horses—for ring worms, chapped lips—and in short for every external bodily evil that may fall to the lot of man or beast. For solo by G. R. HENDRICKSON, and T. M. & J. M. TURNER. Price 50 cents per box. atigB 161—ly * . SPERM OIL ik .fltk GALLS Winter Strained Sperm Oil,very light col’d; 500 do Fall do do 2d quality. Just received and for sain by "'•« UU!V«h m porfoniory lino, foi "ton, hy ‘ 0 or ra, “(,l. “ti noonmmoiluting p OUCliER &. LA ROCHE, JJI15 oct .22 G. R. HENDRICKSON Sign or the Golden Globe, ;Opposite the Market. BBLdJi mackerel. il, rei oct 12 uckcrol, received, for sale by M. DILLON & CO. Il CViJfMi C K'fPANiCEA. A 4, I 1 "]*' I’uimceu, fur Dyspepsia, Ac nl .‘ liir Dys QC | . g ‘ Received and for sain by Ai PARSONS. TO PLANTERS. H XX/JK DOZEN 2d quality cold pressed ■ MPSr Castor Oil, 200 boxes Glauber Salt*, from 20 to 30.1b* each. Just received and fbr sale nt a reduced price by oct 16 G. It. HENDRICKSON. Dollars. 700000 500 000 20030 iTHB MAN ABOUT TOWN, K Y Cornelius Wehha. nuiluir of 'Glances of Life/4 Novel in 2 voj*. Nan Darrell, or tho Gipsy Mother, hy tho air hor of'The Heiress.’ ‘Merchmit's Duiightor,' Prince und Ihe Pedlar'.’ &o.2vol*. ANNUALS. Christian Keepsake, edited by the Rev. Jho. Clark, with oontrihiitions by Montgomery, Rev. Tho*. Raffias Cunningham, Rev. W. Jay, Bishop Ives. Bishop Smith. Bishop Dimne, mid olhor eminent writers, with 9 plates. Religious Offering, edited hy Mi*sC. II. Wa* terinnn. with 10 engraving*. Tho Pearl; or Affections’ Gift, with 6 engra* vine*. The Gem. with 7engraving*. The Gift, edited by Miss Leslie 9 nngrnvings, The Literary Souvenir, edited by W. R. Burton. 13 engraving**. * Tho Violet, edited by Miss Loulie, 6 engra' vings. Tho Poet* of America, illustrated by one ol hor Painters, with numerous illustrations. Tho Works of Lord Bacon vols. H vo. London edition. Gil Bins, translated by Smollett, in 2 vols. Royal 8 vo. illustrated hy Jean Gigou, with up wards of 500 engravings. Loudon. Don Quixotte, translated by Jarvis, in 3 vols. Royal8 vo. with numerous engravings nnd il- liiNtratinus by Tony Johnnnalfr Lnudnn. The Curiosities of Literature, by D’Israoli. 1st nnd 2d sories. cumnlete in I ve). London, oc, 16 VV.THORNE WILLIAMS. complete in 2 SWEET SCBNTEDPOWDEll, Ac. (Tfc DOZ Otto Rubo scented Powder M, /cid 6 do Violet. 4 do do 6 do plain do Also, Powder Boxes and Puff*. Received nnd for sale by A. PARSONS, oct 25 208 PANACEAS in A A DOZEN fjwatni’*celebrated Panacea 50 do lioitcU’* do do, for Dyspepsia, Ac. 10 do Indiana do do 20 do l and for sale oct 16 Pitolph’s do Arcanum, jnat receivod MUt T r r i P I i aiCKs6N. WEESt* (JIN. ANDING from achr MuRiiet, B pipoe pure Holland Gill. (Woeap). Crinvii’ nml •Sing’ brands, received direct firnni iinpnrlora' out iTf custom house stores,nnd wnrrnnied pure A Isn, in stnro—6 pipes Meador’s Swnn Gin, » nd6 P ‘P 9Ss °i* l,0 " e aeorgeilm^y. , ,. * ruvided (Jisj ilm said persmis eli.ill lilnutHeuieelves in such uiunner as Ike j'uuri .Imll direct,well nnd truly tocmiduci aucli loumy ill gund raiili.tn appropriate ills proceeds in Ike object nlievu slated,—Pn-eed, Feb. 7ib lOo-J.