Daily Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1829-1839, November 02, 1839, Image 1

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iX VI. ,12 14 FOK BEST, Tint largo •'»iul comfortable |Inii4o, situated in Washington Ward, fronting llio Square. iI* iI ji not famed before ilia first of Nuvenibor, tlio owner will occupy r. ii. pettigrew. 1681 m FOR ISEUT, The Stow lately occupied by Messrs. McDonnell oil tlio South tido .M nun mu nt Sqnnro. n first rule .t.udfor DryGn.",,^ Apply^o PDiino.UNU, ^StVffiBTA BI.EOKMULC ENT. of obilittele.Ctiliuilii in con*h« I whatHnr nriHiff from rocom or nogloclml L."„A,t »l my*naxilmry, and ,1 ofpie«" 1 ,el,of from III# lliroitteniug toitu of nppru toliiitg Pulmonary ■Cort- XI hrrnomoliio liit.jtroaiorolaim, upon nSditnco of lll ° tnvaTid«(Uan llio ttbovo „ ii for tha aflliolivo ami troilbbuimltq ojrmn- .fuoii.liiug.exjiootornllon nr phlegm, puln , brei”i. tfco. ivliiali ooiMiitulo prominent rot of tliu caiupluint, that tho Pjllmonarlo ondhasraanife.tod its most vain, l " 0 P ,r "”*,'i<of,il of online in Ilia reliof of [i is equally nsoim oi iu.iu, u min anil Cold,, onsing from auddiin change ilher. from woaring damp linon, Ac. A. BARTOW for silo by mijfd CHICK ISA WIIAUCIIEE LANDS. - . r ||E sahsenbor oirors fur salo a tract oC Laml situate ill Ilia '.Id District, Bolter mniy, embracing 1500 acres, avliioli coimiri, lenrr variety of the mint superior soil, 1'ho id it famishi.il with alight imtiruvonionta, aatd m bt enla.goil ill its geographical dimensions my ilesinihlo intent. As an addition'll con. deration to a purchaser, reason thla terms nnr lotiaei'il credit arc nlTaroil. Pur morn inis illittwq. information, applicants oatt ad Iron 10mbscriber ut Athens. F. n. BALDWIN. {My 34 I591f4mii* ItTUHBAl EVESIAO, KOVEIHBEIt 8. I83o7 "THE ihoability tola- * * _ Aoroonrti uteg tho woulth of tlio great J. nonucing to tlio citivananfii-a ir «!• , n *' ^ 18 * mo,,| *jBAt r itN*vmjiijfoiiim5KorrEHKO ma49 of tho people in thin,, a* in most other coun* be ha* pure limed, for n very L®!«® P«bl ,c » ll i* true, there ore many blank*, llvni .Ti?l e J? r !i22322i l, ' ulhon,tb by r 7!i"? , s ven| ° r » «»• SSSf '4 ch.. w of I'nrii. th» roolna n.t.l , : uluercnun no*. I o preserve therefore, tlmt health by na XmaTAf.Whilh/roS: 1 Xnma^. 5^5tSH uTtttl Uto ir i ,L n^oZr^i'isTi'^tf. let) izrf achmvod tliroilglniiit the United States, the which'i, .peedilyZraome. we“e bcvtmd 'Im nictitin^ 0 tvhhdi'n'oroiii 'vogiitahla 0 Medicines, ™ for dtsaatos »f the liver, mid now ofllsta his Veg- cliihlH I-ills, ".t tliu best, most convenient, and *"» uriut permit in its existenco, it hns ,nn,iir„ii Bunoraf use' ,h: “ Cn " t 8 ProP'tfcd Tor n celebrityeo gront. thal it iscugcily inqn red general nse. for throughout the civilised jlnbo Vr M... ■h.’'jL*?SS"* !'* nf ,"" v "* 8l * W « Pill' '• that “i" finding that the domain/wa. ,o vast P? 1181 "' 8 .. ropiblncd l» render a supply, • lo, ittnier ubiij nndur obligations •.I .u • . , principle copihinod "" wuuer u mipply m , with their cathartic, or operative qualities, or tlmt t,,Q tecipe and right of mil iltey not only cIimuho tho Rtoinar 1, *•—• nfannmno r... * .1 by purging, but they rcgtilnla tin tlio morbid *eorel|on, stioiigtlioii inn utgesttvo *""/ tor niniseti. Tima hns (lie snltsnribor no. an !’':" ry 110 h "" d ,' ,,,vl Rnraln tho oironlni “'*«<! himself.iriho fnvalnnble secret," ltd tinw Hot" and give, , one and energy to Mint,von. hasten, .ogive the i.thabi i „ “ y ^ m - agonejithe benefit* of hi* aDBcnUiim. They are mild and pleasant in tholr operation Ee Cindial Da Liibfnft’ or, in English "tho milhv r,nm "* , 7 U, ' I| “‘« «<*»viclir.n ,.r "loir Lac Cordial, 1 is a general mvtgnrmor of he halr fi'" 1,lo «' 1 hoy can h« token h,l,, ">n i™",!! It, all tlto vnHon. ca.es of lam with safety by petsmta ol our age; and the fee, gmtr,lassitude, and debilitation; it is „„ H ,,r, , nb, themlirm. Ihaiwtrvoiiaand tha delicate are '»mody; as it i. equally it. province In itn pHrt cheerfulness and decision ta tlio mind, as because they quiet ••su Iltey * ■ , I 11,nasmii l nervous henhh and vijpir to the body. Hitt the peculiar •ootid , . l f lu “ 0I > "Inch its celebrity is based, is' tlm f, nlitV mill PU,lni..li> .....Is ...I.:_L • n 1,1 ■trongiliHiiufl by their npuratinn dour iho *y*tHin nfbuil hiiinmir*. Irmnbili.y, n„d invariably p,. u. HOi u . T , 1,1 on elhly and certainly with wlttnh it reslore, the t.J, J e ‘ ,bl0 i P,n ' ,ra . “* l,r8 remedy for »inle power, who hove heon de.troyed jnniitlieo, sick and nervous headache, dyspopsy. b y disease, lime, reeklessneas, nt any „fil|„ eit.tivetieas.ntekno.soflhe atmnueli, hegrtbnni, morunn causes which leitiiinate in the prostru fill billions ciiniplamis. fevers ofnll kinds, and if ,lnn of llinse functions. 1 lakon at tho cmmneiicement will invariable 1,1 'mnin.in with the generality ofreally good etioek.their progress, mid save the ptiiirnt from modicinea. this OotdiaT contains Itothtna of* u protwciecl niul<langeroii**ickiU'M. Thoy nrn ‘ ' nilTE WASH *0. D0Z .Vhile vViuli Uru*lius& lluuds, A aoortud mzet 21 define Shoe do 60 doTliompoon'u Paate Blacking .1 received and for salo hy tnto «. It HENDRICKSON. TOBACCO AND S.VpFp. Ik tiKOOE .Mr*. Miller’* fine cut To* 3 “ baecn. G bbl* Lorillard'* Scotch nnd luboy Sinilf. ^ lb bottle*; 20 jar* cnurno lee and Maccoboy do. Just recHivad nud leby G ll. IlENDIUCKSON. wpt 10 182 IfilTCIlES. + GROCE Clark'* Patent Friction „ Matclnta. auperior to all other kind*, received and for aalo by »cti7 G it HENDRICKSON. DRESSItUG (USES D0Z Ladiee nud Geniltttqeii'fl 1 EnglUh Jepnind Dreiiaing Cn* lived and fur a.ile by st 15 «. R. HENDRICKSON itiporinr 9. Jl.Sl KE.YCII MIIUJIH PASTE. CASE French Jujube Puato.received and , far eale by ,< .A. P\R9QNa. DENTIST’S TI1V FOIL. ... PACKE TS Tin Foil, fur plucrging in 0 loath. Received utid for aale by A.«IV\RSONS. SHAItEirsllEUKS. ANDl.NG from aliip Gnaton, a full supply, I of Sinker’* IJprlie, coinprt«iug C ituip, ilir-?. Il-irehu iutl, S iga. PHuuyroyal.Tho- fhwort. Liverwort, Rnnoaet, Thyme, Mint • l it" asvnuiu. inuynrn iiie-nliinblu in narvoiH.und hypocondrical afluc- n,,d all cumplainit to wtnen rumaloa nlouo arc auhjcct. They upei .no n* n mild Hpeady purge, and nro a aufo utid certain remedy foi worm* in children. Extract of n letter from Dr Gurney of N.Or* lean*, Lu. Oct. 9. 18.37.—"I have received much n**iatnncn in iny practice;especially in jariudice and yellow fuverj from the u*e of Peter* ( Pills | presn-no that, oil an average, I prescribe 100 boxes m a month " Extract ofn letter frt)m Dr. Prichard, ofHudi *on, N. Y., Juno 3, 1830; *1 Wna.nware that Dr. Peter* was otto of the bo»t chemi*t* in the Uni. ted Slate*, and felt assured that lie would entne dayffrum hi* intimate knowledge of the proper, lies of herb* and drug*) produce an efficient medicine, and I miutacknnwledgo that hie Vegoi table Pill* fully respond lo my expectation. I hey nro indeed a *uperinr medicine, and re* fleet alike upon the chemist, the physician, and Him philosopher Extract or a letter from Dr Waiue*, of Cin* cinnoti. Feb. 2. 1838; ‘Your Pill* are the mild' o*t m then-operation*, and yot nio*t powerful in their oflect*, of any that [ have ever met with hi a practice of eight and twenty yeai* Their action (Ai the chyle, and hence an tlio impurities ol the blood, i* evidently very surprising.* Char otte, N, C. Jan. 1,1837. Dear Sir—I have mndo frequent iimo of your pill* in tlio incipient elntte of billion-* fnvnr nnd objimnlo con*llpuiioH of (ho bowel*, also, in the enlargement of tlio aplcon, chronic diaeaaea of tlio livor, sick headiichn. general debility, and- "• nil cases have found them (o bo very cflfec. f o« J. D. lioTO, HI D. MECKf.KNDURfj. Co., Vn. Feb. 7. 1837. Havitig used |)r, Peter*’ pill* in my practice »U for llio last 1*2 month*, ffivuig COSO* iinauawia, uiiiimm iu. vers, and other diwase*. produced by iu uclivii **’ of the liver. They nro n safe nnd mild np „u,.,ii..