—Annmvi.it PaI. av**- runry. the above J»?eph Lnrc.isJcr.Ifirti.-ih I). Hart ami William J Mill* did, lor co'rtain coiisideralious. in conroriuiiy lo thu raid Legts* lutivo Act, duly avsigii iinin -Alessr* Schmidt A Hamilton nil tlielr Right nnd In* :ere»t, and tho Powers vested in them by tho bove recited .-Yet ofllie l^gi-laiuru uf Florida. Extract from the valuaumi of George Phillip Muuouvrier mid Jacob de Cordova, biithof the City of New Orleaif*. made and swum to on the lOili day of April 1839:— That thu said George Phillip Mnnmivrier and Jacob Cordova, appraise ami cnii'Cioiniiuidy and hoiie*tly value theproportv known under die name und appellation of -* Banks Arcade," in tho City of Now Orluans, ut Six Hundred rhousnmi Dollar*, and "The property known under tho nppollntion of"City Hotel” or •*Bishop’s Hotel," in tho said City of uf New Orleans, at Four Hundred and Twenty Thousand Dollars." The deed* of the Properly and tho Stock trans ferred in trust to ihu Commis«ioncr*nppninted by tho said act of die Legidnmro of Floridu for iho security of ihe Prize Holder*. SPLENDID SCHEME!!! I Prize—The Arcade—280 feet, 6 inches, 4 lines, nn Magazine street; 101 feet, II iuche*,oii NiUuIihz airuel; 126 feet, 6 incite*, on Gravier st.’ Runted at about $37,000 per an num. Valued at I Prize—City Hotel—16*2 ft on Com mon *treel, 146 feel. 0 iuche*. on ,Comp *t. Rented at $25,006— Valued at 1 Prize—Dwelling House (adjoining the Arcade) No. 16.24 ft. 7 iuclu es front on Nairhez *1. Rented nt $1200—Valued at i Prize—Ditto ^adjoining the Arcade) No. 18,23 ft limit on Natchez st. Rented at $1200—Valued at | Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcade) No 20,23 feel front on Nalchez st. Rented nt $1200—Valued at I Prize—Ditto—No- 23, North east comer of Basin A Cmtom.hoiiso strum;40 feel fronton Basin, and 40 fool nn Franklin st. by 127 ft. deep in Custom houso st. Rented at $1500—Valued at 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 24. South west corner of Banin A Custom houso stiect; 32 feet, 7 inches on Banin 32 feet. 7 inches on Franklin. 127 feet. I0J inchen deep in front of Ciintnm house street Rented ut $1500—Valued nt I Prize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 feet, 8 inrlien oil Royal street, by 127 ft, 11 inches duup. Routed at $1400. , Valued at 1 Prize—250 shares Cnunl Bank Slock, $100each 1 Ditto—200 ditto Com do. do do l Ditto—150. ditjo Mechanic*’ and Traders’ do - do 1 Ditto—100 do City Bank do do 1 Ditto—100 do do do dodo 1 Ditto—100 do do do dodo 1 Ditto—50 do Exchange Bank do do | Ditto—50 do do do do do 1 Dit'u—25 do Gan Light Bank do do 1 Ditto—25 do do do do do do 'I Ditto—15 do Mechanics’ A Tra der*’ dodo I Ditto—15 do do do do do 20 do—each 1ft shares of the Louis* iann State Bank, $100 each, each Prize $1000 do - each 2 shares of $100 each, each Prize $*200, of tho Gan Light Bank 200 d»—each 1 share of $100, of the Bank of Louisiana * 200 do—each 1 share of $100, of the Naw Orleans Bank 150 du—otich 1 share of $100 of tho Union Bank of Florida e stock- It shall Jie nt the optn of Prizes or Bank Stocks. ejiL. Itself, or the par vnluo thereof l„w„ F „ r The receipts of the sale of the Tickets are. d Tt’? i, f d in 11,0 C it’*ct.