„,t, .s.itinact, l II > lilt:, nillll J, I |i'l'UHkitJU UJf III uuurii irmwoiid. \Vorm*eed, Elder Flowers, .Slip- >y <»f the liver. They nro n safe nnd mild npi I Elm. J(c. in la o?.. d III. ntitl I oa. pitck i. “Haiti, luting tha host aiticle of thektntl I have - titab'o farf intilics utid country tiuircli iittv. evitruiotl. CitonaK C. Scott, .M D. •Bl.by • kta l’( 'ORCHER * LA ROCHE, t Hign ortho (lutden Glnhe, '’In Opnitstta-tho Mnrkot. FRESH OAUDEAliEEDs; THIS YEAR'S CHOP. ’ • Y the brig Savannah, the subscrihar ha* • teceitBil SHvetl cnilts sitpotinr frnslt Onr, t Seeds, having benn wlaotod With grout Wf! SiM'Md Gardoimr,nud wnrrnn i d N'tjl in qnnliiy to la.t yonr's crop; thoy will mill st lodiiood print, for rnslt niilvi Furlh. pplie. Will Its toottivod during the wiiilin tjn.mft Pliittlers mill othttr. will ploasn in nr/ nm ,rt» i Colitlngncs ready * mill i w«rd their orders early. • few day,. 0— G, R. IIEVUHICKSON si'icusn W Shfl m " 1 llu Cluv "« * Black Pepper in rnT ni° d “' sroh'nl 1 ewtdu, ground I »» African Pepper, ground ua.ee Cayenne do do 1 PORCHF.R&• LA RfJOHU. >■ v wo DAUHCt Ol » mineaml Borgnmot 0 - v Kiin"i J ; , t ,p 7 fi,,e . loilel Powdoh'roso Vcngt^d HtS Sear?OH 1>8r ’ i ‘ n ,C8nini,,8 ‘ w'tud * Maoneaar Oil of Columbia i Mher ?“ vil1 Ju'mitto, orange and Iri tlur Jllr « ,1 n pots and roll. TSr 1 , iimvV® Guiitinssiers shaving Soap JpiVer !sn ?[?"'" du Binge ■ ■ •having L, “ am i“‘l“lightrul orticlo for Sllitving Sosps Eds, ivlir, 8 ""'! 1 "tlitahle for iho tnblot r'lne I ", d ""W- eflhn lam.t patterns' I SsnnS'" ld B,„o Waters. rtf vari Ipritdo tin, "' ?! 0 nn fi D**h'tod paiioftis Kr:. 88d Cre.®M, ^ rR "’ 8 PVR;™:cin,ramo7n„dAI. Ill* nt k... . - l.vl?" d fioip,: in bnra SfflglEl’vittiori, 1'islny nir Btu.ltos, of excellent lllll H°ili"i’,, S h"’ , ’ r ?;^' lz ' ,r " * Bnznr Strops >«!'^ Bye. Vffl'gar Rmigo Hira • kkJPffl l, , ul imtfumory lino.-fnt oil, by r re l a d« on acconuuodaling I’ORC'Uer ,t I,\ ROrillE, 15 “’goofthe apldoft (jlnbn, ’pposito tho Market, ' »pP»»*IIO II il|>^a«Ve .. fl, for sale by mi M. DILLON & GO, fiA^V, 0 ‘VFPanacua.' ■ Ac [t‘",' !Ck ," fi'f UyspopHl ■ - Received and for ..,1.. In- 1 A. PARSONS. *1 IB r n — - 1 lake pleasure in g my leMirnony of their .good ofiect* in of dyspepsia, sick headache, billion* fo. mill iltlmr Hiinnana ririirltinnil kit Sts na.it.sS. Till* colohrated Medicine is for sale by t ‘ Inn .... ntoummo,. .w. nmo u, OlllhO pitnctpal Druggists iu Savannah and through- unt tlio United State*, the Canada*. Texas. Mexico and the Weal Iudiea. Price 50 com* per box with fulldirectiona. nng 5 164—1y & *8 ilk CHALLENGE.—The Gkh 8S I® IT IR um: FRENCH PILLS «. gVin*t all the QUACK NOSTRUMS of tho ago for tlio cure »f * • • * TJie French Pills are applicable in nil cose*, r either sex, (wauaiuod free from Mercury,) for nud possesses great advantages oyer the Bnl gain* and all liquid medicines, ny being entirely free from smell, and consequently do not effect the breath, thereby preventing the possibility of discovery while lining them. Besides thi* important advantngo (liny never disagree with the stomach, anri in the first stage* of the disease they -usually effect a cure in a few j nr _ t-* j — -it_. MIU ilini.iiai. iiiuj s,0.a««,.^ iniei,i u l.tttu sa tun iys, with little regard lo dlut or axpiHiire. In the most obstinate stages ol the disease, thoy are equally certain,having cured many after Wry other romedy bad failed. In .-liort, thoy U khI ,,b!vers:il! >' sncccES, * , fi that tin proprietor cbnllen^psnny olio to produce a.riUn. i'i| v of equal CHrmiu ly.'undof a forfeiture of Tltroo llundrod Dollufs.. v - ** ° %v ' ■' a R. HENDRICKSON, nnd T. M. A J. M. TURNER. Price $2 per box. 1G4—ly nng 5 HARRISON’S SPECIFIC OINTMENT. F OR the euro of Whim Swellings, Scrofui lull* nud other Tumors Ulners.Sore Leg*, old pud fresh Wounds, Sprains nnd Bruises, Swellings and Inflammation*, Scukl Head.Wo men's Sore Breasts, Rheumatic Pains, Tette.*, Eruption*; Chilblains. Whitlows, Uily*. Corns, nud Exterunl Diseases generally. It i* likewise greatly superior to anv medicine beretotore discovered lor the chafed backs and limbs of horses—for ring norms, chapped lips—nnd in G. R. T. M. & J. M. Prico 60 cent* per box. atigP 164 — ly SPEiim OIL 5110 GALLS Winter .f/oj^d Sperm __ „ __ Oil, very light col’d; 500 do Fall do do 2d quality. Just received and for sate by oot 22 G R. HENDRICKSON. TO PLANTERS* 19 /Ok 4 ^ HUZ EN 2d quality cold pressed .3. ^lr ‘4r Castor . Oil, 200 boxes Gbiiiber .Salt*.from 20 to3Ulbseach. Just rocoived and for sale at a reduced price by oct 10 G. R. HENDRICKSON PANACEAS. .. '(1\ DOZEN riwaim'scelebratedPnnncoa JR 50 do llmick’s do do, lor Dyjipj3psm..&c. II) do 1 inti .ms do do 20 du Pbolph’s «L> Arcniium, just receive* and for sale ul Factory [»ric ", by ccl 1C (•• R. MEND" LIICINA CORDIAL LE CORDIAL DE I.UCINK IHK mod ^ h, ° u ""'*■>—"« lllltwil soil ...1,1 ..lll .^_ L V ■H IM Ul. VVIHIN! Vlllllllllll IlltllllllV (]l f itterctirialtir daliiletiiui, mitttre, nmuiia tlm mu' ny mgreiJtittits which cotnpttse il; but is, nt tlm soittH time, so simple, yot so ellic .clous, that while tt Clin roiinviiia the prostrated enmities or a giant, utl infitiiiinay use it, not only with itiii pninty, hut with ndvamoge, Tlio usages nfsucioty are unfortunately such, lltnt. notwitlHtanditig Iheboiienis which wuttld ho ante to result friimtl, wo cannot ottlor into an analysts of this inostiuiable Curdial bore, or lubhsli mil tty of Iho dncumenls wliirli hive teen received, as vonchois u |' the blessings it bn* conferred on number* nfdn*pairiug Individ, uai* Rot (hi* we cannot forbeur remarking— that it lias been UemoiiHtrnted that there i* scarcely ev«r, if any such thing at all, as imtir rnl barronnef*. or na natural imbecility ofilwr prociaant fuiiclinns.in either sex; and therefore that thean evils nro the effects of artificial caue. es.nnd may be speedily subdued'and removed by the n*oof ‘Lo Cordial de Lucine.’ The Lucitm Cordial is also an indubitable cure for tlio Gleet, mid tlm Floor Alba.*, oh- itructud. difficult, or painful Menstruation; also, for the incoiiiinence of Urine, or the involunta rv discharge tharcof. It j* likewiso an nivalu nblo ami unrivalled medicine in cases of Chron. ic Eruptions of the skin, and in tlio dropsical affection* «f the aged. Moat important m ihe American Public. The United 8tato*proprietor ofthe col-bra. ted ‘Lnchin Cordial/ or ‘Elixir of Love.’ begs to lay before the comimmiiy . ihs following cer tificate, which lie has received from the inven • tor, ilia illusiri.ois Di. .Magntii.oi ran*: ‘Thi* is biceitify, that I have disposed of tho recipe fin-making the ‘Luchin Cordial,’ or-*E lixir of Love,’and also the right to soli it through out tlm United .States of North America, to John Winter* Holdurwell. M. D. My reason* for so doing is, that the demands to me for the above Cordtnl. of which | am the inventor, nro so numerous, thafl am unable to supply all the orders from Franco nnd Italy alone; and have therefore disposed of the privileges vouch an fed in this, and other certificates of n like nat ire in order to. generalise the benefits of my diicovgiy throughout the world. Given undor my band at Paris, on thi* nine, teenthdny of January iu the venr of onr Lord, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, ERA8TE MAGNIN Gnspard Define, III William Murriil, } Witnesrea. This highly important medicine is for sale by John Winter* Holderwell. No. 129 Liberty st. New York; Chnrles B. 'I’yler, No. 70 Chesnut it. Philadelphia; and til Bnltiinore bv Roherts & Atkinson. John M. Lnrnque; and G. R. Ty. ler; in Washing.mi City by Tobias'Watkiu* and Chnrles Stott; in Georgetown by O, M. Liiithnciim; in Richmond by John H. Eustice; in Petersburg by Bragg* 'lonmn* and Dtipuy. Rosser & Jones; and its Norfolk by M. A. Sam to* and 1} Emersnojand by John Woodly, No. 05 Poydra**t, New Orleans. It cun also be found nt all (he principal Drug Stores in South Curolina, and in Augusta, by .Havilaud llisluy <&. Co.,Thomas Barrett & Co. and Nelson Carter; and in Snvniiuab by G- R. HENDRICKSON. Price $3 per bottle, with full directions, aim 5 » 104 —ly , 'I'll 12 MAN AIJOUr TOWN, UTEI V rtnrimtiiia IVitlihn itiillwi* nf (fSItsus VN12XAIMFI.fi, iMaMIUOTII SCHEME 'Ql 11 Efollowing details of n Scheme or a JL Lottkhy. to he drown in ~ LFLEHi'iMl' '! 8 °' 0,in * r B""he°UNI*A , RAL; ,7.. 'Buln-tory „f Lmivrips. i» r i le , (1) draw,, and sold, ZcZil'P ZZ' •nl salisractintt, nnd espaciully la iho Six I lux “hkd I'kixk Hui.uxius. Ta thitsadiaposid tt, advent,tro, wo reconi. ntalttlaatly Implication Iwingtnada to as Tot tichcis—wliiin ilia tlriua n,.e all sold, hlatihs mily reitiHiii—tint lust In,yot. |,avu the best nSK« Mra' 8 ' emphatically ,ay— DLLA.Y No n hutaloncoraimtand(rans-ttii. to its ynnr ttrders, which shall always receive tint Immediate alteniion. . Eoiuite to ha addressed end epphcatiuni imula In ’ SYLVESTER & CO., . I6B Broadway,Now Yotlt. (LT Observe the Number 150. $700,00010 $900,000!! $39,000! . 