*’, Con* •ol dated, Canal, Union, and Carrollton Banks, •n thu name pftho .Managers jointly with J. D .link " c :r llier Citizen.' Hank, end A. Boiidonlii, baq ncinullv co.liier of iho Cnn.iiliflnii.,1 Hunk, n, Tru.lee's, na nnr Aot named l.mfine A. AlMiiretii. K»q.. Nnleiy t„n, f 'IB** M V’ IKW ""B tbo^nopertle. Orwi, v —| oi.ooo lickeu. rrom I In IOO.OuO. w ill ho put hi one wheel, nnd COO prize., will, ,l,o blank! in nhe.he,. To every ' h u ™'7v r " SlL*i bln ." k '* nniilnli me prim are .leu rrmneil, leaving tiro balance ornu...l.«,. In tile wheel hlairka. “T ° Edit.ik.xxd Huni.i>iitns.—Ilnvinir Sch',el J f ,e "" p "l"' 1 * centninirig iho al.ov! ocbenie, Iroin twenlytwn Smietand Teriimc loir.beaideeaevernl elilie Rrltiih Pruvincea we me min,fi,d -With tile circnlni inn, and iheieVero t'iin/hi'i'rl S’nr , W P* r ' h " v " "P to Ibis ,l.e,ri' d 11,0 ndyeniaeniem. Will be plen,. d not „" d u , h0 Olhorpbpot. will ree l' I " mI 7 Hie lei Ilf De. svi vi'in /'r."" "* ' Il,,ir enronnl*. SYLVhSl bit da CO„ 1D0 Uroodway.N, July gi) ” FT Ay E „y A j OI 1.1 AVL ri’CHiverl by AugUr,,,, “w Vii'lori* Clnlh.'lbr Indies I Alpncc* du, fiir ,|„ j,, rlHid Cechmere, for children's wear Snpeifine llninba.in, hlk nnd bine Irik Iinlmri Crnpcs do do ( | u Super double wnlrli Mnllieni Sin, Uu blnck Pool De Snie On do Gin De Soi<».do do’Oro Do Non *>« 8"to, plain nndfijj’d P I laid bilk*, for Dresses IV't!’!" Alnritillnr., n fii.Monnhlc nrlicle Do 3 lulrel frhnwla, nlnle nml hlk do Srnnll LIuilly, iMunnlin De Lnuo, he. Shnwl. 3 hihet nnd Uayrideio Scnrfa eel 14 ilayndeie Scorft Mirmnm.nl f 16lt T HP „, NI3 ' V . «»«»*• H b M.U.C, lUer Im.je.i received and uflers for enle the feline in- nrlicle, i 8 Im lea 3 4 Spring field Shilling I du 3 H du do 10 |icn4,4 lri.fi Linen, Ifide 4 4 sup.do lit do Fnney Prime; 80 do low priced do rr doz German Crnvnie > in ,, . n * u ' 8 blue do do do, 18 duaupr. do do do 20 do white do J5 do colored do 8 do rlo du Imir Haas 4 do while do do do 8 do Genu. Merlin Gloves 4 do Ladic« do do 3 do de Chinn .pen Silk Gloves do do do do 2 do do black 1 do Gonis, do 15 do bilk Romnls * 12 pcs Pocket lldkfs 10 ill drill eyed Needles 6 do Victoria, in boxes 60 pucks piitoni Pins 6 |>cs black Bnmbodn* 4 do bhieddack Gro do Swiss Silk inn i I°APT R o bbon ’ 3 1,0 Uo'»»et do 100 doz Clark s Spool Cotton 5(1 do Salmon do do 60 do DeWitt A Cu. Spool Cotton if Ih'bmeits. Edgings. Swirs.Book, Mull and crossbar red Muslins, mid Per- fumeiy. Also, a splendid nssorimenTt Olthe lnti*«i style Bnimels. fo sale by ■ #i W ILLIAM H. LLOYD, 1 ,cpl " Sooth shin Mntkel. NEW AND SEASONABLE DltY •metvr. • I ^ er , * ,ri * *"*»««. qn WO pieces Irlnek anti lend French Prints M. tl do .opr, Paris Chln z. new eiyfo |0 do splendid Paris Mima, do Lnine 8 du pinin I,hick do do 1 do blue black do do n 4 do new style col’d fig’d Silk. 4u «lo u-liiiw cotton Fringe 60 grnen Furnituio Binding 25 dii Carpot do 25 do stay do 6 doz I Julies blk and col’d II S Gloves best quality Gentlemen's Dog. Skin nnd Buck Gloves, white and col’d Cotton do SNIDER, LATHRUP A NEVIT. oct 12 H '*P*fsloHSIiSir A V I, recei ved a giMid assortment i hnc and Muslin Edi>in»« f n . 