0 priz'-s ul ^'dlt.tMto: t 2 litixbe nl 819,000 3 prizes of #10,000 „„„ , LOTTERY Of Reel Eetale und Bunk Stock, situated in New Orleans. U* I ho richest nnd most tiingniflront Schetrio over presented to the public, in thii or any other country. TICKET* U.M.T $20. Authorized by an Act of tlio Legislative Assent bly ol Florida, und undei the Directions of tho Cnnitnixsiuners acting under the same. TO BE DRAWN AT JACKSONVILLE, I LORIDA, December 1st, 1839, SCHMIDT A HAMILTON, Managers. SYLVESTER & CO , 156 Broadway, New York, Sole Agents. HO COMBmATtON NOMBERsil! . I Ol),000 tickets I'ioiii No lupwards.in succession Extract from the Law* of the Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida. Chap. 7UL—No. 22.—VVIteroa* the Court House of Duval county is in un iinfiuish. e l state, nnd thore are yet due and owing up on tho saiuo mnuie*, which it is believed wil impose loo burdensome a tax upon the people oi Duval; and wnereae it is desirable to pay those *uid slims slid complete said build* mg,a* well for the greater convenience of ihe ad tniniMrntiou Hfju«tioe,»* for thodouhlo purpose ol an Academy, lor yvhich purpose in part, the said building vvhoti completed, is designed 1 herefmc— Sec. 1 ] Bo it enacted by tlio Governor.and Logi* alive f'uiincil of uio Territory of rloridn, That it shall and may be lawful for Joseph B. Lancaster, Isaiah D. Hart nod Wil. hnm J, Anils, or any two or them under the diiectMi of the county court of Duval county, to raise sue}! sum or *unis of money by Lottery iu *uch Schemes as they may deem appropriate and advisable* Provided that the said person* shall bin.) themselves iu such muiiiier as tho court shall direct,well and truly lo conduct such lottery in good faiili.tn appropriate the proceeds lo tiie object abovo stated.—Pu-sed. Feb. 7ih 1831.—Approved Fob. Iltli 1834 By agreement, bearing date the 23lh of Feki M ,n “hove Joseph l^nncnster.lsHinh D. Hart nud William J Mills did, for certain considerations, in conformiiy to Uie said Legis. i. F*Vf **uJy u,<s ig» unto Messr* Schmidt aV Hamilton nil moir Kighi and ln> lerest, nnd the Powers vested in thom by the above recited Act of the Legislature of Florida. Extract from the valuation of George Phillip Manonvrier and Jacob, do Cordova, bmliof the City of Now Orleans, made and sworn to on ilie 19dii dsy of April 1839:— Tlq|f the said George Phillip Manonvrier and Jacob Cordova, uppraise and coii»oieiili<it]s|y and honestly value the proporty known under the mime ami appellation of “Batiks Arcade,” in the Citv of New Orleans, at Six Hundred Thousand Dollars, and "The property known under the appellation of“Ciiy Hotel” or “Bishopjp Hotel,” in the mid City.ofofNew Orleans, nt Four Hundred und Twenty Thousand Dollars.” The deeds of the Property and the Stock trails fa .soil ,,, Irnal In tlm ferred ill trust to the Commissioner* appointed act of the Legislature of Florida, rittf e.r ills! Pptvn 1 I nMn.j —nm ma ihikii sm w m. * v »» iq, OY Corueiiifs Wobbo, author of.'Glaiices JLjI of Life.' n Novel in 2 veils. i..... •■■■.aw;,,-......,w Xjip*y ,#y „,w m,. rof‘„Tlie Heiress,’ ‘.Merchant’* Daughter,' tlffik... v% . • Prificc and tho Pedlar.’ &c.2vnls ANNUALS. Christian Keepsake, edited by the Rev. Jho. A Clark, with contributions by Montgomery, Rev. Tlifts. Raffias Cunningham, Rev. VV. Juy, Bishop Ives. Bishop Smith. Bishop Duane, and other eminent writers, with 9 plates. Religion*Offering, edited by Mis* C. H. Wa* termini, with 10 engraving*. The Pearl; or Affection*’ Gift, with 0 ongra* vines. The Gem. with 7engraving*. The Gift. editdU by Miss Luslio.9 engravings, The Literary Souvenir, edited by VV. R. Burton. 13 engraving*. The Violet, edited by Miss Leslie, 6 ongra* vings. llgs. Tlio Pont* of America, illustrated by one of her Painter*, with numerous illustration*. Tlio Works of Lord Bacon, complete in 2 liorsoa—lor ring miuii*, ciin|i|iuu —nnu ni rpi 11/ short for every external bodily evil that may fall Th® *Vt. — - --- til the lot of man or beast. For sain by vols.Hyo. London oditloii. “ “ HENDRICKSON, and Gil Bias, translated by Smollett, in 2 veils. ‘ “ TURNER. « r. - ? su..-. RqyalS vo. illustrated by Jean Gigou, with up* ward* of 5ti0 engravings. London. Don Quixotic, translated by Jarvis, in 3 volrf Royal 8 vo. with numerous engraving* mid il- luMrnti/ms by ’I'ony Jbhatinah. London. The Curiosities of Literature, by D’Israeli. 1st nud 2d serie*. cmnolete ill I vol. London. oct 10 W.THORNr VVH.I.I VMS. SWEET S€EW l’EI> POWOLil, 1» cVc. D0Z Otto Rosa scented Powder 6 do Violet do do 0 do plain He Also,. Powder Boxes and Puffs. Received and for sale by A. PARSONS, oct 25 208 WISEST (HY. M n ■ AM • ANOING fruttt echr Mnjititt, 6 pipes ptiro . • Hitlloud 'Gin. (Woesp). Cr.iwn’ end • Sing’ brands, received direct front importers not of oiiHlinn lioiint] stores,nml wimmiied puce » ...... ‘ ° / '* ! - Dollars. 700UU0 by the said act... for the security of the Prize Holders. SPLENDID SCHEME!!! Prize—The Arcade—286 feet, 5 inches/ 4 linos, on Mngnzine street; 101 feet, 11 inches,on Natehez street; 120 feet, 6 inches, on Gravier st. Rented at about $37,000 per an* num. Valued at Prize—City Hotel—102 A on Com mon street, 140 feel. 6 Indies, on Camp st. Rented at $25,000— Valued at Prize— Dwelling House (adjoining tlio Arcade) No, 16.24 ft, 7 inch* os front on Natchez st. Rented at $3200—Valued at Prize—Ditto (adjoining the Arcorie) No. 18, 23 ft trout on' Nulchez st. Rented at $1200—Valued at 500000 20000 ■ XBIIIUU Ul V • «*.»<» I ,11.4.11, Ul 1 Prize—Dittofadjoining the Arcade) No 20,23 fee» front on Nutditz 20000 ",'IIIU *, *11 'Itlll'il. Ainu, in more—li pip*. Mender’s Swap Gin, st. Rented nt$ 1200—Valued at 1 Prize—Ditto—No. 23, North east comer of Basin & Cpstom.honso street; 40 feet Ironl oil Basin, nnd 40 feot oil Franklin'*!, by 127 ft, deep in Custom houso si. Rented at $15(10—Valued at l Prize—Ditto—No, 24. South west cornor of Basin A Custom bouse stieoi; 32 feet, 7 inches on Basin 32 feet. 7 inches on Ftaiiklin. 127 feet. 104 incites deep in front of Custom house street. Rented at $1500—Valued nt I Prize—Ditto—No. 339, 24 feet, 8 inches on Royal street, by 127 ft, 11 inches deep. Rented at S1400. Valued at 1 Prize—250 sharos Canal Bank Stock. $100 each I Ditto—200 ditto Coin dm do do 1 Ditto—150 ditto Mechanic*’ and Traders’ do do I Ditto—100 do City Bank do do 1 Ditto—I0(t do do do dodo I Ditto—100 do do do dodo | Ditto—BO do Exchange Bank do do 1 Ditto—50 do do do do do 1 I)it*o—25 do Gas Light Bank do do 1 Ditto—25 do do do do do do I Ditto—15 do Mechanics’ A Titt* dors’ dodo 1 Ditto—15 do do do do do 20 -do—ench 10 shares of the Louis* iann State Bank. $100 each, each •Prize $1000 10 do ouch2slttres of$100ench, each Prize $200, of tho Gus Light Bank 200 do—each 1 share of $100, of the Bank of Louisiana 200 do—each 1 share of $100, of the New Orleans Rank 150 do—each 1 share of $100 of tho Union Bank of Florida 20000 20000 20000 15000 25000 20000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 5000 •5000 2500 2500 jp" It shall be nt the option of the winners JSS? “, r U “" l< S ' 1 " cl ”: obher to take the stuck ll.oir, or the par valiiatlioreorinca.h. and v?ffl’h 0,P jlF')!j. Ml8 " f 1,10 WiiM are. and will bo. deim.iird tit the Citizena', Coif validated, Canal, Union, and Carrollton Banka, " *•<>».{; A<|. !'7,007. i„ it........ “•'“ yarroinon uanttv, ill the natiio ortlio ,Manage* jointly.with J, B. Sara ?i q, h ,,cf !! n f c v ukr ° r, ”° citizen*’ he r‘n. IN ?°Ani' h *V°"'*"y “f Ilia Consolidated Bankj ns Trustee*.' as per tile wmiik, as Trustee*, as nnr Aci passed hefeie A. Mbzureaii, Esq., Notnrv " n d propertid* fcpK fu ’ ,h *‘ ccu,i,y ur " ,u 10(1^«rai' : Cm r '(“’ i " (r ~ IU0 000 rtekela.rVom 1 ,n SI .! I ta ,r", 01,6 end Clio mtmu,» d '° k ''"''"'Of. To i-very bln ;" l< ,'?, lllh « drawn, .imilall fr&.isrsSiKfi'* *• io./.iW rronl h ' 0, W' lw " Bliile,and Territor iro ^. d S"d' V *'!’ 1 " f,ho I’rovincee, wo Wl1,1 'b eclrci *latinti, and tliorar.ire r«|oo.t that anclt paper, aa have not, up tq thin a L .' , r ,d lho advertiven„.ni. will bo plea,, il "°' " nd j** ?" " ie »fi'M P'per. will insert it once a iouk only until the 1st of Do. 3YLVF'HTp f n' d 4!n^‘ ' h,lr «™onnta. 