20000 20000 TWILLED KERSEYS. Por biig Augusta. 8 BALES Lowell Kerseys 2 cases s do do 4 do heavy rolled do 20 pcs heavy twilled Cotton. For sale on favornblo terms. SNIDER, LATHROP A NEVITT. oct 11 196 6 NEW GOODS, Per Augusta, Ac. PCS Real Welch Flannels JO do Red - do 5 do Canton do 4 do steel mixed Sattinets 13 do 4,4 Scotch Ginghams .6 do Cr.ifh. 6 do Rn-sia Diapm- 15 do extra rich Furniture Chintz,in sett*. Receivod and for sale hv AVERY A JOHNSON, oct 9 Sooth side Monument SquarCr MOltE FANCY DRY GOODS. W il. A S ROGERS have just receiV' • cd per vessels Win. Taylor, Newark and G. B. Lamar, in addition to former invoi ces, Ihe following decirablu and seasonable fan cy Goods. viz*.—'Pondicherrvs,'French Cnun .... ti.. -fjr " •" : hrics. blue nod blue hlk Chaflys, blue nnd blue blnck Bombnsins. blue black Tnglimin ffor T „„_. <c DUlt GOODS, II REA D Lacs; Edgings and I Jaconet Muslin, Iiiscrtings a d0 dll llolibiuot Lace j 0 J® . Blac k nml Lend Colicocs and Ginghams Furniture Chintz. Furniture Dimity C-mpcI. mid B.-d Bindings . - \\ msied Cords, blk and blue blk Reliinpq Blk and bln.* blk Silk Cords, col’d Biait/s Blk and white Twist Silk Gloves do da do do ' Mi<*c* and Lndi'** col’d II S Glove* "Ihl aulnShe" Comb, tm d. blk ami blue blk Satin U Justieceived from New York, nnd for aalo by .untar OEonuE W.BKIIN. r " Shall a Uuildint. HLK. AND COL’D SILKsr.vT Par hilt Gunrein ' 1 I,l " # lllkC,ir '’ <1= Royal M. 4 do vot’d fix’d Pool d. Soto ■ j"’,,, dn him: blk dn '• r . , 4 d« hlk nml blue blk Grode Rhine 6 do low price black very exnnlloni a*sortmeiit. OCI 4 8NIUE jV ;ATI ? UO ? * NEVITT ’ K"/.3'larMeo nels 1 ' ./Tl m 8 r‘’a S f, up " While Flanneli o do Roger’* do do 5 do Welch do do o do Gauze do do in . *® n,,no w q«»nllty do *6 do R f *d Flannel, sonio.very fine Received hy rocein arrivals. •ep SNIDER, LATHROP* JVEVITX’. NMV FALL UOO, 3 Received hy G. I zf and 4.4 Scnicli Gil line I.I1IIX Lawm urown llidland. hmwn Hai Aiue.icj.fi PrluU, Worsted ui \\ orated and Cuiinn llnaiory AVERY A JOl ocl 2 8,l "ih Side Mnuumoi nnd II a,lin Eilali,, t-rencli YViiik. il Cullnia Ac , South nidi . Laiair'^v t - i • ENGLISH WALNUTS PAPER. rpWF.LVE bags Euglisii Walm Ji. rvnms Foolscap Paper for close a consignment, act 14 G FORGE CL V A>1» IY KOEUI1 50 lor snlo by oct 18 KEGS Nail* n$sort<- It) do ship Spike* jt LONG A P/‘ %Y2 FLINT CO 2000 ,,us,)Kls condition, eil ihe cob, on a plantation oppos •ale by PADF.LFORD, F, net 15 199 UKANDY. O NE pipe vory nld'Urundy us nnd for sale by _nci2i LONG Si PATTE MOLASSES AND SEOAICS. ' Q Q IIHD.S prime Culm Moln«ses OO 40.600 8pnnish brig Poland from H ocl 17 KlDNE rs—Landing fql I for sale b' ... BALDYVt BBLS just recei' and for side by ci 21 p Ue l,ONt,' * PATTF.RSOD Ru llfi v Itll l l EU ft CllEEs r. fl'/iu IIRKLNS llulter nnd 80 bxe Cheese, Jl Nf just received nnd fur eale by out81 LONG A PATTERSON. GOSKIEN BllTEiL r. fdK K EGS freak Go.lion Butter, rceeiver* JL wnd for sale by dresses) pink, blk and brown French Merinos, Ci * ~ Paper