8YLVLBX ER St CO„ 160 Broadway, N. Y. July 83 • 1511 T Hp^WK.wobons. 111 b x. iib*c> titer tins ju*t received and offers for sale the following articles: l hales 3 •l Spm.gficl.J Shirting do .3 H do do 1 do 3 H do do 10 prs 4i4 Irish Linen, 12 do 4 4 snp.do 10 do Fancy Prims, 20 do low priced do o doz German Cravats 111 do black Cotton llo.e. 5 dabble do do an do While do do, 13 do ettpr. do do 15 do colored do do 0 do do do half Hose 4 do while do do dd 8 do Gents. Berlin Gloves 4 do Ladies do do 3 do du Chino anun Silk G'lovna — -u uuntJ 8P 2 do do black at 1 do Gents. do 15 do Silk Romuls 12 ncs Pocket lldkfs 10 M drill eyed Needles C do Victoria, in boxes 50 packs pMieui Pina 0 pcs black Bombasin* 4 do bhinihlack Gro du.Swi do do i Silk 2 boxes Can Ribbon, 3 do Bonuet do tie's f * “ lUO doz Clara's Spool Colton 60 do Salmon do do 60 do DoVVitt A Co. Spool Cotton Uo l ,lwe,,i ‘ Edgings, Swire,Book, Mull and cross hatred .Muslins, and Per- ftimeiy. Also, a splendid assortment • of tlio latent nyle Uouneis. fc» sale bv WILLIAM H. LLOYD, * e P* ” South side IMaikef. ITB .Vp!! *■ V .‘ v •*»' II > NON, H VtoarhCtoh! , r,ilZZn!l'L" n ' Ac. Alp,tern do, f„, it !" d n"' h , , , ne '". r ° r children's wear 1 ® ilk ° Sh8 "'» oct l‘l •• fllonnment Square j* Bobhitiel Loco Ulark and Lead Callrtoo. a do •lo Fu.nttnre Chinw/Furldtnro garpet ehd Bed Rinding, WnreiedCnrdi,blk and i,|, Dimity lllkHnd.biu.Liit s"lkCoSJ , V’ !1 '| I1 n' l ''", fi ’ lin.a" d white TwR? Jim Ci,we;' Mi«e, nnd l.ndus/cdl'd'll a'^nvoH /* It . . ,l0 blk do Shad’s Building. •ept 27 BI.U. ASD COI’U NII KN, Ac 1 ^W^KrodeKeF A- 4 do rul’d fig'd Pool do Sen/ A .!!... . b,nw bik do very oxcallent a worimeMk Si,kS ' « oei4 M °^b U T ,,,M »*KEVITT. 8FdH u ^®'-' AN1VBI ‘ s 5 < u Giiiizo Jo l(o o do coinnioii quality do rop?30 DL "' UTHH0P mzm NEW AND SEASONABLE DltY . per Hrig-Augusta. WO pieces black ami lead French Prints 10 do snnr. Puri* Chimz, new,style 16 do splendid Paris Mous. do Lnine A do plain black do do 1 do blue bluck do do oi i do . r, ®w«iylo c °l*«rfii*d Silk. 24 doz priniod Hdkfs. 10 pcs Apron Checks 40 do white cotton Fringe 52 6 rocn Furniture Binding 25 do Catpet do . ~0 doz iSiDu's blk anc'/col'd II S Gloves best quality Gentlemen's Dog Skin- and Buck Gloves, white and col’d Cotton do SNIDER, LATHROP A NEVJT. oct 12 NE W FALL biOODS. 8 Received by G. It. Lamar a p- d 4, | 4 . Sco,,5h Giiirlum* ' * W.ritod and Cotten Hmdery. oct2 1 i i V . A •?piLNSO t \. oiilh SnJo Mori :l:fob?^ r C',,!!i l ;.;;;:;‘ 3 dozen plnnli do Cron.n Oil 3 do packet* James Fevor p, 50 Jttvt received and for vale oct 23 by Ung, ANhITN PAHSONf ISO WA N U’S TONIC IMI XT V BE Ac. R ECEIVED per ship Gnston. a lull supply nf RnwggdVTcnfc MUlmj fur fever and ague. Sulphate Quinine. Pipeline, Iodine,nuro Morphuitf Sulphate ami Aeelnm .Mprjjhing llydriodate Potass. Soda and Hciillii/, I’owdors London Mustard, Ac. For sdlo l>v °ct15 PORCH Ett A LAROCHE TWILLED UEU8EYS. Per hrig Augusta. 8 BALES Lowell Kersoyi 2 cases -do do 4 do' heavy rolled de 20 pcs heavy twilled Cotton, For sale on favorable term*. SNIDER, LATHROP. A NEVITT. oct 11 196 SWEEPS, SNUFFS. T WO bbl* of superior French Rappee coarro Snuff, 1 bbl of Marcobov, G bladi r* Scotch. 100 bottle* ofdo, from Lorillard’s manufactory. For sale by PORCHER A LA ROCHE. Opposite the Market, oct 30 Sign nf tin* (inkier) (ilubc. NEW GOODS, Per Augusta, Ac. PCS Real Welch Flannels. 10 do Red do 5 do Canton do 4 do Htuul mixed Snttinots 13 do 4,4 Scotch Ginghams 0 do Crash. G do Ruvsia Diaper 15 do extra rich Furniture Chiiitz.in setts. Receivod and for *ale by AVERY & JOHNSON, oct 9 South side Monument Square. •SOAPS. cV. T WO cast** old English Windsor Soaps, so liable for family o*o 10 boxes Castilu tin. 1 fuse toilet do, nss’d 20 baskets Oliv o Oil, superior 500 llw I'ipc Clay. 3 c:i«;'h roll Brimstone 50 lbs Calomel. I lug.; 50 nz Quiniuo 12 groce Clark’s Friction Moichcs 500 lbs Chloride Lime, 2 casks Flaxseed Just receivod and for pule by oct 12 THOMAS RYF.RSON. RIO RE FANCY DRY GOODS. %J&T H. & S ROGERS have just receiv* f I i ed per vessels Win. Taylor, Newark and G. B. Lamar, in addition to former invoi ces. tlm following denrableand seasonable fan cy Goods. viz:—Pondicherry*. 'French Cam* brics. Jiloe and blue blk Chaliys, blue ami blue black Bombasin*. bliio black TagJiona (for dresses) pink blk aiMUiroWn .Ffeilch* Merinos, Paper (.'ambries, bfuck Silk’Cord, Ladies Crai vnl*, plaid and fancy Chally Shawl*, black and col’d wiro net Gloves, Derby Rib Silk A Hose, super col’d Chnllys, Mooslio De Lninel*. fancy Uehiiigx, blnck and blue hlk Thibet Shawls, E rintod Chally Scurfs.'"Lavender Gro da Nap lack und col’d Mndeti Prints. &e, oet 14 South side Market Square. GEORGE W. BERN, Shad’s Buildings, R eceived per ship Gastmv Black and blue blk Grode Soio Bloo black Rep Silk Black Italian Lutestring Fancy Clinlley Hdkfs. Challey Aprons Small 1'hibet Scurf* and Shawls Lndie* plain and ribbed blk Silk Ilosa Do do do while do Black and blue hlk Bonibatins MousUh De Lnine*, blk Love Handkerchiefs Blk nHd lead 6 4 Thibet Shawl* Blnck Colton Velvet, Velvet Ribbons Low priced Red Flannel Indigo Blue plaid Homespuns Printed Baize, plain green do Green and yellow Flannel* English fancy Chintz. Furniture Chintat Darning and Knitting Cotton Black Lace Veil*, fancy Silk Hdkfs oct 14 198 ' 1500 1500 20,000 2000 20,000 20,000 15,000 GOO Prizfls- $1,500,000 TICKETS $20—xYO SHARES. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. T HE undersigned are now opening their Fall and Winter supply of Dry Good*, comprising u splendid assortment, consisting ol Plains. Blanket* ami Kersoy*, white, red green and yellow Flannels, plain, green and chintz Floor Clotli9,Carpetiogs and Rugs.Broadcloths, Cashmere* and Sattinets, English and Amen* jcttii Print*,French and English Merinos,French and English Mnnslin Do Lain*, Toweling* Sheetings and col’d Homespuns, &c. SNIDER, LVPHRUP&NEVITT. oct3 189 •,«- ©IN GIIA I?IS, Ac. Cj( UPER undressed Scotch Giiighnin* ►3 Fancy and black and white.new nud fash ionnlile styles Sopor Furniture Chintz. WcMi Flnonds, Ac . Fur sole by AViiltY & JUUNSON \ . sept 27 Look a t thin: T HE left hand hnlyev nf the Bills unittcd below, .veto llinileil tu the address of tho subscriber on the Gilt February h*!, at Grcent villa Court House, South Carolina, bv William Choice, which havo not come to hand, and tho probability is-they must ho lost. The several Banks aro hereby notified, of my intention to make application alter ‘due tiotie.;. for new notes on tho return of the right hand halves, which nto now in my possession $20 Bank of Augusta, No. 238, dated 3d Sent, 1830, Letter A. ^ $20 flnnk of Augusta, do 197, do 10th Oct. 1828. Loiter B. $20 Bank of Augusta, do 890, do 2d Jun’v, 1627, Letter A. 20 BankCobimbiif; N®*52, da;. 32d F©Vy. 1832, Utter II h. 1 20 Bank Columlmo, No. 351. dated 1st Sept. 1831, LetterH.h 20 Bank Columbus, No. 953. dated 9ib Dec. 1830. Letter H h. 20 Bank Columbus, No. 1448, dated 1st Oct. f 1829, Letter fj 20 Bank Columbus, No. 120G, dated Ul Oct. . 1829, Letter II. 20 Bank Columbus, No. 2G2, dated 7th May, 1830, Letter ll.li. 20 Bank Columbus. No. 12, dated 1st Jan’y. 1830, Letter torn. 20 Central R. Road, No. 775, dated 3d Juno 1830, Letter A. r, 20 Bank Slate ofGoorgia, No. 907, dated 1st Sept. 18dim. Utter A. 20 Bank Danon.No. 1(578,dated 1st Dec. 1332, Utter IL b. 20 Mechanics* Bank Augusta, No. 10, dated 5tli Dec. 1834, Letter A. 50 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 03, dated 7lh April, 1835, Let er B. 100 Mechanics’Bank Augusta, No. 58, dated •1st May, 1835. Letter B. 100 Mechanics’ Bank Augusta, No. 71, dated 1st Nov, 1831, Letter A. 20 Bank Milledgevillo, No. 4251 * dated 2d Sept. 1836, Loiter A. 100 Bank Mifiedgeyille, No. 436, dated 3d Jatt. 1837, Utter A. 100 Planters & Mechanics’ Bank Columbus,No 59, dated 9„th Mny, 1838, Letter A. 50 Plan. A Blech. Bank Columbus, No. 330, ’dated2«l Nnv. 1337, Letter A. 50 In*. Bank Shvnrtimh.No, IS,dated 8th Duc< 1829. Letter K. _ NOTICE—Three months after date, nppll- cation will he made to tlm. (above) different llnnks for new notes, tho I ft hand half ofs&id bills being lost. WILLI A.M SMITH. Trmipville, Ga. 15th Oc». 1839. Bj*TIio Georgian. Augusta Chroniclo and Sentinel, Southern Recorder and Culninbo* Herald and Sentinel, above Wuokly fn nt 1