Cambrics, black Silk Cord. Ladies Crni vats, plaid and limey Cliully Shawls, black nnd col’d wire net Gloves, Derby Rib Silk^ Ilose, sopor col’d Challvs, Moosliii De Laincs, fancy Beltings, black nnd blue blk Thibet Shawls, irinted Challv Scarf*. Lavender Gro du Nup, ilack and col’d Mnden Prints. Ac, . oet 14 South side Market Square. uci 2i MICH. D! 8 20000 20000 15000 25000 20000 15,000 10,000 10,006 10.000 5000 5000 2500 2500 1500 1500 20,000 10 2000 20,000 ocl, 22 20,000 15,000 600 PriMP* next T3 $30* $3*000,000 -NO SHAri#?. DOZEN Stone’s Axe* 50 do Collin’s do tGEOUGE W. BERN, Slmd’a Buildings, R F.CE1VF.D per ship Gaston, Blnck and hluo blk Gro do Soie Blue blnck Rep Silk Black linliuu Lutestring Fancy Chnllev lldkfs. Chnlley Aprons Small Thibet’Scarfs and Shawls Ladies plain and libbed blk Silk Iloso l)o do do white do Black nud hluo hlk Bnmhnsiu* Mousliu Dn Lninns, blk Love Handkerchief* Blk nnd lead 6 4 Thibet Shawls Blnck Cotton Velvet, Velvet Ribbons Low.priced Red Flannel Indigo Blue plaid Homespuns Printed Baize plain green do Given and yellow Flannels English fnney Chintz. Furniture Chintz Darning and Knitting Cotton Black Lace Veil*, funcy Silk lldkfs oct 14 198 FALj^AND WINTER GOODS T HU undersigned are now opening -their Fall nnd Wititor supply of Dry Goods, comprising a splendid assortment, consisting ol Plains. Blankets and Kersoys, white, red green nud yellow Flannels, plain, green and chintz Floor Cloths.Cnrpoiings and Rugs,Broadcloths, Cnssimores and Sattineis^nglish and Ameri can PrlntmFrench anil English Merinos,French and English Mon-din De Lains, Toweling* Sheetings and col’d Homespuns, Ac. SNIDER, LATHRUP A NEVITT. oct 3 • 189 * ‘HOLLAND „ PIPES pure HolIntidGin. from tho Inipmter* and f LADD. TUPPER« oct IG 200 AXES AND SHO 1 50 dozen Burs A Whites do 50 do Ames’ Shovels ’ 10 do do Spades, for snlo by oct 19 N. B. A H. V — NEW BALTIMORE HAMS. I BALTIMORE Hnms.josi receive II “fV ed per hnrque R H Douginas, for * ‘— LONG * PATTERSON) sale hy oct 18 202 ■ sugar. 1 HIIDS prime St. Croix Sugar, rel JL ceived ntid for snlo by oct 12 Ki »'»* * M. DILLON A CO. W TOOTH WASH. - C HLORINE, Oris und K>eosot Tootll AVash, highly recommended lor Whiten/ iug the teeth purifying the breath and impnit* i g a hea thy appearance fo the giifns. Just receivod per Wilson Fuller, nnd for sal&hy oct23 G. R. HENDRICKSON fig VARIEGATED SCENTED SOAR fi* /Th BOXES Variegated Scented Soap,in cakes nnd bars. Just received and for fn n by. ocl 23 G. R. HENDRICKSON 206 FBENCH AND ENG LIS CHEMICALS. RJDj OUNCES French Solpljnle Qnlnino 10 ounces do Alorphine 3 dozen pbiab do Croton Oil 3 do p ickets Janies Fever Powders,Eng. Just received and for sole by NfiftC •Him ■ ■ r ‘.a GINGHAMS, An. S UPER undressed 8colch Ginghams Fancy and black and white,(iqw and fash* ionable styles Super Furniture Chintz, Welsh Flannels, Ac; J Fpr*aleby ' AVERY A JOHNSON. sept 27 Sonih rido Monument Sqii.tie. oct 23 ANSON PARSON 5 . Alt HOW HOOT, TAPIOCA, to, ergt CASES 8(| per line Arrow Roof 1 do 'J’apioca 1 do Pearl Sago ‘ 6 dozen Roherwon’* potent Cm 10/ .... I for I, tv Received and lor sale hy oct 23 A.rAnso’vs,